Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 05, 1915, Image 1

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    VOL. LV.- SO. lG,)8t.
Celilo Canal Is
at Wedding.
All Pasco and Kennewick See
Mighty Rivers Joined.
Ttrgular Bridegroom Late for Mock
Nuptials and Kriends Say He
Bollc-ved That TJnlon Might
lie Legally Binding.
KENNEWICK, Wash.. May 4. (Spe
cial.) Miss Columbia and Mr. Snake
were united in an allegorical marriage
here today.
The Celilo Canal served as the wed
dlng ring and United Status Senator
Jones, of Washington, as the minis
ter. . .
'It was a divorce-proof wedding.
"What the Celilo Canal has joined to
gether no man can tear asunder," para
phrased Admiral W. P. Gray, who gave
th bride away.
Yes, tliere was a bride, and an at
tractive one at that. In real life Bhe
is Miss Kato Williams, of Kennewick,
but for the purposes of this wedding
Bhe was Miss Columbia. In the ab
sence of Wallace B. SStainton, of Lew
lston, the regularly appointed bride
groom, F. A. Jones, of Pasco acted in
that happy capacity.
Frienda Tell Joke on Mr, Stalnton.
Mr. Stalnton traveled to Kennewick
on the steamer J. N. Teal, which ar
rived just after the' ceremony was
over. He will be present at the more
formal wedding: at Big Eddy tomor
row. Mr. Stalnton's friends are telling
a good joke at his expense. They eay
that last night they jollied ' him into
the belief that a mock nuptial per
formed iit tlie State of Washington is
leSHjly binding- on the principals and
that he purposely avoided today's wed
dlrig for that reason. Tomorrow's cere
mony will be performed In the State
of Oregon.
The bridal couple was attended today
by ,a score of bridesmaids representing:
the various cities and towns on tribu
tary streams of the Columbia and the
Snake. Each youns woman was at
tired in a flowing i'own of light ma
terial. Some wore blue and others
wore pink. Their shoes matched their
respective dresses. They wore caps
made of the same material as their
dresses, each bearing the name of her
lining city, on a band attached to the
front of the cap.
Seventeen Art as Bridesmaids.
Following is a list of the brides
maids: Miss Marie Koester. of '.Dayton;
Miss Jraoe Welsh, of Kllensburg; Miss
tloldie Wren, of Newport: iliss Alice
Hayea, of North Yakima: Miss May Do
lan, of i'ascu; Miss IJcrihu Ucverich,
of Pomeroy: Miss Martha Johnson, of
Proaeer; Miss Hella Jewell, of Pullman;
Miss Dorothy Lavis, of Ititzville: Mtss
Gladys Sheffield. of Seattle; Miss
I.ertha. Fanoher. of Spokane: Miss Alice
Hogan, of Tncoma; Miss Wilma Don
nell, of The Dalles: Miss Kulalio John
iJou, of Vancouver; Miss Frances Walsh,
of Waitsburg; Mhs Margaret Paxton,
of Walla WHlla. and Miss Epther Ho
(En. of Wenatchee.
The ceremony was performed on a
platform under a srove of trees on the
oanks of the Columbia. Across the
river la Pasco. The people of those
twin cities Joined together in present
ing: their tableaux, which was one of
the prettiest events of the celebration
Tiny Cirla Klower Rearer.
The bride and her sponBer, Miss Jose
phine Kouba, of Pasco, marched to the
decorated stsze, leaning upon the-arm
of Admiral W. P. Cray, commander of
the festival tieet. At the end of lbs
platform the briderooMi. attended by
Cushlng B. P.aker. of Walla Walla,
awaited his bride. Men of honor were
Representative Sinnott, of The Dalles,
and L.. 10. Thomas, of Prosser. Maids
of honor were Miss Pee Cunningham, i
Miss Olcra Kvlna. Miss Mnvme .lore-en I
sen and Miss Hub' Stausrhenhaupt, nil !
of Kennewick. Misses I.ucila Collins
and Esther Moulton, of Kennewick, a
pair of tiny girls that looked like twins,
were the proud flower bearers.
The crowd packed the beach and
some men and small boys even climbed
- the trees so that they might see the
better. No one took the. event seri
ously and no one intended that miyone
Thoiild. Everyone laughed and cheered
by turns as the attractive bridal party
made Its appearance. Senator Jones
whs waiting- for them.
"For countless centuries." he bepan.
