Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 24, 1915, Image 1

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    VOL. LV-XO. 17,003.
Formal Notification Is Ds
livered in Vienna.
Italian Residents Are Being
Hunted Fate of 600 in
, Trieste Is Unknown.
Alpine Chasseurs Are First to
Take Part in War on
Side of Allies.
ROME, via Paris, May 23. Con
temporaneously with the issuance of
a peneral mobilization order, the
Italian Government tonight officially
announced that it had declared war
against Austria-Hungary.
The first skirmish of the Italo
Austrian war occurred between
Italian and Austrian troops at For
cellini di Montozzo, in the pass be
tween Pont di Legno and Pejo today.
Austrian Patrol Driven Back.
An Austrian patrol crossed the
frontier, but was attacked by Italian
Alpine Chasseurs and driven back
over the border.
The Roma Tribuna says that the
etate of war begins tomorrow, May
Baron von Macchio, the Austro
Hungarian Ambassador to Italy, re
ceived his passports at 3:30 o'clock,
the report says, and will leave tonight
or tomorrow morning.
The Italian Ambassador at Vienna,
Baron Avarna, has been recalled.
30,000 Italians Reported Detained.
The report reaching Rome that the
German and Austrian Governments
have prevented 30,000 Italians from
leaving the territory of those coun
tries has created a profound impres
sion here.
The Giomale d'ltalia declines to be
lieve the truth of this report, not only
because this would be opposed to the
rights of nations, but for the reason
that the Italian Government not only
permitted the departure of Austrian
and Germans from Italian soil, but
protected these nationals.
Fate of 600 Is Unknown.
Prom the Austrian side of the fron
tier, news reaches Udine that the
Italian residents are actually being
hunted, that the fate of 600 who left
Trieste, hoping to reach Italy is un
known and that the greatest anxiety
for their safety is felt.
At Rovigno, in Istria, 62 Italian
citizens have been arrested." These
include the Mayor, Signor d'Avanzo,
and the secretary of the municipal
ity. All Italian citizens residing
near the fortifications of Pola have
been taken into custody by the police
and at Cormons, on the frontier, 1000
Italians, for the most part women
and children, have been concentrated
and prevented from leaving the ter
Resident of Trieste Hanged.
A Verona dispatch says that Mario
Weber, of Trieste, who, notwith
standing his German name, was an
ardent Italian, enlisted in the French
army when the war began. He was
taken prisoner by the Germans and
when it was learned that he had re-
Bided in Trieste he was handed over
to the Austrian authorities and was
hanged yesterday at Linz.
The population of the town of
Trent, one of Austria's strongly for
tified towns, has been reduced one
fifth. During the last two days the
inhabitants have been terrified by the
explosion of mines, with which the
military authorities were destroying
bouses, bridges and everything with
in the fortified zone that might in
terfere with future artillery actions.
People Ready to Leave Trent.
The remainder of the residents of
Trent have been notified to be in
readiness to leave instantly.
LONDON, May 24. The Italian
Ambassador at Vienna on Sunday
afternoon presented a formal declara
tion of war to Baron Burian von
Rajecz, the Austro-Hungarian For
eign Minister.
This announcement is made in i
.(Concluded on, 2, Column i,JL
fdisox perfects tfxf.sciube
aftf.ii 38 years' work.
Conversation at Distance of 3000
Miles May Be IOTt for One
Intended, if Absent.
W12ST ORANGE, N. J., May 23.
(Special.) That he has finished his 3S
years of labor on a new invention
which he has styled the "telescribe,'
was the announcement today of
Thomas A. Edison at his laboratory
here. The device will record telephone
conversations, even though the speak
ers are 3000 miles apart, and a simple.
small box on a business man's desk
will be his guarantee against misun
derstanding the laguage used by him to
others, ad well as being an insurance
that ho got the messages to himself
The contrivance consists of a sensi
tive telephone, arranged for desk use,
with controlling buttons to operate a
special recording device conveniently
Placed near it. The telephone receiver
is placed on a small amplifier and the
sound communicated to a wax cylinder
instantly and accurately.
