14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, . MAT 1 , 1913, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Doiuet tics. lOl'NiJ, refined German girl wants to Jo second work, $25 or $30 a mouth. Marshall -i Jo. EXPKRIKNCKD cook wuuid like to have do nittun in private family or hotel. Wages .. to &v. tau x ooaiawn . 2sEAT capable girl dcslrts houaework, city references, ooct xxages. a ii4. .Main I DPLK-AGKU wumnn, experienced cook, wants position in or out of town, Excel lent reference. Main 7031, A 1517. "YOUNG GIRL wants housework; references. Call Woodlawn 2o39. 1 Mtelnea. TOUNG LADY of business ability would like a. position as tv a.i t re sa ui rirat-ela-rts place, or am cood dental atwdsta-nt or house keeper for a reliable mau; no other need sns. Have little girl 12; nm also experi enced m romectioniy. .uctciences. act nrrss ft 7bo, oreuuian. THOROUGHLY cspable, reliable young woman from Ronton wants work iy tue day or hour. References. Main 7051, A 1017. E-XPKniKN'CKD la u n d rew w in lies work Tuesday aud Thursday. References. Y ood lawn 1611. i HXPEUIENCKO exchange operator desires posit ion, permanent or U urine vacation months. It 701, oregonian. MiDDLK-AGKD woman desires chamber work, day work or work by the hour, Ref erences. Matn 7QM , A 3 51 7. KXPKKFKN'CEU woman wants laundry, to take home. Shirtwaists lo to 20 cents. Heforeucea. Main 705 1, A 1517. JjAY work wanted Tuesday and Wednesday; competent laundress and hoiusa cleaner. Main 4349. il 1DDLE-AGED Scotch woman, experienced, wants day work. Will substitute In cham- hnrwork also. Main 7051. A 1517. COMPETENT, reliable woman wants day work for Tuesday or Wednesday. Excellent references. Main 7oM, A 1 517. "i Ul'NO WOMAN wants position working for self and husband's room and board. Phone East 20!2, "WAITRESS. experienced, wishes position; hotel or family boardlne-liousr: best city references. Phone Main 7Mt. Kooin tf. IOSITTON as poverties by young lady with know led se of French, Spanish and music T'none Main 2437. TWO competent Kir Ik drsire (rniprnl house work. Wages $30. Call Main 31ol. X.A'Vj CURTAINS, cleanup week. 20e and I'.'.c. called for. Sfllwood ldlttt. EXTEKlKNCiSD woman wants any kind of work very day this week. Sftllwood 1132. LaC K curtains w as lied and stretched ; 11 years experience. Mrs. Scott, Tabor 633. A LADY -wants work, housecleanlng and washing. Mrs. Ronko, Phone Sell. 500. WOMAN will do bundle wash very reason able. Woodlawn 279 6. V'inOW woman must have work of any kind. fall Tabor 2723. "YOUNG LADV to work for room and board, fall Hfter ti o'clock, Marshall 2552. WIDOW woman wants day work washing, ironing or cleaning. Main 2031. COOD laundress wants wash in sr. Ironing Tucs., Tliur.. FTl. Marshall 2651, room 5. RKLIABL1' experienced young woman wa i i t s day work. E. 8987. COr.ORED woman wani work Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday. Woodlawn 11 564. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. 6 or 7-room bouse with yard, must be mod ern and In good repair, Hawthorne or Sunnyslde preferred, not over $J0 month. Call or write ,102 Title & Trust bldg. EM A LL furnished bungalow In Portland Heights, rent must be reasonable, by adults, no children. A N 705, Orexonlan. W A NT ED May 15, furnished 5-room mod ern house with jeas-ajre, rent and distance ten onal'le. BC tVi, Oregonian. Apartment a TOU NG MAN wants room in quiet neigh borhood on West Hide, within 15 minutes' walk of Multnomah Athlrtlo Club. In an swering give price, location, etc. T 783, Oregonian. Rooms With Hoard. WANTED Refined lady to give nice home and mother's care to 1 S-mo. baby. Not over $10 per month. L ?St Oregonian. LADY, employed, wishes board and room. O 7S. Oregonian. ron rent. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 65 3 Washington. St. New. fireproof, desirable location and respectable; all outside, clean, well-furnished rooms, with every modern conven ience. 00c day up; $2.50 week up. li OT E lTRO W LA N D A XD ANNEX. 207 U liOS 4 TIL MODERN FIREPROOF BUILDING. CENTRALLY LOCATED. SUMMER RATES NOW ON. ROOMS $10 AND UP. WRING THIS AD TO APPLY jl ON FI R S T MONT J 1 SR EXT. " HOTEL B T ACKS TONE. Corner 11th und Stark, $;i week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection In each room; no ex tra charges for two In a room; room and bath $1 day; transient solicited. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam bill. Desirable downtown location. Re spectable and strictly modern. Rates $1 per day, 9 per week. With private bath $1.50 per day, $5.50 per week. YOUNG men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. J. A., listing several hundred in all parts of the city, also those in the Association build ing. HOTEL O C K L E Y. Morrison st., at 10th Central location; REDUCED RATES, iOc per day up; week ly, $2.50 up ; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths;, steam heat. HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington. Family hotel, hot and cold water and phone in everv room; rooms without bath, $10 up; with bath, $15 up. NEWLY-FURNISHED rooms, clean, light and airy, two blocks from Courthouse, free baths and phone. $1.50, $2, $U.50 per week. Kenil worth Hotel, 228 fc 2d st. Phone Main 1182. a g c i et""p l a r tfro u o.uietpeople, HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. near Gram! ave. Cleanliness and comfort, Z per week up. HOTEL TREVES. Northwest corner Stark and 11th. Modern outside rooms, 13 weekly and up. Irgo ground-floor lobby. ET HELTON HOTEL. lOiV. 1-TH ST. Modern: special reductions on all rooms; $3 per week and up. Marshall 2790. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and E. Bel mont Rooms $ 1 0 monthly, $20 up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone East 323. WANTED Roommate to reduce rooming expense; fireproof building, shower bath. Individual beds. Call or address Y. M. C. A. business office. " STAN DISH 1IOTK I 54ft?& WASHINGTON ST.. OI'P. 1STH. foul, commonable, alvy rooms. free phoney, bath; week, $s month and up. THE WEAVER. 21st and Wash. Family hotel, home cooking, attractive rates to transients, permanent guests. Mar. 5170. BlSliMARK HOTEL Furnished rooirio, modern, all c-ju ven fences, reasonable. aiKiiiR mnance. m.- 3 w asnington. "MCE large, clean, light rooms at reasonable tates. Sargent Hotel, Grand ave. and Hawthorne. HOTEL EATON, West Park and Morrison. Transient and permanent guets, cen trally located, all conveniences. Main SI 70. HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th st. Strictly modern ; private ba ths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 9472. A 47S2. HOTEL GRANT, 451 H Washington. Modern, clean room, all conveniences, $3 and up. HOTEL NOR R I sT 5 o 3 i w A 1 derModtrn out slde rooms, $' per week up. OUTS l DK rooms, $ l .75 .and up; brick ; free phone and bath, 2S;l i:;th st. Furnished Rooms Id Prlvat Families. A CLEAN well furnished room with sleeping porch in tue mosi oeautu ui part or lrv Injston, suitable for a gentleman. Tele phone C 1173. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in good home. References. Nob Hill. 733 Johnson street.. " ROOM connected with bath and front hall private family, good home for woman who works. Sbb'j jwroaaway. Aiain lauu. LIGHT, airy." furnished attic room, elec tricltv. bath, phone, hot water. $1.50 wk, 123 North 23d. YOU NO man as roommate, in nicely fur nished front room; modern; close in; rea sonable. 260 Broadway. N ICELY furnished rooms, home privileges, modern, reasonable. 260 Broadway. ON E or two nice rooms in beautiful home, running water, shower bath. 655 Everett. ATTRACTIVE front room, near Salmon. 213 W. Park. Main hi. C-'Y front room. in month. 411 E. 11th Hoh phones; meals optional. 1 COMFORTABLE for. room, ail conv.. near Mult. cmn.. rt?asonaoiP. .Main, j 4Uii, PT.RKPI.XG porch, front suite, single room. running water. 74. Moyt. Marsiiaii 4 toil. J'L'RNlpHED rooms $1.50 w eek and up; housekeeping room a;ao. x&v Mezt iar- FOR REM. 1 urnifhed Rooms in lri va te fa m 1 lies. FL" UNI -ili ED room for one or two ladies. with brcakfaM, or tor light housekeeping. ii i' an nomo, mrnace heat. fireplace, bath, one block from car. in choice resi dence district on East Side. Tabor r7tti. LARGE front room, newly furnished. 4 large windows; all modern conveniences; loca tion ideal, elmse walking distance. 4S Jefferson, off of 14th. N 1CELV turnislied front room v ith modern conveniences. Wl K. Main st. East 2io7. Rooms With Board. MORE HOMELIKE THAN HOT EL-L1K.E. THE HJLL. Washington, at 23d st. A charming family and transient hotel of the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate tables; extremelv reasonable rates; orth investigating. Main 75S4, A 7 9 r, :; . HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern, FIREPROOF residence hotel. America I plan; on carlinc; 10 minutes from business center; prices in accord with general business conditions. 23d and Hoyt sts. Marshall SSI. THE VIRGINIA HILL. Hth and Jefferson its. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phono Main i'S:i. A 66l'S. ALEX AN DR A COURT. 5:t ELLA STREET. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites. Singlo Rooms. Excellent Table. A G211. Main 461 1. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The W hitchall", 25a tith st.. has fine table board, modern rooms, guii parlor, a real home; reasonable rates. CAS A ROSA. :i00 JEFFERSON. BOA RD AND ROOM, $25 1 K Rooms With Board In IVivate Families. ATTRACTIVE large rooms in nice homo, tw in beds, running w a ter, good board, every convenience, $5 up; 1" mln. walk to P. O. ".01 Harrison. Main 6:M. NICE, clean front room : strictly modern home; yard, large porch, every conven ience free; board optional; 474 Salmon st. Marshall 44 10. DA N D V room an d boa rd , only young people in family, every convenience, walking dis tance. Main 77 20. LOVELY tduglo room, hot and cold water, for gentleman or lady. Main 7265. ;;5 llili st. BUSINESS GIRLS and students will find good room and board. $ I week up, at "Anna Lewis" Hall, 510 Flanders st. ROOM with hoard; modern; walking dis tance. 7i Flanders. Main 1547. LO V ELY large front room for 2. home comrorts, meals. Mam 7205. rty. 1 1th. cm i u i mriiifa iroiu rom,a . gooo. Doara ; PAnsnnnKlA TV1 t",. ,1 r n .- REFINED woman win care for child in BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In modern ROOM and board. lOth st. Main 6973, A L'Hu I'urnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. 3th and Columbia tit. 5 min. walk to Meier & Frank store; nice surroundings; Just the thing for Summer; strictly modern 2 and 3 -room furnished apts., all outside, with French doors and balconlea. Day. Week. Month. Rates reasonable. Marshall 0198, THE WHEELDON ANNEX. 4 Apartment Hotel. Tenth and Salmon Streets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS, Rates day, week, month or year. VILLA ST. CLARA. I2iu and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in connection. Walking distance. References. ROSELYX APARTMENTS. Two-room completely furnished, com fortable, clean, private phone, bath, dressing-room, brick building, fine loca tion, very reasonable. 110 N. 21st. Mar shall 4140 and 4141. ONLY $18 to $25 per month or $5 to $7 per ween, completely rurnisnea Housekeeping two-room apts.. Including electric lights, heat, hot water, bath, private phone, new brick bldg., 15 minutes from P. O. Lincoln Apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377, A 4152. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett, between -Orh and Ella. Furnished three-room apartment with or without sleeping porch; located in one of the choicest residence districts; walk ing distance. - THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3 -room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 2S5, cor ner Clackamas and Ross sts. East 3172. STELWYN APT. Cor. St. Clair and Washington. Elegant completely furnished apt. with sleeping porch, every modern convenience; special Summer rate; bachelor rooms. Main 2830. CAHLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th New, modern; steam heat, private uatns, laundry, completely furnished 2 and 3 rom apts.; 10 min. from business center; save carfare ; rates moderate ; reference-. THE SUNNY SIDE. Desirable 2, 3, 4 rooms, furnished apts., modern, homelike place, deeirable tenants, reasonable. E. 37th and Belmont. Tabor W ELL furnished 3-room apartment ; 3 min utes walk from Broadway and Washing ton ; elevated site ; select neighborhood ; best apartment for rent askei in Port land. Main 2506. " TUE FLORENCE. 3b3 11TH. 3-room, neat, cosy apartments, furnished or unfurnished, strictly modern, reason able by week or . month. Desirable loca tion; roof garden. BUCK-HARTFORD, 107 NORTH 21ST. o and 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches, elevator ; reasonable rent, walking distance. COMPLETELY furnished 2 and 3-room apartments, easy waiKing distance, io to $20. including lights, phone and janitor service. Is7 17th, near Yamhill. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, 1 S9 2ild, corner Kearney Modern 3 and 4-room apartments: private bath; com pletely furnished; $20 up. Marshall 2U45. THE IXJlsT- 704 HOYT STREET Ex tra la rge lignt 2. 3 and 4-room apts. Larue porches, lurnished or unfurnished. Modern. References. Marshall 2011. BERKELEY APTS. and 3-room apts. Balconies Central shall 1 ?". -39 Trinity Place, 2 Light and pleasant -$17.50 to $30.00. Mar- BARON APARTMENTS, llth and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished ; first-class; reasonable rates. Main 7337. CLAYPOOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay. Two rooms, light, pleasant and well fur nished. Walking distance. $20.00 to $25.00. Main 8757. HISLOP HALL, cor. East 6th and Haw thorne 2 and 3-room apts.; private baths and phone ; aleo single rooms; well fur nished; $12.50 up. Phone East 8S2. GRAND EST A, East Stark and Grand ave. Nicely furnished thrre-room apts.; private phone and bath, walking distance ; prices moderate. Phone East 208. MADISON PARK APTS. Park St. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments; closo in; by week or month. THE NEW VIARK. Girt Pettygrove, modern .