Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 03, 1915, Image 1

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    VOL. L.V. C 16,960.
Country Ideal for Rus
sian Defensive
Invaders of Poland, However,
Learn Lesson of Waiting.
Czar's Troops Are Natural Borrow
ers, and Are Making Masterly
Use of Every Advantage That
; 1 Country Gives Them.
IL -
fWtr correspondent of the Chlcairo Trlb-
uns. opynpcnt, iv-o, or we iriDunst. mo-
llahed by arrangement.)
United States Troopers Unarmed
When Trouble Begins; Slayer
Is Under Arrest.
COLON, April 2. Corporal Langdon,
of the United States Coast Artillery,
was shot and killed and three other
American soldiers were wounded, one of
them seriously, in a riot here today.
The soldiers were engaged in patrol
duty in the tenderloin district. The
shooting, which resulted in a general
fight, was the outgrowth of an argu
ment between a soldier, who is alleged
to have been drinking, and a Panama
Many shots were fired by the Panama
police, the civilians and soldiers all be
ing unarmed. Brigadier-General Clar
ence R- Edwards, commander of the
American forces in the Canal Zone, who
is here to meet Maior-General Leonard
Wood, commander of the Department of
the East, tomorrow, immediately took
charge and ordered all soldiers from the
A thorough Investigation Is being
made by both the military and Pan
ama authorities. None of the Panama
policemen or civilians was injured. The
policeman who shot Langdon wss ar
rested by order of the military au
thorities and was confined in a guana
house. It is said that none of the
three soldiers Is fatally injured.
The shooting occurred near the ball-
grounds, where a team representing
Men of Crew Resigned
to Any Fate.
Bunkers Full, Stores Taken
Ahead of Schedule.
BOLIMOW, Russia, March . Here
are the dimensions of the triangle of the Fifth United States Infantry was
death within which Germans and Rus- I Dlavlntr the Cristobal nine. Some 2000
sians have been shattering one another
la uninterrupted field sieges since just
before the first of this red year:
From the town of Lowicz a line run
southeast to the smaller town of Skier-
nlewice, 12 H miles away, will for
great part be paralleled by the River
Eklernlewka, which passes In front of
Low lex near Arcadia, one of the splen
did seats of Prince Radzlwlll.
Run a line 14 miles northeast and
you strike the town of Sochaczew,
which lies about five miles below
Zelazowa-Wola. where Chopin was
born a century ago. Along the inside
of this northeasterly line the River
Bzura goes straggling.
Triangle Cat by Rivera.
Join Skierniewlce on the south and
Eochaczew on the north by a 20-mile
line and you have the base of the tri
angle of death, and that base roughly
Indicates the battle front. Sochaczew
lies almost due west of Warsaw and Is
less than 50 miles from the heart of
that city.
The northern half of the triangle is
much cut up by the Rivers Rawka,
Sucba and Pisia. where they wind and
straggle across it to empty into the
Bzura on the northeast. In a few hours
' the Bzura has carried their waters to
the mighty Vistula, into which it
empties opposite Wyszogrod, some doz
en miles north of the northern point of
the triangle.
When you read In the dispatches of
operations to the left of the Vistula
they are likely to be taking place in
the neighborhood of the triangle of
death. The whole value of the triangle
lies in the fact that its fanlike spread
comprehends the approach to Warsaw.
Country Ideal for Defense.
I soldiers of the Fifth, Tenth and Twen
ty-ninth Infantry regiments, who were
witnessing the ball game, became
greatly excited on hearing of the
shooting. Some missiles were thrown
and several persons were injured. The
excitement continued until army offi
cials arrived and ordered the men to
take trains for their Btations.
Executor of $500,000 Property Un
able to Pay Taxes.
ROSEBURG, Or., April 2. (Special.)
Although the estate of which ho was
appointed administrator is valued at
1500,000, John Parker, of Roseburg,
was today compelled to borrow 175
with which to pay taxes and insurance
on property of the estate located in
Oregon. John M. Keith died in ban
Francisco six months ago.
