Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 29, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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si room a rest room!
Make the gee
Attackers, Decisively Beaten
in Attempt to Storm Town,
Decide to Use Artillery.
Amrrk-aii Offk-iuls in Hrou lisvillc,
Trx., ApprrlMMisivc LrM Missiles
Kali In t'ltv -Wntimlvd Kcr
ricl Over Kio C.rnndc.
BKO'NV.I.LK, Tex.. March 28.
Oravr h prehensions were aroused
amoiiq ofTk'l.ils here today by the re
port t hat Villa officers have decided
the defenses o liatamoras, opposite
here, must be reduced, presumably by
t Th. prnbaldlity that artillery shells
would fu!l in Brownsville was indi
cated by thi wounding of two persons
in tne residence section here yesterday
hv stray rille bullets, during the first
HPfaiilt on Matanmras trenches. This
assault was. a costly failure of the
Villa forces. Their losses were of
ficially civeti as 100 killed and. 400
wound'-rl. The Carran.a losses were
ID killed uikI 45 wounded.
Tlirr t'nvalry rhnrsM Fall.
General Kiniliano P. Nafarrate. com-n-n
ruling the Mataraoraa garrison of
1 200 nien, fravc Hit Associated I'ress
tnis account of yesterday's cavalry at
tack: "Tiwra were three separate cavalry
diaries. In the lirst, led by General
-losf K. Rodriguez, not more than .too
men participated. . The second was
made by about 600 men, under Commander-in-Chief
Cabral. The third
a.ault comprised about :i0u0 Villa
troops. Lake the other two, it was
beaten off.
"The Villa troops came to within 50
paces of where we intrenched. Then
we would turn the machine puns loose,
and mow them down."
General Nafarrate said he would do-
fnd the city to the limit. Four flaps
;i;.t tm d yesterday floated In front of
his headquarters today, the band piayeo
in the pin .a and men and women of
Mat amor. s celebrated. tilling the
.trets with color?. One flag: is in
scribed "Second Brigade, M. Chao " This
battalion. Carranza officials said, was
almost wiped out. Both Villa and Car
ranxa soldiers say three Villa troopers
were killed carrying this flag. Another
flair is inscribed "Villa Brigade." These
an, I the other two captured banners
were hIonl-stained.
firranzn t.rnrrnl WoondfU.
General Irecopio Klissondo, of the
Carranaa parrison. wa.s wounded seri
ously. Jt was said the bullet which hit
him was tired by one of his. own sol
dier. General Nafarrate announced
that of the 10 Carranza dead five were
killed when an overenthusiastic Lieu
tenant ordered his men to tire on a
party of Villa soldiers patherinir dead
and wounded in front of the trnechea.
A skirmish resulted, in which the Car
ranza forces were repulsed. One Car
ran.a soldier caught looting- a house in
the it urn t was stood up asrainst a near
by wall and shot.
When General Manuel Chao's brigade
ch arced, his officer; say, I hey once
reached within U feet of the trtneties,
when by j-omo blunder a retreat was
Three miles to the rear the Villa
wounded were ferried across the Kio
Grande. Automobiles on the American
side picked them up and rushed them
here. Ail available cots in the city
w re called for.
He port ot Dead Conflicting
Reports of the Villa dead conflict.
The American consul. Jesse H. Johnson,
had a report el" 200 killed and S00
w minded. Many bodies lay in the sun
toda y i:i the open space before the
Carrunza trem-hes. Two hundred Villa
wounded are housed in Brownsville.
Villa officers said today they were not
discouraged and asserted General Jose
Kndricjiez in supreme cemmand of the
attacking troops, had decided that the
bi e'asl w orks must he reduced.
The Villa lines today lay near Las
Kusia. four miles southwest of Mata
ni'iros. General lldefonso Vasquez, with
a force of Carranza troops said to num
ber 100, is known to be a few miles
sou tli of Ma ta morns and it. is believed
may be ii. touch with tie Carranza
t r oops reported aboard t !ie transport '
Oa xaca, at the mou th of the Rio
Three Americans who preferred to
remain on the- Mexican side are housed
in the I'nited States consulate at Mata
mores. The Carranza consul here cm
:iiiied a report that 65 Villa troops had
been captured. but denied a wide
spread rumor tiiat they had been '
Im" t 'Stjy ZHL&fr r 1?91 I
Copy risht by UriderwooJ & Underwood.
