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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1915)
14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1915. DOCK TO BE FIXED been on Puget Sound most of the time since the Incipiency of trouble there, is axcompanyinz Mr. O Connor. It is understood there are a number of minor matters that will be taken up with Mr. O'Connor in connection with a step recently taken along the Coast to bring about uniform conditions and ti ? p-i a x 1 1 . , I wages, it is assumea nere mac xne DIQ UirCe rlcei IU ndVe head of the association cannot be in- lormea minutely on certain ieatures Better Landing Place. and it said that at a meetjng to be held : today the entire situation will be gone over. Union officers say they 3o not regard the formation recently of Em ployers Waterfront Unions on the Coast as a move to the detriment of their organizations, but rather an ad vantage because in the future differ ences can be threshed out between com mittees representing both sides, but !bein? experienced in maritime matters TmnrratiTe Demand for Cereal Mor- I and customs. it was not Known yesieraay nuw iung ACTION DUE ON THURSDAY ape Space, Due to Recent Fires, Results in Plans Which Will Be Rushed Without Delay. IMr. O'Connor would remain at Portland, but he is to proceed to San Francisco land probably Los Angeles en route I home. LCtRIIXE SPICK AJTD SPAN Popular River Steamer to Re-enter Trade Early Xext Week. Havine every appearance of Extensive repairs are to be made on insworth dock, used by the Bi Three" fleet, and plans showing the work n oetau nave oeen ".-" ""J vessel, the steamer Lurline took the T?'f;SSiL0K!J;?:iJor water at Supple yard at 11 o'clock yesterday morning, after having: been thoroughly overhauled, repainted and ation to make repairs with tne sane tion of the Commission is taken to mean that there is no prospect of a new dock for the present. One reason for such an expenditure not being shouldered is thought to be the fact the O.-W. R. & N. Company, which owns the property and steamers, recently completed a new dock on the East Side, north of where Oceanic aocn built and of the site of the old Alaska . I coming season in the Portland-Astoria service. For the past lew weeks tne Lurline had been on the ways, and so thoroughly did her hull dry out that when she was launched her draft was six to seven inches less than before. The Lurline is to be inspected Friday and will probably resume operation Monday, when the Undine,, which has been in her place, is to be laid up for stoci, so that Albina dock, which had U time The Lurline was equipd with two additional fuel oil tanks while at the yard, so now has a total capacity of 105 barrels instead of 65 barrels. The fleet propeller Georglana, turned out last year for the Portland-Astoria route, will be prepared for service when the Lurline is replaced in commission, and she may be used in the celebra tion attendant on the opening of The Dalles-Cclilo Canal, and goes on the been used by the system for years. -ould be leased to Balfour. Guthrie & Co. The latter lost its grain storage and loading facilities with the destruc tion of Oceanic dock by fire, and as Montgomery and Columbia docks had been Durned previously, both of which were grain docks, there was an impera tive demand for cereal storage space. ThA iaw Hni'V u ihp mnat modern of privately-owned structures and was Astoria schedule about May 6. built in conformity with the Commis sion's waterfront ordinance. The work on Ainsworth dock will be prosecuted in such a way that there will be no interference with the busi ness of the company, one section being overhauled while the steamers are working at the other. As the structure has been used for all local business, ex- In o. Ifhon IflnTA 1 n t of freight Ko.n fra.-H at nthcr Hnck.a lustl- that the French fying steamers in moving, besides .aIi1i mm.4n .a anil fpnm rtri 1 nnlntR v... ka. oT.Kto.ri fr hw stntln San Diego. The vessel put out of the and wear and tear, but is said to be in Columbia River March 20. grain laden, i. .in ... ,i rfl fniw and. in spite of southerly weather pre- warranted vailing along the Coast, evidently got At the s"outh end of the dock, where a good slant of wind well offshore and the office of the company is located, held to it. provision was made last year for a The American ship Santa Clara also large waiting-room, with a drinking is being spoken of because of a showing i i v... rnr she made last week in sailing from passengers or those waiting the arrival San Francisco to Puget bound, making of the liners. On the approach vacant the run from the Golden Gate to ground has been turnea into lawns. Tatoosh in three days and 20 hours. She while new and wider gangplanks, life Is one of the Alaska salmon fleet and rings located on the front of the dock was en route to Blaine in command ot and additional facilities have been pro- Captain Henry Hasse. The time is said vided for the safety and comfort ot to be the fastest over that course made HARBOR FUND PLEASES $460,000 FRO CONGRESS WILL AID ABERDEEN WORK. Representative Johnson Says Gra With Balance on Hand, Will Enable Prosecution of Work. ABERDEEN, "Wash., April 5.; (Spe cial.) Four hundred and sixty thou sand dollars out