Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 08, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Repeated Threats Lead to Be
lief Attack Was Planned
Long in Advance.
Gorman rIpIoinats Say That Because
Lusitania Carried Arms and
Ammunition They Kxpccted
She Would Be Victim.
(Continued From First Pan?.)
terror It might spread among ocean
travelers generally.
Information gathered among officials
of the Government and in diplomatic
quarters confirms the belief that plana
for the destruction of the Lusitania
were made several weeks ago. First,
the German embassy was instructed to
advertise in the leading newspapers ol
the United States, warning passengers
against traveling on belligerent ships.
Anonymous warnings then were sent
to individuals who proposed sailing on
the Lusitania.
Day Chosen in Advance.
Most significant or all were letters
received here from officials in Germany
by private persons saying that the
Lusitania surely would be destroyed.
Frcm the day the ship sailed from
New. York, officials here have received
inquiries from many sources almost
daily as to the safety of. the vessel.
One official was told with much posi
tiveness early today that this was the
day selected for the destruction of the
The Navy radio station at Arlington
has been on the alert for news and
from time to time has been reported as
having picked up messages saying the
vessel was sunk.' Inquiry at the Navy
Department each time failed to confirm
the reports and they were not circu
lated because it was feared they would
spread unnecessary alarm.
At the German Kmbassy here, while
no comment was made as to whether it
was known there that rtie vessel was
to be destroyed, it was said the Km
bassy knew the Lusitania carried arms
and ammunition and, being advised of
the resolution of the German Admiralty
to attack ships that carried such con
traband, officials had believed she
would be attacked.
Question of Armament Raised,
There was a disposition on the part
of the Germans to inquire also whether
the Lusitania carried any guns on
decks, which might place her in the
class of a warship and make unnec
essary, according to the laws of inter
national warfare, the giving of a
The officials at the State Department
said they had not heard that the Lusi
tania carried any guns. At the British
Kmbassy it was revealed that early
in the war, after the United States
Government had been consulted on the
question of small guns for the big
liners, the advice was given by the
State Department and heeded that no
guns be carried on the decks.
The British Kmbassy heard of the
disaster through news dispatches and
. offered no formal comment, though
officials said the attack was abso
lutely inexcusable and constituted a
most flagrant violation of all the rules
of international law.
Officials of the United States Gov
ernment were slow to express any
opinion on the diplomatic phase of the
disaster. Secretary Bryan declined to
comment on the course of this Gov
ernment. There remains little doubt,
however, tonight in weil-inf ormed
quarters here that the incident will
become a matter of diplomatic corre
spondence between the United States
and Germany when complete informa
tion Is received.
Ambassador 1'age reported briefly on
the sinking of the vessel, but official
information as to whether the ship re
ceived warning, whether she was con
voyed by British warships and con
cerning the extent to which lives of
Americans were placed in Jeopardy by
the attack or subjected to dangers on
the high seas will be sought through
the American Embassy in London and
the Consulates in Ireland before a de
cision is reached on the course to be
pursued by the United States.
When the German Admiralty pro
claimed the waters around Great Brit
ain and Ireland a "war zone" and
warned neutral vessels against the dan
gers that lay therein the United States
did not admit Germany's right to place
hazards ill the way of American ves
sels or lives. There was no distinc
tion drawn then as to whether t,he rep
resentations of the United States cov
ered Americans traveling on belliger
ent or neutral craft, but officials in
formally disclosed later that the note
had been purposely phrased so as to
cover both contingencies.
.Iciprlrfin A'otc Possible Index.
The language of the American note
was everywhere recalled tonight as a
possible Index to the policy to be pur
vued. The discussion at the time arose
particularly over the misuse oT flags
by belligerent vessels, the Lusitania
lt.-elf having flown an American flag
to escape attack from German subma
rines. The United States remonstrated with
Great Britain over such use of the
American flag and said at the same
time in a nofe- to Germany:
"If the commanders of German ves
sels of war should act upon the
presumption that the flag of the
United States was not being used in
good faith and should destroy on the
high seas an American vessel or the
lives ' of American citizena it would
be difficult to view the act in any
ther light than as an indefensible
violation of neutral vghts which it
would be very hard Indeed to reconcile
with the friendly relations now happily
existing between the two governments.
