THE MORNING- OREGQNIAN. SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1915, 0 ADDED HOMESTEAD RIGHT IS EXTENDED Holders Who Have Made Final Proof Henceforth to Enjoy Benefit of Law. CONTIGUITY IS REQUIRED Claimant Must Still Hold and Occu py Land but Kesidenco May Bo by Agent or Tenant Thou sands Are Affected. OREGON IAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, May 6. Instructions have been sent bv land Commissioner Tallman to all registers and receivers of local land offices, interpreting the provisions of the -Sinnott bill, enacted Into law on March 3 last, which provides. In brief, that homesteaders who have made final proof and still own their land may make an additional entry sufficient to bring the entire holding up to-320 acres, provided the land entered in each Instance has been designated for entry under the enlarged homestead act. Heretofore, the right of additional entry was given only to those home steaders who had not made final proof. The Instructions In part read as follows: -The act confers the right of entry only upon one who still owns and oc cupies the land first entered; It is not required that the claimant be residing on said tract, and the ocoupancy there of may be by agent or through a tenant. Addition Mast Be Contiguous. "The law requires that the additional entry shall be contiguous to the land first entered, and this condition would not be fulfilled by the fact that they corner on each other. "The claimant, under this new law, is allowed credit for residence on the original tract and cannot. In any event, be required to show residence con tinued for a greater period than is prescribed by section 2291 of the revised statutes. In other words. If the proof on the original entry has been accepted as sufficient under either the five-year or the three-year homestead act, no further residence Is needed; but if the proof was by way of com mutation, claimant must show such further residence, before or after the date of the additional entry, as will make . up the aggregate required by the- provisions of the act of June 6. 1913. Thousands of Settlers Affected. "The law regarding cultivation, with reference to additional entries made before submission of proofs on the originals, has no application to the entries allowed under this act. The claimant is required to show cultiva tion of the additional tract Itself to the extent and for the period required by the act of June , 1912. that Is. one sixteenth of its area during the second year, of entry, and one-eighth during the third and until submission of proof, which must occur within five years after the date of the additional entry." There are thousands of homesteaders In the West desiring to avail them selves of the right of additional entry, to bring their' total holding up to 320 acres, but they have been held back until this time, . because of the delay in issuing Instructions to local land officers. The Sinnott act Is not ap plicable to lands that are not -designated for entry - under - the 320-acre homestead act, and a settler on land not so designated is not entitled to make an additional entry under this law. MORE SPEEDERS ARE FINED Orricials Determined to Tut Stop to -Reckless Driving. Of the speeders arrested by Motor cycle Patrolman Ervin. 15 pleaded guilty in Municipal Court yesterday morning. Several were old offenders. The efforts of officers' to corral all who rt making traffic dangerous by paying no attention to speed laws are -winning the support of Chairman Coffin, of the Public Safety Commission, Chief of Po lice Clark and Municipal Judge Steven son. The Sl-a-mlle scale of fines was continued yesterday. Fines for all arrested were as follows yesterday: C. A. Stoll, $25: Joe Peter son, $30: J. Lang, $25; E. O. Fernquist. $30; F. M. Stooo. $20; Charles Horn, $20; Joseph Van Colem, $20; M. W. Ryan, $26; John Mathews, $20; T. H. Green. $S0; G. Rutherford, $30, and John Burns, $25. WAR "FIRST OF SERIES" Scientist Snys Conflict Is Only Part of Racial Struggle. LONDON, May 7. Dr. William