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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1915)
TTTE MORNING ORERdXTAX, SATURDAY, 3IARCIT 27, 1915. v Charge Purchases Today and balance of month are entered on April bills. Rendered May 1st The Wearing of Our "Silk Maid" Hose at $1 A Kite Free Today Given to every boy and girl, ac companied by parent, who visits our Toy Department today, a Scien tific Kite. Temporary Annex, Sixth Floor. Guaranteed Goodyear Garden Hose $4.73 Grade for $3.39 IF $3.99 IB67 n " Mean3 the best at a price but little more than the cost af the ordinary kind. They can be purchased only at Meier & Frank's. Portland women prefer them. Shown, in 40 different colors, black, white and new Spring shades included. If you wear them, you know their worth if you don't you should! First Floor, Stxth-St. Bids. Tm& Quality Store op Portland rtHK, 3xtl, "Morrlsoiv Aids- 3ta. 50-ft. length, inch, 9i inch. We have 5000 feet of Goodyear Cotton Hose, guaranteed, to be sold in 50-foot lengths, complete with couplings and a 40c spray nozzle. Temporary Aitarx, Third Floor. Saturday A 1 Kfmn f 18 Easter Neckwear For W omen-Some Reduced Prices $1.00 to $1.75 Neckwear for 69c A line of samples that we were fortunate in securing. Collars and Sets, right from St. Gall. New military styles, rolling collars, embroid- . ered in white and colors. Many in the new sand shades. Fashioned of organdy, batiste and chiffon. -3 x I 75c to $1.25 Neckwear 43c There are Guimpes, Vestees, the newest styles in Collars, in sets and separate. A great assortment that embraces' white, cream, ecru, black and jaunty black and white combinations. Fancy Ties, Neck Cords, 25c Silk cords, with fancy tasseled ends, and Silk Crepe Ties in a great variety of lovely colors. First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Children's $1.50 Dresses 98c A saving of 52c worth coming for, is it not? Made of white pop lin, buttonhole scalloped, side-closing, pleated skirts, small sailor col lar and side belt of plaids; or colored plaids with pleated skirts; prettily figured crepes with ruffled or pleat ed skirts and chambray and crash dresses in the newest shades. 2 to 6 years. Children's $2 Princess Slips, 2 to 8 years, 98 Second Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. That Easter Suit You)) Find It Here; Sp)endid in Design, Moderately Priced Whether you wish to pay $15 or $30 for a suit' this Spring it's here! Whether you have decided upon a plain tailored model or something more dressy it's here! Whether your predilection is for a silk or wool fabric if s here ! Whether you are the slen der type, medium or take an extra size it's here! Whether your taste runs to the sober in color, the light shades, smart black and white checks if s here! So before you decide ultimately on that New Easter Suit visit our Gar ment Salons. Suits are here at very moderate prices, 15, $17.50, S21.50, $22.50, $27.50, $25 and $30- Garment Salons, 4th Floor, 6th-St. Bide. Easter Corsets The "Madame Irene" Madame Irene designs her Corsets in conjunction with the greatest designers of women's apparel. Doucet, Paquin, Premet, Chcruit, Jenny, Callot and other as noted Paris designers work with Madame Irene; therefore her Corsets represent the correctness of line that is requisite for wearing the newest creations in women's dress. The exclusive women of Europe, as well as America, wear the Madame Irene. The new 1915 models have arrived. Made of imported coutil, batiste and lovely bro cades. They adhere closely to the prevail ing modes in corsetry, combined with ex clusive touches found only in the Madame Irene. Range of prices from 56.50 to $18. $6.50 to $10 Lace Front Fro- rV O Ok F" $3.95 Frolaset is the popular front-laced Corset, sold exclusively by us. This group is composed of models made of silk brocade and fancy coutil, in pink or white. Low bust, long-hip-styles. All sizes. Fifth Floor, Mith-M. UldK if Easter Shoes We are exclusive agents for J. & T. Cousins' Shoes for Women, French, Shriner & Urner Shoes for Men, J. H. Cramer Shoes for Misses and Children. New styles in Spring Footwear arriv ing daily! Women's