14 - THE MORNING OREGOyiAS. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1915. . . I I vmt sqat.r. ! FORJ5A1E. I "ELF WASTED-MALE. HKUP WASTED-MAtt OB KMUE JtLS I fT".. '1 BECK S SELECT EXCHANGES. H, Veh.Ce.. Harness, KU. " Automobile. W-.ed. HAWTHOENE AVE. 6 -room bungalow on East 47th t.. 1 block couth of Hawthorn ave., on hard surface st.;. living-room, fireplace, built in bookcases, large den. living-room, built-in buffet, hardwood floors, 2 large bedrooms. .Dutch kitchen, wood range and gas range, gas beater in bathroom, largo attic, full cement basement, wash trays, electric fixtures, window shades, linoleum on kitchen floor and bathroom, lor only 2Sw; small payment down, bai. .same as rent. G. H. KLEINSORGE CO.. Call Main 5782. 310 Board of Trade. IF you are looking for a nice home in a fine location, one-half lis value, don't fail t see this tf-room house, ail finely fur nished, with about $12ou- worth ot birds eye and mahogany furniture, 3-inch sateen post beds, fine gas range and a tine coal range; loi is iSxlOO, beautiful lawn, fine flowers, some fine bearing fruit, chicken-house and" runs, nice little garden all planted, nice garage 14x21, cement anve; an goes ior .uuu. n wmu in the next few days, $lo00 each, balance like rent. J. L Robinson, &Jt Loroeu blcg. Main tiSCo. YOU MUST BEE THE SNAP, 91S.30 TEKMS 1S."0. Xl&oO TERMS 1S.j0. ItKiu East outli st. North. lu-0 East UGth st. North. Elegant 6-room bungalow, with hard wood floors, lire place. Dutch kitchen, beamed ceiling, electric fixtures, plumbing complete, lawn, trees, etc; built In effects. It's worth $2oOO; my price for a quick sale, $l$o0, terms. Take Alberta car or Jitney to 50th street then go 100 feet south. Owner there 10 to i daily, or phone East 34o, eve mugs tor appoint ments. BARGAIN IN A REAL, BUNGALOW. 5 I arse rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, electric fixtures, du.lex shades. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, 30x loo lot, one block from car; $2560 will buv this beautiful place on very easy terms; will consider ciear vacant lot as part payment. .'. M. DEAN. 1100 X. W. Bank bldg. WELL BUNGALOW SNAP. $100 CASH. Fine new 5-room bungalow, all large, airy rooms: fireplace, oaa floors, built-in effects, doubly built, fine fixtures, shades Sad ready to move into; price $2&ut, itn cash ana $15 per month. Take Selwood car to Reynolds ave.. near Holgate st., i block west; 13 minutes from Front and Madison, ifee it today, then see the own- r"' GRC55I HOLDS, 326 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. $1050. 70xl00-foot lot. Four-room bungalow, nicely finished, Dutch kitchen, built-in ironing board ana cooling closet; house piped for gas; easy terms. Take Roe City Park car to 72d and Sandy road. tee Austin. GREGORY" INVESTMENT CO.MPANT. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN 7NTO INCOME? WS WILL FURNISH THE MONEY. BUILD AFARTENTS, --ESI-HEXCE OR ANYTHING; FLANS FREE: WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK V iTh OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR VOKU. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY st CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. ;t24 ABINGTON BLDG. $luo0. ?5xl00-foot lot. Four-room bungalow, nicely furnished, XhHrfc kitchen, built-in Ironing board ana cooling closet; house piped for gas; easy terms. Take Rose City Park car to '2d ano Sandy road. See Austin. GREGORY INVESTMENT COMPANY. ONE of the best 4-room bungalows In the city for the money; hardwood floors, large rooms, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, shades, fixtures, Suxl0 lot. 2 blocks from the car. Price $1S00, $;, $20 per month, int. included. Owner, C. AX. Derr, 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg. ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. Deal direct with the owners, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of port land. Call on our Realtj Department, cor ner 4th and Stark. t HARTMAN St THOMPSON FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow, fire place, furnace, full cement basement, at tic, all built-in convenience?; hardwood floors, walls nice I; tinted, fixtures and shades, ouxlOO lot located in the best part of Rose City Park, 100 feet from paved street ; value $otiu0, equity $1800 ; will take $1000 cash or $1&00 on terms. T 082, Oregonian. RIVERDALE $17,500. Suburban home on Palatine Hill, over looking river and golf grounds; new mod ern house of 7 rooms, 1 acres of grounds. Slight consider leasing with op tion of purchase. Full particulars on application. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co.. 404 Wilcox bldg.. Malu &oVt. A 2603. SIXROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. A home in every sense; has living-room with fireplace, den or musioroom. dining room witn buffet, 2 good bedrooms; large attic; full cement basement with furnace, large 30x100 lot; all for $3U a month, which includes interest. Call Tabor 3d S3. $ou.00 MONTH, which includes Interest. 0 rooms with sleeping-porch, bath, fireplace, built-in conveniences, full cement base ment, hot and cold water in bedrooms, on good carlln. car para, schools, churches. In one of Portland's best restricted dis torts. Woodlawn i712. jt'EW A-room house. Kenton district, 2 blocks car, ham wood floors, fireplace, white en ameled chambers and Dutch kitchen; $2o0 down, $20 per month, including interest; no agents, nor trade. Woodlawn 34H2. EAST SIDE. $45C0, 0 rooms, completely furnished, modern house, bath, toilet on both floors, rexnent basement, 20 minutes to p. O. 1 none.B 1063. IRVINGTON D IS T R I CT. $1875 New, modern, A-room home, ot four choice, oOxlou view lot; terms. 3ner. H.' East 1Mb. N. IRVINGTON CAR T'3 PREFOOTT. KEW 5-rrom bungalow at 741 E. 66th at, 1 j bl. N. of Sandy blvd. See this. For Hale Husme Property. RARE BARGAIN. West SMe. full lot. two-flat bldg . choice location, beautiful view, for quick sal $02oo. GEO. H. KEENE. 103S Cham, of Com, Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF-ACRES. Good soil, good water; cloe to carline; easy terms: wilt build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall or Sell wood 476. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. JiOO 1-S ACRE $i0O. Garden land and high building site; aoring water, sufficient for Irrigation; fronting on Oregon City line. JESSE HOBSON, 623 Corbett Bldg. WILLAMETTE RIVER Frontage. 1 acre, chen p. 4 -room house, poultry bouse, or chard and other trees. I1SO0 H. G. Stark weather. Rlsley gta. Phone Oak Groxe 1-X Homestead. IF TOI' want a good homestead cheap call at 210 Stock Exchango bldg., Portland. For salt 3 ACRES, 1250. $10 dwn and ' a month buys S acres logged-off land, between Portland and CVutraiia. on main line of 3 railroads, l1 miles from town of a 00 population; saw mill, shingle mills and other industries; some of these tracts are partly cleared, and have a spring or running stream on. Price from $35 to S'a per acre; many tracts of different size to choose from. Good sol', lies well, fine location, perfect title. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., SIS Railway Exchange. MET2GEK ACRE TRACTS. METZGEK ACRE TRACTS. Come out snd see METZGER ACRE TRACTS, which J am selling now at a great bargain; concessions made to those who contemplate building homes. Only 25 minutes from Jefferson st. station, on th Oregon Electric Ry. Salem line); com mutation fare, PC Call at my office. 310 Oak st. Portland, or nt Metzger Station. HERMAN METZGER. Owner. CHICKEN. FRL'IT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. G res ha in district. SL'NSH IN E VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS H-miie electric station. $75 to $15u per acre; easy terms; best soil; free wood. Farms for sale, all sixes. f RANK M FAR LAND REALTY CO, ' 3Q9 Yeon Bldg., Portland. Or. 1 ACRE, improved S-room bouse, electric lights, fireplace, good water, nice lawn and shrubbery. 4 blocks from station Ore gon City car, Sc fare; $3oo0; t0 cash, balance $25 per month, including interest. T Oregonian. 30 ACRES. $1000. 3j miles to Columbia River and R. R. station, macadam road 3 miles of distance, Ciosa to school, easy terms. F. B. HOLBROOK CO.. 214 Lumber Exchange Bldg. HAVE 10 acres A-l land near Estacada. which I will sWl cn time or trade for Portland property, clear title and abstract. W 704, Oreronian. FOR SALE or rent. 15 acres, with fine store building at station, near Portland; fine opening for general store. 349 E. euth. IMPROVED river frontage, good house, gar den, fruit and poultry. $3000. W. A. Coplen, Osk Gr3ve. Phone 8-B. MONTHLY, Ox2VH. new house, $WV0. A. C xarstcrs, 202 Wilcox, bldg, Alain. 5517. am cir-RTTrrr:T?Cfi THIS FARM. Three years ago I was offered and re fused S18.0OU for my Q-acre farm, located 25 miles from Portland, on the bank of the "Willamette River; since that time I paid 91400 to finish clearing the land on the niap t am now oferina to sell this beautiful (registered) Laurel Farm for sio.oov; any man can jusuy ue prouu f own this place for a home; will take $50vo cash and give long time on bal. at ft per cent or I will take a nice Portland resi dence as part payment up to SlU.UuO. This week I am at room 3Go Hotel Cap lea, or box 627, New berg, Or. FOR SALE. 40 acres for $2000, only $100 cash down, rest $15 per month with interest at 7 per cent till paid off. This place is 4 miles from Washougal, Wash., on the state road, it has a fine water power site. 20 acres In timber, 15 acres in cultivation, a gooa house, barn and other outbuildings. Adjoin ing this place there is yet a vacant 40 acres homestead land, valuable for its timber, water power site and about 1& acres level land. 1L REN GO, Waahougal, Washington. NEAR WOODBL'RX. VALLEY FARM. AIL CLEARED. 75 acres, all in cultivation, 2 miles from creamery town; black soil, sloping well for drainage, new ft-room house, new barn 3ox4; a farm in the heart of the Willamette Valley where you can enjoy life and make a fair revenue; price $7500, and you can buy it for $1300 down, bal. 6 per cent. D. McCbesney, Title &. Trust bldg. ONLY HALF PRICE. HiO-ACRE FARM. $1200. Located ls miles from R. K. and town; 0 acres in culaivation, 100 more can be cultivated for $5 an acre, all fenced and on main road ; house thrown In because must have cash at once; no trade. See S. Hewey at HARTMAN & THOMPSON 14th and Stark.) WHEAT LANDS. 4300 acres splendid wheat land. Whit man County, Washington, comprising sev eral ranches well Improved; good springs; auout in crop, balance Summer fallow; to cash, balance terms; strictly de sirable ranches. R. L. Yoke, 1136 North western Bank Bldg. 58 ACRES. 1 mile of Scappoose, 20 culti vated, 4 orchard and small fruit; new house of 7 rooms, large barn and poultry, house, wire fences; $.Vo cash, balance at 7 per cent. ai. a. joenr, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON C4ih and Stark.) 1 WILL eell 160 acres unimproved land, good soli, fine water, not over 6 miles from railroad, lor $20 per acre. Ten years time. Security for first payment. 6 in terest. Can locate 7 families in one body. W. D. Mixter. Albany, Or. THE NEW WAY, THE MODERN WAY. THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land. Are you Interested? if so, write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN., Phelan bldg., San Francisco. C. M. WUODriTER, Pres 10 ACRES, 23 blocks from electric station on United R. R., all in cuit., 7-room house, large barn, 2 wells; price $3500 ; mtg. $13u0. W. 11. Seitz A Co., 310 Spalding blag. Main 6584. SMALL ones and large ones, improved and unimproved, fine prune ranches and hop ranches and stock ranches, from $0 an acre up. MAGOON REALTY CO., Yamhill, Or. rs atrf. rtairv farm, river bottom, all In cultivation. 12 fine young cows, 1 good team, 6 brood sows, 1 registerea jernnire boar, farm iniDlemenis; price $ 12.000, good terms. Owner, 6i!5 Hawthorne ave. IF YOU WANT the best dairy, stock, hog and grain ranch and sporting man's re sort near the Coast, ready to move on to. write me. W. D. Mixter, Albany, Or. 50 ACRES, 3 miles from Rainier: good soil. running water; a little cleared, --ou. $1-1 00 cash, balance 6 per cent. J. H. Col lins, Rainier. Or. WHEAT LAND. Wheat farm in Central Oregon; 160 acres for $1600. Call .115 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE- Fine 00 acres land, $75 acre, near electric. AV 7uti, Oregonian. H ometttcads IF YOU want a good homestead cheap call at 210 Stock Exchange bldg., Portland. Or. M. A. Brltgood. For Sale Fruit Lands. CHOICEST of Oregon orchard and farm land acreage from 5 up. Terms. Property joins city limits. Address H. A. Wood, Dallas, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTE D Improved 5 to 10-acre tracts near the city: we have cash buyer; also clear city property to exchange. AYERS & SMITH. 501 Northwest Bldg. Main 72W. WANT unincumbered residence from $3000 to $.KHu; have $1"0i cash, $l.'u0 second mortgage payable $100 quarterly, balance clear property. State full particulars. BC 702. Oregonian. SMALL Summer home on electric line, not over CO minutes from Portland, for about $2500. Give full description and location. H. L. YOKE. li; N. W. Bank bldg. A 5-ROOM bungalow, N. E. part of city, as rent preferred ; give location, terms and price first letter; owners only. D 703, Ore gonian. FOB BENT FARMS. FOR RENT 20 acres. Improved, good soil, house, bam, suitable for dairy, milk house, other buildings, orchard, good well ;.nd creek. No. 0133 lst st., Woodstock ave., S. E. Lents, Mt. Scott car. DESI RABLE farm neur city; good build ings, soil, fruit, pasture. See owner, 720 Northwestern Bank bldg. TEN acrts, cleared, house, barn, 2o cherry trees, 20 chickens, cow and horse for sale. Phone A 304S. WANTED Farm on shares or would act as foreman; have family. F 704, Oregonian. & ACRES on Oregon City carllue. St. Charles lnd Co., 204 Morrison. BEAUT I FL"L S. tract, good house, electrc car. cheap. J. D. Morris, Main 670. A 4:6l. FARMS WANTED. WANT small farm near Portland for dairy and hogs in exchange for fine Income property worth $16,000; $3500 mortgage. R. G. Barton, at HARTMAN THOMPSON (4th and Stark) I WANT 50 to 100 acres of real low-priced land -for all cash. Marion Lohre. 