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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1915)
16 - ' THE SIORXiyG OREGOyiAN. TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1915. MTCATIOSS W.IEDMA. 1 FOB RKXT. FOR BEST. FOR BEST. I FOR EOT. BtMNBS OITORTVMTtES. FIXAX HI, ' MimUmwi. " Furnished Rooms. Furnished Apartment Flats. Furnished Mouse. WANTED An ambitious and encrgeoo man Money la Loan on Real r..ate. . Z -v,- ' - it 1 ri TQ cODBI 11TH AN" YAMHILL. ' WILLAMETTE "Heights; nothing in tlie city 27Hi BROADWAY, ueur Madison 5-room or firm, with mean, enough to organise MONEY LOANED. r i 5 0l.G man, aged 2a married, carpenter LLTON COUSC. Uia A. .Aamn. room modern, tine view, apartment elegantly furnished; Circassian anil promote a company for the sale of Improved bu.lnosa prc,.ty. tti It ( ' i S""!" JrJX , I ,t have Under "New Management. THB WHEELDON ANNEX. choice neighborhood. 996 Savier at. walnut, fumed oak furniture; sleeping a full line of well-known and well-adver- per cent. ; Keklund, 589 Wash .t. Mar. o72o. "jo. te el. "loserWce ho and cold Tenth ana Salmon Street inquire 175 loth u 5i7 TAYLOR near 17th im. elegntfy We" " cea.fully duplicating to the improved farm propeiiy, 7 to f per cal .' VaNTED. A JOB I am 25 yeara old, strong Ir.g-room in connection under supervision APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Furnisbed Flail. furnished Jmnrnmi- ma'no-mt ta? alao Krocery business the same plan of mer- W llJTMt.H k LLl.Y lO, ! and educated; some knowledge bookkeep- of an expert chef. Trauslenle solicited. Ratea day. week, month or year. .on 6 ROOM modern upper flat completely 4-room lurched a?St piaioV rent cl.andi.lng as the Reiall Drug Store Plan. .11 Pittock Hl.k j ing. stenoftraphy and salesmanship; ex- Phone Main iZ. . 6d 1 bedraDm ran lie Sd W IurD1""1 apartment, piano, rent trade-name. ..t.bll.hed MONEY TO LOAN. perienced Pick and shovel; city references. - HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 1 present tenant eJroomg bathroom llv- , . ; 1 ; 7 TT over 60 year and ou which more than ox IMPHUVhi) REAL L..-TA1 E FOn I C 719. OreEonlcn. 55ak wihmkon at ' ingoonl XiV-roo $10,000,000 has been spent, together with BUILDING ClKPOiKM; VICKY FI.LX- WIDOWER who has two children to aup- New. fireproof, desirable location and VILLA BT. CLARA. Gibbs su Main 1011. fiSj "X?. bifJ T n:c ,Jn ?i talking al the right, to a Coast company for all the 1BLU CONTRACTS; COMMISSION ! port must have work, dishwashing, clean. respectable; all out&ule. clean, well-fur- 12th and Taylor. . 3 7, ! T ' nam. -:;s ntn st. territory west of the Kocky Mountains. . COLLMUIA. UI'S c Co. ins windows, house, etc.; would like a nisned rooms, with every modern conven- $-0 b-ROOM modern upper flat completely KICEL,y furniahed house. 100 E. ISth at Only responsible person, or firm, con- l" SPALDING Bl.nG. t steady job a janitor; references. Main ience. Sue day up; $2.50 wk. up. Most modern apartment, on the Pacific SS7,Bt j'HLSf bathroom liv Take Sunnyside car. sldered. Addre.. AV 740, Oregonlan. QN improved PROPERTY oil Foit . 705T- A 1517' HOTEL ROWLAND. 2-7 4TH ST. C"t:RooT GanienTn connection. Fnl-lSom? d"nroon, ankUchen 1S4H fumme.- Reaort yon SALE. BXILDINO Pritl-OSES; LmBML 1-A- "'ii, XSrtJt&SV? Modern WcagSTc.B.iy .ocated. "-ce. Reference, 21081 mei. in'- T- ef "LTo?. V AJeD 'a' YRBSs enci-ntrrr-wTnby-i 7 Sf TO M XVK. wlainanl "gaTVaff -...i J.-rKd J.'o . I month old: references. Main 70..1. A loli. week and np Furniahed or unlurniahed J -room apart- 6.K0OM furnished flat, fli per month. Hi rnT ct terminal of Northern Pacific R. R. Seat- MOItTUAOE LOANS. TOLNG boy. 19. Rusai.n. who apeak, good HOTEL BLACKSTON& T-, Ma'ket .L. W. 8. 1UM SoS Hra?-"i location Ing capacity Bio each. For cash or part Any .mu.".lot te.. Jnp.., elo... en.lM. desire, work ,n . . machine .hop. Corner 11th and Srk, W week and up; Vpati cor Honaekeepin, Boom.. Betmont .11 tta! openingV. de"licatn.- ' "'h Address o. Boxolo. Auburn. Atuactiv. rvpan.nt privily experienced at riveting, etc. filling or- .eievator, hot and cold water, .team heat, ner ciaoicama. and Rosa ata. Phona Eaat ; ; : . ' , ash. A. H. B1KKLI.I to.. in grocery store or garden work. Refer- tolepnone connection in each room; no ner ciackamaa ana ttosa ata. A-none iaat TO S2.50 week, clean, furnished house- reasonable rent 7ii BLYS Interest In bulues ThTt ?1T Nor. hw.t.-rn Bank BUIg. nc?s. Main 7051, A 1517. extra charges for two In a room; room . keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; gas. A. H. BIRRELL CO. MaraliaU 4114. '"rSd over J4l'o0lnco January 111.'.: Marshall 4 114. A 4 11.'. r,.j.P.Wa. n or' and bath fl day; transient solicited. 644 ereeteuTh'-andElla. ' SoS lUn'to "U" "ar" 217 Northwe.tern Bank bldg. "-d .""J-,, toVnal TO LOAN. country office, experienced newspaper and HOTKL ARTHUR. Furnff'ied 3-roon apartment W U. or -Vancouver, .us btanton. caT; OWNER hrj. splendid store for rent. 2ix7o once and therefore tills sacrifice; expe- to 7 n.on.y on buslnew properly. lob man. Addres. apartment 0, 220 N. 17th Eleventh, between Morrison and Yamhill. .itiimit ilMiiiM Dorch- located in one of FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern, feet in size, right In the heart of the busl- rlence not necessary, as remaining partner, dwell..., ami lartua. t Mall. 45o5. Car. direct from depots; desirably located the choicest residence ' districts- walking ree phones, bath, very reasonable, blan- ness district; light, heat and water in- is experienced man; will give, term.; par- 1;. H. yiu..,,,,!, alB chamber uf ,-,r-.. wA-rrrwvcn with over 10 and respectable; clean, warm and cosy distance. tun . . . h HotaJj Washington su eluded in rental; splendid opportunity for titulars. 