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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1915)
18 THE MORNING OREGOXIATT. TUESDAY," APRIL 6, 1915, For This Week Only Rules of the Contest FIRST One vote will be allowed for every 25c purchase or multiple thereof. Four votes for $1.00; five votes for $1.25; six votes, $1.50, etc SECOND Vote certificates must be secured at the counter at the time the purchase is made. , THIRD Votes are given on all cash and charge purchases. FOURTH In fairness to the contestants, purchases made through our wholesale or contract departments are not entitled to votes. FIFTH Votes must be cast on date of issue. No soliciting of votes allowed in the store. SIXTH No votes will be given on C. O. D. transactions until the C. O. D. is paid. SEVENTH No votes will be given on approval sales. Votes, how ever, will be given for the amount retained from approval sales. EIGHT In fairness to the public no employe is allowed to take any part in the contest. t Tn&rQjjALTrY' Store or Portland Mail Order Customers May Vote, Too Mail Order Customers May . Vote, Too All Expenses Paid Names of Contestants The following names are those who are in the lead as given by the compilation of votes up to 6 o'clock -last evening: Nellie Sar 8-1 Marlon Ritchie 8M Ruth Carroll 881 Mrs. sr. R. t'rcniM f2 CleveSalra 813 George W. Robert.on SO Mrs. Cieonce McMath TM J. O. Humphrey 7 SO Mm. M. MaUoa . TZ Mls rraddork T V. Mclvlnney Clarence lllekok 5 Miss Millie. Sf-hloth H Mm. E. D. KaddlnK M Ward Kern. li-MI Marie I.onea ' Hlt Richard Bellaad CHS Virginia Gilbert S Mm. PanlDuebrr .171 Sarah llarrla !' K. J. lloblBKoa SMI Helen fearce 4WI Cella McMahon 4:U1 I, Milan Brovia Mae C hamber. .' 3M5 ia7 iota TrtCr QUAUT YSTORJE Of PORTLAND The Values Are So Great and Prices So Low That We Have Reproduced A .Douifo e Ad. into One As Well as Many New Bargains. In fact Yoft'll Find Hundreds Not Advertised Here as You Walkthrough the Store. Buy Now and Save Money is the Keynote! SELDOM, IF EVER, A SALE JUST LIKE THIS! Women's New Spring Suits Taken From Our Regular Stocks of C99 vl C $27.30. $30.00 andj32.50 Models pi'J It's the invariable policy of The Big Store" to keep its stocks complete and when certain, lines become depleted we batch them together and have a sale like this. These Suits are from our $27.50, $30.00 and $32.50 lines with ALL SIZES AND MANY STYLES IN THE LOT as a whole and when priced at $22.45 we know without a doubt they'll sell hurriedly. Arguments in favor of the modes and materials are unnecessary, because these garments are from our regular stocks. We illustrate and describe three of the models. ONE MODEL The first one in the if roup is of black and white all-wool checked material. The skirt is full flared, circular with fi'ted button-trimmed rirdle. The coat is made in. the jaunty Norfolk belted fashion. THIS MODEL, The last one, is of Belgian blue gab ardine, with full yoked skirt and hij'a waistline. The eoat is a semi-Norfolk, with belt all round, patch pocket effect is front, trimmed with self buttons. These are iost three models of the many. There are others of homespuns, serges, coverts, worsteds, chadda doth, r&b- ardiiie and tweeds in dozens of colors and different models. Sizes include odd and tegular op to 49 bast. ANOTHER THE Second one is of novelty gray material flecked with blue, yellow and other col ors. Flared circular skirt, high waist line. The coat is in semi-Norfolk style with tailored pockets, stitched belt. i Nrtk rtoMk Mat h-JK. We Cannot Promise That There Will Be Enough Suits for All Day's Selling. A WHIRLWIND SALE OF MORE THAN 2700 MensPureSilkShirtsSacrificed A remarkable deal has Just been consummated whereby we purchased the entire surplus stocks of a well-known New York shirt maker. .. . The price we paid was less than wholesale and, in accordance with our custom, you share oenny for penny with us. - ; There's nothing the matter with these Shirts. They are new, handsome, stylish, perfect, desirable and beautiful from every standpoint They were sold to us underprjee