Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 28, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Friendly Letters Revealing 'In
side Politics' Read in Trial
of Libel Suit.
Appointment to Office and Vari
ous Affairs of State Discussed In
Missives Kxcbmieed With
IMntt and Barnes,
Continued From First Page-1
appointments were discussed, while In
one written by the Senator, after
Colonel Roosevelt was in the White
House, the Cabinet to be selected by
' the Mayor-elect of New York, Seth
I-ow, was written of.
The name of William Barnes, the
Colonel admitted, did not appear once
In all this correspondence.
DarnrC Letters friendly.
The letters between Mr. Barnes and
the Colonel covered a period between
1904 and 1910. Their tenor was en
tirely friendly and at times they al
most bordered upon the formal. The
appointment of men to office and a
variety of political affairs were dis
cussed, and the "Dr. Jekyl and Mr.
Hyde" element Colonel Rosevelt said
Mr. Barnes had In him were the sub
ject of the questions which resulted.
Hostilities broke out between the op
posing lawyers several times. On each
occasion Justice William Andrews,
presiding, smoothed them down. The
Jtoosevelt counsel foght against the
admission of the newspaper articles. t
Then, when the Colonel was asked
about campaign,, contributions from
men affiliated with " the American
Powder Company, the New Haven
Railroad, Harvester company, the
eteel corporation and the Tennessee
Coal & Iron Company, and whethet
lie, as President of the United States,
bad ordered the Attorney-General to
investigate or bring action against the
concerns," the attorneys clashed again.
Co art Checks Dispute.
The Tennessee Coal & Iron Company
and competition by the Steel Corpora
tion was under discussion when John
M. Bowers, chief counsel for Colonel
Koosevelt, said:
"Now. please stop with that. W will
be all Slimmer trying this case."
"We may," replied Mr. William Ivins,
ahlef counsel for Mr. Barnes, "we did
not start this game."
"Yes, you did," declared Mr. Bowers
"Yes. you did." returned Mr. Ivans.
"Colonel Roosevelt the first pub
lication." Then the court intervened.
Colonel Roosevelt spent considerable
more time listening to the lawyers
read letters and newspaper articles
than he did in answering questions. He
seemed to be more fatigued at the end
of a day of inactivity than he was on
the days when one question after an
other was being asked him. ' s "
The belief pre-ailed here tonight that
the-cross-examination of the ex-President
would end some time tomorrow.
Mr. Barnes was in court again today,
having returned from Albany, where he
went to attend the state constitutional
KrlendHhlp for Piatt Admitted.
It was at the outset -of the day's
cross-examination that the Colonel ad.
mined that he was "entirely friendly"
with Mr. Piatt, although he said he was
"unable to say" whether he valued We
Senator's advice or not." Various let
ters and telegrams bearing on their
relations were introduced. Then Mr.
Barnum, who was conducting the ex
amination, asked:
"In all its vast volume of corre
spondence that passed between you
and Senator Piatt while you were Gov
ernor, William Barnes' name is not
mentioned, is it?"
"I didn't hear It," replied the Colo
nel. "What percentage of your adminis
trative acts as Governor did you dis
cuss with Senator Piatt?" asked Ivins.
"I can't tell. Probably in the ma
jority of cases."
Reading of the correspondence be
tween Mr. Barnes and Colonel Roose
velt began when the afternoon session
In the first letter dated in 1904, Mr.
Barnes asked Colonel . Roosevelt
whether ho could do anything for a
man who wanted to be appointed to an
office. Mr. Barnes also wrote about
"cocksureness of Charles Murphy" (of
Tammany Hall). Mr. Barnes said the
Democrats had a way of dividing up
offices before elections and that he
believed they "would make serious
Barnea Thanked for Efforts.
In reply Colonel Roosevelt wrote
that he would do what he could for the
man, Colonel Ham, and that it was de
lightful, "having you and Mrs. Barnes
. here.
In another letter dated September 26
1904, Colonel RooseveltSvrote about ap
pointments of Mr. Barnes. . The tenor
of all the letters was friendly, but in
some cases almost formal. In the next
letter. Colonel Roosevelt thanked Mr,
Barnes for his efforts "in this election."
Colonel Roosevelt in reply to a ques
tion Dy Mr. ivins saii tne election
mentioned was that of Governor Hie
gins. Nearly all the letters were either
on the paper of or addressed to the
White House.
In virtually all of them, appoint
ments were discussed.
