Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 12, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, - MAY 13,. 1915.
Constantinople Hospitals Un
able to Accommodate All
Wounded From Straits.
Landing of Britons on Gallipoll
Accomplished After ltepeatcd At
tempts Tall With Heavy Cost;
Troops Winning Laurels.
IAVDON, May 11. The allied troops
n the Gallipoli Peninsula continued
tliir advame Friday and Saturday,
H'-cordlns to an Athens dispatch to
the . Eschangn Telesrraph Company.
They are reported to have occupied
important positions in spite of the des
perate resistance offered by the
Turks, whose total losses are esti
mated at 45.000 men. The hospitals in
Constantinople are said to be so
crowded that wounded are being sent
to Konieh in Asia Minor.
Turkish troops are beine transported-
from Smyrna to the Turkish
teapurts of Alexandretta and Adalia,
fays a dispatch received today from
Athena by the London Kvenin& Star,
wins to the fear that a hindinjr is
alout to be made at those places by
forces of the allies.
nrltom Show Valor.
The British press representative in
the Dardanelles under date of April
Sn has written the following account
of operations on the peninsula:
"While Australians and New 55ea
)anders were fis-htinpr so pallantly
ecainst heavy odds north of Gaba
Tepe. British troops crowned them
selves with equal laurels at the south
ern end of the Gallipoli Peninsula. A
firm footing has now been obtained.
The lirwe stretches across the southern
end of the entire peninsula with both
flanks secured by the fire of war
ships. The army holds many conven
ient landing- places, immune from the
nemy"s guns.
"The problems British landing: par
lies faced differed from those the Aus
tralians solved farther .north. Here
the cliffs are not hlgrh and Irreg-ular,
but rise about 50 feet from the water's
cdse, with stretches of beach at inter
vals. Five of these beaches were se
lected for disembarkation under the
cover of warships. It was hoped the
Turkish trenches would be rendered
untenable and the barbed wire en
tnnplements cut by the fire of the
ships, but these expectations were not
.Cross Fire Meets Troops.
"For example, the landing; place be
tween Cxaba Tepe and Capo Helles was
the scene of a. desperate struggle which
rased all day. The Turks held barbed
w ire protected trenches in force and
their snipers covered the foreshore.
After hours of bombardment the troops
were taken ashore at daybreak. Part
of the force scaled the cliffs and ob
tained a precarious footing on the
edge of the cliffs, but boats which
landed alonor the beach were confronted
with a solid -hedge of barbed wire and
exposed to a terrible cross Are. ' Every
effort was made to cut the wire, but
almost all those who landed here were
shot down. Later the troops on, the
cliffs succeeded in driving back the
Turks and clearing the beach.
"The most terrible of all landings,
however, was on the beach between
Cape Helles and Seddul Bahr. Here
the broker valley runs inland, enfiladed
by hills on either flank, on which were
built strong forts which defended the
entrance to the straits until they were
knocked out by our guns. Although
the guns and emplacements were shat
tered, the bombproofs and ammunition
chambers remained Intact and running
back formed a perfect network of
trenches and entanglements right
around the semi-circular valley.
Snipers Found Everywhere.
"The Turks had mounted pompoms
n the Cape Helles side and had the
usual snipers concealed everywhere.
The foreshore and valley also were
protected by trenches and wire, render
ing the position most formidable.
"One novel expedient was running a
liner full of troops deliberately ashore,
thus allowing them to approach close
in under cover without being exposed
In open boats. Great doors had been
cut In her sides to permit rapid dis
embarkation and she was well provided
with maxims to sweep the shore while
the troops were landing. Owing to her
goiniar ashore farther east than was
intended, however, it became necessary
to bring up a lighter to facilitate the
landing. The Turks directed a perfect
tornado of rifle, maxim and pompom
fire on 200 men who made a dash down
the gangway. Only a few survived to
gain shelter. All the others were killed
in the gangway. Disembarkation.
therefore, which meant almost certain
death, was postponed until later in the
morning, when another attempt also
Troopship Is Shelled.