Shoes in various styles at $3.00 to $7.50 Women's Pumps and Party Slippers $2.50 to $8.00 Misses' and Children's Shoes priced $1.00 to $3.50 Misses' and Children's Slippers and Mary Jane Pumps moder'ly priced $1.00 to $3.00 Men's Shoes, Oxfords, great variety $3.00 to $7.00 Boys Shoes, high or low cut, pair. . $2.00 to $1.00 Third Floor. Slxth-St. nidB. Easter Blouses Fashioned of lovely crepe de chine, voile, Georgette crepe, nets and laces. Plain tailored styles for wear with the street costume and elaborate styles for "dressy" wear. All with long sleeves, necks fashioned so as to be worn high or low. There's immense variety and the prices range from $6.50 to $25. Fifth Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. (Ci Pollyamia Grows Up" This new glad book of the series goes on sale today for the first time. Written by Eleanor H. Porter and priced at $1.25. Angela's Business by Henry Sydnor Harrison, author of "Queed," also makes its appearance today. Price S1.35. Bookstore Sixth Floor, Slxth-St. Bids Easter Gloves $1.00 Buy them at a saving today. Note these specials: Women's $1.75 to $2 Kid Gloves, the Pair at Trefousse French Kid Gloves of finest quality, 2 and 3-clasp style, in black, white, mode, champagne, dark brown, gray, slate and tan shades. Sizes 6V4 to 7. Women's $2.50 Long Cf PA Kid Gloves, Special at p A.OVJ White only, of imported skins, full 16-button lengths, in all sizes. Full line Pcrrin's Gloves, sold here only in Port land, for women, priced at $1.50 to $5.50. First Floor. Mlxlh-M. Bid. New Millinery for New Hats From Vogue, Burgesser, Knox, Hy land and Phipps. Easter New Hats From Vogue, Burgesser, Knox, Hy land and Phipps. Models of exclusive charm abound in our Millinery Salons. Marvels of daintiness exemplifying every accepted fashion touch for the present Eas ter season. And it goes without saying that at whatever price you choose you will secure a hat that is correct in fashion for a price that is unap proachable anywhere in Portland and to this statement we make no ex ception. See our Hats today at $5, $7.50, $10 and $15 You'll be astonished at the show ing and variety. Children's Millinery A special gathering of Hats suit able for girls of all ages. Dainty, girlish models for school or. dress wear. Priced from $2 up. . Second Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Dainty Neu Styles in Children's Easter Apparel Coats and Frocks in great variety in 2 to 14 and 13 to 15-year sizes. Coats at $6.95 All-wool checked fine Coats, belted, raglan back and sport coats, 6 to 15-year sizes. Coats at $5 Serge, diagonal, checks, taffeta and poplin Coats, high or low belts, 2 to 6-year sizes. Frocks $3.95 to $7.50 Smocked and jumper frocks in linens and ginghams, all new styles, 6 to 14-year sizes. Dresses at $7.50 Hand - embroidered linen and pique Dresses, imported models, sizes 8, 10 and 12 years. Coats at $10.95 Five models in serge and checked coats, 6 to 15 years, $10.95 Coats $10.95 to $25 Silk poplin and moire Coats, black and Belgian blue, $10.95 to Men's Suits for Easter Select your Easter Suit here from such famous makes as these. Adler-Rochester A. B. Kirschbaum Society Brand Washington Co. Hickey-Freeman New Spring models, every one. Prominent styles include the new English models with patch or regulation style pockets, and the always preferred box-back style. Best materials on the market, all-wool cheviots, tweeds, homespuns, cassimeres. serges and worsteds. A great variety of patterns to select from and models to suit every build. Come in and let our salespeople show you our great stocks. Price range, $15, $20, $25, $30 and $35. Consult the Fifth-street Windows for "Hints" of the Va riety You'll Find Displayed in Our Men's Section. Fifth Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Mens "Invincibtes" $16.50 Newest colors, newest materials, newest patterns and newest models "Invincible" Suits always $10.50. Men's Easter Ties 55c Without a doubt the greatest Four-in-Hand Ties ever of fered here at 55c- Buy liberally from this incomparable assortment. Beautiful crepe faille silk in the most wonderful array of colors and com