Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 17, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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West Park
Open Daily
Noon to
Message Says Theater Will
Be Operated Same
as Before.
Most Successful Opening; Portland Ever Saw. This Wonderful Drama of
Love and War Yesterday Captured Everyone. All Day Crowds Thronged
Mrs. Leslie Csnrter
From Former Owner In
Tliat Showhoiise Will
3 IN sc
Continue All Summer With
Ivoew Giving Up Interest.
"Take circuit back 3Tay r; operate
Fame as before."
This brief message from John W.
ConRldlno received by The Oregonian
yesterday was taken to mean that tie
impress Theater will not close at the
end of this week as had been an
nounced on recent instructions from
Marcus Loew, who for the last year
has been in control of the Empress
circuit. The message was sent from
New York.
It is known that Mr. Loew and his
associates for some time have been
considering returning at least a part
of the circuit to the Considlne interests.
The negotiations to this effect were
to have been completed by May 1, at
which time a payment said to have
been . $100,000 was to be made to th
Considine interests.
The telegram from Mr. Considlne,
which was not followed by any detailed
information on the plans, indicates
that the Considine interests have now
resumed control of the circuit.
Manager Pierong, of the Empress,
aM yesterday that he "had not re
reived any official information to the
effect that Mr. Considlne had resumed
control of the circuit and following a
conversation by Ions distance with
the general office at .Seat lie, said no
further information had been received
from. the. East. Mr. Pierong was of
the opinion, however, that the tele
pram meant the Empress would not
dose next Saturday night, as arranged
for by the Loew interests.
"We probably will be advised Mon
day," said Mr. Pierong. "In case the
circuit, including the Portland house,
is to be kept open, we can book for
the show next week without any dit
Mr. Pieronfr's Instructions to close
the house next Saturday came from
Mr. Loew's New York office.
1Vifc of K. A. Hutchinson, Melan
cholia Victim, Shoots Herself.
SPOKANE, Wash.. May 16. (Spe
cial.) Suddenly overwhelmed by a
paroxysm of melancholia, Mrs. Mar
Bruerite Hutchinsoix wife of Senator R.
A. Hutchinson, ended her life with
revolver at 8 a clock this morning at
tht family home. ller condition was
the result of periods of extreme suf
fering: in the last three years caused
by a series of severe operations she
was compelled to undergro. She came
into the Senator's room for a portion of
the morninff paper, retired and a few
incments later the fatal shot was heard.
Attacks of dejection became notice
able two years ago when she was at
Oljmpia with the'Senator during the
legislative session.
Mrs. Hutchinson came to Washington
Territory in 1S83, when she wu 13
ears old. At 1$ she taught the first
school at vvenatchee. She had been a
constant attendant at legislative ses
Kions for 20 years and gave valuable
aid to the Senator. She was highly ac
complished, a clubwoman of mark and
was noted for her charities.
Indian Fighter, Who Came to Ore-
Eon In 1844, Passes at Eugene.
EUGENE, Or, May 16. (Special.)
Eli Perkins, an Oregon pioneer of 1844,
died at the home of his son, John H,
Perkins, in Eugene, late last night at
the age of 77. He crossed the plains
to Whitman County, Washington, in
1843, moving to lamhill County, Oregon,
in 1844.
In the '60s he moved to Idaho, bu
threa years later he became packniaster
for the Federal Government in Eastern
Oregon, serving under General Perry
during- the Indian outbreaks. Recover
ing from wounds he returned to the
Willamette Valley and located in Lane
County. He is said to have built the
tirst macadam road in Lane County,
The funeral will be held tomorrow.
with interment in the Oak Hill Ceme
Clatsop, Gcarlinrt, Seaside, Necanl-
enrn and Klk Creek Will Unite.
SEASIDE. Or., May 16. (Special.)-
Seaside is to have & union high school.
This was decided at an election held
Saturday when three of the five school
districts comprising Clatsop, Gearhart,
Seaside, Necanicum and Elk Creek
voted on the question, Gearlfeart and
Clatsop both voting against the union
hiah school.
Gearhart voted 14 against and 9 in
favor of the school. Seaside cast a
solid vote for the school, 148 for and
none against.
Penciled Cheek Entangles Youth.
MKDFORP, Or., May 16. (Special.)
William Hall, a young laborer, of
Mcdford. was arrested Saturday night
at the Oaks pool hall, when he at
tempted to pass a pencil-written check
lie had raised from $3 to $30. The
check was given him by M. I. Minear,
of Jacksonville.
Not Good After May 19.
