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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1915)
THE 3TORNIXG QREGOXIAN. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 19Ij- J 13 PORTLAND ABsT BAC.T OF TITLE KKKVU-E at reasuaabi. prlc-iS. Pacific Title 'Irust Co., 7 Ca. ot Com. .11 -'OIUIOJ. JMJiA'riM. itl ORDl'J.V knife and box pleating, nicot inic, liercstltrriin. braidinc. embroidering Eastern ore.ty MfJ. Co.. bo1, Oth su Mail orders promptly aticBdeJlo. K. STEPHEN Hemsiltchin and sraiioplug. accord, aide pleat, buttons covered, goodt sponged, mail orders. a&3 Alder. M. Hwid. AV-AYKKS AND AN AI-VrT. MONTANA A.S6AY OFKHE. 2d. Gold. liver and platinum pougrit. ATTORNEYS. LAWl'EU: consultation free. Main 4!fU3. u8 Polling bldg. 'HALL & FLEIDNEK, lawyers; consultations free. 20-o KUetlner buig. Mar. aovi CAKPET MKAVEKeS. SOKTHWtBT HUG CO. Kug from old car pets, ra; rues. IfcS East Mh. Both phones KUXLoio BUTTON!, BADOEet. THE IRWIX-liOUiiON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington M. Alain 312 and A. 1254. t'HIKOrOIJISTB. William Estelle and William. Jr.. Ueveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 3o2 Gorlinger Mi., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Msin 1301. KEV yrjKK graduate cl-lropoUist. manicur ist. 2H Macieay bids., 20 Wash. Mar shall S'JSO. CHIROPODY ami pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Oftlre Flle'ir'.er old::. Main 3473. I.K. tTHEL A. SACKV. naiuiess chiropodist, f.rnj Panama bids. Plione Main IM'US. t'HI-KO-PBACTIC PHVSUIAN. 1K. M'MAHON Is thoroueh. Chron'e cases. Taking time; 31 trea t ments $15. 121 4th. Poulbon. specialist in naral.vls. nervons, chronic diseases. 30u pittoclt blk. M. 8414. CLEANING AXD PRESSING. iRESsi frlT for rent. We press one suit each eK for si.oo per moniu. I NIQUE TAILORING CO.. SOT. pteik St.. bet. iith and Otli. Main 514. COLLECTION AGENCY. .CLAIMS of any description coIlec;ed percentage anywhere. Highest class refer- mi-el. The Harden Mercantile Agency, 4-H Henrv bldg. Phone Marshall 4Kv. A'-cuunta, notes. Judgments collected, "Adopt Short Methods." Short Adjustment Co., U'6 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main " COLLECTION AGENCY. ETH 41 CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1T116 No collection, no charge. Established 1000. AUTO AMI BUGGY TOPS. Hl'FRir.l.K BUGGY TOP CO.. 2U0 2d t. t BAGGAGE ( HKCKCI) AT HOME. Hapgase A omnibus Transfer, Park and -avls BREAD BAKERY. P.oal Bakery ic Conf., Inc.. 1 lth and Everett. BREWER AND 140TTLEKS. 11 E X P. V W EINHAKU. lUtli and Burnglde. ( ASI ARA BARK AM) CKAPB ROOT. "t'KMENT. IJME ASI PLASTER. T. CKOWB k CO.. 4.r Fourth St. DKV t.OOllS. yLEISCHNEFt. MAYliK c CO.. 207 Ash t ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, etubbs Electrical Co.. Olh and Pine sta. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Brr-s. Miilinz Co.. Front and Marshall. II. M. HOUKER. Board of Trade bldg. NEW lODAK. MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Comprising 335 Acres. MOUNT SCOTT PARK CREMATORIUM Containing- Four Incinerators, Chapel K 11 u uiumuajiuiu. MOST MODtltN IV AMIiltlCA. Originators and Leaders of High-Class Cemetery aud Crematorium berv ice in Portland. I'erpelual Care Without Ultra Ckarge. liieulJy located on picturesque Mount fecott. nere Mature a Peaoeiui Uuietude Lenda an Influ ence to Soften Sorrow." IS cached by Mount !-ou and Cazadero cars. Auto bus rletta t.ars uy Appointment. Both 'i'eieptionea. LARGE, I'UIIHAAU.Vr. PAlllvLllvB. WK M ILL BUILD AM) l"l NANCE HOMES FlatM and Apartments In any fart ot tbe city cuBtlnK from ;oii to JO.OOO; pay- r r! . mrlii.i liKe rem. cull ana be ua. t K. BOIVM.VS CO, (tonra 1. Commercial O-ih iluildlsR. inittiiii ..a ,r,,i' mi-innr-ia-a ifi-aw virWv -r- Wit-f rA!.MLi;-JNKi CO.. Ik. V.. 10l-400-04 Wil- ox bldg. . IUXh. William . FaUing bldg. HEN 11 U T BKO?, !'"' lUwHionw iv jiASvPK.TT FIUa?. 0-' luird of Trade. I KKAL KJSTATK hmr 1 11. KOdi: CITV PARK LOTti. Deal direct will, th ouers the ortg tnaJ platters of th bwuit l ul part ot Portland Call on our rcuity 4vpartment, .oruir I'ouitti and btaik. llAlvTMAN c lUOMl'ijON -LIST S LOOK AT J Hi LOT.' lightly lot in best rgiruied addition in .-io. Must be oiJ at sacntice. Will accept frnisli csftl ra;. meiil and taks sec ond mot-res? f-jr l-s'ane trom home on ri t'lt rmip for rici't n; will loan monay for bo'Wmg if drtirer1 ; no Jinont. J-liaiiunt-,, Zt'-t ijiaik st., Main 13US. A 3v.Lt. , Hl.K. S'.lk ui ."AH. ?. B. or. i;rtt:id avr. and Jlolinan. .1 iv c ; uai pi ic , iii'rsti bridge and lirur I'oitUfd ntiv it it. O. c.;olJKNi.Eltv., OVVNEH, t-Ell. LOTS Ai'r.EAl.K. Af TORI A. W.iliKHMO.N. NLW ASTOIHA. Lo.(.ioii ( he l.eir; f ihe best of 1U K. U YOKE, 11. i Northwesurn HauK K:dg. I'ORTUNP HEIGHTS EXCLL'SIVBLT." I handle mot ot the property for sale in thi dt strict and Mil Hit- bargain. Marsharl PUoOKK. Ab3!l. .:..( nfSfMOUtUM' simp, iusdoo; cost inn ; tiv; iiaif dvM u. A K 6S, Ore gon ian. HOME s;te. West .Side, f uil Rue water, 15 i:nutea car ride. So Care; 10 down o per inopfri; prue $-O0. tVOl Corbett bitig. $4a.nvJLciNK one-fourth acres, 9 block lrvlngton t'lubh-mse. two blocks scbooi; no tiadts. H. O. box 46o. city. Y o ner. half price for caab lots in Platel. S1P jch. X Orttfonian. l'LN Si lilNviALuW 1'l.AN HOOiv. 10c. A 11. KAUKK, AIU'HITKI'T, -W Mi'swyrtli hv. Phone W-HMllawn SNA!' KOIl SOMElNS. 6-roni ioue nd lot in Joutuiuore Add, by on uer. Y Oregoman yoki by owner, 4 -room cotage. lot i - a. i DO, iivn i, lth) cash. Call i ; 3 W. park st. iCfii SALiv New modern 6-room bun&alow in irvti.Kiou. I'mque In deslxn and com p'-tg .n every detail, phoue E iOR SALE Modern cottase. 1 block norta of car barra Write or irwiilre, SIS 'asti. t. Vanco'iver. Wash. N I" W rattiiern 1"-room house, in Jrvlufiioa. K. R Klcr. East a32. KW modern -room house, gar sue; income fot a iuoiaU tarma, Woodiawu ji BUSINESS DIRECTORY DA-CI2iG. IIEATli'iJ .SCHOOL LeHom dall ; classes Tuea.. Friday evenlus to 1U. 1U9 M .. bet. Washlnglon and Btark. Lessons ,c. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. Pl.NKJSRTON & CO. U.S. DETECTIVE AGCY. Kstiblisiicd over so years. SCIEMTIFIC DETECTIVE WORK. Investigations and reports made on in dividual anywhere. Consultation free. Ol licea Lumbermen Bans; bids. Phone Main EVE. EAR, NOWE At THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses fitted. Er. F. F. Casseday. BIT Oekum bldg.. 3d tc vvri. ELECTRIC MOTOW. MOTOKS, Kenerators bought, sold, renteo and reoalred. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Eictrlc Co., 31 First at. Nortli. Phone Main 0210. FOUNDRY AND MACHIXE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works. East 3d and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES: developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE se MAfiiv H AM CO.. 43 Washington St. MANICURING. MANICURING and electric treatments. Miss Ethel Burke, S13-314 Northwest bldg. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MISSSENGKIt CO. Motorcycles and Dicy-ies. i-none jaaia o, a .ioc. MOVING. MOVING, PACKING. SHIPPING. 8TORAGE. IT PAYS TO GET THE BEST. Reduced freight rates to all parts. MANNING WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER COMPANY. Main T03. Uth and Hoyt. A 2214. MUSICAL. Emii Thielhorn- violin teacher: pupil Sevelk. !07 Hiedner Diag. A .wai.iiaii NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN'S. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist in paralysis nerv ous, chronic diseases. ou- oiaswunii urn,. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. OOssi A EIGHT ou high prices. uy pay s to s-iu tor lasses when I can i-t vour eves with first-quai- Itv lenses, gold-filled frames as low as 11.00? Goodman, 2J Morrison, near bridge. Mail orders promptly filled. Wrlta for paruculars. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS GROCERS. WADHA1IS & CO., titf-Tii fourth L HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO., SS-SS Front. HIDES. PELTS, WOOL AND i-URS. KAHN BROS.. VJi Front St. IKON WORKS. PACIFIC IKON WORKS, PORTLAND, OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT, FOUNDRY. Portland Iron Works, 14th and Northrup. LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. tHAS. L. MAST1CK CO., 74 Front; leather or every description; taps, mfg. findings. MEN'-S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA neckwear Mlg. Co.. ni riftn st. BRADSHAW EKUS-. Morrison and 7th sts. ...... . iifiiv iKn IVIHi,: Portland Wire & lion Wks., 2d and Columbia. REAL ESTATE. f tw sale WHT NOT TURN A xJU KLr-. N0OME? WE WILL FL'IIXlbH THE ONE Y, BUILD APARTSNTS. .-.SI-ENCE OK ANYTHING; P1.ANS FRE: WHT NOT TURN A UyltDE.V INTO IN MO til'vi'p rT WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KAOW HOW; TAL1C V iTh OCR CLIENTS; bEB OUR WORK; WILL. GIVE BONDb. L. it. BAILE V & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHI TECT:;, ABINGTON BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. Deal direct with the o-nncrs, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of Port land. Call on our Realty Department, cor ner 4th and Stark.. HA HTM A.N & THOMPSON GET 1'OIB MU2Wia.lL'- JtMlJi. Here's a real snap. Had to foreclose on new, 7-rooin, l1--story bouse, la heart of high-class restricted disinc-t. It goes for amount of Incumbrances, $4500, on eAsy terms. Might take a good lot or rnuil jsae as tirst payment; no agents, r. L. Ciernenis, Stark St., Alain 1M1, A 1510. I'X'H SALK Modern it-room bungalow, fire place, furnace, full ceimnt basement, at tic all built-in convenience; hardwood floors, walls' nicely tinted, fixtures and shades. .V'xluO lot, located in the best part of Rose City I'ark. J0t feet from paved street; value a0u0, equity lb0o; will rake $W0Q cah or on terms. T OTCgoniaiK 000-iXL.LAK HOUlSlfi J'OR -M DOLLAKiS. Owing to moving to California, want to sell this property; has 7 rooms, all modern coiivtuif jiccs; big bargain to the man who van make a reasonable down iwiyment; smull uiotitlily payments for balance, iVo agents. AK Qrcgoniun. sISTi -Ul'-TO-DATB 5-room new bungalow; eu'll rind no better; 7-i"t concrete baae nient. la;ge lot, cloeetn, superb view, LOCATED AT US8 EAST J8TH ST (XKAR PliLSCOTT). mVlXilTON OJt ALBERTA CARS. Owner resides at phone r-ellwood 75. UNE of the beet 4 -room bngaloTvs in the t;ttv for the money; hardwood floor, larso looins, Duh kitchen, cement bawmeiit, shades, liaruieri. ioilvO lot, ; blocks irt-m tho car. Price f.MW. 1H, $-0 per raomli, int. Included. Owner. O. M. Dcrr, 110'J Northwestern Bank bldg. Rt-K CITY PARK buncalow, rooms, with sh plug pttr ur iirejace, jui nacv, ni w riud flooie, built-in buffet. Ot-o E. Kil N-, lihk ari) haif north of SanOy boulevard, pri e $a "t'. at lt;jst $0o cafh. balan-o monthly iruJtallJnentjr, i i'h tit re1 ; i tr'J'-s; owners. Enst forenowti. 1'AlKY itrd fruit ranch of 40 acres, all IMif HI v in(rovj. ir o ' ' ei , i i;o This in a nnp indeed, as no ad joliifnic property can be had for twhe the amount. Let m show yon my place if nu wiuit m bnryain. I muwt soli hi fnrc. j'H Wilcox bid. Phnc Marshall '-4H7. ta II II me IIIIJii. iiitin ! v. , each; pries si'Jio and JJ3r,y; will sell for $.0 and $ri per mouth; about one blok a7art ; closi- to i-arlir.f. Joe iioehm. Mam 7 7 io ; eveningg Et 5 3 32. iz iz m : v 7 -room modern biNiaalow; ibis properly is as good us m;w, $-J du Jan. J, JUlh, interest p-T cent. Call aud see the prop erty and got my price. No agents. Phone Wood ! n aiUlo. U KOOTiJ and alerpiiig porch, on Bast L'ltth St., tnoroUgl'iy iiiuuviM, emu nia.w iiient tit. two blocks from the car; is a bargain at $.i750. Will ucvpt a rlar lot up to $U'00. C. M. Derr, llou Northwest ern Hank bld. BUi aSACRIFH E. Mutt be fold t oucc. Bv-t bny in this district; modern ,;-rom bungalow. Ea 1 r mjcton. See I It if5 and Cn prKe and term. 103 Tillamook .-t. Kroadway car. -0 MONTH, which includes interest, mod ern -room bungalow- w lth bath, fire place, built-in vunvrnUMK et, shades aiid fixtures; ceTnent idewalU and paid for; restricted diytrict. Woodiawn aJ -. ROSE 4J1TY PARK. Will sacrifice my beautiful home for $r,40O jf purchased by Tuesday; value Si.0u; positively no such batgaiu in, the city. Call Main 4713: rOKTLAND HElOUTa Cwy sU-room bun galow, large JepmB porcn, iuj vuuim conveniences: two ery dcriirable lota, nice ly wooded; 4-Vm; $H cash, balance easy terms. See owner, oo Morgan bldg. FOR SALE bv owner. &-room modern bun palow. Hawthorne district; paved street, lot 0x 100. ( ''" win nauuic , no A C 01. Oregonian. bn-n mv i-rom modern bunicaloTV. all fnr niheai" Add. Take WU car. No. 4M Eflt PtfillsL IRViNGTON HOME 8 rooms. nice loca tion hardwood floors; all modern conven iences; must o cheap. East iiia, w. H. 1 1 erdman. tvl H'Y iu house and iot; favorably lo. cated; iasv paynientrJ- w 111 cilacouut aMuunt of equity for casn. Address room M, Orrontan tldg. WANTED To seli or tritde, IS housekeet-lnp nwim. l- fiiruiRrea comiut-iu luiuiuian call CiMuml.ia. MoDEftN". sightly, g-room house In choicest section Laurelhurst. N tiTC Orogontan. 