KroiiiiiH'iit Albany Woman Sue
ihiiiIn io Heart Trouble.
ALBANY, nr., .March 2S. (Special.)
Mrs. Ala B. Marshall, resident of lann
t'oumy for a Imosi -tv years and mem
ber of one of the county's most promi
nent families, died suddenly from heart
failure at her home in this city just
In-fore tioon today.
Mrs. Marshall's maiden name . was
Ma'tie Wallace, he was born 48 years
a co in Tennessee. When 10 years old
s'u; came m Orejro'i with her parents,
the family settling near Iebation. She
v. as married to M:. Marshall 24 years
.tj(i ard thev residti continuously on a
fa rm east of A I :a'iy until they moved
to this city two y.-(irs a s'u.
She if survived ly her husband and
two children. KU- $ and Kuth Marshall,
both of Albany. Sf e leaves the follow,
liter brothers an J sisters: Dr. .T. P.
a Hat e, ex - M a y o Al ba ny ; W. U
AVallaee. S. iV AV i.Iace anl Mrs. James
Keehler. of lA.h;J;on : Frazer Wallace,
of TaWir.aa. n ' Robert Wallace and
Mr. i-Vrt :ia HaWkins. of Portland.
Her father. Hrt-e Wallace ex-County
Treasurer ef lihn County, who cele
brated his SSt i birthday three weeks
h-zo tn a famiW reunion at Mrs. Mar
shall's home, alyo survives her.
Heiress and Doorman-Husband
Ignore Parents' Pleas.
Servant in lc I.uxe Aiiiirtinc-nts in
Wliitrli Uriilc"s Millionaire Fattier
Kesitlps, Jlojcots Money Of
ferert for Annulment.
NEW VOHK. Mavch 24. (Special.)
Srornirifr further .life amid the luxuries
that might be lavished on her by her
millionaire father for lovo as the wife
of the doorman of the de luxe apartment-house
in which her parents re
side. Mrs. James Murray. 19 years old.
is thwarting the desperate efforts of
her relatives to have her forsake her
husband and return to her former
home of wealth.
And James Murray, the doorman
husband. Is just as impervious to hand
some monetary offers from his wife's
parents, who are seeking to induce him
to give up his bride. All he wants is
to be "left alone" in his happiness with
his bride. '
Mrs. James Murray was Miss Isabel
Bernhejmer. Her father is Daly Bern
haimQ. - tenant in an exclusive anart-
ment-house on Central Park West, New
York- . . . .
The marriage of the accomplished
htrd.-D thM rtnnrmnn was the result
of a sensational elopement, following
a secret courtship, tne uuranou
which has not been revealed by the
principal characters.
The prospect of the parents annull-
i... ta marriiiirn lltav bn SUDlRied Ul)
in the daughter's declaration: "I will
never leave Jim as long as l live:
of Oregon. More than one political
party must be represented in the board
of regents of the Oregon Agricultural
Col'ege. and the Goverr.or did not
Know whether there was a similar
regulation for t'ie other board.
Mr. Krown also informed the Gov
ernor that under the law passed at the
recent session of the Legislature pro
viding for a state parole officer the
appointive power was with tile State
Board of Control or the head of the
Penitentiary jf the Board made such
delegation of Its power. Joseph Keller,
of Portland, has been appointed to tiie
position by the Governor and State
Treasurer Kay as members of the
Board of Control.
VaiKOinrr Soliook'liiltlreu Found to
He Fjuiiii Cold Food at Noon.
VANOU'Vfll. Wifh. March 2K.
(il'e.-iri.) 'J10 question of furnishing
hot lunches for the school children ia
iu ing taker I. p by members of the West
Side Parervi Teacher Association. The
proposition will be discussed at the
next nit-etifcr. to be held April 7, in
Franklin Sfbool.
It his tfon found that 8(1 pupils at
Franklin i hool dally eat cold lunches
and investigation has disclosed the fact
that rni:t n thrive better after having
hid a 1 walk and a hot dinner or
ltinrh. t
The Kit lunch at noon idea was
worked ilit successfully at Hazeldell
three y re ago. This is a. country
chooL - -
l'reshytcrlnn l Itutlon' Board Not so Ap
prehensive us at First for
Safety of Worker.
