MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY AND CREMATORIUM MOST MODERN IN AMERICA. Perpetual Care Without Kxtra Charge, a feature umuea &oieiy 10 Mount Scott Park. Originators and Leaders of High-Class cemetery ana crematorium Service in Portland. Its Beauty Singularly Appropriate Its care Peculiarly suggestive 01 Affection and Memory. Ideally Located on Picturesque Mount fccott. "Where Matures Peaceful Quietude Lends an Influence to Soften Sorrow." Cemetery Auto 'Bus Meets Mount Scott cars at Lents and Cazadero cars at Watson Station Daily by Appointment. Both Telephone. Terms Reasonable. Price No Higher. LARGE. PERM A A EXT, PARK I.IKE. A REAL BARGAIN A Vr you looking for a location on ich to build a high-class apartment? Which 1 can sell vdu lOOxluO feet at the south west cftrner of T wen t v-second and ;iisan streets for the low price of 2u.0U0. Terms lO.uwj cash, balance three years, 6 per cent interest. There i nothing else in that vicinity so cheap. .Property now earning hk per cent net. J .NO. II. tilHSOX. 912 Chamber of m merer. Money to Loan Soma to Suit. City f Farm Security. GEO. H. TUOftAS, 267 Oak St.. Room 2, Ainaworth Bldg. REAL ESTATE PFAI.KRfl. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404-400-40 Wilcox blda. SECK. William Q.. 315-316 Failing bldg. BENEDICT BROS.. 930 Hawthorne BARRETT BROS.. 302 Board of Trad. , REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Lota. ROSE CITT PARK LOTS. Zeat direct with the owners, the oris In ml platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our realty department, corner Fourth and Stark. HAKVIA.. THOMPSON ji L" LT.N'OM AH offers the. very best in lots, ouarter acres and acreage tracts at low prices. Only 'M minutes from the heart of Portland. Take Oregon Electric car or jitney bus at 0th and Taylor. If you are , looking for a little home that can be bought with your rent money, go out and !:? lor yourself. 512 Piatt bids. ARB you looking for an ideal homesite? We are offering the best value In the city; large view tracts on the West Side. 13 miuutes car ride. 0c fare, for only $3.jO; siu down. $5 per month. M. E. Lee, h5 Corbett bldg. 1 ON-RESIDENT owner offers full half acre corner lot in Lents w Vx lot 3. block 3. Cadwell'a Add.). Price $700. Highest bid der taxes iu Address Sir. Humphry, -11 totory bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow sites $1000 and upwards to builder of good homes between lilth and 2iat sts. ; walking dis tance and carline. Jessie Hobson, 528 Corbett bldg. STOP ! LOOK LIST EN ! Sightly lot in LaUd'3 Addition; must ell; make offer quick. Main 2oe. M. A. Loehr, 200 Stark St.. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON LOTS ACREAGE. ASTORIA, WAKKEMON, NEW ASTORIA Locations the heart of the best of iU R. L. Yoke. 1136 Northwestern Bank bldg. TU O irvington lots. $4uu0; dear of liens; 20th C, between Braree and Knott; lots I and . block 33. Bosworth. 1068 East Trionms st., sa'tle. $"o BUYS beautiful view. Sux.120 end 3 room house; graded street and sidewalu; 20 minutes' car ride : casv terms to right party. 705 N. W. Bank bklg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS REAL ESTATE, See BROOKE, oalv exclusive dealer, 4l Montgomery drive, cor. Elm at. Marshall 417 or A 3S3tf. fcuxiov LOT. corner, near S. S. car. Call 926 K. T.ii'lT. CHOICE Irviugtou corner. 100x100. every thing clear, at $2o5: Main ltftt3. For Sale Beach Property. TH.LAMOuK BEACH Salt air; a fine lots, beet location, big sacrifice. Address Owner. N 7uy, Oregonian. For Sale House. ilL'LTNuMAH offers the very best iu lots, quarter acres and acreage tract at low prices, only 2 minutes from the heart of Portland. Take Oregon Electric car or jitney bus at 0th and Taylor. If you are locking for a Utile- home that can be bought with your rent money, go out and re for "-our self. 31- PtHtt bids- BARGAIN IN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. In good district; handy to cars; has 5 rooms, fireplace, buffet, large porches, Dutch kitchen. 2 good bedrooms and large bath. Only l'J150. Will sell for $20 a monih. which includes Interest. Call Tabor :v,3 mornings and evenings. XN PIEDMONT For sale, rent or. exchange for Los Angeles property; 7-room thor oughly modern house; beautiful grounds, an ideal home for children ; near H igh school, library, park and churches. Will sacrifice for quick disposition. F 701, Oregonian. Modern five-room bungatnw. completely furnished, with golden oak, like new; Richmond Add.. 1 blk from car; am leav lng. Main 1242. ( PAY ME $1.MK cash, assume $i."00 mortgage and take my modern ti-room bungalow, Haw thorne district ; two lots 1 60x100.. paved street. 2 blocks to car; you can build an other house on one lot and clear $lt00 on the deal. Address H 720. Ortgoniai:. KOSsl CITY PARK. Attractive modern bungalow, well lo cated. close to car and school, furnished if desired, expect to leave city, good Lar g:n. Tabor 5141. KICK 3 -room bungalow. West Side, only 13 minutes' car ride. 3c fare, large tract of ground where you can raise all your veg etables, berries, etc., whi h is the greater part of your living; this is the bent value in the city. M. E. Lee. 503 Corbett bldg. ONE of Laurelhurst'a most attractive bung alows, every modern Improvement, 7 rooms and sleeping porch; sacrifice, Ta bor 1207. LOCATED In very heart of Laureihurat; mouern. sightly. 8-rooai house, on corner; nothing better in tract and price Is rig at. Owner. Tabor 3284. fjNAP 3-room house, 2 cellars, cistern, city water, fruit trees, woodshed, lot oOxlOU. frncrd; $.U0. 2'lO down, bal. $S per mo., k p,r e-nt; raril-n planted. 14 N. tith St. Jt40 rsh, fl a month, 4-mora hous, lsge corner lot, on good carline, J 71t regoman. KuL'ITY in house and lot; favorably lo cated; easy payments- will discount iiujunt of equity for cash. Address room ilS. Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE Hoise ard lot, partly fur nished, horse unfinished, jtmall mortgage; i2' cash required. 4737 7oth S. E. PLANS 13 BUNGALOW PLAN BOOK, lUC AH- FABEH. ARCHITECT. 3rt Alnbworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 21A OK SLE New modern ti-room bungalow in Irving ton. Unique in design and com plete ii. every detail. Phone E. 4345. you SALE Double 5-room bouse on one lot on instalment. Price JlboO. Phone Wdln 724, BY OWNER, desirable, modern, 6-room house, ciose In, very cheap, easy terms. Phone East 208. STEW, modern 12 -room house, in Irving ton. R. B. Klee. East 2432. SEW modern 6-room house, garage; Income j 30 a. montn; terma v oduuwd oi. FIN S S-ro iir. house. Targe sleeping porch. comer. 2 Ea Ta lor. - BEAUTIFUL nw 7-room house, modern in fvry way. n. iwnor. twti n. KT modern home tn Irvlngton must be sold; rea 1 bargain. R 713. Oregonian. BA WTKORNE car; 11450. termsj 6-room, mod-. large low BARGAIN IN A REAL. BUNGALOW. 