This Coupon will count for 10 Votes
For Miss
Candidate of.
Good for 10 votes when filled out and sent to the Campaign Depart
ment by mail or otherwise, on or before the above date. No coupon will
be altered in any way or transferred after being received at the Rose
Festival Headquarters, 336 Northwestern Bank building.
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Transylvania's Delay Attrib
uted to Change of Route.
Arrival at Scottish Port Espcctcu
Today Voyage to Liverpool to
Be Completed Under Convoy
of British Wurships.
NEW YORK, May IT. The Anchor
Line steamer Transylvania passed safe
ly throuith the war aone about the
BrltUh lutes and arrived at UreeiwcK,
Scotland, at 3 o'clock this mornlag, Lon
don time. Is u announced by officials
of the Canard line, to which the Tran
sylvania -was under charter.
NEW YORK, May 16. (Special.)
The Cunard liner Transylvania, regard
ing which much fear has been ex
pressed, it was said tonight, sailed
from New York with orders to avoid
the "war zone." Instead of proceeding
directlv for Liverpool over the same
route taken by the Lusitania, it la un
derstood she sailed around the west
coast of Ireland for Glasgow. She 1
expected to reach Glasgow about noon
tomorrow. From tiiasgow sne win
proceed to Liverpool through the Irish
Channel, which is aarely guaraea oy
British men-of-war.
The .Translvvania left New lork on
Mv t. about four hours after the re
port of the sinking oi tne uuuaiua
reached here. It was generally be
lieved that she would be in the sub
marine zone today and there were many
innulrlea as to her safety. The Cun
ard line has made no announcement of
any changea aesnnanon aim
have been led to believe mat mere naa
; change.
of the change
A lew w mi stiicw
th sailinc nlans kept the news
fhmplvpa lest it become known to
German secret agents in this country
LONDON, May 17. (Special.) With
reference to the report whicn is cur
rent that the Translyvania had arrived
onfplv a tteleohone inauiry at the Cun
ard offices at 1 o'clock this morning
elicited the response that no news had
yet been received.
Dr. Dicker, in Acldrr, Avrr, lie nnu
Vision of Event of Week and That
Country la FaclnB Danger.
"America is the psychic center of
the world and upon the people oi
America at the present time lies the
responsibility of preserving the world
from chaos and destruction," aeciareu
Dr. J. H. Dickey, addressing the mem
bers of the Temple of Universal fel
lowship at the meeting at the Wood
men Hall last night.
"Destructive psychological forces
that have been at work in the world
have developed great vibrations, and
the people of Europe have not been
able to stand against them and over
come them. The hope now lies with
the people of this country.
Dr. Dickey declared that he had a
conscious vision of the events of the
coming week in their bearing upon
the world crisis, and that within the
next week it would probably be de
cided whether the world is to emerge
from the chaos of war into which it
has been plunged, or whether It
should be plunged deeper and the peo
ple of America, failing in their duty
to save the world, should lose their
country in the unlversal upheaval.
"The President of the United States
needs your support," he said, "and be
V V, o.,l it in th, rnmlnr WAk more
than ever before, for looking -con
sciously throagh the veil of the future
see the war lords gathered in coun
cil, and 1 know what it means. it
means that unless the people of this
country throw their efforts and their
psychic influence against the iorces
that are destroying, in this moment
the United States will fall of her duty
and will be guilty of the greatest psy
chological crime of the ages.
'Sensitives over the entire country
have been receiving visions of late. I
myself have received them, and they
were of a nature that is not conducive
to the greatest, restfulness of soul.
There is no reason why we should not
receive clear visions today as did the
prophets of other days, and it is not
unreasonable to believe that some, of
whom we have heard, have lately seen
the vision of the failure of this gene
ration and the destruction of this
Dr. Dickey held that the persistent
tendency of the age has been to send
out thoughts of negation and destruc
tion. This he declared to be a psycho
logical crime against humanity, and
he held the present war In Europe to
be the result of the accumulated crim
inal psychic impulses that have been
sent forth in this age.
The people of the United States who
are talking peace and thinking peacd
at all times, he maintained, are tak
ing -the surest method to offset the
negative influences that are at work.
and unless the people of this country
develop sufficient positive psychic
force to offset the negative and de
structive forces that are at work, the
entire fabric of human civilization is
destined to crumble and be destroyed.
Leader, Trained in aiinlon School,
Builds Church Like Fort In An
ticipation of Days of War.
DURBAN. South Africa. April 20.
