THE MORNING OREGON IAN. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1915. 13 ItEAL ESTATE. I: or Sale -House NEW LM RKLfrCRST B( X(.U)V. S LE ER A .D SI ' V -t ii t ' H KS 3 roms with largo sleeping porch on second floor, loca t '.''1 on ,Vi x ion--foot lot in LAfKKl.UfKsT, one block from LAU RKMil'JtST PARK, the peer or all natural acenic patk.s. This is the rozleed borne in Portland, is e'nruy modern and has ovry built-in con venlence imnjrinaidc, including incbvsed sun porch and fx olt'er. -1 ai the low figure ot $4oan nn pasy finis. P. -;. lI.EMIiXTsi, 270 Stark nt. Main 13 u 3, A 1515. LU'REUHL'RST CO. SRECI AL "Brand new 3 - mom bungalow, built where restrictions are low, on ;nx 1-0 -foot lot In Laurel h urst ; t h in i actual ('ust price and hoiuso is guaranteed to be built ripht. U-'oo rajh and $:to per month (which in cludes interest! will handle. Why rent;' Key at. tract office, K. 2iRh and Glian sis., in- phono Mr. D.-lahutuy for auto. Main l ".n:t, a TH AT VACANT l-OT. WHY NUT Tl'li N A Hl'KDKN I N TO IN'f'OM E ? V E W ILL Kl'KXISH THE 1 O N E V , P U I L D A P A H 1 MKNTS RESI DENCE OR A N VTil IN'i; I'LAXS FREE; w e akk n ;: s h) - s 1 1 u . e ; w k kno v HOW; TALK WITH ul'R CT.IKNTS; SEE OUR WORK; Will. GIVE BONDS. L. R. HA1LEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. 32 ARINOTON BLDU. HHANh N F. W V E It V AKTi ST I C. ROS W ('IT V PA R K. i:l'. iAl.iW. K A ST 11ST ST. N. EASY TKIlMsJ. 3- larc, airy rooms, with sleeping porch, long hvina-rooni, 12x23; fireplace, inlaid parquet, oak floors, elegant be.vel-pla.te buffet ami bookcase, no! id brays. Klans It to tii ha rd war. , lure porches; bw ell iix t tires. Rhone Tabor P.MtU. H.X KdoMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. On !y $ -i" a month, which includes in terest. Has fireplace in living room", buf fet in dining room. Hutch kitchen, 11 good bed rooms and den or music room ; every thiiijf wanted to make a hnnit; furnace, e 1 e i t r i c 1 i k h t f i x t u res and w inilo w s had ea ; handy to car. in good neighborhood. Call Tabor 3HS3. ItOSK CITY PARK. Do you want your inuney's worth, and then some, in a ."i-rooni bungalow? Then ko to -tn.'i East 4 ltd st. N. and .see one that is modern In every detail. Easy term p. Door unlocked. 1 will he there Sunday, Johnson, owner. Mam 8441, be twf'pn ti and uvonings. r.-nooM Rr.NT.Ai.ow. Msro. OwiiiK to death of my wife 1 will sac rifice home. Has bai h. pan try. ca binet kitchen, woodlti'r, lots of closet room, base menl, el-. ; on 73i h .st. north of Ml. Tabor, near car: terms S20h down, balance month ly. S S2s, Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK SAC R 1 KICK Leaving rity, ou Id you r1 vo .32io for a btauti J'ul tiimlciii six-room, all built-in fea tures, that coat me $'' 70 two years mko? For full infoi tuation. Tabor IU'. .No dealers, no trades. LIST OK DESIRABLE HOMES. Kef ore buying be sure to look at cur list of brand new. exquisite homes in LAU RELHURST, the addition of beautiful homes, ranging from $23tH up. Laurel h ursi Co., 7u Stark st., or at tract of fice In Laurelhurst. E. 3iUh and Glisan sts. S731 I E V E R Y T H I N G G O Ks $7 00. Neat 4-room bouse, (OxU'u lot, graded etreets, y."tnt worth of furniture, ineludins a hiKh-Krade piano, all for $7."0. and easy terms at that, uwni-r aty 33 u Chamber of t 'ommerce. FOR SALE -3-room modern house, close to ear. with plumbing, basement. hot-air furnace. Worth JflTiOO. Jf you have cash any reasonable offer will be accepted. See K. L. Ellyey, J uO U. 4th st. PL NGALOW TO TRADE. New and modern, li bkcks car, lot TiOx 1 on ; take lot or auto for half, balance $7."0 month, Ineludins- interest; parties will pay $15 month rent. MK1 Deknm bldtf. liKAUTlKUL liome, large house, four acres, bearing orchard, all kinds small fruit ; college town, two electric lines Portland ; worth investi gat in p. M rs. J . V. Livingston. Forest Grove, Or. 4-ROOM house in FailbridKu, Wash. ; lot 4ixH!i; must seil at once. G. C. White wide, Fallbridse. Wash. Suburban Home lroptrty. GIRSON HALF ACRES, flood soil, good water, close to carl in e; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. 1'h one M arshali 1 r.S,t or Sellw ood 4 7 1. .1 O H X UBSON, OWNER. for Sale IttiMiiewH Property. TWO-STORY building, leased, $r monthly. 3 - per cent on in vestment. Price $4000. H. G. Epton, 4:' Chamber of Commerce. Homesteads. FOR S A I. E 1 OP-a- re rel i no ti ishmen t. good soil, to acres slushed. 10 acres more easily cleared ; ti.lMNt.iiuo feet of good sa w tim ber, cedar and fir; small cabin, mile and half from countv road; 1 miles from You call. i. Or.; price Y. A. ROC, ARU. Roseburg, Or. yiiKK BOOKLET State an J U. S. land. Cal. State Laud 1 nf. Bureau, Sacrajocnto, Cal. For Sale Acreage. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, Gresha m district. " tiL'.N'SHINK VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS. a miln electric station, $75 to $1.0 per Acre; easy terms, best soil; free wood. Farms for sale, all sizes. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 3u9 Yeon Hag.t Portland. Or. r. AND lo-ACRE TRACTS en Yanuina Bay, within 1 mile of New port. j mile to beach; level, good soil, some cleared, on good plank mad and dailv mail route, terms. See owner, til-l Stock" Excbang bltlg. tsTOP THAT RENT and buy a half-acre tract in city limits, level, cleared, -Hull Rim water, ga-s. 0-eent carfare: ll down, $." per month. Whitmer-Kelly C;o., 711 Pillock block. I WllL eil any part of fine "JO-acre tract, all in cultivation, on Oregon Electric R. R., lo miles out, in Tualatin Valley; terms to suit; J-T per acre. Seo Handy, owner, '.'iij Stock Exchange hid p. Marshall LU-"V. FOR SALE City and suburban acreag, farms and un in proved iands. J. Wilson, 60th and Division, Hawthorne ave. car. 40 ACRErt neHr Kelso. W-ash., some cleared; .trout stream ; $..oo ensh. Tabor 4o(iu. "WK have party wanting to sell H interest in large tract ,of land on river, needing to be dyked, which when done could bo sold in small farms at f Itio profit. Come and see us if you want to make some easy money. X. PTE ELK CO.. -06 Railway Exchange. Lift ACRES 7 miles s. of Silverton, Oo acres cleared, balance timber and pas Lure, 6) acres In crop. f;imiiy orchard, all kinds of tonal I f ruit. watered by we! Is a nrl springs, - room house, barns and on tbui tdings, everythlngr in fine shape, t, mile to store and school: s-lvk and machinery at $S," per acre. Full description by writing; no i raderf. Warner Bros., ow tiers. Silverton, 'r., R. :!, Box 77. A FINE 20.1-acro farm. Improved. An un limited amount of fertil ixer. Located or. W lllametle River, 1 miles from electric statiou. 4 miles from Southern Pacific depot, $100 nil acre. Terms, one-half down, balance long time. 5 per cent interest. Call for particulars. ."13 Northwest building. Phone Main 8146. FOR SALE or trade, C4o-acre wheat laud. Joining the city limi t of Condon, 1 io A. In crop. bai. Summer fallow; price St-.ono. Will take cit y proper t y, residence pre ferred, on this deal; $1.00 or $L'OUO cash an handle this; i 11 give good terms on bai. By owner. Address Box 101, Condon, Ollllam Co.. Or. lt ACRES, 7 improved, crop oals and Vetch, new house, barn, outbuildings. 