5 larae rooms- hardwood floor, fire place, electric fixture, duplex shades. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. Mix lot. one oiock rrom car; buy this beautiful place' on very easy terms; will cuouuci iiw t.v.m. far I payment. M. DBA X. 1100 X. W. Bank bldg. SPECIAL NOTICE. APARTMENT-HOUSE DWELLERS, rtai'. had rountleas inaulries for mod ern bungalows for rent in Laurelhurst. They can's be had. Have just built sev eral tvptcal California bungalows and will sell them on terms like rent. See me to riav and you can move into a lovely, brand new. well-built home tomorrow, costing you no more than your present rent. J. W. CROSSLEY. 270H Stark St. Main 1303, A 1515. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN" 7NTO INCOME? WS WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APART ENTS, ESI DENCB OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE: WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW: TALK V ITh OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. I R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS 324 ABINGTON BLDG. DVRm)f)KING THE RIVER. Only 20 minutes out; new 4-room double-constructed bungalow, with sleeping- porch, fireplace, ail Duilt-in conveniences; view cannot be obstructed; lot 3'ixIOO; nricA S2tM0. on easy terms; see this at once. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 3718. A 0201. ROSE CITT PARK HOMES. Deal direct with the owners, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of Port land. Call on our Realty Department, cor ner 4th and Stark, HARTMAN & THOMPSON $30.00, WHICH Includes Interest, 6 rooms with sleeping porch, bath, fireplace built in conveniences. full cement basement, hot and cold water in bedrooms; on good carline, near park, schools, churches; in one of Portland's best restricted dis tricts. W oodlawn 3712. 1RV1NGTON HOME AT A LOW PRICE. A modern six-room bungalow, located on the Broadway carline; this was de signed and built for a home and finished In refined taste: desire to sell with furni ture, which was selected particularly for it; 37.U will handle; price complete, all Improvements paid, $5750. No agents. AF i -5, uregonian. HOUSE FOR SALE. !7ft Tillamook St., opposite Fern wood School; 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, sleep ing porch, hardwood floors; a bargain at $45tiu: terms to suit. Robert J. O'Neil, owner. 701 Board of Trade bldg. Tel. Main 7393. ONE of the best 4-room bungalows in the city for the money; hardwood floors, large rooms, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, shades, fixtures, 30x100 lot, 2 blocks from the car Price $1SOO, 3100. 320 per month. Interest Included. Owner. C. M. Derr, alOO Northwestern Bank bldg. BARGAIN AND EASY TERMS. 5 rooms, 50x100 lot; will take lot as first payment, if reasonable; balance easy monthly payments. Address P. Q. Box 42. BUY from owner, less than cost, never oc cupied home, 7 rooms, sleeping porcn; every modern convenience; on Broadway car; all improvements in; 321)00. term a H 71ti. Oregonian. ' For Hale Business Property. GILT-EDGE INVESTMENT. 10 apartments, I Always rented for $3494.40 1 apartment for my use 240.00 Ll8ht rebate - 18.00 Total income 33732.40 Taxes $127.03 lneurance 00.00 Water OO.Ort Fuel 228.0U Decorating, etc 34.40 Total 329.45 Net income $3222.93 Price. I22.3U0. A specially desirable investment for a -woman. Am leaving the city and will make reasonable terms. Address. Widow. G 718, Oregonian. Sub u rban Home Pro perry. THE high cost of living can be solved by raising your vegetables, oernee, cmcitens, etc, which fs the greater part of your living; we have large tracts with three room bungalows for only S330; $75 cash. $10 per month; this Is one way to solve the high cost of living. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. WILLAMETTE RIVER Frontage, 1 acre. cheap. 4-room house, poultry nouse, or chard and other trees, 11800 H. G. Stark weather. Rlsley Sta. Phone Oak Groxe 1-X GARDEN HOME Very choice acres, all conveniences; buy now; values are ad vancing, easy terms. Address S, L, N". Oilman, Garoen Home. Main S480. For aavle 1 Acreage. ACREAGE. SPECIAL 30 DAT OFFER 23 per cent, discount will be allowed en ail purchases made within the next SO days. Any sised tract from half acre up. Finest of soil; no rock or gravel. Thirty minutes' ride on best electric line out of Portland. Schools, churches and stores convenient. The best offer of the season. Investigate It. TES E3AW-FEAR COMPANY Main 33 102 Fourth St. A 3500. METZGER ACRE TRACTS. METZGER ACRE TRACTS Come out and see METZGER ACRE TRACTS, which I am selling now at a great bargain ; concessions made to those who contemplate building homes. Only 23 minutes from Jefferson st, eiation, on the Oregon Electric Ry. Salem line; com mutation fare. c Call at my office, 310 Oak st.. Portland, or at Metxger Station. HERMA.N MSTZQER. Owner. ACREAGE. 020 acres, $s.30 per acre. $1000 cash, balance long terms, buys this 320 acres down the Columbia River, two from the Columbia River; half of it is plow land, balance good pasture, plenty of water, free from rock or gravel; logging railroad runs through this land. If you want an extra good buy, come in and ese about this at once. Bell Real Estate Co., ;il Railway i.i.-naPsc dims- CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, Gresnam district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS 14 -mile electric station, $75 to $15o per acre: easy terms; best soil; free wood. Farms for sale, all sties. FRANK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO. 309 Yeon Bldg., Portland. Or. MULTNOMAH offers the very best In lots. Quarter acres and acreage tracts at low pi ices. Only 20 minutes from the heart of Portland. Take Oregon Electric oar or jitney bus at 6th and Taylor. If you are looking for a little home that can be bought with your rent money, go out and gee 1 or 3 m agn. ML LTNOMAH offers the very best in lots, quarter acres and acreage tracts at low prices Only 20 minutes from the heart of Portland Take Oregon Electric car or jitney bus at 0th and Taylor. If you -are looking for a little home that can be bought with your rent money, go out and w tor yourself. 512 Piatt bldg. lrt TO 40-ACRE tract, fine soli, spring water, 23 mllea from Portland: school, store and stations on the land; $23 to $00 per acre; easy P'nrent . Ll'EDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. STOP THAT RENT and buy a tract of about half an acre in city limit 5 cent fare. Bull Run water, gaa $10 down, $0 month. Whitmer-Kelly Co, 711 Plttock block. TWO acres at Mallory Station, all cleared and Plowed, cheap for cash, near school and store, would take a runabout as part pay. PI. one Woodlawn 37S4. ONE acre. $2000. on Instalments, near Co- lumbia bout. Phone Wdln. 724, Uomertesdi. HOMESTEADS. A blue print map, 42x03 inches. Cor rected every month, showing all vacant lands in S. W. Oregon. Six full counties, and parts of four others; price So. For full iiif ormation, write DOUGLASS CO. INVESTMENT CO, Roseburg. Or. HOMESTEAD. 