THE MORNING OREGONIAN. 3IAY c ttttt T -- o 4t-i-r I - ll 'TO EXfH ANT.F RFAT. EST1TR. I Vsr.t? eirir 1 . t PORTLAND BUSINESS ABSTRACT OF TITUS. 1'KOMl'T SERVICE at reasonable prices. r-ncinc Title & Trust Co., 7 (Jh. of Com. ACCOHDIOX 1'l.EATI.NU. knife and box pleating, plcot. inn. hemstitching, braiding, embroidering. eastern .-wtlly Mfg. Co., S5,i Jttl EC. Mall orders promptly attended to. K. i-iTEPHAN Hem8tit(hin and sc-allooinur accord. Bide pleat, buttons covered, pood flioiiKeg. mail orders. Alder. M 137-1. AS!AVKRS AM ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICK. 14214 2d. Gold, Btwr ana platinum bougni. ATTORNEYS. I. MLJORD KEIjtiON, lawyer, removed to SIS Piltock block. Main 7"U1. Consultation rt ee. HALL & FUEPNER, lawyers; consultations tree; ;:i'a- Mieaner Diag. Alar, boui. CAKPET WEAVERS. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old car pets. rag; ruga. 18S B. Sth. Both phones. t AKPENTEKS AN1 CONTRACTORS,. . P. ham able. W. BKNXETT, carpenter. 0;;4 Dur ave. ?hon Woadlawo 755. Re&son rellnble. (bLUIIl) BUTTONS. BAlHiES. THE IKYVIN-IIODSON COMPANY. SS7 Washington st. Main 312 and A 1254. CIIIROfOIHSTsI William. Estelle and William, Jr., Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the city, rarlors 802 GerlinRer bld., s. W. corner 2d arid Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedlcui-lue. Mrs. M. E. Hill. Office Klledner bide. Main S473. t)R. ETHEI.A. SACKY, painless chiropodist. J"o raiiniiia Dlug. f none Main tHK. fcASTKKtV prad. Chiropodist, manicurist. 204 Macleay bldg. Marshall 3D.-0. 1 HI-KO-rRACTIC PHYSICIAN. - X)r. poulson, specialist In paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 850 plttoek blk. M. 8414. DR. M'MAHON. 6th year. Chronic cases tak ing time. 31 treatments, 115. 121 4th st. CLEANING AND rKESSINti. IRESM SL ITS for rent. We press one suit each week for $l.r.o per month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO. SO Stark st.. bet, and 6th. Main 514. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywhere. Highest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency, 4-Ja Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 4S0. Al'TO AND BUGGY TOPS. PCTRDILLK BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 2d at. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Paggage A.-. Omnibus Transfer. Park and Davis BREAD Joyal Bakery i. t'onf., BAKERY. Inc., 3 1th and Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEINHARD. 13th and Burnstde. CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER, IF. T. CROWE & CO., 4". Fourth Bt. , DRYGOODS, NOTIONS, FURNISHINGS. jVLKlSCHXER. MAYEK & CO., 207 Ash St. ELECTRICAL. SLPPLIES. Ptubbs Electrical Co.. 6th and Pine sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS, fibers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall ' . h' " r.n. oani or Trade hid. FLORISTS. 31ARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. 347 Wasa ington. Main 26U. A 126a. Flowers for ail occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., designers and decorators, fresh flowers, great variety. Morrison, between th and 6th. Main or A 1805. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP, 2d and Alder. Designs and sprays. Marshall 602. MAX M. SM1TU. Main 7215. A 2121. Selling building. A. C. F. BUR KHAR DT, 120 N. 23d. Funeral designs and cut flowers. Main 1359. A 7031. fcLINNYSIDE Greennouse. I7 r &s h flowers " Phone B 1622. E. 82d and Taylor. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY ? GRAND AVE, N. Between Davis and Gventt. I'boil i-llt 12, B 2515. Open Day Report all cases of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for aick or disabled animal: at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring a pet may communicate with ua. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS oa improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loana quickly closed. Cal today. (ZOL LARGE LOANS OPT frj V JO Rt S1NK T-HOPRHTlrcS O JO A. II. BIRRELL CO, Si" - 21 North. ve-.tem Bank BuiidinK. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 ON IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTIES Kesidence Loans 6 and 7 Per Cent, Ac cording to Location. Plenty of Money. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bids;. WK WILL BUILD AND FINANCE HOMES Flats and Apartments In any part of the city cos tins from (2000 to $20,000; pay ments like rent. . Call and see ua. P. K. BOWMAN tt CO, Hsem 1. Commercial Ch Building. EDWARDLGOUDLY : NORTHWESTERN BANK frJO lLXIN3 MO RTGAG E LOANS Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Rates. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. FARM AND CITY LOANS. SO Fourth SU, Board of Trade Bids. On CltT and Farm Properties In Any Amount at Current Rates HAKTMAH-TH01fP80N. Banker Corner Fourth and Stark Streets. IfOifTGAGE 1 ANY AMOUHT AT CVRffS4T RATES 803SPJI3et'IU3WCj KLAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-J ONES CO.. H, P. 404-40J-4UK Wilcox bldg. BECK, William G.. 815-316 Failing bldsV BENEDICT BROS., 1)30 Hawthorne ave. BARRETT BROS., 802 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. $225 CASH takes deed to lot . blk. 29, Westmoreland, sub.lect to assessments. $750 buys a beautiful Mt. Tabor lot, 75 feet south of car on t8th, worth $1500; improvements bonded. "See Frank L. Mc Guire for Cheap Lots." 414 Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. PORTLAND HEIGHTS REAL ESTATE. See BHOOKQ, only exclusive dealer. 641 Mntgjmery Drive, cor. Elm st. . Marshall 4827 or A 3838. ROSE CITY PARK lot. clear incumbrance, for f325. AV 84. Oregoniau. LOT, Rose City, sale. 228 2d tii th. st. at value cash, quiok MAKE me an offor on $500 equity In $1250 Wilbnrton lot. Hurry. AV 140, Oregonian. FOR SALE - lots at Flavel. Or.. Hill docks. Call Tabor 4509. close to MUST sell, below cost.- two Coos Bay $75 cash. K 787, Oregonian. ttUil, HAPKR CO., 2BQ -Jd St. CEMENT VAULTS. REAL ESTATE tSK a cement waterproof vault; keep thai ' w REAL ESTATE. body dry forever. Ask your undertaker. bale Beach Property. saff'WTf COLLECTION- AGENCY. Accounts, notes, judgments collected. "Adopt Short Methods.- Short Adjustment Co.. Slit f. W. Bank bids. Phone Main 874. NETH & CO.. Worcester bids. Main 1798 No collection, no charge. Established 11)00. DANCING. ""'Ma SCHOOL, Lessons daily; classes xut;.. jrTiuay evenings, S to lu, 109 :M st joi. vvaaiimgton ana Htark. Lessons 2,e. PETECTIVE AGENCIES. Pirlvi,KTON & CO. C-s-DETECTIVE AGCi. csiaonsnea over o0 years. SCIE.NTIFIC CEl'ECTIVB WORK. investigations and reports made on indi viduals anywhere. Consultation free. Of- ncea i'-i3 Lumbermen's Bank bide. Phone Main 7741. EVE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialists: glasses fitted. Dr. P. F. Casseday. 