Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 31, 1915, Page 18, Image 18

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All Charge Purchases Made Today Will Appear on May First Accounts
Come Here
fpr Your
Easter Novelties
Easter Gifts in Bibles and
Prayer Books
Chicken Easter novel
ties, for table decorations,
priced 3 for 5, 2 for
50 and each 10.
Babbits, chickens and
dozens of other novelties,
750 to $1.50 and 500,
250, 150, 1O0, 50.
Easter Baskets, a com
plete line, priced 150,
100, 50.
Paper Easter bells,
your choice at 150 and
Almond and Nut Cup
Favors, 50, 60, 100.
Temporary Annex
Sixth Floor.
$1.30 Sunday School Schol
ars' Illustrated Bibles 080
45c pocket-size Text Bi
bles reduced to 350
$3.60 Text Bibles, Family
Registers and Maps $2.50
15c Testaments for 100
50c Leather Testaments 300
All Prayer Books and Hym
nals combined, less.. 25
Key of Heaven, less. .25,
Family Bibles, less. . . .25
FiftK SbcUv"Morrisoiv Alder Sta.
Bookstore Sixth Floor. Slxtk-9t. Bid.
New Easter Neckwear
Received by express direct from Timothy F. Crowley, that famous
New York maker. Portland women know the "Crowley" quality.
75c Neckwear Special 48c
Your choice ofra great many styles. Hand-embroidered collars, the
new rolled-edge effects, hemstitched trimmed and soft roll and military
styles are shown. Made of sheer organdy, ribbon trimmed in many
instances, others developed in net.
New Automobile Caps in black and white checks, tans, browns, greens and red,
fine for all sorts of outing; wear today at 890. h imt Floor, sbtth-st. Bids.
Children's Dainty Hair Bow
Ribbons For Easter Wear
Pure Silk Ribbons
v Plain or moire ribbons
'n desired colors,
g JF ft, 6 inches wide, fancy rib
bons in light and dark col
ors 5 inches wide, and lovely satin taffetas
64 inches wide.
Silk Hair Ribbons
Pure silk in plain taf-.
f eta or pretty moire.
Light, dark and fancies,
in a very wide assort
ment. Yard, only 120.
first Floor, Slxth-St. Bide
12 c
New Easter Shoes
Great varied assortments, for the whole family. We are exclusive
agents for J. & T. Cousins' Shoes for women ; French, Shriner & Umer
Shoes for men, J. H. Cramer fchoes for misses and children.
Women's Shoes in various styles
range in price from.. $3.00 to $7.50
Women's Pumps and Party Slippers
range in price from. .$2.50 to $8.00
Misses' and Children's good Shoes
range in price from. .$1.00 to $3.50
Misses' and Children's Slippers and
Mary Jane Pumps, moderately
priced $t to $3
Men 8 bhoes. Oxfords, great variety
to select from R3 to $7
Boys' Shoes, high or low cut, $2 to $1
Third Floor, Slxth-St. Rids.
Easter Suits for Little Boys $5
Today we specially feature our great stocks
priced at $5.00.
All-Wool Blue Serge Suits
Middy, sailor blouse, vestee and "Oliver Twist" styles, in a
great many different models, 2 to 8-year sizes priced $5.00.
Fancy Cheviot, Cassimere, Worsted Suits
"Oliver Twist," vestee, sailor, middy styles, in a large variety
of colors and trimmings, sizes 2 to 8 years, priced at only $5.00.
Balmacaan Spring Coats
Many materials and colors that include tans, grays, browns,
shepherd checks, Tartan plaids and checks, sizes for boys 1 to 10
years $5.00. .Temporary Annex, Second Floor.
A New Petticoat for
Easter Wear?
Petticoats that flare are again in vogue. Today
we are showing
Petticoats at $2.95
Splendid All-Taffeta or Milanese Jersey Petticoats, with
messaline flounce, made in the new corded ruffled styles,
or all messaline skirts. Shown in all the new colors and
smart black and white stripes. Fifth Floor. sit-st. Bid.
Women's Gloves for Easter
Washable Glace Cloves $1.50
The new sand and putty colors, in several different shades.