of the i 30,000.000 au thorized, for rivers and harbors of the United States at the last session of Congress will be spent on Grays Har bor north jetty. The Federal Board of Engineers made this announcement yesterday at Washington. Advertis ing probably will begin tomorrow for bids for 200.000 tons of rock to be used in raising the petty to a mid-tide Jetty, The announcement of this appro priation," Albert Johnson. Representa tive in Congress, said today before he left for Tacoma, is one of the utmost importance to Grays Harbor. Senator Jones and myself asked for 560,000, which was the amount recommended by the special engineering committee, but the sum granted is entirely satis factory because there is on hand some thing like $90,000 of the former appro priation, which will give a total of $550,000 for the north side project. In two years the Grays Harbor waterway appropriation will have reached $605, 000. the largest granted since the orig inal appropriation. This latest grant establishes - this harbor beyond all doubt. It means thai the Government wllj continue work here until the de sired depth of water is attained." MARIXE INTELLIGENCE. LA PEROCSE STARTING WELIi American Ship Santa Clara Estab lishes Best Time In Long Period. Shipping men recalled clippership days yesterday on the receipt- of a message at the Merchants' Exchange ship La Perouse had been spoken Thursday. 31:4 north. 122:48 west, which is in the vicinity of There will be another marine build ing under way during the season, the Portland Flouring Mills Company hav ing planned an addition to its mill and dock at the lower end of the harbor. In about a week Municipal Dock No. 2, on the East Side, will be ready to take over, and work is being advanced on by a windjammer years. Marine Notes. For the present the Willamette has reached its highest point here as a re suit of late rains, for it fell five-tenths of a foot for 24 hours ending at 5 n'Mrtnlr voatffrrinv jind registered 6.6 ine upcu Ufill bi a : rv u. i , du wiiii niwi abOVC'ZerO. finishing of that Job No. clared completed. 1 will be de- liAWHILL. TAKES BIG LOAD Second Cargo of Season for United Kingdom Moves Soon. One of the largest sailing-ship car goes of lumber dispatched from the Columbia River will be taken to the United Kingdom by the Russian bark Lawhill. which arrived in the river Sunday from Wallaroo, having been at s.a since January 9. The vessel is of 2749 tons net register, and it is esti- . .. . j i . ..-iii .. ir n .... o inn nn i feet. She loads at the North" Pacific P"1?"; and, 'je BlZu! ll t0 mill. Bringing 200 tons of asphaltum and 23,572 sacks of California cement, the steamer Alvarado was entered at tne Custom-House yesterday. She loads lumber at St. Helens for New iork. and will make three voyages in that trade under charter to the Charles R. Mc Cormlck Lumber Company. The steamer St. Helens, which is to carry a single cargo for the same firm, has sailed from San Francisco. Captain P. E. Syvert entered the Brit ish bark Inveresk yesterday from San Francisco, with wheat stiffening aboard amounting to 6575 sacks that is valued at $19,470. She bad about 150 tons of ballast that Is being discharged at The ship is to carry part of an order loaded by the Russian ship Samoena, which left the river March 21 with a full cargo for England. That portion of the order was switch ties, evidently intended for emergency railroad con struction. The British bark Hinemoa is under engagement for the same busi ness and was to have loaded on river, but l uget Sound proved the successful bidder. She left Melbourne January 20. The schooner Defiance, which comes from San Francisco to load for Mel bourne, loads at the North Pacific mill, and the schooner Resolute, for Sydney, is to be given cargo at. Inman-Poul-nen's. The schooner Forest Home, which loads for the West Coast, left Honolulu March 26. BOOM WANTED IN SLOCGH War Department Acts on Application of Kerry Lumber Company. Utilizing a part of Westport Slough, In front of the terminal of the Colum bia & Nehalem Railroad, for booming logs. Is planned by the Kerry Lumber Company, and an application request ing permission for the boom has been made to the War Department. Colo nel McKinstry. Corps of Engineers, U. TS. A., has in turn received information from Washington on the matter and he will conduct an inquiry. " As a means of facilitating the mat ter. Colonel McKinstry has requested that all persons interested convey to him their opinions as to whether the establishment of a boom there would be an Interference with navigation. A chart of the slough, showing the pro posed boom location and other details. Is on file at the office of the engineers. OREGOXIAX READY TO SAIL large Lot of Wheat Moves From Portland to New York Market. Close to 1500 tons of cargo will bj aboard the American-Hawaiian liner Oregonian when she departs today fo New York via Puget Sound, the bulk of which will be 1000 tons of wheat that is moving to New York. The steamer shifted yesterday to the dock of the American Can Company and took on 300 tons of scrap tin, which goes East to be worked over, while there will be 125 'tons of canned sal mon and 50 tons of miscellaneous freight. The liner Panaman Is due April 11 with a fair cargo, but no intimation