Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 27, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Germans' New Mode of Attack
Introduces New Element
in Warfare.
Favorable Wind to Carry Vapors to
Urcnclies of Foe Needed to Make
t'so of Deadly Fumes Ef
fective Some Victims Die.
Copyright. 1313. by the New York Tribune.)
BOULOGNE. April 2o. The gaseous
vapor: which the Germans used against
the Krench divisions near Ypres last
Thursday, contrary to the rules of
The Hague convention, introduced a
new element into warfare. The attack
of last Thursday evening- was preceded
by the rising' of a cloud of vapor,
greenish-gray and iridescent. That
vapor settled to the ground like a
swamp mist and drifted toward the
French trenches on a brisk wind.
Its effect oh the French was a vio
lent nausea and faintness, followed by
an utter collapse. It is believed that
the Germans, who charged in behind
the vapor, met no resistance at all,
the French at their front being- vir
tually paralyzed.
Long Preparation Evidenced.
Everything indicates long and
thorough preparation for this attack.
The work of sending out the vapor
was done from the advanced German
trenches. Men garbed in a dress re
sembling the harness of a diver and
armed with retorts or generators
about three feet high and connected
with ordinary hosepipes turned the
vapor loose towards the French lines.
Some witnesses maintain that the Ger
mans sprayed the earth before the
trenches with a fluid which, being ig
nited, sent up the fumes. The German
troops, who followed up this advan
tage with a direct attack, held inspira
tors in their mouths, thus preventing
them from being overcome by the
In addition to this the Germans ap
pear to have fired, ordinary explosive
shells loaded with some chemical
which had a paralyzing effect on all
the men in the region of the explosion.
Some chemical in the composition of
these shells produced violent watering
of the eyes, so that the men overcome
by them wero practically blinded for
soma hours.
Effect Slow in Wearing Away.
The effect of the noxious trench gas
seems to be slow in wearing away.
The men came out of their violent nau
sea in a state of utter collapse. Some
of the rescued have already died from
the after effects. How many of the
men left unconscious in the trencnes
when the French broke died from the
fumes it is impossible to say, since
those trenches were at once occupied
by the Germans.
This new form of attack needs for
success a favorable wind. Twice in
the day that followed the Germans
tried trench vapor an the Canadians
who made on the right of the French
position a stand which will probably
be remembered as one of the heroic
episodes of this war. In both cases
the wind was not favorable and the
Canadians managed to stick through it.
The noxious, explosive bombs were,
however, used continually against the
Canadian forces and caused some
Union, Or., and Silvcrdale, Wash.,
Services Established.
ington, April 26. Rural free delivery
route No. 2 is to be established at
Union, Or., June 16, to be served with
route 1 three times a week by one
carrier. The route is 39 miles long,
serving 92 families. The carrier's sal
ary is fixed at $1100.
On the same date a new route will
be established at Silverdale. Wash., 14
miles long, to supply 12S families three
times a week. The carrier's salary is
Postmasters appointed are:
Oregon Maggie Perry, Black Butte,
vice William Harris, resigned.
Idaho Mary A. Conlin, I-amont, new
office: Thomas McP. Gough, Midvale.
vice Oliver Smith, resigned.
Press Declares Fleet Is Seeking
British In Vain.
LONDON, April 26. In a dispatch
from Copenhagen, the correspondent o
the Exchange Telegram Company says
that leading German papers, including
the Tages Zeitung and Vossische Zel
tung, declare that the German fleet
is now willing to accept battle in the
North Sea. The entire fleet, the papers
declare, has several times cruised over
the North Sea vainly seeking the Brit
ish fleet.
The Vossische Zeitung says the NorJ
weglan steamer Foedin met the Ger
man fleet last Sunday off Heligoland.
The German commander said to the
captain of the Foedin that the German
fleet had one desire only, namely to
engage the British fleet and he hoped
the British fleet might be found.
Failures in March Bring Second
West Foint Kxamination May 25.
WASHINGTON. April 26. As a re
sult of about 90 failures among pros
pective West Point cadet candidates in
the March examinations, Secretary Gar
rison has ordered an additional exam
ination May 25 next, which will be held
at 16 Army posts in all parts of the
country. The successful candidates
will be admitted to the Military Acad
emy on July 1.
