THE MORNING. OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1915. 7 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OEGOMAN TEUSPHONBS. Managing Editor Mln 7070. A 6005 City lidltor Main 7070, A 6095 Putiday Editor Main 7070. A 60t5 Advertising Department. .. Main 7070. A. 0015 City Circulation Main 7070. A 05 Composing-room . ..Main 7070, A 11095 Printing-room Main 7070, A 095 fcuperlntcndent Building. . .Main 7070. A 03 AMVSEMKNT8. HKILlr, f Rroadwav at Taylor) "Sevan Key to Haldnate." This afternoon. 2:15, and tonight at 8:13 o'clock. BAKER (Bioadway and Sixth, between Al der and Morrison) Italian Grand Opera Company In "Travlata" lliis afternoon at 2:lo and "Alda" tonignt at HIPPODROME AMUSEMENT COMPANY, (Fourth and Stark) Moving plcturea and vauaevuie. continuous till 11 o ciocjl RECREATION PARK (Twenty-fourth and Vaughn) ttasebau. Portland va. Venice. inls alternoou at 3. Vaudeville. ORPMEUM '(Broadway at Stark) Perform ance, 2:13 ana8:10 o clock. PANTAGE8 (Broadway at Alder) Perform ances 2:30. 7:b0 and :10 P. M. MARCUS LOEWS EMPRESS (Broadway and Yamhill) Contlnuoua performance from 1:30 to 11 P. M. Motion Picture Theaters. NATIONAL Park. West Park, near Wash. PEOPLES West Park, near Alder. MAJESTIC Park and Washington. NEW STAR Park and Washington. fcSUNSET THEATER Broadway and Wash ington. COLUMBIA THEATER Sixth and Stark. Advertisements intended for City News Jn Brief columns in Sunday's issue must be handed in The Oregonian business office by & o'clock Saturday evening. Brooklyn to Have Ci.ean-Up. The territory tributary to the Brooklyn school will have a general clean-up at once. At a meeting of the City Beauti ful Committee, of which Principal T. J. Gary Is the chairman, at the school houxe yesterday, plans were adopted for a peneral clean-up of vacant lots, the work to be done by the boys. Mrs. Fred Urfur has donated the use of her automobile and with W. G. Oglebee, the janitor, will make a thorough in spection of the district and locate the vacant lots needing attention. The boys then will clean up these lots and itore the cans and rubbish that cannot be burned in sacks to be hauled away later by teams. The boys will be paid for their services. Home owners will be asked to take care of their own premises Connecting with the Brooklyn school ground is a lot at the southwest corner which the district does not own at ' present. The Board of Kducation will be asked to acquire this lot. Annual Convention Opens Tuesday. , The annual state convention of the Women's Home Missionary Society of the Kvangelical Association will be held in the Grace Evangelical Church, at Lents, the first session to open next Tuesday evening, and to continue through the following Thursday. Mrs. J. Banks, who spent 14 years in Africa, will speak Tuesday night. On Wednes day night Mrs. 131iza Bchballs, who recently returned from China, will speak, dressed in Chinese costume, and Thursday evening Mrs. Thomas Moody will speak about Africa. The day ses sions, opening Wednesday, will be held from 9:30 A. M. to 1 P. M. Topics of general interest will be considered. Thursday afternoon will be devoted to business. Mrs. N. Shupp will preside. The public will be welcome to the day and night meetings. Assessment Made for Widening BnOADWAT. Assessment for widening Broadway street in Klizabeth Irving's Addition has been made and the amount is $3200. The widening is to remove the jog in Broadway street between Vancouver avenue and Wheeler street, where Broadway makes a sharp turti toward the Broadway bridge. A por tion of block 3 that is on a line of the northeasterly extension of block 10, except the part that heretofore had been donated to the city, is taken under the proceedings and will be made a portion of Broadway street. A dis trict assessment is made to pay for the widening. Body Is Sent to Wisconsin. Fu neral services of Thomas R. Mcauley, aged 32, who died at his home, 108 East Sixtieth street, were conducted yester day afternoon from the chapel of fekewes Undertaking Company. Inter ment will be made in the cemetery in Menominee, Wis. Mr. Macauley is sur vived by a widow, Mrs. Blanche Macauley: two sisters of Portland, Miss Kstella Macauley, of Portland, and Mrs. Will Uunlop, of Idaho; also two brothers, Robert Macauley, of Canada, and Paul Macauley, of Wisconsin. Pence Talks Tonight. Mrs. Fannie II. Perry, teacher for the Portland Psy chology Club, Professo) George Morris and others will speak tonight at 8 o'clock for the World Peace Associa tion in Hall A, Central Library. Mrs. Perry will discuss "Current