has been given as to what or where she loads for the return, though it is understood the vessel has not been tak en for lumber. The Hawaiian, coming April 16. is to take on shipments here for Norfolk. Boston and New York. T. V. O'CONNOR IS DCE TODAY Head of Longshoremen to Talk Over Sitnation at Portland. Accepting an invitation from Pacific Coast shipping interests to include the Important ports in his return Itinerary, T. V. O'Connor, president of the Inter national Longshoremen's Association, who came from the East to adjust dif ferences between longshoremen and employers at Seattle, growing out of a strike at Vanacouver, B. C-. and then KUcceeded in settling the latter, is due In the city this morning.' J. A. Madsen, f Portland, secretary-treasurer of thei Pacific Coast district. International I last Longshoremena Association, who has 1,00 0,000 fhio&ies from North Bend. shift into a loading berth today. Having aboard 100,000 feet of lumber for San Francisco, the steamer Daisy Freeman was cleared yesterday and sailed last night, proceeding by way of Grays Harbor, where she loads the re mainder of her cargo. The steamer Tamalpais got away from the harbor last nisht for California with a lumber cargo and passengers. United States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller yesterday inspected the tugs Wenona and John McCraken. In command of Captain Bernt Olsen the tug Akutan left her Winter quar ters at Goble yesterday, and proceeded here to prepare for her annual trip to Nushagak with the cannery- ships Levi G. Burgess and Berlin. The tug went to the plant of the W illamette Iron & Steel Works, and besides minor repairs is to be drydocked for cleaning and painting. To have her hull cleaned and painted, hog chains tightened and other over hauling done, the O.-W. R. & N. steamer Harvest Queen was raised on the Port of Portland drydock yesterday. There is talk along the waterfront that the steamer Mukllteo will begin operations on the Portland-Lewis River run about April la. Yesterday being Easter Monday, an occasion when little business is trans acted in England, there were no cables received dealing with charters of ves sels or the usual tidings of interest to the export grain trade. It is reported that W. K. Grace & Co. have closed for the delivery of 2.000,000 feet of lumber from Portland to Balboa, which will move on the Norwegian steamer Cuzco and one or two of the vessels chartered in the West Coast service. San Francisco reports are that the charter of the well-known steamer Portland, by G. W. McNear, to trans port a cargo of grain from San Fran cisco to a Scandinavian port, was done on a lump sura basis, $60,000 being agreed on for the voyage. News Prom Oregon Ports. ASTORIA. Or., April 5. (Special.) The Russian ship Pampa sailed this afternon for the United Kingdom with a cargo of grain from Portland. The Russian bark Lawhill left dur ing the night for Portland where she will load grain, The Puget Sound -tug Goliah, which has been in service off the mouth of the river for some time, has gone to Seattle and will tow barges to Alaska. The dredge Chinook met with a mis- nap while working in the upper har bor on Friday that will handicap her operations somewhat, although it is not expected ehe will be laid up. Her port 30-inch suction pipe picked up a piece of a snag that wrecked the big pump. It is understood that a new pump will be secured, but this will require a month or more and in the meantime the craft will operate with the two 20-inch and one 30-inch pumps. COOS BAY. Or.. April 5. (Special.) The steamship Geo. W. Elder arrived from Portland at 7:15 A. M. and sailed for Eureka, leaving her Marshfield dock at 2 P. M. The Elder brought 58 passengers for this port. The steam schooner Yellowstone, sailed for San Francisco from North Bend this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Steamship Breakwater sailed from Marshfield this afternon at 12:30 for Portland, carrying 20 passengers and a fair amount of freight. The steam schooner Saginaw sailed night for San Francisco, with Steamer Schedule. DUE TO ARRIVE. Name. Prom Date. Roanoke. San Diego. ...... .In port Beaver Los Angeles ...In Dort Breakwater. ...... Coos Bay. ... April 7 Rose City .Los Angelas April Geo. W. Elder. ...Eureka April 9 Yucatan -San Diego April 11 Bear..... Los Angeles April 13 DUE TA DEPART. Name. For Date. Great Northern. . . . San Francisco Indefte Beaver -Los Angeles April i Roanoke... San Diego April i Harvard S. F. to L. A. April 1 Yale K. F. to L. A. . ... .. April Breakwater Coos Bay April 9 Northland .Los Angeles April 10 San Ramon JSan Francisco. .. .April 10 Geo W.Elder Eureka April 11 Klamath San Diego April 12 Ross City Los Angeles April 12 Multnomah .San Diego. ...... April Id Yucatan can Diego April 14 Yosemlte San Diego April 15 Celilo San Diego April IS Santa Barbara San Francisco. . . . April 15 oear Los Angeles April 17 Willamette San Diego April 18 Fort land-Atlantic Service. DUE! TO ARRIVE. Name. From Date. Oregonian New York .In port Panaman .New York ..April 31 Santa Cecelia New York April 15 Hawaiian Kent York April ltj nonojiuan. ...... ..rew 1 orK Apru zj American. ........ New York. May Santa Crus. ....... New York. . . May lowan New York. ..... . May Minnesota .New York May IB fcanta catallna New York May 25 umoan New York May DUE TO DEPART. - Name. For Data. Oregonian New York April Panaman .New York April 14 Hawaiian New York April 19 oania Cecelia. .... .iew xork. ...... iprll Honolulan New York April American New York May lowan .New York May Santa Crus New York. . May Mlnnesotan .New Tnrlc Mhv 1 unioan New York May Santa Catallna New York May ZD Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Anrll 5. Arrlvri sBm- .iaiair, rrom fcan Krancisco: Russian bark Lawhill, from Wallaroo. Sailed Steamers Laisy freeman. lor tfan Francisco: Oresn- nian. for New York via Puget Sound: Sue H. Elmore, for Tillamook; Tamalpais, for San Francisco. Astoria. April 5. Arrived at 2 P. M. Ligntnotise tender Manzanlta. toan Francisco. ADril o. Arrived at 1 A. M". and 6ailed at 2 P. M. Steamer Rose city, Irom ban Fedro for Portland. Snokan, April 1, 11:4 N. 123:4S W French bark La ferouse. rrom Portland, for Lnlted Klnc dom.. April 4 Sailed at 2 P. M. Steamer Multnomah, for ban Diego. Sailed at 10 P. M. Steamer St. Helens: at midnight. steamer uieum, tor I'ortiana. t oos Bav. Anril o. At-m-ed at 7 A. M Steamer Geo. W. Elder, from Portland. Astoria, April 3. Arrived at a and left up at b:30 P. M. Steamer Mayfalr, from San Francisco. Arrived down at 9 P. M. Russian ship Pampa. Left up at 10 P. M. Russian bark Lawhill. n Francisco. April o. Arrived Stram era Korea, from Hongkong: Asama Maru (Japanese) from Victoria, balled steamers Rose City. Oleum, for Portland; U. S. A. T. Sherman, for Manila; Peter H. Croweli, for .New vorK. Liverpool. April 2. Arrived Steamer Confa, from Victoria. B. C. Seattle. Wash.. ADril S. Arrived steam ens Governor, from ban uiego; jvongasen Maru iJananese). from bhangbal; J. Chan8lor. Admiral Farragut. from San Francisco: City of Seattle, Jefferson, from Southeastern Alaska: bark W. B. Flint, from Kahului. Sailed steamers Aamirai wat son. for Southwestern Alaska;. William Chatham, for San Francisco. assembly-room of the Commercial Club tonight at 8 o'clock, five directors will be chosen to succeed George W. Staple- ton. Walter M. Cook, James E. Appleby, Frank B. Watkins and H. I Keats. The nominating committee will recommend election of the following: Walter M. Cook, C. C. Overmire, Ira F. Powers, James X. Abbott and John Kelly. The holdover directors are W. J. Clemens, retiring president; A. L. Fish, C. F. Wright and John B. Teon. Officers probably will not be chosen until a later meeting of the board. President Clemens insists that he will not accept re-election and C. C. Over mire is mentioned as his probable suc cessor. SKIT LEADS AT PANTAGES "THE SERPENT OF THE STILE WTERD AM) FASCINATING. IS Instrumen tails t Act Abound in Har- ! mony Eccentric Comedian Has Pleasing Offering;. Tides at Astoria Tuesday. High. Low. P. M 5:17 A. M S.3 feet. 7:2S P. M 6.3 feet0:46 Colombia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD, April 5. Condition Jt the bar at 5 P. M.: Sea, smootn; wind, nor west S miles. Marconi Wireless Reports. (All portion reported at 8 P.M.. April 6, anles otherwise designated.) camera' Y. Peouera. Balboa for San Fran cisco, o2i miles south of San Francisco, April 5. Multnomah, San Francisco for San Pedro, 70 miles west of San Pedro. Congress, San Pedro for San Francisco, off Tolnt '("onceDcion. Bars 91, Eureka for RedondQ, 104 miles from Redondo. Damara. New York for San Dlcgo. 109 mil KAiith nf San Dieeo. Admiral Watson, Seattle for Alaska, off Turn Point. Wlndber. Bellingham for Southwest Ala3ka. 7-J3 miles from Cape lattery April 4. - SMOKERS SEEK REAR SEATS Business Men Back Amendment to Law Regulating Cars. Smoking- on the three rear seats of open street cars is a privilege provided in an ordinace that has been prepared by City Attorney LaRoche, at the re quest ot several businessmen. The ordinance is in the form of an amend ment to the present anti-smoking' law. It is said by Mr. LaRoche that the backers propose to circulate a petition to present to the Council urging the passage of the measure. The open cars are used on excursion trains, on cars running to the baseball grounds and to resorts. PAVING BILL FACES DELAY Mayor's Measure Requiring Oath on Preference Petition Coming TTp. Mayor Albee's proposed ordinance to require oaths with signatures on pre ferential paving petitions will be be fore the City Council tomorrow for final passacre. It is expected that the measure will meet with some opposi tion and may be postponed again on account of amendments which will be supgested by City Attorney LaRoche. The measure would end the present system of having property owners send in petitions favoring a particular type of paving without the Council knowing who circulated the petition. AUTO CLUB WILL ELECT C. C. Overmire Mentioned as Possi bility for Presidency. A symphony of color, sound and mo tion is "The Serpent of the Niles" the pantomine-drama which is headlining the bill at the Pantages theater this week. The wierdness. the wilderness and the fascination of Ancient Egypt is portrayed vividly. Bothwell Browne and her company of 11 appear in the playlet. Miss Browne- takes the part of Cleoparta, who near the. end of her life, upon hearing of the death of Marc Anthony, kills herself by a ser pent's sting. The serpent is