I VOL. IV NO. 16,939. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS. KAISER SENDS BEST SAILORS UNDER SEA BRYAN'S DRINK NOW. LOGANBERRY JUICE SECRETARY ORDERS CASE TO SUPPLANT FAMOUS GRAPE. Submarine Crews Suf fer Privations. DANGER IS ALWAYS PRESENT Effectiveness Grows Rapidly, Says U-16 Commander. SUCCESSFUL RAIDS TOLD Torpedo Intended for Fleeing Ship, Ville de Lille, Is Withheld 'When Women Are Seen Aboard, Un l til Vessel Is Overhauled. BT KARL. H. VOX WIEGAND. Special correspondent or the New York XVorld. Copyright, JJ15, by the Fres Pub lishing Company. Published by arrange ment. J KIEL. March Zi. (Delayed in trans mission.) "Every day that our sub marine warfare against the British mercantile marine continues the more effective will our navy become. War under sea ia new to ,.. us; it is new to thj . world. There are no past experiences to learn from or profit by. We confront conditions entirely new and must learn everything from the behavior of our craft under adverse conditions. War under sea is as new as war in the air. "It follows that as boats come in to make reports and Karl H. Von Wlegand. compare expe rience our work will become more ef fective ami the ring around England Hill become tighter." Correapondeat Visits Kiel. Wearing an iron cross of the first e'ass. Licutenaat - Commander Clauz Hansen, commanding? the U-16, which recently sank the British Dulwich and a French vessel, today discussed sub marine warfare from the standpoint of one who has had experience. Through a friend I had met him in Berlin and obtained permission to visit Kiel and learn what sort of men are these whose ships pass under sea and who are now making naval history. "Do I understand that you don't con aider we have made some impression in England's shipping circles? Be as sured what any sensible person will understand as logical that ad we be come familiar with conditions under sea, with our patrols, and as our boats and crews become worked in. we will become more effective," lieutenant Commander Hansen added. MlKuae of Klaur Dangerous. "What about the danger to Amer ican ships?" 1 asked. "The chief danger to American and other neutral ships lies in British ships tring to disguise themselves with neutral flags and other devices, and that it is reported that when or dered to halt they will ram or fire upon submarines. "Other commanders often have taken Ion? chances to gain time, and oppor tunity follows. If British ships resort to that practice, we will be compelled to take less risks." "Would you sink an American ship?" American MitpH Known. Certainly not. n i knew it was American. Besides," adding with smile, "you have so few that we have litem pretty well photographed in our mind." Submarine warfare. It appears, has called into existence an entirely new type of men, especially noticeable amongst the officers. Commander Han sen is a splendid specimen. He is 32, with smooth, finely chiselled and sen sitive features, clear and steady eyes; has a slender figure, remarkably elastic, supple and agile; steely nerves, instant action great concentration of mind, quick decision and cbnstantly on tne alert. Owing to the rush of applicants from the rest of the fleet to serve in sub marines, the Admiralty has the selec tion of the very finest and best men. The majority are taken from the torpedo-boats, rather than from the bat tleships, experience showing that they are more adaptable. Sinking of Ship Itrlatrd. He related sinking several boats. "The weather was thick and we couldn't see far," lie said. "I was toil), pelled to submerge for hours, and came up in the vicinity of a small British ship. I ordered the crew to the boats, and torpedoed her as several French torpedoes gave chase. We escaped by olng down. "The same evening opposite Havre e stopped the Dulwich. The crew was given 10 minutes to get into the boats. They were off In less than 5. The tor pedo tore a hole clear under the smoke stack. "The next day wo came up In front of Cherbourg to have a look around just as the French steamer Ville de J.ille was coming out of the harbor. Evidently believing -tliat it was a French submarine which suddenly came out of the water the steamer showed a French flag, but then started to flee regardless of our signals. I saw two women and two children on the deck. Of course we couldn't torpedo a Salem Fruit Union Announces