2.14 E. 14th st. Owners only and answer by mall. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. WANT 5 or Hi seres with good house: lo cent fare; might buy. H 702, Oregonian. FOR SALE T 1MB EK- LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD, C. J. M'CKACKEN. 304 M K AY BLDG. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. MERCHANDISE OR GROCERY WANTED. Have fine S-room. strictly modern home, or corner lot 50x120; all street and sewer Improvements in and paid for; will ex change for good business of any kind in any good town, a farm. Improved acre age, or irrigated land; price $&000. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT FARM FOR CLOSE IN FARM. 4S0 A. In Sherman Co., 320 A. In cult., 20 in full wheat; new bungalow and barn, horses and machinery; good water; 5 miles to railroad. Price $14,5u0, clear of incumbrance. Want 40 A. or more close to Portland. J. B. Ruley Co.. 923 Cham, of Com. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK. Invoice $950u; did $45,000 business In 1914; will take clear real estate at cash figures up to $7500, balance cash; this is a fine business in splendid location. Lf EDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT RANCH of 4K0 acres, 12 miles frort lone Morrow County. Or.; good soil, no incumbrance; will sell for $10,000 or take city property for all or part in exchange If suitable and price right. Apply Oregon Inv. & Mortgage Co., Stock Exch. biug.. 81 ard Yamhill sts. 12 1 j ACRES, four cleared, fenced, spring. s.'hooL macadam road, 3" miles west Portland, $2000. mortgage $600, easy pay ment? ; exchange auto or city property. KiS Belmont. iZs-ACRE farm near Manning. Wash. Co.; 8 a, clear, finest of soil, running water: mtg. S1500; will exchange eq. $2000 for lot In Portland. 2i'2 Stock Exch. bldg., 3d and Yamhill. Marshall 03, A 4144. IRVINGTON Good 6-room house and full lot 446 E. 10th St., 44000; mtg. $1500 6 per cent; will take good lot for parL In quire 203 Stock Exchange bldg, 3d and Yamhill sts. MT. TABOR DISTRICT. 5-room, new. modern bungalow, one - block from carline. will trade $050 equity for $300 cash and ll14 Ford touring car. Phone Tabor 613. WE have five good inside properties rang ing in price from $S5tfO to $275. oOO to ex change for wheat or stock ranches: own ers only. R. F. Bryan, 50$ Chamber of Commerce. AM desirous of securing good valley farm; wjN exchange $25,000 to $40,000 of my stock W good Portland corporation stock above par; give particulars. AG 702, Ore gonian. WHAT have vou to trade for 10 acres No. 1 lend In cultivation. H mile from Reed viUeT E 702, Oregonian, Exceptionally desirable trade. Have 648 acres highly improved farming land iu best section of N. Dakota, actually worth $39,070 cash. Also fine income property netting from $250 to $SOO per month, actually worth $10,000. Total incumbrance sooo at per cent, win traae ior guuu Oregon or wasn block ana uairy. Near Grand Rapids, Mich. An extra good 160 well improved farm. 120 acres cultivated and pasture and 40 acres choice timber. Actually wortn Leased to a good tenant, but can get im mediate possession. Price $SO0O. Will in clude $2000 in cash and take stock ranch up to 1,IWJ. 101 acres choice dyked tldeland with deep water frontage. Good large house, fine dairy barn to hold so cows, z suos, etc, sena.rs.tor. mower, rake, tedder, plows. barrows, disc, wagons. Smalley silage cutter, gasoline engine. pump, milk cooler and all tools and implements to run the place, also 43 cows milking, a more- coming fresh. 10 heifers, fine bull. tcv This nlan will crow all necessary feed for SO cows Mortgage $5000. Price $3u,000 cash. Take suitable income prop erty. Cannot give this personal attention. Give full particulars of offers in first letter or no attention paia. 301-302 Railway Exchans bldg. 43-ACRE FARM AND STOCK. n-r-m hnn nnw ha rn. stlo. chicken house, small orchard, 2 springs, rural mail, phone service, milk route, school ad joins place, running brook, 3 head cattle, 1 horse, 2 doz. chickens, buggy, stump puller, cream separator. Incubator, some housenoia gooas, is a. cieareu, i iiucu, 4 b rr,r.ra t-oariv tn nlOW. fenced 2 fie Id 8, 20 miles from Portland; price $3000; take $2500 good clear residence m jroruauu. D. M. Rohrbough, 269 Stark st.. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON enw Tr-vr'- a vr:r. FDR SMALL FARM. A good 6-room house with 75xlOO-fL lot, located in good district; fruit trees, nice vard; price $3500; also 20 acres cedar timber, located near Highland, Clacka mas Countv; price $2000; mtg. $450; will exchange these properties ior amau proved farm, H. A. DRYER, 'The Acreage Man," 510 Lewis Bldg. w 1 t . 1 . tratiA i oOO rr wheat ranch in Mor row County, 6 miles from station, for Portland propertv ana -oou.uu m i;u.ji. About is now in good standing wheat, AiUl airom rA In Ktubhle IlOW beillE DlOWed, balance in pasture. All implements, small tools, work stock and harness go with place. Price $2b,oo.ou. J ujli, ore gonian. mn. 4(TTK farm mi. from elec. station, near Yamhill, Or., good S-rm. house, barn and outbldgs., good soil, plenty water; account health will sacrifice, incl. Block and implements, for $80 per acre ; will take a home in the city and some cash and bal. to suit. K. U. Barton, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON t4th and Stark.; LAURELHURST LOTS WANTED. a .n..c9A Tnig t Deven-rooiu mvuu u In restricted district; has hardwood floors all built-in convenienceo, lumcua full cement basement; price $6500; will take Laurelhurst lots to $4o00. P 6J3. Orejronian. FOR PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY. $24 900 166-acre Grants Pass ranch, 67 a. under irrigation. 23 a. in commercial pears, 15 a. in peach fillers, a splendid diversified farm on Rogue River, 7-room house, etc. , , w HrsH.MTI.KLLAN REALTY CO. Phone Main 4181. 502 Piatt Bldg. MODERN flats to exchange for farim or vacant lots to i,ow - $4000 house, dear, exchange for close-in a crea ge. Jones, in. w. pmhk uiuk, FOR SALE or exchange, equity corner lot, r.n.iAn .rnnm house, barn, chicken-house. in jeood location, at a great bargain, terms. No agents. Main 2657 or 205 31th St. .nn siT.R nr exchange 5 acres good land might take good motorcycle as part pay. AV 705, Oregonian. TRADE 3t0 acre wheat ranch, 230 acres in crop. Portland residence preferred. At. Fitzmaurice, Condon, Oregon. HAVE 2 acres good land in Washington Co. What have you to exchange? E nit i nro irnn In n WANTED to trade good classy roadster for .naKcnenr car will pay some CHSn Olllcl Cl'vi x ' S0 ACRES fir and city lot for modern bun- WHAT have you to exchange for 320 acres yellow pine timoer : x ioi. iib"""-"-IRVINGTON HOME for exchange B M Lombard. 250 3d. Mam 56U2. A 2882. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL exchange 30-30 Winchester repeat ing rifle with Lyman sights; has bad slight tiage and is as good as new, for pigs. A K. Oregonian. VIEW camera. ti'ixS-A, good lens, one dozen ni.i.hni.iiri!i want violin. nhonoEraph, anything of like value. AV 721, Orego nian. A POPE-TOLEDO, 2 cylinder, 1000 lb. truck, for twin motorcycle. Call 406 McKay bldg. Main 034. FOR SALE. H orscs. Vehicles. Harness. Etc tt a tit low. hlookv orchard mares. 2400 lbs. will plow single and double and ride; are easy keepers and any boy or lady can ft-ed care or drive them; are bay ana black; set good heavy harness, at one price, sjJo. 1 jrarw, team of mares, sorrel and brown, 2Hoi lbs.; are a pair of mares that will work single or double and ride; are gen tle and a good team for any purpose; are not lame or huic, um . iwm working mares set good harness at one price, ioo. Single rig; a nice buy mare, kind and gentle, true to pull single or double; a set hand-sewed express harness and a long bed buggy, nearly new; this rig will suit any small farmer that is just starting out; at low price, $120. Farm outfit Team mares. 2600 lbs. : are good workers and sure pullers; a set of breeching harness and a new wlde-tlre Studebaker farm wagon with box and seat; all ready to drive away at one prict of $25o. Single horses Black mare, 1350 lbs.; good worker; $00. One bay horse, 1250 lbs., $03. One sorrel mare, 10."U lbs., good work er single or double and ride; $45. One black horse, tt years old and a good worker or will ride, at low price $50. One black mare in foal, 9 years old and no older; good worker and true puller, at low price $5o. Also a few big young horses at low prices .from $125 up. Wagons Two farm wagons, 3 Vi axle, with box and seats, ail complete, and two running gears; 3H axle, one new, one used, very cheap. One top camel-back sin gle wagon. $50. One top laundry wagon, nearly new, $45. One long box, single bug gy, nearly new, at $45. Call Union Transfer Co., 11th and Hoyt sta. Free delivery to boat or B, K. Three days' feed free of charge. BOARDERS WANTED. Now that we have got the Rose City Stables In shape we are ready to handle about 20 head of horses to board; we also will rent a few stalls reasonable. WILLIAMSON & SON, 505 Alder St. DARK, iron-gray mare and gelding 4 years old weighing 2750 heavy bone and blocky built, also span of heavy bone shire 4-year-old geldings weighing 2S0O lbs. The above horses are sound and will be sold at a low price. 295 Davlo st. SPAN of sidings 7 and S years old, sound and sure, weighing 2200 lbs., very stylish and free of blemishes, $160; also straw berry roan horse, 7 years old, sound and true, weighing 1600 lbs., $100. At Model Stables. 5th and Davis. WE have 4 mares and 4 horses that weigh between 1O00 and 1100 lbs. that are all good workers and for sale very cheap. PORTLAND COMMISSION STABLES, Corner Union ave. and East Irving. TEAM of geldings, weight 2400. gentle, true workers, good farm team, fat, ready for Spring work; heavy harness: quick sale $165. Oregon City cnr to Arlington station. Inquire at store for Glasa place. PAIR bay mares, 5 years old, well matched, broke to ride and work, weight 2160; are both sorrel suitable for ranch or de livery team $123. Come today. Star Sand barn. 9th and East Flanders. LOW-SET, very chunky bay mare, S years old. sound and true as steel, weighs 1200, no better one alive, $S5. STAR SAND BARN, 9th and East Flanders St. COMMISSION AUCTION of horses, vehicles, harness, wagons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 P. M. Colum bia Stables. 302 Front St. FOR SALE cneap. one-team of well-matched black horses, weighing 3200 lbs.; one small delivery horse, weighing 1100 lbs. 226 Rus sell st. . FOR SALE 2 teams, harness and wagons. Cedar mill store. Cornell road. Ask for Baker's teams'. " WAGONS and horses by day. $1.25. I. Cohen, 381 Water st. Main 2203. Main 6995. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at 88 E. 7th st. North. PASTURE. See McClelland. 240 E. 8th st. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free; call day or righL Tabor 4203. DD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. IF TAKEN at once. iou casn. win ouy w1" matched team of brown horses. 6 and years oia, wei&ui auvui - ---good working condition and can be handled by the smallest child. Their heavy work harness included in price. 12l Russell st., room 16 FL EL, teaming and contracting business, consisting of block, store building, rented, large bam. woodshed, saw, wagons, horses and everything complete, netting $2000 a year, clear of incum brance, to trade for farm of equal value. AJ 703, Oregonian. FOUR teams of extra good workhorses from 5 to 3 years old, weighing from 2S00 lbs. to 330O lbs.; these teams are closely matched and in good flesh; 1 must sell 2 teams at once; have no work. At Howell's Wood Yard. E. SOth and Burn side, Montavilla, - AUCTION. Hoes. mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. ; only strictly commission stables in the city ; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse & Mule Co., 240 East 8th st. East 6815. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. 48 buys fine Oak Sears & Roebuck & Co. $145 Organ with mirror at St K WAN PIANO CO., HI Fourth Street. KRAN1CH & BACH upright grand piano, piano bench, piano player detached, sheet music cabinet, 82 selected music rolls. East 1705 until 10 A. M.. after & P. M. $238 buvs a Davis & Sons Upright, $10 cash, $6.50 monthly without interest, at 1 W A.N riAINU LU., Ill Fourth Street. BEAUTIFUL Farand organ, a Story & Clark, in first-class shape, only $3o; must be sold at once. 34 4th st. FOR SALE New player piano, cheap: will take second-hand piano part, balance on time. Phone Marshall 2432. $400 PIANO in. storage, $150 cash. BD 70S, O re-go nian. . HIGH-GRADE piano at a big bargain, 3$ Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark sta. TO RENT Sweet-toned upright piano. Main 4415. STU YVES ANT player piano, combination 65 and SS-note. Main 1398. Mr. HowatL Dogs. Blrus. Pet SI oca. CH. R. RAVEN and PRESIDENT AT STUD. LADDIX KENNELS. ESTACADA, OR. GOLD and spaniel male to let for breeding purposes. Mar. 4S43. Furniture for Sale. ELEGANT golden wax oak dining tablev library table ana siaeooara, an new, ery cheap, y-hone Tabor 1220. FURNITURE, carpets, everything new; Les ter piano; $220 cash; without piano, $70. No. lti, cor. Burnside and East 12th. Poultry. FIFTY pure bred leghorn, day-old. chicks, in a McClanahan firelesa brooder, all for only $6.00. Order at once. McClanahan, the Incubator, man, Eugene, Oregon. Free book on request. WE SELL 100 White Leghorn baby chlx from best utility stock and our firelesa brooder for $8.50, April and May deliv ery ; we guarantee safe delivery. The Pioneer Hatchery, petaluma, Cal. WANTED To buy Chinese ring-neck pheas ants, quote best price In first letter. Oregon Bird &. Pheasant Farm. Beaverton, Or Route 1. Livestock. FOUR biggeat used car snaps ever offered in Portiauii: Electric lighted and starter, 1913 Reo, 5 -pass. ; 5 tires; $525, terms. Electric lights and starter, Mitchell 3913. tivo-pass. ; $525. 1013 Studebaker "25," five-pass.; $425. 