John Chilembwe, the leader of the re
cent native uprising In Nyassaland. had
undergone some training at an Ameri
can "university, according to a writer
in the Natal Mercury who took part
in crushing the outbreak. What uni
versity it was he does not mention,
but presumably one which specializes
in theological studies. The writer says:
"Chilembwe was trained as a teacher
in an American Baptist mission at
Chiradzulo. As he proved clever, he
was taken to America and there took a
university course. He did well and
was ordained pastor and sent back to
his old station, of which later he took
complete charge. He afterward built
a large church, which, it since has
been discovered, was constructed with
great thoughtf ulness. with three-brick
walls, the intention being to use it as
a citadel in military operations.
"He began teaching Ethiopianism and
gradually got a considerable number
of highly educated native to join htm,
and ultimately they decided to wrest
Nyassaland from the Europeans and run
it themselves. All the arrangements
were complete for a simultaneous at
tack on every township and station in
the country, and January 23 was fixed
as the date for the attack. When the
moment came the majority failed to
turn out In some cases the whites
had been warned, so that the raid on
Magemoro was the only successful one.
"Chilembwe was shot in action and
so were many other natives. Several
were court-marlaled and shot, and so
far 16 have been hanged. We are daily
receiving fresh prisoners and the dis
satisfaction is stamped out."
"All Wool" Comes From Castle Rock
First at 1017 Yards a Minute.
Thirty birds of the Oregon Homing
Club cotes were released yesterday
morning at Castle Rock, and the first to
arrive officially was All .Wool, owned'
by Sam Crompton. This bird made the
trip of 58 miles at the rate of 1017
yards a minute. The other winners in
order were:
Old Socks, owned by Charles DeRleux;
1006 yards a minute.
Solid Concrete, owned by Bd Bauer;
1005 yards a minute.
Toyland, owned by Mr. KInnerman
931 yards a minute.
Little Bob, owned by Mr. Shaw; 894
yards a minute.
Hard Luck, owned by G. Adams; S6J
yards a minute.
The Lirds will be released fromChe
halis next Sunday, and will be timed
over tne distance of 75 miles.
Actress IJfe May Be Saved.
There is now definite hope that Miss
Helen Carruthers. the moving-picture
actress, who has been hovering be
tween life arid death at the Good Sa
maritan Hospital as the result of an
attempt to end her life, will live. She
passed a good day yesterday, and, while
all danger is not yet passed, physicians
say that she has a better chance to get
well than at any. other time since
took the poison.
Fresno County. California, produces t)4.
000. 000 pounds, or about 60 per cent, of the
California raisin crop and nearly twice the
quantity produced by Spain,
Rockefeller Letters Mention
Ammons of Colorado.
uM jn., iu dc nennw
Examination Will Go Into Jewly
Revealed Correspondence When
Financier Takes Stand Many
Suggestions Are Offered.
WASHINGTON, May 16. Corre
spondence between John D. Rockefel
ler, Jr., and Ivy L. Lee, assistant to
the president of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, relating to the
"broad educative campaign of public
ity" conducted by Mr. Lee for Mr.
Rockefeller in connection with the
Colorado coal strike, was made public
today by the Federal Commission on
Industrial Relations.
The letters Include those which
Chairman Walsh of the .Commission
contends proe that a letter written
to President Wilson by Governor Am
mons, of Colorado, was prepared un
der the direction of Mr. Rockefeller.
They will be the basis for the exam
ination of Mr. Rockefeller when he re
Bumes the stand before the Commis
sion Tjjeaday.
Reference Made to Ammons.
The correspondence, which covers the
period from June 1, 1914, to August 5,
1914, contains several references to
Governor Ammons. After Mr. Lee and
Mr. Rockefeller had agreed on a plan
for the distribution of a series of bulle
tins designed to "clarify the public
mind" as to the Colorado situation, Mr.
Rockefeller wrote to Mr. Lee that he
had prepared a memorandum in reply
to magazine statements and letters at
tacking the Colorado coal companies,
but had decided not to make it public
He forwarded the memorandum to Mr.
Lee and wrote;
"Several points in my memorandum,
however, could well, even more appro
priately, be used in the letter from Gov
ernor Ammons to President Wilson
which you are proposing to prepare as
soon as the Major's memorandum
reaches you, which I hope will be
"Major" Is Jadge-Advoeate.
The only major referred to in the
correspondence is Major K. F. Bough
ton, judge-advocate- of the Colorado
On June 11 Mr. Lee said in a letter
to Mr. Rockfeller:
"i am inclined to think at the mo
ment the best thing we can do would
be to give the letter from Governor
Amnions to President Wilson our at
tention and I hope we can accomplish
something soon."
