ttte aronvnro oregoxiait, satubpat, marcti 57, idis. RELIEF0F2.500.000 FRENCH ATTEMPTED Work to Be Taken to Occupied Territory Near Belgium by Commissions. EXPENSE IS PROVIDED FOR Germany Gives Sympathetic Support and French Benevolence Is Hot Lacking, so Appeal to World Is Xot Contemplated. LONDON", March 26. Herbert C Hoover, chairman of the American Commission for Relief in Belgium, who returned to London from Paris today, announced that tiie negotiations for feeding 2,500,000 French civilians who are behind the German lines have been completed. The arrangements were settled between Mr. Hoover and French delegates from the north, whom the Germans permitted to -Journey to Fans by way of Switzerland to attend the conference. For the past two months the Cora mission has been reluctantly extending the distribution of relief farther and farther southward from the Belgian frontier Into France and for the past month has been feeding over 500.000 French persons between Maubeuge and ' Sedan. Supplies Already Bought. In anticipation that arrangements would be made which would meet with the approval of all parties, the Com mission already had bought additional supplies. These are now arriving in Rotterdam, and the people of Lille, Cambral and other cities in this part of France will be relieved within the next few days. The condition of these people, chiefly women and children, is desperate. Old ase and Infant mor tality has Increased with extraordinary rapidity under the very restricted sup ply and the coarse character of the food available. "The French government," said Mr. Hoover, "was unable to come to the assistance of these unfortunate people, so the commission arranged a series of banking credits pn behalf of the vari ous communal authorities which are cut off from the rest of the country ty the German army. Sliaimiun Ration Estimated. The French delegates estimate that. In addition to such stores as still re main, they can keep their people alive on a ration of six and one-half ounces of flour, one ounce of beans, one ounce of rice and one ounce of bread a day, together with a sufficient supply of condensed milk and cocoa for extreme ly young children. "The total cost is estimated at from $2,500,009 to 13.000,000 a month, and the commission is now in a position to say that It can see its waj- clear to carry on this work for the next two months. The work of distribution in Northern France will be accomplished by an extension of the organization al ready existing In Belgium. "The commission is establishing four principal warehouses at provincial renters, from which the foodstuffs will be distributed to arrondissement ware houses and the system operated as in Belgium, the warehouses and transpor tation being under the supervision and rontrol of American members of the commission and the financial measures under a French committee. Appeal to World Nat Intended. "The German government has given . I ...... . . crmna t hot t GlinlUtrt tO IIIO liruMDBI J J ... i. ....... m- f , - . the work and there is no lack of ben evolence among the rrencn in ineir desire to assist their own people. The commission does not intend to appeal lo the world for help in this French problem, but feels confident that it ran carry the load by means of the machinery which has just been set up. "The direction of the whole organiza tion in Belgium and France remains under the control of Thomas Connell. former manager of the Brussels-street railway. Ginord Pinchot has Joined the commission as a member and will take charge of on of the sections around Lille. With tho conclusion of this arrangement regarding Franca, between 900,000 and 1,000,000 persons will become dependent on the Ameri enn commission for their daily bread." I schemes, according to evidence brought to light in court yesterday. . 