THE SrORXlXG OREGOyiAy. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915. 15 AUCTION MIES TODiT. Fort Auction Hoom, 211 1st. Furniture. Carpets, stc Sale at 2 P. M. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. furniture. 166-8 First St. At 304 Madtson il SaJa at i P. M. J. T Vilson, auctioneer. PORTLAND AERIE. NO. 4. F. O. E-, meets every Fri day evening In their nail at IS-ili Madison at, corner ol Third. .Visitors welcome. VIC CHAPMAN. Sec. POliTI.AND LODGE, No. Sr., A. V. AND A. M. Special com munication 7:3V this eveninc IVork in F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. C. M. S-TKADMAN, Secretary. STNN YS1DU LOWiE, TJ. D.. r. municatlon tnnicht ( Kna M. Stated com ay) 7:;d, East Thirty-fourth Yamhill streets. Work K. A. and do- grec. Visitors welcome. E- M. I.ANCE, secretary. ALBERT PIKK LODGE, U. D.. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication tonight -at o'clock. M. M. desrees. Visitors welcome. Bv order of W. M. K. R. 1VXE, Secretary, MYRTLE CHAPTER, NO. 13. O. E S Resular meeting this (Fri day) evening. In Masonic Temple, at 8 o'clock. By order W. M. JENNIE H. OALLOWA1, Sec, Vt'EnVOOT CAMP, NO. 65, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets every Friday nigh j at W O. W. Tempi., 1SS 11th street All member, welcome. BR&V."' UEO.'ROSSMAN, Con.-nil Commanucr. IXTRA Emblem Jewelry of all rttte PJ el.l designs made. Jaeger Bros., jswelera. CAMEI-At her lay rcldene; .J.1" coin St.. Emma E-'Oamcy, ased M years. Remains at P. L. Lerch undertaking par lor K. 11th and Clay sts. Funeral an nouncement later. CHRISTIE In Seattle. -Wash.. April 7. Mar garet Christie, aged 13 years 6 months, beloved (laughter of Mrs. Edith and the late W'. H- Christie. BESS April 8. at 537 East 21st st N., ?avid E. Hess, aged 14 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie C. Hess. EECSTIS At Boston. April 8, James F. Heustis, aged IW. lather of Mrs. K. w. CHERLOCK At the family residence, 35 J'orUi 2Jd St.. April S. Mrs. Rosetta Sher lock. Announcement of funeral later. FO'EBAL NOTICES. EDWARDS In this city, April 8, at his late residence. 1153 Thurman street, pwight Edwards, agd years. The funeral ' services will Le held Saturday. April 10. : at 1 o'clock P. M., at tne residence estab lishment of J. P. Finlcy & Son .Montgom ery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding services at tUo Portland crematorium. SHIPLEY The funeral services of the late John J. Shipley, who passed away at Ocean Park, wash.. April 7. 191a. will be : held today (Friday) at P. ' the chapel of the skewes Undertaking Company corner 3d and clay sts "ends are Invited to attend. Interment family plot, Rlvervicw Cemetery. JEVNINO In this city, April 8, at his late residence, 435 Multnomah street, Henry Jcnnins. Sr., aged CO years. The funeral services will be held today (Friday) at - ' o'clock P. M. at the above residence. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview Cemetery. TAN VALKENBlTRfi The funeral services of the laie Guy E. Van Valkonburg Kill be held today (Friday) at 1" o'clock A. M. at the residence establishment of J. Flnlcv & Son, Montgomery at If fn. Friends Invited. Interment at Multnomah Cemetery. MOORE Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services of Anna Mag gie beloved wife of '. F. Moore, at R. T Byrnes funeral parlors. "Williams ave. and Knott St.. today (Friday). April i). Ht o'clock A. M. Interment will take place at Neaberg, Or. BORGESON The funeral services of the late John Albln Borgeson will be con ducted todav (Friday). April 9, at 1! P. M-. from Pearson's undertaking parlors, Rus sell St. at Union ave. Friends invited. TTNETiAL TiFRECTOBS. Tne only residence- undertaking establish ment lu Portland srlta privatu nvaway. aiaia a, A laud. J. P. FIMLBT 4 SOX, Montgomery at Fifth. MR. SOWARD HOLMAN, ttas leading f uncial director, 220 Third strsot. comer feainioM Lady asaisumt. A lull. Main avl. F. B. DUNMKG, INC East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Al ter street. East ii. B XiiS. . . u I it. :.uu WILLIAMS AVaV , ir i ' i iih ' mLLaiitiaiK. Day 1Mb . " ' aad pib'ht service. - ' A M JilNTEE. funeral directors. 'f roadway and Pine. Pbona Uala .30, J. iM Lady sLtenuant. w UKKEZE & SNOOii. Suniiysida larlurs, nuto haaroe. ldiii lielmont st. labor Liuo, 1 IJii K. T. BYKNES, William ave. and Knott. East 1113. c im:i, Laay attendant. P. L. LEKCH, East lllh aud Clay ilienut Lady assistant. East 781. " SKBWEa UNDERTAKING COMPANT, 34 and Clay. Main iljj. A 2421. Lady attenaanr. Autos for funerals and weddings. Funeral Service Co. Woodiawn 223. C 11. FLOKlriTS. MART1X A FOKUEB CO.. floruta. 847 Wash lngton. Main A ia. Flowers for ail occasions artistically arranged. CLAKKK BKOS-, desiauers and decorators, fresh cut flowers, great variety. Morrison, between 4ta and 6th. Main or A laoS. TEOPLE'S FLOHAL SHOP, id and Aider. Designs and spraa. Marshall 61i2- MAX M. SMITH. Main 7216, A -1X1. SelUag building. A. C. F. BURKHARDT. 120 N. 23d Funeral designs and cut flowers. Main i:.139. A 7931. fctNNY&lDE Greenhouse. Fresh flowers. Phone B 1322. E. Sd and lay. or. MONTMENTS. PORTLAND Marble 'SYorks, 4th St.. opposite City Hall, builders of memorials. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY err ghano avew n. Bttwees Davia sad Uverctt. rboBesj Ku 142, B Opea Day ad MJtht. Report all cases of cruelty to this of fice Lethal chamber for small antmaia. lorse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring a pet may communicate with ua NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans tjuickly closed. Call today. DO BIM.MaS PHOPKRTIES A. H. BI51RELI, CO. 117 -il orhTresern Bank Building;. Marshall 4114, A 411S. 4-3C if MORTGAGE LOANS 61 OJf IMPROTtm BrSTNESS ntoprnTit Residence loans and 1 per cent, ac cording; to location. Plenty of money. ROBERTSON & EWING 307-8 Mortal west era Caafc Blag. BUSINrSS PfrPPf-RTYANOCXCSEIN RESIDENCtS S-EDRDE.G0U0EY7 MOBiTHW3TeRrl feAKiSs&UIUSIMCi SEW TODAY. IrvingtoaHoiRe at a Low Price A modern 6-room bungalow, located on the Broadway carllne. This was designed and built for a home and finisned in re fined taste. Desire to sell with furniture which was selected particularly for it: will handle. Price complete, all improve ments paid. filoO. No agents. AF 23. Ore gon lan. - Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at vjnrrent Kates. MCNICIPAL AND COKPOBATION BONDS, FABM AND CITV LA8. SO Fourth aV Board Ttada Blag. MORTGAGE AMY AMCWTt AT CUimBO SSIES JCRQNAM Qg5fWJiH.8UILDIH, CITY AMD FABM LOAMS On Improved froperUes In Any Amount at Current Rataa. HAIITMA.N 'A-HOJlPiO. BANKERS. Craer trouxtsi ausl tarst btreata. BEAL ESTATE DEALEB8. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P- 404-4u3-4t) Wilcox blag. BECK, William Q.. 815-31B Falling bldg BENEDICT BROS., 880 Hawthorne ave. BARRETT BROS.. 402 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE. For bale Lota. ROSE CITT PARK LOTS. Deal direct with the owners, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of Portland, call on our realty department, corner Fourth and Stark. HAKTMAN c THOMPSON- ROSE CITT PARK. Southeast cor, 45th and Sandy, bargain for cajii or will sell. on 2d mtg. ; terms. A. H. Hickman, at HAKTMAN & THOMPSON (4th and Stark.) LOTS ACREAGE. ASTORIA, WARRENTON, NEW ASTORIA jvailnn rhn heart of the best of It. R. L. Yoke. 1136 Northwestern Bank bldg. IDEAL home site on the West Side for only yiiO ilO down, to per month; this is just 1.1 minutes' car ride. 3c fare; city, water. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. TWO Irvington lots. $4000; clear of .lens, 2th St., between Brazes and Knott; lota ' 7 and 8. block S3. Boaworth, 10S8 East Thomas St.. Seattle. 3 LOTS JOxlOU each; beautiful view, graded street and sidewalk; 20-mintue car ride, only $400, easy terms. 70i N. W. Bank bldg. For Sale Beach Property. TILLAMOOK BEACH Salt air; 2 fine lots, best location, big sacrifice. Address Owner, N 70U. oregonian. For Sale Ho ea. $12.000 ON THE RIVER $12,000. One acre, highly Improved, natural shrubbery, S roonis, biliiard-rm., good gar age, concrete wall along river front, 1. min. walk from station; Ideal location and wonderful scenery See A. H. Hickman, HARTMAN & THOMPSON (4th and Stark.) ROSE CITT PARK HOMES. Deal direct with the owners, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of Port land. Call on our Realty Department, cor ner 4th and Stark, HARTMAN & THOMPSON ROSE CITY PARK. Modern 7-room house, just off Sandy boulevard, with fireplace, buffet, book cases, electric and gas fixtures, cement basement, cement walk and steps, nice lawn; sacrifice at g'JTSO. Call at once on Jos. C. Gibson, SOU Gerlinger bids. Main 0820. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. NEW, VERY ARTISTIC. 5 large, airy rooms, with sleeping porch, close to car; long living-room, 12x5, tire place. Inlaid parquet, oak iloors, elegant beveled plate buttet and -bookcases, solid brass glass knob hardware, shade trees, swell fixtures. Phone Tabor 11)00. IN PIEDMONT For sale, rent or exchange for Los Angeles property; 7-room thor oughly modern bouse; beautiful grounds, an ideal home for children; near High School, library, park and churches. Will sacrifice for quick disposition. S 701), Oregonian. 130.00, WHICH Includes Interest, 8 rooms with sleeping porch, bath, fireplace, built in conveniences, full cement basement, hot and cold water in bedrooms; on good carllne, near park, schools, churches; in one of Portland's best restricted dis tricts. Woodiawn 8712. KERN PARK HOME. Formerly J2U00, now 1000. Owned by widow woman who is com pelled to sell, hence the reduction lu price; two lots, ooxloo; good 4-room house, close to station; will give terms; Investigate. PEARSON & WILLOUUHBY, Main u',)00. BARGAINS AND EASY TERMS. Five rooms, .".uxlOO lot: will take lot as first payment, if reasonable; balance easy monthly payments; one J1S00 aud one ?150. Address P. O. Box 42. PAY ME J1500 cash, assume Uo0 mortgage and take my modern li-room bungalow. Haw thorne district: two lots lotixlOO), paved street, 2 blocks to car; you can bui.d an other house on one lot and clear S1O00 on the deal. Address H 720. Oregonian. LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT on 5-room modern bungalow, completely furnished with new furniture; Richmond Add.. 1 block from car. Owner. Main 314-. 979 Tillamook sL, opposite Fernwood School; 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace. sleep Inn porch hardwood floors; a bargain at JK.Oo; terms to suitt Robert J. O'Neil, owner, 701 Board of Trade bldg. Tel. Main 7.ifS SIX lots. 50x100 in bunch, 4-room bungalow, with sun porch, electric lights, poultry house and yards., garden ground, clear title, owner; price o.lio. Ti ou II want this Write R. 1. box Jls. or call at 210i 1111a mook st.. city. BUY from owner, less than cost never oc cupied home, 7 rooms, sleeping porch; every' modern conveniences on Broadway car; all Improvements in; S2DO0, terms. H 1 1 o, Oregonian. -i.-CTr ci- Rnnll HnIK $10O down. a month, which includes Interest; all good large rooms: built-in conveniences; handy to good carlinc. Call Tabor ;;v.i, mornuisa aim c,c-nmc. ONE of Laurelhurst'a most attractive bung alows, every modern Improvement, 7 rooms and sleeping porch; sacrifice. Ta bor 1297. LOCATED in very heart of Laureihurst; modern, sightly. 8-room house, on corner; nothing better in tract and price is right Owner, 'taoor o-. EliLITY in bouse and lot; favorably lo. cated: easy payments; will oiscount amount of equitv for cash. Address room MS. Oregonian tms. AT SACRIFICE o-room bungalow, 50x 100 lot. Iti-fL alley, garage, cement base ment, furnace, gas. electricity, built lor homo by owner; close in on Last tide. Phone wooaiawn ii-. FINK big (i-room bungalow, looxloo ground, fruit trees near cariine: 20 minutes" car rid' $-"0 terms to party with satisfac tory' references. 705 N. W. Bank bldg. NICE throe-room bungalow. West side, only 15 minutes ear ride. 5c fare, for only $...o, $75 cash. $lo per month. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. $5T,o BUYS big 5uxl21 lot. 2-room house; ground ready for garden; 2o-minule car ride: easy terms to right party. 70 N. Vr. Bank bidg. $250. Modern 7-room house. Irvington. a snap; $250 down, terms; price $5000. Main 2013. :i:!l Oak !l 14 NEW 5-room bungalow; good locality, modern. 100 feet north Mt. Scott car; key 5S2 82d st. S. E. Tabor 1 2S. ON account of business, must soil 4-room bungalow; give me an offer for cash. Ta bor 41U7. FOR SALE Hotse ard lot, partly fur nished: house unfinished, small mortgage; M2" cash required. 47o7 75th S. E. PLANS $5 BUNGALOW PLAN BOOK, 10c. A H. FABER. ARCHITECT. 360 Ainsworth ave. Phone Woodiawn 2D4 FOR SALE New modern 4-room bungalow in Irvington. Unique In design and com- plete IX. every oeuui. ..