THE UrOTtXTNCr OTJT!OOXTAN. TUESDAY, APRIL 37, 1915. 13 AMl'SEMEVTS. HEILIG Brdway at Taylor Maia 1 and A 1128 - TnMIP.HT S.1C AM. THI BARGAIN rKICK. MAT. TOMORROW, 2: IS lluur fl. JBal. 60c-. il. 3IH: 25c. Ifenry W. Snvago Offer DRAMATIC SENSATION, EVERY WO MAN" 700 PKOPI.K SPKCIAT OKCIIESTRa' Kvenlnitx: Floor, Jl row, ja, 7 rows $1.00. ?1, 75c, ooc. Ual., Ouo. SKATS NOW 8ELtI0. BAKER THEATER Maiu , A 6360 Geo- L Bufcer. Mrr. Continuation of the favorito ITALIAN OKAM) OPERA COMPANY. All this week. Mats. Wednesday. Saturday. LUCIA Tonight Tonight TVr.l. Mat.. "U-AUST." Wed. nlaht. "CAR MK.V." Thur,.. "A IDA." Kriday, "LA rIOCO.VDA.-' lSvoniiij:.! 25c to fl. Mats.. 2.'c, 50c. PMrnt time In America at theae prices. Season ends May 4. Lew D0CKSTADER In the screamingly funny mono logue and impersonation "Teddy" In "My Policies" And another just as funny is TOM LEWIS in "Brother Fans" Bankoff and Girlie. Four Amaranths. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilde, Gertrude Long. Sherman and Uttrey. 50c Nights Matinees 25c. Tuesday and Wednesday. VEEJSBLS IIA7SNIX pAJLY 230 A HIGH-TONED Bl'RGLAR'S CHRISTMAS TREE. I 6 OTHER BKi-TLMK ACTS 6 Boxes and firwt row balcony reserved by phone. Main 4H3H, A 33. BASEBALL RECREATION l'ARIv, Corner Vauishn and Twenty-fourth 8ts. LOS ANGELES vs. PORTLAND A Hill I. a". 2K. af. :U, MAY 1. 2. fame H-win WeekdayM at S 1. 31.; Sundays, -iKO H. M. Reserved box seats tor sale at Rlcho's Clg:ar Stand, Sixth and Washington Sts. l.ndleH Ony Vednedy and Friday. NEW TODAY. SACRIFICE WEST SIDE Income Property KEW THHKE-STORV BRICK APART-MUNT-HOI SK I.t'.SS THAX O.MU 1EAII Ol.l), with absolutely all the late con veniences, such as hardwood floors, fireplaces, built - in safes, etc. For merly held at J35.0O0. If talten at once $23,500 With Only n.(H 'anh. Balance Three Years at 7 l'er Vent, This property will show over 3 0 per cent net on purchase price and 16 per cent net on money invested. W hy make mortpaKo loan when such an invest ment as this can be had? I IVSIDK: PROPERTY DEALERS, ;rtOll KI.OOK HENRY BUILDING. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. tOf LARGE LOANS ON rOf f O BI SINESS PROPERTIES O lO A. II. BIRRELL CO. r 17 - a 10 Noplhivtutfrn Bank Uuildlns. Marshall 4114, A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 ON IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTIES Residence Loans 6 and 7 Per Cent, Ac cording to Location. Plenty of Money. ROBERTSON & EWING BOT-H Nortbnratrrn Bank Bid-. MORTGASS ANY AMOUNT JTOlBffEMI MTES REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO., Wilcox bids. H, P., 404-402-406 BECK, William G 813-316 Failing bldg. BENEDICT BROS., 030 Hawthorne ave. BARRETT BROS.. 302 Board of Trade. REAL E8TATE. for Sale Lota. $350 $10 DOWN, $5 per month, buy a -acre tract on the West Side, 15 minutes' car ride, 5c fare. On a large piece of ground like this you can raise all your vegetaoies, oerries, small iruit, etc., which is the tfreatpp part 01 your living, ai. I.po, 503 Corbett bldg. TH E high cost of living can be solved by raising all your vegetables, small fruit, chicke nil. etc.. which is the greater Dart of your living. We have ideal places on the West, Side, beautiful -view tracts for 10 down, $ o per month. Price only $3oO, M. K. Lee, 5o5 Corbett bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS REAL ESTATE!. See BROOKE, only exclusive dealer, 541 Montgomery Drive, Cor. Elm St. Marshall 4827 or A 3889. A .SNAP. Must have money ; J250 takes my five' lovely lots. Rose City Park line. F. Mack, .Marsnaii .ntn, net ween o:ji ana 7:oi. PORTLAND H EIGHTS sacrifice, close in, ready to build 011. cood view. Owner. Irvinpton sacrifice, cost $2000, must sell. wam oi rer. ,iHin J HtM. ROSE CITY PARK lot. clear incumbrance. lor o. ,v o, ureroDian. HEAL ESTATE. far bale Lot. CANNON BEACH lot 50x100. good fishing, hunting, $20 cash. $10 monthly; nu inter est, no taxes. Chamber of Commerce. Office open evenings. Jtor 8a le Beach property. BEACH HOME on the Nccanieum. half way between Seaside and Gearhart, facing the ocean. For sale, or will trade for well lo cated Improved, city property, 822 Cor bett bldg. FOR SALE Bay ocean bungalow, 4 large rooms and bath thoroughly modern and up-to-date; fine view of ocean and bay; owner can save you dollars on commis sion. Box 18, Bayocean, Or. , FOR HALE Lot at Salt Air. Or.; 200. feet to railroad station, finest beach resort In Oregon, cash or terms; make me an of fer. This la a fine place lor a Summer home. BF 779, Oregonian, TILLAMOOK. Beach tSait Air, 2 fine lot at a big sacrifice, Write owner, u 73t. Oregonian, tor bale House. CAN I MAKE YOi: REALIZE? i have, a 60OO hume for $42oo in Walnut Park. I ran show you. It takes $l0tK cash and $30 per month. 7 rooms, tv wing-room 1 4x10, dining-room 14x17, kitchen and den downstairs, 3 bedrooms upstairs, two toilets, content floor basement, furnace. On Rodney ae. Hard-surface street paid out. Ownr leaving cii y in two weeks. Won't rent such a nteo home, but has cut the prlne o0 per cent. Let me show you (B. Dorr E. Keasey & Jo., 2d, floor Chamber of Commeroe, $1030.- 75xlOO-foot lot. Four-room bungalow, nicely finished, Dutch kit lien, built-in ironing board, and cooling clost-'t, house plpd for gas; easy terms. Take Rose City Park car to 7-d and Sandy tRoad. See Austin. GREGORY INVESTMENT COMPANY. WHY LIE AWAKE NIGHTS, worrying about a mortgage, streets, etc., which you are asked to assume and pa when buying a home? Buy the "easy way,' $5 total a month. Now ready to show, one 3 -room, one 3-room bungalow ; more attractive In every particular than ever offered before in Alberta at the price ar.d terms. You should see them. Owner and Builder. 1020 Yeon Bldg. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN" INTO INCOME? WB WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE ; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS;. SEE OUR WORK: WILL GIVE BONDS. L. It. BAILEy & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. 