4 cows, heifer, horse, wagon, harness, i! pigs, one sow with U smal L pigs, :iu ch ickens ; 3 milefi Sheridan ; mile school ; good well; $.'i.Vki. See owner; will trade Main "!. 7 v- Glisan. THK NK W W A Y T 1 1 E MODERN WAY. THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land. Aro you interested? if Ko. write to M O DERM BOM EST E A D A SS'N. :J05 i'll ELAN Mdg.. San Francisco. C M. WOODSTER, 1'res. lt ACRES near Sherwind. lies well. bestof soil, only i."0. $ 1 1 to cash. 1ml. f 10O per year, ti per cent. W. H. Seita & Co., 310 Spahling bldg. Main .".S4. 1AI PROVED 40-acre ranch for sale. A simp if taken at once. Call at room L'HO Hotel Tloustoti for particulars. Owner. W. Jb Siewert, 7"J N". th. New Hotel Houston. FOR SALE Cowlitz County stump lands, 10 acre tip; good noil, well watered. J. TL Sharp. 4"0 Plttock block, Portlnnd. "WRITE for list of wheat and alfalfa, ranches. M. KITX.M A PRICE, t ondon, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. CI -EAR lots for eqult y in a 6-room house, lot TTtxlUO, nice garden and fruit treew. I o feet from car; price ? ituOO ; mortgage 1000 long time. WANTED Acreage or Portland property for Tine i 'a section unimproved, f f no for subdivision ; value $SU00. F. Fuchs, J'J'O Chamber of Commerce. I WA NT to buy a good modern fl-room house on East 7th. fifh or !(h streets, be tween Rhine nd Bismark streets. Address owner. AP 701. Oregonlan. LOT or acre near car lino as first pay ment on 6-room modern home. Inquire 1235 Tillamook at. Phone C 28M7. WANTED Modern residence for 640-acre atock ranch or equipped places. K S21, Oregon ian. WANT beat home I can pet for $."i0 down and $''o a month. AO S3, Oregonlan. S-.rrf PIANO, new, for auto, clear lot, or dia- wad, JOS eiUus bids. JL W ANTED REAL ESTATE. Will i?ive for a 0-room bungalow a 20 acre tract of land, locted 1 miles from Port land ; 5 m i les from electric station ; eda r and spring on the ilace ; wi i 1 as sume up to jlUiMt. H. A. TRYER. "The Acreage Man." i 10 Lewis Rldg. I WILL take a lot worth $70n for my $11m equity in 6-rooin and den, Rose City Park district, balance $1!M) straight mortgage; house- brings rood income and in well worth value. M Oregonlan. 1 WANT a beach cottage. W. H Ross, 21J Mohawk b'dg. FOR RENT FARMS. WKST SIDE Five acres, furnished house, cows, fruit, chickens. Tabor o."0. FARMS WAXTED. T WO responsible men with plenty of help want lo lease with option to buy good d a i ry rnnrh with s toe k and equipment. R. F. "Bryan, oU! Chamber of Commerce. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WILL pay cash for 200,000,000 or more tim ber; price must be reasonable, near trans portation ; owners only ; full information first letter. Address W. F. Lick el, 3o7 Globe bids., Seattle Wash. FOR SATE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRAKBN, 3U4 M' KAY BLDQ. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, CALIFORNIA LAND. In small acre tracts, well located, near railway and river transportation; in the ISacramento Valley; all in cultivation; smooth surface, even slope of about 10 feet per mile towards the river; good drainage; soil sandy loam, very fertile and of great depth, being excellent for alfalfa, olive, almonds, walnuts, oranges or any other product grown in California; abundant water for irrigating at a cost of about $10 per acre; price $110 per acre; a small amount of property and cash ; good terms of payment on ."lance with t per cent interest. (S Dorr E. K.easey A.- Co., Jd floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. 20 MILES FROM .PORTLAND. 40 A. suitable for eows, hogs, poultry and general small farming. mi. from electric at Newberg. 4-rm. house, good barn, silo. 13 A. cleared. 8 A. cultivated, creek, all fenced, mail, milk routes, stock and equipment with farm. Will take up to $"J50 clear Portland property, baL mtge. D. M. Rohrbough. 2fli Stark st., at HART MAN & THOMPSON- DAIRY RANCH. l.'ES acres. 2 miles to Tillamook, 50 acres in meadow. 40 acres in pasture, bal ance in spruce timber; on good road; 17 cows, 5 yearling heifers, 1 yearling bull. t heifer calves, 1 team horses, and all nec essary farm machinery. W ill trade for improved property in Portland or small town, or will take pood unimproved prop erty in city or acreage in valley. Price $ IS. 000: mortgage $07.. ti per cent, due 102;:. (BLJ Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor, Chamber of Commerce. 270-ACRE Willamette Valley stock ranch, located 3 mi. from good live town in Linn County, 2 sets nouses. 4 and 5 rooms, good barn, stock shed, mostly well fenced; 40 A. fenced hog tight ; abundance spring water; 0O A. under cultiv., 200 A. tillable when cleared, 130 A. pasture inclosed un der same fence with this farm; price of the U70 A.. $.J5 per A. Will take $5000 or $0000 clear Portland .property. D. M. Rohrbough. 269 Stark, at HART At AN & THOMPSON R ACRES choice land, all in cultivation; no waste; on county road; well settled neighborhood, 1 mile to electric station and good town of Yamhill ; beautiful view of Willamette Valley; convenient to school, churches and stores; price only $100 per acre ; will take Portland lot free of in cumbrance or Ford car in part payment AL 8 '10, Oregonian. . FARMERS. LOOK! The best stock farm bargain in Oregon; 24 acres southwest of Salem ; :j miles of Airlie, a R. R. town; 40 acres in cultiva tion; house, barn, etc.; abundance of liv ing water; price $:;5 per acre ; take city property to $.tnoo if clear. HOSTETLKR & ANDERSON, 72. Cham, of Com. IN order to adjust an estate we will sell or trade for improved unincumbered Portland property lo acres, -mile from Af osier. Or., 8 acres in bearing apples, in high state of cultivation ; on main road. An gell & Fisher, Attorneys, 603 Fen ton bids., Portland. BEARING ORCHARD WANTED Have party with fine S-room house, restricted district, streets improved, price $6o00 ; als 2 acres closo to rc carfare, with five room house, city water; will trade equity in one or both for ORCHARD. West Coast Tnv., 21j Abington bldg. PORTLAND PROPERTY FOR FARM. CSood Portland property worth $22,500 to t for Willamette Valley farm up to that value. Or can put in other prop erty oti farm up to $30,0Oi. l.l'KDDEMAXN COM PANT, flH Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD PROPERTl FOR EXCHANGE WE CAN MATCH YOU. WE DON'T HANDLE JCTNK PROPERTY. AYRE3 & SMITH CO. 501 NORTHWEST BLDG. MAIN 7286. BCNGAI-OW to TRADE. New and modern, 2 blocks car, lot UOx 1 Oo ; take lot or auto for half, balance $7.oO month, including Interest : parties will pay yi.T month rent. tto: pekum bids". EXC H A NG E for. unincumbered real estate, Cole 50, 1013. 7-pasenger. good condition; describe property and location. Box 3.i, Oregon City, Oregon. TO EXCHANOE. Lnurelhurst bungalow, 8 rooms. 