Washable glace, the greatest glove economy ever offered, pique
sewn. One-clasp style, with embroidered backs. All sizes.
$1.50 Real French Kid Cloves 90c
Your choice of t black, white, tans, brown, mode, grey and blue;
2 clasps, overseam sewn, in all sizes.
FREE A Clove Box
With every glove purchase of $2.00 or over, we will present
FREE a handsome Japanese hand-decorated glove box, with key.
These boxes sell regularly at 50c. Firt Floor. sixtrst. bh.
Underwear Specials
Women's Ribbed Lisle Union
Suits, extra quality, light weight.
Low neck, no sleeves, lace
trimmed loose knee, Hirsch
tailored garments. Extra sizes
special iOc regularCQ.
sizes, special OUC
Women's $1.25 Mercerized
Lisle Union Suits, Summer
weight, very fine and elastic, low
neck, sleeveless, knee-length and
silk-taped tops, regular QO
sizes, special JJOC
Women's Swiss Ribbed Union
Suits, in light weight, soft fin
ished, tailored cut. Knee length,
regular sizes only, sPe AQf
cial 2 for 950, each xOC
Women's 50c Swiss Ribbed
Vests, fine and elastic, with
French band tops faggot stitch
ed, low neck, sleeveless, O Q
in regular sizes, garment J''
Children's and Misses 25c
Vests and Pants, light weight.
High or low necked, long or
short sleeved vests, knee-length
pants. Sizes 2 to 14 1 Q
years, each A 17 C
Second Floor. Slxth-St. Bids.
It's Time to Think About
Your New Easter Frock
Select Them While Stocks New and Complete
Hundreds Now On Display In Our Garment Salons
We were never better prepared, so early in the season, to offer new frocks. We have
them in all styles and grades, but especially wish to call your attention to some of the lower
priced models that we are showing.
Those at $6.45
Dozens of splendid models, made of fine lawns, dimities, ginghams, linens, cotton voile, crepe and gabardine. Plain
colors, stripes, checks and embroidered effects. Some in plain tailored styles, others dressier. Great choice of colors.
Those at $10 00
We are offering very handsome dresses, made pf linen, Palm
Beach cloth, dainty lawns, voiles, batiste, cotton crepe, etc. One
charming model, a tailored style, is developed in heavy white
linen, with pearl button trimming, patch pockets. We also
noticed in the huge collection shown us many with touches of
hand embroidery on collars and cuffs, black velvet sashes, and
other attractive features.
Those at $15.00
Are dozens of new frocks, heavy white linen and natural linen
tailored frocks, all made on very attractive lines, button
. trimmed, full skirts and patch pockets, especially adapted for
street wear. There are also many "fluffy, frilly frocks" at this
price, and lingerie effects as well.
In Addition We
Would Call
to Our
Your Attention
Evening Dresses '
"Developed in net and embroidered batiste, lovely organdies
Valenciennes lace trimmed, and rosebud garlanded.
New Confirmation Dresses
In suitable styles, also being shown in great assortment.
Range of Prices in Our Dress Section Extends from $4.50 to $35.
Garment Salons Fourth Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
ur Easter Millinery
The Spring Millinery is cer
tainly a riot of color and
have you noticed the rare and
even daring combinations of
colors?- But have you noticed,
too, how beautifully those
same daring combinations har
monize? That's where the
cleverness of the artist-designers
comes in. Then, too,
you'll agree the hats are sim
ple in style, but it's the sim
plicity of elegance.
The time for before-Easter-hat
choosing is short, but when
you step into our Millinery
Salons you will notice that
every case is filled with the
most exquisite creations.
That's because new models are
arriving daily by express,
.keeping the supply up to the
standard in quality and quan
tity and assuring you the
very latest styles. Beautiful
models from
Vogue Burgesser Hyland Phipps Knox
Also a splendid assortment of untrimmed stylish shapes, the newest trimming effects,
and expert milliners to carry out your ideas.
Trimmed Hats priced from $3 to $35.00 Untrimmed Hats from 95 to $5.00
Second Floor, SUth-St. Bids.
Mid-Week Sale of Notions Today
New Smocked
Rompers, Just In
Attractive little garments, copies of English models.
