THE MORVTXG OREGOXTAIf. MONDAY, MARCH SO, 1915. ley 11 does NOT LIKE TO TALK Interview Is Inadequate and She Prefers to Write Her Message, She Avers. LECTURING DISLIKED, TOO Coast Has Its Immigration Problem as Well as East, Lecturer In timates Admitting or Ori entals Is Suggested. BY DEAN COLLINS. Mary Antln does not like to talk, so Bhe avers, either from the lecture platform or to an interview hunter from a newspaper; and she talks with an enthusiasm that is a delight to the bouI in making it clear to the inter view hunter that she does not like to talk. She was caught with a few hours time between trains last night, on her way to Tacoma, where she is to lecture tonight, and at dinner at the Benson Hotel with Mrs. Julius Loulsson, of the committee from the Council of Jewish "Women, explained her disinclination to talking. "It seems to me such an inadequate medium, the interview." she insisted. "Kven If I do my best and the re porter does his best, how shall we in 15 minutes deliver to the public any message I may have for it. And then one is expected to have opinions on so many, many things on which one can't have an opinion on a minute's notice. MThlrd I'eraon l'BDrcetK)arrn "If I have something I really feel that 1 must say, surely 1 could say it much better without passing it through a third person. What did the news paper reporters do in the days when they did not print so many interviews or weren't there so many of them? "Besides. I haven't been interviewed on all this trip more than two or three times. I wouldn't talk. I left behind me a trail of downcast reporters. Some of them even printed really mean little paragraphs about me and took pains to mail them to me, because I wouldn't be interviewed; ami now what will they think of me if I should be in terviewed after all of that?" "But why are you on the lecture plat form?" one is instantly impelled to ask when she expresses a disinclination to lecturing as well as to being inter viewed. She May "Sircar Off," She Say. "Because I was weak-minded enough to yield to the pressure from those who wanted me to lecture," is the retort. "I think I shall be swearing off after this engagement is done, for I do not feel that I have a call to lecture. I have many invitations to lecture, but never a call. "I can express myself so much more eatisfactorlly by writing. Of course, when 1 come onto the platform at the time appointed I say what 1 have to say to the very best of my ability, but 1 would much prefer to write it." All of which is entertaining in the highest degree to the interviewer, espe cially because the speaker talks with so much greater lucidity than the aver age person thinks; and in a lyric little voice with just the tiniest tinrre of an alien accent in it; such a voice as one seldom finds in a person born on this cide of the Atlantic. Immigration Brought I' p. "Of course, we are not confronted with the immigrant problem in such an acute form on this Coast as you are in the East." you venture, trying to get the train of conversation started on that right of way. "Has the problem of Chinese and Japanese immigration ceased to be a problem?" "Come to think of it, it hasn't, but the question of Oriental immigration is not so prominent just now before the people of the West as it once was. You see. under present conditions, only cer tain classes of Orientals are coming. and our Oriental people on this Coast do not present a problem of so great seriousness Just now. "Oh, in other words, the Pacific i oast Is excused temporarily only fro working out its solution of the prob lem of immigration?" she concluded. "You would then throw the United Mates open to the Oriental immigrant as well as to the immigrant from ir.urope.' you asK. "I believe when It says 'all men,' It means all men. she replies. Information la Sought. mis 1.1 tne iirst time 1 have been so far West, and I am anxious to know all that I can about the conditions here. This by way of explaining an ani mated conversation which was inter polated in the interview, with Sig Slehel, who is introduced in passing and talks for a bit about the colonizing work