"Then, while the liner carrying 2000
inpn packed In like sardines with the
officers huddled on the protected
bridge, lay all day on shore with a
bail of bullets rattling against her
protected sides, tho battleships Albion,
Cornwallis and Queen Klizabeth
furiously bombarded Seddul Bahr and
the encircling hills.
"Meanwhile the Turks on the Asiatla
side tried to destroy the liner by
howitaer fire, which was kept under
only by the bombardment from cover
ing ships in the straits. In spite of
this covering fire. the vessel was
pierced by four big shells and It was
decided to postpone any further move
ment until night, when the troops got
ashore almost without the Turks' tiring
a shot, as a result, perhaps, of troops
landed on other beaches who pushed
along and destroyed some Turkish
Contlmird From "irt Pitre.
took up a position a half-mile Sistant
on our port bow, the lago off our star
board quarter close to us. We steered
as directed and at about 12:22, the
econd officer being on watch, sighted
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a submarine on our port bow slightly
on the port bow steaming at right
angles to our course. The submarine
was in sight for about five minutes,
when she submerged right ahead of us.
I saw her, but could not distinguish or
see any flag flying on her.
KlKht-Mile Mind BloTrlnK.
"The Gulfllght was then steering
about due east, steaming about eight
miles an hour, flying a large American
ensign, size tlx feet by ten. - Tho wind
was about south, about eight miles an
hour in force. I personally observed
our flag was standing out well to the
"Immediately after seeing the sub
marine 1 went aft and notified the
crew and came back and went on the
bridge and heard the captain make the
remark that that must be a British
submarine, as the patrol boats took
no notice of it. About 12:50 an explo
sion took place in the Gulfllght on
the bluff of the starboard bow, sending
vast quantities of water high in the
air, coming down on the bridge and
shutting everything off from our view.
After the water cleared away our ship
had sunk by the head so that the sea
was washing over her fore deck and
the ship appeared to be 'Sinking.
"Immediately after I went aft to see
to the boats. On my way I saw one
man overboard on the starboard sid.
The water at that time was black with
oil. The boats wore lowered and the
crew got into them without delay or
Captain Din on British Vessel.
"After ascertaining thcro was no one
left on board the ship, 1 got in my
boat and we were picked up by the
patrol vessel lago and were advised
by her crew to leave the scene. We
proceeded toward St. Marys, but the
denso fog which then came on pre
vented us getting into the harbor that
"About half-past two In the morning
following I saw Captain Alfred Gunter,
master of the Gulfllght. who had been
sleeping in the room of the skipper of
the lago, standing in the room with a
queer look in his face. I asked him
what his trouble was and he made no
reply. Then he reached for the side
of the berth with his hands, but did not
take hold. I went in the room, but he
fell before I reached him. He was
taken on deck, as the cabin was small
and hot. After reaching tho deck he
seemed to revive and said: "I am cold.'
After that he had apparently two faint
ing attacks and then expired in a third
one, this being 3:40 o'clock.
"We arrived at St. Marys, Scilly,
about 10 o'clock in the morning of
May 2. The Gulflight was towed to
Crow Sound, Scilly, on May 2 by. British
patrol vessels, and Commander Oliver,
senior naval officer of the Port of
Scilly, sent for someone to come on
board the Gulflight, and I went, and
the ship was anchored about 6 P. M.
I again left the ship that evening, she
being then in the charge of the Ad
miralty. I visited the ship on Monday.
I went out again on Tuesday, but it
was too rough to get on board. To
the best of my knowledge no examina
tion of the vessel was made by divers
until Wednesday, about 3 P. M., when
members from the American Embassy
were present. The divers at this time
made an external examination only of
the ship's bottom and left the rl-.iu
with me at 5:40 P. M.
War Conld Be Made Last In History,
Says Retired American Officer, by
Federation of Nations.
LOS ANGELES. May 11. Lieu tenant
General Nelson A. Miles, retired, said
in an interview published here today
that la his opinion the Lusitania
tragedy would be only one of a series
of appalling disasters, due -to the
European war, but that the war Itself
could be made "the last in history" by
a federation of nations, working
through a recognized and properly sup
ported tribunal of arbitration.