With the exception of property In
iouglas County valued at fiObit. the
estate la in California. There are 60
heirs. One of whom will receive a one
sixth interest of the property. Othe:
heirs will receive as little as a 1-7
interest in the estate. Two women
who befriended Mr. Keith during his
lifetime will receive 150,000 each.
while a third was bequeathed his au
Golden Role Is Pleaded Before
Jury at Indianapolis.
Many on Board Believe Orders Will
Be to Attempt to Slip Through
Cordon of Allied Warships
Off Virginia Capes.
INDIANAPOLIS, April 2. A. O. Stan
ley. ex-Representative In congress,
who is representing Mayor Roberts
-You will cover the 20 miles that lie and the majority of the 28 Terre Haute
between you and the Warsaw fortifi
cations," said a Russian prisoner to
German officer. "Yes, I think you will
do it But at what a cost! The road
will be paved not with bodies but with
skull. But I suppose you will do it.
All thla region, which is cut up by
the Rawka, the Sucha and the Pisia, is
bad offensive but good defensive coun
try making hard work, in other words,
for the invading army and relatively
easy work for the troops fighting on
their own soil. To the west of the
three rivers are few forests only
great stretches of fiat farming coun
try. till you strike into the Skiernie
wics country, where rises the Szar's
bunting forest.
Beyond the Rawka. beyond the Sucha,
beyond the Pisia, the Russians have
cut up the country with their wonder
ful trenches. To the east they lie for
miles upon miles, hidden in thick
forests, sheltered in ravines, and con
stantly making masterly use of every
advantage the lay of the land offers
them. They, in a word, are in the good
defensive country.
RuasJana Barrow Like Moles.
"They are like moles, these Rus
sians," says a German officer. "Let
men on trial in the Federal Court here
on charges of election fraud, began the
closing arguments for the defense late
toriav. LMstrict Attorney Dailey will
begin the arguments for the Govern
ment tomorrow.
Mr. Stanley urged the jurors to con
sider the golden rule In reaching a
verdict. He said he admitted mere
were many illegal acts commmea in
connection with the election in Terre
Haute, but asserted that, unless it were
shown that these acts were in support
of the conspiracy, the Jury in the pres
ent case had no power to take them
into consideration in determining the
guilt or innocence of the defendants.
Aged Monarch Passes Through Win
ter Without Cough or OoM.
VENICE, via London, April 2. Count
Stephen Tlsza, the Hungarian Premier,
in speaking today of his recent trip to
Vienna, when he had an audience with
Emperor Francis Joseph, said that the
Emperor appeared to be surprisingly
well and had gone through the Winter
without the slightest cough or cold. The
them assume a position and in half an aged ruler showed the liveliest inter
hour they have burrowed. They are i est in all the affairs of state, said the
cleverer and quicker than we are at I Premier.
this kind of thins, and we have lost I The Hungarian government is requl-
many men by not Imitating them I eltloninir all grain and flour in the
arlier." I country. Count Tisza today denied that
This matter of speedily Intrenching Hungary intended to withhold food
and doing your fightinp from trenches stuffs from Austria and declared that
is partly constitutional. The German I any surplus would be sent to her.
aoiaier is irameo. in advancing ano
fighting. This burrowing and waiting
Is distasteful to his mind. He wants
to get on and finish the business. But
he has learned his lesson now, and that
is the principal reason why the war
goes more slowly.
From Lowicz to the town of Bolimow
a great road cuts straight across the ThB February grand jury will con
triangle of death a little south of Its tinue its sessions through the month of
February Grand Jury to Continue
Sessions Through April.
That road is never empty. Sometimes
most of the time, indeed it is an
almost unbroken ten miles of marching
troops, ammunition wagons, provision
wagons, and loads of hay and straw.
ADril. An order to this effect was
drawn up yesterday by Deputy District
Attorney Charles C. Hindman. who has
charge of the grand jury, and will be
presented to Presiding Judge McGinn
The reason for holding tne oia grana
Endlessly this pageant of invasion jury is that numerous cases which have
moves along between the white, un- I come before it are incomplete. Among
fenced fields, the crows wheeling above these, and perhaps of most importance,
it and the light wounded soldiers who
wi!l not wait for transportation back
to Lowicz but are making the ten miles
on foot, threading their way In and out
amid the crush. .