517 Dekum bldg., 3d & Wn. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding: all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co.. 31 1st st. N. phone Main BJ10. HATS. CLEANING AND BLEACHING. PANAMAS blocked and bleached 7; & felts 5Qc. Kaufman's, 88 3d St. c: straws nr. Stark. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY USSK.OER CO. Motorcycle and bicycles. Phone Main 53. A 2153. MODEL AM) DYE WORKS. SPECIALTY machine work, designing, model making, repairing; correspondence solicit ed. Armstrong Mfg. Co., 42d st. Main 679. MUSICAL. Emll Thlelhorn. violin teacher; pupil Sevclk -vi flieauer bldg. A 416Q. Marshall lBHO, NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, nerv- .., mseasea. W4 oregonlan bldg. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPT1CLANS OK) A I. ICHT on high prices. hy pay ?5 to 10 for glasses when I can fit lenses, gold-filled ejes witn lirst-quality ! frnmni ua i -. - . . -. . uooaman, au Morrison. Mall orders WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS GROCERIES. & CO., 0U-7o Fourth WADHAMS HATS AND CAPS TMANHAUSEU HAT CO., 54- 55 Front st. KAMi0?0?,1-' CASCARA BAKK. KAI1N BROS.. 181 Front st. x-,., MERCHANTS. ' f,rSKOS" B1 WORCESTER BLTXft fliain hNM. Phonee x 1178 IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRU.N WORKS. ,, PORTLAND. OREGON STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT FOUNDRY. "i U "lE,M ISP,. SXTKADK SLrPLlES. -1A- x'- MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front: leather of every description ; taps; mfg. hndlngs' (n'rHi J,'OHKN"s NECKWKArT- Ol.l AIBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 3 Fifth st. BiAoiijn d-rootn cottage, clear, close in. fine location. 125o. Take late model car as part. Main 8085. owner. SEAV1EW At sacrifice; two choice lots. $160 each. T 7U2. Oregonian. For Sale Houses. OR SALE, BARGAIN. CORNER ON 14TH. NEAR HALL ST. lpOxlOO-Fl'. LARGE HOUSE, FINE VIEW, ALL E $15,000; 3 YEARS' MORTGAGE FOR 50U0; WILL SliLL mAuUITI SS.HV"0- PAItT XEKMS. .t 795. ORE OOMAN. THAT VACANT LOT. VVHT NOT TURN A BIKDSN INTO lV????7T,T-rV'F W1LI' LKNISH ThS N0iY-BUI1-D APARTMENTS. RESI- klP1'1- PLANS FKEE; WE ARK RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOVV "OW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENT Jeb VR, Pi.1 GIV,S BONDS. "L. if: PtV1.. CO., CONTRACTING AKCH1 lECfS. 324 ABINOTON BLDG. 2u?A1JLL,k A MONTH TAKE TOUR CHOICE No mortgage or streets to worry you- All near car in Alberta. Now fin ished. 3, 4 or H-room artistic bungalows, run cement basementa and walks, full plumbing, all rooms tinted, fixtures, enades, etc. At the prices and terms tnere is nothing in city to compare. Owner and builder. 1020 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, only $1800; a now, 5-room, modern bungalow, full basement, all built-in conveniences, two blocks to ear; if you see this house, you will say with me it is the biggest bargain you nave ever seer.; will take a lot as first payment, balance easy terms. Call owner. Tabor 1782. TERMS LIKE RENT. SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK. Strictly modern home, rooms and sleeping porch, fine relricted dlstrlot, near beautiful - park aaa caxline; naru finished street, ail ready to move ino. Woudlawn 3712. LIST OF DESIRABLE HOMES. Before buying be sure to look at our list o brand new, exquisite homes in LAU KELHUKST, the addition of beautiful homes, ranging from $2500 up. L&urel hurst Co.. 270 V Stark st or at traot of fice in Laurelliuret. E. 3th and Olisan sts. $2000 NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, most any terms; owner must sell; worth $2600; 5 rooms, Dutch kitchen, built-ins, fruit and shade treea, berries, etc.; paved sts. Go see at 1044 Arnold St., near Mur guerlte ave. Phone 861175. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Beautiful. Targe . home; best close-in residence ohlstrlct; every modern convenience; fine view; owner leaving city; must sell. AH 789, Oregonian. FOR SALE W1H sacrifice $4200 bungalow, Just built, for $280ti; located So. Mt. Ta bor; $1100 buys my equity. If you are looking for a snap, answer at once; give phone and address, AC 704, Oregonian. I HAVE several small houses near car; 6c tare, dandy place lor garden and chickens: ierma same as rent. Call Main 3517. -02 Wilcox bldg. GOOD seven-room house, bearing fruit trees lot louxloo. West Side. 20 minutes' on car ride: price $1100, terms; the best buy in Portland, owner, 601 Corbett bldg. EQUITY la house and lot; cated; easy payments; amount of equity for cash. 618. Oregonian bldg. favorably lo will discount Address room I HAVE a beautiful $550O home: will trade equity for smaller place for $3000. Tabor NEW 4-ruom house, 100x110; near car; East Side; price $1300; terms $10 a month. Phone Main 3517. 202 W ilcox bldg. PLANS $5 BUNGALOW PLAN BOOK. 10c. A. H. FABER, ARCHITECT. 860 Ainsworth ave. 'Phone' Woodlawn 294. NOT a large ad, but a btg bargain in i 6-room bungalow. Inquire at 1-35 Tills mook St. Phone C 2887. YOURS for $500 less than actual value, 7 room modern bungalow. Just finished, easy terms. Tabor 660. TWO beautiful lots on Portland Heights; will build to Sfeuit customer, very easy terms. Apply owner. Main S3S0. PIEDMONT Most attractive 7-room home; sacrifice for quick disposition. AC 780, Oregonian. FOR SALE New, modern 6-room bungalow tn Irvington. Unique in design and com plete In every detail. Phone K. 4345. VERY tine home, grand view, cost $17,059 to build; take $12,000: street all paid. East 273. W. H. Herdman. NEW-, modern 12-room house, in Irvington R. B. Rice. East 2432. WILL build suit on easy terms: plans free of charge. L 693, Oregonian. v Suburban Home Property. FOR SALE Beautiful Summer home on Willamette River. Gas and electricity. Salmon fishing front of house; $400. Two beach lots. Twin Rocks. One front, one back. Will Bell one. B 799, Oregonian. For Sale -Acreage. I WILL sell any part of fine 20-acre tract, all In cultivation, on Oregon Electric R. R., 10 miles out, in Tualatin Valley; terms to - suit; $225 per acre. See Handy, owner, 20j Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 205. CHOICE suburban acreage in size to suit, 20 minutes out on Oregon Electric: will taTte piano in trade. Write or see Dr. F.fgoek, Multnomah. Or. FOR SALE City and suburban acreage, farms and unimproved lands. J. Wilson, 60th and Division, Hawtbome ave. car. COLUMBIA RIVER TRACT, $12 per acre; eaeriflce deal. Owner, K 789, Oregonian. ' 1 ' " 1 " r-i.rtvic., .Morrison and 7th mtm l,r.. " ' -' ' 1 1 J-iv- DIRECTORY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DK. K. B. NOHTHRUP, 30b Morgan bids., cor. Broadway and Washington st. Office phone. Main 341: residence. East 1023. PAIMTI.NC. PAINTING. PHONE SELL. 5. Paper hanging and tinting. PATENT ATTORNEY. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice, U. and foreign patents, tttn Dekum bldg. PAWNBROKERS. STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE. 26 NORTH 6TH ST. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. factory and omce near 24tn and York sts. Main 3480. R1BBER STAMPS. SEALS, BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 wash st. Phone, Main 710 and A 2710. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co. Office ana commodious 4-story brick warehouse. separate iron room and fireproof vaults lor valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Special rates made on goods in our tnrougn cars to all domestic ana iorelgn ports. Main 5(16, A l'.HHi. OLSON TRANSFER CO. New fireproof warehouse with 'separate rooms. vve move and pack household , goods and pianos and ship at reduced rates. Auto vans and teams for moving. forwarding and distributing agents. Fine trackage. Office and warehouse, 15th and tioyt sis. Main ,-4r. A 2247. i MOVING. PACKING, SHIPPING. STORAGE. IT PAYS TO GET THE BEST. Reduced freight rates to all parts. .MANNING WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER COMPANY. Main 703 Oth and lloyt. A 2214. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Olisan St., cor. i;;th. Telephone Main u or A 11 US. we own and operate two large class " warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In city. MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office, 1S9 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7601, VETERINARY SCHOOLS. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept ro proiession otters equal opportunl ty. Catalogue free. C. Keane, pres. 1818 .Market St.. San Francisco. WOOD. GREEN and dry slabwood. blockwood. ama Fuel Co., Main 5720, A 3Si. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. t-ortiand w ire At Iron Wka., 2d & Columbia. J?.1NTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. v. P. FULLER & CO., 2d and Taylor i o a ct-.1'VINTS ,L- AND GLASS. RASMUSSLN A CO.. 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE, PIPE J-TTTINCtS ANirV ATvEST M. L. KLINE. 84-80 Front st. I'LUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE & CO., 84-86 Front st. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTES & CO.. 1st and Oal PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS?" EVERDING &FARHELL. iio Front st ROi'K AND BINDING TWINE. " Portland Cordage Co.. nth and Northrup. ;ah ikkrs and glass. FULLER A CO.. 12th and W. p. Davis. vnu,a.tJN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, Gresham district SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS, H mile electric station. $75 to 150 ner acre; easy terms, best soli; free wood. . arms for sale, all sizes. FRA?fK,.M'fcARLAND REALTY CO. 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. 17 ACRES 750. 2 miles to Col. River and R. R. Pta close to school and macadam mart terms. - " j F. B. HOLBROOK CO., 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. STOP THAT RENT and buy a half-acre tract tn city limits, level, cleared. Bull Run water, gas. 5-cent carfare; 10 down. J per month. Whltmer-Kelly Co, 711 rittock block. HomesteadK. FRER BOOKLET State and U. S. land. Cal. state Lend Inf. Bureau. Sacramento. Oal. For sale Farms. MUST SELL AT ONCE. My S20-acre farm In the valley 70 ,. south of Portland; best of soil, black in bottom, red shot nnlinH- ixn i once it jou want a money-maktng farm . very, very cheap. V 797. Oregonian. IMPROVEn HiKTU 40 acres in southwest part Oregon, Jose phine County, near Grants Pass; house, barn, outbuildings, etc.; near Rogue River -good hunting and fishing; price $50 cer acre ii soia soon; call or write. Geo. 1L h .Li -J. wcuougai st., Everett, Wash. HAVE a good dairy ranch1 S miles from Astoria, also a number of lots that will Bell cheap on monthly payments; I must go East. Write, phone or call Apt. 408. Montgomery Apts., 3d and Montgomery. -Marshall 3651. Ti4.?. N B W WAY, THE MODERN WAT, THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying i3HiT,Ai' you interested? If so. write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN.. 303 Pllelan bldg- San Francisco. C. M. WOODSTER. Pres. acres lne sandy loam, one-half mile Amany; moaern house, hot and cold Hue oarn; also tine home in Al ili. oargaui. owner, 1O10 w. Oth St.. ALrliiS. mile from good road, good dark soil, level as a floor. 1 miles from school. 3 miles to store. 6 miles from towns; sides fenced, good spring"; will trade for second-hand car or sell for $750 ... j. , vicpuiiiitii. ron sale stock larm, 865 acres, In Linn ""'"i. tine periect, at $20 per acre; i S : owner must sell; terms $.',000 down, bal. four to six years. Ad- ojo xa. at. rajne, Aipany. or. 80 ACRES, ptrtly fruit and partly rich bot lom 'ana, cneap, near Oakland, Douglas , " ' XI.. 1j. James, 133 Third East. Salt Lake City. Utah. WRITE for list of wheat and alfalfa ranches. - .mv p. IIUUUU, Uf. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENTT 24 acres. 2 miles south of Gresham. crops In; two horses, 3 cows, two brood sows with pigs, chickens and bees, farm machinery, household goods, for $850 In quire F. B. Norman, Ford Motor Co., 'llth ...... iiinmu e La. 85 ACRES, 10 acres oats, 1 acre wheat $3o rent, crops included, part cash and terms bouse, barn, outbuildings, some tree fruit" M. Bolich. Clackamas, R. D. 1. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRAKEN, 304 M'KAT BLDQ TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. I HAVE modern 5-room house, close in on 9th St., rented; cash value $4000: want general merchandise store, well located: will assume indebtedness to $1200 F. A. COBB. 406 Northwest Bldg. BEACH HOTEL 17 rooms, furnished ready for business, now open. Fine location, on Tillamook Beach, right at depot, postoffice take good house and acreage. Address AK lot, farm or good '92. Oregonian. IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE WE CAN MATCH YOU WE DON'T HANDLE JUNK PROPERTY 801 NORTHWEST BLDG. MAIN 7266. SALE OR EXCHANGE. Improved farms in North and South Da kota for sale or exchange on Willamette j Valley grain or stock farms. , Box 20. Mount Angel, Oregon. WANTED to trade for house and lot or grocery store, 9 acres 4-year-old apple orchard, valuation $3000. AB 796 Ore- gonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE, by owner, 480 acres alfalfa and stock ranch. Plenty of free water. Phone East 3101. WANTED Building lot as first payment on new house in Hawthorne district. Phone Tabor 5483. . MY $750 equity in 4 -room modern house leased for 1 year, for late model auto or acreage. Main 51)81. WANTED House or bungalow in Irvington or near by; must be modern, with sleep lng -porch : no children. Phone East 4020. TO OWNERS Want to buy 5 or-6-room house, about $10oo, spot cash, on carline A 80. Oregor.ian. EQUITY In three acres at Lents, ready to plat to lots for your house equity or what have you? Main 1242. WANT team, harness, wagon etc., for land in Yamhill Co. Osborne, 510 21st N, in or ... v,, uiuuotvi, u.!. 4ii pasture; gtod build ings running water, good roads; 50 cat J'S: . he. horses, machinery, etc; $20. 000 lor all; must have $5000 cash; answe i ' -' i . v w i nJUL.r n&ii iiw jialk. i hfi p uiVTrn irtruit p I WANT the best house and lot, free of in cumbrance, I can get in exchange for a fine east front Irvington lot with trees, on wide Btreet, an automobile in fine shape and $500 cash; Irvington, Rose City Park, Alameda or Laurelhurst preferred; noth ing south of Hawthorne or north of Fre mont considered. Particulars at 572 E 15th N.. mornings 'or evenings. TRADE "WITH OWNER. Clean stock merchandise, good . valley town, cash business, about $15,0U0 stock, also beautiful, modern home, 11-room house, 4 acres of land, right In town, fine lawn, ' fruit and garden, two acres celery land; value $10,000: will take V: trade; prefer equipped stock ranch. AV 152, Oregonian. $850 TEN acres Mosier fruit land, cleared; $400 cash, balance automobile. Equity of $4000 in 7-year-old 10-acre apple orchard. Lewlstoh, Idaho; will take some equity Portland property. $1500 Beautiful lot In Irvington; lawn and shrubbery; half cash, balance auto moblle. AE 797. Oregonian. MOST attractive modern home to exchange for - Los Angeles property. B 779, Ore gonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. lo exchange, new Grafonola for paints and Vila. i .VrLSU. St. FOR SALE. . Horace. Vehicles, Harness, Etc. MARE and gilding, sound and free of blem xshes, good workers single or double, weighing 220 lbs., $150; also 3 teams of -year-oias. oiocky bunt, well broken an closely mated, weighing l:i00 lbs. each. o. to HoweLt.. . Alodel . Stables, 5th and i-iavis. AUCTION 1 AUCTION ! Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. ; only strictly bviuuiiBoiuii biauil's in me city; consign Miucueu. ne inci;ieiiaua ftorstt Mule Co.. -24U East 8ta st. East 6315. COMMISSION AUCTION or norses, vehicles, harness, wagons, every juuuuay anu i nursauy, at p. Al. COium tia ataDies. du;s f ront st- FOR SALE Cheap, one first-class horse, weighing 1300 pounds; 2 small delivery horses, weight lloo pounds; one good nriving norse, weigning 1100. 226 Russell. uOR SALE at sacrifice, 4 horses, ranging from 800 to 120O lbs.. 2 light" express wagons. 2 sets of double harness. Call -' 1 1 1 1 1 iirt Or A .!OS. HORSES ALL KINDS. Bay mare. 5 years old, weighing 151 lbs., with colt by side. 185 Vs Madison at. Approach of ' bridge. lc.AU weighing 24i)il, harness and farm wagon. lor 13o. Take WW .car to 54th st. and o4tn ave. s. E. CAPITAL STABLE, 2S7 Front-st. Just re ceivea, a carload or norses and mares irom Eastern Oregon. H. Glerman, prop. DEAD horses and cattle taken . free. day or night. Tabor 4203. B'OH SALE Well-bred driving horse, also Harness ana puggy. AN i so, oregonian, HEAD of horses, 555 Raleigh st. 120O to 1600 lbs. Inquire PASTURAGE for stock near Portland. Main itiu. FOR SALE Good delivery horse, 151 N. 23d. harness and wagon; $.-.". DEAD horses and animals hauled away free wjqiawn o. foruana .tte.iaenng cu. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.25. I. Cohen, noi water st. Main 22u, Main oooo. BEAUTIFUL Shetland Arabian ponies for sale. W. T. Binkley, Wood'ourn, Or. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. FINE 6-actave an for $25. terms to suit. Call 431 Wash. st. Dogs. Birds, Pet Stock. A GOOD Airedale is burglar proof. Laddlx Kennels, Estacada, Or. ENGLISH setter pups, pedigreed tliorough- oreqs. w. r . watkins. riy. Kx. blug. Furniture for Sale. MAJLSTIO range, lawn mower and other f uemture for sale ; 6-room modern house for rent, $20 per mo. Also 4 Seattle lots ror sale or trade lor Oakland or San Jose, Cal.. property. 32 E. loth at. N. COMPLETE furnishings five-room cottage. 125: rent sn. can 11 to u Sunday. Phon B 1S16. FOR SALE Furniture of five-rnom house, everything complete for housekeeping, no K. nth st. good furniture or 7 rooms, cheap; leaving city. . win trace ror diamond, call 2ty .proaqway alter 2 f. jvi FOR SALE -Furniture of 8 rooms, cheap rent: enough rooms rented u 431 6th. house for offset rent. GOOD furniture of 5 rooms. 260 Rosa, cor- !L ner asco. U car. Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAPS. Liberal Terms Given. Cole 3-pass., 30-h. p., $475. Cole 5-pass.. 40-h. p., electric starter and lights, late model. SI125. Cole 7-pass., 50-h. p., tt-cylinder, electric starter and lignts. late model, si32o. Cole 7-pass., o-cyL, 6l)-h. p., electric starter and lignts, nearly new, late model, $1750. Chalmers K-passenger, SO-h. p.. fully equippea, 4io. Hupp, 5-pass., C2-h. p.. only $575. Michigan. 5-pass... 33-h. p., only $575. $575. Garford, 4-pass 40-h. p., snap, $750. Reo truck, 1 tons, with van body, snap. $1250. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch St. HAULING CONTRACT. To the man who will buy a o-ton truck from us we have an attractive hauling contract of 60 to 00 days' work which should net him $30 a day above operating expenses. Get busy, at once; terms on truck. Gerliuger Motor Car Co., Washington and King. Phone Marshall 1015. WINTON SIXES, thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt, in 4 and 7-nasseneer models: cars are fully equipped and carry guarantee of y niLon aioior unr co. ror one lear; be sure and see us bofore you buy a. used car. Liberal terms. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO.. -2:d and Washington Sts. PORTABLE GARAGES. Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artistic designs, 10x16, $30 up, erected complete, with lock and key; im mediate delivery; also portable houses. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO.. Foot of Harrison st. Main 11C7. 1912 Cadillac. 5-pass., electric lights and starter. S785. Terms. 1911 Moliue 30. 5 pass, $160. 1911 Flanders delivery, $160. 1912 Hudson 33, 5-pass., $475. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. 6-CYL1NDER Pierce-Arrow, 7-passenger, in fine mechanical condition, good tires, seat covers, some cash or small car as part payment; liberal terms on balance. WIN TON MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washing ton sta. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 10x16, best materials, erected on 'your lot, complete, $32 up. Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat, B. T. Allyn, Garage Specialist, 1191 E. Salmon st- Tabor 194. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studetalter Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder.- 1914 7-PASS. Cadll'ac. as good as new. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washington Sts. 5-PASS. Warren Detroit auto, cost new $22541, In fine condition; price for quick sale, $350. E. R. Sully, St. Johns. CoL 668. A SSVEN-PASSENOER 40-h. p. Garford auto to exchange for vacant lot In city, some cash required. Call at 233 E. 44th St., near Main. BUNGALOW GARAGE Between 22d and 23d, on Halsey, in Irvington; 4 or 5 PRI VATE stalls for rent, reasonable. Phone East 801 or call 691 Clackamas. $300 CASH. 5-passenger. fore-door E. M. F. 30, recently overhauled, newly painted, good tires, gas and electric lights; 1200 Williams ave. Woodlawn 1720. I WILL pay cash for late model Fords. Buicks, Overland and Studebaker cars. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. E. 11U9. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. ONE Ford roadster, 1112 model, good tires Presto tank, cut . out, master vibrator $275. John Deere Garage, 346 E. Alder NO. 1 LOCATION for jitney bus garaee and gasoline station,, cheap rent, lease. Call Tabor 56o2. ONE-TON Buick truck, in good condition; must sell; by owner; $300. 4S9 E. Davis street. WHITE steamer. In fine condition, double O, $225. 462 Hawthorne ave. EL Mussel white. WANTED To buy ail grades scrap rubber and metals; , highest cash market price paid. J. Leve. isn Columbia. Main 5198. FOR HIRE, cheap, Hudson car, new and clpansji careful driver. Main 537S. LIGHT 5-pass. tou ring car, late cheap for cash. 603 W ash. st. model. FOR HIRE' -1.25 rr hour. O-passenger Ford. Phone Woodlawn 1608. 3-TON White truck in good condition; 2 bodies, gravel and platform. Main 528. FOR SALFJ Pierce Arrow 5 passenger tour- ingcar; cheap. Call Lang & Co. FOR HIRE, $1.23 per hour, 3-pasenteer 1U14 FORD, Phono Woodlawn 140. Automobiles. USED PACKARDS AT FAIR PRICES. Tou will have to investigate these cars to realize your opportunity to purchase a real automobile at the right price. PACKARD is 5-passenger. .- PACKARD 30 5-passenger. , PACKARD 38 cyl., 5-passenger. PACKARD 48 6 cyl., 5-passenger. PACKARD 30 7-psssenger limousine. FRANK C RIGGS COMPANY. Cornell Road. 23d and Washington sts. Phone Main 4542. CADILLAC. 1912 6-pass, completely equipped, elec tric lights and starter. $650. 1913. A 5-pass. In extra good condi tion, bumper, new tires, electric starter, paint very good. A Cadiilao will s;lve you real satisfac tion and service. COVEY MOTORCAR CO.. 21st and Wash. iHh, place to buy or sell used cars. Bast ama Auto rtepair Co.. 717 Hawthorne. Automobiles. Wanted. 10 ACRES WITH RUNNING STREAM. 13 miles out, near Tualatin River; ;ood soil, covered with first-growth fir and ceaar. Jt-nce fiou. vv ill take auto up SoUU as first Davment. Ther in frnncrii wood and cedar to pay for place. Address WANTED To hire auto suitable for Jitney oy a capaDie anver ana mechanic; will pay from $18 to $25 per week; can give ref erences, itoom 4w ire vis Hotel. Main GOOD second-hand Ford or other good ma chine up to Si,S4)o as first panent on bun. Kaiow, balance $15 per month. Y boo, uregonian. W1L.L trade 60- acres fine, unincumbered jana for o-pattsenger car, late model even trade, for good car. See W." Walker, 03y Aiuer st. WANT 5 or 7-passenger auto, late model, Al condition; will trade clear lot, value $1800, or trade Ktudebaker electric, good WANTED 5-pass. auto; condition ; reasonable; Hotel, Dallas, Or. must be in good terms, imperial WANTED Automobile as first payment on new house in Hawthorne district. Phone LIGHT delivery auto; will pay difference on o-pasenger car. owner, 4iu Aider st. Motorcycles. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE, 114, in very good condition.- Extra equipment. Price very COVET MOTORCAR CO., 21st and Wash TWIN Excelsior, fully quipped. 321! iama ave. Wiil- Poultry. WjHITE LKGHOHX baby chicks from heavy laying etocc, per 10O; lOO chicks and t iruless brooder, ?.50. Safe arrival guar- anteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petalumu, rtM BABY CHICKS, White Leghorns, 10c apiece. Phone E .;i4. H.11 E. Morrison. Livestock. FOU SALE lO niik'h cow. some fresh, some soon ; 1 ;t-year bull. Holstein, team horses, $2250. V. C. Burns, 2Mb-2l0 3d Pt. Telephone Main HJ 6. A 1t2t, or Main 0212, IK YOU have a eood fat cow or veal for sale cau Tabor Ziau. Tjpe writer. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $3 and up; 6 mom hs rent applied on pur chase price. Kerning ton Typewriter Com pany, sty uroadway, Hortland, Or. WE save you from 0 to 73 Der cent on all ma kes of typewriters; send for our illus trate.! roioer. itetaii aepartment WHOLE. HALR TVPEWRITE'R CO., 321 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS, all makea, 10 to $65. The Northwest 1 ype writer Co., iftiaf Stark j Main 5.j28. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, 2ol Stark st. Main 1407. Mirwellaneouo. MONARCH motion picture machine, two white screens exll ft., one reel case, two empty " reels, one Leader calcium light outfit, all complete, practically new; $100 takes ft. Geo. A. Hali. Alpine, Or. BILLIARDS Nw and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories-, easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke Coilender Co., 46-4$ 5th. HOCH FKLD'S Camera Exchange. S3 3d St. ilignest prices paid tor Kookb, cameras and lenses. Bargains in slightly used ca meras. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC A, llth ed ition, India paper, going cheap; left ith advertiser for unpaid debt. Apply AJ 717, Oregonian. SWINti MACHINES, nei and second hand, sale or rent, $2 up. tewing Machine Emporium. lul od fit-, near Taylor. Main .m;;i. a 362s. LARGE size Oriental rug, two pairs feather pillows, comotnation gaa and coal raue used but a short time. House for rent. 8.s: East Kelly st. MOTOR BOAT ENGINE. 