With regard to the keen interest of
the United States In the consequences
of the Lusitanla's destruction, General
Miles said his lips were sealed by the
War Department rules governing Army
officers. But he added:
"A general demand for militarism
will lead us back 200 years, when the
people at large had nothing to say re
garding peace or war. Reason, liberty
and human rights must prevail or they
must degenerate."
(Continued From First Page.)
be dreaded than our present neighbor
on the east.
"The necessity of Austria-Hungary
aa a bulwark against the Slavs has
been Implicitly recognized by Great
Britain and France. Furthermore, I
believe this feeling certainly would
increase if Emperor Nicholas could ac
complish his political attainment,
namely, the occupation of Constantino
ple, for the reason that from Constan
tinople the Emperor of Russia could
threaten the Mediterranean, the Suez
Canal and the Persian Gulf, a situation
which would revive the old antagonism
between Great Britain and Russia.
"If Russia sees her ambition frus
trated with her allies," this Italian
statesman continues. "I would not be
surprised at her being the first to come
to terms with Germany on the basis
of an agreement that Turkey permit
her to pass the Dardanelles.
"Such an outcome as this would lead
to the reconstruction of the league
the three Emperors, with all its polit
ical international chances which are
easy to foresee.
"These are the principal reasons why
Italy, unless it cannot be helped, should
not break her treaty with Germany and
Austria-Hungary, a treaty which ex
pires in 1917," the leader of the neu
tral party said in conclusion, "but at
the same time she should cultivate good
relations with . Great Britain, with
whom we have no cause for friction.
Mail Routes to Be Established.
ington, May 11. Tri-weekly rural free
delivery routes will be established June
16 at Waitsburg, Wash., SO miles long.
to serve 103 families, and at Winona,
Idaho, 20 miles long, to serve 70 fami
lies. lioston Opera Company Bankrupt.
BOSTON. May 110., The Boston Opera
Opera Company, which produced grand
opera in this city for six months, filed
a voluntary petition In bankruptcy to
day. The schedule shows liabilities of
tzis.ouo and assets of (79.000.
Masks Nullify Fumes and Foe
Is Met With Rifle and Ma
chine Gun Fire.
Paris Says Vigorous Offensive Is
Being Pursued by Allies; Car
ency Invested and German
Lines Made Precarious.
PARIS. May 11. The following offi
cial communication was issued by the
French War Office tonight:
"To the north of IMxmude the Bel
gian troops who have succeeded In
throwing up a bridge head on the right
bank of the Yser were subjected to
violent attacks by three German bat
talions last night. The Belgians re
pulsed these, inflicting on the enemy
heavy losses and taking about 50 pris
oners. Another Belgian division has
gained ground to the south of Dix
mude. "To the cast of Ypres the British
troops have been attacked again with
the aid of asphyxiating gases. They
allowed the fumes to pass over, under
the protection of masks recently put
into use, and by rifle and machine
gun fire they annihilated at the points
of their guns the German columns,
which had advanced in close formation.
German Trench System Taken.
"Our success to the north of Arras
was sensibly enlarged today In the
course of the fighting. 'In an engage
ment of extreme violence in front, of
Loos we captured, after a desperate
struggle and despite an intense can
nonade, an important German work
and an entire system of trenches con
structed along the road from Loos to
"Further to the south we captured
by assault the big blockhouse and the
chapel of Notre Dame de Lorette. This
position had been ardently defended for
months by the Germans, who had
turned it into a veritable fortress. It
was surrounded and invested and was
taken today by our troops.
"We have, without pause, pursued
our success in pressing the enemy
energetically between the chapel of
Notre Dame de Lorette and Ablain-St.
Nazaire. All of the German trenches to
the south of the chapel have fallen suc
cessively Into our hands, and in them
we found several hundred dead bodies.
"The Germans, debouching from
Ablain-St. Nazaire, delivered a counter
attack which was immediately crushed.
"We have also taken the offensive
and gained ground in the direction of
the sugar refinery at Souchez. At
Carency the investment of the German
position has been drawn tighter by us.
Blockhouses Are Occupied.
