Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 26, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Memel and later across the bay. The I
advancing Hussians burned numerous
buildings and barns at Nimmersatt and
Maugallen. They damaged altogether
15 villages.
"The evening of the 14th the Rus
sians entered MemeL The following
evening the Russian commander ap
peared at the town hall and demanded
the Mayor and three citizens as hos
British Commander Finds Evi
dence of German Deteriora
v tion on Western Line.
French Soldiers, With Renewed Con
fidence, Declared Better, Man for
Man, Than Enemy ritlmate
Victory Is Predicted.
CorrfspondcDt of the Associated fnza at
l.e front lti the British Army In Irance.j
FRANCE, via London. March 26. It
was In the drawing-room of the house
in which lie makes his office that Field
Marshal Sir John French, commander-in-chief
of the British expeditionary
forces on the Continent, received the
correspondent today and discussed the
military situation. Before the conver
sation was over the British commender,
answering a question concerning the
result of the war. said:
"Indeed, there is no doubt of the out
come. I was never so confident of
victory as I am today. I am as con
fident as General Orant was when he
took command of the Army of the Po
tomac He hept at it and so shall we.
OoKKed Tenacity Snves Day.
"What were the most important con
tributing factors making: your retreat
from Mons -secure-. against overwhelm
ing odds?". Sir John was asked.
"The dogged tenacity of our little
regular army which contested every
foot of the ground as -.
"Not once did our soldiers lose heart,
irk... ...i-.tnnrt that uc were not de
feated, but making a strategic retreat
before heavy odds and that all me
punshmcnt which they could Inflict on
the enemy by a cool and stubborn re
sistance from point to point was no
less valuable to the ultimate object
than If they were advancing.
"Their confidence that their turn to
take the offensive wouio cuu.o
malned unshaken. Next in importance
i. ,.r rtup cavalry in its ag
gressive and alertness in preventing the
cavalry of the enemy Iron,
around us. Our cavalry established a
decided superiority over that of the
enemy, which was 01 vuai
cMb-i Dualities tnrliMil.
"A good deal lias been said about
the novel conditions which trench war
fare In this war has developed, was
... ' . hi,.i aM bv the corres
pondent. "Has it changed the qualities
in be a soldier?
..v- k ronlied. "Human nature
.h. Kme and It is the man
who gives and takes the blows, what
ever the nature of his weapons. Cour
age discipline and tenacity re still
the domineni elements m oui
"And the suns. Tt has been re
peatedly said that this has become a
war of artillery."
"I think there has been an Inclina
tion to exaggerate the importance of
artillery," Sir John answered. Re
doubt of the three arms, artillery has
Increased In relative Importance. It
may take a dozen shells to get one
man and one bullet will get one
man. The weapons which decide the
day are the riHe and the machine gun.
nnrt the infantry is still the queen of
As a soldier speaking of his enemy.
Sir John French was far from de
preciating the lighting qualities of the
nermanr. To the troops of Emperor
William ho paid a soldier's chivalrous
Urrmni rndurt Varies M'Hh General.
"But (hey are no greater than other
soldiers." he said. "1 attribute their
valor and their well-disciplined cohesion
to the fact that from the cradle they
are taught discipline and to worship
the Kmperor and the fatherland and
that it Is their duty to die for the
fatherland when their Emperor com
niands.'' "As to the conduct of the Germans,
Is It as bad as represented?" was asked
of Sir John. "Have they consistently
broken the rules of civilized warfare?"
For the first time the British com
mander hesitated before speaking.
Kvidently as a soldier he wished to
be entirely just to his .nemy.
"Yea." he replied, "in many instances
their conduct has been bad. very bad.
I know that it has been."
This ditclaration was made with firm
conviction. "But it has varied. It
has seemed to depend upon the com
manders. If a commander approve of
outraces. they occur. Yes. in the
main, German conduct depends upon
the character of the German Generals."
French Superior to Germans.
"And the French army; you have
been fighting as its ally for eight
months; how does it compare with the
Germans?!' the correspondent asked.
This seemed a happy question. To
it. Sir John replied:
"The French at the start were la
boring under the shadow of their dis
astrous defeat in 1870. which might
well have led both the French and the
world In general to think that the Ger
man military machine was heaveu
born and irresistible.. The French al
ready have learned the contrary, and
the world boon must, if It has not I
need not speak of their splendid gen
eralship r their courage in driving
the Germans back from the Marne.
They have the clan of Napoleon's time,
thanks to the spur of renewed confi
dence, lan for man. they arc better
tlian the Germans today and their army
bas continuously improved since the
war liesan. while the German army has
Cnemy Believed Deteriorating;.
