Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 12, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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Managing Editor Main TOTO, A 60513
l itv Editor Main 7070, A UUUO
Bunday Editor Main 77i, A BUU6
.Advertising Department . . .Main TOTO. A ttoi5
City Circulation Main TO . ... A ul6
Composing -room Main 7070, WW8
Printing-room Main 7070, A B05
superintendent Building. . .Main 7070, A eoas
HEIL.IG (Broadway at Taylor) John Drew
in "Kosemary." Thia afternoon at 2:15
and tonight at 8:20.
(Fourth and Stark) Moving pictures and
vaudeville. Continuous till 11 o'clock.
PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Perform
ances 2:30. 7:30 and U:UO P. M.
and Yamhill) Pertormances 2:30, 7:B0
and 9:15 P. M.
Motion Picture Theaters.
NATIONAL Park, West Park, near Wash.
PEOPLES West Park, near Alder.
MAJESTIC Park and Washington.
NEW STAR Park and Washington. V
JSLNSKT THEATER Broadway and Wash
ington. COLUMBIA THEATER Sixth and Stark.
East Sidk Pa vino Souoht. The
Improvement of the district of East
Madison and East Forty-lirst streets
is projected, the cost t be 3615. This
district includes East Madison from
East Forty-first to East Forty-third
street, and an alley In Sunnyside Addl.
tion. It will be a class "A" Hassam
pavement, to be maintained ten years
by the city. The improvement of East
Fiftieth street between East Stark
street and the north line of Wallace
Addition is projected. This will be a
concrete pavement and the cost will be
15638. Jt is proposed to improve
Forty-first avenue, between the west
line of Meadovtfiurst to East Flfty-seoond-
street: uy frradinvc and laying:
cement sidewalks at an estimated cost
1" od00.
German Veteran's Funeral Is Held.
Funeral services of Vred Arndt. who
died at 114a Knot Nineteenth North,
Saturday at the afire of 69 year, wart
held yesterday from St. 1'aulus Church,
East Eigrhth and Failing streets. Rev.
Mr. Herbert officiating. He was a
veteran of the Franuo-l'russian War of
1870, and was present at the sieere and
capture of Paris. He had been In the
employ of the Portland Hallway, Eight
& Power Company, but had retired on
account of illness and old age. He Is
survived by two daughters, Mrs. Hat
tie Chapman, of White Salmon, Wash.,
and Mrs. Anialia MacKay, of Everett,
Wash. Mr. Arndt was decorated for
bravery at the siege of Paris.
Charles H. BnacH'a Funeral Held.
Funeral services for Charles H.
Burch, who died at Astoria Saturday,
were held yesterday from Dunnlng's
Chapel, 414 East Alder street. Inter
ment was made in Kiverview Cemetery.
Mr. Burch was 53 years of age, and
was the veteran conductor of the O.-W.
11. & N. fifth division, his run covering
the beach line between Megler and
Nahcotta. where he had been for the
past 25 years. Death was sudden, at
Astoria. He is survived by his widow,
Mrs. Olvie Gore Burch, and . one
daughter. Miss Alice Burch. He had
many friends in Portland.
Ladies' Aid to Show Old Curiosity
Shop. The Ladies' Aid Society of the
Laurelwood Congregational Church,
will exhibit an "Old Curiosity Shop'
thia afternoon and evening In the
building on the Foster road between
Arleta and Laurelwood, in the South
East Side. There will be relics from
every land, including curios from China.
Alaska and the West Indies, and there
will be a wedding dress worn by one
of the great-grandmothers more than
60 years ago. Exhibits, which came
over in the Mayflower, will be placed
on exHibition.
Presbytery to Ordain Minister-to-Be.
The Presbytery of Portland will
ordain to the g-ospel ministry Monroe
0. Everett, a graduate of McCormick
Theological Seminary, Chicago, in the
First Presbyterian Church, Twelfth and
Alder streets, at 8 o'clock this evening.
Mr. Everett will preach his trial
sermon before the presbytery at that
time. Dr. A. L. Hutchinson, moderator
will preside. Rev. A. J. Montgomery
win offer the ordination prayer and
Rev. Levi Johnson will deliver the
charge. The meeting will be public. -
Rev. A. B. Waltz Recovering. Rev.