One of the economies of the new
affair in long distance calls was ex
plained as follows: If a party calls
another on a business matter and is in
formed the one sought is not In the
office, a button may be pushed by the
party answering the telephone and the
sender's message can be given and
studied when the recipient arrives in
his office.
Plan Fsed by German Raider to Get
News Is Revealed.
LIVERPOOL May 6. Some interest
ing particulars as to how the captain of
the German raider Kronprinz Kitel
Friedrich. which Is now Interned in the
United States, intercepted wireless
messages and avoided the attention of
the British warships, is given by the
captain of the British ship Invercoe,
one of the Kronprinz Eitel's victims.
The British captain said: "They
rigged up an eight-foot kite; used the
thinly drawn wire of Lord Thompson's
sounding machine, made this fast to
the kite and attached to it the wireless
receiver. Every night they would send
up the kite and catch every bit of wire
less news that was going. Their own
wireless could send only 000 miles, bu-t
bv use of the kit arraneemcnr mi-
could hear up to 25ot) miles. The news
that was picked up in this way wai
written out in German and put up on
a bulletin board.
"These kites had to lie flown against
the wind, and on sending them up, the
course of the ship had to be altered
so as to bring the wind ahead. They
lost 16 kites during the time I was
on board, due to the wind suddenly
smiting, but tney had material enough
to make as many more as they
Commerce Not Seriously Affected by
War In Europe.
PEKIN. April 30. (Correspondence of
the Associated Press.) Julean H.
Arnold, the newly-appointed American
commercial attache, has returned to
Pekin after a tour of the principal busi
ness centers of China. Contrary to his
expectations, he found the war had not
seriously affected Chinese commerce;
in fact, many lines of business have
been greatly benefited as a result of
the war.
The price of antimony, of which
China produces a fair quantity, has
risen four-fold, and cow hides are now
selling for more than twice as much.
as they brought prior to the war. Most
of the purchases are being made by
the Japanese, who are now manufac
Hiring arms, ammunition, leather and
general equipment for the Russian
Trade in the British colony of Hone
kong has suffered' severely owing to
the fact that from 70 to SO per cent of
all business done at the port was
through German firms. Canton, being
the nearest Chinese port, has conse
quently suffered also. Nevertheless,
there is great confidence among busi
ncss men there.
In Hankow and Shanghai there has
been a good business showing.
Import Trust Proposed, Xow That
Nation Is Hemmed In.
BASEL, Switzerland, via rarts. May
23 Swiss federal authorities are con
templating the formation of an import
trust that will operate on the same
lines as The Netherlands organization.
It is proposed to appoint a board which
shall control the importation of raw
materials into the country, at the same
time giving satisfactory guarantees
that this material will not be allowed
to come to the hands of any belligerent
Already the Swiss government has
begun negotiations with Dowers with
the object of obtaining supplies of food
and material lor her manufactures.
Switzerland is today completely
hemmed in by Germany on the north,
Austria on the east, Italy on the south'
and 1' ranee on the west.
Engine No. 2 to Attend Services of
Fred P. Klose, Who Killed Self.
Funeral services for Fred P. Klose,
the fireman who died Saturday morn
ing from the effects of a self-inflicted
shot wound, will be held at 2:30 P. M.
today In Finley's chapel. Interment
will be in Rose City Cemetery. Engine
Company No. 2, of which Mr. Klose
was a member, will attend the service
in a body. Delegations probably will
be sent from other companies of the fire
Mr. Klose was 26 years old. He is
survived by his wife, Mrs. Louise Klose.
one child and his father, M. J. Klose, of
iew iora jny. tie shot himself fol
lowing a quarrel with his wife over his
auegea attentions to another woman.
Army and Navy Are
Keen for Action.
Germans Hope to Carry War
Into Italy at Once.
800,000 Bavarians and Hungarians,
Provisioned by Austria, Concen
trated for Attack; Austrian
Fleet Hupps Its Port.
