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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1915)
TITE MOItXING OREGONIAK, TUESDAY, APRIL 6, J 915. IT NOTED FRENCH ADVOCATE OF FEMINISM WILL GIVE LECTURE SERIES AT PANAMA-PACIFIC FAIR. . iiiHii run i Don't Let This House Furnishing Opportunity Slip Away! The Economies Are Greater Than Ever Avail Yourself of This Remarkable Assemblage of Furnishing Needs Curtains, Rugs, Draperies, Bedding SALE PRICES HOLD GOOD THIS WEEK ONLY Rich Stores of Fine Linens at Sale Prices That Are Exceptional Great Sale of Sheffield Plate and Sale of Framed Pictures PAY $27.50 MONTH Official Tells Government In quirers Tips Are Not Con sidered in Schedule. INEFFICIENT PAID MORE ni ii Mil nnr EHS rULL .Report Shows Beginners Are Put on I Tourist Cars Where Perquisites Are Iss and Receive Greater S Wage Than on Standards. I I 1 J CHICAGO, April 5. The first Gov- I eminent inquiry into wages and condl- tions and employment of sleeping-car porters and conductors was made here I today by the United States Commission ! oij Industrial Relations. L. S. Hunger 5 lord, general manager of the Pullman I Company, was on the stand most of the I day and was questioned by Frank P. i "Walsh, chairman of the Commission. J In the first 15 years of the sleeping- ' ear porter's service, Hungerford said he is paid $27.50 a month. At the end of 15 years he. like other service em ployes. automatically received an ad' ance of 5 per cent, which makes his nay $28.87 a month. In the first 10 years of service he buys his own unl forms, but thereafter the company takes on this burden. A bonus system gives men wtih good records an extra month s pay for tne year. The men also are eligible to a relief fund after five years and to the pen sion list after 20 years in the employ ment of the company, but these pro visions are flexible and often applied In exceptional case3. such as disability resulting from train accidents. Tips ot Considered. He Says. j Mr. Walsh then brought up the sub- Ject of tips. r "Do you expect the public to pay the ciiierence between these wages and living wage?" he asked the witness. "No, sir, 1 dont' think that was con aidered, the latter replied. "You thought them satisfied with 'these salaries?" "No, I wouldn't say that; we received Bo expressions of dissatisfaction re sardlng them," replied llr. Hungerford It appeared that new porters fre r quently are tried out on tourist cars, and receive a few dollars more wages , than their more experienced brethren cn the standard sleepers. "Why Is it that these men are paid morn tuan the mora experienced ones? asked Mr. Walsh. "Is it because the perquisites are more liberal on the standard cars? Was that considered In fixing the rate?" "I don't know what was considered. , J imagine the tips are more liberal on the standard cars. "Is $27.50 enough to pay any man for a. months work? continued Mr. Walsh. "Minimum wage investigations of the employment of women show that ' they cannot subsist on less than $8 a week." Plenty Willing; to Take Jobs. "We can get all the men we want at that rate, was the reply. "Have you considered the social ef fect of such a wage which compels men but recently removed from bondage to subsist on gratuities from another xace?" "I am not competent to answer that. ' -Well, can a man live on $27.60?" "I don't know, but it probably de pends on his requisites. The witness was asked as to the history of the tipping system, and re plied that It did not originate with the Pullman comnanv. "It seems always to have been a gen eral condition. It didn't originate with us. However, if anybody is deserving of tips it is the sleeping car porter; some of them are artists. It appears from the testimony that tire at 11 or 12 P. 41. and go on duty FOOD EXPORT TO BE STUDY visum tx l o ju. x ins aiica iu t - '- hour transcontinental runs, as It -does . to short ones. "Are porters required to polish the hoes of passengers?" asked the chair- Series of Lectures at Panama-Pacific utitn. ' - sv , - A I i ' ..:' -'I M' It;; : ? ?? ii - t - . - v . i JULES BOIS, CHKVAMiSR OF IJiGtOX OP HONOR JULES BOIS TO TALK French Journalist Will Plead Cause of 'Militant. ' answered I Pair AV1H Deal With Varied In dustries of His Own Country. Fetes by Society Many. T" "No; they are permitted to," lVIr. Hungerford. Mr. W alsb. read from a book of rules by F. C. Johnson, district superintend ent of