824 ABINGTON BLDG. PRESCOTT-STREET SNAP. 7-room house with deep cement base ment, gas, bath; lot lOOxlGU, corner bUi street; both streets paved and paid; all kinda of roses, shrubbery and bearing fruit; beautiful home location; best car service; land well worth the money: price $3 Sua GODOARP & WIKDRICK, 243 Stark 6t. FOR SALE 5-rooiu modern house, furnished up to date, basement, chicken-house and yard, woodshed, storage cellar, garden, lot 40x1-0, liO-foot alley, ienced, a beau tit uJ home; worth $200; If sold in 10 days, lJoO. half cash, balance time. Tremont Realty Co., Tremont, Mount Scott 3&r. Tabor 300. fcUNNYSIDE Strictly modern home; ail Improvements in; garage; Oth, near Bel mont; small payment, balance install ments; interest 0 per cent; 110 mortgage to assume; consider goo 4 lot or mortgage as .fli'st payment. Henry C. Prudhumme, Morgan bldg. LIST OF DESlKABLli HOMES. Before buying be sure to look at our list of brand new, exquisite homes In LAU RELHURST, the adidtion of beautifu. homes, ranging from $2500 up ; Laurei hurst Co.. 2704 Stark st.. or at tract of fice In Laurelhurst, E. 3uth and Glisan sts MUST sacrifice m beautiful home lu choicest part of IrVington; s room, sleep in? porch, hardwood floors and aii modern conveniences; cost me $7J0O; will sell for $500; mortgage $3500; will take good lot as part payment; a great snap. F 732, Oregonian. WHY PAY RENT, when you can b u ya 3-room bungalow with a bcautltul view lot on tile West Side, Dc faf e, tor only $000 ; $10 cash, lo per month. This is the best home value in Portland. M E. Lee, TiU5 Corbett bldg. 1GOX200 $M0O $10 down, tlo monthly, small house. Oregon City line, fine gulden laud in cul tivation, also 80x200 with house for $000. A. C. MARSTERS. 202 Wilcox Bldg Main 3ul7 A 740. Tauor 1770. 1 HAVE a nice little oottage on a lot with S bearing fruit trees which 1 will selt to a responsible, party for $7j0 on easy terms; 1 am the owner and can give you a goodbuy. Bee me at 512 Piatt bldg. TO sacrUlce for about price of lot. 4-room iiioueru nousc, nn corner lot, beautiiul lawn, roses and shrubbery, close to Al berta and Union ave, cars. Terma. Owner 1102 E. Oth N. ' IS DOWN, $20 month, which includes in terest, 3 rooms, bath, fireplace, butit-'H conveniences, fixtures, shades, cement sidewalks, restricted district. - Woodlawn 8712. EQUITY in bouse and lot; favorably lo cated; easy payments; will discount amount of equity for cash. Address room 518, Oregon iau bldg. BEAUTIFUL 7-room residence, new, mod ern, south of Mt, Tabor, 2 blocks from Hawthorne car, $;!S0u; easy terms, or wiii take clear lot. Owner. Tabor 3ua. SPECIAL Two lots, fine view, 3-room bun galow, 20 minutes car ride; best buy in Portland: $3o, $75 cash, $10 per - onth. 705 N. W. Bank bldg. MODERN u-room bungalow with fireplace and built in conveniences; fun basement; forced on the market at $1600; full par ticulars at 612 Piatt bidg. MY HOME AT PENINSULA PARK. 7-rooin, modern, on cariitie ; small down payment, bal. same as rent. JI 770, Ore gonlan. SKVK R AL FINE HO.M ES, IRVINCITUN, CHEAP UN E $1 7.00T) FOR $12,000. EAST i:73. W. II, HERD MAN. PO RTLAXD H EIGHTS Very cozy bunga -low. two beautiful wooded lots; now ouiy $4350; small payment down, balance easy . terms. See owner. 528 Morgan bldg. 5-ROOM mode.-n house at Multnomah; Bull Run waor and electric lights; a bargain at 1 "". T. G. Hnwley owner. Main 404U. For SALE The finest home in Irvington, 630 East 24th L-t. North. Call and see it. F. E. Bowman A Co. WILL sacrifice new 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, all modern conveniences -5U0. Owner. W 771, Oregonian ' I HAVE a nice 6-room house on lOOxloo, 10 bearing fruit trees. $900 if taken at once. See owner, 601 Corbett bldg. $2is50 NEW, modern double construcTed4 room bungalow at 130ti E. 13th st. North, $3(K cash, balance like rent. NOT a large ad, but a big bargain in a 5-room bungalow. Inquire at 123a Tilla mook at. SACRIFICE. $1950 New, modern 5-room bungalow. Rosy City Park. Owner, Tabor 2564. STRICTLY- modern bungalow, Hawthorne; will sell furniture and all; email casn payment, bal. easy; a bargain, itus 2d st. SWELL home, restricted, district, lot GOxlOO, 8-room modern house, garden, roses, room for garage. B H'.2:i after 6 p. M. FOR SALE New modern 6-room bungalow in Irvington. Unique In design and com plete In every detail. Phone E. 4545. FLANS $5 BUNGALOW PLAN BOOK. 10c A. H, FABER, ARCHITECT. 360 Ainsworth ave. Phone Woodiawn 294. WILL build 'to suit on easy terma; plana free of charge. L 603, Oregonian. NEW.modern, 12-room bouse, in Irvinatoa R. B. Rice. East 2432. " Suburban H o m e Pro pert y . I MUST SELL. ' Fine suburban home of 3 acres and absolutely modern 8-room residence, garage, artificial lake, rustic bridge 3 lare fountains, 142 bearing fruit trees, water plant, hot-water heat, barn, in cubator house and chicken coons, on mn. adam road near to 5c carlines, 7 mites from center of city; beautiful view of city and enow -capped mountains ; grounds could be made into the most beautiful landscape garden In the city. Give-away price $13,500; some terms. See owner at 01 j uerunger oiug. GIBSON- HALF-ACRES!1 Good soil, good water; close to carllne; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. fnone Marshall i;ss or Sellwood 476 JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. BEAUTIFUL home, 5 acres, large house, all varieties small fruit, large orchard, college town, 20 miles Portland; worth investigating. Mrs. J. W. Livingstone. For- e.nt Grove. Or. tt-KOOM bungalow, 1 14 acres of land, just outside of c'y limits of Salem; price $2f00; will trade for Portland lots to $1500, bal. terms. Address W. H. Dairy m pie, R. 1, Salem. Or. For Kale Acreage. I WILL sell any part of fine 20-acre tract, all in cultivation, on Oregon Electric R. R., 10 miles out. in Tualatin Valley, terms to suit; $225 per acre. See Handy, owner. 2u5 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 2t5. 4 3 ACRES Improved, with 6-room bunga low ; 1 acre fruit and berries, close in. 3 blocks to station: good terms to lighL party. W 775. Oregonian. 10 ACRES, ail In cultivation; choice land, near electric line; $125 per acre; half price. C 773, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. MET2UEK ACRE TRACTfa, METZGER ACRE TRACTS. - Come out and see METZGER ACRE TRACTS, which I am eelUng now at a great bargain ; concessions made to those who contemplate building homes. Only 25 minutes from Jefferson st. station, on the Oregon Eleetric Ry. Saleoi line) ; torn-' mutation fare, 0c Call at my office, 810 Oak st., Portland, or at Metzger Station. HERMAN METZGER. Owner. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, G res ham district, SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS. 4 mile electric station, $75. to $150 per acre; easy terms, best soil; free wood. Farm for bate, all sizes. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 309 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. $700 $20 CASH. $10 per month, buys a acre on the West Side, 5c "fure. On a large piece of ground like this you can raise all your vegetables, berries, chickens, etc., which Is the greater part of your living. if you are looking for a home site it would pay you to sea me. M, E. Leo. 505 Corbett bldg. STOP THAT RENT amd. buy a half-acre tract In city limits, level, cleared, Hull Run water, gas, 5-cent carfare; $lu down, $5 per month, Whltmer-Keily . Co., 711 Plttock blk. CHEAPEST acreage buy on the market, 3 to acres, nest, soli, running water; handy to car, close to city; $15 acre cash, bal ance to suit, long time. Main 1055. lioweateSMis. CANADIAN HOMESTEADS. J. N. Grieve, Canadian Immigration Agent, w ill be at Hotel Perkins, Wednes day this Week to meet people interested in Western Canada. For Sale 1 an T FAITM BARGAINS. SO r.cres, 2-rooin -bouse, barn, $1000. s 213 acres, lOo In cultivation, 50 arres more most ready; worth $U lor $3ti. 173 acres including stock and ma chinery, for $2200. 1 homestead filing fee for locat ing. $luo. One relinquishment of 160-acre homestead, $350. 40 acres, pay like rent. 200 acres fine land, one-half mile to good town, $50. "WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIONS. MORGAN & WALKER, Corvallis, Oregon. IO ACRES BEAUTIFUL BULL RUN FARM On electric line and main Bull Run autj road, house, barn, chicken-housa, woodshed and cows, hellers, pigs, chit-Kens, farm implements. crop now planted; good soil, fine view; price $1750, Including stock and equipment; $1000 rasa, balance terms; no trade. S. Hewey, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (2 10 Stark st.) 640 ACRES of first-class grain land near good town on the Canadian Pacific Rail way In Alberta. 2to acres under cultiva tion. Good build ingy. Abundance of splendid water. complete outfit of first class farm machinery, including pasoline engine and soparatur. Price $26,000: The sum of $6000 cash and the balance on good terms, or will exchange for fruit farm in Oregon. Ernest Phillips. 309 C. P. K. building, Edmonton. Alberta, $10.50 PER ACRE. IS. ouo acres at an average priced of $10.50, in Morrow County. See John Har. tog, M?r, R. ic. Dept. of HARTMAN & THOMPSON tlth 'and Stark, $12 PER ACRE WHEAT FARM. 100 a. of wheat land in Morrow Co., good location, 4 miles from town, land all about this valued at S4U0O per auartei section; 135 a. good tillable land, bal ance good, pasture; 3-rm. house, corrals, sheds, etc. Owner sacrificing to get half cash. bal. time to suit purchaser. D. M. Rohrbough. 2ti Stark st , at HARTMAN & THOMPSON FOUR, miles from Keiso, Cowllta Co., Wun, 100 acros pasture. 60 acres tillable land, 100 acres second-growth timber, house, silo. 2 barns, rent 500. cash: selling price $1 4,000; renter must buy 25 cowa and heifers. 25 stock cattle, 15 hogs, crop and Implements; requires $3000, J. H. Rogers, Lexington, Wash. TUCSON. ARIZ., FARMS. 12O0 acres irrigated laud, all in crops; divided Into 40-acre tracts or less and sold with the crop on easy payment plan; 10 per cent cash, balance over eight years, interest 6 per cent. Free literature at 724 Chamber of Conune r ce bid g., Po r 1 1 a 11 d. FOR SALE BY OWNEK near Oregon City, dairy farm. 80 acres, six cows, team, tools, gotKl house and barn ; will uko some --exchange. C. A. Rosecrans, Route 2, Box 6.- Oregon City, Oreg-on. THE NEW WAY. THE MODERN WAY. THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land. Are you Interested? if so write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN.. U Phelan bldg., San Francisco. C. M. WOODSTER, Pres. BAHUA 1 N 43 -acre dairy ranch, f ullv equiuped, 7 cows, No. 1 building, 1-3 river botiunij rest bench, all kinds of fruit, spring water piped in house; $3100, $lot.. time on rest. Bert Donaldson, owner. Castle Rock, -Wash. 72 ACRES. hou?e, barn, outbuildings, "or chard, fine "creek, stock and implements; 05 fa cultivation; part of crop now In; near Portlind; owner 111. must sell for $7750. half cash, balance easy. O. W. Br an. 5o9 Chamber of Commerce. 43-ACRE fruit farm, a bargain; good build ings two blocks from Courtney station, on Oregon City carline, easy terma. Owner, E. Tucholke, Sumner, Iowa. SO ACRES, partly fruit and partly rich bot tom land, cheap, near Oakland, Douglas Co., Or. Address Mrs. H. L. James, 1330 Third East, Salt Lake City, LTtab. WRITE for list of wh-at and alfalfa ranches. M. F1T.MAUR1 CE, Cond on. Or. WA3JTED REAL ESTATE. WANT to buy a four or five-room house ana not less man j acre of ground on Oregon city line on monthly payments, $ii or $25; must bo reasonable. A IS 771. Oreennhn. WANT residence to $3500; have some cash, a Portland iot, iQ acres land unincum bered and $1000 seller's contract; will aa- MU me 10 f ijv. 1 a DOT 4 33 j i-v r-.u larnis in exenune lor ood ""luii" iuluiiic j 1 ii peri y. i n-f tales . xciiiaiii oiug. t'none HOUSK in Rose City Park district; not .to exceed $4500; must be bargain; owners oni G 7 30, Oregonian. CASH for lot on Union ave. bet. Russell and Alberta sts. Must be low. G 770, Orego nian. AM in th market for a 7 to 9-room house in Portland Heights; mut be modern and a bargain. G 731, Oregonian. WANTED IO acres, close In, pa y ca s h. 2T2 Mohawk bldg. Mar. 1J5. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 35 a eras, all in cultivation, close in, cooa ouiiaing. x 11 tea up tor dairying, good potato land, reasonable to man mean ing business and can handle. Tabor 147. RENT A 40-acre rlairy farm, all In culti vation, good bul'.dins, close jn. V 771, Oreg nlnn. HOUSE and 6 acres on electric car. J. D. Morris. 