1 lots, equity $t.0. Want smaller place, lots or acreage. AP 828. Oregonian. M A HOG A N Y cashier counter and grtTl, length 32 feet; trade for safe, office fur niture or anything can use. GC3 Dekum bldg. IMPROVED ranch of 7 acres. 60" In culti vation, crop, implements and stock for clear residence. O. W. Bryan, GOD.Cham. of Com. 320 ACRES Clackamas Co. unimproved, -very cheap; trade for Portland property. Van duyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Com. $1100 EQUITY In St. Louis suburban bunga low for $700; will take vacant lot or piano as first payment. O 810, Oregonian. C. P. BL'RCTI trades property In and from any Western state to any. at 1. 2, 3. 4 and 220 Spiague ave., Spokane, Wash. IMPROVED FARMS. ACREAGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. DUBOIS, 723 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. YES! If your house And lot are good. 1 will exchange a ver- f im cash business and assu me. A M MS, Oregon Ian. CEOS E-1 N FLA T building- on East Side to t rade for lots or other property ; this is -a ing. 0;; Deknm bldg. loOxltio, WEST SIDE. Consider bungalow or acreage to value $3500. H. G. Epton, 4 '12' Chamber of Commerce. t CALI FORNI A Beautiful 7-room Lor An gcles bungalow for Portland property $10, QQO. AO 82'.', Oregonian. WANT lot as part payment on nioderr bungalow. 51st and Broadway. Tabor 0205. $40.(Ho CLOSE TrT Vacant, ripe for plat ting, exchange for city or ranch, income. A O 8 O re g o n i a n . U N INCUMBER E D lots, located where they will seil quick, for stock of groceries or dry goods. S04 Dekum bldg. WANTED Colorado property for Portland improved. J 32. Oregonian. WILL trade a number of clear lots for good n u to . Marshall 35 1 . FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc.. . A1TT 1 ON A L'CTION ! Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M.; only strictly commission stables in the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland 1 oi so & Mulo Co., 2-10 East 8th st. East tWil5. FO R SALE CHEAP, 3 pair hornes5and years old. weight about 3 loo lbs. just broke, well matched ; n lso black mare, years oid. Star Sand Co. Barn, Bast yth and Flanders BROWN mare and bay gelding, 7 and 8 yrs. ojd, weighing 250O lbs., good workers single or double, $175; also brown mare and gelding, 7 and 9 years old, weighing 2.tSQ lbs.. Bound andjrue, $150. 29 Davis. COMMISSION AUCTION, of horses, vehicles, harness, wagons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 P. M. Colum bia Stables. 3vj Front st. HORSE, harness and covered delivery wagon, $65.00 cash. Phono Tabor 2077, weekdays. CAPITAL STABLE, 27 Front at,; just re ceived a carload of horses; good chunks. H. Glerman, prop. FOR SALE Good fast team, wagon and surrey, or will trade for auto. Ho rue phone Lents Exchange 2624. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. WAGONS and horses bv day, $1.25. I. Cohen, HSt Water st. Main 2208, Main 6095. SPLENDID spirited and safe saddle horse. Tabor 3446. 2053 E. Couch. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call, dav or night. Tabor 4203. $50 BUY'S $300 Kurtaman piano. Security Stoxaco Co lOS 4U at Couch, pld. FOR KALE. llores, Vehicles, Harness, Btc. J L ST received, a shipment of horses, con sisting of 16 head of draft horse weigh ing 1400 lbs. to 170O lbs., 15 head of good wagon or delivery horsesi and also a few young farm chunks. G. K. Howitt, Model stable. 5th and Davis. Pianos, Organs and .Musical Instrument. $5 CASH, with double credit for $10, buys new $'50 piano at $265. $7.50 monthly without interest charged elsewhere, makes total saving $145.2! to you. Scbwan Piano Co.. til Fourth street. $325 DAVIS & SONS piano, virtually new; will close out for $167 cash this week. Security Storage Co., 30U 4th st. near Wajhmston. FINE piano for sale or trade. Phono Main Kuy.". $.n BUYS $:;00 Kurtz man piano. Security Storage Co., 100 4th st.. Couch bldg. $ 1 MONTH L Y stores your piano. Security Storage Co., liiu 4th at. Main r.:;2:t. PI A NO LA music ; S5 rol Is, popular and classic. Particulars East 3 18o Dog. Birdf. Pet Stock. A GOOD Airednle is burglar provf. Laddix Kenneis, Estacada, Or. BKINDLE BULL PUP, 7 months old. well inarked, house broke. Phone Mar. ;t651. Furniture for Sale. SNAP ;nlng East, will sacrifice part or all furniture, all practically new, includ ing kitchen utensils, dishes, self-lighting lange, oearoom sets, amtng-room set, rugs, sewing machine, rockers, etc. Garage and flat for rent. 824 K. Taylor. EXCHANGE Solid oak ward robe-bed with jurge iripie-piate mirror, cost $05; want range, or what have you? BC SI 5. ore gotiian. FU RN1TURE, sewing machine, rugs, gaso line stove, tent, canned fruit. Phone Sell wood 2100. REAL SNAP By piece, complete furnish mgg, 5-room house. 20 Ross. Poultry, VSHITE LEGHORN baby chicks from heavy laying stock. $S per 100; 3 OO chicks and tireless brooder. x.50. Safe arrival guar anteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, Petaluma, t al. Livestock, AUCTION SALE SATURDAY. MAY 22. AT I P. M io milk cows. 4 veal calves. 1 new 17. fa. separator. 1 Babcock tester. These cows are extra good milkers, all tuberculin tested and a certificate goes with each, lenns of 6 months on bankable notes. Sale held on Atwater's place. J yx miles we, ot Oswego, H mile east of Jim Irving i""'-- 'o r-uone s - erry road WANTED Six first-class young grade milk cows, recently fresh and tuberculin tested Live age. milk record, cream test and" loyestaahPrlce- F 0 Box 7-5 city 8 COWS, 6 Jerseys, 1 Durham. 3 Guernsey; tL ren. coming fresh. C. H. Lieaer's Farm, ift. F. D. No. 1, Box 28. JERSEY COW, 4 years of age" 19 W. Prea cot t si. FOFi SALE 4! R. .-.2d. - Holstein heifer, 16 months. IF3'iVlrf. h.ave ood iat cow or veal for sale call labor 2 4 20. Automobile. MARES Team or mares. 2400 lbs., are -rood cXr- r Vffi weU matched. both e fan coioi , w ill make fine ranch team. Set good harness. i'rice complete. $100. Mares Team mares. 2700 lbs. ; are first class reliable team that will pull true and set f,ehfor ladr or bo feed orUdriv Set good harness. At low price, $240. Team, horse and mare, coal blacks. 2800 tie wed trace harness. At low price. $1M1. fatV?-nunnhree teTmS C mules that aro iat joung and gentle, true to work. Will .;. 't'; Jeam bay mulS, 20OO lbs., $225; ,V,a'T "lacks mare mules, leaders, ara Vn,asf0me pair wU1 mealey noses, $245 ,refundted.gUarameed We ay ' ney nWe AaVe four ,farm wagons from $20 up; A-ls0 some harness and two stock 1NVKSTIGATE 1 HKSE WUNDEHFUL BARGAINS: 5-ro htudebaker ;io in good shape. Overland 4-door touring ,Keo yo demountable rims. tr.v,e,rl?nt1, ;!5h- P- torpedo style. -- tZ. I." -. Overland, cowl dash. Uldsmobile, 7-paas., beat buy in city. j.M.,laxwell Jisht delivery. ?v!!JiyvP,'land d'very. late model. SD0 Coie, electric starter, etc ?iu J.JJ4 Overland, electric lights, new non-skid tirea on rear wheels. , 113 MODELS APPeraon jackrabbit. streamline r.ody. run only six months, Bijur electric equipment same as on Packard, greatest i'o,"1""1""' ln tne world; price 1000. 