"If such a deplorable situation should
arl3c. the imperial German government
can readily appreciate that the Govern,
inent of the United States would be con
strained to hold the German govern
ment to a strict accountability for
such acts of their naval authorities
and to take any steps that might be
necessary to take to safeguard Ameri
can lives and property and to secure
to American citizens these full enjoy
ments of their acknowledged rights
on the high seas."
officials, however, were careful to
point cut tonight that' if no American
lives were iost there might be many
qualifying circumstances which would
remove from the present Incident the
vital interest that the United States
otherwise might have In It.
It was Indicated, for-example, that a
marked division of opinion had existed
among legal authorities as to whether
a hostile vessel need give any warning
to a merchantman traveling under con
voy, for the exercise of right of visit
and search to determine the presence
of contraband under such conditions
obviously would imperil the safety of
the attacking vessel itself. On the
other hand, it had been urged that
under no circumstances can an unarmed
merchantman be attacked unless resist-
February IS Norwegian steamer Nordkap, struck a German mine in the
Baltic Sea. All the crew perished.
February 19 Nordkyn, a Norwegian steamer, sunk by striking mine near
Bronholm Island In the North Sea. All the crew drowned.
February L'O British steamer Cambank torpedoed off Amlwych Bay,
In the Irtsli Seiu Three members of crew killed and another drowned.
February yi) Norwegian steamer Bjarka 'Struck mine In North Sea. Crew
Tebruary 21 Irish coasting steamer Downshlre torpedoed off the Calf of
Man In the Irish Sea. Crew saved. ,
February "1 American steamer Evelyn sunk by mine oft Borkum Island In
North Sea. Captain and 27 of crew saved.
February 24. Rio Parana, British steamship, torpedoed off Eastbourne.
Crew saved.
February 24 Oakby, British steamship, torpedoed by German submarine
off Rye. Crew rescued.
Fobruary 24 HarpalinrT, British steamship, on way to Newport News, tor
pedoed and sunk off Beachy Head, Three of crew killed.
February 24 Brlttsn steamers Western Coast and Deptford sunk off Eng
lish coast, either by mines or torpedoes. On sailor lost life on the Deptford. The
crew of the Western Coast was rescued.
March 7 British steamship Bengrove sunk by torpedo off Ilfracombe.
Crew rescued.
March P British steamship Langisian torpedoed off . Scarborough. Thirty
seven of crew of as lost.
March British steamship Blackwood torpedoed and sunk off Hastings.
Crew saved.
March 0 British steamship Princess Victoria sunk off Liverpool.
March 9 Reuter's dispatch reports fire of the allied steamers sunk by
the German submarine U-l. The three named were the Britten steamship
Uulwich. crew saved; the French boats Villo da Lille and Dlnorah.
March It British steamship Adenwen torpedoed in English Channel. Crew
rescued. ,
March 12 British steamship Indian City sunk off Scilly Islands. Crew
March 12 British steamship Headlands sunk off Scillv Islands. Crew
March 12 British steamship Antlaluslan torpedoed off Scilly Islands. Crew
March 12. British steamship Florazan sunk off mouth of Bristol Chan
nel. One member of crew missing.
March 13 British collier Invergyle sunk off Crosswell. Crew saved.
March 1S British steamship Hartdale torpedoed off South Rock in Irish
Channel. Two members of crew loBt.
March 13 Swedish steamer hanna torpedoed and sunk off Scarborough.
Six of crew lost.
March 14 French steamship Auguste Consell aunk off Scilly Island. Crew
saved. .
March 14 British steamship Atlanta torpedoed and sunk off Inishturk on
the west coast of Ireland. Crew saved.
March 13 British steamship Fingai torpedoed and sunk off the North
umberland coast. Six members of crew lost.
March 15 British steamship I-eeuwarden sunk southeast of Maas, Holland.
March IS British steamship Glenartney torpedoed and sunk off Beachy
Head. Of crew of 41 one member drowned.
March 10 British steamship Hyndford torpedoed off Beachv Head. One
member of crew killed.
March' 21 British steamship Cairntorr torpedoed and sunk off Beachy Head.
Crew escaped.
March 23 Dutch steamship Meda sunk off Beachy Head, crew saved.
March 27 German steamship Koenigsberg reported to have struck mine and
March 28 Steamship Vosges sunk by shell fire. Chief engineer killed.