Ridge way, professor of archaeology at Cam bridge University, in an address last night before the Eugenics Society de clared the present war resulted from evolutionary racial struggles. "Hard facts seen from a scientific viewpoint." said Dr. Rldgeway. "Indi cate that the present war Is only the first of a long series, and each new struggle will be more serious. The earth's waste places are getting filled tip, and these wars are part of evolu tionary racial struggles for existence and not the result of mere kingly ambitions." PERSON ALMENTI0N. T. Nelson, of Astoria, is at the Carl ton. U M. Knowles, of Olympia, Is at the Eaton. H. J. Smith, of Salem, Is at the Perkins. E.- S. Conklin of Eugene, is at the Imperial. M. P. Pomeroy, of Astoria, is at the Cornelius. I C. Thompson, of Carlton, Is at the Multnomah. W. J. Peterson, of Tillamook, is at the Cornelius. B. F. Wilkinson; of Newark, N. J., is at the Portland. M. H. Filmore, of Cathlamet, Wash., is at the Carlton. Mrs. R. Eastman, of Missoula, Mont.,, is at the Carlton. Victor B. Fisher, of San Francisco, Is at the Perkins. George Calvert, of Salt Lake City, Is at the Oregon. ' C. P. Ohling and wife of Albany re at the Seward. A. C. Dixon, a lumberman of Eugene, Is at the Imperial. . P. S. Simmon, of Los Angeles, Is reg istered at the Nortonia. J. P. Redmond, of Molalla, Is reg istered at the .Nortonia. Frank T. Schmidt, a brewer of Olympia, Is at the Oregon. Ralph D. iXoores, secretary, of the Salem Commercial Club, is at the Ore gon. J. Wendling. of Acme, is at the Nor tonia with Mrs. Wendling. Adria Bonebrake, of Goldendale, Wash,. Is, at the Cornelius. , N. D. Knettle, a banker of Pomeroy, Wash., is at the Imperial. Frank B. Kellogg, of Berkeley, is registered at the Perkins. C. L Houston, a contractor of Astoria, is at the Portland. J. M. Page, of Twin Bridges, Idaho, is registered at the Carlton. William O'Neil, a lumberman of Cass bane, Minn., is at the Oregon. F, C. Schubert and Mrs. Schubert, of Big Eddy, is at the Nortonia, Frank B. Mitchell, an attorney of tiaker City, Is at the Imperial. J. M. Bentley, a prominent resident or Pendleton, Is at the Perkins. W. C. -Knighton, of Salem, stale architect, is registered at the Seward. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Farnsworth, of H -Oil Eberhardt XV. Otten, Who XVmm Killed In Jitney Accident. Funeral services for E. W.'Ot ten, 1379 East Market street, who was killed when a Hawthorne avenue Jitney threw Its left front wheel and turned turtle at Six teenth street and Hawthorne ave nue Thursday afternoon, win be heldvSunday afternoon at 2:30 from the First German Baptist Church. Burial will be in River view Cemetery. The parents of Mr. Otten, Mr. and Mrs. H. Otten, live at Meermoor. in Northern Germany. A brother, Henry Ot ten, is serving in the German army. Otto Otten, who has changed his name to Otto -John-eon, living at Oswego, Or., is also a brother. The jitney In which Mr. Otten was riding at the time of his death was driven by A. W. Rossman, 904 Vancouver avenue. New York, are tourists at the Port land. Charles Ilfeld, -a prominent resident of Los Vegas, N. M., - is at the Mult nomah. Professor L. F. Anderson and Mrs. Anderson, of Walla Walla, are at the Portland. W. H. Purcell. wife and two children are registered from Alliance, O., at the Imperial, A. D. Fox and family are tourists from Washington, D. C, registered at the Cornelius. Lipman Holtz, brother of Aaron Holtz, formerly in business In Portland, Is at the Multnomah. W. T. Barnum. descendant of the famous circus man. Is registered from New Haven, at the Seward. F. W. Heron, a tourist from Phila delphia, is registered at the Multno mah Hotel, while enjoying the attrac tions of Portland. R. R. Graves and H. T. French, are members of the Oregon Agricultural College faculty registered from Cor vallis at the Seward. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McKay, of Pittsburg, Pa., are at the Benson. Mr. McKay is president of the McKay Chain Manufacturing Company. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Latimer, who at tended the International Bahal Con gress .recently in San Francisco, have returned to Portland. George O. Lati mer, who went to Los Anxeles, San Diego and other Southern cities, is ex pected to return to Portland about June 1. SCOLDING FROWNED OH BISHOP PEARCE TELLS PASTORS TO AVOID "CHEAP ETHICS." OPEN-RIVER FLEET REACHES ASTORIA Rousing Welcome Given as Cruise From Lewiston to Salt Water Is Ended. 2000 . EXTEND GREETINGS Committees Kantd for Sessloa. of Ore gon Free Methodist Conference and Preachers' Reports Heard. In his address yesterday morning to the members or the Oregon conference of the Free Methodist Church, in ses sion in the First Church, East Ninth and East Mill streets. Bishop William Pearce told the preachers that in their sermons they should pay attention to the fundamentals of religion and keep clear of the "cheap ethics of the modern pulpit." He cautioned the preachers against scolding the audience from the pulpit. Bishop W, H. Foulke. of the United Evangelical Church, was introduced to the conference, and made a short talk. The forenoon was occupied with re ports from preachers on the charges. Rev. G. R.v Ellis, of The Dalles, made an extended report of the work done at a mission he has conducted there. Rev. S. F. Pitts was received Into the conference on the advice of Bishop Pearce, and elder's orders were given him on his "native ability" without his having completed the regular studies. Rev. Mr. Pitts had been a Roman Cath olic. The committees named for the ses sion are as follows: Education. F. I Burns, J. A. Hopper, Edith Graves: re forms, S. H. Upton, D. M. Cathey, T. R. Burr; publication, Cyrus Cook, G. W. Bondurant, Mrs. D. W. Cook; church extension, M. N. Coffee, J. N. Wood, S. H. Upton, Sydney Scott, William Randall; conference trustees. W. N. Coffee, R. H. Clark; Sunday school work, E. W. Hight, Mrs. Elva Hobart. Mrs. E. B. Smith, S. G. Roper; conference claim ants. Bishop William Pearce, W. N. Coffee, F. L. Burns, D. M. Caffey,' T. R. Burr; charities, E. D. Blackburn, J. D. Cook, J. A. Bushong; resolutions, R. H. Clark. Cyrus Cook; aggressive Sunday school work, E. W. Hight. L. R, Black man, Edith Graves; conference records, G. W. Bondurant; Sydney Scott, L. R, Blackman. The State Women's Missionary' So ciety met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. W. N. Coffee presiding. -Washington Secretaries Organize. EVERETT. Wash.. May 7. The Com mercial Club secretaries of the State of Washington effected a permanent or ganization at a meeting here yesterday. Officers elected were: President, J. A. Haroder, North Yakima; vice-president-. W. W. Blain. Everett; secretary-treasurer, H. Li. Whiting, Olympia; trustees, H. M. Robinson, Centralia; Frank Teck, Port Angeles, and Orpheus Soots. WallaJ walla. Another meeting will be held at North Yakima September S. f City Gay With Bunting and Distin guished Guests Are Shown Sights In Motor Tours, Then Enter tained at Elaborate Dinner. ASTORIA, Or., May 7. (Special.) From Lewiston to Astoria is a far cry. but that is the distance the happy throng of open waterway enthusiasts have traveled during the past week. stopping at all the- principal points along the way to join in the round or celebrations in honor of the opening of the Celilo Canal. Tonight they are in Astoria, after completing the first all-steamer trip in history from the turbulent waters of the winding Snake down the beautiful and majestic Columbia, past the fertile farms and thriving cities and towns until they reached the Astoria harbor, where the prow of their craft plunged into the salt water of the ocean, as the Incoming tide mingled with the fresh water from the interior. Cruise on Ocean Planned. Tomorrow they will continue their Journey and for a few hours will cruise about on the placid bosom of the Pa cific, thus covering the route which the great commerce of the Inland Empire will follow In the future on its journey from the teeming grain fields and the busy mills on its way to the