ROME, Via Paris, May 23. Italy is
at war with Austria-Hungary. "With
the issuance of the general mobilization
order, the Italian government issued a
proclamation declaring war on Austria,
which officially will begin tomorrow.
Prior to this, and after a lengthy
consultation, the Ministers of War and
Marine proclaimed all the provinces
bordering on Austria and the islands
and coast towns of the Adriatic in a
state of war, which was equivalent to
the establishment of martial law, the
step usually preceding the formal dec
laration. I'rople Are Klectrlfled.
Although drastic action has been
looked for momentarily, Italians of all
classes have been electrified by the
swiftly-moving events. Great crowds
gathered early today around the Qui
rinal to await the Ministers, who called
on the King for the purpose of discuss
ing the situation and signing decrees.
When Premier Salandra and Signor
Sonnino, the Foreign Minister, left the
palace the people cheered them en
thusiastically. General Zuppeli, Minis
ter of War, and Vice-Admiral Viale,
Minister of Marine, remained with the
King for a considerable time after the
others left and later they had a confer
ence with Lleutenant-General Cadorna,
chief of staff, and Vice-Admiral Phaon
di Revel, chief of the naval at art.
Army and Stvjr Ready.
, When the first blow will be struck
cannot be foretold, but after many
months of preparation the army, which
has been greatly strengthened, and the
navy are ready for a quick blow. Ex
ceedingly strong . forces are in position
all along the Austro-Italian frontier,
on the Austrian side of which feverish
preparations have been going on the
last few days to make the fortifications
as strong as possible and to clear the
way for effective artillery action.
The German Ambassador, Prince von
Buelow, and the Austrian Ambassador,
Baron von Macchio, are still in Rome,
so far as is known. They have waited
to the last, doubtless in the hope that
some way might be found to prevent
a clash at arms. They will have safe
conduct wh-n they do leave.
According to the Giornale d'ltalia.
(Concluded on Page
Column 4.)
The Weather.
YESTEKDAY'S Maximum temperature, 61
decrees; minimum temperature, 00 de
grees. TODAYS Showers; southerly winds.
Allies warn Turkish government that mem
bers will be helfl personally responsible
for massacres of Armenians. Page 1.
Italy declares war on Austria. Page 1
Italian arms' and navy ready to strike snlft
blow. Pago 1.
Italy is eleventh Old World nation to enter
present war. Page 3.
Realities of war widespread misery. Page -.
President discusses something stronger than
protests is needed to obtain rights of
neutrals. Page 5.
Belgian Kelief Commission has warehouses
full as protection against interruption.
Paee a.
Sinking of two Turkish troopships and two
torpedo-boats by British submarine re
ported. Paae 2.
Thomas EMison finishes recorder of phone
conversations after 38 years' work.
Page 1.
Two volcanic peaks in Alaska in active
eruption. Page 2.
Pacific Coast League results: Portland 2-6.
Venice 0-3; Los Angeles 1-3, Oakland
0-2: Salt Lake 3, San Francisco 2 110
innings), pace 10.
City League results: Piedmont 5. Sellwood
0; West Side 7, East Side 0. Page 10.
White . Sox tighten hold on first place in
American League. Page 10.
Pacific Northwest.
Claremont expected to be total loss, but
cargo being salvaged. Page 11,
New laws enacted by Oregon Legislature
now in force. Page 5.
Eighth Rhododendron Carnival, Siuslaw's
greatest celebration, La over. Page 3.
HnsDce and Industry.
Hope for prosperity seen in promise of
abundant harvest. Pace 8. 0
Washington state banks' resources Increase
more than $.1,000,000 between March 4,
1914. and May 1, 1915. Paga S.
Portland and Vicinity.
National Y. W. c. A. officials speak at
Portland association. Page 9.
Circus is in town. Page 3.
Meters declared liable to raise rather than
lower water rentals. Page 14.
Social agencies urge federation of charitable
organizations. Pago 14.