a vicious looking reptile, almost five feet long. The production is one of the most colorful that has been seen here for long time. Brilliant hues and jewels harmonize in the scanty costumes of the 10 dancing girls. Cleopatra her self almost dazzles the eyes with her display of jewels. The music is wild and low. The dancing is equally ae wild. The golden tones of the band in struments of Archie Nicholson's com pany of Instrumentalists fill the whole theater with harmonious sounds. "The Pilgrim Chorus" from Thanhouser, brought forth a storm of applause yes terday and the comedy of the "little fat Cherman boy" was appreciated Immensely. So was that of the Scotch man, to say nothing of the spick and span young American who tried to keep peace. The act is clever and won much praise yesterday. Jimmy Green is about the most eccentric little comedian in town. His voice and his walk, his songs and talk are all funny. Jimmy is distinctly character. He makes noises that never have been heard before and probably will never be heard again except from the animal which he so cleverly imi tates. Koso Marston and company appear In a skit "The Claim Agent," which is a winner. That the claim agent knew his business is discovered by a pretty little girl who tries to "beat" the streetcar company out of "all the money she could get." Grace La Dell, is a clever little Par islenne with a pretty accent who is a crack shot. With almost any kind of a gun. Mile. La Dell, hits her mark at short and long range. The bill is rounded out by first run movies. itiuinsrs im m Mother's Friend Experlenes is or should ba our best eacner. Woman who have obeyed the Highest and noblest of all sacrifices, the struggle for the life of others, should nave a better idea of helpful influence than those who theorize, from, obser vation. At any rate when a prospective grand, mother urges her laughter to do as sha did to use "Mother a Friend," there is ample reason to believe it the right kind of advice. Its purpose is to furnish pliancy to the muscles, to take away the strain on the eords and ligaments, to relieve the ten- lion of nerves and tendons so apt to provoke or aggravate nausea, morning sickness, iwiicmngs ot tne limbs and bq On. it is applied externally. juurougn, in tne nature or thinirs. a woman would use "Mother's Friend" but rarely, yet so effective has it been found that this splendid remedy Is on sale in most drug stores throughout the United States. It has been prepared by Bradfleld Regulator Co.. 306 Lamar Bids., Atlanta, ua., and advertised ny us lor over twenty years. Ask at the drug store for a bottle of "Mother'a Friend." It la worth While, AMUSEMENTS. MEETING NOTICES. TO THB G. A. R All old sol diers are very cordially request ed to attend the funeral of Sam. ue! Scott of Co. C. 7th Teg.. 111. Vol. Cavalry, at the parlors or J. P. Flnley ft Son at 2:30 o'clock, Tuesday, April tt. Stranger in the city. GENERAL. RELIEF COMMITTEE I. O. O. F. We command you to visit the sick, .re lieve the distressed, bury the dead and edu cate the orDhans. A sDecial meetine is called today (Tuesday) at 2 o'clock P. M. in tne reading room, l. o. o. r. Temple, ae Alder St., to conduct the funeral of Colonel Samuel Scott; P. G., of Cottonwood Lodge No. 2. I. O. O. F-, Deer Lodge, Montana. Religious services at Finlev's. ChaDel at 2:30. Od-i Fellows' services and Interment. Rose City Cemetery. Odd Fellows, please attend. J. C. JAMESON', Sec By order W. A. AND A. S. RITE. ORE GON LODGE OF PERFEC TION, NO. 1 Regular meeting In Memorial Hall, Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. By order VEX. MASTER. i- I Broadway, at Taylor j lAllilIiXVJi Min I.A1121 TONIGHT 8: IS BARGAIN-PRICE MATINEE Tomorrow $1 to 25c FAMOUS COMEDY SUCCESS, . POTASH and PERL MUTTER Evenings: Floor. 11 rows 12, T at $1.50. Balcony $1. 75c. 50o. Gallery 50c SEATS NOW SELLING. NEXT THURSDAY SPECIAL-PRICK MAT. SAT. Biggest and best revue ever brought to Pacific Ooest. ZIEGFELD FOLLIES STAGED BY LEON ERROLU 1 00 - OBIO",Al AST . 1 00 1VV "BROADWAY BEAUTIES " U Evenlnrs: Floor. 2. Balcony. $1.50. $t. Gallery. 75c, 50c. Special Sat. Mat: Floor, $2, $ Entire balcony, $i. nai lery, 75c. 50c. SEATS NOW SELLING. NEXT SUNDAY ALL WEEK 6EATS ON SALE THURSDAY Mat. Wed 25c-$l. Sat, Mat., 50c-$l.M NIGHTS SOC, L. $1.40, $2.00. LSun$ rWer rVWram BEST With Cyril Srolt and Original Chicagro and New York Cast XKW rODAl. IMPERIAL LODGE, NO. 159. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication tomorrow (Tuesday) evening, 7:30 o'clock, April , Masonic Temple, West Side. Work -a. m.. aegree. visitors welcome. P. Andrus, Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO. HI, A. F. AND A. M Stated communication will bo held at mo Masonic Temple this (Tues day) evening at S o'clock. Illus trated lertnr nn rjn .v n v Cooper. Visitors welcome. ' C. B. MILLER, Secretary. CUMMI.VS The funeral of the late F. N. i umrains, late conductor of S. P. Co., will be held at his late residence, Clackamas, Or.. Wednesday afternoon, April 7 at 3 O'clock. Friends inritpd. Burial In a l- bany Thursday, April 8. Member of Elks-lodge. GARBAGE PLAN VOTE ASKED Council to Consider Submission of Taxation Collection System, Voters in the city election on June 7 will be asked to pass upon the