1.1., i ...iiuui ; a letter xmg yiauB n cic HiinJ'.vu ... written by C. W. French to Charles A. Allsky. The letter was brought into Circuit Judgo Kavanaugh's court yesterday and introduced as evidence in the suit of J. O. Storey to force pay ment of a $15,000 check. The check was written in November, 1B12. by C. W. Denicke, payable to C. W. French. It passed through several hands, and was finally indorsed by Mr. Alisky and paid to J. O. Storey. Mr, Storey presented it at the Chicago bank on which it was drawn and. was refused payment, according to tho allegations in the complaint. Mr. Storey then sued Mr. Alisky for the money. Answering the eomplaint. TV". M. Gregory and F. M. Cutler, attorneys for Mr. Alisky, charged that there had been a deliberate attempt to defraud Mr Alisky by drawing him Into pro motion schemes. Mr. Alisky said that . . . . - , ,l. . i e: n Alt S0v0 had oeen paio on m ,.w.v check. He further alleged that he had been induced to subscribe to $1,000,000 worth of stock in the company Mr. Denicke and Mr. French had promoted, and that he was going to give some valuable coal land in payment for part of the stock. Furthering his charge of attempt to defraud him, Mr. Alisky introduced the letter in which Mr. French spoke con stantly in terms of millions. PARADE OF TOTS TOPIG PART SCHOOLS ARE TO PLAY IX FESTIVAL IS DISCUSSED. 4000 Drilled Children to March on East Side Streeta and Methods of Care Are Outlined. Determination to make the children's parade at the P.ose Festival this year the best held yet was evidenced at tne meeting held Thursday, night In the East Portland Library, which was attended largely by principals and teachers and directors of the Rose Festival Asso ciation. O. M. Hummer, in charge of the parade, addressed the meeting, in which he said that the parade will be held on Grand avenue and that about 1000 chilaren will take part. He asked for an expression from the principals and teachers. Professor Whitney, of Ockley Green School; S. U. Downs, principal -of Eliot School, and others responded, in which they pointed out the need of prompt care oi ine cim dren who take part. George L. Baker, who managed the Rose Festival last year,- made an earnest talk in behalf of the paraae, in which he said that the people of Portland eould not afford to let the children's parade drop out, in view of the many visitors expected. Mr. uaier said F. W. Hild, general manager of the street railway company, had prom ised that the children will be trans ported with the least possible delay. Jacob Kansjer told of tho decorations that are to be made. S. C. Pier said that the East Side will be provided with music and that a music stand will be built on East Alder and Grand ave nue, where concerts will be given dur ing the Rose Festival. Mr. Pier said that the children's parade was admit ted to be one of the most interesting features of the Festival and urged all principals and teachers to co-operate to make It a success. Mrs. Williams, president of the Woodlawn Parent Teacher Association, said the associa tions will assist in taking care of the children. Robert Krohn. who will have charge of the drilling, outlined some of the features to be introduced. He said that it was planned to use the rose exten sively in the marches. Mr. Plummer asked the principals and teachers to appoint their commit tees early, to start preparations for the real work." The Teachers' Coun cil also will assist, L. M. Lepper, who presided, said that the East Side Busi ness Men's Club will aid in every way possible. LABOR NOMINATES 5 One to Be Indorsed Candidate for Council in June. SEVERAL DECLINE TO RUN MUSICIANS' HEAD VISITS J- runk Carotlicrs, National President of Federation, Guest of Unioue. Frank Carriers. National president of the Aineritan Federation of Musi cians, arrived in Portland Thursday on his tour of inspection of the 83 local unions. An Informal reception was held in Ahe afternoon at the local's headquarters, 12S Fourth street. The reception was followed by a i inner last itiffht at the Hainbow frriU. Mr. Carothcra will make an address today at noon to the local musicians at the headquarters. Mr. Carothers was elected president 1tt year. The federation represents about 70,000 members. Mr. Carothers will leave for Seattle this afternoon. ALLEGED SWINDLER WINS A'ow Trial Granted Man Wlio Began Serving Sentence to ave Time. LOS ANGELES?. March 26. The Dis trict Court of Appeals cranted a new trial Sunday to James W. Byrnes, al leged head of a National swindling ring, who started last year to serve a 10-year sentence in San Quentin for grand lar ceny, in order to lose no time if. his appeal should be denied. Byrnes was accused of swindling G. P. Kriesx. an Illinois farmer, out of more than 95000 through a fake horse race. The court held that Byrnes' alibi was not disproved. ESTATE IS TAXED $313,615 Widow of JIU-liard W bears Mn.t Pa; on $13,000,000 Inheritance. CH1CAOO. March ;S. An inheritance -tax of $313. 