"We have occupied several blocks of
houses in the eastern part of the vil
lage and made 50 prisoners, of whom
one was an officer, and we have
progressed toward the wood to the east
of the village. The communications of
Carency and Ablain-sur-Souchez are
becoming more and more difficult for
the enemy.
"After a violent engagement we took
possession -of the cemetery at .Neuville
St. Vaast, which had been strongly or
ganized by the Germans, and followed
this work with an advance to the
southeast of the village, beyond which
we extended our lines "west and east.
"In the sectoe of Loos-Arras, where
we previously carried three lines of
German trenches, fighting is now go
ing on along the fourth line.
"Prisoners, .whose numbers continue
to increase, declare the order was
given to hold at any price the chapel
and blockhouse of Notre Dame de Lo
rette." Mgkt Attack Belgians Fails.
The French official report issued
earlier in the day said:
"In Belgium, near St. Georges, the
enemy endeavored by a night attack
to recapture the positions taken by us
the day before yesterday. They were,
however, repulsed.
"North of Arras our progress has
continued. We took possession first of
the cemetery Monday night, and then
of the eastern part of the village of
Carency and also of the road from
Carency to Sauches. Carency. where
we took 230 more prisoners, including
three officers, and captured several
machine guns, is now invested by our
troops on three sides and is reduced
to precarious communication with the
German lines.
"The forces brought by the enemy
from Lens and from Douai in auto
mobiles were not successful at any
place in getting the advantage. Four
strong counter attacks broke down un
der our fire during the afternoon of
Monday, at the same time suffering
heavy losses.
"These attacks took place In front
of Loos, at Notre Dame de Lorette,
at Sauchez and at Neuville Saint
Vaast. At this last mentioned place
we gained territory, at the same time
making about 100 prisoners. The num
ber of officers taken by us up to
last night is more than 60.
"The enemy suffered a further check
Monday night. The counter-attack to
the north of Neuville Saint Vaast,
preceded by a violent bombardment,
was completely repulsed and we re
tained all the ground gained thus, at
the same time inflicting heavy losses
on our assailants. On the remainder
of the front from Loos to Arras, there
was no counter-attack yesterday.
"Following the bombardment of
Dunkirk, reported yesterday morning,
during which three shells fell but with
out hurting anybody or inflicting any
damage, the Germans threw 11 shells
on the Town of Bergues. five miles
south-southeast of Dunkirk. Twelve
persons were killed and 11 wounded.
Our batteries at once opened fire and
they put a stop to the shelling of the
enemy, which was not resumed during
the day.
"On the rest of the front there has
been nothing to report.
"One of our aviators yesterday
bombarded a hangar for dirigible
balloons at Maubeuge and started a
fire. An aviator of the enemy threw
bombs on the railroad, station at
Doullens, 20 miles north of Amiens,
but without doing any damage. An
other aviator of the enemy, pursued
between the Argonne and the Meuse
by a French airman, was compelled
to come down within the German lines,
where his machine took fire.
"On the other hand, the Germans
brought down yesterday a British
aviator, and British soldiers were suc
cessful in bringing down two German
Further Progress at Ypres Is Re
ported by Germans.
BERLIN, via London, May 11. The
German General Headquarters Staff to
day gave out this report:
"An English ship was driven away
from Westendo yesterday morning by
our fire.
"We made -further progress east of
Tpres and captured five machine guns.
The French continued their attacks
southwest of the Lorette Hills and at
the villages of Ablayn and Carency. All
their attacks were repulsed. The num
ber of prisoners made by us .here was
increased to 800.
"Between Carency and Neuville the
French still remain in possession of the
trenches taken by them. The battle
"An English flying machine Was
shot down at a point southwest of
"Southwest of Berry-au-Bae and In
the wood south of Longville-au-Bois
our troops yesterday took by storm a
position of two lines of trenches sit
uated behind each other and stretching
over a width of 400 meters. We also
took a number of unwounded prisoners
and captured two mine throwers with
much ammunition.
"Enemy infantry attacks north of
Flirey and in the forest of Le Pretre
failed, with considerable losses to our
Headquarters Reports Suppression
of German Artillery.