1201 Northwest Bank bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS, 3 JO ACRES piling and taw timber, close to railroad and logging stream. J-4 miles from Portland. red jonnson. Atriie, or. JK. r D. 1. Mutual phone 2452. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN, a04 M'KAY BLDG, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 73U-ACRE stock and grain farm, 450 in cultivation, 10O more tillable, balance open timber; good, modern buildings, ciesr. Will exenange tor cny property. j. w. Joryan, ;o t nam. 01 1:0m. WILL exchange $40.00,0 of good corporation stock for an Oregon stock ranch or good wheat rarm. Hy owner. AF 767, Oregonian. FURNITURE 17 apis., modern brick build ing, valiu J2MI0; clear trade, clear house. sniitn-V nsoner Co., stock Fx. BUNG ALO W, 5 rooms, modern ; full-size lot: $3-5t. mtfire. $1250; equity for lots or acreage. j ft 4, oregonian. WANTED Ranch Tor irmpprv tor nr to ssnnn r tin nnn ior grocery store, aomg per aay, and well-located lots. 7jo, Oregonian. 6-RM. house, Alberta, clear; trade for acre age; vaiue 5vu. emitn- w agoner to.. Stock Ex. OKLAHOMA farm, city and oil land to trad for Washington or Oregon land. What have you? E. R. Walte, Mi aw nee, Okla. $47o '"ASM equity In fine lot; exchange for ciamonus. uman outo, or wnai nave you r owner. A3 am mo 1. WANT from ownef. 30 to 20 -room R. li ne ve lots and acreage to trade for same. AO tow, oregonian. TO EXCHANGE UEAJL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE. 0 ACRES, NEAR BASE LINE ROAD, Its MILES FROM "CITY LIMITS. 5 acres, all under cultivation. Bull Run water. This is A-l property. Formerly held at $5um; will ex change on basis of $3750. must be good value; mortgage of $1750, pay able $250 per year at 6 per cent. Will accept well-located vacant lots or small house for equit. If you want suburban home or gilt-edge invest ment, this is your opportunity. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. Ground floor, Henry Bldg. 62 ACRES STOCK CROP IMPLEMENTS 2o mi. from Portland, near Red Elec tric line and Yamhill town, 45 a. in cuitiv., bal. pasture. Somt timber, fine soli, woven wire fences, good &-rm. house, barn, tool house, workshop, woodshed. cblcknn. house, all In good condition, 6 horses, lios, cows, chickens and evry kind of farm imploment, in first -class condition : water piped into house and barn; price $1 1,000, no Incumbrance ; take $7000 ex change, in smaMl bungalow and goi vacant - lots, clear of incumbrance. bee S. Hewey, 2"0 Stark St., at HARTMAN A THOMPSON (200 Stnrk St.) FOR EX C H A NG E. WHEAT AND STOCK RANCHES. 2O00 to 12,hk acres, in Eastern Oregon. Wash ington and It la ho, for sale or exchange for income Portland property. TRNSTATES REALTY CO.. . 201-2 Par.ama Building. Phone Marshall 5374. HAVE three properties; a three-story brick apartnient-house, income 4'o; a down town business corner, income $1 0 ; a vacant q uarter. Two arc clear; will ex change all or part for farm up to $100, "n. o. W. Brvan. BOW Cham, of Com. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Houses and lots for improved farms in the valley. TKI-STATES REALTY CO., 20t-2 Panama Dulldlng. Phon Marshall 5374. 1041x100 6-ROOM house. practically new, shade, garden, fruit, chicken -ho use, threa Mocks from car; price $3500. free and clear. "Will exchange for improved acre age. - Weist. 12 Yeon bldg. HAVE clear lot to exchange for acreage, close in; might assume a little; lot is corner; befet In Westmoreland; price $1-00. Mr. Weist. S13 Yeon bldg. EXCHANGE 5 acres planted to walnuts and apples for auto or Portland property. AH 7 75, Oregonian. IRVINGTON HOME for exchange, B. M. Lombard, 250 3d. Main 5602. A 2892. FOR 8AJLK. Jiorie. Vehicles, Harnett, Etc. I WILL seil at public auction Wednesday, April 28, at 1 P. M., at the Nobby Sta - bles, 12th and Flanders sts., stock of horses, harness, buggies, wagons, every thing pertaiuing to a tirst-clasa livery and sales stables; 25 horses. 1 Morgan stal lion, 1 Shetland pony, 1 miich cow, 20 buggies, 2 surrlea, 1 hack. 5 farm wag ons, 7 set heavy names. 25 between sin gle and douole, light harness, 5 stock saddles, office fixtures, platiorm scales, tents, horse clippers; this stock and, rigs will all be sold for the high dollar, as 1 must vacate by the 1st, and there will be no reserve on anything, bale begins at 1 o'clock sharp. H. M. BilUns, uwner. F. McClelland, auctioneer. AUCTION ! AUCTION ! Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, avery Monday and Fr-day, lo A. M. ; ouiy strictly commission k.abies in the city ; consign uient sulicirfed. The McCleilana Horse Jk Mui Co.. 240 East 8th Bt. East 6315. FOUR head of 4-year-old geldings, sound, well-broken, and very blocky built, weigh ing about 13uo lbd. each; also some good well city broken; wagons, horse, which will Bell at a low price. Model Stables, 5th and Davis sts. COMMISSION AUCTION of horses, venicies, narneaa, wagons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 P, M. Colum bia Stables, 302 Front st. FOR SA LIS or T.rade for what you have, pure br-d l'ercheron stallion. AlC 73. l 'regonian. MOTORCYCLE to exchange for good work horse. St. Johns Ice He. Coal Co., St. Johns. Phone Col. 84. FOR SALE cheap 1 good black . horse, weighing 13uO lbs.; 2 small delivery horses ' weighing HOP lbs, each. a56 R usee 11 mu DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodiawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.25. I. Cohen, Water at. Main 220b. Main 6995. HOUSES FOR SALE Apply at 8 E. 7th su North. PASTURAGE for stock near Portland. Main 1410. PASTURE for stock adjoiuiug city. Phum Woodiawn 1006. 100O- LB. work hor&c, buggy and harness, $35; spring wagon. $5. 1501 East Ash. MUST sell good farm team, double harness and farm wagon. 1067 East Stak. pianos. Organ, anu Musii-al Instrument tt. FLAT-TOP DESK wanted in exchange for new phonograph and records. 531 E. 60th North. WANTED Player piano; must be standard make and cheap. Mar. 17.3. Furniture for Hale. FURNITURE of 6-room bouse, furnished, sii it able for cither housekeeping or single rooms, house well rented, centrally lo cated; must 811 at once, cash s:;0i. Call T2 N. 15th st., 2 blocks north of Washing ton st. CALL MAIN 5 7 UK, Mish Furniture Co.. IK 1st st. Complete line of new ajid second hand furniture, rugs, etc. we buy. sell or exchange GOOD furniture of 5 rooms, cheap; leaving city. 416 Eugene st. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. A GOOD airedale ia burglar proof. Laddix Kennels, Estacada, Or. Poultry. THOROUGH BRED baby chicks. Call at once. Tabor oi3. Livestock. REGISTERED Jersey bull, best blood lines, for sale. C. W. Altman, route -1, Portland, or phono Woodiawn 277L iF you bae a good beef cow for sale, call Tabor 2720. FRESH milch-cow for sale cheap. 2181 E. Glisan st. Automobiles. WE will pay cash for second-hand FORD CARS or trade new ones for them, cars sold on terms. Agents for Gray Davis Ford at ait Ing ana lighting system. BEN J. E. BOON- ft Ford Agents. CO, 514 Alder St. Phone Main 3960. Portland. Hilsboro. WINTON SIXES, thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt, in 4 and 7-passenger models; cars are fully equipped and carry guarantee of Win ton Motor Car Co. for one year ; be sure and see us before you buy a used car Liberal terms. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washington Sts. PORTABLK GARAGES. Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artistic designs, 10x16, $36 up, ereered complete, with lock and key ; im mediate delivery; also portable houses. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO., Foot cf Harrison St. Main 1167. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 10x16, best materials, erected on your lot. complete $32 up. Any other style you w ant at prices that can't be beat. B. r. Allyn, Garage Specialist, 1181 E. Salmon st. Tabor 194. FOR SALE Pierce-Arrow automobile, lata lull model. first-clasa condition been uspJ by small family now moved East Telephone East 8413, will arrange to show car and give further details. AF 709, Oregonian. 6-C YL1NDER Pierce-Arrow, 7-passenger, in tine inecnanical condition, good tires, seat covers, some cash or small car as part payment ; liberal terma on balance. WIN TON MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washing tun sts. - - BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder. I WILL pay cash for late model Fords, Overlands. Studebaker and Buick cars. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., East 13th and Hawthorne ave. WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid. J. Lave, 186 Columbia. Main 51U8. 5-FASSENGER Buick, good condition, $350. W IN TON MOTOR C A It C O., 23d and Washington Sts. HAVE clear lot to trade for good auto. What have you ? Must be good. Price $100(. S12 Yeon bldg. Main 163. BEFORE you buy or sell your car see East Side Auto Repair Co.. 717 Hawthorn e. FOR HIRE, $1.25 per hour, 5-passenger 1914 FORD. Phone Woodiawn 140, FOB 6 AXE. Automobile SPRING CLEARANCE SALE ON USED QUALITY CARS. AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO .PURCHASE A REAL AUTOMOBILE AT BARGAIN PRICE. WE HAVE FOR SALE 'THIS WEEK.: PACKARD 18 5-Passenger. " PACKARD 3 2-Pasaengr. PACKARD SO 5-Passenger. PACKARD 88 6-cyl., 6-Paesenger. PACKARD 6-cyl.. 6-Passenger. PACKARD 30 7-Passenger Limousine. FRANK C. RIGGS COMPANY, " 23D AND WASHINGTON STREETS. PHONE MAIN 4542. USED AUTO SNAPS. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We offer you the following list of used cars for your approval. Free servlc given on all used cars; Cole 5-psss., 40-b.p.. electric starter and lights, la first-class condition i late model; $1125. Cole 7-pass.. H-cyl., electric starter and lfghts, first-class condition; late model; $1325. Chalmers 3-paas., 30-h.p., good condi tion, $475. m Michigan 3-pass., 33-h.p., good condi tion, $575. Cole G-pass.. BO-h.p., rebuilt, only $500. Several others to select from. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. Main A 4959. PACKARD 1914 SIX CYLINDER. Fuhy equipped, electric starter and lights, extra tires and rims, one man top; Just been painted. Bast buy In the city. FRANK C. RIGGS CO., 23d and W'asbington St. and Cornell Road. Phoue Main 4542, CHALMERS, 5-PASSENGER. Fore doois, newly painted. 1911 modal, good tires. A real bargain at $400. FRANK C. RIGGS CO., 23d and Washington st. and Cornell Road. Phone Main 4542. FOR OS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 3 014 Ford, 5-pass., $305. 1914 Ford. 5-pass., $305. . 1013 Ford, 5-pass., $350. 1914 Ford, roadster, Stromberg carbure- lui anu v noneycomp raaiaior, price $3io. 1912 Cadillac. 5-pass.. 7S5 3014 Buick, 25, roadster, electric lights ana starter, praciicaitv brand new, $750. V KA.m. lo MU I UK t-'AR EX.. E. 1109. E. 33th and Hawthorne ave. Now is the time to put new fenders on your car ior the coming seas n. I have a nun. ber of new ferwl is to be sold cheue lu qul-e for Gerber. 501 Abler st. PACKARD. 3-ton used truck, mechanically jienecL. cneap. jv oregonian. 1914 2-SPEED electric equipped Indian; chtap. 630 E. 8th st., eor. Deacon. -rA&. tnton Six, Just overhauled. Main Automobiles Wanted. W1'L exchange 40 acre of good land in forks of Deschutes River, value $looo, for 5-passenger cr fn first-class condition. Box 245, Bend. Or. W 1 i.L exchange In acres unimproved level land, 2s milei fioin Portland, for small light auto. BF 777. Oregonian. WANTED A flve-passensr Ford. J 013 or 1914, have a $350 first mortgage and soma cash. AD 707. O re g o n i a n. 20 ACRES. Manon Co., Wash., unincumbered, to trade for first-class automobile. AF 764, Oregonian. CLEAR acreage Skamania County, Wash., for small car Tn good Condition, phone Tabor god m.a-nlngs. HAVE clear lot to trade for good aula What have you? Must be good Price $10o0. Sla Yeon bldg. Main 13. WILL trade $3&l) mahogany piano for auto mobile. M, H. Calef, 548 Williams, East $417. WANTED A second-hand Ford automobile. Apply 711 Pittock block. Phone Main 144S. Motorcycle. TWIN J N DIAN Equipped lst-class condl tion. $1M. Marshall 4073. MOTORCYCLE, $20 down $o per week. 22$ Second st. Auto Tires and Acceasorlea. SAFETY auto light dimmer lenses put on by Portland Art Glaaw Works, 543 Mad ison st. Main 9392. Machinery PUMPING STATION, with tower, tank, ma chinery, pump and engine, which I will sell at a sacrifice or trade for anything 1 could use; will take real estate. See me at 512 Piatt bldg. for particulars. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, 86 Broadway, Portland, Or. WE save you from 50 to 7S per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wtao, IL TYPEWRITER If you have a good one and want to get rid of It on trade or cash bargain, see me at 613 Piatt bldg. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10tV$65. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 262 Stark at. Main 5528. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. 281 Stark st. Main 14v7. M tee Uaneoo. GUARANTEED' DAHLIAS. All the bent types at $1.65 per dosen, prepaid. Address Cumminga Dahlia Gard ens, Hpppner, Oregon. 25 1KU.N wheelbarrows for dirt or cement work for SI.TrO each and one good 4 -inch wat;on for $15. and a fine delivery wagon for grocery cheap. 597 Williams ave. BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling allevs and accessories; easy payments, ink Brunswick-Baike Collender Co.. 46-48 5th. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sale or rent. $2 up. Sawing Machine ' Emporium, 190 3d SL. near Taylor. Mala 9481, A 8628. DIAMOND cylinder press, with power at tachments and chases; used 9 months; good as new; will sell for $250. Particulars on request. Address AV lo4, Oregonian. HuCHFELD'S Camera Exchange, 85 3d st. Highest prices paid for Kodaks, cameras and lenses. Bargains lu s lightly used cameras. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon, per gallon. $1.65. Portiana Paint Co.. 230 Front at. Marshall 100. VI SIDLE typewriters rented 8 montiia for $4; convenient at home; delivered any where. 244 Stark st. Phone Main 6J73. 24-INCH lathe, rollers, heavy or light metal, shears, air compressor, hand tools. Addresa B. Trenkman, 535 College st. SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS. Phone Marshall 774. 1 BUY men s and ladies' second-hand clothes, pay highest prices. Call Marshall 8932. FOR SALE Invalid chair, rubber tires, as good as new. $20. Phone East 4854. THREE acts of double harness. East 6th and Clay. Zeigler A Misner. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co., Portland. NEW 26-foot launch hull for sale. O. P. Graham. Foot Aberaethy et. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale price. Stark-Davis Co., 212 8d st. Main 79T. SAFES. SAFES. Tie Moflcr SP-fe Co.. 264 Stark st. TAILOR'S three-panel mirror for sale cheap. Main 4031. BABY crlh and mattress for sale. Phone Ta bor 6r4i; $4.0O. TWO hot-air furnaces, first-clasa conditlou, a snap. Phone Mar, 902. FOB 8AXE- M bccllaneus. $'.,'J5. 10. $225. 10. $223, 201r. 4-room house and lot 63x143. at Lenta, valued $050. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE CHEAP, second-hand hot-air iurnace. Write or call Willamette Iron 4b Stel Works. CASH registers. National, slightly used. Typewriter Exchange, 351V. Washington sl. WAlSTEIr MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTH IN G We pay Jii-ht cash price for lad us and, gents' castotf clothing, bicycles and everything In merchandise. Call us up. We need it and will pay for it. GLOBE STORE. 283 First St.. Main 2US0. Main 2080. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. J. aiEYJsiR. THE IA11.UK, PAYS yntu aiwn. EST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES. WE CALL PROMPTLY. THE RE LIABLE BUYER. Main 7573. 247 Madison. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy ot sell household goods or anythlna; In tno hardware lina, call the Levin Hardware Furniture Cj., 221 Fruut. Fnou A 7174, Main 9072. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION i KLINE'S, EAST 7169. 87 GRAND AVE. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FO R FL'KSl T U R E, CLO fiilXO O R OTHKn MERCHANDISE. I NEED AT. HIGHEST PRICES. MAIN 431T. W. A. COVELL will pay the beet price for your second-hand xurnltura. Plume Mar. 5947. 211 2d at near Taylor. 1 WANT to trade, sell or buy tobacco and ail other coupons. Nelson, 44 N. 1st iu Phone Main 3S75. MUST have second-hand t urnltura ; alao give new for old. "Fair play." East 417. M. H. Calef, &4S Williams. 2D-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don't give tt sway. Get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co., 182 1st. Main 4773. DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House, l'4 2d st. Marshall 4788. WANTED Wheelbarrows, uboul 1 dozen, second -hand. Phone Mnin WANT JlO.tJuO used furniture; pay good prices ; starting new more. Sell wood 1682. WANTED Excavating and team work. Phone East 4804. O 1477. WANT stock of furniture and men's dom ing; highest cash price. Marshall 587. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty parlors. 400 pefaum bldg WANTED Phonograph and records; must be cheap. Tabor 246S. Call 212 First. HELP WANT ED MALE. EMPLOYMIiNT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A, Record 1914: ' Calls for men from employers 1792 ' positions ruiea ion The service of this department is free to all memben of the Association. To von-members a special Employment Mem bership is Issued, costing $5 per annum, giving the service of tha Department for by year, two months' fuli privileges and a refund of the membership fee if satisfac tory employment is not secured. All young men seeking employment in Clerical, Technical or Commercial lines or dHiring counsel or advice are cordially in vited to consult the Advisory aud Employ- ns e n t Secretary. WANTED OLD AND WELL ESTAB LISHED MAM' F A C T U RING CO N C E R N REQUIRES SERVICES OF BRIGHT. AG GRESSIVE, WELL-APPEARING YOUNG MAN AS TRAVELING SALES REPRE SENTATIVE; ONE WITH PREVIOUS SELLING EXPERIENCE PREFERRED: IF YOU" DESIRE CONNECTIONS WITH A RELIABLE CONCERN WITH EX CELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR AD VANCEMENT. REPLY, GIVING AGE AND EXPERIENCE TO BOX AV 117, OREGONIAN. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and ulght instruction in repairing, driving, sailing and machine work, lnclud In&r lore a. lathe. bhapar. drill press, etc Moderate charges. Fair dealing aud ex port training. Time unlimited. Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu cational office, Y. M. C. A. bldg., and secure pass entitling you to Inspect our en op and methods. 