Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 31, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Hauser Parts, and Discovery
Vessel Is Waterlogged De
i . troys Hope for Men.
Navy IJepartnipnt Determined to Re
cover Submarine at Any Cost.
Salvage. Equipment May Be
t. Sent From Mainland.
WASHINGTON. March 30. Effort to
raise the sunken submarine F-4 in
Honolulu harbor were temporarily
Mispfndpd tod-ay after a hawser, with
wliirli the boat being dragged to
ward hore. snapped.
Uear-Admiral Moore reported from
Honolulu late today that the subma
rine evidently was waterlogged and too
heavy to be raised by the equipment
employed by the searching fleet. This
destroyed any faint hope that might
have been left of finding any of the
crew of 21 alive.
The vessel lies in 45 fathoms (270
feet of water) and her position is be
ins held while preparations for raisins
her by pontoons are made.
Lifting; Equipment Inadequate.
Admiral Moore's report follows:
"Lieutenant C. E. Smith. command
Ins first suDmarine division of the Pa
rifle torpedo flotilla, has located the
K-4 and moved her a slight distance
inshore. Uftins; howser parted. Sub
marine evidently water-logged. Equip
ment too light to raise her. Making
arrangements to lift her by pontoon
method. Still have lines on submarine
and can hold her location. Depth 4J
fathoms. -MOORE."
Secretary Daniels said tonight that
the Department would raise the F-4 at
any cost to determine the cause of her
accident, in order to guard against
similar disasters In the future. He em
phatically denied reports of dissatis
faction over the work being done by
the naval authorities at Honolulu.
Equipment May Be Sent.
"Nothing could be further from the
truth." he said. "The Department is
convinced that everything possible is
being done with the means at hand.
Honolulu being an isolated station, is
not nearly as well equipped for salvage
purposes as are some of the naval sta
tions on the mainland, but there is
every indication that the officers and
men at Honolulu are indefarlgably
working night and day with every
means in their power to raise the
sunken submarine and rescue their
"Should Admiral Moore, the com
mandant of the station, and Lieutenant
Smith, the commander of the sub
marine division, fail to raise the sub
marine through lack of necessary ap
pliances, it is the Department's inten
tion to send out the necessary salvage
equipment, including deep-sea diving
apparatus, as well as expert deep sea
divers to accomplish the purpose.
"It would, of course, be Impossible to
get such equipment to Honolulu In time
to save the lives of the crew."
Barbadoes and leeward Islands En
ter Into 2-Cent Compact.
WASHINGTON. March 30. Two cents
Instead of five cents will be the postage
rate on letters beginning April 1 be
tween the United States and the British
colonies of Barbadoes and the Leeward
Islands in the British West Indies, the
Postofflco Department announced to
day. The reduction is the outcome or the
American Governments invitation to
all the nations and dependencies of the
Western Hemisphere to enter into
agreement for a two-cent letter rate to
foster commerce.
A two-cent rate recently was put
Into operation between the United
States and British Honduras and the
Bahama Islands. Bermuda, Jamaica,
the Windward Islands and other Brit
ish dependencies have not agreed to
the reduction, nor have the nations of
Central or South America excepting
Cuba. Mexico and Panama, which have
had the two-cent rate a long time, as
have Canada and Newfoundland.
Baker High School IJojs Stage Bi
cycle Tiaee in lobby.
BAKE It. Or, March 30. (Special.)
As the result of an improvised bicycle
race nulled off in the Y. M. C. A. build
ing last Sunday, two high school boys,
Oliver Francis and Phillip lilias. were
today expelled from the T. M. C A.
About 15 were In Sunday's affair, only
a few of them members of the T. M.
C A., and Secretary Love said today
that as soon as their Identity could be
i is. overed they would also be deprived
of the privileges of membership. When
Jlr. Love appeared on the scene Sunday,
after the disturbance had been quellea
bv William H. Ellis and Dr. F. T. Notz,
ho found the cover ripped from one of
the pool tables, torn papers and maga
zines littered about throughout the
The high school boys are said still
to entertain a feeling of animosity
toward Mr. Love on account of his ter
minating their proceedings of a "kan
garoo court'' last Fall.
Commission Not to Build Xortlt-and-Soutli
Koute for Lack of Funds.
BOISE. Idaho. March SO. (Special.);
The new State Hishway Commission
In session here today decided to abandon
construction of the North and South
Highway connecting Northern and
Southern Idaho, owing to the fact
Adams County, through which it passes,
is unable te realize its proportionate
share of cost of construction.
