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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1915)
0 , TnEMORyixa oregoxian Wednesday, march ni. iois. . ' : I f HELP HAMtlV-MALE. I HELP W AN T EI 1" K MALE. f BITCATIOa WATKIrEMAUt, real estate. Foe Hle Buainw Property. LARGE 2-siory tramt' building, new, with comfortable O-room flat above, which. I am instructed to sU for an estate at $2500. Only small amount of cash is necessary. Pee attorney, 512 Piatt bldg. RARE BAR GAIN. West 8k! e. full lot. two-flat bldg-, choice location, beautiful view, for quick sale $52..0. fiEO. H. KEEN E. 1038 Cham, of Com. For sale Acreage. ACREAGE. 4 ErECIAL GO DAT OFFER 25 per cent, discount will be allowed sn all purchases made within the next 80 day. Any sized tract from half acre up. Finest of soil; no rock or gravel. Thirty minutes' ride on best electric line out of Portland. Schools, churches and atorea convenient. The best uffer of the Season. Investigate lu TES S3AW-FEAR COMPANY fain 33 102 Fourth St. A 35 METZGER ACRE TRACTS. METZGER ACRE TRACTS. Come out and see mktzuisk aihb TRACTS, which 1 am selling now at a who contemplate building homes. Only 25 minutes from Jefferson st. station, on the Oregon Electric Ry. (Salem line); com mutation fare, 9c. Call at my office. 310 Oak st. Portland, or at Metzger Station. HERMAN METZGKR. Owner. 5 ACRES AND NEW HOUSE. "Modern 6 -room hnuw. lust completed fireplace, good plumbing, well, etc. ; half cleared, balance easily put in cultivation, convenient to station and just off Powell valley road; bargain price -Miu; siuw cash. J. G. RAINET. t4 Teon Bldg. Marshall 3177. TEN acres, 5 minutes' walk from Estacada; ! acres good, tillable land. 2 acres m cultivation; good spring the year around; good :-rooin nou;e, fenced, nice, command ing view, no rock or gravel; all good soil; price $ll50. eaty payments; adjoining propertv $200 per acre. G. S. Smith fc Company. 4.".2 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. Gretna in district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS -mile electric station, $75 to $13 per acre; easy tnoi; best soil; free wood. Farms for sale, all sizes. KR-YNK M FARIjAND REALTY CO.. 300 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. 1 ACRE, Improved 5-room house, electric lights, fireplace, good water, nice lawn and ahrubberv, 4 blocks from station Ore son City ca f, Sc f a re ; JS 000 ; $ iO cas h, balance 2o per month, including interest. T Oregonian. FOR SALE or rent, IS acres, with fine store building at nation, near Portland; fine opening for general story. 349 E. 00th. IMPROVED" river frontage, good houbt. gar den, fruit and poultry, $3000. W. A. C'oplen, Oak Grjve. phone 8-R. $5 MONTHLY, SrtxSOO. new house. $50. A. C. Marsters, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. For bade Acreage. 50 ACRES. $1000. SHj miles to Columbia River and R. R. station, macadam road 3 miles of distance, close to school, easy terms. V. B. HOLBROOK CO.. 214 Lumber Exchange Bldg. THREE-ROOM cottage, with one acre of land, barn, chicken-houses, fruit and ber ries; close to Multnomah Station. Will be sold at a bargain. Wee agent at Mult nomah Station or call 512 Piatt bldg. Homestead. HOMESTEADS. A blue, print map, 42"xt5 inches. Cor rected every month, showing all vacant lands In S. W. Oregon. Six full counties, and parts of four others; price $5. For full information, write DOUGLASS CO. INVESTMENT CO., Ro'eburp, Or. GOOD 320-acrc noniesieaa rennquisnmeni for sale; good .'-room nou?e. goou wen. i .mile from store and postoffleo; good school. W 70S, Oregonian.- IF YOU want a good numesteaa cueap can at 210 stock I. -change oiaf ruruaim, Or. M. A. Brltgood. For Sale Fruit Lands, CHOICEST of Oregon orchard and farm land a-rcage from o up. terms. tTopenj joins city limits. Address H. A. Wood, Dallas, or. For Sale J10 CASH PER ACRE. IQ CASH PER ACRE. U0 CASH PER ACRE. ARE YOU GAME? Have you any faith iu Oregon ? Would you buy 160 acres fine land. 4 acres cleared, more than one-half tillable a'ter cleared, 4,000.000 feet of timber lor ties and lumber; 6 mites from Columbia River and railroad and Columbia Highway; springs; fine streams; for 10 PER ACRE'. If so, see us at once. DORR E. KKASEV CO. 3d floor Chamber of Commerce Bid. AM SACRIFICING THIS FARM Three rears ago 1 was offered and re fused $18.W0 for my tto-aere farm, located -A miles from Portland, on the bank of the Willamette River; since that time 1 paid $14iu to finish clearing the land on the place I am now ottering to sell this beautiful treg;siered Laurel Farm tor $15 000: any man can justly be proud t own this place lor a home: will take JoiH'O rash and glv- long time on bal. at 6 per tent or I will take a nice Portland resi dence as part pavnient up to SlO.otKi. Tills we-k I am at room ::Hi Hotel Caples, or box ti'j". NhTK. Or. M O N E Y - M A K I N G K A K M I.N AMlill'l- er . J i . t acres of I'ih i1. 5i in cultivation. S3 more has only scattering iwk jtumpf. 3 errs fir timber; f'c water from ."t spring. miles trom Hy. auition: all ran be fanned when rloarfil; omf"rtabIe 7-room hoie. barn for IS head and hay; ufual outbuiiuings, team, ti milch c.-as, b Aounge" cattle. sows. !. pigs. 1"0 chick en, binder. "! er. raKc. plows, cream separator interest in sed ilrill ;im thresh ing machine, plenty of feed: JtitCO, terms. 1. Mc' 'lie? ne . Title & Trust bUig. A SNAP FO R SOM EON E. For sale by owner, on ac. of sickness, trt A.. 3 M. from Carroll?. Wash., on mattt line of R. It., also boat service; 30 A. under cultivation, & A. slashed, more easy cleared crop In. family orchard, berries, new iO-room house, barn, 40xot, hen-house, woodhwuse. root cellar, etc; water in h-use. on county road, R. F. D. and tele phone: no Incumbrance; price S40t it s.ld eHn. or mucht divide to suit pur chaser; terms. Portland and return by en.-tt for $1. Come and see It. Tel. Kalama, Wsfh.. 4-4. SMALL FARM. COLUMBIA RIVER Of 32 acres, located ! mile from the Columbia Highway. l"i acres in cultiva tion, nil tilablc except 2 ucre. Crt barn, rhiekeu hou.-e. well aud windmill, fine family orchard; small fruit, rows and fchrubberv, 2 good horse. ;i Jersey cows, plow. harness, buggy, wagon, cart nd other tools. Priee only KI7.".o; half cast. Jos. C. Gibson. :nd ticrllnger bldg. ilON KY-EVERY l'.W FROM THE FARM M acres in Clarke V, Wash.. 40 in eult i vt ton. !-nom liiw, 2 good barns, & Jersey cows, fine bull, g-uul team of horses. 2 sews, nsistered boar. J. good springs fnrm tool-; only a mile from statlor price $StLt: will take some tra'tc. S.oti i. Bce-sley. 211-12 Abtngit-n bliig. ' " WHEAT LANDS. 4Z-V0 acres splendid wheat land. Whlt mau County, Washington, comprising sev eral ranches well improved; good springs; about H n crop, balance Summer fallow-; i to t cash, balance terms; strictly de sirable ranches. R. 1- Toke. 1136 North western Bank Bldg. S ACRES. 