Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 31, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Foundation Ready to Contrib
ute $100,000, Particularly
" . for Help of Miners.
'.Relief Committee Asks for Necessa
ries of Iifc for Three Months,
After Which Employment
Is Believed Possible.
NEW YORK, March SO. John D.
Rockefeller. Jr.. in a telegram to the
Colorado state committee on unemploy
ment and relief, announced that the
Jiockefellcr Foundation stood ready to
contribute $100,000 to relieve distress
among the workers in Colorado, partic
ularly in the mining- districts.
The committee sent a telegram to Mr.
Hockefeller on March 35. saying there
was considerable distress in Colorado
and that although contributions ' had
been received or pledged from various
sources the indications were that the
funds so gathered would be insufficient
to meet the needs.
In hig telegram today Mr. Rockefeller
informed the committee that the KocKe
filler Foundation stood ready to meet
any deficit up to S100.000.
Reply Jlade by Telegraph. .
X. J. Mackenzie King, formerly Com
missioner of Labor of Canada, but now
connected with the Rockefeller Founda
tion, is now in Denver. In his message,
. Mr. Rockefeller said that Mr. King
would represent the Foundation.
Mr. Rockefeller's telegram, which
was addressed to "the state committee
of unemployment and relief. F. J. Rad
ford, chairman, Trinidad. Colo.." read
as follows:
'Your telreram of March 26, with
reference to the distress which exists
among the unemployed and their famt
lies in Colorado is received. I note
the expression of opinion by your com
mittee. that if the necessaries of life
can be provided during the next three
months, at the end of that time It
should be possible for employment to
be secured on farms, in the mines or
Financial Aid Pledged.
"It is also noted that your committee
fears that in the meantime funds from
individuals, county and state resources
will prove insuf f icient- to meet the need
and that unless further immediate aid
is otherwise provided widespread suf
fering and want will certainly ensue.
"Should this prove to be true, the
Foundation stands ready, up to July 1
next, to supplement the funds received
from the above mentioned sources as
may be necessary up to J100.0OO. Since
Mr. V. U MacKenzie King, director
of the industrial relation department of
the Rockefeller Foundation, is now in
Denver, the Foundation is requesting
him to represent it in this matter in
conference with you."
(Continued From First Page.)
rcsentatives in Congress should be
made the targets for letters and tcle
jrrams calling attention to the slipht
to this state and demanding that the
order of the Navy be modified so aa
tn Include Portland in the cruise of the
tiovrnor Makes Appeal.
Governor Wtthycombe was called by
telephone yesterday by C. C. Colt, pres
ident of the Commercial Club, and he
raid he would Join the movement and
appeal to Secretary Daniels and to the
Hate s Representatives at Washington.
Action was also taken urging each
member of the Fortland Chamber of
Commerce and every citizen of Oregon
acquainted with Secretary Daniels, the
Representatives in Congress or the
Senators, to send personal appeals in
sisting that Portland be made a port
of call for the battleships.
C. C. Colt and O. M. Clark headed
the committee appointed by the new
Chamber to take the matter up with
Washington and both expressed their
emphatic opinion yesterday that Ore
gon should not let the incident pass
without making the strongest repre
sentations and the most vigorous pro
test that a change be made in the
routing of the units of the fleet.
Organisations Ask Change.
Under the lead of the Chamber of
Commerce, strong telegrams were dis
patched by the local civic organiza
tions. The following message was dis
patched to Senators Chamberlain and
' Lane:
We learn through Associated Press thai
fleet or American warships under personal
direction Secretary of Navy Daniels la to be
taken through the Panama Canal in July
for the purpose- of cvlebration of the coin
pl3tlon of the world's areatest commercial
enterprise. It is further stated that the
arhir are to visit Sun Diego. Us Angeles,
tan Francisco ami the Fusel Sound.
It is Impossible for us to understand why
the Columbia Klver and the Important State
of Oregon are thus overlooked. We respect
fully cail to your attention that the fleet la
to tie led tv the historic battleship Oregon,
and there are both sentimental and patriotic
reasons why the vessela should enter the
Columbia Klver and come to Portland.