March 2S African liner Falaba torpedoed in St. George's Channel of Mil
ford Haven off the coast of South v ales. Carried crew of 96 and about 1fl
passengers. Of this total only 143 were rescued, of which eight died later from
exposure. Among those drowned was L. c. Thrasher, an American citizen.
March 28 British steamship Aguila sunk off the Pembrokeshire coast. Car
ried crew of 42 and three passengers, of which 23 of crew and one passenger
were lost.
Marh ?S "Dutch steamship Amstel, blown up by mine off Flamborough
Head. Crew rescued. ,
April 1 British steamship Crown of Castillo sunk by submarine off Scilly
Islands. Crew saved.
April 1 British steamship Flaminlan sunk by submarine off Scilly Islands.
Crew of 39 rescued.
April 1 British steamship sunk by submarine off Beachy Head. Eleven of
crew of 18 drowned. ,
April 1 French steamship Emma sunk by submarine off Beachy Head. Two
members of crew of 21 rescued.
April 2 Dutch steamship Schieland sunk by mine in North Sea. One of crew
April 2 British trawler Gloxlana eunk by submarine. Crew saved.
April 2 British trawler Jason sunk by submarine. Crew rescued.
April 2 British trawler Nellie sunk by submarine. Crew saved.
Apr'.l 2 Norwegian bark Nor sunk by submarine In North Sea. Crew rescued.
April 2 British steamship Eaton sunk by submarine off Devonshire coast.
Crew saved.
April 3 French sailing ship Farquerette sunk off Etretat, France, by sub
marine. Crew rescued.
April 3 British steamship Lockwood sunk by submarine off Start Point, De
vonshire. Crew saved.
April 4 Dutch steamship Katwyk sunk off North Hinder lightship. Crew of
23 saved.
April 4 Irish steamship City of Bremen sunk by submarine off Wo La Rock
In the English Channel. Four members of crew drowned. .
April G Russian bark Hermes sunk by submarine In English Channel. Fifteen
of crew saved.
April 5 British steamship Olivine sunk by submarine off the Isle of Wight.
Crew rescued.
April 6 British steamship Northlands sunk by submarine in English Chan
nel. Crew rescued.
April 6 British trawler Agantha sunk by submarine off Longstone. Crew
April S British trawler Zarlna blown up in North Sea. Nine men killed or
April 10 French bark Chateaubriand sunk by submarine off Isle of "Wight.
Crew saved.
April 10 British steamship Harpalyce sunk by submarine In North Sea. Thir
ty members of crew lost. .
April 14 Swedish steamship Folke blown up off Porterhead, Seven men and
women were rescued.
April 15 British steamship Ptarmigan sunk by submarine. Eight of the
crow of 17 were lost.
April 18 Greek steamer Ellispontes torpedoed in North Sea. Crew of 21 and
Dutch pilot rescued.
April 18 British trawler Envoy sunk off east coast of England. Crew res
cued. April 23 British trawler St. Lawrence torpedoed In North Sea. Two of
crew killed.
April 2r Norwegian barks Oscar and Eva and Swedish steamer Ruth tor
pedoed, Norwegian steamer Caprlvl blown up by a mine and Finnish steamer
Frach torpedoed in the Baltic. .
May 1 British steamer Rdalea au.ik off Scilly Islands. Russian steamer
Svorono attacked off the Blasket Islands. Crew rescued.
May 1 British steamer Fulgent torpedoed off Skelling Rocks. Nine sur
vivors. May 2 British trawler Colombia torpedoed off Belgian coast. Seventeen
men perished.
May 2 French steamer Europe torpedoed near Bishops Rock. Crew res
cued. .
May 6 British steamers Centurion and Candidate torpedoed off Irish coast.
Crews saved.
Ing capture or attempting to run a
(Continued From First Page.)
to pass dispatches based merely on
It is expected that the Admiralty
will issue a statement as soon as au
thentic facts are available.
A dispatch from Queenstown says
that the tug Storm Cock has returned
there bringing about 150 survivors of
the Lusitania. principally passengers.
among whom were many women, sev
eral of the crew and. one steward.
Describing the experience of the Lu
sitania, the steward said:
"The passengers were at lunch when
a submarine came up and fired two
torpedoes, which struck the Lusitania
on the starboard side, one forward
and the other in the engine-room.
