Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 02, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Operation Begun February 15
Marks Opening of Plan of
Sustained Attack.
British Observer Says French Are
Gaining Steadily and That War
fare Has Become Issue of
Moral Superiority.
LONDOX. March 10 (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) A British ob
server with the French forces in the
field, who has tne permission of Gen
eral Joffre to report on the work of
the French army, has sent in to th
official press bureau an account cover
Ine the three weeks since February lo.
in Champagne. Jn the district midway
between Rheims and Verdun, on a fight
ing front of some five miles, he says,
the French have been attacking one
point or another every day for three
weeks. -
"It is a sustained operation, or a
different kind to those which we have
been seeing during the Winter months,
he says. "Those were local efforts,
lasting a day or two. designed to keep
the enemy busy and prevent him from
withdrawing troops elsewhere. This is
o anstnined effort, made with the ob
ject of keeping a constant pressure on
his first line or acrense, 01 iii"s
use of the railway from Bazancourt to
Challerange. a few miles to the north,
and of wearing down his reserves of
men and ammunition.
Rrglon I Vast Plain.
"The nature of the country is en
tirely different to that in which the
British army is fiphting. It is one vast
plain, undulating, the hills at most 200
feet higher than the valleys, gentle
rlopes everywhere. The soil is chalky.
The only features are the pine woods,
which have been planted by hundreds.
As each rise Is topped a new stretch
of plain, a new set of small woods ap
pears, just like that which has been
lrft behind. The villages are few and
small, most of them are in ruins after
the fighting in September. The troops
live almost entirely in colonies of little
huts of wood and straw, dotted about
wherever a little water and shelter are
' obtainable.
' of villages means lack of roads.
This has been one of the great diffi
culties to be faced. But at the same
time the movement of wagons across
country is possible to a far greater ex
tent than in Flanders, although It is
often necessary to use eight or 10
horses to get a gun or a wagon to the
point desired. From the military point
of view the country is eminently suit
able for troops, with its possibilities of
concealment, of producing sudden sur
prises with cavalry and of maneuvers
Siege Modeled After Sebaatopol.
"What commander, training his men
over this ground, could have imagined
that the area from- Perthes-lez-Hurlus
to Beausejour Farm would become two
fortress lines, developed and improved
for four months; or that he would
have to carry out an attack modelled
on the same system as that employed
in the last great siege undertaken by
French troops, that of Sebastopol in
1S55? Yet this is what is being done.
Kvery day an attack is made on a
trench: every day the ground gained
has to be transformed so as to give
protection to its new occupants and
means of access to their supports.
Kvery night, and on many days the
enemy's counter-attacks have to be
"Each attack has to' be prepared
by a violent and accurate artillery
fire. It may be said that a trench has
to be morally captured by gunfire be
fore it can be actually seized by the
infantry. Once in the new trench, the
men have to work wltl. their en
trenching tools, without exposing
themselves, and wait for a counter
attack, doing what damage they can
to the enemy with hand grenades and
machine guns. Thus the amount of
rifle fire la small. It is a war of
explosives and bayonets.
French Progress Is Contlnnon.
"Up to the present, the French have
made steady and continuous progress
and their success may be best Judged
from the fact that they have not been
forced back on any day behind the line
they held In the morning despite in
numerable counter-attacks. This is not
merely a question ot ground, but one
of increasing moral superiority. It is
In the unsuccessful counter-attacks
that losses are heavy and these and
the sense of failure affect the morale
of an army sooner or later. Will the
French push through the line? Will
a hole be made, or is the enemy like
a badger who digs himself in rather
faster than you can dig him out?
"I cannot tell; it would indeed be
an astonishing measure of success for
a first attempt, and the enemy may
require a great deal more hammering
at many points before he has deflnite
Iv had enough at any point. These
operations have brought the day closer
and turn our thoughts to the time when
we shall be able to move forward.
One finds the cavalrymen wondering
whether perhaps they, too, will get
their chance."
they didn't want to lose that time from
Sea-Sickness I rroaneea.
"Despite the chemlcaU purification of
the atmosphere, the air gets very bad.