1C2 Chamber of tommerce bldg. Commerce. , ?eS pT4nIeE hontelWmanagS In . y?T&0 ."33- ONLY 18 to 35 per month or to ,7 net W MILL ST. 2 and 8 rooms. light, airy. a wide-.wako merchant. L 5.0. Oregonlan. Waxtkd mana!cr to MORTGAGE loans .a aad .-b.rba. ,ai i Oregon, knows the from cook Kates. 1 ana weekly. and up. u-i.x i w - ' nlsnea housekeeping walking distance, all conveniences; 13 FOR RENT titure. Couch St., near loth. associate n company now being formed t,,mt Ml j Mna Cl.uu W- 1(. to managership. S 71S. Oregonlan. "BUSINESS IS GOOD." 2-room auts Lcludi. up suitable for saloon, or will remodel to suit rapid selling article, mull Invest 1U0U. 44 Mherlock b.dg. ssswu - i&tp&Vz$ ssjas ara-K: msrttsr --Thlrgts221 M' HOte' FO"'r- DLNvK- Apt... ' ' STORE . tho, .. ear fox, BUYERS. aIoOAN:. id,-- ,,". stranger in the city wants YOUNG men may consult without charge 2-room nfwl7 furnUhed and deco- 401 EAST Morrison, furnished one and two Hawthorne Dock Co. Before closing deal for so-called Interast luA1MoA,-NM0nKVoAur .-oip tN i - rygonlan. & kUf STrT "JTttJSSS! 'SSS THS " ' srr,ATI0 WAKTKDFEMAXK. fity, also those In the AhbuUd- gouchsL between Union and Grand .re. Cambridge b.dg., 3d, cor orrU,on. Sit. VSSS. 'ZZ fKI&XSE? 8JtttU iltol&J&l - rrif- Nwj?oxe xmnd iith nM;r r?ag "wa" Mr rr1:, - O K. nenographer. b. k. and dictaphone Modern outside rooms. 3 weekly and up. rooms; ideal service; 2 disappearing beds; FURNISHED h. k. room.. J1.50 week up. The offices. " li v!nr expenses. I will s tay and teaUt .ervlce. N. t. Coleman, 21 Block Av.- I operator wants permanent tr substitute Large ground-lloor lobby. exceptional value; will appeal to those ap- -Willamette. 23Q',4 Burnside. . . office's -v"u the business. Wcstikle. O l-io. Ore- change. work. M. 2S17. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and E. Bel- a Quiet, lovely home Manager, ROVCKEST 173 12th Suite, and .ingle y'.on bldg.. Including telephone serM.e; '"'M- , ., ... BEE u. today for loan, ou l.upro.dH, GENERAL office girl, can type and take mont Rooma ,10 month. J0 up with Kingabuiy Apts.. ISO lata ave. rooms by day, week or month. real eslate, investments or insurance pre- SHOE and harness repair .hop in thriving property. B to o per cem., juu end up. shorthand, accept small wages. N 720. private bath; large pleasant lobby, cafe in COMPLETELY furnished 2-room steam- Houwkeeuin Kocms In Private Family. ferred. Call Room li21 or phone Main suburb of portlano ; some tools and Celiars-Murton Co., hjj veon bldg. Oreeonian. connection. Phone East .33. heated apartment. easy walking dis- . " 2041. .01JhBni' w h'S n ld,o ,Sh?,i TO LO N 4il u..o nil LLai X FEW honrf work each day by boos- HOTEL CORDOVA, .. 11th St.-Strictly 'l: tj " St&S? gaelecmctpn"?' fSf FOR RENT Desk room, use of phone and D?Jg. m" ' " A . 1U N u I ON.' 1-1-0!" nkr,rrfenceVeTK 0 fkJS. a, king dfttance, ,13. Eaat , M JSa?S PAKTNEU w.nted for a .trie, W lunch; Z IVZ" ' Drmerw SINGLE room, including bath, phone, etc.; "" liiTil ST Four room,, entire first floor, P 1031 Chamber of Commerce. iV'YnAT'U ' ' FASHIONABLE dressmaking. reasonable. Per month. 187 at., near Yam- ..0 or "ebldg, Tabor OPPORTUNITY for dentist w u, ToomWganbMt. home or day. Sol Buchanan bldg. Main SHi . cleaner free; steam heated; 22 up; best "" Main 30.2. sOO Yeon bldg. uml.S ''SJiiSlm? ce?tVal locaUon moderate " 07. AND 7V. MTU. LOANS. 3M3. Frntolied Boom, in l'rlvate Family. in town tor money; easy walking distance. tl per WEEK and up. furnished house- ?ental AM Too, Oregonlan. moderate OPPORTUNITIES WANTED A. K. HILL. 41 H.n.y Bldg. I - 1 AJLORED suits my specialty; evening 03 JOHNSON Beautifully furnished .uite " THE CKOMWELU Sher'Fn rm 0 Frnt SU CrDer DESKROOM with stenoirapher aud phone. .,v,. T() l-vT i.-.I wood working Money to lya Chauels and Salaries gowna, fjney waists; guaranteed: home .or of rooms, lower lloor; modern conveni- Resident-Filth and Columbia-TransieuC , German. Klio 'tTaniber of Commerce: W p1initt-UL7mme te vital 10 T ojerat. opVion IMMEDIATE LOANS. ' .hop. 307 Northwest bldg. Main loj. ences phone; also other rooms; rent rea- 6-mlnute walk to Postotfice. Tno peaJ.ant front rooms. JS a week; gas ellt vel reasonable. buVin Ltato euiDment etV In firs ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY - EXPERIENCED dressmaker want, work by onab.e, from ,10 up pe, mo. SStll . Ml R,Sr All. Sg.fc 'X?U&. IT' "nen' "eC' OFFICES ! up; furnished office, and ""'kind' AT EASTERN KATEsT j day. T.-ibor 2JS1. ONE or 2 nice rooma in a beautllul home, ..manual. fi?. trU.ty. phone. J.i- 4tn. room- free pione; very reasonable Port- M 723. Oregonlan. We have one ot the finest retail jewel, y LADIES- tailoring and dressmaking for den- newly furnished; heat, bath, and phone. "OAJUVOTTA COURT.' Everett and 1'th MIDDLE-AGED LADY will rent 2-3 fur- land's busiest corner. 