VOT.. LT-XO. 16.954. " PORTLAND, OREGOy, SATURDAY, MARCH 371915. " 1'KICE FIVE CENTS. F-41SL FEET Navy Officials Have Lit tle Hope for Grew. HOISTING CRANE AT WORK Effort to Tow Submarine to Shallow Water Abandoned After Vain Attempt. SEARCH IS INCESSANT. Every Device Known to Mari ners Employed-Interned German Gives Aid. HONOLULU, T. H., March 26. United States submarine F-4 lay on , the ocean floor disabled late tonight, while 300 feet above her a score of vessels combined in a strenuous ef fort to bring her to the surface. When the cables of the naval tug Navajo first made fast to the heavy mass which afterward proved to be F-4 it was thought possible to tow her to shoal water, where it would be an easy matter, to raise her. Towing Plan Abandoned. Shortly before 5 P. M, however, this plan was discarded, owing to the slowness of towing operations. An aerogram was sent to the naval tender Alert, which is equipped with heavy cranes and tackle adapted to CATED DOWN the work of rescue. The Alert arrived at the scene of operations before dark and then be gan the final stage of the work which officials declared would result in the raising of the damaged sub marine. Little Hope Felt for Men. Whether life still remains in any of the company of 21 men who have been submerged since early yesterday, will not be known until the vessel has been brought to the surface, but the authorities practically have given up hope. However, resuscitating apparatus has been dispatched from Pearl Har bor naval station to the scene and every effort will be made to develop any spark of life which may remain. The general opinion is that the ves sel's plates must have been sprung through the immense pressure of the water at a depth of 50 fathoms and that the two officers and 19 enlisted men aboard have perished. Detached Flag Identifies Vessel. It was first definitely established that the heavy bulk encountered at 3 P. M. today by the grappling hooks of the naval tug Navajo was the missing submarine, when the de tached flags of one of her marker buoys was discovered 30 feet beneath the surface. At once the vessels which had been dragging other parts of the lo cality with grappling x irons and heavy chains assembled and assisted in the towing, which proceeded until 5 o'clock, when it was deemed ad visable to adopt the plan of raising her by cranes. Signals Bring No Answer. Vessels in the vicinity which are equipped with submarine signal ap paratus still continue to send out sig nals, but no answer has come. Location of the F-4 was preceded by a day of incessant searching. When the grappling boats at first failed to find her, all possible theories were credited and acted on. At one time a report reached navy officials that the F-4 had been located 210 feet below the surface at the entrance to the harbor. New cable tenders were dispatched to the spot and launches circled the harbor continuously, drag ging chains on cables. The crews manning these launches excitedly re ported "strikes' several times, but each time it was found to be other than the sought submarine. Interned German Helps. Throughout last night the sound- tConcluded on raze 2.) STRIKERS DELAY MATERIAL FOR WAR KITCHENER'S WAKSTXG DISRE GARDED BY WORKMEN. Fears Expressed That Spread of Disaffection May Compel Dras 'tic Counter Measures. iivnos. March 26. respite Lord irii.)l.irli vimlni: and the agree ments between the government and the trades union that strikes should cease. .toDDin of work continues. Though the number of men Involved thus far is small, fears are expressed that tne HoaffctloTt mav spread and the gov ernment be driven to adopt drastic measures to increase industrial produc tion. At Rirkpnhfid the men loading three steamers Quit work today, and said they would not resume their labors un til Monday. Their ground was that they are not paid until the following week for work done Friday and Sat urday. - On the Liverpool side of the Mersey, a large number of dockers are threaten ing to strike for a similar reason and to lay off for an entire week. At the Dowlais, Wales, steel works, govern ment orders for materials needed in France and Belgium are being delayed by a strike of a comparatively small number of men, which has dislocated work in the establishment. The Clyde engineers are much dis satisfied with the recent .government arbitration award and Intend to ask for a further Increase in pay. BRITON GIVES PEACE HINT Economist Says There Is Duty to Cease as Well as to Make War. LONDON. March 26. The Economist, in a leading editorial today on the re cent speech of Sir Edward Grey, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in which the ' Foreign Minister dis cussed the issue for which the allies of the triple entente are fighting, says: "As soon as the main issues for which we are fighting can be achieved it is Just as much the duty of our states men to make peace as it was in the view of Sir Edward Grey