On many it has the same effect as roll
ing waves and produces seasiskness.
The story that there is no seasickness
in submarines is untrue. . i ..., th.r or the uroximity
Y UCJI 1 1 IV. " . . - . '
of the enemy make It necessary to re
main down long, so inai ui t
comes unusually bad. every man, ex
cept those actually on duty, is ordered
to lie down and to remain absolutely
quiet, making no unnecessary move
ments, as movements cause the lungs
to us more oxygen, and oxygen must
be saved like a famishing man in the
desert tries to make the last drop of
water go the farthest.
"As there can be no fire, because fire
burns oxygen, and the electric power
from the accumulators is too precious
. i . i nL-ini' wa have to
dine cold when cruising. As you have
seen, there is no Kitcnen uum hv
ing-room on our boats.
"Day after day in such cramped
quarters, where there is hardly room
to stretch your legs and constantly on
the alert, is a tremendous strain on the
nrves. I've sat or stood eight hours
with my eves glued to the periscope
and peered into the brilliant glass until
my eves and head ached."
Asked how it felt to torpedo a ves
sel. Commander Hansen said: "It gives
one a peculiar and uncanny feeling to
be beneath the water, to see and not
be seen. I have passed near ships and
seen officers on the bridge and people
on the deck. They had not the slight
est idea that anything was in the vi-
ClAsked what Is the greatest danger o
submarines. Commander Hansen re
plied: "Just one water. There is always
danger of a leak. Water is our worst
The crews on the German U-boats are
teetotallers. There is no bar, and the
ships are as dry as a Kansas town.
('on tlnugl From Flirt Pag.
ship with women and children aboard
so we gave chase.
"The Viile de Lille finally stopped.
and 24 men, women and rhildren clam
bored with alacrity into the boats. We
sent four men aboard and placed bombs
in the bottom and sank the steamer.
They found a. little terrier who had
been abandoned and fought the men
with his teeth, but he was captured
and brought along. Ever since he has
heen the mascot of the L-lt.
"1 gave the women and children some
blankets and food for themselves and
the crew. Then we took the two boats
In tow of the U-16 and towed them
to opposite Barfleur, close to land, from
where there was no auiicuiiy in ro in "
Two days later the U-16 torpedoed
the French Dinorah. loaded with horses
nd artillery, orr Dieppe.
-rvrs Are Sorely Tried.
Describing life in the submarines In
the present blockade of England. Com
mander Hansen said: "It is fearfully
trying on the nerves. Every man does
nnt stand it.
"Running undersea there is a death
like silence in the boat, as the electric
machinery Is noiseless. It is not un
usual to "hear the propeller of a ship
massing over or near us. e steer en
tirely bv the chart and compass. As
the air "heats it gets poor and mixed
with the odor of oil from the ma
chinery, the atmosphere becomes fear
ful. An overpowering sleepiness often
attacks the new men. and it requires
the utmost will power to remain
awake. I have had men who didn't
eat the first three days out, because
Slaughter of 10,000 or 15,000 Others
Feared In Persia, I'nless Constan
tinople Can Prevent.
TABRIZ. Persia. March 21, via Fetro
Anrit l. Tortured, mutilated and
Z,',i m.nv hundred dead native
Christians' were left in Solmac Plains
district, northwest of Urumian, rersia.
Just before the Russians reoccupiea
that district
Th. RiiRinn.q on entering the village
of Haftdewan found 720 bodies, mostly
i,h r,H mutilated. The recovery of
bodies from wells, pools and ditches
and their burial Kept 3UU men duj
three days.
The wailing of women intensified tne
horror of the scene. Widows who were
able to identify tne Domes oi men Hus
bands insisted upon digging graves and
hurvlne- the bodies. Some of the vic
tims had been shot. In other cases they
were bound to ladders ana ineir ucaur,,
protruding through, were hacked off:
eves were gouged out and limbs chopped
off. . . .
A general massacre or tne ju.uju ui
tennn r'h.i.ttun. rnmnmlni? in UrUmiah
i0'nvnAr.rH nnipftfl it should be averted
bv orders from Constantinople.
