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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1915)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31; 1915. 16 FOB BENT. Koon With Board. MORE HOMELIKE THAN HOTKU-L.iKSv TILS HILL. Washington at 23d St. A charming tamily ana transient botl of the Highest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate t abies; extremely reasonable rates; worth investigating. Phonea Mala 7584. UOTL CAMPBELL. A modern, rlREPROuF, residence ho tel; American plan; on carline; io min ute from business center; prices in ac cord who er.ral business conditions. 2 id and Hoyt sit Marshall asL ALEXANDRA COURT. 03 ELLA STREET. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Guiles, Single Rooms. Excellent Table. A 6211. Main 4611. THE VIRGINIA HILU 14th and Jefferson tits. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transient or permanent guests. Phone Main 9233, A 6928. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 253 6th st.. has fine - table board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a real home; reasonable rates. BUSINESS women and students will find good board and room, J4 and $4.50 week. Portland Women's Union, 510 Flanders. liOOMa Every convenience, bst table board, reasonable. 331 Jefferson. Main 2 to 5. CASA ROSA 300 JEFFERSON. ROOM AND BOARD. ' Booms With Board in Private 1'amllie. 2.ARGK, attractive rooms; eieam heat, not and cold running water; suitable for two r more; twin beds;; se pirate dressers; every modern convenience; excellent board; also large room with alcove and porcn. Main 8B1. 501 Harrison St.. near 14th. CHEERFUL, well furnished front room for one or two ladies or married couple; pleas ant surroundings; modem home, private ! family, good homo cooking, close in, .East Side. East 4679. A DELIGHTFUL place to spend the sum mer; baths, showers, sleeping porches, good home cooking; 720 Prospect Drive, Port lan J Heights. Main 1007. TWO newly tinted and newly furnished riua. with best of burnt) cooking. 10 m in. walk from heart of citv; price very reasonable. 147 N. 17th sr. Main "J 17 7. LIGHT, airy, front room, well furnished, modern conveniences; very short walking distance, excellent board. 31iHi tlth St., A 2M. .M'RELHCRST In refined home of couple, large pleasant room, use of bath, phone, etc; near good carline; reasonable price; board If desired. Tabor 2542. BOOM and board in beautifully located mod ern, distinguished home, $33. alnut Park. Pnoue Woodlawn 1950. ATTRACTIVE room and 2 meals in beautiful home. West Side, walking distance. Main 7 J60. 536 11th. Camp at Oswego. KICB Tight front room, upstairs, walking distance, with or without board. 041 E. Main. East 2061. fciXGLE room, excellent meals, modern flal, fine location; walking distance; $0 per week. Slain 93". CLEAN comfortable- rooms, all modern con veniences; excellent board, reasonable. 6-V Everett. Mar. 27ns. X.OVELV. oleasint front room, bst of board, modem, walking distance, nlc pleasant surrounding!, fine bath. Main 320. care for 1 or 2 children. Island Station: mother's care. le Vaul, Milwaukie. Or. my home, Mrs. Josle ONE larg-'. ahry front room with all modern convenience, close In. with -or without beard. Marshall 4410. 474 Salmon st. J IN'E large- room, two beds, also smaller room, two meal?, near Multnomah Club, choice home, reasonable. Main 213. iiEAUTIFPLIjY furnished rooms iu modern home, suitable for 1 or 2, with or without board; reasonable. Marshall 1023. CONNECTING rooms and single room with 5leepittg porch, wilb or without board. Irvington. East 207. CONGENIAL young man w ishe roommate; good board. Main 6381. 0&1 Harrison st.. near 14th st. J.AKGE. sunny room, good board, ciose in, East tilde, 440 Wasco. Phone East 3o&2 oi C 1471. TLEASANT home for Invalid or old person; will give the best care; price reason able. East 1770 or 50 E. -8th. JiOuM and board, 1 amhiil st. home privileges. 430 90.20 UP Pleasant rooms, good board, walk ing distance; congenial. 33 North 17th. IiOOM with board; modern; walking dis tance. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. FRONT room. 1 or 2 gentlemen; use of piano. Main 3ol'-'. iltil loth. LARGE room for 1 or 2 young men. rea sonable, modern. Main 672i. lth. LARGE frout mom with board. 604 John son. Main 7539. VISH to board a lady as roommate; com fortable home; reasonable. East 3526. 3KOOM, board, private home. 674 Ladd ave,, near East 1-th, Hawthorne. East 6140. LOOM und board. $0 street. a week. 0u7 Flanders JVI.EASANT room, good board In Catholic borne. 20 Everett. Mar. 2700. JlOOM and board in a beautiful home; all ropvenleneew. 211 11th. Mar. 20l3. XA KT of furnished house to desirablo couple. Main 4410. Furnished A part m en t. VESTFAL. 410 6th 8 aud 4-r. apts., turn, and unfurn.; week or mo.; concrete bldg., elevator; thoroughly renovated; electric cleaner free; steam heated; 22 up; best in town for money; easy wanting distance. Washington -grand 2-room . furnisned Apt.; S12 per mo. uj; just reouut, moaeru. clean; very aesiraoie; not ana coia water. heat. llKbt. bath furnished. Grand ave. and E- Washington st. Phone East 444U. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifih and Columbia Transient. t 6-minute wa.k to Poa toff ice. Furnished 2 and 3-room anartments. Marshall 5198. References. A 3326. LAM BROOK APTS.. corner E. 7th and Yam hill, t and 3 rooms and single sleeping rooms, clean, comfortable, desirable. East 402, B 3401. M1SLOP HALL. cor. East 6th and Haw thorne 3 and 3-room apts.; private baths and phone; also single rooms; well lur mshed; SL2.60 up. Phone East 882. GLEN COURT APT. Cor Park and Taylor. Completely fur nished 2, 3, 4-room; oest service; reason able. Main 1961. CiUANDESTA. East Stark and Grand ave. Nicely furnished three-room spts.; private phone and bath; walking distance; prices lnoderaie. Pnone fc.ast -vb. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. S and 3-room apartments, furnished; first-clars; reasonable rates. Main 7337. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 270 Broadway, south Six blocks to business center; 1 4-room apt., separate bedrooms. X en trances to apt. and bath. TIADDEN HALL, 414 11TII ST. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, brass beds, Faetiic phones, balcouies, week or month. COMPLETELY furnished '3-room steam heated apartment, easy walking distance, 20 per mo.. Including lights. 1ST 17th at., near Yamhill. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. IS ZZi. cor. Kearney Modern 3 and 4 r 00 111 apartments; priate bath; completely furnished; S-tf up. Marshall 2946. MADISON PARK APTS. Park St. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments: close in; by week or month. LTTRACTlV ELY furnished 0-rooni apart ment, with sleeping porch. Call Marshall KlCE furnished 2 and 4-room housekeeping suites at 244 H Killingsworth ave. ; low reut. Phone Woodlawn 60, C 13&7. NEW HART Automatic elevator, 2 rroa., 1 rm., disappearing plate, gas, steam. light frev. $3 to iE.S6. 