. THE HORyiXG OREGONIAy. TRIP AY, APRIL 2, 1915. AUCTION SALES lODAI. Ford -Auction House, ill 1st. Furniture, carpets, etc Sale at J P. U- At Wilsons Auction Home, t 10 A. at furniture. 16rt-S Ftret at. MEKTIXfi JiOTIfKS. WEB FOOT CAMP. :s ivfinnF.V OF KO THE WOULD, meets every Fri W. 'rtnnla. 12s 11th street. All member, welcome. Kum to Kamp Friday OHO, ROSSMiN, i'onsul commander. A. U SAKBL'K, Clerk. - v OREUO.V LODGE NO. ,' I A. and A. M. ppecial 74 niunicittion today at lli.'to o'c f-J2r to conduct the funeral aervii TNI-A r,M.l... tV-;il.. . Tnimril KM, clock. Uf-'i'r to conuuee lie luuirrtii .with wo v. Brother William A. Leonard, late - H (lieuiutrr ui m;n. of Kerhy Or. Uervtcea at the residence at j'ti Willamette boulevard, at 1 o'clock. Interment at Mount iScott cemetery. A full attendance is drsired. Hy oraer of the v. M. WASHI.S(iTON LODGE NO. 4 A. F. AND A. M. Spe nmmini.niii,n this (Saturd rial rveuina. Anrll 3. 7:30 o'clo ICR. Earn llh and Burnside. M. . fnded l MASTERS and WARLili.VS of .el lodcts. All M. II. a Invited. Order V.. 1 J. H. RICHMOND, BC PORTLAND AERIE, 1L 4. F. O. E., meets every Frl day evenlna In their hall at 2Hy, Madison St., corner of Third. VUltora weimum VIC CHAPMAN. See. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL, NO. 47. V C. C. of E , will meet in regular session this (Friday evenlns at K. of P. Hall. Every member re quested to be present. Business of importance. f. K. BOSWELl Siecietarr. ECXXISIDB LODGE. Jf. . A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Frnday) nlnt. B. 34th and Yamhill JW. -decree Visitors welcome. By or der of W. M. m j AJ;CE gec KELLWOOD LODGE. NO. 131. A F AND A. M. rtpeciul coin m'uuication this .'" "" in 7:o" o'clock, scUwood Jli sonic Hull. Work K. C. a': lsuors welctime. By order VV. Al. J. H. itirt'LElt, Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 55. A. F. AND A. M -Specia. com- rreVemV "work Tm. d. VlsUorw?m..jOrdrcW. ALBEKT PIKE LODGE. TJ. D., A F. and A. M. Special com munication tonight. 7:30 o'clock. y C. degree. Visitor welcome. By order of W. M. Se& ..t-i.- i-1 T v rHAPTER. NO. S6. q 1 Regular communication this i Friday) evemns. ' o u Degrees. By order w ,',. KAIIAI1 B. GLEUIN. Sec. EXTRA Emblem Jewelry or all klnda: spe. slal designs made. Jarger Bros., jewelers. OREGON 'HUMANE SOCIETY 67 till WD AVE., X. Between Lavia aad Everett. Fboaea tnat 14;u, II r.l.-i. open Day and Biinhf. Iteport all cases of cruelty to tni of fice. Le chul chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring a pet may communicate with us. Viw TODAY -1 r. . w- " r i X. MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Comprising S3S Acres. MOUNT SCOTT PARK CREMATORIUM Containing Four Incinerators, Chapel and Columbarium. MOST MODERN IS AMERICA. Originators and Leaders of High-Class Cemetery and Crematorium serv ice In Portland. Perpetual Care Without Extra Charlie. Ideally Located on Picturesque Mount tocott, "Where Natures Peaceful Quietude Lends an Influ ence to Soften Sorrow." Beached by Mount Scott and Cazadero Cars. Auto Bus Meets Cars by Appointment. Both Telephones. LAHU B. PKHMAE.T. FAHKL1KH. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 ON IMPROVFT) BISINESS rnorF.RTtES Residence loans and 1 per cent, ac cording to location. Plenty of money. ROBERTSON & EYVTNG SiU7-t .Vorlhneatern Uaalc lda Western Bond & , Mortgage Co. Our Own Uuiiuj a, current itite. MINKIPU. A1 rOKIUHAJSON BOND 0 l.uriu '. iluard of Xi-1Je Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS en Improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment ' privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. 6 Of tAHGE LOAXS OJf lY ,'0 Bl !I.KHS PKOI'ERTIBJ V O A. H. BIjvRELL CO. 1 17-19 riiiesterm Bthk Bulldimc BCi StSS PrTOf RTV ANCCLOsEIN RESIDENCES S-EDVARD.G00DEY7 NOftTHWESIERN CVMMIS. BUIUOINlO JJffRTGAGET 0"T AMOUNT UCUffWlXT Wilts oCRONAN 902 SPAUWH. BUHJIW TIT A D FARM LOA.H On Improved Properties in Any Amount at Current Katea. UAHTHAH JUO.UPSO.N, BA.NKKHS. Corner fr'ajarta and Slarkt sxraeUk REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMEK-JONE3 CO.. H. P.. 404-AOi-lO Wilcox bioit. IUX'K. Willia:;i C... 315-ai Fallics bld. BEN jlDl'.T BHOji.. C3U Hthorne ave. BAliKETT BKOS.. Oi-l Board of Trad. REAL KSTATE. ROSE C1TT PARK LOTS. Deal direct wltli ta owners, the orl Inal platters of this beautiful part of Portland Call on our realty department, corner rouriti and Stark 0rn!LlfAtvVMAN 1UOMPSON- TWO hem.i.fui '.cw 100x100) lots, plowed i-.urtv np L-jtriiu: utiter ar.d sidewalk on tnrrr-t: only i0 f-r both; $..0 tah, $10 per month: snap vou can i oeai; ouy now while lumber ix cheap. 70a Northwestern bank bia. NON-RKSIDENT owner offer, full half Rcr corner lot in Lents tw, lot J. block S, CadwrflTa Add.). Price TOO. Hisbet bld- der takes it. Address Mr. Humphry, all Bcory Md.. Loa Angelea. Cal. LOTS ACKKAUE. ASTORIA, WAKREMUN. NlW ASTORIA. Locatlona the heart of the beat of it. R. L. Vokt, 1136 oriblrB iJank bid. RfcAl. ESTATE. Tor Mile IOt, n'FcTnvrn TP!HRirP)i -choice cerner aacririce for cash or take i heaper lot as part pay. AP tl. oregunian. BY owner, halt price for cash lota t navel: aioo eacn. IRVIXOTOX lot, 150O; everyilitn paid part cash. BC 610, Qreyonlan. for bala Kwh property. TWO choice beach lota. iSalt Air. XilUmook Beach; mu ell. need money; 1P0 feet from station, on trak. facing ocean, A0- For bale Uoojm. TOU MUST SEE THE SNAP. VlttoO TEHM3 1H.-(X ie;0 TERMS aJlfioO. lou Eat aoth t. North. 1030 aat iiOth St. North. Kleg-ant a -room bungalow, with hard wood floors, fireplace. DutcU kitchen, beamed ceilinff. slectriu fixtures, plumbing complete, lawn, trees, etc; built in eifeuts. Its worth ,52000; my price for a quick aale. 1H00, terms. Take Alberta car or jitney to SOth street Wen ga 100 feet aouth. Owner there 10 to 5 daily, or phone Uaat eveninss for appoint- mente. BAR OA IN' IS A RKAL BUNGALOW. 