Failure on the part of the recent
Legislature to pass a 1100.000 bond is
sue to assist in construction of the
' highway also handicapped the commis
sion. The north and south road was
to have been built from Welser. north
to Grangerville and then on to Lewis
ton. At the present time there is not
a road that can be traveled between
these points that is continuous.
St. Johns Minister Collapses at Fare
well Reception.
While attending a farewell reception
United Evangelical Church. Monday
mgat, liev. j. A. vrooae, wno nau re
cently resigned the pastorate of the
church on account of ill health, col
lapsed and had to be helped to his
home- H was overcome by the strain
and excitement of the meeting in his
enfeebled condition. He was resting
comfortably yesterday, but had not
recovered sufficiently to receive
friemls. He will retire completely from
ministerial work for the present, and
will not be able to attend the confer
ence which will open at Corvallis to
There was a large attendance of
members and friends at the farewell
reception and all expressed regret that
Rev. Mr. Goode had been compelled to
leave the St, Johns charge. He had
been pastor of the St- Johns Church a
year and a half, during which much
progress was made.
Rev. "W. E. Ingalls. of the St. Johns
Methodist Church, with whom Rev.
Mr. Goode had been associated in com
munity and reformatory work, paid
high tribute to the retiring pastor.
The other speakers were: Miss Minnie
Plasket. president young people s Sun
day school class: Mrs. C H. Thayer,
president of the Women's Foreign Mis
sionary Society; Mrs. T. J. Monahan. of
the Ladies' Aid Society; Mrs. George
M. Hall, superintendent of the Sunday
school; T. J. Monahan, president of the
board of trustees. Rev. Mr. Goode and
Mrs. Goode responded.
Steamer An till a Brried y Captors,
Skipper Ordered to Cabin and Men
Locked Below Deck.
NEW YORK, March 30. Captain
Georg-e Cornell, of the American steamer
Antilla, in a letter today to Phelps Bros.
& Co.. who chartered the steamer from
the Ward line, grave the details of the
recent seizure of the steamer by the
British cruiser Dtp by and the treatment
accorded himself and crew.
The An til la. Captain Cornell writes.
was seized February 4, and when a
Lieutenant and a squad of British sail
ors came aboard he and his crew were
virtully placed under arrest. The cap
tain was ordered to his cabia and the
crew locked below.
The Antilla was taken first to Kirk
wall and later to Dundee. There the
cargo was discharged and the vessel
Howard Phelps, of the firm which
chartered the vessel, announced today
his intention of filing: a claim against
the British government on the ground
that the steamer, before leaving tbis
port, had been certified and sealed by
British inspectors under the British
Consul -General.
The Antilla sailed from this port Feb
ruary 10 with a cargo of provisions for
Mai mo, Sweden.
Youth Goes to Father's Burial Just
Ahead of Officer's Visit.
BAKER, Or.. March 30. (Special.)
When the hearing- of Fred Bull,
charged with attacking 60-year-old
Mrs. Carrie Simpson, was called. Bull
was missing and the hearing' was
On the day the warrant was issued
for Bull's arrest the youth received
word of the death of his father in
La Grande. He at once started from
his home In the Buckeye region for
the funeral and. when the Sheriff's
deputy arrived to arrest Bull, the
youth had gone. Mrs. Simpson charges
that Bull recently incorporated part
of her property Into a homestead and
when she went to get water from the
well on the land in dispute Bull
chocked her and threatened to kill her.
Plant of Drager lYuit Company and
Many Tons of Fruit Burn.
' SALEM, Or., March 30. (Special.)
Fire thought to have been caused by
defective electric wiring destroyed the
plant of the Draarer Fruit Company
here today. The loss was about 40,-
000. The building was insured.
In addition to machinery, the packing
plant contained 200 tons of prunes, 10,'
000 pounds of dried loganberries, 12.000
bushels of potatoes and 22,000 empty
sacks. The building was an old wooden
one and burned so rapidly the firemen
were powerless to check the flames.
Fred Drager, manager of the com
pany, said another plant would be
erected and in operation by the open
ing of the fruit packing season.
Quito. Chartered by Belgian Aiders,
and Others Are Late.
NEW YORK, March 30. The Commis
sion for Relief in Belgium announced
tonight that the steamer Quito, under
charter to the commission, has been
overdue in New York since March 22.
She is now 25 days out, having passed
Gibraltar March 5. Her tardiness is be-
ieved to be due to bad weather. Sev
eral other ships under charter to the
commission are also late, presumably
for the same reason.
The commission is now loading only
one steamer, the Strathallen, which is
to leave Boston Friday.
Farmers belling Older Teams and
Urea Wine in Colts to Work.