to make war at the end of July last. "The time may come before long when it will be possible to consult the dictates of humanity and at the same time secure the objects Indicated by Sir Edward Grey. If such an Opportu nity la lnat tliA war will not KO OU for- it will md in revolutionary chaos, beginning no one can say where, and ending in no one can say what.". EASTER CAKES FORBIDDEN Berlin Puts Additional Restrictions on Tse of Flour. TtPiTtT.IN. via London. March 26. Ad ditional restrictions have been placed h authorities upon bakers and housewives in Berlin, who now have been forbidden to bake cakes wmcn require the use of yeast or similar m-ncj rations. The baking in homes of any cakes whatever between March 2! and April 12 also has been forbidden. The latter order is designed to check the consumption of flour for Easter cakes. The former regulation limiting to 10 per cent of the total weight the amount flour which mav be used in cakes not under the official ban remains in force. The baking of cakes also has been forbidden in private households in the Duchy of Anpalt. MILITIA DRILISITE CHOSEN Artillery of Three States to Be Or dered to Klamath KLAMATH FALLS. Or., March 26. (Knec-lal.) Announcement has been made here that the Klamath Indian Reservation has been chosen as the site for the maneuvers of the artillery of the organized militia of Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho next Summer. The, six-mile artillery range will be near Fort Klamath, where a mountain will be the backstop. This year's practice is thought to be a test to ascertain the desirability of the reservation as a permanent ma neuver ground for the entire United States Army. REBELS BOMBARD DURAZZ0 Albanian Port May Be Destroyed Vnless President leaves. ROME, via Paris, March 26. The sit uation at Durazzo in Albania again appears to be serious, according to dispatches coming to Rome. The ln surgents are bombarding the port and threatening to destroy it if the Con sular representatives are not success ful in persuading Essad Pasha, . the Turkish Provisional President, to leave the country. Several cannon shots during the bom bardment struck the residence of Essad Pasha. Docks and public buildings also suffered. WOMAN BUS DRIVER FINED To Drive Jitney Between Car and Curb Costs 32. The first woman Jitney driver to be fined for a traffic violation in Portland is Mrs. Alvina Pearson, who paid $3 In Municipal Court yesterday for pass ing between a streetcar and the curb at Twenty-third and Gllsan streets Thursday. An elderly woman alight ing from the car was almost run down. said H. P. Coffin, chairman of the Pub lic Safety Commission. James Zervls, who only recently com pleted a sentence of five days for reck less driving, was fined 115 on the same charge yesterday. OF MASSACRE MQVESWASH1NGT0N Reports of Atrocities by Kurds Alarming. 65 CHRISTIANS ARE HANGED American and French Missions Entered; Refugees Killed. TURKEY PROMISES TO AID Requests of Consuls in Persia for Russian Soldiery Has Compli cating Possibilities in View of Hostilities With Snltan. WASHINGTON". March 26. Alarming reports of atrocities, including the hanging of 60 men taken from the French irflssion and five from the American mission compound at Gul pashan, Persia, stirred the State De partment today to further efforts to obtain protection for- American mis sionaries and refugees in the vicinity of TJrumlah, Persia, where an uprising of Kurds threatens a general Christian massacre. Ambassador Morgenthau at Constan tinople has been twice appealed to by Secretary Bryan in the last few days to urge the Turkish government to send protection to the imperiled sec tion and it -was learned tonight that the State Department had received definite assurances from the Turkish government that protection would be rushed to the scene. Russian Aid Also Asked. It was learned through the British embassy that the British Consul to Tabriz, Persia, not far distant from the Urumiah district, acting In con- Junction with the American Consul, Gordon Paddock, had appealed to Rus sian commanders in the region near Tiflis to send Soldiers to the rescue of the helpless Christian populace. The Russian ger.erals. .it was said, had de layed action awaiting orders from Pet rograd. In view of present efforts of the American government to have Turkish troops sent to the region it was re garded as probable here that no fur ther effort would be made to get aid from the Russian soldiery. In view of hostilities between Russia and Turkey, aid from both sides would be impossible. ' Presbyterians Be Action. It was suggested also that the Con suls at Tabriz were moved to be cau tious in getting troops into the district, for fear that their arrival might pre cipitate a massacre. The State Department tonight had received no official notice of the de struction and outrages at Gulpashan, a few miles from Urumiah. as reported to the Presbyterian