14 TUTS MORNING OTtEGONIAX, TUESDAY APRIL 20, 1913. fell 'CATIONS ffAM'KI) MALE. Hook keepers and Clerks. IOUNG MAX capable of doing: any lilnd of office work. Experienced In lumber espe cially. Can operate ty pew rlter. assist at bookkeeping. etc, AC 730, Oregonian. MtHcellaneoua. II V chauf feur A nicrlcan. 27 years old. w ith 10 yea rs' cx pe rleiice on Pie. n-e- Arrow and Stevcns-Durj ea cars, desires position on private var; no toliacco or liquor ; honest and ubaolutely reliable; raid ul driver, corn lie tent to keep in repair any first -clnw A m er lean car. Juwt returned from i oil i ln So. Cu llforniR: local ret erenctn; know local roads to city. Permanent po sition and good home desired ratlier than high salary ; hao no objection to oUier work. R 732, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Kroner nunts position; rjea, cat nations and pot plants, good designer, competent to take charge, inferences. A K 730. OrcRontau. MAN with family wants any kind of work, can drive auto, willing to do anything, well acquainted with city, references. Ail 7 tit!, UregnntH n. IA X and wifo want work on ranch. Exp. Addict A. Ul.soa, 407 Jett'tudou st. Phone Main ti;s4. Id A RR1EO man, true to home and country. wants work as teamster iu the city. Phone feast 7Q32. VOt'Ntr MAN, 110, inechauie by trade, de-sires work in private home caring for garden ; references. Main 7031 or A 1317. FIKST-CLASri cook, wife helper, want work, hotel or camp; references. Hox 257, Pomeroy, Waph. MAX, good short-order or camp cook, want work ; wlfo will assist. Main 7031 or A 1317. OOOD MAN, hand, can do caipentery and pa in tins; small wacca acceptable. AH 7 3K, Oregon I n. Bl'TTEKMAXKK, Suits, with umall family; have 1- years' experience: best of refer ences. John Sidler. Milwaukic. Or. CAKPENTICR. builder, remodeling, experi enced manager; might consider part cx change, l'hono Sell wood 1665. ENPERIENCED man, 2S, wants ranch work. Robert Alexander, Stand isli Hotel, l'ort land. Or. Main 3003. T1NSM ITH t Swede) wants work : S years experience, o. Johnson, ;i42 Clay Ft. KKMABIjK boy. 10. with wheel, winhes nny kind work. Rest references. WoodTn. 27.'tS. CAKPNT lii; and cabinet - maker work by day or contract. 174 E. titli. East 'Jill". UAUPKNT K R made. OLion. ants repair , work ; screens 32S Market. Mar. 401 S. EXPERIENCED boy of 15 wauti work on farm. East 1212. A 741, Oregonian. SITUATIONS 1YANTEP FEMALE. BookkeeHT and Stenographers. JiIIOULK-AGKU woman desires work In of fice. Has had experience as assist, book keeper. Also was school teacher for 2ii years; references. Main 7031 or A 1517. GENERAL office girl, experienced book keeper and htcnofjraphcr, closest attention to every detail; prefer inanufaeturer'a of fice. Phone Marshall til 20. Ask for No. 412. K sTenographer, b. k. and dictaphone operator wants permanent or substitute work. M. 2817. KX PERIENCED r liable- bookkeeper and stenoKrapher desires position. Main S0U5. all It to u. EXPKUT law stenographer, seven years in Govern in en t service, desires position with law firm July 1. AK 751, Oregonian. EX PERIENCED stenographer wants half day position. Marshall 4 SI.- STENOGRAPH E R desires position, perma nent or temporary. Phone Main 3290. Dressmaker. WANT ED Dressmaking and lad lea' tailor inn; suits and coats a specialty, at your home or mine: best of reference. Mrs. O. Jtoldon, Main 3904. TAILORED suits my specialty. Evening gowns, fancy waists, Uo7 Northwest bldg., 0th and Washington. Main 0155. "WIDOW under 40 wishes position In gentle man's home; nood cook and seamtklress; fine with children. M ai nji f FASHIONA RLE dressmaking reasonable, home or day. 301 Buchanan. Main 9513. DUKSSM A KING or plain sewing, reasonable. Mar. 540;:. Apt. s. EXPERlKNt'ED practical nurse wishes more euga geinents, best of reference. Tel. Columbia 20S. "WILL give the best of care to sick person or Invalid ; pleasant, airy rooms; reason able. Kast 1 775. 55 E. USth at. lit A (.'TIC A I nurse wants position to take care of children. E. 4732. NTKSK wants confinement cases; references. Main fi:U. IP you are thinking of Tallinn a nurse, call Sellwood 74:t for reduced rates. WIDDLK - AGICD practical nurse. doctors' re f ounces; reasonable. jVlain 6h-"7. JIonsekeeier. WANTKU By capable gentlewoman, posi tion as managing housekeeper in sent te nia nM home or institution. AB 750, Ore Koniitn. POSITION by mother as housekeeper or cook in small hotel or country home. Daughter second work ; hot h competent; references. A K 7 3a, Oregonian. lorNti Scandinavian giii wants to assist with housework and care of children. "R 7 oil, O r e p on i a n , EASTERN lady, good cook and neat house keeper, wishea position in widower's fain tly. Marshall 807. lomeMtic. HILll,b;-A(iKD woman desires work. la handy with needle and infants' clothes. Also care of children. References. Main 7031 or A 1517. EXPEUIKNCKD girl wishes position in Ren era 1 housework. Willing to go to seaside. Phone Main 34. MOTHER and daughter wish general house work and cooking, together; no objection to going nut of town. H(! 7-"7. Oregonian. POI-1SH girl, talks broken English, wants work; housework: preferred. inquire 01 L'fr.;th wt. N. Win. Peeterman. il V experienced lady, cooking in camp or on big ranch. C 7.'7. Oregonian. SWEDISH girl wants housework. -013 E. Taylor st. I ' SlTION as manicurist in barber shop. Sellwood V.ifcfl. X EAT, experienced girl, housework ; good wages; city references. A 7175. Main -039. ANY kind liht work, by iniddle-aed lady, board, room, small wages. Main ,"ill7. Mice llaneoua MIDDLE-AGED woman desires house-clean, ing and ironing: wages "3 cents per hour; four children to support. Main 7051 or A 1317. XEAT WOMAN wishes position In plain fam ilv or as chamber-maid in hotel. Sellwood 70 1. UX PERI ENC'ED w oman wants day work, washing, ironing, cleaning. Main 0;;9, A 7173. M 1DDL.E-AGED woman d&stres work carina of children. Mas been a school teacher for li years; references. Main 7031 or A 1517. NEAT, reliable woman wants employment durinff day; chamber work, sew ing. etc. ; references. Main 7'131 or A 1317. KX PERXEXCKD coloreil plrl w ants day work or chamber work. Main li51Q. A WIDOW, good worker, wants washing or cleaning. Tabor liT-3. THOROUGHLY competent laundress wants work Tues., Thurs. References. Wd. Toil. GERMAN woman wants work by day. Phone Woodlawn 10i'. WASHING or cleaning, dy or hour. Kast 0 4 3U . . EXPERIENCED German laundress wants lay work. Tabor 430S. POSITION as working companion or as nurse ami companion. AD 731. Oregonian. YOUNG woman must have any kind of work today. Phone Marshall RI1. COLORED woman wishes day work. Phone Woodlawn 4130. "WASHING, housecleaniug. etc., by strong woman, experienced. Room 19. Main -387, EXPERIENCED manicurist wishes position in barber shop. Phono Mar. Ooii. room 422. CHILDREN to care for afternoons or even lngg. Phone East C282. LACE curtains washed and stretched; It years experience. Mrs. Scott. Tabor 5033. COMPETENT woman wants day work. Phone Woodlawn 1 372. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work in country or small town. Call East 3001. YOUNG woman wants work, cashier, wait ress, saleslady or chamherwork. East 5QQ1. GOOD laundress wants work, washing and ironing, by day or hour. Tabor 3u7t. WANTED TO REN1 Houses. STRICTLY modern unfurnished houses. In desirable neighborhoods. East and West Side. Responsible, neonlo applying every dy for homes, which our present listings cam not yupoly. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE, 2h2 TIG & Trust Bldg. ' Main 312". A 7617. ApartincntM. W ANTED To rent room In jtood residential section, within 1!i minutes on earllne; please des' 1 ibe room and give price per week. Y 763. Oregonian. lOK RENT. -Furnished Rooms. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, ft 3 J a Washington tit. New, fireproof, desirable location and respectable; all outside, clean, well-furnished rooms, with every modern conven ience, 30c day up; $-.50 week up. HOTEL ROWLAND AND ANNEX, 'J07 la yoyi.i 4th. MODERN JT1 REPROOF iCl EDI NO. C E N T RALLY LOCATED. StlMMER RATES NOW UN. IlOOMS l AND LP. BRING THIS AD TO APPLY SI ON PIRST MONTH'S RENT. HOTEL. ARTHUR. Eleven th,' bet ween Morrison and Yamhill. Cai s direct from depot ; desirably located and respectable ; clean, w arm and cosy rooms with every modern convenience. Rotes: $l and 1.0u; weekly, 1 and up. 1 1 OTEL BLACK.STO N E. Corner iith and Stark, week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no extra charjica for two in a room ; room and bath il day; transient solicited. "BUSINESS IS GOOD." LIVE AT THE FRANKLIN. WASHINGTON ST. AT 13TH. .'4 HRS. SERVICE; MODERN, ouc DAY LP. WEEK -'.3 UP. YOUNG men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C A., listing several hundred in ail parts of the city, also those in the Association build ing. HOTEL OCKLLKY. Morrison st., at 10th Central location; REDUCED R.tTES, &0o per day up; week . ly, $-."0 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths; steam heat. HOTEL FORD, 733 Washington, Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone in every room; rooms without bath, HO tip; with bath, $13 up. STAN DISH HOTEL. C4SU WASHINGTON ST., OPP. 1STH. Cool, comfortable, airy rooms, free phono, bath. Lowest rates In the cltyl W A NT ED Roommate to reduce rooming expenses; fireproof building, shower baths, individual beds. Call or address Y. M. C. A. business iTice. ETIIELTOX HOTEL. 3 06 12TH ST. Modern; special reductions on all rooms, per week and up. Mar. 11790. A Q UI ET PLACE FOR QU I KT PEOPLE, HOTEL CLIFFORD, - East Morrison St., near Grand ave. Cleanliness and comfort, t'i per week up. HOTEL TREVES. Northwest corner Stark and 11th. Modern outside rooms. $:: weekly and up. Largo ground-floor lobby. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand avc. and E. Bel mont rooms $10 monthly, $2o up with private bath; large pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone East Hotel cor do v a, -kd nth t. strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main it4 7''. A 4 7 S3. ROOMS. liOOMS. ROO.MS Single, $HU3 to ?:t week, with bath $4.30. Transient, 50e. 73c. ?1. lai 11th st. SAN MARCO HOTEL, 11th and Washing ton. Strictly modern, clean rooms, $4 mo. up. You can't beat these prices. 473 MORRISON Large or single front room, new. clean, convenient, desirable, reason able. HOTEL XORRIS, 3S3,i Alder Modern out side rooms, If i per week up. Furnished Kooiiih in Private Families ATT R ACTIVE largo rooms in nice home, twin beds, running water, good board, every convenience, $3 up; 13 min. walk, to P. O. 501 Harrison. Main 63 1. ONE or 2 nice rooms in a beautiful home, newly furnished ; heat, bath, and phone, very desirable location; close walking dis tance. 480 Jefferson, off 14th. HANDSOMELY furnished room with kltch enotte; all conveniences; references. 26a 13th st. NICEL..Y furnished rooms in private family, $2 per week. Call 60S E.iid st. Brook lyn car. FOR RENT Well-furnished room, private family, suitable for one or two gentle men. , 427 3d st. YOUNG mm as roommate, in nicely .fur nished front room; modern; close in; rea yonable, a 60 Broadway. ROOM TO RENT for i or 2 girls. Phone Mrs. Diehl, Main 1245. SLEEPING PORCH suite or single room, running water. 743 Hoyt Marshall 4753. DESIRABLE room, hot water, phone and bath, furnace heat, quiet. -60 l'Jth st CHIC room, cut rate; also H. K. room. 0O6 12th st. FURNISHED rooms, walking distance: 269 14th, near Jefferson. Phone Main 3893. TWO sunny, $6, 10; lovely yard. West Side. Close. Main 3102. FURNISHED rooms for rent, clean, quiet, modern. 412 Main st. NICELY furnished rooms, home privileges, modern, reasonable. 200 Broadway. Rooms With Board. HOTEL CAMPBELL, A modern, FIREPROOF, residence ho tel, American plan ; on car line ; 10 min utes from business center; prices in ac cord with general business conditions, '8d and Hoyt sts. Marshall 881. MORE HOMELIKE THAN HOTEL-LIKE. THE HILL. Washington, at 23d st. A charming family and transient hotel of the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate tables; extremely reasonable rates; worth investigating. Phones Main 7584. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 ELLA STREET. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites, tingle Rooms. Excellent Table. A 6211. Main 461L THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rate to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 2H3, A 6628. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 233 6th st., has fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a jealhome; reasonable rates. BUSINESS women and students will find good board and room. $4 and $4.50 week. Portland Women's Union, 510 Fl and era. ItOOM S, light and clean, all conveniences, excellent home cooking, reasonable rates. ''' Jefferson, near B road w ay. CAS.V ROSA. 300 JEFFERSON. BOARD AND ROOM, $L'3 UP. Rooms With Board In Private Fmmillea. ROOMS with or without board in private home, all newly furnished, all modern conveniences, $23 per month, walking dis tance. 4;i4 Mill at., corner 12th ; Main 6140. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room for two gentlemen; separate beds; $ week; modern. 3-1 13th. Main 2171. 1 HAVE one vacanny on the sleeping porch; price very reasonable. o69 10th. Phone Marshall 5473. NEWLY furnished 2 -room front suite, $12; also 2-room suite, $10. 350 14th. ROOMS and 2 meals in attractive home; fine sleeping porch. Main 7203. 835 11th. $5.23 UP Pleasant rooms, good board, walk ing distance; congenial. 33 North 17th. PLEASANT front room wUh board, use of piano. Main 3312. 361 10th. ROOM with board ; modern ; walking dis tance. 713 Flanders. Main 3347. GOOD BOARD, lovely rooms, comforts. 341 llt!i st. Mar. 5404. Furnished Apartments. FA1RMOUNT APTS.. Si86 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments; $22.30 up; close in. Main 2286. WELLINGTON ANNEX, 15th and Everett Two rooms, newly furnished, hardwood floors, walking distance; $22.50. Main 1245. 3-ROOM apartments. East Side, completely furnished, private phone and bath, $20. phone Tabor 6065. B 1035. THE DEZENDORF, ' - .' 