2d, 4th floor. TWO rooms, sleeping porch, 2 closets, run ning water, bath, phoue; 001 E. Yamhill. Phone lwuit 1710. THE WENTWORTH APT., 232 12TH. Quiet, homey apts., clean, modern, re sonable. Does it appeal to you? KATHER1NE APTS. For rent 3-room fur n.shd apt., private bath aud phone. 140 N. 2d. WELLINGTON ANNEX, 10th and Eerett Two rooms, newly f urn Killed, hardwood floor?, waiking distance; $22. oU. Main 1:4... FAIKMOUNT APTS.. 2SS 11TH. Modern furnished --room apartments; 9C2.00 up; close in. Main -i"S6. THREE and four-room furnished or unfur nished. The Bj el land. A 1S6. Main lgr. A 1SI6. - ln ICKSTON. 44S 11th. modern 2 and 3-room mpts.. excellent sricc, walking distance. ?Urhall A 640b. CAM A R. 703 Lovejoy Modern brick build Ing: 2. 5 room apts.. ti& to $30. Mar. 2817. NEW, furulshed apartments, concrete block. 1J. 14. 11444 Union ave. North. J1ERMENIA. J Otli and Hall, one 2-room ap t . . ?3.CQ: one t-room apt.. 31S. JACKSON bungalow. 4T4 tiih. Newly fur nished apt.. w Ithiti walking distance. TH E LAURETTE 3-room private bath and phone. furnished apts. 2': llth. giti UP Modern 2 and 3-room ftirni?hea apts. Harrison Court. 0th and Harrison. AN" MARCO, East Sth and Couf'n sts-T 3 rooru apt., nw furnishings. $l'0. THE ELMS. 11 14th st., 3 and 3 outside rooms, 1 1 to ::.60; walking distance. TOR BENT. t urnibbed Apartments. 7 THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Apart m eat Hotel. ) Tenth and Salmon b&reets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates day, week, month, or year. MONTGOMERY APTS., corner Third and Montgomery Building brick and strictl modern, all outside, light, furnished. 2 room apts.. private bath, phone and eles ti'ic elevator; good service; no chiidren; Jo minutes' walk to postoffice; rates 20 to 0, including electric lights. Phoue Main 1404. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in connection. "Walking distance. References. THE AVALOX. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch ; nearest the Union Depot of East bide apartment. i'S5, cor ner Clackamas aoid Ross sts. Phone East $172. : " i HANDSOME large 3-room cor. apt.; also beautiful 4-room, on front, very reasun- aoie; cor. it-room casement upu, vei light, unfurnished. Apply Mgr. Glen Court, cor. Paris, ana i.ayior. THjS EVERETT. C44 Everett between 20th and Ella. Furnisned 3-room apartment with or without sleeping porch; located in one of the cnoicest residence aisiricis; wanting distance. THE MO RD AUNT. APT. A. One choice apartment, furnished; 4 rooms and reception hall; all outside, large and sunny; hardwood floors and phone; references required. Cor. 18th and Everett, opposite Christian Science Church. ONLY $1$ to $20 per month or 0 to $7 per week, completely furnisned housekeeping z-room apts.. including eieciric iigms, heat, hot water, bath, private phone, new brick bldg.. 10 zniuutes from p. O. Lincoln Apts.. 4tli and Lincoln. Main 1377. A 4102. THE DENVER 2 and 3-room apartments; outside rooms, comfortably furnisned; also unfurnished; private bath, phone, steam heat ; rnt reasonable; references. 274 2 1st st. North. Take V" car. Marshall 380. "CARLOTTA COURT," Everett and lth New, moueru; steam heat, private baths, la undo ; completely furnished g And 3 luuui apts.; 10 mm. from business center; save carfare; rates moderate; references. ELM WOOD APTS. JWlh AND HALL. Looby, social, modern 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. reasonable. UnfurnipJied Apartments. NEW ALTER, brick apt, at cor. 21at and Overton sts.. Just recently finished, one 6 rootn cor. apt. vacant, has oak hardwood floors, mirrored reception hall, fireplace with asbestos gas logs, beamed ceiling, built-in conveniences, etc., tile bathroom, complete with shower, etc., whUe enameled kitchen, complete with extra large, ail porcelain steel refrigerator and gas range, steel sate for valuables, beautiful electric fixtures, hot and cold water, steam heat, janitor tervice; you must see these apu. to appreciate them ; references required. Phone fur appoiutinent. Main M or Main 3104 t the apartments. M. Rubin, 016 j;crsa bldg. HARK1MAN APTS., 1W 24th St. N. On April 1 one all-modern 3-room unfurnished apt., with 2 disappearing beds and dresa-iiig-roums, equivalent to 0 rooms; reier euu&j. Main 3'6 or Matsltall SSb'J. THE AMERICAN. 2Lst and Johnson High-grade 8. 4 and r rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate service; prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 33oO or A 2676. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 0 and rooms, large and homelike; more service and conveni ence for the price than you will find in the city. Pnone Main 7016. A 2676. SHEFFIELD APTS., 2 TO Broadway So., six blocks from business center. 1 4-room apt., all ouulde rooms; eastern exposure, splendid view, overlooking city ; $30. WE1ST APARTMENTS. North 23d St, For rent, one live-room apartment. LUCRETi A COURT, 4U Lucre tia St. Fin-t uniurnisLea 2 to a-room apts.; references. Mgr., Mar. loJJ; janitor. Mar. 1000. BHICK. upatLncnt-house to exchange for furm; lor particulars see M. E. ee. bvd Corbett bldg. U-RGOM aut for rent: all outside rooms large sleeping porch. Maryland apt. 0o4 Flanders. I'none jkiain cux. PORTNOMAH. 3 and 4 rooms, site Din a: porches, hardwood floors, reasonable, aoo ta. lain. 1 HE ORMONDE Nice front 4-room apart ment; also d an ay o-room luraisaea; oob r lanaers, ,oo niii. juam omi. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-class service. Private phone. Re(. 7-Kl)i)M Duuiex anartment 4 bedrooms. baths, In fireproof building. Apply 700 KEELER APTS, 14TH AND CLAY 3 and 4 -room unfurnished; references. KING-DA Vld APTS.. 04 King at. 3 and4 rooms; high-class; references. Main 200a. 6-ROOM apartment, all outside rooms, hot water heat. ISO E. 16th. cor. Yamhill. LUXOR APTS., 324 13th st. Furnished apts.; reasonable rents.; summer rated. Furnished or I'niurnisocd Apartments. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOYCK. 8IJ-S21 Morgan Bidg. Furnished and unfurnished apartment! In all parts of the city; great variety 01 locations, sizes and price, our tree auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2U15. A 2015. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-etory brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, buiit-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room ; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2161. HIGHLAND COURT APTS.. 22D AND G LIS AN. Largest, most homelike high-class apts. In city; furnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walkiug distance. MARSHALL 324!. KINGSBURY, 186 Vista ave., off Washington at. 3 and 4 rooms, with private balconies, unfurnished or furnished; high-class neighborhood, best of sen-ice; reasonable rates by month- WELLESLEY COURT. QTTIET. CLEAN AND CLOSB IN. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST 10TH AND BELMONT ST a. WASHINGTON APARTMENTS, 6S0 North rup st., 0-room furnished or unfurnished aoartinent, with all modern conveniences, gas. electrK light, etc Take W car to 21M and Northrup. Phones Main 4370. A 1133. BUENA VISTA. 