They caused terrific explosions.
Ship Lists Immediately.
"Captain Turner immediately or
dered the boats out. The ship began
to list badly immediately.
"Ten boats were put into the water
and between 400 and BOO passengers
entered them. The boat in which I
was approached the land with three
other boats and we were picked up
shortly before 4 o'clock by the Storm
"I fear that few of the officers were
saved; they acted bravely. ,
"There was only 15 minutes from
the time the ship was struck until she
foundered, going down bow foremost.
It was a dreadful sight."
No Warning Cilveti, Says Company.
The Cunard Company gave out a
report from its office In Liverpool, Baying:
"The Lusitania was sunk without
A message from Liverpool says:
"Qiieenstc-wn wires that First Of
ficer Jones thinks from 500 to 600
saved. This Includes passengers and
crew and is only estimate we are able
to make. In meantime we are going
through hotels,' lodging-houses, etc.,
tonight and will wire tomorrow full
est possible details. In meantime in
jured and dead are taking up all our
The Cunard office later gave out
the following dispatch:
"Queenstown wires Storm Cock is
landing about 160 passengers and
crew. It is reported by the Admiralty
that trawlers Dock and Indian Em
pire have about 200. Tug Flying Fish
about 100. Three torpedo boats 45,
and four dead. We are putting those
landed up at different hotels and
boarding-houses, but we cannot gtv
a list of the survivors before morn
ing, as the passengers are in such state
that their immediate wants must be
our first consideration." .
Old Head Is Noted Landmark.
Where Great Britain's fastest mer
chant vessel went down Old Head
Kinsale Is a landmark that has
brought joy to many travelers, as it
always stood as the sign from shore
that the perils of the voyage across
the Atlantic were at an end. The
line, whose boast has been that it has
never lost a passenger in the Atlantic
service, has now lost the ship that
dodged the lurking enemy off Nan
tucket Light the day after war was
declared and later startled the world
by flying the Stars and Stripes.
The British Admiralty is discourag
ing the publication of surmises and
guesses regarding the dead and in
jured. Even before the crude details
are known the British press is asking
editorially what the United States will
say to this event and how she will
hold Germany to the "strict accounta
milit'y" mentioned in previous diplo
matic correspondence.
tContlnued From First Page.)
tlon. A cabled newspaper report saying
that everybody was safe received late
in the afternoon, it was thought at the
office, was responsible, In a measure,
for this situation. The Cunard officials
had no confirmation of the report that
all were saved, though they expressed
the hope that it was true.
The first definite answers regarding
survivors came after 9 P. M. in a
message from Liverpool, which was im
mediately made public. It read:
"The Admiralty have had a message
from Queenstown saying between 500
and 600 landed at Queenstown, Includ
ing many hospital cases, some of whom
have died. Also number landed at
Few of Survivors Listed.
The offices of the Cunard line closed
shortly after. 11 o'clock tonight and
officers of the company said there
would be no further information coming
from the line until the offices opened
tomorrow. ".
The late messages received tonight
from the Cunard line ofTlces In Liver
pool Indicated that no definite con
firmation .would be forthcoming to
night, as the officers were giving all
attention to the persons saved from the
Among the last messages received
were several saying that individuals
were safe. In these messages were the
names of George Kessler, a New York
wine agent; Miss Jessie Taft Smith,
Braceville, O.; Mrs. H. B. Lassetter.
wife of Genoral II. B. Lassetter, and
their son, P. Lassetter. of London. Mrs.
Lassetter. and her son were booked
from Sydney, Australia.
Japanese Ultimatum Omits In
sistence on Supervision
of Internal Affairs.
Pekin Government Confident That
Xo Outbreak Will Follow Peo
ple or Capital Still Un
aware of Situation.
PEKIN, May &. Japan's ultimatum
was presented to China yesterday, but
in a modified form, which the Chinese
government is prepared to accept.
Japan omits all items In group V of
the amended list of demands. Group
V Includes the stipulations against
which China raised the most vigorous
objections. The decision of Japan to
defer these matters 1s made known in
an official communication of 3500
words, which was issued here today in
regard to the Japanese ultimatum.
The principal provisions of group V
have to do with the appointment of
Japanese military and political advis
ers for China and for Japanese super
vision over the manufacture or pur
chase by China of munitions of war.