15 must be paid by Mrs. Annie E, Sears, widow of Richard W. Sears, according to a court order en tered today in Lake County. Mrs. Sears was the sole legatee of the 116, 000. 000 estate left by her husband, who died last September. FRAUD SCHEMES . BARED Finn to Invest S5,000,O0O in Ger man Capital Revealed. A plan to bring the German Kaiser's elder half-brother to Portland to In Test nearly $55,000,000 fell through in 1S12, together with many promotion E LAW IS IN EFFECT HOW TO EXFOBCE ORDI.VAXCK GOV. ' ERXJNG WORKDKJf FIZZLE. Scale of Pay I to City's la Pro. vlded for Contracts and Muat Remain Same. Portland's new minimum wage and eight-hour day ordinance governing all workmen on municipal contracts went Into effect yesterday without the officials who are to enforce it knowing how it is to be enforced. A number of points in regard to the operation of the measure are uncertain and proba bly will remain so until City Attorney LaRoche completes an opinion. The ordinance requires the insertion in every municipal contract of a pro vision to the effect that the contracter will pay the workmen employed the same scale of wages as is paid by the City of Portland for similar work. The principal change this will make is raising the scale of wages of laborers from 13. 25 and 82.50 to $3 a day and the increasing of the wages of some classes of skilled laborers. It reouiros also that the eight-hour day shall be observed and that con tractors shall give preference in all work to local workmen. In the event that outside labor (s employed the city must be notihed and the Council has the option of canceling tha contract. Contractors and city officials are considerably puzzled over the wage part of the measure. It provides that the scale of wages in effect at the time the contract is entered into shall pre vail during tho life of the contract. It is a serious question when the contract is entered into under the eity's plan. In the case of sewer and street im provement contracts bids sometimes are submitted weeks before the eon tract Is signed. Contractors say it is unfair to require theni to bid on work when the Council has the right without, notice after the bid has been submitted to change the scale of wages. The con tractor in submitting bids is forced to accept the contract if it IS given him by the Council. 40 INSURANCE AGENTS JOIN Organization Is to Aid in Work of Fire Prevention. Forty fire insurance agents met at the Haselwood Keetaurant at noon Thurs day to form a permanent organization and to work in commotion with the tire prevention campaigns now being conducted. Harvey Wells, state insurance com missioner., strongly urged that people be encouraged to support Chief Stevens in his work to prevent (Ires. He sug gested that a series of prizes ba offered to school children for essays on fire prevention with the idea of Instilling the spirit. The organisation will meet ach week. Kobbery In Seattle Reported. After trailing George Marencovich and Nick Jacobs from Seattle, John Kezicb and Jack Servlch reported to tha police Thursday night that the men had robbed a companion of $75 in Seattle Wednesday night an induced Patrol men Kltngensmith Bn6 Young to arrest them for Investigation. The Seattle man was robbed, it is said, while he was asleep in a rooming-house. Georgo Ij. Baker, William Elliott, A. W. Lafferty, J. D. M. Crockwell and Oscar Home Chosen by 200 at Iibor Meeting. Five labor candidates' for City Com. missioner were named at a mass meet ing in Library Hall Thursday night. Tha five are George L. Baker, William. El liott, A. W. Lafferty, J. D. M. Crockwell and Oscar W. Home. One of these will be the indorsed candidate of organized labor at the city election in Juue. About 200 attended the meeting, and for a time nominations came thick and fast. Each nominee had a long string of seconds, and each second had some thing to say. Eugene E. Smith, presi dent of the Central Labor Council, oc cupied the chair, and Ed J. Stack, secre tary of -the State federation or wnor, assisted him.. R. C. Clyde Declines. Several were nominated who declined to run. One was Ralph C. Clyde, ex- Councilman, who had written a letter beforehand declining the nomination of the