the Pullman company, at Omaha. entitled "What to do and what not to do." Slaoy Rales Cited. In this compilation It appeared that I vrw YORK. April 5. (Special.) porters were required 10 snme snoes Juleg Bo, journalist Chevalier of th vuu me witness sa.iu iney oougnt men f fm. u.k . ,hi. " ki- I Legion of Honor and prohpet oi rem' the use of toothni. ks and tobacco, inlsm in France. Is here with creden The porter standing at the steps receiv- tials from his Government to plead the Jng passengers must stand straight. I cause of the t rench militant and to rnusi noi ican inaoieniiy againsi xne i make reporwt on our iooa proaucnon ear. . I and exportation. He will make a lec "Look pleasant." says the rule, tur tour of the United States and will Tcn't give the passenger the impres- I study the methods of teaching French lon thst it Is mere condescension on I jn the schools of California. He will our part that he is allowed to ride I Ki Ve a series of lectures at the Pan tall." iama-Pacific Exposition on the varied ocner rules are tnai wnen a psraen- .j,iru, of his country. rer wants to know "how long will the Althounh he has not come here to train stop here?- the porter is not to gpeak o( tne message with which he :ive the number of minutes, but say at roused France to a consideration of wnat mmuie tne scnenuie requires ii woraan suffrage in his novels "IVEve to depart. When a passenger makes Nouveue" and "TVEternal Retour," he request not countenanced by tne .. , offers, uneau of company, me porter is noi w repiy inn his wlrlc He gummaried his voews of xne company ruie loroias ii; no is feminism thus tructed to say that tne matter is out- ..y women should have the vote, aide or his jurisdiction. t th.t he m. .. nave more votes but "This Is because lazy or Ill-natured I ,K.. . ,.! ...,.. the mnthar Toners wno are meraj ouirn.iis ru element may enter Into the political tion by saying there was a ruie against nrinE. , .tav ln this cltv he is $t," said Mr. Hungerford. being feted and entertained by the A system of small fines for the dis- I , j . j ty.- appearance of linens was maintained to lf nonoj. on Marcn 30 at a dinner ten- prevent negligence. Last year lost linen, frequently carried away by care Jess passengers, cost the company $178,000. the witness said. BISHOP ASSIGNS PASTORS Kvangelival Conference Closes i Ministers Are Named. CORVAIX1S. Ot April 5. The an nual U nited Evangelical conference here adjourned after Bishop W. H. Fouke made the regular annual appointments yesterday. The appointments in Portland remain the same as last year. Dr. C. C. Poling and the Rev. G. L. Lovell being re turned for another year. The Rev. Mr. Leyton, stationed at St Johns In place of the Rev. Mr. Goode, who had to dis continue the work on account of ill health, is a new name to the Pacific Coast. He comes from Nebraska and Is a man of exceptional ability. Following are the appointments: Portland district. C. C. Poling, Presiding Mr; Portland First Church. C. C. Poling; O.-klor Grein. G. 1- Ixve!l; St. Johns, J. Irfyton; Wichita. H. H. Farnnam; Adna. Mark Thelne; Chfhalem. Chariea Poling; li!!8boro. W. W. Phelps. Iallaa district. S. S. Mummey. presiding eider; Prooka, G. R. Stover; Beulah. E. Sin. gTeton; Rikrall. J. L. Burns; Corvallls. A. It, tfchmailo; Dallas, G. E. Erskine: Dayton and Lafayette. C. P. Gates; McMfnnvllIa, V, frbino; Eusene. F. E. Fisher: Florence. R. O. Car'i; Gaaton. Frank Phelps; Klnga Val ley. V. Ballantyoe; Lewisville, W. S. Plow man; Mapleton. F. H. Neff; Salem, A. A. "Winter and M. J. Ballantyna. George I revived the Most Honorable Or der of the Fath m ITS. dered him by Mrs. Cornelius Vander bilt. At the Baltimore Hotel, after wards, he said that be would speak first on April 7 at the borne of Mrs. E. H. Harriman. EARL ROGERS INDICTED LOS ANGELES ATTORNEY HELD FOR LETTER TO GRAND JURT. Attempt to Inflneace Corruptly Is Al legationPolice Chief, Accused fey Girls, Alao I'nder Boat. LOS ANGELES, April 5. Charles E. Sebastian. Chief of Police, and Earl Rogers, his counsel in the case involv ing allegations of misconduct made by two delinquent girls, were indicted to day by the County Grand Jury on charges of having attempted "corrupt ly to influence" the grand jurors. The charges were based on tne fact that Rogers sent the jury a letter re lating to the accusations made by the two girls. Bail was rixed at J5000. Ten days ago the two girls. Victoria