20S 16th st., near Taylor. Nice 4-room furnished Apt.. $35. TH E CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnished apartments; low est rates in the city. 2.3 N lVth st. TH 3 WENTWORTH APT., 232 12TH. Quiet, homey apts., clean, modern, rea sonable. Does it appeal to you? "NO R T hTm PfON7407H aTTti t Main 429'J BIRMINGHAM. 8U0 12th st. Marshall 4&4l Call. Get prices. KATHER1NE APTS. For rent 3 -room fur nished apt., private bath and phone, 14 N. 23d. DRICKSTOX, 448 llth, modern and 3 room apts., excellent service, walking dis tance. Marshall 6ft. A 5409. HAMMERSLY COURT. 250 12th St., 2 and 3 rooni apartments, close in : modern ; rea sonable. Marshall 2v5 2. Reference. CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy Modern brick build in gjS-joomaptJ 1 S to $30. Mar. 2917. BAN N KR APTrtj Furnished 2-room suites, modern, to $30. 489 Clay St. THE ELMS, 191 14th; 2 and 3 rooms, mod eiatc rates, close in. JACKSON BUNGALOW APTSm furnished, walking distance, West Side. Main 74-'-'. S90 CLAY. bet. 10th and W. Park, 2-room modern apt. Main 40 70. NEW, furnished apartments, concrete block, $12. XII. ni47 Union ave. N. L.UXOR APTS.. 324 15th st. Furnished apts. ; reasonable rents. Summer rates. HERMENIA. 4 00 Hall st., corner 10th 2- room apartments, reasonable. GRAY GABLES. 28'J 10th 2 rooms, modern, clean, close in, reasonable. Marshall 5714. $25 AND ?30 furnished apartments at your ow n price. w ouuuawn oau FOR KM. Vurnifthed Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Cth and Columbia St. fi min. walk to Meier A Frank store, nice surroundings. Just the thing for Summer Strictly modern 'J and 3 -room furnished apts., all outside, with French doors aiid balconies. Day. Week. Month. Rales reasonable. Marshall 5198. THE WTIEELDON ANNEX. (Apartment Hotel.) Tenth and balmon Streets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates day, week, month or year. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Paclfio Coast ; furnished complete. Roof Garden In connection. Walking distance. References THE AVALON, Furnished or unfurnished 3 -room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 25. cor ner Clackamas and Rosa ats. East 3172. ROSBLYN APARTMENTS. Two-room completely furnished, com fortable, clean, private phone. bath, dressing-room, brick building, fine loca tion, very reasonable. 1 10 X. 21st. Mar shall 4140 and 4141. THE EVERETT, 644 Eyerett. between 2uth and Ella. Furnished three -room apartment with r without sleeping porch; located in one of the choicest residence districts; walk ing distance. ONLY $1S to $2o per month or $3 to $7 per week, completely furnished housekeeping two-room apts., including electric lig nts, heat, hot water, bath, private phone, new brick bldg., 15 minutes from P. O. Lincoln Apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377, A 4 loll. THE FLORENCE, 388 11TH. 3-room, neat, cosy apartments, furnished or unfurnished, strictly modern, reason able by week or month. Desirable loca tion ; roof garden. 'CARLOTTA COURT," Everett and 17th New, modern; steam heat, private baths, laundry, completely furnished 2 and S roora apts.; IO min. from business center; save carfare; rates moderate; reference. THE SUNNY SIDE. Desirable 2, .:, 4 rooms, furnished apts., modern, homelike place, desirable tenants, reasonable. E. 37th and Belmont. Tabor ;;roo. WKLL fuinished 3-room apartment; 3 min utes' walk from Broadway and Washing ton; elevated lte; select neighborhood; best apartment for rent asked la Port land. Malu 2506. COMPLETELY furnished 3-room apartment, easy walking distance; Including lights, phone, etc., only $20 per month for the Summer. 1S7 17th, near Yamhill. H1SLOP HALL, cor. Kaat th and Haw thorne 2 and S-toom apts.; private baths and phone ; also single rooms; well f ur liished; $12.50 up- Phone East 382. TH REE light rooms, two large closets, pri vate bath, sleeping porch, hot. cold water and telephone. 55 U East 1'amhiJl. Phone E. 1710. BARON APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished; first-class; reasonable rates. Main 7337. MY attractively furnished apartment, three rooms and Bleeping porch, for rent until Sept. 1. 704 Hoyt st. Key with manager. Mar. 201L THE LOIS, 704 Hoyt st. ; very desirable 3 rooms, with large sleeping porch, fur nished or unfurnished; modern; references. Marshall 20I1. 6-ROOM. modern family flat, sleeping porch, fireplace, yard, fruit. West Side; 10-min-ute walk; on Oth St., Main 7065, A 65bl. After 5 P. M.. call C 2245. GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. Nicely furnished three-room apts.; private phone and bath, walking distance; prices moderate. Phone East 208, GLEN COURT APT. Cor. Park and Taylor. Completely fur nished 2, 3, 4-room; best service; reason able.! a i n 1961. MADISON PARK APTS. Park St. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments; close In; by week or month. TWO and 3-room furnished apartments; pri vate bath, steam heated, $16 up. Harri son Court, 5th and Harrison. ELM WOOD APTS., 10T1I AND If ALL, Lobby, social hall, modern, 2 and 3-room furnished apts. very reasonable. Unfurnished Apartments. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson High-grade 3, 4 and G rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate service ; prices reasonable, l'hono Marshall 3260 or A 2676. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 5 and 6 rooms, large and homelike; more service and conveni ences for t he price than you will find in tho city. Phone Main 7316. A 2676. KEELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY STS. 3 and 4-room, wide halls, private vestibule, phone and bath; brick, building, elevator; references. Mgr.. Mar. 6735. Jan. Mar. 5753. ROSE FRIEND, corner ' Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-class service. Private phone. Ref. 6-KOOM finest apartments in city, new brick building,. Cor. 2lst and Overton sts. Phone Main 3194 or 89. LUCRETIA COURT, 49 Lucretla t. Finest unfurnished 2 to G-rooru apts., references. Mgr.. Mar. 1513; janitor. Mar. 1500. PORTXOM AH Summer rates, 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floors. 200 E. 13th. 7-ROOM Duplex apartment, four bedrooms, 2 baths in fireproof building. Apply 705 Davis st. THE ORMONDE, 4 and 5-room apartments. 656 Flanders, Nob Hill. Main XXol. 5-RooM apt., all outside rooms, hot water heat. 1S5 East 15th. corner Yamhill. MODERN 6-room apartment, in excellent lo cality. Call 711 Johnson. Phone Main 2315. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartment. ' MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOICB, 813-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sizes and price. Our free auto mobile at your serivce in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 2015. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments In 2. 8 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free. Phona Marshall 2061. KINGSBURY, 186 Vista ave., off Washington st. S and 4 rooms, with private balconies; unfurnished or furnished; high- -class neighborhood; bejit of service; reasonable rates by month. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 2 2D AND G LI SAN. Largest, most homJike high-class apts. in city, furnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. .- Walking distance. MARSHALL 5249. THE ROYAL ARMS. 13th and Lovejoy The newest and most up-to-date apts. in Portland. Hardwood floors, balconies, etc. All rents '-moderate; 1 2 -room $17.50; 1 'J -room $30. Marshall 3911. BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison. Finest apartment-house on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, walking aistance; references. M. 1091. M. 1051. WASHINGTON APARTMENTS, 680 North rup st.. 5-rooni furnished or unfurnished apartment, with all modern conveniences, gas, electric light, etc. Take W car to 21st and Northrup. Phones Main 4376, A 1133. SHEFFIELD APTS., 270 Broadway6 blocks to business center; best location in Portland : furnished and unfurnished ; all rents reduced. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE, MANAGER, PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE DEZEXDORF. 208 16th st., near Taylor; Marshall 2324; fine 3-room furnished and unfurru apt. THE CHETOPA, lstn and Flanders 2. 3, 4 room furnished or unfurnished apartments. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts.. very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. THE WINDSOR 2, 3 and 4 beautiful rooms, furnished or not. E. 14th and Y'amhil. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King St. 3 and 4 rooms; high-claBs; references. Main 2058., REX ARMS 13th and E. Morrison; 2 and 3 rooms: Summer rates; modern service. Flats, MODERN 6-room flat; also S-room house. Inquire 175 16th st. 8-ROOM modem flat, 177 1. Green ave.. near 2id and Washington. Main S9SS, A 2676. UP-TO-DATE, phone. E. 37 clone in. 17. E. 217.: open air p., , $IS and up. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 73" Hoyt at. Inquire 130 6th st. Phone Main 627S. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat. 1 55 Vz I6th st. Apply 181 16th, cor. Yamhill. $20 E. BURNSIDE. corner 12thriower flat. 3 large rooms. Eust 2301. STRICTLY modern 9-room upper flat; 427 CVay st. Tnone East 8. $in STRICTLY modern 4-room flat, blick, fireproof, gas, electricity. 649 2d. FOR fiEM. Flats. 5 ROOMS. Halsey St., $20. rooms, Aloerta district. it. 5 rooms, Weidier St.. $23. 6 rooms, Johnson St., $30. - 5 rooms, furnished, GUsan St.. $27.50. 5 rooms, Williams ave., $17.30. 210 STOCK EX. MAR. lbOS. FOR RENT West Side fiat. 5 rooms, maid's room, furnace, fireplace, gas range, water, heat, hard w ood floors, beam ceiling. 254 N. 25th. corner Northrup. References. 6-ROOM modern family flat, sleeping porch, fireplace, yard, fruit. West Side, 10-min-ute walk; on 5th st. Main 7065, A 6JtL After 5 1 M. call C 2245. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to school and earllne; desirable location. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Wood law n 20-. FOR RENT -4 flats at Nos. 50 and 663 3d st.; very cheap. Inquire 592 1st room 6. MOST desirable 5-room fiat, every conven ience, centrally located; rent $20. Phone Main 3020. HOT WATER HEATED, strictly modern, 5 rooms, very select neighborhood, .lawn, shrubbery. Y 761. Oregonian. UP-TO-DATE 6-toom flat, fine siecpmg-porch and yard, 13th and Clay. Rent $23. Mar. 4:!5. MODERN 5 or 6-rm. lower flat, steam heat, hot and cold water, walking distance. The Giles, o03 llth &t. Marshall 4333. 5-ROOM lower flat. Colonial Heights, sleep ing porrn. fireplace, gas range, linoleum, adult. 207 E. 2lst. Main lv2. SOUTH ERN flat, large veranda, modern, E. Morrison and 13th. Phone East 1 01 9. VERY pleasant modern 5-room flat, walking distance. 22 Cherry st., cor. Benton. Furnished Flats. FOUR or 5-room furnished or unfurnished flats. Including water, gas stove and heat. $20 to $30. New. A 3486. Marshall 3078. COMPLETELY furnished O-room flat, large sleeping-porch, best location in the ci.ty. For particulars call Mar. 439. MODERN 3 or 6-room flat, furnished or un furnished, rent reasonable. 4-4 Va Hall. Main 3SW. LOWER 5-room flat with sun room, large hall, bath, etc. Kimball piano. 906 E. Couch. East 42S7. MODERN 4-room flat, walking distance. 270 Ross, near steel bridge. Woodlawn 1859. MODERN 5-room furnished flat, 64 Cornell St., off 23d and Wash. Main 3312. MODERN, we 11-furnished 3-room flat, walk ing distance, $13. East t:)!0. $17 5-ROOM completely furnished ; phone, light, water; walking distance. East 3310. Housekeeping Kooiw. $1 TO $2.50 week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 'Z or 4 ; gas, free heat, laundry, bath. yard. East 6030. 406 Vancouver, 203 Stanton. ,Tj' car. FURNISHED suites of 1. 2 and 4 rooms at 244i Killingsworth avc; low rent, phone Woodlawn osO. MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms; see these and got our price. Sacramento Apts.. 4'.2 Union ave. East 5340. 461 EAST MORRISON, furnished one and two-room housekeeping apartments rea sonable. FURNISH E D housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg., 3d, cor. Morrison. GILM A N HOTEL, 1st aiufAkl er Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; 11.50 week up. FURNISHED h. k. and sleeping rooms $1.50 week up. Willamette, 230 Vs Burnside. ROYCREST, 175 12th Large suites and bin tfle rooms by day, week or month. Ilouekeeptng Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED housekeeping room, with free use of bath and telephone and home prtv. lllges for $1-50 per week. Phone Woodlawn 11 HO or call at 585 Commercial at., near Graham. LARGE, new front room, closet, kitchen ette, also small room, conveniences. 475 Morrison. NICELY furnished housekeeping apartment; one housekeeping room, modern, close in. 260 Broadway. THREE large rooms, upper flat, in private modern home; fine lawn ; reasonable. 431 3d st. FOL'R furnished housekeeping rooms, low et floor, desirable location. Corner Sandy boulevard and 70th t. Call Tabor 2078. $10 TWO large, furnished housekeeping rooms, private family. Apply 54 E. 10th xsorin. lt LARGE h. k, room; $10. 3 rooms, sink, r a h free tihone 6fi 1 V. M nrrlion. PART of furnished house la Irvlngton, on carline; adults. Eaat 4384. 3 MODERN housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 7bl Kearney. Marshall 4337. 105 20TH. cor. Flanders; neatly f uruiahTd housekeeping rooms. $0 PER MONTH 2" partly furnished front h. k. rooms. 490 Clay. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; bath, close to Washington at., $12. Mar. 4727. SINGLE housekeeping, $2 psr week; steam heat, bath, both phones. 445 Columbia. FRONT suite h. k. rooms, modern, 414 Mill, corner llth. Marshall 104::. $3 A WEEK, single or double housekeeping rooms. 530 Davis st. FOR 4 ladies, including use of parlor and basement. Main 53U0. AND 3 connecting rooms, modern, near Broadway bridge, cheap. 3S2 E. 1st st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 3-room apt. Mod ern, reasonable. Muin 4839. 700 Flanders. TWO connecting rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 adults. 234 luth at. Houses. FOR RENT 167 East 7th st. North, close in, between Oregon and Irving streets. 