in Oregon for the Jewish immi grants. -Mary Antin. the Russian immigrant, for one can't get used to her real name of the present day, which is Mrs. Adameus W. Grabau, is coming back to Portland Wednesday night to lecture at the White Temple on "They That Knock at Our Gates." LINCOLN ASKS ONE SESSION AYashington High Also Preparing Petition for Earlier Hours. A petition bearinp 1000 names of stu dents at the Lincoln High School has been presented to the Hoard of Educa tion asking that hours be changed so that there be one session instead of two daily. It is desired that classes be held from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. without intermission. Instead of from 9 to 12 and 1 to 2:30 as at present. Students at the Washington High School also are preparing a similar pe tition, that will be presented to the School Directors In a few days. Both will go before the Board for decision. "If the change asked is put into ef fect." said Superintendent Alderman, "we will be able to house double the number of students in the same build in p. By having an afternoon session from 1 to 5 oclock. we can get double the usefrom the present building and equip menu" 68 MAZAMAS CLIMB PEAK Mountain Near Wapato on West Side Electric Line Is Scaled. ' Sixty-eight Maiamas climbed to the top of Bald Teak, near Wapato. on the Southern Taeiflc electric line, yes terday for their regular Sunday outing". This peak is 1600 feet in heisht. The trip was made by rail as far as Wapato, from which piace the hikers walked to the summit of the moun tain. Two hours were spent on the summit, after which the party returned to the railroad at Gaston for the ride back to Portland. The Maiamas cov ered 13 miles on foot. Ll (Sui, , "THE ,1,000,000,000 I IlirmMllli MYSTERY 9&&,iUr-3 j ' . "IT NEVErM CRABS" VOL. 1. IHB MONDAY CRAWFISH. lt Never Crabe.- Monday, March SO, ISIS. DEAN COLLJNS. Editor. EDITORIAL Though Spring stirs up the brooks and - riUa, I m con demned to quinine pills; tbougn swallows dart above the river. Ira taking dope to stir my liver; and soon I fear my feet will slip and I will torn down with the grippe. I love the Springtime of the year, the time of blossoms ana Bock beer, I fain would frolio 'neath the trees, but I just sneeze, and sneeze and sneeze, and pack away beneath my vest the contents of the medicine chest, and hope to heaven I may skip the annual visit of the grippe. , , I'd rather have bubonic plague, or chickenpox, or break a leg, or have the gout, or e en the pip. than catch the Spring time cae of grippe. Bo, though the Spring Is on the lea, I keep the quinine close to me, and eat It freely, till I see the world go wobbling in a spree; for 1 am following a tip that tells me to look out for grippe.- LOCAL AND PERSONAL George Brown, attorney gen eral trom Salem, was in our mldfct last week and said that the new dry law provided for a pretty dry state. George Chamberlain and Wil lis Hawley sent a large number of garden seeds from Washing ton the past week to help along the City Beautiful movement. We haven't gotten our packeLs from them yet. Will Bow den was tn these parts the past week looking over our schools. He accepted a po sition some time back with the United States Bureau of Educa tion and has been m ush inter ested in schools since. Tom Marshall wrote to Mr. Colt the other day saying that he would like to come to Port land the worst kind but had to go back to Washington as soon as he finished the fair at Frisco. Mr. Marshall is vice-president and has his headquarters at Washington with Mr. Wilson. Doc H. Waldo Coe was mar ried in Los Angeles last Thurs day, which reminds us that we s-111 have the Rosarian hat be borrowed from Dean "Vincent and about which we thought there was a mystery when a po liceman brought it up to us, Mr. Vincent assured us later that there wasn't any mystery, but the hat had fallen out of the STATE auto while hurrying to the cleaners. The Crawiisft extenas to Doc its heartiest food wished. Our genial Sheriff; Mr. Hurl burt attended a cock-fight that was held at Gresham last week. A large crowd was present, he Informs us, and