A. B. Waltz, pastor of the East Forty-flfth-Street
Baptist Church, who under
went a surgical operation at Good
Samaritan Hospital last week Is re
covering, and probably will b'e taken
home the last of the present week. Mr
Waltz was on the programme of the
V lllamette Baptist Association which
met In. the MontavlIIa Baptist Church
but had to go to the hospital instead'
He was elected moderator of the as
sociation for tho year.
Moth:r Home With Son's Body
Mrs. L. A. Murphy, of Elmira, N. Y
who camo West last week, to take
home the body or her son, yesterday
telegraphed her safe arrival at Elmira
and sent thanks to all by whom she
was befriended when in Portland. The
young man whoso bodv was taken
SAW?V!?fent A- M""-Phy. an em
h , a T,hf 0reS"'n pressroom, who
died April 30 in Good Samaritan Hos
pital. t..f,n?KTBA. TO Be 'ven. A silver
WorT.i' , lvc" bv the officers of the
.Vomans Home Missionary Society at
the home of Mrs. Richmond Kelly. 1051
Gladstone avenue, this afternoon. The
mite boxes will be opened at this time.
Members are urged to pay their dues
now because the fiscal year ends June
15 Mrs. Birdean Gamble, of Coos Bay
will sing. Take "W-W" car to Thirty'
fifth and Gladstone avenue. inl"y
Prohibition Meeting Called. There
will be a united rally of an the
churches lr. the Kern Park district held
1 i1 Kern Park Christian Church
tonight at 8 o'clock in the interests of
National Prohibition. J. Sanger Fox
executive secretary of the Oregon Pro'.
nibition state committee, will be the
speaker. There will be special music
T1(FJn8Tr?KBRKW Bk"bvolknt Associa
tion. The annual meeting- of the as
sociation will be held this evening.
Wednesday. May 12, 1915. 8PM at
the Concordia Clubrooms. Your attend
ance is earnestly requested. By order
?etary!-Adv.ident- B'r. -c!
Frf-d A Roth Dies. Fred A. Roth,
engineer of the Southern Pacific Rail
road, died Monday at his home. 12 East
Eleventh street, at the age of 25 years
1, e.vWaS, S SO" of Mr" and Mrs. John
Roth, of Eugene. The body will be sent
held wtere the funeral will be
House Driver Fined. Geor 3
Botsford was fined 20 In Municipal
Court yesterday morning on the charge
of driving a horse until the animal
was exhausted. Patrolman Freiburir
was the complainant.
Opportunity for dentist with ea.
tablished first-class physician; splendid
light, well-known building, central
location; moderate rental AM 708
Oregon Ian. Adv. '
No. t Fir Wood From City wood
camp No. 1, J4.60 cord, oak, 6.60. first
district Holman Fuel Company. Main
853, A 3353. Prices subject to change
Adv. '
Thb Orkoon City Commercial Club
is looking for a, merry-go-round and
Ferris wheel for Saturday, May 22
Doctor's Offices to let In downtown
building, central location; moderate
rental. AL 708, Oregonian. Adv.
Orintal Roos. wash-cieaned and
repaired. Cartozian Bros. Main 3433
To Let. For business purposes, store,
1876 square feet, central location, mod
erate rental. AK 710, Oregonian. Adv.
Shipherd's Hot Springs. A good
time to go. K. L. Shipherd, mgr. Adv.
Bust Printing Service at lowest rates.
V. W. Baltes & Co., Main lil. A 1166. Adv.
i r : 77, ; n v'"'"t" I
: f I 10 .j
1 ; I v - I - -
- V Q ' 4 t
torn , I l . i-' 1
1 k I - ' 1? V A i v '
' V ' n a 4 t - " 1 i
The Hippodrome, the largest theater In America, located in New
York, was converted into a motion-picture house by the Tiffany Mo
tion Picture Corporation to produce the film production of "The Heart
of Maryland," which is to be shown at the National Theater in Port
land, beginning Sunday, May 16. This film is in many ways the most
remarkable ever produced In the United States. Mrs. Leslie Carter and
other prominent actors appear in the cast, making the production from
the standpoint of acting one of the finest films lately released. More
than 6000 people participate in the play.
Seven tons of gunpowder, 2500 explosive shells, 1000 Infantrymen.