UNION. Or.. March 30. (Special.)
A buyer for the French army has been
here for several days contracting tor
all available heavy horses. The prices
ranged from 1-d to 1175 a head.
Some farmerB are selling their older
work teams and breaking in colts to
finish seeding and do their Summer's
work. The supply of available animals
is diminishing notably.
Fourth-Class Postmasters Xamed.
ington, March 30. Fourth-class post-
Parity and Bulla If the Blee4 Wits
Hood's Saraaparllla
In the Spring your blood needs
cleansing and enriching. You feel
poorly, and there is more or less erup
tion on your face and body. Your ap
petite is not good, your sleep is
broken, and you are tired all the time.
You need Hood's Sareaparilla. It is
the one safe and effective tonic that
has stood the test of 40 years. It
makes the pure red blood that will
make you feel better, look better, eat
and sleep better. It is the old standard
tried and true all-the-year-round, medi
cine for the blood and the whole
Ask any druggist for Hood's Sar
saparilla, and insist on having it.
Nothing else acts ltke it, for nothing
else has the same formula or ingre
dients, and so there is no real sub
stitute. Get it today. Adv.
National Theater
Today and Tomorrow
On the Stroke of 1 2
A Drama of Intense Power and Sustained Interest 3 Parts
Starring Gertrude McCoy.
1000 Feet of Rapid-Fire Fun.
And Above All
Charlie Chaplin
Braking Packed Houses Roar at
A Jitney Elopement
2 Parts
With as Big a Punch as Any Comedy Ever Screened.
A Musical Sensation
Portland Violinist
Admission lOc
Over 150 leaders of club, business,, polit
ical or social life in Portland have urged
the Peoples Amusement Company by letter
to show "Hypocrites."
Extracts from some of these letters will
be printed in The Oregonian the next few
days. "
They are from people who have had the
privilege of viewing "Hypocrites."
They explain why this matchless picture
will create in Portland more discussion than
any motion picture production has hereto
fore provoked. . - j 1
"Hypocrites," in all its weird and wonder
ful beauty, has cost the Peoples Amusement
Company a tremendous sum of money.
In New York it is being exhibited at the
Longacre Theater at $2 and $1.50 per seat.
Even the gallery costs $1.
But at the Peoples Theater the cost per
seat will be 25 cents, loge and box seats 50
"Hypocrites" may be seen in Portland at
. i ....i.i&l aa fnl-
ntasters nave ueeu ,,-,., .v,..
lows: Oregon. Lon B. Stoddard, Perry.
Washington, George Arrowsmith, Ar
rowsmith. Grant County: Miss Jennie
. t-. :h.j- -u,,-hAT- T Iiinnn.
Lanieron, rruiuauu. j . . - . ,
Oak Harbor; Edward E. Holzhauser,
Olema; William n. uiDKey.
Dayton Teachers to Study Methods.
niTTflV rr March 30. (Special.)
The Dayton schools will dismiss on
Wednesday this wk, as nursuw
Friday are set aside for visiting days,
which will complete the five days of
institution week, only three of which
were used for educational meetings.
The teachers will visit the schools of
Walla Walla, Waitsburg, Prescott or
Starbuck during that time to observe
the methods used there, mis system,af.H Iar veAl- bv Mrs.
Maude Tucker, County Superintendent.
Deschutes Sends 17 Cars of Stock.
GATEWAY. Or.. March. 30. (Spe
cial.) Seventeen cars of cattle and
horses were shipped out of the Des
chutes Valley Saturday. Eleven cars
were loaded at Redmond and five at
Gateway. Two cars of horses were
shipped to St. Louis parties.
Cares Grip Prevents Grip.
r.YTrrn RROyri OTTININE removes the
cau'se There Is only one "BROMO QUININE."
Look f ir signature of B. w. GROVE. iSc,
Smnlrpffl gif
Turkish Trophies
Cigarette fifteen years ago
are smokers of
Turkish Trophies
Cigarettes today 1
miEgrptm OpnttBtoiiWiil
An Adaptation From ' HTl-..a Vn rri ri JVf"
Kipling's Famous Poem, 1 I1C V cLllipiI C
Four Days Only
Coming Sunday William Farnum in "The Nigger"
10c ADMISSION 10c '
r Leading Photo-Play House, West Park and Alder
Last Chance Today
-. in "Are You a Mason?" '
Coming Tomorrow The Commanding Officer
5vr "
V i;
1 'I':
5 biM)Fteta&&&
2 .''