Highway Becomes Triple Road.
The first time I rode along this high
way It carried a single column of
traffic. Two days later when I made
anothrr trip the traffic had overflowed
to each cide of the original highway I
is the investigation into election frauds
in Precinct 37. where more than ion
votes were changed in favor of Tom M.
Word, who was running for Sheriff at
the general election last November.
Berlin Eggs Cost 2 1-2 Cents Each.
BERLIN. April 2. (By wireless to
Sayvllle. N. T.) On the Berlin Produce
Exchange eggs are quoted at 11
pfennig (about thie) apiece. Pota
toes cos t between 10 and 11 half marks
(11.30 t o 13.11) according to quality
tor 100, kilograms (220 pounds.)
NEWPORT NEWS, Vs., April 2.
Whether the German raider Prinz Eitel
Friedrich will steam to sea and at
tempt to slip past the cordon of allied
warships off the Virginia capes, or will
submit to Internment, remained a mys
tery tonight.
If her orders are to sail, the Eitel
appears well prepared. Her bunkers
are filled with coal enough to take her
to the nearest German port, her stores
have been replenished, her machinery
has been repaired and her officers and
crew are resigned to any fate and wait
ing for the word.
United States Tugs on Guard. .
When the. Eitel had finished taking
on supplies that originally were noi
to have been delivered until- Sunday,
two United States tugs stood guard at
her stern. Coast artillerymen patroiea
her pier and rain and darkness were
propitious for a possible dash to sea.
Late today the situation aboard the
Eitel was tense. Every officer and
sailor was on board, although at times
some were permitted to receive friends
on the pier. That many of them be
lieved they were going to sea was evl
Time for Decision Is Near.
Just when they might be ordered to
go, tliey said they did not know, but
; 11 asserted there was not much time
left for the vessel to remain in Ameri
can waters, unless she should intern.
Reports that two more British war
ships had joined the foreign fleet off
the capes could not be verified here.
Late today, however, one British war
ship was seen from an incoming jner-
chant ship, lying about five miles out
and directly south of the Bhlp lane.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature,
66.0 degrees; minimum, 55.2 degree.
TODAY'S Showers, southwesterly winds;
Probably fair Sunday.
James CDonnell Bennett describes "triangle
of death" that leads to approach to
Warsaw. Fate 1..
Dutch, Norwegian and three British ves
sels sunk h. siihmnrtnes and
I mine. Page .
Plans of Germans upset by allies' attacks In
cnampagne and Neuve Chapelle. Page 7.
British army at front is scientifically
wielded as monstrous fan. Page 6.
Britain denies cables to messages relating
to trade of enemy countries. Page 1.
Britain will continue to isolate submarine
crew prisoners despite German threats of
reprisals, pago 6.
Foreign. .
-Britain making preparations against ex
pected decree of prohibition. I'age 1.
Government's farm-to-tabie campaign said
to be growing In popularity. Page 2.
Germany refuses to modify embargo on
potash in favor of United States. Page 3.
American soldier killed and three shot by
Panama police and civilians. Page 1.
World's greatest art collection to be sold by
J. r. Morgan. Page 2.
Railway expert says rates should not be
fixed on basis of stocks and bonds, but
on cost or roads. Page 2.
Coast League results yesterday Portland 1,
ios angeles J; San Francisco n, uat
land 8; Salt Lake 2, Venice 5. Page lis
Jack Johnson's noted "golden grin" planted
by Portland dentist. Page 12.
Pacific Northwest.
Supreme Court legalizes $375,000 Oregon City
water project bond Issue. Page 5.
Shingle men of Oregon and Washington
cast Interests with West Coast Manufac
turers' Association. Page S.
Commercial and Marine.
Wheat markets are influenced by rumors of
peace. Page 17.
Advance In cotton is great relief to depres
sion in South. Page 17.
Arrangements made for starting work on
Coquille Jetty. Page 17.
. Portland and Vicinity.
Noted Japanese will visit Portland today.
Page l.
Road bond Issue being indorsed uniformly.
Page 11:
St. Johns decides Monday on merger pro
posal. Page 1-1.
General white appoints staff. Page 14.
Jitney law Is passed without emergency
clause over Mayor's protest. Page 11.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 17.