markets of the world. Tired though they are and worn out by the 'incessant Jollity of the past week, the enthusiasts are as brimful of energy and good cheer as ever and to night they began a celebration which is to continue until Sunday evening and will be the climax of the series, com memorating an event for which tho whole Columbia River basin has waited for years the opening of this great waterway to unobstructed navigation. Business Session Held. Coupled with this celebration Is the annual convention of the Columbia and Snake River Waterways Association, the first business session of which was held tonight. Promptly at 4:30 the visitors arrived on the steamer Georgiana and there were over 200 of them, including people from alt walks of life and representing almost every section of the vast dis trict from Spokane to the sea. There were Governors, Senators, Representa tives, farmers, merchants, banUars and shippers, all co-mingled In one happy, throng. Noisy Salute Given. - The number included Governor Lister of Washington, Governor Withycombe of Oregon, Senators Jones and Poin dexter of Washington, Senator Lane of Oregon. Representative Humphrey of Washington, and Representative Haw ley of Oregon. As the steamer passed down the har bor she was accorded a noisy and dis cordant salute by . the whistles of the various craft from the tiny launch to the steamship Beaver, which lined the wharves. Landing at the municipal wharf the visitors were extended a hearty wel come by the reception committee headed by a band, as well as by the fully 2000 citizens who had gathered to offer greetings. Dinner Given for Guests. Following an Inspection of the public docks, the visitors were taken in au tomobiles to various points of interest about the city and immediate vicinity and were then escorted to the Wein hard Hotel, where they were tendered an informal reception and entertained at dinner. That Astorlans are alive to the sig nificance of the event, of which this occasion Is in honor, is evidenced by the fact that every business street in the city is one mass of bunting, flags and electric lights, while the thorough fares are thronged with people anxloua to assist In entertaining lha visitors and to join in the general jollification. KALAMA HAS BIG CELEBRATION Attendance Large " and Dinner Is Served to 900. KALAMA, Wash., May 7. (Special.) Kalama is in -gala attire today to welcome the fleet celebrating the open ing of the Celilo canal. The steamer Georgians, with flags and streamers flying, arrived at the wharf at 11 o'clock, and the various delegations from the upper rivers were escorted to the paviilon led by the Woodland silver cornet band. Speeches were made by Mayor Withrow, of Kalama; John JU Harris, of Kelso; Gov ernor Lister, of Olympia; Governor Withycombe. of Oregon; Governor Alex ander, of Idaho; Senators Poindexter and Jones, of Washington, and Repre sentative Humphrey, of Seattle.' One feature which attracted special attention of the visitors was a group of 10 young women of Kalama attired In Indian costumes. These were Misses Alma Imua, Coda Long, &va Long. Manila Dunn, Georgia Buft'on. Beth Peck. Vera Dickinson, Jeanetta Crevel ing, Nellie Burke and Nita Chapman. There were large numbers of resi dents from all towns of the county. Woodland, Kelso and the adjoining farming districts being particularly well represented by officials and profes sional men. Dinner of baked royal Chinook sal mon with aalad, sandwiches, pie and coffee was served to 900, while a large chorus of children from the schools of Kalama entertained the diners with music, and the Indian maidens assisted in the serving at the tables, which were attractively decorated with flowers, principally roses. Souvenirs, composed of small photographs of local scenes, were distributed. The party resumed its journey toward Astoria at 1 o'clock. Ideal weather- prevailed, and nothing happened to mar the pleasures of the day. MOVIE CENSORS GET AID Central Methodist Church Brother hood Pledges Support. In resolutions adopted