191 . Overland, large size, run 2 months as demonstrator; $;To. J. W. LBAVITT & CO., Used Car Department, ;7 Washinglon St. Portland, Or. Cor. Broadway and Davis. I WILL, sell my $lsi)0 Apnerson car. which is as good as new mecnanicaJIy and al most like new in appearance, for St5() cash. It is a 5-passenger car. has had perfect care and should sell on sight to any man desiring a Fei-v-iccable car of at-l-ril ? appearance- Ueo. M. Strong, Hotel Vf.I,t:-uVHITB WHITE WHITE . hlte,". u-pass.. fully equipped, self-starter, electric lights and speedome ter J.m, less thnn SUOl) iiiilea. CanMOt he told Horn brand new. Extremely low price tor a tew days. t- ,,'RANCiS MOTOR CAR EX., I. 110H. K. l::th and Hxwthnrna tt-PASSEXOER. n.-wiy painted, 1814 Hub mobile, $7."i0. -o-passcnger Elmore- good tires all around special price $a.".o. One Oakland roadster. $.;no. DLLMAQK a MAXLBV ALTO CO 46-48 X. UOth St. PORTABLE CARAOES' Take down garages, built of the best materials, artistic designs, J0xl6. IM up. creeled complete, with lock and key im mediate delivery; also portable houseJ TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO oot of Harrison st. Main llft7. I V) Pll) 1.' r. t it i - -r . . . . . ...... .v , u , vi. i Di.E, UAItAtJK bee my Itrxia portable garage at erected on your lot complete Get my prices on other styios garages, also houses Tir- ALLYN, Garage Specialist. Tabor 1!4. j in, K Klln,.n i-PAbSLNGLR automobile, in the best of mechanical condition; tires practically new. extra casing and tubes. Klaxon horn speedometer, inotormetcr. chains and tools 'sl'. balance easy terms. 3BU Hawthorne ave. it;2rriin?aSr5per.vw- SPJ"- JOJIX DEEKE GARAGE 340 E. Alder St. KA KG A INS 1NT-SE1 AUTOS- Large stock, prices $;;n0 to $7",0 OUKliON MOTOR CAR CO. ' Stuiieiuikcr Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder. OVERLAND 1H12 moli7l7 passenger, fine conclmon tires almost new. extra tubes chains. Presto and tools; owner sick, in hospital. For quick sale. 5300. 371 Haw thorne ave. -naw- 7"'.ss -cyI. I'earce-Arr.nv in good condl. tion; some cash or small car as part pay ment; liberal terms on balance. y:?N:T,Jv:.MOTR CAR CO.. and Wash. WiNT.OV sl:XK,s- thoroughly overhauledrre btnlt repaired. n, w tires: carry guaran'eo ranging in price from foOO up. WIN-TON MOTOR CAR CO., and Wash. S-PASS K-M.-S., newly painted, good shape: WIXTON- MOTOR CAH CO.. 23d and Wash. V OFl HIRE, $l.."o PER HOUrT r-pa&'iser iyi4 Ford; rates for trips or day work: good services. Phono Main 1201 or East uS."i 5-FAbS. Wmton kix, overhauled, repainted guaranteed; liberal term. WhNTON MOTOR CAR CO ou tmu wa5nillgton. OVKRUND roadster with adjustable do livery bed, sell cheap, by owner. Call after fi::;o P. M.. Pacquct GaraKC, E. Sth aim nnwuiunit. I WIT.L pay cash for late model Fords, Buicks, Overland and Studebaker ears. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, K. IliK. East 13th and Hawthorns ve BUNGALOW GARAGE Between 22d and --hi. nmoej, u nwiigion; -i or o PRI VATE stalls for rent, reasonable. Phone East 801 or call 09 1 Clackamas. LATE model. 5-paes. automobile, self starter, electric lights, etc.. for clear city property. Mr. Billingsjey. 341 Burnslde WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid. J. Jeve, istf Columbia. Main 31U8. 30 H. P., 5-passenger Chalmers; just been overhauled ; must have cah; $25o takes it. East 1127. FORD TOURING CARS FOR HIRE. $1.00 an hour. Ratee on trips. 101 6th st. Main 3990. HAVE first mortgages up to $90 to ex change for late model 5-passenger a-uto. Call 315 Lumber Exchange. THE place to buy or sell used oars. East Side Auto Repair Co., 717 Hawthorne. FOR HIRE, $1.23 per hour, -passenger 1014 FOED. phone Woodlawn 140. 'ARTNKft, in 7-pass. auto; little monev r-1 ftuired.;. investigate iuia, bSl, ojreoaiaj I FOR SALE. Aato mobile. BU1CK 1013 5-pass., electric lights, $550. CA.DIt.liAC One at $4."0. One at $425. Also 1013 and 1014 Cadillacs. I ELECTRIC Tnst year's Ranch Tinnje, in perfect condition. A very beautiful car, priced low. Also a Woods electric at only $G0O. OVERLAND 4-pass. iu very good coddiUon, $-50. STEVENS-DURYEA Late model 7-rmss., used very little ami in perfect condition. COVET MOTORCAR CO.. 23 st and Wah. Main 6J44. VSKO AITTO SNAPS. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN". COLE 5-pass.. SO h. p., $475. AMERICAN 1-pass., Su h. p., good tires, two .extras; snap; 700. REO u-pass late model, electric start er and lights; a bargain, $750. COLE 7-pass., (-cylinder, 0 h. p., elec tric starter and lights; nearly new; late model, $1 750. CHALMERS 5-pass., 30 h. p., fully equipped, $175. MICHIGAN 5-pasfi., ZZ h. p., electric lights, $575. REO TRUCK Ife-ton with van body; snap; $1250. NORTHWEST A TITO CO., Broadway and. Couch St. Main S8S7. A 4959. 5-PAfsSENGER, with good extra seat. A clase condition, newly painted. d ynamo, electric lights, good tires. Will take va cant lots or house and lot. It S-S, Ore gonian. Automobiles Wanted. 20 ACRES, Rogue River Valley, half cleared, value $2Hh; near large, town; wiil take good T'-pasenger auto and $500 cash. J 833, Oregonian. SECON D-HAND Ford roadster to rebuild ; cond ition of body no object; miit be i heap. BC S20, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for five or seven-passenger light six; must be in first-class condition and late model. AN Oregonian. WANTED Ford with delivery body; spec ify condition, terms wanted. J 831, Orego nian. 5PAPrfEXGER Ford for my afit-front lot in Rossmere, Beaumont and Rose City cars. R b'27t Oregonian. WANTED Ford delivery or touring car, must be good, for high-grade piano with cash difference. Tabor 2 Sii WANTED 1JH.5 5-pass. Ford, good condi tion. Cash if bargain. R 8-tS, Oregonian. $L'"m PIANO, new, for auto, clear lot, or dia- mond. 70S Sell i n g bldg. M 4ln3. Typewriters. " TY PE WRITERS for rent; 3 months for $j and up; 0 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, Sti Broadway, Portland, Or. WE save you from SO to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters ; send for our Illus trated folder Retail department WHOLK SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash, s t . HAKLEl'-DAVIDSON twin-cylinder, 1913 model, first-class condition, complete ea moment. B. E. Davis & Co., Iu8 E. k Wat-er st- East ai46. B 223Q. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $I5. The Northwest Typewriter Co.. 26 Stark at. Main fl.T'8. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. 1. C., Stark st. Main 1407. NO. 5 UNDERWOOD typewriter; visible; worth at least $40, for $-5. E. 6417. 1014 2-speed electric equipped Indian, $175. 030 E. Sth So., cor. Beacon. Machinery, BARGAINS in 1 and 3-H. P. sliglitly used stationary gas engines. New wood saw outfit complete, mounted with ti-H. P. stationary hopper, cooled engine and gliding table, cheap. Inquire 20s Front st. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES. 50 Slightly Used Machines. Singer, drop heads $10 and up Wlieeler A- Wilson, drop heads. 