EAST SIDERS AND PiEDMQNTVIGTORS .Thousand Fans' See Opening of City League With Fine Double-Header. MONARCHS ARE SHUT OUT import's Highly Touted Team Gets Only 2 Hits Off Webb, Piedmont Hurler G. I Baker Pitches First 3 Balls; Only 2 Wild. r BY KOSCOE FAWCETT. Portland s new City League was of ficially trotted out before 1000 specta tors yesterday afternoon at Recreation Park and the double bill kept every body in the stand until rain cut the last engagement in the eighth innlne. Both games were decisive and left o room for doubt as to where the lau rel wreaths and "Gates Ajar" bouquets ousht to be addressed. . . in the curtain-raiser the East Side Kedmen walloped the Sellwoods 9-1, with Gradv. of Astoria, featuring. Grady allowed only three hits, as against six off Hyman and O Dell. But the surprise of the day was doled out in the abbreviated final game, when Piedmont applied the kalsomine brush to Clyde Rupert's West Side Monarchs by a score of 3-0. The score really was 6-0. but Trilby Rankin called off hostilities in the last half of the eighth after three more had been tal lied by the Maroons. Wtbb'i Pitching Features. Emery Webb was the big noise of the Piedmont victors. Perhaps he was throwing Hie "emery" ball. Whatever It was. the veteran bunch sponsored by Manager Rupert couldn't fathom his slants. In seven - innings they pasted only two balls out of the in field, and. while three hits are chalked against him, only one was a hard-hit ball. . . George L. Baker ranked next to Webb as the Hinging headliner. The popular and versatile theatrical man had the honor of pitching the first ball and he did the thing up brown by pitching the first three balls. Only two of them were wild pitches. The bats man could easily have hit the other If "Moose" Johnson's 92-inch hockey club had been lying around handy. Next Thursday an ail-star City League club wilt battle the Chicago Colored Giants at Recreation Park and on Sunday the second round of the City League schedule will be played. Ills Attendance Expected. Great interest is being manifested In the visit of the Chicago negroes, who have been playing the Portland Coast champions at Fresno, and President "Whitehead predicts 2000 or 3000 fans will be out if Thursday Is a good day climatically. Yesterday's box scores follow: First name: Sellwood ( East Side B H O A E; BHOAE McHale.r .3 11 0 UjTauscher.s 2 i 3 8 2 1 1 i,Kenneay.m 4 v v vv i o " u Hlnkle.l. . i, - o v v I) o OO.Luckey.r.. 4 1 o - u iihiuznes... t x 1 i u)uitivn,.. torke.2 . .3 Kelson, 1 ..3 1 Iiivon.m 3 C-LHxon.l. 3 1 ngles.s 1 U U 1 0 i at :t n n 3 0 0 3 l'currlgan.i 4 0 5 10 M' Klnley'c 1 6 2 3 Therlon.c. 0 3 0 0 110 l 0 00 ,,. ., a. 1 3 flmrailv n Went w;h 10 0 OO.MoreUnd.r ODell.p.. 1 0 1 OOj Newman. c O O 0 0 0 Culfurd". lOOOU) Total 2? 3 24 13! Totals. 34 0 27 i Miulled tor MrKinley in eighth. Batted for ilciiaie in ninth. Eellvvood 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Hit, 1OO20OO0 03 Eat Side 0 0 0 2 2 0 5 0 Hits . ... 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 1 Kuns. -'. Dison, Tauscher 2. Hinkle. X.ut'kev 3, Hughes. Brown 2. Struck out, by livman 7. by Grady W. Bases on balls, oft llynian 5 oif Uradv 1. Two-base nits, l.uckey, Tberioa. Three-base hit. Hughes. Trouble plav. Tauscher to Currigan to Brown. Sacrifice hit. Kennedy. stolen bases, C. l'lxon. Brown 2. Tauscher. Kennedy, Hughes, J.il.key. Hinckle. Wild pitch. Hyman. In nings pitched, by Hyman 7. Runs responsible lor Hvntan Charge defeat to Hyman. Time. j:4j. Umpires. Drennen and Rankin. Second game: . 1'teduiont West Side RHOAfcil 2i tt UAH fitpnnr O 1 0 IM.lnd.l 2 Doiv.l.... 4 0 7 0 l'iChilders.3. 4 Hornbv.s. 4 1 l 2 liMuiray.r. . Hargr s.m 4 t O 0 U BrigKs.m. . Bogart.:!.. 3 12 1 UMcKeen,l.. i..... i .i 1 n Afl.vii'1 (lxal.ee.2. 3 0 7 10 Watts,V. .. 3 0 2 1 0 0 1 4 0 1 00 0 O 00 2 4 0 0 113 2 tMBllee. . V X V M LIS.S. . . O " unnnoy.c v uu;j.ita,i;... j. W.bb.p... 2 11 2 Or.oddard.p. o O 0 00 jMurphy.p. 2 0 O 10 Totals 27 5 21 0 1 Totals. 