-room ftirn. apt, large kitchen, heat, ttsiht. phone free; $14 to $18. ELM WOOD APTS., 10TH AND HALL Looby, social hall, modern 2 and 3-room fumlBhed and unfurnished apts. Reasonable. THREE and four-room furnished or unfur n lulled. The Bjelland. A 1S67. Main 1S07. A 1875. WELLINGTON ANNEX. 15th and Everett Two rooms, newly furnished, hardwood floors, walking distance; $22.50. Main 1245. THE CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnished apartment; lowest rates in tha city. 25 N. 19th at. DRICKSTOX, 44S 11th, modern 2 and 3 room apts.. excellent service, . walking dis tance. Marshall 5ti, A &40S. HAMMERSLY COURT, 250 12th St., 2 and 3 room apartments, close in ; modern ; rea sonable. Marshall 2052." References. FAIRMOUNT APTS., 286 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments; $C2.50 up; close in. Main 2286. NEW, furnished apartments, concrete block, $10 and $12. 1144 Union ave. N. HERMEXIA, 400 Hall St., corner 10th 2 room apartments, reasonable. THE ELMS, 191 14th; 2 and 3 roras,$12.50 to $-5 per month, close in. CAM AR. 704 Iovejoy Modern brick build ing; 2, 3-room apts., $18 to $30. Mar. 2917. TWO and 3-room furnished apts.. $16 and up. Harrison Court, 5th and Harrison. THE LAURETTE One furnished 3-room apt., private bath and phone. 229 11th st. JACKSON bungalow, newiy furnished, walk ing distance, janitor service. 454 11th st. I nf urniMu-d Apartment. EXCLUSIVE fl-room apartment, outside rms. Hardwood floors. 2 porches, lifs. Mar. 1758. MODERN 6-room apartment. 1n excellent lo cality. Call 711 Jolaufcou. rhone Main TOR RENT. Unfurnished Apartment. LUCRETIA COURT APTS., Lucre ua st.. near Wash ana 23d. 2 to 5 rooni apartments, reception hails, dressing-rooms and hardwood floors, all larye. outside rooms; while this apt.-Uou e is the finest in every particular, yet the prices are not any hither thau the ordi nary apt. -house. Free private . phones in each apt. ; ret. req. Supt. on premises. Mar. 1513. Janitor, Mar. 150O, A 3637. ROOSEVELT APARTMENTS, 66 Kearney St., Near 21st. - Five-room unf unlimited apartments, with large porches, heat, warm and cold water Included ; rent $25 to $32.50. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st und Flanders 5 and 0 rooms, large and homelike; more service and conveni ences for the price than ou w ill find in the city. Phone Main 7516, A 2t7i. CEDAR HILL APT. Near 23d and Washington sts. A very pretty 3-room apartment for $22.50 Cvorth $30 ; references; first vacancy in a year. Phone Marshall 5315. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson High-Kr-ade 3, 4 and 5 rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate service; prices reasonable. Phone Marsiiaii o360 or A 2676. BRUCE A P T J? .. 266 N . 2 5 1 h A pt. n ill be vacated May 1 .". ; t large rooms, front veramia. st'-am heat, bath, phone, Janitor t:r kc, beautifully located. Main 4lM5i, A 17i. KEELER APTS., 3 ITH AND CLAY STS. 3 and 4-room. wide halls, private vestibule, phone and ba th ; brick build ing, elevator ; references. Mgr., Mar. 57:i5, Jan. Mar. 5753. SEE THESE APARTMENTS. Moving expenses paid; n-4 rooms, hard" wood floors. Portnomah, 2oo E. Lith. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished' apart men 1 3, first -class service. Pnva te phone. Ref. 7-r.OOM Duplex apartment, four bedrooms, 2 baths in fireproof building. Apply 700 Ia v 1 s st. TH E OR M ON DE. 4 and 5-i 00 m a nan ments. 656 Flanders, Nob Hill. Main S:'51. 5- ROOM apt., all outside rooms, hot v a ter, heat. V East 15th, corner Yamhill. WE ha e a beau t It ul thrce-xnom apart men t to lea.se cm t he top floor at 75 Da vis ft. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartment. MORGAN, FLIEDNER A BOYCE, M3-S21 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments in all parts of the city; great variety of locations, tdzes and price. Our free auto mobile at your service xn visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 2013. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving FurniHUud and uufurnished apartments in 2, 3 and 4 1 ooms, four-story brick ; e lec trlo automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and w riting desks, plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner freu. Phone Marshall 2061. THE .TEASDALK. Modern 3-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished, all outside w indows, both phones, disappearing . beds and buf fets, walking distance. 30 North 20th, near Washington. HIGHLAND COURT APTS, 22D AND GLlSAiV. Largest, most .homelike high-class apts. In city, lurnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walkiug distance. MARSHALL 3241. KINGSBURY. 186 Vina ave., ott Washington st 3 and 4 rooms, with private balconies; unfurnished or furnished ; high-class neighborhood; best of ter vice; reasonable rates by month. BCEXA VISTA, 12th and Harrison. Finest apartment-house on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, walk ing distance ; references. M. 1091, M. liioi. WASHINGTON APARTMENTS, 680 North rup st.. 5 -room furnished or unfurnished apartments, with all modern conveniences, gas, electric light, etc. Take W car to 21st and Northrup. lJhone Alain 4376, A 1133. THE NEW WESTMINSTER hasa vacancy; 4-rm, furnished or uuturnujhtd, corner apt.; rents reasonable, best of service; unly 3 blocks from p. O.. corner 6th and Madison. THE ROYAL ARMS, HHh and Lovejoy The newest and most up-to-date apts. in Portland. Hard w cod floors, balconies, etc. All rents model ate ; 1 2-room $17.50; i 3-room $30. Marshall 3111. TR1N I TV PLACE APAR T MENTS. THE HOUSE UF TONE, 40-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER, PHONE MARSHALL 1101. SHEFFIELD Apartments, 270 Broadway 6 oiocKS to Duauiess center; oest location in Portland ; furnished and unfurnished; all rents reduced. Mo. in 25u6, A 314W. THE DEZENDORE, 208 16th at., near Taylor; Marshall 2324; line 5 -room furnished and unfur. apts. THE WINDSOR 2, 3 and 4 beautiful room. furnished or not. E. 14th. and Yamhill. KING-DAVIS APTS.. 51 King st. 3 and 4 rooms ; liign-c.ass; reierencta. Alain o.iO. REX ARMS lth and E. Morrison ; 2 and 3 rooms; Summer rates; modern service. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts., very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 2 ltd. Main 7134. Flats. MODERN 6-room flat, adjoining Ladd's Addition. b 1 replace, furnace, all mouern conveniences. Belter go and see this right away ai 213 E. 21st st. Will give tnis month's rent free to responsible party if taken immediately. Owner at 315 Stock ExchanKe. Main 6i7 1. IR VINGTON Strictly modern lower 0 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, beam ceiling, sideboard, white enamel bath, bedrooms, pantry and kitch en. East face. 13th, near Schuyler. 6-ROOM lower, furnished or unfurnished. Is absolutely rtnest t lut in city. Splendid lo cation. Every convenience. 26y E. 25th. near Hawthorne. East 22WU. MODERN 6-room lower and upper flats; West Side, N. 15th st.. two blocks of Wash ington ; gas range, water heater, linoleum. Cull mornings until 2 and after 5 East 3756. NOB HILL flat, 3 rooms, maid's room, fur nace, fireplace, pas range, hardwood floors, etc.; references. 254 x. 25th, cor ner Northrup. 6-ROOM upper flat, fireplace; all outside rooms. Corner E. 1 1 th and Madison. E. 2o4 . FREE RENT for 3 months, then, only $S per month for modern 5 -room Hat. 401 Board of Trade. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close" to school and carlinc: desirable location. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. 5 ROOMS, modern, hot water heated, fire place; sleeping porches, lawn, above 23d. ('nil 772 Kearney. VERY desirable 5-room flat, clean and In good condiLiuu, centrally located, rent $20. M tJ- MODERN 6-room upper fiat; hardwood floors, gas range, steam heat, hot and cold water. 307 11th st. 3-ROOM modern f ;at, kus range, sleeping porch, f irt p tare, linoleum, $J5 ; ndulis. 20 E. 21it. Key 295. Hawthorne ear. 6-ROOM upper flat; fireplace and all out side rooms, corner 17th and E. Madison. East 23 4 . m. , REDUCED modern colonial fiats, upper aud lower. E.' Morrison and 15th. Phune East 1619. MODERN 6-room f lat ; also 8 -room hoube. Inquire 170 ICth st. 6-HUOM modern flat, 177 '2 Green ave., near 23d and Washington. Main 6itS, A 26" 6. $l,g MODERN 5 room lower flat, water, porch. Phono East 3247. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat, ISO1,. 16th st. Apply 1M 16th, cor. Yamhill. FLAT of 6 rooms aud bath. 733 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 6th at. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 6-room upper flat; largo lawn; $20; 61M Vi Lovejoy St. Phone Main 385. STRICTLY modem 9-room upper flat. Clay st. Phone East 8. MODERN 4-room flat vith sleeping porch. 271 East 6th N. Irvlngton car. FlirmVbed Flats. STRICTLY modern, well-furnished loner 6 room flat In Walnut Park ; if you are looking for something good, call. Wood lawn Sl22 evenings. 6-ROOM flat, desirable neighborhood, good view, piano, library, furnace, lawn, bath, sleeping porch, walking distance, $25. Marshall 15t'6. COMPLETELY furnished elegan t 5-room modern lower flat. 547 Sixth st. Walk ing distance. Some yard. Telephone 0 A. M. to 6 P. M.. Main s7W3. HANDSOMELY furnished, modern, 6-room, lower flat. 700 Kearney st. All conven iences; rent reasonable. Phones Main 1560. Woodlawn 2W54. 6-ROOM furnished flat. No. 262 Stout St.; yard. $23 to permanent renter. Refer ences. Marshall 4220. 4-ROOM furnished flat, 2 blocks Union ave., '2-miuute car service, fine location. 940 Mai lory. C 2357. WELL furnished modern five-room flat. West Side, walking distance. Mar. 5238. MODERN FLAT with sleepmg porch, very reasonable. West Side. Call Marsiiaii 488. UP-TO-DATE lurnished and unfd. s. porch, close in. fre-e phone. E. 3737. $18 and up. MOST desirable 6-room flat, all new furni ture, centrally located. Main 3020: NEWLY furnished modern 4-room lower corner flat, well lighted. Phone E6964. Housekeeping Rooms. BUS H M A UK Mocern brick; furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable, walking distance, fttiufe Washington st. FOB BENT. Housekeeping Roumt. $1 TO $2.5o week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; k-. free heat, laundry, bath, vard. East 6o3tf. 4U6 Vancouver. ns Stanton. U" car. FURNISHED suites of 1, and 4 rooms at 2443 Killings worth ave.; low rent. Phone Woodlawn 0S0. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cueap. t.ambridge bldg., d, cor. Morrison. ROYCREST, 175 12th Large cut tea and sin gle rooms by day, week or mouth. $12 VPTwo rooms, walking distance; ah conveniences; light, airy. 330 Mill st. G1LMAN HOTEL, 1st and Alder Furnished .oasekeeptng rooms cheap; $1.50 v. eek; up. HoOK-keeping Rooms in. Private Family. $11 MONTH, cooking gas Included, 3 con necting rooms. firiL floor; furnished house keeping. 7;:i Rodney, near Fremont. Will iams or Union ave, car. THREE nice, furnished housekeeping rooms on first floor. E. 30b. 42 E. 16th N, corner LIGHT, airy, basement furnished housekeep ing room, sleeping tent optional, electricity, bath. phone,$1.5Q week. 323 N. 23d. IR V I NOTON 3 or 4 furnished or unfur nished H. K. rooms, gas and electricity. Phone East 4SOS UOUSEKEEPINO, furnished, unfurnished; lights, bat h. phone, single or suites, very cheap. 21 t Morrison. SINGLE or en suite,, newly furnished deslr able. a'.l conveniences, light and airy. 475 Morrison. IN a refined , modern home. 3 large rooms and bath, upper fiat, fine law n. reason aide. 4A1 nd m. FVrtNISHED housekeeping rooms in Irv ington. on carline. Adults. East 43S4. 2 NICE Ilpht. clean housekeeping rooms, wit '.1 con entences. 214 L'lth fct. 3 MODERN housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 7Si Kearney. Marshall 4337. $12 MONTH. 2 large housekeeping rooms, electric lights. 530 Davis. 2 AND 4-room H. K. suites, modern, private bath, phone. Mar. 1043. 414 Mill, cor. 14th. Tvo large desirable n-at!y furnished h k. rooms, homelike. 37 College, a 3S.ss. NICELY furnwhed housekeeping rooms 67 N. 14th. Davis to Eerct st. FRONT room with kitchenette, also single h. k. room; very reasonable. 208 13th st. LA RGE front room, wiJh kitchenette for light h. k.: every convenience. 211 12th. CLEAN, well-furnished housekeeping rooms. $0 and $1 I. 226 12th st. Houses. 5-ROOM COTTAGE 411 llth. between Hall nd Harrison sts.; Just thoroughly cleaned, papered snd paintel throughout; modern, centrally located aud best cotta-o on West Side for $20 per month; key at 409 llth street. PARRTSH, WATKINS & CO., 1U Second St rect. FOR RENT 167 East 7th st. North, close in, between Oregon and Irving streets, 6 room house, freshly tinted, sleeping porch inclosed in glaas, lower porch inclosed in glass, strictly modern, fireplace, furnace, etc., rent $2ti. Call at house or call up owner. Tabor 1 soo. LAURELHURST HOUSES FOR RENT. We have some new, strictly modern houses for rent or for sals; if they do not suit, will build just what you want on the easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co., 270 V Stark bt. Main 1503, A 1515. GOOD HOUSES, CHEAP RENT. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Ms In IS 60. 26tf Wash. St. A 17 For RENT tt-room dwelling, iu fine re pair. 331 Broadway, West Side. Cement basement, furnoce. 2 fireplaces, electricity, gas and all modern plumbing; small yard. Reasonable rent to steady tenant. Fred S. WHiiams, 923 1st st. 1159 RODNEY ave., corner Klllingsworth, 4-room, nicely furnished, cheap rent. Maiu 0464; lawn, trees and roses. 453 Hall st, -room apartment; 1SS Porter, 2 and 3 rooms. Marshall 5152. FO R RE NT Furnished houoe, 3 iwmis, large living-room. Central heating, West over road. Rent $33. including heat. Phone Main 1330. After 0 o"clock phone Main 24oO. NICE country place in town to rent. Beau tiful garden land; 6-room house; all kinds of fruit and berries. Close in. Rent Siu. Stout Investment Co., Main 5120. $13 b ROOMS, toilet, bath, electric lignts, gas range and heater; some furniture; fine yard and lawn ; all kinds of small fruit. Woodlawn t23. 9Sti Grand ave. N. $25 IMS 30th st. North, in Alameda Park; 7 rooms, bath, fireplace, furnace; house nearly new. John P. Weston Co., 630 Northwestern Bank bldg. ATTRACTIVE bungalow iiat, 3 rooms, sleep, inyr porch, den, attic; can -uhiet and almost make rent; partly furnished, bol E. Wash., cor. 2 Si a. FOR RENT 6-room modern house at 526 East Couch ; also 7 -room house at 7o East 10th North. Inquire at 73 East 10th North. 