NEW TORIv. March 28. The Grand
Vizier of Turkey has issued instruc
tions to his subordinates that all in
habitants rof the mob-ridden section of
Persia, including the thousands of
Christians in the vicinity of Urumiah,
must be protected, according to advices
received from the State Department to,
day by the Presbyterian Board of For
eign Missions,
Reports from Urumiah, made public
yesterday, announced that the large vil
lage of Uulpashan had tieen destroyed,
its men shot and 65 refugees from
French and American missions hanged.
A massacre impends, according to this
message. V.
The communication from the state
Department was signed by Robert Lan
sing, counselor of the department, and
was written yesterday.
"Mr. Lansins: advises us." said George
T. Scott, assistant of the board, "that
Ambassador Morgenthau at Constanti
nople had communicated to the Grand
Vizier the request of the State Depart
ment for protection of Americans in the
vicinity of Lrrumiah. The Grand Vizier,
the letter says, expressed the belief that
the reports of outrages there were in
accurate and told Mr. Morgenthau he
would immediately instruct his sub
ordinates to protect all inhabitants of
the section, including, of course, the
"Mr. Morgenthau's cablegram, the let
ter said, was dated March 24, but did
not reach the State Department until
yesterday. March 26. having been de
layed in transit for two days."
Mr. Scott added that the board was
not so apprehensive at present as to the
safety of American missionaries in the
district as it had been before."
Opinion Holds Party Qualifications
Ilo Not Exist for VniTersItv.
SALEM. Or., March 2S. (Special.)
In an' opinion today, asked by Governor
Withycombe. Attorney-General Brown
held that there are no political qualifi
cations for regents of the University
Two in It sice for Secretaryship f
Jrtaie Exhibition.
SALKM, Or., March 28. (Special.)
Announcement was made here today
that a secretary of the State Fair Board
would bo appointed at a meeting1 of the
Commissioners here tomorrow. The ap
plicants are Frank Meredith, present
secretary, and W. Al Jones, Represen
tative in the Legislature from Union
Countv. Mr. .Tones is a member of the
Board, and will have to resign that po
sition before he can be voted on for
secretary. Mr. Meredith recently was
tendered the secretaryship of the Wash
ington State Fair.
The members of the Oregon State
Fair Board are Henry Booth, Koseburg;
N. K. West, La Grande; W. Al Jones,
t'nion County; Mrs. Edythe Tozier
Weatherred, Portland, and William
Savage, Polk County. N. C. Maris, tield
worker ror the State Department of
Education, has been mentioned for the
secretaryship of the fair, but his friends
here say he is not seeking- the place.
In case of a tie vote between Messrs.
Meredith and Jones it is said Mr. Maris
might receive the appointment.
Federal Expert in Clarke County to
Make Study of Tree Disease.
VANCOUVER. Wash., March 28.
(Special.) TJrown rot, its cause,, pre
vention and cure are being- studied on
the ground by D. F. Fisher, of thG
bureau of plant industry of the Na
tional Department of Agriculture. Ac
companied by I. R. Fletcher, District
Horticulture Inspector, Mr. Fisher went
to the A. W. Moody prune orchard, near
Felida. There 201) prune trees, about 20
years old, were sprayed with different
kinds of solutions. A man will be kept
in the orchard to watch development
and report the result this Fall. No
other orchard will be experimented
with this year in this county.
Mr. Fisher came here from Wenat
chce, where ho has been studying
trouble with orchards there. Repre
sentative Johnson was instrumental in
having Mr. Fisher sent here.
What a great satisfaction it is to
the family to know that its guests,
whether for a week or an hour's
visit, are sure to feel cordially com
fortable that the , guest room is a
rest room all through the presence
of an American Radiator, instant
ready, at the turn of a valve, to make
one feel at perfect ease snugly
cozy. If, instead, old-fashioned heat
ing compels huddling togather in
one or two of the seven rooms of
your house, you are getting7ze use
of only, two-sevenths of what your
house cost inhospitable and a
poor investment!
ifm mmsKm
- m y - i
LB OILERS IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators arc
' jiust plain common-sense outfits built to fill the
demand for reliable comfort, health protection, fuel economy, easiest care-taking, safety, and
will last 50 years or more guaranteeing benefits and economies to the end of your days.