24 3 21 9 4 Pie.imont 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 Kits 2 O 0 1 2 O 0 5 Veil Side 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 lUt, t O 0 1 0 2 0 3 tilling CMlled in eighth, rain. Kuns, 6-"tenp. Hornoy. Hargreaves. Struck out, tiv Wesi :t. by Goliard 3. Bases on balls, on Webb off ijoddard 3. Two-base hit, "Bosart: double plav. riigsbee to Doty. Stolen Vase, rtartliolemy. Hit by pitched ball. Shea, fjv Webb. Innings pitched, by Goddard Jtuns responsible ror, Goduard 1. Charge de feat to Uodrtard. Time, 1:40. Umpires, Ran kin and Ilrennen. HK1GIITS TKAM CLAIMS GAME J'orfeit b Chinese Declared to Be Hums for 1-0 Victory. The Portland Heights ball tossers are claiming a l-to-0 forfeit from the Chinese nine of Portland because the Orientals refused to play after appear ing on the West End grounds yester day afternoon. Instead the Heights squad took on the Sylvan representa tives and walloped them 10 to 8. Zee and Miller worked for the winners' op posed by Ring and Brown. The Portland Newsboys trimmed the Arleta aggregation 22 to 6 on the Arleta grammar school grounds yester. day. The work of Abe Popick. of the winners, was the feature of the con test. Popick registered three hits, one a homer with two on. and a three bagger. Quisenberry twirled a stellar frame for the Newsboys. OKKC.OV AGGIE MAT5LEX LOSE Vahinjrlon State College Wrestlers Prove Themselves Superior. rru.MAN'. Wash.. March 28. (Spe cial.) Washington State College came from behind last night and won a hard fought wrestling meet from Oregon Agricultural College. 13 to 9. after Bioon-snurg and Clark had lost to King and Hardman, Oregon Aggies. In lightweight classes. Savage. Do cile and Pearson each won, overcoming a big lead. Cantain Pearson's fall from Allworth in the final bout, which won the meet was secured on a simple armhold after six minutes of fierce going in which neither man showed advantage. KE1V KI HX SOLD TO OAKLAND diicngo American Catcher, Formerly "With Portland, Returns to Coast. SAN" FRANCISCO. March 28. Man ager Tyler Christian, of the Oakland team of the Pacific Coast League, an nounced today the purchase of "Red" Kuhn. former Chicago American catch er. Kuhn will join the Oakland team tomorrow. Kuhn broke into the major league from the Portland Beavers. . SCENES ATTENDING OPENING DOUBLE-HEADER OF NEW PORTLAND CITY LEAGUE AT LtjAtiLrj i iviv. COAST . -f maaiiaiMMnMaau aMIlSiaBgSCTIIIilll i 1 1" HIIIIMW'I if I H III I Top Left to RiBht, Jack Grady, Star Fllnger of East Side Redmen. Conferrinu With Manager Claude Hlgbt, Eddie Bogart, Hitting Pride of the Piedmont Maroons. 21 OFF FOR SOUTH McCredie Says Portland Will Train Again at Fresno. KRAUSE MAY PITCH OPENER Eleventh-Hour Change Meiy Result In Higg's Staying on Bench. Six Infielders to Be Kept on Payroll for While. FRESNO, Cal., March 28. (Special.) Tk. D.,tl.njl TConvoi-R will rptll Til tO Fresno next season for Spring training. This announcement was made by Man- xc-oif xrr'rdio iust Drior to his departure for Los Angeles, where the Beavers open the Pacific Coast League season Tuesday. . . Twenty-one players left tonight for Los Angeles. The players: Catchers Klsner ana uu. Pitchers Lush. Krause. Higginboth- am Martlnont. rcieger. r.a.io, ard. Callahan and CovelesKie. Infielders Derrick. Stumpf, Davis, Coltrin. Naughton and Murphy. Outfielders ioDer, diiwo, Kircher. . This entire squad will he carried un til McCredie is forced to cut down to 18 men on May 1. One of the six in fielders will be sent to a league of lower class and two pucnern w..i released. Just who the pitchers are Mac is unable to decide, out ii ... probably be a new one and a hold-over. Two Pitchers Already Gone. , .i..qv loft camn and sarnes xia - - will report to the Spokane Northwest . oft., Anril 12. when ern xjeauc - " " . , his term with the Government recruit ing service in San rancisw i:' . t:i ho a Hrawn his uncondi tional release and will not go to the Northwestern League, ne rcl"V', to his home in Kansas and says that he will not play ball this season. 