The last reference to this subject is
In a letter from Mr. Lee to Mr. Rocke
feller on July 2. In which lie wrote
With reference to the letter for
Governor Ammons, I am not entirely
satisfied with the draft I prepared and
am making certain amendments to
it. I sent out a draft for discussion
but will get it into shape in a day
or eo and then send you & copy."
Rockefeller Makes Personal Loan.
On June 10, Mr. Rockefeller Inclosed
to Mr. Lee a check for 12000 "a a per
sonal loan applicable to the initial ex
pense of organizing the publicity cam
paign undertaking on behalf of the coal
operators at Denver." He asked for
the return of the money as soon as the
operators began to remit to Mr. Lee.'
The correspondence discloses that
other plans were discussed.
On July 2, Mr. Lee referred to
speech by Representative Klndel of
Colorado, and said:
We are going to arrange to have Mr.
Kindel distribute some 20,000 or 30,000
copies of his speech to a mailing list
which we will supply.
On July 11, Mr. Lee wrote that he
had talked with F." A. Delano, then a
member of the Industrial Relations
Commission, and had been "assured"
that the Commission had decided not
to to to Denveruntil the "pending dif
fimiitv" was over.
"That will prevent a reopening of
the flood gates on this subject," he
Many of Mr. Rockefeller's letters
Inclosed newspaper or magazine arti
cles which he suggested for use in the
publicity plan, and many suggested
persons to whom bulletins should
The Commission will conclude to
morrow the inquiry into the relations
of labor and the law.
Professor B. C. Ewer to Speak.
Professor Bernard C. Ewer will speak
tonight at 8 o'clock at the First Pre-
. For Infants and Children.
Th; Kind Yon Hara Always Bought
Bears the
SENSATIONAL BALLYHOO Everyday, on Top Theater, Great Belfry
Scene. Hours 2-3:30 7-8-9:30 Other Splendid Features
Weekday Matinees
Boxes (which should
byterian Church on the subject, "Philo.
sophio Ideallem." as contained in the
ufrilinr, nt Josiah Kovce. This is the
concluding lecture of the series on
..PhiU)S hy of tn. Present Day."
, Lola G. Baldwin to Preside at
Meeting Tomorrow Jiight.
With Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, superin
tendent of the Bureau of Public Safety
for Woman In Portland and member
of the advisory board of the World's
Purity Federation, presiding, a meet
ing will be held by the Oregon Purity
Conference in Room H of the Public
Library tomorrow evening at 8 o clock.
at which a programme will be given.
Delegates to the Ninth International
Purity Congress to be held in fean
Francisco July 18-25 will be nominated.
There w-ill be solos by misb Kditn
Hainea-Kuester and Miss Laura Shaw;
readings by Miss Marjorie Leet. and
addresses by Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, of
the educational department of the
Oregon Congress of Mothers, and Mu
nicipal Judge John H. Stevenson.
Business Men
on Highways.
CHEHALI3. Wash.. May 16. (Spe
cial.) Good Roads day was observed
generally Saturday in Lewis County
bv workers on the highways. Between
Chehalis and Centralia on the old river
road the Chehalis Automobile Club did
effective service in repair work on the
Chehalis end of the route. With i
scraDer outfit good results were at
tained and a number of business and
professional men went out with tools
and smoothed over the rough spots and
filled in the holes.
President Albers, of the Automobile
Club, arranged for a delightful picnic
dinner which was served at the Dona
hoe grove at 6 o'clock to the volun
Leading Photoplay House in City W. Tark and Alder
Follow the Crowds to See
Fanchon the Cricket
A Character Peculiarly Fitted to Her Genius
1 1:30 A. M. to
1 1:30 P. M.
,:-;...,..., -!T 'auk v' A-'
. -tali " - rs - 'v -.v .j,ct .---.. - W' f
..-. . . !" : . v t -via
built in arkrose. that beautiful addition to Portland, which four years
ago was a wilderness, but haa been presto changed by Hartman &
Thompson Into the sweetest suburb of "city farms," located along and
south 0 Sandy boulevard.
This J10.000 school tells its own story. A story of wonderful growth.
Let us show you a half acre or acre nestled among royal firs, luxuriant
dogwoods and beckoning wild flowers, where you can. raise not only
your own vegetables, but your own collection of ruddy-faced, healthy
children. . If your soul aches to be out in the open, if your conscience
bids you furnish your children air and elbow-room, call up Main 208 or
A 2050 and ask for the Farkrose Department.