War veterans to visit public schools May
28. Pago 14.
Spokane Admen visit en route to Fair where
they will give away 50,000 apple pies.
Page 11.
Prizes to be given by Festival committee for
best decorated fire apparatus. Page 11.
Rev. A. L. Hutchison, of Third Presbyterian
Church, tenders resignation. Page 0.
Dr. Yor.ngson makes plea for universal
peacj and cause of women. Page 8.
Moving picture theaters have entertaining
bills. Page 7.
Visiting N'ew York officials surprised on not
finding Portland wildly Western. Page .
Reed seniors busy with examinations.
Page 11.
Milk by-products Industry feels foreign
competition keenly. Page 11.
Missouri Pacific Head Thinks Re
ceivership Will Be Avoided.
ST. LOUIS, May 2.!. President Bush,
of the Missouri Pacific viaiIroad, who
returned here Saturday from New Tork,
said he thought the $25,000,000 note
issue due June 1 would be cared for
without a receivership.
"The deposit of all the notes now
seems assured," he said. "The man
agers of the Gould estate, have agreed
to deposit all the notes held by the
"As soon as all the securities are de
posited, the directors will form plans
for the refinancing of the road that we
may proceed with improvements."
Temperature Iliscs After Undergo
ing Operation.
ATHENS, via London, May 23. King
Constantino of Greece, who is ill with
pleurisy, became more feverish after
undergoing an operation yesterday.
His temperature increased to 101.8
and later to 103.2.
Reception Delb to
Maryland J'nor.
Governor Goldsborough and
Party Have Flpral Tribute.
Hedge of Caroline Testouts Turned
Over to Visitors Wlio Take All
They Can Carry, but Fall to
Diminish. Apparent Supply.
Phillips Lee Goldsborough. Governor
of Maryland, and his whole party were
literally smothered In roses yesterday
when they stopped for 18 hours; to visit
Portland on their way back from the
Panama-Pacific Exposition.
The first official tribute from the Rose
City which greeted the Governor when
he arrived was the bestowal of a beau
tiful bouquet of Caroline Testouts on
him when he arrived with his party at
the Benson Hotel, by Miss Mayo Methot.
Miss Methot was the guest of Governor
Goldsborough two years ago, when she
went to Baltimore as the mascot of the
Ad Club delegation to the National Ad
men's convention.
(overnor KrcoKnlirs lilrl.
Governor Goldsborough recognized
her instantly when he saw her yester
day. In spite of the change that two
years make in a growing child, and
greeted her with genuine delight,
"I hope that these roses will make
up, a little, for the rain, that we have
today instead of the sunshine we would
like to greet you with," said Mayo, as
she proffered the flowers.
"The sight of your face again is sun
shine enough, you may be sure," said
the Governor gallantly, as he bowed
and received the roses.
That was the beginning of the floral
All day long the roses kept coining
at all times and places.
"We have simply lived in a dream
of , roses," said one of the women m
the party as they returned to the hotel
in the evening.
Hedge of Itoaea Prof fere.
Y. W. Farrington, of 460 East Twenty-first
street, sent an invitation to
the visitors to come out and make
themselves at home with his 100-foot
hedge of Caroline Testouts which is
in full bloom, and a dozen of the men
and women of the party accepted the
invitation with enthusiasm.
When they reached his horns and be
held the blazing hedge of pink blos
soms they piled out of their automobile
with the enthusiasm of school children
in a strawberry patch. Mr, Farrington
furnished them with knives and shears
and bade them "Go as far as you like."
Amid delighted gasps and gurgles
(I'oncluded on Page 14, Column 2.)
Announcement Made That Members
of Ottoman Government Will lie
Held Personally for Outrages.
LOXDO.V, May 23. A joint official
statement by Great Britain, France and
Russia, issued tonight, says:
"For the past month Kurds and the
Turkish population of Armenia have
been engaged in the massacre of Ar
menians, with the connivance and help
of the Ottoman authorities. Such mas
sacres took place about the middle of
April at Krzerum. Dortshaw, Moush.