6 room house, freshly tinted, sleeping porch Inclosed In glass, lower porch inclosed in glass, strictly modern, fireplace, furnace, etc., rent $28. Call at house or call up owner. Tabor 1800. LAURELIfURST HOUSES FOR RENT. We have some new, strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, will build just what you want on the easiest-, of terms. Laurelhurst Co., 270 Va Stark st. Main 1503. A 1315. FOR RENT, by owner, riverfront home. S-room bungalow, strictly modern, fruit and berries of all kinds, IV acres, fine soil, situated at Rock Spur, Oswego line. Phone Main 9504 week. days. Main or A J 836. MODERN 7-room house on Willamette boule vard, for which the court has appointed me trustee. 1 will rent to responsible parties for $10 a month for a jew. See me at 512 Piatt bldg IMPROVED acre, small house, fruit of all kinds, 5c carfare. 15 minutes out. West Side.- $73 one year. Smith A. BLouck, 301 Henry bldg. FOR RENT Attractive 9-room house: close in, good neighborhood, good condition, beautiful lawn ; rent reasonable. . Apply S2l Front st. 6-ROOM modern house, just retlnted, pa pered, gas range, heater, fine lawn; rent reasonable; references. Bjelland's Grocery, ltith and Marshall. Main 1867, A 1867. $7.50 SOxlOO. 45th and E. Morrison ; fruit and berries with flue garden ground: email old house. Fisher & Harrington, 412-413 Stock Exchange. MODERN house for rent, 564 Gantenbeln ave., 1 block from Russell st., 2 blocks from Williams ave.; gas and electricity, bath, etc. PORTLAND HEIGHTS modern 7-room house to- responsible party. First month free, then $U7.G0. For particulars Mar shall 217. FOR RENT On East Side, 8-room house, in Al condition; near school and carline; 15 minutes ride from city, phone Tabor 100y. ALMOST new modern 8-room house; has large porch, etc.; walking distance and cheap rent. Call 441 llth st. $o. 30 FOUR rooms and bath ; 585 Mont gomery; J13.30, 5-ro m cottage, corner E. yth ana Oregon. wooaiawn 5-ROOM HOUSE, 57 Ella, between Wash ington and Everett. $13; key at 63 Ella. Phone Marshall 4338. A 3376. 5-ROOM house, good condition; gas, elec tricity, yard, $15. 416 San Rafael. East $12, WATER included, large, light, five rooms. 651 Second, West Side, wallking distance; gas, bath. Inquire 649 Second. NICE 6-room cottage, 420 Benton st., 1 block E. and lVi N. of Broadway bridge. East Side. 6-ROOM, bath, modern house, on carline; walking distance. Oeder, Grand ave. and East Ankeny. " 7-ROOM modern house. East Ankeny, near 17th. fuil lot, reasonable. YanDuyn & Walton. 515 Chamber o Commerce. WEST SIDE, 6-room cottage. 6th st., near Mill $15. 317 Northwest bldg., 6th and Wash., Main 4033. DESIRABLE house and flats, all parts of city, stout investment co. Alain 129. 8-ROOM HOUSE71 3Lovejol near 2 2d. Inquire 130 6th. Main 637S. MODERN 6-room house. 697 Everett St., West Side: walking distance. Phone E. 8. COTTAGE. 5-room. elefrn; gas. bath. 606 E. Main. cor. ism st. nionc East 2764. 6-KOOM modern hungalow, 31st and Clin ton. WR car. $16. Call .Sellwood 712. $15 NEW 3-room houe, gas and electricity adults. 570 Henry ave. COTTAGE. 5-room, clean; gas, bath. 666 L Main, cor. ISth st. F'hon East 2764. 4-ROOM modern furnished house, clean. fin, new. 62Q Broadway Yrrve. Main 4329. NEAT 5-room cottage, 120 E. 20th Ht near Sd car. Rent only $12.50. Main 8429. FOR KENT. Houses. FOR RENT Murramead district. 1 block from carline; a modern 7-room and sleep ing porch, residence, reduced for steady tenant to $23; furnace, fireplace, full ce ment basement, wash trays, etc.; chicken yard, garden, etc. No. 415 East 30th street. Phone East 470b. C. R. he Burgh, 440 E. Taylor. 5-ROOM COTT AG E 111 llth. between Hall and Harrison sts. : just thoroughly cleaned, papered and painted th rough out ; modern, centrally locntd and best cottage on West Side, for $20 per month; key at 409 llth Ht. PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO.. lOtf Second St. MODERN 6-rooin 1 house, 607 Everett St., West Side; walking distance. Phone E. a. l urniohed IIoums. 6-ROOM completely furnished house, thor oughly ckan, new carpets. $23 to respon sible parties. 644 Prescott st. lrvington car. Woodlawn 2172. PIEDMONT HOME, upper apt., in beautiful home, welt furnished and modern, with, flowers and tree.-. 1159 Rodney ave., cor. of Killingsworth. IN'WUIRU CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. Title & Trust Bldg.. Main 5423. FURNISHED 7-room house; 4 bedrooms, all modern, fine view ; roses, law n, garden planted, cheap rent. 704 Mississippi ave. -71 BROADWAY, near Madison, 6-room apts., elegantly furnished, arranged to sub let part If desired ; sleeping porch ; rent $40. $12 3-ROOAi. eottano, bath, chicken pens. Main 3672. McFarland, :;o9 Yeon bid;. 549 TAYLOR, near 17th, 4-room apartment. nicely furnished; piano; rent $25. 6-ROOM modern house completely furnished. 3723 67th. Tabor 5Q11. 273 1. BROADWAY Furnished 4-room cot tage; electric lights, bath, central. ELDERLY lady will rent her home in re turn for board. 406 Ross st. MODERN furnUhed cottage. J. D. Morn's, Main 6976, A 4361. Summer Resorts. ATTRACTIVE 3-room cottage for rent, part ly furnished, situated on Columbia River, opposite Multnomah Falls; one and one half hoars from Portland. 'J minutes i.o station ; rent only $10 ; vegetables, flowers, boating, f Uhins. bathing, etc. Address P. J. Vial, Prindle, Wash. Saint Cloud Ranch. FOR RENT One of the most attractive and comfortable cottages in Seaside, completely furnished, on boardwalk, facing ocean. All conveniences and In ttrst-class conaition. Price $3u0 from May 1 to September 1. For further particulars call Main 2626. faEASIDE cotta ge for rent for season ; live rooms, furnished complete; fireplace, bath, hot and cold water, two blocks from ocean, three blocks from Main st. Y 751, Oregonian. ELEGANT rooms (Sunnyslde), restricted district, very reasonable. A 1623, after 5:30 P. M. BEACH cottage, 8-room moaern; large ver anda, electric lights, bath, fireplace. Phone East 1619, Stores. FO It RE N T STO RE ROOM. . 2000 square feet on ground floor, corner, front entrance, excellent light, good loca tion. For particulars call AMERICAN TV RE FOUNDERS CO.. 92-04 Front st. Main 6464. A 226-1. SHOWCASE and store fixtures for sale, store for rent, tine downtown location cheap rent. 308 Stark st. STORE, 275 Hawthorne ave., 17x40, near bridge; fine light, good basement. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. FOR STORES TO RENT. SEE A. 14. Birrell Co., 217 Northwestern ann ldg., .Marshall 4114, A 4118. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES, store. 1 S75 square feet, central location, mod erate rental. AtC 710. Oregonian. Qfficew. COMPLETELY furnished office with type writer and phone in centrally located building to sublet for 3 or 6 mouths' peri od. BD 725. oregonian. OPPORTUNITY Tor dentist with estabiiah-d first-clas physician; splendid light; well known building, central location; moderate rental. AM 708. Oregonian. FOR RENT Desk room, use of phone and share in three-room office suite occupied by public stenographer: $7 per month. Ap piy l;tl chamber of Commerce. OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk room ; free phone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest corner. 