112 Studebaker "30," electric horn, 5 tires, bumper; $365. GENERAL AUTOS CO., 523 Alder St. JO HEAD of good dairy cows, Durham, Guernsey, Jersey. Take Woodstock car to 60th, walk 4 blocks west, 1 north. Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAPS. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We offer you the following list to select from. Free service given on all used cars: FORD, 5-paas., nearly new, with extra equipment. R. c. il- 5-pass., 4 door. CHALMERS, 5-pass., 3u h. p. L'OLE, 5-pass., 30 h. p. HUPP, 5-pass., S2 h. p. COLE, 4-pass., 40 h. p. MICHIGAN, 5-pass.. 33 h. p. i;EO, 2-pass. roadster, 30 h. p. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. BROADWAY AND COUCH ST.. Main SSS7. A 4050. LIGHT SIX BARGAIN. LIGHT SIX BARGAIN. Late model FRANKLIN touring car, electric lights and starter and full equip ment; absolutely first-class condition throughout; must be seen to be appro elated. COVEY MOTORCAR CO., 21st and Washington. WINTON SIXES, thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt, in 4 and 7-pass. models; cars ore fully equipped and carry standard guarantee of the Winton Company for one year; be sure and see us before you buy a used car. Liberal terms. WLNTON MOTOR CAR CO., Cor. 23d and Washington Sts. PORTABLE GARAGES. Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artistic designs, 10x16, 36 up. erected complete, with lock and key; im mediate delivery; also portable houses. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO., Foot of Harrison Ht. Main 1167. LOOK! SNAP! REO TRUCK. Two-ton, with van body, In first-class condition; will sacrifice for quick sale NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. Main bS7. A 4950. FOR SALE 1914 Ford 5-passcnger in first rate condition, including covers, shock bsorbers, horn, electric search light, $425 cash; car to be seen at Custom House Auto Co.. E. 13th and Hawthorne. G 702, Orejronian. 1914 CADILLAC 1914 . YOUR CHANCE To own a high-grade car at a saving of many hundred dollars; this is a most ex ceptional buy. COVEY MOTORCAR CO., 21st and Wash. A JITNEY or stage bargain, large, 7-pass. Garford, just overhauled and repainted, new top and new tires. See it before you buy. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washington Sts. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 10x16, best materials, erected on your lot, complete $32 up Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. AUyn, Carag'i Specialist, 1101 E. Salmon et. Tabor 194. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices $200 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder Sta 7-FASSENGER Plerce-Arrow, newly painted. new seat covers ana top: goou conuiuon; would consider light car as part payment. Winton Motor Car Co.. 23d and Wash. sta. FOR HIRE, $1.50 PER HOUR. 5-passenger 1914 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phone Main 1201 or East GSOO. . TERMS. Dandy 5-passenger Jackson, swell looker, ready to drive off, $600. Main 1242. SNAP. 1-ton Stoddard-Dayton delivery truck; must be sold today; $250. Call C. B. Miners, 528 Alder. FOR SALE 5-passenger 1912 Cadillac in excellent conaition; extensive equipment; $800 cash. Address A. B. C, Vancouver Barracks, Wash AUTOMOBILE for sale; $400 cash; Flanders 20 four-door, in fine shape. Call morn ings, 672 E, 15th st. N. Take Irvington car. 1-TON truck in first-class condition; guar antee 6 months eteaay worn, ttttt .mor gan bldg. WINTON 5-passenger car, good for jitney; price $450, $20O cash, balance $23 per month. 319 Lumber Exchange. A 5-PASS, suitable for jitney business, $330, one-half casn, Dai. terms, uau wo Jicnay bldg. - t 1913 FORD. 5-pass excellent condition, new casings, 2 extra casmga, mues, ma.Bi.ex vibrator; terms cash. Q 701. Oregonian. FOR SALE Auto; would take gooa deliv ery car, maKB me an oxter, ruoae iuwr 5475. A 1914 FORD, rive-pass., wen equipped; price 4UU ev uuww, Dai. 9-u iuuuiu. v.i 406 McKay- Main 934. FOR SALE 5-passenger, 4-door car, Al condition ; terms ; or win iraue iur ruu ster. Call Main 8232. WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; nignest casn raaritei pric paid. J. Leve, 186 Columbia Main 5108. STEARNS Silent Knight, late model, nearly new; a bargain 11 uugd hub ue. 01 East Morrison st. FOR SALE Two-ton truck and route, busi ness average i- oay m outs jtwr. ui ju. Burnside. East 6888. COTTAGE, 124 North 17th St., near Gllsan, 1,..,. or sc -Vnrth Ifith. ' FORD roadster, $200; no mora, no less. 170 T-nlnn OVA S MUST sell 24-passenger auto bus.. "White FORD car for cash. O. V. Gamble, 72 Broad way; must oe gooa appearing,. Motorcycles. FOR SALE Shefclei motorcycle carbure tor, almost new. auutcss au tvv, urcDu-xiian. WILL take 5 or 7-passenger car as first pay ment on my modem, up-to-date home ; every convenience and the best built house In Portland.; very desirable neigh borhood; balance like rent. BI 703, Ore gon ian. WILL pay cash for 1500-pound or one-ton tnirif- must bfl standard make and cheap. Buick preferred; send full particulars. L tyi, urtgonian. WILL trade property and pay cash differ ence for 1010 locomobile or Buick 1500 pound truck, not older than 1014 model; give price wanted. P 602. Oregonian. WANTED Used automobile. Ford or some other light car, either runabout or 4-pass.; terms, part cash, balance semi-monthly. M 710, Oregonian. WANTED TWO TOURING CARS, FIFTY DOLLARS DOWN, FIFTY DOLLARS - MONTHLY. BD 702. OREGONIAN. WANTED Second-hand Ford automobile, 1911 roadster prelerred. Wallace Kings bury, 39 10th St. WANTED A 1013 or later Ford car; have 1st mtg. and some casli. 406 McKay bldgv Main 34. . WILL trade 40 acres of hay mobile. 433 Chamber of d land for auio- ommerce. GASOLINE launch and cash to exchange for Ford auto. K wi, uregonian. WANT good 5-pasa. chasis; no junk. Phone "Doctor," Marshall 3063. Typewriters We save you from 5o to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE BALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash, et. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com- pany. So Broaaway, yortianq, ur. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. Ths Kortnwost '.typewriter o., Main 5528. MANDOLIN, value $35, for violin in first- class condition. 012 miiwauaia. ruuu Sell wood 1332. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three months for $4, delivered. 244 Stark St. Main 6273. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, 231 Stark at. Main 140. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand bargains, $5 up, with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for rates. Main 843L Sewing Ma chine Emporium, li0 3d cearJTaylor. FOR SALEor trade for an automobile, a motorboat, will carry 12 passengers, sieed 9 miles per hour; 14-H. P. engine, just from the shop, lu lirsi-class condition. Ad dress AV 0i, Oregonian. I HAVE about $10,000 worth of fine stuffed and mounted animals; everything from a mouse to a moose; will sell very cheap for cash; can see pictures at 1073 Mallory or address c. c. Jux, jaaer -ii.y, EDISON'S rotary mimeograph. No. 70. with writing board, slightly usea; also 2 type writers, for sale cheap. Call at 731 oth st.. Rose City cur. FOR SALE One stt Dayton scales, 2 coun ters, 1 safe, 2 tables, I American ace. reg ister, 1 desk, 1 oil tank. Cali E. 1251 or C 1250. ALL Kinds of high-grade kodaks, Anastlg mat lenses and view cameras bought, sold and exchanged; rifles and shotguns want ed Hochfeld's Camera Exchange. 