"Mr. Snake has been wooing Miss Co
lumbia. Union la Perpetual.
"Now, after all these years, I. .with
the ayslstance of the United Stated
Government?" have secured consent to
form a perpetual union and it pleases
mc thwt It is my privilege to assist in
forming the union which th?y so long
Ite then proceeded to administer the
usual marriage vows and to the con
ventional questions each answered with
a firm I will."
"Now kiss ' her," challenged tho
crowd, and for a moment Mr. Jones
looked over at Miss Williams as if he
intended to do so, but the bride
Mushed like, the proverbial red rose
and he hesitated. The moving picture
operators urged them to make the
wedding complete by exchanging the
customary kiss, but they didn't and
the crowd applauded.
Ox, Barbrrar Dellgrht.
While all this was going on the Ken
newick people had two or three b'g
oxen roasting in a pit. As soon as the
wedding ceremony was over, everyone
ruined for the pit and hat roast beef
sandwiches were handed otit as long as
they lasted. It was more than an hour
after noon and nearly everyone was
hungry. That poor old ox didn't last
any longer than it took to slice hiin
Into thin pieces. My. but it was good.
Fasco and Kennewick united in all
their ceremonies today. The first big
. (Concluded un.Faea 3, Column 3.)
Attack Is Made . Off Aberdeen aiid
Another l Craft Is Torpedoed
and Sank Xcarby. '
ABERDEEN, Scotland, May 4. Seven
members of the" crew of the trawler
Cruiser, of whom four were wounded
by the shell fire of a German submarine,
have been landed here by a collier.
They say that- the Cruiser was ap
proaching Aberdeen harbor, laden with
fish, when the submarine appeared and
opened tire.
One shell struck the trawler's bridge.
Instantly killing four ' members of the
crew. The survivors assert ; that ' the
remaining seven hands.' took : to . their
boat and were rowing away . when the
submarine fired again, wounding four
of the men and causing the boat to cap
size. The men thrown into, the water
were rescued from : drowning by. the
The British trawler Scottish : Queen
has been torpedoed and, sunk, by a sub
marine 50 miles oft Aberdeen. The
crew was landed here. .The rescued
men say 15 minutes. .was given them
to leave their vessel, but 'subsequently
they were permitted to return to her
and procure-provisions -
The British steamship Mlnterne, from
Cardiff for the River Plate, with 6000
tons of coal, was torpedoed ".off the
Scilly Islands Monday. - Two firemen
were killed and the second engineer
was injured. The. force of. the explo
sion hurled the engineer through the
aperture made in the' ship's deck and
saved his life. . -
Blaze Near Montesano, Reported as
Checked, Breaks Out Again.
ABERDEEN, Wash., May 4. (Spe
cial.) The fires which started yester
day In the Lester camp, two miles from
Montesano,. and . at the Schafer Broth
ers' camp, four miles from that city,
today were reported to., have . been
checked, but this ; afternoon word was
received from Montesano that the .fire
at the Schafer Brothers' camp, had
started up again and was spreading.
The flames have extended into the
present scene of operations and there
some of the timber is being destroyed.
Extra men have been . called uponto
fight tho blaze. A brisk brush fire
at Carlisle, in the west - end of the
county, was checked yesterday before
it had reached green timber. A donkey
engine near one of the camps waa dam.
aged badly. ' . . , . J . S ' . -. -.' ,
Secretary's Brother Probably Eleet
.ed Mayor of Lincoln, Neb.
LINCOLN, Neb., May 4. Early re
turns on today's .municipal election -indicate
the return of three of the pres
ent five Commissioners Dayton,
Schroeder and Hensley.
Charles W. Bryan, brother of W. J.
Bryan, is far iu the lead of "present
Mayor Zehrung and .probabfy will be
Lincoln's next Mayor.
Tho fifth Commissioner is in doubt.
-2Ve Perce Indians la Parade. '3
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Mrs. Gwin Hicks and
Children Victims.
Machine Skids Into Electric
Car on Slippery Pavement.
Mr. Hicks, ex-Commissioner From
- Washington to. San Diego Expo
sition, May Die as Result of
Los Angeles Accident.
r LOS ANGELES, May 4. (.Special.)
Five met instant death and one prob
ably was fatally Injured when an auto
mobile driven by Gwin Hicks, ex-Commissioner
from the State of Washington
to the San Diego Exposition, skidded
into a rapidly moving Santa Ana car on
the Pacific Electric tracks at Llnwood
Station. Just' south-of this city, today.