simply because the makers will manufacture no more of these styles. n Silk STurts. Regularly ft'0 $3.85 - Popular atin strip effects or genuine tub talks-k The patterns and colors are now, .up-to-date and "good" in every ansa of the word. Well tailored, per fect fitting shirts, some with separate oft collar to match. . S?Jk Shirts. Regularly $7.00 fcf QLT to $7.50 tpi.O The fashionable and popular candy stripes, always stylish black sad white striped effects, and the wide one-inch striped effects in beautiful shades of blue, heliotrope. laTcnder, gold and gray fancy silks. Silk Shirts Regularly ?? $6.45 ' Crepe do chins Shirts that are the latest styles and patterns. Black and white stripes and fancy colorings in two and three-toned effects. Also included are heavy pean do crepe Shirts of extra fine quality and weight. For This Day Only jlf Aprons That Button On at the Shoulder Only 59c An Apron that covers one entirely and easy to slip on and off, buttoning snugly and neatly at the shoulder. Made of good grade percale, in light and dark colors. Belt and pocket and side pieces piped with contrasting colors or white. Well made, well finished and very specially priced for this sale at 5!) Serosa1 Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Out-of- Town Mail O raer Filled From This and All Our Ads If Received Within Three Days of Date of Publication We give our out-of-town customers the same privilege of buying from our daily advertise ments as those who live in the citv. Moreover, our method is not a "mail-order system," it is, rather, a systematized shopping service which gives the personal attention of a trained shopper to the filling of every mail order. . . Your order is studied and promptly filled with as much "intelligent interest" as if you were here yourself. Should you come in person we will be glad, upon request, to have one of our experienced shoppers assist and conduct you to as many, of the 75 different departments as you choose. There is no charge. 900 House Dresses ;,98c will go on sale for the first time and set a new low record in special pricing and a new high record in value-giving at this tune of year. At the Re markably Low Price o; Ideal morning frocks, made of neat, lighttoU red, good-quality ginghams, pink and blue and black wide and narrow stripes, and large and small "checks. Made with wide gored skirts, some trimmed with pique and embroidery in such a fashion as to be suitable for street wear with pretty black velvet belts and neck finishing. A full line of sizes from 34 to 46. YOU MUST SEE THEM! V These are all new goods that we have just re ceived in a most advantageous purchase. You'll recognize them as being worth considerably more than at each pi ,;ilik i:r Be Sure and Attend First Annual Cotton Ball for the benefit of Scaddlne- House, Riven at th Multnomah Hotel, Wednesday, April 14, 116. Dancing and cards. Tickets on sale in our Book and Cotton Goods departments. 75 c Wash Silk at 59c Genuine Japanese make. Wide, nar row and medium stripes in a very large assortment of handsome colorings. 32 and 36-inch widths. Third Kl Mxth-St. Rid v. $1.00 Silk Gloves 69c Women's, all new long gloves of the finest quality Tricot silk with double finger-tip for service. Black and white, sizes 5 to 8H. No better glove for warm weather wear than a good silk and that's this. Ktrat Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. BECAUSE OF ITS TIMELINESS AND REMARKABLY LOW PRICES! Laces and Embroideries of positive values in quality and style at prices that should effect the liveliest of selling. inejrre not oaa lots, seu-agea ana out oi.aate, dui iresn, new mercnancuse mat came to us at a remarKaoie price concession ana are going out mar&ea iar below the usual standard for the important dress essentials of like quality and style. ' $2.25 to S6.50 St. Gall Embroideries, Yd. $1.19 Only one piece of each patternr Done en the new lace cloth, organdies, voiles, moiisseline, batiste and $1.25 to $2.00 St. Gall Embroideries, Yd. 98c 12 to 45-inch wiihha in this exquisite St. Gall Floundnz. a sample line purchased at great aaerifice. crepe neife, some with inseta of Flatten lace, net and filet, imitation hand work and other exquisite effects.' Reg. 45c to 85c New Shadow Laces OCc A t ltitlil tatjtrnt, cream moi whit, and all new merchandise. Width 12 to 24 inches for trimminsa. 