Ore gon Product to Be Served on Tabic of Commoner. SALEM. Or.. April 1. (Special.) Loganberry juice is to supplant, for a time at least, the celebrated grape juice on the table of William Jennings Bryan, according to an announcement made today by the Salem Fruit Union. It is that the Secretary of State has ordered, through Frank A. Breck, a case of loganberry juice for his of flcial table. Inasmuch as it has a much better flavor than grape juice, there is little doubt that Mr.. Bryan will continue to order' it. While in Washington recently Mr. Breck attended religious services at which Mr. Bryan was the chief speaker. After the meeting the Salem man in troduced himself to the commoner, say ing: "I have come all the way from Ore gon to deliver the "message to uar- cla." but I have not the message with me today." An appointment was made for the next day, when the Salem man gave Mr. Bryan a sample of his loganberry juice. The Secretary liked it so well he immediately asked his housekeeper to order a case for his personal use. GERMAN CAPTIVES IN FRANCE CONTENTED Confidence in Victory Keeps Spirits Up. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS FOE'S COMMISSARY AMAZES RECORD SHOOTING IS DONE Coast Artillery Company Makes Per fect Spore at San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO. April, 1. (Spe cial.) Unusual work with 10 and 12- inch rifles and with 12-lnch mortars was done today by the Thirty-eighth and Twenty-ninth Companies of Coast Artillery of the Army at Fort Winfield Scott, the Thirty-eighth Company mak ing 100 per cent of hits, and at 7000 yards the Twenty-ninth Company, with rifles, making 90 per cent of hits. The firing was witnessed by hun dreds of local civilians and visitors to the exposition who had received an Invitation from the military authori ties to be spectators. Thirty-six shots ;very one a hit were made by the mortars, and 17 shots from the rifles. Privates Naturally Docile, Of ficers Compelled to Be. MEN ARE GLAD TO WORK Ration Same as That of French Sol diers, Except That Meat Is Re duced, in Retaliation for Policy in Germany. BUSINESS OUTLOOK BRIGHT Reserve Bank at Minneapolis Re flects Optimistic Sentiment. MINNEAPOLIS. April 1 Business conditions in the Ninth Federal Re serve district, which embraces Min nesota. North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Northern Michigan and part of Wisconsin, are generally satisfac-1 tory and improving, the Federal Re serve Bank says in its monthly re port of the kind, issued today. Except that In a portion of the man ufacturing districts of Wisconsin there is a condition below normal, the volume of trade is declared to be holding up well and the outlook is bright. The largest wheat acreage of record is said to be a possibility. CUPID LAZY AT VANCOUVER License Record for March 13 7, but Brisk Times Are Predicted. VANCOUVER, Wash.. April 1. (Spe cial.) Dan Cupid, who has been on more or less of a vacation for the past three months, brought only 137 couples to hymen's altar here during March. While this is greater than during Jan uary or February, it is not nearly so many as during the corresponding period in 1914. There is a well founded belief, how ever, that the depression in business is mote or lees responsible for the lower marriage rate here, but that it will be increased within a few months when business regains its normal volume. POTATOES SENT BY POST Baker's New Postmaster Starts Work by Weighing Parcels. BAKER, Or.. April 1. (Special.) Baker's new postmaster. John D. Fos ter, began his official duties this morn ing by weighing 1500 pounds of po tatoes, consigned by parcel post from Baker to Sumpter Valley points. He will continue to weigh parcel post matter during the first half of the month. Retiring Postmaster Lachmer's quart erly report for the three months ended March 51, show receipts of $7, 401.31. an increase of approximately 13 per cent, over the corresponding period in 1914. FLEET KEEPS UP ATTACK Shells Protect Minesweepers and Hamper Turks' Repairing. LONDON, April 2. According to a Reuter dispatch from Athens, a dis patch from Tenedos says that several of the allied warships continue an inter mittent bombardment of the Darda nelles. The objects are solely to protect the minesweepers and to prevent the Turks from repairing their batteries. BELGRADE AGAIN SHELLED PAR lis, April 