303 Swetland bldg. WELL furnished private office ; also desk room. $6 and $7. 723 Chamber of Com merce. DESK room. Including desk, chair and tele phone service. 333 Morgan bldg. M iMceUaneouaw MANCHESTER BUILDING Space for man ufacturers' agents, publishers and light manufacturing. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO 267 z Washington St. Both Phones. COMMERCIAL buildings built for tenants; many choice locations, including switch properties. STANLEY P. THOMPSON CO., 287 4j Washington St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WOULD like responsible party to become fi nancially interested In soinet hing entirely new in Portland, but extensively estab lished in the East; money will be used in business; about $500 required. Bo 75b. oregonian. CASrt grocery for sale; invoice $700 and has 3 nice living-rooms; before you invest one dollar we will show you this store clears over $150 month. Call room 339 Morgan bldg. AUTOMOBILE parage and repair business; sells accessories, etc. Owner wants reli able partner to keep accounts ; salary $2. week. This requires $50; the profits are large. Call 24S It Stark, at. DANCING PAVILION. Finest in the Willamette alley; will lease or sell interest to responsible parties. Particulars, N. Olness, 14 9th sU, Portland. Main 642. $3lK BUYS 1-3 interest solid growing busi ness paying $130 per month; cash not nec essary if you can give good security; need the man more than the money. 3 Or pheum bldg. P1CURE show-, one of the fow that are showing good net income; A-l equipment, fine location: part cash, balance eaty. 519 Lumber Exchange. MILLINERY Nice fixtures, some stock, cheap rent, good location, doing fair business; no reasonable offer refused if taken this week. 346 Va North 23d. WELL established, reputable office business, wan, active, reliable man as partner; a clean proposition, requiring small invest ment. 310 Lumber Exchange. MOVING PICTURE film exchange; partner wanted to help In office, also some outside work; profits are large in this business. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. PA RTXER wanted In mf g. business; can hove office position ; sa lary $1 oo month, handle own money ; $65o required. alt 24b 'i Stark st. WANT a grocery or confectionery, not over $1000; have a modern 4-room house., lot 6uxlOo. not far out, clear incumbrance, will trade for same. H 733. Oregonian. GROCERY, conf.. cigars, tob., Ice cream, op posite large school, doing pood business: 3 living rooms, rent $14. Price $300. Room 3. Orpheum bldg. CLASSY little restaurant. fine location, clean, attractive place; doing a nice, prof it4ble business every day; a sure bargain for $3Q0. 31i Lumber Exchange 2-CHAIR barber shop; good location; low rent; fine fixtures; price only J250; $25 cash, balance $10 per month, J. L. Robert son, 5"5 Corbett bldg. PARTNER wanted In specialty mfg. busi ness; if handy with tools can draw salary and profits; only $300 . required. Call 24S'fr Stark st. I WANT a mau as partner in my automo bile business. An investigation will show this business is clearing over $300 per mo. AL 7-H. Oregonian. FINE corner, confectionery, light grorerlta. docs dandv business; owner can't look after It. Price f 6"0. 2.j cash, bal. $25 per month. 510 Lumber Exchange. GOOD growing grocery business that is pay ing now $130 month. All right in every way; for sale at invoice, about $1300. AH 760'. Oregonian. SMALL jewelry store and a gate -cutting plant cheap on account of sickness; would if desired, teach two trades o party; fine location. M 736. Oregonian. RESTAURANT for bale, cheap rent and a lease for 4 years, good location. Owner wishes to leave town. Marshall 2226. SAFE, cash business This requires but lit tle money, but It is a fine r nance for ac tive man as partner. Call 24 Stark st. IF vou are lookine for an opening In a busi ness, large or small, see our list. 311 Lumber h-xenange. CASH business; only $150 required; live man should clear 3 to $4 day. Call room Z-9 Morgan bldg. BOX BALL ALLEY for sale. located at Council Crest ; would consider clear lot. Room 333 Chamber of 'ommeree. RESTAURANT for sale: good location: do ing good business, cheap rent. 103 i N. Kth st. CONCESSIONS at Lake Grove Park, on Os wego Lake, for season 1i'15. Apply the P. I. ft S. Co.. 3QQ Coneord bldg. fapLENDlD little grocery, doing nice clean, rash business; 4 living rooms. price $575: cheap rent. 519 Lumber Exchange. BARBER SHOP, well established business i owner wants to go on farm, 169 4th at. BEbtXKteS OPPOUTIMTIKS. WANTED Two men. to aid me in forming a company that ts for the purpose of establishing a method of my own for sell ing used automobiles; this fiid presents mf of the grandest opportunities there 19 in the automobile business: I hat e had 15 years' experience and both a record for selling cars as well as some cash; It will be necessary that you reply to tnis ad In care of The Oregonian, giving your phone number. If you hae one, or where we can arrange a meeting, us 1 do not care to deal with business brokers nor hae my identity known at the present , time in the paper: i ash consideration for ! This company to bgin operation on would I be about 2KH apiece. BC 7.:tf. Or gonian. j $20"0 WILL buy the best confectionery toiel iu thriving town of good ixe population;! large aoda fountain, full equipment for Ice J cream service, t-omplete outfit for making i candy and chocolate, aood supply of Ireati I confections. This Is a lara , attractive store, in the best part of town, having trade in their own make of candy ano doing good, steady business. Owner will teach purchaser how to make candy H desired. Anxious to move to Portland. f'.UnOARt? t WIF.DRICK, 243 Stark St. PARTNER WANTED. Experienced, successful dairyman w ith $m0 cash wanted to take interest in wel. equipped $33,000 Benton County dairy and opera te same under liberal lease. Address owner, bdx 216, Coralli, Or. BllLDlNG, suitable for garage, in good location, for rent, or will go in partner ship with eome one that could show ca pabilities to run ame that has small capital and experience; onl competent need apply. E. Ltndell Feed Store, tiar field ave. and Shaver st. GROCERY, conf., dears, tobacco and ice cream, no -competition. You can do all the business you want ; stock and fixtures will invoice $7tK); 3 living rooms, modern; large garden; rent for all $13 per month. Price $330. Your chance. Room 3. or pheum bldg. FOR SALE Grocery store in Bandon. Or.; stock will invoice about $1800, furniture and fixture $iJ0O; good location, doing about $1500 a month; 2-year lease on building at $25 per month; win take S20OO cash, ba lance on time. Address J., box 306, Bandon. Or. FOR SALE Stock dry goods in The Dalies, Or.; the new factories locating her witti the great prosperity in the farming com munity makes this a business opportunity you w ill be w the to investigate. Crag in A Co.. The Dalies. Or. jV ELL little grocery, confectionery ; deo good business in ice '.