'We have had a successful training season; in fact, the weather has been th best that we have ever run into. said McCredie. "Attendance has not been as great as 1 expected. team as a whole Is in good condition. We will sure be back here next year. "With regard to the club. Every po sition looks good except hrtstP- KaAn niavinsr erratic ball. JlUrpiiy lino i & One day he plays an excellent game and the next he boots three or foun There is no doubt that we are weak . ... unhhv Coltrin fields the positioin better than Murphy, ut is not able to mi me im.i. " ... v. n : fnitr n wmila be the iieiains ai""l.r ... u logical candidate for the position could he hit the ball. However. I am going to carrv the six inneiueis forced to cut down, and If Coltrin should develop hitting powers ne would undoubtedly be the man to play shortstop for us this year. Krauu 3Iay Pitch Opener. . . ... V- T nnnntinoed KfiTTl R time ago that HIgginbotham would pitch fnr us, there seems to be some little doubt of this right now. Hig has not Deen Ko...B as I expected him to. If he does not , v.. nan will go against Stan, nanj - ,. the Angels In the opening game McCredie announceu batting order: rxivis third: Speas-. center: Derrick. first: Fisher, catcher: Doane. right: Stumpf. second: Murpny. snon, uc.. left: Krause or nisgniui" ers. . . , Ml players report at tne lkjs .usera ball park tomorrow for their last prac tice. I " 1 Training Camp Notes j PORTLAND TRAINTNU CAA11-, res no. Cal- March 2S. (Special.) Indications are that Ty Lober will not be In a condition to play first-class ball until a week or so after the sea son opens. This is due to the fact that Lober has developed a bad arm. Just how the arm went to the bad Lober Is unable to say. When he started work early in Spring training his arm was sore, but he thought this would grad ually work out as the training period advanced. For a time the arm did im prove but several days ago the sore ness came back with renewed vigor t v..- ao fstrffxl to civp over his position in left field to Kircher. So bad has the arm become mat it win be necessary for Lober to visit a spe--i..i n.hm tha oliih Arrives in LOS Angeles. Ty is worried over this oc-J currence, as mis i ........ his career that he has ever been forced to stay out of an opening game owing to a bad throwing wing. Every "member of the Beaver squad will report at the ball park bright and early tomorrow morning in Los An geles for the final rehearsal before the curtain is rung up on the opening of the Pacific Coast League. Tuesday. No excuses will be accepted and the entire squad that left here tonight wiil be out fo.- the final practice and final in structions. Harry Krause and Elmer Martinoni W3:e figuring on going to Los Argeles early Monday mcrning by automobile, arriving in Los Angeles Mondav night. Wiien this subject was broached t McC-edie the- reply was emphatically in the negative. Mac has his own ideas ?bout ballplayers and does nit believe hat a long automo bile trip will do a great amount of good. Little Bobby Coltrin will not be turned over to the Spokane North western League for eome time yet. ac cording to Manager McCredie. If -he Is sent back to the lower-class club it may not be until Mac is forced to cut the squad down to 18 men on May I. McCredie has already decided to carry six infielders when the season opens and Coltrin was Included in the bunch when the Portlanders crawled aboard the rattler for Los Angeles tonight. Bobbv Is not taking kindly to the re port that he is to return to the North western League and his work during practice indicates that he is doing all in' his power to change Mac's , mind. He is greatly lacking in mums, ever. Murphy continues to boot 'em at short, but he also continues to hit . i ii . V. nnao which COUntS for LUC UIlll lu ins 1 " ... l AnnIaDt fnr nnsitlnns is & lUl wueii " i on. During the last game or two Mur phy has tnrown one or iu these have not greatly Jeopardized the i r k i,,h rxi i t attrib uted tne bad fielding to timidity and believes that Murphy will improve after the Coast League season is open and ho becomes better acquaimea wuu the league and especially the home fans. A half-dozen Infielders; the number . . i i,.w .I., tha. ti-ln to now Willi Uiv Lum. i 1. 