.. The dead are: Mrs. Hicks, wife of
the Commissioner, and her two small
children, Mrs.' James A. .Atkinson, of
Lacy, Wash., and Mrs. Luther Brown,
of Pomona, .
jar. hicks was badly hurt and may
Auto Skids Onto Track.
The automobile was driven by Mr.
Hicks, who said after the accident that
he saw the car approaching as he
neared the crossing. He applied the
brakes on his machine, but the heavy
rain, had made the pavement slippery,
and instead of slackening the speed ot
the car. this action caused it to skid
directly across .the tracks.
The heavy electric car struck the
auto squarely in the center, throwing
the occupants out on the track ahead,
and then crashed over them again. Five
were dead before the carmen and res
cuers could get them from under the
Don.pour of Rain Drains.. t
Mr. Hicks was rushed to a Los Angeles-,
hospital, where he was, barely
able to give his .version of the acci
dent. With his family and two women
friends, he vwaa on bis way to Long
Beach . to have dinner tonight with
friends." It was not raining when the
party left the. city, but a short time
afterward, a downpour started and Mr.
Hicks put. on. the curtains. He said
that all Went well until the Lfnwood
crossing - was reacheo. The electrlo
car. was seen approaching and Mr.
Hicks applied the brakes.
Before he could act further the auto
had skidded directly in front of the
big car and the crash followed.
Motorman Dalling- told the police he
(Concluded on Page 2, Column 1.)
- Governor Lister, Was bias; ton, n Left, and
i Jones and Governor , Lister. 5, Left
The Weather. . , , -
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature,
76.3 degrees; minimum, 48.9 degrees.
TODAY'S Probably lair. cooler, wind
mostly . westerly.
' . War.
Thirty thousand Russians captured in Weit
Oallcta. Page 2. . ' ,
British reform lines In Flanders as result
of second German attacks, near Yprea.
Page a.
British war office Intimates "similar ex
pedients" will be adopted to offset Ger
mans' use of asphyxiating gas. Page 6.
British war expenditures are increasins.
rage S.
Chinese begin to fortify Pektn but resistance
outside of capital is impossible. .Cage 1.
Kedfield says trade balance this year prob
ably will reach billion. Page 1.
President Lincoln, of Pullman Company, ad
mits porters' pay scale is out of date.
Page 6.
Domestic. , '
Mrs. Gwin Hicks, wife of Washington Com
missioner to San Diego Exposition, her
two children and two women friends
killed in auto accident; Mr. Hicks may
die. Page 1.
- " Sport.
Pacific Coast League results Portland 6,
San Francisco 1; Oakland B. Bait Laka
6; no grama at Los Angeles. Page 12.
Foster, of lioston, outpitches Walter John
son and wins. Page 12.
Pacific Northwest.
Miss Columbia is ' bride of Mr. - Snake.
rage 1.
Commercial and Marine.
Wheat offerings large and ' outlet -small.
Page lu.
Canadian embargo has temporary effect on
Chicago graiu market. Page 17.
No further signs of foreign selling of stocks.
Fage IT. -Steamer
iowan and liner American expected
in port tomorrow. .Page 16.
Portland and Vicinity.
Probe of recent fires is begun by insurance
underwriters. Page 19.
City will bold wood until dealers raise
. prices. Page 0. . .
T. Hcott Brooks estate valued at $985,000.
.Page 28. ... .
Willamette "Association of Baptist churches
opens conference. Page 11.
Crowds off today for Celilo celebration at
Big Eddy. Page 15.
C.' C. Colt elected president of new Chamber
of Commerce. Page 11.
Weather report, data and forecast.' Page IB.
Women Sue for Compensation
Men Murdered at Work. '
ABKRDiiEN, Wash., May 4. (Spe
cial.) Is murder an accident? A case
to settle that question has been started
by twer widows of men killed at the
Simpson logging camp April 2 by
George Steele, a - discharged' employe.
The widows' insurance claims were
refused by the State Industrial Insur
ance Commission. The case will be
appealed.' The widows are Mrs. Louis
F. Stertz, whose lusband was. fore
man of the Simpson camp, and Mrs.
Fannie K. Johnson, whose husband was
a logging train conductor. : .
Coos Buy Man Accused of Breaking
LavrHe Thought Repealed.
MARSHFIELD, Or., May 4. (Special.)