binations ever shown in men's ties. The patterns represent the new scroll, fig ured, floral and Persian effects in colors that defy description. They're regular $1.00 shape ties, made with buttonhole stitching in back to. prevent tearing. Select your Easter Tie from this assortment. You're sure to get the "Right Thing." Mens No fade Shirts at 95c Every "Nofade" Shirt is guaranteed fast color if one should fade you re ceive a new shirt free. Your choice today at this reduced price of all the new Spring patterns and fabrics, with laundered or soft attached cuffs. Made of percales and madras, in stripes and fancy effects. Men's $2.00 Genuine Mocha Gloves, the I Men's $2.00 Tuxedo Shirts and white new gray shades, plain or f- E" I pleated bosom Dress Shirts, C") with black stitchings. Pair J 1 3U 1000 Shirts to be sold at. .P X.JV Men's Store, Temp. Annex. Slain Floor Men's $15 to $25 $Q O T Summer Suits for P7-0J Made of cheviots, worsteds, tweeds and cassimeres; English coats with patch pockets, semi-fitting coats with regulation pockets and box back coats, in a great variety of patterns and colors. All suits taken from our regular stocks because of broken lines of styles and sizes. 30 to 50 chest measurement. Your choice at $9.85. ill 11 J Temporary Annex, Seeond Floor. Easter Jewelry Bar Pins 50c Sterling silver, with black enamel ornamentation, very new and smart and just in. Lavallieres $1 Set with pretty stones in a variety of new designs. Worn on full-length chains. First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids:. Boys' "Samson" Suits $6.50 The best Easter Suit the boy can wear, for when you invest $6.50 in a "Sam son" Suit you re buying a "sure thing. TWO PAIRS OF PANTS WITH EACH SUIT GIVES DOUBLE SERVICE Sturdy all-wool cheviots, cassimeres and worsted weaves, in new Spring shades and patterns. Coats made in Norfolk style. Pants full lined, all seams taped, non-tear knee buckles. 5 to 18 years. REMEMBER A NEW SUIT IF ONE GOES WRONG Boys Norfo)k Suits at $5 Made of all-wool materials, two pairs of pants, full lined. 5 to 18 years. 'Sampeck, the ' Correct Posture" Suits, $7.50 to $15 Blue serges and cheviots, fancy mixtures with two pairs of pants, in a splen did assortment of colors and patterns 8 to 18 years. Boys' "Puritan" Tapeless Blouses, 5 to 16 years, 50 to $1.00 Boys "Collegiate" Shirts, two collars to match, 12 to 14 years, $1.00. Temporary Annex, Second Floor. 80c Palm Olive Combination 39c Saturday as a "wind-up" to our great Drug and Toilet Goods sale you may purchase 1 fifty-cent jar Palm Olive Cream and 3 ten-cent cakes Palm Olive Soap all lor 3J) 3oc .Rubber tx loves, Canthrox (Shampoo) . ..29 Mercolized Wax 59 6 packages S t e a r n's Cough Drops 10 Jad Salts 59 Hospital Cotton, full pound for 19 Sterilized Gauze, 5 yds. 27 seamless, pair 25 e "Rubbersef Tooth Brushes 19 75c Pinaud's Lilac Veg etal 59 $1.00 Pinaud's Eau de Quinine 69 25c William's Talcum Powder 10 10c Jergen's Old-Fash- ioned Soap 7 25c Sanitol Tooth Paste 16 15c Hiker's Tooth Pwd. 10 50c Sempre Giovine. . ..29 50c Java Eice Pwd.. . .39 First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids'. Souvenir Spoons f i Jersey Butter, Roll for 62c California " fs Washington Oregon ' JLvIv Missouri Each spoon sold with R. Wallace & Sons Mfg. Co.'s written guarantee. Get at least six each of these beautiful Spoons as gifts or for home use. More states will follow. First Floor, Slxth-St. Bide Hams, sugar-cured, well smoked and trimmed, the pound 16Vz0 Coffee, Victor brand, regu larly 35c, pound 29 Tomatoes, solid pack, No. 2 cans, 3 for 25rt Oranges, 250 size, doz. 100 Oranges, 216 size, doz. at only 12 $ Butter, the Royal Banquet brand, fancy Oregon make, the roll 15f Sliced Pineapple, Hawaiian, No. 2 cans, dozen, $1.40; can 12 Oregon Cheese, rich Tilla mook make, pound 20 Frankfurter Sausage, made fresh daily, the lb... 17': Pure Food C Cottage Hams, nearly bone less, about 4 lbs. each, the lb 13V4 Bacon, Kenton, sugar cured backs, in half strips, the pound 19 Bacon, streaked with lean, half strips, lb 23 f Preserves, Strawberry, No. 1 tall jars, fancy fruit 1 3 , Rtwnnt, Mxtn-M. nids. I