-.. Si Ort.lri. uu'5, ... - - house, close in. very cheap, easy terms. Phone East 20S. . WILL build to suit on easy terms plans ree of cnarge. u egg, -"s""'- NEW, modern 1 2-room house. In Irving-ton. xv. 15. nice, inw SEW modern a-room house, garage; Income 130 a month: terms. Woodiawn sxs& MY mnH.rn home la Irvington must be sold; real bargain. S. 718, (Jregoniaa, s ' REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. Tail VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A EUKDEN TNTO INCOME? W3 WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, , BUILD APARTENTS, ESI PENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FF.iiS; WE ABE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW: TALKsV-ITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE ' OUR WORK.TV1LL GIVE BONDS. L. K. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHI-TEt-TS. K24 ABINGTON ELDG. IRVINGTON HOME AT A LOW PRICE. A modern six-room bungalow, located on the Broadway carlinc; this was de signed and buiit for a home and finished in retined taste; desire to sell with furni ture, which was selected particularly for it: :,750 will handle; price complete, all improvements paid, $5750. No agents. AF 7-li. Oregonian. for 6ale Business Property, APARTMENT SITE, We have a close-in West Side apart ment site very choice property mort gaged and owner desirous of selling; to anyone ready and in position to buy for cash we can quote an interesting price. COE A. M'KENNA & CO., 727 Chamber of Commerce. 100 X 100. Will lease or build on quarter block, one block from east approach to Burnside bridce. Owner, S 71. Oregonian. Suburban Home Property. WILLAMETTE RIVER Frontage, 1 aore, cheap, 4-room house, poultry bouse, or chard and other trees, $1800 H. G. Stark weather. Risley Sta. Phone Oak Groxe 1-X For Bale Acreage. ACREAGE. SPECIAL 30 DAY OFFER 25 per cent, discount will be allowed on all purchases made within the next SO days. Any sized tract from half acre up. Finest of soil; no rock or gravel. Thirty minutes' ride on best electric line out of Portland. Schools, churches and stdTes convenient. The best offer of the season. ' Investigate it. IKS SHAW-FEAR COMPANT Main 85 102 Fourth St. A 3500. METZGER ACRE TRACTS. MKTZGER ACRE TRACTS. Come out and see METZGER ACRE TRACTS, which I am selling now at a great bargain; concessions made to those who contemplate building homes. Only 2j minutes from Jefferson st. station, on the Oregon Electric Ry. (Salem line); com mutation fare. c Call at my office, J10 Oak st., Portland, or at Metzger station. CHICKEN FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, ' near Portland. Gresham district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS u-mlle electric station, t.o to $laO per acre- easy terms; best soil; free wood. Farms for sale, all sixes. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO. '209 Yeon Bldg., Portland. Or. 10 TO 40-ACRE tracts, fine soil, spring water, 25 miles from Portland ; school, store and stations on the land; $2o to stoo per acre; easy paynnnu LUEDDEilANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of- Commerce. Homesteads. ISO ACRES on Rogue River; also 160 acres in Yamhill Co., S.000,000 fL fir. Phone Main io.iv. For Sale Farms. A PERFECT farm and home in Rogue River Valley for general merchandise, grocery or furnishings, all mdse. or part cash or terms, or small close-in farm or tracts to $8000 (eight thousand dollars), very high ly improved, rich, black bottom lana, 5 miles from town; 100 a. in crop, well eauipped with stock and machinery, with unlimited free range for stock; all goes . at $25,000 (twenty-five thousand). Deal only with owner on straight cash values. Refer to any bank at Grants Pasa or Rogue River. Address O. B. S.. box ti, R R No. 1, Rogue River, Or. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 75 aires of land, all In cultivation; 3 acres in fine crop, wheat, oats, vetch and clover land level, black loam soil; ne buildings, house, barn and garage, good work team. 2 fine Jersey cows, bo laying hens. 17 setting, 7 ducks, 7 pigs, names., rig tools, grain and hay, new range and other furniture; M mile river frontage; hog-tight fence; no overflow land; all goes fo- M0 per acre, cash, no trade. H Graham's farm. Harrisburg, Or. 4500 acres splendid wheat land. Whit man County, Washington comprising sev eral ranches well Improved; good springs; about Vt In crop, balance Summer fallow; 4 to y, cash, balance terms; strictly de sirable' ranches. R. L. Yoke. 1136 North- western Bank bldg. THE NEW WAY. THE MODERN WAY. THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land Are you Interested? If so, write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN.. 0S Phelan bldg., San Francisco. C. M. WOODSTER, PresJ FOR KENT FARMS. WE have a 7r-acre farm on the Clack amas River; 18 miles from Portland; 25 acres in cultivation; wiU take rent in labor on place; good placa for small dairy. (K) DORR E. KEASEY - CO. 232 Chamber o Comemrce. ONLY $25 PER ACRE. 30 acres, good soil, improved, 8 miles from Mosier. Or.: JWO0O cash, balance terms. M. A. Loehr, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (4tn ana niar- TO rent for term of years. 2o0 acres, dairy ranch, best Columbia River bottom; water and rail transportation; 24 miles from Portland; also some splendid duck lakes to rent. N. Merrill, Ciatskanie, Or. . tt-T vi.- a n S acres. house; all In cultivation; fenced: ne:ir Multnomah station. Smith- Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange bldg. 10 CRES. near city, on Section Line road, wltn 4-room house, chicken house and barn; half under cultivation; low rent to right party, in au i. BEAUTIFUL 5-acre tract, good house, elec tric car cheap. J. D. Morris, Main B076, A 4S61. " WANTEu REAL ESTATE. WANT house. Rose City Park or other sim ilar district; have 3 clear lots and will as sume mortgage to JloOO. See W Ickman, The Fred A. Jacobs. Co.. 26 Wash. St. WANTED strictly modern 5-room house with oak floors, not. to exceed $2..00; have good lot as part payment. S 18, Orego nian WANT unincumbered residence to value of l00 to $2500; have $500 cash and clear property in growing toast town. Coos ra- r,. '-. S TO 5-room house In good district, not nA. rinwn St.", monthlv. C 715. Oregonian. . MODERN o-room rtungaiow, ruuuicu u tricl. clear: Irvington lot first payment. j 7l'y. Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. EXCHANGE For wheat or stock, land in Kaitem Oregon. 