400 cavalrymen, 38 cannon, 15 mortars, and innumerable other war
material, much of which was destroyed In the action, was called into
service In staging the play.
The total expense of producing "The Heart of Maryland" is estimated
at something more than $100,000.
Pilgrim Church May Call Pastor.
A meeting of the members of the
Pilgrim Congregational Church, Shaver
street aid Missouri avenue, will be
held Thursday night, when calling a
pastor will come up for consideration.
Rev. A. J. McKenzie has been sup
plying the pulpit for the past three
weeks, and has submitted a proposi
tion to the church which If accepted
he may be called there. Pilgrim Con
gregational Churoh has been without
a regular pastor since the resignation
of Rev. D. V. Poling to join the "Flying
National Temperance Squad," which
has been touring the country. The
pulpit has been supplied by Professor
Proctor, of Pacific University, and Rev.
Mr. McKenzie.
Dentist Jailed for Auto Mishap.
For driving his automobile into another
car at Sixth and Stark streets, -Dr.
Emil G. Ausplund. dentist, was sen
tenced to 48 hours in jail by Municipal
Judge Stevenson yesterday morning.
The dentist entered a plea of guilty,
precluding the right to appeal to a
higher court. A list of autoists
guilty of speeding and the amount
each was fined follows: Wilbur Carl
son, ?30; Joseph White, $35; H. A,
Weiman, $25; O. G. Kell, 25; J. J.
Lewis, $25, and Ralph " Norris, $25.
Charles Booth and W. W. Neil were
fined $5 each for leaving their muf
flers open within city limits.
Mrs. Newman's Funeral Is Today.
The funeral of Mrs. Lydia Newman,
who died Sunday near Luther Station
at the age of 72 years, will be held
today at 10 A. M. from Dunnlng's
Chapel, and the interment will be made
In Multnomah Cemetery. She Is sur
vived by her husband. Nelson Newman;
three sons, J. B. Newman, of Terra
Haute, Ind.; F. I. Newman, of Boav,
Wis.; J. F. Newman. Portland; four
daughters. Mrs. Iva Wells, Troutdale,
Wis.; Mrs. Alice Sawcett, of Livingston,
Wis.; Mrs. Jessie Cushman, of Lewey,
Wis., and Mrs. Florence Bell. Portland.
Mrs. Newman had lived in Oregon for
eight years.
Nkw Member of Censor Board Named.
Because of the press of business W.
T. Norton yesterxlay tendered his resig
nation as a member of the Board of
Motion-Picture Censors. - Mayor Albee
appointed W. S. Wessling,. branch man.
ager of the Pathe Exchange, to take
Mr. Norton's place. Mr. Norton says he
does not have the time " to devote to
the work. Mr. Wessling, his successor,
is well known in the motion-picture
business In Portland. He will be one
of two members of the Board repre
senting the film exchanges.
Corrugated Iron Rate Case Re-
Opened. The case of various com
panies dealing in corrugated iron pipes
and culverts against the railroads for
what they hold to be discriminatory
charges of 95 cents for corrugated
sheets as against SS cents for plain
sheets has been ordered re-opened by
the Interstate Commerce Commission,
according to information received by
J. H. Lotrop, of the Transportation
Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce,
yesterday. The commission originally
ruled the rates discriminatory.
Brotherhood to Hold Banquet. A.
N. Wills, chairman of the social serv
ice committee of the Sellwood Metho
dist Brotherhood, was authorized to
make arrangements for a get-together
banquet June 23. at a meeting of the
brotherhood Monday night in the Sell
wood Y. M.-U. A. Rev. A. R. Maclean.
A. N. Wills and II. E. Stoughton were
appointed a nomination committee to
report at the annual meeting on the
night of June 14.
Senator Lane to Speak Today.
Senator Harry Lane will be the speaker
of the day at the luncheon of the Ad
Club at the Multnomah Hotel today at
noon. Chairman of the day will be
Postmaster F. S. Myers. The candi
dates for queen of the Rose Festival
will be guests of honor at the luncheon
and after the meeting is over motion
pictures of the candidates will be
taken for circulation among tho thea
ters of the city.