9 ROOMS and bath; rent $&; sicKness, rnu?t sen. s&v in st. FOR SALE New houseboat. Call Sell wood 34;ia or i a nor For Sile Btlne Property. WARLHOL'SE AND FACTORY SITE. '1 KAtiVAUL. 50x100 LOWER ALB1NA AND It- R E.. $ivC). PHONE WOOPUWK 1p9o. AY ..-T-WI.- cT-sT:V Kitliriirtar full YtiaK- meat; ow termlnaA ira. Maxsbail .atjQ. I OSTEOPATHIC I-H YS1CI.VNS. DR. R. B. NORTHRL7P 308 Morgan bldg.. cor. Broadway and Washington street. Of fice phone, Main 349; residence. East 103. PATENT ATTORNEY. K. C. WRIGHT 22 years practice, L. S. and foreign patents, bul Dekum bldg. PAINTING AND KALSO.HINING. WE kalsomine rooms at 2.S0 and P'"t houses at your price. East 5U2, B 61o4. PAWNBROKERS. STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE, 26 NORTH th T. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD" PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 34tJ. BlBBElTsTAMPS. SEALS. BRASS blGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash. St., Phone Main 710 and A. 2710. SHOES SHOE REPAIRING. SHOls HALF SOL-HD v while you wait, New York. Shoe Kepair Co.. 243 Aiaer at. STORAt-iii AND TBAKSiFKR. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co. Office ana tommoaious .-story urn:. eeoaraie iron room and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. iid and Fine sta I'ianaa and furniture moved and packed tor iiipinent, special rates made on goods in our itiroufth cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 506. A lWtf. OLSOX-KOfi TRANSFER CO. New fireproof warehouse with separate rooms. We move and pack household coods and pianoa and ship at reduced rates. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents, tree trackage. Office and warehouse, loth aud Hovt sts. Main 547, A. i!-7. 01.J3O0X TRANHFER CO.. 474 Glisan St., . trh TiPuhimo Ki -.tin till or A. lltfX Ve own 'and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. i-owtsst insurance rates in city. MADISON ST. DOCK and WAKEHOUtsK Office btf jsiauison. vjc.icj al . " and forwarding agents. Phone Main AVHiTKW "ASHING. Will TEW AH XN'G. casollne power sprayer, expert work. Phone Sell wood 372. GREEN and dry slabwood, blockwood. Pan ama Fuel Co. Main 5720, A. 38S9. PAINTS AXD WALL PAPEJt W. P. FULLER i CO.. 12th and Davis. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSBN oi CO.. 2d and Taylor eU. PIPE, PIPE SITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, b4-8(l Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. S4-bC Frunt-st. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. P. w. BALTES & CO., 1st and Oak sts. PRODUCE lOMMlSKIOSi MERCHANTS. EVKliDlSG & FARKiiL, 140 Front St. KOPE AND BINDING ml.VK, Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrnp. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. FI LLER a CO., 12th and Davis. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO. 280 2d St. WHOLESALE JEWELERS OPTICIANS. BCTTERF1ELD BROS., MOHAWK BLDG 7u:al lstate. for Saie liumotw property TWO choice beach lots. Salt Air, Tillamook Beach; must sell, need money; 1M feet from station, on track, facing ocean. Ad dress S 7a, Oregonlan. Suburban Home Property. G I BSON HA LF-ACRKS. Good soil, good water; close to carilne; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15b5 or Bellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. g ACREJri, the srandest Summer home to e found, for scenery it can't be excelled. For particulars inquire at 1614 Jtast Stephen street. For oaie Acreage. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. Gresham district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS i-mile electric station, $15 to ln4 per acre; easy terms; best soil; free wood. Farms for sale, all sizes. FRANK M'FAKLaANU REALTY COM Yon Bldg., Portland, Or. 54 ACRES bottom land, covered with fine timber, mile from streetcar; a bar gain at $3000; $1750 cash, balance city property. R 6afl, Oregonlan. $1600 160 ACREtf cut-over land, one-half mile from stores and sehoolhoua)e. Trout Lake, Wash.; no tradee. P. O. Box 40, city. io JJ. iNTHLlf, SOx'JOO, new house, $60. A C. Marsters. 20i! WllCOic bldg. Main 8017. For Hale Farms, TH B NEW W A Y, THE M ODERN W A Y, THE SQUARE- DEAL WAY o buying land. Are you interested? If so, write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN.. EVS Phelan bid?., fcan Francisco. C. M. WOQlfti'J'KU, Pres. WHEAT LAND. Wheat farm in 4'eutrai Oregon; 160 acres for $iV". fall ."MS D'kum bldg. TEN acres, with 4 -room ho4ise, barn, out houses, part set berries and fruit; one mile from car line; will lease. Apply 171 3d L WAKTKU REAL ES'i'ATg. W VNTEU ApartJiient-liouse or butiness building up to $.000 or $:i,W0; I have a fontra:i one house and several lotij, in tho be.t residence district of North Yakimti, Wash., as first payment. Address box S.t, AM.oris, uregon. RKL1ABI!! tenanta want liglit Eata Hide bHSfincnl, preferably with power. East 774. FOP. UK NT FARMS. Umj-ACKJ; farm on rouln Foster road; ' itrviB plowed for this year's crop; good house mid outbuildings, fair barn; wind mill pumps witter to house; spring water xc-H nt place fnr dnlr ; tenant should have sufficient stock to handle properly; '.h rent r ciod rent. Owntr, J100 North -vti-Ntern Hank bldg N KENT, trade, sell la acrtrs Hood River bear ing orchard, berries, hay. bldgs.; cash; ex jtcrienre; references required. AF 4W, O re g o 11 i a u . ZZ) ATKH. with Iiouhc and bams, 6 miles from carlin. Telephone be! 1 wood 479. call 7fa K. Harrison st. HIR (SAMS TL'-IBEB IANDS. TIMBER LAND3 BOUtiHT AND SOLC. C. J. M'CHACKBN. 3o4 M K.AY BI.DQ. TO EXriIANtiK REAL ESTATE, li: ACRES, Lincoln .County, tMl acres 01 dyked tidejand, about 60 of this in cul tivation, balance upland; about arres of that in cultivation; some slashed, some easy to clear; 8-room house, new barn 44k 1 ok, l barn 40x0(f, fine springs, water piped to house and one barn, good orchard; hot and cold wat-r in the house, bath, new inilkhouse separator-house, boathoune, 1 youug cows, mostly fresh, good team, har ness and wagon, disc harrow, drag har row, tedder, grain dtiJL bay rake, sep ars tor, rovbat, ai-ft. gasoline launch, hay fork, cable, small tools; most of household goods; price ?Jv.0o0; will consider $1000 to $dO00 Fort land property. Kpton, Chamber of Commerce! UY OWNER. 