board of foreign missions at New York from native (Concluded on Page 3.) INDEX OF TODAFS NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 57.4 degrees; minimum, 7.6 degrees. TODAY'S Showers; southeasterly winds. War. Pear of areneral massacre of Christians In Persia, arouies United .States. Page 1. Sinking of Dutch ship by Germans arouses Holland press. Pace 3 Germany renews effort to pacify Italy. Page 1. Arrival of Austrian reinforcements in Car pathians interest war observers. Page 3. Correspondent describes wild- ride to front in France. Pag 7. Strikes In Britain delay dispatch of war material. Page 1. National. Question n'h-sther steamship Great Northern violated r.anal law is raised by Colonel Goetbals. " page 5. . . r - , i .4.1... TrA.irim he can contract for purchase of railroad in AlasKa. rage o. Domestic. Christian F. Eaxmyer, of Portland, mur . vi Illinois coroner's Jury. Page 5. American submarine F-4 located in 300 feet or water; iliue nope ot mcii oiiww" Page 1. Railroads must produce ' letters exchanged by officials concerning rate increases. Page 6. Indiana Governor testifies in Terre Haute election case. Page 7. - " Sports. ' Venice Tigers' 1914 loss placed at S28.S62 In - - - . i - - ... Bftoni smicuieub. i . ij City Leaguers all ready for their parade tonight. Page 12. Near fight Is feature of Beavers' victory over American Giants. Page 12. Pacific Northwest. County Courts denied authority over tax ..it. ca, rnmrnifulnn ruHnS. Page i. Lake dam breaks and property along Yakima tuver is in u"sci. xa&? ..... Grants Pass man, lost 11 days in mountains, lives on one biscuit. Page 13. Commercial and Marine. Australian buyers bidding for North Pacific wheat.' Page 17. Chicago wheat market ' lower on reports from Eastern Europe. Page 17. Stock market but little affected by foreign selling. Page 17. Katansa still hold in harbor, release by German firm expected. Page 14. Portland and Vicinity. Plans for reconstruction of great commer cial body under way. Pace 1. Portland's chamber of Commerce'is largest in world. Page 8. T. R. Sheridan. ex-Roseburg banker, on stand in own behalf. . Page Is. Numerous mishaps to lost submarine F-4 described by Portland man lu crew. Page 2. RRIT1SH NEED MUNITIONS Sir John French Dwells Emphati cally on Necessity for Supply. IilKDON. March 27. In a statement to the London Times, replying to a reauest for an interpretation of the nhrnse "a protracted war." which he used in a recent Interview, Field Marshal Sir John French, commander- in-chief of the British forces in tne field, says: The protraction of the war depends entirely up'on the supplj" of men, and munitions. Should these be unsatis f..tnrr thf war will be accordingly prolonged. I dwell emphatically on the need for munitions." ITALY EXTENDS EMBARGO All Metals, OH Products and Tan ning; Material Xow Included. ROME, March 25. via Paris, March 26. A royal decree has been promul gated extending the prohibition of ex ports to include all metals, sulphate of aluminum, cement, stearin, paraf fine, ceresin and all materials for tanning-. The Italian government on February g prohibited the exportation of all foodstuffs except fruit, vegetables, milk and butter. The order included everything which might be used to feed cattle and other animals or poultry. A WHALE OF A RECORD. II 1 EFFORTS IN ITALY Austria Also to ConcecS dnds. ROME WARNED AGAINST ALLIES Britain and France Will Prey on Nation, Says Von Buelow. BERLIN OFFERS INFLUENCE End of Menace to Triple Alliance ' Through Differences Between Dual' Monarchy and Her Latin Xeighbor Again Pleaded. ROME. March 26, via ' Chiasso, Switzerland and Paris. Efforts to effect an adjustment of the differences be tween Italy and Austria are being con tinued pertinaciously by Prince von Buelow, the German Ambassador, not withstanding the almost insurmount able obstacles he has encountered. Authoritative Information was ob tained today that the Prince Is now en deavoring to present the matter in a somewhat different and more compre hensive way. He seeks to convince u.w Aimtria that thevshould not disregard the broader questions of pol icy and mutual self-interest on account of possible misunderstandings of the moment. View to Future la Urged. Prince von Buelow has expressed the opinion that the matters now under discussion, cannot be limited In their application to the present, but will i, t,v n -far-reaching effect on the future of both nations. He is under stood to have had recourse to the argu ments set forth by him zu years ago during his former service as Am her and later when he was Imperial German Chancellor. He then pointed out that the strength of the triple alliance was impaired by an tagonism between Austria and Italy; an opinion which has been confirmed by recent events. He now maintains that once tnese notinna rtTAKomfl the friction oc casioned hv Austria's retention of Trent and Trieste, they will be? able to co