1. Captivity weighs ligrhtly on the German prisoners in France. Their sipirits are sustained by unfailing faith in a final victory for the Fatherland and the good care they are receiving-. These facts were dis covered by a delegation of foreign newspapermen who have just visited the prisoner camps. "My soldiers," General Poline said at Tours, "are sleeping wherever they can in barns, in sheds while the Ger man prisoners are enjoying the com forts of barracks." Prlaoners Satisfied W ith Food. There are 1000 German prisoners in the Issoudan Barracks, from all arms of the service, of all ages from 19 to 45, and from all sections of the battle front. All are gay and satisfied with the food that is given them. This amounts daily to a pound and a half of bread, two pounds- and six ounces of vegetables, a quarter of a pound of meat and 12 grammes of coffee, the latter mixed, at the request of the pris oners, with barley, because pure coffee is too strong for them. The rations are the. same as those given the French soldiers, except as to the quantity of meat, which is reduced from a half pound to a quarter of. a pound, in retaliation for the measures which are said, to be t.,plitst. to .Trench prisoners In Germany. Six Hoars' Work a Day Required. "We are well cared for. We do only six hours of light work a day, are well fed and are treated with consid eration by the French officers and soldiers," F. Ronholz, of Constance, a 20-year-old private of the 142d regi ment of infantry, said in a signed statement to the Associated Frees. He is a prisoner at Issoudan. The 600 prisoners in the camp at Tours are housed less comfortably than those at Issoudan, but as well as are the French soldiere. Recent ar rivals in this camp are said to have been more depressed than those who preceded them, but nothing can con vince them that the Germans are not bound to win, and none of them seem to believe anything that appears in The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 85.7 degres; minimum. 63.4 degrees. TODAY'S Showers: southerly winds. War. German submarines sink British and French steamers In English channel. Page 1. Incessant, wearing battle continues along front in Champagne region. Page 3. Best men In German navy carry on under sea warfare. Page 1. American forces guard Kitel as she com pletes coaling and prepares to take pro visions, page l. War causes great economic distress in Italy. rage 2. Russians win two victories In Carpathians, after scaling precipices end in deep snow, Page 2. German prisoners in France contented and buoyed up by confidence in ultimate vie ' tors'. Pace 1. Mexico. Villa and Zapata agree to neutralize Mexico ity; larranzas consent only thing lacK lng. Pago 8. National. United States begins investigation into death of American on torpedoed British liner. Page 6. .Domestic. Diving tube tested preparatory to use i locating f-4 today. Page 5. Rate expert savs some of railroads asking for rate increases are now accumulating surplus. Page 6. New York anarchist testifies detective planned church explosion. Page 7. Idaho building proves haven for orphans . in boat accident on bay. page s. Sport. Wlltard plans triumphal tour to take place when he becomes champion. Page 14. Rube Foster, 'negro team manager, says Beavers are stronger than over. Page 14. Pacific Coast League results Portland 4, Tjds Angeles 2 ( 10 innings); Oakland 4. Saa Francisco 3; Venice 4 Salt .Lake 8. Pa3e 14. Pacific Northwest. Major Bnwlby spurns job offered and quits. Page 13. Loganberry to supplant grape juice on Sec retary Bryan's table. Page 1. Roseburg and Douglas County hosts to capitalists who plan development. Page 8. Evangelical churches In conference at Cor- vallis. Page . Commercial said Marine. New York is good customer of grain in Portland port. Page 16. Rules governing Merchants Exchange trading to be revised. Page Iti. Covering by shorts lifts wheat prices at unicago. face iv. Favorable railway returns are announced by Eastern roads. Page 19. Portland and Vicinity. Hero of British air raid on .Germans well known In Portland. Page 2. City inspector accuses contractor with at tempt to bribe. Page 9. Chamber of Commerce reorganization taking definite shape. Page lo. Good Friday services to be held in many churches. Page 15. Judge Davis, transferring docket, urges use of whipping post in Oregon. Page a. Representative Johnson, on way to Hoqulam, urges bout li America as trade xieiu, Page 19. School Board re-elects Superintendent Alder man and ousts Edwin Anders, history teacher. Page 1. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 16. EITEl'S PIER LIKE MILITARY GAMP German Ship Guarded Americans. by TWO STEAMSHIPS SUNK IN CHANNEL BRITISH AXD FRENCH VESSELS STRUCK WITHOUT WARNING. ALDERMAN STAYS- IS ES OU Each Goes Down in Three Minutes After Terrific Explosion and 30 of Crews Are Drowned. NEW tEN, England, April 1.- 1 T- - steamship Seven Seas, of f ' ' iAXtf ions, was torpedoed by a German ..j submarine off Beachy Head today. The I attack was without warning and 11 of her crew of 18, including all the offi cers except the second engineer, were drowned. The steamer was bound from London for Liverpool. Such was the force of the explosion that the hatches were blown off and a big hole was torn in the steamer's side, causing her to sink within three minutes. The survivors, three of whom were wounded, were landed here tonight by a destroyer. GOAL SUPPLY IS ON, Provisions to Be Taken Sun day, Captain Says. COURSE STILL IS MYSTERY Conference of Officials Is Held on Board, but Details Are Secret. British Cruisers Redouble Vigil Off Capes. (Concluded on Pasre 2.) IDAHO GOVERNOR OPPOSED State Board of Health Refuses to Accept Executive's Ruling. BOISE, Idaho, April 1. (Special.) Over the protest of Governor Alex ander, the State Board of Health was organized here today with the elec tion of Dr. O. B. Steeley, of Pocatello, president. The anti-Alexander mem bers of the Board were in control. They are Attorney-General Peterson, Dr. Steeley and Dr. Falk. They held that the veto of the salary of Dr. Falk, of $1800, by Governor Alexander, does not stand, but instead puts into effect a continuing salary appropriation on the statute books for his salary at 12400 a year. Dr. Falk is secretary of the Board. There has been a bitter fight be tween the Governor and secretary of the Board, the Chief Executive demand ing his removal. NEWPORT NEWS, Va., April 1. Sixteen hundred tons of coal enough to take her to the nearest German port has been placed aboard the cruiser Frlnz Kitel f'rieoricn ionig-ni. and Captain Thierichens was preparing to take stores aboard on Sunday. While he told friends he was much relieved, now that his ship was coaled, he declined to discuss his plans and the immediate course of his raider still was problematical. Sailors Patrol River. During the day local Government of ficials were in communication witn Washington, and Collector Hamilton conferred with Captain Thierichens on board the German ship, then with Rear Admiral Helm, commander of the At lantic reserve fleet. At a late hour nothing had been learned concerning the conferences. Throughout today and tonight the James River was patrolled by Ameri can sailors in a launch from the battle ship Alabama, while coast artillerymen kept guard at the Eitel's pier. Guard ing of the Eitel was determined on be pxisk nf reDeated threats that have reached' the captain and also to ship yard officials here. The Eitel's pier rep resents a miniature military camp. Army tents have .been pitched and a machine gun was mounted at the pier s approach. Mleslng Briton Accounted for. . At the request of the State Depart ment, officials here investigated re ports by relatives in England of Oliver H Bell, who was a member of the British bark Invercoe, sunk by the Eitel Friedrich. The State Department was informed that Bell had not been heard from. Investigation showed that he was re leased on Marcn 11 from the German cruiser and shipped here as a cattle man on March 12 on the British horse ship Romney, which is reported to have reached Liverpool. LONDON', April 1. The French steamship Emma, bound to Bordeaux, was torpedoed Wednesday In the Eng lish Channel off Beachy Head. Only two of her crew of 21 were saved. The two survivors were brouhgt Into Dover today. They had been picked up in the Channel by a British de stroyer. The vessel that brought them in also had on board the bodies of two other members of the crew. The periscope of the submarine had hardly been sighted from the Emma when the torpedo from the underseas boat struck the Emma In the engine. No warning of any kind was given. The ship foundered in three minutes from the time she was struck. MADRID, via