12 th and Harrison. Finest apartment house on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, walking distance; references. M. 109L TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE "HOUSE OF TONE, 48-07 TRINITY PLACE MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE DEZENDORF. SOS 16th St., near Talor; Marshall 2324; fine 5-room furnished and unfurn. apt. THE OHETOPA, ISlb and Flanders. S, S und 4-room apartments, furnished or un furnished. Best service; references. MEREDITH 3 and 4-rfw.m apts, very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. REX ARMS 13th and E. Morrison; 2 and rooms reasonable; modern service. THE WINDSOR 2, 3 or 4 beautiful room furnished -r not. E. 14th end Yamhill. Flats. FLATS. $15-317.60 4 and 6 rooms, modern, gas range, linoleum in kitchen and bath room, at corner E. 38th and Stark at& H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox Blog. Main 8699, A 2653. VEKV desirable 0-rni. with attic, pas range, w at jr heater, linoleum; absolutely clean. No. 2S E. l'ith. near Ash. UPPER FLAT, ti large, light rooms; tint to suit; with yard. 70 Johnson. Main 7S20. Main 109. 3-ROOM -modem flat, sleeping porch, fire place, nu.a range, vacant April 1; adult. .t7 E. 2lst. Main 11)02. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, cioae to school and caxliiie; desirable location. Ogden, 107 Si) aver. Woodlawn 202. MODERN 0-room lower open-i in- distances. E. 2173. E. .ir flat; 3737. tl-KOOM modern flat, 17 7 Green ave. Main A ana v asmcsion. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt st ing, aire 13Q 6th st. Phone Main 6278. STRICTLY modern 7 -room fiat. lS5j 16th st. Apply 1S1 16th, cor. Yamhill EAST But aside, cor. 12th, modern 5-room Inwrr flat. East 2301. ius 14TH, near Taylor, modern 8-room jincle flat. East 23ol. STEAM-HEATED flat. 0 rooms, rood loca tion, very centra!. 064 Couch st. FOR RENT G-rooiti, lieaied, corner Lat and front ro'm. 120 23d and GMtan. 60 PETTYG ROVE 6-room lower, pleasant. reasonable. Main ano or .iw. 5-ROOM, new 1 in o nib free, Marshall $197. FOB RENT. t urn toned Flat. MODERN 4-room lower flat, sun room and bath, nicely furnished; piano. wo Couch st. Phone East 42S7. attractive .Vriwim lower, coinoletely fur nished, walking distance. Marshall 47e2, East ittu. 424 Tillamoo. 4-ROOM modern, neatly furnished. 3 S3 Ross sL. 2 blocks Broadway oriuge; low rent- MODERN, four rooms, waiKing distance. 2os itoss st. ynone wooaiawn i". WELL furnished flat for three months price of fiat unfurnished. Main -81 j5. WELL furnished lower 5-room Ilat, West Side. East 4300. 10 FURNISHED 4-room apts., iS5 Albina ave. J housekeeping 2640. Housekeeping Booms. ?3 WEEK up,, absolutely cleanest house keeping rooms In town, completely fur nishfil lint water, baths, liehts. linen washed free. Also single H. 3C rooms $- up; save carfare. Desirable people oniy. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near jenewu. $1 TO $2.50 week, clean furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; gas, free beat, laundry, bath, yard. -Phone East tii'39. 40 ti Vancouver. 203 Stanton. 'U" car. nvR-Rfinw h . tc. rt including- heat, bath, phone, etc, j per mo.; easy walking dis tance, lbi ntn. near lamnui. ROYCREST 173 12th; comfortable rooms. complete fur housekeeping, all conven iencea, FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg.. ad, cor, jnornson. GILMAX HOTEL. 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; LE0 week up. FURNISHED h.k. rooms, 1.00 week up. The Willamette. 230 isurnsiae. ONE desirable H. room. 712 Hoyt. K. room; also sleeping - 461 EAST Morrison, furnished one and two room housekeeping apartments, reasonaoie. Housekeeping Rooms in .private Family . LARfiK fnrnlKhen front room W It'll kltch enette for h. k.; can have a large sieep-ing-porch; also 2 other houseaeeping rooms with kitchenettes. 'Z'tt chapman, Marshall 3O10. TWO rooms and pantry; wood and gas stoves electricltv: all modern; private en x trance, $J0; singlo housekeeping room, 15; close in. 87. North ltith st. Vi j 1 I-t rooms entire first floor, completely furnished, modern, nice yard, central lo cation. Main 3072. JklcFarland, 3oJ Yeon bldg. 4-ROOM, furnished complete, entire lower lioor, pantry, sinic, oa-ia, ruugv, furnace. 2 blocks Hawthorne car. 7iJ E. Main, cor. 23d. B 1S49. . TWO fine, furnished housekeeping rooms, privata bathroom. sleeping poicu, ov water heat. East ti3eT. ON K II. K. room, aleeping-porch, $S ; two. 12; with light, water; 20 min. ride. M. V, car. 'labor TWO rooms, front, gas range, sink, pantry, closet, 2 beds, furnace, Dam, pnune, iaua dry, yard. 4a Market. HOUSEKEEPING Large, clean and light rooms, S7 to lir per monin ; 11 eo uaiu and phone. YanihiH, bet. 12th & 13th, TWO pleasant front rooms $3 a week; gas range, connecting bath, free linen, eiec iricity, phone. 392 4th 1-HnriM nnnrtmrnt for housckeeoius in very nl.-e flat; everything furnished; close in. East oi'oti. 200 n . 19TH ST.. 2 and 3 larce front bouse keeping rooms, strictly modern, beautifully furnisned, very reasonaoie. .Mar, -nni. SIXTEEN' desirable unfurnished housekeep ing rooms, close In; moderate reuL 8o'J Stevens bldg. 2-ROOM housekeeoine suite; everything nice and new; reasonable; bath; phone. ffltf Clay. THREE neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, private family, wo ootn, cor. Washington. TWo furnished housekeeping room?, sink, ras rane, heat. Usfht. phone, walking dis tance fine location: $14. 046 E. Aider. 304 SALMON, two lovely rooms, furnished for housekeeping; single H. K. room. r.AKr.K bar window room and kitchenette a'A convenience?; reasonable. 321 W. Park. 200 N. HTi'H; if large front 11. K., modern, very r'esjiiatle. TWO pleasant H. K. rooms, electricity, gas. hot water, neat, ii. ai Kearney. NEWLY furnished 2-room front suite, $12; also 2-room suite, $10. 350 ntn. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, neatly furnished; electric light; no' cmidren. -&t utu st. FURNISHED housekeepliiir rooms. Irvington. on car line. Adults. East 4364. J2.00 WEEK, large. nice rooms, with every convenience like home. 211 12th. THREE or four veil-furnished rooms, lower floor, walKmg distance. t inn st. PLEASANT II. K. suit, able. 6U0 E. Burnside lower floor, reason- MTH, corner Flaiulern. neatly-furnished ru, electric lights, gas, bath, phone. $3. CHOICE H. K. suite, modern borne; a bar gain, boi tj. MarK. call after t. FURNISHED ltou.eUeeplns rooms, nice jri. Main 2206r 3f7 1st, $6 mo. up. Booses. HOUSES. -10 4 rooms, at 4139 49th ave. S. E. "WW" car to Howe station. 312.50 5 rooms, large yard, at 1744 Flak bu. st, jonns car. S15 o rooms, modern, at 997' Commer cial at., near Blandena. $17.50 7 rooms, 79 E. Ash st. 4 rooms, 467 Market St., near 13th. sit .1 rooms. Peitvtrove st.. near 16th. $3 7.50 9 rooms, hot-water heat, suitable for boaruing-nouse, at ooi uusua bu, near 2Uth, across from new Couch School. $40 S rooms, modern, at 771 Hoyt st be tween 23d and 24th sts. $35 10 rooms, at 144 North 18th St., near (50 9 rooms, modern: garage, at 461 E. 24th st. North, Irvington. H. P. PALMER-J ONES CO. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main Sti99, A 2653. MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, luth Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliaule list of all vacant houses, fiats, apartments and bungalows In tne city. Make use of this service when you desir. This dees not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us ready and willing at all times to help vou in locating. Newcomers In Portland will find this service especially valuable. Iteal estate men and owners of private property are Invited to list their unoc cupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier & Frank's Free Rental Bureau. tit) 5-room modern cottage; first-class ap pointments and condition; option given tenant to buy by making monthly pay ments $10 per mouth, or will traae. W. F. Bro-k. Lents. Telephone Tabor 1278. FOR RENT East 12th-street house, eix rooms electricity, gas, furnace, two fire plactws", walking distance. Apply 304 Mor gan bldg.; rent $23. 8-ROOM HOUSE, $15 A MONTH. 5-room bungalow, 312.00 per month, one block from M-t, Scott car. Morgan-Atchley Furniture Co FOR RENT Attractive 8-room bouse; close in good neighborhood, good condition, bea'utiful lawn; rent reasonable.. Apply 821 Front st. WEST SIDE, 5-room .housa. rent 18 per mo. 669 Northrup at., cor. 21st st Tel. Marshall 1215. ATTRACTIVE modern 2-story house, corner. clean, tinted, nice yara, dioc 10 war. 7t0 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426. modern houses, clark rental servtcb. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. Main 5428. $lj NEAT cottage, modern, gas and steel ranees, garden, yard food. Main 3072. Tabor 'lli'0. . ' (-ROOM unfurnished house, large, light, airy rooms, clone in. West Side. 394 Broadway; reat cheap,- 8-ROOM house 495 Clay, $16. Phone Main i304. FOR RENT Modern 0-room house. 464 Ji. Everett, petweca mu 674 EAST OAK 5 rooms, clean and modern, rent reasonable.-' Phone East 266w. 6-ROOM house, 5-room cottages, first-class condition. Inquire 925 E. Stark. HOUSE for rent, S6S Glisan st. Inquire W as hin gton pharmacy, 15 A Qlisan st. DESIRABLE houses and flats, all parts of city. Stout Investment Co. Main 5129. 8-ROOM HOUSE 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire 130 6th. Main 6278. MODERN 6-room house, 607 Everett et. West Side, walking distance. Phone E. 8. 0-ROOM modern cottage. 607 Northrup st-. gas, electricity. Inquire 571 Lovejoy at. Sit; 771 E. DAVIS. 6 -room newly tinted, . 1 : . l Ifln 917(1 OtnO HOUSE for rent, water, light, garden. Phone Tabcr 22: 4 blocks to car. 6-ROOM bungalow. Walnut Park. Phone Woodlawn 2M. 5-ROOM new bungalow, gas, electric, 1 bt Mocks to W. W. car. Phone Main 703. IRVINGTON 7 -room hous; freshly tinted; fioors treated. rhone East 2031. MODERN Inquire : -room house at 70 East 10th X. t 73 East I Oth N. DESIRABLE 7-room houpe. attic, woodshed. N. W. cor. Sixth and Sherman streets. MODERN bungalow. 7 rooms, furnace, fire- place. Irvington, $". Marshall 4 -'3 9. IRVINGTON, fine large home, garage, near 22d and Thompson, $0O. Mala SOTS, FOB KENT. House. LADRELHURST HOUSES FOR RENT. We have some new. strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, will build just what you want on the easiest of terms. Laurel hurst Co 270 i Stark st. Main 1503. A 1015. 6-ROOM modern house. Just retinted, pa - pered, gas range, heater, fine lawn; rent reasonable; references, Bjelland's Grocery, 10th and Marshall. Main lb7, A 1667. TWO modern 4-room cottages, S0 and it First st. South, West Side; 6-room cottage, 143 East 18th, near Morrison; 5-room cot tage, 602 E. Morrison. . NO. 5104 E. OOTH ST. S. E. gOK rooms, modern. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. NO. 877 JUNIOR ST. WOODLAWN. $12.50 5-room modern cottage and nice lot. Smith-Wa goner Co.. Stock Exchange. NEW, modern, the. 4-room cottage. 1299 E. Taylor. Tabor 2440. Furnished House. BEACH lot free, to desirable tenant, 6 rooms, bath, basement, lawn, view, trees, water, etc, near Portland Academy. Call 141 13th, at Alder. 6-ROOM house, two acres ground, fruit trees. oerriea, cnicaens; jusi ouutiue city 5c fare, half mile station, Riverdale dis trict. J. K. Cole. 68 tith st. Main Q30O. NEATLY furnished modern house, 7 large. . cheerful rooms, piano, nrepiace. iurnace, nice location; adults only. 2SU E. 47th S. Hawthorne ave. IR V1N GTON bungalow, furnished oV unf ur nished. for rent, reasonable; well located and very desirable. For information tall C 2242. o-ROOM bungalow, electric lights, gas range, completely furnished; 30 minutes from Postoffice; W W carline. Phone Main 7065. MODERN 8-room home, large grounds, fruit and flowers. Rent $20.00. Phone Miss Mc Bride, Marshall 4600 or call 87 E. 2jth st. 7-ROOM furnished house to lease; location central and arrangement ideal ior proie sional use. Call 474 Columbia, corner 14th. lu 4-room house, furnished, acre ground, electric lights and water. Main 076.-.. 15 5-ROOM furaished cottage. Call In the 4843. SEVEN room, complete furnished house. In Irvington, for rent, win rent wnoie nou or reserve one room. Main 4408. . MODERN 3-room flat, bath, electrlcHy, gas. wash tray, 514 i. zib, i. it. car. ruuue Keuwooa -. $35 FURNISH ED modern 7-room house. Dasemeni, warn m uui w.t , piano, gas. 1136 is. saimon. FURNISHED 8-room house, everything com plete, piano and garage, at jus l-uihuu st. Call olu i-enion diuk. tuyi 4-room rnxv flats on Portland Heights, large garacn, close in, rent and $12. Main 4JZ! NICELY furnished 6-room house, close to two carl lues, 35 minutes walK to center of -city, phone East .iwt.y NICELY furnished flat with eheeping-porch. heat, hot water auo garoage service. Rodney ave., near Tillamook. INQUIRE CLARK RENTAL SERVICE, Title & Trust Bldg. Main 5423. NEW 5-room bungalow, elegantly furnished, piano, roses, 10 win. um. Westmoreland. Marshall 5331, $25 month COMPLETELY furnished two-room 1 1 ,.o u oi-Hf talfP Kenton car to Portland bon I e vard . Wood 1 aw n 2226. 6-ROOM bouse, rent $20; furniture for sale, a bargain; this place is moaern. esee own er, 705 E. Salmon at, sio 4-ROOM. house, turnisnea. an .t,. -urn ivorin. MODERN 5-room bungalow, $15, 7328 04th ave. S. E.. Mu ccott car. TWO-ROOM furnished house, rear 1247 Main. Tabor ltl. 4-ROOM, modern, well-furnished house, good ocation. Phone wooaiawn .low. Summer Uesorte. MODERN 6-rooro cottage, overlooking ocean, by season or year. jnarauaii Stores. FOR RENT Store, reasonable, S0x20; will Install plate glass iront anu tf iu pia.. glass in arcane if wanted. Inquire ot Mr. D. Palmer Eilers bldg., Broadway aud Alder. OWNER has splendid store for rent. 20x75 feet in size, right in tne nean 01 me ousi nesa district; light, heat and water in cluded i" rental; splendid opportunity for a wide-awake merchant. L iiU. presonlan. TWO-STORY building. 