Sealers to Beoin Work. Three
recently appointed district state
weights and measures sealers were in
Portland yesterday inspecting the
workings of the Portland weights and
measures bureau. These officials, who
will begin inspection In the state at
once, will co-operate with the sealer of
weights and measures of Portland.
Principal to Fight Case. C. M. Staf
ford, principal of the Woodlawn School,
one of the principals whose dismissal
has been recommended by Superintend
ent Alderman, has notified School Clerk
Thomas that he has turned over all
communications sent him by the school
authorities, to his attorney.
Excellent Food, daintily prepared
and appetizing. The place where busi
ness men congregate. Chinese dishes a,
specialty. The New Republic Grille",
347 Morrison St.. between Broadway
and Park upstairs. Adv.
Dr. M. Kirkpatrick, 1015 Stevens
bldg. Adv.
W. B. Henderson Confers Here. W.
B. Henderson, commercial agent of the
United States bureau of foreign and
domestic commerce, came to Portland
yesterday to confer with W. D. B.
Dodson, secretary of the bureau of
trade and commerce cf the Chamber of
Commerce, on the subject of establish
ing a co-operative government bureau
here in connection with the Chamber.
Dr. E. E. Piatt, chief of the bureau,
will be in Portland about June 1, and
at. that time it is probable that details
of the plan will be perfected. Thi
advantage of this bureau is the facili
ties it will furnish for business men
to have access to trade and commerce
Information from consuls in all parts
of the world. A bureau of this kind
already is established in Seattle, where
Mr. Henderson makes his headquarters.
Stock Sellers Deny Fraud. Pleas of
"not guilty" were made by Franklin
M. LeMond, ex-sales manager of the
defunct United States Cashier Com
pany, and O. E. Gernert, of Seattle,
stock salesman, who were arrainged
before Judge Bean In the Federal
Court Tuesday on an indictment
charging conspiracy to use the mails
In fraudulent stock-selling operations.
O. L. Hopson, a salesman, is the only
one of the ten officials or salesmen of
the company to be indicted whose
whereabouts is not known to the Gov
ernment. United States Attorney
Reames said that the cases will all be
tried together, probably in June or
Press Club Hears Li la Barbour.
The second of the series of noon-hour
programmes inaugurated by the Port
land Press Club was given yesterday
and brought out a large attendance of
members and friends. Miss Llla
Barbour, recently of Spokane, made a
hit with her singing. She has been
with the Gilbert-Murray Studio and
soon will begin a vaudeville engage
ment with Joseph Emerson. They will
appear in a skit, "Melody and Mirth
From Dixie Iand." written by Robert
J. Prowell, ofPortland. Miss Bsrbour
was accompanied on the piano by Ernie
Russell, of the National Theater.
$2700 to Be Sfent on Dining-Room.
The fifth floor of the Chamber of Com
merce will be remodeled in the near
future and fitted out for a dining
room in which large divisions of the
Chamber may hold luncheon meetings
without interfering with the business
of the main dining-room on the eighth
floor. The board of directors yesterday
authorized an appropriation of not
more than $2700 to carry through the
proposed improvement.
Steel Parlor-Cafe Car on Run.
A steel parlor-cafe car is to be placed
in service on the O.-W. R. & N. Co.'s
Spokane passenger train No. 12, leav
ing Portland at 8:30 o'clock in the
evening. Dinner and refreshments will
be swerved. The car will run to Uma
tilla and will be returned to Portland
on No. 19, from Chicago, due hero at
12:15 P. M. Lunch will be served on
the westbound.
Credit Men Dine Today. A varia
tion from the customary topic relating
strictly to credit matters will be made
by the Portland Association of Credit
Men at their luncheon at the Multno
mah Hotel today. Rev. Perry Joseph
Green, of the New Thought Society,
will speak on the proposal to establish
a department of peace in the National
Government. Edward Drake will
Gregory Heights Wants Mains. At
a meeting of residents of Gregory
Heights, in the Rose City Park dis
trict, a petition was drafted asking
for the installation of larger water
mains. It Is said that the mains in
this territory are too small to provide
fire protection. Commissioner Daly has
taken the matter up with the engi
neers of the Water Department.
Minnestoa Society Meets Tonight.
The Minnesota Society holds its regular
monthly meeting tonight in Cotillion
Hall, and will entertain its members
and friends with, cards, dancing and
refreshments f ice cream and cake.