5 miles west of Portland. In Wah Co.. close to good buineHs town on electric Une, en cr.tnty road, all good soil and tillable : acres In cultivation bal. pasture, .Vrpom bouse, well and small or chard. Prb e Jf-A per acre: easy brma. H-1STKTLKR & ANDERSON, 72. Chamber of Commerce. THE NEW WAY. THE MODERN WAY, THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land Are you interested? If to, write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN t' bldg., San Francisco. C M. WOODSTEK. Pres. ItOGl E RIVER DISTRICT 40 acres, handy to railroad. $.V0; running stream, partly rreek bottom excellent for alfalfa; 125 cash G. Wynn Wilson, Chamber ot Commerce, ptwtland. t-MAtli onea and large ones, improved and unimprmed. fine prune ranches and hop ranches and atock ranches, from 0 an acre tiff fOl'THERV OREGON sn acres good, lngged-off land; miles to railroad; .."0 an acre- 7Xt cash, balance easy. G. Wnn Wilson, Ooi Chamber of Commerce, Port land, . REAL ESTATE. For Sato Farms. T will pell ltiO acres unlm proved land. good soil, fine water, not over 6 miles from railroad, for $20 per acre. Ten years time. Jjecurlty for first payment. H in- iere"t. tan locate, t lammea iu vo uo.. W. D. Mister, Albany, Or. 7S-ACRE dairy farm, river bottom, all fn cultivation, 12 fine yoiinjf cows. 1 good team, 3 brood sows, 1 registered Berkshire 1 Inn lament c nrina T IMHt oOOO terms. Owner, 625 Hawthorne ave. IF YOU WANT the best dairy, stock, hog and grain ranch and sporting man's re sort near the coast, rcaay to move on iv, write me. W. D. Mbcter, Albany, Or. 50 ACHES, 3 miles from Rainier; good soil, running water; a little cleared, $2250. $14uO cash, balance ti per cent. J. H. Col lins, Rainier. Or. WHEAT LAND. Wheat farm injCentral Oregon; 160 acres FOR SALE: Fine 60 acres land, $75 acre, near electric AV .7o, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LADO'3 ADDITION. If unsold, I wiil take 12Mi cash for that lot. I just reverse the figures, that's all. Last tall ! John Hartog, 2& Stark st.. near 4th. Maiu 208. WANTED BUNGALOW. Preferred between Prescott and Alberta or lrviiigton Park ; will give 8 business lots worth 20h) in good Eastern Oregon town, free of debt; will assume If worth the money. D. M. Rohrbough, 26U Stark St., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON A j-ROOM bungalow. N. E. part of city, as rent preferred; give location, terms and price first letter; owners only. D 7Ui, Ore gonian. GODD home, seven rooms, unincumbered, for good unincumbered lots. V tMi, Orego nian. WANTED 3 or 4 -room modern house, on terms. BD 700, Oregonian. FARMS WANTED. I AM going East and want a list of bar gains. What have you to of for? Only owners of ranches need apply. Hotel Clyde, room 42o. WANTED Good valley farm, stocked, up to flO.toO; will give good ItiO-acre Michi gan farm i. in exchange. K. Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M CKACKEN. 304 M KAY" Bl-DG. FOR BEST FARMS. FOR RENT 20 acres, improved, good soil, house, barn, suitable for dairy, milk house, other buildings, orchard, good well ; nd creek. No. 6i:;3 lt st-. Woodstock ave., S. E. Lents. Mt. Scott car. 71,- ACRES at Beaverton, rent $125 year, Fruit, berriefi, 6-ioon house. C. U. Mc Girr, Wells Fargo bldg. DESIRABLE farm machinery, good build ings, soil, fruit, pasture. Hee owner, 72U Northwestern Bank bldg. BE A CTJFCL S. tract, good house, elect ip car, cheap. J. D. Morris, Main 0W6. A 4Htl. 6 ACRES, five plowed, small house, near nawinome canine, inone raoor uvi. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR TRADE OR SALE. I have for sale or trade a modern double bungalow on lot 7x125, at La Jolla, San Diego's most select residence district, for a small . im- proved acrcago with house on. near Portland. The bungalow is always in demand and the price is but $1000, clear; want something of about the same value, clear. L. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., d floor Chamber of Commerce Bid. BUNGALOW WANTED. S acres, good house and barn, orchard, berries, all in cultivation, horse, cow, chickens, farm tool, running water, close to town; $:iuoo, cash or trade; clear of Incumbrance. (N.) DORR K. K EASE Y & 2d floor Ch. of Cor CO., Com. - INCOME. I have a good piece of income property, value $lti.0U0r must raise some cash, at hast ?40o. and will accept some farm or other property in exchange as part; might assume some. The incumbrance on my property is $"775. 7 per cent, long time; investigate W tM'. Oregonian. Y" NOT NOW? Now trade your valley farm into a wheat ranch. two acrca Sherman County, $2r per ac. 20 ac, Walla Walla County.. S30 per ac. STOCK RANCH WANTED, up to $:t0,000for city property. Sa.i Diego business property. $20,000, for wheat farm or city property. GOI-DSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. WILL trade 1000 acre wheat ranch in Mor row County. 6 miles from station, for Portland property and $4000.00 in cash. About z is now in good standing wheat, 4o acres are in stubble now being plowed, balance in pasture. All implements, small tools, work stock nnd harness go with place. Prico $26,500.00. BG - tfll, Ore goniau. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK. Invoice $i'."oii; tlld JH.i.iMiO business in 1011; will take clear real estate at cash figures up to $7"l0. balance cash; this is a fine business in splendid location. LI ED DEM A N N COMPANY, ;13 Chiunher of Commerce. 12-- ACRES, four cleared, fenced, spring, school, macadam road, 8" miles west Portland, $2000. mortgage 10, easy pay ments; exchange auto or city property. 2S Belmont. MT. TAEOR DISTRICT. 5-rooin. new, modern bungalow, one block from carllne. will trade 6.r equity for $300 t-ash and lt14 Ford touring car. Phone Tabor 613. AM desirous of securing good valley farm; will exchan ge sj.i.uoo l o W.vw ot m y stock in good Portland corporation stock above par; give particulars. AG 702, Ore gonian. . WEST imE FLATS. 2 flats. $4mm. $i,oih equity, for clear nouse or automobiles. GOI.DSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. $ Stock Exchange, 3d and "tamhlll. FOR SALE or exchange, equity corner lot. tiOxlOO. K-room nouse. Darn, cnicaen-nouse, in good location, at a great bargain, terms. No agents. Main 2 657 or 29S& 11th st. A-l INCOME PROPERTY In Southern Ore gon town, tree or encumorance; win ex change for small improved tract or city property, can f.asi .'-o. cwner. HAVE 2rt acres good land fn Washington Co. What have you to exchange .' h, 7fl. Oregonian. j'OR SALE or exchange. acres good land; might take good motorccie as part pay. A V 7 05, O re g onla n. TRADE 3tiO acre wheat ranch. 23 acres in crop. Portland residence preferred. M. FitxniHurice. Condon. Oregon. 