With this radiator heating none of the vital element is taken from the air no injurious coal-gases, ash-dust
or red-hot heating surfaces to menace the health, injure the iurnishings, or create a lire
risk. Besides the cleanly radiator heating saves immensely in women's housework.
Ever heard of any one of the million or more users of IDEAL SMOKELESS Boilers and AMERI
CAN Radiators who will not enthusiastically testify that they save heavily in coal and cleaning,
in time and temper, without rusting or repairs, and do away with the excessive bills and the ills of
old-fashioned heating?
IDEAL SMdKELESS Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators are the efficient, clean, healthful, silent, reliable servant of
the house owner they do more for cheer, work-saving and economy than any other material or article you put into
your home! They reduce the cost of living and better the living. Property thus heated sells quicker or brings 10 to
15 higher rentil a paying investment.
Extensive manufacturing in seven greatest countries of the world enables us to put into our outfits the best ideas and practices cf their scientific
and skilled men, and at lowest costs. Nowhere else, in any line, can the public obtain equal value or lower price. Don t wait until you build,
but put in at once the genuine, enduring foundation of comfort IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators. Better act at once iron Pjtcet
are now the lowest in 10 years, and at this season you get the service of the most skillful fitters. Ask for the (free) book of heating facts;
1 "Ideal Heating" Puts you under no obligation to buy. Accept no substitutesl
a ft B ra
A No. 22 IDEAL Boiler end 240 ft of 38-ln.
AMERICAN Radiatori, coating th& owner
$130, were used to hot water heat this cot
tage. At this price the goods can be bought
of any reputable, competent Fitter. This did
not include cost of labor, pipes, valves,
freight, etc., which vary according to cli
matic and other conditions.
A genuine, practical, built-in Vacuum Cleaner at $150
We also make the ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner, connected by an iron suction pipe to various floors of houses, flats, schools, churches,
hotels, etc. Through a light-weight hose ALL the dirt, cobwebs, lint, threads, moths, etc., are drawn with lightning rapidity down the iron
piping into big, sealed dust-bucket in cellar. No dragging around a clumsy, inefficient portable cleaner instead, you have a practical
outfit that is a part of the building like radiator heating. Ask for catalog (free). j
No exclusive agents.
Sold by all dealers.
Write Department N-12
816-822 S. Michigan Ave.,
Public Showroom, at Chicago, New York. Boston. Providence. Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, Buffalo, Rochester, Kttaburih, Cleveland, Cincinnati rrtroit. Atlanta. Birmingham.
New Orleans, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Omaha, Minneapolis, Sr. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Salt Lake City Seattle, Portland, Spokane, ban
rranciscOt ioa iingeics. 1 orontO) oruaora iuuia ijuuuuu triui. 01 umi. u"" . .
7arT ;
J. A. Yaegror. of Pilot Koc-k. to Serve
in Kastern Part of State.
SALKM, Or., March 2S. (Special.)
State Treasurer Kay, who also is State
Sealer of "Weights and Measures, today
appointed" J. A. l'aegrer, of Pilot Rock,
Umatilla County, district sealer of
weigrhts and measures for the Kastern
district. Mr. Yaeger is now a school su
pervisor. Both he and R. C. Mays, of
Klffin. were highly recommended, and
Mr. Kay was in doubt for some time as
to which one he should appoint.
Mr. Yaeger had the indorsement of a
majority of the members of the Leg
islature from the district, which result
ed in his appointment. Mr. Mays is
postmaster at Elgin. Both he and Mr.
Yaeirer are Republicans. All district
sealers have been appointed and they
will begin work May 22, when the new
law becomes operative.
Contracts Calling for Physical Con
nections Must Be Binding.
SALEM. Or-, March 28. (Special.)
The State Railroad Commission today
Issued an order -which will have the
effect of enforcing a law passed at the
1913 session of the ' Lepislature pro
viding for physical conections of rail
roads for the convenience of shippers.
The commission has made two at
tempts to put the law into operation,
but the applicants did not show suf
ficient reason for physical connections.
Hereafter the commission will refuse
to approve crossinar contracts which
do not contain a clause providing for
physical connections if desired.
Gathering; at AVoodburn Great Success
and Those l'reaent Favor Con
tinuing Annual Meeting.