several of the audience. Including the roosters. returned with him to foruana afterward. George Baker Is going to let the Lambardi Grand Opera Company sing in his theater for some time in the near future, during which time all of the best grand opera can be beard at a dollar a throw. We have not learned whether they are to sing "King Dodo" or "The Prince of pilsen" along with their other grand operas. Charlotte Perkins Gil man, a lady writer from the East, was in our midst last week and lec tured. She told several ways In which society could be uplifted and her talks were much ap preciated. JAIL ENDS JOY FEST Twelve Men and Six Women Accused of Debauch. DROUGHT GUARDED AGAINST Party Takes Midnight Jaunt in Jit ney to Sandy River, Where Bon fire Is Lit and 16-Galion Keg Beer Finished by Daylight. man and six women ..... k, shorrtr Hurlburt and were arresic. j deputies yesterday on me dih ... in...Jala O a Thi Sandy River. east D" party ha'd senior another ke when taken into cu.iv-,. A oik ji""J V"-:-- -K. i:3n crowd to tne river unuo-u . i ,fiAr n celebration yesteraay mum.uB. - - - . In Portland, and was 10 . ' . V, for the gathering at J r. jxi. v.-,. The Sheriff, office, with three automo in. heat the bus by three hours on the second trip. . John t Amoroso. men ln " S;Tl John An- derson, A. urexei., whom the snenns rant charging non-support of his fam ily; C. Larsen. L. Thomas, u n.Uu, 3 Lananan, r. wu- , irgil Mahuer, aged 17. were the men in the party. The women ... Mahuer. Margaret Mahuer. Marie KConley, Bessie nursi. nd Anna Hamlin. . -. .. L.u Uaifainv in the Coun- All were no J -ty Jail on a charge of vagrancy, with ln addition to the penalty for the in fraction of the law. Ambrose may be discharged from the employ of the cUv as h. was outside the city limits and'is supposed to be in constant serv ice within the limits of Portland. Several of those arrested admitted planning the outing Saturday in Port land The Jitney bus was hired after hours to take the merrymakers out side the city. Arriving at a conve nient soot on the Sandy River, east of Troutdffe. a big bonnre was kindled, coffee was made and sandwiches eaten. The food was washed down with beer, of which there was apparently plenty, a 16-gallon keg having been taken along. By daylight the keg had been emptied and one of the party had been sent after another keg. The picnic be came a debauch, .ay the Deputy Sher iffs Deputy Sheriff Monahan, of Trout dale, telephoned the Portland office of the carousal and at 11 o'clock yester dav morning Sheriff Hurlburt. Deputy Sheriffs Phillips, Ward and Christof fersen. Jailer Hurlburt and Deputy District Attorney Roblson left in three automobiles for the scene. They brought the picnickers back with them. St. Johns Merger Clnb Active. The Merger Club, of St. J6hns, i waging a vigorous campaign for an nexation to Portland, meetings being held in different part, of St. Johns every other night. D. C. Lewis, K. PORTLAND, OREG., MULT. CO., MAR. 29. Orrln G. Cocks was over from New York the other day taking in the movie houses in Portland. He is with the well-known Na tional Board of Censorship company, so many of whose films one sees nowadays In the best motion picture theaters. Bonds Kemembered. People of our city were re minded that a bond issue had been voted some time ago, when the Supreme court decided last week that they could build an auditorium on the Market block. Someone, it appears, had thought different and consider able litigation arose, during which time the auditorium was not built. There are still, however, many of our citizens who can remember distinctly the time when the bonds were voted. The auditorium will not be completed in time for the Elks' convention In 1912, as was orig inally hoped. Doc Koberg Named. Dave Roberg, a w. k. doc and bacteriologist, has been appoint ed to be secretary of the State Board of Health. He will suc ceed Doc. Cal. S. White. Doc. Roberg is now in China studying conditions there and the Health Board will have to worry along without him unless Doc. White stays by the helm until he gets back. The Crawfish believes that he