26H acres, deep, red shot land. 15 acres hops. 65 in cultivation, balance second growth fir; trout stream: fair buildings: Yamhill County. a2ls ) .umber Exchange . m iTi 74 ACKS land, timber, sawmill, only 25 miles from Portland, at a bargain. John Brown. Gresham. Or. Phone Gresham 5io. WANTED TO BENT FARMS. YOUNG man wants to rent farm on shares; had 5 years experience; good references. X 715. Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGST AND SOLD. C J M'CP.ACKSN. 3C4 M KAY BLDO. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. $5500 EQUITY 7-room mdttern house on Hawthorne, value $5500, to exchange for clear property; some cash. AO ilo. Ore gonian HOUSE and two lots in Southern Oregon; value S25G0. trade for grocery -stock or w h a t have you"? Phone East 3u0. apt. Kt. WXT small dairv or stock farm in ex change for good-paying cash business. O 710, Oregonian. invlN'GTON home equity for nearby acre age; bargain and will assume. Address AF 715. Oregonian: " S"OO0 EQUITY in modern home to ex change for Dakota land, unimproved. clear, owner. ji -w. I HAVE city property for acreage along the Oregon Electric W. J. Davie, 505 Cor nell uiui. $1500 HOUSE equity. $2700 cottags rented, for clear lot or auto. AK 706, Oregonian. IRVINGTON HOME for exchange. B. M. Lombard. 250 ii 3d. Mala 6692. A 3892. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. MODERN double bungalow at La Jolta. which is a select addition to San Diego. Cal.. near tho center of the city; valued at $5000, clear; want a few acre) not far from Portland where chickens cjin be kept and some gardening done, of about same value, clear. The bungalow is very desirable property. DORR E. KEASEY, - 2d floor Chamber of Commerce Bid. Purtland, Or. FOR EXCHANGE. 4i;rt acres, stock or dairy farm. Improved; nothing better in Valley; 100 acres river bottom land; will take up to $10,000 or $12,000 in clear Fortland property; price $o5 per acre B pieces of good timber, 1(10 earh. cruise from 3 to 5 million ft., well located; some part trade, some all trade for Portland property; price is right. Get full descrip tioni N. P. Gribble, 1710 E. 19lh st, Port land I WOULD like to talk to the-wncr o some - good incomc-beiiring city property wortii $25,000, which thev ant to put in witn some cash, on a fine dairy farm ar Portland, all stocked, and located right on good auto road, close to small town on R R. and easy worth the money asked. I am the owner of this farm and not an agent. Come and see me at 206 Railway Exchange. I mean business if you du Owner. ' 10;;-ACRE wheat farm; 000 in wheat; all goes; elegant well, fair buildings, lot of stock and farming machinery: remaTnder of place being summer-fallowed: owner will sacrifice for $25,000; must have a lit tle cash, clear property to $0o0(l or $10,000. remainder long time, low interest. The next two crops will pay out on the farm. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. $30,00C WORTH CLEAR LAND FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 264 A. White Salmon, Lyle district; no waste land; 48 A. in young orchard; buildings, well, etc.; will trade clear for clear or take mortgage to equalize. See owner, Geo. C. Howard, office Sanitary Market. 2d and YamhilL Main 7863. y. ACRE, 6-room house, fruit trees, small barn, woodshed, splendid water. In Oyster vllle Wash.; house insured $.00; trade for good second-hand truck, louo or liiOO pounds capacity, aj -!. cj, TO EXCHANGE 33 acres in city limits of Hlllsboro, on 3 railroads and hard sur face road, bonded liens paid; value $20. 000; will divide. Owner, 521 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4134. OWNER will take logged-off land, gram -r stock ranch for the choicest ciose-in West Side acreage. POSITIVELY no agents. Priced at cne-half adjoining values. H 1;. oregonian 100 ACRES, improved farm, near Redmond, mx II ,-noH iinllSA n fl Vistm. mtg. $000,' sacrifice for cash or trade for Portland lots, a.reage or home. Owner, Main 1)451. FOR SALE or exchange, 10 acres 8-year commercial appie orchard, near Salem; sacrifice; would exchange for Southern California, Los Angeles preferred. AJ 71ti, Oregonian. ; WANT general mercliandise-or grocery, value $2000 to $20,000; put in $500 to $2000 in cash, balance property and mortgages. Epton. 4;i2 cnameer 01 commerce. CLEAR LAND FOR PORTLAND PROP ERTY; will exchange 40 A. Klickitat Co. or 40 near Sandy for Portland clear or tase mig. IP equalise, an -iv. 40 ACRES 2 miles from Cresswell; unim proved; line son, water, guou ru&u, can nery at Cresswell; sale or trade. Phone East 1668 or AD 708. Oregonian. FINE HOMW of nine rooms and two baths, $S0OO. clear of incumbrance; want 40 to 00 acres near Portland; will assume. O.W. Bryan. 509 Cham- of Com. W ILL exchange $1000 equity in house valued $1500 for grocery, confectfonery or some other means of making a living. M 721, Oregonian. FIVE and 6-room houso to exchange for acreago. Owner, Woodiawn 705. A BRICK store and some cash for wheat ranch. Cal: 331 Oak st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc JUST received, a shipment of horses con sisting of blocky farm chunks, young mares, wagon or delivery horses and some heavy draft teams; come and see them hitched or I will guarantee to your satis faction. G. K. Howitt, Model Stables, uth and Davis sts. HOUSE, 9 years old, weighs 1200, sound, good worker, suitable for delivery or farm work; also 2-ton wagon; sell or trade. 90 N. 11th St., Sunday. East 35th and Alder. COMMISSION AUCTION of horses, vehicles, harness, wagons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 P. M. Colum bia stables. 302 Front st- WAN 1H3 D Second-hand buggy. New Eng land type, low gear, comlortable seat, good top, easy riding, spring strong enough for two heavy persons. L 721, Oregonian. SMALL ranch outfit, lontf-bodied buggy, nca.-iy new, good harness, 9-year-old horse, $100. 22S North 14th. SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 10 A. M. Forced sale of horses, cabs, wagons aud harnesses at U. P. Stahie. 2o Russell st. BARGAINS in new Troy dump wagons and dump boxes. J. I.' Case T. M. Co., East 1st and Clay. Phone East 4U.B 1227. HORSES marcs, all kinds, weights 1100-1700. All broke and guaranteed. JbSVl Madi son, on approach of bridge, West Side. $90 TAKES 2'200-ib. team, harness and top wagon; good campiug outfit. 5bo East Irving. TEAM- and 2-ton express wagon, including business, $15Q. East 0792. 551 Union ave. N. WAGON'S and horses by day, $1.25. 