VOODBUKN, Or.. March 28. (Spe
cial.) The second annual reunion of
Company M, Second Oreson Volunteers,
held here Saturday night, was a great
success, and those present1, were in
favor of a continuation of the annual
gatherings. A dinner was served, after
which hours were spent in exchanging
reminiscences of the days when those
present fought in the Philippines.
The roll showed a total of 108 officers
and enlisted men. of whom 29 were
present and 11 reported by letter or
telegraph. Nineteen are dead. The
others, precisely one-half of the com
pany, were not accounted for. Efforts
are to be made during the year to lo
cate more of. the veterans. It is pro
posed to hold the third reunica March
26 1916. The date was selected on ac
count of it being the anniversary of the
battle of Malabon, in which Company
JI plaved a prominent part. -
Captain J. M. Poorman presided.
When the veterans were dismissed at a
late hour only a few retired, many
preferring to spend the rest of the
night in swapping yarns.
Announcement was made that a camp
of Spanish War Veterans would be or
ganized in this city in the near future,
with a probable membership-of from 40
to 50. Many veterans residing in the
locality, among them Second Oregon
men and men from other companies,
have indorsed the proposal.
.Members of other organizations pres
ent Saturday night as guests of Com
pany M were: Charles B. Waiste. Thir
teenth Minnesota; Art Artens, Forty
ninth Iowa Infantry; L. Haiies. Third
Wisconsin Infantry; W. J. Uppendahl.
First South Dakota Infantry; B. W.
Hall, First Nebraska Infantry; H. L.
Moore, Eattery H. Oregon Artillery.
Neighbors' Bucket Brigade Fails to
Save Newspaperman's House.
WILSONVILLE. Or.. March 28. (Spe
cial.) In spite of efforts of a "bucket
brigade" formed by neighbors, the home
here of David Morrison, of the Even
ing Telegram, was burned this after
noon. -
Neighbors managed to save most of
the contents of the library and some
of the household furniture.
The loss is estimated at $2500. The
fire was caused by a defective flue.
Well-to-Do Britons Go to War.
LONDON. March 10. (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) Eleven Brit
ishers, who gave up responsible posi
tions on sugar plantations ia Hawaii
and paid their own traveling expenses,
have arrived in London after a 9000
mile trip, and enlisted in the army. The
party started with 14, but three joined
regiments in Canada. Most of the men
are Scots.
Hague Peace Official Believes Con
flict Xow On Is Iast.
SALEM, Or., March 28. (Special.)
"After this war there will he no more
war between civilized nations," de
clared William H. Galvani, secretary of
the Oregon Peace Society and Oregon
representative on the National commit
tee of the Hague Conference, who spoke
at the Unitarian Church tonight on
"The Origin and Causes of War."
"This war has proved such a calamity
that, when it is over, nations bent on
war will be ostracized. Before this
great. calamity wars had cost. the world
three and one-half, times as much as
the coin and bullion in existence. The
terrible sacrifices in wealth, ruined art
treasures and able-bodied men will not
be allowed in the future.
"It is important for the world and
civilization that the United States keep
out of the conflict, if other rea
son than that- it should be, for the good
cf all, the great mediator, when peace
is fustible."
The speaker mentioned in detail what
he believed to be the causes of the
war, which he described as the great
est calamity of the civilized world.
Auto Owned by Jacob Struss, of Sa
lem, Has Narrow Kscape.
SALEM, Or.. March 28. (Special.)
One man and two women had a narrow
escape from death here today, when an
automobile in which they were driving
was struck by a Southern Pacific pas
senger train at Twelfth and State
The automobile, which !s owned by
Jacob Struss, a farmer living north of
Salem, was going in a westerly direc
tion on State street, when the loco
motive crashed into it. It was struck
a glancing blow and knocked from the
track. None of the occupants of the
car was injured, and the. machine was
only slightly damaged. The man driv
ing the car answered the description of
the owner, the latter's identity having
been obtained through the number of
the car.
Ex-Employe Is Accused.
Joseph Hayes was arrested Saturday
by City Detectives Hyde and Vaughn
on a charge made by his former em
ployer that he appropriated for his own
use insurance premiums which he col
lected. The arrest was" made on a
warrant subscribed to by M. Billings,
an insurance man.. Larceny by embez
zlement is the specific charge made
against Hayes.
In litis lh-' death rate of infants in Fng
land per N;0t ot population was MiV. This
figure has been declining for a number of
Prune Crop of 1014, Allhoimb Less Than
.-Normal, BrouKht Profit. It Is Snid.