60x125, cor 22d and Thurman sts., suuanie ior laciurj, laun dry or storage. Inquire of Dr. A, Tilzer, 1120 SelLing bldg. STORE, 275 Hawthorne ave.. Ix40, near una ye; line- iigni, .guuu uoownicim Afyi; Hawthorne Dock Co. Offices. IF you ar not satisfied with your present arrangements or your piteeui icui 1 w high, call and see us; a few choice of fices very reasonable; service unexcelled. Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill sts. Desk room with phone $7. FOR RENT Desk room, use of phone and share in three-room oince sune occupieu by public stenographer; $7 per month. Ap ply Luamaer oi vummci OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk room; iree pnone; very rensuunoio; t-ov-Jand's busiest corner. 303 Swetland bldg. WiiLL furnished private ottice; also aesa room, $u anu . uaiuuei i , merce. OFFICE rooms; a good location for profes sional Dusiness; rem cueau. r. DESK room in large. light office In Morgan bldg. Apply manager, aio-ii jiwibuoiu. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . MAN witfti $'2000, spot cash, ready to do bus iness if satisiiea aiier lnveaiiKi1"". secure half interest In Portland office and Northwest territory of established, high paying, clean mall order business. Salary and half profits. Advertiser is soon to take eastern territory. AR 702, Ore gonian. ENERGETIC man with small amount 01 money and ms services can seuuie wouj, healthful employment wUhv profitable re turns; experience not necessary; reply, giv ing address, phone number. N 703. Orego nian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest in established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWG1LL. 816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MANUFACTURING plant, going concern, must sen on account 01 01 u-i uuoiucto , small cash payment, balance at 6 p. c, 25 p c. per month; snap: see this Mr. Cabinet maker. 51ft Lumber Exchange. $li00 secures half interest In well established rename OlJ.Ii;e uuenreoo. r" money; ideal hours, pleasant work, and ex. ceptional opportunity for right man. 310 Lumber Exchange. $a50 GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. ureatest Duy m me cm. uuci, e"y business ; fine location ; this place will pay for Itself in 3 'months. J. A. COBB, 223 Heiary Bids. MANUFACTURING Partner wanted to tend onice, aiso ao bohib oummc will pay $100 month salary, also share of profi t. can room slothu mug. PARTNER in busiest auto repair shop in city; A-l macuinery equipment, own out right all accessory supplies; $000 invest ment required. 81ft Lumber Exchange. MAN wanted for wholesale candy business. Steady worn; l equireu, w uimu fjilly secured. Room 3, Orpheum Theater bldg. . WANT controlling interest in small country bank; will give in exenango nrei-uiwi irrigated farm : alf a If a and stock ; wed improved. D 646, Oregonian. ELEGANT meat market, ideal suOuroan district; 560 dairy, nign ciass iraue, oeu tifully equipped; $&00 cash will handle. 319 Lumoer Exchange. YOUNG lady or widower, some knowledge halrdressing. manicuring preiencu, t -j-sist gentleman; good wages guaranteed; some cash required. D 704, Oregonian. FINE little cash grocery; live corner loca tion, 3 line living rooms. iow rent ,- new stock, no fixtures to buy; bargain at $050. 319 Lumber Exchange. - BEST suburban drug store in city; owner retiring; any Kina 01 investigation, Marshall 4634. Call 73 oth st. GROCERY Snap. West Side, one of tn largest ana best, oja-esiaoiwuou, iow ., $4000. E 700, Oregonian. GROCERY and bakery, apt. house district. reasonable. Marsnau 'sot. BARBER SHOP, 3 chairs, modern; make an offer. 233 Aider. BARBER-SHOP for sale; 4 chairs and case. 43 N. eta st WILL give interest in invention to anyone who will pay for patent. E 6039. Apt. 11. RESTAURANT, busy place, eheap rent; good fixtures. $600. worth $1000. 264 1st. BARBER ""whop for sale, cheap, near city, easy terms. AV 720, Oregonian. FOR SALE Half Interest good paying bar ber shop; excellent location. Main 740. WANTED If you have 1200 to invest good-paying bsuiness, rail at 14. N. 6th TAILOR'S cleaning and presting shop; $10 month. 192 Union ave. N. FOR SALE Restaurant, good business. Call 204 4th at, . . . j i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SNAP FOR $850. LIVE CONFECTIONERY. Just listed, best located nicest furnished and paying place on .East Side; does big cash business; price $S0O, $5'k down, balance $2& month ly; invoices $1250; best reasons. SOUTH PORTLAND GROCERY, in good location, with more than $25 daily busi ness; will Invoice about $1100, some cash and good terms will take it. (C 95SJ "MONEY-MAKING beauty parlor. ; will sell half interest, grand opportunity. WrELL ESTABLISHED TABLE SUPPLY WORKS needs partner to handle selling and accounting end to relieve manufactur ing partner of over work; this is a splen did investment. (C 971) ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 61S-1 Yeon Bldg. SO ACRES, 2,000,000 feet saw timber, me dium double saw mill, 00-horse engine. 60 horse boiler. 3 Janney sawedges, 2 planers and cut-off saw, 1 donkey engine with cables and blocks, cost $2000. 1 shingle mill, two houses and shacks, 2 barns less than half its worth; cost only $2500 ; 14 & miles west from Carlton, Postoffice box 212 McMinnville. WELL-KNOWN and established automobile concern wishes to sell; owner win not aeai with brokers; those interested in an invest ment of this nature give their name and phone in reply to this ad. This Is no gar age, but an establishment for selling cars and trucks with a shop in conjunction. Y 7Hi, Oregonian. INDUSTRIAL TRADE AND ART SCHOOL. The mot) on picture industry Is fast be coming one of the greatest Industries of the 2uth century. Now is time lo get familiar with the various branches. For particulars communicate with Northwest Weekly, Oth and Oak sts., Portland. Or. WANTED Partner in chicken business, by a widow woman, have poultry houses, runs, all equipment for two thousand chickens, have 600 chickens now, looO more 'ordered; small capital and some help required. Address D. E. B Milwau kie, Or., R. No. 2, Box 16L $2750 BUYS half luterest in local Incorpo rated business; salary 11' 5 a month guar anteed; open to any man who is willing to learn and not afraid to work; will stand full investigation. 932 Chamber of Com merce bldg, ' GARAGE. OWNER, garage and repair business with big accessory trade wants active busi ness man to handle office end as partner; can draw $H1 month salary andrprofits. particulars 248. r Stark st. MOVING PICTURE. Have one, in best location on West Side, rent $30.00, elegantly equipped, seats 114 people. Piano 1h new. cost $000.00. This place is worth $1500.00. Price today for all. $475.00. Peters, li N. 5tn at. CLEANING and pressing business; have opening for steady man; will puy you $l2o month; owner agrees to teach you the business and yon can try 11 neiore you b u y. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. NOTICE Commercial Hotel dining-room lease for sale cheau: dininK-room. kitchen, 4-room cottage; in good, live town ; 700 men employed by factory- Inquue of owner, J. Iramr. Camas, wasn. BUTTER, eggs, bakery goods, etc., owner wants a partner to help him in his Htrlctly cash store; he will guarantee good pay. requires small investment. Call room 322 Morgan bldg. MEAT MARKET, the only one in a thriUng suburb of Portland. Fine openli tor jr-Rii who nnd'THtands the business. I own the build, nar and will give you full par ticulars, see me at ou fiaxi riai;. Ri'SiFiST little millinerv store in the city fine. location: low rent: rushed with orders. owner overworked; bargain at $300. 310 Lumber Exchange. GOOD GROCERY for sale, doing SltVM) per month, stock and fixtures in eluding auto delivery. 010 Lumber Ex . change. . LIGHT erocerv delicatessen, doing KOod bus iness, fixtures alone worth $050: every thing goes on account of sickness, $320. 01U Lumoer Excnange. CIGAR-business for sale, cheap, and will Hhow you the sables are $00 day before you invest one dollar. Call room 320 Morgan bldg. LIVE confectionery, ideal location; nice lix- turp- f in k a cream Doint : other inter ests compel sale at bargain' price $000. 31ft Lumber Excnange. WANTED Partner on excursion boat; can Clear s.HHMJ tins &eaon , 011 1 1 -v . " quired, fully secured. Room 3 Orpheum Theater bids. WANTED Man to invest $10 in proposition; can make $3 to $5 every day In city. Ad dress 64 and 64 3d et. Call between 2 to 6 P. M. . WANTED Steady, sober man as partner in a small cash business, must be satisfied with $20 week et start, small investment; inquire room 320 Morgan bldg. SMALL confectionery and grocery. 3 living rooms furnished. 60-loaf ven: good loca tion, rent $20; sell $650; terms. 010 Lum ber Exchange. PARTNER wanted for a firFt-cIaiw grocerv, Scandinavian preferred; this takes $1500 ; small terms to right man. Call 248 Vii Stark st. h A FINE and good-going restaurant for sal. in the center 01 rorwanu; nave w sew ou account of death in the family. L iOO. Oregonian. LIGHT GROCERY und delicatessen, best location in city; price $1S00; will trade for clear city property or acreage. Room 3. Orpheum Theater bldg. SMALL rooming house, nearly full; 30 rooms, rent 100; w casn win uuuuic. uiv num ber Exchange. HIGH-CLASS cigar and confectionery. West Side corner; owner will give responsible man a bargain. Call 248 H Stark st. DANCING school for Bale; splendid locar.on; lease, low rent.; owner i:ui 698, Oregonian. GASOLINE filling station, fine place for people; can live in rear; making good money. Call 519 Lumber Exchange. POOLHALL. downtown, good trade; will net a salary 01 -o a wee; fov juucu. Railway Exchange . BLACKSMITH and horseshoeing shop; fully ejulpped; wia aeu caesp. a. x uumw, ou Paul, Or. . GROCERY and confectionery corner store. rent -'u; win sen cneap ior cu, uu", owner must leave. 510 Lumber Exchange. FIRST-CLASS butcher shop with grocery in conjunction, ir you want a gooo. one, call 51 Lumber Exchange. BILLIARD-ROOM for sale; 1 billiard table. p pool tames. Cigurs. cuiueuiiuuw; a.iu soft drinks. Phone Tabor 5002. AUTOMOBILE garage and repair shop; op portunity tor an active man in inw ouu business. 317 Railway Exchange. BARBER shop, 2 chairs, good location, 1 furnished rooms pay rem 01 wnoia uuiiu i n g . $000. 51 Lumber Exchange. MAN wanted for wholesale candy business. steauv worn: must nave -.iu wnicn win be fuily secured. 019 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Restaurant, 100, N. Oth. good business, cheap rent. WANTED Equal partner with $2000 to in vest in first class oricayara; investigate, !t is a money maker. AV 681, Oregonian. FOR SALE Pool hall and barber shop in live town, ror particular write w. a. Word. Molalla, Or. OWNER busy picture theater Wept Side wants active partner: tins is paying wcu; investigate today. 248U Stark st. BARGAIN Two-chair barber shop for sale. good location, bu a a si., MCJiinnviue. BCSENE89 OPPOKTCNITIES WANTED. WANTED Home bakery and delicatessen. Call Tabor 4t or o ov. oregonian. NOTICE Will pay spot cash for merchan dise, e. weston, uz rant sl. ROOMING-HOUSES. I HAVE a 19-room hotel or rooming-hous located in ewoerg, or., ior ieiso or win exchange for an Improved farm; this bouse is in good condition and owing to death, has been recently vacated. Calr room 306 Hotel Caples, this week, and see ro per sonally concerning It, ' FOR SALk! Small hotel, 14 bedrooms, new furniture uau new Duimina, ueftuijuMriere for traveling men and sportsmen; a hunt ing and fishing resort; good business; must ell on account of sickness. Address J. C. Dixon. Elk City, Or. 11 LARGE rooms, running water, electric lights. A-l furniture; located near White Temple, clears $50 month and have fine home. Sick, must sell quick. Here la a . snao for someone. I NQUIRE 88 10TH, NEAR STARK. MRS. M. E. LBNT, Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Agent. Both Buyer and Seller protected. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 008-9 N. W. Bank bldg.. th and Morrison. FOR RENT Rooming-house, 17 rooms, un furnished ; responsible parties only. See Chas. jennlng, with Jennlng & Son., 2d and Morrison sts. FINEST NOB HILL ROOMING-HOUSE Oi 1 4 rooms, dandy furniture, clear more than $00 'a month. See Associated Invest ment Co.. 01$ Yeon bldg. B 637. WrELL furnished, first class house of 13 rooms, always full. Home place, at a great sacrifice on account of prolonged illness by owner; 181 llth st. Main 9370. 20-ROOM rooming house, in heart of city, re n t $4 V 00, all H K. good f u m i tu re. a t -wave full. Price today for all. $320.00. Peters, 10 N. Sth st. 9 H. K. rooms and batn; rent $20; must sell. 330 6th st. slcknes ROOMS, $000. See this at once. Owner. :3 Columbia stt . BOOMING- HOUSES. IS ROOMS. MUST SELL. Newly furnished; good building: always full; fine location, cht-ap rent; owner leav ing city and will sell for value. Act quick for this snap. PRICE $000. HALF CASH. INQUIRE e lOTH, NEAR STARK. $S0 $S0 $S0 Buys a 10-room rooming house in heart of city, rent only $22.00. well furnished, worth $300. Price today for all, $0.00. Peters, 15 N. Oth at. VINE HOTEL all furnished, doing good businesa, pool room in connection, for sale or trade for one-half its value. MAGOO.V REALTY CO., Yamhill. Or. 12 HOUSEKEEPING rooma for sale; well located; see owner. Mrs. Maddock. lusa 10th, near Morrison. SMALL apt. house for sale, neatly fur nished, rooms fuiL Tel. Main 4641. LOST AND FOUND. FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light and Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street sta tion: March 20, 1010 Marshall 5100, A 6131 6 umbrellas, 1 grip, 1 can of cof fee, 5 packages, 1 casting. 1 pkg. ground bone. 1 laby shoe, 1 S. P. pass, 1 fountain yen, 1 pr. spectacles, 1 pr. gloves, 1 suit cacte, 1 musio book, 1 glove, 1 book, a bdl. abstracts. 1 bot. camphor, 1 lunch box, 1 purse (cash 00c) 1 sack and con tents. THE party who picked up small tau pocket book, imitation alligator, with rubber band around same, on Bryant, between Union ave and Garfield, return to 404 a Dekum avenue. LOST Opera glass. French, plush and cha mois lined bag container; finder will be rewarded to extent of cost of glasa. 