Friday's War Moves
Stores of Lv''uor Hid-
den for Emergency.
Shutting Off of Drink May
Come Suddenly in Night.
Shock Will lie Greatest Country
Ever Experienced, and Movement
Is Regarded by Many as
Invasion of Rights.
Mayor's Frog Friends Go.
The city park bureau is in bad with
Mayor Albee because of the removal of
a multitude of frogs from a swamp in
Laurelhurst Park close to the Mayor's
home. The Mayor says for years he has
enjoyed the music of the frogs at night
There were thousands of them in the
marsh, he says.
The park bureau, in making plans to
convert the swamp into a lake, drained
all the water out. As a result the frogs
have all gone.
New York Presbytery Sends for Let
ters Opposing Prohibition.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 2. (Special.)
Receipt today by the Oakland presby
tery of a request from the clerk of the
New Tork City presbytery for copies of
all letters passing between the Oakland
presbytery and Dr. Charles H. Park
hurst, pastor of the Madison Square
Presbyterian Church of New Tork, has
opened again the situation that devel
oped when Dr. Parkhurst sent to C: A.
Sbarbaro, of this city, a telegram that
expressed surprise at the "danger" of
prohibition's carrying in this state
nearly a year ago.
The telegram was made a principal
weapon of tho liquor interests and
shortly after it was posted on many
billboards throughout the state the
Oakland presbytery adopted a resolu
tion of protest that was sent to the New
Tork presbytery.
The letters will be sent.
Woman's Club Asks Lower Car Step.
SALEM, Or., April 2. (Special)
The Social Service Club of Oak Grove,
through its president, Veleria G. Ben
vie, today complained to the State
Railroad Commission that the etepa of
the cars of the Portland Railway,
Light & Power Company were too
high. The club asks that the company
be compelled to lower them. Com
plaint that the cars are not adequate
for the passengers also was made.
LONDON, Apyril 2. (Special.) If
prohibition of the sale of liquor in Great
Britain comes, as It is believed it may
In a few days, it will be the biggest
shock ever felt in this country there
can be no two opinions about that. The
Norman conquest, the Tork-Tancaster
civil war and the drastic dictatorship of
Cromwell will bear no comparison to it.
and this statement is made seriously.
Britons place much stress on their per
sonal rights, even in war time.
The sudden shutting off of the sale of
drink is certain to be dramatic. It is
likely that it will be done at night by
the police and the inland revenue offi
cers, as happened in Russia at the be
ginning of the war.
Saloonnien Not Napping;.
The general opinion among the
Britons is that such a method might
do for the simple Slavs but would not
"go" here in England. They suggested
that the rest of the night would be
spent in unscrewing the backs of tho
cupboards, substituting empty bottles
and replacing the backboards.
It is not likely, however, that the
saloonkeepers of Britain will be caught
napping. The rolling of distant thun
der presaging a storm has been heard
and, like the wily Bedouins worrying
the Suez Canal, the massed formation
of bottles is being rapidly split into
smaller contingents and these are again
divided Into single units fleeing from
the wrath to come.
Liquor Now Being Hidden.
In brief, wine and beer are already
being hidden on an extensive scale.
Beer is being buried in back yards,
hidden In attics, stowed under cellared
coals and pushed up into unused
chimneys. The suburban gardener Is
getting sudden orders to cancel plans to
use the sequestered patch of rich, loamy
soil for a lettuce crop and is told to
utilize the co-operation of the full
moon, which is illuminating Great
Britain at this crisis, for vesperal
trenching. He is told to have the
trenches dug by 10 o'clock and then to
go home to bed. When he comes
the morning he finds the ground smooth
again and a message from the master
that If he is observed conducting
THE Russians now are on the of
..j fenslve along the whole of their
' ont, from the Baltic Sea to the Rou
manian border and In the Caucasus,
and, according to a Stockholm dispatch,
they have concentrated an enormous
number of soldiers on the coast of Fin
land to prevent any attempt by the
Germans to land there.