Thomas H. Barry, the crab king of
Coos Bay, was arrested today . on in
structions from Fish Warden R. E.
Clanton for canning crabs in violation
of the Oregon laws. .
Mr. Barry, it is said, thought the new
law enacted by the last Legislature had
gone, into effect with the signature of
trovemor Withyccmbe. but the law does
not take eifect until May 22. The hear
ing was set for May 14
Gorerner Withyeomhe. reon. S Senator Borah and Hla SrtHe.
to "rilght Senator Lauc, Representative Sinnott cad Senator DraJy
Redf ield Says Figures
Are Gladdening.
Tourist Drain . Stops, Foreign
Investments Are Absorbed.'
Xeed of American Merchant Marine
Illustrated by Cry for Shipping
P'roni Far East as Well as .
From Atlantic Countries.
The favorable balance in our
foreign trade is so great that it
already reaches a sum sufficient
fo purchase the largest of our
great railway systems and that
if it continued for the ret of the
fiscal year at the current rate it
would be sufficient to extinguish
the entire interest-bearing debt
of the National Government,
It would several times pay tre
cost of the Panama Canal, would
more than discharge the debts of
all of our states or more than
pay the entire net debt of the
City of New York, plus that of
the City of Philadelphia.
WASHINGTON, May 4. Secretary of
Commerce Redfleld today gave out for
publication a' letter Which he wrote to
Senator Stone on the foreign trade of
the United States and Us reaction on
the domestic commercial and financial
situation, "in which he said:
"Our exports for the nine months of
the fiscal year ending with March 31
have reached the unparalleled total of
$1,933,475,580,' indicating an . approxi
mate total for the full fiscal y&ar of
J2.750.000. 000. The apparent balance in
our favor on . merchandise transactions
In this foreign trade up to April 7 (the
data for half of April being estimated)
is $761, 000,000. : Unless some unforeseen
change in the export movement occurs,
this favorable balance will reach. If not
exceed a thousand millions during the
current fiscal year.
Tourists Money Stays at Home.
"This is ot itself sulilcient to make
American hearts glad, but certain fac
tors add greatly to ts weight. It in
cludes the month of August, in which
(Concluded on Page 1. Column 3.)
d. L.eft
Tuesdays War Moves
THE Russians have had at least par
tial revenge for the defeat inflicted
on them in Western Galicia by the Aus
trians and Germans by badly beating
the Turks who had -invaded Persia. The
defeat took place in a three days' battle
near the frontier, and I'etrograd re
ports that the Russians indicted h' rV
losses on the Ottomans. If tv o-'19
of the Muscovites has b-- "VVed up,
military observer -vao that Persia
now should v r O. of her uninvited
guest j. -3
This battle, however, was a small af
fair when compared with what Ger
many and Austria assert they have done
to the Russians in Galicia. Their re
ports eay that Dome 30,000 Russians
were captured and that a large number
of guns were taken: There was no
mention, however, of the capture of any
towns, such 'as Ciorllce and Tarnow,
which were close to the front, which
leads the Bitlsh military critics to the
conclusion that, while the Germanic
allies have won important local suc
cesses, they have not driven the Rus
sians far back. .
Should they succeed In doing this,
however, it is asserted that a. general
retreat of the Russians would be Im
perative, and that the wholo Carpa
thian offensive on which the Muscovites
have spent so much time and so many
lives would be completely nullified.
The, Russian side of the story is
anxiously awaited by the British, for a
big success in the east, it Is believed
In London, would rncan an immediate
commencement of operations on a large
scale in the west, for which tho Ger
mans already are making preparations.
In Belgium thus far the fighting baa
been confined to tho Tpres region, where
tho Germans claim to have captured
some villages which the British cay
they evacuated -in the process of read
justing their line.
The rumors concerning the operations
against the Dardanelles were confirmed
last night, when the British War Office
and Admiralty Issued reports saying
that after beating off Turkish attacks.
the allied forces had taken the offensive
on the Gallipoll Peninsula and now
were advancing into the interior. The
Turks, on their side, continue to re
port the defeat of landing parties and
damage done to allied warships, which
are keeping up a lively bombardment
of the Turkish forts, both In the ar
dandies straits and at Smyrna.
The Germans say they have made
rurlher progress with their raid into
the Baltic provinces of Russia and that
they have defeated the Russians there,
as well as along the East Prussian
- The result of the German submarine
warfare yesterday was the sinking of
the steamer Minterne and two trawl
Geneva Papers Tabulate AuMrlans
Who Have Surrendered.