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, electric, fixtures, duple shades, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. oOx 100 lot, one block from car; $'30 will buy this beautiful place on very easy terms; will consider clear vacant lot as part payment . M. DJCAX, 1100 N. W. Bank bidg. THAT VACANT LOT WHf NOT TURN A BURDEN 7NTO INOOMEf W3 WILL FURNISH THE MONK V, BUILD APARTBNTsi, . -jiSl-DENCS OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE: WE KNOW HOW; TALK V-lTli OUR CLIENTS; BEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONJJH. L. R. BAILEY A CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI '.TBCTS, ai.4 ABINGTON BUG. ROSE CITT PARK . HOMES. Dea direct with the owners, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of Port land, call on our Realty Department, cor ner 4th and Htark, HARTMAN A THOMPSON FOR SALE Modern 6-room bungalow, fire place, furnace, full cement L&seinent, at tic, all built-in conveniences; hardwood floors, walls nicelj tinted, fixtures and shades, 60x100 lot located la the best part of Rose City" Park, 100 feet from paved street; value 3(JuO, equity $1U0, will take 91000 cash or floou on terms. T Oregoalan. WANTED To trade equity of $11,000 in K'3.000 corner property, best location in city, 10 rooms, well furnished, large re ception hall, steam heat, gas, electricity, very artiatU-, modern; will trade for resi dence property close in, bungalows and cottages: excellent opportunity for any an e who will take personal charge. J 706, Oregonian. RIVER DALE S17.500. Suburban borne on Palatine Hill, over looking river and golf grounds; new mod ern bouse of 7 rooms, 1 acres of grounds. Might consider leasing with op tion of purchase. Full particular on application. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co., 40 Wilcox bidg.. Main bWJ. A iSUXNYSIDB SACRIFICE. Nice, nearly new 5 -room bungalow, fire place, built-in effects, Dutch kitchen, etc, city liens ail paid, located on E. 6th, near Main; price 8'-''R; SlOOO cash, bal. 7 per cent. I paid 330o for this last year but must sell, call owner, 3ti Board of Trade bidg. Main 7452. SIX ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. A home In every sense; has living-room with fireplace, den or nruslcroom, dining room with buffet, 3 good bedrooms; large attic; full cement basement with furnace, large fiOxlOO lot; all for $30 a month, which Includes interest. Call Tabor iiS&Z. JoU.OO MONTH, which Jncluaes Interest, rooms wun BieepiisB.-ywivii, ua.ni, hi tm.u, built-in conveniences, full cement base ment, hot and cold water in bedrooms, on good carline, nar park, schools, churches, in one of Portland's best restricted dis tricts. Woodlawn 3712. IC650. Modern D-room bungalow, completely furnished with golden oak, like new ; .Richmond Add., 1 blk. from car; am leav ing. Main 124. HAWTHORN'S DISTRICT. tauo. S-room bungalow; large sleeping porch; owner going East; liberal terms. 5J East 36th, between Hawthorne and Harrison. FOR SALE or trade, my beautiful double built i-room Dungaiow, stepping purcn anu fireplace; furnace, all modern conveni ences; clean and good as new; all fine homes around me; surroundings are grand. J073 Mallory ave. Phone Woodlawn 148. FOR SALE Beautiful new home, furnished, elegant view of city. 34: East otith St., nea:- Hawthorne avenue; must sen. -.au any time beginning with Sunday, April 4. O. O. Rudlg, owner. WILL GIVE YOU A REAL BARGAIN. Am compelled to move back East and will sell my large modern house on lot SOxloo for S&iUO; far below actual cost; terms If desired. To see owner, call at 405 Northwestern Bank bidg. jEW 6-room house, Kenton district, 2 blocks car, narawouu iiouie. nicjiiat,!., en ameled chambers and Dutch kitchen; ."0 down. $-5 per month, including interest; no agents, nor trade. Woodlawn a4Ua. EAST S1UK. $4500, rooms, completely furnished, modern house, bath, toilwt on both floors, cement basement. -0 minutes to P. O. Phone P JRVINGTO.V DISTRICT. $1875 New, modern, 5-room home, of vour choice, 50x100 view lot; terms. Owner. 1C16 East ISth N. IRVINOTON CAR TO PRESCOTT, TOU can get a house and full lot with cement walka anu euros in ior s.o can and $15 pw month. Butterworth-btepheu-aon Co., 705 Couch bidg. $loou EQUITY. 7-room, partly furnished house tor . m.'. make sacrifice for quick sale. AM 7uU. Oregontttn. KWUJTx" in house and lot; favorably lo. catea; easy pajineu.-- n. uwuui anuunt of equity for cash. Address room 61, Oregonian bidg. FOR SALE Modern 6-room bungalow, Hawthorne district, two lots, paved street, blocks to can $1000 will handle. AC 6&1. Oresonian. FOR StLE New modern t-room bungalow in irvington. unique in uesian iiu cuu plot-: ir- every detail. Phone E. 4545. KOK HALE Double 5-room houae on one int Oil liuiainicni. i ru f iovw. uuni Wdln 724. IRVINGTON HOME 8 rooms, nio location; hardwood floors; all modern conveniences; cheap. East 273. w. n. n era man. PLANS $i BUNGALOW FLAN BOOK. 10a 3i,f Aittswarth ave. Phone Woodlawn 194. IRVINGTON" Must sell my borne; every modern convenience; best district; terma Y 7Ua, Oregon ian. PORTLAND home fur a rich man, pru'e down to pre sen i narK.ci, muc. j. Itaight, Cham. Com. NEW modern 12-room house. In Irvington. R. B. Rice, East 242. NlW modern 6-room bouse, garage; Income $U0 a montn; terms. vv oouiawn onv. $7r EQUITY in modern live-room cottage, $."0. Ti Worcester bidg. MODERN, sightly, ft-room house In choicest oction Laurel hurst. N 67.' Oregonian. FOR SALE Beautiful, new, 7-room house, -dern in ever way. 34t F. SQth g 6nb urban House Property. GIBSON HALF-ACRES. Good soil, good water; close to carlln; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall V.r or Bell wood 476, JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. 'i ACRE, street graded, water piped to it. beautiful view, level, fine soil, no rocks. r) minutes' ride, right sise for home; $SiO, $21 caflh, $ per month. 70 Northwestern Bark bfrig. W ILLAM ETTE R IV E R Frontage, 1 acre, cheap. 4 -room house, poultry house, or chard and other trees, $1800' H. G. Stark weather, Risley Sta. Phone Oak Groxe 1-X tfor Acreage. 10 TO 40-acre tracts, fine soil, spring water, rs miles from Portland; echool, store and stations on the land; $-5 to $t& per acre. Easy payments. L'kdDKMAXS COMPANY, 13 chamber of Commerce. I ACRE, Improved .6-room house, electric lights, fireplace, good water, nice lawn and ahrubbery, 4 blocks from station Ore ron City car, 8c fare; $3000; $50 cash, balanca $75 per month, including Interest. T tS9, Oregonian. 50 ACRES, $1000. u milcsaVo Columbia River and R. R. ma i ion. macadam road 3 miles of distance, close to school, easy terms. F. B. HOLKROOK CO.. 214 Lumber Exchange Bldg : ACRES. 4-mile circle. Joins electric Une; water piped to It. It's a snap for eomeone; oniy ifnui m ngiiiprij. 7A N. W". Bank bldg FOR fcALE or rent, 13 acres, with fine store building at station, near Portland; fine opening for general store. 