14 TITR SIcmXIXG OttTSnONTANV SATURDAY, MAT -1, 1915. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooxus. HOTKL BUtKIMUlAM, W W'BRiwngtun St. New, fireproot. deniable location and respectable, all outside, clean, well-furnished rooms, with every modern con von '.ence, roc day up; SU.Ou wee x. up. KOi'KL HOWU.Nb AND ANNKX, 2'7Va Oyv 4th. MODlillN FIREPROOF BUILDING. , CtNTKALLY LOCATED SUMMER KATKb NUV ON. HUUMiJ iU AND LP. BRING THIS AD TO APFi-K 1 ON FIRST MONTH'S KENT. Eleventh, Intwot-ii Morrison and Yam hill. Desirable- downtown K. cat! on. Re spectable and strieiJy modern. Kates $1 per day, $i per week. With private Lain $1. ."". per da.v, per week. HUTEU BLACKS TONE. Corner 11th and istark. $3 week and up, elevator, hot and cold water, a team heat, telephone connection lu each room; do xtra charges for two in a room; room and bath $1 day: transient solicited. 1'OUNG men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms at V. M. C. A., listing several hundred In all parts of to a city, also those in the AtsociaUou build ing. WANTED Roommate to reduce rooming expenses; li reproof building, shower baths. Individual beds. Call or address Y. M.. C A. business office. MOTEL. GRANT. 4.MVi Wasli. Modern, clvau room -j, all conveniences, $3 and up. HOTELORIrS- VsTAltier Modern out side rooms, per week up. Furnhdied Huouitt iu Private Families. IF YOU wan I a nice, airy front room at Summer rates, with or without meals, us or' piano, phono and bath, nice yard, call Main Z 4 1 0. A CLEAN well furnUned room with sleeping porch in the most beautiful part of Irv injjtun, suitable for a gentle-man. Tele phono C 1 1 7 J. IRVINGTON district, furnished room in new moo cm flat, breakfast if desired, walking distance. ou4 Vs W tidier. East 4A14. IF YOL" are looking for a. nice, clean, home like place, homo cooking, all conveniences, call - 4 -J Jefferson; uafnialilo prh es, $7 A MONTH Nicely furnished sunny room, modern home, walking i.istauct', vtrrz Bel mont, corner iMli. Phone East 474. liUOM connected with hath and front hall, private family, pood home 1'i-r woman "who works. road way. Main Uuo. YOUNG in a as roommate, in nicely fur nished front room ; mouero; close in ; rea sonable, 260 Broadway. ON E nicely f urni.shed sleep i hk -room, men preferred, II blocks from Wash., Mi's N. 17th wt. M a In uo -. VINE sleeping-porch with sitting-room, hep. ur;Ue beds, gentleman prt-t.-rred. West Park. Mar. 4lHo, morninK-s. lull It EN T Nicely furnished room in pri vate family, suitable for one or two guii tiemen. 42 J Third st. ON West Slue, nice sunny room, bath, phone, etc., with young couple; walking distance; 1 or IT ladies. Mar, L'US. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in modern home, suitable for one or two; reasonable. Phone Mar. 10 2 i. VL'KNISHED rooms, walking diatanco. 14th, near Jefferson, Phone Main o!s 93. NICE clean rooms, single and double, near -3rd at. 7S7 Glisan. XTR.JSH.Ki ROOMS Gentlemen preferred; tjtil l.h at. l'hone Main JslCELV furnished apartments in private home; no children. -M Uth st. NICELY furnished roonm, home privileges, modern, reasonable. iii Broadway. BRIGHT, ounny room, $2, all conveniences. KCRNiesHED rooms, close in, cheap, clean; one left. Hit1.? Broadway South. RoOAlri, w it h or without boa rd, reasonable, !! Lown.tlale. Marshall 1MG7. VERY" pleasant rooms with all conveniences. 401V; l"th. near Harrison. BEAL'TiKL'LLV 1 urn i shed rooms iu Kood home; references; Noh Hill. oS Johnson. Js ICE clean roome, sin trie and double, near "ijtl st. 7S7 Glisan. Marshall 764. LARGHI or single front room, new" clean, convenient, electricity, light. 47o Morrison. NICE, clean sh-eping rooms, heat, phone, bath. 13lU st. Rooms With JBosuL MORE HOMELIKE THAN HOTKL-HKifi. THE HILL. Washington, at 23d st. A charming family and transient hotel of the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate tables ; extremely reasonable rates; worth investigating. Main ioS4, A 7biio. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern, .FIREPROOF residence 1iotl, American plan ; on eurliuo ; lo minutes from business center ; prices in accord with gen oral business conditions. 113d and Hoyt sta. Marshall 881. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 1 4th end J-eff erson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent suesta Phone Main a.sii, A 668. ALEXANDRA COURT, G3 ELLA STREET. A n American Plan Rebidence Hotel. Euite.5, Single lvoome. Excellent Table, A eail. Main 4011. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, lloo tii.li st.. has fine table board, modern rooiuu, sun parlor, a real home; reasonable rates. ROOMS, light and clean, all conveniences, excellent home cooking, reasonable rates. S3! Jeffersjn, near B road w ay. BUSINESS women and students will find good board and room, $4 and $4.50 week. Portland Women's Union, 510 Flanders. CASA ROSA, 300 JEFFERSON. HOARD AND ROOM, UP. Koouih With Board iu Private Families. TWO connecting rooms, sitting-room and bedroom suitable for bachelor apartment, modern Irvington horn; use of piano, torch, yard; 2 meals If desired, phune & 7039. NEWLY-FURNISHED room, strictly mod ern house, separate beds, sleeping porch, hot and cold water in room, excellent table board, walking distance. N'ob Hili district. Phone Alum 14b0. ROOM and hoard lu nice home for 1 or 2 nice young1 men; use of piano; terms mod erate ; linft location ; all; ins distance. Marshall S01S. I'Ol 16th, corner Taylor. COMFORTA1JLE rooms, i;ood home cooking, modern home, lo minutes' walk to P. O. Sf'JO to ?-Ti month. West Side. 87 12th. Mar. oJSS. ID E AL Summer home in private familv for two men, overlooking river, opiosite innemut n bains. 1- or particulars phone NTCE, clean front room : strictly modern nome: vara, larcre pirc:i. overv conven ienco free; board optional; 474 Salmon st. a rs n au l 4i i u. COUNTRY Summer home for children; motner s care; reasonable prices: fresh milk, etc. For particulars telephone East ATTRACTIVE larga rooms in nice home, twin beds. running water, good board. every convenience. $5 up; 15 nun. walk to f. o. DUl Harrison. Maiu tt381. JilOELY furnished room, board If desired home privileges, furnace bent- 7S4 Bel mont ft. E. 717. EXCELLENT ROOMS and board. 1 or 2 young men, all modern conveniences, most reasonable pricey. East 4tit5. ROOM and board for people employed ; strictly home cooking, $4.50 a week. 034 i? janitors, corner utn. Alain 7IOO. MCE1A' furnished rooms, with board If desired ; modern house, close in. East ttaoo. LOVELY shigio room, hot and cold water, fr gentleman or lady. Main 72J3. 11th st. WILL keep child by week or mouth, reason able. Miss May. Marshall 2107. ItOOM w ith board ; modern ; walking dTs tance. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. LOVELY larbre front room for l. home comforts. 2 meats. Main 7205, 3:i5 11th. "WANTED A small child to care for by the month. Wood lawn 1 ;!. NICELY furnished front rooms; good board; reasonable. 7S1 Pcttygrove. Marshall 5$6. ROOM and board. 3C2 10th st. Main 69 79. A 2S65. ROOM and board in private family. Nob Hill district, terms reasonable. 77s Gllsan. LOVELY, cosy rooms in modern home, home cooking. 025 Everett. Mar. 27o5. HOOM and board, 1 block from Ladd ave., Ladd's Addition. East 4842. HAVE a refined home, would like to caro for 2 or 3 children. Call Main Furnished Apartments. M AH I SON PARK A PI a. I'ark St, at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments; close in; by week or month. NEW HART Automatic elevatorr2-3 rooms, 1 room disappearing plate, Ras, steam, I jghts; $3 to $0.25. 170 2d. nr. Morriso a . LUXOR APTS., 324 13th st. , Furnished apts.. reasonable rents. Summer rates. HERMENIA. 400 Hall St.. corner 10th X room apartments, reasonable. NICELY furnished 2 and 3-i-vjm apts., heat, light. et'.. rates $12 to $2i. 334 5th. BOARD and room, hnift privileges. n mod ern home, $ -a montn. 44 bainion. THE ELMS. 191 14th; 2 and 3 roams, $12.30 to Sa per moiun. ciose in. CAMAR, 704 Love joy Modern brick build ing; 2, 8-room apts., $is to $30, Mar. il7. FOR RiiNT. Furnished Apart JuueiUf. THE CROMWELL, 5th and Columoia ac 6 mliu walk to Meier A Frank store. nlc: surroundings. J ust the thing for summer strictly modern z and a -room turnitmed apts., aii uuuide, with French doors and balconies. Day. Week. Month. Kales reasonable. Marshall olJ8. THE WHEELDON ANNFX (Apartment Hotel.) Tenth aua baimon Streets. APARTMENTS OK ROOMS. Rates day, week, moutU or year. VILLA &T. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast ; lurmsued complete. Koof Garden in connection. Walking distance. References MONTGOMERY APT a., corner 3d and Mont gouitry, ouilt in brick and strictly mod ern, all outride, 2-room apts., furnished complete, l'rivate bath, pnone and elec tric eie a tor; ib min utes' walk to P. O. ; no children , rates $2) to H-V, including li S h t s. 1 j !in t4 Go. R O S 1CL 1' N A P Aii T M EN T S. Two-room completely furnished, com for Lab It, clean. private phono. bath, dresaiiiff-room. brick building, fine loca tion, verj itajuiia-ilf. llu N. lilac Mar snail ilu and 4141. ONLY $JS to $2it per month or to $7 per Week, completely furuisned housekeeping two-room apLs.. including electric ligiiLs, heat, not water, bath, private phone, new brKk bids., lu minutes from P. o. Lincoln Apts., nh and Lincoln. Main 1377, A 4162. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett, between 20th and Ella. Furnished three-room apartment with or without sleeping porch; located in one of tue choicest residence districts ; walk ing distance. THE AVaXOW. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private pnone and bath, sleeping porch, nearest the Union Depot of East Side apsriiueota. zbi, cor ner Clackamas and Ross ats. East 3174. STELWYN APT. Cor. St. c;air and Washington. Elegant completely furnished apt. with sleeping porch, every modern convenience; special Summer rate; bachelor rooms. .Main L'SHU. J A RLO'i'TA CuL' KX," Everett and 17th New, iuouiTu; steaxn heat, private baihs, laundry, completely furnished 2 and -loom apis., 10 min. from business center; save carfare; rates modei at: reference. T HE fcL iN.N i SiD E. Desirable , :, 4 rooms, furnished apts.. moder n. homelike place, ue&i ruble tenants, reasonable. E. 37 la and Belmont. Tabor WELL fui nibbed 3-room apartment; 3 min utes' waltt from Broadway and Washing ton ; elevated bite ; select neighborhood; best apartment lor rent askeu in Port land. Main OOti. THE FLORENCE. 3J 11TH. 3-room, neat, cosy apartments, furnished or unfurnisheu, strictly modern, reason able by week or month. Besirable loca tion ; roof garden. COS i" 4-room apartments, completely f ur- nlshca; sucrware, linen, steam beat, not water and phone; private bath; new build ing; ail outside rooms ; 0. Woodiawn lb3. - THE LOIS, 704 HOYT STREET. Extra large -light 2, 3 and 4-room apts. Large porches, luruished or unfurnished. Modern. References. Marshall itOll. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. TBS N. -3d, corner Kearney; modern 3 and 4-room apuriments. completely iur liished, -o to b month. Marshall -'4o. BARON APjVR TMEXTS. 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apart men lu. furnished; first -class ; reasonable rates. Main 735 V. BERKELEY APTS. 31 Trinity Place, 2 and 3-room apts. Light and pleasant Balconies Central jn.Oo to 3u.0u. Mar shall 1HO0. CLAYPOLE ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay. Two roonui, light, pleasant and well fur nished. Walkuig distance. $-u.vu to $Uo.OO. Main 8757. H1SLOP HALL, cor. East 6 th and Hawthorne- 2 auu 3-room apts.; private baths and phone; also single rooms; well t ur nlshed; $12.50 up. Phone East 8S2. GRANHESTA, East Stark and Grand ave. Nicely furnished three-room apts.; private phone and bath, walking distance; prices moderate. Phone East 208, " GLEN COllRT APT. Cor. Park and Taylor. Completely fur niehea 2, 3, 4-room; best service; reason able. Main lWtil. BUCK-HARTFORD, 107 NORTH'IST."" :i aud 4 rooms, fui'nishcd or unfurnished. Sleepint; porches, elevator; reasonable rent, walking; distance. ELM WOOL) APTS.. 10TH AND 11 ALL. Looby, social liall, moucru - auu 3-room furnisnea ana uniuruisueu apts. .iLeasouauie. CALL and see our and 3-rooia furnished apts., ull modern conveniences, lo up. Harrison Court oth and Harrison. WELLINGTON AN NEX7 15th and Everett Two rooms, newly furnished, naruwood floors, walking distance; ili.oo. Main 134a. THE CHELTENHAM BeautlCul f urnisueO apartments; lovsett rates in the city. 2in N 10th st. NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hail St. Main 42tta BIRMINGHAM, 00 lth st. Marsuad 454 Can. Get prices. V ESTF A L 110 5 th. offering lowest rates iu town ; steady tenants, summer, $17.50 up. o mi it. wain te low xi. DR1CK.STON. 44 11th, modern 2 and 3 room apts., excellent service, walking dis tance. Marshall t6, A 6408. HAMMERSLY COURT, 2o0 12th St.. 2 and room apartments, cioae in; modern; rea eonable. Marsnall 2)i2. Reference. FA1RMOLNT APTS., 260 11 Modern lurnished to-room apaitment; t2.5o up; close in. Main 22ad. TH KKK and four-room furnished or unf ur- mslied. The Bjelland. A 1S07. Main 1JS07. A 1&75. BANNER APTS! Furnished 2 -room suites, modern, $12 to $20. 439 Clay St. NEW, furnished apartments, concrete block, $iu and $12 114-i Union avs. iv. Infui-nUhed Apartments. LUC RET I A COURT APTS., Lucre tia St., near Wash ana 23d. 2 to 5 rooin apartments, reception halls, dress-int;-roou:s and hardwood floors, all large, outside rooms; while this -apt.