Zeitun and in all Cillcia.
"The inhabitants of about a hun
dred villages near Van were all assas
sinated. In the town itself, the Ar
menian quarter is besieged by Kurds.
At the same time the Ottoman gov
ernment at Constantinople is raging
against the inoffensive Armenian popu
lation. "In the face of these fresh crime
committed by Turkey, the allies' gov
ernments announce publicly to the
Sublime Porte that they will hold all
members of the government, as well
a such of their agents are are impli
cated, personally responsible for such
Sunday's War Moves
WITH the announcement of Italy's
declaration of war against Aus
tria, the world now awaits with deep
est interest the outbreak of hostilities
between the two former allies. Com
munication across the Austro-Italian
border has been brought to a stand
still. Italian mobilization is being
perfected and in Rome yesterday de
crees were issued respecting measures
of an economic nature, establishing
a censorship and providing for public
Greece, whose anxiety over the Ill
ness of King Constantino has been in
creased by the bulletin issued yester
day, is closely following the situation
as regards the relations between Aus
tria and Italy, and despatches say that
the war party is now gaining in
strength and that the recall of ei
Preniler Klutherios Venizelos is immi
ment.' Roumania, on the other hand, seems
desirous of ascertaining the outcome
of the great Galician battles before she
makes her decision, while Bulgaria Is
waiting for more definite results of
the attack on the Dardanelles.
Roumania may have some time to
wait, as Russia has begun her counter
offensive against the Austro-Germans,
who- drove her third and Carpathian
armies back to the San and Dniester
rivers, and an entirely new battle is
now developing.
The Russians, with strong reinforce
ments, have crossed the San at its con
fluence with the Vistula, and are ad
vancing southward in an effort to out
flank the Germans, who crossed the Kan
in the vicinity of Jaroslau. They are
also striking hard at the Austrlans in
Bukowina, but apparently have made
no more headway there or with their
offensive in the Opatow region. The
latter offensive, however, wan a move
ment to uncover the German Hank In
Galicia, which it partly succeeded In
In the Baltic provinces the Germans
say they have defeated the Russian
northern wing In the region of .Shavli,
and also to have repulsed the Russian
attacks from the Dubysa and Niemcn
In tne west there has ocon a aeries
of attacks along the greater part of
the line, but no action of first Im
Car on First Trip Gies Over Rank
Near Wallace.
WALLACE, Idaho, May 23. (Spe
cial.) Thomas Gibbons. a veteran
miner of Wallace, was killed and four
other men had a narrow escape when
a Jitney on its first trip between Mul
lan and Wallace plunged over a 30
foot embankment and overturned to
night. Gibbons was pinned beneath the
car and the others were so paralyzed
by fear that they were unable to give
prompt assistance. The car was driven
by George McKamey and was running
slowly along the embankment when
the steering gear refiused to work.
In a moment the car swerved out over
the edge and crumpled up below
where the four men were found by
Domlnik Flynn in another machine.
Gibbons was a veteran miner of the
Coeur d'Alcnes and owned several prop
erties near Wallace. lie was 45 years
of ago and is survived by his family In
Three Women and Five Men Arrest
ed In Sixth-Street Place.
In a lone raid made early yesterday
on the West Hotel at 51',i Sixth street,
north. Patrolman A." R. Fair arrested
Elma Martin, Josephine Hill, Fred M.
Vernon and Nicholas Hill on immoral
ity charges; Lola Johnson and C H.
Brown for alleged vagrancy, Charles
C. Young on a charge of disorderly
conduct, and Frank Ottesen, hotel
clerk, on a charge of conducting a
disorderly house. The cases will prob
ably be tried in Morals Court this aft
ernoon. According to the patrolman's report,
Elma Martin, one of the girls arrested,
is only 19 years old and had been
brought to Portland from Vancouver,
Wash. He recommended Federal in
vestigation under the Mann White
Clave Act, - -
Ink-Black Smoke Is
Pouring From Crater.
Mud Stream on Cooling Hard
ens Like Cement.