Taris, April 1. Ac cording to the crew of the Spanish steamer Augustina, which has arrived at iantander from England, 10 Ger man submarines are operating in the English Channel. One of them, the U-28, stopped the Augustina, but re leased her after an examination of her papers. School Head Re-Elected for Next Year. NO NEGATIVE VOTE IS CAST Action in Anders' Case Also Unanimous. . PLACE DECLARED VACANT D. A. Grout and C. A. Rice, AsfKt ant Superintendents, and II. H. Thomas, School Clark, Are) Also Elected Again. BRITISH CRUISERS IN WAITING All Ships in Vicinity of Virginia Capes Being Overhauled. BALTIMORE, April 1. The Balti more tug Defiance was stopped by a (Concluded on Fajce 2.) MAKING LIFE MISERABLE FOR THE OLD REPROBATE. (Concluded on rage 3.) . Bombardment Is Retaliation Serbia's Attack on Orzeva. for VIENNA, April 1. The war office has given out the following:" "The open town of Orzeva having been bombarded, we replied by bom barding Belgrade." - ro aWsy ,s heKEBY 10,000 MEN GO TO WORK Chicago Industries Resume Opera tions After Three Months. CHICAGO, April 1. Ten thousand men, who have been idle since the first of the year, today returned to work In the steel mills and factories of Chi cago Heights, a suburb. The plants resumed operations after a three months' shutdown, caused be- a shortage of materials and a business depression. Thursday's War Moves HILE the German submarines continue their activity around the coasts of Great Britain, the naval wing of the British royal flying squad ron keeps up its attacks on the Ger man submarines which are being built at Hoboken, and on the submarine base at Zeebrugge. The Germans have added two more Bteamers to the long list of mer chantmen sunk off Beachy Head. The victims this time were the French steamer Emma, which was torpedoed on Wednesday without notice, 19 of her crew going down with their ship, and the British steamer. Seven Seas, sent to the bottom yesterday without warning, 11 of her crew being drowned. The British losses already reported for the week ended March 31 were five steamers. A sixth vessel was tor pedoed, but reached port. During the week 1559 vessels entered and sailed from British ports, so, except for the loss of life, the damage done was not considered excessive, in thj British estimate. On the other hand, the British have no means of ascertaining the nature of the damage done by the bombs dropped at Hoboken and Zeebrugge, although it is believed that two of the under water craft lying at the mole of Zee brugge were damaged. Beyond these attacks the official re ports contain little news and ' that which they do give relates only to op erations of minor importance. Mine warfare has been in progress at many points in the west, and at other points there have been artillery duels and occasional infantry attacks, but nolh ing that has in any way approached the proportions of a battle. ' In the east the armies stand about as they were. The fighting in North Poland has been of a desultory char acter, both sides apparently having given up any Idea of advancing for the present In Central Poland, however, the Russians are showing a certain liveliness. The German official reports for the last two days have noted attempts of the Russian troops to assume the of tensive on the Rawka River, while Vienna reports a severe attack by the Russians in the vicinity of the Pillca River, which the Austrians say they repulsed. These movements doubtless have been undertaken to prevent the Aus trians and Germans from sending rein forcements from this front to strength en the armies which are trying to hold the Carpathian passes against the on slaughts of the Russians, who daily report the capture of large numbers of prisoners, - but who apparently are making slow headway in the operations against Lupkow and Uzsok passes. The Russians also are slowly pushing the Turks back in the Caucasus. Belgrade has again been bombarded by Austrian guns, while Austrian air men have dropped bombs on Cettinje, the Montenegrin capital. The operations of the allied warships in the Dardanelles are still in a slate of abeyance. Louis R. Alderman, City Superintend ent of Schools, was re-elected unani mously for one year by the Board of Directors in closed session late yester day afternoon. Elected at the same time for a like term were t. A. Grout and C. A. Rice, assistant