The present first class at West Point,
numbering 164 members, will exceed
the Second Lieutenancies available on
July 1, according to present estimates.
Thero are only 105 prospective vacan
cies in the grade of Second Lieutenant,
including 39 in the engineers, 31 in the
infantry, 27 in the cavalry and eight
In the coayt artillery.
British Society Urges Crcution of
Corps of Corn Doctors.
LONDON. April 9. (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) Chiropodists
in uniform as a necessary and honored
part of the British army is proposed by
a London paper, inspired by the marching-
record of a Lancashire regiment
which boasts a well-known chiropodist
among its ranks. This regiment has
made- the hardest practice marches
without a man's dropping out. The
reason is the fine shape the regimental
feet are in.
Detached from the humdrum routine
of duty, the soldier-chiropodist spends
his day peeling and paring. If every
regiment had the same advantage such
things are retreats from, Mons might
be made without discomfort. Besides,
the thing which saved the British on
that occasion was the bad state of the
German feet, due to new boots.
The National Society of Chiropodists,
which has a clinic in London-for the
free treatment of soldiers and sailors,
is enthusiastic over the idea of a chi
ropedic corps, wearing khaki and bear
ing the corn and razor or some other
appropriate insignia on their caps.
Development Would Prove More Effec
tive Than Interstate Commission,
Says Senator Ransdell.
MUSKOGEE. Okla.. April . 26. De
velopment of waterways and the
natural resultant transportation com
petition and not regulation by the
Interstate Commerce Commission or
other bodies offers the escape of the
United States from excessive railroad
freight rates, according to Senator
Ransdell, of Louisiana, chairman of
the Senate committee on rivers and
harbors and president of the National
Rivers and Harbors Association, who
addressed the Southern Commercial
Congress here tonight.
"The shippers and consumers of this
country are entitled to the use of the
waterways God has given them," he
said, "and such competition is the
proper way to regulate our roads.
"Eight million tons of freight passed
through the Sault Ste. Marie last year
at an average cost of .63 of a mill,
compared with a rail rate of .73 of a
cent. This same relative difference
exists on all well-improved waterways.
"I believe every waterway in this
country should be developed to the
greatest possible extent," he said, "pro
vided, after a thorough survey by
Army engineers, it is found it can
be done at reasonable cost. They should
be given over to privately-owned lines.
Just as our railroads are."
Gabe E. Parker, superintendent for
the five civilized Indian tribes which
have headquarters in Muskogee, wel
comed the delegates to the congress on
behalf of the Indians of Oklahoma.
Witness Before Commission Suspects
. Roads of Trying to Make Meat
Producers Carry Burden.
CHICAGO, April 26. Present freight
rates on packing-house products and
fresh meats are so remunerative to
railroads, according to C. B. Heine
mann, assistant traffic manager of
Morris & Co., packers, that there is
no Justification for increasing the
Mr. Heinemann occupied the witness
stand before WT M. Daniels, Interstate
Commerce Commissioner, all day, voic
ing the objections of the packing-house
interests to an increase of 3 cents a
hundred pounds on fresh meats and
packing-house products, one of the ad
vances proposed by 41 Western rail
road systems on certain commodities.
He declared that the damage claims
for injury to meat products in transit
were inconsiderable.
Regarding the average earnings of
traffio in packing-house products and
fresh meats in comparison with the
carriers' freight revenue from other
commodities, the witness said:
"It looks to us as if the carriers
were trying to make the packers bear
the burdens by unremunerative rates
on other hauls and other commodities.
There is no equity in thus trying to
load up the cost of one prime necessity
of life."
Conflict Awaited South of Torreon,
Where Zapata's Men Aid in Hem.
in in in Obreson's Arm?-.
WASHINGTON. April 26. The forces
of Generals Villa and Obregon prob
ably will meet in a second battle
within a few days somewhere south of
Torreon, according to a statement is
sued here tonight by the Villa agency.
Villa is declared to have completed
his concentration at Aguas Calientes
following his retreat from Irapuato
and the advance of the Zapata forces
from Mexico City is said to have drawn
an "iron ring" about Obregon's army.