HAVRE, May 11. The following re
port, under date of May 10, was issued
today at the Belgian War Office:
"Several fractions of our troops suc
ceeded in crossing the right bank of
the Yser, north of Dixmude.
"The enemy continued an intermit
tent cannonade near Ramscapelle and
on our front stretching before Dix
mude, and also on the outskirts of
Mordichmon and Pyregael. Our bat
teries have each time suppressed the
German artillery.'! . .
Pont-a-Mousson Again Bombarded.
PONT-A-MOUSSON, France, May 11.
This town, which probably holds the
record for bombardments by the Ger
mans, again is being subjected to an in
tense fire. A shell recently fell in
the kitchen of a house occupied by a
family named Le Jaille, without wound
ing anyone, but a few days later an
other shell landed in a bedroom, kill
ing one person and wounding three.
(Continued From First Page.)
aration for any damage in the war
zone to neutral vessels, will not affect
the determined course ot the Presi
dent.' It was considered by the Cabi
net today, but high officials later
pointed out that there is no guaran
tee in it that the lives of Americans
will be safeguarded, as submarines
cannot accommodate passengers or
crews of the vessels they attack.
It developed In the course of the day
that serious consideration had been
given to the status of Dr. Bernard
Dernburg, ex-German Colonial Secre
tary, who has been in this country for
several months past as a spokesman for
the German cause. The statements ot
Dr. Dernburg justifying the torpedo
ing of the Lusitania as an incident of
war, taken in connection with other
utterances, are understood to have met
with strong disapproval in high ex
ecutive quarters.
Precedents Are Kxamlned.
This has led to some examination of
precedents to see what courses are
open to the Government to restrict the
embarrassment which many of the offi
cials feel has resulted from his activity.
The departure of Dr. Dernburg or the
cessation of his activities would, it is
intimated, not be unwelcome to the
authorities here, to say the least.
The White House staff was busy to
day with a deluge of messages almost
unprecedented in magnitude. Many
from Governors of states, members of
the Senate and others comprised reso
lutions of state Legislatures. The tele
grams almost unanimously - expressed
confidence in the President in the pres
ent crisis. They indicated that popular
feeling over the disaster had by no
means diminished. While most of the
messages expressed the desire that
something be done to show the indigna
tion of the United States over the sink-
ng of the Lusitania. many of them
strongly oppose a recourse to war.
messages Delivered to President.
All of the messages were delivered to
the President and it was expected that
he would go over as many of them aa
The President took a motor ride
after the Cabinet meeting and later
reviewed the Washington High School
cadet corps. He secluded himself
again tonight in his study, perusing, it
was believed, editorial opinion and
messages. The belief grew in many
quarters that he would communicate
directly with Emperor William when
he came to a decision. During the
present war he has on a previous oc
casion written personally to Emperor
.Nicholas of Russia on behalf of Aus
trian prisoners, and to adopt this form
of communication, it was suggested,
would make it possible for the Presi
dent to devote his message to the gen
eral cause of humanity rather than
any specific case which the regular
form of diplomatic correspondence
might necessitate.
The fact that Mr. Wilson said today
ne was not .reierring in nis speech in
Philadelphia last night especially to
the Lusitania tragedy was taken in
many quarters to mean that he had in
mind the broader idea of humanity.
His references to the example which
the United States should set other na
tions by remaining at peace repre
sented, he intimated today, hia personal
attitude and not necessarily a fixed
German and Austrian traae In India Is
dead for th time being, and the sentiment
of the entire business element in India is so
stronnly u roused against these countries that
any important revival of business dealings
with them is altogether unlikely for many
years to come.
10V AT THE 10
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Berlin Gives Out Story. Brit
ish Fired on Each Other.
Admiralty Says There Is Not Mord
or Truth In "Fabrication" and
That German Anxiety Thereby
Shown Is Noteworthy.
LONDON, May 11. Tho Bitish offi
cial press bureau today issued this
"The following statement, dated Ber
lin. May 3. has been officially circu
lated through the German wireless sta
tions and received by the Marconi com
pany: "'The main headquarters reported
some weeks ago that a large number
of reports were current which originat
ed in Norway to the effect that near
Bergen, on the Norwegian coast, dur
ing the night from April 7 to 8, heavy
sea fighting between English and Ger
man ships had taken place. Ships com
ing from that direction also reported
that they had seen squadrons of war
ships. On the night in question gun
fire had been noticed.