120 acres. Tillamook County. 4 miles from ocean, old road to place, S miles to saw-mill, mail and supplies; spring creek 1 acre cleared; old cabin; fine soil, no rock: good place for stock; price $250. 411 Henry bldg. CN locate choice S30-acre homesteads in Central Oregon; party leaving soon. 2 to '4PM. 411 Venable Hotel. For Sale WHEAT LAND. Wheat farm In Central Oregon: 160 acres XoC $16CQi CaU 313 DeJtum b!Li . .... A PERFECT farm and home in Rogue River Valley for general merchandise, grocery or furnishings, all mdse. or part cash or terms, or small close-in farm or tracts to $8000 (eight thousand dollars), very high, ly improved rich, black bottom land. 5 miles from town; 100 a. in crop, well equipped with stock and machinery, with unlimited free range for stock; all goes at $25,000 (twenty-five thousand). Deal only with owner on straight cash values. Refer to any bank at Grants Fasa or Rogue River. Address Ou B. box 77, R. R. No. 1, Rogue River, Or. BIG BARGAIN. "WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 75 acres of land, all In cultivation; 63 acres in fine crop, wheat, oats, vetch and clover, land level, black loam soil; new buildinrs. house, barn and garage, good work team, 2 fine Jersey cows, SO laying bens. 17 setting, i ducks, 7 pigs. Harness, rig, tools, grain and hay. new range and other furniture ; ft mile river frontage ; hog-tight fence; no overflow land; all goes for 190 per acre, ft cash, no trade. H. Grab am's farm. Harrisburg, Or. BY OWNER 30 acres 1H miles N. E. Bea ver Creek, on WH'amette Valley Southern; 25 acres under cultivation; good bearing orchard, small fruit, berries, wells, spring; buildings fair; team. 9 head cattle. 1 3 bogs. White Orpington chickens. 200 chicks; on R. F. D. aad cream route, tele phone; fine growing crops and garden; no rock ; fine soil ; $5000. terms. Phone E. 3245 or write D. F. Bennett, Oregon City, R. D. 3. box 99. WHEAT LANDS. 4500 acres splendid wheat land. Whit man County, Washington, comprising sev eral ranches well improved; good springs; about ft in crop, balance Summer fallow; hi- to ft cash, balance terms; strictly de sirable ranches. R. L. Yoke. 1136 North western Bank bldg. THE NEW WAY, THE MODERN WAY, THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land. Are you interested? If so, write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN 03 Phelan bldg., San Francisco. C M. WOODSTER, Pres. TOITR chance If you want to buv a farm; $2000 down buys a choice 89 acres in the vai ley ; great Bargain ; musi oe soia oy Friday STEPHEN SOCIETY, LAND DEPT. 723 Chamber ot Commerce. CLEAR deed to 10 acres rich land ready for the plow, 30 miles from Portlano, worth $125 an acre, for $300 cash and . $400 la light labor; Investigate. G. Wynn Wilson, 0U3 Chamber of Commerce. Port land. EXTRA GOOD YAMHILL FARM. 1 170 acres. 1 s20 acres; only $70 for the former and $60 for the latter per acre ; well improved ; near North Yam hill: surrounded by $150 and $200 farms. Jessie Hobson. 5i8 Corbett bldg. BUY from owners, either Irrigated or dry farm lands, in Southern Idaho, at low prices and reasonable terms; tracts from bO to 1WJ0 acres. Address Philbrick 1 & Greenwood, American Falls, Idaho. 35 ACRES, near city, 40 cultivated. $173. Owner. 720 Northwestern Bank bldg. WILL sacrifice for cash, 100 acres wheat land, mostly seeded. T 6S3. Oregonian. FOB RENT FARMS. TO rent for term of years, 250 acres, dairy ranch, best Columbia River bottom; water and rail transportation; 34 miles from Portland; aieo some splendid duck lakes to rent. N. Merrill, ciatsaanie, ur 10 ACRES, near city, on Section Line road. Wlltl 1-rUOlU UUUM), vihbcu barn; half under cultivation; low rent to right party. 171 3d st. BEAUTIFUL 5-acre tract, good house, elec tric car cheap. J. D. Morris, Main 0970, A 4301. " 7 ACRES in cultivation, new house, rea sonable. East 6526. 225 East Broadway. WANTED Farm on shares or would act as foreman; have family. F 704. Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. A HOUSE and lot in Portland for 20 acres near Klamatn, wasn., bdoui iu cleared, but not cultivated recently; fronts on county road; no mtg. SMITH & HOUCK, 301 Henry Bldg. I WANT to buy three or four acres of good land near Portland and convenient to transportation, suitable for fruit and vege tables; must be cleared, but buildings are not important. V 720. Oregonian. MODERN 5-room bungalow, restricted dis trict, clear; Irvington lot first payment. P 718, Oregonian. I WANT a bungalow In Irvington or Laurel hurst; have a clear lot in Irvington and cash- owners only. T 719. Oregonian. FOR SALE; TIMBER LANDS. SNAPS. 25.000,000 feet ttne timber near railroad for $12,000: 75,000,000 feet, accessible to log. 60c per M. Mr. Poe, 425 Henry bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CKACKEN. 34 M KAY BLDO. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 43-ACRE FARM. AND STOCK. 5-rm. house, new barn, silo, chicken house, small orchard, 2 springs, rural mail, phone service, milk route, school adjoins place, running brook, 3 head of cattle. 1 horse. 2 doz. chickens, buggy, stump puller, cream separator, incubator, some house hold goods, IS A. cleared. 7 plowed, 3 A. more ready to plow, fenced 2 fields, 20 miles from Portland ; price $3000. take $23oo, good, clear residence in Portland, D. M. Rohrbough. 209 Stark st.. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON GET A JOB. One acre on the coast, near the Ocean beach, house, barn and chicken-houses, included goes team, chickens, implements, etc., teamine contract paying $135 per month goes with the place. $2000. clear-. Will trade for $3000 home ifl Portland. (N) DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. 32-ACRE FARM. ft miles from Nor. Pacific R. R-. on Cowlitz River, near Kelfio, Wash., 22 A in cultiv.. 10 A. partly cleared, balance in heavy timber, good family orchard, li nn, house, water piped into It; also well and pnmp. big barn and other outbldgs.: 2 trout streams on farm; price $5000. will exchange for cloe-in Portland property up to $45K). See H. Hewey. 209 Stark St., al HARTMAN & THOMPSON $30,000 WORTH CLEAR LAND FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 264 A. White Salmon, Lyle district; no waste land ; 48 A. in young orchard; buildings, well, etc.; will trade clear for clear or take mortgage to equalize. See owner. Geo. C. Howard, office Sanitary Market. 