labor party. Mr. Baker was nominated by Vice- President Tucker, of the Central Labor Council, and it took 15 minutes for his supporters to get through seconding his nomination. Ex-Congressman Lafferty was nominated by C. N. Rynerson, editor of the Labor Press. William Elliott, ex-City Engineer, had written a letter to the effect that he would not run ior office unleES he received the indorse ment of organized labor. Oscar W. Home, member of the Leg islature, was in Montana, but sent word by fellow-members of the bricklayers' union that' be would run if they wanted him. J, D. M. Crockwell, an electrical worker, and J. B. Ziegler were the other nominees finally voted on. One Nominee Eliminated. There were six nominees before the meetine- and onlv five were wanted. It was necessary to eliminate one. This was done by ballot, jsacn union man nresent voted for one nominee. The five highest would be retained; the low est would drop out. There were 163 votes cast. George L, Baker received 6, YVflliam Elliott, A. W. Lafferty 29, J. D. M. Crockwell 1, Oscar W. Home 12, and J. B. Ziegler 6. The vote eliminated Ziegler. The five names will be submitted to a referendum of the Central Labor Council, and one will be selected to run for one of the two commissionerships to be filled. Ballots will be distributed among the various union locals today or tomorrow. LADY PAGET l DEAD TYPHI'S FEVER IN EKBIA IS CAISE, BERLIV HEARS. Victim fa Believed Daughter of Ameri can Wife of Commander of Mili tary Force in Ireland. BERLIN, aiarch 26.-(By wireless to Sayville, N. Y.) Lady Paget, chief of ..i-- T,..:.t..L. T ...4 r,raa micuiiin in ierhlft. mC DlliL9U 19U . w .J.. . . . - . " '"V" ' is reported by a Serbia daily newspaper to nave oiea iruiu opuvi-cM ijtiiuo ....... , according to a news item given out to day by the Overseas News Agency. The only Lady Paget who has teen mentioned in connection with relief work during the present war is an American-born woman, the wife of Gen eral Sir Arthur H. Paget, commander of the forces in Ireland. This Lady Paget was the daughter of the late Paran Stevens, of New York. At the outbreak of the war Lady Paget was chairman of the American Womcn'j war relief fund in London. Recently General Paget had been on an official mission in the Balkans. LOWELL, Mass., March 26. The Ber lin dispatch telling of the reported death of Lady Paget, in Serbia, is be lieved here to refer to Lady Ralph Paget, a daughter of General Sir Ar thur jr. Paget, commander of the forces in Ireland. Mrs. George V. Richardson, of this city, a cousin of Lady Arthur Paget, said tonight that the latter had not been in Serbia, but that her daughter hsd been engaged in relief work in that country. HISPANO SOCIETY ELECTS H. C. Inwards Chosen President and Miss NccJey Secretary, . Officers for the ensuing year of the ociedad Hispano-Americana de Ore- eon were elected at the second meeting of the organization in the Central Pub lic Library Thursday night. More than 55 persons interested in the study of tne Spanish language and countries made application to Join the society. Antonio Rafael Vejar, ex-Consu( of Chile in Portland, gave a lecture on "An American Ideal," which was de livered in Spanish. Miss Maxine Hem bree was to have rendered a sqIo, but this was postponed until the next meeting, which has been set for next Thursday night. The officers elected are: H. C, Ed wards, president; Paul Turner, vice president; Mrs, Sanford Smith, second vice-president: Miss P. Neeley, secre tary; Miss Wjnnifred Ralston, assist ant secretary; Charles Stout, treasurer. and Professor A. R. Vejar, librarian. BOYS FACE THEFT CHARGE I -at! s May Be Released if Aid Is Given in Hunt for Cache, Wilber and Ward Welter, two youths said to have been associated with Vic tor Heckner in the robbery of 7 Fort land residences, were arrested at Tygh Valley, Or., Thursday by Detectives Coleman, Snow, Gojtz and Abbott and were brought to Portland last night to assist in the location of the stolen prop erty, The boys are under parole from the Municipal Court. While no prom ises have been mad to them, it is understood that they will be released from the larceny charge ur.der which they are held if they aid the police in finding tho property. The detectives yesterday located a quantity of silverware alleged to have been stolen