,rtVe have abundant evidence of the
Germans deteriorating on our own
front. Their attacks lack the former
vigor and spirit. Neuve Chapelle was
an important victory. It proved that
with a strong push we could put the
enemy out of a well-fortified position
and then hold what we gained.
"One of the gratifying tl-ings to us."
the British Commander-in-Chief said,
in conclusion, "is how well our terri
torials have done, once their period of
preparation was over and they had an
opportunity. I believe they occupy
much the same relation to our forces
as your National Guard does to yours.
They have surpassed our expectations.
As for the Canadians. I cannot pay too
high a tribute to them." " j
"On the 20th only Russian patrols
were in the streets, a majority of the
Russians having left town. But the
next morning strong Russian forces
again entered the town from the north.
They met strong German forces from
the south, who vigorously attacked and
chased the Russians out of the town.
In the severe street fighting the Rus
sians lost 100 men killed. Our losses
were small.
"The Russians fled, taking their
hostages, but the car on which the
hostages were being transported broke ;
down. The escort fled and tne nostages
returned to MemeL The German sol
diers Dursued the Russians. When
marching through Polaogen. the Rus
sians suffered severely through the
gunfire from cruisers. Five hundred
Russians and three machine guns were
"The Russians' move against Memel
appears to have been in the nature of
a raid. A similar raid apparently had
been planned against Tilsit.
"Prince Joachim was witn me iroupo
which liberated Memel."
Wife of German Who Housed - Stolen
Goods nnd Soldier Accused of
Aiding Also Sentenced.
PARIS, March -23. Colonel Francois
Desclaux, former paymaster-general in
the French army, charged with steal
ing military stores, was convicted to
day and sentenced to seven years' soli,
tary confinement and military degra
dation. His name was ordered removed
from the list of the Legion of Honor.
Madame Bachoff. the wife of a Ger
man, in whose house the stolen goods
were found, also was declared guilty
by the courtmartial and sentenced to
two vears' imurisonment A soldier
named Verges, vho was accused of aid
ing in the thefts, received a one year's
sentence. All the other, defendants
were declared not guilty.
Desclaux, who was formerly, chief
secretary of Joseph Caillaux when Cail
laux was Minister of Finance, was ar
rested in January, charged with steal
ing military supplies and sending them
to the home of Mme. Bechoff, one of
the best-known dressmakers, in Paris.
On account of the conspicuous political
connection of .Desclaux and the promt
nence of Mme. Bechoff the charges ere
ated a sensation.
When the courtmartial assembled
last Monday to try the accused one
corner of the courtroom resembled an
army storehouse. There were packages
of coffee, tents, trophies of war, big
shells and helmets, making perhaps a
tan of material. All these were found
in the home of Mme. Bechoff and were
brought before the courtmartial as
Name and bomb port ok vessel
painted on sides.
Germans Take Steamer's loper Ilol-
laad Crew Reamed by British Pilot
Boat Chaae One Submarine.
DOVER, March 2o. The Dutch
steamer Medea was sunk off Beachy
Head this morning by the German sub
marine U-2Si She carried a cargo of
oranges and was bound from Salonika
for London.
The Medea was stopped by the sub
marine and tlie crew were given 15
minutes in which to leave the vessel.
They did eo nnd the submarine then
fired several shots at the steamer,
which remained afloat for an hour. The
crew rowed about In their boats until
picked up by a destroyer which
brought them to Dover.
The trawler Alprecht was attacked
by a submarine today. A torpedo passed
within ten feet of the fishing1 boat
while she was crossing- the Channel. A,
British pilot boat chased the sub
marine, which, however, disappeared.
LONDON, March 25. The Admiralty,
In reporting the sinking of the Medea
by the U-28, says:
"The ship was flying the Dutch flag
and' had a Dutch crew aboard. Her
name, 'Medea. Amsterdam was painted
in large letters on her sides. The ship's
papers were taken by the Germans, who
refused to return them."
Prosecution of Chicago Recipients of
Large Sums Is Threatened.
CHICAGO, March 25. There are 600
Chicagoans with Incomes ranging from
$60,000 to 100.000 who have failed to
make returns on their incomes as re'
quired by law, according to a state
ment by Charles F. Clync, United
States District Attorney.
"The records show," Mr. Clyne said
today, "that last year one-third of all
the income tax collected in this coun
try was derived from the Island of
Manhattan. I am determined that Chi-
ago shall make a good showing. I
shall prosecute the violators of this
Julius P. Smietanka, Collector of In
ternal Revenue, estimated that $15.
000.000 in salaries la escaping the tar.