303 Swetiand bldg. havf few hundi.d dollar, to Invest in "ro " th A '"" department ,a P. f, i?.i!Ln very deiraole location; close walking dis- New. modern; steam heat, private baths, nisli'd modern H. K. rooms to married - 7 fc ew .nun dl a ,a 'JS? f, JS conducted In connection with same. uiak. ' tlstry. Marshall oS8-. tance. 4l) Jefferson. ff 14th. laundry; completely furnished 2 and 3- couple 440 E 12th N Irvington. WV.LL. furnished private office; also desk businasa of auy kind. What have you to business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, - J.EAT. fashionable dressmaking by day. rcilI-iHED front room all modern con- room aU.; 10 min. from business center; . : r : T 1'oom, (0 and 123 Chamber of Com- oiler.' L ?-4, oregonlan. absolutely no sign designating busi- - -"" . Fvemenctf.D 34 v,"1 N.0TBLh sL "one" block s-avc cnarc; rates moderate; references. Wiso -m"r:e' . -es. d.splaj d ... front ofou'r ..ore. A.J " Nma. from Wash. ; lXmBROOKAPTS., corner E. 7th aud YanV- 1"" cner 11th! FURNISHED private office, cheap If taken ROOMING-HOUSES. m,,'ch",,,',h ."' he h.? d rvyioi o( , (i 1 0nH - t-?imu u n H -intrift .laanmi -fgi-. corner J.xi.11. nnr- ulso dank room with Dhone 20U 1WU.U l J U'Xi u t gr.p. seven months, w liutncr or nt ImertsL t i . M;RSE-Seeking positional! kinds of nurs- MODERN, well lurnished large roomer,. f SJS? SlsblSX't NEAR postoffice, clean single housekeeping EoJ". ?M. ' MKsTm. E. LBNTi Paid when duo W, are llcen.ed ...u " Ing. will travel and assist: will work rea- c oset. for 1 or i gentlemen, close in. iVaiM rooms; all conveniences; reasonable. "20 -,,. . , ... ,n rt.t-.,. Leading Holel-Ap.rtmei.t-house Agent have been established .li ce ISM.. No co..- sonable. A 717, Main 672b. 263 13m. : Salmon - DOCTORS offices to let in downtown j,,,,..,. and Seller protected. necliou with any other loan esiabli.biui.ul PTi-rw'peLanent posl- ONor room, in beautlfu, home, run- JVt SJTad ,1 Sg -le?fu I.fg, TOUX. I care for children 0 housework. E, mng water; snower bath. 055 Everett. iS "SJdlJp ;ThisDlncyudes heat.yPSon" lauo" 1 S, S?. -OrSSSJL. ",'i "LaI'ensed.' C' 4 to . . FKUM-ROOM suite, a.Uo single room; phone ana bath; waiking aistanca; juices bath, ecwins machines. 146 N. ltith. . Bt SINESS OPPORTUNITIES. un-r. ".v- LOANS OS iA 1 KS ONLY. , PLEASANT home for Invalid or old person; sleeping porch. I4i Hoyt, Warshail 47i. mideraie. Phone East 208. 'vwrv i-.irmsn --room front suite 11"- n.f nA DT,, A' it-KOO-U roominS-hpusef iow rent; must sci: BE&T iKOrosiTlo.N IS WH J LAND. ,ft tCZ. r ..n... ramnnui.; ' ' ' iNLVVbx xurnisiiea --i oom iront suiie, BIG seller; patent swingr chair .for den, on account of sickness. jSeli very cheap. cai i a l i kt rs kvpi aim ht.ltil S"V Ca.:hpr"-e "asonable. N1CE clean sleeping room with or without HEINZ APARTMENTS. also 2-room suite, $10. 3r,0 14lh. porches and lawns; will sell for cash or i Front It OUR KASY -PAYMENT PLAN Last or o5 E. -8th. board. Marshall 1Q;. 14th and Columbia. cosy furnished housekeeping suite .10 mo" trade for real estate Interest to responsi- . - f ront . BL-S1ES strictly rovllnivTlAI i aa IM"- f,r.t;'!eain' fgfg, . 1 'LMff&Hg I Hooaokoep NICE front room in private family; no other SiS? 8 busines. HStS?i ? suie brooms fe 'SSd'5." PROFITABLE, hca.thful buju. PPO"u- NOTICE NEW A DdTTeTZ SD..-CATED. refmeo. roomer. 40. M. st. '''se-p'ari't, "SeS? ,,.50-SINGLE sleeping and H. K. rooms; SloniV SKEr TLoJ" LOST AND FOUND VtV.iJ0,.' pert-need, "re'lent cnok anu manager, Foun neKly furlshed rooma for rent, trances to apt, aud bath. electric lights, bath, phone. 208 13th sL nesB. but ig profits as well; tovestigate. LOST AND rOt.NU. diamond. ,?lo. fa?d:0nsood ci?y Reference. AB70i Ore- cheap. 34 1st St., near Montgomery. MADISON PARHAPTS. FURNISHED h. k. and .leepiug rooms 1.SI) ' AN 70S. Oregonlan. FOLLOWING 'VadW Railw0.!' Pianos, household eood; and livestock. 3ronlan. . PRIVATE home just opened f9r gentleman. Park St. at Madison. week up. Willamette, 23Qfr Burnside. A FIRST-CLASS lunch and delicatessen. If'ver0'Coth ana 0 vu"rs therem may claim PORTLAND LOAN CO.. MIDDLE-AOED .adv. just arr.yd from very close In; moderate rent? 035 Everett- bfek S'SSg. 0 ELEGANTLY furnished RK, rooms; free STc JKPftPFxIFk ' VIZ'X AX Washington. Bast, wishes to take charge of modem NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis- t.,,,',,, .,,, electric light, phone and bath. J14 loth. ",iI,,Bv 8lnVreaseS: do not apply unless April 3 Marshall 61oo, A B131: -i"""- Marshall 3JS0. Ai7. h?" ; Arl'15.n,C(e''"Ce- tance, tl.50 per week. 431 6th st. Untnruisl.ed Apartments. ch Jotterson. eptionaTTy youi'av? 10 's 713. OrSggnUn." CI"pock.t" nS. MONEY AT ONCE. I Phone CW. 1. Tillamook .t. Rooms With Board. f.v.rwn1.' lust cenllv'xinta'nedon." wen furnished, light, clean, modern .uite. 5T, ..... , .,.ri rroildhU, looJlt Twin "bai Diamonds, auhl. musVtslrumenta 1 ''obachVlor-0.0 MORE HOMELIKE room u" apt!" vacant "h'gal bird wood 3 OR 4 ROOMS, furnished, to couple. S55 JOpT.?t Si I iLtt Oregon town;& plant kets. 1 roll ircn rope 1 music "rack and SEPARATE DPT FOR LADlt. Phi v! ?il THAN HOTEL-LliiE. floors, mirrSred reception hall, fireplace Yamhill. Mate 4415. is almost new and will be sold for half its music. 