34H E. 0th. JVTROVED river frontape, good house, gar den, fruit and poultry. $3000. W. A. Copien, Oak Grjve. Phone $ R- RE Af ESTATE. For Sale Acreare. ACREAGE, SPECIAL 30 DAY OFFER 25 iSer cent, discount will be allowed on all purchases made within the next 80 days. Any sized tract from half acre up. Finest of- soil; no rock or gravel. Thirty minutes' .ride on best electric line out of Portland4. .Schools, churches and stores convenient. The best offer of the season. Investigate it. T$3 52AW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35 102 Fourth St. A 3100. METZGER ACRE TRACTS METZGER ACRE TRACTS. Come out and sea METZGER ACRE TRACTS, which I am selling now at a great bargain; concessions made to those who contemplate building homes. Only 25 minutes from Jefferson st. station, on the Oregon Electric Ry. ( Salem line) ; com mutation fare, 9c. Call at my office. 310 Oak st. Portland, or at Metager Station. .HERMAN METZGER. Owner. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCH S3, pear Portland. Greaham district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS -mile electric station. S5 . to $15o per acre; easy terms; best soil; free wood. Farms for sale, all sizes, FRANK M" FAR LAND REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon Bidg., Portland. Or. HAVE 10 acres A-l land near Estacada, which I will sell on time or trade tor Portland property, clear title end abstract. W 704, Oregonian $3 MONTHLY, 80x200. new house, $650. A. C. Marsters, 202 Wilcox bidg. Main 3517. ONE acre. $-000, on Instalments, near Co lumbia boul. Phone Wdln. 74 Homestead. IF YOU want a good homestead cheap call at 210 Stock Exchange bidg., Portland, Or. M. A. Brltgood. VALUABLE homestead location, near trans portation. Phone Main 198 for appoint ment. HOMESTEAD relinquishment cheap; 40 acres wheat. Box S4, R. F. D. No, 1, Cul ver, Or. For fcale Fruit Lands. CHOICEST of Oregon orchard and farm land acreage from 5 up. Terras. Property joins city limlis. Address H, A, Wood, Dallas, Or. For bale Farms. IDEAL DAIRY PROPOSITION. 75 acres fine bottom ranch, fronting on Vancouver Lake and in the famous Fruit Valley; all good rich land, about 65 acres cultivated, balance brush land; Ideal dairy proposition and a hunter's and fisherman's paradise; 3 miles from Courthouse; dandy roads, fair house, small barn; 2 acres or chard; only $13,000. hk cash or good city property at cash valuation. THOMPSON &. SWAN, tith and Main Sts., Va n co u ver. Wash. FINE 7S0-ACRE WALLA WALLA VALLEY wheat and stock ranch, 600 acres wheat, 0i in Fall wheat, 100 Irrigated alfalfa. Hi) pasture; 50 good cattle, including 20 milk era; 26 big horses, 32 hogs, fully equipped with machinery and implements; good buildings; clear incumbrance; moderate price $15,000 cash, balance 15 years, 6 p. c; 1 2 mileB eouthwest Walla Walla, Wn. R Yoke, 1136 Northwestern Bank bidg. WHEAT LANDS. 4500 acres splendid wheat land. Whit man County, Washington, comprising sev eral ranches well improved; good springs; about hk in crop, baJance summer tallow; to cash, balance terms; strictly de sirable ranches. R. L. Yoke. 1138 North western Bank Bidg. A REAL FARM BARGAIN'. 160 acres, finest land in Willamette, 6 fine horses, registered Holstein cattle, full set of implements; this place has good buildings and is very attractive, but owner fa unable to operate it; a bargain if sold soon. For sale by Dudly, Archer & Co., 4oo Northwestern Bank bidg. I WILL, sell ItiO acres unimproved land, good soil, fine water, not over 6 miles from railroad, for $J0 per acre. Ten years' time. Security for first payment. 6 in terest. Can locate 7 families in one body. W D. Mixter, Albany, ur, THE NEW WAY. THE MODERN WAY, i rlE ay U Attn ucjau v i , land Are you interested? If so. write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN., 03 Phelan bidg.. San Francisco, C. M. W'OOPSTER, Pres. 10 ACRES, 2j blocks from electric station on United R. R., all in cult., 7-room bouse, large barn, 2 wells; price $3500; ratg. $1300. W. H. SeiU ot Co., 310 Spalding blag. Main oo6. SMALL ones and large ones, Improved and unimproved, fine prune ranches and nop ranches and stock ranches, from $:10 an acre up. MAGOON REALTY CO., Yamhill. Or. 78-ACRE dairy farm, nver bottom, all in cultivation, 12 fine young cows. 1 good team, 3 brood sows, 1 registered Berkshire boar farm Implements; price $l2,0oo, cood terms. Owner, 65 Hawthorne ave. IF YOU WANT the best dairy, stock, hog and grain ranch and sporting man's re ft sort near the Coast, ready t move on to, write me. W. D. Mixter. Albany, Or FOR SALE 640 acres wheat land, the best in Condon, Gilliam County, and 8 miles west; t0O acres In cultivation; running water. Write to L. Comini, The Dalles, Or. $tiu00 INCOME RANCH. Half of my ranch, this includes modern residence, has beautiful location and view; SU0OO cah required. AO 708, Oregonian. WHEAT LAND. Wheat farm in Central Oregon; 160 acres for $100. Call 515 Dekum bidg. FOR SALE Fine 00 acres land, $75 acre, near electric. AV 700, Oregonian. MILLER cottaxe at Gearhart; reasonable and very cayy payments. Phone East 6733. WANTKD REAL ESTATE. WANTED For spot cash. 1 to 3 acres cleared land ; some improvements pre ferred ; between Garden home and city; must b a bargain. Main 5507. A S-ROOM bungalow. N. E. part of cjty, as rent preferrea ; give location, terms uu price first letter; owners only. D 703, Ore gonian. I WANT a small bungalow on very easy terms in suburbs of city. AR 617, Ore gonian. WANT 7 or turoom bouse, close in, terras. A P 70rt, Oregonian. ' FOR RENT FARMS. WANTED Farm on harcs or would act as foreman; have family. F 704, Oregonian. $ ACRES on Oregon City carline. 6t. Charles Land Co., 204 Morrison BE A L'TIFl'L S. trHct, good house, electr.c car, cheap. ,1. D. Morris, Main O70, A 4;!61. WANTEO TIMBER 1AN'DS. I HAVE 1$0 acres of heavy, fine timber In Grant County; make me a reasonable cist, offer. Phone Woodlawn 1429 or call m7l Mallory. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD, C J. M'CIlACKEN. 304 M KAf BLPO. WANTED TO RENT FARMS, I W'A NT a big wheat ranch, stocked and equipped, in Klickitat Co.. Wash., on cash bas's in exchange for income property in Portland. John Hartog, 2t9 Stark, near 4th. ' WANTED- To rent a farm with at least 30 to 60 acres of hog-tight clover pasture, house and outbuildings. Address Beckett & Smith, 34H Alder at.. Portland, Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, YOU mev not believe it, but I will swap 160 lucres wheat land clear for a good clear lot in Portland ; must be worth while. O. P. Hulse, 4 Ch. of Com. FOR SALE or exchange, equity corner lot, 50x100, 6-room house, barn, chicken-house, in ood location, at a great bargain, terms. No agents. Main 2657 or 2?5 11th st. TEN acres in cultivation, on carline, close In small orchard, fine home site, gooa road, for modern home In Portland. AO 7t5. 