T i i m ill 1 1 1
mm " tmmmmm m mm
Think back to the first Episode and
then answer this question: Was
there ever such imagination and won
ders exhibited in a newspaper story
or a motion picture? But first think
back. Recall the death of Mr. Dodgre.
Then came that masterly "Twilight
Sleep" with Elaine forced to do things
against her will. Then there was
the "Freezing Safe" exploded by
evaporating liquid air. Remember
the start it gave you? Then came
"The Poisoned Room" and "The
; Vampire," when Elaine's blood was
used to save her enemy. Then, the
"Double Trap," and the thrilling
fight on the steeple. And now come3
the "White Circle."
All this you have read in The Sunday
All this you have seen in PATHE
Motion Pictures in your favorite
theater. And yet you have only
begun to see the surprises that are
to be yours in
At the Following Theaters
Nob Hill Theater , Every
Woodlawn Theater Every
Union-Ave. Theater Every
Alhambra Theater Every
Powell Valley Theater Every
Isis (Sellwood) Theater Every
Hawthorne Theater .Every
Laurel Theater .Every
Isis (Lents) Theater Every
Elite (Rose City Park) Every
Princess (Arleta) Every
Scenic (Montavilla) Every
Rnmside Theater Every
Victoria Theater Every
Home .Theater Every
Grant Every
Derby (Kenton) Every
Broadway Theater .Every
Oncograph Theater '.Every
Sunnyside Theater Every
American Theater (Union
Ave. and Shaver) Every
Empire Theater Every
Acme Theater -Every
Gay Theater Every
Ideal Theater Every
s. -
Mon. and Tues
Sun. and Mon
Wed. and Thurs
Sunday '
Wed. and Thurs
FrL and Sat ...
Mon. and Tuea
Wed and Thurs
Sunday ,
Wed. and Thurs, starting Apr. 21
Sun. and Mon
Mon. and Tues
Wed. and Thurs, starting Mar. 31
Mon. and Tues
Medford, Or
Astoria, Or
Forest Grove, Or.,
Roseburg, Or
Grants Pass, Or...
Gresham, Or
Camas, Wa......
Prineville, Or....,
McMinnville, Or. .
Eugene, Or
Klamath Falls, Or
Chehalis, Wash...
Lebanon, Or
Theater. Day.
, .star Every Wed. and Thura. .
. Jewel Every Wed. and Thura. .
.Star Every Fri. and Sat
, .Majestic Every Friday
. .Biiou Every Tues. and Wed. . .
. Opera House.. Every Saturday
. .Grand Every FrL and Sat
. .Lyric. . .' .Every Saturday
. Rainbow Every Fri. and Sat
, .Rex Every Wed. and Thurs. .
'. Star Every Monday
.Dream Every Fri. and Sat
Kuhn Every Tues.
priori- Or Omheum. .. . . Every Thurs'. and Fri. . .
Vancouver, Wn Palace Every Mon. and Tues. . .
Baker, Or Empire Every Wed. and Thura. .
Ontario, Or Dreamland. . . Every Friday
Centralia, Wn Grand Every Tues. and Wed. . .
Woodburn, Or. . . . Bungalow. . . . Every F riday. .... . . . . .
Salem, Or Bligh Every Tues. and Wed. ..
Hillsboro, Or Grand. Every Fri. and Sat
St Helens, Or Columbia Every Friday
Seaside, Or .Critic Every Tuesday . ... ....
St. Johns, Or Columbia Every " ed. and 1 nurs. .
Goldendale, Wn Star Every Wed. and Thurs. .
Milton, Or . . . Xyric Every Wed. and Thurs. .
Linnton,Or Star Every Sunday. ........
Amity, Or Palace Every W ednesday, starting Apr. 21
Newbe'rg. Or Baker Every Mon. and Tnes. . .
Tillamook, Or Gem Every Mon. and Tues. . ;
Vale, Or Rex Ever7 Saturday
Carlton, Or Opera House. .Every Wed. and Thurs. .
Ilwacowash Bell Theater. . Every Saturday, starting Apr. 3.
Ashland, Or Star Theater. .Every Mon. and Tues. . .
Amity, Or.-. Palace Theater Every Wednesday, starting Apr. 21
Dayton, Wash Dreamland. . . Every Monday
Bend, Or Dream Every Thursday, starting Apr. 8.
Clatskanie, Or Columbia Every Saturday .
Dallas, Or. Star Every Saturday, starting Apr. 3.
Town. Theater.
Marshf ield, Or Grand.
Bandon, Or .Grand.
Coquille, Or Grand.
Town. Theater.
North Bend, Or Joy.
Myrtle Point. Or Unique.
Pathe Exchange
392 Burnside Street, Portland, Or.