5O0 MEN WANTED to wear guaranteed, high - grade ready - to - wear suits; $20 ineu's suits for $14.73; $25 men's suits for $is. 7j. Jimmy Dunn, 315-16-17 oreguniau bldg. Elevator to 3d floor. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND, EAST 23D AND MORRISON. - A complete course of automobile in struction, including machine shop work, by expert instructors. LOOK US Up XEKORE ENROLLING KUKWUf.KE. Take Mb Tabor or "SS" car to 23d at. MEN'S PANTS. Buy your trousers where your mony goea into tha garment and not for h igh rent and big overhead expanae. Priced at $2.50, $3 and S3.50. Jimmy Dunn. 315-16-17 oregonian Bldg. Elevator to 3d floor. -MALL INVESTMENT, GOOD POSITION -at fair salary to start with; to right man, office worn or neld work; position open now; act quick; state in first letter tiow much money you have to Invest aud your qualifications. Co-operative Land Co lo ni si t ton Dept., box 510, LewiHtou, Idaho. WANTED Four single young men to travel ana solicit witn manager; good money, also change for promotion for right par ties; tho?e accustomed to country pepl preierreu ; experience not necessary ; reply own nand writing, stating experience aud present occupat Ion. A R i"', Oregonian. USE spare time to build up mall order business of own; we help you start Cor shar j in profits. 27 opportunities. ' Par ticulars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buf falo, N. Y. RESPONSI BUE man to handle our auto matic darner. Send 25 cent a for sample, A pply by letter only, giving references. Thus la a money-maker. Automatic I )h rner Co., 824 Colon tal ave. PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOpL. Booklet free. 26-2S8 11th fit. FREE TRIAL BEFORE ENROLLMENT. ABLE-BODIED men to prepare for firemen. brakeruun; $120 inonUii ; positions ob tained free. Railway Asociaiion, Orego man. CASH advanced you weekly selling m hardy guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory; hustlers make money Washington Nursery Co., lopp.ntsh, wun. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trade in K weeks ; tools free; position g uarunteed paid while learning. 2 J 2 2d, near Main. WANT ED Window frame maker a ho is capable of doin his own mar h In work, no ot hers ne-jl apply. Acm Planing Mill co., t;a-t .oaK ana water sts. MA RKER on chain, marl led man. $3 ; Ut lumber pliors, S edea, $2,50 ; door patch era, must have tools. $2.25 to $3.25. Pa clfic Employment Company, 222 Cuuch st AGENTS WANTED to sell business chnncea busy office. Your chance to .make $100 pel mouth, lnvestmeut $50, secured. 3 or pheum bldg. YOUNG man with some experience lu rota 11 hard ware ; firat -class reconimenda tions re- q ulred. Moderate wages to begin. AK 72 J. ore soman. FIRST-CLASS salesman for high-grade proposition; give re Terences, phono sium ber. H 77. Oreg.- nan. YOUNG man for Salem office; surety bond good future; mt have $75 to finance sell; rers. ois mock t-xenange oiog. EX PERIENCED sheepherders want Job. write Fran i'uios. ein, Portland. Oregon. MAN and wife to do janitor work for apart ment and small salary. Call 512' Royal bldg., Morrison ana -trroaaway, z to 3 p. al TWO live specialty salesmen wanted for city. established business. Call at 351 E. Morri son et, i W ELL-LOCATED mechanical repair shop. Owner leaving city; $35t. Apply 769, Oregonian. W aVNTED Two salesmen ; must be h us tiers and of good appearance. 418 Oregonian bmg., a P. M. WANTED Good men to handle business and make money; to aeil and handle county rights. G.l tith st WANTED At once, man to learn auto re pairing and driving. Call at Hawthorn Garage. 44J nawtnorne ave., cor. tn. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com. mission paid, barony Studio, Royal bldg LEARN to operate moving pictures lu thea ter; small fee required. 232 First. ASSISTANT buehelman. K. S. Ervln &. Co., Ltd., Selling bldg. W A NTED Organizers, benevolent order. 203 Franklin Hotel. WANTED Partner for general repair shop. 3-o .Main Et. anu c-tn. MAN, with rig, to iiedd le bakery goods, something new. 22 E. 56th North. Help Wanteds A g eat a. YOU'LL never get rich working for othara. Why not start a cleaning and dyeine business ? Wa start you right. No pre vious experience necessary: but small cap ital required. Big profits in this great, re order business, TTull details free. Whit Wonder Company. 228 National Safety Vault bldg., Denver, Colo. AGENTS $8 to $10 a day selling 1813 spa ciaL, Van Dyke Studio, 4ui Wash, aw HELP V A N T EI M A I. K. Help Wanted a Ira men. WANTED 25 axrwricnoed tea and coffee houie-to-iioaan n lew men for old nnI new territory. V e have the b-t hiufl-t-houM propoftittou in our line on the Oortt and only want men a. ho are busineaa getters. Nne othfr owed apply. We alw want an experienced tea and coffee WMgon sales man tor new territory. Apply at Idea Tea Co., 711 Union ave. N. WANTED Young unmaried man to travel and learn good paying busine. 1 1 i i Royal bldg.. from 10 i 11 A. M. today. HKLP WAMU -f KM A I.E. MAN AND WIFE, woman to rook, man to akiKt lu houre and care f or law n. $9-' . ge.iei al houae work. out of d' v, ; inarnbermald, 825 and room Hansen's Eni;lo meut, 34" W a-h.. Room 7, 'ANTED Thoroughly competent maid for general hoube w ark ; good phi in cook and be willing to work. Permanent to right person. Call loreuoons. Tjke W. car. traiieter to N futuvrr lerraee, .ft orpi". WAN J ED Exprrie-ncrd girl f'r general housework. A jql v between 0 and 11 o'clock ail 12 18 Thurmaii st. Tel. Mam 22it. WANTED Young lady tor companion and help with work, family or .t. iu apitit-ment- Must go home nights part of time. Call Mn in 3535. WAN TED t'ai.asifl gi 1 or wnnian to r i e for cl:lldr .i and assist with Itotifework. Apply between and 11 at 1148 Thurman mt. Tel Mnin 22s. W'OM A N wanted for general house w or k; m ust be a good conk and f urn tnh refer ences. Applv 732 Hancock or phono East loos or C 2M5. W ANTED Won1 en for Government Jobs, $70 month Writs immed lately for Mat Po sitions obtainable. Franklin Institute, 7u4 1 .. Rochente-. N. Y. HE 1.1 A RLE gil l for f neral housework and cooking; alao help rare for children; mut h competent ; references required. Phone Tabor 4353 WANTED A competent upstairs or second girl who is ail experienced wewor, must have bst references; no tri-T ncd ap ply 14 North 20th st. "W car. OJKI.K to learn beamy culture; roiritnlumn while learning. Geneva L. Reilly, fcl4 Abington bldg. MRS 1! IN SD ALE' HUSIXKStj srilOOU 602 KmpreHi bldg. Personal instruction; positions when competent. OLD-ESTABLISH ED firm ncwds rliab.s womun, ov.r 25 years, for position of trust. AP 766. Oregonian. WANTED Girl tor light houewoik, f-mliy of 2; must be good cook; l,ei $4 per week. Ciil 555 E. Duvth. AT ONCE, lady masseur, sit uulioti perma nent to right party. Addica Wnu lioa erts. Weiscr, Idaho. gTkL to attend baby and atrial housework; dmall wages. 