2d and Yamhill. Mam 7863 3VROOM modern bungalow on comer lot 100 xl3S; fruit and berries; 4 chicken houses and rune; small barn; price $3000; no In cumbrance; exchange for acreage partly cleared ; must be clear of incumbrance. Lueddemann Company, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR income city .property. $35,000 36-room pressed brick hotel, completely furnished, strictly modern; good town. 0000 popula tion 300 miles from Portland. BUSH-MCLELLAN REALTY CO., Phone Main 4131. 502 Piatt Bldg. 134x100, CLOSE in; two blocks business dis trict, mree ""w, jnucj wum, blocks largest school in city; trade for bungalow or improved close-fn acreage; as sume or take difference; give phone num- 1 MA Kr.n. W Tift nrirnnlan OWNER will take logged-ofT land, grain or stock ranch for the choicest close-in Wes; Side acreage. POSITIVELY no agents. Priced at one-half adjoining values. H 715. Oregonian. BUSINESS lot on East 21st t-, 2 4-room fiats in rear bring good rental; demand for store rooms in front; will exchange for nice home or farm free of Incum brance. Jessie Hobson. 528 Corbett bldg. 23 ACRES NEAR PORTLAND. 20 acres in cultivation; buildings, very finest soil; lays fine; a nice little home for you: trade for house and lot. LEN HART KELLY, 723 Chamber of Com. CLEAR LAND FOR PORTLAND PROP ERTY; will exrnange v a. ivucKiiai vo. or 40 near Sandy for Portland clear or take mtg. to equalize. AH 730, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL laree attractive corner home, with garage, price $oO00; will take mod ern busgaiow to $3300 as part pay. V 722, Oregonian. 4 MILLION feet timber claim, value $2500. and 3 beach lots val. $350; will trade for city property; will assume some In cash, AC 715. Oregonian. 23 ACRES at Amity, near McMlnnville, 10 " cultivated; no buildings; S2M0O; want home and $aOO casn; no agents. a, orego nian. 40 ACRES 3 miles from Creaswell; unlm- . u-( 1 wat r mrui mvd ran- nery at Creaswell; sale or trade. Phone F.ast 1668 or AD 70S, Oregonian, TRADE for office furniture $125 lot In w arrenion, wci - J al. At tl near, nioura MODERN HOUSE in Portland In good dls- . 1 ctUVA- nil) tr Irtr farm r""-. yi:.i jr::r"' on nnnT., a Pout equal " boo house " I or clear im -n. . ; CHOICE city lots for outside small farm. WTLL EXCHANGE 10 acres clear for road ster or llgnt car, on FIVE improved acres at Garden Home, for a p pr n v gq city pr"t"j- x tcvivr.Tnx HOMK for exchange. B. M. 640 ACRES, five miles southeast of Golden dale, Washington, 500 acres in cultivation, 240 acres in Fall wheat that goes to pur chaser; splendid house, fine barn, family orchard, etc; 14 head of work horse, o head of cattle, ho hogs, combine har vester and ali necessary farm machinery, one of the finest farms in Klickitat Countv: price $2b,S00. $5000 Portland prop erty. $70o0 cash, balance terms. 120 acres, S miles south of Independence, on Pacific Highway; highly improved, fine 9-room house, large new barn, 5 chicken houses aod runs; one good span of mares, one good horse, eight head of fine Jersey cows, two calves, two brood sows, 100 Leghorn hens, incubator, brooder, cream separator one binder, wagon, mower, rake and all small tools, 40 tons of hay; one of the finest farms in the Willamette Val ney. Price $15.oo0. $3000 cash, up to $3oOO in city property, balance terms. NORTHWESTERN CLEARANCE Co., 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOB 8 ALB. Horsea. Vehicles, Harness. Etc. FARM wagons at cheap prices; one 3-inch farm-gear wide tire and all in good or der. Price $33. One 3-gear with gravel box, chain, seat and ail complete at very low price of $45. One narrow-tire with sand box on and is in good order, for low price of $32.50. One slight farmer hack, low and Just like new, with two seats and pole. Price $35. One long box single bug gy at low price of $37.30. Three new farm wagons at low prices. Set heavy harness, with Boston backers' collars at low price of $22.50. One light set harness, double, at low price of $12.50. Also two stock saddles, $15 and $25. If you are in the market for a wagon or harness, call on the Union Transfer Co. at 11th and Hoyt sis. Deliver free to boat or freight yards. THE Union Transfer Co,, at Hth and Hoyt sis., have put on auto trucks and have the following mares, horses and wagons for sale at very low cash prices: Team seal browns, 2S00 lbs., full broth ers, are fine, big, active team, and are true to pull single or double, and have worked on farm and will plow. Set good heavy harness, ail complete at low price, $2S5. Team, weighs 2&00 lbs., bay and black, are a team of right kind of big ones; low, blocky, short backed; wear forever kind; fast walkers and sure pullers. Set heavy breeching harness, ali at low price , 1 $203J SINGLE farm outfit. good work horse, weighs 1200 lbs., true and gentle in all ways for lady or boy to handle; set new single harness and a good single farm wagon, all in fine order at price, complete, $125. Team, weighs 2200 lbs,, mare and horse, young and sound; good workers and true pullers : set good heavy harness and a good farm wagon at low price for all, tlhO. Call Union Transfer Co., 11th at Hoyt st. TEAM of farm chunks, weigh 2550 lbs., are good workers and one is only four years oid and no older, both are bays, dark; set good new harness and a farm wagon, all in good order at low price of lt5 for complete outfit. Call Union Transfer Co. Stables and ask for Mr. Martin's outfit. HORSE, 9 years old, weighs 1200, sound, good worker, suitable for delivery or farm work ; also 2-ton wagon ; sell or trade, 90 N. Ilth st. FOR SALE A young, blocky farm team, about J0u0 pounds, sound and ready to put to hard work. B. A. Legg, 90th st. and Sandy boulevard. FOR SALE A good horse and wagon for sale; price $125; wagon cost 31UO last year; tlx up for bakery delivery. T 717, Oregonitn. BAY gelding. 1100 lbs., $50; sorrel mare, 1150 lbs., $45; single work harness and 3 ft -in. farm wagon, at bargain. 233 N. 14th. COMMISSION AUCTION of horses, vehicles, harness, wagons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 P. M. Colum bia Stables. 302 Front sL BARGAINS in new Troy dump wagons and dump boxes. J. I. Case T. M. Co.. East 1st and Clay. Phone East 49. B 1227. PAIR of chestnut mares that weigh 2450, price $135; try them any place. 228 North 14th, near Marshall. SINGLE farm wagon, mare and harness, $80. 223 North 14th, near Marshall. WAGNS and horses by day, $1.25. I. Cohen. 381 Water sU Main 2208. Main 6395. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at SS E. 7th st. North. FOR SALE cheap, gray pony, 7 years old. Call Mar. 2894 or A 4950. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4203. PASTURE. See McClelland, 240 E. 8th st. FOR SALE One driving mare. Call Tabor 387. PASTURAGE for stock near Portland. Main 1410. WORK horse for sale, price $40. Inquire 550 East Oak. SMALL buckskin mare, rides and drives; $40. 787 E. 2Sth. "WW" car. DEAD ho rues and animals hauled away free, Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. GOOD horse, about 1300 lbs.; alao wagons, cheap. Oregup Wood Yard. 315 4th St. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. $193 STANDARD make piano; terms on half. TAYLOR, 328 Clay St. FOR SALE New player piano, cheap; will take second-hand piano part, balance on time. Phone Marshall 2432. $400 PIANO in storage, $150 cash. BD 70S, Oregonian HIGH-GRADE piano ac a big bargain. -2b Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark sta. ETU YVES ANT -player piano, combination 65 and 88-note. Main 1398. Mr. Howatt. FOR RENT Sweet toned upright piano. 3o5 Yamhill. Main 441a. Dogs, Birds. Pet Stock. CH. R. RAVEN and PRESIDENT AT STUD. LADDIX KENNELS. EST AC AD A. OR. FOR SALE Airelale dog, female, age 8 months, cash $10. 3a E. 5th st. N. Poultry. WE SELL 100 White Leghorn baby chix from best utility stock and our tireless brooder for $8.50, April and May deilv ' ery; we guarantee safe delivery. The Pioneer Hatchery, petaiuma, CaL Livestock. GOOD family cow for sale cheap or ex change for horse. 1Q7 E. Stark. FOR SALE Fresh cow. st., St. Johns. N. Flssenden JERSEY HRIFER, just fresh; gives 4 gals, per day: $o5. Alain 5450. Furniture for Sale. DRESSER, dintug eet, parlor table, stands, lady's desk, sewing machine, rockers, car pets dishes, china, cut glass, full-sized dressing mirror, brass beds and mattresses. J-acirlc storage, JCtL3L iai nu jinuiouu FIRST-CLASS furniture, will sell by the An n innl.iHf n.. in n r a fnp piece vei y -coh( h.uuiuj, twu . UE $19. 720 Kearney st. DINING-ROOM SET for sale cheap. Call East 2912. ONE six-lid range, one small air-tight heater, cheap. 1036 ft Mallory ave. Automobiles, IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 10x10. best materials, erected on your lot complete $32 up Any other style you wa'nt at prices that can't be beat. B. T. Allyn. Garage Specialist, 11U1 E. Salmon st. Tabor 19. A JITNEY or stage bargain, large. 7-pass. Garford, just overhauled and repainted, new top and new tires. See it before you buy. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washington Sts. 7PAPSENGER Pierce-Arrow, newly painted, new seat covers and top; good condition; would consider light car as part payment. Winton Motor Car Co.. 23d and Wash, sts. FOR HIRE, $1-50 PER HOUR. 5-passenger 1914 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phone Main 1201 or East 5859. : RUNABOUT. Al condition. P. O. Box 42. $375 cash. AUTOMOBILE for sale, $400 cash; Flanders 20 lour-aoor, in line anape. v,tii morn ings, 672 15th st. N. Take Irvington ings. car. 71 VJvu". Bal on terms, 3-passenger, fore-door, tor- Sedo body, 1918, $550 if taken this week, lain 1242. , WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals ; highest cash market price paid. J. Lave. ISO Columbia. Main 5198. 5-PASS. Overland, first-class condition, $250 cash, baianceiennfcBttiuim MUST sell 24-passenger auto bus. . "White b 0 a ST a, price .utji'. ia 1- $100 DOWN and $25 per month for Ford. Phone Mar. 4Q17. BEFORE you buy or sell your car see East Side Auto Repair Co-, 717 Hawthorne. CADILLAC, 114. fully equipped. 511 Cor -bett bldg. Main 02. A 1029. ROADSTER. Hup 20, good condition. $175 cash. F 71$. Oregonian. 7-PASSENGER Pierce-Arrow for sale or trade. H uregonian FOR SALE $5000 limousine, $1500 cash. R 15, uregonian NEW 1914 Ford car, $lOO less than cost. Call 05 ooroett t)ta. FORD roadster. $-. 170 Union &ve. & Maxwell Roadster, full equipment. .$2O0 Bulck Roadster, overhauled, sew tires 20 Studebaker Chassis Buick 1912, 4-passenger Bulck 1912 Roadster . 875 400 1914 Buick, B-passenger, lights and starter electric 700 WE SELL THE BEST CARS FOR THE MONEY. OLD OR NEW. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO.. 14th and Davis Sta. Main 4355 J USED AUTO SNAP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Cole 5 pass., 30 h. p.. $500. A p person 40 h. p., $675. American 4 pass., 30 h. p., $.00. Hupp 5 pass., 82 h. p., $575. Michigan 5-pass., 33 h. p.. $573. G ARFORD 4 pass.. 40 b. p., $S50. Reo 2-ton truck with body. $1250. SK VERA I j OTHERS TO SELECT FROM FREE SERVICE GIVEN ON AO! USED CARS. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sts. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE OWNER. Model 40, 1&13 Buick, fine shape; run aniv &ooo miles on city streets; equipped with new over-sized tires: original price $)1S50; will sacrifice for $750; reasonable payments, can aiarsnau winton SIXES. thorouKhly overhauled and rebuilt. In 4 and 7-pass. models; cars are fully equipped and carry sianaara guaran tee of the Winton Company for one year; be sure and see us before ycu buy a used car. Li beral terms. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., Co- 23d and Washington Sts. 1 BRAND-NEW car, convertible into road tr or nouoe: also 1 5 -passenger tourinj car for sale below factory cost ; must move same in oraer 10 mane room tor new models; will consider time payments. Ad dress Factory Representative, F 713, Ore gonian PORTABLE GARAGES. Take-down garages, built of the test materials, artistic designs, 10x16. $38 up, erected complete, with lock and key; im mediate delivery; also portable houses. TAKE-DOWiV MFG. CO., Foot of Harrison St. Main 1167. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILJBS. Large stock. Prices $200 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker Bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder Sta Automobiles Wanted. WANTED For cash, late model, 5-passen-ger car, must be in perfect condition. See Mr. Jonee, Paquet Garage, Hawthorne ave. and E. Eighth sts. Phone East 0S40. 1 WILL pay you spot cash for your auto. Francis Motor Car Exchange, E 13th and . Hawthorne ave. WANTED Second-hand Ford; must be in A-l condition. AN 722, Oregonian. WANTED Auto in exchange for lot and some cash; all lota to $1500. Main 9012. lypewriteri. We save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WUOLt BALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash, st TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 month for $5 and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, bd Broadway. Portland, Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $05. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 202 Stark st. Main oo28. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three months for $4. delivered. 344 Stark st. Main 6273. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut ratee. P. D. C, 231 Stark St. Main 1407. Miscellaneous. BICYCLES almost given away. We have 80 new bicycles tnat must do ciosea out. i .once; come out and make an offer for the lot. E. M. Ragan, nw. corner of 18th and Upshur. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand bargains, $0 up, with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. , Phone for rates. Main 9431. Sewing Ma- " chine Emporium, 180 3d, near Taylor. MOTORS AND GENERATORS. 10 H. P. Little yiant marine engine. Globe register, set 01 4 auto lights teas). B. E. Davis & Co., 103 E. Water St. East 3146. B 236. ALL kinds of high-grade kodaks, Anastlg mat lenses and view cameras bought, sold and exchanged; rifles and shotguns want ed Uochfeld's Camera Exchange, 85 3d St. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 46-48 5th. TAILOR'S trip!e-plate mirror in good con dition, cost $73, aell for $35. Phone Main 4011. POLAR BEAR hide, raw; would mount into beautiful rug. T. R. Phillips, fur dealer, McKay bldg. Main 1026. A 4121. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made iu Oregon; per gallon, $1.65. Portland Paint Co., 280 Front st. Marshall 100. FAST BOAT and boathouse; also two-room houseboat, nicely furnished, cheap. 501 Burnside st. Marshall 9456. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, SUP PLIES, FILM SERVICE. UNITE FILM CO., 226 2D ST. ; 23-FOOT, 17-mile motorboat, boathouse. with living room; tine outfit; $325, k new price. Alain aiter Engines, boilers, sawmills, bought, sold and . . 1 J 'I" V. tn -A : 1t in t ' t V ftr t 1 M. WA. PLUMBING SUPPLIES st wholesale price i. n I 'Ji- OH e Vlain ?H7 $2i- DIAMOND stick pin, cost $50. Phone CASH register National, slightly used. Typewriter Exchange, 351 ft Washington st. ' SAFES. SAFES. The Mosler Safe Co., 204 Stark street. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS $1.00. Ryder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. I BUY men's and ladies' second-hand clothes. pay highest prices. tu joarsimn ago. 1 0-FT. cigar floor case, llgnt top, -" Couch biai;. FOR SALE Seed artichokes, $1.50 per 100 lbs. Beaverton, Or.. R. No. 2. pox: 183. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Get our estimates before selling your furniture. We pay you cash and the highest price. Prompt attention given to MISH FURNITURE CO., MAIN 5708. Ib4 FIRSC ST. MAIN 576H. W ANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. We pay highest cash prices for ladies and gent's oostiff clothing, bicycles and everything in merchaadise. Call us up. We need it and will pay for it. GLOBE STORE. 2Ss First St. Main 2080. Main 2080 SECOND-HAND C LO THING WANT ED J . EST PRICE WS CLOTHING A-ND SHOES. WE CAUL PROMPTLY. THE KE i iiki.e BUYER. Main 7573. 2i Madison. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or hardware line, call the Levin Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front. Pnone A 174. Main XHE HIGHEST price paid for wool and mohair, sspecitw . --- F. W. William R. k I. 1. Junction City. Oregon. WAR SUPPLIES, shells. If you are equipped to supply sneus in uj pared to equip for same communicate ith box AV Id-, rui ti.n VIIRNITL'RB WANTED WE PAY THS UOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION:!. KLINES, LABI hop. oi J""1' tt-o nTAMnvns ln PI LATEST -b ccC o3 LUMLiR EXC HAN G eT 2D AND STARK STS. T- .-..-. -. r . n n-a Ti- ! D i In vnn P-I RN1TURE, CLOTHING OR OTH EH MERCHANJ?ISEC I NEED IT; HIGH EST PRICKS. MAIN 4317. MUST have 2d-hand furniture. East 6417. any quantity, at once. M. H. Caief, S48 Williams ave. DO NOT sell or give away any of ycur fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House, 104 2d st. Marshall 47t3. A MOTOR LAUNCH, from 30 to 40 ft. long, j i miisa m T1S nrirnnlB speeo v vo '" " want slO.000 used furniture; pay good prices; sia-rimg. " --" WANT Stock of furniture and men's cloth ing, n lgucat m"' t""- -w.. WA NTED Houseboat; will lent for season. hone Main 3432 after 0 P. M. CASH paid for hair combings Sanitary ii eauty rrivia '-' p ROLL top desk wanted: must be 48 In. long. a. WANTED Excavating and , Phone East 6QU C 14i7, team work: 2D-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don't ive it away. Get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co., 182 1st. Main 4773. HELP WAN TKli MALE. EMPLOXsi&NT LluPAK'i MsVNT Y. M. C. A Record 1W14: SmWm ny m,n fnim m QlOyArS ......... 1792 Positions filled 14 The service ot this Department is free to all members of the Association. To non-members a special Employment Mem bership is issued, costing 4 per annum, giving the service ol the Department for a year, two months full privilege and a refund of the membership fee U aatlstac tory employment Is not secured. All young men seeking employment in Clerical. Technical or commercial lines or deMrmg counsel or advice ax cordially in vited to consult the Advisory and .Employ ment Secretary. T. M. G. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night instruction m repairing, driving, selling and macnln work, includ ing forge, lathe, shaper, drlllpresa. eta Moderate charges. Fair dealing and ex pert training. Time unlimited. Before enrolling else where call at edu cational oflice, Y. M, C. A bldg., and secure pass eu tit ling you, to inspect ur shop and method. 500 MEN WANTED who wish to save money on their clothing bill. Jimmy Dunn's upstairs clothing store save you the high rent profits. Mens $20 value suits at $1-4.73. Men s $0 value suits at $i.73. 3io-l-17 oregonian bldg. le vator to d floor. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND. EAST 23D AND MORRISON. A complete course of automobile in struction, including machine shop work, by expert instructors. LOOK. US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSEWHERE. Take ML Tabor or "SS" car to 23d st. LEARN automobile repairing, driving, oa ,.n-t.atA r-nrt -Inn electricity. ItOOnl end board while learning; many positions secured ; satisfaction guaranteed ; cata logue free. National School of Engineer ing 2110 W. 7th, Los Angeles. Established 1905. LEARN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND DRIVING AT THE BEST EQUIPPED. THE ONLY PRACTICAL Ay ur-iy DATE AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL IN PORT LAND. L. c M. AUTO REPAIR CO., lltid HAWTHORNE. RypRHTENCED bookkeeuer-acoun tant for wholesale house In town; in reply state age, experience, salary expeciea ana. rwi erences; this is a good opening for a re liable man; married man preferred. AF 16, Oregonian. tAvrw. virrriTKR THE ATE U. CENTRAL. DOWNTOWN LOCATION. DOING GuUL) BUSINESS; LEAV1NU I U ne,ASj FUR SELLING; $2100 REQUIRED. 04 BROADWAY. USE spare time to build up mail order business of own; we help you start for share In proliia. 