85 3d St. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46-48 5th. SNAP 45-70 Winchester, 40 shells. $4; 2iax 4J Eastman kodak, $4; new 25-ft boat hull, $20. dell, horse wagon, harness, $4u. 448 E. 9th S. FORSALE Furniture and fixtures of coffee-house; owner going out of business; 31 North 4th st. cali between 9 and 12 A. M. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon; per gallon, $1.65. Portland Paint Co., 230 Flout st. Marshall 10U. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, SUP PLIES, FILM SERVICE. UNITED FILM CO., 22S 2D ST. $-15 DAVENPORT, body Brussels rug 9x12; other pieces of furniture at a bargain, loai Multnomah st. DIAMOND ring, 3 V4 karats, perfect, cost $i50; will take $4i5 cash. H 705, Orego nian. . COMPELLED to get money on my beautiful diamond ring, about 14 karats, first fair on er tattes 11. -rtxi iuu, wjcsmwoM. Entjnes, boilers, sawmills, bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism; 50 tablets for 25c All druggists. fi-CAiiiiNG SUPPLIES at wholesale pricss. Stark-Davis Co., 2V2 8d st. Main 797. CASH registers. National, slightly used. Typewriter Exchange. 3ul Washington st. SAFES. SAFeiS. The Mosler Safe Co., 264 Stark street. 1O00 BUSINESS CARDS $L00. Ryder ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. FOR SALE Seed artichokes, $1.50 per 100 lbs. Beaverton, Or.. R. No. 2. box lbZ. GOOD malleable range, at a bargain, uust eell at once. 418 Eugene st. DESK, chairs, tables, rug. protectograph, school map, document file. 10 Henry bldg. FOR SALE New houseboat, furnished or unfurnished: terms. Call Tabor 532. COW manure and horse manure for sale. W deliver. Phone C 1720. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE WANT FURNiTURE. Get our estimates before selling - your furniture. We pay you cash and the highest price. Prompt attention given to calls, MISH FURNITURE CO., MAIN 5768. 184 FIRST ST. MAIN 01 fas. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. We pay highest cash prices for ladies" and genrs castoff clothing, bicycles and everything in merchandise. Call us up. We need it and will pay for it. GLOBE STORE, 2S5 First St. Main 2 030. Main. 20S0. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED, J. MEYER. THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGH. EST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES. WE CALL PROMPTLY. THE HE LIABLE BUYER. Main 7373. 247 Madison, WANTED Fishing reel and bosket,, must be re-asonaole. State price and give phone number. BF 701, Oregonian. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware &. Furniture Co., 221 FrouL Phone A 7174, Main 9072. THE HIGHEST price paid for wool and mohair. Special attentiou given to pools. F. W. Williams, K. F. D. 1, Junction City, Oregon. . WANTED Use of all or part of household furniture for ti months; dining-room and living-room furniture especially. AB 704, Oregonian. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURNITURE, CLOTHING OR OTH ER MERCHANDISE. I NEED IT; HIGH EST PRICES. MAIN 4317. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. KLINE'S, EAST 71o9. 87 GRAND AVE. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS AND PI ANOS; SEPARATE DEPARTMENTS FOR LADIES. ELBY CO., 320-20 LUMBER EXCHANGE. 2D AND STARK STS. WANTED Plumbing in exchange for firsts class carpenter worii. or painung. oen wood 1005. WANTED Mahogany rolltop desk, must b reasonable. Inquire 202 Stock Exch. bldg., 3d and Yamhill ats. Mar. 203. A 4144. 8D-HAND FURNITURE, ETC, WANTED. Don't give it away. Get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co.. 182 1st. Main 4778. NATIONAL cash registers for world's fair at iSan Francisco, highest prices. S. Gold stein, 120 Battery st., San Francisco, Cal. DO NOT sell or giva away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House, 194 2d st. Marshall 473. CASH paid tor hair combings. Sanitary Bcaaty Parlor3. 4QQ Dekum bldg. WANTED FURNITURE, COOK STOVES. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. MARSH. 2376. WILL store furniture for use, good care, no children. Main 3175. WANTED Excavating and team work. Phone East 4S04.C 1477. HELP WAN TED MALE. ABLE-BODIED men to prepare for firemen, brakemen: $120 monthly; positions ob tained free. Railway Association, Orego nian. WANTED Harness makers and saddle makers. Great West Saddlery Co- Ltd- Calgary. Alta WANTED At once, man to learn auto re pairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage, 40 na w mm - $ 00 BUYS half Interest in good, going busi ness, also give you position. Particulars Woi (.iiaiimci " WANTED First-class counterman; must come recommended; call before 10 A. M. Cozy Dairy liuncn, om aim WANTED A good live agent to sell busi ness chances. $23 Investment required; particulars. Call 510 Lumber t-Trhnnrc. EXPERIENCED credit uun vaateu . wholesale houre; give age, salary and ref erences. AE 08S, Oretfonian. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y'. M. C. A. Record 1914: Calls for men from employers ..It 92 Positions filled 34 The service of this Department la free to all members of the Association. To non-members a special Employment Mem bership is issued, costing (5 per annum, giving the service of the Department lor a year, two mouths' full privileges and a refund of the membership fee it satisiao tory employment is not secured. All joung men seeking employment In Clerical, Technical or Commercial lines or de.siring counsel or advice are cordially in vited to consult the Advisory and Employ ment Secretary. . :00 MEN" WANTED who wish to save money on their clothing bills. Jimmy Dunn's upstairs clothing store saves you the high rnt profits. Men's $J0 value suits at $14.75. Men s $25 value suits at $18.75. 315-10-17 Oregonian bldg. Eie lator to 3d flour. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Dsy and niriht instruction in repairing, driving, selling and macniue work, includ ing forge, lathe, shaper, drilipress, etc. Moderate char e a. Fair dealing aud ex pert training. Tltae unlimited. Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu cational office, x'. M. C. A. bldg., and secure pass entitling you to inspect uur shoo and methods. . WANTED A hat man for a big local store; must be a winner with a record. A thor ough knowledge of buying and selling various brands Is absolutely essential. If you can quulify you'll please grusp this chance quickly. Reply to box BC 700, Oregonian. THE TRUTH PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENG1NJ2 SCHOOL. THE LITTLE ISCHOuL WHERE YOU OBTAIN THE BEST RESULTS. THE PROOF A FREE TRIAL GIVEN EACH STU DENT BEFUKK ENROLLMENT. 