should hurry home, for we have a touch of the grippe and know several others. Including Lloyd McDowell, who have one too, and we feel that the State Board of Health should look into the situation. Members Are dot. Several of our prominent busi ness men were seen on the sta. the past week' getting members for the new Chamber, of Com merce. We are infoftned that they were successful and that they got about 4207 in four days. The new Chamber of Com merce Is going to start operat ing next Tues. night. Among the boys who were out helping the memberships along last wk. were Fred Larson, Mr. Wood ward. Bill Hofmann, K. C. Craw ford, E. L. Thompson, Charley Berg. Charley Moore and 300 or 400 others. We understand that the Chamber Is now bigger than any other in the world, apd expect that the boys in New York and Boston are feeling pretty jealous about now. PRESS A UNIT Arrival of Spring Noted on Every Hand. Flowers are blooming. Brownsville Times. Time to make garden. Jo seph Herald. Spring has arrived Wllklns has removed the side curtains from the bus. Heppner Herald. Spring has arrived. Billy Mc Adams appeared with a straw hat today.lndependence Moni tor. Pete Swensoa says Spring is here. Reason: Pete has some strawberry plants in blossom- Tillamook Headlight. Several farmers in this vicin ity have started their Spring plowing. Dufur Dispatch. We are having fine Spring weather here. Ttl farmers are making 'hay while the sun shines." They are busy plowing for the Spring grain. Lebanon Express. Wild geese and ducks are fly ing over the city and commer cial travelers and homeseeekers flying into the city Verily Spring has come. Harney County News. Mrs. T. P. Fish will have her stock r.t Spring hats on display Wednesday, March 31, and in vites the ladies of the commu nity to call then and inspect same. Lincoln County Leader. Dark Hints of Home. Dr. J. L. Wooden has a force of men at work with a donkey engine clearing his property on the north side of town, prepara tory to putting it in condition for utilizing It for such purposes as he may desire, with the ulti mate Itnention of building a home it is understood. Clats kanie Chief. Liberal Is Right. W. J. IS. Vick received a car load of feed Tuesday. Liberal items Molalla Pioneer. ESTABLISHING A BLOCKADE. Graden. W. A. Carroll and A. A. Muck I addressed the people of Kast St. Johns Friday night. The club is planning to j hold a big rally ln tne auditorium or the James John High School the even ing of April 3. ONEONTA TRIP IS TAKEN Scouts for Highway Excursion Tell of Heavy Motor Travel. H. C. Jones and Henry Hayek, of the,BivA 'RiiKineRa Men's Club, made a trip to Oneonta and Multnomah Falls yesterday in order to complete pians for the excursion, which is to be run to those two points by the club, April 11. -amylr lin ATI hllftiflRtTI fftr th DTODOSed Larch Mountain Trail. The club is mak ing preparations to accommodate oe tween 500 and 600 persons on the ex cursion. Mr. Jones reported that while the Columbia River Highway has not yet been completed as far . as Multnomah Falls, there were 60 automobiles at that place yesterday. afoWiiSy. X.-S!matlaiAiiiJI Mnrx Aatln. Who Lectures in Portland Wednexdny. Caught f by Flashlight at the Union I Depot Last Might. )Know iLwf'W ' 7 3-UST IJiW J how HQ st Ii No tLxJL-IL " "'-ill vi M-jf1 mil j lii i,; 4 1 v it !i " I th It '& i I 1 ' 1 h I ?fcv - it 4th INSTALLMENT THIS WEEK No. 47. 1915. THE BILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY. (The Crawfish Is still receiv Ing thousands of solutions to th hu f thi ireat filn drama, none of which are very -en, tli hennfit Of those who have Just subscribed s Th i-rnvTisn wa iui uinu following synopsis of formef i-A-m - h-roamm a. Alto gether and the mysterious young woman are respectively burled In a cart load of concrete and a hodful of bricks while endeav- n t-A wit ha hecome of the $1,000,0000,000 given Erasmus by Tneopnue . v.ju pua to buy controlling stock in the Bronze Metallic Coffin Company. Mortimer Sarcoph gUS, ill (3 bicuiu - n i i4iwn (ha funnel of a. steamboat and the 1,000, 000, nnn 1- -.111 ml.alnir Mortimer