1 baggage check, 1 pair overshoes. J fcLRY company tl.ceii.edj. Phone Mam 9oHl. HILL. with asbestos gas log, beamed celling. . . ,VFfrK fr.. ,.,,n, - 5jU value: reason for selling, owner is not a packages of laundry, 1 package clothing. 1 30 Lumber Exclisnge bid... VODDLE-AGED widow wishes position In Washington, at l'3d St. buiit-i" convenience., etc., tile bathroom. ,3 A free Lookin " J-iu Dav"- printer; part cash. AV 078. Oregonlan. cut! link 1 purse. second snd stark s.reeta. widower-, home; fond of children. W 70S, A charmlllg family and transient hotel complete wljt shower etc, white enameleU M"""- PARTNER wanted to tend office, also do Tl.ltt;r, 5 nah- .loves ' botes' 1 wlfi laa " diamonds aud jewelry at I Oregon ian. of the highest order; excellent cuisine, .ep- kitchen, complete with extra large, aal- a-akim . n a n m-OIUh Bill. "ikr J,n' fi?"6,' y' if DLaae 1 "cii'lnerl: 1 half the rates chaig.U by brokers. Daa I-O.SITION as bookkeeper in small family .rate table.: extremely reasonable rales; Porcelain steel J"'f LAURELHURST HOUSES . Sr also share ol the profits; money re- n'a1?r00J'pLkges,PS ' umbrellai X Bur.e Marx, 74 3d at. by middle-aged woman. Marshall 6046. worth investigating. Phones .... 7oe4. If;fur"enoraiSllcu ,.et-U steim heac FOR RENT. quifed fully secured. . Call room 30. Mor- j farrlng" S booSi 1 dish! MOMil LOANED on diamond, and r HOTEL CAMPBELL. Janitor service you mi" see theJeapII ' We have some new. strictly - modern gan bldg. lpln. s. W. King, rem 4,-, Washington tildg. Pomeetlc. A modern, FIREPROOF, residence ho- . ripprecle 'uTem; retereSce.' required J " '"""J ''t ur ?bi WANTED Reliable man with some money I,oaTsilver mMh pur ou g. Morri.on "t-oan. WantT - MIDDLE-AGED German lady, good com- te.; American plan; on carline; 10 min- ph0ne tor appointment. Main 60 or Main f.'K.Y "i,1"?." Arelh?,rs" c , to invest in branch office: will pay 5ioo ,.i Gnd .T VE T. lft- Z . , . petent cook and experienced housekeeper. utea from businea. center; price. In ac- 31m at the apartmenia. M. Rubin, olo Sfi'tfV' vaS 1503 A 15?? a year to man who will exercise his en- J?, teu m,M II bum il SLK w WANT lM0 LOAN. , city references, wages 3o to 35. Main cord with general business conditions. Morgan bldg. htark st Main 103. A 1510. ' gel-rlch-qulck proposition. AM " '. returned, u , hav0 4-, t , veIy r)ch,,t of 33d and Hoyt sta. Mar.hll gL , .MKifai 42S UTH. o-room cottage $20 7il. Oregonlan. 110.. or Main Hit. . land all under cultivation; full j ; : 7: : ; airxandra cjcrt . , XJ3 AJas.itiA. 850 CorbetL 5-room hat 10 -r : ; LOST Gold monogram natch fob, initials . bearing commercial orchard netied isou . BX an experienced cook in a first-class AL t.JtA N UK A COCK i. 21st and Johnson High-grade 8, 4 and f. . ?,?" I? Sli s-rSom coitaie 15 FINE grocery, delicatessen. Ice cream, con- "K , y leather mounted. Phone East 1' last year; 0 a.-re. timothy meadow ; balance home where other help are kepu Main .'fca? pTan i!e"mence Hot.L rooms, with porches; high-class tanant. cotitfe:::" "I" io fectionery. cigars, tobacco; 3 well-fur- Lil rUsS 1 hone Last dlyt w .,mM bJ. 5715. A?,S jP nffa k.e.ff... SfJhi. who appreciate service; prices reasonable. r; o room cottage ao nlaned iiving-iooms; in good district; if , -: galow, fair barn, good out buildings; new 2 YOUNG woman desires chamber work In EuUes single Rooms. icelhmt Table. Phone Marsnail 3300 or A 30,0. . .VhOMPSON&'co; taken today. 500 cash. iU hnte b- 1"' Kui' " complete water 'rk. All besf woven private home or hotel; also experienced " TTrp,.,. ,rf THK MARLBOROUGH, 353 Madison St. cnilpSc- : cnamber of lummercobjd.lteward. ,-.. fence., i rout creek, on H. 1-. D and cook and waitress. Main 7051, A 1517. THE VIRGINIA HILL, - 21t ana 1,lluiaers S and 0 rooms, large rr- u ... 7- 7 PARTNER WANTED in automobile busi- 1 ,ullk routes and good auto road. Tel.- . 34th and Jefferson Sta. anrt hnmelike- more KBTvice and conveni- FOR RENT Modern S-room house, with lt . -,Je riii tinu n,nnMi .al-.rv l.lione, quarter mile to cl. 00 . All storked WANT position in small family. 7120 52d An exCellent re.idential hotel; attractive J. o?xnV price than you "ill ?ind in yard, in good neighborhood, on East Side. "n" Pf 10u "'"Q SPECIAL NOT1CK8. 'and equipped. Place paid ,5 la.l )... ' av. S. E. rate, to transient or permanent guests. The city Phone Main 7010. A 2076 block from canine, two blocks from "r" p li-il -usia stark at l'ro......l Invited Ploueily is actuslly worlh 00OO. Now 1 EvPERIEXCED woman wishes position In Phone Main .283. A 6628. the citj. rnone jiain 10. a e.o. echool. cneap. Filone Tabor 1000. . "ce3- Call -48 Stark st. Invited. W)M p. g C(jnt llllr,.u principal. "xood family for 14 week Sellwood 704 a noilr) PI Af'F TO LIVE SHEFFIELD APTS.. ..0 Broadway So., six rent Attractive O-room nousa- close SPLENDID pool hall; 7 tables, cigars, to- in tbe District Court of the United Stutes. only answer. . ,ooq """" ror weeK- senwooa ,U4. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE blocks irom business center. 1 4-room FOR REM-, "-VhoMiT od S diaom bacco, show cases, doing nice business; Ior tne District of Orcgou. in the matter BECK, 3Q1-2 Railway Exchange bldg. J -e.reren,. rSS " L Sfgt SaliiSS? 1 ba'anC6 b rec .SSaJi! CTtfi!g - INEXPERIENCED, willing young girl would . ,,r,-cr lira me vowh ,t h.