superintendent. and R. H. Thomas, school clerk. Edwin Anders, head of the history department at Washington High School, suspended March 24 by order of Super intendent Alderman pending the hear ing of charges against him, was dis missed at the same meeting of the Board. A resolution declaring his po sition vacant was adopted unanimously. Charges brought against Mr. Andurs by Superintendent Alderman were that be circulated an anonymous letter, In which he slandered the Superintendent and other school officials, that he was guilty of insubordination and failure to co-operate with teachers of Wash ington High and that lie had offered insults to Miss Mayme liurst, secre tary to Principal H. It. Hcrdman, of that school. Tito C'hara-ee Tencbed I pen. Evidence against Mr. Anders was ad duced at a special meeting of the School Board on Wednesday. The first two charges only were touched upon in the testimony produced. Arthur L Moulton. Mr. Anders' Attorney, brought in two bank clerks at yesterday's meeting and they testified that the writing of Mr. Anders and the addresses on the anony mous letteis were not of a similarity as to lead to the conclusion they were written by the same hand. Two ex. perts had testified on Wednesday to the contrary. Mr. Anders declined to discuss his dismissal last night. Until he has con sulted his attorney, he said, he could not tell whether he would make any further fight against the action of the School Board. No opposition developed to the elec tion of the four officials. The elec tion of Superintendent Alderman to succeed himself was moved by Dr. Alan Welch Smith, and seconded by J. V. Beach. O. M. Plummer acted as clerk during the election, and Dr. E. A. Sommer was chosen presiding of ficer of yesterday's session In the ab sence of M. G. Munly, who was kept away because of Illness. Dr. Som mer, because he presided, did riot vote and no dissenting voice was raised. Educators Are Experienced. The election took place In executive session following yesterday afternoon's regular semi-monthly meeting of the School Board. The election of all four officials continues In office the heads -of the local school system, all expe rienced educators and, with the excep tion of Mr. Alderman, long In the serv ice. Superintendent Alderman, the son of an Oregon pioneer of 1848, was born in Dayton, Yamhill County, and after graduating from the public schools of that city attended McMinnvllle College for three years and graduated from the classical course of the University of Oregon in 1898 with a degree of A. B. He was first inclined to the study of law, but gave It up for educational work and taught school in Linn County for two years. He later went to McMinnvllle, where he taught In the city schools for a time and served as assistant principal for one year. He was elected principal and became Superintendent of the Mc Minnvllle city schools, a position he held for four years. He was next elected County Superintendent of Yam hill County, resigning to become City Superintendent ot the Eugene school system. University Place Held. Hia next step forward was to become assistant to the professor of education in the University of Oregon at Kuaene, a post he held for two years. From this position he was elected State Su perintendent of Public Instruction In 1910. In 1913 he was chosen Superin tendent of the Portland schools, his appointment becoming effective In July of that year, holding this posi tion ever since. Mr. Alderman has taken a number t forward steps in education. To him Is credited the origin of the plan now In such general use of giving school cred its for home work. He has written a book on the subject. Just Issued by Houghton, Mifflin It. Co., Boston, and his pamphlet on the same topic wet printed to the number ot 15.00 J by the United States Commissioner of Educa tion and widely circulated. The head ot the National Bureau ot Education also sent his inspector out to visit the schools where the system was being tried. The plan has met with general approval. It was while he was superintendent of Schools for Yamhill County that he started a county fair for the exhibit of children's industrial work and this plan was copied widely throughout the state. as well as elsewhere. Industrial work and manual trnlninjr have been empha sized in the Portland schools since Mr. (Concluded oo rage 7.)