All the Russian advances, according
to Petrograd advices, are proceeding
with Buccess. The Russian official re
port issued tonight makes the assertion
that the Germans in. North Poland are
being pushed back to the east border
and that in the Carpathians between
the Lupkow and TJzsok Passes the Rus
sians have captured still another
strongly fortified ridge overcoming
in doing so almost insurmountable dif
ficulties, such as the scaling of steep,
ice-covered declivities and penetrating
cleverly arranged barbed-wire and tim
ber obstructions.
The Russians also have taken the of
fenslve against the German forces in
the region of Koziouwka, near the
Uzsok Pass, which long has been
launching attacks against the Russian
position. In that district a large num
ber of prisoners Is reported to have
been captured.
Against these reports of Russian sue
cess the Austrians make the assertion
that they have repulsed all the Russian
attacks in the Beskid Range of moun
tains, farther east.
All Messages Are Lia
ble to Be Stopped.
The Russians say they have success
fully countered an Austrian raid into
Bessarabia, in Chotin. Their reports
say that units of the Forty-second
Honved division of tho Austrian army,
which undertook this diversion, were
virtually annihilated and that more
than 2000 of the survivors were cap
It is declared that the' Turks have
now been entirely cleared out of Trans.
caucasla and that the Russians hold the
Turkish Black Sea coast as far as
Ark have.
On the western front the battles
are of a scattered nature.' Beyond
artillery engagements, the only fighting
that has taken place Is In the forest
of Le Pretre, west of Pont-a-Mousson,
where the French are trying to reach
the roads leading from St Mihiel to
Metz, and to tho south of Peronne,
where the French also are on the offensive.
During the last 24 hours news has
been received in London of the sinking
of the British steamer Eston (formerly
the South Point), the Norwegian bark
Nor and three British trawlers by Ger
man submarines, and of the Dutch
steamer Schteland, presumably by a
The sinking of the trawlers, it is al
leged in London, is a violation of The
Hague convention of 1907, which ex
empts fishing vessels from molestation.
(Concluded on Page 6.1
j . . t
OSCOVmEO THE PAClFtC OCEA.M yifS. "((Jill1) 1 LI VJ&
r was sane oscove f T V ' )viMAJjTi
Aowe-AL vAHcouvjr. bCiL DISCOVERED l J
I A Al- V. I l v -.W . r ..i-M vsc, ill
In connection with the submarine
warfare, the German protests, made
through the United States, against the
refusal of Great Britain to recognize
the captured crews of submarines en
gaged in attacks on merchant ships
as prisoners of war, and the British
foreign secretary s reply thereto, are
creating deep interest in London. The
British reply declared that while more
than 1000 sailors belonging to war
ships destroyed by British men-of-wa
had been rescued by tho victors, not a
single British sailor had been picked
up by the Germans when they were
Last Means of Wire Communi
cation Is Made Doubtful. ,
Even Dispatches Between -Neutrals
ltegnrdlng Commerce With Brit
ain's Enemies Will Not Be
Permitted to Go Through.
Famous American Author is lght
ing- With British.
BLfOOMINGTON", 111., April 2. (Spe
cial.) Major Ambrose Bierce, of New
York, the famous author and Journal
ist, who has been sought by his fam
ily for six months, has been found
The mystery was cleared up today by
the receipt of a letter from him by
his daughter, Mrs. Helen Cowden, of
this city. This brought the surprls
lng information that her father was a
member of the staff of Lord Kitchener
and was fighting for the allies in Eu
rope. He left Mexico early last Fall
and has since been actively engaged at
the front in France. Major Bierce wrote
that he had escaped injury and was In
good health.
The State Department in Washing
ton has been engaged since last Fall
In trying to find Major Bierce in
Mexico. He was thought to have been
murdered there.
German Officer Asks Writ of Habeas
Corpus In Federal Court.
BOSTON. April 2. A petition for a
writ of habeas corpus was filed In the
Federal District Court today in behalf
of Werner Horn, who Is under Indict
ment for alleged illegal Interstate
transportation of explosives, prior to
the attempt to wreck the international
railroad bridge at Vanceboro, Me., Feb
ruary 2. By order of Judge Morton,
the United States Marshal will produco
Horn in court Monday for a hearing
on the petition.