- THE ORMONDE Nice front -room r.pait- ,.,-. , , s.,,, u rnQ hou.e W ILL sell half or whole interest In live ot merchandiae, consisting of ugara, to- luiuu! lot lOOxloo, and house, worth 32500. like to assist with light housework. C 040S. LF.ONCE APTs.. 1S North 32d at., under ment; also dandy 5-room furnished; Ooe. CLOSE In. on East Bide, fine 0-room house. " Vln " Va.,ey weeklv electric power bacco. confectionery, groceries, ot the in- J CeuL A r...r-r, 7T-i! , , J hew management; all modern conveni- Flan,iers. Nob Hill. Mainb2SL large yard, a nice, homelike place in TOod w il l n ette a" ee; uly v 741 Ore- veutory value of 50o.i. together with fix- OREGON INVESTMENT & MORTGAGE CO I 1sm.'urwaVea,LnM.'?nD,Vll,7!Per'enC6d S S'' f''"" ROSE F1UEND, corner Broadway and -let- es.dence district; rent reasonable. Mam P.-. AV STSSSS' fS&TZSLXXi V. jjg ' ; ndtaiehomToruseVo .1 e0 InSSS meat. 0"" ..u WAa 6X,. S pay" V 1 . goodook; bet of references. Main 7051, CASAOSAOO FFERSON. 1513; janitor, i,V I5O0. i0JZJLo 31 xOUNG reilahle wnud In office a. CS gJ. "' "" i IS Room, With itoardPm W WouSniuSS SS u'l - -gin! "1", MSB ' saaia DELIGHTFUL place to spend the Sum- Davis ... renovated and clean. Owner. Main 1013. -4b Stark st. Terms cash, una a cash deposit or cerU- will pa" 7 per cent. : mr: ail modern conveniences; sleeping KEELER APIS., 14TH AND CLAI 3 and MODERN 6-room house In Irvington; No. FO" SALS; Established grocery and con- fled check of 10 per cent of amount ot- OREGON IN'V. & MORTGAGE CO. 1 INPERIKNCED German woman wants work porches, good home cooking. Main 10o7. 4-room unluruished; relerenccs. 3.3 e 26th st N third house north of fectionery with restaurant, across street leied must accompany each otter sub- .V2 Stock Exch. bldg., 3d and 1a.11l.lll. sweeping, washing, ironing; also take In prMpect Drive, Portland Heights. .. . .. , . r, r Brazee Phone Main 60IS or see Chas. E. from large school. Doing cash business milled. The right is reserved to reject , , washing. Phone E. lu6. Ji-LSG-DAVIs API s., a4 K.iug St. 3 and ffff e-, - , ivL... hirt, ei.v in all lines. Columbia 180. any aud all bids submitted. MW ON loo a. of fine h.ii.1 neai o.Ma.. .... ; T-m 77- ATTRACTIVE large rooms in nice home, rooms; high class; references. Main 20a. Lenun, 3 Lafayette bldg.. city. in an lines. igiumoia Dated at Portland. Or, thl. 3d day of and Salem elect. All under plow; l.ou.o I . ,j couple would like care of house twiB beds, running water, good board, . ..... i,.i ,77TZ IRVINGTON My furnished or unfurnished WILL trade for acreage or city property Am-il 1015. H. W. SITTON. ""d good barn; worth I2.0uu; will pay I I?r-tideAly COUP'e 1,1 excnanS or Doard- ' every convenience, 5 up; 15 min. walk to i:urnis.led or Lnluniilled Apartments. 1-s.i2ona bungalow. gVrage. fruit, floweni. best located grocery and delicatessen Apr"' XJiJ- Trustee. per cent Uileie.L 202 Slock Exch. bki... H 70. P. o. 501 Harrison. Main 6381. - Jeasonble " res'pou.lo T" party. 44? U. .tore in city; price 1800. Room 3, ... vn.u A..Tr ::d and Yamhill. I TOUNG girl desires position in factory; ex- tw o newly tinted and newly furniahed MORGAJJ. FLIEDNER & BOYCg, 12th North. Orpheum bldg. NOIICE Id CjJNIRAClOKS. want Xsuo at r cut and g -uuu .1 1 penenced in overl factory work. Main ZA St'of 5gm. " ookWlO min. , "3-821 Morgan Blag. m houses Qn ww SMe DO you want a good buy In fruit, cigar. cJ3SlVlk?,2?il .Q..I. A walk from heart of city; price .very rea- .,11i.hd and unfurnished anartment. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. and confectionery storeY Must sacrifice m. April li, lsli, ior a one-Inch steel and tlu.OOO on farm, at . per cent aud 1 EXPERIENCED and reliable woman desires .unable. 147 N. 17th .L Main 21.7. ..SSS of thedtv- great or 202 Title & Trust bldg. on account of sicknesB; no reasonable of- linlng for vault in office of stale Treas- Pr cent r..pectively. E. A. Curlia, i..'s. 1 housecleaning for Saturday. Main 7001. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In modern jionsT slxeV aud price. Our lree auto- Main 5423. A 7B17. fer refused: best location. 1.1 N. tth. urer Ju Capiloi building. Bol.e, Idaho, m Oak u I A home, suitable for 1 or 2. with or without moblie at your service in visiting any of j... 50 INCLUDING water, modern. 4 rooms WANT controlling Interest In email oountry accordance with plan, and .pacification. lil)0 of muxioo; good 8-room house; 1 MIDDLE-AGED lady, reliable, want, posi- board; reasonable. Marshall 102. our apartment screened porch, cooling closet, 75xlOO-foo bank; will give in exchange fir.t-cla. on file will the Saw A rea.iirer autt at the valu, 13300. Hon as companion or nur.e girl with party ONK airyfronrroomwitninnde7n Main 3015. A 2015. lot. F'ros?, 518 Corbett bldg. irrigated farm; alfalfa and stock; well office ofToui telluii.. Si Hummel, archl- BOID REALTV CO. gomg on trip. AH 702. Oregonlan. conveniences, -close in. with or without fim BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving, INCLUDING water, 2-room plastered Jgiproved. DJjjgegmaa. I Bid. must be accompadled by a oer-I Au..v' FINE laundry, home work done reasonably. board. Marshall 4410. 