200 11 TH ANl JEFFERSON STS. LUMBER stenographer, out of town; must be rapid ana accurate on ttgurmg lum ber, invoicing, shorthand, etc.; handle or der desk, general Oitue work and assist bookKueper; capable handling correspond ence curing manager's aust-nce; references required; good future for right man; don't apply unices fully qualified; replies cou hdential. BF 7U5, Oregonian. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND, EAST 23D AND MORRISON. A complete course of automobile In struction, including machine shop wora, by expert instructors. LUUiv US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSEWHERE. Take Mt, Tabor or "Si"' car to 23d it. INDUSTRIAL TRADE AND ART SCHOOL, The motion Dicture industry is last be coming one of the greatest industries of the 2Uth century.. Now is time to get familiar with the various braucnes. For particulars communicate with Northwest Weekly. 0th and Oak ats., Portland, Or. LEARN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND DRIVING AT THE BEST CLIPPED, THE ONLY PRACTICAL AND UP-TO-DATE AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL iN PORT LAND. L. & M. AUTO REPAIR CO., 309 H A WTHORNE. USE scare time to build uu mall ordci business of. own; wo help you start for share in profits. 2i opport unities, xrm -ticulars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. YOUNG man, with small amount of money, to take t interest in kodak finishing studio; experience not necessary, but must be neat and have good references. H iuu, Oregonian. WANTED Man and wife on dairy ranch, man general work, woman cook; no chil dren. Pacific Employment Co., 222 Couch street. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 33. No profession offers eeual opportunity. Catalogue free. C. Keana, pics. ltlS Mar ket st.. Sun Francisco. PRESSMAN Situation open at Tribune, Pen dleton. One Miehlo and two platen?. $15 to start. Answer quick. Address AV 7iu, Oregonian. LIVE young bookkeeper and stenographer; good hand writer; start $t5, cliauco ad ancement; give phone number. AC 7u0, Oregonian. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to leach you the barber trad in 8 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed; p a i d while lea r in ng. 2S2 Id, near M a in. WANTED Gold mine superintendent, as say er, engineer, foreman and miuers; none but A-l men need answer; mine in Iuaho. AO 702, Oregonian. WANTED A first-class solicitor; must pro duce husiuess without asking how, where and when he is going to get it. Apply before 9 A. M-, 414 Commercial Club blug. CASH advanced you weekly soiling my hardy guaranteed, stork; excellent teru tury ; hustlers make money. Wabhington Nurtcr y Co., Toppenish, Wash. LIVE WIRES, house-to-house, or country; 50c seller; big profits; requires some money to start. 7 to 1 A. M. pacific Stor age Co., 312 East Madison. WANTED A reliable and hustling agent for Baker County. Address Grand Union Tea Co.. Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED A good live agent to sell busi ness chances out of busy office ; $25 in vestment. 510 Lumber Exchange. MAN' or woman who is willing to work & hours a day can earn to .k a wee, $225 required. 433 Chamber of Commerce. AD SOLICITOR; weeklies, monthlies; cash com. Clyde Agency. 2u7 Stock Exch. PHOTO coupon agents, splendid offer. Mult nomah Studio, 01 Dekum bldg. PHOTOGRAPH agents; new offer; new studio. Daguerrc, Pittock block. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony fcxudlo. Royal bids;. YOirNJinau wanted to work on train; small bond required. 4 N. OH'. PAINTER wanted at 221 V Morrison st. Den tal office. Help Wanted -Agenti. Wonder Company, 22H National Safety vault bldg., AJenvpr, v-010 AGENTS IS to $10 a day selling 1913 Spe cial. Van Dyke Studio, 4U4 Wash. st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Woman (Scotch preferred) to cook and do general housework for fam- ' ily of two and two chiltiren; nurse kept; orchard, near Med lord; part laundry done at home; good references essential. Apply, giving full particulars, and state wages required, .airs, x. j. uunine, .mcukum, TIRED of eating al the restaurant, have decided to get a housekeeper, keep two apartments, n-at aud clean; dinner and supper for 4; state wages wanted. AH 703, Oregonian. COMPETENT, girl for general housework, family of three, no children. Call on Thursday or Friday between 2 and 5 o'clock at fcu7 Hamblet ave., cor. 26th St., Alameda Park. SCHOOL OF MOTION PICTURE ACTING. For particulars communicate with Northwest Weekly, Uth and Oak su., Portland, Or. GOVERNMENT Jobs for women, $70 month; list positions obtainable, free. Write im mediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 703 C Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young woman with guod referen ces for office work, must be efficient typ ist; state age, experience and salary ex pected. Address AH 701. oregonian. CASHIER, retail store, quick and accurate in figures and making change; give ref erences. AB 701, Oregonian. WANTED Dressmaker's helper. Call only between 9 and 10 Thursday; unless ex perienced do not apply. 348 4th at. WAITRESS wanted; must be young and good looking. Apply at the Lou fro res taurant. WANTED Competent woman cook and helper; must have references. Phone B 1404. - FIRST-CLASS coat finisher wanted. Apply at shop. McDonald & Collett, cor. 5th and Pine. GIRLS to learn beauty culture; commission while learning. Geneva E. Reilly, 514 Ai ington bidg. in WANTED Girl for window ; must have very heavy and long hair. Apply after 10 o'clock. 141 3d st. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. All modern business courses $ mo. Positions when competent. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Company, 42$ Pittock block, fe85 Washington st. MRS HINSDALE'S BUSINESS SCHOOL. 'WJ Empress bldg. Personal instruction; po sltions when competent. EXPERIENCED girl, young, for general housework and cooking, 2 in family, to go to Eugen-; references. Main 3Q2Q. GENERAL housework girl, plain cook; ref erences. Main 1891. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 411 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. BOOKKEEPER, stenographers and dicta phone operators Sol N. W. Bank bldg. MISS M A TtTn G L Y ' S SCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting. 2ti'. 14th. u. Jfff. Mn. rOoD German girl for general housework. 7H1 Nnrthrup, Apt. H. GIRL wanted. Monroe at. YOU'LL never get rich working for others. Why not start a cleaning ana ayemg business? We start you light. No pre vious experience necessary; but small cap ital required. Big profits in this great re- MEN AND WOMEN to learn the barber trade, earn from $15 to $-3 Pr week; tuition reduced, paid while learning; po sitions secured; writs for free catalogue. The Moler System ot College. A 4tt N. 2d sL . WANTED Someone to kep books a fw hours each week In exchange fr a fur nished housekeeping roum. aul East IN1T".R NATIONAL C-rrenpndeiics Schools it ta salesmanship, also other courses Frje catalog. ii2 McKay bidg. HELP WANTKO M1M ULLANKOI B. OREGON BARBER COLLk-GB wants men and women to leara the barber iraue I" weeks: positions euarantetd ; toots free, paid while learning: scalp and iae oae eaKe a specialty; modern meiiiod teaching ud; tuition reduced. 