431 Ptttock blk. LOST Lady's silver mesh purse containing change and door key, on Hawthorne jitnev. 3 1. M. Monday. Phone Tabor 420. LOST In Circle Theater, handbag, contain ing about $20 and book of addresses. Finder please phone Sellwood 247. sTRAYED from the home of Mri. Emmons, Jennings lodge. longhaired yellow cat; liberal reward. Main 47S. LOST Canvas tarpaulin on Milwaukie st. Return East Side Planing Mill, reward. LOST Grevhound: finder call John Boccak. Main 333S Reward. LOST Purse reward. 41" containing money Sun Ratacl et. FOUND Bronze jewel case, near Portland Academy. Phone after ti P. M. Mam ?3s4. LOST Small Blenheim spaniel, tan. Marshall 4620. Reward. white and FOUND Lady's purse; descril contents. S 7o2, Oregonian. LOST GOLD BROOCH Pink camellne setting. Reward. Main 303L 8PKC1AL NOTICE Proposals In v ltd . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Capitol Building Board on or before 2 P. M. April 15, lalo, for a one-inch steel lining for vault in office of state Treas urer In Capitol building, Rolsr, Idaho, In accordance with plans and specifications on file with the State Treasurer and at the office of Tourtellotte & Hummel, archl tects. Boise, Idaho. Bids mutit be Accompanied by a cer tlfled check In the sum of $100 made pay able to John W. Eagleson, Slate Treasurer or idano. The right is reserved to accept any 01 reject all bids. CAPITOL BUILDING BOARD. By George H. Barker, Sec. of Stata. SEALED proposals will be received at the office or tne undersicned. courinouse, until 5 P. M. Friday. April 9. 1!10, for heating and ventilatiug of new Kennedy School. Bids will be opened at the same time in Room o04 courtnouse. flans ana p pec if i cat ions may be obtained at the of fic.fl of V. A. Naramore. SudL of Prop erties, 303 Courthouse. Deposit of $10 is required for plans and speciticutions. Certified check for lo per cent of the n mount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Bourd of Directors reserves tne ngnt to reject any ana an proposals. R. 11. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated March 27, 1010. SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, will be received by tho Quarterinaster-General of the Army. Washington, D. C, uutil 2 o'clock P. M-. Eastern time. April 7, 191. for furnlKhlna rorduare. rone and twine for delivery during the fiscal year lWltt at dL-potj of the u.uartermast corps list ed in t-cheduie. Schedules furnished upon application to Quarter master-General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C, or by Quar termaster. Port land. Oregon. Miscellaneous. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. You are hereby notified tiiat the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Auto matic Call and Advertising Clock Com pany will bo held on Saturday, the 10th dav of April, 1&15, at the hour of r o'clock P. M. sharp at room "A," Library bldg., lOih and Yamhill ats.. Portland, Or., for tho purpose of electing seven di rectors and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. W. J. MORPHEW, Sec. FINANCIAL. LOANS on improved Inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no oeii. -rmttv"'" only. Robertson & Ewlng, 2u7-20 North, western Bank bidg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages (first and second) , eg, ui ilea pur chased. F. H. Lewis & Co., 4 Lewis bldg. WE BUY mortgages, bonds und notes. Western Bond A Mortgage Co., SO 4th St.. B"ard of Trade bid" FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen blug. PRIVATE funda to loan; will consider few desirable nunaing loans; owner omy. Henry C. Prudhomme, 028 Morgan bldg. We buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson Jk. wing. oi-b r. w . onK Diug. Money so Loan on Real Fwtate. DO YOU NEED MONEY T I HAVE PLENTY OF IT. YOU HAVE THE SECURITY. IF SECKENDORF, 310 STOCK EXCHANGE. MONEY TO LOAN. On Portland city real estate; farm loans at lowest current rates. HALL' at VON BORSTEU 104 Second at., near Washington. PRIVATE ON HAND TO LOAN. $Mi0O at 7' $00o at 7'i 3ono at 79 20tm at 7 700 at 3'0 at M'KEXZIB CO.. 510 Gerllngcr bldg. $i:0.0o0. In sums to suit on real estate at and 7 per cent. O. W. Bryan, OOJ Chum, of Commerce. SEE Seckendorf today; no delay, city and farm loans at current rates. 4iA.1t block Exchange bldg. Main 674. 1LOKTGAGE loans on city and suourban real estate at 7 and a per cent. w. n. .-sunn, 44b Sherlock bldg. $100U TO LOAN on Tort .and real estate. 11AA1 u jn 1 v,vj ran l . 424 Chamber of Commerce. IO LOAN. $10o to $1200 at b per cent on improved residence property, p 14, Ore- UORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. dt ti iviAbc tu Stock Exchange bldg., 8d and Yamhill. $2o0.OO0 TO LOAN In sums to auit; build ing loans; lowest t. u, si 318 Falling bldg. $000, $1000 and upward on Improved real estate, isvuiauiw v-.tum, uo uw brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spsldlng bldg. MORTGAGE loans, city or farm; prompt service. N. coiewan. diit cttocst a.x change $0000 TO $7H0, private money, at 7 per cent. Want gOOU, BUUDKUIMI1 Ol.UJ UJ. Y Oregonian. SEE us today for loans on improved city p roper tv. e to s per cenu, .oo ana up Cellars-Murton Co., 823 Yeon bldg. TO LOAN $40,000 OR LESS. FARRI NGTON, 80 4TH ST., BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. $2000 TO loan on Portland property. Full particulars at 612 Piatt bldg. MORTGAGE LOAWS, d and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON Cv.. 22D STARK ST. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. K. Thomas, as e nt Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com, $2UO. $300, $000, $?00. $1200, tlsoo. rred W. German Co., 9. Chamber of Commerce, CITY and farm loans, lowest rates. C D. Siinonds. corbett bldg. MONEY, any amount, 0 to g per cent. Selts He. Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme, 828-30 Morgan bid a. ESTATE MONEY 20o to $50,000. II. Y. FREEDMAN. 3U Cham, of Com. FARM and city mortgage loans. A. Harding, 31;i Chamber of Commerce. H. HAVE $1000 to loan, city property, this w ee k, 8 per cent. AF '..-'..-jre n ln $ltXK TO $20,0(H to loan at 7 per ceuL Henry L. Burton. 317 Worcester bidg. $000 TO $00,000 PRIVATE MONEY, low in fret rate, B 42. Oregonian. soon To $tV1"- CITY Oft FA RM I'Rijp KRTY. Tabor -'."'-. AK 4". Or-aoiilan. AND 1 MTG. LOANS. At K. HLLU 419 Henry, df, M FINANCIAL. MuifT to Loan on Krai Klte. MONEY LOANED. Improved uuiaess property. 5i per cent. Improved resident property, o to to ? per cent. m . Improved farm property, 7 to $ per WH1TWEK-KELLY CO.. 711 Pillock Block. cant. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPRU ED REAL ESTATE r Oil BUILDING PURPOSES; VKUY FLEX IBLE CONTRACT;; NO CUM MISsiuN COLOMBIA LIFE Jk TRUST '-O., W1U SPALDING BLDG. ON IMPROVED 1'ROl'EKiV OH BUILDING PI RPt'sES, LIBERAL Foil 1A -AD- VANCED AS LLTLDINM l'UaGiiE SL L.S. 1 ti O, Lit Ai o ASSOCIATION. 