474 Salmon at- Furnishsd and unfurnished apartments in T cot'tage 50xl00-foot ' lot. Frost, 518 Cor- LARGE THEATER Good location, no com- tified check in the sum of luu made pay- 123j WANTED on modern new bungalow J Call Wood. awn 27S3. STTTVTj itu or without board- home cook- 2 3 "ld rooms, four-story brick; elec-. beu blJg , petition; 588 seats, long lease; will stand at)le to Joiiu w. Eagloson, Stale Treasurer In good district; lot 5ixluu; pay b pr cent 1 : , . . ROOMo wita or wiinou .11 "oajo, noma coo.. automatic elevator, disappearing beds, Z " ; investigation; 4000; terms. 519 Lumber u idho. and expense to private part. AN .-J. ! GIRL wants general housework or kitchen lug. o4 N. 21st st. Main 1300. built-in bullets and writing desks, plenty FOR KENT Portland Heights modern Exchaige. The right la reserved to accept any of Oregonlan. ' J help Tuesday morning. Main gj.4. large room with board. 554 Johnson; of closet room. vacuum cleaner tree. 7-room house; place 3 blocks from car. - -- ; ; . reiect all bids. Trrr. ; , .- , ; . . LACE curtains, draperies, linen, hand laun- aklng dls'tan'ce Main 7530. ' Phone Marshall 732 Fe.-n ave. Marshall 217. oodbuSne's" borodocafion ' Hce 3550g CAPITOL BUILDING BOARD. blo"tt InomV'llSOo utr yea'clll at !5 ! dered, 25c up: called for. Sellwood 1006. 5.25 UP-Pieasant roorn good board walk. HIGHLAND COURT APIS., 5-ROOM house, quarter block ground, all pgn fo.eUing? Addrs AV 733 By George R. Barker. Sec of State. . .'c" ialn 111. I WANT day work of any kind. 409 East Sai- congenial. 33 North . UL1SAN. kinds fruit trees, close in Hawthorne dis- 0regonian. JEWELRY STOCK FOR SALE. , ,,.,.,,. ,or .!.. ,un. ye... mon. East 5307. ROOM with board: mode.u; walking dis- Larsest most homelike high-class apt trlct. tla. Phone labor 3o24. OPPORTUNITY OF THE HOUR The undersigned trustee In bankruptcy 0 1RT mm tga.e tor "'tt.n' MAIN 2701-A competent colored woman Flanders. Main 154.. h, c "Uhed or Uhlurms kTASeRVICBL DSSV,1; hTge cfenf "point oers for ayi. a stock of jewe ry Invohd r, ctn tur. d,, by,. want, day work of any kind. ROOM and board, home privileges. 430 ' MARSHALL 3240. WT1,WtBUM DOSMM 11 to'To. "'iumTJr2 BxcSJuge0 TheU excellent opVnlng'.n th.u.l- WANT KIM 1200 from private p.r. fir.t- ; CIRL to assist with housework or care of "'"" L K1NGSBURI. T"' , " -. gig'flce t0 VJ?- AW tuuiber Exchange. vM b(, rectJ,veil for , me r residence, worth 2m.m. f..j..H. children. K. 2440. PLEASANT i.out room with board, use of 186 -1st a o VVsnlngton aL ALMOST new modern S-room house. West GREENHOUSE BUSINESS. up to noon April 13. 1015. All bid. to b , ., .VK ...,M, ... r nan for oulik faun ! , 3 r 3 p7aT.o Main 3312. 361 10th. -1?6,d r oom with private balconle. slde and, wa"l"n distance; has large Chance for good man to buy Half very considered must be accompanied by cer- 1 HAV Z,,nn . GOOD laundress wants work, washing and , P'""" ii . : - - ? Sntd Turnlshed- hignglal; porch. Will rent cheap. Call 441 11th su profitable business; will give some term. tified check for 10 per cent of the bid. losn. I) 7-1. Oregonlsn. . ,..ronl,,g. cleaning. N .2-. Oregonlan. af ""h Mai? 72 335 li?h SglgiEorhood. best ofSrv&j NICELY furnished 6-ro..".- taclndlng fo right party. Call 24s H Stark St. The right is reserved" to reject any or all 1K,,j FOR two year, on A-I 4-r.o... hou.A. EXPERIENCED laundress wants steady line sleeping porcn. jta... i.hj. 000 month. piano: one block from Broadway car; very x-c-w ,nniin,f nlcture and vaudeville theater bla"- . . .. , . u w 7--- Oregonlan. 1 work, lahur 4508. WAN TED child or Imant to care lor; ret- "tes ggFrable" Telephone East 3403.' NV h Oregon till lihii For full Information "PbJpJJ,1"18'" r a . 1 THOROUGHLY competent laundress wishes 5nteaJ sellwood 4.i. WELLESLET COURT. 114 6-ROOM house, S12 13; 5-room cot- offered for sale. Apply to M. S. M., 252 eigne . North Ssk'ima Wash. - vi uwwai work Tues.. Thurs.: ref. Wdlwn. 1011. BEAUTIFULLY" furnished large front room QUIET, CLEAN AND CLOSB IN. T tages. first-class condition. Inquire 025 Third st. . . raKHjjsv, l. PI-nlFNCED voune woman wains loh a. to per week; modern. 321 lath. ) LRNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. Stark Bt. RESTAURANT-DELICATESSEN Splendid "I"12 bids will be rece ye d until P. M. WK SELL HAIR, HAIR. HAIR. .VrtfoThUTa'iV! " Kur0., Apartments. EAST 15TH AND BELMONT SXS. f Tatl , , , , steam table $yU& k ,$&?2Sr i& liWV.r.r.l'tll WOMAN w,.he. work by the day Phone .-ROOM, modern family porch, BONNIE BRAE. ?$T" rSJA fS&on. JSaitSn? u'f ialk' " itl. it. Main 7065. A till One choice corner apt., 3 large rooms, - rent 6-room modern bungalow, 31st RESTAURANT for sale; good location, do- ery. Th. right to reject any or all bid. i. u . .V. . . 2ic Itol "dra . . . . Li k rgt'Trg' Wanta M. call C 224o. tS,Mtei Ing ood bu.lness: cheap rent. 105,, A. "served. J-Jj T' CTT'Vii - TOl NG lady would like any kind of work. ..-.U0N K'Umev Miodernr3 and 4- 'cod?'"' " "" house for rent blocks from WANTe'd Partner, manufacturing buslneis; BIDS wanted for erection of warehouse; any length Prices hsif Sanitary Beeuiy UuNDRESS want, work- fancy laun- WASHINGTON APARTMENTS, 089 North- J? . ynsg. fl. ekly salary. 317 Wngtr-arr"i702?- " ; XMSiDZ'StJm f'-C ,Ur,"Sh'UuEy COURT APT. aoart'menl-wTn "mocoSnt 4gg? jVir" diStanC,: 3" STOCK in established brush factory for sale; Millaneous. MUT ! ! DINN-RS. teas, parties planned, prepared Cor. Park and Taylor. Completely fur- gas, electric light, etc Take W car to 2It pp J . T will bear strictest investigation. H .08, barber shop at 206 Madison SL K&lK. TO WALK AFTER A EW ! or served, expert, ref. Sellwood 1690. nisheu. 