1. ... i Los Angeles with the Beavers when at.- lnf tnnio-h fOI ttlA OOening of the season. Derrick, Stumpf. Mur phy, Naughton, uavi3 ana oiirui it the six infielders that reported and are tha. it that made the trip when the club left for the South. m m m Davis seems to have the call on third base and he instead of Naughton is the probable candidate to open the season at the torrid corner. In the first an nouncement of the opening lineup Naughton was given first consideration, but in the light of recent development, especially hitting, Bobby seems to ht,ve become the favorite. There is little to choose between the men and McCredie may change his mind overnight or he may work Naughton part of the game and give Davis a chance during the rest of It. Naughton has had a show at third during one or two of the prac tice games with the American Giants and it's hard to tell which of the two seems, the best. For once in his life big Irve Higgin botham has no alibi for his defeat at the hands of the Giants. Irve was pounded for a dozen hits in a recent game and the Giants won by 4 to 2. This was especially unfortunate, as it was the second practice game that rfiggtnbotham has lost since he has been with the club. Irve was in good condition and had his speed ball work ing In good shape, but the negroes were eating speed the day Higgin botham took the box and they pounded the sphere hard and often. "Anyway," says HIgginbotham, "that game showed me that I could go a full nine innings and that I am in condi tion to pitch the opening game for the Beavers next Tuesday." . Carisch declares that he Is in good condition and, with the exception of a little excess weight, will be In fine form when the season opens. His playing during the practice games seems to in dicate that Carisch'B own estimate of himself is in no way overstated. His throwing to catch baserunners has been good and he has been hitting the ball regularity. Portland players, especlaly the new ones, are eager to get back in their home city and play ball before fans at the northern end of the circuit. All of tbem are looking forward to a re turn to the old home and the new ones are now looking forward to the re ception of the Portland fans. Just what effect the Salt Lake cli mate will have on the members of the Portland club is a matter of conjecture between McCredie and the training squad. The report has been gener ally circulated that the high atmo sphere of the Mormon country is not entirely conductive to good breathing and the boys are wondering just now it will feel to play ball in that high country. - "Rube" Evans has practically been . selected to pitch the second game of the Pacific Coast series and Harry Krause will probably be sent In to nitch the third contest. Young pitch ers will then get a chance to work and Johnny Lush will pitch one of the Sunday games if he is in shape by that time. The worm 8 recora aupar plantation con tains 13.000 .acres, has 30 mile of railway a 1 11 ruhinla . aiiiA ciumj. .Hi a a-- MULTNOMAH TEAM WINS CLUB TRACK SftUAD DISPLAYS STRENGTH AGAINST COLUMBIA College Boys Get Only Three First Places In Meet Bach Say Oregon and Aggies Are Due for Surprise. Multnomah Club's track and field athletes took the dual meet from the Columbia University warriors in the coliseum of the univ?rsity yesterday, 60 io 35. Walter Hummell, of Mult