Mr. Barnes said in one letter that he
regretted Colonel Roosevelt had de
cided not to appoint Mr. Davidson as
Secretary of Agriculture. Mr. Barnes
spoke highly of Davidson and his work.
On May 22, 1908, Colonel Roosevelt
wrVte to Mr. Barnes that he had hald
tip a removal when he heard State
Speaker Walsworth was interested. The
letter ended:
"I,ook here! In regard to the last
part of your letter, do you think I
( have gone back into the kindergarten
"Hyde Klenirnt" Almya There.
In 1910, the letters written by the
colonel began to appear on the sta
tionery of the Outlook. Colonel Roose
velt said in one letter that he deemed
he had been quoted correctly in an in
terview in the New York World. The
next letter contained an invitation to
Mr. Barnes to visit Colonel Roosevelt
In the magazine office in New York.
"Do you remember?" as4ced Mr. Ivins,
"what took place at a. meeting in a
New York hotel between yourself, Mr.
Barnes and. Mr. Ward?" j
"Had you dreamed then that Mr.
Barnes had a Mr. Hyde element in
him "
"Wasn't It- my testimony that that
element was In him from the begin
ning?" asked Colonel Roosevelt.
"Now, you testified that If Barnes
would act in tha spirit shown by Thur-
low Weed everyone would Bupport
"That's right. i" think the letter
came from Barnes himself. I am not
"Isn't it a fact that Mr. Barnes was
showing the letter which was written
by Weed to Abraham Lincoln to a
foiend when you reached over ajid took
It, saying, 'I'd llge to see that? "
"I don't know. I think I had seen a
copy of that letter before. Did I say
a letter from Weed to Abraham Lin
coln? Maybe It was from Lincoln to
Weed. I think now it was."
Weed and Piatt Compared.
Mr. Ivins produced a photograph of
a letter. It was from Lincoln to Weed.
The witness said that was the letter.
"You told Mr. Barnes you wanted
him to be a Weed Instead of a Piatt,
despite your relations with the latter?"
"Did you, while President in 1909.
direct the Attorney-General of the
United States to bring any action
against the Steel Corporation V
"t did not."
"Did Mr. Frick, Judge Gary and Mr.
Perkins contribute to your campaign?"
"Were they connected with the Steel
Corporation ?"
"Did you ever hear of the Tennessee
Coal & Iron Company?"
"I did."
"Did you approve of the acquisition
by the Steel Corporation of the Tennes
see Coal & Iron Company?"
"I did."
"Did you ever order an Investigation
of the American Harvester Company?"
"Was Mr. Perkins in that company?"
"He was."
"Did you ever order an Investigation
of the American Powder Company?"
"I don't know."
"Was C. Coleman Dupont in that
"I don't know."
"Was he a contributor?"
"I don't know. Yo utold me he was."
American Physician Says Epidemic Can
Be Controlled In Short Time With
Sufficient Medical Force.
WASHINGTON. April 27. An appeal
for reinforcements to aid In the cam
paign against typhus and cholera in
Serbia was cabled to the American Red
Cross headquarters here today by Dr.
Richard P. Strong, head of the Ameri
can Commission, sent to Serbia by the
Red Cross In co-operation with the
Rockefeller Foundation.
At least 175 more physicians, medical
inspectors and fourth-year students
are needed to carry on the work. Dr.
Strong's message said, and hospital
supplies are badly wanted.
"With proper means," it added, "the
typhus epidemic may be controlled in
a short time." ,
Dr. Strong announced the formation
at Nish of an international board of
health, including the heads of Serbian,
French and English sanitary commis-
lons and representatives of the Ser
bian military and civil medical depart
ments. He said Surgeon-General Gor-
gas. of the United States Army, would
be made the director of this board's
work if he accepted the invitation of
the Rockefeller Foundation to become
a member of its staff and aid in the
Serbian operations.
Robert Dollar Says Japanese Ship
owners Hail Situation as Realiza
tion of Their Dreams.
HONOLULU. T. H.. April 27. The
seamen's bill recently passed by Con
gress was characterized today by Rob
ert Dollar, president of the Dollar
Steamship Lines of San Francisco, who
arrived here last night from Japan,
as the crowning act of stupidity in
legislation affecting American ship
ping." At a meeting of shipowners In Toklo
which he attended the new law was
describsd, he said, as a realization of
the dream of years, giving the Japa
nese control of the shipping interests
of the Pacific.
Two steamships of his company re
cently transferred to American registry
he announced, would be retransferred
to the British and the Chinese flags.