5-room house , unfinished inside, scaled, Grua Crossing district; 4 fruit trees, large school one block; value $1100, mort gage $Jim; trade for acreage equal value. What ha-ve you? Slate fully. AJ WS, Orgoniiin. 1J ACRE.. 4 cleared. fenced, spring, school, macadam road, 3f. miles west 1'ortJand. jrooo mortgage, $600 easy pay ments; exchange auto or city property. Su'S Belmont. MT. TAEOR DISTRICT. P-room, new, modern bungalow, one block from carline, will trade $X0 cquit? for $300 cash and 1914 Ford touring car. PUoue Tabor ol3. 2 ACRES. $'-'.000, Mortgage $r.0fH, all in cultivation, good land, lies good on two countv roads, near carline and station, for modern home, close in. AU Orego nian. 6 ROOMS in Holtaday Park; double garaee, and -0 acres Just below Portland for bet-t-- residence in I rung ton. Frank Lucas. 125 4th st. WANT CALIFORNIA. Have ti-ro-jm modern 2-story house, nri.'-i $4-a. incumbrance $lio0; give par 1 - , . 11, . it ,.-ii , ".--m i.'ni"iTY. fine 8-room house. Laurel hursu for acreaee or small farm; give lo cation and particularf. N 6E8, Oregonian. FOCR "small houies, all rented, for home in Imington or Laurel hurst. Frank L'Jcas, l-!5 4th. St. EQUTTT In Laurelhurst's most at tractive bungalow for choice residence lot. Taoor 12$ 7. WILL sacrlfiee for cash. Ili acres wheat laud, mostly, seeded. X UcJ Oreoniau. 3 TO EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE. WAK'jiyj Los Angeles home- In exchange for '.hole lot in Laurelhurst Addition, and a Ziouse and two lots in Vancouver, vbiw located in Vancouver Heights. Write owner, K. Bru, 802 So. QUve at.. Los Angeles, Cai. IRVIXGTOX HOilE for exchange. B. ii- Lombard, 250 3d.- Main A 292. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANKOCS. TO EXCHANJi3 A lirst-elass Howard . watch for canoe and paddlea. AV ty4. Oregonlan. WILL exebanse Edison Amberole. 200 ma chine, tor horse or cowi Write Otto Helfricht, Orchards, Wash., route 1. FOR SALE. Hren, Vehicle. Harness, Ete, HORtoE3 AND MARES WANTED. I will be at f! W. Todd's barn. Last th" and Flan ders st.. Monday and Tuesday, March TO BUY horses and mares from 5 to 10 yrsr old, lo to lta hands high, suitable for artil lery, izou to 1000 Ids. They must be in fair flesh, chunky bunt ana good boned, any color except light gray. No light boned or old horses WANTED. Will be there KAiN or SHINE. Bring In your horses and get the hignest market price. I qo nxv own inpecting. J. D. HUSTON, Denver. Colorado. HORSES AND MAKES. One span mares, with or without har ness. 1 span, mare and gelding. 1 span, xnar and gelding. 1 sorrel thoroughbred, broke single and double. 1 brown gelding. 1 sorrel mure, work single or double. This stock at the lowest price. Mount Scott ca-r to Lents. Call at Kratzky Bros.' tt ore. AUCTION SALE of bones, vehicles and nam ess at Colum bia Stables, 3u2 Front, every Thursday at 3 P. M. ; we sell on a commission basts; satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller ; if you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction; if you want to buy, attend bis tale. TEAM black i tares, weight 2C00, 5 and 6 years old; g oi workers; one bay horse, weight 1350 1 be ; good worker, i, ingle or double, price $UQ; one team browns, weight liaWU, good workers and fast wallers, just right for small farm, cheap at fiio. An oerson Bros., 241 Jefferson st. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M.; only strlcLly commiAslon stables in the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse dc Mnle Co., 240 East Sth el. itast 6a 15. SPAN of seal browns, mare and gelding, 4 and 6 years old, heavy bone and blockj built, weighing 2450 lbs., $o0; also roan horse weighing ltKK lbs., sound and true ajid free of blemishes, $10u. At Mode. Stables, Sth and Davis ats. TEAM mares, weight 2400, gentle, tru4 workers good farm team, fat, ready for Spring work, heavy harness; quick, sale, $10o. Oregon City car to Arlington feta tion; inquire at store for Glass place. SPAN of mares, with foal, weighing 27M) lbs., sound, and true, $173; brown team, mare and gelding, G aud 8 years old, heavy bone and good workers, weighing VHh ibf.. at l'ty Davis st. FOR SALE One grey team about SJO'J lbs., light off of the farm, and harness at a bargain. Inquire Z4o 3d st. Uismark Buffet. FOR SALE at a bargain : large furniture van, $-&0; also farm wagon $40. Inquire 416 E. 7th. Phone East 1S47, B 1962. FOR SALE CHEAP One i.eaji of welt matched horses, weighing lbs. Owner leaving city. 'jr2H Russell st. FOR- SALE Horse and wagon, 4 cows, 1 calf and one heifer. Adam Gettlg, Gov ernment Island, North Portland. WANTED Team wagon and harness for their feed; will buy if suited, a.- E, Han sen, R. 4, Vancouver, Wash. FINE team mules, 2 horses, one a dandy, weighing1 1S00, harness, wagons, etc.; cheap. Oregon Woody ard. 8lo 4th su WAGONS and horses by day, $1.25. L Cohec, 381 Water st. Main '2208. Main DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. W oodlawn 20- Portland Rendering Co. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at 08 B, 7th St, North. DEAD horses tid cattle taken away free. Tabor 4203. $ HORSES and wagons for sale cheap. Call 827 Water st, PASTURE. See McClelland, 240 E. Sth st. FOP. PALE months old colt. ljLi Mult nomah st- Pianos. Organs and Musical Inntromenta KRAN1CH & J3ACH upright grand piano, piano bench, piano player detached, sheet music cabinet, fi- selected music rolls. East 17U5 until 10 A. M.. after a P. M. FOR SALE New player piano, cheap; will tfiV'e eerond-hana piano port, balance on time. Phone Marshall 2432. WANT board and room for two. to apply An nlir,-)i9ca rt t fittn unrti.'l.t niinn Xlaln STL" YVES A NT player pin no, combination u7 and b-note. phone Mr. Howatt, Main CADINET vietrola. good as new. would sell on easy- terms, v wu, uresonian. UstiH-GKADE piano at a big bargain. Lumber Ex. bldg., 'ja and stark sts. WANT to rent a piano cheaply ; best of care; responsible. 1 aoor o. FOR SA1E Old French violin, SfiO cash, Mrs. Cioo. ji. yucreau, uooaing, luano. Furniture for Hale. BEAUTIFUL clean, roomy flat, com ni ete oak furniture, sleeping porch; reuxiy to move jn. ijo you want 11 uexore tne jst 1 i'hone EastT-138. tiOOD, reliable gas range. 