Peace Kvents." Professor Morris' subject is "The Phrenology of Peace." There will be congregational singing of peace songs. The meetings are open to the public. Roy Smith's Funeral Held: Fu neral services of Roy Smith, aged 25, who died April 13, were held yesterday from Dunning's Chapel, 414 Kast Alder street, and the interment was made in Milwaukie Cemetery. Mr. Smith is survived by his wife, Mrs. Alice H. Smith, and was a brother of . Paul, Harry and Fred Zistel, -of this city; ' Mrs. J. H. Koschnitzky, Miss Clara and Kosie Smith, of Tacoma, Wash. Woodlawn Parents Meet Tonight. Parents and teachers of Woodlawn will hold a meeting tonight in the Woodlawn schoolhouse to protest against the removal of Professor C. M. Stafford from the principalship of that school. Teachers of the school have signed a petition asking that he be retained. He avas recently informed that he would not be re-elected. The choicest of milk-fed Spring lamb, fore-quarters. 25c pound; hind quarters, 30c pound; No. 1 grain-fed loin of pork. I8c lb.; legs of pork, 15c lb.; shoulder of pork. 15c lb.; lard, fives. 65c; lard, tens, $1.25; choice bacon, 20c lb. George Lv Parker, 149 First St., between Morrison and Alder. Phones: Main 989 and A 1489. Adv. Alleged Masher Arrested. Because he asked several young women to go walking with him, the police say, M. I Harrod, 68 Grand avenue, was ar rested at Grand avenue and East Mor rison street, on a charge of violating the masher's ordinance last night. He was released on J25 bail. Mrs. C. O. Kellogg Better. The many friends of Mrs. Chester O. Kellogg, daughter-in-law of Captain and Mrs. O. Kellogg, will be pleased to hear of her speedy convalescence from a serious operation at the Portland Surgical Hospital. Hii.lsboro Bor Hit by Streetcar. Bennie Marcy. 3 years old. was knocked down by a St. Johns street car at Lombard and Gravenstein streets last night. The boy was not hurt seriously. Bennie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Marcy, of Hillsboro. Class Not to Meet Tonight. The University of Oregon extension class in rhetoric and English composition will not meet tonight, but will meet with Mrs. Parsons two weeks from tonight. May 'l, as usual in room B, Central Li brary. Opportunity for dentist with es . tabllshed first-class physician; splendid light, well-known building, central location; moderate rental AM 708, Oregon ian. Adv. Calvary Presbythrian Church, 11th and Clay, Rev. Oliver S. Baum preaches tomorrow; 10:30 A. M., "How the Early Christians Did It"; 7:30 P. M.. "What About the Neutral Man?" Adv. Doctor's Offices to let in downtown building, central location; moderate rental. AL 708 Oregonian. Adv. . To Let. For "business purposes, store, 1876 square feet, central location, mod erate rental. AK 710, Oregonian. Adv. Dr. W. A. Wish has returned from Bar View. Ad. Contest Committee Is Appointed. C. W. Barzee, 1. A. Darnall and Dr. K. L. Sella are the contest committee appointed by the Lents City Beautiful committee to arrange for the contest in the Lents -district. It is planned to inspect the premises at once of those who Center the contest and at the end of the season' there will be another inspection and the three making the best showing will be awarded the three cash 'prizes. This committee will form ulate and announce the rules of the contest. It is thought about 200 families will enter the contest, according to the inquiries the committee already has received. Bank Excavation Permit Given. The . First National Bank obtained a permit yesterday for the demolition of the brick building on the southwest corner of Fifth and Stark streets, and for the excavation preparatory to the construction of the $400, 000 bank build, ing that is to rise on the site. The plans covering the construction of the building bave not yet arrived In Port- I I j William Rock, Amending Man of "Candy Shop," Who Will Be In itiated by Muts on Monday Night at Helllg. Heavy advance sales of tickets for "Mut Night" at the Heilig, in dicate that the Muts will be sur rounded by a large number of friends when they take charge of the Heilig next Monday night and cause "The Candy Shop" to open its parcel of bon bons under their direction. The show will be given first and the initiation of William Rock, chief funmaker, will fol low the last curtain. The Muts are giving the show on Monday to raise funds for their participation in the Rose Festival. Tomorrow the Muts will visit the baseball grounds to dispose of all unsold tickets. land but the original announcement of the bank officials was