The consolidated Chamber of Commerce
and Commercial Club, representing 4500 of
tbe eltia--,na of Portland, besides its many
other affiliated organizations, begs further
to sav for Itself and for the State of Ore
iron that it is unable to understand iiy a
National Administration which has had the
h-yal wud continuous support, in all Its Im
portant policies, of its two United States
Senators should thua Ignore the people of
the stata of Oregon, and we respectfully in
sist that tit proposed itinerary of the war
ship fleet ho so changed that the Columbia
KUer receive Its proper recognition.
We desire you to lay this matter before
the Secretary of the Navy for the purpose of
srvln7 proper and forceful expression of
the sentim.-ntK of the people of Oregon and
of a sense of lh Ir arrest disappointment
t'tat it is thus necessary to make any kind
of a protest on their behalf.
C. C. COI.T.
President Portland Commercial Club.
President Portland chamber of Commerce.
president Portland Ad Club.
President Portland Realty Board.
President East Side Business Men's Asao
clat ion.
President Manufacturers' Association.
President Rose Festival Association.
A. T. HftWIXS,
Chairman Transortatlon Committee.
rresicent Progressive Business Men's Club.
president Retail Merchants' Association,
President Rotary Club.
The following message was sent to
Secretary Daniels:
The consolidated Portland Chamber t
Commerce, speaking for ite 450O members
and affiliated organisations, desires most re
spectfully to Indicate to you Its feeling of
areat surprise that the proposed ithierary
of tha American warships led by the historic
battleship Oregon through the Panama Canal
should not have Included the Columbia River
and the State of Oregon aa one of Its destlna
tlors on the Pacific Coast.
We urge )oo to reconsider, so that proper
recognition may be given to a stata that has
bad so large a voice lr the aupport of the
National Administration through tta I'J
I natora. and also which state baa a vital
Interest in the Panama caraL
we urge you to discuss this vital matter
with Senator Chamberlain and Senator Lane
to the end that due consideration may be
sivtn our request.
President Portland Commercial Club.
President Portland Chamber of Commerce,
Upon advices being received by The
Oregonian last night that Secretary
Daniels had included Portland in the
list of Pacific Coast ports to be visited
by the Atlantic fleet units, both Mr.
Colt and Mr. Clark expressed gratifica
tion. Mr. Colt said:
. "Since the telegrams have been sent,
we may as well say that the Chamber
stands for the recognition of Oregon,
and expects to take a stand in things
of sentiment as well as in business and
commerce. We feel we are justified in
seeing Portland and Oregon recognized.
So far as the Chamber is concerned, our
attitude has not changed in all vital
matters of this kind."
Mr. Clark said:
"We are pleased to know that the
Washington authorities consider Port
land is on the map, and the news will
be welcome to our people. The battle
ships will be well received here; we
shall certainly give them a warm wel
come." -
Secretary Denials Says Division Will
Be Sent to This Port.
ington, March 3D. After the battleship
fleet led by the old Oregon, passes
through the Panama Canal and visits
the San Francisco exposition, it is to
be divided, some of the ships going to
Portland, some to Puget Sound and
others to Hawaii. Secretary of the
Navy Daniels says the Navy Depart
ment has not worked out the itinerary
for the fleet, and will not be ready
to announce it until shortly before the
warships start through the Panama
It is now planned to assemble the
Atlantic battleship fleet and other
vessels and send them south in time
to reach Panama July 4.
The battleship Oregon will go south
in the latter part of June, and will
pass through the canal In time to meet
the assembled armada and lead it back
through the canal to the San Francisco
Exposition. If President Wilson is
able to leave Washington at the time,
he expects to make the trip through
the canal aboard the Oregon, and will
be accompanied by Secretary Daniels
and other high officials.