Flow From Crater Believed to Have
Created Dam in Caiijon Which
on Rrcukius Will Imperil
People of Valley.
REDDING. Cal., May 2.1. Lassen.
Peak poured out another large erup
tion of Ink-black smoke tonight. It was
reported by returning automobile pur
ties late today, who said that a rift
In the rain clouds when they were at
Viola had shown billows of smoke as
cending to a considerable height.
The volcanic avalanche from the
crater of the peak was diverted in its
ruinous rush today Into old lava tieltls
and the lower part of the fertile Hat
Creek Valley was temporarily saved
from the threatening flood. In spite
of the lull In Lassen's activity, a feel
ing of terror prevailed throughout the
danzer zone and mure than 100 refugees
refused to return to their homes.
Rancher ;o to Save Murk.
Ranchers took advantage of the
mountain's somnolence to return to
their lands and drive their Mock off
to the high lands.
Fifty refugees were ramped at Ca.ssel,
waiting for provisions before seekina
a securer haven on higher ridges. Fear
was general throughout the day. rven
among the most stoical of the moun
taineers, and there was a gencial feel
ing that the landowners would aban
don their fertile farms to the ravages
of the volcanic flow.
.Mud Harden I. Ike (rmril.
Hope that the mud floods vould fer ti
lize their lands was aliinlned today
when the thick substance hardened al
most to the solidity of cement. It lies
over the farms and meadows from two
to four feet deep, and it is feared that
t!io land never can be recovered.
The latest new development in
threatened danger arose from the dry
ing up of Hat Creel:. It was dry to
day for the first time knr .vn. Reports
came In that the volcanic mud had
dammed the stream near lis head
waters in a narrow can) on, Impound
ing a great body of water. Fear of a
break In this dam and a consequent
flood that would inundate the whole
valley under many feet of water ad
ded to the terrifying prospect of new
destruction from the mountain's cra
ter. h'lab Sralded to Death.
Before the stream suddenly ran dry
Its waters cro chalky white with
volcanic ash and scalding hot. All Its
fish were killed and cast up over th
flooded area before the creek miu"
sided. Anxious eyes were bent all today to
ward the peak of the mountain. Rain
clouds hid its crest a gre.-it part of
the day. though occasionally Inky,
black clouds rolled into view. Keen
attention was centered on the peak
around 4 o'clock, the hour at which
most of the recent eruptions hava ex
ploded. Tension was relieved when
daylight faded without a new outburst.
George Headman, of Sacramento, who
saw yesterday's terrific eruption from
a distance of 20 miles, arrived here to
night after a difficult automobile ride,
and gave graphic details of the out
burst. Itnnrlnar I'rcrrdra Uruptlon.
"The eruption was preceded," he said,
"by a rumbling and roaring that ro
in a tremendous crescendo until the
outburst reached its greatest height. It
sounded like a thousand hailstorm
rolled Into one. The huge pall of smokn
appeared to hang almost over me. Big
boulders were thrown hundreds of feet
into the air.
"When the eruption whs at its height
a sharp earthquake shook the cartli and
terrorized the villagers at Burney. They
realized the imminent danger and at
oner began preparations to rescue the
people in the (lan?cr zone."
Clothing, bhocs and Canned Meat
for Army Sold Corrupllj.
VENICE, May 8. In the debates in
the Hungarian Parliament, the army
contract scandals had an extensive air
ing. There was a unanimous demand
from the speakers for a complete pub
lic exposure of the culprits. Tne chief
criticism was directed at the graft In
clothing, shoes and canned meat. One
of the meat contractors, who is alleged
to have supplied bad meat at a profit
to himself of more than $100,000, bus
Just been imprisoned.
It was also developed that peuit
farmers who sold horses and grwn to
contractors on army requisitions have,
in many cases, either not received pay
at all. or received only a small part of
th contract price.
One speaker charged that the army
contractors were endeavoring to iiraio'e
silence on the prfs by eiving out ex
tcuiive advertising,