by the boys. MOVIE AUTHORITY HERE Orrin G. Cocks Approves Portland Plan of Censorship, "Cpncentrated authority in the cen soring of motion pictures is a good idea," said Orrin G. Cocks, advisory secretary to the National Board of Cen sorship of New York, who arrived in Portland Thursday. "The method of having a group of seven people rep resenting public opinion is a wise way to handle the situation, and it ia more apt to be bandied satisfactorily in this way than in any other. The plan of San Francisco, Los Angeles. Memphis and other cities I - have visited, where tho authority is concentrated in only two or three people, is not wise, in my opinion. I am not in favor of the Chi cago system, where ten paid censors under civil service censor the films, especially when the censors are not representative. The censors -are apt to allow themselves to become narrow. They cater to the esthetic tastes of the 'better class, forgetting that the tired workingman comes to the motion-picture show for reaction and thrills." Mr. Cocks declared that any board of censors which is active and perma nent must represent all the people. He said that the more the censors know of the psychology of the mass of the people, the more apt they are to be liberal in the censoring of films. He said of the National Board: "The National Board of Censors aims to es tablish a moral minimum for the whole country. Each city knowo and under stands its own needs the best and therefore should have tha right to use its own judgment in deciding what is best for the public" NUMBER IN HITED STATES IS PLACED AT 38,708,141. Statistic Compiled for 1914 Show In. crease Over 1913 of 763,078. Distribution Itemized. NEW YORK. March 17. The grand to tal of membership in all religious bodies of the United States is 38,708,141. These figures were given out recently by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, which has Just finished its compilation of statistics for the year lull. The figures show an increase over the 191S total of 763,07. The new members added during the year were enough to balance all losses by death or any other cause and to run ahead of old records by 750,000. This is an average increase of 1 per cent for each organization. Christian or non-Christian. The tables prepared by Dr. H. K. Carroll, and issued by tho council show the distribution itemized below. Where a church has divided, as in the case of Northern and Southern Methodists, all divisions of the original organiza tion are included: Baptists gained 132,125; Eastern orthodox churches, 36,500; the Roman Catholic Church, 136,850; the Lutherans, 66,248; the German Evangelical Synod, representing the State Church of Prus sia. 29.315; the Methodists, 231,460; the Presbyterians, 66,019; the Protestant Episcopal Church, 26,641. The Protestant Episcopal Church has crossed the 1,000,000 line, having gained 86,468 since 1910, and more than 300.600 since 1900. The Roman Catholic Church has gajned nearly 1,250,000 since 1910 and more than 5,500,000 since 1900. The Methodist Episcopal Church, the second largest .denomination, has gained nearly 700,000 since 1900. The 30 churches, constituting the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, report, as will be seen, nearly 17,500,000 members, some what less than half of the aggregate for all denominations, with 103,000 ministers and nearly 139,000 churches. These bodies have a net increase of more than 500,000 members, or more than two-thirds of the entire increase of all bodies. Nine denominations have 1.000,000 and upward Roman Catholic, 13,794, 637; Methodist Episcopal, 3.603,265; Southern Baptist, 2.692,217; National Baptist (colored), 2,018,868: Methodist Episcopal, South, 2,005,707; Presby terian. Northern 1.442.498: Disciples of Christ, 1,363,163; Northern Baptist Convention. 