84 E. 14tu North, utar Broadway. Ct K. x:;."., family; second wot k. f',; liuMork. $15 to $40. m, Txiula Lade A geiiey. 2S Main A 7175, Main 2":i:'. PR JGit ESS I V E P L SI N EfcfS COLL EG E. All modern business ro arses $5 ino. Positions w.en competent. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Ladies to demoiiKtrate in city and on ro-d; rt-tdcntal wiulw $J and up. illlj LUIUIIMl.l UIU. W A NTEl Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Company 42J pit tor k block, 383 Washington at. HoUS .TTlii ' E 1 hea a 1 . y . with references, a a good cook for bachelor's apartments. Apply 1.04 Stevens bidg., Tuepnuy I'. M. gTi.I. to ex liBii;e light h- rvl' ' for xjo1 To; Kxerett, liut H. .Vum I7i". WaTsT HiJLPER Apply 508 FUtock b;k., 8 to lo. GIRL to hm!hI mother for board and loom and nmn!l wages. laln f 1 4 ". Gi KL to aui.t Kact 17ih st. with light hounen ork. 450 N en-ih ; Irvington car. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. Dekum blrig. Sanitary Parlors. 4U MIDDLE-AGED lady to nnsisl lth house work, s 1 1 1 a 1 1 w age j 7 6 0 Gunt enbem. MTsS MAT T ING L Y S SCHOOL Shorthand. Typewriting. 2'-9 14th, near Jeff. Mn. 33. W A I - T limshen with Ing thop expert nee; a I so h ;-r,,'"ht want ed. -i .1 .t "rrli"n. WoMAN wanted to atsit hou.-ewoik. 0i6 Eerett at- with g cneial GOOD neat girl f.r housework. 5 Love Joy, bet. 2'.'th and lst. BOOKKEEPER, stenographers and dlata phene operators. 8"! N. W. Bank bldg. WAITRESS wont 03 Russell st. HELP WANTED MAI K OR FKMALR. MEN and WOMEN to I- arn the baruar trade, earn from $13 to $25 per week, tui tion reduced, paid while learning; positions secured- write for free catalogue. The Moler Systen. of Colleges. Ad. 48 N. 2d. HELP WANT EI M I ST E LLAX EO t' . OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the barber trade hi 8 weeks; positions guaranteed ; too; free, paid v. hiie learning ; modern method t -aching; tuition reuueed. 2-3 Madiboii. RAILWAY mail clarks, p. O. clerks, car riers, exam, soon ; parcel pout demands many more clerks ; act at once. i'acU lu btate ScQoola, McKay INT KHN AT ION A L Correspondency Sahools fach salesmanship, also 25 other course J. rree catalog. 2"2 McKay bldg. WANTED Names of men. 18 or over, wish ing Government Jobs. $oA month ; no jiuii necessary. AV 743. Oregonian. SITUATIONS W N'TEI MALE. itookkeeers and C'lerka. KKL1 AbLK oung man, good pviiiuun. waiua position lu accounting dept., corpora t!u or w holej.;ilt. house; loal exp.-rhriicc ; moderate. Hilary. AD 77', orotontan. BOO K K EEI'E R and lumber tal i man v. ants work ; w 111 take any work, 1 capauiu ol doing. Main 751, A 1517. MlM-eilanrotia. EX HKK1 ENc'ED ganl'invr. w it bout tools, wants lawn and garden work. Phone Main 5430. W. S. Kagsdaie. MARRIED man wants work of any kind; experienced chauffeur. repairman; will give reference, K 767, Orxonlan. YOUNG Japanese cook. 6 year' experience;, wants work, private family. P. O. box 125, city. JAPAN ESE. young man. a ltd w it o, w auis work. c-jjJ family or farmer. 1. aaoia. 53.1 Delay nt., 1'ortland. W ANTED Posiiiou by man and wife. Jan itor, apt.-hotifte; experienced; best ruier eio es. Tntor 546. MAN and wife want work on ran-'h ; man experienced with liuwei and wife good cook. W 770. Oregoiuau. YOUNG Japanese bov wants position In a private family, cooklng and housework, in eit y or o u it try. AH 77o, Ornonlan, ECONf iM IC A L camp cook, and wife, v. an i s poKition in logging camp. King. Muln S'.i7 5. EN PERIENCED painter and kalsoimnet wants work of hmv kind; hao futntly. Phone Hell wood 1 h'.hI. CARPENTER and contractor, all kinds of butlamg work, enblnet and f!nther a cpe cUtlty. w ;i nli work. Main 7'51. A 1517. Vol ,i MAN, ex perlenced n rl cr and ele vator man, desires pomtl'm. Muin 7051, A 1517. MARRIED MAN wants pb-k and shovel ork or garden log : experienced ; a lno roigh rnrpfiiipr. Main 7'"'1. A I " 1 7. SHOEMAKER by trade desires woik, runs sanoer machine in null. will take any kind of day work. Vain 7""'t. A I il7. MAN wants houe-leaning or janitor work. Mal.i 7i'.-,l. A 1517. SPE "I AL Instructions tn pyi ogi-i;'liJ ; loas QTiHble rat-s. Main 7051. A fi!7. JAPANESE boy wants situation to do charn berwork or jrorter. R 773, Oregonian. CA HP ENTER foreman wants work, day or contract. 6Q14 41HI i wt. S. K. M nln 6-73. A MAN of ."7 wiiiits fieudy w oi k ut chuie -rk. V 77U ore Tc.iitnn. JAi'ANKSK c""d couple v ant p -it ion, any kind tf work. T 772. oreuonian. GA RDENER wants position; ances. L 764, Oregonian. good refer- YOL'XO Japan ore wants posit Un na cook iu private family. AH 771, Oregonian. FI RST-CLASS cake baker wants position, city or country. K 770, Oregonian. CARPENTER, wants repair work; s'rans made. Oleun. 52H Market. Mar. 41)18. JAPANESE Boy Wiinu po In ap.irtiU'iit. V 772, On -t t ton, hiusawork, yonlun. Carp-mer. practical, framing, finishing r stair work. Particulars a" 774. oregonian. MAN wants paint Ing, tinting. griidlitK yard f housncleaning. lawn work. A 1575. room 17 JAPANESE city. A 7 ny wants any kind of work in '2. Oregonian. HITL'ATIOXS WANTED FEMALE. Book eers and .Stenographer. AT BOOKKEEPER and cashier wishes po slt - on ; w iil leav e cui retei ence. Mar shall 4753. O. K. atenograimer. d. k. and dictaphone operator wants pen.ianent or aubatltute work. M. 2817. SI l-TNO IKAI'illwl; expert In legal and com mercial work; IO yearfr ex p" rierw-e ; ca paMe and :u.-f urate, p. 772. Orfcinmn. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants all-day or half-day position; stencil work alao. Marshall 46JL I