How long the battleship fleet will
remain at ' San Francisco, Secretary
Daniels says he has not determined,
and none the details of the cruise have
been arranged, other than to fix July 4
as the tentative date on which the fleet
shall assemble at Panama. Just how
many ships, and what ships, will be
sent to Portland, and other ports along
the Pacific Coast, will not be de
termined for some time, as the Navy
Department is now preparing for
maneuvers on the Atlantic Coast, and
wishes to conclude them before taking
!up plans for the cruise to -the Pacific.
Secretary Daniels said the Oregon,
ultimately, will be returned to the
reserve fleet station at Puget Sound.
Asked if he had considered sending
the Oregon to Portland and turning it
over to the Naval Militia of Oregon.
Secretary Daniels said he'would gladly
order this done, but that the expense
of. maintaining a ship of that size is
so great the people of Oregon would
not care to assume the burden. Vessels
of such dimensions, he said, are not
suited for the use of the naval militia,
because of the heavy cost of maintenance.
Oregon Delegation Also Asked to
See That Fleet Conies Here.
SALEM, Or., March 30. (Special.)
Governor Withycombe was advised to
day by Portland business men that In
formation has been received that the
battleship fleet which wilt come to the
Pacific via the Panama Canal in July
does not plan to stop at Portland. It
is now proposed to proceed direct from
San Francisco to Puget Sound. The
Governor immediately sent the follow
Ing message to Senators Chamberlain
and Lane, and to Josephus .Daniels,
Secretary of the Isavy:
Am Informed battleship fleet on visit to
Pacific in July contemplates stops at Cali
fornia norts and Pucet Sound. In reported
Itinerary, apparently stop at Portland is
overlooked. On benair or Oregon ana vast
empire tributary to Columbia River, I
earnestlv urge fleet visits greatest river of
our West. Merchantmen make Portland
most Important grain and -lumber shipping
port on Pacific and battleships cannot
justly Ignore it. Celilo opening makes
recognition of Columbia gateway to interior
especially desirable. Please use your oesi
endeavor to see that Oregon gets her just
dues In this respect.
Governor of Oregon.
"I am sure there must be some mis
take," said the Governor in comment
ing on the matter. "It is inconceiv
able that the Naval authorities should
venture such an oversight The Gov
ernment spends millions at the mouth
of the Columbia in making its entrance
all that can be desired, and more mil
lions opening the waterway to through
travel at celilo witn tne canai, ana
then when the first important fleet
excursion comes this way, it is pro
posed to forget that the Columbia ex
ists, or that the greatest grain export
ing port on the Pacific wants to enter
tain the fleet.
"However. I am sure our Senators
will see that the plan is changed so
that we eret the recognition we deserve.
and no doubt the representatives from
Idaho and Eastern Washington will
take a hand in helping us. ior surety
they will not welcome haying their
water c-atewav Tjassed vrp. When the
matter Is placed before Secretary Dan
iels I am sure that he will see that
Oregon gets a glimpse of tne fleet.
iowan, Opposing Increase of
Rates, Declares Net Reve
nue Has Shown Gain.
J. c. Donvllle, of Portland, Is Said to
Have Given Worthless Paper
to Many Merchants.
SALEM. Or.. March 30. (Special.)
Using a Young Men's Christian -Association
membership card, which, it Is
declared, he obtained fraudulently, as
a testimonial of character, a man giv
ing his name as J. C. Douville, of Port
land, passed worthless checks with
Salem merchants today, aggregating
till, according to the police. After a
search of several hours, the police, un
der the direction of Chief Welsh, caught
him in the outskirts of the city. They
think he is an old offender.
The man was accompanied to the city
last night by a woman and registered
at a hotel. He went to the Salem
Young Men's Christian Association
early today and gave a check for tlO
for a membership card. With this he
went to several stores and made pur
chases, giving checks on the North
western Bank of Portland.
After making orher purchases, he
went to the store of Hammond &
Bishop and bought a suit of clothing.
The- merchant, however, was suspi
cious of his customer and called the
cashier of the Portland bank, on whicn
he had given a check for $27.50, over
the telephone. He was told that Dou
ville had no account at the bank.