Battleships Iteported Damaged.
"'With regard to these reports, some
light now has-been thrown on the
matter by the commander of the sub
marine AE.J. which was destroyed in
the Dardanelles. According to a . let
ter which came Into our possession re
garding the North Sea., fight which is
said to have taken place, the. British
battleship Superb is said to havo been
sunk and the cruiser Warrior is said
to have been sinking without the Ger
man navy's having suffered any loss.
On Friday, April 9, a number of cruis
ers are said to have arrived in a tadly
damaged condition. The Lion wau bad
ly damaged. Official report say noth
ing of all this.
" 'Similar reports have come to hand
from reliable neutral sources to the
effect that a number of badly damaged
and slightly damaged ships had
reached English ports for repairs. The
manner in which they had been dam
aged has been left unexplained.
British Admiralty Denlea All.
"An especially large number ot
rinmaeed ships ran into the Tyne. A
damaged cruiser was towed into the
Tvn. A Khin of the Lion class, with a
starboard list and with her aft funnel
misKinf was towed Into the Firth of
" 'The silence of the Admiralty on all
this is easily to be understood. As the
German navy took no part In any fight
ing on the night in question and as a
fight with neutral vessels is out of the
ouestion. a battle can only have taken
place between ships of the British fleet
which did not recognize eacn oiner m
the darkness.'
Th. Secretarv of the British Admir
iiv Kavs that there is not a word of
truth in this fabrication. It is, how
over interesting as a mark Of the
.nripiv of Germany at the present mo
ment to make an impression on neutral
Dentist Held to Grand Jury.
Arrested by David Fuller, deputy
United States Marshal, on a charge of
attempting to pass mutilated coins. N
North, a dentist with offices in the
Swetland building, was bound over to
the Federal grsnd Jury after a prelim
Created an Absolute
Wonderful Acting
Don't Fail to See It
inary 'hearing x before United States
Commissioner Drake. His bail waa fixed
at $1000. which he was unable to fur
nish. He was charged with trying to
pass two $5 gold pieces, one of which
had been mutilated and cut so that it
was 60 cents short weight, while the
other was SO cents under weight.
Argument in Suit of Crater Lake
Park ex-Superintendent Is May 2 1.
ington,' May 11. Argument in the suit
of William F. Aran, ex -superintendent
of Crater Lake National Park, against
the Secretary of the Interior to com
pel the latter to restore him to office
from which he was removed, was today
postponed to May 24. Arant contends
he was protected by civil service law.
nd could be removed only for cause
given him in writing.
ine toecretary s answer Is that Arant
was the personal appointee of the Sec
retary of the Interior, never took the
civil service examination and was not
entitled to civil service protection.
Nevada attain was the greatest sllver-
roducing Mate last year, followed in order
y Idaho. Montana. Utah and f.olorado.
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Three Dramatic Artists, fea
turing Great denunciation
Scene. Sensationally realistic.
' other (iod Film Flars and
pe-laltlr, Inelualna fardel
Farewell Projcramme of Joe
Roberta, Bnnjoist.
Sunday, May 16
5 Acts 200 Scenes. Re
quired efforts of 5000
people. Cost over $100,
000. Directed by Her
bert Brenon, who pro
duced "N e p t u n e's"
Daughter." The great
play selected by Lee
S h u b e r t from over
scores submitted to open
New York Hippodrome
when that famous
house, seating over
5000, went into motion
pictures March 20th.
Brought to National at
huge expense.
It will be the realistic
sensation of the decade.
Remember, begins Sun
day, May 16th.
Also pantomimic por
trayal of most sensa
tional battle scene, re
quiring hundreds of
This theater. Rose festival
Queen candidate wiltatt tnd
and ui!J be introduced from
the stage in the evening.
Smokers ot
Turkish Trophies
Cigarette fifteen years ajro
are smokers of
Turkish Trophies
Cigarettes today 1
and Egyptian CgarrttnbtthiUcrid
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