Dig 1915 Yield Is Indicated.
DUNDEE, Or., March 28. (Special.)
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Dundee Fruitgrowers
and Packers, held here yesterday, the
following officers were elected: W. S.
Allan, rpesident; F. W. Meyer, vice
president: Theodore A. Harper, secre
tary; Hans Nelson, Henry Holzmeyer
and Lee J. Eddens, directors.
Last year's prune crop was about 60
per cent of normal, but the entire crop
was readily disposed of at remunera
tive prices, it was reported. The stock
holders expressed satisfaction with the
year's results.
Advices were received from Kastern
brokers that the product of the Dundee
Fruitgrowers and Packers was the best
on the market.
John S. Edwards has had charge of
the packing department during the two
seasons the plant has been operated.
At present the prune trees are heav
ily laden with bloom and, with the con
tinued favorable dry weather, a bumper
crop is practically assured. Cold rains
any time in the next week would be
likely to cause damage, it was said.
Farmer Hurled From Buggy AVIien
Motorcycle Approaches.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. March 28.
(Special.) L. J. Archer, a farmer near
Vancouver, was injured, perhaps! fa
tally, when his horse, becoming fright
ened at the approach of John Kolher
If your skin Is not in the perfect con
dition in which it should be. or is af
fected with any eruptlonal trouble.
Poslam can help you bo greatly that
you should employ it at once.
Nothing Is so rapid and effective In
eradicating Eczema, Acqe, Tetter. Pim
ples, Scalp-Scale, all forms of Itch and
all skin disorders.
Poslam is antiseptic, soothing, com
forting. Intense and active) in control
ing diseased conditions. Itching slops.
, Your druggist sells Poslam. For free
sample write to Emergency Labora
tories. 32 West 25th Street, New York.
Poslam Soap is the best soap for your
skin. '
on a motorcyclr ul Slxtcent'i ami It"
serve streets tonight, threw him nul
of the IniRKy and fracture,! his skull.
Sheriff Bleseckor and Chi.-f of Pollen
Barbeau have arrested Kolher. whom
Mr. Archer charged with riding on the
wrong side of the road. Ho will be
held until the extent of Mr. Archer's
injuries can be determined.
The Arabs were the flr.t to u-e uisnti
blossoms as hrliinl wremhs. The ursn
branch bears fruit end flower at Ihe KSt'.
time, and Is therefore i.'Kimlcu as un em
bleni rrnne-1fv
All slie needs is a very little help.
Constipation is caused by accumulated
wate in the Colon (Large lntetinc),
which, under our present mole of living.
Nature cannot entirely remove without a
little help.
The rank poisons in this waste jet into
the blood circulation too, and make us feel
depressed, blue, bilious and incompetent
really sick if allowed to go a little too fai.
All the help that Nature aikl. however,
is Internal Bathing with Warm Water, ap
plied by Ihe "J. U. L. Cascade." Tins, in
a perfectly natural and rational way, clean
out all the waste and poisons Irora the
Colon and keej.s it as sweet, clean a 4
pure by occasional use as Nature demands
for a perfectly healthy condition.
So invariably successful has tliil new and
improved method of Internal llatl'ing
proved to be that over 300. 00Q Atneitcara
are now enthusiastically mint; it to nee
Constipation, ward off disra e. and keep
them bright, vigorous and efficient,
Ihe "J. H. L. !'asr.vle" is now reing
shown by the Wondard ( laik & Co.'s ll'iig
Stores in Portland. Call and lei lis explain
how simply it accomplishes these grtit re
sults. Also ask us fr free booklet, -Why Man
of Today Is only o0 J-er c-nt KrfUl.ul."
11114 . 1'OIC I I.A .VI.
I Have Cut Prices
l will ssv you .hi i-eni on every
dollar on tn best denial work made
by oilman bands and without pain.
My offer Is lor you to no lo any
dental office aid get prices. Ihen
come to ma and 1 will nhow ou
how to save a dollar and 1 inak
a dollar on your dental work.
My Price Will Surely Suit You
My Work Will Surely 1'loase You
ALL WOIIK l.l AHA Tl:i;i.
Paul C Yates
rtftb and Mvrr -- 0hII rl
uf I ice
Vs. I - . 1