to the effect that the building will be erected faith ful to the lines of the Athenian Parthenon. Rosarians Mat Join Cherrians' Trip. Royal Rosarians of Portland and Cherrians of Salem, may make their Summer trips to San Francisco and the Exposition at the same time this year. Information has been received by the Rosarians that the Salem organization intends to take Its trip in July. The Rosarians have been counting on about the same time for their trip. Both bodies if they go will make the trip .in full uniform and will work hard to advertise Oregon and its attractions at the Exposition. Painting Missing From Exhibit. A hand-painted vase representing "Ma donna and the Doves" has been reported stolen from an exhibition of art in the Tilford building. Tenth and Washing ton streets, together with two water color paintings, some time Wednesday, by Mrs. M. F. Woods, the artist. The exhibition was open to the public and there was seldom an attendant in charge, and the supposition is that one of the admirers of the work car ried the paintings away. Woodlawn Grange Meets Tonight. Woodlawn Grange will meet tonight in the hall in Greene's building, when the following programme will be ren dered: Vocal solo. Master Chester Alvoid: "Some Problems That Interest Our Citizens," Judge W. N. Gatens; vocal solo. Miss Estella Leader; piano solo. Miss Maud Alvoid; vocal solo, Mrs. Maud Martin; question box, with answers by" Frank Peters and W. H. H. Peters; basket social. ' Mrs- Sarah Hyatt, lecturer, will be in charge. Dancehall to Be Tone. The current events class meeting in the main auditorium of the First Presby terian Church immediately after the regular morning service will discuss the problem of "Commercialized Amuse ments. Especially the Dancehall." Rev. F. K. Howard, chaplain of Good Samari tan Hospital, will make the address and lead the discussion. The public is invited to attend. Dr. Lane Speaks in Lents Church. Rev. T. W. Lane, of Centenary Metho dist Church, spoke in the Lents Metho dist Church Thursday night, and Rev. W. T. Rudolph, of Vancouver, Wash., was the speaker last night. The spe cial meetings in the Lents Methodist Church have attracted much attention. There have been- many accessions to the church. "The . Complete Life" will be the theme for Dr. Luther R. Dyott's ser mon at 11 A. M., Sunday, in the First Congregational Church. His evening theme will, be "The Psychology of Prayer." Seats are reserved for strangers. Adv. Rbv. C. O. Mcculloch to Speak. Rev. C O. McCulloch, pastor of the Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church, will speak at the Salvation Army hall, 243 Ash street. Sunday afternoon at 3:15 o'clock. Article in evening paper stating that I was ousted from Courthouse is libelous and false. M. M. Bloch. Adv. Shipherd's Hot Springs. A good time to go. E. L. Shlpherd, mgr. Adv. For Rent. Furnished beach cttage at Gearhart Main 9326. Adv. Boy Born at Barracks. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, Wash., April 16. (Special.) Regimental Sergeant-Major Ellis, of the Twenty-first Infintry, is being felicitated today upon the birth of a son, who arrived last night. LECTURE SERIES IS SET A. E. BAILEY, TRAVELER, TO SPEAK AT MMOLX HIGH SCHOOL, English Role In Egypt and Religious Customs of India to Be Dla- -cussed for Clnba Benefit. "English. Rule in Egypt" will be the subject of a' lecture given by Albert E. Bailey, graduate of Harvard Uni versity and extensive traveler, at the Lincoln High School auditorium Tues day' at 8:15 P. M. On Thursday evening he will speak on the "Religious Cus toms of the People of India." Both lec tures will be given under the auspices of the School Benefit Society, of this city, the proceeds going to purchase pictures and other decorations for the school buildings of Portland. The lecture, "English Rule in Egypt." was given in Berkeley a few days ago by Mr. Bailey, and, according to a let ter received in this city, it is a most comprehensive and interesting outline of the situation in that country. H. C. Campbell, of Portland, has known Mr. Bailey personally since 1905, and he speaks highly of him. Mr. Campbell met Mr. Bailey in Egypt In 1905 and traveled with him through that country and through Palestine, Syria aid countries in Europe. They visited Egypt together again in 1914, and traveled through Soudan. Syria and the country surrounding the Red Sea. Mr. Bailey has just returned from a year in India, where he made a study of the religions of that land. Thursday night's lecture will be ac companied by lantern slides giving