2. 3. 4-room; best service: reason- and Northrnp. phone. Main 4370. A 1133. FOR RENT 5-room house, rent is. Inquire Oregon ian. Ajprtl 7. r&lui Jone.. WEKS OK TREATMENTS at the SWKD- LACE curtains washed and stretched: 11 able. Main ItHil. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. 07 4th st. FINE grocery stock, invoice $2500; will r.RGES for rent: capacity 400 ton. Main 1 INSTITUTE. Several pl.y.ici.u. had ! years' experience Mr.. Scott. Tabor 6933 Bl SHM-iKK HOTEL, one aud tvro room- THE HOUSE OF TONE, 12-room house. 281 14th St. Key 615 Cor- trade for anything of same value. What , fYu treated her before with operation aud . 3 r Tl t r-r- furnished apartments, reasonable, walking 49-B7 TRINITY PLACE bett bldg. Main 6710. House open today. have you? 519 Lumber Exchange. . otherwise, but totally fulled to Improve ! C1,omsL.lsfUancdtmn arntee'Sar! distance. 505 b Washington ,t- MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. COTTAGE, 124 North 17th .L. near Glisan. INTEREST in motorboat general repair FINANCIAL. SrKfllh a".'"0"" 1ASTl" , ! OMAN want, day work. Call Woodlawni S'lllr&L wSnTIfs'Srk. l."lt. w p.. fl "Sj&FSP&ZSSZ'1 "' LOANS n JoZ " WT HASSt. - 1 -' -" " - -, . . . . 1 -iTT iAAiaAa.A. a. mam buhl iiriva.ta nhona, fine FOR KEaM o-room house. 544 W. Broad- Z of money; low rates; no delajs; principals . nd touDe mskcrs: finest stock. I ! : PimnastJiao; 3 nd 4-room apts. prie phone, fine OFFICE business; owner wants a reliable only. Robertson i Ewlng, 207-208 North- Jnau half Jgod.gwiuh.. from 85o up, I WA-fltP TO RENT. F'AIRMOUNT APTS., 2S6 11TH. ' '., ,''.,, DESIRABLE hou.e. and flats, all parts of Pa""": pay- Particular, room 329, western Bank bldg. helTore.slng manicuring, face and sca. 5;: .,M-Udern. Sadk'i riP'rUleUi ia,h THnearTtv'r Marshall 2324: city fifou? iSvg.trnent Co. Main 512. Moran bldg- MORTGAGE loans, note., contract mort- treatment 'combing. .made up W oru.r. 1 I up; close in. Mam 2.86. f toJuhidwd liSr lat 2 J an- vorthen f WANT Partner, Scandinavian preferred, in gages (tirst aud second), equltie. pur- 147 Broadway, near Morn.on. Main 640. WE can rent, at ouce. five houses in Irving- 7RUUJ1 apt" au outside rooms, large sleep- . tine 5-room furnianeqand unfurn. apt. 5.K0OM modern cottage ,60. Northrup st.. a ,,. m grocery business; high-class ghgsed. F. H. Lewi. & Co.. 4 Lewi, bldg. - TRAINED NURSai ton. tf you have a house in this district 6 "a porch; also large back porch. Mary. MEREDITH, and 4-ror,m apts, very re- gas, electricity, inqul.e oil Lovejoy st. tra(J particular. 248H Stark St. in.llv hl.h .las. merltorl- rheumatlsni7 lumtigoT etc frh."m y'ou."04' " C"aD- " "gjW- Zander.. Phone Main 8251. .onaole. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main T114. HOUSE, 6 rooms, modern on East Broad- SOLID srocery for sale; will show you It is "tuV propl VCtSv aT promoted and ha" UtZXTX? liVisfr- irom ?-XRK RENTAL SERVICE THE WENT WORTH APT, 232.12TH. REX ARMS 13th and E. Morriaon; 2 and way. In regard to rent, Phone Eat 14JO. clearing over $200 month before you In- AC 724. oregonlan .hall 6033. 202 Title & Tru.t bidg. ' Quiet, homey apt, ciean, mouern. re- 3 rooms reasonable; modern tervic g-ROOM HOUSE 712 Lovejoy, near 22L vest one dollar. Room 329, Morgan bldg. mortgages bond, and note SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A. prloe. Circle . Main 5423. A 7617. .onaole. Doe, it appeal to yout XHE WINDSOR 2, 3 or 4 beautiful rooma Inquire 130 6th. Main 6278. GROCERY, confectionery, bakery; Ice cream WESTERN BOd'& MORTGAGE CO.. Tuesday 2. Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M. ; read. WANTED or 7-room modern bungalow KATHER1NE APTS. For rent 3-room fur- furnished or not. E. 14th and Yamhill. for RENT 568 Glisan st. Inquire Vash- season starting. Room 333 Chamber of 80 4th at.. Board of Trade bldg. Ings dally. 003 Cth t. Marshall moo. by year with privilege of S years, un- nished apL. private bath and phone. 149 FURNISHED and unfurnished apartmeniB. ington Pharmacy. 15th and Glisan t. Commerce. . FIRST and .econd mortgages, also .elleri' NORWEGIAN trained nuia. and iuuieuh, furnished preferred, with garage or prlvl- N. 23d. ono 5-room flat, cheap. Main 5110 Monday. foJ.T k an cottage, modern, with ranges. FINE little confectionery store; Al business; interest in contract, purchased; Oregon or electric blanket treatmeui; hour, a p. M. lege of erecting one; give location and VKW- HART Automatic elevator. 3 run, 3 FiaAsI 309 Yeon' bldg Main 3672. living-room in connection; if you see this. Wash H E. Noble. Lumbermen, bldg. to :H0 P- M. 20it 3d .L ltuum. 2 aud i. - a, StWigifSi "-.trnauSerTaroom 1 " 1 1 1 " 1 1 " OOMmoderhouse 100x100 corner. ' g' S'" Money to Loan o- Real .state. llgJ' T 1u .Z Z 1 ha' " turmshed apartments, very reasonable. 5 Jooms! V.Ht' Joioo ..21st and Taylor. Marshall 2165. PRINTING pres.. 10x15, over 125 lbs. tvpe, SEB Seckendorf today ; no delay city and Valgli. fac ial and scalp Room. With Board. WELLINGTON ANNEX, 15th and Everett 210 STOCK EXCHANGE. Marshall 1868. 36 ROOMS, fine place for transient partly desk. eto.f will sacrifice for 200 cash. farm loans at current ratee. . 