1. Cohen, 381 Water su Main 2208. Main 6985. M VltE and horse, wt. J1U0 each, with har ness. $00. HH Union ave. North. FOR SALE Two 2-ton wat'ons with covers. good condition, jua INOrtri i-in at. NICE two-seated surrey and biack mare cheap. )02l) E. Yamhill st. FOlt SALE cheap, B-year-o!d gray pony. Call Marshall 2894 or A 4950. PAIR 1900-lb. ponies, fat and sleek, good w orkers; $100. -28 North 14th. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at 88 E. 7th at. North. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. C all day or n i g ht. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE One driving mare. Call Tabor 387. PASTURAGE for stock near Portland. Main 1410. WORK horse for sale, price $40. Inquire DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodiawn 20- Portland Rendering Co. Flanos. organs and Musical Instruments. PIANO AND PLAYER BARGAINS. Man. case, like new, $145 Player, latest style, oak case. $29i. Oak case, standard make. $250. Largo size, man. case, $210. Beautiful man. case, regular toOO, like new, $290. The above and many others at terms to suit. Free music with players. E. H. HOLT PIANO COMPANY, 333 Morrison Street. Northwestern National Bank Block. HIGH-GRADE piano at a big bargain. 22 Lumner u. nms-. -u TO RENT Sweet-toned upright piano. 555 .- ,-ill U.ln Pogg, Birds. Pet block. CH R RAVEN and PRESIDENT AT STUD. LAPDIX KENNELS. ESTACADA. OR. Poultry. WE SELL 100 White Leghorn baby chlx from best utility stock and our tireless brooder for $8.00, April and May deliv ery; we guarantee safe delivery. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petaluma, Cal. Livestock. REGISTERED Jersey bull, best blood lines, for Eale. C W. Aliman. route 1. Portland, or phone Woodiawn 2771. A THOROUGH BRED Jersey, four years, o gal. a day. fresh; a beauty, $100. Coffeen, Lents Junction. . COW and calf lor sale. !X)0 E. llitn St. loth and llo:gate. Scilwood 119. , Furniture for Sale. HAVE up-to-date office outfit for salo, con sisting of one quarter-sawed cak, mas sive. 54-ln. sanitary rolltop desk: onw quartered oak swivel chair, one side chair to match, two. oak straight-back chairs, one 9x12 beautiful Wilton velvet rug. and ono 20x40 Globe Wernicke filing cab inet; this outfit cost me (new) $190, hardly used a-nd in best of condition, will sell for $75 cash. 1S4 1st st. Main r,7R. ' - Kl'P.XITL'RE 7 rooms. Oriental rugs, bric-a-brac Haviland china, cut glass, draper ies, piano, etc East 179.1 before 11 A.M.; after 2 P. BIS E. 24th N. , D'SING sitting and bedroom furnishings; "must sell today; no reasonable offer re fused: leaving city. 726 Kearney St. nT OAK rolltop desk and two chairs, $17.50. 4:15 Chamber of commerce. 3S7 MILL Furniture of beautiful flat, cheap if taken at once. Marshall 309. . A atomobilea. CADILLAC, 3914. fully equipped. 511 Cor bett Mils. Main B28- A 1629. S-PA.SSENG ER car for sale; make me offer. AO 718, Oregonian. FORD 5-passenger, for hire and driver, $6 per day. East 305. FOR SALE. Aatomobilea, USED AUTO SNAP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Cole 5 pass.. 30 h- p.. $500. Apperson to h. p.. $675- mnr. American 1 pass., 30 h. p.. $'00. Hupp 5 pass., 32 h. p., $5io. Michigan 0-pass.. 33 h. p., $ot. GARFOlD t pass.. 40 h. p., $l0. Ileo 2-ton truck with body. $120. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. FREE SERVICE GIVEN ON ALL USED CARS. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway and Couch Sta. LATE model wlnton Six, self-starter, elec tric lighted, fully equipped, Warner speed ometer, new top and new seat covets, tnor ouglily overhauled; will take light qar or roadster as part payment. Liberal terms on balance. Winton Motor Car Co., and Washington sts. Take-down garages, built of the test materials, artistic designs. 10x16, $19 up, erected complete, with lock and key; Im mediate delivery; also portable houses. TAKE-DOW ri MFG. CO., Foot of Harrison St. Main 1167. J150. B-passcnger Jackson, 191S, foredoor, tor. pedo body; no junk; you will have to hurry. Main 1242. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices $200 to $760. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO Studebaker Bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder Bts. IDEAL jitney br stage car, 15-30 Stearns In excellent condition; Is large and roomy car- arrange for demonstration. Main 4244. ' FOR HIRE. $1.50 PER HOUR. 5-passenger jui4 Ford; rates for trips or day work: good service. Phone Main 1201 or st oeotf. I WILL pay casli for roadster or light G pass machine; no junk considered; giv full particulars first letter. BF 716, ore gonian. OVERLAND, 1914, 5-pass. model, good tires, electric lights and in fine shape; liberal terms. Wintoa Motor Car Co., 23d and Washington sts. KUJiliSlUJt, HAVERS SIX. A classy car in very good condition; snap for someone at $150. Covey Motorcar Co.. 21st and Wash. WANTED Late model White, 5-7-pass. car in good condition; have some cash, wanted a little on terms. AH 724, Oregonian. WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market pries paid. J Levo. 186 Columbia Main S193. MY Wlntou 6. 7-passenger, in first-class condition, for salo by owner; machine stored at Richmond Garago. Tabor 4158. RUNABOUT. $375 cash. Al condition. P. O. Bog 42. S-PASSENGER auto; Just overhauled: $450; $200 cash. bal. monthly; no trade. 513 Lumner r-xenange. $375 BUYS 5-passenger Overland in O. K. II. I . -.n.l.l 3 DprthBlim T hsstflF bldg. ' BEFORE .you buy or sell your car see East Side Auto Repair Co., 717 Hawthorne. 1S14 FORD, line condition; $400, part trade, rest cash. 406 McKay bldg. Main 834. FORDS for hire, special rates on country trips. Main 6729. 27 4 Stark St. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED For cash, late model, 5-passenger car, must be in perfect condition. See Mr. Jones, Faquet Garage, Hawthorne ave. and E. Eighth sts. Phone East 6&40. 1 WILL pav you spot cash for your auto. Francis Motor Car Exchange, E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. $100 DOWN and $25 per month for Ford Phone Mar. 4017. . WANTED A gasoline or electric hotel bus. Inquire Hotel Broadway, Portland, or. Typewriter. We save you from 60 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our iUus- trftteri folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TY PIS WRITER CO., 321 Wash, et. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, eo tjrOBaway. oruanii, w TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 262 Stark st. Main 5628. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three months for $4, delivered. $44 Stark St. Main fill. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut ratee. P. D. C, 231 stark st. Main 140i. AliscellaneoHs. MUST sell one 24-eat Jitney bus body in Al condition, $400; one goose-neck wagon, 3 tons, $200; one G-ton wagon, $200; one 3-ton wagon, $15A); one 2-ton wagon, $40; one lH-ton White freight body, $150; one Ford auto, $375. Call at 614 E. Morrison st. pnone .c d.Ds. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sale or rent, $2 up. Sewing Machine Emporium. 190 3d St., near Taylor. Main ALL kinds of high-grade kodaks, Anastig- nui iejia uu ... a and exchanged; rifies and snotguns want ed. Hochfelu's CameraExchange. 85 3d St. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom ana pockbi oiiii- u X'L alleys and accassories; easy payments, ine BruniWlcK-rjaiSB-K.Qlieuuer i.u.. FOR SALE Australian onion sets, for large onions, uwi aaui - -- prepaid. Clark Ainsworth. Hubbard. Or. POLAR BEAR hide, raw; would mount Into beautiful rugj T. R. Phillips, fur dealer, McKay bldg. Main 1026. A 4121. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; maie in Oregon, per gallon, $1.65. Portland Paint Co.. 230 Front at. Marshall 100. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. SUP PLIES, FILM SERVICE. UNITED FILM CO., 226 2D 61, ONE SAFE, 4 by 2',t; 3 pool tables; cook, ins outfit. Cheap for cash. 51u Washing ton St.. Vancouver. v usn. 2S-FOOT, 17-mlle motorboat, boaihouse. with living room; fine outfit; $325, neiv price, .mam rtojo Engines, boilers, sawmills, bought, sold and exenang m. ut?). c- r,on . PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 2'2 Sd St. Main 797. CASH regiatera National, slightly used. Typewriter Exchange. 351 Si Washington st. The Mosier Safe Co., 264 stark street. 1OO0 ntain&oa i.rti.uu Ryder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. I BUY men's and ladies' second-hand clothes, pay highest prices. Call Marshall 3832. FOR SALE Seed artichokes. $1.50 per 100 lbs. Beaverton. Pr.. R. No. 2. box 182. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ... . ti L-rulTi:oc Get our estimates before selling your furniture. We pay you cash and the highest price. Prompt attention given to CaU" MISH FURNITURE CO., MAIN Bi6B. 164 FIRSC ST. MAIN 676a. "WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. We pay highest cash prices for ladies' and gent's castotf clothing, bicycles and everything in merchandise. Call us up. We need It and will pay for M. D" GLOBE STORE. 2S5 First St. Main 20 80. Main 2080. sFl'OND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. J. MEYER THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGH. EST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES WE CALL PROMPTLY. THE RE L1ABLE BUYER. Main 7573. 247 Madison. vor a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell houseofd goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware & Furniture Co.. 221 Front. Phone A 174, Main 'Jut-. THE HIGHEST price paid for wool and mohair. Special attention given to pools. F W. Williams. R. F. a. L Junction City, gffiS p1uN? DforWhouhol GOOM OF -ALI. DESCRIPTIONS. CNOS'SEARATE "BPAKtSeSm FOg LADIES ELB- CO MOS DUMBER KXCHANGE, 2D AND STARK STS. T-.T..S.K.TMJ A A.' ,' Y I cn. TTI RNITURE. CLOTHING OR OTH ER MERCHANDISE. . I NEED IT; HIGH. nn llI?C MAIN. 4-K 1 I i ni -a .- -. MUST have i:d-haOd furniturt East Ml", any quantity, at once. M. H. Calcf. 16 W imams ave Vi,' T $1U tHJU used furniture; pay good priceBTstarUng pew store. Sell wood Wb2. Wavt Stock of furniture and men's cloth- log; highest c&mh' price. Mannall W 7" h p KL.ECTR1C biower, econd-hand. j I it. ii . - -"-" -m-- pash Dflid for hair combings. Sanitary U'ANTED Excavating and team work. FiVono East 4804. C 1477. WAXTEO MI9CKLLANEOUS. 2D.UAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don give it away. Get our figures firat. Standard Fur. Co.. 1S2 1st. Main 4773. Tr-i v-j-iT son nr siv away any of ycur fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House, 1U4 u iai n-ui . ITETP WANTED MATE. BARBER WANTED. 113 Morrison. SOLICITORS Extra commission to good live man. Vaaser Studio, Abington bldg. AUTO BOPi7 BUIllDEK, iLaia ttOSi. HJElaP V A T KT MA1.K. EMFX-OiaiaviSX Dlsi' AKI MltiN X Y. U. C A. ttecora a if a. Calls for men from empio era . . 179 J Positions filled ...lSis The srvic of this Department is free to all members of the Association. 'lo non -members a special Employment Mem bership Is issued, costing 5 per annum, giving the service of the Department fr a year, two months' full privileges and a refund of the membership fee if ataUsiAC tury employment la nut secured. All oung men seeking employment in Clerical, Technical or commercial lines or desiring counsel or advice are cordially in vited to consult theAavutory and feaiploy ment secretary. ' HEX WANTED TO I'IGURE. To linure how much you save when you tflko t:.e elevator to Jimmy Dunn and es cape th high rent profit on your now suit. 1 tigure to give you "J0 suits for $U.7r.. suits for Sib Ti. Jimmy Dunn, ai.-ltt-17 Ortguolau biUg. Elevator to d tloor. T. si. C. A. .vnu-iini. it L." Ci'UfVlf. Day ana nigm insirucuoo u hiishm. , drlvina. aellln sad machina wortt, includ ing lorge. lathe, shaper. drlllpress eio. laioderate charges. iTair dealing ana pert training. Tima unlimited. Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu eatiunai office, V. M. C. A. fclda., and secure pass entitling you to luspect ur Day and night Instruction In repair! ing, DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL. OK rOUTL-AJ ln- A complete cuuiu v " - etrucUon, Including machine shop worn, LOOK U3 VP 3it;K(RE ENROLLING Take Mt. Tabor or "HH" car to 2:;d st WANTED men to co-opeit clcarimt land by a new method; liKht work; earn man gets 10 acres cleared, land worth l-'o an acre, for JU cash and iOU in labor; if vou are tired of looking for a Job. want a chance to work for your&elf, this is worth looking Into. G Wnn Wilson, Cham ber of Commerce, I'ortland SI'I.ENDID opportunity for cneijjetic. am bitious voung man of ability to learn a fino business; only qualifications neces sary are good character, good personality -and aopearance and desire to succeed. State age and references In rply. AC 7lV, Oronlian. WANTED nice neat boys about IS yuars old who are quhk wiLh their lingers to learn to make artificial flowers; will give chance to work up if work is satisfactory. Apply at 3lK E. 44th st. X., Rose City Park. WANTED A level-headed. industrious business man as distributing agont ; a hustler should make at least JUM) per week; $JOOO necessary to cover workii'g stock of goods; positively no risk. AL Oregon tan, USE spare time to bulla up mail order business of own; we help you start for share in profiis. 