15c and 18c E m b r o i d- 10' eries;, in- rrioiM hand and edces for every trim ming need, cambric, lawn. nauuooK. ls ta v incnes. SI. 75 to $4.25 Flouncings for 49 Met and lace widths 12 to 27 inches, very elaborate designs, deep scal lops in the new aand shades. 75c to $1.50 New Laces io at zioc Chantilly and shadow -laces. French and English manu facture. Black, white and cream. 9 to 24-inch widths. e r le s All-Over Em- broidery. 20- inch, exquisite eyelet designs, soft lawn For lingerie waists, brassieres, corset covers. 49' ings at Lrepe e i g e F 1 e u n c i nr. Lovely floral pattern with either hemstitched ox aval loped edges. - Me TO ft EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS, BANDS, INSERTIONS. VP TO.IJ-INCH. TI. J5 ytm Far, . h-.M. Mc TO Sc EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS BANDS, INSERTIONS, ITP TO 17-INCH. YARD 23. Reg. 65c to $1.00 Embroid- c 49 Reg. 65c to 85c Emb.Fiounc- c ings at 27 inches wide, lawn, in small neat designs with Veniae lace edres, also 18-inch ba tiste organdie flouncings. $1.00 to $1.25 New Flounc- 79c Also Scores of Other Bargains Not Advertised Here! 50c Faille Ribbon 32c Very heavy quality and lustrous finish; 6M and 7-inch widths, in a splendid as sortment of colors. Pint Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. 65c Under wear at 40c Women's; Harvard Mills make. All fine lightweight lisle; regular sizes. Vests Dutch neck, short sleeves or high neck, long sleeves,, pants knee or ankle length. Second Floor, Slxth-Mt. Bids. $2.00 Sulkies $1.47 You're offered a well-made steel spring Sulky, with adjustable foot rest and 10-inch rubber tired wheels and black enameled mud guards. A good investment for Summer use for the child who has grown too large for the go-cart. Light and easy for the mother to handle. And the saving is worth while from $2 to $1.47. t Temporary Annex, ElKhtfc Floor. Deposit $1 Sugar, Creamer Special 49c 200 Crystal Glass Sugars and Creamers, with heavy filigree high-grade deposit in attractive conventional designs. Fourth Floor. Temporary Annex It's Wonderful How Low the Prices Are, on This Bedroom Furniture Furniture better than the average medium-grade lines. Its construction and finish are beyond -reproach. The quality of wood used is like that in the more expensive pieces. If Desired. Our Club Plan of In stallment Payments May Be Arranged. a' fa T&Tsi&M S JtSiH i H I pa1;'' v The$27.50 The $23.00 The $20.00 The $25.00 The $27.50 The$27.50 Chiffoni'rs Tables at Tables at Beds for Dressers Dressers $16.50 313.90 $11.50 $14.75 $16.50 $16.50 rT"r! Ore ssinr Tables, . . , Circassian walnut . . , Princess. Gireajs Ctrtassia whwt .a, Dressu Tab lee, or mahogany, 4-6 Circassian walnut or malccny. mirrera. Circagyfan walnut. size. ' or mahogany. hoyany. 40 Motor Trucks to Give, You Service! "Snow White" F16ur,Sack$l2 H "Snow White" brand, a high-grade patent flour made in the State of Oregon. With most brands selling now at $1.85 this is a strong one-day grocery bargain at $1.65. 24 y2 -lb. Sacks, 85. OUR CANNED GOODS SALE This great event continues all this week, with new items and new prices. loc Maine Corn, fancy quM- 1 O lyU ity, dozen, $1.49; can C 20c Peaches or Apricots, Impe- C rial brand, dozen, $1.75; can.. XJC Sliced Peaches, exceptional qual- 1 ity, dozen, $1.59; can ltC 15c Peas, Early June, superior 0 quality, dczen, $1.49; can IOC 25c Asparagus, Griffon fancy 1 Q brand, dozen, $3.19; can 1 C 25c Asparagus Tips, Griffon 1 Q brand, dozen, $2.19; can 1 JC 15c Peas, Apex, Colorado pack, 11 dozen, $1.29; can 1 iC 15c Wax Beans, latest pack, dozen, $1.29; can 20c Loganberries, Oregon finest 1 Q pack, dozen, $1.29; can laUC Pineapple, Victor brand, sliced, 1 Ae No. 2',4 cans, doz., $1.59; can. XlC Pure Food Orocerr, Haawtnent, Mxtfc-st. Bids. 12c