recently by the Men's Brotherhood of the Central Methodist Episcopal Church, support is pledged to the board of -motion-picture censors in a campaign to improve the standard of motion pictures in Portland. The resolutions, signed by E. N. Welch. C. T. Croddy end C. C. Rarick, read in part as follows: x Whereai, several films have been re cently advertised and shown In Portland which closely bordered on the Immoral ana which, at best, could not be considered as beneficial to the youth of our city, such pictures sho-wing scenes of robbery, suicide. Trading Stamps Given on All Charge Accts. if Paid in Full by 10 th of Each Month Summer Furniture, Grass Rugs Special Showing, Third Floor Tea Room on the Fourth Floor Candy Day Today at the Bargain Circle, between the elevators, 1st Floor. Delicious, -wholesome Sweets underpriced. Try our famous OWK Chocolates. OldSfWoriman r& King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231 Rest Rooms 2nd Floor Every modern con venience here at your disposal. Rest rooms, writing rooms,, public telephones, ret iring rooms, etc. Double Stamp Day99 fM Men '& Boys Double ZC Stamps Will Be Given With All Cash Purchases Made Today in Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Departments on Main Floor Men's $15, $2Q and $25 Suits at $12.50 MEN'S STORE, MAIN FLOOR Special lines selected from our regular stock mostly in Norfolk models for men and young men. Superbly tailored garments in homespuns, fancy cheviots and blue serges. Not all sizes in each model, but good range in the lot. A phenomenal Suit bargain thrifty men will be quick to take advantage of. If You Wear Shirts Size 14-17.1712-18-18V2 or 19 You Can Buy a $2.00 Shirt for 39c Men's Store, Main Floor An extra special offering for Saturday. We have just exactly 211 Shirts in this lot in the following grades and sizes in white only. Don't overlook this remarkable sale of Shirts. 150 UNLAUNDERED WHITE SHIRTS Sizes 14 17, 17'j, 18, 18'2 and 19', 46 MONARCH LAUNDERED WHITE SHIRTS - These come in sizes 14, 17, 17'j and 18 15 CLUETT LAUNDERED WHITE SHIRTS Shown in sizes 14, 17, 17 'i and 18 Only These lines have Been sold down to real small and real large sizes and to close them out quickly we have put a price upon them so low that they -will all be 'sold in one day. Laundered and unlaundered QQ white -Shirts worth to $2.00 on sale today at very special OtC Men's Shirts, Special 83c Men's Sweaters l2 Price Center Circle, First Floor An other great sale of men's fine Shirts for Saturday! Well-known makes from our regular stock grouped for quick selling. Mad ras, percales and Oxford cloths in splendid patterns and color ings. $1.25 to $2. grades O O on sale today at onlyOOL Center Circle,' 1st Floor Think of it! Men's Wool Sweaters at half price ! An opportunity that is .seldom met with come early in the day, for lines are some what limited. Colors, cardinal, gray and oxford. SEE THESE! Regular $7.00 Sweaters $3.50 Regular $7.50 Sweaters Boys' $7.50 Norfolks at $5.62 Boys' $12.50 to $15 Suits $9,98 Special lines Boys' Norfolk Suits in well-known makes. Styled with stitched-down belt and patch pockets. Pants full lined with taped seams. All sizes in the assortment for boys 6 to 17 years of age. Boys' $7.50 Norfolks at $5.03 Boys' $10.00 Norfolks at $7.48 Boys' $8.50 Norfolks at $.2o Boys' $12.50 Norfolks at $f)TJ Women's $28.50 Suits r m 4 1 sT r - I III W i il f AlI 21 fl II 1 11 Arli JLf 3Q JU1 1 $18A8 Second Floor 111 Suits are involved in this Saturday-Sale. All are from our regular lines of fl,, high-grade garments. Belted effects and new box-back styles tn excellent assortment also 'A smart "Tipperary" military models and fancy ficuts of various kinds. Materials used include gab jardine cloth, serges, poplins, homespuns, tweeds, Hetc. Plain colors, checks and stripes in the as- sortment. :suits pricea nereto- 07 o i Q fore up to $28.50 today only f 10'0 Smart New Coats At $16.50 Second Floor One of the many styles shown in this group is of covert cloth in smart model with loose full-flare 