6-ROOM modern house, just re tinted, pa pered, gas range, heater, fine lawn; rent reasonable; references. Bjol land's Grocery, 16th and Marshall. Main 1807, A 1867. LARGE 6-room house with good plumbing, located on Willamette boulevard; will rent to responsible party for $1U per month. See trustee, 512 Piatt bldg. $12 J UST finished, 4-room modern cottage, lot 85x100, near river, garden plowed. 5c fare. L. L. Gray, Island station, Oregon lty line. WEST SIDE, S-room house, yard, furnace, gas, near schooL 786 Corbett St., near Cibbs st. Phone Main 03t. ON E 8 -room house, newly painted, 226 14th St., West Side, between Main and Salmon. Call Marshall 314. WEST SDE Neat 7-room house .small yard, furnace heat, close in. 5lo Market, near 14th st. Phone Main 4510. FIVE-ROOM house on Columbia and 14th; nice surroundings; rent $iu. Phone Mar shall 4314. 7-ROOM house, fuil lot. East Ankeny near 17th; low rent. Vanduyn Si Walton, ,. Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT 867 Clinton t.. modern 6-room house, furnace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, $22; Phone Tuesday, Main 2i7o. -ROOM house, 7 Ella, between Washington and Everett st $lo : key Gi Eila. Phone Marshall 4338. A 3o76. FOR REN T 6-room modern h o u se. walk ing distance; yard, roses. Reduced rent. Tabor 481 s. $15 Seven-room house on Stanton st., near Williams ave.; bath, furnace, fine lawn ana gar-1 en. pnone Marshall 4314 $12 5-RoO.M, newly renovated cowage. t E. loth corner Wash.; walking distance. East 342. MODERN lo-rooiu house, two bath-rooms sleeping porch, two fireplaces, $60 per niout h. Inquire 204 N. 20th st. 14-ROOM modern house on beautiful lOOz loo corner, ttio List. cor. Taylor Phone Marshall a 156. MODE RN 6-room house, 637 Everett st.. West Side; walking distance. Phone E. S. MODERN 5-room cottage, large garden. 563 Hoyt, near ISth st. Main kl'51. 5-ROOM house, newly tinted aiid painted Inside ; garden. Phone Tabor 1 4S9. 4-ROOM modern house for rent cheap; close to Grays Crossing. Tabor 511G. BEAUTIFUL. 5-room bungalow, almost fin ished ; only $10. 3tth. Ait S, Oregon i a n . MODERN s-room hous, low rent and walk ing distance. Call 441 llth at. DESIRABLE house and flats, all pans of city. Stout Investment Co. Main 512!. 8-ROOM HOUSE 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire 136 6th. Main 62 7 S. W EST SI DIC. 6-room hous $ ! 5 per month. 66! Northrop st. Telephone Mar. 1215. BUAUTIEUL. modern P-room cottage. J. Morris. Main 6976, A 4361. COTTAGE 124 North 1 7t U st near Glisan, key at SS North 16 1 VE R Y desirable 6 end S-romn houses ; 306 and 3'.S San Rafael; close in. East 1685. COTTAGE, 5-room, clean; gas. bath. 66$ E. Main, cor. 18th st- Phone East 2764. 6-ROOM modern home, nice yard with fruit trees $15. Woodlawn 1799. SEVEN rooms, close car. $1 4. basement, flowers, fruit ; 50 Magnolia, Woodlawn. COTTAGE, 6 rooms, gas. tra vs. flowers; key S7 E. 17th. E. 5466. furnace. S-ROOM modern house, 6317. 71 Hoyt st. Main DESIRABLE houses and flats for renL. Stock Exchange. ' Marshall 1R68. FOR RENT Houses on West Side, $5 to J17.50 per month. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bid g. . DESIRABLE, modem, 6 rooms, shade, sleep ing porch, furnace. Kast 221.. 40 COLUMBIA ST. 9 rooms, modern; yard, cement basement. West Side ; $18. Furnished House. 5- ROOM house, nicely furnished, rent $lS mo. Call 675 Alberta. 6- ROOM furnished house, $16. 761 Williams ave. Woodlawn 410. 5-ROOM furnished house, 35 p;at 85th N. Fine view and garden. $20, with water. NP'KLY furnished 3-room cottage. Call 414 College st. 7-ROOM furnished hoiie. nice lawn, garden, $20. Phone Sell wood 12'.'0. 6-ROOM house, furnished for rent, $12; no children. 33T0 Burrago st. 0-ROOM bungalow, adults. Tabor 8161. FOB RENT. Furnished Houi-e. NEW FURNISHED . BUNGALOW AND GARAGE IN LAURELHURST. 7 rooms ajid sleeping porch, - baths, billiard-room; locaieo within one biock of Laurelhur.it Pail;; $3J. If you want this, answer Quick, ax ducui of people will be afier it. PAUL C. MURPHY, 270 Stark St. Main K.vrt, A 1C15. COMPLETELY luruisna clean :; or 5-room apartment with ha th in modern home, piione. gas. elect rieit and hca 1 furnished, very reasonable to Christian Science or re liable parties, walking distance, y 4 North 16th, West side. 6-ROOM liouso for rent for Summer. S23 month, or house for rent and furniture for sale: pUno and phonograph included i f desired ; all conveniences, gas h eater, gas range, nice yard, flowers, etc. li 2453 or Eadt 714:t. FOR RENT Splendidly turnlshed S-room house with sleeping porch, very desirable neighborhood, on West Side, for 3 or 4 months to small family of adults. Call 213 Board of Trade bldg. IKY INGTON. Elegantly, lurnished home for rent; Turkish rugs, mahogany furniture; reas onable 1o responsible parties. Phone week days Main 1 440. FURNISHED modern 8-room house, best part of Irving ton residential section. 415 12. 22d N., bet we.n Hancock and Tilla mook. Phone East 3413. 7 1 Broadway, rear M adison Ft. 6-room a pa rt m nx ; elegantly furnished, sleeping porch, iirrangetl to sublet part if defireu, rnt $3.; aiso 4-room f-urnibhed flat, $20. INQUIRE CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. Title TruM Bldg., Main 5421 7 -ROOM furnished house, block and half to Irvingrou or Broadway car. i0 Weidler sr. East 592i). 5-ROOM furnished bu 11 pa low, near Laurel burst Park, with garden, $20. Phone Mar shall 2241. 7-ROOM residence in Irvlngton; rent $15; references required. C 2u9b! Summer KsHirm, MODERN Hood River residence, compttcly f urnishod. beautiful lew of "i4 uihia River a .id M our. t Adams, for rent c r i or 2 months to reliable parties; r-rences rc quired. Address P. o. Box i3. Hood River. SE A S T DE Beautiful 7 -room cot 1 age, oa er looking O' t ai. ; fireplace, elect ri- it y, mod ern (.dumbing: furnished complete; fl blocks north Moore. East 5074. btorew. FOR RENT Storage, splendid cement base ment. 20x00. all or part. Union ae., near Onk. East 2f8S. STORE. 275 Haw limine ave., 17x40. near bridge; fine light, aood basement. Apply Hav -thorite Dock Co. TO lJ;T FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES, store', 1S75 square feet, central location, mod erate r!ital. AK 7lo. Oregonian. r v t RENT M-at market, furnished com plete. .;c,2 Washington. Offices. DESK ROoM in front office; desk phone, etc., $10; also completely furnished pri vate office with reception-room ; cheap rent. Stock Exchange, 3d, Yamhill. Mar shall l'17. OPPORTUNITY for dentist with established first-class phslclan; nplendid light; well known building, central location; moderate rental. A M 70S, Oregonian. FOR RENT Desk room, use of phone and share in three-room offire suite occupied by public stenographer; $7 per inontb. Ap ply lo:;i Chamber of Commerce. WELL furnished private office; also d-sk room, $6 and $7. 723 Chamber of Com merce. DOCTOR'S offices to let in donLowi build ing ; central location, moderate rental. AL 707, Oregonian. OFFICES $16 up: furnished offices and desk room ; free phone ; very reasonable ; Port land's busiest corner. 