-hou&e is the finest in every particular, yei. the prices are not any hither than the ordi nary apt. -house. Free private phones in each apt. ; ref. req. Supt. on premises. Mar. 1513. Janitor. Mar. 1500, A 3037. NEW ALTER, brick apis., 2lst and Overton. 0-room apt. vacant May 1; hardwood floors, fireplace, safe for valuables, mir rored reception hall, built-in convenience, tile bathroom with snower, largo aU porcekiiii steel refrigerator, most com plete and homelike apt. in the city. Main feO or 3104. IRVING TON. 17th and Tillamook. We have a vacancy !n our best building; steam heat, itaruw ood floors throughout, private porches, tile bath, janitor service, rent $45, no children. f. e. bowman & co.. Com. Club bldy. Main 3020, A 1251. IRVINGTON, 405 E. 10th st. N.. cor. Han cock st ; live rooms and sleeping porch; lawn and flowers; convenient and comfort able; janitor service; ono vacancy after :way a. it. j. eii, jaain VoJtt. Residence C 1735. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders & and 6 rooms, large and homelike ; more service and convent ences tor the price than you will find in the city Phone Main 7616, A 267tt. CEDAR HILL APT. Near 23d and Washington sts. A very pretty 3-room apartment for $U.&0 i worth 30 ; references; first vacancy in a year. Phone Marshall 5345. THE AMERICAN". 21st and Johnson High-grade 8, 4 and 5 rooms, with porches ; hih-class tenants xvno appreciate service; prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 3360 or A 267 &. K.EELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY STS. s ana i-room, wiae nv private vestibule, phone and bath; brick building, elevator; references. Mgr.. Mar. 6736, Jan. Mar. GRACE APARTMENTS, 2lth and" Northrup. Five large, unfurnished rooms, front ver anda, sleeping porch, heat, hot water. Marshall luio. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broad wav and .Tf. ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments. iirst-c:ass service, j-rivate phone. Ref i-ROOM Duplex apartment, four bedrooms, t baths in fireproof building. Apply 705 - Davis st. kbT bargains, moving expenses paid, 3 and room, naruwooa iioors, sleeping porches Fcrtnomah, 2O0 E. 13th. THE ORMONDE, 4 and 5-room cpartmenta. ban i lanaers, .-nod iiui. Main 82&1. 5-ROOM opt., all outside rooms, hot water neat. js. f.ast latn. corner lambill. "WE have a beautiful three-room apartment to lease on tne top noor at iOa Davis st. 'iHE LEONARD, 3-room apartments, mod ern, on iio:i e room s. o. j-.hs Main. Furniihed or Vnf urniblted Apart ments. THE DEZENDORF. 208 10th Ft., near Taylor; Marshall 2324; fine 5-room furnished and unfur. apts. flltrvviNDPOni, 3and 4beautirul morns. Iurni3hed or uot. E. 14 Ui and Yamhill. FOR EKSI. Furnished or Lnfuniihcd Apartments. MORGAN", FUEDXER & BOYCE, M3-S-1 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments in all parts of the city; ereut variety oi locations, sizes and price. Our free auto mobile at your service m visiting any of our apartments. Main 015. A 2015. THE BARKER, corner of Ist and Irvinff Furnished and unfurnished apartments in 'J. 3 and 4 i ouins, four-story brick ; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing deka, plenty or closet room ; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2001. HIGHLAND COURT APTS SZJ AND GLiSAN. Larstst, most homelike high-class apts. in city, furnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Wa iking distance. MARSHALL 324'J. KLNGSBLRY. 1SB Vista ave.. ofi! Washington st. r, and 4 rooms, with private balconies; unfurnished or furnished ; high-class ne ghiorhood ; best of service; reasonable rates by mouth. BUENA VISTA, 12 til and Hurr it-ton. Finest apartment-house on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, walk ing ditetance; references. M. HJsl, M. 1052. 'THE ROYAL ARMS, llth and Lovejoy The newest and most up-to-date apts. tn Portland. Hardwood floors, balconies, etc. All rents moderate ; 1 2-iooiu 417.50; , 1 3-room $od. Marshall 5hl l ' ' AS HI NOT O M APA UTM K NTS, S:i North rup pt., 5-room furnished or unfurnished apartments, with all modern conveniences, pus, electric light, etc. Take W car tu 21st and Noi thru p. Phone Main 4370, A 1133. THE NEW" WESTMINSTER has a vacancy; i-rm. turnished or uiuuriiushed, corner apt.;' rents reasonable, best of service; only 3 b.ocks irom 1. O., corner 6t h and M ndison. TH E CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders -2, 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 4 rooms w iih north and east view of mountains. TRLN1TY "pLACE'a PA IITM E NTS, THE Hul SK OF TON E. 411-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER, PHONE .V.AUSHALu 1101. SHEKFIELU Apartments. 270 Rroadway 6 1 ioi-ks t o lujsiiis center ; bout location in Portland ; f urni died and unturmsbed ; all rents reduced. Main 25o0, A 3140. KING-DA VIS APTS., 54 King at. 3 and 4 rooms; high-class; references. Main 2058. REX ARMS 13th and E. Morrison; 2 and 3 rooms ; Summer rates; modern service. ME REDITU 3 and 4-room apt3., very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 2i:d. Main 7 134. llrttb. IRVlNGToN Strictly modern lower 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, beam ceiling, sideboard, white enamel bath, bedrooms, pantry and kitch en. East lace. 13th, near Schuyler. . MODERN ('.-room lower and upper flats, West Sid, North 15th su, 2 blocks of Washington ; fcas range, -water heater, linoleum, (.'all mornings until alter 2 and after 5. East 3750. DESl RAH A lower flat. 3 rooms, clean, light and cool, strictly modern. Nob Hill distriet. walking distance to business cen ter. For particulars call 0d Nort h loth. LET'S LOOK AT 6-room up-to-date flat with sleeping porch; rent reduced; 13th and Clay. Phone Mar. 40U5. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to- school and carline ; desirable location. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodluwn 202. VERY" choice, strictly modern, hot water heated, 5 rooms, sleeping porches, above 23d. C 777, Oiegouian. fl-room lower, finest in city, furnished ut unfurnished, every modern convenience, 2HJ E. 2ath. near Hawthorne. MODERN 9-room flat, S bedrooms, 2 bath rooms, $30. 50 Vj Eling et,, near Wash ington. Phone East S4S. THE nicest 5-room flat in Upper Albina; gas. electric li;jht and furnace. 60S Borth- wick. East 20.'".1 MODERN 0-room upper flat; hardwood floor.-, pas ranfc:, steam heat, hot and cold water. 30 7 llui St. NO B H I LL FLAT Strictly modern, fine surroundings. 254 North 25th, corner Northrup. 0-ROOM upper flat; fireplace and all out side rooms, corner 1 1 th. and E. Madison. East 234. MODERN 6-room fiat; Inquire 175 lttn st. also 8-room house. 