-ream and candy, cigars, etc Price $750. $400 cash. bal. $2. monthly; 3 living rooms, furnished ; all goes. Owner going East. 519 Lumber Ex change. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILl-s Sec'ty. 816 Chamber of commerce Bldg. FOR S A LE Two barber shops, doing good business, Salem and Eugene Or. Terms $50 cm fIi, balance small weekly payments. Address J. H. Bauer, room 410 Baker bldg.. Walla Walla. Wash. THERE is an opening here for a rood, plain rellal le German to start a real estate business; no opposition and good field. W. T. Kncen. Paige. Cat., Tulare Co. PARTN ER w anted for a high - ciass confec tionery store; profits are cry iarge and your money will be fully becurcd. Cail room 329 Morgan bldg. A GERMAN BAKER can do well by open ing a bakery here and serving short or ders ; no opposition, little money needed. W. T. Kneen. Paige. Cal.. Tulare Co. V A NT ED Steady mau to work as partner In a strictly cash store; pay $0 month salary, aJso share of profits; requires small investment. Call room 3'S Morgan bldg. GENTLEV AN pai tuer, beauty parlor, old established bui-due-su; must have considera ble amount of money. Call gittrnooni, 204 Macleay bldg., 26 Washington at. BAKERY Lest wholesale and retail baktry In valley; Tine location; cheap rent. LELSCHMAX YEAST CO- 241 Jeifron. i HARDWARE and grocery, good rent; invoice! $1 3oO, part 1 1 aR . Woodlawn 51' 13. RESTAURANT. o;d-stabushed, good loca tion, low rent, $300. K 736. oreeonian. FOR SALE Grocery. tobaero. iigar fruit stand. Inquire 81 North lot 11. and I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTF.O. W E make a specialty ol grocery and conf. stores, both large and small. if you want to sell and your price 1j right call here. Room 3, Orpheum bldg. MACHINE SHOP Want to meet party will ing to change location. We can f umidh large amount of machine work. It will pay you to investigate, lib" 730, Oregonian. HIGH EST cash prices paid lor all kinus merchandise. See us before selling. 516 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8727. ROOXING-UOCBESL MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel-Apartm em-no use Agent. Both Buyer and Seller protected. Oldest Reliable Agency la City. (SOS-P N. W. Hank bldg.. Otii Mini Morris a. FOUR 2-room, 5 single housekeeping apart ments; nw-ly papered add painted ; good proposition. St owner. 181 13th st. 1U-ROOM apartment-bouse, close iu. to ex change for small bungalow or vacant lot. Phone East 6606. LOST AND FOUND. Fo I.LOWlNi article were found on t he cars of the- l'oitland Rallwa, Light c Power Co., and owners thereox may claim same at the 1st and Alder st. station; April 17th: Marshall 3 loo. A 6131 1 suitcase, 1 hand grip, 1 bucket and con tents, 1 roll of music. 1 lodge piu, 1 go cart, 1 valise-, 1 overcoat, 1 pr. pants. 1 hat, I pr. shoes, 1 pr. box. 1 pkg. clothing. 1 camera tripod, 1 hand bK, '2 purses. I needle, 1 purse (St.loi, '2 basket, 1 pr. gloves. 1 glove. grips, 1 bicycle tire. iMli -1 huitcas". 1 bottle milk, 1 mitten, 1 hand grip, l baby sulkey. I grip, 1 um brella, I harmonica. 1 basket, 1 marble, 1 Sunday school pin, 1 toy dog, 1 package, 1 Tnermos bttl-, 1 coat. LI BERAL reward for return of small fox terrier, female, white, with tan head and ear markings, name "Muggins." Was in Studebaker automobile which was stolen Saturday night. No questions asked. Mrs. W. J. Bell, Wheeldon Annex. LOST or stoien, about March 23, thorough bred Holstein heifer, 2 years old, white face and legs. Any Information leading to recovery $25 reward. Earnest Johnson, Sea p poos e , Or. STOLEN Ford automobile No. 61 31 9S. $30 reward for information leading to return of car. Notify N. A. Mann C., 210 Ry. Exchange bldg.. or M. L. Smith, 193 Broadway. LOST 6-months old. short-haired alredale. Reward if returned to Dr. W. A. Gum ming. Ewahwe or Selling bids. LOST Airedale dog. half grown. Phone East 4375 or call at 767 E. Salmon and receive reward. FoUXD Stray cow. Owner call 570 Dekum aven ue LOST Saturday, small diamond ring. Find er please phone Main 604. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICKS. ProiMMals Invited. 1 WLLL receive sealed bids at my oCflce, No. 740 Morgan bldg.. up to 12 o'clock noon on Thursday. April 29, 1913. for a utock of merchandise consisting principally of fur nishings, groceries, boot 3. shoes, crockery, glabsware and granite ware of the inven tory valuation of $5973.15, together with fixtures of $571.23, located at Castle Rock, Washington. Terms cash. Cash deposit of lo per cent of amount offered must ae rompany each bid. Right Is reserved to rject any and all bids. Inventory may be een at my office and stock inspected at Castle Rock. R. L. SARIN. Hated Portland. Oregon, April 19. 1913. SEALED bids will be received at the oflke of R. H. Thomas, School Clerk. 401 Court house, Portland. Oregon, until 5 P. M- May 5, 1013, and will be opened at a meet ing of the Board to be held In room 304 Courthouse. May 6, 1915, for manual training lumber for the school year J-Jo and 1916. Certified check for 0 per cent of bid, payable to R. II. Thoraaa, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all bid a R. U. THOMAS. April IT, 1915. School Clark. FORAGe'aND STRAW Office Department Quartermaster, Chronicle Bldg.. San Fran cisco. Cal.. April 20, 10LV S'fiied proposals will be received here until 11 A. M. May 20. 1915. for furnishing forage and straw, etc.. required at pots in the Western De partment during iical year commencing July 1. 1913. Information furnished on application here ot to Post Quartermasters and Quartermasters at Seattle. Wash., and Portland, or. H. S. Wallace, Col. Quar terms ster Corps. """ Miscellaneous. BARGES for rent; capacity 4u tons. Main 1410. ITNANCIAL. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages (first snd second), equities pur chafed. F. H. Lewis St Co., 4 Lew, is bldg. Fl RST and second mortgages, aito sellers interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E, Noble. Lumbermcns bid g. WE HEY mortgage, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND A- MORTGAGE .0., HO 4Jh nt., Board of Trade bide. W E buy notes, bonds and mortgaers. Kob- eri-iou & Ewing, 20.-6 n. W. Bank bldg. LOANS on improed lmij property: plenty of money; low rate: no delays: principal only. Robertson A K Ing. o 7 -2 0 North w eater n Bank bldg. PRIVATE MONEY now available for de sirable building Pan, no deia . llnry C. Prudhomme, financial agent, 2S Morgan bldg. Money to on Keali Koiate. M ONKT LO A N L D. Improved business ptopcriy, 5 to I p.-r tent. improved residence property, & to 7 per cent Improved farm property. 