Verbal messages from Urumiah con
firm early reports that more than 800
persons already have been killed in that
neighborhood, and that more than -'000
died of disease. This message also con
firms the reports of the maltreatment of
Rev E. F. Allen. D. P.. an American
missionary at Urumian, lormeriy ui
Portland, Or.
Farmer and His-YVife Slain After
Quarrel Over Work.
MARSHALLTOWN, la.. April 1. John
Confer, a deaf mute, confessed today
that he killed Dennis Milan and Mrs.
Minnie Milan, also deaf mutes, at their
home near Green Mountain last night.
Confer Is in jail here. He is 25 years
According to the Sheriffs version of
Confer's confession he shot Milan
through the head. He then turned on
Mrs. Milan, firing two bullets into her
body. Confer recently escaped from
the reformatory at Green Bay, Wis.
Milan was from Grand Forks, N. P.
Confer, in a written statement to tne
Sheriff, said that he and Milan had
quarreled over some work the latter
wanted done. Confer being In his em
ploy as a farm hand.
Extra Revenue Turned Over.
.. ...MaH h'at- In tli f .niintr Wednes
day by County Clerk John B. Coffey for
Interest on oanK accounts, jwuhuiib
and declarations of intentions. The
. .. . . .. ... (a t 1 Q for tbA mnnth
IlllClcai auiuuiivvu . - - . .
of March, petitions for citizenship ?140.
ana declarations oi iiueiinuiis m uc
come citizens $.16.50.
There Should Be a
Severe Penalty
for selling eyeglasses over a
"bargain counter" like groceries
or dry goods.
It is impossible for a "bargain
counter" man to fit glasses by
"trying on" that will overcome
actual defects in vision.
Such glasses will often seem to
improve your eyesight tempo
rarily, because they magnify, but
the ultimate result is often eye
strain or other serious difficulty.
We do not offer any of the so
called "bargains" in glasses, but
every pair we sell is worth all
you pay our $2 glasses $2, our
$5 glasses $5, and higher-priced
glasses according to the degree
of skill and the greater cost con
nected with making them.
209-10-11 Corbett Building
5th and Morrison
Girls' Gingham Dresses g
Reg.$1.25and$1.35,Sale vjC
For girls 7 to 14 years old. In checked
and plaid designs. Trimmed with plain
colors or with white pique bandings. Low
belts, pleated or plain skirts. Basement
mum wot-L cv9 o.
Merchandise of cJ Merit Only
Art Needlework Economy Specials
Stamped Nainsook Night Gowns 50c
Fine quality, extra long, in a variety of designs.
Stamped Children's Dresses ,22c
Stamped Children's Rompers 25c
Dresses and rompers in blue, pink, tan and white,
stamped in cross-stitch, solid and eyelet designs.
Stamped Hack Guest Towels .... 10c
Good quality huck, stamped in attractive designs.
40c Full Bleached Hemmed Sheets
Full 2 Yards Wide and 2V2 Yards Long
Economy Price, 25c Each
Full-bleached sheets of a splendid quality, made with a
three-inch head hem and a one-inch foot hem. Owing to the
unusual special price of 25c each, it will be necessary to limit
four sheets to a customer. No phone orders filled.
Pillow Cases Size 42 by 36 Inches
Economy Sale, 7c Each
Made of the same quality as the above sheets. In this offer
ing we are also compelled to limit not more than four pillow
cases to a customer.
$1.25 Old Glory Longcloth
Economy Sale, 98c Piece
This longcloth comes 10 yards to the piece a material that
is free from dressing and is very desirable for underwear. Comes
wrapped in an envelope, no stamping or soiled piece. Basement
Six Different Styles of
New Boudoir Caps
Regular Price 45c
Economy 29c
Dainty new caps of rosebud and
flowered crepe, grenadine and Secco
silk. Made in round styles, with
' turn-back revers, trimmed with ruf
fles of lace or net; others adorned
with narrow satin ribbons and flow
ers, i
In colorings of pink, blues, lav
ender, in figured designs and plain
colors. Basement
Men's New $1.00 Shirts
Economy Sale 79c
Made of madras and percales in all new patterns, white
grounds with fancy striped and figured designs, also of
solid blue chambray. With extra soft collar to match.