4-cyl. Cadiilao mo tor, in good condition. Jtlign-tenslon mag neto Price low. COVEY MOTORCAR CO., 21st and Wash. VISIBLE typewriters rented 3 months for $4 ; convenient at home ; delivered any where. 2i4 Stark st. Phone Main 6273. FOR RALE cheap, mo yds. green velvet carpet, new, - poor showcases, l hat case, also stock millinery. iiiy Williams ave. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon, per gauon. 91.0a. jr-ortiana Paint 10., 2Uo Front st. Marshall lOO. FOR SALE New picture machine, used only three weeks; cheap ror rash. 34 N. letn st., room S; Phone Mar. 1037. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism. 50 tablets lor -oc. All druggists. SAFES. The Mosier Safe Co., SAFER. 264 Stark at. SEWING MACHINE for sale, new Domestic, S20. 1072 E. Morrison. PLC M B1NG supplies at wholesale price. Stark-Davfs Co.. 212 3d st. Main 77. CASH reels ters. National, slightly used. Typewriter Exchange, V Washington st. COMPLETE movtng-picture outfit for aale or trade. 21 First. Tabor 24tv. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best prices for yoTir mmiture. 1st sr.. Aiai noi . FOR SALE 3-room houseboat, Gustofson. West Side. ellwood ferry. A. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co., Portland. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING We pay highest cash price for ladles and gents castoff clothing, bicycles and everything In merchandise. Call, us up. We need it and win pay tor it. G LOBS STORE. 285 First St., Main 2-0S0. Main 200. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES. WE CALL PROMPTLY'. THE RE LIABLE BUYER. Main 7573. 221 Madison. FoR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household roods or any thine; in th hardware line, ca.ll the Levin Hardware & Furniture Co., If21 Front. Phone A 7174, Main 9072. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. KLINE'S. EAST 71tI. 87 GRAND AVE. WANTED Second-hand postoffice cabinet ; must be in good condition, contain both call and lock boxes. Address P. M. Fisher, Wash. Phone 10 S 22. WILL purchase second-hand bicycles, Stiletto, Marshall or Bonita makes. Phone 1 to 2 or 7 to 8 P. M. Main 3S2fl or write AL 78, Oregonian WANTED Sawmill or timber for good ranch; actual value $3000. B 7fc8. Orego nian. 2D-H AND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don't give it away. Get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co.. 12 1st. Main 4773. GET our estimate on your second-hand fur niture; buver calls promptly. Main 5768. Mish Furniture Co., 184 First at. W. A. COVELL will pav the best price for your second-hand furniture. Phone Mar. J5iM7. 211 2d st., near Taylor. WILL give $10 for medium-sized roiltop desk in good condition. Apply AV 143, Oregpnian. WANT flu. 000 used furniture: pay good prices; starting new store. Sellwood 1632. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 40O Dekum bid)?. ROLL top desk and chairs, ian. M 796 Oregon- WANT Furniture for a clear $200 lot you can see. E 788. Oregonian. WANT stock or furniture and men's cloth ing; highest cash price. Marshall 587. WANTED Good second-hand canoe, cash. W 798, Oregonian. WANTED Phonograph and records. Tabor 246S. 212 First, cor. Salmon. eto. WANTED Phone East Excavating and team work. 4SC4. C 147T. WE BUY Get the price for roll-top desks. 63 First street. HFXP WANTED MALE. BARBE R wanted BARBER wanted. steady job. 249 205 Morrison-t. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. Record 1914: Calls for men from employers 179 Positions filled 131 The service of this department Is tree . to an members of the Association. T non-members a special Employment Mem nersnip Is issued, costing $5 per annum. Eiving me service ot tne department to a year, two months' full privileges and refund of the membership fee if satlsfac tory employment is not secured. All young- men seeking- eiuuiovment Clerical, Technical or Commercial lines or aesinng counsel or advice are cordially In nea 10 consult the Advisory and Employ '""11 oc-;rp mry. y. M. C. A. AUTOMOhi r.K. KrHnm. Day and nieht instruction In repairing, driving, selling and machine Tiork, includ ing lorge, lame, shaper. drUlpresa. etc Aiuaeraiu cnarges. air dealing and ex pt;rt training. Time unlimited. Before enrolling eltewhere call at edu cational office, y. ii. c. A. bid., ant secure pass entitling you to inspect our nop una niemoas. MEN WANTED who need extra value In clothing. Jimmy Dunn sells higb-grad irnuy-iu-wcar men a suita without the bl proiit lor high rent; $20 men's suits for $14.75: S2S men's ssulta fur its 7h .itmm Dunn, 213-16.17 Oregonian bldg., elevator i a iiuur. MEN'S TROUSERS. Men Vhy pay a big profit on your xrouersi ior me oenerit of the landlord aiy low upstairs rent saves vou monev pan la. Priced at 2.30. 3 and X2.Su. Jimm Dunn, S1S-16-17 Oregonian blds-i elevato" 10 oa iioor. W ANTE D A b rif; h t o un s man or b from l.t to is years of age to learn th . re La a stationery business- murt be ncu , in appearance, have common school edu v cation and be willing to work. In renlyln state hk. experience and give references, a oregonian. GENTLEMAN or lady to take charge office; a number of salesmen;- salary $ , per month and commission : must be abl to Invest $5oQ; this Is permanent position and opportunity of a lifetime. AN 733, oregonian. Fl RST-CLASS coat, pants and vestmakers non-union shop; free shop on premises minimum wage st) a week guaranteed can .work piece work or by the week. v . ts. Ervin & Co., Sellln g bid g. MAN. and wife on farm, $40; second co $40 ; gash and door machine men, $2.23 woman cook on ranrii, $.. Pacific Km ploynient Company. 222 and 224 Couch WANTED Man as a barber and wife f( light hotel work, everything; furnished, on the seashore. Particulars at Rose City importing t o., j.4 3d st., corner Alder. WANTED Experienced shipping clerk meat packing-house experience preferred inuKt have good references. W 707, Ore gonian. . v AUTO-TRUCKMEN I will receive bid fo hauling 100 0 cords of fir wood. For par . titular; address McReynolds, 4 91 Court st,, saiem, or. CASH advanced you weekly selling our liar dy guaranteed ornamental and fruit stock ' Right now bent time to utart. V ashing ton Nursery Company, Toppeninh, Wah EN i'KKl E.NCED salesman to work W Ilium ett Valley" to sell stoves and house fur' nishlng goods; give references. U 7U0, Or;? USE spare time to build up mail-order busl nets of own: we neip you start lor share profits. 