Rompers and Creepers $1.25
Made of fine plisse crepe, smocked in front, lace trimmed at neck
and sleeves. Shown in pink, blue and white.
Rompers and Creepers $1.98 -
Made of finest quality chambray, pink, white and blue. Cluster
smocking at neck and on sleeve, turnback collar, wide belt.
Rompers and Creepers $2.50
Fine dimity, with smocking in pink and blue at neck and on
sleeves. Turnover collar lace trimmed.
Second Floor, Slitn-M. Bids.
Mail Orders
If Received Within Three Days of Date of Publication
We give our out-of-town customers the same privilege of buying
from our daily advertisements as those who live in the city. More
over, our method is not a "mail-order system," it is, rather, a sys
tematized shopping service which gives the personal attention of
a trained shopper to the filling of every mail order.
Your order is studied and promptly filled with as much "intelli
gent interest" as if you were here yourself. Should you come in
person we will be glad, upon request, to have one of our experienced
shoppers assist and conduct you to as many of the 75 different
departments as you choose. There is no charge.
Easter Blouses
Have you found the blouse you decided upon tb complete your
Easter coBtume? Is it a soft, white crepe de chine, Georgette
crepe, or dainty lingerie that you think will harmonizo best with
the new tailored costume of black, green, blue or the new sand or
putty shades?
Perhaps, though, you prefer the dainty combinations of lace,
nets, chiffons, satins that we're displaying in so many different
styles but whatever it is, it's here. Prices on Waists range from
$1 to $25. Fifth Floor. Slilh-St. Bids.
Specials In Hosiery
Women's $1 Silk Hose, black,
white and tan shades, 7Q
2 prs. $1.50,, pair ft-
Women's 65c Silk Lisle Hose,
black with lavender band
tops, 2 prs, 950. AQr
Pair -xwv.
Women's 63c Imported Black
Silk Hose, trunk tops, AQ
2 pp.irs 950, pair Ov.
Women's 50c Imported Silk
Lisle Hose, black andOQ.
tans, 2 prs. 750, pair.. JJ
"M. & F. Special" Mercerized
Lisle Hose, black, white, tans,
3 pairs $1.
Pair OOC
Women's 35c Black Mercerized
Cotton Hose, seamless feet,
IS?.: ..28c
Women's 25c and 35c Lisle Cot
ton Hose, black, white, col
ors, 3 pairs 600. Q 1
Pair d- 1 C
Women's 23c Cotton Hose, black
and tan, fashioned legs, 1 7
3 pairs 500, pair C
First Floor, SUth-St. Blrlx.
Now In ProgressOur Great Semi-Annual Sale of Bedding
$65.00 Poster Bed, W. l. Cowan
make. Made of solid figured Cu
ban mahogany, full and
twin sizes, now
$20.00 Brass Bed, satin finish, 1
inch filling rods, guaranteed best
English lacquer, 3-6 OQ QC
and 4-6 sizes J.00
$12 Brass Bed, satin finish, guar
anteed best English JJC QC
lacquer, 3-6, 4-6 sizes pOUO
$11.00 Bed, both white enamel and
Vernis Martin finish, continuous 2-
inch posts with malleable rail
joints, 4-6 and 3-6
The Famous Ostermoor Mattresses Are in This Big Sale
$7.50 Solid
Mattresses. '
Layer cotton felt filled, Imperial
roll edge, art ticking covered,
weight 40 pounds
now on sale
$5.25 I
a.tfaiu tewi.ry i-.. .1i.,t..taa
Were $15.00. Built (not stuffed)
layer-wise, bound edges, round
comers, close tuft- 1 O C f
ing. Now on sale at ? 1
$6.50 Steel Sanitary Couch, Vernis
Martin finish. Famous Garvey
wishbone fabric supported by three
rows of coil springs,
reduced to
$2.25 "Yum Yum" Springs, in all
sizes, your choice now J1 ?Q
for only pl.UiJ
$17.50 Englander Patent Couch
Bed, makes a bed with one motion.
Including large 1 1
ton-felt mattress P 1 1 iJ
$4.50 Steel Springs, Vernis Martin
finish, galvanized non- !jO 1ZL
rust fabric All sires..
TVwipor.ry Ax, Test Floor.