Made with French turn-back cuffs and soft bosoms.
HaaetueB t
A Manufacturer's Carpet Rug Samples
Suitable for Doorways or Bedrooms
These rugs are made from a selected quality of carpet in
pretty Oriental and conventional designs, finished and bound
on the ends. In colors that are most effective and attractive.
Tapestry Brussels Rugs, size 27x27 inches, 39c
Tapestry Brussels Rugs, size 27x54 inches, 98c
. Velvet and Axminster Rugs, 27x54 inches,
Royal Wilton Rugs, size 27x27 inches. . .$2.47
New $1.50
Nadia Corsets
Made of fine ba
tiste with medium
bustline and medium
length over the hips
and back. Neatly
finished at the top
with embroidery. Suitable for
slender and medium figures. In
sizes from 19. to 26.
$1.75, $2 Nadia Corsets
Several models in this sale made
of coutil and batiste with low and
medium bust, the new curve-in at
the waistline, lace and embroidery
trimmed. Two and three pairs of
hose supporters attached. In sizes 1 9
to 26. Also a model for full fig
ures reinforced over the abdomen,
in sizes from 22 to 32.
Women's New Navy and Black Serge Dresses, Sale $3.95 and $5.00
These Hats Are Exactly Reproduced From Four of the Models on Sale
A Pre-Easter Occasion Dozens of Trimmed Hats
Which Follow Every Fashion Style of the Day
Economy Sale Price $1.95
Small, medium and large bats Models for misses and girls Trimmings of quills, ribbons.
Hats of finest hemp straw Hals suitable for women cherries, flowers, flower and
Novelty hemp hats Tailored and dress hats fruit wreaths, pom poms.
In black and all new colors In dozens of different styles straw pins, streamers.
For Women's
Knit Under
wear No Store
Is as Satisfac
tory as This
Store & Prices
$1.00 Union Suits 69c
Lisle union suits for women, made
either with plain or band top and
wide lace-trimmed knee. These are
full, easy-fitting, well-finished gar
ments. 50c Union Suits 39c
Union suits, Swiss ribbed, of fine
cotton yarn, with either tight or lace
trimmed knee. Armholes made
roomy or close fitting.
15c Vests 10c
Ladies' white cotton vests, Swiss
ribbed, low neck, no sleeves, and
plain yokes. Basement
Black and White
With lisle tops, extra re
inforced on heels, toes.
Economy 25c
All sizes 8yz to 10y2.
1000 Yards 45-in. Embroidered Flouncing
Exquisite Designs, Finest Materials, Selling Regularly to. $4.00 a Yard
Economy Sale Price 98c Yard
27-in. Embroidered Flouncing, Regular to $2.25 49c Yard
1915 St. Gall embroideries, in entirely new designs, suitable for dresses, waists, children's
dresses and many other different purposes. In fine Migeux, fine crepe and fine batiste, in the
greatest variety of patterns. . Basement
Women's Pure Linen
With quarter-inch hems,
embroidered block "initial.
All Initials
Economy 5c
New House Dress Aprons
Economv Sale Price ...
Made of good quality percale in light and dark colors
in stripes, checks, dots and figured patterns. All full
length, sizes 36 to 46. Made with V neck, fastens
down the front, short kimono sleeves with turn-back cuffs,
belt that fastens all way around. Finished with white
bias bandings and side pocket. In style as illustrated.
Amoskeag Chambray Petti-
coats in Narrow, Wide Stripes D v- C
First quality stock, 1 -clasp style.
P. K. sewn, embroidered backs.
Black, white, tan and gray, all sizes.
Splendid wearing.
45c Coverall Aprons 25 C
Economy Sale Price ...