1.23S.S23: Protestant Epis copal, 1,015,238. These denominations aggregate over 29,000.000 members, or more than threa-fourths of the entire aggregate of the 170 religious bodies. Effeets of the war on church mem bership through lessened immigration were probably quite small, as only the last five months of the year were in volved. The immigration of men to take part in the conflict would not be a very large factor for the same reason. The German bodies Lutheran, Reformed and the representative of tha Prussian State Church al show nn, usual gains for 19l4. The total increase-of ministers was 3212. which is unusually larire. while the total Increase of churches was 1441, which is unusually small. The Roman Catholic Church has en tered in- its totals for 1914 500,000 Ruthenians. These people have been comlna- to the United states for years. but figures have not before been avails able. . The council explains that its ngure for the Jewish congregations is far below the true one, which may be nearer 700. out) than tne iia,vvv reporteu. The Jews have no one central organiza tion from which reliable statistics may be obtained. BRYAN ASKS ABOUT INJURY Shooting of American at Bermuda Is Taken Vp With Britain. WASHINGTON. March 26. Acting on a reDort from the American consul at Hamilton, Bermuda, and inquiries by Counsel of George . .Montgomery, sec retary Bryan has written a letter to the British Embassy, formally asking for an explanation of the recent shoot. ing and wounding el Air. Montgomery by a British sentry at Hamilton The British Ambassador already has personally called at the State Depart ment to express his regret at the in cident and to promise any proper reparation after investigation, KAISER HAS NEW GRANDSON Second Son is Born to Formev Princess Victoria Luisc. LONDON. March 26. The Duchess of Brunswick, formerly Princess Victoria Luise, daughter of Emperor William, gave birth to a son today, according to a dispatch from Brunswick received by Reuter's Telegram uompeny Dy way oi .Vmsterdam. The marriage of Prince Ernest August of Cumberland and Princess Victoria Luise took place at Berlin, May 4. 1913. Their first son was Dorn March 18 of last year. m Or mm Double Stamps Today With 20 Extra Use the Coupon COUPON! KXTRA 0 Kring thla o o u p o n and get 20 extra "8. A H." Trading Stamps on your flrt 91 t'Mnh and douoie slumps on balance of purchase. Good on, first three floors today, March 27. is E M$l I 1 fefp Bat IP ls ifpglllj PAINTS AND VARNISHES SHOTS FIRED IN DOCK RIOT Several Badly Beaten In Fray at Taconia Caused by Strike. mtnnul t h Al rfh 26 -Three i ... - , - , . hundred striking 'longshoremen, strike breakers and sympathizers engaged in S. n L oil um inwi,- " " " at about midnight last night. Several shots were fired, Dut no one was mi. Two tnen ivera cut with rarors. Many wers badly beaten. The police used their night sticks freely and arrested a score of men. vhtrt-t was a sacred number amaas the ancient Mexicans. . To Clean V acb and GOING TO THE EXPOSITION? Expect to Write Home? Tak a 1.78 "Tourist Tablet With Yon nt SI. 11 StvaeUU WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN The New Combined Safety and Self-Filler, SZ.50 1 W1TEUJUX IDEAL HK. The Travelers Style. Containercantspill. 25c SPECIAL OFFER FOR TODAY Three Cakes Palm Olive Soap SO J Total One Jar Palm Olive Cream 6c 0c SPECIAL BOTH FOR 3it. FOR SPECIAL riRI'OSBS Sear-tiof" Waterproof Varnish for fur niture, one-half pint --3QC "Rexpar" outside varnish for doors ami windows, one-half pint. 4ur "Screen Enamel" black or green, one half pint .2ie Aluminum Paint for gas stoves ', water pipes, one-fourth pint 3UC Bicycle Enamel for autos and motor cycles, one-fourth pint - 2 "Flaxoap" for "cleaning without eating" all painted and varnished surfaces, one pound can 20c PAINT ADVICE CHEEBFl'llV CIVEW. CANDY SPECIALS l,t.u??.4o 'Easter Egg Candy, all colors, pound 25c Hand-Rolled Chocolates, special.. " Toasted Marshmallow, special Assorted Jelly Beans, pound hVc 25c Conservo Brand Preserves si? ISe Pimentoes, Spanish, two for. . j 26c Desseldorf Prepared Mustard.. ..... .lc Heinz" Baked Beans, all styles, ltc, 15e, 20e Hainz" Dill Pickles, tin cans Oc 20-CUT-GUSS BOWLS 20 vf itr I7f TO S7.50. . -. . -r-.--.i- 11,. Tlfn A Jft p This Kumoer vve -5 -t kLT YOU GET 8. H. GRKE TRADING fT.WM WITH Tlll'SB ritlCK. One-half dozen Olllrtte Blades 22$ One dozen Oillctte Hlades . . . . . . .'.7,5. One-half doaen Durham Duplex Blades t J Sl.f.0 Pearl Handle Knives j32 11.50 Pearl Handle Knives. i i K'.OU Ironclad Alarm. i-i S2 .iS Eiht-Iy lnti Clock Z't'l $!.; Junior Tattoo Alarm JJ-iJ Junior Tattoo Alarm if jll! Old ityle Rhzotb LAWN MOWERS .V. wheel, ball-bearing; regular "c $7.78 10, special v AM. LST YERH STOCK C.R DM ,rt.SE AT (l.L-FUI HTH OFF HECIUB PKlCt Grass Hook 23 Grass Shears 25 l.awn Mower Sharpener 'c BRISTLE GOODS 25 ScmKT 3 Hair Brushes. 