'Oregonian. OR SVLE or exchange. 5 acres good land; might take good motorcycle as part pay. AV 705, Oregonlam FOR SALE or trade. 2 good level lots in Kenall, clear, trade for good rooming house or acreage. Apt. 206. 3.14 5th at. TRADE 360 acre wheat ranch, 230 acres in crop. Portland residence preferred. M. Fltgmaurice. Condon. Oregon. WANTED to trade good classy roadster for aood 5-passenger car; will pay soma cash difference. Y 75. Oregonian. FOR SALE Or will trade for equity in Portland property, 4 lots In Billings, Mont., value 1SM. Box 4. Banks, Or. FOUR fine lots in restricted district to ex change for property in Baker City. W. J. Davie. 505 Corbett blrig. 10 20 OR 40-acre tracts at Sherwood to 'exchange for Portland property. Box 156. Dayton, Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. $10,000 MT. TABOR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TRADE. A beautiful home, with large grounds, fine shrubbery and lawn; good view and in one of the finest residence section of Mt. Tabor; price $10,000; mtg. $2000; bonded street assessments $870; will sell for cash or would consider Southern Oregon prop erty: prefer Ashland or Medford. M. C REED. 506 Couch Bidg.. or Phone Tabor 6S8. QUICK SNAP EXCHANGES. 160-acre dairy ranch in Tillamook to., Or., for clear Portland property or near by property; must act quick. See O. P Hulse, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (4th and Stark.) FUEL teaming and contracting business, consisting of block, store building, rented, large barn. woodshed, saw, wagons, horses and everything complete, nettine $:.'0OO a year, clear of Incum brance to trade for farm- of equal value. A J 7l;i. uregoman. 50 ACRES, 5-room bungalow, good barns, fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire, horses, cows, hogs, farming implements, graveled road, mile and quarter of good valley town near Portland. $t00. Want house and lot. O. W. Bryan, 500 Cham. of Com WILL exchange $3000 equity in 4J acres, with $1500 incumbrance, payable In year ly Installments at 6 per cent; also have 1K0 and 10 acres for what have you- Mrs. E. M. Johnson, 11S9 E. 18th st. N. Al berta car. BEAUTIFUL, large, attractive corner home, with garage; exchange for small, im proved acreage on Oregon City carline or ' modern bungalow, close in., Woodlawn 4i t. L A BEAUTIFUb 20-ACRE HOME. One mile from electric line, near good town; land all under cultivation and part In very choice, full bearing orchard; want good modern residence. J. 612, Oregonian. WANT GOOD HOME. Am moving to city and will trade choice acreage 11 miles from Postoffice for good house on East Side. See me at 405 Noith- western Bank bidg. , HAVE fine Portland home, can' take aome trade; price ?27,500. J. R. Halght, i2S Champcr om UiflON AVE., corner, will trade Jor a farm; price 9 ' OW. al . xv. -" "- SO ACRES fir and city lot for modern bun- Kaiow. Tapor i-jo. FINE 2-year-old heifer for good work horse. E. L. James, peavert-on, i. IRVINGTON HOME f or exchange B. M. Lombard. 250 & 3d. Mam 50U2. A 2p8A FOR SALE. Hort.es, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. YOUNG 7-year-old gelding weighing 1600 lbs sound and free of blemishes, $100. Brown, heavy-bone, blocky-bullt gelding, weighing 1350, sound and free of bleai- taAlBo'liMii young, well-mated teams of different slaes at the Model Stables, 6th and Davis. FOUR teams of extra good workhorses from 5 to 8 years old, weighing from 00 lbs. to 3300 lbs.; these teams ara closely matched and in good flesh; I must sell " teams at once; huve no work. At Howell's Wood Yard. E. SOU. and Burn- side, Montavma. Horees, mules, vehicle's, harness, ry Monday and Friday. 10 A. .tony '.i commission stables in the city; consign Sen? solicited. The McClelland Horse Mule Co.. 240 East 8th st. East 6316. Now that we have got the Roso City Stables in shape we are ready to handle about 20 head of horses to board; we also will rent a fw stalls reasonable. WILLIAM buw g p- P V1R bay mares. 5 years old, well matched, broke to ride and work, weight 2160 r are both sorrel suitable for ranch or de livery team, $125. Come today, btar Sand Darn. in " cn-ai LOW-SET, very chunky bay mare, 8 years old, sound and true as steel, weighs 1U0O, no better one alive, $85. STAR SAND BARN. 9th and East Flanders 8t. of horses, vehicles, harness, wagons, every Monday and Thursday, at 3 P. M. Colum bia atauies, o"- !" FOR SALE cheap, one team of well-matched black horses, weighing 300 lbs.; one small delivery horse, weighing 1100 lbs. Rus sell si FOR SALE 2 teams, harness and wagons. Cedar mill store, Cornell road. Ask for A BROWN mare, weight 12s0; light one horse farm wagon and good harness all for $t0; will sell separate. 2118 N. 14th. FAIR, chunky bay gelding, weight 2750; sound, good breeching harness; all for $UI5. 2-8 N. Htn, near .aanmau. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.25. I. Coli en, 1 -ir . Main 9-ftR Main 6995. il as, ll aai HORSES FOR SALE Apply at SS E- 7th st. isorLii. fAa i v nil. gee McClelland. 40 g. 8th it. PCP am. , DEAD horses and cattle taken away free; call day or night. Tabor 4203. DE4D horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn go. Portland Rendering co. GOOD horse, about LiOO lbs.; also wagons, cheap Oregon Wood Yard, 315 4th at. tWIPfcJ. . - Q w . wn. WT-r,. uiiH YiiiMlrdl Instruments, KRANICH & BACH upright grand piano. tr. mano nlaier detached, sheet music cabinet, M selected music rolls. East 17U5 until 10 A. M., after A P. M. m HUD until v - - FOR SALE New player piano, cheap; will take second-hand piano part, balance on t i me- Phone Marshall 26Z. T time. rn",' T HIGH-GRADE Piano at a big bargain. T.TTih.r pi. bids.. 2d and Stark sts. GOOD tone, fine condition; grand square piano, $.a. Main oa-t. ST U YVES A NT player Piftno' combination b ana a a -nun, " - - - ODD and new violins to sell or trade. Call f o ren oo a s, iun a. iu' - Doga, Blrda, pet Stock. TOU KG adult male Airedale terrier; phe nomenal guard, watcher and pal; excep tionally good buy. "Laddix' tra'n; Maiden ave.. Sell wood, before 3 P. M- dally, FINE Rufus Red rabbits for sale, 50 cents and up; fine Easter gifts. Phone A .1048, 10 tO 11 A. M. 7H R RAVEN end PRESIDENT AT STUP. LAD D IX KENNELS. ESTACADA, OR. GOLD and spaniel male to let for breeding purposes. At ar. tao. poultry. WE SELL 100 White Leghorn baby cntx from best utility stock and our firalaai brooder for $8.50. April and May deliv ery; we guarantee safe delivery. Ths VV NTED To buy Chinese ring-neck pheas ants quote best price in first letter. Oregon Bird' & Pheasant Farm. Beaverton, Or Route 1 WHITE Mammoth Pekin ducks. 