Regarding negotiations between
China rnd Japan, he said the Japanese
demands were confiscatory and that
China was facing a supreme crisis, in
which it was the duty of the United
States to see that the integrity of China
was preserved.
Among other arrivals here on the
steamship Manchuria was George W.
Guthrie, American Ambassador to
Japan, who is on a leave of absence.
He said his visit had no connection
with the Japanese situation.
Labor Leaders and Corporations Are
Indicted at Chicago.
CHICAGO. April 27. Eighteen labor
leaders and 82 individuals and corpora
tions are involved In eight indictments
charging restraint of trade through In
terfering with interstate shipments,
which were returned before Judge Lan
dis today in the United States District
The more prominent of the labor men
Indicted were Simon O'Donnell. presi
dent of the Building Trades Council;
Michael Boyle, business agent of the
Electrical Workers' Union; Charles W.
Frye, business agent Machinists' Union;
Michael Artery, business agent Ma
chinery Movers and Riggers; Frank
Condon, business agent Boilermakers'
Union, and Raymond C. Leary. former
business agent Electrical Workers'
A number of officers of the Chicago
Lighting and Fixture Association and
the Chicago Switchboard Manufactur
ers' Association were named in two of
the indictments.
Speedy S. S. Northern Pacific sails
tomorrow. Steamer train to Flavel
from North Bank station, 9 A. M. Only
8 hours at sea. Fares $20, S15, 8
meals and berth Included. Ride in a
floating palace. Tickets Fifth and
Stark. Adv.
Fugitive Taken In Long Chase.
RICHLAND, Or.. April 27. (Special.)
Elmer Barnard was held to the grand
jury on a charge of attempting an as
sault on a 6-year-old girl. Barnard was
captured at Palma, Idaho, after an ex
citing chase of several days.
Greece Wants American Money;-
LONDON, April 27. The Exchange
Telegraph Company's Athens corre
spondent says the newspapers in that
city report the Greek government has
negotiated with American capitalists
for a loan of 17,000.000.
Allies in Close Co-operation
Launch Fierce Attacks on
Newly-Won Ground.
Both Sides Report Heavy Losses to
Knemy and Capture of Munitions
and Men; Battle Rajfs at
Other Points on Line.
LONDON, April 27. It is clear, from
all reports of the battles on the west
ern front, especially in Flanders, that
severe fighting is going on. The
German ' official report lays no claim
to further advances, while Belgians
and French declare -that the tide is
turning in that section. The late re
port of the French War Office, issued
from Paris, says that "north of Ypres
our progress continues,' as well as that
of the British army." while the Bel
gians say that they have repulsed
three attacks made by Germans south
of Dixmude and gave useful aid with
their artillery to the French.
Both the German and French offi
cial reports" agree that the Germans
have abandoned Lizerne, previously
captured by them.
Allies Capture Prisoners.
The report of the, French War Of
fice, issued tonight at Paris,' said:
"To the north of Ypres our prog
ress continues as well as that of the
British army. We have taken a num
ber of prisoners and have captured a
quantity of material, including bomb
throwers and machine guns.
"On the front of Les Eparges, St
Remy trench of Calonne. the German
attacks have been completely repulsed.
At one point pf the front alone an
officer estimates the killed at nearly
a thousand. We have taken the offen
sive and are making progress.
'At Hartmann's-Weilerkopf, after
having retaken the summit we ad
vanced for a distance of 200 metres
down the eastern slopes." -
The earlier French report spoke of
continued progress north of Ypres, and
"The summit of Hartmann's-Weiler
kopf which was taken from us yester
day morning, was recaptured by our
troops the evening of the same day. We
also took some prisoners."
Belgians Say Foe Suffered Heavily.
The Belgian official report today
covered operations of Monday, and said:
'Last night our infantry repelled
three attacks made south of Dixmude
by the Germans, who again are using
asphyxiating gases. The Germans sus
talned heavy losses.
Today along our front, the artillery
of the enemy has shown a certain
amount of activity. Our artillery re
plied with success and by a strong fire
proved of useful help to the French.
These troops made an attack on Li
zerne, which yesterday fell into the
hands of the enemy, but which was
wrested from them again thws after
The German report. Issued at Berlin
by the Army Headquarters and received
by wireless here, said the British had
attacked in Flanders with strong forces
on the new German line north and
northeast of Ypres. lie report con
"These assaults, which partly were
attacked in the rear by German artil
lery southeast of Ypres, completely
oroKe aown under our fire with ex
traordinarily heavy losses.