233 MsOlson. RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. clerks, car riers, exam, soon ; parcel post Umnsnij many moi cierks; act at once. iswU State School. McKa ybldg.. pi t y. GOVERNMENT wants clerk. $10 month; Portland examination soon; common edu cation sufficient; particulars free. Apply Immediately. AV 03 J, oregonian. GIRLS between in end 25 to lern compto meter calculating machine, good poeitiou w hen couise completed. 33$ Moi gau bias. SITUATIONS WANTtO MALE., Bookkeepers and Clerks. DO YOU WANT ROOhLK h t't'LK PART TIMET Will call a tew hour eaoh week or car and keep your books, get out laiemenis, etc. ; work gusmnteviJ ; hlgii-ia relet -eucej; experienced accoumaut, AO yeaia P. O. Box 364. YOUNG man wlhu pillion a teuotpUt and bookkeeper. C. li. Llebhart, Call or write care Hotel Franklin. COLLECTING, by middle-aged man; re liable; salary no objwt, X 4 0 J. On.-gunian. Mi eceilaaeo ue. FOR SALE or trade, my beautiful double built 4-room bungalow, sleeping porch and Xirt place; iuruac. all modern conveni ences; clean and goud as new; all line homos around me; kurouutling arc grand. luiJ M alio 1 y ae. Phone Wood law n BUTTER-MAKER with H yearn experience in Eadt and California is open for a posi tion. Can take cb;ugo of maiiutacturiiig end of busim sa and auurantce quality and overrun; correspondence solicited. E. A. Warnwr, L. B. 2, Oregon City. . MAN and wife want work on farm or raiuli; woman can cook, kep houio; man baa had lifetime experience on ittrin; we m Eastern people. Adults Jo Mltison, Cui- valils, Or. 1 HAVE lbO acre of heav. fine timber In Grunt County; make mo a reoubio cash offer. Phone Woodlawn 14- or call lu.3 Mallory. WANTED On a dairy ranch, by an experi enced middle-aged man a situation as milker; understands iVvilluf and taking care of cows. AO "0. Ore gontn. CHEF, cook, first-class experience, wants po sition in city or in a good country not-!. Phono Marshall 03 ur address O JJ. Oregonian. YOUNG married couplo, experienced in all kinds of farm work and milking, wish work for both parties; n'ste ala.y. Aa dtfss Martin Gister, Hour 1. S 10. Or. JAPANESE boy wishes situation to do chamber work or any other; speak Eug iish. W 7Qj. Oregonian. ' HOTEL man, experienced hi all lines, good appearance, wants wot k; best reference. Phone A room 13. t - A-l counter man would like something m dairy lunch line; good reference AJ (0. Oregonian. WANTED Position lor man driving team or anything steady, has four children and wife. E. Doble, 355 Hussalo st. STATIONARY steam and refriaei al lng en gineer wants position, salary uo object. U 01, Oregonian. YOUNG law and ronuncrcliil student want place to cam bMALL salary. Room 011 Y. .VI C A. YOUR building, repairing, jobbing wauled by experienced workman; reasonable, ru liublc. St 11 wood 1000. DENTIST, registered, witio position; will work very reasonable. V tor( oregonian. JANITOR; reliable; beat of rvfereiuos; not afraid of overnlla. AH 7U0, Or-aonian. PAPER banning, 2tc 11 roll! wall paper cleaning. 7:c a room. Main Pol 2. Vol NG man w ine position of any kiud; must have work. Main uo6. COLORED man wants employment at janitor or general hout-ework. Col, L"2. YOUNG man wants work 011 farm; goud milker. 11 7. oregonian. WANTED Petition as shnnp herder. All 7'1, oregonian. LAWNS and gardens prepared aud planted. fall Tabor tiKit. SITUATIONS WANTKI) I'KMA LK. Bookkeeper and bteiugraptoera Al STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, trained a prnate secretary, dcsiioe posi tion; university education; experienced law, machinery, railroad and- w liolesaie work; excellent references. Mala eiJ, room S6. . PERMANENT position, experienced In book keeping, typewriting and general ofllee work. Expert writer. Will accept any thing steady. BC tfH. Or-gonlitn. O K. stenographer, b. k. aud dictaphone operator wants permanent .r subeiltu: work. M. 2(17. EX PEU1ENCED stenographer and of (U e clerk, also bookkeeper; any salary, fdalu MC!I." Al BOOKKEEPER, position to go to wuik immediately; best of reference. Marshall 4 7. .3. COMPETENT operator wants position; ca- pcnuncpd. Phone East 47:2. I) free make re. FASH ION A ULB dressmaking roasoiiaMe, home or day. 301 Buchanan. Main Mol.l. DRESSMAKING end tailoring at yn references furnished. Call E, 2tii Nnre TRAINED nurse wiil Klo mental or old people good home; kind treatment; bed patient preferred, either bhx. G 7uu. Oregonian. PLEASANT home for invalid or old person; will give the beet care; price reason able. Fast 177."i or &.v K. 2Wth. WILL care for children any time or any where. C 2.9Z. BY experienced iiuine. more case or oigul or nay work. Mam 7'..;t. FI KST-CLASS practical nurte; ready now, B 1387, E. 341 . House keepers. WIDOW, middle-aged, refined, capable of taking full charge a housoketsptr; ref erence as nurae; can do delleieern work; niunt hav employment. Rs, 221 i:;th gt. Phone Main ti:to2. EDUCATED, refined woman, competent, ex cellent cook and manager, position house keeper or care of invalid; cau take full charge (110 washing); best references. AB 7t2. Oregonian EASTERN lady, good cook, neat houee keeper, wishes position In widower's fam ily or club of men. Marshall 31ltf. RELIABLE woman wants position a house keeper. Call or write Potter Hotel. COM PENT cook, private family country preferred; wage -o to $o. N 700, Orego. nlan. . MIDDLE-AGED woman, experienced cook, and references, institution. boarding- h o use, hotel. A n 10 .m sin COMPETENT cook, private family, by day, week or month. Phone A 103! NEAT, experienced girl, general housework, city references, good wageH. Main 2U.W. MisceUaaeoBS. MIDDLE-AGED lady, reliable, wants posi tion as companion or nuro girl with party going on trip. AH 7tt:i. Oregonian. I WANT work an chambermaid; come home nights; reliable; out of work ti months. Main W21). . YOUNG lady would like employment morn ings in roturn f.or room and board. teii w oud 1 7 G 7. GIRL wants work in boardinK-house or small restaurant; go home night. Eaat 7 1 14, room 2H. YOUNG girl desires position in mllllner; knowledge ot making and saleslady; 7.6U. Main 24. WORK by day or hour. Tel. East 4782, B 1050. Mrs. Harrison. WIDOW want any kind ot day work. Ta- bor J73. . . TWO Finnish girl want general housework. Main 6ibi. BY experienced girl for general -k. Mar. Lrp"2. 227 North 21st. neral liuiisu- work, DAY' wort wanted, Thursday, Friday; good laundress and houseclanT. Mam 4:ttn. THOROUGHLY experienced woman work by hour. Phono Muln Mtt2. HOUS EC LEANING, washing, etc.. by lro.'i experienced women, noom amm STRONG woman wants day work. Cail all n-xt wek, evenings. Tabor ti'H3. EM'ERI ENCED woman In nd. work by day or hour. Krt 1217. Mrs. Peterson. FINNISH woman wants any kind of oar w ork ; experienced. Tabor 8101. NOR WEG1 A N lady u am day wgi k. Phone mh.ii tjTr.ri. DAY work of auy ktuu. Phoue Mam