"General Obregon's army is not at
Leon, as contended," the statement
says, "but somewhere south of Ira
puato and is isolated from all sources
of supplies and reinforcements. Inter
ruption of railroad service between Pa
chuca and Tula completed the work of
cutting off Obregon. He has no com
munication with Vera Cruz."
Mail advices from Sonora said Yaqui
muiaiis nave recently attacked several
foreign-owned properties In the Yaaui
Valley district.
Porto Rican Commander Tells of
Stopping Deporting German Liner.
WASHINGTON. April 26. A detailed
report on the stopping of the Hamburg-American
liner Odenwald, which
attempted on March 21 to go to sea
from San Juan, Porto Rico, without
clearance papers, was received at the
War Department tonight from Lieutenant-Colonel
Burnham, commanding the
Porto Rican regiment. Its contents
were not mado public, but it is under
stood this account does not differ sub
stantially from Colonel Burnham's re
port at the time.
According to the original report,
when the vessel sought to leave port
without clearance papers warning
shots were fired from machine guns
and then one shot from a five-inch rifle
mounted on the ramparts of Morro Cas
tle was sent across her bows,
Later the German Embassy addressed
a communication to the State Depart
ment asking for an investigation and
describing the firing as an "attack."
alleging that the usual "blind warn
ing shot" was not fired.
Fresno County. California, nroducu 4.-
000 pound?, or about 60 pr cent of the
. Aiirnrnia raisin crop, ann nearly twice tne
quaniuy proaucea oy cpain. f
italian war pact
js declared
Ambassador at London to Sign
Agreement With Sir Edward
Grey, Rome Hears.
British and French, Reports Say
Intervention Is Imminent Ger
many Offers to Cede -Territory
to Austria Also Rumored.
ROME, via Paris, April 26. The
opinion prevails in parliamentary cir
cles that if no definite decision as to
Italy's participation in the war Is
reached previous to May 12, the date
on which the Chamber of Deputies re
convenes. Parliament will be pro
International questions could not
be discussed in Parliament while
they were still under negotia
tion, it Is argued, and it would be ab
surd and almost undignified for Par
liament to discuss trifling matters
when such highly important questions
were before the country. Furthermore,
the Chamber has given full powers to
the Cabinet and nothing has occurred
to destroy this confidence.
Referring to the international finan
cial situation created by the war, the
Giornale d'ltalta says the United States,
at the end of hostilities, will be the
only . country to have secured large
economic profit.
Kins Meets Cabinet.
This paper then gives statistics - to
show the Increase in American exports
and says further:
"This war, which is devouring Eu
rope, is a magnificent thing financially
for the United States."
King Victor Emmanuel met the mem
bers of the Cabinet in conference yes
terday. He talked with Premier Sa
landra and Foreign Minister Sonnino
on the situation at length, and after
they had gone he was closeted for an
hour with Minister of War Zupelli.
An energetic campaign is being con
ducted in the Italian press on behalf
of the allies. Every day there appear
telegrams from Petrograd warning
Italy that if she does not soon inter
vene she will lose everything. It is
said the allies have decided to give
nothing in case they are victorious to
a neutral power which, in the words
of Jules Cambon. the French diplomat,
"rushes to succor the victor."
Pact Reported Near.
The newspapers also publish long re
productions from the French press,
saying Italy's participation in the war
is imminent. Dispatches from London
say the Italian Ambassador there.
Marquis Imperlali, is about to sign
with Sir Edward Grey, the British
Foreign Minister, an agreement con
taining clauses which provide that
Italy shall side with the allies.
Although dispatches from Berlin and
Vienna on this subject are more
guarded on account of the censorship
of the press of those cities, efforts are
being made to offset this campaign.
Representatives here of the Berlin
and Vienna newspapers are most active
and seek to convey the Impression that
every necessary measure will be taken
to prevent Italy from abandoning her
neutrality. It is affirmed that In the
end Austria will be convinced of the
necessity of making suitable territorial
concessions, even if Germany is com
pelled to compensate her by ceding
territory in Bavaria or Silesia.
Deep Secrecy- Maintained.