Llxerne Completely Demolished.
The enemy's fire completely demol
ished the houses in Lizerne, which were
vacated by us during last night. The
bridge head situated on the left bank
of the canal, immediately to the east
of Lizerne, still is being held by us.
"in tne engagements Hitherto fought
at Ypres, our troops took 50 machine
We have commenced to bombard the
important railway junction and mil
itary headquarters at Poperingham,
about 12 meters west of Ypres. with
appreciable success. -
"In the forest of Argonne, a French
night attack northeast of Vienne-le-Chaffcau
was repulsed.
In tne Meuse hills we also secured
further advantages yesterday. Al
though the French brought uo new
forces, the attacks made by the enemy
against our positions at Combres
"A fierce attack in the forest of
Ailly was repulsed by us with heavy
losses to the enemy. Farther east of
this district the enemy gained no new
Night Fighting Is Reported.
"In nocturnal hand-to-hand fighting
we also worked our way successfully
in Le Pretre wood.
"The enemy repeatedly commenced
attacks last night against our posi
tions on Hartmann's Wellerkopf. All
his attacks failed."
Field Marshal Sir John French made
a report under today's date, which
also was given out here. It said:
"Yesterday all German attacks north
east of Ypres were repulsed. In the
afternoon our troops took the offen
sive and made progress near St. Julien
and west of that place.
"The French co-operated on our left.
Are You Consistent
Are you practicing what you preach regarding the made-In-Oregon prin
ciple? Just think of the result when Its success is proven! Think of the
encouragement it will give to every factory here! Think what an incentive
it will be to get new factories! And the most convenient thing about It Is:
You and I the consumers don't have to contribute any actual extra cash
for the bencfitswe are bound to receive. Just ask for products made by
our own factories. Let's get together and patronize Oregon industry in actual
purchasing., and especially remember the following concerns whose subscrip
tions make this campaign possible:
' The United States National 5anK.
75 Third St.. Portland. Or.
Brand. Pacific
Biscuit Co., Portland, Or.
Hazelwood Confectionery and Res
taurant, Washington, near Tenth.
Modern Confectionery Co..
Portland. Oregon.
(iolden Rod Milling Co..
Portland, Oregon.
F. F. Haradon & Son.
Portland. Oregon.
ELEurniCITV Made In Oregon,
Portland Railway. Light & Power
Co., Portland, Oregon.
J. C. Knglish Co.,
' 165 Union ave. N.. Portland, Or.
F. A. Taylor Co..
130 Tenth St., Portland, Or,
and further to the north they retook
Het Sas.
"In the course of yesterday's fight
ing our artillery took full advantage
of several opportunities for inflicting
severe casualties on the enemy.
"On the remainder of the front there
is nothing to report. In addition to
the destruction of Courtral Junction,
mentioned, in the communique last
night, our airmen yesterday bombed
successfully stations and. junctions at
the following places: Tourcoing,
Roubaix. Ingelmunster, Staden, Lange
marck, Thielt and Roulers."
White Company Asks $CO00 for Car
Lent on Good Roads Day.
OREGON CITY. Or.. April 27. (Spe
cial.) The suit of the White Company
against Multnomah County will go to
the jury sometime tomorrow. The
case opened this morning In the Clack
amas County Circuit Court with Deputy
District Attorney Pierce representing
the defendant. Judge Campbell is pre
The White Company donated the use
of an automobile on Good Roads day,"
1914. The car was sent to the eastern
part of the county to haul gravel and
fell through the bridge across the Sandy
River near the automobile clubnouse.
The company alleges the truck was al
most a total loss, and the hlte Com
pany began a suit for $2000. Twelve
witnesses were examined today, but the
plaintiff still has more testimony to
Taooma and County School Children
May Visit Puyallup Valley.
PUYALLUP, Wash.. April 27. (Spe
cial.) Every school child in the
seventh and eighth grades of Tacoma,
and the entire membership-of the coun
ty schools is to visit the Puyallup Val
ley and its leading industries on a one
day tour during the months of May and
June, if the plans of County Superin
tendent Benbow and a special commit
tee of the Puyallup Commercial Club
work out.
It is planned to let each school from
a county district have a day to itself,
or to combine the smaller schools so
that there is not more than 100 in each
party. The valley and its industries
will be studied prior to making the
visit. Mr. Benbow says that this day
will be counted as regular school work
and not as a vacation jaunt.