The police finally locaied the man
at a little store in the soutnern part
of the city, where he was waiting for
a package of goods to be delivered to
hinr. All the merchandise obtained by
him was reepvered. The woman, who
was registered at the hotel as Mrs.
Douville. is thougtit to nave left the
city early today.
Betterments Said to Have Been Made
From Operating Expenses Fa
vorable Rate for Borrowing
' Money Also Asserted.
CHICAGO, March 30. Testimony
that the Western railroads, instead of
becoming impoverished, have in the
last five years earned -more revenue
than ever before in their history was
offered at the Interstate Commerce
Commission hearing today of the 41
Western railroads' petition for higher
rates on certain commodities..
Appearing in opposition to the rail
roads' plan that they be permitted to
charge rates that will yield them at
least $10,000,000 a year more revenue,
Wayne Ellis, statistician of the Iowa
Railroad Commission, asserted that the
railroads, judged by statistics which he
compiled, were prosperous.
"Their net revenues for the last five
years have been greater than ever be
fore," said Mr. Ellis. "Compared with
1900 the last five-year period showed
a net increase of 75 per cent. Less
taxes, the total net shows a correspond
ing increase. The railroads assert that
operating expenses have increased at a
greater rate than net revenue, but this
is true only of the last five years.
The cause of this is that the rail
roads have charged to operating ex
penses large amounts connected with
additions and betterments.' The West
ern railroads are being built up and
improved from operating expenses.
"It is also significant that the total
maintenance expense per mile of line
in the western district were greater In
both 1013 and 1914 than 1910. and in
1914 the gross revenues were reduced
by 4 per cent, as compared with 1913,
but the maintenance charges were re
duced onl-r one-sixth of 1 per cent and
the maintenance of equipment was
actually increased."
The witness asserted that the rail
roads were now paying more dividends
than ever before and that the rate at
which they were able to borrow money
compared favorably with the rate
inriimrrinla had to Pay. He Will
be cross-examined tomorrow.
Henry C. Wallace, J-es jHoines, r. uu
appeared as an agricultural expert, and
who testified that the railroads were
attempting to impose a burden on the
farmers, was asked whether in Iowa
railroad securities were considered a
better investment than farms.
"I don't know, but if I owned an
Iowa farm I would sell it and buy rail
road securities," he said.
"You seem to think there is a bad
outlook for Iowa farmers?" asked C.
C. Wright, general counsel for the rail
roads. '
"You can -put your own interpreta
tion on it."
"Your theory is that the bigger the
crop the worse off is the farmer?"
..n.,.. t ..ftft The farmer is
not getting enough for his crop."
"In other words, n me cosi jl jvmS
ought to be increased to those who
. . - n na in increase the
DUJ IHrill lliuuutm " -
prosperity of the farmer, that would
apply to otner industries, woum n
"Perhaps," said Mr. Wallace.
Clifford Thorne, chairman of the Iowa
Railroad Commission, outlined, in behalf
of the protestfng shippers, the reasons
why the proposed Increase is regarded
as unnecessary.
Police Official Ashamed of Home
Stations After Visiting Coast.
CHICAGO, March 30. On his return
today from a trip to expositions at
San Diego and San Francisco. Herman
F." Schuettler, first deputy superinten
dent of Chicago's police, declared he
was ashamed of the headquarters and
police buildings here, after making
comparisons with those in the West.
"Jnstead of the dungeons we have
in Chicago Western cities have sani
tary cell rooms and modern accommo
dations in their police stations," said
the assistant chief.
Mr Schuettler announced also that
he had determined to try light uni
forms and khaki for the Chicago police,
who in Summers past have sweltered
in heavy broadcloth uniforms.
"I got this idea in the West, too, he
Chicago Union Issues Notice Affect
ing 7000 Workmen.
CHICAGO, March 30. A order to
strike Thursday was issued today by
Union officials to 7000 members of the
Painters' Council whose wage agree
ments expire tomorrow.