'Z opportunities. x-r-tlcuiars free. Opportuuitles Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y. , PROFITABLE, healthful business opportu nity for a man with $300 to $6u0; you cannot only draw a salary out of its busi ueas, but big profits as well; investigate. AN 708, Oregonian. WANTED By an Eastern timber man, five experiencea iimoer w uiac mnu "-i men, thoroughly familiar with Western timber; state age. experience and ive reterences. Aouress j v i ACCOUNTANT wanted to take charge of general ledger; must be quick and relia ble; give full record and references; pref erence given to abstainer. AG 710, Ore- YOUNG MAN wanted to drive wagon on milk and cream rouie in city; must have experience. Answer, stating your experi ence and wages expected. Y 720, Ore gonian. WANTED Auto driver; must have about $200 cash to invest in new auto bus; good paying proposition to the right man. Phone Main 0570. A 1400. BUSY' office has opening for bright young man who will be satisfied to make $10u per month; must Invest $200. 511 Lurabe Exchange. WORK six days for $30, probation; $100 tentative, or $75o permanent investment anticipated. Don't telephone. Call at Matthiesen Hotel. NOTICE Automobile owners, we can at all times supply you with competent chauf feurs, mechanics. Employment Dept.. Mar. 4U00. Pacllic Auto acnooi, MAN wanted aa partner; paint business; to answer phone, tend store ; can males $150 month; $450 required. Room ii'-iH Chamber of Commerce. "WANTED Live young man, good charac ter, for rental department of business hrm; small Investment required, fully secured. Koom 3, Orpheum Theater bldg. ABLE-BODIED men to prepare for firemen, brakemen ; $120 montnly ; positions ob tained free. Kail way Association, Orego nian, & F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 13. No profession offers equal opportunity. Catalogue free. C. Keana, pres. lblb Mar- CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish. Wash. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert Instructor to teach you the barber trade in 8 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed; Daid while learning. 262 lid. near Main. PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. Booklet free. 2ii0-68 11th St. FREE TRIAL BEFORE ENROLLMENT. RELIABLE boy with motorcycle, guaran teed income; must bring references. Ap Ply S to 0 A. M., 421 Washington st. PRINTER, fast on straight composition, country; $12 first five weeks, then $16. AV 5W. Oregonian. ' BE a detective, earn $100 to $3H per month; travel over the world ; write Supt. Lud wig, 731 Westover bldg., Kansas City. Mo. MAN to cut 27 cords wood, 15 miles from Portland; tools and cabin furnished. W. Y o an g , Milwaukie, il Y. SOLICITORS Extra commission to good live man. Yasser Studio, Abiugton bldg. AD SOLICITORS Special edition or weekly papers; commission. Clyde. 2uT Stock Ex, CHANCE for two men to learn movlng-plc-ture operating, in theater. 21'0 2d st. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Barony fc:udlo. Royal bids:. FIRST-CLASS bushelman and coat maker. K. S. Ervin & Co.. Selfing bldg. TAILORS Keep away from Portland; strike on. Tailors' Union, Local No. 74. WE want first-class cake baker. 184 Gibbs. Portland Bakery. Help Wanted Agents. YOU'LL never get rich working for others. Why not start a cleaning and dyeing business? We start you right. No pre vious experience necessary; but small cap ital required. Big profits in this great re order business. Full details free. Whits Wonder Company. 228 National Safety Vault bldg., Denver, Colo. WRITE us for our plan of securing from $10 to $20 a month in every small town In the State of Oregon, for a few days' work; repeat orders can be taken monthly. Box T 718, Oregonian. , AG E N TS $8 to $ 1 0a day selling 19 1 5Spe clal. Van Dyke Studio, 404 Wash, st. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMEN in various parts of the state; quality goods; premium inducements; commission basts; bond and references required. Grand Union Tea Co., Port land. Or. HF.LP WAXTEO TTEMALK. EXPERIENCED marker and experienced sleever. Palace Laundry, E. 10th and Ev erett. EXPERIENCED woman to care for baby afternoons by the month; state wages; ref erences. AD 724, Oregonian. WANTED Competent nursemaid for one small child. Apply immediately, 23j Cor nell road, at head of Marshall Ft. 500 LADIES wanted to buy sample trimmed Z and $3 hats for 3.1c; children's, 10c. 17 Grand ave., bet. Morrison and Aidpr. WANTED Young girl to assist in house work where she can learn first-class cook ing go home nights. 1014 E. Glisan. WANTED Competent stenographer; must be Pitman writer. Apply after W A. M., 3ul N W. Bank bldg. "W ANTED Japanese girl for light house work. Tabor 2604. WOMAN COOK and general housework. 3 in family. O ITl, Oregonian. CHORUS girls wanted. Call Nickelodeon. 27 North 6lh st , this morning, ft:. to o'clock. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 411 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. WANTED Girl for general housework in steam-heated flat. 7h7 Northrup. flat E. GIRL for general housework. No. 2, Grace Apt 24th and Northrup. GIRL for general housework; small family. Call &2S tiast I'Jin j.. ueiwn jy mm 1 BOOKKEEPER, stenographers and dlcta phone operator. 101 N. W. Bank bldg. miss MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand Typewriting. 26 14'.h. n. Jeff. Mn. 39. WANTED Good cook that will assist with houFework. Phone Main 2493. MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper for Hwaco. In quire 701 Northrup U WANTED Experienced lady Turkish bath rubber, afternoons, fain 3007. WANTED Experienced, all-around lady presser. 421 E. &r2way. DEMONSTRATORS Old firm want 3 edu cated woman of pleasing aiparur, as 2. to X., or special demonstrating ; ex perience desirable, but not necessary, aa we Instruct: PERSONALITY MAIN K F.Q I'SITE. e'od pay. short hours, perma nent if suited : unemployed only ; don' t phone; apply in irou not before 10 tn 12 only today. Ak clerk. Multnomah Hotel, for W. H. Lyon. WANTED Lady solicitors to sell new svrlnge Invented by prominent Portland p'hvsician; nothing like It on ths market; great el!er; (1 commission on acn sale. Call Wednesdity and Thursday, 7-t F. M-, at k!h MurKan building, whin lady In al tenuance will give details. BRIGHT, alert business woman for well paid position; experience In demonstrat ing or managing others, helpful; no book keeping or stenography: elate Quantisa tions and experience; good pay. AG 320, O rego n lan. , COMPETENT woman In hell wood to cat irl 4 and bof 1 in her own borne; statu term and phone, AS 721. Oro- GOVERNMENT-Job for women, $70 moith; list positions obtainable, f 1 Writ" Hn mediate'y. Franklin Institute, dspL 70s C. Rochester, N. Y. W ANTE i Educated, p: . ... cat woman for special orgauixer: $'.iu ,-r month to one qualified; state expvi i nc and five ad dress. AG 116, Orvgoman. M KS. HINSDALE'S BISlNESS SCHOOL '2 Empress bldg. Personal Instruction; pe- si lions when competent. U1KI.S to" "learn beauty culture; rommlssloa while learning. Geneva Sii. Rstlly. 