Governor Also Privileges
Granted to Ricliard Thomason.
SALEM, Or.. April 27. (Special.)
Governor Withy combe Monday restored
to citizenship John Paj-ne. committed to
the Penitentiary December, 1912. on
a charge of burglary not in a dwell
ing. Payne was paroled March. 1913,
and since then has conducted himself
in a creditable manner. -
The conditional pardon of Richard
Thomason, granted January 4, 1916,
has been revoked by Governor Withy
combe. Thomason was committed from
Jackson County in April, 1912, for as
sault, not being armed with a danger
ous weapon, to serve a term of from
three to 15 years. Recently he was
arrested in Medford on a charge of
forging checks.
Farmers' Wives and Daughters at
Tillamook to Hear Talks.
TILLAMOOK. Or., April 27. (Spe
cial.) The first day in the Tillamook
short course of agriculture and home
science was well attended. About 100
farmers gathered at the Commercial
Club rooms to hear the speakers from
Oregon Agricultural College and the
same number of women attended, -the
talk on home science.
Professor Fitts and Mr. Monroe, of
Spokane, discussed breeding for milk,
also mentioned the distinctive points of
a dairy cow, while Professor Reynolds
took up the other lines of the livestock
industry. Miss Turley's demonstration
on domestic science proved interesting
to the women.
Olga Petrova "Heart of a Painted
Woman." National Theater, starting
Sunday. Adv.
Relieved by Hood'. Saraaparllla,
Which Renovates the Blood.
That tired feeling that comes to
you In the Spring, year after year, is
a sign that your blood lacks vitality,
just as pimples, boils and other erup
tion are sisrns that it is impure, and
it is also a sign that your system lsj
in a low or rundown condition in
viting disease. It-is a warning, which
it is wise to heed.
Ask your druggist for Hood's Sar
saparilla. This old standard tried and
true blood medicine relieves that tired
feeling. It cleanses the blood, gives
new life, new courage, strength and
cheerfulness. It makes the rich red
blood that will make you feel, look, eat
and sleep better.
Be sure to get Hood's, because It is
the best. There is no other combina
tion of roots, barks and herbs Ilka it
no real substitute for It no "just-as-good"
medicine. Adv.
In Your Attitude ?
Brewing Co.. Portland, Or.
Hoss Mfg. Co.,
612 Williams ave., Portland, Or.
R. M. Wade & Co..
322 Hawthorne ave.. Portland. Or.
Portland Knitting Co..
150 Third St., Portland, Or. "
Blaesing Granite Co..
267 Third, Portland and Salem, Or.
QjtgOnTjfC Insurance Coxcpcnj
Moms Optoc Courrr Blso. Piisiuuh
Warren Bros. Co..
Journal Bldg.. Portland, Or.
- Portland Rubber Mills,
It Kant Ninth St.. Portland. Or.
Pacific Phone
New $5.00
Adjusto Bell Petticoats of Extra Fine Chiffon Taffeta Silk and
Messaline Silk With Elastic Fitted Band Tops
These petticoats are in the new flaring style, having deep flounce of
knife-pleated, hemstitched, ruffled and finished at the bottom with nich
ing. And silk under-ruffle.
In black, navy, Copenhagen, Belgian blue, emerald, Russian gTeen,
white, putty, gray, sage green and fancy changeable colors. Third Floor
At $10.65
Sold regularly at $18.50
These are the kind of dresses
that women delight in wearing, as
they are perfectly tailored, per
fect in line and fit' and can be
worn for so many occasions as
well as for street wear.
Of fine all-wool French serge,
in navy, myrtle, putty, battleship
gray, black and Belgian blue.
Made in the Eton style as
illustrated, with satin girdle and
white pique collar and cuffs.
Trimmed and bound with silk
braid and buttons. Third Floor
Tailored Blouses
Of Crepe de Chine
Regular Price S3. 75
Sale $2.95
Individual models which
look more expensive than
they really are. Made very
carefully high or low col
lars, convertible collars all
over embroidered models
and others plaited and
tucked. In white, flesh and
maize. Third Floor
Kimonos That
Kill the Moth
Save the Clothes
White Tar and Cedar Bags
Are designed to provide perfect
protection to all articles of ap
parel furs and fabrics.
5c Saves Your Furs
by wrapping them in a sheet of
white tar or cedar paper. Sheets
40 by 48 inches.