On this theory there are being pre
pared many imaginative lists of dis
tricts to be exchanged between Austria
and Italy and between Germany and
Austria. The truth of the matter is,
however, that there is little basis for
these various reports. It can only be
said that the negotiations are still pro
ceeding and they are surrounded with
the deepest secrecy.
Persons close to Premier Salandra
are of the opinion that in spite of the
arguments in favor of proroguing
parliament he intends the Chamber of
Deputies to meet May 12, as has been
arranged. Otherwise the impression
might gain ground that the govern
ment wishes to rule without control of
the representatives of the country,
which is far from the intention of the
Von Buelow Quoted as Saying Situ
ation Is Unpromising.
PARIS. April 26. A friend and
brother officer of Peppino Garibaldi
nas lniormea tne Petit Journal that
Garibaldi gained the impression from
interviews with King Victor Emman
uel, Premier Salandra. Foreign Min
ister - Sonnino and prominent politi
cians that Italy would never enter the
war on the side of the allies before
Parliament convenes in May.
A diplomat accredited to the Quir
inal. who requested that his name not
be disclosed, told the Matin's Geneva
correspondent that in a conversation
with Prince von Buelow on April 19,
the German Ambassador appeared pes
simistic over the situation for a peace
ful solution of the Austro-Italian dif
ficulties. "The situation is obscure." Prince von
Buelow is' quoted as saying, "and I
expect no good can come from it.
Italy's pretensions are such that It is
impossible for Austria to accept them.
On the other hand, Italian military
preparations are assuming such -proportions
that the hypothesis of simple
diplomatic pressure becomes inadmis
sible. Evidently, the object of the ne
gotiations was to gain time."
Complication of Diseases Fatal to
Famous Actor After Illness
Lasting Three Weeks
NEW YORK. April 26. John Bunny,
whose antics as a moving-picture
comedian have made "millions laugh,
died at his home in Brooklyn today.
He had been ill for about three weeks
of a complication of diseases.
Members of the family were with
him when he died. For a week he had
apparently been on the mend. A stren
uous month of work, it is believed,
caused the breakdown which resulted
in his death.
John Bunny was 52 years old. For 29
years he had been before the footlights
before he entered the moving-picture
field four years ago.
Mr. Bunny was born in New York
City, of English parents, was educated
In the Brooklyn public schools and was
a clerk in a general store until he
went on the stage at tha age of 19.
John Bunny is dead.
Nobody will ask who he is. for his
face is familiar to every man, woman
and child in every country in the
world where motion pictures are
known. His career began as a "legiti
mate" actor more than 30 years ago.
He played in the old Cordray Theater
on Third street here for a while, but
gained little or no recognition. He
played in the companies of Maude
Adams, Annie Russell, Sol Smith Rus
sell and the companies under the di
rection of Savage, Brady and the
Frohmans without much success.
His fame came as a motion-picture
actor. From a $40-a-week man he
rose to the position of the highest
salaried man on the screen, his yearly
salary exceeding $100,000. He was one
of the funniest men in motion pic
tures. Children crowed with delight
over his fat, funny, freckled face, and
grown-ups enjoyed his antics almost
as much as the children.
He left motion-picture work a few
months ago and went into vaudeville,
but, as before, he was not a sensation.
People wanted him on the screen. On
the stage he wasn't funny. His father
was a native of England, he himself
being the first of nine generations who
was not a sailor.
Bunny read the account of his own
death in one of the papers a few
weeks ago and laughed heartily over
it. He is survived by his wife and
several children, most of whom are
Arrears on Counterfeiting Charges May
Lead to Identification mm HIUs--vtlle
Court Murderers.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 26. Federal
officials are investigating the Identity
of two men held here on counterfeit
ing charges to learn if they are Claude
and "Bush" Allen, of the notorious
Allen clan, members of which raided
the Hlllsville. Va., Courthouse March
14, 1912. and killed five officials in an
effort to free Floyd Allen, one of the
clan. -
The two men gave the names of Tom
Boggs and William B. Young when ar
rested recently, but admitted them to
be aliases. Boggs said his true name
is Claude Allen, but denied relation
ship with Floyd Allen.