27 opportunities. Par ticulars free. Opportunities Exchange, runaio, in. i WANTED By an Eastern timber man. five expenenceu l iwu: w umt men, thoroughly familiar with Western timber; state age. experience and give reiereiicea. " - - MAN and wife on small farm; must under stand tne wora; cannoi i-av- uihuich Cajl at room oUl Northwest bldg. Mair ABLE-BODIED men to prepare for firemen. Diattemen; tw iuuuuiw , tained free. Railway Association. Orego nian. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Kept. 13. No profession offers equal opportunity. Catalogue free. C. Keana, pres. lblS Mar ket st.. San Francisco. CAFH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish. Wash. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trada in 8 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed; paid wnne learning, -o- uci PACIFIC ALTO AND OAS ENGINE SCHOOL. Booklet free. 11th St. FREE TRIAL BEFORE ENROLLMENT. SOLICITORS wanted for up-to-date auto mobile repair company; good proposition for right man. S 7 If, Oregonian. WANTED At once, man to learn auto re pairing and driving. Can at Hawthorne Garage, 44' Hawthorne avo.. cor. 7 th. WANTED Shingle packer, sash and door stock cutter. Call early. Pacific Employ ment Co., Couch st. WANTED Man or boy to clean porches and mow lawn in exchange for room In base ment. 1113 West Park. FIRST-CLASS coat operator; none other need applv cull at Washington st. McDon ald & Collet. ' JANITOR wanted; don't call unless experi enced. Washington; $30 month and room. KX PKRIEXCKD nickel-platur. Paciilc Coast Safe & Vault Works, Kenton station. PICTURE and book agents, new offer to hustlers. 214 Pittock block. SOLICITORS wanted; salary and commis sion. IHW Board of Trade bldg BAKER at once, good proposition to offer. Address Box , Moliilta, Or. COATMAKER and pantamaker. K. a. Ervm & Co., Sellin- bldg CHANCE for two men to learn movlng-piu-ture operating, in theater. ail'ti 2d st. PHOTO agents, aomethint new; extra com mission paid. Barony Mudio. Royal bid. TAILORS Keep-away from Portland; atrikc on. Tailors' Union, Local No. 74. BO V-with wheel; jjood wages; steady work. Apply 41 Alder. WE want fii dt-class cake , baker. lS4 Gibba. Portia nd Baker y. - - WANT young man who wants to learn trade. ijy Alder St. Help Wntcd Agenta. YOU'LL never get rich working for others. Why not start a cleaning and dyeing business7 We start you right, No pre vious experience neeesnary; but small cap ital required. Big profits in this great re- i i.n.iii iTnil riot a it fra White Wonder Company, National SafetjT U...I. ViT r- I an vnr Pftlft WRITE us for our plan of sec,uring from $10 to 'J0 a month in every small town in the State of Oregon, for a few 'days' work repeat orders ca:i bo taken monthly. Box T 71S, Oregonian. AGEXTS$8to $10 a day selling 19158pt cial. Van Dike Studio, 404 V, ash. sL HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAITRESSES, country hotel. $G5 and board. Call Early. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO 225 Ouch lt. uo V'fcirtNMENT lobs for women, $70 month: list positions obtainable, free. Writ im mediately, r ranikiiu uui,ukc, uoi. v Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Lady -5 years old. of good P nnar-triff to BolfciL ilOUSA tO llOUSei Sal ary; give Paciho phune number. AN 717, MRS. HINSDALE'S BUSINESS fJCHOOL, 502 Empresu bldg. personal insiruciiou; ju sitions when competent. GIRLS to learn beauty culture; commission while learning. ueuc . xvciiijr, uit aw Ington Dldg. WANTED A lady to look after hotel in exchange for her room. Call Pacific Hnel. 1st and Columbia. ir wnflR KSKTVR RITKINESa COLLEGE, All T modern business courses i mo. positions when competent, xoi N. w. piiuk piu WANTED A young lady stenographer; must bo experienced and havo some knowledge or hooKKeeping. aw i-u, ficuina. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Company. 42 Pittock block, 8SS Wasnington st. , WANT Y. D Experienced girl, housework and cooking; returence rtniunt-u. im. ms-F. :;o7 nm, Apt, fa. W VN'l'ED Experienced girl for cooking and general housework, 2 adults. Apply morn-ingi-'. 7i't Lovejoy. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. ii Uekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. BOOKKEEPER, atenograpnera and dicta phone operators. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. GiHL for general housework, family of 3 adults. Ul loyi, near jum. MAN of ability, $00 month. 40 Morgan bldg. !i to VZ A. ai. MLSS M ATT1NG LY'E SCHOOL Shorthand. Typewriting. 2&J 14th. n. Jeff. Mn. a9 GUI I. for general housework, references. WANTED Experienced lady Turkish bath rubber, afternoons. Main 3QQ7. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. Inquire morning. 64 Hoyt. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MEN and W OMEN to learn the barber trade, earn from $1." to $o per week; tui tion reduced, paid while learning; positions secuied; write for free catalogue. The Moler Sy3tem of Colleges. A 4b, N. 2d. BOOK "How Y'ou Can Become a Motion Picture Actor." Send la cents to M. J. And erson, box 211, Portland, Or. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. GOVERNMENT wants clerks, $70 month; Portland examination soon; common edu cation sufficient; particulars free. Apply immediately. AV 637. Oregonian, INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools teacn saifceiiianoiAJi. w Jfrco ca4ic-t lay-i Mc-Uty. bids. HELP WANTED MISCEIJ.ANEOl. OREGON BARBER COLLEGS wants mea and women to icarn u taroer irsae n t weeks: positions suarantt-ed; tool free; paid while learning, scalp and face mas eaice a specialty; modern method teaching used; tuition reduced. IWi Madison. $10 WEKKLY, in spare time, r.l made; rmrn at-rtooi noys ana otners conif sn-i BEST fling In world. Just out. WONDH.U Fl'L: vcrvtitnly w,nis it. Jo.-r,pl. Ji. JohnMnn, inventor, N. In ion nr. RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. clerks, car riera, exam, soon; parcel post demands many mora clerks; act at eui l'acifia tate 8c tools, MciCay bldg., city. MTlATIONH WAMKDMArr. ISuokkrrpers amtClerks. YOUNG man wants woik ml any kind; had experl'-iuo in stoio and as shippiikg ilci . Kat 40iii, apt. 7. EXPEKI KNCl'.n hM'k keeper. off u man. Marshall T. O. Box J10V. Will lcav city. ACCOUNTANT will keep sin-It stl oi. tooas In spare lime. Tshnr 4'."'