6kirt and set-in sleeves. Trimmed with military collar of black velvet, to be worn high or low, slash pockets and fancy but tons. Others in belted and box-back styles. Shown in all colors and black also in checks. Exceptional' Coats at P J- J 1 New Tub Waists at $2.49 Silk Petticoats at $3.59 Second Floor C harming new Waists for Spring and Summer wear. Scores of styles in this lot. Plain, striped and dotted voiles or serviceable pongees and tub silks. Beautifully trimmed with plaited ruffles, dainty vest effects of lawn or organdie. Some with embroid ered collars. Shown in white and colors. FULL LINE OF WOMEN'S AND $2.49 Second Floor Pay less for your new Silk Petticoat at this store to day! These new arrivals are made from silk poplins, silk messalines, pussy willow taffetas and silk Jer sey. Styled with new circular flounces in plain or accordion plaited effects. Shown in all col ors and in black and JJO white stripes. Choice CHILDREN'S BATHING SUITS 50-Ft.GardenHose$4.25 Hardware Dept., 3rd Floor Third Floor 50 feet o'-ply Garden Hose in black rubber or cotton. Complete with 2?5. 2 couplings and" nozzle. Priced special at Px.&J Garden Hose by the Foot Extra quality Moulded Hose, made with seamless tube will stand 700 pounds pressure. Sold in any length, with couplings and nozzle, ft. v" LAWN MOWER SPECIAL $4 Ball bearing with 4 cutting knives. Bottom knife of best grade tooled steel. Fitted with Caldwell's patent adjustable ball bearings. Fully guaranteed. Clean-up GJZ ilfi price for these high-grade Lawn Mowers is only each W Girls' $2.25 Dresses 69c Dresses Worth to $10 at $2.98 Second Floor Dainty white lawn Dresses for girls 2 to 14 years of age. Several odd lines to be closed out at once. Very attrac tive styles with waist and sleeves trimmed with laces. Dresses in this lot worth to $2.25. fZlg Your choice for today at UIC Second Floor Clean-Up Sale of small lot Dresses for girls 6 to 14 years of age. These are bro ken lines from our regular stock. Many handsome styles- are 6hown in good serviceable woolen ma terials. Worth up ?0 f O to $10.00. Special p&.iSO Girls' $7 Spring Coats at $4.98 Second Floor Clean-Up Sale of Girls' new Spring Coats at a decided reduction in price. Smart new models in popular checks and etripes also in plain colors. Ages 6 to 14 Coats in the lot Q Q worth up to $7.00 are placed on sale for Clean-Up at Pt.S Cj Men's $5 Shoes at $3.39 Main Floor Sale of several broken lines of men's high-grade Shoes in lace styles. Se lect stock, patent, calf skin and tan Russia leathers. Variety of different fl? O JO lasts. Regular $5.00 grades j5- Oix Women's $4 Shoes at $2.89 Women's Pumps, Oxfords and Colonials in mat. kid, patent and dull calf. Smart "Peggy" Pumps also included in this lot. $3.50 and $4.00 flJO Ofl Shoes on sale" at p4.C?J BOYS' $3.50 SHOES $1 Odd lines boys' low Shoes in lace styles, good dependable qualities in patent leather and tan JJ f ff calf. Sizes 3 to 5, narrow. Special today at only jL.JJ Drugs and Toilet Needs Standard Lines Underpriced Five bars Ivory Soap, y one bar Lurline Soap, at -tOw Limit, six cakes to a customer. No deliveries of Soap except with other purchases made in the Drug Department today. 25c Hospital Cotton, special 18 50c Sanitary Napkins now iinf 25c Tooth Brushes, special 15 25c Vel-Chamel for cleaning 15 50c-Sempre Giovine now at 280 50c D. & R. Cold Cream now ;150 35c Fletcher's Castoria now 230 25c Packer's Tar Soap now 140 15c Toilet Paper, full 1500 sheets to the roll, on sale now at 1O0 50c Hair Brushes, special 300 $1.50 Hedden's Toilet Water $1 10c Fairskin Oatmeal Soap at 70 50c Steam's Rouge, special, 280 75c Pompeian Mass. Cream 490 25c Lustrite Salve, Enamel, 180 25c Graves' Tooth Powder at 90 Demonstration of Borden's Malted $1 McNally's Olive Oil now 7J)0 25c Pond's Extract on sale 190 SI Pinkham's Blood Purifier 790 50c Hamlin's Wizard Oil 390 25c Cascara Bromide' now at l."50 50c Cuticura Ointment now 430 Pint bottle Witch Hazel now 210 50c Liquid Tar Soap, special 380 10c Toilet and Bath