These coverall aprons are made in the same
style as illustrated. Of blue and white check ging
ham, made with round neck, short cap sleeves,
belted across the back and finished with white pip
ings. Basement
Genuine Kayser White
Chamoisette Gloves
Two-clasp and 16-button styles,
Wjiite only. Sizes 52 to 8. Best
glove in the market for satisfactory
wear and perfect washing.
Gloves fitted at the Glove
Department, First Floor.
Children's 50c, 65c Rompers rso
Sizes 6 Months to 6 Years, Sale O V C
These rompersare made of checked and striped
ginghams and plain-colored chambrays. Made with
square or round necks, long and short sleeves, with
elastic finish at the knee or in beach style. One model
illustrated. Basement
Sale of Toilet. Necessities
80c Palmolive Special Offer Plain White Moth Balls
50c jar Palmolive cream, 3 10c T one-pound packages, 0c.
cakes Palmolive soap. 39c. San. Cotton, 1-lb. pkg. 29c
10c Roll Toilet Paper, ,5c Sterilized, best quality cotton.
1000 sheets in every roll. Basement
14-In. Mat
ting Suit Cases
As illus
trated. Bolts and handles,
well riveted, iron corners.
Suitable for shopping
overnight use, for .carry
ing bathing suits and for
lunches. Basement
$2.50 Full
20 and 24-Inch
Dolls 98c
With iarier mache
bodies and bisque heads,
curly hair, sleeping eyes, real
lashes. Dressed with slippers and
half-sox and dainty lawn slip.
As illustrated. Basement
Notion Sale
5c Safety Pins, 3 doz. 5c
Full nickel pins, all sizes.
5c English Pin Sheets, two
for 5c
400 pins in paper, all sizes.
5c Wire Hair Pins, 3 for 5c
Assorted sizes, crimped or
straight-wire Kair pins.
10c Invisible Wire Hair
Pin Cabinets, special, 5c
Black or bronze, all sizes.
15c Straw Table Mats, set
for 11c
Six mats in set, assorted sizes.
50c Liquid Veneer . . . 33c
The polish that makes all old
things look like new.
25c Welsbach Gas Mantles
for 15c
Inverted or upright styles.
In triangle shape with
long detachable handle.
Absorbs all dust and gives
t bright, new lustre. For
use on varnished or paint
ed floors, woodwork and
linoleum. Basement
Boys' $1 Corduroy Pants (f(Q(r
Economy Sale Price . . . J'
Excellent quality mouse-colored corduroy pants
in sizes 4 to 1 8 years. Extra well made, having
taped seams and inside belt. Knickerbocker in'
style. Excellent for school wear. The best boys'
pants you can buy for such a small price.
Boys' Oliver Twist Wash Suits f.
Economy Sale Price ZsJfC
In sizes 2'2 to 8 years. In the regulation Oliver Twist
style, as illustrated. In a large variety of plain colors
and fancy stripes, plain white, tan and cadet, combinations
of blue and white, navy and white, brown and white, pink
and white. Straight pnts, turn-down collars with cord
at neck.
Children's Playtime Overalls f
Reg. 75c, Economy Sale Price ZJ J C
These overalls are suitable for both boys and girls in
sizes from 1 year to 8 years. Made with round neck,
short sleeves, of plain blue denim with blue and white
wide and narrow stripes. Excellent play overalls, which
completely cover the clothing and stockings. As illus
trated. Basement
50c Mounted Hair Combs O
and Shell Hair Pins for .
The mounted combs come in the new casque effects
with rhinestone settings. In novel and becoming
shapes. The hair pins come in sets of two, and also
the new mounted effects with French rhinestones.
$1.00 French Casque Combs and
Crystal lipperary rins
Sweet Pea & Rose Vases
Economy Sale, Each .
Of highly polished, clear crystal, in
plain and fancy shapes. Rose vases in 1 2
and 14-inch sizes, sweet pea vases in 5
inch size. Also suitable for other kinds of
In shapes as illustrated. Basement
New models in French casque combs, plain and mounted, pretty carved
styles mounted with first-quality rhinestones. These Tipperary combs are
the latest novelty of the season, combs that, fit the head, in crystal effects.
set "with rhinestones. Basement I