25c each. Call ti'l E. Morrison. East 6:.74. Automobiles. FOR SALE- 1914 Ford 5-passenger in first rate condition, including covers, shock absorbers, horn, electric search light, $45 cash car to be seen at Custom House Auto Co., E. 13th and Hawthorne. G 702. Oregonian. - 1B14 CADILLAC 1914 . YOUR CHANCE To own a high-grade car at a saving of many hundred dollars; this is a most ex- cffvEMOTORCAR CO.. 21st and Wash. A JITNEY or atage bargain. large. 7-pass. Garford just overhauled and repainted, new top and new tires. See it before you bUy W1NTON MOTOR CAR CO.. 23& and Washington Ste. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 10x16 best materials, erected on your lot complete f :i2 up Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. AUyn, Garag Specialist, 1101 E. Salmon st. Tebor 14 BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILSS. Large stock. Prices $200 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Bidg. Corner Chapman and Aldr Sta. T-PASSENGER Fierce-Arrow, newly painted, new seat covers and top; good condition; would consider light car as part payment. Winton Motor Car Co., 23d and Wash, sta. TERMS. Dundy 5-passenger Jackson. a well looker, ready to drive off, $buo. Main 124J. 1013 FORD, o-pass., excellent condition, new casings extra casings, 2 tubs. master vibrator; terms cash. G 71. Oregonian. 1&14 HUPP roadster, overhauled and re painted. Dulmage-Manley Auto Co., 45 roth at. . . . W'INTON 5-pass, ear, good for jitney, $4-"i0; $200 cash, balance $25 per month. 510 Lumber Exchange WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid. J. Lave. 1 Columbia. Main 5198. FOR SALE Auto; would make good de livery car; make me an ofter. Phone Ta bor 54 to ON Reliance truea, jjuuw. uuuufl6f"'w AUtO to., o iui". STEARNS Silent Knight, late model, nearly new; a bargain if taken this week. 28. East Morrison m. . Vi ct Bn 24-pa iwnper auto bu-. "White wicS 2W. 498 E- S6th. l-TON delivery truck for sale. 530 Alder. Ask for Walter. - FOR SALE. AutoEuobiies. USED ALTO SNAPS. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We offer uu tha following list to select from. Free service given on all used cars: FORD, &-pass., nearly new, with extra equipment. R. C Xi-, 5-pass., 4 door. CHALMERS, 5-pass., iu h. p. COLE, 5-pasa., a0 h. p. HUPP, 5-pass., Ii2 h. p. COLE, 4-pass., 40 h. p. MICHIGAN, 5-pass.. 113 h. p. RICO, 'J-paas. roadster, 30 h. p. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. BROADWAY AND COUCH ST.. Main 8S7. A 4959. FOUR biggest used car snaps ever offered in Portland: Eleotria lighted and starter, 1913 Reo, 5-pass.; 5 tires; $325; terms. Electric lights and starter, Mitchell IIS, 5-pass.; 62fi. 1913 Studebaker "25." 5-pass.; $42t. 1912 Studebaker "30," electric horn, 5 tires, bumper, 1365. GENERAL AUTOS CO., 515 Alder St. LIGHT SIX BARGAIN, y LIGHT SIX BARGAIN. Late model FRANK.L1N touring car, electric Kgnt and starter and full equip ment; absolutely first-class condition throughout; must be wn to be appre ciated. COVEY MOTORCAR CO., 21st and Washington. WINTON SIXES, thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt, in 4 and 7-pass. models; cars are fully equipped and carry standard guarantee of the Winton Company for one year; bo sure and aea ua before you buy a used car. Liberal terms. WINTON MOTOR CAat CO., Cor. 23d and Washington fets. I have a new auto truck, capacity -Vt to 3 tons; will contract to do your haul ing oy tho toa or by the day. or will con tract with a rellabU firm and carry firm name -on truck if desired. A 700, Ore gonlan. PORTABLE GARAGES. Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artistic designs, 10x16, $ up. erejted complete, with lock and key; im mediate delivery; also portable houses. TAKE-DOWN' MFG. CO., Foot of Harrison St. - Main 1167. look: SNAP! REO THICK. Two-ton. with van body, in first-class condition; will sacrifice for quick sale. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. Main 888 L A 4059. AUTOMOBILE for sale, 400 cash; Flanders 20 four-door, in fine shape. Call morn ings, 572 E. 15th st, N. Take Irvington - car. Automobiles Wanted, WILL take 5 or I-passenger car aa first pay ment on my modern, up-to-date home; every convenience and the best built house in Portland; very desirable neigh borhood; balanca like rent. BD 703, Ore eonian. WILL pay cash for 1500-pound or one-ton truck; must be standard make and cheap. Buick preferred; send full particulars. L WILL trade property and pay cash differ ence for 1010 locomobile or Buick 1500 pound truck, not older than 1014 model; give price wanted. P &J2. Oregonian. TO TRADE $200 diamond for small road ster, no Junk; Overland or Buick preferred; no agents. AR 075, Oregonian. TWO lots, close to Northern Pacific shops, Spokane, for two or tive-pasbenger auto mobile. L 707, Oregonian. WANTED TWO TOURING CARS, FIFTY DOLLARS DOWN, FIFTY DOLLARS MONTHLY. BD 7u2. OREGONIAN. WANTED Second-hand Ford automobile, 1911 roadster preferred. Wallace Kings bury, 3H9 10th st. GASOLINE launch and cash to exchange for Ford auto. K 091, Oregonian. WANT good 5-pass. chassis; no junk. Phone Doctor," Marshall oU03. Motorcycles. FOR SALE SchebU r motorcycle carbure tor, almost new. Address AG 709, Orego nian. furniture for Sale. FIRST-CLAjS furniture, carpets, pictures, household goods, 5 rooms, will se'.l alto gether or by the piece, cheap; leaving city. i20 Kearney street. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. Wood lawn 200. Typewriter. We save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE. BALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. sL TYPEWRITERS for rent; J months for $5 and up; 0 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, i0 Broadway, Portland, Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 262 btark au Main 5528. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three mouths for $4, delivered. 244 Stark at. Main 6273". NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals t cut rates. P. D. C. 231 Stark at. Main 1407. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of ail makes, new and second-hand bargains, $5 up, with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for rates. Main 9431. Sewing Ma chine Emporium, 190 3d, near Taylor. FOR SALE One sJtDay tonscales, 2 coun ters, 1 safe, 2 tables, 1 American acc. reg ister, 1 desk, 1 oil tank. Call E. 1251 or C 1250. ALL kinds of high-grade kodaks. Anas tig mat lenses and view cameras bought, sold and exchanged; rifles and shotguns wani ed. Hocbfeld s Camera Exchange. 85 5d it, FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. Te Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 40-48 5 in. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon; per gallon, $l.b5. Portland Paint Co., 230 Front at. Marshall ICQ. BARGAINS in earn printing machines and handy type cabinets, with good assortment of type faces, K 707, Oregonian. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, SUP PLIES, FILM SERVICE. UNITED FILM CO., 226 2D tel. Engines, boilers, sawmills, bought, sold and a-Visa, r C llnrtln Vnrtl'Lnd. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 2A Sd at. Main 77. CASH re gutters. National, slightly used. Typewriter Exchange, 351 Washington st. SAFES. SAFES. The Mosler Safe Co., 2ti4 Stark street. Hi, VI TIIISINKSS CARDS $1.00. Ryder ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. DESK, cnairg, taoies. rug, piuieunjisi.'i', .,.! t Hninunf 1 IK Hpni'V hifiiT FOR SALE Seea artichokes, $1.50 pei 100 GOOD malleable range, at a bargain, must sell at once. 418 Eugene st. COW manure and horae manure for sale. Wo deliver. Phone C 1735 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Get our estimates belore selling your furniture. Wo pay you casn aud tue highest price, irompt atteuLion siveu to calls. SlISH FURNITURE CO., MAIN 5768. IS FIRST ST. MAIN 57113. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. We pay hisliest cash prices lor laUles' and gent's castoft clothing, bicycles aud everything in merchaaidiae. Call us up. W, need it aud will pay for 1L GLOBE STORE, S85 First St. Main attsu. Alain aOSO. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. J. MEYER. THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGH. EST I'RICE FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES. WE CALL PROMPTLY. THE RE LIABLE BUYER. Main 773. 24" Madison. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell house'iold goods or anything In the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware As Furniture Co., 221 Front. Phone A 174, Mam THE HIGHEST price paid for wool and mohair. Special attentiou given to pools. F. W. Wlluama, it. F. l. 1, Junction City, Oregon WvNTED Use of all or part of household furniture for t months; dininy-room and living-room furniture especially. AB 7lH, 111 Ljll 1..J . . t . . u . FOR FURNITURE, CLOTHING OR OTH ER MERCHANDISE. i NEED IT; H1GH- FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. KLslNto o, CACl s-LVP. q, U"-rt.m - iilJ-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don't give it away. Get oar figures first. Standard Fur. Co., 162 1st Main 77a NATIONAL cash registers for world's a,ir at tan r ruuemew, Miuii,i. iiif-v.. U. w.u tela, 120 Battery st., San Francisco, cal, rw. vnT kii or eive away any of your fur nituie before you call the Bell Auction House, 11 2d st. Marshall 4 7 Si. 1 BUY men's second-hand and ladies' fancy clothes. I pay the highest prices. Call Marsh all 33-'. CASH paid for hair cvmbings. Sanitary BeaJty parlors. -100 Dekum bidg. W A NT E D F URNi T U R E, COOK STOVES. BOOKCASE. 4, & or 6 sections; state make. tmisn. pnig- " WASTED to buy for cash, second-hand pool table and equipment. M 706, Ortgonian. WANTED Excavating and Phone East 4fc04, C 147. team CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS AND 11 ANOS; SEPARATE DEPARTMENTS FOR LADIES. ELHY CO., 3'U--.l LLMHJfcK EXCHANGE. 2D AND STARK STS. WANTED -Mahogany rulltop desk, must be reasonable. Inquire Stock Kch. bidg.. "d and Yamhlil sts. Mar. af"", A 414. HELP AVANTEIMALK, EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT T. M- C. A. Record 1U14: Calls for men from employers Positions filled 8 The service of thia Department is free ta all members of the Association. To ii3n-members a special Employment Mem bership is Issued, costing o per annum, giving the service of the Department for a year, two mouths' full privileges and a refund of the membership fee if atislac tory employment is not secured. All young men seeking employment In Clerical, Technical or Commrctal lines or desiring counsel or advice are cordially in vltid to consult the Advisory aud Employ ment Secretary. 300 MEN WANTED ho wish to save money on their clothing bills- Jimmy Dunn's upstairs cloihinx store saves you the high rent protits. Mens M value suits at 114.75. Men s $--" value suits at $ls.75. 315-16-17 oregonian bidg. Ele vator to uU floor. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and aignt instruction in repairing, drivina. selliua and machine work. Including- forge, lathe, snaper, dnllpress, eto. Moderate char nea. Fair dealing and ex pert training. Time uDllmited. Before enrolling elsev.hre vail at edu cational oiiiue, Y. M. C. A. bidg., and secure paa entitHng- you lu inspect eur slion and methods. THS TRUTH PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENGINB SCHOOL, THE LITTLE SCHOOL WHERB TOU OBTAIN THE BEST KEbULTS. . THE PROOF A FREE TRIAL GIVEN EACH STU DENT BEFORE ENROLLMENT. Sun 11TH AND JEFFERSON STS. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND, EAST -CD AND MORRISON. A complete course of automobile In struction, Including machine shop work, by expert instructors. LOOK, US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSEWHERE. Take ML Tabor or "SS" car to 23d st. AN experienced young man, sbout 18 years of uge, to assist in office: must write a clear, legible business hand and be fairly quick at figures and not afraid of hard work; salary $40 to start, with a good I'HMiu-e lur advancement. AL 700, Ore gonian. PROFITABLE, healthful business opportu nity for a man with JoW to Jtiuu; you cannot only draw a salary out of its busi ness, but big profits as well; Investigate. AN 70, Oregonian. BOY about IS years old for shipping dept. of large corporation; must be willing worker; moderate salary; good chance for advancement. Give hone number. L 7iMi, Oregonian. USE spare time to build up mail order business of own; we help you start for ahar in profits. Ml opportunities. Psr ticulars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y. GOOD milker for 1:0 head; one who under stands separator and raising thoroughbred calves by hand; $:t0; send experience, ref erences and age first letter. Warren, Or., R. F. D. No. 26. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 13. No profession offers equal opportunity. Catalogue free. C. Keana, pres. ISIS Mar ket st., San Francisco. PRESSMAN Situation open at Tribune, Pen dleton. One Miehlo and two platens. $13 to start. Answer quick. Address AV 71'J, Oregonian. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trade In weeks; tools free; position guaranteed; paid while learning. 2d, near Main. WANTED A first-class solicitor; must pro duce business without asking how, where and when he Is going to get it. Apply before it A. M., 414 Commercial Club bidg. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardv guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. gL'OO BUYS half interest in good, going busi ness, also give you position. Particulars So J Chamber of Commerce bidg. WANTED A reliable and hustling agent for Baker County. Address Grand Union Tea Co., Walla Walla, Wash. PAINTER to uo painting and tinting for rent of an apartment. Main BOY wanted with $'M0, to learn the printiug business. Main 8447. HIGH-GRADE advertising solicitor; refer e n ces as to integrity. A K "ut, Oregontan . PAINTER wanted at --1 t Morrison si. Den tal office. WANTED First-class tailoring salesman. Gold Bond Cash Co., oil Washington st. PHOTO coupon agents, splendid offer. Mul nomah Studio, 801 Dekum bidg. PHOTOGRAPH agents; new offer; nsw studio. Daguerre, Plttock block. PHOTO agents, something; new; extra com missi o n p aid. Sarony f.:udlo. Roy al bid . YOUNG man wanted to work on train; small bond required. 3 00 V N. tlth. HELP WANTED MALE- ABLE-BODIED men to prepare for firemen, brakemen; $!-'( monthly; positions ob tained free. Railway Association, Orego- M AN wanted in solid cash business; easy duties; make jiuw monm; ftDv rjuneu. which Is secured in stock. Call room it3, Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Harness makers and saddle makers. Great West Saddlery Co., Ltd- C:i Igary. Attn. WANTED At once, man to learn auto re pairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage, 44o Hawthorne ave., cor. 7th. Help Wanted Agents, YOU'LL never (tet rich working for others. Why not start a cleaning nd dyeing business? We start you right. No pre vious experience necessary; but small cap ital required. Big profits in this great re order business. Full details free. White Wonder Company, liJS National Safety Vault bidg., Denver, Colo. MEN or women. In and out of city, to sell toilet line, face povvdera, shampoo, creams, etc.; samples $1 to 50 per cent commission allowed, W. S. Farris, 414 So. 11th, room ''.OS. Mar. 1181. AGENTS $8 to $10 a day selling 1915 8pe cial. Van Dyke Studio, 404 Wash, sfc Help Wanted Isnles men. PORTLAND branch famous specialty desires a salesman on exclusive country territory; salary and commission; permanent. Must be sinsrie man and at preHent employed with desire to better condition. Answer quick, giving telephone number 'and ref ererices and tHl nil about yourself n let tr. M 707. Oreg-onian. HELP WANTKD FKMAI.E. WANTED Girl for window; must have very heavy and long hair. Apply after 10 O'clock. 141 Sd st. FREE RENT to public stenographer in ncely furnished outside offiy. Tel. Main 7 MO. 8."". Morgan bidg. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. All modern business courses 9a mo. Positions when competent. 301 N. W, Bank bidg. A Gl RL rot- central house worlfl to go to Hood River Valley; rood wages, small family. K 7W. Oregonian. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re spofrsjbie position. Viavl Company, 422 Pittock block, fc85 Washington st. MRS HINSDALE'S BUSINESS SCHOUU AUj Empress bidg. Personal instruction; po sitions when competent. AT once, girl for ladies' tailoring; must be experienced on buttonholes and skirts. ISfj loth, Apt. 31. . COOK, $';.": second w orh, J:J0; house w ork, S15 to St. Louis Agency, Main street. A 7l.". Main 22. CAPV3LE girl for general housework. 013 East ai4th N., near Stanton. Broadway HELP on men s coats. McDonald A Collett, Tailors, Wash, st. FIVE giris to learn beauty culture. 411 Pfkum bidg. Sanitary Psrlora. GIRL for general housework; no cooking. TOS Marshall et. COOK aud housekeeper, family of 8; no wanning. Main 3 0 . GOOD girl for general housework. Inquire telephone A WANTED A girl ior couee-nou, 4th st. GIRL to assist In housework. 3 aduits. phone Mar. EXFERIENCKD girl for general housework and plain cooking. Tabor -q-'. EXPERIENCED alteration banc-Wanted at The Leader. 116 Morrison. BOOKKEEPER, stenographers and dicta phone operators. 301 N. W. Bank bidg. WANTED Competent girl for genern.1 house work. Apply Knott St. Kset fl47.V GIRL for general housework, good plain cook; roterence. East J 1 7. WANTED Yune ladv to learn trim men's 1 i a t n . Ex pert Hatter. 2"H 4th gt . uitS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand. Typewriting. 14th, m Jeff, Mb. A WOMAN wilh flloina qualt(itfaU..ns cn secure permanent poMtjou in In t-rl. countrv Inn at good salary: From '-" t- 4" years "old. ht-aUh, plraslug. s ppeara n. must be exeellent rooh, so at to eitt and direct help, n-ady to a. rve interest of employer at all times, even temperament, must be experienced In catering to r",t lir; will not foimldrr invuD whh famt'j. Give reliable rrtt-rences In answer to lhl ad. A oi. Oregon Inn. WANTED Woman tScotch preferred) U cook and do general housework fr fam ily of twe and two children; nurse kepi orchard near Medford; pert laundry dine at home: good references easemiei. Apply, giving full particulars, and etate wag ri u 1 red Mrs. E. F. Guthr le, H edford. C. COMPETENT girl for general houwwrk, family of three, no children. Call Thursday r Friday between 2 snd -o'clock at SOT Huiblt ave., cor. l'ltli A lamed Park. , W VNTKD Bv widow er it li 4 rHMi vii, km 3. . 11 nd 1A, mlddle-egrfl cuupt-. husband otherwise employed, to take tare of home aud children. Telephone Main SSOO, Local IM. GOVERNMENT Job for women, 70 montn; list positions o&taluable, free. Write im mediately. Frsnklm Institute. Dent, iC4 u Rochester. N. T. WANTED Ilousekoev'T In w id er's iain llv 4 children, agus 3. , 11 and 1ft: rd errneee required. Give full psrticuia.e and satarv expected. AM 7. oregonian. GIRLS to learn buauty culture; coiniamioo while learning. Geneva E. iiellly, 14 A& ington idg. WAITRESS, out. J0, housework. $J.'