803 Swetland bldg. TO LEASE. LARGE lot. Front and Taylor, building 25 x 1 00, First and Washington, warcuouse sites and houses. Miss Ray, 265 14th st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE OPPORTUNITY FOR LIVE MEN to est a olish themselves in a most profitable, permanent and high-class business that is offered by our new process of supplying OAS for Individual use is so exceptional tha t any one seeking a business oppor tunity will do well to investigate it. Uni versal Utilities Co. Branch, loo West Park st.. Portland. FOR RENT IN ALBANY'. OREGON, That fine brick store adjoining the fa mous St. Francis Hotel ; the best loca tion for department store in the valley, with terms, on long lease. City is In need of large department store. Floor space , equal to 5trxl50 feet. Address E. H. Rhodes. Albany. Or. WOMAN, 29 years old, unincumbered, wants partner for half interest in 70-rouin mod ern hotel located in the heart of Spokane; good paying proposition to one who is willing worker and has $1000 to invest. 410 Riverside ave., Spokane, Wash. Phone Main 1268. Room 201. FIRST-CLASH confectionery business iu one of the best towns in Oregon; invoices $00K; owner has other business only reason for selling ; would ta ke good real estate In part payment. BU 7if0, Ore Ionian. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing dual for iO-called interest hi established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Kra Ity Board. PAUL A. COWG1LL. Sec'ty. ' S16 Chamber of Commerce BJdg. OPENING FOR DOCTOR. Doctor in Southern Oregon wishes to turn his pract ice and stock of drugs at once; leaving for the East. Reply. AV 126, Oregonian. FOR S ALE Fumitm e store with grocery de partment. In good R. R. town in W if lam et te Valley ; good clean stork ; will Invoice $5ouu. For particulars write AV 138, Ore gonian. AN established firm will take partner If right man; income better thau salary, which will be guaranteed ; small invest ment required; fully secured. Call 3 or pheum bid. MANUFACTURING partner wanted to tnd office, etc., pay $ 1 no montli sale ry, alfo profit s. money secured. Room 320 Mor gan bldg. M OS E. BROK ER wants good ma 11 to assist him as partm-r; can draw salary and profits; $500 required. Call 2 s Stai k street. GENTLEMAN partner, beauty pallor, old -est ablished business ; must have considera ble amount of money. Call aftcrnoO," 204 Ma'-U-ay bldg.. 2hi6 Washington st. CASH ii t occi ia it ut s oar 1 hit ; 1 1 rud of de pending on hired help; rales are $7o day. all cash ; not hi tig sold on credit ; money required secured. Room :.21 M organ bid g. EN A M ELI XG automobile business : the on ly place In town ; 1 wan t partner; guarantee you $;:o per week ; 'J required ; fully secured. 3 Orpheum bldg. OPERATOR Country printer with $1000 ui can land half Interest in weekly hav Inc imputation being one of best on Coast. Sent inel. 'ottatce iaro e, Oregon. OWNER, of f irst-cla hotel restaurant Is unable on account of UIocsh 10 handle k; me, wants partner to ma na ge business. Will g 1 e terms. 317 Railway Exahan-? ?. PARTNER wanted f"i- a repair shop; jay $is to $25 week; $323 required, tall rvuin :i21 Morgan bhig. DELICATESSEN and confectionery, corner location. Stark t. 722. Snup. 5t6 Lumber Exchu nge. BIG R EST A URA NT S AC R I F I C ESeH ta 7l0; rlc.ht downtown, 1-3 of value; $256 cash required. I loom 303 Lumber Exchange. PA RTN EK Business establish e) ; t hts man more essential than money. o7 Slock Ex- ch a n rc GROCE RY at sacrifice. Rig daily trade. 'cuod location. In vest i gate thin opportunl tv. $l oo. 519 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted for a meat market in a country town, big profits, $50O required. Room 320 M organ bid g. CASH erocery with big trade,, no delivery or credit; owne will show jou $5) a mo'nn profit, fall 24v"i. stark st. A UToMO BILE partner wanted. either a mechanic or salesman and help look aftei business generally. 317 Railway Exchange. IEi-T-PA YINO drugstore In town; any kind of in vesti-eation ; best of terms. M. R. Schloth, ca re BIumauer-Frank Ac Co. VA RTNER want'd In ga ra ge ;"th Is f si s money-maker: salary and big profits. Call 24s I.,. Stark st. BUTTER, Efigs. etc.; a strictly cash busi ness for saie cheap; sales are $50 to 60 day, all cash. Call room Morgan hide. HAVE opening for honest man as partner; can make $ 1 00 month. Easy work. $2O0 required. Call 303 Lumber Exchange. LADY conducting busy store wants gentle man partner; doing good business. 3 Orpheum bid g. $250 AND SERVICES will secure half in terest In good pay ins- business if $15 week will answer. Call 2-lS1 Stark st. R EST AURA NT and lunch counter for sale cheap; will guarantee good profits. Call Room "2! Morgan bid g. FOR SALE Tailor and pressing shop; good location. 3S3 E. Bnrnside. BEFORE buying or selling, consult. 207 Stock Exchange. CONFECTIONERY for $600. fine 'ocatbn ; big trade. Terms. .MO Lumber Exchange. FURNITURE STOKE Sale r;- trade for house and lot. oltt Lumber Exchange. BIMNKsS OITOKTlMTltSi. HALF INTEREST BUSY PAINT SHOP $450. Good cigar store, rent $15, '!."',. Cigar store, good lo :i tioii, $'.".o. Transfer bu.10 hs cheap. $ IOOO. Cleaning und pressing, up to di.tc, 4,0. Popcurn m (ton, nione -m.t k- r. f Soo. Fuel bueincso. busy, $lloo. Picture theater. monc -tuk r. $2 100. Delicatessen choap, $ 1 25. Sell, trade buninehs of all kind. ;tH 333 Chamber ot Commerce JHdg. ORE AT Ol'I'Oin'KN'ITV Ma nut iictui crs a Kent. curr ing hi vera vt ry valuable staple Iiik h. Oewuis to meet geittlcmaii with $5oo u iiling to go to for eign country where great market a wa its these products, will give third interest to capable- man. Connections north over $50,000 yearly already ctuhlished. Rt-ady to leave In few weeks. Apply by letter. Oriental," care Mr. Patterson, 212 Selling bldg. R. H. GoODKl ND CO. Leaditig Comimrcial Broker. 20 cars' experienro selling different lines of buslncfs. If you have a bona fide business to offer for sale list W II !l US AT O.VCK; K GKT THE RESULTS. PUT YOUR PRICE RIGHT, WE WILL DO THE REST. R H. GOODKIVD C 07-3 Wikox BJiidaig. GROCERY SNAP Good East Side apt. dis trict. Cash trade. Rent $2. Stock and lix tures about $ou.,Room 3o3 Lumber E change. HOTEL barber shop, on chair. $H" a month a box expenses. H. Green. Wallowa, Or. BUSINESS OPrORTIM TIES M AN I KD, RELIABLE yt.uii- married iiimii Ihmii out of town desires to locale in IVi-tinud; have $:;im to $ 1 i'm m to invest in a st net 1 y 1 t i ilmate proposition ; must carry po sit ion with a!a r ; Mate f u! i pa rt i-ol:i r? ; nniM bear strb-t investigation. N bat have on to ol'fer. 7'.'. Op'ROntiin. I WANT half liiTre;t iu confectionery, irmall grocery or small country store; price musi be right and business bear invest nn'i'in ; state pric. expenst s and amouttt of sales. Lockbox hehslu. Wash. LX1KXT bas S-'o.OOO hi 3 pices of improved proper? t. WW I t rade all or part for gen eral merchandise xtoro. Wbal have you ? Ti. H. tioodkind V. jn7-S Wilcox bldg. WANTED Good littM hotel; w CI le:.e fu nished, or miglit buy furniture; ntut te inoney-ntakr. Box S, Thornton. N. '. WANTED To p'ni or lease fiii-.ll hotel in Oregon r A'ashltii;ton. Address Mr. I. Foster. 117 N. isth. HPiHEST rash prices raid for all kinds iiierchandlst. See us before sctiing. 