20 ACRES in Clark Co., Wash., to trade for small tract near Portland. See Mr. Gather, 4."- Henry bldg. - WHAT have ou to trade for lO acres No. 1 land in cultivation "i mile from Reedville? E 70 2. Oregonian. WANTED to trade good ciassy roadster for good ..-passenger car; win pay eutiic cash difference. Y 70-".. Oregonian. HAVE fine Portland home, can take some trade: price !-."". j. '6"h hamber Com. UNION AVE., corner, will trade for a farm; price si2.0O. j. k. itaigm. i ... vn. v om. IRVINGTON HOME for exchange. B. M Lombard. SA0-i d- Mam 5o2. A 2302. WHAT have you to exchange for 30 acres yellow pine timber? Y 701. Oregonian. MODERN B-roorn Irvington home, trade for city property. Call East 2S27. TO EXCHANGE MJSCELLANEOCB. WILL exchange S0-50 Winchester repeat ing rifle w-ith Lyman sights; has had slight usage and is as good as new, for a pig. AK 9. Oregonian. EXCHANGE 4x. plate camera for Pxl2 rug, in good condition. AD 702. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Eta. WAGONS and horses by day. S1.S5. I. Cohen, HORSES FOR SALE Apply at S E. 7th at. PASTURE. 8 MoCIeUand, -40 E, 8 in at. Horse. Vehicles, Harness. Etc. of horses, venicles and harness at Colum bia S tables, 302 Front, every Thursday at 2 p. M. ; we sell on a commission basis; satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller; if you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction; if you want t buy, attend this sale. w TEAM black mares, weight 2050, 5 and 6 years old ; good workers ; one bay horse, weight 1300 lbs; good worker, single or dou art, price 'jQ: one team browns, weight 2800. good workers and fast waJkers, Just right for small farm, cheap at $175. An derson Bros., 241 Jefferson at. PAIR chestnut maree. weight 2000, with har ness, $150; pair brown mares, weight 2300, with harness, $135. Pair geldings, weight 280O, and harness, $250. Gooseneck douole and single express, 2 farm wagons. 228 14th st. N. near Marshall. AUCTION. Horses, males, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M.; only strictly commission stables in the city ; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse A Mule Co.. 240 East 8th st. East 6315. BOARDERS WANTED. Now that we hare got the Rose- City Stables in shape we are ready to handle about 20 head of horses to board; we also will rent a tew stalls reasonable. WILLIAMSON & SON, 50. Alder 8t. DARK iron-gray mare and gelding 4 years old weighing 27hj, heavy bone and blocky built, also span of heavy bone shire 4-year-old celdings weighing 200 lbs. The above horses are sound and will be sold at a -low price. 215 Davis st. Sl'AN of geldings 7 and S years old, sound and sure, weighing 2200 lbs., .very stylish and free of blemishes, $16; also straw berry roan horse, 7 years old, sound and true, weighing 1600 lbs., $100. At Model Stables. .th and Davis. . PAIR bay maree. T years old. well matched, broke to ride and work, weight 21C0; are both sorrel suitable for ranch or de livery team. $I2.. Come today. Slar Sand barn. iHh and East Flanders. LOW-SET. very chunky bay marc. S years old. sound and true as steel, weighs 1200, no better one alive, $S5. STAR SAND BARN, IHh and East Flanders St. $40 BUYS good family or ranch horee, weighs 1 100 ; also buggy, harness $25. Sell wood car to lnaley ave., walk six blocks east to house No. 781. FOR SALE Good covered delivery wagon. Telephone Sell wood 1045: Pianos, Organs and Muftcul Instruments. $18 buys line Oak Sears & Roebuck & Co. $14o Organ with mirror at SC1I WAX PIANO CO., Ill Fourth street. KKANICH & BACH upright grand piano, pianj bench, piano player detached, sheet music cabinet, 82 selected music rolls. East 17JJ5 until 10 A. M.. after 3 P. M. $23S buys a Davis & Sons Upright. $10 cash, $0.5(1 monthly without interest at SCHWAN PIANO CO,, 111 Fourth Street. FOR SALE New player piano, cheap; will take secondhand piano part, balance on time. Phone Marshall 2432 STUYVESANT player piano, combination 05 and SS-note. Phone Mr. Howatt, Main 1318. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free; call day or night. Tabor 4203. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Kemienng -:o. HIGH-GRADE piano at a big bargain, tf Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark its. PIANO for rent cheap. Main TO RENT upright piano. Main 4415. Uoga, Biras. Pet Stock. CH. R. RAVEN and PRESIDENT AT STUD. LADDIX KENNELS, ESTACADA. OR. WANT rabbits cheap for cash. Call mornings, wooaiawn lb-w. Furniture for Sale. OAK furniture of 5-room bungalow, good as new; iron beds, springs, mat tresses, rugs, buffet, dining-room ta.ble and chairs. Wednesday all day. 957 E. 24th st. N. Phoue Wednesday only Woodlawn 143t. 4s'RNITURE, carpets, pictures, household goods, 5 rooms, first class condition; cost 1600; will uell below $200 if taken this week. 72ti Kearney st. ELEGANT golden wax oak dining table. library table and slaeooaru, all new, verj cheap, phone Tabor 122U. Poultry. FIFTY pure bred leghorn, day-old, chicks, in a AlcCianahau tireless Drooaer. ail lor onty $6.00. Order at once. MuCUmahan, the Incubator man. Eugene. Oregon. Free book on request. WE SELL 100 White Leghorn baby chix from best utility stock and our fire less brooder for $8.5u, April and May deliv ery; we guarantee safe delivery. The Pioneer Hatchery, Petaiuma, Cal. WANTED' -To buy Chinese ring-neck pheas ants, quote best price in firftt letter. Oregon Bird Pheasant Farm. Beaverton, Or., Route 1- Automobiles. USED ALTO SNAPS. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We uffer you Lhe following list to select from. Free service given on all used cars: FORD, 5 -pass., nearly new, with extra equipment. R. C. II., 5-pass., door. CHALMERS, 5-pass,, 3U h, p. COLE, o-pass., u h. p. HUPP, 5-pass., 32 h. p. CoI.E, 4-pass., 4m h. p. MICHIGAN, 5-pass., 33 h. p. ItEO, 2-pass. roadster, 30 h. P. NORTHWEST ALTO CO BROADWAY AND COUCH ST.. Main S?7. A 4059. FOR SALE i-passenge'r. 1313 model Buick machine, first-class condition; only been run 5UU0 miles on paved streets; new tires; will sell at a bargain ; no trade. Call Marshall 4487. jATE model Win ton Six, self-starter, elec tric lighted, fully equipped, Warner speed ometer, new top and new seat covers, thor oughly overhauled; will take light car or roadste: as part payment. Liberal terms on balance. Wintou Motor Car Co., 23d and Washington sts. PORTABLE GARAGES. Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artistic designs, lOxl6, $36 up, erected complete, with lock and key; im mediate dcliverv; also portable houses. TAKE-DuWiV MFG. CO., Foot of Harrison St- Main 1167. LOOK: SNAP! JtEO TRUCK. Two-ton, with van body. In first-class condition; will sacrifice for quick sale. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. Main fc;j;7. A 4059. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. luxlti, best materials, erected on your lot, complete f.12 up Any other stjle you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. Ally n. Uarag Specialist. li'Jl K. Salmon st. Tabor 14. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILBS. Large stock. Prices $200 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., . Studebaker Bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder Sts. FOR HIRE. $1.50 PER HOUR. 5-passenger 1914 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phone Main 1201 or East 5859. FOR SALE 5-passenger 1912 Cadillac Tn excellent condition ; extensive equipment $Sdt cash. Address A. B. C, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. ON E 6-ton truck, good shape. $FH50 ; one ton truck. $250; two-ton truck. $800; Gar. ford touring car, $175. Iaurelrose Garage, E. 27th and Burr.side. B 1042, East 40iu. AUTOMOBILE for sale, $400 cash; Flanders ZJ. four-door, in fine shape. Call morn ings, b'ti E. 15th mu N. Take Irving ton car. OVERLAND, ll'll. 5-pass. model, good tires electric lights and in fine shape ; liberal terms. Win ton Motor Car Co., 23d and Washington sts. IDEAL jitney or stage car, 15-30 Stearns, in excellent condition. Is large and roomy car; arrange for demonstration. Main 4244. ONE Auburn. $400 ; one Pierce, $450; 5-ton Ueiiance truck, $20mO. Duiinage-Manley A nt Co. , 4 5 "0 1 h . A 1014 FORD, five-pass., w ell equipped; price $4H. $2'H down. bal. $25 month. Call 4"6 McKay Main 134. FOR SALE 5-pssenger. 4-door car, Al condition; terms; or will trade for road ster. Call Mam 8232. 1913 KEO, 5-pass., electric starter and lights, bargain and terms; must be sold tuday. Acme Garage, 531 Alder. WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market pries riaid. J- Leve. ls6 Columbia. Main 5199. STEARNS Silent Knight, late model, nearly new; a bargain if taken this week. 287 East Morrison st. 1914 HUPP roadster, overhauled and re painted. Dulmage-Manley Auto Co., 43 20 th St. FOR SALE Two-ton truck and route, busi ness average $12 day In one year. 461 E. Burnside. East 6888. JUST right for jitn, 5-passenger auto, $325. 43 U N. 6th st. t C VDILLAC, 4-d.or. good condition, $590. termf. rhone Tabor 3002. Automobiles S anted. WANT medium-weight, 5-passenger auto, not older than 1914, all or part cash; owner on!v- give particulars, ah ?-i. oregonian. WANTED TWO TOURING CARS, FIFTY DOLLXRS DOWN. FIFTY DOLLARS MONTHLY. BD 7 "J, OREGONIAN. REAL estate to trade for Jitney bug and J small car. Phone East Z14v A, k Automobiles Wanted. WILL take 5 or 7-passcnger car as first pay inent on my modern, up-to-date home; every convenience and the best built house fn Portland; very desirable neigh borhood; balance like rent. BD 703, Ore gonian. WANTED Second-hand Ford automobile, 1911 roadster preferred. Wallace Kings bury, 3tfSl lOth st. WILL take auto to $800 as part payment on 6-room cottage, Hawthorne dlsL. $2600. M 6f, Oregonian. WANTED Auto, second-hand, runabout. self-Btarter, and Ford preferred: name lowest cash price. N 701. Oregonian. Motorcycles. WILL sell for best offer, cash or terms. 2 speed. 1914 motorcycle, used very little, with or without delivery outfit. E 704, Oregonian. WANTED 2 or 3 -speed twin motorcycle; must be cheap; cash. Phone C 2008. Typewriter- We save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all make of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYF-EWR1TIER CO., 321 Wash, at. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany. p6 Broadway, Portland, Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 262 Stark st Main 5528. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three months for $4, delivered. 244 Stark iu Main 6273. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. Alisoe llaneoua. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand bargains, $5 up, with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for rates. Main 943L Sewing Ma chine Emporium, ISO 3d, near Taylor. FOR SALE or trade for an automobile, a motorboat, will carry 12 passengers, speed miles per hour; 14-H. P. engine, just from the shop in first-class condition. Ad dress AV tf&8 Oregonian. FOR SALE One set Dayton scales, 2 coun ters, 1 cafe, 2 tables, 1 American acc. reg ister, 1 desk, 1 oil tank. Call E. 1251 or C i250. LARGE gas heater (good for bathhouse), perfect condition; will sell cheap. 260 Flanders el N. ALL Kinds of high-grade kodaks, Ana tiff in at lenses and view' cameras bought, sold and exchanged; rifles and shotguns want ed, ftochfeld s Camera Exchange, 85 3d st. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom aud pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Bruuswick-Balke-Coliender Co.. 40-48 5tn. FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures of coffee-house; owner going out of business; 31 North 4th sL Call between 9 and 12 A. M. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon; per gallon, $1.65. Portland Paint Co., 230 Front st. Marsnau ivo. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE. SUP PLIES, FILM SERVICE. UNITED FILM CO., 2D ST. COMPELLED to get money ou my beautiful diamond ring, about 1 karats, first fair offer takes it, AH 7o0, Oregonian. COMPLETE set watchmakers' tools, includ ing Mos ley lathe and chucks, fine shape. East 4861. Engines, boilers, sawmills, bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E- Martin Co., Portland. USB Basett's Native Herbs for rheumatism; 50 tablets for 20c All druggists. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 8a st. Main 797. CASH registers. National, slightly used. Typewriter Exchange, 351 j 'ft'ashington st. SAFES. The Moeler Safe Co., SAFES. 264 Stark street. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS $1.00. Ryder Ptg. Co. S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. FULL-DRESS suit, size 37, $20. O 7u2, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Seed artichokes, $1.50 per 100 lbs. Beaverton, Or.. R. No. 2, box 182. GOOD malleable range, at a bargain, must sell at once. 4IS Eugene sU DESK, chairs, tables, rug, protectograph. school map, document file. 21S Henry bldg. 6-FT. cifc'ar floor case, 6 ft. tobacco case, iron gaits, etc., cheap. Mar. 2715. SOLID gold bracelet sot with 5 diamonds; w ill s-ll very reasonable. Tabor 107-S. COW manure and horse manure for sale. We deliver. Phone C 1725. $150 SAFE, practically new, $60. A 2676V. WANTED AiiSCKLLANEOUa. WE WANT FURNITURE. Get our estimates belore selling your furniture. We pay you cash and the highest price. Prompt attentiqn given to calls. MISII FURNITURE CO., MAIN 0768. 184 FIRST ST. MAIN 5"t? WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. We pay highest cash prices for ladies' and gent's castotf clothing, bicycles and everything in merchandise. Call us up. We need it and wiil pay for it. GLOBE STORE, ZHZ First St. Main 2VSV. Main 2ila0. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. J. MEYER, THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES. WE CALL PROMPTLY. THE RE LIABLE BUYER. Mam 3595. 247 Madison. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware At Furniture Co., 221 Front. phone A 7174, Main 9072. THE HIGHEST price paid for wool and mohair. Special attention given to pools. F. W. Williams, R. F, D. 1, Junction City, Oregon. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURNITURE, CLOTHING OR OTH ER MERCHANDISE. 1 NEED IT; HIGH EST PRICES. MAIN 4317. ' FURNITURE WANTED W'E PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. KLINE'S, EAST 71Qj-. 87 GRAND AVE. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS AND PI ANOS; SEPARATE DEPARTMENTS FOR LADIES. ELBY CO., 320-26 LUMBER EXCHANGE, 2D AND STARK STS. JiD-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don't give it away. Get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co., 162 1st. Main 4778. NATIONAL cash registers for world's fair at San Francisco, highest prices. S. Cold stein, 12u Battery st.. San Francisco, Cal. DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House. 114 2d st. Marshall 4783. CASH paid. for hair combings. Sanitary ricajtv Parlors. LjO Pekum bldg. WANTED FURNITURE, COOK STOVES. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. MARSH. 2376. ABOUT 50 sacks seed potatoes. A. L. Smith, 14U8 East Market. Tabor 3770. WANTED Excavating and team work. Phone East 4804. C 1477; HELP WANTED MALE. TWO more strictly temperate, thoroughly ex perienced men to conduct special merchan dise sales. Positively don't apply unless you can fill the bill. Ad writing, deco rating, card writing' absolutely necessary. Apply today, 27 Pittock block. ENERGETIC man with small amount money and his services can secure steady, health ful employment with profitable returns; experience not necessary; reply, giving ad d rcss, ph on e number. N 703. Oregonian. WILL pay $lO fur the. name and address of a party to whom I can sell my 50x100 lot at Multnomah Station;- Bull Run Water, 5-cen t carf a re ; price $275 ; terms. M r. Richmond, Malrr 434 7. ' MAN wanted to work as partner In a cash business; easy work, short hours, J4S0 re quired; can make $100 month. 333 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED A good man: must be neat ap pearing and able to talk to business men; work out of busy office, $25 investment. rI!t Lumber Exchange. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trade In 6 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed; paid while learning. -'a, near Main. W AM tu joiq mine tupernii?nueiii, as- sayer, engineer, foreman and miners; none but A-l men need answer; mine in -Idaho. AO 702. Oregonian. WANTED A first-class solicitor; must pro duce business without asking how, where and when he is going to get It. Apply before 9 A. M., 414 Commercial Club bldg. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. PHOTO coupon agents, splendid offer. Mult nomah Studio, 801 Dekum bldg. CHECKER used to ' Hicks system; reply wlh reference, Y 703, Oregonian. PHOTOGRAPH agents; new offer; new studio. Daguerre. Pittock block. WANTED An advanced barber apprentice. 633 Washington st. PHOTO agents,- something new; extra com m isslon paid. Saxony Studio, Royal bldr. WANTED Piano player for moving picture house. C -381. WANTED Drummer boy with all traps for moving picture theater. C 2581. YOUNG man wanted to work on train; small bond required. 'HQ'j ?. 6th. SOLICITORS Make money selling our up-to-date maps. F 703, Oregonian. BOY wanted, with wheeL apply at 7 A. II, 63 Sth uti EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. Record 1&14: Calls for men from employers.... 1702 Positions filled 13 The service of this Department ia free to all members of the Association. To non-members a special Employment Mem bership is issued, costing 5 pr annum, giving the service of the Department tor a year, two months' full privileges and a refund of the membership fee it satisfac tory employment is not secured. Ail young men seeking employment In Clerical, Technical or Commercial lines or desiring counsel or advice are cordially in vited to consult the Advisory and Euiploy mem Secretary. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night Instruction in repairing, driving, selling and machine work, includ ing forge, lathe, shaper. drillpress, etc. Moderate charses. Fair dealing and a pert training. Tim unlimited. Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu cational oil ice, Y. M. C. A. bldg., and secure pass entitling you to Inspect our shop and methods. MEN WANTED to know about Jimmy Dunn's upstairs clothing store, where you buy the highest grade ready-to-wear suits for $5 to $10 less. Men's $20 value suits at $14.75. Men's $25 value suits at $18. 7a. 315-16-17 Oregonian oidg. .Elevator to 3d floor. WIRELESS OPERATORS. Those who register beiure April 1 can qualify for the annual Spring engagements of wireless operators. The leaning school on the Pacific Coast for the growing pro fession of wireless operators is located In the Portland Y. M. C. A. Expert teachers, superior equipment. Call or address room 416. Y. M. C. A- bldg. . THE TRUTH PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. THE LITTLE SCHOOL WHERE YOU OBTAIN THE BEST RESULTS. THE PROOF A FREE TRIAL GIVEN EACH STU DENT BEFORE ENROLLMENT. 266 11TH AND JEFFERSON STS. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND, EAST 23D AND MORRISON. A complete course of automobile In struction, including machine shop work, by expert instructors. LOOK US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSE WHERE. Take ML Tabor or "SS" car to 23d" st. INDUSTRIAL TRADE AND ART SCHOOL. Tho motion picture industry is fast be coming one of the greatest industries of tlie 2uth century.. Now is time to get familiar with the various branches. For particulars communicate with Northwest Weekly. th and Oak sts.. Portland, Or. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Owner will givvs contract for improve ments to business block, providing con tractor will lease office space in said building; as part payment. Phone Hain 3044. HAVE several openings, establishment inde pendent mail order business; energy, good nabits, sound judgment more important than capital. Spare time first. Particulars iree. opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. DRIVING AT THE BEST EQUIPPED, THE ONLY PRACTICAL AND UP-TO-DATE AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL IN PORT LAND. L. & M. AUTO REPAIR CO., 369 HAWTHORNE. WANTED Competent bookkeeper and office mun, familiar with card index work; mnall salary to start. Address in hand writing, giving phone number, S 703, Ore gonian. NOTN'E Automobile owners, we can at all times supply you with competent chauf feurs, mechanics. Employment Dept. Mar. 4S0. Pacific Auto School, 266-268 11th. WANTED Harness makers aud saddle makers. Great West Saddlery Co Ltd., Calgary, Alta. - A YOUNG married man, with cash bond, to take laundry route. State age and previous occupation. F 702, Oregonian. WANTED AL once, man to learn auto re pairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave., cor. 7 th. IF you want to make $173 per month work ing In uld-c&tablishcd office, call 519 Lum ber Exchange. WANTED A good live agent to sell busi ness chances. $25 investment required; particulars. Call 519 Lumber Exchange. EXPERIENCED credit man wanted by wholesale house; give age, salary and ref erences. AE 088, Oregonian. WANTED Presser with $15 can make god w ages. Phone Seilwood 2306. WANTED Boy for delivery and work around store. Apply 8 A. M. at 301 Stark. WANTED A janitor, age 20 Lo 25 510 Flanders st. EXPERIENCED florist. 346 Alder st. Help Wanted Agent. AGENTS $8 to $10 a day selling 1913 Spe cial. Van Dyke Studio, 404 Wash. sU Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED Salesman, mill supplies and belt ing; must be high-grade man; state ref erences, salary wanted, etc. N 702, Orego nian. SALESMAN, calling on machine shops, side line; no samples. D 701, Oregonian. HEL1" WANTED FEMALE. DEMONSTRATORS Old established house wants 2 ladies of good education and pleasing appearance for demonstrators; experience desirable but not necessary, as we instruct; personality main requisite; short hours, good pay, permanent if suit ed Call for appointment at clerk's desk, Multnomah Hotel, today, 10 to 12. W. H. Lyon. , MIDDLE-AGED woman; must be refined and no children; have 2 in school; good home for right party; small wages. D 7v2, Oregonian. SCHOOL OF MOTION PICTURE ACTING. For particulars communicate with Northwest Weekly, inn and Oak a us., Portland, Or. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, one who can meet people; for real estate office; Chris tian Scientist preferred; state experience, salary expected. Addrss O 700, Oregonian. GOVERNMENT jobs for women, $70 man tit. list positions obtainable, free. Write im mediately. Franklin Institute, Dept, 703 C. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young woman with good referen ces for office work, must be efficient typ . ist; state age, experience and salary ex pected. Address AH 701, Oregonian. GOOD home for young girl or widow, nice place, near Portland; Jight work, wages $7 per month. ADDRESS AV 718, OREGONIAN. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. $20: family help. Howe's Ladies' Agency, 35, 270 Washington. MRS. HINSDALE'S BUSINESS SCHOOL, U2 Empress bldg. Personal Instruction; po sltions when competent, .XPERIENOED girl fo;- general housework and cooking, small family of adults. 7U2 Lovejoy. WANTED Experienced coat and skirt hands for alteration room. The Barthol omew Co., 400 Washington st. COOK, $Jt5; second work, $30; houHework, $15 to $5. St. Louis Agency, 288 Main st., A 7175, Main 2039. CHOCOLATE DIPPER wanted; must be ex perienced. Apply Henry Ross & Son, 91-83 Union ave. A GIRL to assist with housework; 3 adults; wages $15; after 10. The Rosefrlend Apt. U1HLS to learn beauty culture; commission while learning. Geneva E. Reilly, 514 Ald ington bldg. GOOD home, light work, small wages to woman ; have afternoons. 1 Jio Woodward ave., cor. K. 41st; "WR" car. NEAT, capable lady, age about 30, for light cooking and lunchroom ; state experience. AG 704, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for window; must have very heavy and long hair. Apply after 10 o ciocK, J41 oa si. A RELIABLE girl for general housework, in small family, phono before 10. Marshal) :;407; references. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. All , modern business courses $5 mo. positions when competent. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Company, 42$ Pittock block, S85 Washington at. GIRL for housework. Call between 10 and 1. 8K Stanton; Broadway car. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Marshall 4653 GIRL for general housework. Apply 294 College, cor. 5th. WANTED Piano player for moving picture h o use. C 2o8L "" SALESLADY WANTED. 213 First St. WANTED School girl to assist for room and board: 510 Flanders st. EXPERIENCED saleswoman for flower tore. 546 Aiaer at. GIRL to assist in housewdVk; 3 adults. Phone Al ar. t;'.. j . BOOKKEEPER, stenographers and dicta- phone operators. 3Ul N. W. Bank bldg. (jjrl. for general housework, good plain w ar. j CONGENIAL girl to share well furnished apartment. Phone Marshall 36i. WOMAN to help take care of Invalid and housework. AF Oregonian. TH ORO UGhTTy experienced tailoreas wanted. 205 Columbia bldg. MISS MATT1NGLYS SCHOOL Shorthand. Typewriting. -Oy 14th, o. Jelf, Mo. olfa- W ANTED Woman (Scutch preferred) to cook and do general housework for fam ily of two and two children; nurse kept; orcbard near Medford; part laundry dons at home; good references essential. Apply, giving full particulars, and state wages re q u ; rea. rs. v. r. umnrn, --"". TIRED of eating at the r stauranu. ha c decided to get a housekeeper, keep two apartments, neat and clean ; dinner and supper for 4; stato wags wanted. AU U'3. Oregonian. - WANTED For part of each day for general housework, capable, trustworthy woman or girl, apply between I and 12 A. M. Wednesday, 6S7 Tillamook St.. cor. 20lti, Broad w it y car. . WANTED Nurse girl to care for Infant; $16 per month. Apply apartment 31, the Stel wyn. Washington and St. Clair sts. GENERAL housework girl, plain cook; ref erences. Main FIVE gii Is to learn beauty culture. 411 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. WANTED Girl with experience for general housework; references. East 1322. HELP WANTKD MALB OB "rTl AI.K. MEN AND WOMEN to learn the barber trade, earn from $1 5 to $25 per week ; tuition reduced, paid while learning; po sitions becured; write for free catalogue. The Moler ts stem of Colleges. A 48 N. 2d st. WANTED Someone to keep botks a few hours each week In exchange for a fur nished housekeeping room. ioL East 39th. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks: oositiona rzuaranteed ; tools free, paid while learning; scalp aud face mas sage a specialty; modern method teaching ubed; tuition reduced. 233 Madison. LEARN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING, driv ing on up-to-date cars; electrical, civil en gineering, surveying; methods most prac tical ; room and board while learning , many positions secured.; satisfaction guar anteed; catalogue free. National School of Engineering. 