15 and up New Home, drop heads . . .$15 and up uumestic, drop neaos . . . New Royal, drop heads. Willamette, drop heads . Some Stencil machines, heads Box too . . . . Jlo and up ....$10 and up . . . . $10 and up drop . . . .$ 7 and up .? 3 and up Ail of macnines ior rem, j per month. Two Stores: THE WHITE SEWING MACHINES. 383 Alder St. 243 Alder St. Phone Main A 4599, Main 2573, A 3559 S S. Slsel. Agent. Bi LLIARDS New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling allevs and accessories; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke Collender Co.. 4ti-4S 5th. FOR SALE Good etock of cigars and to baccos, 6-foot cigar case and refrigerator. Call and make an offer. Golden State Cum Co., Ib4 Burnslde. SEWING MACHINES. new and second hand, sale or rent. up. Sewing Machine Emporium. ISO 3d st., near Taylor. Main 9431, A 3H28. CASH REGISTERS. lare stock on hand; we save you -lu to 60 per cent; all registers guaranteed. Cash Register Exchange, 351 Washington st. COMPLETE fixtures for an up-to-the min ute confectionery store; will sell cheap. 5 First , st. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon per gallon, $!.. Portland Paint Co., -J30 Front st. Marshall 100. HOCHFELDS Camera Exchange, 83 3d st. Cameras, kodaks and lenses bought, sold and exchanged. We sell the lea cameras. FOR SALE First-cla.s steam wood sa". snap. Phone A 151 S. Address 3-4 N. U3d street. VISIBLE typewriters rented 3 months for $4; convenient at. home ; delivered any where. J44 Stark st. Phone Main 0273. SAFES. The Mosler Safe Co SAFES. 264 Stark st. PL! M RING supplies at wholesale prices. St ark-Davis 'o., L" 1 ii 3d st. M a in 7i7. W E have a large line of general store and office fixtures; all bargains. 05 First st. LUMBER Ht $4.50; no nails. Bricks at $4. Main T,4!. FOR SALE One -h. p. motor. Phone Mar shall 4144. NEW Morris canoe; mud seil. Call E. 34:i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND - HAND CLOTHING. We pay highest cash price for ladies and gents' castoff clothing, bicycles and everything In Call us up. We need it and will pay for it. GLOBE STORE. H85 First st. Main 'joso. . Main 200. SECOND-HAND C LOT H ING W A NT ED. J. MEYER. THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR i 'LOTH ING AND SHOES. WE CALL PROMPTLY. THE RE LIABLE BUYER. Main 7373. 2''ft Madison FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or any t h ing In the hardware line, csll the Levin Hardware A.- Furniture Co., 221 Front. Phone A 7174, Main tn72. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OR ALL DESCRIPTIONS. KLINE'S, EAST 7HM. 87 GRAND AVE. F CRN ACE, complete, wanted for 3-room house; pay rash ; state lowest price and full description in answering. Address A. K.. 820. Oregonian. MUST have 2d hand furniture; slso give new for old "Kairplay," E. 6417. M. H. Calef, o4S Williams. 2D- HAND FURNITURE. ETC.. WANTED. Don't give It away. Get out figures first. Standard Fur. Co., 12 1st. Main 47 73. GET our estimate on your second-hand fur niture; buer calls promptly. Main 5iOS. Mbh Furniture Co., IM First st. W. A. COVELL will pay th best price for your second-hand furniture. phone Mar. o!47. 211 2d st.. near Taylor. WANT $10.ou0 used furniture; pay good prices; starting new store. SelKvood 1082. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary neauty pariors. upku rn Ding. WANT stock of furniture and men's cloth ing; highest cash price. Marshall 5R7. WANTED To buy 3 National cash registers. 243 Washington st. I NEED good used furniture; will pay high est prices. Call Marshall 587. HOUSES PAINTED. Good work, right price. Marsh all 4 o fi n WANTED To buy National cash register. Main 6 PC. t OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for your furniture. 231 1st st. Main 4627. WANT furniture or small R. if for clear suburban lot. BP 839, Oregonian. WANT portable garage. Phone Main HELP WANTED MALE. AUTO truck driver on freight, run out of city; must be repair man. K 828, Orego nian. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com- mission paid. Sarony Etudio, Royal bldg. WANT tailor to rent eit room. $5 per mo - Good lUC. EO is-7, Oregoniaj, v KfcLP M'AT1 MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C A. RecoPd 1U14; Calls for men from employers ...1702 Positions filled 1314 The aerTice of this department la free to all members of the Association. To non-members a special Employment Mem. bership is issued, costing $5 per annum, giving the service of the Department for a year, two months' full privileges and a refund of the membership fee if satisfac tory employment is not secured. All young men seeking employment in Clerical, Technical or Commercial lines or desiring counsel or advice are cordially in vited to consult the Advisory aud Employ -ment Score ta ry. Y. M. C. a! AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Day and night instruction in repairing, driving, selling and machine work, includ ing forge, lathe, shaper, drillpress, etc. Moderate charges. Fair dealing and ex pert training. Time unlimited. Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu cational office, V. M. C A. bldg., and secure pass entitling you to Inspect our shop and methods. MEN WANTED who like high-grade ready-to-wear clothes for little money; $20 men's suits at $14.75; $'5 mcn'ssuits at $1S.75: my low upstairs rent does it! Jimmy Dunn. 315-10-17 Oregonian bldg. Elevator to 3d floor. ATTE N TIO N ! ATT EN T IO N I Are you making from SOU to $10O each month? The L. & M. AUTO SCHOOL is the best equipped and most practical auto school on the Coast. Graduates all make good. Small tuition and from 4 to 0 weeks required to masicr this big-paying profession. 369 Hawthorne ave, Port land. Or. WASTED Steady man to work In general repair shop doing splendid business; expe rience not necessary ; too much work for one man ; must have a purtner. You must have $IoO. This amount entitles you to half -Interest in sho and entiipmen t ; more than average wages can be made or ootn. van today, o-l Main st. wa.nied -A married man, above 3i, to sen well-known line direct to consumer In country ; free samples to all prospects as l rs; must De prepared to furnish sure ty bond and own rir or car: irive refer ences first letter; rapid promotion to right man, u uregoman. WANTED Canvassers to sell our nursery "i-"' i in oickoii aim vv asm n gum on lib eral commission baIs. Steady employ ment. cah. weekl v. Kt nori a e nm r- quired. Address Oregon Nursery Co., lOOrt MEN'S legs wanted for 500 pairs of i-iita i nave ior saie at ?::.., and $3.5o. Jimmy Dunn, 315-1 0-17 Orego- WA NTEU Experienced men to Juv liu rd wooi floors; must have own tools and k now the business: contract work "a 11 at 43 Gerlinwer bldg. between 11 and 12 " ciock i nursq a y. WANTED First-class engineer to take charge of heating and mechanical plant of important Portland building; answer ii ii iu ii rcierences ana saiary expected. R 831. Oregonian. WANTED First-class, all-around tinner. one who can ao lurnace ana sicyught work. State age. HAH.VS PLUMBING STORE, Le wiston. Idah,o, TWO newspaper advertising solicitors; per manent traveling position; commission, expenses advanced. Call in person. Elec tric Hotel, Oregon City, Or., all this week. Ask for Archer. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trade in & weeKs; tools Tree; position guaranteed paid while learning. 'Jm.i2 iTd, near Main. CASH advarrced you weeklv nellinv our hn dy guaranteed ornamental and irult stock. jtignt now Dest lime, to start. Wash in ton Nursery Company. Toppenish, Wash. COMBINATION clerk and driver for gro eery; must have experience. Call from S A. M. to 10 A. M. and after 3 p. M. 808 jioa.o.wLy a. i n,ast zatn St. ABLE-BODIED MEN to preuare for fire men, biakemen ; $120 monthly; positions ooiamauie iree. Raiiway( Association, ore SALESMAN WANTED to sell our up-to-date ciu fsitntiive line. outrit tree; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery "in pit ii y . r-Ai e ni , ijr. USE spare time to build up mail-order busi ness of own; we help you start for share in profits. -J 7 opportunities. Particulars free. upportunn les Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y. sauuli norses, io cts. first hour, 5 cts, additional ; English or stock Giddier.. Multnomah Stables, 16th and Madison. Main 5S70. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Onlv experi enced man need apply. Small salary and liberal commission. L 833, oregonian. WANTED Young man for position of book keeper and bill clerk. Give age. experi ence and reference. L 830, Oregonian. WANTED Solicitors to sell clothing on our i a weea pian. tau mornings. Regent t.'lothea Shop. 3 Wash, st. MAN WANTED, satisfied with $1S per week, iu a. downtown business. Oniy 100 re- quireq. tieaci), Wo 1 eon OIUk WANTED Tailor to do cutting and bushel ing. Apply D. B. Mi-Bride &. Co., 546 Vi Morrison at. WANTED Experienced retail shoe sales man. Apply Wright's Sample Shoe Shop, 4th and Alder. SH I P rarpen ter to build barge ; give ref erences and. wages expected. S fcjfl, Ore gonian. MEN with teams tu haul wood. Call 13ui Belmont. Phone Tabor 43i. PARTNER for paying business, to drive auto delivery ; $3 JO req uired. 2S Broadw ay S. FURNISHING poods man for first-class men's shop. D 834, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER for wuodyard. Hitlnry $40. steady employment. AN 832, Oregon hm. CHANCE for t o men to learn nn i ng pic-tur- operating in theater. i:iv, 2d st. WANTED A man to do some papering and pa in ting. Marshall 982. Help Wanted Salesmen. N EW EST i n vent ion, lawn mower sharpener, kins of sharpeners, saie to every owner of a lawn mower, nothing else lik it, last a lif et line and g tiara n teed ; made to fit all sizes of lawn mowers. Price $1.50. Apply 231 Alder st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Women for Government jobs, $7d month. Write immediately for list po sitions obtainable. Franklin Institute. 703 !., Rochester, N Y. $1H WEEK Expenses advanced. Women to travel and appoint agents for concentrated food flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfg Co., 47 Corno bids.. Chicago. WANTED Neat girl for general housework iu small houe and family in small town; nlre home and $1 week. Box 81, McMinu- vnie. or. EXPERIENCED girl for general liuusework, family of 3 ndultH. City referenVes. 3ii East .".1st, near Hawthorne. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework ; small family, adultt. 7 jy Kearney. SPLEND1 D opening for manicurist ; must have own furnitifre. Phone Alain 7o32, be tween 10 and 12. EXPERIENCED girl tor general house housework; Swedish or German preferred; good wages; references. H 8o2. Oregonian. Gl RL between IS to 25 to learn comptom eter; pood position when course com pleted. 333 Morgan bldg. LADY, alone, nice home, wishes compan ionable woman to work for board and room. East 709. C 1 R i.S to learn beauty cut ture ; emm ission whi'ft learning. Geneva E. Rellly, 314 Ablngton bldg. COOK, second work, $ i; child's nurse: $:; housework. $ 13 to $33. St. Ifmis Agency, 2SS Main st. A 7173. Main 203'4. MRS. HINSDALE'S BUSINESS SCJIOOU T02 Empress bldg. Personal fnst ruction ; positions when competent. W NT ED Girl to assist with housework ; must like children; $13 month. Marshall oWJ. I' R MJKESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEtlK. All modern business courses ?5 mo. I'ositions w hen roinpetent. 301 N. W. Ban k bbig. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Via vi Company, 423 Plttock block. 383 Washington st. WIDOW wants lady for companion nights, 2S to 30 years, room free. Call Thursday after 7 P. M. 40i Stark, room 6. WANTED Good cook, elderly lady pre ferred. Give phone, name and address. AL s;;7. Oregonian. TWO neat-nppearrng ladies. 30 month. 340 Morgan bldg., 0 to 12 A. M. MISS M A TTING LY'S SCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting, $3 mo. 14th. ph. Mn. 3sii,i GIRL for cooking and general housework ; 3 grown people. 707 Flanders. BOOKKEEPERS, etenographera and dicta phone operators. 3U1 N. W. Bank bldg. REFINED woman to assist in home ; small wages. AO 831, Oregonian. FIVE girl to learn beauty culture. 471 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. LADIES for remunerative outdoor business, experience not required. Marshall 1217. WOMEN WANTED to sell new, good cold cream. SO per cent profit. Woodlawn HIT. MIDDLE-AGED lady, fond of children, as mi&t with housework. 4i7 Ett 37th. A GIRL for general housework; reference. 145 North 18th. W A NT ED Girl for goner al ho usew ork. HELP WANTED VfcMALK. WANTED Domestic science teacher and practical let turing cok f'r commercial and educational demonstration work; must travel; permanent position, salary and ex peitses; statu aee, experience and qua 11 f lea t ions for Interview ; particularly at t rai ii e nnsition for qualified woman. Ad-di-esM if s;t;. (ii-"iT-nl:in. HE A D WAITRESS, $iu. " Waitress. $;iu. Chambermaids, $2ft. Girl for house woi k on farm, $23; all out of city. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 222 a ml 224 t'om h St.. bet 1st jind 2d. USE of nice home, fuel and lights free, for two or three weeks to woman, girl r young couple in exchange for keeping tame t:lea u a nd nia king of room re tMined. AN 82'., Oi egoiiian. LEAfiN motion picture acting In etcht v ek. 'e prepare j oi for positions that pay la rt o salaries. New now f or m ing. I nt.-rna tioiial l'hotoplay School, 11th a nd Morrison. WANTED Younn- ladies to work an hour or two a day for free tuition in first-class business college. H 7W.". oregonian. HH.P WANT l MAl.K OK FKM ALK. MEN and WOMEN to Hie l.arber trade, earn from $13 t $23 per week; tui tion reduced, paid whiM learning; positions secured ; write for free rata Jogne. The Molt-r Sst"in of t'.'lli't-, AL 4n N 2d. I1KLP WANTED MlSCK LI. A N KQts. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to team the barber trade in 8 weeks ; positions guaranteed ; tools free, paiil while learning ; modern method teaching; tuition reduced. 