.. Howe's Agency, 57M- Witwhington. TR1MMEKS on men's hats. 4-V Alder el. HKLI' WANTK1 MAt.K OB 1KMHK. MEN AND WOMEN to learn the barb r trade, earn Lorn '16 to 5 per week; tuition reduced, paid while learning; po sitions secured; write fur free caialogu. The Molar System of CuUegua. A 44 N, SU HF1P WANTKU MtSCKLLANt:orH. OREGON HARDER COLLEGE wants men and women to Rain the barber trade in weeks: positions guaranteed; tools free, paid while learning; scalp and lat-e ina sage a specialty ; modern method teaching ued; tuition reduced. INW Madison. RAILWAY mail clerks, p. O. clerks, car riers, exam, soon; parcel post demands many more olerks; act at wine. i'acitie State Schools. McKay bldg.,cUy. GOVERNMENT wants clerks, 70 month; Portland examination soon; common edu cation sufficient; particulars free. Apply Immediately. AV o37, urcgdman INTERNATIONAL Corruayondence Schools teach salesmanship, slso S."i other couiae. Free catalog. Ho. McKay bidg. GIRLS between IS und liTi to Uarn coinyto uieter calculating maciilne ; good position when course completed. lorgau Oug. SITUATIONS WANTED MAXB. Hookkee pera and Clerks. DO YOU WANT BOOKKEEPER. PART TIMET Will call a few hours each week or day and keep your books, get out statement, cto. ; work guaranteed, high -class reier euccs; experienced accouniaul, lu srs. P. o. ius. POSITION as private atcictaiy or in simi lar capacity; 1 am a man experienced in dealing with people goiiere.ll. cumpetciu to handle our torresyondcnci as iuoii a anilllur with details; an ordmury tj' ogrupiiieal position not desired. AO 7oi, Oregonian. . DRUG CLERK, unregistered, young man. ex perienred, including fountain ; rtleienns. AO 70li, Qregooiau. VoUNG mii, i a piii. aceuialu ti I'll i, t n ployed part day, Ucsiies wuik sparu tim) K 405, oregonian. YOUNG men wishes posllion a slenotpip-t and bookkeeper. 11. Licbhai I, Call or w, rite care Hotel Franklin. COMPETENT bookkeeper and cuIUm tn n"t atrald of work, total atistainer, in-st of rc l erenccB. nioiicrutu salary. W.mmIirwh 4'. YOUNG man. exiKTieneed stutioi,ruphei. ds bit'us puci'ion; im kkmm.iiU bwhKitpvr also, references. Main 7o5I, A 1517. EXPERIENCED Mmgruyiu v Mild olli clerk, alfcw bookkeeper; any sulaiy. M. COLLECTING, by middle -ageu man; re liable; salary no object. X .o. Uregoman. Mi eceiiMneo ua. HAL LING WANTED. 1 have a new aut truck, cujtftolty 'a to 3 tons; will contract to do our haul ing by the ton or l-y the uaj, or M1 con tract with a reliable firm and carry fum name on truck if desired. A 7i'6, Ut- goulaii. MAN aud wife want work on faim or tauui ; woman can cook, keup huue; man li had lifetime expeikncti on l.im; we ai Eastern people. Address Joe atluson, Cor valjis. Or. -. SELF-RESPECTING AinerU-an family want homo lu country or oinall town, man carpenter, experienced fai mer, tnilkvi , wile good took; references. Mam o51, A 1517. t MAN and wifu wan, woik on farm; man u ilioroushiy experienced, but v if unly - able to care for in-melt aud hilibatid; rel c ren ces. M aln ToOi. A 1 5 IT. CHEF, cook, first-claws experience, wants ya sllion In ciiv or in a good country holt i. Phone Marshall 70S us audresa O Oregon! an. lOUNG married couple, expcileined in all klnda f fai in work and milking, w ir- u work for both parties; wliito salat y. Aa dress Martin Oister. Route 1 , bcio, Or. VOUNG Syrian must lind coiniimu labor si once; has w ife and small c iil.dr n, w Im ate suilcritiK, ull ho ucka Is work. Main 7u51, A 1517. VOl'NG man, I'S aule-todied and willing worker, desires position on farm; is net c x p erieiiced. Main 7o.'l. A 1 5 1. JAPANESE boy wishes situation lu uo chamber work or any oilier; apeak kin Aah. W 7V.r, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED teamrilef wants woik; knows city well; is also goud gardi ner; , references. ' Main Tool, A 1M7. NEAT-API 'EARING. reliable man wains work as houseman; Is experitliccU ; relet -en ces. Main 7u51.A ' , CLEANER and p reset, r by trade wsius work; can do must anything. Main i"ol, A 1517 A-l counter man would like fcoruethltig In dairy lunch iiiic; good leUrcucc. AJ 7'-, Oregonian. WANTED Position fur man driing team or anything steady, has four children and wife. E. Doble, iV.j Hassalo it. JANITOR or elevator man, expel leiu d, i i erencea; good painter. Phuuo Wooulawn STATIONARY steam aud refi igerat nig en gineer wants position, salary no object. O "iOl, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED florist and gardener deilivn position, private pluce ; mko -j. Al' 1 10, oregonian. MAN and wife, both cooks, hotel, rrtMHuiant or ranch, together, i-'uil room 1. 1'hono A l0OJ. Ul ',i N. Hruad w ay. .. FOR SALE One pair diamond eaninga, Hi'. quality, one carai, win i . Viw it taken at once I, 1HH, Oregonian. Vut'lt building, repairing, Jobbing wanted by experienced wurKiiuii; roanunable, le lUible. Sellwood HiUu. WANTED by Eastern man, position, city or countrv, at once; can over-toe large rtnch; will go sny place. AP 7"7, Oregonian. WANTKD Building to wrock by conn a- l. or any kind nf work. AL 7'i7. Oregonian. DENTIST, registered, Ihhes pobltlon; wlil work very reHSoiiHb'e. V tti5, oregonlau, JAPANESE boy wants position, as cook r housework. J 70S. Qrt-Koniuii. W A N T E D 1 'a p e r t' hang at Jt'c h bolt, ,m i n tliirf and timing. Phone Main YOUNG German v. an la any kind of work, anywhere. AO 711. Qngoiiian. PAPER bunging, ic a roil, wail papT eleanlnc, 75c a room. Main i1"!. JoLORED man v.anta employment at Janitor or gcneisl hmmcwork. Col. 15-. W A NT ED Posl lion as luep herder. AR 7H, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FM ALB. Kttok keepers and Mrnogiaphrrs. Al 1 BTlS.NUunAl'iian a"1 u"' '' trained as private secretary, d-stie posi STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. tion; UHlVUraiLy ruuea-ttuu, a law, machinery, railroad and huiwm work; eacelicnt refuitncea Mam room PERMANENT position, experienced in book keeping, typewriting and general oflKe work. Expert writer. Will aceept en thiittr steady. B : 6n Oregonian. O K, stenographer, b. k. and diets phona 'operator wains permanent r iuituu;t work. M. 2817. Irretsmakrrm. TAILORED uits my specialty; .tiing gnwna fancv waist!: guaranteed; home w nhop. :;i7 Ntirthwewt li.ds. Main til -' EXPERIENCED and reliable w onian wnius 'sewing to take home or remodeling of any kind . rrtuccp. MainTo.'l. A i.-i. WANT to buv Pure; give price, ne, niakc. AN 7n7. Oregonian. FASHIONABLE dressmaking ieajuma hie, home or day. "01 Buchanan. IMam oL. DnKSHMAKlNG, one-piece d !. -" Tab OK KSSMAKINd and tailoring at nn icleiencts fuintshed. call 4, -6f. r home;