6-ROOM modern flat, 177 Green ave., near 23a and Washington. Main SUSS. A 207tf. FLAT of G rooms and hath. 733 Hoyt si. Inquire 1"( fcth si. Phono Main 4-ROOM flat, gas range, linoleum, rent rea sonable. 340 Montgomery. Marshall 4501. DESIRABLE single flats, 5 and 6 rooms, ur. or unfur. Key 355 ' 6th, cor. Mill. STRlCTLY modern 7-roora flat. 185 Vs 10th st. Apply 11 10th, cor. Yamhill. STRICTLY' modern 0-room upper flat. 4 Clay st. Phone Lest a. $20 East Burnside, corner, 12 th. modern lower i'lat, 5 large rooms. East 2301. WEST SIDE. $3o, N-rooin modern flat. 20SVs 1-tth st. East 2301. Furnished Flats. FULLY furnished four-room flat, one block from Union ave.. No. 30 7 San Rafael st. ; piano, sewing machine, phone, aier, gar bage removal, and garage included. Call East 47u. v STRICTLY modern, well-furnished lower U room flat in Waiuut I'ark; if you art looking for something good, call. Wood lawn o!'2l: evenings. MOST desiiable 3 and fi-roosn furnished and unfurnished fiats ; exceptionally located ; reasonable rent. Main 3'2i. FOUR or 5-room furnished or unfurnished flats, including water, gas stove and heat. S20 to 30. New. A 348ti, Marshall 3978. NICELY-FURNISHED 4-room lower flat. S. S. carline. luo Belmont. Tabor 1319. MODERN FLAT with Sleeping porch, very reasonable, west side, call Marshall 4ob. UP-TO-DATE furnished and unfd. s. porch, close In. free phone. E. 3737. $ IS and up. 11 on e keeping Rooms. (1 To $2.5o week, clean, furnished bouie Keeping rooms, suitable lor 2 or 4; gas, free heat, laundry, bath, yard. East 6030. 4hq Vancouver, 203 Stanton. "TJ car. 401 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apartments, reas onable. BLSHMAUK Modern brick; furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable, walking distance. 5r5 Washington st. 51- UP Two rooms, walking distance ; all conveniences; light, airy. 330 Mill st. GILMAN HOTEL, 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; $1.50 week up. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambnd ge bldg., 3d, cor. Morrison. ROYCREST 175 12th Large suites and sin. gle rooms by day, week or month. Housekeeping Rooms in lrivat Family. " EE AUTI FUL up-stairs corner apartment ; li vir s-room. dining-room, sleeping porch, hall and Dutch kitchen ; fireplace, buffet and other built-in features; large attic ; best-kept apartment ou East Side. 863 E. ath in;; ton. TWO rice. ehMti housekeeping rooms, light, phone, bath and heat free; furnished com plete: plenty of fresh uir. Brick building. 11'..: Belmont, cor. 3)M h. Onlv $15. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms with duo-divan bed, two clothes closets, sink, bath, lights, furnace heat. 75 E. 20th North. Phono E. 17U9. $18 PER MONTH Four furnished rooms, ground f 1 oor. frea phon e and garden, de sirnble location, on carline. Call Tabor 207S. LARGE front room with kitchenette on 2d floor; has range, electric lights, etc., clean and light. 415 Mill. 1 AND 2-room suites, large furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 54 E. Itith N- TH R EE furnished housekeeping rooms lowe.- floor of cottage. $10 month. 4C5 4th st. Main 7051, A 1517. PORTLAND 11 EIGHTS, walking distance, cosy two housekeeping reoms, with sleep ing porch. Main 519;. Will send auto. IN refine;! modern home, 3 large rooms and rath, npper flat, fine lawn, reasonable. 431 3d el. CLEAN, cosy bedroom, completely furnished-, kitchen, private bath per month ; two blocks iff Washington st. Tabor 5350. THREE light, clean housekeeping rooms, with side porch, light, water and bath. $12 Tabor 483. 2 AND 4-room H. K. suites, modern, private bath, phono. Marshall 1043. 414 Mill et cor. 11th. DESIRABLE 1-room house'teeplng apt.; juater, also sleeping room. 712 Hoyt. H. K. ROOMS Single or en r-ulte, $L75 up. Heat, light, bath, phone ,20S 13th. Fl RNIS.iED housekeeping rooms Tn" lrv ing ton. on carline Adults. East 4384. LARGE H. K. rooms, 0 mo. up. large pri vate grounds. 3y7 1st st. Mnln 2200. SLEEPING porch, front suite, single room, running: water. 745 Hoyt. Marshall 475-T. 2 NICE light, clean hoiiKekeepiny rooms, w it' conveniences. 214 13th st. ONE larprc. well-furnished h. k. room, $10. 312 Main st. Houhea. IRVINGTON HOME 0 rooms, modern. CIS I'lttOCK liiOCK. -Mm oiu COTTAGE. 1 ?1 North 17th St., near Glisan, key nt SSi North 10th. 1 6-llOOM, modern, $15. Woodlawn 1790, 7:39 o'clock Saturday evening and 9 o'clock other evenings is the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads, for proper classi fications for the next day's issue. Classified advertisements ac cepted after these hours will be run under the heading 'TOO LATE TO FOR RUNT. Houses. A. H. BIRR ELL CO. 7 -room modern home. Piedmont ; fire place, sleeping porch, fine shade trees, $25. rooms, Aiisworih ave.: large grounds, 10'x2)0, fruit, berries, beautiful home. O rooms. Westmoreland; fireplace, close to carline $1S. A. H. B I Kit ELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank building. Marshall 4114, A 4118. j-KOOM COTTAGE 41 1 11th. between Hall and Harricon sts.; just thoroughly cleaned, papered and painted thoroughout; modern, centrally located and best cottage on West Side for, $20 per month; key at 409 11th street. PAKIUSH, W ATKINS St CO., 106 Second St. FOR RENT 167 East 7th st. North, close In, between Oregon and Irving streets, 6 room house, freshly tinted, sleeping porc-n inclosed in glass, lower poreb inclosed iu glass, strictly modern, fireplace, furnace, etc., rent $28. Call at house or call up owner. Tabor lbuo. LAURELHUEST HOUSES FOR KENT. We have some new, strictly modem houses for rent or for sale; if ibey do not suit, will build just w hat you want on the easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co., 20:i Stark st. Main 1503. 'A 1315. 6-ROOM house for" rent for Summer $23 month, or house for rent and furniture for sale; piano and phonograph included if desired; all convenience, gas heater, gas range, nice yard, flowers, etc. B 2453 or East 7143. GOOD HOUSES, CHEAP RENT. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 680!. 209 Wash. St. A 17 1 7 FOR RENT 0-room dwelling, in fine re pair. 331 Broadway, West Side. Cement basement, furnace, 2 fireplaces, electricity, gas and all modern plumbing; small yard. Reasonable rent to eteady tenant. Fred S. Williams, W2& 1st st. I.ROOM shack, $2. 3- room house, $ C. 4- room, modern, 55. 6-room, modern, 97. 