The strike order was issued when, It
is alleged, the employers' committee
failed to keep an appointment with the
labor representatives.
Instead the Painters' and Decorators
Club, composed of employers, sent let
ters direct to the painters, paperhang-
ers ana glaziers msms -
useless strikes," and asking them to
ignore a form of contract which the
Painters' Council declared must be en
forced after tomorrow.
Old Resident of Milwauklc Dies.
ttt TvrATTxrTP! Or March 30. (Spe
cial.) Frederick II. Lechler, an old res
ident of this place, tuea yesteroay i
his home from a long illness. Mr.
Leohler was 61 years old. His widow,
Mrs Iau,rie Lechler, survives. Funeral
services will be held Wednesday at
2:30 P. M. from the chapel of J. P.
Finley & -Son, of Portland, and in
terment will be in Milwaukie Cemetery.
Mr Lechler had been a resident of
Miiwaukie for about 25 years. For
1 . .. . .-- hA w-a ensrafi-Ari in t.h e
sewing" machine business in Portland.
2,391,060 Germans Buy War Bonds.
iviTVPniM March 30. via London.
A message from Berlin says that
5.391.000 subscriptions 10 -xne secona
. . vaf Ioati were received. Near
ly two-thirds of the subscribers con
tributed 1000 maris or leas.
"l wish to express my sincere appre
ciation to the many friends and neigh
bors for the sympathy shown me dur
ing the sickness and death of my be
loved husband, also for the beautiful
floral offerings. And especially to
Mrs. A. Holderman. the Messrs. E. O.
Rauh A. ft DuPuy. Walter Holcomb,
E. M. Baker and F. Fisher for the
kindness extended. .
Easter Hats Blooming Like Flowers
in the Millinery Salons
Hundreds of the smartest and most charming Spring hats it has ever been our pleasure to display.
Every Woman May Find a Becoming Hat Here
Whether she prefers a imple tailored effect, or a Hat for dress occasions for never were the styles so varied so universally mingnever
were the prices so extremely little. All the new Spring colors, the latest trimmings, in clever combinations that are exclusive at the Upman-Wolte
Store, are ready for your inspection and selection.
Specially Designed Hats for Girls and Mbses
Are a feature of our Millinery Salons, which we are introducing this Spring. It is no longer difficult to find youthful styles they are
every conceivable shape and trimming, that will become the girls from eight years up at surprisingly small prices. Second floor
Mall and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers
J" Merchandise of cJ Merit Only"
Pacific Phone Marshall 5000
Home Phone A 6691
Front Lace Corsets
A model for every ilsjwr.
A price tor every nocketbna.
A model fer every scrulom.
$3.50 to $18.50.
Fourth Floor.
Our Annual Easter Sale of Gloves
An Event of Greatest Importance
Featuring Only Standard Makes
Perfect, Carefully Selected, Soft, Seasoned Skins
These Sale Prices Will Prevail -
$1.50 Lambskin Gloves $139
Eskay lambskin gloves, one clasp
pique style. Fancy . embroidery
backs. In white, black, tans,
grays and champagne.
Real Kid Gloves $1.25
These real kid gloves are in two
clasp style, overseam sewn, imperial
stitched backs. In black, white,
tan, and gray shades.
$1.75 Lambskin Gloves $1.33
French lambskin gloves, finest
quality, 2-cIasp pique sewn con
trasting embroidery. In white and
$1.50 Lambskin Gloves $1.35
Two-clasp lambskin gloves, pique
sewn. 2 rows contrasting embroi
dery in black, white and gray.
$3.00 Doe Gloves $2.23
1 6-button style of washable doe
skin gloves. Splendid quality.
$1.50 Doe Gloves $1.25
Complete stock of washable doe
and chamois gloves, pique and P.
X. M. style. In plain and fancy
stitched styles.
$2.50 Doe Gloves $1.95
Eight-button, washable doeskin
gloves, first quality.