315-16 Stock reasonable, phone Mar.liall 2Q. I BT mother and baby, downstair, bedroom Two "room newly furniahed. hardwood t-ROOM modern family flat, sleeping porch. occupied. 329 Glisan. Marshall 4440. Q 711. Oregonlan. Exchange bldg. Main 69.4 Sophie B. SKIP, mcuutl and spli liual .. .- around 20th and Anxeny. East 4SL 6 floor wa.kmg distance, .2.ou. Main 134o. Ilrepiace. yaid, fruit. West Side, 10-min- 7-ROOM house, 770 Hoyt at., 2 bathroom GOOD confectionery stand lu railway TO LOAN in sums i to suit; bul d- .ntist, 313-319 Allsay Iddg Sjuc.tioa me.l- East Washington. MORTON APIS., King and Wash, eta.; 3 and ute walk; on 5th st. Main 7065, A 656L gas and electricity; rent 2o. Main B.24. waiting-room; fine Ice cream trade; see ing loans; low est rate w. G. Heck. 413- Wednesday, 8 1. M. Main 8..... WANTED Home for schoolbov with Chris- 4-room. fur. and unfur. basement apt... .-fter 5 P. M. call C 2245. MODERN 6-room house, 697 Everett at. this. r.19 Lumber Exchange. . "ia Falling bldg. rv. UMBRELLAS Ail color, and ell.; Iar.,yl; will pay 8 per month. Call East 812 to 20 mo., walking distance. M. 1042. HiGH CLASS 5-room lower flat, lawn, flow- West Side; walking distance. Phone E. 8. BARBER SHOP Two chairs, fine fixtures: MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT tock; recovering; new l,a. ulea put u, '77'1 i ,REE and four-room furnished or unfur- era, big porch, fireplace, furnace. Dutch - KoQM cottage bath and ga 467 Mont- clearing S30 per week: rent 10; good LOUIS SALOMON CO., 2-0 SIAUK si. Meredith'. 329 Washington t. ui.ued. The BJelland. A 1S67. Mam kitchen, buffet; completely modern and ""erv si- suburban shop. 319 Lumber Exchange. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent, W. E. Tuoma MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. 1867. A ISii. attractive. East 1315 or Main .342. 2 1 . PRlUTIva SHOP .medium. completely agent Multnomah County. 400 ch. of Com. Bwitclies 85c, curl, and pun. The banl- - ' OR BlvNT. rJ5sTON744l 11th. modern 2 and 3-room ,12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 maTcloi tumisbed House.. PZ2. $cAft tncJVi gK'3s57tioo79oO, $1200. 1S00. Fred W. t.?. Beauty I'arloi-.. 4oo D.ku.n LJdg. Furnir44pt ssoiiit. apLs. excellent service, waikin distance. to school and carline; desirable location. MODERN 5-room furnished house. gas, tig-ate. BP 713, Oregonlan. German Co, U14 Chamber ot Commerce, kij ienTIFIU m a use. geuulim tub bsUis, . HOTEL PORdT- 56, A 5403. den.U7Jibvr.dlaw. 202. ?'6"BiC 'ef stlwrtaUonMount IcoTt" WOULD like to hear from responsible party GlrTTnd tarm loan., lowest rate C. V. '" 735 Washington. CAMAR. 70S Lovejoy Modern brick build- 5-ROOM modern flat; fireplace, sleeping "abor who would be interested in rich blend de- Vimonds, Corbett b.dg. manicurist. 20 4 Maclcay Md. Mar. ,i. J-amily hotel; hot and cold water and cg. i-room apt... $18 to $30. Mar. 2.17. porch, gas range; adults; 297 E. 21st. car"ne- irr : posit. O 721. Oregonian. k , a r cent H MOLES, superfluou. I.air removed. Mis. M. phone in every room: rooma without bath, - ; ; ,-... . r: Main 1902. Evening Tabor 1597. siu 5-ROOM furnished cottage, bath, gas, . -.,.., .7: 3 ,.... - MONEY, any amount h to per cent. 1i'41Vj;1 & Fliedner bldg. Muin3l73 lift un- with bath, $15 up. NEW. iurnished apartment concrete block. - ' ui p 10th walkina distance? East RESTAURANT Good money-maker, line lo- SeU2 4 t 0.. 310 Spalding bldg p. riiu. . 110 up. with oata. i up. $12 14. 1144 H Union ave. North. 6-ROOM modern flat, 177 Green ave.. near Sange- 91 L. loin, walking aistanc Jiast cheap rent: $000. terms. AJ 72L . , . -,--, H-.-.r ralM OF FIGS compound. Rojal Tumi r WANTED Roommate to reduce rooming ex- ' r ... ; J3d and Washington. Main SU88, A 2676. 34 . (breionian MORTGAGE LOAN ft. any amount: no delay. r.iii Oavi. st I'iioue si 2....... - Sense.: fireproof building, shower bath JACKSON buuga ow. 4..4 1Uh Newly fur- ... sIpooM bungalow, furnished complete, m- Oregonlan. Henry C. prudhomme. 528-30 Morgan bldj. Tablet 0U4 i)avi. st. . MM Main bnero-''--'""""" dZrlZ 'rTO fS-' " - Bf HS"1 -vear.TOM.vlde'Sar.' we,rS SF-iSS uT Jm" rurnislied apt- 7 jX "jS." Wood.awn 3004 'market f"' sal" llT and V " PE TIET.PLCEKOOCIICT PEOPLE. T1 In'd V.hgSe? l lHt? P"- AND 5-room. strictly modern, low, renL CLARK RENTAL BRrlCE. w,M equipped. AM 72. Oregonlan. Harding. 313 t ambe, t.sms.rca - t,r.t-rl... ma,,., m..r HOTEL CLIFFORD. ' -Fum'shed - room .uite 1058 Cleveland. Phone Woodlawn 2203. Title Trust Bldg. Main 5423 CIGAR store for sale cheap; takes in $500 TO $50,000 PR I) ATE. MONEY, low In- Hf hclld bldg.. 2S7' W..I.. .1. " cK&JSrXS' up. $12Tto $r4';9hclay-.rrm U'U'" NOB HILL flat .trlctly modern. 254 North N1CELYY furni.hed or unfurnished 6-room day. Room 2M.r, b.a. .'-V, o 000 1TY ORFAKM PROP T" - rl ' . , v , ., .-t carw a ,m llht 2oth. corner Northrop. house. $25. 70S E. Furnslde: nice yard GROCERY and bakery; price is right. Come 5. TO -in ir I" r.r. nf.n MKI.ICXL. ' HOTKL NORRIS. ill Alder; modern out- 431 f,7S.,E,' Usbt and Mlry- MODERN v-room fiat 2".- lltl. Hear and cherry tree.. Phone Ea.t 706L look at IL Marshall 2301. ERTY. Tabor 2.-0. AK 4o. Oregonlan. MK"""" ; - -L-- - - nronth free. Marshau . 197 e SSSSTA. SS sTSffi WP - "15 SSSSf AST