Q. Sarcophagus emerged from the furnace door in tne steamer, aisguiseu o Stark-street dock, rushed back to study the tire tracks of the jitney that had bumped him otf the bridge. While thus occcu pied, he was bumped off the bridge by another Jitney and fell into the funnel of the same steamboat on its return trip. rii. nroan nf tin. hull dine- where the mysterious young woman naa aiypcdrcu, uud lerea a ijua.u ui removed the bricks from her She sat up and gazed about ner, men mneneu wim and following the direction of her hand they observed a pair or. ieet sucKing out oi uv wall Theophlle H. Wlmpus passing in ills car, Biujjycu also. He shrieked too. They were the feet of Eras mus VJ- AUUSOU"!! . Theophile and the mysterious young WUIIIU.II nj v.i, that they forgot to ask the fore man if he knew where the 1 000,000,000 was. (Passed by the National Board of Censorship.) Our TCeeklv Sermonette. The Rev. Corinthian I. Bett, In his sermon yesterday said, in part: 'Blessed are the meek, for they are about the only ones who are going to be left after the war is over." r?f TivMiired on 12 Does. About two weeks ago Carl Adkins had to shoot a calf that was affected with the rabies, it having been bitten sometime in January by a dog of his that went mad. It, too, was finally killed after It had roamed over the valley and bitten about a dozen dogs that the owners had to kill. Blue Mountain Eagle. Alde From Business. In talking business matters over the phone with H. T. wnntlev at Lawen yesterday. the News was also informed that Mr. Huntley had the misfortune tn lose one of his line noistein cows recently. Mr. Huntley also atated that he had his well drilling outfit in good shape and he would soon be at work again, as he has several wells to drill this Spring and Summer. Har ney County News. POETS CORNER. T. Arnsley Botts, who can't be muzzled, strikes his lyre thus this wk.: "Oh. Spring, sweet Spring Is here a sain. A-hauntlng round the haunts of men " And we stop the press to an nounce tnat we win puonsn more Spring pomes this issue. Noted Suffrage Worker to Speak Tuesday Evening. Y. M. C. A. MEETING PLACE 'Our Brains and What Ails Them" to Be Topic or Lecture by "Rep resentative Woman" Who Is Touring the Country. CHARLOTTE! PERKINS GILMAN LECTURE. Subject "Our Brains and What Ails Them." Time Tuesday, March 30, at 8:15. Plncn Ynnnr Mpti'b Christian Association lecture ball. J Under the auspices of the Con gressional Union Mrs. Charlotte Per kins Oilman, the distinguished au thor and lecturer; and member of the National advisory board of the Congres sional Union, will speak on "Our Brains and what Ails Them" tomorrow night at 8:15 o'olock in the T. M. C. A. lecture halL Mrs. Gllman, who possesses a pronounced magnetic personality on the lecture platform, is as convincing a speaker as she is a writer and brilliant literary logician. One of the Chicago newspapers, speaking of her lecture re cently, said: "She never says a dull thing," and English newspapers repeatedly have described her as "fluent, epigrammatic, logical, humorous and exceedingly in teresting." Mrs. Oilman is known throughout America as a pioneer in the woman's movement. She always has been prom inent, especially in her native State of New Tork. in the woman suffrage work. She has won a reputation in Eu rope as well as in America as a woman of brilliant attainment. As a thinker along ethical, economic and progressive lines she is considered one of the rep resentative women of the world. She is the author of "Woman and Economics," which has been referred to as "the most significant utterance on the subject since John Stuart Mill's 'Subjection of Woman.' " SECOND STROKE SUFFERED Colonel Dunphy, of Walla Walla, Again Attacked by Congestion. WALLA WALLA; Wash.. March 28 (Special.) Colonel W. H. Dunphy, Dem ocratic state committeeman, yesterday suffered a second stroke from conges tion, resembling apoplexy. Physicians said late tonight that he is improving. Mr. Dunphy was recovering nicely from the first stroke Thursday and this morning got out of bed, insisting that he was all right. While walking about his room he