$1.50 Fanchon Suede 98c
A broken line but a good assort
ment of shades and sizes. In black,
tan, sand and pearl.
$1.50 Cape Gloves $1.18
Light weight cape gloves in
black, white and tan shades.
Novelty Gloves
$1.75 to $2.25 Pair
Made of first quality kid
trimmed with wide crochet embroid
ery one and two pearl clasps. In
black, white and the new shades of
gray and champagne.
Liwo Gloves $1.50
The famous Liwo gloves in all
shades, in black and white. One
of the best $ 1 .50 kid gloves on the
Reynier Gloves $2.25
The best service glove made. 2
clasp style, pique sewn. In black,
white, tan and gray shades.
Mocha Gloves $1.25
One-clasp style, pique sewn and
imperial stitched styles. In gray
Chamoisette Gloves
50c to $1.00 Pair
The famous Kayser and Harri
son makes. 2 clasps, in white and
sand. -
Valuer's Washable Kid
Gloves $2.00 and $2.25
In glace and suede finish 2
clasp style. In white and champagne.
$2.00 Chamois Gloves $1.59
Imported doe and chamois gloves
in one and two-clasp styles, fancy
$2.00 Buckskin Gloves $1JS
These gloves are splendid for
outing and tailored wear. One
clasp style.
Arabian Mocha Gloves
$1.75 and $2.00 Pair
Superior quality, one and two
clasp styles. Embroidery backs
in all the new shades of gray and
sold everywhere at $1.75,
$2.25 and $2.50. We offer
them at $1.50, $2 and $2.25.
Of finest selected kid made
with every detail of style and finish.
First Floor
SilK Blouses
Crepe de chine
Georgette Crepe
Pussy Willow Taffeta
Blouses that were specially de
signed for wear with the smart
tailnnr rostume.'
These blouses are just out of their boxes, and surely a more charming
collection would be hard to find.
Models that show new finely tucked and accordion pleated effects,
touches of hand-embroidery, rows of ivory or pearl buttons, novelty
cuff effect, the new military collars, or becoming tum-down collars in
the widest variety of smart, fashionable styles.
The colors are flesh, white, putty, maize, battleship gray. Belgian
blue and sand. - . Third Floor
Continuing Wednesday the
Sale of Glove Silk Underwear
Famous Niagara Maid
At One-Third to Half Price
No other silk underwear. sale-successes have rivaled this
one in gratifying results. This great sale places before you
the largest assortment of the famous Niagara Maid glove
silk underwear ever presented in an event of such magnitude.
Vests, union suits, bloomers, pantalettes, in white, flesh,
pink, American Beauty and black. Plain and embroidered,
band or lace tops, some with bodice tops for evening wear.
In regular and extra sizes, all reinforced for extra service.
4, 3.75, $3.50 Vnlom Suits 82.69 2.SS and S2.00 Vrsls SI. 25
fS and S4.SO Union Suits.. g3. 19
10.79 and 6.23 Union Suits S3. 79
$3.25 and Bloomer. .81.79
94, S3.75, $3.50 Bloomera.. .92.49
$5 and $4.50 Bloomer. .. .83.19
$3.00, $2.75, 2.SO Vrata 81.69
$4.50, $4-00, $3.50 Veata 82.39
$5.00 and $4.75 Veata 83.19
$5.00 Lane; Tantalettea 83.69
First Floor
'First Showing of These
Specially featuring the
novelty Norfolk Panama suit,
and the tittle Admiral suit,
just received.
Snappy black and white stripes,
French blue, and blue and white
stripes, as well as plain white suits,
made in new box pleat effects with
white belts,- cuffs and collars, side
button styles, deep yokes, in combi
nations of stripes and plain colors.
The little Admiral suit has deep
yoke and laced sides, and all are
finished with silk ties. '
For boys from 2 to 8 years.
Fourth Floor.