23 Madison. KA I LWA Y mail clerks, p. o. clerks, car rier, exam, soon ; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific Sui t e Schools. M.j Kay bblK., city. I N TER i ATIONA L Corivsp.uTdenc.. sT"h To 1 s t'Hch Halewniansliip. also 23 ot lu-r courses. Free pHtalog. 2"2 McKay b'dg. WANTED Names of men. 1 or over, wish ing Government jobs, fUT month ; no pull necess.iry. A V 7 4.:. Oregon Inn. MTUATIOXH WANTED MA I.E. Bookkeepers and Clerk a. Yul'N'ii MAN, biwh srliool an.l colie.4 ed u cai i. n and ein- t a I bu si net-s ox i)t-rtenea, wants work i s clerk, or w i ' I do pa p-r lunging. ialritiii? or kalsominiiif; or M. P. id'eiaiiiig or u' common labor work. Pnone room 34 1 Y. M. C. A. bldg. or w rite BK 27, t n ejroniM n. YCLTNG man stenographer wishes pomtinn in or out of to w n. 1" in-x perienced. Sa la r, no object. A K b38, Oregonian. EX I;;iil KN 'ED rcuiil di ug rk wants Horli; will go out of town. BE ;20, Ore- Y't UNG ma n would like w or k in grocery st ore. Woodlawn 16 70. Miscellaneous. COOK, nil around youiiR colored man, hotel, boarding-house, restaurant, club (private) or camp; best of reterence; in or out of city; will mike, best of terms; my wife will work with me If wanted. AM 21, iregon Ian, or phone East 33;o. luL'NO m.Mrried man, 21 , Finnish, wants job, position cook, fireman, seaman, but will take work of any kind. My v.-ite will w ork w ith me it' wanted. Call lo A. M. Woodlawn 43. Room 3t YOUNG married man wains position us steward or head waiter in hotel out of city. Write Hoy Alexander, Lam brook Apts., city. RESPECTABLE young man, 23, wants a steady poei t ion on ranch. Southern Ore gon, near Creswell; some exp. What have you? 7033 3"th ave. S. E. M A N. 4 H, it h sister who is ill and only support, must find work. Is experienced houseman, Uifhw asher or cook' 3 helper. References. Main 7 o 3 1 , A 1317. EXPERIENCED, refVped young woman for family cook t rid ho use work, out of town, no washing, $3o, references. AV 103. Ore. gonian. YOCNG MAN, experienced, 20 years old, wants office work, any kind, if chance for advancement is good. AL MS, Oie gonia n. AUTOMOBILE machinist van's a post lion, town or country; will do anything to et started ; reliable. 7u.".3 3Uh ave. S. E. WANTED Position by a neat-appearing young man. hour between 4.0 and ll:ii0 PM. AP S2t. Oregonian. PAINTING, tinting, day. Prompt, efficient and shall M87. hour or contract, reasonable. Mar- MAN and wife want position on duirv ranch, mi Iking about 4'-4. cows. Ao j27, Ore gonian. COK and helper, man and wife, sober, economical, good bakers, city or out. 22b3 Madison st. Main Nofiti. room 21i. YOUNG MAN, single. desires male nurse. A-l references. A 1317. position as Main 7031, YOUNG MAN. En glish. desires position oil pou It ry farm. A I references. Main 703 L A 1317. EXPERIENCED painter. pHpcr-liHiiijer and in Isom desires work; reason ah le rates. References. Main 7o31 , A 1317. EXP E K 1 ENCE I man wants work; window washing a specia Ry. A 1 refer ences. Ma m TO,", 1 , A 1317. BUNCH of goofl entertainers wish work on excursions or picnics; stringed Instru ments and singing. Main 731, A 1317. YOUNG MAN wishes work as entertainer; good musician. singer and monologist. Main 7o.,l. A 1317. JAPANESE, good cook, warns position in priva I e fa mil ; . 47 N'ort h Park et .. cit y. Bo Y 17 w a tits w or k delivering. References. Main 7H31, A 1317. GOOD Japanese, willing to work dny or night preferred. Plense majl 72 N. 4t!l Kt. YOUNG MAN wants work on farm or ranch. AN 3S regoinau. PLUM BE R. capable taki :ik cha rg' w ants .1oh, conn t ry. M. Cot l r. ."S3 N. '. h ft. WANTED -Paint ing. Rooms tinted $ 1 .30 and up. I. J. Caiter. Phone Mam 3.".3. YOUNG fian, Rood evenings. A I 7l3 ii ile a t io ri. uibiim w oi k Oi euonian. BAKEH. all urou nd ' t y or countr , can take rliar!i', . P K32, Oregonian. YOUNG marrietTn:au wants steady job in t he city. Wood lawn 43. WANTED Work on I arm k Hnak, experienced Yoldrnan st. farm hand N i' J A PA N ESE sciuotboy w ants tihta, or. Uniou ave. N. SITI A I IONS W ANTKO I K HA LE. Hook Keeper and NtenoRraplierf. KKI-'INKP girl desires p.iai t Ion as si en or. ratiher and bookkeeper; e-jtl and i'onim-r- -i expern-n.e; sooU references. Phone .V srsha n Tfii. O. K. f i'inKiiqi'if r. i.. k. and dictaphone operator wants permanent or substitute work. M 217. Y t V N' ? lady w idp s genera 1 of Tier r light stenogra phfc work. A P 33, Cregoniaii. EX RI ENCE I stenoKra pher wh ti ta fajsi t ion. Reference. Phone Sell. 2272. CO M PETE NT stenographer dci-lrcs hour or pjeee work. Mam 27. GiKL wi.-i'ea woi k in office for practice and Come pay. E. 3::;3. Dressmaker. MIDDLE-AGED woman, experienced in 1 t'lil'iui depsrtment. desire tosili'tn. Al references. Main 7o31. A 1317. EN PERI ENCE D dressmaker desires work, 52 per day. A I i eierem cs. Main 7I31, A 1317. TRAINED M'RSS w ants cases; anything taken; massage work; terms reasonable. Main 3279. - FASHIONABLE d rcfsrna k i itg. reason able, home or day. 301 Buchanan bidy. Main 9313. DRESSMAKER d'ires sewing by day. shop or home ; price reasonable. Main 227.'. DRESSMAKER desires sewing by day. shop or home; price reasonable, Mi'in 2273. DRESSMAKER would like f'-w more en ga gem cuts. A 3d3:i, Main 334. Nurses. WANTED Hourly nursing hy gradual no rse ; manage, ikiuin, j erms r .aaou - -1.1 I O. .... Vtam TdTl MOHK CASES, any kind, reasonable terms. KT RST-t LASS practical nurse. ready now. B 1387, E 34 IK, Ilotutrkreprrf EX PERI ENCE O. tellable woman den ire housework, (rooking and laundry work where t"be can to home night. $30 month. Mai n 7Q3I. A 1 3 t LADY wishes position to work f-r Be If and h u shan d a room ur.d boar-l, Phone Eat 2,.:2 bet. 1 ::;o and 3:30 P. M. REFINED woman, 3. desires position n housekeeper for widower with children. AR V 20, re gonia n. YOUNG woman wants competent housekeep ing position, widower or bachelor. AP 831, Oregonian. I)ometlnr. LADY will work by the hour or day: U good cook; general homework. Phone Main '192. SWISS girl wishes a position general house work. Phone Sell wood 1222. YOUNG woman w antu liounework and cook 1 n g. girl 4 years. 