The petition reiterates the contention
of the defense that Horn, as an of
ficer of the German army and a bel
ligerent. Is not answerable to the
courts, but to the Department of State,
for any acts performed In a neutral
country against a nation with which
his own country is at war.
WASHINGTON, April 2. Great Brit
ain's intention of stopping all mes
sages sent over cables under British
control relating to trade In contraband
or non-contraband "to which a resident
In an enemy ootintry Is one of the
parties" has been communicated to the
United States Government through Am
bassador Page at London.
A memorandum given fo Mr. rage
and cabled by him to the State Depart
ment today contained the first formal
announcement of Great Britain's cable
censorship policy since tho early days
of the war, when neutral nations were
reminded of the right of tie British
government to stop all communication
over the cables it controlled.
Only Few Mmmseh Pasaed.
At that time It was announced that
In order to minimize Inconvenience to
the public, messages In plain Knglish
or French would be accepted for trans
mission subject to censorship.
All .cable communication between
America and Europe has had to pans
through Great Britain since the cutting
of the German cable at the beginning of
the war. It Is said that few messages
known to relate to business transac
tions In Germany or Austria have been
passed at any time, but there has been
much doubt as to Just what policy was
being followed and the State Depart
ment has received many Inquiries on
the subject.
Necessity Declared Obvious.
Under the latest notlca officials hera
understand, in lino with the allies'
blockade programme, messages cannot
be sent from the United States to Italy
or any other neutral country if they re
fer, in any way. to a transaction
which a resident of Germany,
or Turkey, Is Interested.
The memorandum, after quoting the
original notice of Great Britain's
rights over her rabies given through
the International bureau at Berne,
"The necessity for control of rubles
In Its relation to matters which may
be described generally as being of a
purely naval or military nature Is ob
vious and needs no demonstration.
All M-ble to He Stopped.
"In addition to this. It Is clear that
In view of the great Importance of
restricting the enemy's supplies and
withholding facilities from them for
carrying on their trade, his majesty's
government cannot be expected to af
ford the use of British cables to en
able neutral and enemy count rlun 19
make arransments with each othof
for the conduct of that trade and the
principle on which the consoishlp of
commercial telegrams is conducted Is
to withhold, so far as British cables
are concerned, all facilities for carry
ing on trade directly or Indirectly with
an enemy country.
Accordingly, all cables arc liable to
be stopped which show clear evidence
either by the text of the telegram or
by the known facts as to the sender
or addressee that they refer to a trans
action, whether In contraband or non-
contraband, to which a resident In aa
enemy country is one of the parties.
Brltona Affected, Too.
This principle, it will be observed.
is applied Impartially to British, allied
or neutral subjects, who endeavor to
trade with the enemy through the
medium of British cables."
Man Begins Term Less Than 24
Hours After Murdering Woman.
SAGINAW, Mich., April 2. Robert
Smith, of Cleveland, was sentenced to
life Imprisonment today for the mur
der late yesterday of Mrs. Grace Steln
hauser, of this city, whom he was to
have married last night.
Smith began serving his sentence less
than 24 hours after the murder. Smith
met Mrs. Steinhauser In the county Jail
recently, while serving a sentence for
vagrancy. . !
Man Will Be Held In Exclusive Chi
cago Suburb Until Deported.
CHICAGO. April 2. Highland Park,
an exclusive suburb of Chicago, must
entertain Angelo Lunardl. a leper, un
til war conditions In Europe permit
his safe return to Italy on the same
vessel of the North German Lloyd
Steamship Company which brought him
to this country. This decision of ths
immigration authorities In Washington
was received here today by Dr. Percy
L. Prentis. head of the' local Immigra
tion bureau.
Lunardi was employed as a watch
man at the Exmoor Country Club when
physicians discovered he was afdictud
with leprosy.
Former Idaho University President
to Leave With Canadian Troops.
MOSCOW, Idaho, April t. (Special.)
Dr. James Maclean, ex-president of
the University of Idaho, now of the
University of Winnipeg, has been called
to the colors, and will leave wtth the
next regiment of volusteera
He enlisted at the outbreak of tho
war and had been drilling at Winnipeg.
He resigned a year ago. His wife waa a
Moscow girl.
Conduced oa Fae 2.)