Just Unpacked
Women's Distinctive Spring Suits
Offered Today at Two Special Prices
The Suits at $25.00
Of black and white checks, and gabardine in navy blue, Belgian
blue and black. Made in a new model with pleats in back, trimmed
with rows of small buttons. Deep revers in front of black corded
silk to match the cuffs, and an embroidered over-collar completes the
suit. Skirt in a plain flaring style, jackets silk lined.
The Suits at $21.45
Come in two attractive models, one with pleated jacket, button trim
ming, and pique collar. The other in a semi-blouse style, with wide
belt and flaring skirt section. Made with full skirts, one in a pleated,
yoke-top style. These suits are of gabardine, in navy,' sand and putty
shades. Third Floor
New Spring Ideas in
Our art department has never af
forded the needleworker such a
splendid selection of clever, new
designs, exclusive with this store.
Just a few of the many attract
ive novelties and their low prices:
.Stamped pure linen tow
els 50c
Pure linen guest towels 25c
Small stamped Turkish tow
els 12Vzc
Linen finish pillow cases 65c
Stamped tubing day cases
priced 65c
Children's lawn dresses ,25c
New card table covers. .50c
Turkish laundry bags $1.25
Stamped in entirely new de
signs. Free instructions every
day. Fifth Floor
Allied Fleet tn " Dardanellea Only
Moderately Active Torka Say
Relnforeementa are Awaited.
DTTT-nnnRAn. March 30. via London,
March 31. An official communication
..j ,Anio-ii tail nf the onerations
of the Russian, fleet against the
Bospnorus. it nays;
"Our fleet approached the outer for-
. - a . : n KA Rnanhnrus Monday.
L 1 li I LIU 111 v. ...w 1
but wait unable to continue the bom
bardment, as a rog anrouaea mo
. .. 1 1 .hin, xrhans:ed
kjiiv cl u v. i .......
shots with a Turkish destroyer, which
made on at iuu sv"
Bospnorus after the first shots."
niBDENELLES Sunday. March 28,
via Berlin to London, March 30. After
bavins remained almost totally inactive
since March 18, vessels of the allied
fleet today developed a slight activity
near the entrance to the Dardanelles,
bombarding lightly what appears to
have been an untenanted infantry
Weather conditions for a bombard
ment have been of the best. There has
been a quiet sea and a clear atmosphere
all along. The belief is expressed here
that the resumption of the bombard
ment has been delayed, because, in ad
dition to the ships sunk March 18, most
of the other vessels engaged were badly
used by the Dardanelles batteries.
Turkish "officers say that the allies are
not likely to resume their operations
as long as they are unable to avail
themselves of a fire superior to that
of March IS, which they declare was
tremendous but Incapable of coping
with the situation.
The Associated Press correspondent
in the last few days has visited every
Dardanelles fort bombarded by the
allies on the 18th. He discovered that
notwithstanding the heavy shell fire
from the warships, the damage sus
tained by the Turkish positions was
uniformly slight.
From 20 cents to 25 cents a day is ps-ld
the women employed la the rubber Indus
try In British Guiana.- .
Expedition Fitted Out In California, to
Recover Uuna From Warship, Waits
on Department of State.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 30. The
State Department at Washington has
been asked to rule as to whether the
fitting out of an expedition at this port
to salvage the wrecked Japanese cruiser
Asama, on the rocks off Turtle Bay.
Mexico, is an unneutral act.
While awaiting the ruling of the de
partment J. O. Davis, collector of the
Port of San Francitco. Is holding at
Monterey Bay, Cal., a tugboat and two
barges which were halted while bound
for the wrecked cruiser. The barges
are equipped with machinery capable
of salvaging the heavy guns of the dis
abled warship.
The tug cleared from here Saturday
with the two barges In tow. They wen
overhauled at Monterey Bay by the
revenue cutter Mcculloch and ordered
to drop their anchors.
Customs officials telegraphed to the
Treasury Department the facts of the
The waste from two wood pulp mills In
Sweden thst use the suliihlle process, or
dinarily regerded as valueless. Is belns
converted Intr Industrial slfnhpl.
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