ques-'f tion of a municipal garbage collection system to be maintained by general taxation if a measure, to be submitted to the City Council tomorrow by Com- MULTNOMATT CTRfrr.M i cw -w Members are reauesteri tn nitnnri h imami of cur late neighbor, Matilda Norby, Tues day at 2 P. M., from Cellar, undertakers, 59 Williams ave. clerk. PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO. 97. O. E, S. Stated communication this (Tuesday) evening, titi Russell st. Decrees. By order of the W. M. ANNA L. DUDLEY, Sec. HERE WE ARE AGAIN. "SOn" AT n an- dancJnt; at 0. Geo. Washington Camp, No. oi. yv. u. v . w- w- imn . iirt an. Alder sts., April., & Admission, one dime. EXTRA Emblem Jewelry of all kinds: spe- cisvj aeaiena maaa. Jaerer Bros., jeweler DIED. missioner Daly, is placed on the ballot PARMENTER At Salem. Or., April 5, Mrs. under the initiative. The municipal system proposed would involve an expenditure of about 170, 000 -a. year. Mr. Daly says. It has been estimated that the cost of the service would amount to somewhere near 30 cents a month for each family. It is proposed to have the garbage collec tion general throughout the entire city and to require the removal by the garbage wagons of all refuse. The voters some time ago passed a meas ure authorizing the issuance and sale of i o.OOO in bonds to establish a mu nicipal system. Hannah L. Parmenter. aired 89 years; wife pi tnq laiq u. fli. farmenier, or mat city. DRAFT CAUSES ARREST YV. K. Morrison Accusd of Passing Fraudulent Paper. Charged with passing a fradulent draft for $350 on the Benson Hotel, W. R. Morrison was arrested at that ho tel yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Ward, and Is in the County Jail under $500 bonds. Deputy Sheriffs have been looking for Morrison several days. During part of that time he was in Spokane. Authorities there were notified, .but he had returned to Portland. Unconscious of the fact that he was wanted, Mor rison returned to Portland yesterday morning, registered at the Benson Ho tel and shortly afterwards was arrest ed. He denies his guilt and. declares a mistake has been made in the New York bank on which the draft was made. The friirate bird holds the -record among , the aviators. It reaches a speed of 200 miles ; n hour. FUNERAL NOTICES. SIMMONS The funeral service of the- late June cana bimmons, who passed away i this city, April 2, will be held today tiuesaay at 3 r. M. from the chattel o the Skewes Undertaking Co.. corner 3d and Clay. Friends invited to attend. Memoers or Laurelwood Hive. no. Ladies of the Maccabees, are requested to De prcaent. interment lamuy plot Mult noman cemetery. DI FAZIO In this city. April 5. at his late residence. 280 Sheridan st., fiebriolo li Fazio, aged .58 years. The funeral services win be held Wednesday. April 7. e o'clock P. M. at St. Michael's Church. 4th and Mill sts. Friends Invited. Intermen Riverview Cemetery. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. I-inley & Son, Montgomery at 6th. Use automobiles. MARTIN In this city. April 4, at his late residence, ola rv. 24th St.. Rudolph Mar tin. aged 62 3-ears. The funeral services will be held Wednesday. ADril 7. at 2:30 o clock P. M. at the residence establish raent of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery t otn. nenas invitea. interment Rose City Cemetery. SCOTT In this city. April 4. Samuel Scott, aged 81 years. The funeral services will be held today, Tuesday, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at the residence establishment of J. ir. Flnley & bon, Montgomery at oth Friends Invited. Interment at Rose City cemetery. GREEN At the family residence. 1024 East Main at., baturoay, April a. Conrad Green aged 44 years 10 months 13 days. Funeral services w:ii oe neia at 2 o clock today Luesaay . Anrit o. rrom tne rflsmpnm Friends invited. Interment at Mt. Scott fark cemetery, fiease omit flowers. BREDEPOX The funeral services of the late cnanes uredeson win be held April 6 at 1 P. M. from the Evangelical Church &c Jonns. interment Riverview Cem etery, Friends invited. ANDERSON April 5, Alexander Anderson, eed 50 years. Funeral services will be held at Dunning & McEntee'e chapel to day (luesaay; at 2 r. m. frienas invited interment Muitnoman cemetery. TuKeCareOf Your Hair FCKEBAX, finiECTORS. nr v At the annual meeting o the Port land Automobile Club in tne sixth, iloot CuflcnraSoap Snampoos Are most effective when aided by light applications of Cuticura Ointment. Samples Free by Mail Cuticura Soap and OtntmeDt sold everywhere. Liberal sample of eaeb maUed tnm with 32-p. book. Address postxard "Cuticura, Dept. 25F. Boston. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Anetion-House. 166-168 Park U Furniture! rugs, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. The inly resldeucti underialtlnjr establish miLt Lu Portland lta private rlvewax alain U. A. 1588. J. i PKJLBT 80N. - Montg-omery at ITlttn. MR. 1DWAED HOLM AN. the leadlni funeral director, 220 Tblrd street, comer SaUnoa. ldy assistant. A laU. Main M. F. B. DUNNING, INC, East s:le Funeral Directors, 414 East Al ter street. Eaat S2, B 2ZZS. . A. rL. CO. Bast 1080, c louo. and night service. bUi WILLIAMS AV a Lady attendant, uaj DUNNING at M'JNT. funeral dlreotora, Broadway and Pino. Fnone Main 40, A,iis. Lacy attendant. K. x. BVKHtS, Williams ave. and Knott. East 1115. C 1843. Lady attendant. Breeze ft Snook, Sunnyside Parlors. Auto hearse. 