nomah, was high-point man, with 18 points, while his teammate, Magone, was second with 10. The meet was held to give the man agers and coaches of both teams a line on their prospects for the 12th annual indoor meet at the Columbia University- April 10. Manager Bach, of the collegians, was well pleased witn the showing of the athletes, consider ing the fact that this was the first real workout that has been possible. "Oregon Agricultural College and the University of Oregon are in store for a surprise when they meet the Aiuitno mah Club rerjresentatives," said Man ager Bach last night, "for tho club team was in great condition when It defeated our boys." Columbia captured three first places and the relay. In the shotput "Duke" Devonshire took first honors from George pnilbrooK, captain of the winners. Devonshire put the 12-pound shot 40 feet t incnes. while Cantaln Philbrook placed the 16- pound affair 38 feet 4 inches. Malone and Schmitt were tne oniy oiner i-u lumbians able to take first places in events. The dark horse of the meet was HuKhie McKenna. the liJ-pouna all-star quarterback on tne ivn iooi- ball team, who ran third in tne mile. Following is the summary: r.n.vorfl daah. Flthlan (M.) first; Hummel (M.), second; Jordan (M.l, third; time. 05 4-i). Shot nut. Devonshire (C). first, 12-pound siot. 40 feet, 7Vk inches; Philbrook (M.). second, 18-pound shot, 38 feet, 4 Inches; Sharp (O, third, 12-pound, 37 feet, S Inches. 50-yard hlgn nuraies, xiuiumeii ja., Magone (M.). seoond; Malone (C), third; time, :06 4-5. aitn....a uiinimal 1 fM i. first: Wells lO. and Masterson -(C), tied for second; :24. 440-yard, Schmitt C). first; Wlllett (M.), second; Cussenhoven (C), third; time. :55 2-5. , 880-yard. Malone (C), first; Barndollar (M.), second; Wlllett (M.), third; time. 2:14 1-5. Mile, Barndollar (M.l, first; aicivay second; McKenna (C), third; time, 5:05 1-5. Pole vault, Hoiaman l.ivi.1, ana Jjeunu (M.. tied for first; Magone (M., third; 11 feet, G Inches. Broad jump, Hummell M.), first; Bob Malarkey (C), second; Magone (M.), third; 11) feet, 8 inches. High Jump, Magone (M.). first; J. Mur phy and Riggs tied for second; 5 feet, IS inches. Relar won by Columbia University (Ma lone. Wells, Masterson, Schmitt); time. 1:40 i-o. KIRCHER, CATCHING, LEONARD'S GO-STAR Utility Player Dons Pad and Saves Game With Unassist ed Double Play in Tenth. "TINY" WINS IN 12 INNINGS KILLILAY IS RELEASED HANDSOME JACK DECLARES OAKS DIDN'T TREAT HIM FAIRLY. Recruit Pitcher Shuts Out Negroes and Beavers Take Contest, 1 to 0, AVlth All Sorts of Spectacular Features in Final Fray. FRESNO, Cal., March 28. (Special.) George Kircher, a new utility out fielder of the Portland club, who wore the windpad today, pulled an unassist ed double play at third base, the first of Its kind known to Portland basebal. players. This was but one of the many features of a 12-innlng l-to-0 victory for the Beavers over the American Gi ants in their final game, which gives Portland the series, 4 to 2. It was in the 10th Inning that Kir cher pulled the game out of the fire with his unique double out. Francis was on third with one out. With Ball batting, Foster signaled for the squeeze play. Francis left third at Leonard s delivery, dashing for the plate. Ball connected with the ball, but it was a low foul down the third-base line. Kir cher smothered the ball on the dead run and continued his race to third base, planting both feet squarely on the sack, Stnmpf Breaks Up Game. In the pouring rain Portland scored the winning run at the opening of the 12th inning with none out. Derrick slammed a long hit to left field. Under ordinary conditions Hill would have made a putout. After a long run back ward he thrust up one hand and stabbed the drive. The ball was wet and it slipped from his grasp, bouncing against the fence. Doane dumped down a bunt Ball fielded and threw to Fran cis, but Derrick slid in safe. Stumpf broke