A letter addressed to his sister. May
Allen, in Virginia, is said by Federal
officers to have been found on Claude
Allen. In it Allen sent "regards to
Floyd" and said "don't tell anyone
where I am."
The second man denied the name of
"Bush" Allen.
The two men were arrested with a
third man aboard the sloop Barnacle,
which came here from Coos Bay, Or.,
and molds and metal for counterfeiting
were found.
Allen, when arraigned today, pleaded
guilty. The other men pleaded not
guilty. Their trials have not been set.
Board Ordered to Convene In Wash-
inston Likely Will Consider Mobile .
Artillery Increase.
WASHINGTON. April 26. Questions
concerning field guns and ammunition
for them will be considered shortly by
a board consisting of Colonel Charles
G. Treat, general staff; Major John H.
Rice, ordnance department, and Major
Charles P. Summerall, field artillery,
which has been ordered to convene in
Washington. .
While the order convening the
board does not make -mention of the
subject, it is expected that the officers
will consider not only types of field
guns and ammunition supply but that it
also will consider the amount of mobile
army artillery necessary for a given
number of troops.
Many officers who have been fol
lowing developments in the European
war are convinced that a greater
proportion of mobile artillery should
be provided than previously deemed
Striker Sentenced to Life Term. -
FAIRMONT, W. Va., April 26. Roy
Haller, who with 133 others was in
dicted for the murder of Constable W.
R. Riggs. during a riot between strik
ing miners and a Sheriff's posse near
Farmlngton, W. Va., last February,
pleaded guilty today and was sen
tenced to life Imprisonment.
Junction City to Clean X p.
JUNCTION CITY. Or., April 26.
(Special.) Forrest Miller, Mayor, has
Issued a proclamation setting May 4. 6
and 6 as official clean-up days for this
city. The arrangements are being
made by the Civic Club. Women's Im
provement Club and Council.
If You Are a
Family Man
You need a bank account
with an institution like this,
where you will feel at home.
Pay your bills by check; it is
the clean, safe way, and the
cancelled checks, which the
bank returns, are indisputable
receipts for all money paid.
Let us open
you will feel
Fifth and Stark
Surface of Ground Torn Into
Huge Craters by Under
ground Explosions.
After First Panic, Eye Witness Says,
Enemy Turns and Drives Out At
tacking British Troops, AVlio
in Turn Gain Victory.
LONDON, April 26. "Trenches, par
apets and sandbags disappeared," says
the British official "eyewitness" In de
scribing the -effect of the explosions
of the British mines which preceded
the recent attacks and capture by the
British of hill No. 60, to the southeast
of Ypres.
"The whole surface of the ground."
the narrative continues. "assumed
strange shapes. Here it was torn into
huge craters; there large mounds of
fallen debris were to be seen.
"As the reports of the explosions
died away and while dense columns of
smoke and dust hung in the air, our
men sprang from the trenches and
rushed across the intervening space of
some 40 to 60 yards lying between our
line and the gaping craters before
them, the front covered by the attack
being only some 250 yards in length.
Germans in Panic.
"Where the mines actually had ex
ploded nothing was left of the occu
pants of the hostile line, but in the
neighboring trenches our assaulting
Infantry witnessed an extraordinary
scene. Many German soldiers, possibly
owing to the fact that they were work
ing, were surprised while in their shirt
sleeves and without equipment.
Stunned by the violence of the explo
sions, bewildered and suddenly sub
jected to a rain of band grenades
thrown by our bombing parties, they
gave way to panic.
"Cursing and shouting, they were
falling over one another and fighting
in their hurry to gain the exits lead
ing into the communication trenches.
Some of those in the rear, maddened by
terror, were driving their bayonets into
the bodies of their comrades in front
of them.
"Of this our infantry had only a
momentary glimpse before they fell
upon the enemy with the bayonet,
burst through the maze of trenches,
poured into the craters and pressed on
down the communication trenches until
at last they were stopped by barri
cades defended by bomb throwers.
Germans Take Offensive.
"The Germans quickly recovered
from their surprise. From our line the
hill is a salient which Is exposed to
fire from three sides and. It was only
a few minutes before the German gun
ners took advantage of this fact and
opened fire. Soon the whole position
became obscured in the smoke of
bur3ting shells. Meanwhile our bat
teries had begun to support the at
tack, and a terrific artillery fire was
maintained far into the night.