10c Saves Your Clothes -
Put them away in a large
Kennedy mothproof bag which
protects against dust as well as
Famous White Tar Bags
Sale, 50c, 60c, 75c, 90c
in suit, jacket, overcoat, ulster
and auto coat size. Sizes 24 by
37 inches to 30 by 70 inches.
Popular Cedar Bags
Sale, 65c, 75c, $1.00 -
In three sizes, for suits, jack
ets, overcoats. 24 by 37 to 30 by
60 inches.
New Lavender Bags
One of the most perfect and
best mothproof bags made.
Size 30 by 50 for $1.75
Size 30 by 60 for $2.00
Basement, Notion Shop
' Mill Exacts of Fine Wash Goods
That Sell Regularly at 20c, 25c, 35c, 45c and 50c Yard
ene. 12 l-2c Yard
Waist lengths, skirt lengths, dress lengths.
Silk stripes, popular weaves crepes, colored piques and suiting materials. All perfect
goods in plain colors and combination colorings. For one day only these materials will
be sold at 2Vzc yard.
Offering a great assortment of accumulated remnants at deep reductions for speedy clear
ance, all piled high on six large tables.
Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers
Merchandise cfcJMe
Merit Only"
Home Phone A 6691
Marshall 5000
Silk Petticoats
Continuing the
A sale which created
the greatest corset interest
ever known in our Corset
Shop. For Wednesday we
continue the special offer
ings which were presented
Monday, but with the fol
lowing additional sales. No
credit no exchanges in
this sale.
$2.00 W. B.
Corsets $1.19
Discontinued models, of cou
til. with medium and low bust,
extreme length over the hips and
back, with elastic lacing to give
ease in sitting. Finished at the
top with lace. Three hose sup
porters attached. Sizes 1 9 to 30.
$1.50 and $1.75
- W. B. Corsets 98c
Corsets of batiste and coutil.
with low, medium and high bust,
long over the hips and back. Lace
and embroidery trimmed. Sizes
1 9 to 30, but not all sizes in all
Regular $1 to $1.50
This lot consists of hook-front
and cross-back style. Made of
fine grade of cambric. Some have
embroidery yokes and trimmed
with lace. In sizes 32 to 46.
$2 to $3.50 W. B.
and C. B. Corsets .Ipl.4o
In Sizes 19 to 30.
$3 to $50 Corsets $1.95
Here are W. B.. C. B..
Nemo, La Vida and Smart Set
Corsets. Fourth Floor
Women Want,
In Two Styles
Both Models Illustrated
Regular Price $2.00
1 Of serpentine crepe, in rose, pink.
navy in plain colors and artistic
floral designs.
One model shows fitted lines
with elastic at waist, full skirt, col
lar and cuffs of white hemstitched
The other model is a loose-flowing
style with short sleeves and fin
ished around the neck and sleeves
with wide ruffles of self material.
It fastens at the side front, where
it is held in place with a satin bow.
Fourth Floor.
Untrimmed Hemp Hats
At $1.45
Here are hats for women who seek exclusiveness and in
dividuality), affording a choice of the latest modes for street,
occasional and dress wear.
Every one of them strikingly different, expressive of the
current fashions every one so perfectly shaped that very
little trimming is required to complete them.
There are medium-size shapes, straight-brim shapes, poke
shapes, large sailors and shepherdess shapes. In black, white
and sand color. ' Second Floor
Today Remnant Day
tion of
for $3.95
1 (
New Victor Records
For May
McCormack's Hit for May
Mavis; Gems From Chin Chin;
Gems From Maid in America;
Two Hawaiian Hits Synco
phated Walk, The Little Lord
Rambled Right Along; I Didn't
Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier,
medley one-step; Prelude of
"Aida" ; Prelude of "Traviata."
The New 15c Records
Where the Red Red Roses
Grow; Beets and Turnips;
Winter Nights; Chinatown; Lit
tle Love. Little Kiss; When the
Grown-Up Ladies Act Like Ba
bies. Basement
Fancy Top Sox 18c
Plain and rolled-top styles, in
white with pink, blue, tan and
black stripes, and small figures.
Also solid tan, white and black
sox, in all sizes from 5 to 9.
Novelty Sox 25c
White sox with sky, pink, red.
black, brown and navy checked
and striped tops, also solid colors
in white, sky, tan, pink and
black, in lisle thread and fiber
silk. Made with plain or roll top.
Sizes 5 to 9. Fint Floor
Special $1.69
i :T fl