up the game with a long, low single to left. Among other features. Tiny Leonard comes in for a good lot of the credit for winning that ball game. This is the first time this year that Leonard has gone a full ni ie innings, let alone 12 During the 12 innings Leonard al lowed but seven hits, and in only one frame the third did the opposition gather more than one hit. Five double plays three by Portland and two by the Giants also went to make up the entertainment of the af ternoon. These plays came right at critical points in the game, when a bobble would have meant a run for either team. Fielding Is Brilliant. . niotv nf brilliant field ing plays and they were confined to fly balls. Davis DroKe in wh.ii vwu. first was a line drive from Hutchison's w-a. V. I .. V. l,A .ndarcal With IITlft hand. In the sixth Davis went back for a Texas leaguer hit by Mc-Nair. as no reached for the ball his heel caught and he toppled backward, squeezing the ball as he fell, however. In the first of the 12th Doane DacKeo up b'' the right field fence and picked off a fast drive. In the ninth inning McNatr made a beautiful catch of Derrick s slow drive to right. The score: . . . I Dnr.lanri American uiui .BHOAEj BK OAE Barber.l.. 4 16 1 O pavis.8. . . 1 3 10 Hill 1 5 2 5 0U;Speas,m.. 4 13 10 Duncan.m 5 1 S 1 0Derrick,l . 4 1 6 10 McNair.r. 4 13 0 O Doane.r. . . 4 1 2 0 0 Santop.c. 5 0 6 1 0 Stumpf.2. . 5 1 1 4 1 Hutchrn.s 5 0 8 4 0 Murphy.... 4 2 2 6 1 Francis... x v x,.... , : Ball.p 4 12 2 0Lonard,p. 4 10 7 0 Totals 40 7 38 12 o Totals. 38 10 26 20 2 None out when winning run scored. Amern Giants. .0 000O0O000000 Hits 10 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 . foruana, YV.,;X;.iV. in WitH Ulijaxwawii- T..n Trrlck. Unassisted double. Kircher. Struck out. by Leonard 3, by Ball -!. Base on balls. Ball 1. Three-base hit. Murphy. Two base hits. Duncan, li.ircner. opens. Francis, Leonard, Derrick. Sacrifice hits. Mcxsalr, aierricK. wuuuie iaji xi.,Pr,v,v trt nerrlck: Duncan to Santop; Speas to Derrick; Ball to Bauchman; Kircher UnaSSISleO. -tilt UJ ytui, i,aMiI., y Leonard. Stolen bases. Barber, 1-rancls, Murphy. Time, 1:40. Umpires, Coltrin and Evans. KAIX HALTS SEALS-' PRACTICE Game With White Sox Given Vp and Final Work Will Be Held Today. oxt TrniVfTfirfl fnrrh 28. (Sne- -CTn.U n allnnarv InftalH thflt Ten- l.lttj.' I'll" n 1 1 1 ' J . . . . - - dered any sort of a baseball exhibition absolutely out ot tne question, narrj Ti',i nnllA nff 4,a, a,.hrl 11 lad afternoon contest today with the White Sox and contented hlmseir witn a gen eral workout for his men dust barely enough to limber them up and keep them in good shape and spirits. rT' 1 Canlc, maratu InVAll II t 1 U t 1 !! 1 1 tl the afternoon, although late in the day they naa a rainy guoo. Daiuns pmtuue. The San Francisco squad will have an early forenoon workout Monday. n-.,IAv rh-iaHan haa li("M1 VUll nArmiS- .. : . 1 I. '. t l"Vi la 11 T, thfl S1UI1 III "aic aaao umiu v m. - .. diamond between 1 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon, to accustom them to the con ditions they will have to face during Twlrler Declares He Could Win With Club Which Wonld Make Fen Rons. Seals Then Sign Him. SAX FRANCISCO, March 28. (Spe cial.) Jack Killilay, Oakland pitcher, to whom the management gave an un conditional release today, may find a berth- with the Salt Lake club. Before the Mormons departed for home Blarlk enship declared he would like to sign Killilay, but that he couldn't see his way clear to pay a purchase price. The Seals signed the slender twirler tonight. At that. Handsome Jack received a decidedly rough deal from the Oakland club. The club and the player couldn't come to terms as to salary and for the nnst month it has been generally un derstood he would not be a member of the team. The Oaks couldn't dispose of him by sale, and for all that they have held fast to him. Killilay naturally resents