operate to great mutual advantage, i asmuch as they have important com mon interest in the Adriatic ana meoi- terranean. Italy Warned Against Allies. Anrin bv a united policy in re spect of these questions, the Prince points out, Austria and Italy would De rnrtirieri in their Dositlon by having be hind them Germany's Influence and sup port. The Ambassador is represented also as picturing dire consequences for Italy if any other policy be adopted. His view is that if the triple alliance should be dissolved Italy would be at the mercy of France and England or mlgnt (Concluded on Page 3.) Friday's War Moves THF. comparative inactivity along the whole of the western front leads to the belief in military circles in London that both armies are awaiting the tuin , veillS ill LUC l-aiJKlHiau. --oV vting to strlek a hard blow. -O .. , . . . . i h1r i ne xtriiie-n are iiiu rvniis victory at Neuve Chapelle a victory which cost them almost as dearly in men as it did the Germans; and the Germans, although they are reported to be massing troops for a French offen sive, have undertaken nothing in the west comparable with their rush of last Fall. Incredulity is expressed by some of the military observers that the fall of Praemysl will exert an immediate, in fluence on the warfare in the Car pathians.' but the optlmlBtlc British press, using the meager dispatches rela tive to a Russian victory in the Uzsok pass as a basis, says the Austrian right has been turned and that the evacua tion of Cr.ernowltz Is imminent. Germany is declared to be sending vast reinforcements Into the Carpa thians, and the newspapers deem it not illogical to conclude that this fighting at the gateway of Hungary is having and will continue to have a marked in fluence on the German campaign In the east and the west. Rumors of the approaching interven tion of Italy, coupled with assertions that Austro-German troops are massing along the Italian frontier, continue to be printed prominently, but foundation in fact for them is difficult to find. The situation in the Dardanelles, so far as is known, remains unchanged. The Admiralty has vouchsafed no con firmation of a report that the super dreadnought Queen Elizabeth and other ships, ahong them the battleship Triumph, which recentlly bombarded Smyrna, have entered the straits. Reports from allied sources are to the effect that German officers are leaving Constantinople, and that the situation in the Ottoman capital Is gloomy, but there Is nothing official to show that the Turks are at all discouraged over the outlook. The editorials in the Dutch news papers are more positive than usual in their protests against the sinking of the Dutch steamer Medea off Beachey Head by a German submarine. A dis patch from The Hague says a Cabinet council yesterday considered the ques tion of the damage being done to Dutch shipping, and that there also were otrer conferences among government officials. The Dutch government already has sent to Berlin a protest against the al leged attack by a German aeroplane on the Dutch steamer Zevenbergcn. ARMY WORM PEST IS OVER Corvallls Professor Declares Wheat Invasion at Pendleton Checked. PENDLETON, Or, March 2 (Spe cial.) The army worm Invasion of the wheat fields in the Combs Canyon dls trict of Umatilla County was tonight declared temporarily checked by Pro feasor A. L. Lovett. of Oregon Agricul tural College, who spent the day com batting the pest. He fears another gen eratlon will appear early In June from eggs laid this month, but will take large number of specimens to Corvallls and speed their hatching in the col lege laboratory so as to be able to warn the farmers If another invasion Is to be expected. Reports that the worm has been seen In Holdman and other sections will be Investigated. MARSHALL REFUSES WINE Vice-President Untemptcd by Cham pagne at Exposition. SAN FRANCISCO, March 26. (Spe cial.) Vice-President Marshall today declined to drink champagne when he was making an official tour of the foreign buildings at the exposition. In thus following the example set by oth er distinguished office-holders at xPahiT,irtnn. the Vice-President did not give the impression that he always found It necessary to De so aueienuou. "T am inrrv. T WOUld like tO. but I do not feel that I should," he said, in refusing a sparkling glass ai tne uau temala building, and he repeated the few mtrtiif fw later when he -visited the Honduras building and wine was again offered him. PERIL SEEN IN AUSTRIA Vienna Editor Says Only Grave Sac rifices Can Save Nation. ROME, via Paris, March IS. The Giornale d'ltalla reproduces an article from the Vienna Fremdenblatt which says: "The Austrian people know now that the existence of the AuBtro-Hun-garian nation Is imperiled and victory will be posslbl only through grave sacrifices." r'The dispatch adds that "the Austrian Press trusts that the Austro-Hungarlan forces will have their revenge for the fall of Przemysl in the battle of the Carpathians." NEW BUTTER RECORD MADE Cow Gives 24,612 Pounds of Milk in Year; 1111 Pounds Butter Fat. DELAVAK, Wis.. March 26. A new r.rnrd for butterfat production i maA TTinirnA Hollinaen Fayne. a Holsteln' cow, which in one year gave 24.812. pounds of milk, coniam- 1 116.05 Dounds of butterfat. ac cording to an announcement made here today by the Holstein-Frieslan ad vanced registry office. Th, animal 1h owned in Somerset. X. J. The test was' under the super vision of the ?.ew jersey state Agri culture College. PORTLAND CHAMBER WORLD'S LARGEST 4207 Membership Ob tained in Four Days. MANY PROSPECTS STILL OPEN Final Roundup Scheduled for Next Tuesday. 