4 ovens, 0 burn ers. sc:i. Tor -asc 01 J . Laici oiora, 548 Williams. CHEAP, 1', t0-eg5 incubator, also used fur- mi arc or win excuange tor uicjcie. xaooi 44 Jo. Al-L or part of 5-room bungalow, - solid fumed oak, good as new, fine range. Own er, 7 US J'lttoc.k block. Iogs, HiroB. Vet Stock. LEAVING- town, mubt sell fin, young, Aire dale terrier dog, registered stock; can imc doc at sU)t!i and M sts.. Vancouver, Wash. J Hints C. Lyon. AIREDALE pups, brea iu purple, cheap. Phone Clark Orove 41J. U. V. Thiessen, Mflwaukic are. FOR A1K Fox terrier pup; ilio pedi-prt-ed sable Scotch colfie pnps. tVr Sth N. LH. R. RAVEN end FRESIDEN'T AT 6TUD. LADDIX KENNKW, E6TACADA, OR. l'oultry. WE WELL J00 White Ltgborn baby ohii liom best utility stock and our ilreiess brooder tor $., April and May deliv ery; we (tu a run tee safe delivery. The Pioneer Hatchery. Pctaluma, Cal. tilNULE Comb Black Minorca egg. fur sale, IT. for t-. i:l for ?a.5o, pen bMd. d by firt prio -cockerel Oregon t?tate Fair; facilon guaranteed. L. M. Meeker, Hub bard. Oregon. Livestock. 40 HEAD"of good dairy cows, Holst.-in. Dur- nam, 4 to u ganon, jcrvey ana trueruser, 3 to gallon. Take Woodstock car So tWth ave., tvalk 4 blocks wet, 1 norih. 40 HEAD of good dairy cows, HoUUmii, Dur- nani, -4 10 o ganoua, .icroe.v mm uTirinw:( S to 5 ullont. Take Woodstock car to 60th ave.. wall; 4 blocks wear, 1 north. REGISTERED Jersey bull, best blood lines, for sale or exchange. Address C. W. Al'. mao. route 1, Portland, or phone Wood lawn 2771. FOR SALE Two-year-old heifer; will be fresh soon; aleo - calves o months old. Ittl.l Multnomah fit. Automobiles. o-PAiSSENGER Haynes. 1914, eost $-li0; electric nnhts anu eiarier; win iraae iur first mortgage on improved property. M Oregonian. FORD 5 -passenger. Presto light, shock ab sorber. ni-kel-plated electric horn, first rluss condition, $4u0; terms. Mr. Reynohie, elhvood U3-3. ONE S-ton truck, sood sliap. $D.Hi; one ton truck, $2."j0; two-ton truck, $S00; Oar ford touring car, 17i. I-aurelrofce Garage, E. -7th and Bnrnside. H 1M2, East 40i. $400. Chalmers foredoor. repainted and In S -passenger; good flrat-ciasB fonauion; car for jitney. AN 693. Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE for sale. S4O0 cash; Flanders 20, four-door, in fine shape. Call morn ings, 672 E. loth st. N. Take lrvmgton car. TO TRADE Wc:i Iccated lot Iu Minne apolis', exchange for automobile, s 6, Or jconian. FOR SALE 2-ton truck and route, business average $12 day in one year. 461 E. J3 urn side. East 6?S8. WANTED To buy a!I grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid. J. Leve, 1S6 Columbia. Main S3 99. FOR SALE 1 24-pacsenger auto bus, "White Shasta." Call 499 E- 3ftth SL FOlfl) car; has master vibrator, shock ab sorbers; reasonable. AJ 674, Oregonian. FORD runabout, flrst-claes condition, for sale by owner. Call Main fi074 or A 27W. FOR HIRE, $1.-5 per hour, 5-pussenger 1914 Ford. I'none wooqiawn jio. FORD runabout, price $200. In fair condi tion. Mr. Reynords. Pell wood 2-PAS-;. Regal, fine condition, jiw tires, hdjrffaaa. Acuta Auto Co.. ol Aider, Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Free service given on all used cars, s We offer you the following list to se lect from: Hupp, 5-pasa.. 2 H. P. Cole, fi-pass.. 3U H. P- Chalmers, 5-pass., Su H. P. R. C. H &-paas.. H. P. Lnzier, 7-pass., 40 IL P.; nearly new. Cole. 4-pass., 40 H. P. Michlgat, 5-pass., 3 IL P. Interstate, 4-pass., 40 H. P. Reo, 2-pase., 30 H. P. roadster. Apperson. ii-pass., 40 H. P. btudebaker, 4-pass.. 4o H. P. Overland, 5-pass.. 40 H. P. Reo 2-ton truck, with body. Federal lii-ton truck, with body, good as new. . . Several others to select from; price e3o0 and up. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sts. Alain ooD'i Jm. FEDERAL ONE-TON TRUCK Was guaran teed by Federal agents for 1 tons; has body and curtains; this trucTc is now be ing overhauled and will serve you like a new one; write or call on us for fur ther information; terms if desired. Ad dress Mr. Gilbert, OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. unapmaa .an aiuq m WIN TON SIXES. thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt, in 4 end 7-pass. models; ( cars are fullv equipped and carry stanaard guarantee of the inton Company for one year; be sure and see us before ou bu a used car. Liboral terms. W'INTON MOTOR CAR CO., C -', 3S3d and Washington Stg. Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artistic designs. lOxIC, up, erected complete, with lock aud key; immediate- delivery; also portable bouses. TAKE-DOW W tobG. CO., Foot CI Harrison i. .-utu v 111PROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. loxlC, best materials, erected on your lot, complete up Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. Aliyn, Garago Specialist, K. Salmon st. Tabor 1W4. A JITNEY or stage bargain, large, l-iMss. (iarrord, jus. oeriiuu,eu duu new top and new tires. See it before you buy WINTOS MOTOR CAR CO.. Sod and Washington Sts. REO TRUCK 1500 pounds: bought laat May from C. Boas, used very little; come and see it or write ua at onoo; price $350; terms. Addreaa Mr. Gilbert, OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPA.NI, Chapman and Alder. COME QUICK FOR THIS. Hudson tfix. rifiht up to tho minute; extra equipment, fine condition all around; a great sacrifice at 7uo. Covey Motorcar Co., lst and Wash. BARGAINS IX USED A UTOMOIUIJ.O. large stock. Prices JliuO to ?iuu. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Bldg. Corner chapman and Alder Sts. ' FOR HIRE, $1.00 PER HOUR. 5-passenger Ford; rates for trip, or day work- good service. Phone Main 1201 or East Ssria t?"XciY icnA inuring car. verv first-class con ditlon; must ne soiu. lum iu"e - ket, '7;. 1 amniiisu Automobiles Wanted. WILL take 4 or C-passeuger Ford or Reo preferred as iirst payment on house and lot in Mt. bcott district. a oo, uib- conian. V AN x ED iltl-l M ora CUai-B, mum u 111 gOOa COUUIliOIl , Will lll.imo a,ajua&uw Tir per month. AD OS-, Oregonian. NICELY located town lot at Monroe, Or., exchange for automobile in good condition. AV to, uregoaxan. WILL take auto to $800 as part payment ou 6-roon cottage, hhhiuwub - tt'.Ut, Oregonlan. LATE model 5 or 7-)'assenger car for MM equity in a fine 101 cioee 10 c. ai u4, oreifoman. WANTED To exchange, good mining stock for a D-pa&sengur rum cm. xa. w, w v- goman. a'ASa. aUlO, lllUat. O. La(,su terms, for jitney. Address it Orego nian. WANTED 7-pass. auto, dome real estate. some casn. jji v REAL estate to trade for Jitney bus and . v-,. --, - uot l.ol ance payments, can m. .u.i wwn uaya. .Motorcycles. MERKEL twin equfpmenta, Al condition; cost 47 ; must sen, zusi oth. Typowriter"-. LEAVING town; my Lndcfwood No. a splendld conaition is too nesvj io carry, Will SacrillCe Clltrnit, wuuiu (.uuaiuci - "Corona folding typewriter" in exchange. Norworth. Marshall 4t24. W anvn vnu (rum 50 tO 7. DCr Cent OU makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYtWitlTBR CO., 321 Wash, gt. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 and up; o montns rent apptiea uu jju chase price. Remington Typewriter Com' pany, bo xiroaawa, runiauw, or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $tto. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 262 Stark at. Mpin 55i!8. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut lates. P. D. C, 231 Stark st. Main 1407. MiscelJaneoti. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and Hnnrl.liand hariia's. 5 ud. with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly; machines renica anu rem xptirt nn iun:no Phone for rates. Main 9431. Sewing Ma chine Emporium, 3d, near Taylor. FOR SALE or trade for an automobile, a motorboat. will carry VZ passengers, speed 1) miles uer hour: 14-H. P. engine, just from the shop, in firm-class condition. Ad dress AV uH8. Oregonlan. a T.i. kinds of hitrh-irraue kodaks. Anastlg- mat lenses and view cameras bought, sold and exchanged; rifles and shotguns want ed lloehf eld's Camera Exchange. 85 3d st. LOOK.'. Sawed lumber ,3.0 a load, cord- -ticnii X;. a. corn. 1 il. anu a.av curu ngth. Eclipse Fuel Co., 3o0 &. 10th at. Phone East 319. FOR SALE New and .;rond-haud carom -.1,1 r.r.r-li'r.t l.ilHwrd t;ihlea and bovs ling iiHcys a.itd occcssoriea; easy payments.- Th Hnitiflvvli.-k-FalK''- oncnacr o., . DIAMOND house painta, strictly puro; made In Oregon; per gallon. $1.6C. l'ortiaud J'alnt Co.. 23 u Front st. Marshall 100. 2S-FOOT. 17-inile motorboat; boat house, with living-room; flue outfit, $3.15; i new cost. Main 4J9 after :u NEW IDEA gas range, iu good condition, $!.", for 16. CaU Saturday any time. 1-b Tib-b-Us st. Hrooklyn car. FROTECTOURAPH, first-classa condition, S7.50. Check writer, new. $20. Kaat 2107. MOVING PICTCRE -MACHINES, HL'P PLiEff. FILM SERVICU;. UNITED FILM CO.. jtlSQ 2D bl. ViSJBLr7 TYPEWRITERS rented three months for $4, delivered. 244 btark su Main STi.Mi'AUE f"r sale, close in. Call Marshall 170- JITNEY CIGARS manufactured by John C. Werner. oL'-W 41 M su iaoei on recoru,. FLLMBINO SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 8d at. Main 797. SAFES. SAFES. The Bf osier Safe Co., 204 Stark street. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS $1."0. Ryder ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. FOR SALE Seed artichokes, $L30 per 100 lb. Heaverion, ur., it. io. ja.. COW inauuro and horse manure for sale. Wo deliver. Phone C 1720. GOOD llk-Uned frock coat and vest. 054. Oregonian. - CASH registers. NaticnaL slightly used. Typewriter Exchange, 361 ' Washington St. Enu'lnes, boilers, sawmills, bought, sold cjtd exchanod. The J. E. Martin Co., Portland. FOll SALE 200 cords dry wood. R. t i . mfi TLr amV To n a hlri r USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism; -.. . u i .... t rr All iriairlfiis WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. CA:I1 PAID FOR DIAMONDS AND PI ANOS: SEPARATE J )Uir A rv X xliu? 1 n rvi LADIES. ELRY CO., 320-- LIMBER EXCHANGE. 2D AND STARK STS. 2D-HAND FURNITURE. ETC, WANTED. Don't dive H away. iet mir figures first. Standard Fur. Co., 182 1st. Main -77$. MUST have .second-hand furniture, cash or traae. tor waw - - 548 Williams. WAN T ED Good s ui tease, w 1 11 pay cash or trade Ti or 30-3O repeating r.tles. S Oresonian. NATIONAL cash registers for world s fair at E-ranr-Ucii highest nrices. S. old- stoin. 3 20 Battery st., San Francisco. Cat. WAN AliO c ,IIUvU. - l boat; bom must us c"p - , Orcconian WANT a good canoe, in good condition, rea- eonaDie. raouo m ,iv,.uwiu for Jones. DO NOT sell or pJe away any of jour fur niture before ou call the Bell Auction House. 104 2d St. Marshall 4T3. WANT 3D Excavating ana team Phone East 4S04. C 1477. 111' ill prices naid for second-hand furni ture. Jtlaui Zisttt , .. WK WANT VURMTCKU. Get our estluiales bt-tore soiling your furniture. We pay you cash and the liiKiiest price, rroiupt atteution given tc calls. MISI1 KlT.MTrKE CO.. MAIN MbS. 1M rift ST r. MAIN S6UNU-HAXU C1X1THING WANTED. J. MEYER. THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR CI.OTHINC, AND SHOES. WE CAM. I'KOaPIlV. THK ItE LJAlil.E BUYER. Main -'7 Madison. FOR a thorouKltly n-liuble house to buy or Sv'll houseio.d poods or auyllilng In the hardware lino, call the Leviu Hardware -A. Furniture Co., 21 Front. Phone A 7174. Mnin t'O'J. WUiTKD SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, 1IICYCLE3 AND EVERYTHING; HIGH EST CASH PRICES PAID. CALL MAIN ansa. CLOUS STORE. M FIRST ST FOR F I' R NIT I" RE. CLOTHING OR OTH ER MERCHANDISE. I NEE1 IT; HIGH EST PRICES. MAIN 4317. FIRN1TLRE WANTED WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. KLINES, EAST 7 Hit. B7 GRAND AVE. CASH paid for ha.r ov-inbingt. tsauitary licaat Parlors. lo0 Dekum bldg ItELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. U. C. A. - Record H14: Calls for men from employers. ....... .t"2 Positions filled H Tlie servtt of this Department Is free to all members of the Association. To non-members a special Employment Mem bership Is issued, costing 0 per annum, giving the service of the Department for a year, two months,' full privileges and a refund of the membership fee If satisfac tory employment is not secured. All young men seeking employment in Clerical. Technical or Commercial lines or desiring counsel or advice are cordially in vited to consult the Advisory aud Employ ment Secretary. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and nignt instruction In repairing, drlvinsr. selling and machine work, includ ing forge, lathe, shaper, drillpreas, etc Moderate charges. Fair dealing and pert training. Time unlimited. Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu cational office, Y. M. C. A. bldg., and secure pass entitling you to Inspect our tho and methods. MEN WANTED to know about Jimmy Dunn s upstairs clothing store, where you buy the highest gradn ready-to-wear suits for $j to lt less. Men's s.0 value suits at slens -J vaiue suns a. io.