13 and IB-row. genu- ine bristle, special 1. V" 75c Hand S. rub Brush 75c Hard Rubber Couibs XAi iOc Cloth Brushes. SiS 25c Tooth Brushes ' Military Hrnakra, Genuine Rntnn Brtsllei SO Pe' Cent DUcnunt. BATHING CAPS &. TOQUES A FULL LINE Green Bathing Cap. with lame yellow roue nnd two green tsusseia m1 Blue Cap with large yel low buckle In front and blue fringe SI Green Toques BOe Divers' Caps 354 Men's Skull Caps SOt DRUGS AND PATENTS 15c Domestic Ammonia 9 One pound Cascara Bark 5 One pound Senna Loaves 35e 25 pounds Kpsom Salts. .... .854 10c 'Boric Acid J 10c Sulphur J 10c Sodium Bicarbonate. , ... 7C 25c Witch Hazel J8 l!5c Rosa Water J5? 25c Spirits Camphor. 1 35c Bay Rum J.8C 25c Clarosan Powder Dlsin fectant $1 McArthur's Syrup WV phosphites $1 Ayer's Sarsapanlla. 50c Cham b r 1 ain'a Cough Remedy 25c Omega Oil. JX 60c Carles' K and B Tea. -iOC ?1 Page's Asthma Cigar- ettes. . .oe 50c Cutic'ura Ointment. 25c Musterole 1 Stewart's Dyspepsia Tabs. . 25 50c Cascarets .iiat BIG HANDBAG SALE PHnrnnRiPHifi nnNTEST I VMIHII .11. ww.. - Enter Your Best Pictures Regard less of Subject. First prize, $7.50 in cah Second prize, $5.00 in cash Third prize, $2.50 in cash Also certificates of merit for pictures receiving honorable mention. All pictures for, compe tition No. 1 must reach jia by April 10th. Full lnforroatiln la tha "Wood-Lark" Photo Bulletin. Phone us if - you have not re ceived one no charge. irnmitlll UIUrO At RedMOHl lYItUIWUML II IlltO rlV. t7e 41 7 G. WASHINGTON" COFFEE without the headache or lie awake has been demonstrated to thousands the past month. Today f LOSES THIS DBMONSTHVrlo. Come in and try iU oull not be ur-ed to buy. 75c Cresca Blanc C h o I ea Wines Jl Spanish Port, imported 1 Old Tom Martin Bour bon too Royal Sparkling Bur gundy B5c Rock, Rye and Tolu f: iioy xnreo-ovar Brandy f . !.!& Ouckenlielmer Ry...l. TOILET GOODS Preparation for the Uums Mary Harden Talcum.. t'oo Society II y glen I que Habv Poudre Lie Tslc. 50c l.a lilache Face Powder ::,c Peispl-No lit, two for 25o Rublfoam 25o Amoline 5o Vanline s K u t ch ban- dalwood Talcum 50c Stearns' J e r o kida Cream Krank's Lather Kreeni no hriiKh no soap no cup no rubMng. Ap ply and shave . . One pound Antiseptlo Tooth Powder no &ue :i.-o lRe 1HC ISO 290 25 25 Woodard, Clarke & Co., Alder St., at West Park 1 Fa,,,BM,-,i,nnnnMBnsaaiMaaM" - I GIRL HELD FOR TRIAL Accuser of Osborne Weeps and Refuses Comfort. MAIL MISUSE IS CHARGE Intimation Made That Government Will Investigate Attorneys for Dcrcnsc Made During Hear ing of Mies Tan seer. NEW YORK, March 26. Miss Rae Tanzer, .who Hied a 50,00 damage suit against James W. Ofcborne. ;A"'Bt: ant District Attorney of ew or alleged breach of promise to mrry. waa held Thursday for the action of I he grand Jury on the charge of using tha mails to defraud. u. MiFS Tanzer burst into tears when the Commissioner announced (lis de cision Her thrco sisters. Hose, Dora and Ruth, and David Blade, her law yer, attempted to cheer her. hut failed. " An intimation that the Government would investigate the Jaw firm of Blade & Siade. attorneys for the young wom an, because of certain features of the case, was made in tha course of the beCommissf9aner Houghton in "view- ... -t nninrl nut that it Itifj me leBiinwnj "-" showed that Oliver Osborne wears glasses, wjme jaraes v. v"iv " , not. He pointad out also that Miss Tanaer's writing on tho bail bond and that on the letters to Mr. Osborne, on which the fraud charge is based, were After'a watt of mora than four hours Miss Tanzer was released when Per bond of taOOO was renewed. ILLINOIS SOCIETY ELECTS Plans Discus&cd to Aid Stale Federa tion Provide Secretary. - nrl. j. H. McMenamiu - -- dent of the Illinois society oi v's"" Central Library Thursday night. As first vice-president Mrs. Eugene Bland was chosen, and George Kossmere was elected eecuim . , Mabel Uvesay was elected secretary Constipation. If vou are frequently troubled with constipation you should avoid strong cathartics, as they tako too much water out of the system and make a bad mat ter worse. The more you tako tha more you will have to take. You should take a laxative like (jnamuenain a i uiauo. They are mild and gentle, and when the proper dose is taken the effect la so natural that you can scarcely real ize that it was produced by a medicine. Druggists have them. Price 25 cents. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy "I really cannot praise Cham berlain's Cough Remedy too highly," says Samuel Sleepy, Terre Hill, Pa. This remedy is a favorite for coughs and colds in many homes where its good qualities are known and appre ciated. - and Miss S. Minzeumier will act as treasurer. An executive act with the officers was chosen. On this committee are Eugene Bland, C. U Burton, Mr. Clarno, Nell Spurck, Mabel Livesay and Miss Borland. Plans to aid the Federation of State Clubs in providing for a paid secretary to look after guests that come to the city this Summer were discussed. The society is also starting on a "rejuvena tion" campaign, and soon Intends to make a canvass for membership. The nevt meeting probably will be a social one, some time after the middle of next month. ENSIGN V. REXF0RD DIES Effort Is Made to locate Relatives of Oregon Pioneer of 18 IT. Ensign V. Ilexford, 243 -East Thirty sixth street, an Oregon pioneer of 1847, died Thursday at the age of 86 years. Ho is survived by two sons, Peter Ver non Bexford, of Portland, and John Bexforri, and three daughters, Mrs. Martha Derrick, Mrs. Ilanna Lloyd and Mrs. Annie Itoe. Tho Portland son has been unable to locate the other mem bers of the family. He believes they live near Corvallis. Mr. Rexford was born in Canada in 1830. Ho had lived on a farm near Corvallis. He was a veteran of the Indian wars of 3S55 and lHSS ami was Sheriff of Coos County some years ago. No arrangements for the funeral have been made. The Lcrch Undertak ing Company hus charge pf the body. REMARK BRINGS $22,500 Clin nee Vord Gets Verdict for Chi cagOHfi Hurt in Wreck. CHICAGO, March 18. A casual word to a lawyer gained a verdict for tit, 500 for Charles K, Bloomhuff a few days ago. On November IS, 11110, a mistake In signals caused a collision between a freight train and an express near In diana Harbor on the tracks of the Pittsburg, f ort Wayne & Chicago Kail way and of the Pennsylvania Company. Bloomhuff was employed by the com panies Jointly as engineer of the freight train. His arms were so hitdly broken In the wreck that he lost the use of both of them. "You have no case," a lawyer laid him. "Your injury was due to ths act of a fellow employe." On November 1, 1912, Bloomhuff was conferring with his attorney on Sony other legal business. By chance he mentioned his inability to recover dum ages for his Injury. "You hsvo a strong esse, the attor ney told him. "The Federal employee compensation act went Into efteet in July, IftlO. a few months befo-e yon were hurt. It was two days before tha two-yesr limit set by the Federal statute of lim itations, and the lawyer at once filed suit against tho railroads A Jury before Judge Burke In tin Superior Court returned a verdict for tho engineer for 22,0O. AERIAL ELOPER DIVORCED Woman Mas AccuM'd f l'lel an Aeroplane. NEW YOHK. March 11 lohn II. Roper, an aviator, has obtained St Midland, Texas, a ducrrc of divorce. He arrused hi ifc. Kfflo Kfcllfr Roper, of Canopus. near t.'armel, ol vln.lng in an aeroplane. Roper alleged that hen he last saw his wife xhe was Betting into an " piano on September SI. 1!!3. Rllh .lames T. Wilkr. mechanician. t Went Pauling. They left the machine at Jlilltown. nd then h lot track of ,hMrs. Roper, who is 24 years old. Is a daughter cf K. t.. Kadcllffe of Hlgh hmd Kslls. nop.r took UP !'!'; resi dence in Texas, where ie Is new flyins.. HUBBY USES CHAIR AS BED Wife Too Talkathe at Night, 1 Complaint In Phorco Cne. CIJCVKl.ANn. Mar. IT. Sleeping In a kitchen i-lmlr Is preferred by Ana.l" Valentino 12200 Mayfield rond. lo be ing kept awake, nights listening to his wife, Mrs. Hvlvfa Bondantl Valentino, talk, according to hi cro.-s-potltloil for divorce. .Mrs. Valentino sued her hu.-banl roi Hliinonv a week iigo. alleging he re fused to permit her to perform her household duties and pieferre"! to f p in s eliHir In the. VHehen. rifii U3I II If IS 0 Try Our One Dollar Sunday J Dinner Served From 5:30 to 9 You will vote it one of the best you ever tasled. Inpected meat, fresh ranch butter. Spring vegetable, deliciou home made pastry, etc. Attractive service by table maid. The Imperial Hotel Grill Weekday Lunch 12 to 2, 35c, 50c Weekday Dinner 5:30 to 9, 75c. Music