Desparte and Lucille Livingston, wards of the Juvenile Court, appeared before the County Grand Jury and related the story of a ride in a police automobile. Sebastian was summoned to the grand Jury chamber, and according""to authori tative statements was identified as one or the men who accompanied the girls. Sebastian issued a statement sub-1 sequently declaring that the charges were the manifestation of a political plot designed to kill . his chances of election as Mayor of the city. This counter charge was taken up by the grand Jury last week and, a report rendered declaring that the jury could find no evidence of such a "conspiracy. Meantime. Rogers, Sebastian's attor ney, eent the grand jury a 22-page letter dealing with the case. This let ter, according to the allegations set out in the indictments today, contained "threats, intimidations, - persuasions and entreaties," concerning the jury's course with regard to the charges of the two girls. The threat, ' it is alleged, was con veyed in language to the effect that while the grand jury was not bound to consider the side of the defense in mat ters before It, it would be well in the case at hand to do so before signing an indictment for which the grand Jurors "would be held liable both personally and financially." NEW HAVEN MOTION ARGUED Decision on Application for Bill of Particulars Reserved. NEW YORK, April 6. The Federal District Court beard argument today and reserved decision on the applica tion made by Lewis Cass Ledyard and other directors and former directors of the New Haven Railroad to have the Government furnish them with a bi;l of particulars in the criminal proceed ings against them. Twenty-one defend ants are under indictment charging: vio lation of the anti-trust law. George W. Wickersham. ex-United States Attorney-General, arguim? in support of the application, "asserted that the Indictment was too vague. Attor neys for the Government opposed the motion. Decalcomanias Have Arrived : School children have beea sugxlODaly awaiting; the arrival f these decalcomanias, and they can now be had at our stationery department at lc a sheet. Mexiaotne Floor Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers cJHercliancLsecfc'M rtcviv. ffercha Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 lent Only" Home Phone A 6691 New Talking Machine Records PI are a "Walk, F x Tin Watch Year ea. Fox Trot Aloha Oe, Hawaiian Wala Noaae. Sweet Heave. Mealier Walts Tin Ten, Medler Fex Trot, and CrackerJark. Mealry l' Tret, 7 Be each. Baseaaent " Veribest" Waists H Introducing 12 New Models Tuesday Special $1.00 Marking a New Epoch in the Selling of Fine Waists Equal in Material, Style and Fit to Waists Selling for Double. Of Voile - Allover Embroidered Voiles Trimmings of Crochet Buttons Of Lingerie Of Flowered Organdies Lace or Embroidery Of Organdie Of Flesh-tinted Voiles Tucks and Hemstitching , The three models illustrated were sketched from Waists on sale. Thira Floor. Apron Day Today is Your Opportunity! Four Aprons in Exact Style as Illustrated. Trimmed Leghorn Hats Our Feature Price $9.95 These hats are the newest thing for early Summer wear made of an extra fine quality of leghorn, many models combined with Georgette crepe brims and crowns, others with shirred facings in dainty colors. Trimmed with the most beautiful French flowers, bouquets and wreaths, in wonderful colorings, with smart touches of black velvet ribbon, or rib bons to harmonize with the flowers. Ostrich feathers, in the new effects, are an attractive feature of these hats. Many models for the young girl dozens of hats that women will find most becoming. Second Floor. New $2.50 Nadia Corsets $1.79 Made of fine batiste with low and medium bustline, slightly curve-in at the waistline, long over the hips and back, without boning over the hips; finished at the top with lace and ribbon. Three Dairs of hose supporters attached. In sizes 20 to 28. Fonrth Floor. 50c Coverall Aprons Made of light and dark-colored percale with round necks, kimono stleeves, belted back, finished with., white pipings. In regulation coverall style. Sale ... $1.00 House Dress Aprons Of extra quality percale an apron which forms a complete dress. Has square neck, side fastening, kimono sleeves, pleated back, belt fastens to. the front Trimmed with colored embroidered edges. Sale .... New Rubber Aprons Made in plain white or lavender and blue stripes. Most practical for general housework, indispensable in kitchen and laundry, and a necessity for the nursery and sickroom. Sale. . ....... 