516 Stock Exchange bldg. Main N727. HAVE client with $5o0 iu some, business. 2i Stoi-k ExchatiKc. WA STED Smu II bakery in or out of touu. Gl e purticiuars. A R I'4. Un Fonin u. WANT location pood delicatessen; apt. lis trict. 333 Chamber of Commerce IMk- ROOIING-IIOlES. M IERN HOTEL. Corner brh k bldg.. prt v at c and public baths, furniture pra-etlcally new, os riKnim. exec lien t location, rent on ly $3 to, full price :trHMi. Terms half cash. lnvestt KH te this; it is a good buy. $5.t CASH And the balance of $1000 buys a ury pretty email apt.-houso in a fine resi dential district. Mostly all 2 -room apts. TO LEASE. 34-room hotl, i.r;ly furnished in live town close to Portland. Modern and partly furnished, kitchen and dining-room lully equipped. Rent oniv $11. "1. SPhJIAL .NOTICE. 1 f you have bona f ida propuslt Ion In hotels or apurtmeut-houcs for sale see us at once. R. H. OOODKIXT) CO. 807- Wilcox Building. R. H. tJCtODKI ND CO. Leading Commercial Brokers. Hotels, apartment-houses and business opportunities our specialty. 2" years in this line of business. Suite so7-j w ilcox bhig. Tel. Marshall 46S. A H50. MRS. M. E. LENT, ' Leading Hotel-A part men t-house A Kent. Both Buyer and Seller protected. Oldest Reliable Agency iu City eOX-i N. W. Bank bldg., 6th and Morrison. ROOM ING - HOUSE. Is rooms, modern brick, close in, rent -".o, a money-maker, well furnished, snap, $J50, terms. Call 1LG 4h ft. 41 ROOMS, all improvements, steam heated, clears $25 month, rent low, uwncr sick. Mar. 217H. 207 Slock Exchange. LINCOLN HOTEL, lHh and Morrison, for sale pr trade. 44 rooms, doing good busi- ROOM I XG-H OUStS. w ell furnished, splendid locality, clearing $70 per montli; $JOU wlil handle. 3 Orpheum bldg. 16 ROOMS. allfullrent $30. clears $70 per mouth. 207 Stock Exchange. LOST AND lOL'ND. FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway Light . A. Power Co., and owneis thereof may claim same at the 1st and Aider tttreet station: May 1 : Marshall 5lOU, A 6131 -1 illow shelf. 6 packages, 1 suit case, 5 umbrellas, 1 cuff link, 1 lunch box, 1 suit box, 1 l.adtfe, 1 milk can, 1 grip, 2 pks. cloth ing, 1 roll of paper, 1 pr. gloves, 1 satchel. M.iy 2- 1 hand bag. 1 purse $2.10), 5 umbrellas. 1 pr. eyt-Klasses and caw, 1 white hair ribbon aiui Kold pin. 1 green ritibon, 4 boxe-t, 1 jz ri p. 1 knife, 1 pui se. 1 suit case. 1 mlnlutui e boat, l fountain pen. 1 bottle and con tents, 1 bracelet, 1 bundle, 1 cout. 1 toy dog, I bill book, 1 peck lace. LOST Between 5th aud Washington and 4th and Yamhill, or on Kenton car, about A. M. Monday, lady's gold watch and fob. Initials G. F. Return to Behnkc Walkcr Business College aud receive re ward. ; LOST From auto on West Side, Saturday evening about 6 o'clock, black wairua satchel containing dress and other articles; reward, fcitl Mclnida. tivt. Maiu uOy. It. P. Ef finger. LOST Pearl brooch, shape new moon, w ith diamond chip in center. bet ween 311 Benson and 4o- Itoss Si. Phone Eust 5345. R e w a rd . LOST Ou Last 46th Nort h, between Han cock and Halse, gold-handled umbrella, in it ials I M. S." Finder return to 43u East 46th N.. and receive rw ard. LOST I-otig black ostrich feather boa. n Broadway ear or Jefierson st.. bet. Broad way and 13ih. Reward. 20'J 13th st. Main 50 :i6. LOST May 2. Empress Theat er. silver tuenh bug. Initials J. to L. t on timing some aluables. Return to Empress. Jit ward. LOST E.ks-tooth watch fob, marketl "Hell Gate 3fe3." Kinder pleabe return to fcc retary Elks Louse, Broadway and Stark. Suitable reward. LOST On Belmont jit ney, lady's si Ik t owl head umbrei hi. Finder return 1 13 Bel mont. Tabor .'loot. Reward. Si L V E R bracelet vairli, Wd n end 11 y a f tcr iiiniii, April 2. Phone Main 1323. SPECIAL KOTIttS. roJii In V lied. 1 WILL RECE1V E SEALED BIDS at the premises of tlie Bon Marche Store, 145-147 2d St.. at 12 u'ciock noon, Thuuiiu). May 6. for the entire flock ot nierchanO ise ul krtld store, consisting principally of iucn'. omen's clothing. tioes. o ry jfooda, 110 tious. etc. Said i-totk will inventory near JU.OOO. mole 01 atld the store wil, Im- open Wed net nay afternoon fur the in spcition of the ;ock. TERMS oK SALE. CASH,-and 10 per cent ot amount bid muM ueconip-ny uil bids. The iiitnt is reserved, to r-jict .ny and all bids. Dated Fortlaud, Or., My 1 L- DOM 15. SEA LED BIDS will be received until 1 P. M. Thursilay, May 13, 1115, at the office vt tiii1 port of Port (and, Court houe, purl la nd, Or., for supvly tog boilers and tank w ui k on tug WaJhila," a No ixdaung engine, derri-a, conveyor engine, f u 1 con - cy or, sheaves and housin s t and hot w e 1 1 for the dr-ige "t ;ol u m 0 tn" and huilust tanks for drydoks. Pians aud Mjeciju a tions m:iy be procure 1 upon application. The right to r ji ct any and all bids Is reserved. J. V. DOYLE, Ass't S'-eretary, Mlfecellaneonj. TO WHOM "iiiav concern. Apiil 3o, lftl5. My wife has left in t-cd and boa rd and I will not be responsible ior any dcbl contracted by her. S. C. potson. BARGES for rent; capacity 40u ions. Main 1410. UN ANCIAL LOANS on improved inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no dclas; principals ouly. KohertHon Ut Euing. 207-2US North w estern Bank bldg. WE BUY mortpdffcs, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO., 0 4th ft.. Board of Trade bid if. MORTGAGE loan. notes, contracts, mort gages (firt and sec Mid I. equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis ij.'o., 4 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mort saee. aSo sellers' interest in contracts purchased; uregMt or Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen's bldg. WE buy notes, bond- and mortgages. Rob ertson Or Ewing. 207-te N. W. Bank bldg. Money to In on Real Estate. TO LOAN. Zlitrv to 1r'r) money on business property, apartments, dwellings, farms, r. h. I'lossom, 316 t'lianibir Commerce. HAVE money o loan, any amount. 6 per cent. 7 per cent, 8 per cent. H. G. K.t n. 432 Chamber of Commerce. SEE Seckendorf today ; no d-Mt v. ri! 3 H n.( firm loans at current rat". 315-16 S'.yr, Exchange bid. Main t;i74. MORTGAGE LOANS, - and 7 PER i 1XJL1S SALOMON CO., 220 STARK i:m. 4 DAM ! A I.. Muncv to I.uju on lical (tatn. MONE( LOANED. Itnprovud btiiuti pis..l, 5 ir te I per -nu Improved rfiidenc property, A to 7 pet cent improved farm t-r. -p-Tt y . 7 t S per cent. W H1TM KK-KELLY CO.. 711 P. nock Lio k. Mo':'i g agV; lo a ns. An. aiiioum. low nt. pio..pily c'oaed. A I 1 1 act i c rt-pn 111 n 1 inulri;n. A. Il CI " I: l; L LL 217 N m li m c.n Hank I ildg. Miirsliall till, A 4 1 I .V Monk i Joan ii t land bii-itivMi and larni lonns ut 7 to s MALL A: ON lv IM St.. in. to 7 per ecu 1, J'or; 1 Mil nice pi vpiyi 1 r cent. IP K.-'i"EL, 1 1" 11 K. A ON L" V i U LOAN ON I M PI to V ED RE XL L.- I'ATU KOfl BI'ILDJNG PCliPOSES; V E It Y FLEX IBLE CoNTBACTri; NO COMMISSION-. COLUMBIA l.iKJi TBI .-I CO., Ul'J SPALDINO BLDG. TO Lo AN AT 7 PER CE N T. $2500 to $15.bUO. Any umon.it 011 J'uiL.md 1 n urox ed prop e.'tv ; iuiMt' diat- delJXr.. Apmy to goods eel una-., 432 Wot..ier Bhig. L'Oimi AND up v ards to loau ou city r; .ilate at 6 per eni. 1'A it K I li, WATKINS & CO., 1U0 Second iiliect. ill V AND FARM I -O A N o. " Luwcbl r.u-1. No dcia. t . I . MMUMJC, f.17 Corbet t Bldg. ,Od, $10do aud upwaid ou Improved rl 'estate, favoirtbie tcrin: uo iclayr; no bl wkvi a,K- John Jiaili. 