"Nor was the enemy's infantry idle.
Advancing up -the communication
trenches they threw hand grenades
over the barricades and also into the
mine craters, on the crumbling sides
of which our men were clinging in an
endeavor to obtain a foothold.
"Throughout the night the fighting
continued, culminating early in the
morning of the 18th in two massed
attacks by the enemy. These were
beaten off. principally by the fire of
our machine guns, some of which had
been rushed up.
"Nevertheless, In spite of the heavy
losses, which left the hillside piled with
dead, the enemy continued his pressure
during the whole of Sunday, until
gradually we were driven from the
southern edge of the hill. At 6 P. M.
help reached our front line in the form
of reinforcements, who swept the Ger
mans from the foothold they had
Modoc Irrigation Project Xear Done.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. April 26.
(Special.) The Modoc Point irrigation
project on the Klamath Indian reserva
tion, north of this city, is near com -Dletlon:
It is stated that the work all
will be completed within the next
month and that it is possible even now
for some of the Indian farmers under
the main ditch to begin irrigating any
time. The work yet to be finished Is
that of completing the main laterals
from the main canal.
Two Italians Arrested for Treason.
VENICE. April 26. Charged with at
tempting to sell to a foreign power
railroad plans for the mobilization of
the Italian army, John Schlehew, an
Interpreter, and Ernesto Crescent,
designer employed in the technical of
fices of the Italian railways, have been
arrested for high treason.
an account for you;
at home here.
All Charge Purchases Made Tuesday and Bal
ance of Month Charged on June 1st Accounts.
Mail and Telephone Orders
Pacific Phone Marshall
CoatS fr Present and Midsummer Wear
Coats That Sell Regularly at $18.50
Very Special $ 1 3.95
Netv arrivals in coats for women, of fine wool poplins in black, navy
and putty. They are 43 inches long, beautifully tailored and trimmed
with moire silk and satin piping. One model is lined throughout with
peau de cygne silf(, and the other model lined to the waist. Third Floor
Our Special $1.00 Waists
That Have Grown So Justly Famous & Popular
Veribest Blouses are a revelation in the blouse world.
Every week Veribest Waists are
shown in entirely new models.
Tuesday we introduce in this
sale the new RUFFLED -
BLOUSE, which is the last
blouse fashions. Made of
with ruffles of organdie combined
with lace. Also, flesh-colored voile
waists in allover embroidered de
signs. Third Floor
A Sale of $2.00 Fiber Suit Cases
At $1.59
New House Dress Aprons
In Five New Styles as Shown in the Illustration
59c Instead of 75c
Regulation coverall style in extra size, made with round neck, short
kimono sleeves, belted back.
Also same style as above in regular size, having Dutch cap
to match.
Another model of striped or checked gingham, belted-front style,
tieing at the back, having round neck and kimono sleeves.
- Also same style, of percale, in light and dark colors.
Apron with yoke effect, finished with tab at front, has round
neck, kimono sleeves, belted back.
All these aprons are trimmed with white bias pipings or colored
bandings and all have pockets. Made full size and length.
Ponrlh FliMir.
Offers Tuesday
A Great Special Purchase of
2000 Petticoats
75c Cotton Messaline Petticoats 59c
$1.25 Cotton Messaline Petticoats 89c
All Silk Petticoats
Very Special $1.75
Main 7070
Filled by Expert Shoppers
of Merit Only"
5000 Home Phone A 6691
For Women
Offering Four New Styles
At $19.45
Suits of fine gabardine and serge.
Suits in navy blue, black. Belgian blue,
green, black-and-white checks.
that have just arrived by express.
therefore expressing all the latest notes in
novelty styles and semi-Norfolk effects.
Suits that are perfectly finished and tai
lored in every respect. With jackets lined
throughout with a fine quality peau de cygne
silk. Third Floor
word in
fine voile1
This sale of suitcases will be very welcome to
vacationists. These are fiber suitcases, which are the
best kind for Summer service. light in weight and
dustproof. 24 and 26-inch sizes. Made with lock,
bolts and corners. Very light and durable.
A 6095