suffered the second stroke. Physicians were immediately called and removed a larger quantity of blood from his arm than after the . first stroke, to relieve the congestion. IS. UN HERE NEW FIUS POPULAR National's Star h Florence Turner, Now Near Death. CASTLES DANCE IN MOVIES Columbia Feature Unique, Sunset Has Remarkable Photography, Star Offers Emotional Plot and Peoples 90-Mlnute Laugh. This may be the last time that Port land will have had the chance to see TriornpA Turner, famous dramatic siar, who was here three years ago, as she is reported to be seriously ill, perhaps on her deathbed. Miss Turner appeared . v, '.tinn,i Theater yesterday in a drama of strong emotional appeal, "For Her People." It Is a film whtcti appeals to all the finer instincts. In "Lifting the Ban" the most sacred traditions known to tne Army aro iatH hv nn nfflcer who is severely .....uhoi fnr hin mifldemeanor. A wo man of not too good reputation figures In the case. "Rare Companionship" is a comedy with a "kick." It is amusing from the first foot to the last. . 1 By surprise the new Charlie cnapin comedy, "The Jitney Elopement," ar- if.tani a r nnri U'fl H nlnced Oil the screen Immediately. It was a big hit and will be shown the entire ween. Miss Margaret Fallenous. a local vio linist of more than ordinary talent, charmed the audiences yesterday with her music. CASTLK DANCES ARE FILMED Majestic Also orfers Return En gagements of Favorites. Graceful, light, young and handsome, the Vernon Castles are making a gen uine hit with their dancing at the Majestic Theater. They appear in one reel of dances, which they have exe cuted in vaudeville and in their own "Castle" house, and trip the light fan tastic with the case of nymphs of the woodland. They give demonstrations of the tango, the maxixe, the hesita tion, the one-step and the Justly fa mous Caftle walk. The film will be shown a'l week. The extra attraction is the return of the "Kreutzer Sonata." Because there were thousands who did not see it, the management has returned it for three days. It is a picturlzation of the book written by Count Leo Tolstoi, the fa mous Russian author and philosopher. This picture will be succeeded on Wednesday by "A Fool There Was," another marital tragedy which was once before at the Majestic Theater. SUXSET FEATURE FILM GREAT "The Quest" Shows Ship Afire at Sea and Battle With Savages. The Sunset Theater scored a dlstlnc tive hit when it obtained the right to show the new Mutual Master pictures in Portland. This was warmly attested bv the biz crowds at the Sunset yester day to see "The Quest," first of the Mutual Master picture releases, which will run until Wednesday night. "The Quest" is a really remarkable photo-play. Its five acts are crowded with action. A ship afire and blown up at sea, a combat with savages for the rescue of a beautiful woman, and a yacht cruise through some of the most wonderful South Sea scenery one can Imagine are a few of its compelling features. As for the acting, with Mar garita Fischer and Harry Pollard in the lead roles, it couldn t be bettered. One of the funniest of comedies is "Fatty" Arbuckle and his pet bulldog in "Fatty's Faithful Fido." The Mutual Weekly shows some exceptionally inter esting news pictures. STAR'S ENTRANCE 18 NOVEL "The Arrival of Perpetua" at Co lumbia Clever Drama. The ."Arrival of Perpetua," the fea ture attraction at the Columbia, Viv ian Martin, the popular Shubert star. arrives feet first It is a most novel way of introducing the dainty little actress, but it certainly scores well. Perpetua is an orphan being educated in a seminary. Her uncle dies sud; denly. leaving her an immense for tune and she goes to live with her aunt, whose companions are monkeys. dogs and parrots. Perpetua cannot endure this sort or existence and runs away to her guardian, whom she never has seen. He proves to be an eccentric young man, but they fall in love with each other just the same. After ridding herself of her other admirers, Per petua makes him propose. Max Linder is shown in a real, old fashioned comedy. The bill closes with mm ; mwms - JUT -i Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gllman, ho Will Speak at Y. M. C. A. Tuesday Klsht, an educational Pathe offering, showing birds of Scotland in colors. Thursday "What Happened to Jones" Is scheduled. FAVORITES AGAIN" AT STAR "Human Menace" and "The Storm" Are Strong Appeals at Theater. A number of old favorites of the Star Theater .returned yesterday. Foremost of these is Cleo Madison, who appeared In the "Human Menace." The film tells how a woman, once wronged, re deems herself. The film has a strong appeal and carries a good lesson. Warren Kerrigan appears in a film drama of the love of a son for his mother's memory, "The Storm." He is ably supported by Miss Vera Sisson. ine cnariHinjj units bvui vil iiuhuigh, I successes. The plot is woven about a I (Kiillipr:iii! . :. i "Red Letter Dan" 10 Free Stamps to Visitors Olds, Wortman&King The Store of Superior Service . TODAY! $2.50 - $3 Curtains $1.69 Pair Third Floor Sale extraordinary of 400 pairs fine Scrim n4 Marquisette Curtains at a decided reduction. These represent a very special purchase, and at the low price we have put upon them the entire lot should be disposed of before closing time. Several attractive styles, with dainty lace edges and insertions. Shown in white, cream and ecru. Standard $2.50 and $3.00 CT fZQ grades. Priced special for today's selling at, the pair V vJx Bargain Circle Specials for Today Stamped Baby Dresses, Gowns, Skirts, etc. U TYll0 Slightly soiled. Regular 50c to $1.75 grades ' 50c to $9.00 Centerpieces, embroidered in white, at price 15x25-inch Turkish Towels priced special for today at only l. Stamped Cushion Tops and Scarfg, worth to 75c, priced at H Odd lines of Dresser Scarfs in neat patterns, on sale at :lit? man who finds that the father of the girl he loves is the man who wronged his mother. Indecision makes him helpless, but nature decides for him. and a guilty man Is struck by lightning before the bullet from the young man s pistol hits its mark. A thrilling of the racetrack is "All for Peggy," and a sparkling con edy, "His Wife's Husband." conclude the offering FILM IS 90-MIXUTE LAUGH Peoples Has John Barrjmore In "Are Yon a Mason " John Barrymore convulsed everyone who wafhed his imaginary Masonic experiences yesterday ln the "Are You a Mason?" film production, which opened a four-day run at the Peoples Theater. He attained much popularity as a film star, in addition to his legitimate successes, and was irresistible In 'The Man From Mexico" and "An American Citizen," but he surpassed them both ln his latest film farce. Memories of 90 minutes of uproari ous mirth will follow anyone who sees "Are Tou a Mason?" Nearly everyone saw the original play and its history was that of a highly diverting suc cess. In matt of its scenes the film presentation seems more hilarious than the original play and at times gales of laughter swept through the house. "Are You a Mason's?" laugh cyclone will last till Wednesday night, "The Commanding Officer." a military drama, opening at the Peoples Thurs day. SUICIuEWTSieE MB. AND MRS. H. H. G1LBKRT OF WOODBURN IDENTIFY SON. Recent Visit Made at Home, bnt No Intimation at Intent Given III llealtb Renson Ascribed. A week ago Verne Gilbert arrived at the home of his parents at Wood burn, Or., after an absence of many months, spent in San Francisco; two days later he left home without a word, dressed in his best suit of clothes; last Friday morning he was found dead in a Portland rooming-house, having swallowed several capsules of morphine. H left a note asking that several friends in San Francisco be notified, but making no mention of his relatives. The facts in regard to his Oregon con nections came to light yesterday when the body was recognized by his parents as it lay at the morgue. There was no financial or domestic reason apparent to lead to Gilbert's suicide, but he had been in ill-health for .many months and is thought to have contemplated putting an end to his life for several weeks before actual, ly carrying out the idea. The parents of the dead man, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gilbert, of Woodburn, read