6 Acts Hundreds of Scenes 6300 Feet of Film
10 Evenings, after 6 o'clock. ... .20
be reserved in advance) 30?
' 9121,000,000 MADE AT
Steady Stream of Coin I'onra Secretly
From Old Depository Into Vault
of New Sub-treasury.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 16 (Special.)
One thousand tons of money, approxi
mately 8131,000,000, reposed Saturday in
the new United States sub-treasury at
Pine and Sansome streets. The transfer
from the old Government depository in
Commercial street was completed today
by Assistant United States Treasurer
Since Marcli 10 a steady stream of
gold and silver lias been pouring from
the historic old sub-treasury on Com
mercial street to the modern structure
built by Uncle Sam to safeguard liis
millions here, and every precaution was
taken by Treasurer McGee to prevent
the general public from knowing that
the removal of the Government's
stored-up riches was in process. The
office effects of the treasury employes
were taken from the old sub-treasury
today and next Monday morning Mr.
McGee and his staff will install them
selves in quarters in the new deposi
tory. was transferred by Wells,
Fargo & Company, the lowest bidders
on the contract. In all 205 wagon
loads were taken under guards to the
vaults at Pine and Sansome streets.
Six portable iron safes on trucks were
lowered on an elevator into the base
ment of the old sub-treasury and taken
into the vaults. Here the Government's
millions, stored up In canvas bags,
were placed in the safes.
Idaho Aggie Gets Position.
May 16. (Special.) F. H. Lafrenz. '15,
of Couer 'd Alene. has been appointed
superintendent of . the demonstration
farm at Siindpoint. Mr. Lwfreng makes
the ninth man of this year's claxx of
the agricultural college to bo placed
in a sood agricultural position. It ia
expected the entire class will be placed
during the next month.
Former Politician and Old Kc-ideiit
at St. Vincent's Hospital.
.Walter F. (Jack) Matthews, an old re i -dent
of Portland, formerly prominent
in local politics. Is still seriously 111
at St. Vincent's Hospital, where he has
been confined to his bed for more than
a month.
Mr. Matthews came to Portland from
San Francisco about 50 years ago, when
he was a boy. He took a prominent
part In local politics, holding the office
of City Auditor, Assistant Postmaster,
and United States Marshal.
Mr. Matthews has a brother. F. IX
Matthews, living at 561 Third street.
Ilruno Klein's Funeral Hold.
Scores of members of the Sons of
Herman attended the services and fol
lowed the funeral cortege of the lata
Bruno Klein; of 833 Glian street,
through the streets yesterday. Serv
ices were held at 2 o'clock at the
undertaking establishment of Dunnlnx
McEntee, under the direction of
William Tell Lodife No. 2. The body
was taken to,the Portland Crematorium
for cremation.
Sunburn, Tan and Freckles
Frerented by tlroi-ly at SnnrfiMptlr. lustantly
rellerea sunburn. Cool. mlh aou n"Mia "Kin.
KK'. All iirni;s1-t. Tli" It a y""r otiting.
By Taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Cleveland, Ohio "My left ;Ia
rained me o for several years that I
. , . ,1 - V. , A g
undereo an opera
tion, but the first
bottle I took of
Lydia E. Pinkham'
Vegetable Com
pound relieved me of
the pains in my ida
and I continued its
use until I became
regular and free,
from pains". I na4
asked several doc
tors if there was anything 1 couia
take to help tne and they said there
was nothing that they knew of. I am
thankful for such a good medicine and
will always give it the highest praise."
Mrs. C. H. Griffith, 156S Constant
St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Hanover. Pa. "I suffered from fe
male trouble and the pains were so bad
at times that I could not sit down. The
doctor advised a severe operation but
mv husband eot me Lydia E. Tinkham's
Vegetable Compound and I experienced
great relief in a short time. Xnow a ieet
like a new person and can do a hard
day's work and not mind it. What joy
and happiness it is to be well once more.
I am always ready and wililr.;? to speak
a good word for the Compound." Mrs.
Ada Wilt, 303WalnutSt.,Hanover,Pa.
If there are any complications you
do not understand write to I.ydla
Pinkham Medicine Co. (cnnnaentlal)
Lynn.Mass. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman ana
beld in strict confidence.
Big Employers are buy
ing it now to help you
to help them-
Buy wisely but buy now
and there will be more op
portunity for employes.
f This is the time of all lime
for the L". S. A. to make vatt
let s all get buty.