6-room, modern, close In, $30. SMITH & HOUCK, S01 Henry Bldg. SPLENB1B 10-room atone residence. Holla day and 7th sts.; fireplaces. furnace, fireproof gaiage, handsome grounds, rent reasonable. Inquire executive office North facillC college. rttJ)i jii m 'w ATTRACTIVE bungulow flat, 5 rooms, sleet, ins porch, den, atiic; can sublet and almost make- rent; partly furnished. bt7 E. Wash., cor. 2th. FOR RENT Attractive 9-room house; close in, good neighborhood, tiood condition, beautiful lawn; rent reasonable. Apply Sl Front st. G-ROOM modern house, just retiuted, pa pered, gas range, heater, fine lawn ; rent reasonable : references. Rjollaud'a Grocery, 10th and Marshall. Main 1S07. A 307. FOR RENT 0-room modern house at East Couch ; alto 7-room house at 75 East loth Nor til. Inquire at 73 East 10th North. WEST SIDii:, 8-room house, yard, furnace, gas. near school. 7st. Coruett St., near Gibbs st. Phone Main ii03i. ROOMS, furnace, electricity, gas, two fire places, walking distance. Apply 304 Mor gan bing. itent ONE S-room house, newly painted. 220 14th st., West Side, between Main and Salmon. t ail Marsnan oi-t WEST SDE Neat 7-room house .small yard, furnace heat, close in. 510 Market, near 14th St. rnone Jiam to to. 7-ROOM bungalow, modern, beautiful river view, 1810 E. Mth South (.Golf Junction), FOR RENT 6-room modern house, with fireplace. Rose City Park district, 20. Call owner. Main 000. FOR RENT Seven-room house, good con dition. 228 HRh, near Lovejoy, $25. Main 6391. FOR RENT 0-room modern house, walk ' ing distance ; yard, roses. Reduced rent. xaoor io. ATTRACTIVE modern 2-story six-room cor ner house, nico yard, near car, $2o. . 760 Williams ave. W' ood lawn 428. SPECIAL. Irvington: modern 0-room house, all improvements, fruit trees, berries, roses, walking distance. 22. E 642. 7-ROOM house, full lot. low rent to re sponsible tenant. Vauduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. CUT to $15. The 5-room bungalow near Peninsula fura ; nair nioca uom car. Owner 1020 Yeon building. FOR RENT 6-roora bungalow; modern con veniences; garden, fruit; Kenton Line; $s. 1 2G Holland st. $15 Seven -room house on Stanton at., near Williams ave. ; bath, furnace, fine lawn and garden., Pnone Marshall F1V E-ROOM house on Columbia and 14 th ; nice surroundings; rent $10. Phone Mar- Flmll 4314. FIVE nice, large, furnished rooms, with piano and lovely yard, $10 a month. 405 E. Ankeny st.. ror. join st. DESIRABLE, modern, 0 rooms, shade, s'.eep- 1 n p porch , rurnace. t-.ast 4 7-ROOM house, 770 Hoyt St.; (2) bathrooms, gas and electricity, $25 Main 5724. FOR RENT Close in, 6-room house. West Side; low rent, can Mare nail DESIRABLE house and flats, all parts of city. Stout investment (o. Main S129. RIVERDALE New. modern 5 -room bunga low. t an morning, a i. s-ROOM HOUSE: 712 Lovejoy, near 22a. Inniiirn 120 Rth. Main 627ft. ATTRACTIVE 5-room bungalow, w alklng UlMHiit'r. o - r. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, with bsth; modern large grounds. 202 Wilcox bldg. 5-ROOM house, 331 5th St., close iu, baih, ST.. Tel. East 5H92. MODERN 6-roora house. 01)7 Everett st COTTAGE. 5-roovn, clean; jias. bath. r.ijd Ei. ,l Hin, cor. b l. r it out; i; t O-i WEST SIDE, 6-room house. $15 per mouth 669 Northrup st. Telephone Mar. 1215. IN IRVINGTON. modern 5-room duplex. t none 00, BE AUTI FUI. modern 9-room cottage. Morris. Main 6176, A 4361. VERY desirable 6 and 8-room houses; 316 and. 33a aaa- naiaai ; cioae in. aiast 1 wl. Fort RENT 5-room cottage, $8. IhS Meade st. Key at o. Furnished Hounes. HOI'SKTIOAT of 4 rooms, well furnished. for rent; 113J Macadam st. Woodlawn 3727. Mr. P. Larseu. or Marshall 4076. "WANTED Furnished bungalow for Summer in first-class district, best references, no children. v. ueu. Aonoma Motel. ELE4 1 ANT furnished 0-room buncalow strictly modern; rent cheap. Phone Main sr.ni. room 4uj. INQUIR2J CLARK RENTAL SERVICH Title & Trust Bldg.. Main 542S $1S 5-room bungalow completely furnished, piano, yiis. eipptrir. ooniawn 4"o. 1.- . 7-ROOM furnished house, nice lawn, garaea fill PhikPA fllwnnri 1 Q MODEU.V furnished 7-rooin hoiife for rent, llN Clinton t., ?2o. iiunt M:. MODE Ft N S-room house, f u rnislied ; yard, f:u.;; walking distance; East CLASSIFY' FOR FttrnifUied House. CLEAN 3 or 5-i ooni apart men t. furnished complete, in mo-dcrn home, mce tocatiou. close in, very reason a ble, it 4 North 10th, Weet Sid'. WEST SIDE 3 to 5 roonio on West 10th. -completely furnished. with privilege ot sb-M'jdng-porch ; io vel view . lai gc grounds , very reasonable. Main 0030. NEATLY Furnished 7-rooiu modern house, piano, w ell lot ated ; aduiis onb . 2is0 East 47th, south Hau tlioi'iie ae. Summer JCemirtH. GEAR HART THE STEWART, conta.ning 4 two-room apartments, each wit h sleep ing porch, furnished for light housekeep ing, bath, sanitary toilet, hot and cold water, electricity; for rent, $30U lor sea son, or sale, $3030. Owner, J. a. Stewart, sdiedds, or. FI RING season is here. Coine to MoIaTTa and t'.3h in the streams whh h abound in the nearby mills. We will take tare of you L. C. Hubbard, liveryman. Molalla, Or. SEASIDE B?autit ul 7-room collage, over looking ocean ; firepl ico. elect ru ay. mod ern plain bin ; fui nisned complete; 0 blocks north Moore. Esst 374. titorra,' STORE, 275 Hawtnorue ave., 17x40, near tricice; line lihi, good basement. Apply Hawthorne Bock Co. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES, rtoro, 1675 square feet, central locution, mud ora'.e rental. Alv 71Q. Oregonlan. STORE on corner, 25x50, with or without 7 rooms; fix up to suit. Tel. East 52. Offices. OFFICE SPACE Including I oil-top desk and telephone service; public stenographer; ideal location for life Insurance agent, merchandise broker or contractor. Apply 310 Chamber of Commerce. COMPLETELY" furnit-hcd private office wKu phone; also desk in nice, light, Iront ot nce, including phone, etc.. $1" jer month. Stock Exchantre, 3u and Vamhill sts. DESIv ROOM, us of phone and fchare in 3 room office suite, occupied by public sienogra uner, i mo. App.y 1031 Cham ber ul Coinmcrce. OPPORTUNITY for dentist with establisned zirst-ciass pnysician; spendld lignt; well known building, central location; moderate rental. AM os. Oregonlan. FOR RENT Desk room, use oZ phone and uiri in tnree-roum on ice suite occupied by public stenographer; (7 per month. Ap ply FJ31 Chamber of Commerce. WELL furnished private office; also desk room. 6 and $7. 73 Chauiber of Com merce DOCTOR'S offices t let in downtown build ing; central location, muderatu rental. AL 77, Oregonlan. OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and licit room ; f 1 ee phone ; very reasonable Pon- land's busiest corner SOT owet.and bidg. ON E-HALF office with phone. $6.50 per m on t h . 205 Cou c h bldg. $15 SMALL n?a t store, living-room back. 1st st. Marshall 4440. DESK ROOM, inclu-iiiik; offn,; furniture and ' phone. P21 N. . Jank bldg. Ware boa ses. Warehouse, about 75110 ground noor. West Side, near Front and Washington. Inquire 124 Front st. A 2752. Main 5o4. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR R E N T I N L B A N Y. OR EGO N . That fine blick stole adjoining ihe fa mous SL Francis Hotel; the best loca tion for department store in the valley, with terms, on Jong lease, cits is in need of orge department hture. Floor space equal to 50x150 le-t. Address E. B 1th od fs, A 1 ha ny. Or. WOMAN, 20 years old. unincumbered, wants partner for half interest in 7o-room mod ern hotel located in the heart of Spokane; good paying proposition to one who Is willing worker and has $1000 to invest. 4104 Riverside ave., Spokane, Wasn. Phone Main UttS. Room Jui. CAUTION. BUYEHS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest in established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGlLU Sec'tv. Sip Chamber of Commerce B'dg. WILL rent fully eqrlpped restaurant or wlU sell equipment and lease; located- at best transfer point on East Sloe ; can board enough of my help to pay renu AN 0J, Oregonlan. MANUFACTURING business; partner want ed to manage office ; can draw good sal ary and profits ; only t00 ; soma terms Call .Jttis Stark aU PARTNER wanted In office business; a good man can secure a good money-maker for a small Investment vt 3a. Room 317 Railway Exchange. PARTNER wanted in relia ble office busi ness; Kuaranieed salary $ inn per month ; small investment required, fully secured. 3 Orpheum bldg. FOR SA LE Cash, Bsi Si do grocery, good location; stock will Invoice $10t0. fixtures .mx. owner mu.-t go Ea.-t. AM 727. Ore goninn. W OU LD sell or trade the er. tire agency ui a very valuable a od useful ariieie. For particulars write or call -il5 Railway Ex change bldg. AR E you looking f i-r mechanical work ? 2i0 will make on independent; A-l proposition; write today. a 777, Oro Kon ian. TWO live men wanted to work out f well located and reliable office ; $50 required, which will be returned if not astisfaetory. orpneum oj-jg. AUTOMOBILE partner wanted, either a mechanic or salesman, and look after busi ness generally. 317 Railway Exchange. PARTNER wanted for a strictly cash" gro cery: salee $70 day; profits are good. Ruom 3L'9 Morgan bldg. GARAGE and repair shop; partner wanted; has fine location and business ; man must be reliable. Particulars IMJiVj Stark st. $25n CASH. $4h tern's. b.i s restaurant wort h $ 1 50'K right downio a n. Call 3tJ BEST .- PAYING driiRstore in town; any kind of Investigation ; best of terms. M. R. Seholt h. care Blum u-r- Frank Co. FOR SALE Small dairy.. 3 cows, horse, de livery wagon. For particulars call 7'7 East ISth st. Sellwood 2064. GROCERY at sacrifice, Ji.uio, Kood husinfl. wort h $1 tH. Sec t his. 01!) Lumber Ex chanp FEET store for sale iu mihurbs : sells hay, jr rain, wood and coal; this is a fine paying: business. Particulars 2 4S 14 Stark st. MANUFACTURING: partner wanted to tnd office, also df some outride work; ft; ood Tay. Room Z 2'J Morgan blti DELICATESSEN and lunch, a .simp, fine location. -"', terms. ,'ill) Lumber Ex ch a nK. FOR KALE Poolroom in heart vt city. ras opibl: win trade for city property. D 777. Oreironlan. tf-TO-DATK grocery store, fine csish trade, 1 "Jo-it. rent St': sea this today. Call ao3 Lumber Kxchanpp. RESTAURANT Good location, low irnt, old estabUyhed. 40Q. AO 774. Oregonlan. UOR :'-AhE Joiirdint-house. Particulars Vhon Marshall 4J7H. BLACKSMITH shop for ssle, good oppor tunity, pne loeetion. A V "8. orepor.i.n. 1 chi N a P :f sohl by Monday morn in i; ; rer-t $10. Cigar store, US 1st. Bl S'Nf.ss OPPP KTl'.MTltH. PAltTNEii wanted to manage and buy half interest in ia;re cattle and stietp ranch in Liitisn Columbia; over UvU acres bottom land or. naw-able rier; loo cultivated, two crft-ks, Mater rights secured, irriga tion OTeiiert, iiew )ioUie, .ain and ot,t 1 -ill Id In g rr-me en tt le. htKi. lilr keut. 2 hoiM'.-. Immnififi opLii fre.- laiK-f for cattle or Fhrep .n htrge ural1; great ehance; finost eltmoie in t'niiu-li; i.o cioiiiiH. no i hk ; lots of water; J.2 V"o ; only $75H CHwh, liiilam e from profits a i 4 per cent ; alia If :i land or Lay a nd g I a in. Ad on .--s owner. Ml M M i opol i ; an bui'ditig, Vaii'-ni, r, il. (. STOi-W of Ininher. g ),i i i 1, tiiHi i! i jtr , t Ull'l . 1-aih 1 1 n etc.. only ;ird i Va (ley tow r. 1 1 : i j u $ n w ner w is hen Address AV EL I'LLI;, ei:Hs, etc.; a strictly caii store for yfjle cheap; belore ou invest one do;ar we will show ym tliat you ran ciear .1.'j moiitn. Room Morgan bllg. K KKY for sale, bargain buy. Call East 315. B 2231. LADY partner for bakery. d elicst-sen, lunches, takes $fi0. 705 Lombard st. FoU SALIC or trad'-, crug nu-inePH, estbo Jifhed lo ean. A F 731. Oregonlan. BCSIN'KnS OPrOKTl"MTlKSWANTKI). HAVE few hundred dollars that I wilTln vtft in small Kroeery, confectionei y or any smi. 1 1 business thai wiil show a profit. E ;..".. Oregoiiian. I ll.W'E or fjod that I can put Into a final! business that will make gooil u wau 's. What have ou ? U 7:i5 Ore Ionian. WANTEB Good li't.,- hon-l; v,J le.e fur-Iiisa-1, or m ih t buy fun: i lure ; m u:-t be moi ey-m:.K r. ilox hi, Thornton, N. V, DO U want to m''. or trade your busings? If so, see the Terminal investment Co., 5P Lum t'r KxchunK- H lc; H EST cash prices iaid for all kind s merchandise. See us before falling. 510 Stock Exehunge bldy. Ms in 7J7. KOO.MINO-IIOl'SEfl. A REAL BARGAIN. 23 rooniH, n:ot ly house k hi-pin z. Best residence section in city. A re a I homelike place. Good reHbons lor jelliny. To tee thl.i is to buy it. owner, 44f Columbia st illtft.. E- I.E.M. Lead .t.k liiiici-AiJtiiHui-ti.u"e A sr. t. I'.otu bu)i a. itl e-ui:er protests Jl Uluf'i Hcilhuio Agency i;i Clt Jf. t'ifc-0 N. W. Raul-; o'di;.. '. h mid Morrtcn. IF ou waul se. 1. furnished, well-iocat ! roominsr-hnus' , we have one; chiarlng Jo per month ; rent on ly 3o. 3 Orpticum bids- HuTKIi fur tab? or lent by buy ins furniture, 14 rooms, only hotel in town; reason for vellin. old age. A. J. McCann, Buy ton, or. LOST AM) FOUND. FOLLOWING articles were found on the car of the Port. and Railway, Liht A: 1'ower Company and owners thereof may riann same at ihu Fiiit and Aidcr-siiuet jitaium : April 29 Marshall &1O0, A 61S1: 1 suit box. J 1 unc 1 1 buxif, r packages. 1 um l.,'e;!a.s 1 It uuill ai.d b basket. 1 pr. ten uis aIioc-s, 1 o rawing board, 1 purse, 1 hand &rip, 1 tennis racquet, 2 valise, 1 brass pipe, 1 roil of music, 1 bottle of whiky. 1 pkg. of needlework, 1 string of heads. 1 iauip shade, 1 book, 1 pk. cuth- Lo.t:T A hej ri:ti; wnu about lo or 15 ke.vs. n Washington, between Trinity 1'iace ana loluiuLia Tiicater. 13J7 Northwestern Hank bid-. LOST Thursday, lai'Ke jeliow topaz watcii t harm, head carved In end; no monetary value, but treasured as hen loom, lie ward. .tone c i -i. PA KTY wlio took gold -headed umbrella from Alberta jitney, pl.