27 opportunities, particulars free. Opportunities jhsXcniiKe. jutr alo, . y, WANTED Japanese waiter or German lady waiter; wages ju, room ana 00 aid. Aug Erickson; R. D. No. 2, Oregon City, or. Tel. 30o J. ABI-E-BOD1 ED MEN to prepare for fire men. brake mn ; $ 1 W niont h ly ; position obtainable free. Railway Association, Ore gonian. SALE3MEN WANTED to sell our up-to-dati and extensive line. Outfit free; canh weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company, aicm, or. SADDLE horses. 50 ct. first hour. 25 cts. additional; English or stock saddles. Multnomah Stables, loth and Madison, Main SS76. MAN or boy, over 1H ears. with motor cycle : must be stead y and have retpr ences ; monthly guarantee. Apply only between S and 10 A . M. 421 ash mgt PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trade in h week; tools free; position guaranteed paidwhile learning. 2 J2 2d, near Main GOVERNMENT popUlons are easy to get. My free booklet. 3 -jo, tfiis now. writ nay ru w. D. C. Karl HopkJns, Washington, WANTED Young man with bicycle mo tore j cle. hibo boj s with w heels after school. 13 N. 12th. WANTED Sinjcle man. under 34. with ref erences. General business experience. State age, phone number. K 7'.9, Oregonian. TO exchange. ntrw Grafonola for painting 4:1 Wash, f BOY to help milk and chores; no tobacco. E. E. Watts, Hillsboro, or. WANTED mingle man for gfirden and gen era) housework, call laD'T til. BOY to tut dandelions lawn. J 7bU, Ore gonian. EARN $: .M coinmiBHion sol j-it tin; hIi, photo play w eekiy. lyde. 2", stock Exchange PHOTO agents, something nw; extra com mlHlon pa in. t-arony htua lo. Royal bldg. PAINTER wanted to do tinting for rent of an apartment. Main hJHU. PARPER for Saturday. 440 1 Jefferson st Help Wanted Ageuta. GENTS $8 to $10 a day selling 1U13 Spe cial, van Dyke utudio. 4t4 wash. et. Help Vt anted fsalesuaen. WANTED Man with good personal ac quaintance among investor to give me introductions; am h an ft ling best lots on the market. Box F 7iU, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesman wanted by whole sale cracker and candy firm; state exper ience. X 796, Oregonian. LIVE WIRE. CHOICEST TERRITORY. $100 required. Address 112-113 Edgerly bldg., Fresno, California. HELP WAITED FEMALE. WANTED Women for Government jobs, (70 month. Write immediately for list po sitions obtainable. Franklin Institute, 703 D Rochester, N. 1. AT ONCE, good home for baby boy eight months, mothers care. S10 uer month, full particulars first letter. Box Y Ore gonian. COMPETENT cook, German preferred. Call between 10 and l- A. G. w ad ha ma & Co., cor. 4th and Oak. Ask for Mr. Ralph Hahn. GIRL to assist In general housework. 693 E. 24th North, between Knott and Stan ton; Broadway car. GIRLS to learn beauty culture; commission wiiile learning. Geneva E, Keuly, 314 Ahington bid;;. WANTED, to petent girl 3V71. asnist with who likes housework, com children. Tabor WANTED Gli Is to work in glove factory must, have some experience. E. W. Sim mons Glove Co., 102 3th, 2d floor. MRS. HINSDALE'S BUSINESS SCHOOL, 3u2 Empress bidg. Personal instruction positions when competent. WANT experienced girl for general house work. 132U Alameda ave. Phone Tabor 2210. WANTED First-class girl for genera housework ; must be competent ; will pa? Kood wages. Apply 581 Knott st. WANTED Apprentloe for line dressmaking, neat sewer, pay while learning. Highland Court, Apt. 104. GIRL for suburban houe work, smail fam ily, must have city references, good wages to right person. A 4040. Main 3275. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. All modern business courses $3 mo. Positions when competent. 3ol N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Young ladles to work an hour or two a day for free tuition in first-class TUBiness college. H 703, Oregoniau. WANTED Refined, capable wc man for re sponsible position. Viavi Company, 423 Plttock block, KS3 Washington st. GIRL for shop office with some knowledge of stenography; for afternoon only; refer ences required. G 7S8, Oregonian. YOUNG or middle-aged lady for housework in small ramny at once. 7t Gantenbein ave. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting. $5 mo. 2Q9 14th. Ph. Mn. 3i3. GIRD for general housework, small family; gooa wages. ot immuy, iu to XZ. BOOKKEEPER, stenographers and dlcta- phone operators. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Capable, refined nurse maid for 2 children. Main 4194. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. Dekum bids- Sanitary rarlors. 471 WANTED Housekeeper, good to children. Call at S5 ihurman st. EXPERIENCED waist and kirtmaker. 715 Johnnon. GIRL for general housework; references. 787 juovejoy HOTEL and family help, citv and country. UU. s.Vf- I (IBM I II l( III. WANTED Experienced 2d girl; references required. Apply mornings. Tel. Main 3o7L GIRL wanted. 284 N. 4th st. SKIRT and waist help. 148 13th U WANTED Good girl for general housework. Must be good cook. 840 E. 12th N. . - j HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MEN and WOMEN to learn the bar ber trade, earn from $15 to $25 per week; tui tion reduced, paid while learning; positions secured ; wrim for free catalogue. The Moler System of Colleges. Ad. 48 N. 2d. TEA and coflee solicitors for city; liberal pioposltlon to th right parties; give phone number. AD 700, Oregonian. HE LP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 13.UU0 GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men. women, $03 to $Ko month; common educa tion suUlcient; Portland examinations soon. Write immediately lor free sample questions, full description. Franklin lnsti tute. Dept. 348 D. Rochester, N. Y. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the barber trade in we-'ki; positions guaranteed; too.s free, paid w bile learning ; modern method teaching; tuition reduced. 2o3 Madison. RAILWAY mail, clerks, p. c clerks, car riers, exam, soon ; parcel post demands many more clerks ; act at once. Paoillo State Schools, McKay bldg., city. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools teach salesmanship also 2S3 other courses. Free catalog. 