The Japanese government instructed
Eki Hioki. Japanese Minister at Pekin,
to advise China to give due regard to
Japan's wishes and to the conciliatory
spirit of the Tokio government, in view
of which Japan believes China had
given a satisfactory response.
Compliance Being Drafted.
The attaches of the Foreign Office
were at work all night translating
Japan's ultimatum and drafting the
terms of, China's compliance with the
demands,' which will be submitted to
Yuan Shi Kai and the state council
this morning at 10 o'clock.
The reply will be delivered to M.
Hioki, the Japanese Minister, tonight
or Sunday morning. The Chinese note
will review China's case, answer the
charges contained in the ultimatum and
accept the demands without' qualifi
cation. The government expects no serious
revolutionary outbreak from the peo
ple. The military leaders have assured
Yuan Shi Kai that their support would
It was learned today that in -the
course of Vlce-Mlnlster Tsao Yulin's
visit to the Japanese Legation, he pro
posed verbally to meet the Japanese
railroad demand, to grant school and
hospital privileges, offered to bestow
land without compensation on Japanese
and proposed to withdraw China's three
requirements regarding Shan - Tung
province, namely, the return to the
status quo before the war, China's par
ticipation in the peace conference and
compensation for damages in the Kiau
Chau campaign.
The final Chinese proposals, there
fore, refused only to authorize Japan
to supply half these arms used by
China; to participate in the conduct of
Chinese arsenals; to appoint Japanese
advisers to China and to preach Bud
dahism in tiic republic.
Future Requirements Not I. Iked.
The Chinese dislike the requirements
insisted upon by Japan that China rec
ognize Tokio's right to reopen these
questions at a future date, but they
will accept these features unless the
fed irreconcilables in the councils of
President Yuan Shi Kai succeed before
next Monday in altering the President's
The ultimatum complains of the
Chinese attitude in advancing the ar
gument that the Japanese position was
designed in part for presentation to
foreign countries. It is considered curi
ous that the ultimatum is written only
in Japanese, while all formal documents
have been written both in Japanese and
The Chinese public Is quite unaware
of the trend events took today. Long
lines of Chinese carts all day long
slowly dragged their way through the
rain into the legation quarter and to
the railroad stations, taking bullion and
other articles of value to be placed
under foreign protection.
(Continued From First Page.)
women, hardly seemed possible of ac
complishment in 30 minutes.
Of the construction of the Iost ship.
Many thousands of women, are now-a-days
paying attention to physical
culture and the proper exercise of their
body muscles, where, 30 vyears ago or
50 years ago there was no thought ex
pended on this science, which is quite
ncessary to physical beauty. The rea
son the Greeks, both men and women,
excelled in beautiful and symmetrical
forms was because of the attention
they paid to the proper exercise. Then,
too, they were untrammeled by corsets,
shoes and the inconveniences of cloth
ing. To the minds of some women the
Idea of physical exercise conveys only
the idea of hard fatiguing work. Mild
exercise continued day after day is
best for the body and spirits and
health. Without proper exercise there
can be no health, and without health
there can be no real beauty.
There is no stronger proof of the
sound remedial value of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription than that it re
stores the wasted form to its wonted
The mighty restorative power of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription speedily
causes all womanly troubles to disap
pear compels the organs to properly
perform their natural functions, cor
rects displacements, overcomes irregu
larities, removes pain and misery at
certain times and brings back health
and strength to nervous, irritable and
exhausted women.
It is a wonderful prescription pre
pared only from Nature's roots with
glycerine, with no alcohol to falsely
stimulate. It banishes pain, headache,
backache, low spirits, hot flashes, drag-glng-down
sensations, worry and sleep
lessness surely and without loss of
time. '
Sick women are invited to consult
Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. Address Dr.
Pierce. Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y.
When your shoes pinch or your corns
and bunions ache so that you are tired
all over, get Allen's Foot-Ease, the
standard remedy for the last i5 years,
and shake it into your shoes. It will
take the sting out of corns and bunions
and give instant relief to Tired. Aching.
Swollen. Tender feet. Sold everywhere,
2oc. L?out Mcveitt KDf substitute.
$6 Norfolk Suits
Extra Trousers Free
Every suit absolutely new in pattern and fabric;
made from tweed, cheviot, cassimere and
Just the suits to put on your boys for the stren
uous activities of Spring and Summer.