2110 W. 7th. Los Angeles. RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. clerks, car riers, exain, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks - act at once. Pacific State Schools. McKay bldg., city. GOVERNMENT wanfa clerks, $70 month; Portland examination soon; common edu cation sufficient; particulars free. Apply immediately. AV 637, oregonian. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools f urnttih typewriter w ith commercial courses; 25 others; free catalogue. 2u2 McKay bldg. GIRLS between 18 and 25 to learn compto meter calculating machine; good position when course completed. 333 Morgan bldg. SIX V ATIOX3 W A XTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. no YOtI WANT A BOOKKEEPER PART TIMET Will call a few hours each week or day and keep your books, get out btatemeuts, etc.; work guaranteed; high-class rcler euccs; experienced accouuuiut, 1.0 years P. O. Box 384. WILL pay $50 for political or commercial position, 5 years experience office ana salesmanship. Address AH T23, Oregonian. Mlscellaneoas. WANTED On a dairy ranch, by ait experi enced middle-aged man a situation as milker; understands lcediug and taking care of cows. AO 700, Oregonian. CHEF, cook, flrfat-class experience, wants po sition in or in a good country hotel. Phoue Marshall 768 or address O o3, Oregonian. YOUNG COUPLE desire position on a farm, experienced: woman good cook and house keeper, man strong and willing w orker. Main 7051. A 15J7. WANTED Position for man driving team or anything steady, has four children and wife. E. Doble, 355 Hassalo St. STATIONARY steam and refrigerating en gineer wants position, salary no object. O ii, Oregonian; STEADY young man desires position, cler ical, hotel work er common labor; ref erences. Grover, C 1607. MAN and wife, position as Janitor, apt. house, experienced; bust of references. Main 7774. HANDY man with tools, 25 years old, un derstands range making. Marshall 709. 1. P. Forbes. PLUMBER, one of the best on the Coast, wunts Job in country; capable of taking charge, m. Cotter. 380 N. HUli si. YOUNG Japanese boy wants a Job, day or night, except 7;.'iO to 1 A. M. ; no cook ing. Y., '2'j Everett St., city. MIDDLE-AGED, reliable man desires road vorli, teaming ur any common labor. Main 7051. A K.I7. MIDDLE-AGED married man desires po sition as Janitor, night watchman. Main 7o.l. A 151 7- MARRIED man de-iies position distributing circular;. Main 7051, A 1517. MiDDLE-AGED Austrian desires common laboring ork. Main 7',51, A 1517. RELIABLE Swedish mull desires common laboring of any kind. Main 7o51, A 1517. DENTIST, registered, w ishes position ; will work very reasonable. V 615, Oregonian. JANITOR ; reliable; best of references; not afraid of overalls. AH 00, Oregonian. PAPER hanging, 2c a roll, wall paper cleaning, 75c a room. Main 0312. JOLuRED man wants employment at janitor or general nousewora. co'. loz. YOUNG man, 23, wishes work on farni; no milking. V 704. Oregonian. LAWNS and gardens prepared and planted, fall Tabor 0157. FOR private tutoring by college man, ud dreas W 701, Oregonian. PAINTING and tinting, day, hour or con tract; skilled work; reasonable. East 7115. WANTED Paper to hang at 20c a bolt, also painting and tinting, phone Main 0306. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. Al STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. trained as private secretary, desire posi tion; university education; experienced law. machinery, railroad and wholesale work; excellent references. Main b'Joi, room 26. PERMANENT position, experienced In book keeping, typewriting and general of lice . work. Expert writer. Will accept any thing steady. BO Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer, living at home, wants position, whole or purl time; mod erate salary; highest references. East 774. 0. K. stenographer, b. k. and dictaphone operator wauls permanent r euoUtu:- work. M. 2817. YOUNG lady wants general office work, fil ing, typewriting, etc. Marshall 302. Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work by day or hour, 6123 03d b. K., Lenta. Mrs. Shlptom TAILORED suits, gowns and alterations by competent dressmaker. 2U2 Flledner bldg. Main 0703. TAILORED suits my specialty; evening gowns, fancy waists; guaranteed; home or shop. 307 Northwest bldg. Main "lai. FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable, home or day. 301 Buchanan. Main i513. DRESSMAKING and tailoring at your home; references furnished. Call E. 27l'. BY experienced nurse, more cases or night or day work. .Main 7023. Fl RbT -CLASS practical nurse; ready now, H 15b". E. 34i8. GOOD, practical liui se, doctors' references. Main 0f37. GOOD woman wants to help nursing of any kind at once. Seilwood H'20. NURSING or day work. Tabor 2812. House keepers. EDUCATED woman of good executive abil ity, competent, experienced, trained house keeper, understands catering, bu ing and managing help, wants position in insti tution or private home or any place where good service desired. Y 682, Oregonian. EASTERN lady, good cook, neat house keeper, wishes position in widower's fam ily or club of men. Marshall 301ft. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position house keeper for widower in city. Main 3555. Dome tic. FINNISH plrl wants place to do general housework and plain cooking, Portland or Vancouver. Phone Tabor 3ij4. TWO German girls would like a position as cook or housekeeping. 450 Market, near 13th st. GENERAL housework and cook, apartment house preferred, $7 a week; will sleep out. AR 701, Oregonian. COMPENT cook, private family country preferred; wages $33 to $40. N 700, Orego nian. COMPETENT cook, private family, by day, week or month. Phone A 103!;. JAPANESE GIRL wants position, housework in family. R 701. Oregonian. GIRL wants general housework and cooking. K. 44S. 81 East 28th st. N. YOUNG woman desires position as cook In camp or dining-room. Main 7f3i, A 1517. NEAT, ex perieneed girl, general housework, city references, good wage-. Main 20:t:i. HoME wanted for schoolgirl, 15, with r pec table family. Mats 5tsJfc. Mlrllai WANTED A 'h rial Ian home in the coun trv f.r a capah'e girl 13 years old. lo care for chtblien and go to school: a. so a home for a boy pst 11 years, strong and efficient. F. T. Mills, 4-4 bpokana aa.. Port limit. WoMAN wluhe t Ukr barge t-f hoi el. room ins;-hoiiM" or club; won id ink t ha e of Summer hotel. Main 7'-l. A 1517. FANCY lingerie, linens, curtains and Uundrv done at borne by experienced lauDdre, best of references, must have work. East 54 It. WOMAN delrcs Ua work or dishwashing w hero she can go home night. Mam 7o51. A 3517. Gl RL wants work morn in as and even it us for room and board. West Side. Phone Main 7223, room 1 after W P. M. REMAFtl.K and experienced woman wants chamber work so can go home ntghu Phone Main 0121. CULTURED young lady, position as go -erness to one child, references. T 00. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady, reliable, wants posi tion as companion or nurse Rlel with party going on trip, AH 7":, Oregonian. A YOUNG womau will clean a 3-room apart ment for 50c, four rooms 73c. Marshall EXPERIENCED voung lady desires position as doctor's assistant. R iOr. crcgonian. LACE curtains washed and stretched: It years' eper(enre. Mrs. Scotl. Tabor ftf33. WOM N, with sbk husband, must ha.a work; washing and cleaning. East 3BM. LACK curtains washed and atrt. bed ; H year.' ex per I en o M rs. Scott. Ta t-or 5tK3. MIDDLE-AGED woman w uhcs lisht home work and rare of children, be) I wood 4-S. DAY work wanted part or all daj ; fine laundress. Main 4 4 9. FOR day work of uny kind call Marshall MS. . GIRL wants place to work for board, room, small wages. Main 4122. WORK, by day or hour. Tel. East 47S:, E H5t. M rs. Harrison. FINNISH woman wants any kind of day work ; exericnced. Tabor 2103. KEK1NED girl desires any kind of woik. Main 3S6. HOUSEWORK w ith small fanill . Phone Main 6s::ti. between and 2 o'clock. WOMAN wants work by the day. Phoue Woodiawn 1 4 44. COMPETENT lady wants day work of any kind. Tabor 3470. WANTKD TO RENT. WANT to rent about a 20-room hoie for private boarding-house ; must be modern, close in; state locality and rent. Y To l, oregonian. V WANTED Furnished house. hy joung couple, must bu modern bungalow, Un City Park preferred. Phone Marthall 81 1. WANTED To rent log cabin on Columbia tor week-end outings. V 7o. Oregonian. Rooms W ith Hoard. YOUNG German wishes board and room with German or Austrian people on East Side. Price and location. F 701. Oregonian. FAMILY to board small girl. AG 701, Orego nian. ' I OK RENT. Jrurnittbed Koocns. A VIUIKT PLACE KOlt yl' I KT PEOPLE. Our location cuablin us to offer you a clean, quiet, cneertul room at a very i eusonable price. We (.olictt only those who appreciate the comforts of a prop erly conducted hoiel aud will make at tract lo i ales to a lew deeiraiile pet -manent jcuesm. Hotel Clifford, Last Mui ris ui st., near Grand ave. ELTON COURT. 11TH AND 1 AMlilLL, Under New Management. Nicely Xurulshed. cican luutns, single or cu suite; eitavaioi service, hoi aim cod watet, puotie in every loom; M up. Dining-room iu cyuiiectlon under supervision of au exp;rt did. Tiausiciiis sullcltca. Phone Matu H'J2. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 62 W ashing ion si. New, fireproof, deniable location and respectable, all" ouiside, cleau, well-fur-lm-ucd rooms, wiili c vry modern couveo ieine. Que -lay up; $2.5u ok. up. Hoi EL li LA C ikf-T ONE. Corner Utb and Mailt, $3 k and "P. elevator, hot and cold water, steam beai, telephone connection In each loom, n extra charges lor two in a room; room and bath $1 da ; iraiiaicut solictiad. 11 O X lb L A H 1 II Li li. Eleven) h. between Morrison mni YamhilL Cars direct Iroin depots; Uesiiauiy Joiaied ami rnrlAnli'. clean, warm and nxV A KT II I K, rooms w ith t ry moucrn convenience. Late: $1 and $1.50; wcrklj, $4 aud MP. "HOTEl71toWLNDr2UI Sfc 4THBT." loo Room a. Modern bHck building, centrally located, nice, clean rooms; hot and cold water; rates 5uc, 75c and $1 per da ; $4 par week and up. YOUNG meu may consult it bout chars register of furnished room at Tt. hi. C. A., lit ting several hundred in all pans of th city, also thus la th Association builu- MOTEL 1'ORD. ii Washington, l-'a m 1 1 y h ote I ; hut aud cold water and phoue in every room; rooms without bath, io up; with bath, 15 up. "BUJjlMiS IS GOO D." LIVE AT THE FRANKLIN. WASHINGTON T., AT 12T1I. IM H RS. SERVICE. MODERN. Rue D'A Y UP. WEEK .J0 IP. WANTED Roouiniaie to reduce rooming ex penses; f iicprooi building, ahuwer baths, lmltviuual beU, Call or audreas Y. M. C A. business oil ice. SAN M ARCO II iTi EL, 1 Ith and V ashing ton ; strictly modern rooms 1 0 mo. up. Heautitul corner i uuin for 2, f-'O ma. Fr- phuins. Yju'II Mko them. HOTEL EDWARDS, Gtand ave. and E. Bel moni Rooms flu month, up wiih private balli; large pleasant lobby, cat iu connect Ion. Phono East a -3. HOTEL TREVES. NorthwcMi Corner Slat k and 11th. Modern outside rooms, ft weekly aud up. Large ground-1 loor lobb. STAN D 1 M i HO CKU " HHV, WASHINGTON T., UFK 18TH. Front rooms, stsain beat, f re phon and bath; 2 week, a per month up. A W-1ET PLAi K FOR QUIET 1'LUi'l.. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St., Nar Grand An. Cleanliness and comfort. 93 per week up. hoVel cohuova i ith si. su-; ti'y ii'odern; piivsia baths vn suite; rooms 1 up. Maui M7J, A 4. S3. $1.50 WEEK, ucal, cltan rooms; 111 Rn dolph, ."d and Columbia sts. HOTEL NOKRIS. Alder; modern out .iid rooms J per week upj FOUR rooms, with bath. electricity. itiO Mallory ave. Woodlawn .1 in. HOTEL GRANT. 4,"1 'j Wash. Modern, Clean rooms, all conveniences, $3 and up. ' f urn I h hed Rooms In "Private Families. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, 1 or 2 gentlemen, private home in the best part of Irvlngton. References exchanged. Tele phone East W8, mornings or evenings. 2 LIGHT, chcry, front rooms, lu good home, running water In room, piano, 1 block from Campbell hotel. $10 aud $12. 741 Glisan. CLE A N, w ell-furnlfhed room with sleeping porch, In new- home iu the moat heautitul part of Irvingtou. Suitable for one or two rfcnilcnien. 2t5 East Dith N. Phone C 1 1 73. PrTvate family, electricity, furnace heat, bat h, references, $-.50 per week. Main 4: Sa. Nl "ELY" furnished room. iiio1tu conveni ences, ct-nttal, very reasonable. 404 Clay, tifur l"ih. MODERN, well furnished, large room, large closet, for 1 or 2 gentlemen; clos Id. Main 67'i. 2l3 13th. $ ATTKAUTI VE front room w 1 tit porch, modern residence. Lsdd's Add., walking distance ; lad v or gentleman. Eat-t 141. NICE front room In good home; modern convenience.". bSl Glisan at. PLEASANT room, first floor; might do liyiit housekeeping; very reasonable. -Jtis 12Ci st. CLEAN, light room; heat, phone, bath, hot water; vei y quiet. 2tsl 12th. NEATLY f ui nlshfd bedroom, wa iking dis tance, phone: 1 M per 4J Otli. Fine sleeping porch, sftt itig-rooin, ep. bei; gentleman preferred. W. 1'irk, Mar TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms :. roi E. 3atn. LOVELY front above room, suitable for 2; smaller room. $2. 3s fnlnion $1.00 WEEK, clean front mom, quiet, choic locality, rlose In. '29 2 10th. SLEEPING porch, til to or single roouu running water. 71a HoyU Marsnaft 4'fr. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rnini, in good home, referenre; Nb I'M', 7"i Johnson s. FURNISHED rooms tl.frO week and up. West Park st. LARGE beautiful furnished front room, modern house. 3t B. loth N'., East 155. 1 OR 3 nice rooms In beautiful boms, run ning water; show-cr bath, ft.'tj Everett. WUI.L furnialted room, good lo-ation, con venient for sen l lemen. 251 loth. WEL7furnishd room ft month. 12 Malik