7 to 8 per cent. H 1TV BR-K ELLY CO., 711 Ptttock HhH-K. a; ON E Y TO LOAN " ON IMPROVED RKAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLH -IB1-1 CONTRACTS: NO COM M ISftlOKtt COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO., IO SPALDING BLDG. MORTGAGE -LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. F.!RRELL CO.. 217 NorthwpMwru Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. .TO LOAN AV 7 PER CENT. $2500 TO $13,000. Any amount on Poit und improved prop ertv; Immediate deliver). Apply to COODSKLL BROS., 433 Worcester Bldg TO LOAN. 5 'a f to 7o riioncj on business property, apartment, dwelling nd lartus. R. II. Blossom, 316 Chanioer C Commerce. CITY AND FARM LOANS. Lowest rates. No deiay. C. D. SIMOXDS, 617 Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOAMJ IN ANY AMuLN T, OREGON INV. Ac MORTGAGE CO.. INC., Stock Exchange t-M., ;M and Yamhill. $oo.OM TO LOAN In numn to auit; fculld Ing inaim, lotfct ratcv. W. O. iicck, L 31-3 railing btd. SEE Seckcndorf today ; no de.a y, city and farm loan at current ratet, 15-16 Stock Ex'-na n bld. am 67 4. $3o, $IOUO and upward on Improved real -tat.-; favorable ttmn; no delays; no brokerage. Jon u Ram. ,o7 Spaldlug Mog. To loan $40,000 01; lesS. FA R K I NGTON. 50 4TM ST., HOARD OF T R DK HI P1. Mutt I 1AGL loan iii City uui ot, urban rJl c-tat'f at 7 and S per cent. W. it. .Nuuu, 14 rii'-rioek bl'lc- SEE us today for loans on lm -roved city property. 6 to h per ecu:, $.kK) and up. Cellars-Morton Co., Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE loans; prompt servic and courteous treatment. Coleman, 210 Stock Exchange. ' MONEY TO LO A N I N AN V A MOL NT. Hammond Mortgage Co., 424 Cham, of Com, $ 1 ono AND $500 to loan, h per cent. sn rirjyii A Walton, 515 chamber of Com. MORTGAGE LOAN, any nm-uui; no delay. H-nrv C. Pi'udhnmiiie, .",::)-::) Morgan LlUg. $50o TO $3U,0OO PRIVATE MONEY, low IO terefct late. B 462, Qr',oman. TO LOAN $ ;oOO U( 7 p' f eeit on cod farm. l- Fuchs, 42u 1 'ham. -i omuii-rce. MOHTG AG E LOANS, 6 and t I 0 CIS SA UJ.MON CO.. 2-V liTi; CENT. I V R K S i". FARM AND I'l Y MOR'IgAGE J.oANS. A. H. HARDING, 3 :; 1 1 M . 1 1 O M . STAT FUNDS, u ac -lit Molt ii'MON W. . 1 iionmJ, of 1 OIU, MoNEY. an a 1 1 1 o u 3 p 1 c ill. VV. H. Sells Co.. 31t fopl0iii b.u Money t Loan llmUfu nI alaries. " TmmedTate LOANS ON LTAMUNDS AND JEvVELRT Al EAs i ERN RAT ba. We have one of Hie finest re; I Jewe.ry stores n the cll. A loan Ccpai ttueot i conducted in eminent. an with tam. mak ing hutfiiiv STiliC'lL 1 O.NK1UKNTIAU loiut!iv no hU el-igi.aun loan lul nes dnplad i front 01 our tor. All inei viianuite ieg-d i held I or pvi'lod f evt.i moittiip, w.ieiher or not iutrievt Is 1-sld when cue, We are In ntd and have be n eiMlllihed autce No connection with any other loan ciabitfchiutmt in tilts Ry. A, 4fc U. DEUOVAGi:, JEWELERS. 324 Washington St. JOANS !o TO $loo Vjl- K'KLV. STATE SI. CI R IT Y CO., LICKNMCD. IjOANS on sai.kii:s ONLY. LEST PROPOSITION IN PORTLAND. CALL AND LET US EXPLAIN l I R EA V - I A MEN T PLAN. BUSINESS STRICTLY CON KiDENTi J b r at ! m:i l r 1 t co.. 30!. TAILING HLDG. NolICi; NEW A DURE. LOANS IN i Hot KS liil at lei:al rat.-s on uiamoimM, uito, pianos, honluiiil goo..rt -mil livestock PORTLAND UoAN CO.. 1 .1 c- n sci L v S t t e. 311 Tekm Mdg.. 3d an I Wn-'' Ing tor. Maihall 320 A 2HP7. MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds v.it'-hf. iin)H-i int ruments &EPARATK DKP'T Oll LADIES. F LB Y COMPANY Re 11 d . li'M Limi b r Efci-. 11 ge Hldg.. S'-'-iiimJ and s . .1 1 t-t . WE loan nione em di'imorid and J" elcry at half the ratea cliai ge d by brokers. Dan Marx. 7 4 31 st. MONEY LOANED S. W. Kin. 100 jiids au'l jcery. t-titligion bldg. SMALL amount Iiiomy m no romnilKHi'jii. I !ti t i:'d. Loa nn Wanted. WANTED $10,000 mortgage for SI5.O00 ho tel n Coast town, lneomc $Imi p. r mo. No objection to punt due paper. Owner, 4'l McKay bldg. $1200 WANTED at 7 per -lit on clnnu-ia East Side residence vitlue.1 at $3mmi. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO.. 424 CHAMBER OF Co.M M URCK. W A N T E D To borrow $Jo00 on property alued at $3,Ouu. F. M. 1'helps, 04 tail ing bldg. Main 7I4L $lu 3a 3 venra t 7 p r cent. 1 "t niorlRHki on improved eit Side property w ortu $25,Oot. F 73-i, rrgonin!i. WANT $3oO at once? from vriate prty for ix month?", lo per eut tnteret. real c tate eecurity. A K 737. Oregoiihtn. W ANT $ I T 0O on $30'i alue, 7 per cent; modern home: Hixl00 lot; paved street. f. V 7 Jt, Oregon Ian. SEE us for trades. We can match your prop ertv. Pearson A Wil lough by. 2 Morgan bldg. Main :;s0. . MONEY TO LOAN, improved city property, pri ate, no commissions. AD 7u3. Orc gon 'an . W A NT ED $5On-0 on farm, aiue $ li.OuO. V 72S, Oregonian. m W NTi $2300.al.i0 $1300 on residence piop erTles. 210 Stock Ex. ,ur-,',i'- l'KKSONAL. WE Si-;LL HAIR. HAIR. HAIR. , 6-incli reiI f Irst-qualliy swltchea. ..$! "tf-mtli real 1 ir l-q ualii y Say .bj H;ING T1JIS AD Good for c on Fac- niaige. . .-3c siHinpoo . . 2 " a Manicure Halrdress ....... -o Superfluous hair removed by electricity. CuaraJiteed. Cut hair, any nhade. Switches a-iy length. Prices half, bamiary Beauty 1 wrlors. 4O0-41 2 DeUum bldg., Tnlid and Washington, fliarana.ii leading w ig and toupe niakors, finest stork human hair goods; switches from 5c up; hali-dresKlug. manirurlng, fa.e and scalp tieatment, combings made up fo order. 14" proud wsy, near Morrison. Malu 546 SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A- Price. Circle Tuesday 2. Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M. ; read ings dally. 603 ftth st. Martliall 0U6O. MILS bT EVENS. 21 years Portland's Fs nowned palmlft and clairvoyant, author of "Palmistry Made Ha v." 2&1S Morrison. NEW Y'ORK. Brad, chiro pod ist, pedicur 1- l, manic tirift. aeie 11 r Iflc itiafi-enx. Mar. 3l30. ao M e 1 cay bldg. 2S6 Washington st. LLU' TRIG VIBRATOR for rheumatism, neuralgia, fnrlal and xctlp treatment reaeotiHie. l'hone Marshall 20. ADD I F. HUG H EH ; 1 'oin m nri. ato qui- k; Allie s at the point of datli. Florence Ferguson. NOHWtljlAN trained nurso and muMune, electric blanket treatment; hour 2 P. M. to 8:30 P. H. 2Q M st., rooms 2 and GERMAN TRAINED MRaii Treatmenia for rheumatirui, lumbago, etc.. mabsage and hatha 2 a 6 llth. at. Mar. 303. Open Suortan. UMBRELLAS All colors and styles; lre-t stock ; recovering : new hand lea put 00. Mcreoitu'B, 529 W ashliigtou jL OUTSIDE cane rs and growths cuied w ith. out kntte; tatltfactlon assureH; consulta tion tree. ('has. Dynon. 444 TH- Burnstrie. MADE OF YOUR COMBINOS. Swlt' hea 05c, curls and puffs 7.o. Sani tary P.eauty . arlor. 400 Pekum bldg. SOPHIE B- SKIP, mental and hpirltual 1 entiMt. :il-3iw All!ky bldg. O'nwtion mct 1 it g We'lncJay, P. M. Mum S.'23. MOLES, superiiijous Lair removed. Mrs. 4 D. Hill. 4-i FUedner M.-ig. Main 54i. BALM OF FIGS compound. l.oal Tonic Tsblrts. 50 4 DaL- m. Pinme Main 1 Cblropraetic iplaine.i; pamir-.t MrtjuM- ments pl"ailng; 31 treatments ?15. 121 4i'n. A Fl RST-CLASS MAN I "U 1 1 E '" 707 ROTHC'H I Ll BLDG., 27 , W ASM. SI. , Lfi.'SOVS in j.hri-nloi.'y h l'hone Mh In n-I 1 j 1 i.aU.0 g. 1 y vM 1 "iNt; and electric t i-fa inrnti. Miss j Ltbsl Luike, 19-20 Lrayett Lldg. i S-'oo, .;.,o. i'K, '.'0o. i $ i vo. r i ci W, j ii tiimii 'l-am tvr "I" '"in mej c. ; $50o lo HLOOO. CITY 1 A K.l PROP- 1 ; RT Y. Tab-'r 2"'2'. A K I. .6. or. g.mlan. l $lo(K TO $20,000 to loan at 7 p teOL Henry L. M urt 011, . 31 7 V. on-. -t-r i-ios.