-asu return to Auto Transit Welfare Socieiy, Journal bldg.; liu est ions ask d. Pa rty known. LOST Brown handbag. Initialed E. D. N.. on Lin 11 tun road a l Glen Harbor. Phone East m43. Reward. LOST open-face Howard watch and chain; suppoN.Hl loHt on 2. 'id ft. junty; liberal reward. Phone East 4103. LOST Bulldog, hTack and white, bob tall. with license. Return Imperial Restaurant, 'nion ave., Russeil st. LOST Rear lamp, license bracket and No. 1 3i92. Finder please notify Roy 11. Trul Ii:iger, Oregon City. H On J.iisioii st.. near 47th. a surgical yiio. Finder pitjse pnone Vabor 5u:is. LotiT Runner's bad ge No. 70; reward re t urn to 1 35 No. 0 ill St. 8T Et I A I- NOT It'KS. liwpoftals invited. APHlij 21. 1015. TO WHOM IT MAY O.x i'ERN: The undersigned will recti v seald bids up until 10;uo o'clock on the third day ut May, 1U15, at his oi'tl. a iu Baker, ui euon. lor the uurci.a-o of the com pie i stock of goods, wares and merchandise of the Baer Mcroauii ie Cuuipany w lin the I ix t ui es buloiiKlilk: t hereto. i n siOca o I goods now iu.eniorK3 ft0.4ou.U2 and tii iiturea 20o4. 5o. The inventory is open lor iiibuectiou at my oiiiee and at tne oi lice of it. L- babin, Morgan buiidaig, port laud, uieiuii. '1 he ior is open tor in- speciion oi.ly. Tlie terms of sale s lis 11 be cash to the highest and best bidder and w hich bid must bu accompanied w UU a certified meek iu tue sum of 75o. lo be returned if sucti bidder Is not accepted wit h a lore tenure of such check li ucu bidder reiuses or neglects to lake such stuck of fcuuds anu lixiures on the bid as accepted. Tlie undeieitrued reserves tne right to reject any and all bids, and the bid ac cepted, if any. snail bu subject to con firmation by the Referee in Huukruptcy. O. B. MOUNT. Trustee of the Baer Mercantile Com pany, a bankrupt. IN T HE DioTKl C T COURT of lh Uuilwd States for the District of Oregon. Iu the matter of W. H Livingsiou. bankrupt. Request for bids I witi receive seated bius tor the following properly, formerly belong nig to W. H. Livingston, s.tuaied in the store room funnel .y occupied by said bankrupt at Hay I'ny, Or., up to auu until 1 o'ciock noon ou Tuesday. May 4, 115. at my olfice, 74U-47 iiuigaa build ing, 1'ort land, or. ; Stock of kowu, arrl and merchandise consisting of f tour and feed, Lnwuie, etc., of the inventoried value of su4 74. Futures pei laming to the same of th inventoried vaiue of $J0.uO. Certified check for lo per cent of ths amount vdleied must accompany eacii bio. ale subject to the approval of ths CJUl'l. Inventory of the property may be seen at my ofnee and aio at Bay City, Or., a i the latter of which places the prop erty may bo Inspected. bated this :tm day of April. HUG R. L. b A BIN,, Trusle. I WILL receive btuh-tl bids at my oiflee. 40 Morgan building, up to 12 u'clo-jk noon, of Tuesday. May 4, 1015, for a slocii of merchandise, conalstiii principally ol crockery and glassware, drun-ii, Lurnisn ing goods, eir.. of the Inventory v aiua tluu of S1501-5. lofcether w iia fixture amounting to fbl, all located at Mapietoii, Lane Couuty, Oregon. 1 eruis casn. t au deposit of 10 per cent af amount offered must accompany rttcii bid and right is re served to reject any and all bids. Inven tory ma v by t"n ut my oi lice and stock inspected at Mapleton. It. L. ABIN. Dated : Portland, Oregon, A pril -6 111 5. ' MUK-elianeofW. . q I C E. To CIIHISTINE M 1LLER, Formerly of the City of Portland, In the state of Oregon, TAKE NOTICE that prorecding have he. -u commenced against you in the Su preme Court of Alberta, by Napoleon (;irard and Ei!zabth Girard, ihrougii ineir Sol ii i tors, ilutoerford, J urn iesoii lirant. of Edmonton, Alberta, in respect of a cer tain mortgage on "Girard I'iu -e," made by Schubert sc Wenzel In favor of the ap plicants and covering lots Ik to 25, block 17 A. plan 4460 A, J., of which ou ai owner" AND Fl-RTHER TAKK NOTICE that if you dinpiite th aii claim, either In wliula or JiiJrt. you lo on or b.-forn the Z -ii nay of May. A. D.. 1' cao" to bo entered for you In my offi. o nt the r-rniri-1iouf- at the City of Kiltiiontoti. Alberta, an appearance, and in ilelauit of your o d..ln the i.:alntiff may iiro. e. d and Judg ment may lo givm in your aoaeiice mid without lurther notice to you. Thia notice Ik pnblnhed purau.-int to an order of A. T. Hlain, Kq . Master la Chamber., dated 1 A'tI V 'lOR." Clerk of the Supreme Court, J udlclal District of Edmonton. NOTICE TO CHEDITOUS. In the County Court of th S:ate of Oregon for t he County of Multnomah. In the matter of the eat ate of J a mes ti. V.'a ikur, deceased Not Ice to c red 1 tors. Notice Is lierby (t!en that the undei -tlgn-d has been duly an pointed adtiiifi, tiator of the state of James G. W.i:ktr. deceased, by the Count y Court of Mo 1 -Hum -1 h County, StHt t Oregon, and hm ciuaMfied. AM protn haviiis rl.lii,. SK't'Uieit srdd estate are hereby not:f;eu to piescnt the same duly vertfied altli proper vouchers, as r'-quire ( by law. to th undersigned, nt thir offires, t'orbett b;d Port 1 and, or., within mix mom hs from the rial of this notice. Dated and firt published. April 3, lUl.V Security bavirjKi At Trust Com puny, al n;ln:strator of the "tte of J;iid-s a. Walker, deceased. Eininons A Wcsster. Venn bids., attorney 'for d mi n;st 1 a ior. NOT R 'E TO CREDITORS. I, I. N. atflUI. hHVe purchased the prucery store beionilni to Jake Rreii-he. cky. ir.l N. l Portland. Or. A I claims against th- u bove-mt m-d mr-' inii-t b prceptd within 7t oms Iinin April P1.".. m;;iuiI. I. N. H(.tf;eld. BARCES ior rent; capacity 4ov tuna Main 1110. HN.N(MI. LoANa on improved inside ut' money; o v rat; no d jlil . ito'ert-on tlw ing. roj.fc-rty . pienty a y i ; pi in- i (wil O'. -2" Noi lii- v entei u UuiiK biog. WE 1UY inc-tsa-". bo s ind notes WE-lEiv.. i.u.M) A MoitTWAGE CO.. bO :n st.. iiuHrtl ot' Vri.dc t iuc. MORTGAGE loans, note, contraetx. mort-fc-aes inrnt aiid N-'-iinh, fUit.H pur i li.t.Hcd. H. Unlit 4L Co.. 4 In bids. FIRST and second niortKO ks, nh-o prllrrn interest in coiiti Mets pui n.i.-ed , oret'n or W ub. H. E. Noble, Lum ul mien's bldg. W K buy notes, bonds and mor' ces". Rob ertson hw.ni, '"7-h N. W. Hsi.k bide. Money u Loan vn ICtmII tatr. MOXEV LOANED. Improved business piopciiy, to per tent. linpiocd residence property. G to 7 pr cent Improved farm t.rojterty. 7 t 8 per tint, WH1T11KII-K ELLY CO.. 711 PittocU iilo. k. VONEV TO LOAN ON IIIPKONLO LEAL hTATfi FOB IRJILBING I'l KPotES; Vi.l: V FLEX IBLE Oj.NTIIAi "IS; NO i'Kj VI M I P 1 ON S COLLMB1A LIKE At 1 R 1 T O.. Witt bPAl.UIMJ BLLi. UUH'luAoli; JAJANd. Any ariiuuiii, lu iate, ruiaptly clossO. Aiiractiva repa id-mji priviifks. A. li. li'.i.itLi-L CJ.. 217 Nort n est ein Bank Uldg. Mtl,all 4 111. A -IllH. Muxi;v to loan ai to 7 per cent. Port- laud bitL-iiefe and rcbid-ui:i property; in ai Km.i.1 at 7 lo h per cm. MALL a. VON Buj.ftlKL. io4 n.t ijear Main. CITY AND iAKs LOAN a. Lowest rata. No uelay. 