75c and 85c White Aprons White band aprons, aprons for nurses, waitresses parlor maids. Trimmed with lace insertion, embroi l dery ruffles and insertions and hemstitching with and without bibs and straps. Of lawn or dotted Swiss. Sale ..,......-. -. i 35c and 40c White Aprons Tea aprons, band aprons, waitresses' and parlor maids' aprons. Fresh, crisp, white aprons, made of excellent quality lawns, trimmed with tucks and hemstitching, some with embroidery insertions and edges. Sale . ., $1.00 Apron Sets In empire style with square neck and short kimono' sleeves of ginghams and percales. Trimmed with L J wide plain or flowered bandings. Cap to match. Sale J 39c 75c 50c 59 c 29c House Dress Aprons These aprons are made in the house-dress style, but tons all the way down the front. V-neck, kimono sleeves, turn-back cuffs, belted style, finished with white bias pipings and pocket. Made extra long. Sizes 36 to 44. Special , 50c Fourth Floor. Miss Rae Tanzer, charged with using" the mails In an attempt to oefraud, that Miss Tanzer and James W. Osborne- registered at the hotel where he was employed, was held In $12,000 bail for examination Friday when arraigned before United States Commissioner Houghton today, on jury. a charge of per- Insurance War Tax Illegal. WASHINGTON, April 5. -rh9 Spanish War stamp tax on marine Insurance policies was held today by the Supreme Court to be unconstitutional as a tax on reports. . Crew Adrift Rescued. NEW YORK, April 5. The steamer Comus, from New Orleans, brought Into port today five members ojf the crew of the barga Northwest, which broke away from the tug Welllrarton Friday and drifted helpless in th storm until sighted yesterday by the Comus off Cape Lookout. N. C. Man, "Deaf. Mute," Clets 12 Days CENTRALJA. Wash.. April 6. (Sdb- V ciaw tor impersonating a deaf and dumb man In order to secure money from sympathetic Individuals, George House Is passing 12 days in the Lewis County Jail. House was handing out cards telling of his alleged misfortune when a peace officer ran across him. The officer grabbed House and shook him roughly. "Don't do that," said House, and a jail term resulted. Hotel Clerk Held for Perjury. , NEW YORK, April 6. Frank D. Stafford, a hotel clerk, who testified at the recent hearing in the case of Help the Stomach Digest Your Food When the stomach fails to di gest and distribute that which is eaten, the bowels become clogged with a mass of waste and ' refuse that ferments and gener ates poisons that are gradually forced into the blood, causing distress and often serious Ill ness. Most people naturally object to the drastic cathartic and purgative agents' that shock the system. A mild, gentle laxative, positive In its effect and that will quickly relieve constipation is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, sold by druggists at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. It does not gripe or cramp, but acts easily and pleasantly and is therefore the most satisfactory remedy for ' children, -women and elderly per sons. For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 452 Wash ington street. Montlcello, 111. Where Do You Take Lunch. Dinner or After Theater Supper? The Arcadian Garden supplies all the attractive features you should consider cuisine, service and surroundings of the higher class and for this week the following unexcelled entertainment : MISS OLIVE LA FONT In Spectacular Ballet, Oriental and Toe Dances. MOREA Tenor "The Young Caruso." Mr. Jack Clifford Character Impersonator. Three Nasquiria Sisters Instrumental and Vocal Music. Collet te's Orchestra Beginning- Thursday, special arrangements are being' made 1 to entertain after-grand-opera diners. Engage tables now. mm - mm wSIA On April 26th we will in troduce a new novelty on the Pacific Coast. Has run over year College Inn, Chi cago. Watch for ice-skating in the Arcadian Garden. Hotel Multnomah LtjrzninacASAjat AWonderfiilOffer TO Talking Machine Owners Bring- in your old Columbia Disc Records and we will take them in exchange for the latest Columbia Disc Records at a very liberal allowance. Our stock of Disc Records is complete. April Records now on sale. Graves Music Co. Pioneer Phonograph Dealers Est 1805 151 Fourth St, Near Morrison Get the Name FT fixed in your mind