GENEVA, Switzerland, via 1'aris,
May 4. The Tribune de Geneve pub
lishes statistics to the effect that a
total of 82,000 officers and men of the
Austro-Huugarlan army have , surren
dered to the Russians and to the Si
berians since the beginning of hostili
ties without firing a single shot.
The newspaper declares that all of
these men were fully equipped.
- ,u night Srnalora l'oludexter and
No Resistance Possible
Outside Pekin.
Surrender to Japanese Would
Add to Troubles.
Korelgncra Believed Not in I'rca
cnt Dauger; Nation Regarded as
Having; Made Maximum of Con
cessions to IeniMnds.
PICK IN", May 5. Military prepara
tions are being made for the
of Pekin. According to Chinese of
ficials, whose statements have been
corroborated In other circles, the gov
ernment la making no preparations
elsewhere than at the. -capital for de
fense, considering that the Chinese will
bo unable to oppose the Japanese
should thay make an attack.
It Is asserted in high quarters that
100,000 troops have been concentrated
In the environs of Pekin, but with suf
ficient ammunition for only a brief re
sistance. Military I'rrrautloaa Taken.
Special police and military precau
tions have been taken throughout tha
city, especially around the Winter pal
ace, where President Yuan Slil Kai re
sides. The officials declare that they
are suspicious that the Japanese may
attempt a repetition of the Korean
coup d'etat.
The Japanese legation, it Is said,
notified the Japanese yeBterUay to pre
pare to leave Pekin, and many women
and children are getting ready to de
part. Many of the Japanese men prob
ably will take refuge In the legation
quarter if hostilities " bVcak' out. Tho
situation is considered awkward for
some of the foreign legations, espe
cially those whore countries sympathize
with the Chinese, but none of tbem
could oppose the entry of Japanese into
Japanese Iteaervlata Called.
Telegrams received here from Muk
den say, that the Japanese bank and
postoffice there have suspended busi
ness, that the Japanese reservists hai-
been called to the colors and that other
civilians are concentrating in the rail
way zone.
Dr. Paul S. P.einsch, the . United
States Minister here, expresses tha
opinion that the missionaries and other
Americans In the interior are in no
danger. He says tho Chinese govern
ment will preserve order in the regions
over which the Chinese held control.
In spite of the belief which had pre
vailed in China for many years that
Japan coveted control of the country,
considerable surprise was caused hy
the report that Japan intended to issue
an ultimatum to the government as an
outgrowth of China's refusal to con-
cede all of Japan's demands. "
Chinese ('rnnUia Numerona.
It is contended that the Chinese had
conceded virtually all of the artlclc.-i
contained In the 11 demands made on
them and enumerated to thi powers,
and a hiirh official said yesterday that
it was not believed that Japan would
dare enforre those -ontaltied In Group
V. whi-h he said Japan had informed
Great Britain as well as the other
powers were merely regarded as de
sirable. Whether Tresldent Yuan PIii-Kal will
concede all these points seems to )
an open question. Chinese officials
wjjose views are seriously .onldrd .
in Yuan Shl-Kal's councils express op
posite opinions concerning this ques
tion. Some of the officials express the
fear that the Japanese military party,
which they profess to believe wel
comes the present crisis, will increase
the Japanese demands should a suc
cessful campaign follow.
Viu la itnaadary.
On the other hand It is considered
here that Yuan Shi-Kal faces calam
itous consequences in China, if ha
yields to the Japanese. Hitfh mem
ber of his own government are said
already to have voiced the suspicion
that ha may accept an alleged offer
from Japan of military support and
protection for himself against forelen
rations and his own people. In return
for conceding control of the country
In fact, although not nominally t
Service of American lianking-llone
Highly Valued.
LONHON. May 4. Prtmier Aaquith
paid the banking house of Morgan Ac
Co. a compliment in the House of Com
mons today by saying that tba Brltl..i
government "has no reason to douLt
th value cf the services" ot this firm.
The appointment of Morgan & Co. fa
solo fcgents In the United States for
Rritlsh Admiralty and War Office re
quirements, the Premier said, wa.t
made January 3 5, aftrt f.;ll considera
tion. Timothy lleaiy, Irish
member, suggested that Great Britain
owed an "unspeakable obligation" to
the rirm. and the Prime Minister .
Kaled t?: suggestion with the compli
ment pp-n.
Ik31 i 10.2