240 STAKE. T. LOAN UURTJAiit; LOANS. Any amount, low raus, promptly cloaeA. Attractive repament piiviAgua. A. H. BIKRkLL Co.. 317 Northwestern liunk Hltg. Marsliali 4U4. A 41IS. TO LOAN, to 1 money on business property, apartments, dwellings aud tanua H. H. Btvaaotu, TU Cuaiuber of Commerce. TO LOAN AT SEVEN PER CENT. $2000 to $ooo on Portland Improved property; immediate delivery ou good ap plications. Apply to OOP Da ELL -LuoS, 433 Worcester BMg. oaey to Lwao C'bal tela and airtee. IMMEDIATE LOANS. ON DIAMONDS AND JfcW ELKY AT fcASl EU.N R A i La. Wo have one of tue fiuet it tail jwtirr stoiea In the city. A loau Upartuiia M couductel in connection wnh ka.n. mak ln g b usiuasa t T R I C T L Y CO N I D h. N T i A U aosolutely no sigu ueigi aling loan busi ness displayed ia front of our sioia. AH merchandise pledged ks held (or pwi tod ot seven months, wittlhw or uot liitvreal M paid whan d ue. We are i 1 caused and nave beu stabllslwd aiuca lbM. Jvo cou uectlon w ill auy other loan eiabiuhtuui iu ibis city. A. A M. DELOVAGE. JKWELER3, 324 waahtngion at. LOA.fs 910 to wUlCiwLl. STATE SEt l hiTs CO LIcbN&LD. LOANS ON bALAKlkrt ONLY. BEST PROPOSITION IN 1'OltTLANO. CALL AND Lfc 1' 1 S EXPLAIN OUR kASY-l'AVMt.VT I LAN. BUSlNEaS MHU-'ll.i CONF1DLMIAL b TATE SECt RllV CO U'J FAILING BLDG. NOTICE NEW A DDK Est. LOANS IN a UOlilS' ilAlB at legal rates on diamonds, autos, pianos, household gooes anu livestock. Portland loan to., Licensed by folate. 311 Dekum Bidg, 3d and aahlugton Marshall aeti. A 3SV7. MONEY AT ONCib Diamonds, watt lies, iuslrumanta SEP A KATE Ulil'T. FOR LA UiLi. ELBs COMPANY iUcnsvd, io Lumber Lxeliaiifc idg.. Second and Stark burets. WK loan money ou uiainouus aua Janeir at half the rates cUari.u iy brukaia. Uarx Block. 74 $d at. UO.NEl LOANED on diamonds anu Jawliy. 8. W . King, room 4 S asumglon bldg. LOANS ou real eaiat, diamonds, and eiry. Wm. 1J nl 1. room , Wasiiingtoa biog. LOANS ou diamond-) and jeawliy ; atrlutly contidtuilal. 3.11 Morrison. LOWEST rai1 on p n Mitd fuitiliura l'houe Gt- llarv ej , Lait 1 1 1 Loans wanted. GILT-EDGE MORTGAGE LOAN Al l LI- CATIONS CITV. (4400 Whole bl K, St. Johns, Inipi o ed, 4 houses, value $lv.o o, pt r cuu LiOO Corner t ll ion, 8 1. house, S percent. Jjtitf iota, r. house, new, k per ctul. K.U0 7 litis, 12 r. house, k p r tent, luuu Quarter block, 0 r. nuute, prr cent. 400 j block, Main at., Louis, ti per cynt. FARM. 36500 A., Base Lint, cloze In, t ptr cent. 5000 JOy A., LalourclL, ul. $12,000, I per ceut. 400953 A., Wash. County, k prr cent. iSOOO ;'0 A., at Foitat Grove, J per cenL Sjoo a. at Bcacrion, k pt-r cent. Many more city and country. OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO. Stock Exchange Bldg . ..d and Yamhill. WANTED ON A-l SEM KITY. $10 0t0 Ul per n tit, v alue fiM.'0. $4M0 mi S ! r cent, value Sl-.t""". ."tr et 8 per cent, value $."-"mo l"rOf at per cent, value $o"i0. $10hi ui h per cent, value S'ioO 81 b pel ct-nl, value 2oo. M K EN-il E A; I O., .15 t;erlingT ilde. MONEY WANTED Applications on for desirable loan, ac vt 1 til ttrat mot aees for sale: S4000, $:iHMi. fl.-.'Hj, S 1 1 141H. tOU, .iou und lo $I0.mki; pilncl- i oals only. Homy C. Piudhummu, Mom i gao J bldg. . CHOICE MORTGAGE LOAN APPLllA- 'HONS Flrst-tlass security, 7 aud psr OK-GON INV. At MOItTG AGE CO.. INC.. block Lxch. Bltlg.. sd aud lauiui.l e arsnali 2o0, A 4144. $S0i WANTED AT S PEIt CENT, o-room houae and lot, bin. N. 01 tuw thorne: value $J.'.imi; ins. 1vhi. Smitii Wagoner Co., Stuck ExHiaha WANTED $200O building lon 011 a i'-iwoia liouso aud garage on looxloo Iul, 47iu aud Alameda, i'oiiy G. Audt-rson, 3.3 CU.uui wi of Commerce bldg. WANT income property; a HI Hadu tlta acreage up to $luu,uuu. AP vu, Ok,u tilan. VN A N 1 E L) 51000, 3 ais, Jlisi ml., cent, on tJ-rooin modem, Btauuiuiii, $J2'f0. b ul, Oi goinan. b i" i' alue WANT $2000 ai a per cnl ou lo- ri lann, close in, worth $tiHHj. t . t uchs, 42i Clvambt r ct Connncn-e. $2000 WANTED at 8 per cent 011 4o acroa. near -oriiau, iu a -lite. 430 Worcester bldg., Iledlii. FOR SALE f0o0 second lltig., paablr per monih and Interest; will dlseuunt $100. F "W, U re goal an. WANTED -At ouc, hunt tudlvidual, $-0od ou choice modern lrviugtou lioii4, 3 yat 7 per ceut. AF 7o4. OiegoniMU. $40o F1KS T nioi tfiat;-. tt pr tent, tlir' yeara; will dncouni 00. Epton, 432 Cham ber of Comnncv $12,000 W.VNTKD on I mo linpi ov d lai in, near city, value $40.'mui. S o oancr, i.y Northwestern JtanK bldg. $0OOO WANTED from private party on lm- proved, close-in, inoutrn Wel t!1 real Uence propny. AG 4P0. On-goiiian. $J30, s PEIt CENT, 2 vrai. first mortgag bungalow. go"j accuriiy. H a:. Oregoiuan. II A V E splendid city atcurliy and Utaua $1500 loan. A F 7 ill. Oi Lgoliiau. l'tHMAL. WE SELL HA 1 It, H A I it. 11 AIR. C6-lnrh real first -quality iw uchsra. . . .$ $ ib-inb real lirst-qualiiy gray . BRING THIS AD Goou or AO Face luaasagv. ,20c Hiimpoo It0 Manicure 20o Bairaieaa buparlluoua hair riiiosu by electrt-Ity. Guaranteed. Cut hair, any stisds. bwltCi.cs aoy irnglh. 1' rices half Saiittaijr Btaut parlorr, 400-412 1 um hlda-. 3d aaa aslnnglo:i. &iartliall 17".'. y bUV E f at liANaHLl. Leading wig auo toup maaeis. linfii sto k liumau hair goods, kvviichts I10111 K0c up, balruressiug :ia ni:urliiK. fac and a-ai treatuieiu. combings ntuU up lo oruui. 147 Broadway, near Morrison. Mam Mt. ASTHMA of yeara' alMndlng. relieved by the iiret treatment, now tuted, was the experience of a well-known Portland man ufacturer at the Swedish luatilut, 12th aU corner Alder. MIU 10"3. A 2-0. UEKMAN Tit A IN ED NURfo Trcalintnts for rbeumatism, lumbago, etc., massaa and balba. 4o3 Uluun au. cor. 13th. Mar hall Qi'aa. HA HIE NiVl.NS, electric bstha afd lrat menta daily, ladita only, kiain bi: for ap Douttmt nt. 20 .M'iitg.,ni"y st.. flat C bl'UvlTU ALISM Rv. Mary A. Prica. CTrcie 'iuesday 2, Wed. and bun. b 1'. M. J r-ao Wigs iiaily. QQ3 3th st. Mai shall .'ou. NORWEGIAN tralufl uurac and .;..r.rir. blanket treatment; hour : p. m. lo 1:30 MIV Sd it.Jt'Jomi 1 110 a. u UK STEVENS, 21 years P rtland s nowned paimist and laii vuj .nt, au "Paimlsti y Made Eas." 21' 1 j, kli inr nt u 1 vi-ritu: vmiuTull for rii nn neuralgia, fa-ial and scalp traatiuents. reasonable. Phone MarshaU 2. wilL aliv party knowing Hie whereabouts of K. is. Wade, lat heard of In Giubiii, or i.hnne Tabr 735. Hon ilik. UMBRELLAS All colors au4 at aioc; ruvfru.i; o.w ba .dh Meredith's 3a Uaxhunton jt. 1, Urwi put SOPHIE B SEIP. nuntal and irltual s 1 ntUt. tld-3IU Allvky blg. U"'tl', nia.'l iri Wadncsduv. ! W. Mam s:.... .fxnu! OF YOUR lO.VBINGS. Switches U5c curls and pulls Ifto Sani tary Beauty Parlors, 4f0 I'tkum bldg. HCIENTlFlC niaJiheu'. gnulna tuh tail's, alcoholic electric treatmeiil chiropodist, mantc urlwt. 2"i Marieay bldg. Mar. ., : . . 0. MXKICURING and electric treatments. Miss Ethel Burke, &13-3I4 Northwewt bids. REI I ABLE parlies want to adopt Infant child. T 702. orcgonlsn. MtLKS. eunerfluoua hair removed. Mia. M. D. Htll. 4 2 Flledner bldg. Main 37.;. RA t M CF FIGS compound. Hoys I T"n Tablets. 3M Davis st. Phone Main .iH l. Chiroprnrtlc explained; pinls mcnts pleufing; "l trentmriHa $l.i. adjust 1.1 41 H. LESSENS in phrrnoloay and card leading 2.1 0U1 at. PUona Mala 7o4$, t