Important business will come before
.the meeting and it is expected that
all members will be present.
F. H. Rothchild Elected. At the
regular meeting of the board of direc
tors of the People's Amusement Com
pany Monday night Fred H. Rothchild
was elected a director to take, the
place of S. Morton Cohn, who has
resigned as he anticipates being away
from the city a great deal in the
future. The election was unanimous.
International Prohibition Urged. A
union rally of the churews of Sell
wood was held last night in the Sell
wood Y. M. C. A. in the interest of
international prohibition. J. Sanger
Fox, executive secretary of the Ore
gon prohibition state committee, was
the principal speaker for the evening.
Royal Arcanum Entertained.
Members' of Belle Council, the Royal
Arcanum, wwre entertained at a smoker
Tuesday night, in the lodgerooma,
-s u X T 1 E"--ir .'. -t .. .-
Tihere .
( Scenic "Wonder, tlo.l )
If you want to show your
out-of-town friends a real
view- of Portland take
them to Weatover Ter
races. As John C. Om
stead, the celebrated Bos
ton landscape engineer,
said about Weatover:
"There's nothing like it
Think of owning your
own home on a spot like
Westover. You can do it
well show you how. We
have a most liberal plan
of financing homes for
responsible people. Why
not let us give you de
tails no obligation?
Title Trust Bldg.
Ka Fourth Street.
in H33. ' A 781
Knights of Pythias Hall, Eleventh and
Morrison streets, George L. Baker and
H. Hutchins made addresses and there
was a musical programme, consisting
of a song by Mr. Gullick, Mr. Newton,
accompanist, and violin solo by Mr.
Hayden. Dave. Evans gave a recita
tion and Underwood and Rose, of the
Multnomah Club, put on a boxing bout.
Billie Sunday Is in Town on
Tour of Country.
Traveler Is Not Evangelist, but
Well-Fnrsjo "Baby," Who Orig
inally Resembled Mannikin.
BILLIE SUNDAY is in town.
This is not the Billy of evangel
istic fame. That Billy spells his name
with a "y" and this Billie with an "i-e.'
So that's the difference. And there are
This Billie Is a lifeless, inanimate
object, but perhaps as interesting as
the other Billy. He may not be so
terrifying for the evildoers, but his
looks are enough to frighten any nerv
ous person.
The present visitor is a traveling
"baby" of the Wells-Fargo Express
force. He started out from Cornish.
N. V., several months ago and has
visited nearly every express office en
route between that place and Portland.
He is full of tags, labels and souvenirs
of various sorts and bears numerous
curious inscriptions of the places that
he has visited Originally he resembled
a manikin, but he has been battered
and knocked about so much that he
looks more like a! rag doll.
He has an ugly red face with fierce
black whiskers, but the vv ells-t argo
boys regard him kindly and care for
him as delicately as they would a real,
live child. He will start again today
on another leg of his trip back to his
starting point.
General Staff Decides Oregon to
. Have Experts at Shoot.
The Oregon National Guard will have
a rifle team in the international
matches at Jacksonville, Fla., in Octo
ber, the general staff decided at a spe
cial meeting at the headquarters of
the Adjutant-General yesterday. The
team will be selected from the marks
men who make th best records in the
shoots held this Summer. The team
will consist of 16 riflemen and four
Members of the staff present- were:
Captain Daniel E. Bowman, Portland;
Captain Leo J. A. Pironl. Portland:
Captain John A. Buchanan. Roseburg;
Captain Frank P. Tebbetts. Portland:
Colonel Clenard McLaughlin, of the
United States Army, stationed at Port
land, and Adjutant-General George A-White.
Do you live In an apartment or a
hotel and would you like to spend
the Summer in a home with lots of
room, plenty of fresh air. lawn, flow
ers, sleeping porch, etc? 'Owner of
one of Irvington's best homes will be
away from June 15 to September 15.
House would ordinarily rent for $90
to $100 per month. Am not after the
rent money, but want someone in the
house. Gardener will look after the
lawn at owner's expense. Rent $50,
but for three months only. One block
from car and with splendid surround
ings. House well furnished ' and
ready to move right in. B 807. Ore
gonian. Adv.
First Congregational Brotherhood
Names II. D. Ripley President.