132 Fremont St. FIRST-CLASS family rook desire position, cit y references, a 71 73, Main 1'03:. COLORED GIRL wanU general housework. VITI'ATIUNA ANTED FF MALK. ltomenMrt. MIDDLE-AGED woina ti. f ipr'tn'cd conk, desire- position in private heme. Wages $33 per month. Al relercuces. JuJu 7o3i, A 1317. MliM-rl ian eons. BEAUTY CULTURE taught in our owd home. Special facial exercises. reduce cjoublo chin. Formula French and Eng lish cosmetics. Terms rendonablo. Madame Masse, Genera 1 Delivery. EXPERIENCED German lundres. lake Ln w sh ing, waistH I t I .ic, I. c i it lie. dresses 23 t-i 4,N-. "Ir.; also go out tO w oi k. Phone Eau 1 LUNNEItS. ti'MK. weddings, fir., planned, prepared, served; best of fefft e nccs. K'll- ood Tditfi. LA "l cm talti-. draperies hand la undrred, 23c uj, experts, cahed fur. Sell wood iiiim. YOUNG WOMAN deaires teieoijimo i rat'n or clerical work; expel ien- ed, AL h'Sj, re-,nnan. LADY wiwiie dav work, wastdng. Irootng; assure Ko-d work; Thursday and Undai. Main t.o:f.t EX P E R I K NCE D Is undress want-- ,'"rk Thar, and Sat.; reference. Woodlawn D'dl. RE LI A RLE w i h ii rsd a v. 2 c t la a n 4 1 13. per hour. Phone Wood- PLEASE gi ve me w ork. tin y or hour. Mn, Mairmon. Eaut 472, R K'30. LACE curtains w ajshed and st ret bed ; I 1 years' experience. M rs. Scott. Ta bor 3033. EXPERIENCED woman wants dav work; curtains to launder. Woodlawn 1372. WoM A N wan i work bv the houror ha7f tlay. Mafhnll 27I, apt. IAV HOHK! Thui nda v. Ends , v a f"n 1 1 1 ; . ironing, cb a n in c. Mum 4 . EX PERI EN" "ED iirl t ed jiositlon. Miss A. Bushnei, A 1 LIU EXI'KRIKNCKO piano plaer for movies. E. s.s after 4 ;pt. WANTED Washing, itoiittiir, cleaumg. fust clasa. Al a in 4 1 Room 2. COLOR ED W'.ma u wiph's day Work. Call after 3.3 V. M. East 2"3i. EX PERI EN (TCl p rl, general houccn uihT. Ca 1 1 Wood lawn ! :. W A V TED W to k. .1m ,.r hour. I'hone M . n Mrs. .Innep. LADY wains iu work ir iioiir wotk. Phone EaM 3433, WAN I KD IO ItENT. ll0U-4t. I RV I NGTi N HUM E W A N T E D. !la.c gilt-eoKC pariv f..r bom of fnm R to 13 loom-, would like cot net, aaraue and sleeping porch, Smifh-Wagon. -r i 'o.. so,-k Ex. HOUSE WANTED by -uuple June 1, 4 or 3 rootiiH. u n f it in iwOeH nmilpi n KituntAu """u oisiiiei, leaoouauic. oei:rine. ."4. Oregtmia n. A K Knot ii With Board. WANTED Mtddle-aKed or elderly lady who has u good private borne whu would room ami board faiher and thic. grown (hil dreti; have some furniture. AR Si'T, Orego nian. BY ouiie; -vni it man of o,.,i addrc and character, room and boa i d w it n prix a t fa in 1 1 v, moderate rate. iIuf in. o ,2H. Ore otda ii. lOli KENT. I tirnlhed KtMinir. HOTEL EAT(.)N. n Park ai.d .!uniNin sts. Tra listen t and Ivnim nen l iiu'its. A celltrallv located ImiI.I with ever Ilioderil col: enlence ; I'ijohih finale or ert i-ii He. with a to I without, private bat L . modest pi h'ph with tj-ri ial iateM by the week to permanent Kiief;. IP- iTl-JL BUCK I NGH A M. 03 2 WushtiiKton ST. New, flreprot.f, ibsirabb' buration and I e-ipeetable , alt oiKM-le, clean, well-lui-iiish.-d lootiif, with eveiy niotb-rn coiiven- icTI-i.. 3,j tiny ?sl.30 w'CCk II P. HOTEL ROWLAND AND AN N EX. 2" 7 ' -2f!!- 4TH. MM i:KN Fl REPR4 m jF PI I CD I NO. CENTRA LEY I A n'ATKI SUMMER RATES NOW ON. ROOMS Jlo AND UP. RKfXO THIS AD To Al'i'bV 1 ON riRSI' MONTH'S R ENT HOTEL ARTHUR. Eiernth, between Morrison and Yam hill. Desira hie do wn t. w n lot at ton. I If -tpectable and Btriitly modern. Rates fl Ter day, $i per week. With private bath 1 .3o p"r day. $3.3o per week. HOTEL ALDER. 4ih and Alder. The center of everything downtown; al! new; the best of service; free phone in each room ; rowmis, with bHth. 13 tip; rooms, without bath, $Jo up. Marshall 22! HOTEL HLACKSTONEI ' i'omrr 11th and Stark, -! w eek a nd up ; eleaior, hot and cold water, steam beat, telephone i-onnecilon in nch rnom ; no e t ra chargr fur two In a room : pjom and hath 1 dflv; transient ko Ui I "d. lluTKl, oi'Kl.K V. Mrrl!-on t. nl loth-- ( i:inil loratfon; REDUCED RATES. 3oe per dav up; werk H . 2. 3o up: ichi 1 00 ni. 1 umii ini; water, f ree phone n nd b t hf ; tt -a m heat. YOUNG tu n in i v fniiMilt w it ho til cha ra reniMer of furnihed funis at '. M. A.. IlNtinc several hundred in all par's of fie city ; aiso those In the Anocm tlon bill Id -Ina. I H IT EL 1- t RI 1. 733 ' a-bltiRloi. Family hotel, M,t Hiid .-old w-it and phone in r t ry room ; rooiim w it liout bat Ii. up: m! h i!iti, Jl.'t up. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave nd E. Rcl niont Rooms ! K lunnt h K , 2o .jo vHh pi l .it.' ha Hi; la rge. pbMrtli' lobt.. , t H f in fun iifi 1 ion. I'I'one -,a-t :;23. E l H l-;LT N MOTEL. 103 S 12TH ST. Modem, npciiil red tj et 1 01 , k on m'I rooms; : p r w ck ii nd up. Ma rj-dia 1 1 'J'.0. 1 1 OT E ! , North w est come Modern ouiMde to. l.are Lrrnit TtlKV ES. st h 1 k m nd 11 1 h. m.. f.:: wckly and up. l-1 loor l..(hv. STAXDISH HOTEL. 3 ! Mi WASHINC'ION ST., olT. 16TH. Cool, c oin I ort ahle, any roorn, f rea plioiuA. bath; 52 week, month and up. A (JUIET I'LVCK kR ciUET P I'AJ I ' LE., I io r EL Cl.l Fl- O R I . F'fl-t MorriKort si.. iier Gmnd see. 'lea n I itiecH a lid coiri f on , S3 pe i- w-t k up. W ANT KI) It 01 mi 11 ui t e to r duet- 1 00 in in g expenses; fireproof hulldUlfC. fcliuwr hntli, hei. Call ir atiilreM Y. M. C. A loifiiH'ts ofl'tee. HoTEl, CoROoVA, 2i'i 1 1 h m r( modern; )iiiate i,nvi'i en ruite, room up. Main !M72, 17.1. TH W E ER hot I. Priate 1 1 h . wtirncll ve r;itcM to 1 1 h itjtien t f , perm tt NK'K lai n ra h't. Sa rtf u l H a W t iiortte. IU TEL GRANT. 131 ' ce:l n I o.,t!l . fl ' ! t;0 Mliiniilfn. Modern. I en H'lici, ". nnd up H'lTKl, Mil:l:l( A lc M oiirn ou t - side room n. 2 per week up NEW. etoHii. light, EaM Kumiliftl RKm in Iriate Fuuilly. IA DY with nice btrue liotne will rent large front alcove room, uhc of kltcprn, rea mf ble, 1 1 nelect party; walking dir1- tance. 211 Ktdcey t. East 2u:i3. LA R( ; E f t 'Hi t room, iw-t furni-lifl. 4 la r e window.-, ull no'deiri con ve n kn- m . l.en- tbn bb-al. ep.v walking dlrtain IS'- .leff.-rson. off of 14th. PRETT1E.-T 'ummer n t..i- bom 111 I be cit v, fine le W , I fees H - pb 1. 1 v , t-porlom lawn, room for t w o. Mailt 3 1 4'.t. 1 .3 1 illli. NICELY furnished toonis. evtry con enieoc-., 4iot wat-r, fleet rh. if -, hath, phone. f .- to .Line 1; $ tnil month. 12". N, 23d. LARGE air room. $h Hnt o mmitn, Phone, modern con ven I en en, j 1 ort walk. 12 EaHt 11th, near Ash. MODKRN newly f 11 1 11 if bed fo.oim, tdeepuig porch and b. k. fuiten. t eaton a hie ; attn: rnms $1.23 per week. Main 2b'.H. DANDY furmt-hed 3 moms Hiid r-le. pitMT pro-ch for $23; can rent rooms. 331'.- iam bi!!, near iTth lkvi.VOT NDe(ir.ih!e f .irTTiHhed room, private family, walking distance. Very rei HtMiable. Ka.H 44 14. LA RG E. comfort h hie, f 11 1 r ihetj nwmi, with k Itcheijet te. nice home ; a lso nltifile room. 273 N. 2Mb. MuritiHll :p3;. YOUNG man as loommHle, in in"iy fur nished front room; modern; close in; rea- Foirlhie. litiu FtroHMwa. NICELY f urn if h-d rooniK, h oiro- irf vl leg", mod -rn. reatonal le. R road way. NEWLY - FURNISHED rnotn. imitn Mo ftr two. very reaKoiiM ble. .3. E. CU'h, NEATLY furniBbed bedroom; phone walk ing Gist a ne, 1 .ou per w eek . 4 J! Ht h rt. $1.23 WEEK, clean room, good bed, nice, qui et place. eloe in. 21'2 T e n t h . ROOM d larnte leepina- porch rhciip; n"At to Mttltnomah Club. Main 4177. LARGE, well furnlBbed room, batJj and phone, ifrt. 331 MadHnn et. Koiimn With Board. TH E MAMTOIT, 2 I 13th. New irxs-fiiK e . ment, -ri Irelv renova 1 ed, good rooms a nd bon rd, reasonable ; walk Ing d iKtanr, THE NORTOV, MYZ 12TH. A residential hotel; rooniu vingle or cn nulte. prions Main (Ml. tI7eFT It TKK R 334 t 'oueb. riifTnl room, excellent tablo hoard. It. iaouabi ra-tca, ,