507 t-p;t Id t u bld. -iOi. 1 G An LOANS IN AN V AMOUNT, OKL OA IN V, A; OR TGAG E t INC St rv; Exchu ne blog., :ti and la m h 1 1 1 . LUo.ooo 'lo LOAN in huiiik v ami; builo ivn oan; Ioa.i rait. W. O. Buck, 31. 3 is h ailing bid. To Loan to,iMM ur li?ss. PARI. INGTON. M 4TH T., P.OAKD OF TRXPR R LPO. uH'J'6AO.; itat at 44H Mierl.i mi.s on ii ;tna Miburban r-l inu s per iciii, V. U. Nunn, blut. SEE us today lor loaiid on Jiuim ov rd city property. t' to H p r c nt, $Joo uud up. e el (at v-M orloii Co.. J5 Uoii bidtf. M o If! G A G L luaiiM, prompt ser ice and courteous li cdiiiH Ul. Col, in. in. 2 lo tfiui.k KX bailee. M i RTG AG E Lt A N S. any amount: no deiny. Henry C. Pi ud ho in inc. .2s ,;o M i u. u bids. .iPl'O3T70'M PR1 VATH'Mi NLr low" u tcre.it i at e. B 40-, Oreotmin. E.- 1 ATE M- N i; V. il. v. i r. eli .d n, ::. 'i'O .o.ouo. 'HAM. ul' i.'fiM. $200. $350, $.00, $:00, $12d, $lotl. Fred V . O. rmuii t o., VII Clmint" r oi Ctiuuicrct. $1000 'iu 2i.oo to loan at 7 per um. tieiuy L. Muiton, 317 or rtcr bhig. MONEY, any unbuilt, l lo H per ct ut. . H. Settz A Co., 31 0 Spalding bidg. KAKMAXI) cTF- TORTtTAGE LOANfl. A.H. HARDING. 3 13 CHAM. 1H' COM. MONEY Tt 1.0AN IN A NYA MCK'NT."" Hammond Moi tnuc Co , 424 Ciim. of Com. 6T AT E FENDS, (i per cci.tTv7 E. Thonins. audit Multnoinali Counti. 4oo CO. of Coui. MOR'DJXGi: L'lANS ANY AMUlNT." d. i .. k i ; A S E Y A CO.. J : til. UK CQM. $15im AT 7 per cent t' loim on modern rti.l tience tlic dctoci iption. O TH.i, Oregi'iii.kU. Money lo Louji hattclei anil Itti.'r'ew. MO.XKV To LOAN. " YOU X.A.N C.El' II ioDA. ai li al rales on Diamond. Autos. Pianos. Household i;iod, L-es.cU. or Mou-nj clea. SPECIAL BATES. Borrow $ 30. return $ 5 rer mo. Lollop $ 4o, return 5 per mo. ti.irroA' $ 5o. it-turn $ 5 per mo. Bartow $Bo, rciuiu $10 pi nw. Interest 3 pr cent, our new offices are ABSOLUTELY PR I VA TE, PORTLAND LOAN CO.. Licenced b S;ate. 311 Dokiim iMt. 3d and VV'an1ilnpfoo. Mai shall 32.0. A Zh'Jt. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEXXELHY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest r. tail Jewelry stores in the city. A loan di part mint 1.4 couducted ill nitiii.-i tiuli w I tli t..ilj.e, mak ing busiuebH SliilCTLY CO NT 1 DENT I A L, absolutely no Mtu design.i ll ug lo.tu busi ness dirpluyi-d in 1 runt ot our bt -re. AH merchandise pledged 1M held lor period of seven month-. v lo lher or not luLetcht In paid w hen due. XX e .ire. licenced and have been catubliHiied since 1 S"i'.. No connection with uny u tiler loan establishment iu this city. A. 6c M. DELOVAGE, J EYVELERS, 324 W ashing ton St, Loans 10 to $100 quickly, state security co., licensed, loans on salaries only, best proposition in portland, call and let us explain our easy-payment plan, business situctly confidential. STATE SECU ill T Y CO., 3QO FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONUE. Diamond s. w ate in-!. ihumui Instrument SEPARATE DEP'T FOR LADIES. ElJLt Y 1 Oil 1 AN Y t licensed , L2u Lumtfcr Ecl.uni;e lUdg.. !vt-i nd a n ii S ; 11 1 K ntsv WE loan money on diauiondn and jew thy tit halt the rales ciiui ged by brokoi s. Dan Mali, 74 3d at. MONEY LOANED 011 diamonds and jswehy. S. W. Kinu. room 45 U.-rthumtuu uid- Lumiib HOlru. W ANTED Lon. $35o. from pi ivate p rt . first montage .'.hhhi rcsioetico uoit Heigh t s ; w iii pay o per cent, qua.i ii.i -anniiitl interest pavmetitH. no agents. Ad dress P. O. Box (HO, cil : . W A NT K I J Loan of $ H'nti on 3'0 act S of Clarke County, XX'h sti in k t n . ijnd. small tinpro emcuts; within lo miles ancini-r on ruimI road; will pay I pi r ct ut. AL 181, Orcguniaii. DESIBE LOAN of $25oo t 0 per cent on 25-ai-re lartn ou i".inoii i 'o.d, 1 tulle cast of Beavti ton; woriti $10.. no; Inter. -ml pa Mble quarterly Addrtj,s A lv liU, Orcgouiaii. M O N 1 Y V. A NTE1 'I -tin prtin lpaln. sovrr-l Kood lonns on h.tmi ; urioiift ainniim" Henry C. Pr uo hoiu inc. liiiaucial -Kel.L, Morgan I'd tig. W A NT ED Am-' i Side pl opcl t e'l t.. do. B , euis. 7 per cent, in- alue $2d..on. A pplicaiit l.- r. 225 Lnnit.i r Kx' hanirc. WANT t.Od' at 7 per cent on c -c-ui prop ert; a K'.f.-i loan. 2iO frtuck E-chanfcc. M .i i r ha 11 it b. WANT ED Loan of $275 lioui private y irl, per cent int-i e.-L, mi pi o ed real t jla te necurit v B 7", OictiiUii.n. W ANT X in b p. ' om tiei , 5t i' i ' hs ii 1 '-r West Mdo lot. 'till III efee. Hl;il r' tt-ienccd party will pay lo per caat ml ci rut on note. t are 44 1 a lor. pFltUAL. WE SELL HAIB. HAIR. HAIR. 20-tucli itsal liMl-iju.ilny hi itclics. .$4. 15 20-inch real fual-uuaiiiy tHy 4.w LiitlNei THIS AO iooU for ic Ott Face muuugu. . Siuttnpoo 25e Manicure '-.'k, li.uidrc . rupt-iilou3 hair ictiiovcil l electricity. 1 1 uai -i m ii. 'ni I. air. any hii-Je. Sitctica mii bii'h Urn liuii. Mimiry Beauty lu.rloi -s. -ioo-4 1 2 I 'eKuui J iiig., '1 hird and XX ;ixii i o T on . M it i liaH 1 7'l'. I I. lt i . T At HANKilb.', Leatllng vv tg and loupe nmki is, tlnest toc humaii haif goodj; swtlcbcH ftuni .c up. haiidti-s.iifc;. iiiaiin uriiiK. lace und si-:up It a tin-n t , " 'iniJiUB ion dt. up lo ot del . 1 17 ii" oadwa , nc ir Mot I iwoii. al.Uii 5 1'. ; KXX- X ' ' K lv ci. il. .!':.:.. di-i. . iHoiriM, iiiiiiil num. f'-n in It ii- .Mat ,.i,j.t". I'.. I M-icb-iiy bid XX" .1 - n i n K ' st. EX HI LA RATI N'-i in.iHn k- ; niacin to- in a Heat incuts ; ncr w ou.-ncss ; j iit uinui ' :;oi Y.tmhiil at. , N O R XV LCiAN liuiiicd nui e und iuuol, j, t-l, , nli; blanket ticatnniit; tiour. P. J. VO h :30 P. M. -OS : 3d n., room 2 u u t 3. bPl RITU ALISM Rev. M iry A. Price. Clnia Tuesday 2, Wed. and Sun. b P. read ings d-iil; . d '3 Olh at. M ii.l-Hli.-i II 31"'". MRS7STE V ENS. 21 years Port In nd m re non ii'.il p.tliuiHt mid Inn vox .nit, nutlior of pulmibtt y Made Eany . ' Morri.-oii. SOPHIE B- SIMP, ineiital and :;oiilual .sc eutihi. 212 Alifky lud. O'oMion nic.i inp XV t Miic.dii ( P. ,Xl M.i m b-2. ELECTRIC V 1 BK.VT'jK for r hcu mat-f in, neurulKl-i. t a. irtl and h- ;lp t i tuUni lit, Imiii, reasonable. I h- 'ii-: .XI a r. 2' UM BR ELLAS AM colors and styles; largest utock; re.;ovt rin , io-iv bundle, put ou. Meredith's. 3211 VVath t n,'t oil l. ' MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches y.M. curls und pmis 7.c. Sinl tuy Beauty Parlor. 4ooDekuui bldK. SWEDISH mascdS" ami nnr-c Mill rarf it. In - iil.i- - aiui inenif at M il mi i: 1. i ii. v home. iil-J. Mrv. K.iab. GERMAN TRAINED M'K.iK In-ntinf nts tor i beiituai ism, luinbano. etc, mstta,c and baths. 233 llth ut. L-idy itstt. Open Sun. MoLESl superf Ions hair removed. 1 rn. M- D. Hill, 42: Flu liner bldic. .Mum 3 173. MANHTH I Nt; an i Burke, lo L:ifae? litrt. EGicl Chlrnprii'-t lilt'llIM pb;.j l; 1 1' d ; p : n It- ie , 3 I t n-.itnii nis J L. ;t 1 1 J nst -1 2 1 4Hi. BA LM OF FB IS com pound. Ro a 1 'loiiio Tablets. T04 Davis nt. Phone Alain 2"03. LESSONS 233 dth idircnolouy it ml card rvudinsi. 1'noio; M 4 ;n T UANB'U'RE- FIRST-CLASS. 33. CH1I,!) p,LDi.. -t-i WASH A !1 tiru'i; 5, HAVE OU A GOITRE? Aduits lio- OX. Hillfiboi o. Or.