( ol5-Hl-17 Oregon. an bidg. Llevator to 3d uoor. THE TRUTH PACIFIC ALTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL THE LITTLE SCHOOL WHERE YOU OBTAIN THE HEST RESULTS, THE PROOF A FREE TRIAL GIVEN BACH STU DENT BEFORE ENROLLMENT, ifbti 31TH AND JEFFERSON STS. WIHRI.KSS OPERATORS. Those who register before April 1 ean Dual if v for the annual Surma engagements of wireless operators The leading school on tne pacific toast xor me a-t-uwiug fession of wireless operators is located in the Portland Y. M. C. A. Expert teachers, superior equipment. Cail or address room 4J.U, X. 41. L.. a. mug. DETROIT ALTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND, WAST ''KU y.ll MORRISON. A complete course of automobile in struction. Including machine shop work. by expert instructors. LOOK. US LP KEKuRB ENROLLING ELSE W HERE. Take Mt. Tabor ur "Sei" car to 23d st. havk snvfial onenincs. establishment inde pendent mail order buintfs; energy, good habits, sound judgment more impor than capital. Fpnru time first. Particulars iree. uport unities jxcusuge, xui.". N. Y. CARPENTERS to CONTRACT the carpentet work on a new cottage; only 00111 pet en t men apply; family men, residents of city preferred. Phone East 6504 after A. M. General contractor. WANTED Young man about 19 earsv of Re for stenographer and general office worn; state experience nut 3 to , A H 0b0. Oresonian. . PORTLAND BARUER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teaen you tne narner traue in b wutks: tools free; dob h ion guaranteed; paid wtiile learning. 32 -d, near Main. CASH advanced ou weekly selling my imriiv Btmraiitr-ed stock : excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenish, Wash. TAILOR wanted to cut and make coate; must be first-class man. in town of tfcHiv. Answer. AV 702, Oregonian. WANTED Energetic single young man to travel and solicit. Call 10 A. M. to 2 V. M. f12 Royal bldg W A NTED liarltone and hass for Quartet on hike to y. r . t.ast .tH. , WANTED Man to milk 10 cows. Inquire 7-9 VVilliaiiis ave. WANT man with $0( take half interest in paying business. Marshall 23H5. WANTED A barber. Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop. TWO house-to-house solicitors; call 2 to MO Railway Kxchange. TAILOR on repairing and pressing wanted. JTl N. 2!t .t. l olumbia Tailoring Co. PHOTO coupon agents, splendid offer. Mui xiomah Studio, Mil Dekum bldg. I'llOTO agents, something new; extra, com mission paid. Karony fciuUlo, Roal bldg. Help Wanted Agents. WANTED A few more agents to sell the best selling auto accessory on the mar ket: vou can make from $u to 9 to per week; have a few counties left in Ore gon; want two more agents for city; in vestigate at SU3-4 CorbeU bldg.; Hrs. A. M. afternoons by appoinuuont. J. K. Ma:3on. THE monev is yours if you grab this win ner' posiiiv. lv sells to e.eryoody; no mik ing; jutt show it and the sale la made. V rile Thn b'rank Chalmers Co., 285 , 6t 0 at., I'orilaud, ur department A. WANTED First -cla solicitors, male and female; salary and commission, lUJi Hawthorne ave AGENTS $S to $i0 a day a-i(iig .1913 Spe cial. Van Dyke Studio. 404 Wash, at. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED A high-class sa Ionian to sell tJio socurities of an entabllshed manufac t'lrlug plant; Ftock or bond-selling expe rience not necrsiary; salary i.t0 - ptr moiiiii Tiiitil ability is don ions tra ted ; gi v. full particulars as to past business con nect iona, references and ago AH 60, Oregonian. HEM W A VTF I l A I . E OR FKMAI.K. MiiN AND WOMEN to learn the barb r trade, earn Horn io 10 per tuition reduced, paid while learning; po snionp "urd; write for frer catalogue, 'i'he Moler System of Colleges. A 48 N. Jd ht. MEN" or women willing to work; fast sell ing houichold necessity; big commission. 4Jl Ablfigton bldg; GoOD solicitor, must be a live one, 91 Grand iivo., room w. HELP WANTEI MISCELLANEOUS. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men 4 a,. J. .urn tlid hit hff Irnrl. til S weeks: positions e-ua ran teed ; tools free; paid while learning; scalp and faco mas isac" a specially; modern meihod tcachlug .ninr rnriiii-.oii Ill'A Mm! (sou THOUSANDS Guvuruuiuut Jobs now ob tii". 1,1 iir.o inonlh- common edu cation sufficient; Portland xaini nations soon. Write immediately fre sample ques tions and full drscrtption. Franklin Insti tute Dept. 348-C-, Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks. P. O, clerks, car riers, exatn. soon; parcel post uamnmu many more clerka; act at once. Pacific State Schools. McKay bldg., city. GOVERNMENT wants clerks, $.0 month; l'ortiaud examination soon; common eou catlon sufficient; particulars free. Apply immediately. AV ti37, Oi-egnnlsn. INTER NATIONAL 'orre'pondence Schools lUrnUh typewriiPB w tin coinmi I- courses ; 2-5 ot hers ; free catalogue. 0- McKay bldg. GOVERNMENT positions are easy lo get. M free booklet Y-30U i-ii how. Wrlta today. now. Earl Hopkins. Washington, u. c HELP VANTEI rEMALE. MRS. HINSDALE'S BUSINESS SCHOOL. A03 Empress bldg. personal lnstructtou, jw sitians when competent. GIRL for general houbework ; rciercnc-. ;wi otti st. FI VK girls to lsarn beauty culture, 4 U Dekum blug. sanitary j-anors. YOl.NG GIRL to uo light housework, 2 In family. Call Slur. o,,n. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Pull man restaurant. it .x. m. FAMILY help, $-": $3. city or country. Howe s Agency, .n- aiugioo. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers and dicta phone operaiora. vi . otm piusj WANTED Girl for cook and reneral house work, .'"t . mhv,-i. .-'. jonni. WANTED Girl 10 work, Monroe, iicjt uucouver ave. CilOU. dipyvr. Cull Alain Ulti4, WASTKD-LtP' rr-l mWUnrry sal wom an, Applv suiMTiiitc-ndt nfi vf'' b'' H and lv A. M., Uu floor, ihsu bids Meier st Frank Co. WANTED U vuikii 1.1. otcit n frnvt to ctHik a ltd do Ktiirml Ihhiacu urk for fam ily of two and to child'. -a. kut; orchard. ufr Me1frd: psrt lnuiulry dvne at homo; good rrfoieuces mviiiihI. Aipl, giving full particulars, und sta'e nqiiln'd. Mrs. E. F. Outhrle. M dfurd, cm . TrlAlK!i tiill-i. aaal.lHnL I, it- TRAINED imrf drains bmIhIhiiL eral housewoik and cm of oid pvp"; soino kuovvledge of nuralng prcf-riid ; ! ten anu AJ ti-. Oieo- nin. . EXPERIENCED cok to go to Ut'riiiti t from sluy 1 for bummer; must do cooking, some laundry and uowmtnln rk; (ui 11 y of thrto; references reuirod; ks .".Q. Q tfi;( Oregon inn. GOVERNMENT Jota for women, T0 niontlt; list positions obtainable, f reo. Write Im mediately. Frank. in lusiUut. Dept. 70 C. Rochester. N. Y. WANT ED Kellucd girl to lake care of7-year-old baby girl; wood lionif. pi,-no les sons and Slu a mouth. It 369, 704 Lm1 Main. NEAT oung girl for housework iu sut-tll family; moderate waves. Fhoue Mam lle. W A N TED Lsptfrat-uced irl tor g.-ntl housework aud cooking; sntitll family adults. 