scenes in India, particularly those per taining to the methods of worship and religious customs of the country. Calf Ownership Taxes Men of Law's Wisdom. Mnlny Volumes Kail to Proiide Dis posal of Offspring of Cow At tached for $35. ALTHOUGH she is only three days old, a Jersey calf Is already prov ing a puzzle to constables, lawyers, judges and all manner of county of ficials. Many musty volumes have been pulled down from the shelves of the Multnomah County Law Library in an effort to learn who is properly the owner of the calf. The mother, Clarice, is a blooded Jer sey cow. Some time ago Adrian Ander egg sold her to E. C. Armett for $80. All of this was paid except J35, and Anderegg sued Armett. He attached Clarice several days ago. The calf was born while its mother was under at tachment. Who owns the calf? Dep uty Constable Nicholson was in a quandary, and appealed to numerous legal lights about the Courthouse for advice. Ordinarily the title to the calf would follow the title to the mother, is the opinion of the lawyers. But Anderegg did not attach the calf. On the other hand, he probably would have attached the calf if it had been living at the time. Somebody carried the case to Circuit Judge Gatens and asked his opinion. "Well," he said, "as a juvenile judge, I am unalterably opposed to separating a .child from its mother. Let Clarice keep her offspring." Anderegg and Armett are both claim ing the calf, and one of the district judges will have to decide who gets it. "The trouble is," said Deputy Con stable Nicholson, "that it's a heifer calf. If it wasn't, we might settle the case on a basis of so many pounds of veal to each man." MR. KENT FILMS "COWBOY" Creator of Role on Stage Slakes De but In Movies at Peoples. To the photo play, "The Cowboy and the Lady," a picturization of Clyde Fitch's success of the same name, S. Miller Kent brings all the witchery he employed when creating the role of the gentlemanly, stiff-collared, perfect mannered "cowboy." "The Cowboy and the Lady" opened Thursday at the Peoples Theater and will close tonight. It Is in five reels. Mr. Kent- was the star of "Raffles" and made quite a name for himself on Broadway. This is his first appearance in motion pictures, however, and he returned to the stage after his exploits before the camera. There is some magnificent photog raphy in the production, one feature of which is that every scene was photo graphed where the original was laid. This forced the company to travel over five states. "The Cowboy and tle Lady" was per haps the most popular Western play ever on the stage and the drama in motion pictures contains added thrills. ALL FAMILY IN VOTE BOARD Appointed Member Says Slie Was Ousted for Chairman's Kin. The following letter, received yester day by the County Commissioners from Mrs. S. A. Pearson, 655 Thurman street, was referred to County Auditor Martin for investigation: "I am one of the appointed members of the night election board in precinct 8. I went at 8 o'clock to take my place. The chairman, had appointed his sister-in-law in my 'place. I was deprived of my place. Can I be deprived of my pay? I was on time. The chairman of the night board has his father, mother, son-in-law, brother-in-law and his sister-in-law on the board. Can't you make a place for his mother-in-law on the board? I have heard his son-in-law has moved over to Washington to clear a tract of land. If he does not live here can he serve on the board legally? Please let me know what I can do." I. W. W. MAKE THREATS Speakers Say They Will Sow Mus tard and Thistles on Lawns. Threats to sow mustard and Cana dian thistle on the lawns in Portland's best resident sections were made by I. W. W. speakers at Fifth and Alder streets Thursday night, according to re port filed by Patrolmen Abbott and Ford. The report asserted that the speak ers refused to work for less than $3 a day. and said they would send out postals to draw the entire unemployed population of the Northwest to this city unless the police stopped arrests for vagrancy. ALLEGED FORGER TAKEN P. Jj. Rawn Said to Be Wanted in Pendleton on Charge.' A meager description of P. L. Rawn, wanted on a charge of forgery, was tel egraphed to Portland from Pendleton yesterday morning, and yesterday af ternoon Detectives Moloney and Swen nes arrested a man answering the de scription at Fourth and Stark streets. They say he had passed two value- J Startling Introductory Special For Saturday Only S30O Guaranteed, New, Upright Piano, $97.50 ' Beautiful Case, Latest Design, Music Teachers Favorite. Strictly