514 Ab- Ington bldg. COOK and general housework. $2i. Vain Call afternoon at room 0 W ash. bldg. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Alt modern business course $6 mo. Positions when competent. Q1 N. W. Bank bldg. YOl'Ni; girl for general housework, 2 in lamity; rasy place, no washing; gift. 140 K. iiorrion. near a. tin. i su inurninum WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Company, plttock block. t.6 Washington at. HOUSEWORK. 15 to 3. St. Louis I-idleV Agency. 28 Main st., opposite Courthouse. A 7175, Main 20;. EXPERIENCED young girl, general house work, small family. 4o East leth st. ,N. H K LP Vf ANTED M.VI.K OR fKMAMC. MEN and WOMEN to learn th barber trade, earn from $15 to $Jo per week; tui tion reduced, paid while iearuuig; position sacuied : wriLc for fre catalogue. Th Muler System of College. A 4b. N. ltd. BOOK "How You Can Become a Motion Picture Actor." Send li cents to M. J. Anderson, box 237, Portland. Or. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEARN AUTOMOBILE RKPA I H I NG. dry ing on up-to-date cars; clertrual, civil en giuecrlng, surveying ; methods most prac tical' room and board while learniug; many positions secured; satisfaction guar anteed; catalogue free. National School of cnginecruiK. - . - OREGON BARBER COLLEGE want ma and women to learn th bar bar trad In weeks: positions guaranteed; tools free; paid while learning; scalp and fac mas sage a specialty; modern method teaching used; tuition reduced. 23a Madison. RAILWAY mall clerk. P. O. clrks. car riera, exam, soon ; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Paclfie State Schools. McKay bldg.. city- GOVERNMENT wants clerks, $70 month; Portland examination soon; commoa edu cation sufficient; particulars frs. Apply lmmeqiaiciy. -v v mi, minmM. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools teach salesmanship, also 25 other course. Free catalog. 202 McKay bid. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. WANTED Position by married man traveling salesman in any line, on salaiy basis- ability and business getter; 10 years' experience. Wash., Or., Cal., British Columbia: bond or reference. Address Ac 18, uregonian. MAN in country bank want city position; competent stenographer, accountant, ab stracter, lawyer; reasonable salary. Bog AV 723, Oregonian. MAN of business ability desires office po sition; assistant bookkeeper; rel'crencss. Main 70&1, A 1517. DRl'G CLERK, unregistered, young msn. ex perienced, including fountain; reiemnccs. AO 700, Oregonian. COLLECTING, by middle-aged mn; - 1 liable; salary no ooject. w ACCOUNTANT will keep biiihII set of books in spare time. Tabor 47Q.. Miscellanooa. BAKBEK wants steady woi k In city or country town; hs good experience and union man. Room 221 New Hotel Foster, navls and Third stiu EXPERT primer and farm manager, family, desires position on Isrge rsn"' Wm. W. Bartlcit, &510 39ih ave S. E. Tabor 4WSS. , BOY 1&, desires position as tsmsier, er rand or delivery boy; would like to learn, a trade, plumbing or painting preferably. Main 7051, A 3 517. WANTED Land to clr; will take land as part pavment. V. U. Roberts, Gen'l de livery, Portland. MAN and wife want position on ranch; wif good cook, man general farm work. Ail 7 i 1. Oregonian. . ROUGH carpenter wants poiitlon on farm; Is an all-around man also; $36 month. Maln70iiL A la!7. . , EXPERIENCED csrpenter and psintrr wants work; Al reference. Main .0&1, A 1317. YOUNG man, Is, experienced, desires posi tion on farm; best of references. Mala 7051. A 1&17. MAN who speaks German desires position as porter, orderly or un farm; can milk; wage $1'5 or $3Q. Main 7""1. A 1j17. V NTKD Position, on ax cook in family, o:ie aa janltorj both experienced; 2 Japan- ne. .nam MARRIED man wants work on ranch; good all-around man. Address 'i N. 11th St., r. L t'YpRKI ENCKD bookkeeper, off he man. Marshall Ssw2. P. O. Box lltt. Will leae YOl:N MAN desire ai-ltanl bookkopms, general office work; references. O 7 OreKonlan. YOUNG gardener, 26, Dane, wants P",,,,,.nn In private garden or commercial. N 7-4, tiregonlan. . M N and wife wish work on raoh. Ad dress C. A. S.. (O1,, N. 0th st.. Portland, nr. WANTED Job filing saws In oordvood rump or logging camp. Edgar C. Hrlen, Oregon City. Or. WANTED Bv man mid wife, position, janitor api.-hout". experienced, best reC--rencn. Main 7774. WANTED by man and wife, place, on farm or ranch, bent of references, H-nry Wil liams. 318 K. 27th St., Taronia, Wash. JAPANESE boy want position, cook of general housework. N 721. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN wants work; had experience 11s snipping citk. rjw.i. i"". . GERMAN chauffeur wants position, private A rn, r,r x 718. Oreeonlsn. CARPENTER, Al. small Jobs, rough or fin i. . 1 . vAaw..nKlIs Main fil"T JAPANESE good houne worker, wants day or'h'our work. A lay. 121 N. 15th. STRONG bov. tige 1. wants work on farm or City. 175 N. 15th Pt. Main 4". situations' wanted kkmalb. Bookkeepers ad Stenographer. POSITION wanted by stenographer with months' experience In law office; writ Pitman shorthand and touch Typewriting, knowledge nf bookkeeping. Apt. 10.. U Giisan st. I hone Marshall Jlhl after g I. M. EFFICIENT bookk.'per of five years ex perience wants small set nf books to kep, will work ev-n!riKs or after 0 o clock; tef erences furnished. T 724. Oregoiitnii NEAT young lady wishes to assist tn den tist's or physician's office; small salary. G 71 9. uregonian. YOUNG LADY wishes position In office; ran run comptometer and do general offic work; small salaty. Tabor Ifnuj. CON1PETENT stenoKtapher and dictaphone operator desires hour or piece work. Main 27. .. O K stenographer, b. k. and dietapnoea operator wants permanent r subatltu-e work. M. 2817. EXPERIENCED etenographer with office In Yeon bldg.. desires copy work etc.; rea- sonable rates. Knone juam mi. YOUNG lady stenographer, eperlenc nd some knowledge ot b. k., desires position. Tabor 40P9. - FASHIONABLE dressmaking. rea0"111' home or day. SOI Buchanan bldg. Main r 1 3. . EVENING gowns and coala my specialty . t home or shop; work guaranteed. 3iJ Fliedner bldg. Marshall 32ol. NEAT, reliable dressmaker, years' evpert enc, desire sewing; reasonable, labor 2;;;t. ' TAILORED ult my specialty; renlng gowns, fancy waist; guarsnteed; bom or s h o p. 307 Northwest bldg. Main 61 r.4. dressmaker wsnts work br day, Tatior 2JL