1026 Belmont st. Tabor 12M, B 1252. P. L, LGKCH. East 11th and Clay streeta Lady assistant. East 781. tK.EVE! UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady attendant. Autos for funerals and weddings. Funeral Service Co. Woodlawn 2623, C 1156 I'LOItlSTa. uiptiv a vanUKa CO.. florlata. S47 Wasa- in K ton. M"'" aw, a ioe. 1UWW M M I occasions artistically arransea. BAKER THEATER Main 2, A 6360. Geo. L. Baker. Mgrr. Bargain Matinee Today for Women Only. Tonlfrht, tomorrow Mat. & night. Last opportunities to see Greatest Hit in Years, Damaged Goods The play Is talking box. $1.00 all seats. everyone aoout. Eveningrs 25c, 5oc, 75c; Today's Matinees, 25c, (except box). Today's Matinee for Women Only. SEATS NOW SELLING ITALIAN GRAND OPERA COMPANY Mario Lambardi, Impresario. OPENS AT BAKER THEATER next THURSDAY evening in a grand production of Verdi's magnificent spectacle "AIDA" 75 artists. Orchestra of 20. Gorgeous Scenery anrl Costumes. Friday night and Sun. Mat. TRAVIATA Sat. and Sun nights RIGOLETTO Sat. Mat. and Mon. night AIDA Tues. night... .IL TROVATORE Evenings Lower floor, $1.00; balcony, first 6 rows, 75c; next rows, 50c; Upper Balcony, 25c. Matinees Lower Floor 50c; balconies, 25c. FIRST TIMK IX AMERICA AT THKSB PRICKS. MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY AND CREMATORIUM MOST MODER.V IN AMERICA. . i Perpetual Care Without Kxtra Chart e, a . reature timitea aoieiy to Mount Scott Park. Originators and Leaders of HI Kh -Class Cemetery and Crematorium Service in Portland. Its Beauty (SlnKularly Appropriate Its Care Peculiarly SuRKstive tf Affection and Memory. Ideally Loch ted on Picturesque Mount (Scott, "Where Nature's Peaceful Quietude Lenda an Influence to Soften Sorrow." Cemetery Auto 'Bus Meets Mount Scott Cars at Lents and Cazadero Cars at Watson Station Dally by Appointment. Both Telephones. Terms Reasonable I'Mre-a Ke Hlahrr. LARGE, PERMANENT. I'A R K I.IK K, MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repsyment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. 60' LARfiK LOANS ON CC lO BUSINESS PROPERTIES O -O A. II. BIKRELL CO. Z17-2I9 Northwestern Rank BalldlasT. Marahall 4114, A -ill. WEST SIDE FLAT LOT 31 X lOO FEET. Bulldlnn- In Fine Condition. Beat Buy In Portland. PRICE K4000. 95O0 Dewn, Balance Easy Terms. Inquire on Premises, 404 COLUMBIA bl'KEET. MORTGAGE LOANS 654 on rMTpRovr-n BtrsiXFan rnorFHTiaa Residence loana i and T ner rent, ao cording" to location, plenty of money. ROBERTSON & EWING S07-8 Northweetera Bank BUS. Businrss pwopfrtyano closc in wcsrortsicrs &-EDWARDEG0UDEY7 NORTHWESTERN tVMMH. BUILOlNa CITY AND FARM LOAN! On Improved Properties In Any Amount t Current Kates. HAKTMAN as 'IUOA1PSON. BANKERS. Cerser Kerartn auad ktarst aarssts Main 2274. -100 Henry Uulldinc. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMEK-JOKES Wllcos bid. CO., U. P.. 4U-40i-4tli BECK. William p.. 815-3ld Faluns P'a. BENEDICT BROS., 030 Hawthorn ave. BARRETT BROS.. &02 Board of Trade. BKAL ESTATE. For bale Lois. G-SBksa Matinee I:S0 P. M Ms-lit t Shows 7:30, 9:10 Colonel Palteo Presents OLD SOLDIKR PIDDLE KS. OTHER HEADLINE ACTS. PRICES: ieh?sn ! 10c 25c KOSK CITT PARK . LOTS. Deal direct with th owners, th oiit inal platters of this beautiful part ot Portland. Call on our raity aopartm-ant. earner Fourth and tttark. HAKTMAN 4c XHOMrSON NON-KKSIDKNT owner offera full half acre corner lot In Lents (w lot , block i. Cad w -all's Add.). Price 700. Highest bid der takes lu Address Mr. Humphiy, -11 btory bids. Los Angeles. Cat. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow Htci $10-00 and upwards to builders of good hmuvi between Iwth and 11. nt". ; walking tunce and carlinca. J oasis Hob-ion, -8 forbett bldg. FOR FA LIS Lot -01-U0. west sloif, Mt. Tabor, all improvements In and paid; will sacrifice for quick sale. Win. JdcClure, -114 Falling Bldg. NfiATaNE PAHY 230 "THE BKK.FENT OF THE NILE," Featuring Bothwell Brown. 6 OTUKK B1G-FEATUBK ACTS Boxes and first row balcony reserred br pnone. wain 43S, A zzita. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily and Sunday. ' Pr IJ-v- One time 18e Same ad two consecutive times S2c bame ad three consecutive time 80e bame ad six or aeven consecutive times. . . Me The above rates apply to advertisement under ".New Today" and all otlier i-lasnlfliar tioiii except the folio wins; bit ut ions Wanted Male. situations Wanted 1 emaJe. For Kent. Koom, Private PaniUlea, Board and Kooius, Private Fa ml lie. Housekeeping Koonis, Private Famiilea. Kate on the above viaaeiiicationa im 1 cent line each insertion. On "chance" advert iaementa chars- will ha baaed on tne number of line appearing La the nitDer. rejrardlesa if (he numiicr of unnli in each line. Minimum diarae. two line. The Oregonian will accent classified ad vertinementM over the tel-cohone. i.rtvl-rWd the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but 1 bill will be tendered the following day. ! Whether aubseuuent advertiaeuienLs will Im accepted over the pi: one depends upon the uruuiuimwi oi Daymen or leieonone adver tisements. Situations wanted and Personal advertisement