Splendidly tailored in every respect; both pairs
of knickers full-lined.
Buy them here today; reg. $6 suits for only $4.95
Saturday Specials
Boys' 50c Blouses 35S-three for $1.00
Children's Straw Hats, special 50
Boys' 25c Black Ribbed Stockings 19
Youths' $1 and $1.50 Shirts, sizes 12iu to 14; stiff cuffs and
detached Collars, 69 Second Floor
officials recall that at the time of the
Titanic disaster engineers declared
similar accident to the Lusitania would
have left the ship afloat and able to
proceed under her own steam. She
was a double-skinned vessel with many
watertight subdivisions of her hold
and the wing-bulkhead installations
that gave her added protection. The
vessel's coal bunkers lay outside these
bulkheads and it was pointed out that
the most powerful torpedo known
could not tear open enough compart
ments to send the ship to the bottom
Navy officers predicted that an ef
fect of the loss of the Lusitania would
be a popular demand In England for
energetic action by the fleet.
Base In Ireland Reported.
Some officials of the State Depart
ment were inclined to credit reports
that a German base for submarine
raids had been established in some
hidden cove, known only to the native
smugglers on the Irish coast.
The torpedoing of the British super
dreadnought Audacious off the Irish
coast, generally supposed to- have been
the work of a German submarine, nu
merous raids on smaller craft in the
same region, and now the sinking of
the huge Lusitania, in the opinion of i
these officials, indicated clearly that
the German underwater craft were
working from some nearby point.
Navy officials, however, did not share
this view. They pointed out that the
Lusitania was struck at a distance, ap
proximately of less than 1500 miles
from the German coast. This would be
easy cruising distance, it was said, for
the newest American submarines.
Lone lademea Trips Reported.
Information has reached the Navy
Department to the effect that German
submarines have completely circum
navigated the British Isles, making
voyages of 5000 or 6000 miles. If this
is true (and the report apparently was
accepted at face value) the underwater
ambuscade to which the Lusitania fell
victim was comparatively a simple
Germany is known to have put in
commission several new submarine
craft recently, and it was thought by
Navy officials that when the plan to
sink the Lusitania was drawn up, it
was decided to send a dozen or more
of these boats into the track which
the liner probably would follow to lie
in wait for her. Judging by reports
of her position at the time of the at-
tack. It was said, the Lusitania fol
lowed her regular course on her last
Some Navy officers thought they saw
in the warnings published in this coun
try before the departure of the steamer
that she would be attacked, an intima
tion that the ship would he blown up
from inside during her voyage. Noth
ing in dispatches receiyed today tended
to confirm this view of the incident.
Decoration and Jiepairs Bcjrin a
Part of Week's Campaign.
Spring housecleaning was started
yesterday at the Cny Hall. A force
of men was put to work cleaning off
the white sandstone fence kui rounding
the building. It is proposed to ha a
the inside of the building cleaned soon.
Workmen recently completed the re
pair of the pavement about the build
ing and the park bureau is getting
ready to adorn the windows of tlm
building with attractive flower noxes.
q "Thrifty Alexander" has arrived and today will begin tell
ing his story to parents and children of Portland.
J. Beginning at 10 o'clock today, we will present to every
adult applying (and to every child presenting a note to us
from parent or guardian), a beautiful Poster Stamp Album
containing the first Poster Stamp of the "Thrifty
Alexander" collection.
I Each Saturday thereafter another stamp will be released
until the entire collection has been given out.
I When you have secured the full series you will have a won
derful story of a successful life in beautiful poster stamps,
designed and colored by America's foremost Poster Artist.
f Parents are particularly requested to start this collection
of Poster Stamps, which is fast becoming the popular craze
everywhere. s
Many schools are teaching the new Poster Art and every
one, children and all, should start a collection.
Cfl Come to the bank today and start yours.
1SI or thxv ester n IS ational Bank
Sixth and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon
traw Lhia
when you buy your straw hat here you
have that comfortable feeling of being
well dressed.
a most complete stock of exclusive
and correct styles to select from.
monroe straws $3 knox straws $4 and $5
b. & k., christy and c. & k. straw hats $4 and $5
panamas, bangkoks and leghorns $5, $6, $7, $8 and $10
mrHo siclhel
jr! ' y
331 Washington street
nsar broadway