H. D. Ripley was elected president
of the Brotherhood of the First Con
gregational Church at the meeting of
that body held Tuesday night in the
parlors of the church. O. B. Biddle was
chosen vice-president " and Ueorg
Rossman, secretary-treasurer.
Some discussion of the proposed
The Store of 100 Per Cent Service.
This Week, Special Suit Values at $20
Thanks to the co-operation of our allies, The House
of Kuppenheimer, we're able to offer you this week, at
$20, clothing values that your average clothier would
consider impossible under $25 or $27.50. It's just
another instance of what we're doing for Portland
, meji.
The Chester, the Biltmore, the English and other popular
new styles m oien urquharts, tartans, regimental stripes and
mixtures, bizes to tit any man s figure. See the
special display ; then come in for a try-on. Your
find these suits unusual values at
lhi stripes ana
Double Stamps Today
Double amount S. & II. Green Trading Stamps today on
cash purchases of $1.00 or more.
See the new Pearl
Soft Hats, "just here
from New York.
Priced at $3.00
Successor to
Steinbach & Co.
At Fourth
We will treat you
As an adver
t i s e m ent, the
satis f ied cus
tomer holds
first place. We
will satisfy you
by giving you
relief from eye
troubles this
we g u a rantee.
Let us attend to
your eye needs.
fairly and honor-
Wheeler Optical fo.
"ladies' night." which is to be held by
the organization in June, was taken
up, although nothing definite was de
cided upon.
The evening closed with an illus
trated lecture, "Worlds in the Making,"
given by Professor Stafford, of the
University of Oregon.
We wish to thank our many friends
for their kindness and sympathy In our
late bereavement.
j . ;r- .--;.!-
Dealers Wanted
Everywhere in the Pacific
Northwest to handle our stand
ard line of Player Pianos and
Pianos, consisting of Sohmer,
M. Schulz, Behning, E. II. Holt
and many others. '
Prospective retail buyers who
live in a locality where the
above is not represented, write
today for prices and terms, and
buy direct of a wholesale con
cern, thus saving $100 to $200.
E. H. Holt Piano Co.
333 Morrison SU
Portland. Or.
Home Sf&oe Polish
Black for all black
leathers, 10c.
Tan for all tan,
russet and colored
leathers, 10c.
White "a cake in a box" for white
leathers and canvas, 10c.
Get a Mew Home Set To-day
Makes the Use of SHINOLA a pleasure
Genuine Bristle Dauber Lamb's Wool Polisher
Sold by Stores of All Kinds Everywhere
Only Children Fear the
Show others there is noth
ing to fear in the present
situation and there will
be nothing to fear.
This Is the time of all time for
the V. S. A. to make vast strides.
Let's all get busy.
Business TSLen
and Women
TeiU Jmd Dicll-cootied and savory meals
served to their satisfaction in the
Quicl? or leisurely service, as preferred.
All the choice edibles of the season on
our menu. Make your meal a pleasure
by dining here.
Lunch 11:30 to 2 Dinner 5:30 to 9
40c and SO c ' SOc and 75c
m . .
The Eminent and Wronderful
Portland Pianist
' Will appear in concert with the Hazehvood
Orchestra this afternoon, May 12, 3:30 to 5
Confectionery and Restaurant
Washington Street at Tenth
New Dirert Entrance
from Broadway.
Chlrken and Table
U'Hote Music
Are You Dangerously or Uncomfortably Stout?
We Reduce You
Without Diet, Drugs or Exercise
Come and investigate. Bring your physician if you desire.
Weight -Reducing Company
399-14 Broadway Bldg., Broadway and Morrison Street
Will the Mr. Clark who called at
713 Corbett building In regard to
picnic excursions or the Sandy River
please call again or phone Marshall
Maternity Hospital
Ce Coavalescent Home, Twenty-fifth
and Lovcjoy, Portland, Orcxei.
'i Phones Mala 58 IK), A 1313.
the greatest health and pleasur resort -on
the Pacific Coast. In the heart of the
Olympic Mountains, open for ye season. '
For full Information address
Children Boarded
Lady living: on attractive ranch ner
Hood River will reclve Into I her ho"
a few children, ages 4 to 10 for thi
Summer. Kvery care. Kinblinr at
points provided. W t03, Oreaonlan.