7ai Karn-y. progressiva; business COLLEOE. A.l modern busiueaa courses $'a mo. Position when competent, sui N. W. Rank bltig. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re- sponsible position. V iavl Company Fittock block. b ashington. C1RLS to lesrn bcuuly cultuix; communnm while learning. Oenuva L. Rctlly. 14 Au lngton bidg. WANTED -A middle-aged to care for old lady at night for board and room. Tabor 29J. WANTED Experienced coat end skirt bands fur alteration room. Bai iholuuic w Co., ii0 Washington. UOOD girl for general housework, root wages, but mt'sl be competent. OM Knott street. CAPABLE maid for sciiriil w rk in mm I family of adults. Kply. giving references and wages expect eu. X 'i, Oregon lutt ML-S MATT1NC.LY S (-CliOOT, rhot thanu, Ty pw riling. aM 14th, n. Jrff. M n. UK.. felH ATIONS M AXTLllul ALfc. Buokkeenere aad Clerks. D6YOi: WANT A BOOKKEEPER PART TIMET Will call a tew bouts each week or ua' and keep your books, get out sttutemeiitt, etc.; wurk guaranteed; higb-ciass lelrr ences; experienced accountant, 10 er. P. O. Box 3e4. A RIGHT-HAND MAN. Bookkeeper, cashier, ten years exped ience in bank and office wot k ; 1 l ave lived here six years and cau ahow bt record and references; for a rig lit- hand man, confidential secretary, etc. phone Tabor 60k, or address Five, 1-13 ileuuoiu street. POSITltJN wanted, youLq man, sitiislr. 4 years' experience on read ard two cs rv office experience, now emplo.wd 'rvltii high-elan concern, hut dett i-s chsiitr . callable of tuktng churce o office or w I accept road .1b if PiiiuMu; rc:rrcnce to character aud abuiij. ah u:, uitko nlan. GENTLEMAN of i;t ome kl.owicdge of bookkeeping, wishes poMtion In hotel, of fice or any place where he can study same Work far small wages. R t3 ti-egoiiiu. Ml arel la Deousw FARM Kit and dan iiiuii w mils pofit )u a herdsmv-n, I are man ci iiiatnasvr : 111 c e . - perleuce with stock and r inning, ruiwn Willi modern tat 111 inn.-h'nrrv. Hah. o.-k, mechanical milkers, criltled milk keeping recoida, haiullinK m n. bmlijniK and filling sllns; i)nniie: to mite nil i- -rtponslbilJty; no wJilKy or tobacco. R O'.i.', Oregonian. 1 OUNG man. 'tl, rsil.t hie himI it upi w i 1 m . wants wurk; Jims mother t.n ri. oA Support ; exper1rire-4 Junttor. floor m r and polisher- willing to do snvthlne Mmu 70.'. 1, A lOtl CONTRACTING, all kinds of construction and repair work by Hie best of si.ilied la bor; house painting and puperhnsins . chattels takeu lit lull ur part piuui. 1. Q. box J4, Vancouver. M urn. SINGLE man, U4, G'Tiiimii, wunin iudiiM jard or garden or common ).ror f n kind; must find einployment. Main oi 1 A 1317. SELF-RESPECTING culi.rnl man want place in country; eip.-rletv ed faiiti.". tiuck gardener: htia wife and 4 little gnis. Main 7n-M. A 1.M7, JAPANESE boy w lnes stea1 wiU 0f h) kind Inside house or outside. X fell, Ore gonlan. BLAC K.SM1T1I and shorr. Uvinun, 1" vis. exp., dcklrca situation in country shop. X t81. Or-gnnlan. jAKVNIiiL ajiilit like imthio.i. piUatn ini lly, cook and an oiler hind ti k lit cii; or .Mi;itr . 4 " N. Park St.. eil. CHINESE waniH posiilou doing rliuniiMr work or private family cook. S 0h0, Ore gon f s n. MIODLE-A'IED Iran. Klronrf mii.I ul- bodied, wants atiy kind of cmtiinuu hth.-r; pxpenencd i'anmlT, M ntn 7'.". I, A 7. ON K or two experienced men waul nrk lambing or herding. G. Auderson, WllU--mine, ttr. I'Uf-'ITION nanli it by h y.rud juc pi inter ul1 pressman ; good ref.-retires, C cor go S11 s, v Oil ("ariton ave., Portlumt. MAN and wife, position u janitor. hnitsc, experienced; best of references. al.,u 7774. PAINTING, pupcr huuglng, ka ln.m iti In t , i; v nrk KUitraitlccd. N. I'. Johuscd. Tabor 274?. EXPERIENCED young Japanese hjihih j.U-.-to rjoii or waiter in family. A J."tfl" Mum 1!C,M LAND s ashing snd clearing wan fed ; al necessary nmcnnifrv: can go to work at once. HV Hit:, Oregonian. YOl NO man wants wvrk io nu miio rtnr and repairer and Ik billing to do niiy wik ariird lioiif. 1. tnrntilati WELL educated oung Jupjiien vatiiw p wttion In liotel u.i pell i,o.v r Hi- other. Phone t" "riTt". Y'OL'NO man, -7, gucrnl olilcc. evperh'jue. can dr1 q aulo. Phone Wood lawn 1 76 i. EX PERI ENCED, all around linker wsnis rtady place. X t8:t, Oi egotiian. (it m H bak' r. cite or count rr, uprii 1 01 po sition. JiF CM. Oregon tun. JAPANESE cook deMire poet lion ' aV xhort hour's work in town, W thi, urcgunian. DENTIST, regtered, w ichen position : 111 work '-ry l c.tsoMH bin. V frii."., oregonlan. JAPANESE homo bo fly; ftnall wages. pitton lii fain i-r jjniitM 11. YOUNG ma n w n tit a work oil faiin , milker. AF ov!,i Oregoumn. JAPANESE boy w ork, avr.riQ p mants jolt, g.'ierel house r tiay. Main .io7it. COOK, hoiisewoi U. Japmietc wants ton. Phone Main 4 REGISTERED druglhl waul- MluaGon, city or cm.mry. ' OS 1 . Oregon. an. GOOD man waiiUi job on a tAitn, Inquire 40 N. 3d at. PlTUATtONM M A KTI'P FEMALE. Bookkeepers audi Stenographer. L COMPETENT Jnd wIpik-s ponlh.n mm bookkeeper and uteiiognipher or bo"k keeplup atone; .good references. V b. tn-gonian. VOUNG ludy stenogrti pher, living at lionic, wants poit ton, whole or part time: iih-u-eratu salary; hlglirsl nfettnees. East 7i4. NEAT, capable strnngrttphT wants po-iMon at once, reasonable ulary, 1'honu V.oti'i lawn S.if7. O. K stenographer, b. k. aud dletapher.e operator v ants permanent r suuatltu: work. M. 2817. STENOGRAPH Kit aud w 4 tits work. Wood lawn Dresentwarrs. TAILORED suits my ptOa t , evening gowns, fancy waists; guaranteed: hmuf ut shop. S07 NorthweMt Oidg. Mui bltti. FASHION A RLE dressuiakmu. reMsuii- t. home or day. 3U Buchanan bldg. Main DRESSMAKING, ell kinds or scnti'g; pn e reasonable; work guaranteed. Main 7S FIRST-CLASS di i.nmskliig ; d i (sacs S up, skirts up. 3"i"n. Mil sL Marshall liO. LADY wants few.ns:, etitht old pi y, 1 T" lifll work, yur home or mine. Tai-or 60:h. WORK in a plain family r IxMrdliM-hcn'.-by middle -oped )! ; moisH wmti". M. i-.l. PRACTICAL nurse wanls emiegeimuia; best reference. Phone Columbia iSft. BV exi't'iiein h! mirne, or day wmk. Main or t FIRST-CLASS practical nurse; r:udy now. 11 L.S7. K J41t. FRACT1CA L l.ui f o w ants rat ejt ; reference a. 1n In 7 1, A 1..I7 M o u fk ee per. WIDOW. nilddU-eged, wthhes emrdojine as h'Misekeeper for widower or in e sun famllv; best of r-ferpiires. Addrcrs 11 K.ast 31at t. N. Woodlaan 4.. I. JiXPKRIEN'TU hoi!Seke.;pr l-ie polti III Wld -i-Aer'S boiae, o objeitlon t on- - two children: no trl fieri; phono Mulu H) or SsdUrees bog li b.'ti, Oregonian, f