2P2 McKay bldg. WANTED Names of men. 18 or over, wish ing Government jobs, $t3 month; no pull necessary. AV 743, Oregoniau. SITUATIONS WANTE1X-MALE. m JBoaitlteeper smdi ierfca. WANTED Situation by sobr man of 33; good education and appearance, 18 year general business experience as clerk, sales, man, solicitor and collector, has never failed to make good; neds and will ac cept situation In any capacity. ju 1 7, Oregonian. EX PKKl J.VCKD, high-claae salesman and Ktiicra; office man wants position with re liable firm; 24 years of age, single good hubits and business acquaintance. ji.x cellent references. L 708 Orwgonlan. BcmjK K EE PER, ca)iir, ix years' experi ence in accounting work, wants position with good firm ; will start at moderate salary. AO 7i6, Oregonian. AN TED Position as ledger keeper, cash ier or assistant bookkeeper, good penman, experienced, bent references, aged i!3. h -. Oresonian. MhceilAae?ikSw POSITION wanted by an experienced farmer and fruit man; have had 20 years' exper ience; Just myself and w lfe ; ran glv the brst of reference here in city and other places I have been; am competent of po sition as foreman or general manager over small or large farm. J 717, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, experienced driver, for pi i. vai families; best reftircncK; upkeep and care of car guaranteed. AN 7U4, Orot,o ulun. YOUNG, experienced chauffeur, good repair man, want tu work for board end reason able waes; willing to do any kind of work. K 70G, ort gonian. DRY GOODS MAN Thoroughly experienced buying, management and advertising. Open for pomuon in couutry store. At' 7i3, Oregonian. YOCNG foreigner wants position auto driver; can ta-ke rare of sume; have had sbop experience; will go anywhere. AM 7 !., OrcK'Miian. LET me figure on your painting and tint ing, no matter how small or how lar- ; satisfaction guaranteed. Call Main 3 ,li aftr 0 P. M., room 37. WANTED Steady work on farm, rood, all round farm hand. Write Bert Matthew -man. Route 1. Jtavi ton, r. PA 1 NT1 NG. kalsomlnlng, pa iter hanging, w hitew aching, r-SKouablc ; trade for u -thing. Main 2329. JAPANESE BOY. good cook, can ft I bo drive automotti le, want a powi t ton doing either; references. AL 7is, OreKonlan. LANDSCAPE ami Kfn-rMl KMrdener wnntrt work; iree-pmntng u specialty; refur nni'uH. Main 7'3 1 , A J 31 7 . YoL'NG MAN d-irtrig to learn surveying woiii'i urn pojui'in wnn i:ood Kurveor. rhonf Main OHM or Jf 7 in. Oregonian. - Yol" N G MAN". Norlli German, handy wh li tools, pit inn tig. niachinerv, wants work .by the w'Mt or month. H 7lM, t n --gonin.' MAN", 23. wants poltion. tUt tarn of 1n- aMi, mental or ticrvouft chh-s, iiotjwork; tiff-1 of rffTt-rtces. I, mm. (Mefforiinn. JAPANESE boy wants plu. any kind of. w ork. In el t y. Air 1 14, Oi t-tfonia n. STEA D Y vitun g man wants work on farm. V 7'i, ui'Korilnn, I'L A ST V. RIN , pat i h ln, k a ; sonii n infc. rea- bie. I'hono Woudlawn lli'.U. CAkl'KN'TKK A 1 - . srnnll jobs, s 1 1 at ions. If P. I lt, fHSOMfl IH". Hll AlUlll BAKER!, wants Job. city ""or roiini r . AM 71'7, r'oiiianf 1 YOl NG man. broke. id un Hicatnat i It- needs work haoiy. H Jltw, tiregotiiati. , JAPAN KS llit' position ii family, Ci.- eii'iu cook. i . cu'euoni i n. CA L PKNTER w a nt n i i pa ir work ; (!: made. Olson. 32S Market. Mar. if!. screens MARRIED man, 2 4, must have work any kind ; w ife sick. Main 41 40. Wrn. Ross. foi TLA TIONH WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and stenographers. REFINED Rlrl. employed, will do bookkeep ing ana kKnograpny work in nice oouro;-ing-house or hotel in exuhanpe for boa in and room or part ; can operate switcn -board. AD 727, Oregonian. TELEPHONE operator w ishes position on private exenange; will aiso uo general ei fire work; J yearn' experience. Call C 1436 or write AG 78S, Oregonian. O. K- stenographer, b. k. and dirt a phon. operator wants permanent or substito is woik M. rsi7. SKILLED stenographer desires piece or hour. Main -7. EN PERIENCED STENOGRA I'llKR WANTrf HALF-DAY POSITION. MARSHALL 4l. brrhhinaker. DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring at home or by the day. City reference. 4 10 Jefferson st, cor. 12th st. Phone Mai -shall 2109. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable ; 3U1 Buchanan bklg. sdau home or day. DRESSMAKER desires sewing hy day, hp or home; price reasonable. Main .ilOlt. STYLISH Summer dresses made In one dr y at your home. Tabor b424. FIRST-CLASS suits or gowns by the day. Phone C iitfSa. GOOD pract leal nurse ; have done under- taktng work; reieiencos. Main S.ioi. M:- a ,l vTl- YOUNG woman wiahes work as nuriw io children ; must go home nights ; refer- encefl. Main A 1317 M1DDLE-AGED woman, practical nurHe, de sires work; references. Main . .!, A 131 i. PHONE MAIN 7123 for au exprlenc d nurse; reasonable terms. LADY wishes to care for chlMrcn by hour. day or week. Phone labor ..". N VALID' S home, trained nurse, private. reasonable. labor 221.. CAPABLE neat woman wants work tetwcea hours of 8 and 3 nursing. Last Hri43. Hoiittekreper. EXPEHIENX ED Sw edish w oman m ants po sition as housekeeper In w id owe r s fam ily or with elderly couple. AJ 793, Ore gonian. REFINED, educated young woman, 30. d"- tures position an hottae keeper w her si.e can take her 0-year-oid daughter; refer ences. Main 731, A 1317. Ml DDLE-AGED widow. Kood cook, wants osftI.ji in widowtr's home. Marshall 2771. Siumeotjcs. REFI N ED girl, employed, desires place n nice homo w here she may work for room and board ; will get break fast and help with d inner and wnsh dishes evening i alHo take care of children. AD 729, jre gonian. OUNG woman, 20, desires housework where she can take her 4 months' old baby with her ; wages no object. Main 7031, A 1317. COLOR ED girl wants day work or houtse- work; go home nlKhts. phone A 6ulb, Main 7810. Mr. Watkins. MIDDLE-AGED GIRL, good cook, would like place in an eiaeriy iamiiy; can give good references. Marshall 3532, JAPANESE girl wishee place at housework in city. At yt, oregonian. ' WEDISH GIRL wants general housework. Call Main 9131. .r 79 Johnson nt. Mifttellaneouw. YOUNG woman with some office experience and knowledge or the telephone wants employment ; references. Main 7Uo I. A 1317. MIDDLE-AGED widow wants position. widower s n ome ; ni.ift hnv work at once. Verrthnll 2-771. AK 7SK, Oregonian. YOUNG WIDOW des;re a home In a refined family In return for services; West Hide. AK 794. Oregunlan. OUNG WO. MA N wants poifc iun working tor seir ana nuwijana s room and board. Phone Kaxt ZWJ'J. DAY work wanted Saturday and Monday, wHninif, ironing, cleaning. Ma.n tdiv. LADY with one child wants place to work iur room ana ooara. 401 iioyt st. EXP. body Ironing, want work In laundry. .narsiiH 1 1 00. WOMAN wants day or hour work: must have work. Marshall 2160.