Soap at 70 $1 Listerine on sale now at C."0 15c Pears' Unscented Soap 1 20 25c Nail Files on sale now 1O0 15c 4711 White Rose Soap, 120 $1.00 Imported Bocabella Castile Soap priced special, the bar 050 10c Monkey Scouring Soap at 50 10c Hand or Kitchen Sapolio 70 25c Massatla Talcum Powder 90 25c Imperial Talcum Powder 120 50c Dora Bourjois Powder 390 25c Petro, 1-pound jar now 100 25c Denver Mud on sale at 150 50c size, 300; $1 size now CO0 Milk in the Drug Department. drunkenness, vulgarity and generally low ideals: therefore, bo It Resolved by the Men"s Brotherhood ot Central Methodist Episcopal Church that we desira to express In the strongest terms our disapproval of the present standard of (lira shown In Portland, and to extend to- the board of censors and the City Council our full and hearty support in their efforts to provide the public with cleaner, more elevat ing and wholesome entertainment, EPISCOPAL SURVEY IS ON Members. Asked to Contribute Day's Income Xext Sunday. Under the direction of Bishop Sum ner a aurvey of the Episcopal diocese of Oregon is being made. An "Every Member Canvass" Is a part of the plan to get all communicants and oth ers lnterested Jn the work of the par ishes in which they live and in the general activities of the church. Next Sunday has been appointed as the day when each communicant will be asked to give one day's income. Parishioners having motor cars are asked to donate them to the canvassing committees. In the diocese of Oregon the board of church extension has a problem to met, there being a deficit of nearly $2000, which is being carried on bor rowed money. 2-YEAR THIRST ' DECREE T. F. Kirk to Be Free If Liquor Xot Touched, Court Says. Thomaa F. Kirk must leave liquor alone for two years. This was the order of Circuit Judge Gatens yester day morning, when Kirk was brought before him on a charge of passing sev eral worthless checks for small amounts. At the end of two years. If his record Is clean and If he has com pletely stricken liquor from his menu, the indictment against him automatic ally will be dismissed. Kirk entered a plea of guilty when brought Into the courtroom. Judge Gatens refused to accept the plea. " It wouldn't be ' fair to you or to your relatives to have a fejlony convic tion against you," said the Judge. "1 understand booze got you into this trouble. I'll suspend sentence for two yt-are. and if you don't touch a drtp In that time, and if your record other wise is clean, you will be free." RELIEF FUNDS GAIN $1000 Ads in Police and Fire Bureaus' Booklet Bolster Coffers. From the receipts from advertising tn a souvenir booklet of the fire and police bureaus, the nremen'a relief, fund will receive $500 and the police relief fund $500. A check for $1000 to cover the two amounts was received yester day by City Treasurer Adams. The souvenir booklet was Issued some time ago, containing pictures and his tories of the two divisions of the city service. W. K. Clancy Made Deputy Warden. ASTORIA. Or., May 7. (Special.) TV. E. Clancy, of Chinook, has received official notice of his appointment as State Deputy Game Warden and Fish eries Inspector for. Washington. Ills authority extends over the entire state, and he is the chief official of the de partment under Leslie M. iJarwin, State Fish Commissioner and Gam Warden. HOW SHE ENDED TEN YEARS OF SKIN-TORTURE Oct. 28, 1914: "I had eczema on my face for ten years, Little red pimples formed in a small spot on my chn and then spread all over my face. They Itched and burned me awfully. It was certainly embarrassing to me, and I would not go amongst people. I tried almost every remedy and treatment that could be used for this trouble, but nothing did me any good. I used Resinol Ointment and Reslnol Soap, and was relieved In a day or two. In on month 1 wa cured. This was six months ago and the trouble has never returned." (Signed) Mrs. C. C. Roberts, Weatlierford, ' Okla. Flvcry di-iia'st sells Resinol Ointment and liutlnol Soap and doctors have prescribed tn Reslnol treatment for 10 year.