the way he has been treated, and so expressed himself. "With a club making a few runs be Vifnfl me" he said. "I could win: but there wasn't a chance with Oakland last season." Cards' Bespectacled Pitcher Loses. ST. LOUIS, March 28. After pitching six scoreless innings, Lee Meadows, the St. Louis Nationals' new and Despec tacied pitcher, gave way in the sev enth, granting the Americans four runs In that inning and one in the next. His team scored only two throughout the game. Score: R. H. E.! IS. H. E. Americans .5 10 4National ..2 5 1 Batteries Weilman and Agnew; Meadows and Snyder. t. ! aatlnmtad that if the oceans evap orated they would yield about 4,300,000 cuoic mllea of bait. r ' T omranr? -miw W -., .IL xJ .- . TOE TURKISH CIGARETTE MURADS, The Turkish Cigarettes, 15 cents," are BET TER in EVERY WAY than many cigarettes you pay 25 cents for. Made of better tobaccos, costing more to manufacture. Richer in satisfaction and in" class. With more "life", more sparkle, . more substance. Not a "little better", not "perhaps better" but so MUCH better, that you will feel like having yourself locked up for cheating yourself and then go your own bail to get out and smoke a JViuraa. ri smoke a JViuraa. a g S . iiakmrm of tha Hifhaxt Xjri1a Bu JS Turkish and Egyptian J Cigarette in tha World. ( ' CE rl the week to come. Wolverton granted the request as it will not interfere in any way with his own programme. SALT LAKE FAN'S AMAZE HAP "Great Snakes," Veils Hogan, When He Sees Big Crowd at Prnctice. SALT LAKE. Utah, March 28. (Spe cial.) The biggest crowd that ever at tended a ball game in Salt Lake saw this afternoon's practice between Blan- , .... ,i 1 1 ii r- nrvrt m norm rf RtrlnKerS. tvciii-iii,' a ivbui.1 . The latter were aided by several local players. The score was to o ior me regulars. Daddy Kohrer hit two home runs and a triple and Barbour hit a homer. Both were on the Yannlgan side. Hogan was almost struck dumb when he saw the size of the crowd. "Great snakes." quoth "Happy." "and all them for a workout?" The Tigers arrived rlght-slde-up this afternoon and will work out tomorrow morning. RAIN' PCTS FIELD IX SHAPE Downpour at Los Angeles Just Right for Grounds for Opening Day. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. March 28. (Special.) Rain spoiled today's game .... ika whit Km Goofs and Angels, and both teams put In the time loafing around tneir noiem or . house. The Angels are all redy to MEVES RESTAURANT 6th and Washington Streets. Two entrances 311 and 313 Washington and 110 6th St. Portland's Popular Restaurant, Seating Capacity 350 SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE For Breakfast we serve an excellent 20c and 25c Club Breakfast. For Lunch we serve the best noon lunch, 25c; none better on the Coast. In the Evening All Roasts, 20c; Plain Steak, 25c; Sirloin, 40c; Tend erloin, 45c; T-Bone, 50c. Our regular Sunday Chicken Dinner 50c best in the city. Call and see us, we will please you. start the season, Wolter. the laft man to report, showing up yesterday in niie condition. Dillon says there will be no more changes nc;w, aside from Retting sm other pitcher from the Sox, until the time comes for cutting aown. McCredie and his lienvers lire ex pected here tomorrow resdy to open the season Tuesday. After the hird ..n..a. r U'aahlit"lnn Pnrk. today's downpour was r'atlier welcome, as It put the grounds In mucn oetier snaps uu hardened down the soft spots. Mrs. Digits At our club in.i i.1114 ims afternoon .Mrs. Brayton read one of her unpublished poems. Mr. Dinnrs And wliut did you do? Mrs. Dings Just to take her down a peg 1 read one of my untried recipes for Hungarian jroiilasli! tih Ik Radnor )R We'll UnboxThe "RADNOR" anewArrow Collar April is . V-HiCv .. if ii'r.vAV'VT' -y. Pi Latest Eastern Novel ties in Footwear for .Men $4.00 $5.00 ICE SKATING B.wlnhNI.Mv.r, taaaa - LADIES 25c LciUm' Nkaift for Knt, 4 iCK IUlfOlHO.UX.