617 Corbett Bid. 1 u loan. $ Vt to 1 ' uioi.ej ua uuklhcM property, apai luituii. tluta.uiti, larius. R. H. iiiutn'iu, Jl'j Cbainoef Cuiuiurrc. ilOil IGA'E t.OA.s IN A V AAiuUN'f, UittijO.N 1 N V. (Jl. J i A(i L (J. . I NC StocK Lxclimni i.h: x.. 3d ml VJinhlH. $2o,uvo To LoA.N in sum to sua. Luild Ing InatiH. loweL lalesk V. G. B-.'.k, 313 3 1 n I- siliii g bldg. MoRTtlAwE I.UANft ut tuw-nt 11 DoiiU li. K 1-AMiV a- ., ' li a m Ot r of oil 1 1 in t tld K. TO LOAN $40,...., t,lk 1 . ESS. A E K lAG'i 1 i.V, "0 4Tf ST., HmaKH ttf I I. X1E BLDG. 1 1 A V iti'in,- to Jo. in. u:y 4iii'unt. 4 per tviil, per cciil, per c nt. 11. ti LuloU, j chu :i.u- ."mitu !:-. liihi'iOAOh nrnim on cil., estate at 7 end H per 44 hherlocu Idtlg, ii.ni dsn t eal v. u. Nun u. $5o, 410oi und upwind en improved tl esiatt ; (avertible termi? , no deia-; n brokerage. John Hani, .o7 p.iiuiuj; Mdg. SE E Seckcndorf today ; no del., y. lty mid larni loans ut turn nt ivtts. ..Iu-J0 Stock Exchange bluff. M.tiu 0'.'T4. SEE us today lor loans on Itnpioxcd ti!y property, o Ut H pi r cent. -o and up. el Utrs-Moi ton Co., S25 i con bldg. MORTGAGE 1omh-; prompt .-rxIe and eoui teous treatment. CukuiMii, lo Sloik Exchaug-'. MoUTilAGE LOANS, any nioui:l; 110 dt la. Henry C. Prudhomiuc, o2-3 Moig.u bid. $25tM AT 7 per real iPl.itc. O ' lit; $5oo, s iK'r uu-guuian. $5oo TO S-50,Ui0 1'KIVATi: MoNi;i. terest rate. H 40J, Oregonian. i; 1 . 1 e mi n 1: V. II. V. i'KKl.DMAN", !i:;o H A d. i IP M. $2Ud, $350, $000, ?!')', sRhMi, Sl'JO. h ied W . Germau Go., 0J 4 Chumocr 01 . iiuiii n . $loou TO $ JO, OOO to loan at 7 per eut. Henry L. Murion. 317 WorceMer i!dg. N O eomni IHM011 c ttiil k d ; I on 11 , rt-.i I est :i Le. A K $l-tt ot looo to o nail 1 il 11. MoNEY, any amount. 6 to n per cent. W. SellZ & Co.. .Wo Spaldlllg I'ldrf. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. ilAhbl.NO, 313 CHAM. OI' C 'M, MOi:TGAGE LOANS, O and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON Co.. -JO S i A It K fa T. MONEY TO LOAN IN A N V AMOUNT. Hammond Mot Ignge Co., 4J4 (Phalli, of Coin. bT AT E KINDS, O per cent. ' . E. Thomas. uifent Multnomah County. 4uu Ch. of Com. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. MONEV To LOAN. YOU CAN GET 11' 'lUUA T at h fc.il rles on Diamonds, Autos, Pianos, Household Goods, La v estock or Motorc cles. SPECIAL IIA ! ES. Borrow $ 5U. ret urn $ 5 per inn. mo, mo lUo. borrow $ 40. return pe j;irruw $ od. return $ 5 p Bellow $lhu, tcturu klu per Interest J pr tent. Our new ofLiees aie A BSo L U T E L y PR i V AT E. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. Licensed by State. S11 Dkum Mdtf., 5d and Waiii ' on. Marshall A 1".'7. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEUELRF AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the fluent i- tall Jrachy stores in tho city. A loan department is conducted in comic tion with t-.uue. nia iUK bUHiitess STUICTLV CONFIDENTIAL, absolutely no uikii uigjiann loan Oum lieets displayed lu li out of our store. A M mete halt Uie pletlged Is hold lor period of seven nioiithi. whether or not interect is paid when due. We ai o lueni'cd nnd have been st.iblished since lvl. .; nmnri (ion with any other loaii usiablithmeiit in tun city. A. & M. DET.OVAGE. JEWELERS. 3-4 Washinifloti St. LOANS Pi. TO $!'" WL'H RL. STATE SECI 1 CO., LICENSED. LOAN'S ON ALAiviLS ONLY. BEST PROPOSITION IN Pojc'lLAN'D. CALL AND LET lS EXPLAIN OUR EASV-PA VMEN I PLAN. RUS1NESS rtTRlCTl.y CoN 1 ' 1 Dl.N TI A L. STATE MitTKlTV Oi, ;;o: FAILING BLDG. MoNEa Ai ONCE. DlainnndM, vatu-i, hium.ui Inst ruinsota atl'A KATE DEiJ'T i- oil LAD I Ed. 1C1JJV COM l'A N V I i.ci.sed. Luinhei Ex.cl. i. liids heCitiid atol m i t st WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rates ch.utfed by biokcis. Dau Marx,7- 3dst. MONEY LOANED on diamonds nml Jew-hy. b. W. Ring. loom 4o WaihinHon bldg. Loan IVsnte. W ANl't-D $-"oi on ht) acri improved, tlo to Newbtra. valued at AJJ ireKoman. ri.KSONAI.. hi; sell hair. hair. hair. it.ln. h real f irril-.iua 1 . 1 y s itches. "U-lneti real f 11 l-oualit y gray . HR1NG THIS Ah-Good for .c on e.to Face massage. . .S"mj Shampoo vi nr HiilldieS Supei 1 hu hair 1 emo d l y eh ctrieit . Goai ant' eu. Cut hair, au ulifade. tswit'lns sny leogi h l'ri' s hsJf. amiwry Heauiy Purlors. 4im-4 I J ln-kuiu biig.. Third and W (tHhiiigton. Mm hti II 17o-'. FEBV ET V H AN EBI'T, Leading w . and loupe maker; lint st stork, human hair ood; switches from up. hiirdi ertfiug, mait ui mg. lure and s-uip treat nit 11, com 1. 11. gs luadci up to 01 dti. 147 liiuadway, neui- Moirison. Main 04i. Vcrutches I left behind after the firt treatment," stated Mi. Andrew Ivtcrw-n, lol 1-tii t-. who was fullering ami sciatica and 1 heumuu .ui, at bwcdisb in stitute. 1-ih Ht.. cor. Aldcr. NEW YOR K araii. chiropnil t t, peillcui t, mail if ur 11. feet 011 1 if io iii:ti--.-iie. ,1 a r ..'. jo, yo4 Mucicay uiuk. :s w a.ijiiiioiitt. EXllil-ARATIN liic li t it nielli itiakra g , rn, net uusncss. net ic Jo a . -ie uiuallMiii. :m 1 Y Minii 1 U. Sot'illE i'- 1-E1I', ineiiiul and t-pnitusl e- 1 VntUl. J2 Alifky bblg. U'JeMhm meet Inx Wedue'Ia. S P. M. FOR REN'l Moi ')"', Mpb-ndld einetit bun inetit. J'jx'.w, U or part. Lnioti ave., near fiut:. E it h. Noli W EG I AN trained nurse ui.d uius-ube. elet li ic blanket 1 1 ealiiieia ; hours i'. S. to (;:. P. M. " '-2 d 1 u 2 end ... L1-EC1 lilC V IBRATOlt for rrifuniaiiiiii, tr.-ttiaitai. licura.ga. facial uud e b:itti: iiui-tnMb'u, Phone toPl RITU Al.l.-M Rev. Mary A. Pi o .-. v Ir.-le Tuesday Wed. nnd Sun. P- M . : leivU iiK dlly. "'th nt. iliirfl.all tim. illTs. i-'TE V ENS, -1 ears Portia nd's nr nowned palmist and c i: It voya n r, iii.thor of T'aliniHliy M d) Eat .' "J.G Moirlson. UM BK ELL AS A 11 eoloi an-l styles; largest stock ; r-eoverinit ; new tiMii.i les put on. Mredlt h . o-'l V aHhinpt Jii et. iAT'EoF " oCR C im :1N ;S. Swileries l!oe, t urls and p'KIh .c. l-ifi.- taiy leauty l'..rlou. 4oo IaKuiu Hok. iTllRM AN TRAINED M RSE Tn'Mni:.: for tin uinsMBTii. luinbrfo. t-. . li.iKt.Ke an4 baths. 2. ll'h nt. I.idy Mo LES. sup 1 f loo w h ir fmo.l. Mr. D Hill, 4J!t phediif r tdtlgMaln ..47. BAiIm" iTT-l-IGS eompoui.d. R"al 'I Tablets. M4 Itavi : el Phono Jlmn - r-tiir..t.t -.,,-1 it- fvola iio-d . i-.'i in f- d iu Z 41' im-nii uleaslnc ; :il irentmeiit 1 ". 1 : LESSONrt" In phrnoloe-y anl rard readings. hth ft. Phone Msln 7-'4n M A N' I C L' Il 1 NG and -t n' tre. Ijik hM. M ,J '.thel Burke. J! -'H Lnyfa vet ' Mdjg. Ma'nicI'KK- Kl RST -CLASS, r.r,,-. 7n7 RriTll- H I CD lihl-d i... WASH s,t have v i n 1: i-. ? d 1 or. Lim ltaH;t Native lleiW for riieumai.s &w tsuleiEi7 ior -oc Ail uiugista