5000 MARK FELT ASSURED Co-operation of Labor Inioni Cre ates Enthusiasm Streetcar Con ductor Tender Signature. All Records Smashed. Th Portland Chamber of Commerce completed Its four days' campaign yes. terday with a membership of 4 207 tha largest Chamber of Commerce in the world. The campaign was superlative In every detail, as well as In results. "The returns of the first day were the greatest ever recorded In a earr palgn of this nature; the committee tt work was the largest that had been organized; the number of committee members working throughout the entire four days was the greatest, and every, thing else about the campaign was on the most elaborate scale ever featured In a similar movement In this country." declared H. V. Chase, of the Town Development League, of New York, who managed this as well as numerous similar movements elsewhere. . And "the end is not yet." Farther Mark Premised. Several special committees will work Monday on membership prospects that were not easily available under the method of conducting the four days' campaign Just closed, and on Tuesday the entire committee on membership will assemble its 3l0 or 400 men at In tha morning to make a whirlwind clean-up of the remaining prospects. Mr. Chase estimates that between 4500 and 60(10 memberships will be re corded after the final effort, and that within the reconstruction period of the next 30 days enough will com In without solicitation to complete tha roll of 6000 desired. Members of the committee are even more sanguine than Mr. Chase. "We'll have 5000 easily by the end of the cleanup." is the general verdict of the men who have been most active in the campaign. U. M. Clark Optimistic. "I think that the final total after the reorganization has been effected will be nearer 6000 than 60,10," asserted O. M. Clark, president of the old Cham ber, at the luncheon at the Commercial Club yesterday, which marked the close of the campaign. There was no abatement apparent in the enthu&laam of the workers at the luncheon and if they had been ordered to carry the campaign on today and to. morrow without stopping. It is prob able that the response to the summons would have been practically unanimous. Indeed the general expression seemed to be one of regret that tha "polls were closed" before they had a chance to clean up all the prospects on whom they had been working. All Willing Keep al -Work. When the motion was put for the reassembly of tho committee next Tues day morning for a three hours' finish ing campaign and a call for those who would be on hand for th work was made, the response was unanimous. Special committee number 6f ap pointed to work among th transporta tion companies yesterday reported 4t memberships signed as a result of its work and 100 mora guaranteed by the end of th week. This report snd tha report of J. Fred Larson's committee. consisting of W. F. Woodward. P. II. Dater, Guy W. Talbot and himself, were th record reports for th day. Mr. Larson's committee announced ! first. amending it to 'J a moment later and turning in seven more after th "polls closed." Cemmltea Is Decorated. The grand total of this committee for the four days was 2(4, th greatest number obtained by any on committee. E. L. Thcmpson called the members of the committee forward at the clos rf the meeting and decorated them with blue ribbons In honor of their success. The next highest commute was that beaded by E. G. Crawford, which began on Tuesday with 220 memberships signed, and In four days brought this up to 2D3. Edgar 13. Piper's committee was third with 202. Other high committees, with names f chairmen and results, war: W. J. Hoftnann MS Paul Wesstnfer ! G. c. Coit C. l. Bruun A. II Devers O. M. Plummer Nathan Htrsuss l'. It. Moore ir. W. Mtsr i B. Woedrutf V. E. Smith .1:1 .. .. I! ., !. ! . . M ii . . I.abr UBleaa rl-s;e Membership. The report which evoked probably the greatest enthusiasm of th meeting came from th committee of W. V. Whitcomb. 'It has been said by some that I hi labor organizations have not bean In clined to Join the Chamber of Com merce." said Mr. Whitcomb. "but 1 hav the pleasure of announcing at this time that our committee this morning re ceived pledi.es of membership from the iCouvivaetl l- Si