in the newspapers of a young man suDDOsed to be' Verne Gilbert, of San Francisco, having been found dead, and came to Portland to see it 11 were their son. As a result funeral services were held yesterday at the Portland Crema torium, from the F. S. Dunning parlors. His parent and a brother survive Gil bert, who was 26 years old. The family had nc Intimation of his Intention to commit suicide when he arrived home from San Francisco, as he seemed ln excellent spirits. His de parture from home was without warn ing. He took little money with him. CASTLE CUP FROWNED ON Coiffure Expert Thinks Cropping of Hair Will Win Few Advocates. off to acquire the 'Castle Clip,' takes an .n-ful ihanfa if mnklni. 0. frilfht Of herself." This is the opinion of Miss Belle Kosentnai. wno aeeps iuni w the trend of coiffure caprices. It is Miss Rosenthal', opinion that the "really better class will not have lnnLra ohnrn nnrl that onlV the faddists will take up the Idea." ,A few Portland girls and women have had their hair clipped a la Castle, ac cording to Miss Rosenthal, but not many. She deciarea yesieraa mm mo wholesalers in the East are worried -v..,. fraaic of fashion, but she thinks that, even if it Is taken up to some extent, it wl uo " "It i a hard matter to arrange ,i . ho;-" bdih Mian Rosenthal, "and BKVI V J.. it takes a long time to grow, so I POSION OAK? IV V? tantly rIiero the Itching and irritation. raDldly reduce inflammation and fever, t have ft coolin and olihtfuily oothJna action on the akiu. and to effect cure. UruPgiBta refund if It fHlliySantiaentic wtil also prevent oak and ivy poleonlnn tianti aeptlc niurea Un health and comfort a.- way. ou wm uk n v.rM., 1.-3,...,, Odor. ai youi ui UB.-.I-1. - , Eetwncott Chemical Lur PortlanO, Or. io Next Wednesday to Premium Parlors?:,: don't advise anyone to have a CaMIe Clip. No one can deny that a woman's crowning glory Is her hair and, even if Mrs. Castle does wear the clipped style, she is a dancer and all women aren't professional dancers. Also, short hair isn't becoming to many styles of beauty. "Smart society women and sensible women, I think, will unite against the mania for clipped locks," concluded the authority on coiffures. ST. JOHNS PASTOR LEAVES Iter.' Mr. Uoode, Retiring Due to Ill ness, Preaches Final Sermon. Rev. J. G. Goode, who bas been pastor of the St. Johns United Kvangellral Church for the past year and half, has tendered his resignation on account of ill-health, and he delivered his farewell sermon yesterday and explained his reasons for resigning. There wa. deep regret expressed that Kev. Mr. vjoooe had been compelled to leave. A farewell reception will be tendered to him tonight at the manse, when Rev. W. E. lngalls, pastor of the ft. John. M.ahodUt Church, will speak. During Rv. Mr. Goode's pastorate the St. Johns Church membership ha. In creased considerably. Kev. Mr. Goode was pastor of the Lent. Kvangeliral Church when the new building there wa. built, and ha. been pastor of many Oregon churches. He has been active in civic affair, in St. Johns. Rev. C. C. Poling, superintendent of the Portland district, paid high tribute to Rev, Mr. Goode. and exprex.ed deep est regret over his falling health. He attributed Mr. Goode's Illness to hi. great energy and constant work under pressure. It 1. the second time Rev. Mr. Goode has been compelled to retire from active work due to ill-health. The wise man puts $3.00 into a Gordon Hat and $2.00 in the bank. SO IK AGENTS FOB GORDON RATS. 286 Washington. St. Macleay Bid? ear 4th Why Take a CostlyTrip to Hot Springs? 60S (SIxty-Elehty Elk'lit) elimin ate tlie causn ol Rheumatism acts lik. the wuters of Hot bpnnir. od other r3ort. Guaraniud, It must re lieve your RHEUMATISM fHwt benefit nm ox enrwit Mia eruption. DinounB. iuuiw lltn -or y u u w 7 will b TfturaM to you by your Pl'Mmttl!! Mrneal ! vltuo yovir twn, without ein. rree whr hou!d yon eontjnu to t:,tn oftrn I inednwa. Wnti for Ki.v X. - w r. detect all forme of t..m-ho to rli. pin bow to 6j t. Writ. totUjr. Matt. I X -.TtTTTiii:,ii " MtllVIIII Ml fTTTI 1 lit I II I II -rf:TTl, fll 1. 'i " til Ml ! il 5 1