. XOl'NG man, -2, apcrifnifd pEi"ry clerK, nun-t find work. Mnln 7".M, . 1 1 "" M i rfcce 1 1 a n eo tuw Ol'NG marned-man lny til, i-pf ni-D"'l general and fruit farmer, w ife A-1 rook; references. Write D. C. ClarK, Oak Urw, Or. Phone Oak Grove 7. YOUNG man. exporhMU'cd men's furnish Inks and grocery clt rk. also one ar gen eral office experience; best of refp nvc. Mut havo work. Y 7!, Oi rgonisn. EXPEttlENCED tramntcr wants work. Young and able-hodud; wllllm to do anv kind of day labor. References. Min 7U.-.1, A 3 MT. MAN. w :f and baby want work in (he "uu try. Man cxLeiicuccd faimer. Main ttiol, A 117. YOUNG man. eupcritiu id in fmgriit work, deaires posfTm washing d)h- or an thing. Main 7.M. A 1.M7. ALL-AROUND handy man w i ties pojuti.-n, country or city; good references. AD ili Oregon ian. WANTED Job filing aws In tnrdwoe-d ramp or log King camp. Edpsr C. Bi icu, Oregon City. or. WANTED By man. and wile, p..MUmi, janitor upt.-hounr. experienced, best rcf-eroiK-es. Main 7774. L.D t reliable and w iliiim. ain hiie w here ho can w i k for room and board. Main 7U".I, A K.17. PLUMBER by tiado wants v-Tk In .niMll town or position on f'trm. 411 Coinmer rial Work. Main 7"M, A i'-lT. JAPANESE boy wants sH us lion to do housework or any other woik, any plmis, AP 717. Oregonian. WANTED by man and w if, pls' on fsnn or ranch, best of reference!. Jienry Wii Hams. 31S E, 27th St., Tncoin. Wuh, POSITION as collector, many years' experi ence, first-class references. AP 7-1, Ore gonian. CARPENTER, A-l. small Job, roufili or nn l?t h; alterations reafonnb;r. Main S127. PLASTERING, patchini;. kalsomiuiug, rea sonable, phone- Wood lawn 2 1'.. GERMAN chauffeur wants position, private or for hire. A 7 IS, oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. iiookkce pctm and .Stenographers. EKKL'l K.N'T bookkwpi.-r of five years' ca perietice wants small set of books to keep; will work evening or alter 0 o'clock; ref erences furnlihtd. T 724, t)r-gonian. EXPERIENCED, capable bookkeeper de- sires position at once; good typist. Mar shall 4 7fcJ. . O. K stenographer, b. k. and dlctaphona operator wanta permanent r suoUtu:a worn, sa. YOUNG lady stenographer, cspcncuce aud some knowledge of b. k., desires position. THbor 4MVS. . l re imak era. TAILORED suits iny c iHlt y; cvt ulug gowns, fancy waists; guaraiii'd ; homo or fhop l'o7 Norihw'-wt hidg. .Main li -.'i. DRESSMAKER w lulus a few mor eiiuaae n.uiits by the tiay or at home; references. Phone lnrfhall :iHM. FASHIONABLE dressmaking. reasonable, home or day. 301 Buchanan bldg. Main tt;Kt. FIRST-CLASd dressmaking, tailoring, alter ation work guarantcud; by day; c.pan enced. Tabor 1 4ib. CHILDREN'S sewing by experienced neam stre!B, day or at nomc. l'hone East FIRtiT-CLASS di esanutkT will maKo cu- gugenienis by day. Mnrhall NEAT fudtitonuble drcusmaklng b day. Main S1J. tlnraaa. PLEASANT home lor Invalid or o.d person; will give the best care; price reasonable. East 1775 or 65 E. UHlh. WANTED Position t once by trained nutoc, good busintjs woman, well edu cated, excellent housekeeper All 7-0, Oru zontan. PRA'HAL nurse wains work, m'-ntul a-es a fperlalty. Reference n. Main 7"'1, A l.tli. EXPERIENCED nurse y,ivl will cava lor children br the day. Taoor '4-'. PARCT1CAL nurse ilh hospital expeucnte. Main 7js. CHILD'S nutsti, or care of invalid. M.a -'37. Blouse keepers WANTED Position Ht on.-e by tram' 1 nurse, Rood business woman, w ell e.J n catod. excellent housekeeper AH 7-'J, orc Roninn, YOU NO ludy would like ponitiou uh Iiouw. keeper in widower's home. AJ 717, Oiu goniau. HOUSEKEEPER wiftlies VRlu widowers honif. 1 1 7I East 31st t. YOUNO ladv n is!:ra poslibm . a.- cmpnn ion and awslstant In IlKht housrwitrk ; small wsgifs. Address K. K., steamer It-Htds, Morgan's Landing, rlt Ml DDLE-A 1KI l woman, :x p r.eii. .d unit, liko institution, boarding, small hoiH: i W eiencrs. -hN'3 Third st,, room ,o. Main YOUNl woinnn. -S, experienced rook, ilrnua work in hoel, resiaurnnt or ( afLlei .a. Will nlfo Uee, hniiKe. Main o-'.l, A L-17. YUl'Nfi Finnish fclrl w aiilit w H U housewrk; can do plain sewing. Mar shall 701. NEAT, capu'e Bii I uriiCM hon.-'e . n k . ood WHges; referem'es. A 7 17 Mnln L'Q 'in EXPERIENCED OIRL w-ni gtneral hourc-wo-:,. Phone Tubor :.', MIDDLE-AO ED wonnu wan work or mi usslslant. M. i Imht house shall :-o'.i EXPERIEN ED, r. liable worn work; A-l reference. Main Mieccliaaeeua. an wants y A A V u rwl w- if e. Vic rxpei ic rd hi cliain- her work and Kirmen nt ip, ohmm- plf-mmm. In or out of town. Howl of references. Main 7i',M, A KI7. EN PE RI EN' "ED laundress WP-liei rtisag ments bv du.v; line Irouer: will rxchsmca work with competent dressmaker. Eat 7 I 1 .1. t EXPERI ENCED vouni? wnman wihen a position in a rnuf'-i ttonery une or sati re's In a country hotel, u 7ld, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman .omU di-sirrrt po sition, hn'el, ttoscMng -house, restaurant, tnstii ution. Main io:m. MAN and w if.' want posilion on farm, VXifn ahl onlv to look alter her ow n w ork. Main 7QqI. A 1"17. W YNTED Family cookino or g on oral hftu-e-work; tity references, V 710, Orego- nian. YOUNG lady wanta position In conferttnn ery stoio; somo experience. Wood la n WIDOW want work of any k.nd; go..d worker; for the rent of this week and next wrk. Call Tabor L'T.'it. BNPER1ENCKD iMdy Imul cook wish- po sition, hotcj. reliiursnt or u Mrs te.-srn, in or .-nt of town. AH 71!'. orrgnnlHii. SWEDISH woman wants snv kind of d;iv work for Friday or Sainrtls'-, Mar, nn'!. COlAHil-ID WOMAN wants day work. Phone Woodiawn 41144. DAY work wanted hy rM-erteio'd w-onai wash in?. Iron trig, cleaning- Muin OIRL wants ceneral houaework. Phone Woodiawn SI 3 J. WA NTE D Washing, ironing. CeaniliKi flrst- class. Main 4 1 room 1. EX PErTi ENCED w nman, day w or k, wah- Ing. Ironing, rleaning. Mam i::. WANTED TO KENT. IIOUATft. FURNISHED 7-rooni. sirictly mod.'in hou, Wrm Side, by responsible adults for six months, care or small rent, or win less or purchase house with river fronlsae; rr ptv must contain full particular. Hi' 7 IP, Oregonian. YOUNO man and mother want email fur nished bungalow, Hhout June I, for Sum mer months. AJ 71. Oregonian. WANTED unfurnished rooms, bath nnd phone; must he cheap. H 71i. Oregon. an. STORE, or house with brick bake oven. " Rooms WHh Board In Frlvsta f amlllea. YoVnO professions! man wants home wit a Oerman fsml-'v. Wept Side, po other board, ers; references lurnlshcd, X HT, Orcgo iii a. .. - . .