will not he accepted over the leiepnone. uraers lor one insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture for bale." "BuaL neat -upport unit tea." iwoming-Uouses'' and named to Kent." Telephone Maiu 7070, A 6005. The Oregonian will not Euarantee accuracy or asHume renponHibility for errors occurring ui iriopuuii" aavertisemeni. A d vert. Hem en t s to receive prompt classifi cation must be In The Oregonian office be fore 9 o'clock at night, except bat urday. lot In r hour for The Mm day 4irefonlan will be 7:30 o'clock Saturday night. The office will be open until 10 o'clock P. M., as usual, and all ads received too late for proper clas. if! cat! on will be run under the heading Too Late to Clatmify." ROSE CITY PARK .DISTRICT. Fine largo lot for a bungalow; coat me $1000; must have money; will sac rifice at S4!0 for cash. Call Main 92). LOTS ACKKAGK. ASTORIA, WARRK.VTUN, NEW ASTORIA Locations -the tn-art of the b-et 0f tt R. L. Yoke, 113-8 Northwestern Itank bldg. llftm; 1: East TWO lrvliiKton lts, siMun ioth at., bftweon Bihj-mm 7 end block -.1. Hop Thomns at., Srattlf. i-Irar anil Knott; oith. luii FOU tSAUi Lot .".UxH7. on car east slope, Mt. Talor; i map at $'i C McClure, 414 Failing Biitg. Hue, on 4U. Will. 60x100 LOT. K. Taylor. corner, m-r H. t. car. Call U-A For bale Beach Property. TILLAMOOK BEACH Salt air; '1 fine .ti, best location, big sacrifice. Address Owner, . 70lt, Oregon Ian. For bale Ho BAKU A IX IN o-KUoM BUNGALOW, In good district; handy to cars; haa 5 rooms, fireplace, buffet, large pontics, Dutch kitchen, 2 good bedrooms and large bath, only S'JloO. Will sell (or SJJ a month, wliii h Includes Inter-Rat. Call Tabor iiUMJ mornings and evenlnfa. IN PIEDMONT For sale, rent or exchanas for Los Angeles projnrty; 7-room thor oughly mortprn house; beautiful grounds, an Ideal home for children; near lOg" .School, library, park and churches. Wet sacrifice for quick disposition. F 7 OH, Uregonlan. Modem five-room bungalow, completely furulnh'd, with golden oak, like new; Richmond Add.. 1 blk from car; am leav- ing. Main 14'2. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY -87 GRAND AVEL, N. Between Davis and Everett. Phones F-at 1432, B 2515. Open Day and Nhjht. Report ail cases of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for email animals. Uorse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring; a pet may communicate with ua ROSE CITV I'AKK Attractive modern bungalow, well lo cated, closo to car and school, furnlshrd if desired, expert to luavs city, good bar. gain. Tabor 0141. A KNAP Hawthorne district, modern ntne room houM with 0 bedrooms, sleeping porch, good furnace, full cemented base ment, laundry; S4.0. By owner. 7 L. Taylor M. Kst '4'.Ui. ONE of Laurelhurat's most attractive bung alows, every modern Improvement, T rooms and sleeping porch ; sacrifice. Ta bor 117. LOCATED in very heart of Laureihurst; modern, sightly, I -room house, on oornsr; nothing butter In tract and price is right. Owner, Tabor I2SL EQUITY In nous and ,)ot; favorably lo cated; easy pa ments- will discount amount of equitv for cash. Address room 51, Oregonian t'dg. SEW TODAY. 253 -acre stock ranch In Eastern Washing ton, abundant grass and water and some valuable timber, joins r orest Reserve wun unlimited outrange. Railroad crosses the land, unincumbered. Price, i8,o00. Wants Portland income property and might take small improved suburban tract as part pay ment. ASSOCIATED BROKKRS f. -DM PANY. HERE la your chance to get a home. Have several nice bungalows to select from; i to 7 rooms; these can be bought on easy terms. Phone Main 45tf. FOR SALE Hui Mid lot, partly fur nished; house unfinished, uniaM mortgage; $4-" canh required, 7-th S. K. PLANS $ BUNGALOW PLAN ROOK, iuc. A. H. f, AKU211 I tix.: r. A lnfcworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 2W4. GOING away, neat 4 -room house, 40x 100 lot : price Includes all the furniture : rood piano. Tabor 3uii7. FOR SALE New modern i-room bungalow In Irvlngton. Unique In design and com pleto Ir. every detail. Phone E. 4545. CLARKE BROS., designers and decorators. Iresa cut now era, great, variety, j-iorriavn, between 4th and 6th. Main or A 1806. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP, 2d and Aider. Designs ana sprays. Marsnan ovt. MAX M, SMITH. Mala 72i&. A -L2L SelUnS building. A- C. F- BURKHARDT, 120 N. 23d Funeral designs and cut t icy era. Main ld&tf. a tv&i. SUNNYSIDE Greenhouse. Frasfc flowers. ?A0fi U sUiit W4 aa xarian Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Onr Own Uouu. af. current MTCNKIPtl. AISO CORPORATION UONDS. FARM AJ.D CITV lv48. M FourlU Board ef Trade Bide. MORTGAGE I tKm !?CR0mAN 902 5fVUJ.WBUI-.aNtl FOR SALE Double lot on instalment. Wdln 7U4. 6-room Price bouie li&ug. BY OWNER, desirable, modern, 6-room house, close In, very cheap, easy terms. Phone East 208. NEW, modern 12-room bouse. In Irriagtoo. R. B. Rice, East 2482 NEW modern 9-room house, garage; $30 a month; terms. Woodlawn Income FINE H-room house, large sleeping porch, corner. 92 U East Taylor. BEAUTIFUL new 7-room houn every way. Mt. Tabor. 3l E. . modern In 0ih. MY modern home in Irvlngton must be sold; real bargain. U 71l, Oregonian. tS MONTHLY buys S-rnom house, 730l A. C. aliarslera, 2Qi Wilcoft bids. 4