Modern 88-Xote Player Piano, With Fre Music, at $245 Two floor of many different makes. Uon't lie Batiste to eome in and look over oar stoek for future reference. Store Open Vntil &1.EO Saturday Kvenlng E.H. Holt Piano Company, Inc. 333 MOHRISOKT STRKET, Northwestern Bank Block. less checks in Portland, and was carrying forged notes to the amount of J2500. Rawn had given checks for $73 at the Multnomah Hotel and 25 at Meier & Frank's, which he is said to riave ad mitted the bank could not cover by his deposit. Detective Moloney report ed that Rawn confessed the promissory notes he carried were forgeries. The name on the notes was that of Ben Colvin, a wealthy cattleman livv ing about . 76 miles from Pendleton. Rawn said that he had not been able to pass a note for $500 in Pendleton but had succeeded in cashing one for 8100, according to police reports. lie was arrested as a fugitive and Pendle ton will probably send an officer for him today or tomorrow. JENNING'S Saturday Special No Deliveries. None C. 0. D. Basement Salesroom. We Carry a Full Line of Aluminum Ware. Inspect It at Your Leisure. "Wear-Ever" Coupons Redeemed. HENRY JENNING & SONS Washington Street at Fifth MEN! Tomorrow is Sunday whether you golf, motor, row, yacht, go to church, or call, you'll need a pair of Len non's gloves. Also, if you run a lawn mower, clean the base ment, or pull thistles from the lawn, our canvas gloves for married men will keep the blisters from off your palms. 309 Morrison Street Postoffice Opposite Chas. F. Berg, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. Ag-ents Phoenix Hose. The San Francisco Fair The United States National Bank Third and Oak Streets, Portland, Or. Capital and Surplus $2, 000,000.00 Skirt Week This is shirt week here and we've devoted five big Morrison windows to a display of the newest patterns in Men's Spring Shirts. You'll see the finest of silks, imported French madras, soisettes, silk bosoms, percales and Russian cords. Every price from $1 to $6. S. & H. Stamps Given Regular $2 "Octa gon Coffee Perco lators of exclusive design, polished in a mirror - like ef fect ; hold seven cups. We offer them all Saturday- Will be visited by many Portland people. Travelers' Checks which this bank issues afford the best possible means of carrying funds when traveling. Cashed by banks, hotels, railroads and stores without trouble of identification. Store Open Till lO P. M. Tonight THE WAYNE-another clever new Kuppen- heimer model for young men that you read about in today's Saturday Evening Post is now displayed in our windows ,and store. It's a style that is truly above the ordinary. The coat has a two-button soft roll front, natural shoulders and high waistline. See the blue Tartan effects and O the gray and heather mixtures in the windows tpjO Ralston Shoes by Express Just here by express are some new Ralston novelties in shoes and oxfords the Beverly with gray cloth tops; the Piccadilly with white Du Flex sole, and others now displayed in our entrance window. of GUS KUHN, Pres. Successor to Steinbach & Co. Phones: Pacific, Marshall 1; Home, A 6281 CHOICE SPRING LAMB They are choice so send in your order early. VEAL The finest selected milk-fed country veal. Leg or Loin Roasts, lb 17 Shoulder or Breast Roast, lb 15 French Rack Roasts (larded), lb 17 Rolls of Veal (boneless, larded), lb 17 Veal Loaf, lb 15tf BOCK SAUSAGE, lb 20 PIG PORK Small, Tender, Grain-Fed Piff Pork Raised by the Oregon Agricultural College Leg Roasts, lb Shoulder Roasts, lb...: 12, Loin Roasts, lb 18 Spare Ribs (fresh), lb Our Special Bargain Meat Counter will dis play an unusual large assortment of qual ity meats at Portland's lowest meat selling market. JONES' MILD-CURED "PRIDE OF ORE GON" SMOKED MEATS Still the Lowest in Price Always the Highest in Quality. Shoulder Hams, lb H Hams, Y? or whole, lb 1G Cottage Hams, lb 14 Bacon Backs, or whole strips, lb 17 Bacon, light stock only, lb 20 Jowls, special at, lb lS'S Against . U Ask For X Substitutes Get the Well-Known Round Package Csf,wii,U..A. C Caution VXfr 3 MALTED MtCO. EZT'Tafco a Pacfrarjo Homo Morrison At Fourth THE ORIGINAL iMiffa Made In the largest, best equipped and sanitary Malted Milk plant in the world We do not make"milk products"- Skim Milk Condensed Milk, etc. But oiy HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Made from clean full-cream milk and the extract of select malted grain, reduced to powder form, soluble in water. .Best Food-Drink for All Ages. Usd for ever a Quarter Century Unlearn you may "HORLIGK'S" you may got a Submtitutom