The collector said that 12 deputies
have been assigned to make a house
to-house canvass to determine the de
Mother of Mrs. W. W. Welder Dies.
Mrs. W. W. Welder. 3S0 Vista avenue,
received news yesterday of the death
of her mother. Mrs. II. O. Hansen, of
Tacoma.- The funeral will be Saturday,
interment at the Mausoleum. Mrs. Han
sen was born in Norway and had been
a resident of Tacoma 27 years. She
was SI years old.
Joachim t.iiCH Battle to 15usians,
Who Loe 500 Prisoners.
BERLIN ivia. Amsterdam to London).
M.irch 25. The German main headquar
ters has made public the following re
view of the events which have taken
place around Memel, East Prussia: -
"On March 18. the Russians advanced
toward Memel in several columns from
the north and cast from 6000 to 10,
00 men. infantry, cavalry and marine?,
with six or eight old guns.
"The small force of German land
sturm retreated from the frontier to
Hood's Sarsapnrllla, the Great Blood
Portlier, Is the Best.
Spring sickness comes in some de
gree to every man, woman and child
in our climate.
It Is that run-down condition of the
system that results from Impure, im
poverished, devitalized blood.
It is marked by loss of appetite
and that tired feeling, and In many
cases by some form of eruption.
The best way to treat tfpring sick
ness is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
This old reliable family medicine
purifies, enriches and revitalizes the
blood. It is an all-the-year-round
alterative and tonic, and Is abso
lutely the best Spring medicine.
Get your blood in good condition at
once now. Delay may be dangerous.
Ask your druggist for Hood's Sarsa
parilla. and Insist on having it, for
nothing els can take its place. Adv.
i i . ... i i. i ! I
Convincing SalesOjpp
A Special Purchase of v
5 Cases of Fine New Challies
2000 Yards of Choice Colors and Patterns
Never Sold Regular Less Than 40c
Friday Economy, 25c
These challies are used extensively for one-piece dresses,
children's dresses, waists, kimonos and dressing sacques.
In bordered patterns, in dots, Persian and Dresden effects,
stripes and figures. In all the newest colorings and combina-.
lions, many handsome black-and-white effects.
AH these challies are guaranteed part wool. Basement
Women's Tailored 1 -Piece Serge Dresses
Economy Sale, $3.95
These dresses come in a plain tailored style, made of navy and black
serge, having yoke-top flare skirts piped at the waistline and at yoke with
black satin, long set-in tailored sleeves, collar and cuffs of black satin, and
trimmed with black satin-covered buttons.
Two Extraordinary Spring Suit Sales
You Have Never Seen Such Remarkable Bargains as Offered in This Sale
Tailored and Novelty Spring Suits
For Misses and Small Women
Selling From $25.00 to $35.00
Economy Price, $10.00
In checks, serges, novelty cords, poplins, diagonals, fancy
suitings, in black arid white checks, and all popular colors.
Jackets lined with best quality peau de cygne silk. The mate
rials are of the very finest quality, mostly imported.
New Spring Suits for Women
Sold Regularly at $15.00
- $7.50
Of serge and granite cloth, in navy, Belgian blue and black, made
in the new belted style, with pleated peplum. Collars and cuffs trimmed
with corded silk and fancy buttons. Skirt in flaring style. The jackets
are lined with a good quality silk. Basemen
y-Kir -ar-cr v-wr-v a tt- -n - Pleated back, turn-over, flaring, soft-roll and flat collars, of net,
r& If n WW 8 & tt A. lace and organdie. In embroidered designs, some with scalloped and
x . wv - - r - others with lace
edges. In a great variety of newest styles. Basement
Phonograph Records
Made to Fit Any Machine
Will Ran Two Minutes
Included in this sale are such
popular pieces as Back to Carolina,
He's a Rag Picker, Tip Top Tip
perary Mary, California and You,
It's a Long Way to Tipperary.
Poor Pauline, Twenty Century
Rag. Where Red Red Roses Grow.
Michigan (duet), I Wish I Was in
Michigan, At the Mississippi Cab
aret and many others.
Sheet Music 3 c
Regular 25c and 30c
Popular and Operatic
This includes One-Step music,
Hesitation Waltzes, Tango. Music
from the "Chocolate Soldier" and
Music from "The Spring Maid," as
well as great assortment of many
other popular and well-known
pieces. Basement
Come to the Greatest Millinery Sale Ever Held in Portland
Space Does Not -Allow Use of Great Details. You Must See These Hats.
Every One New the Latest Styles Up-to-Date, Smart, Attractive.
The "Devil" the Latest Mode Newest $3.00 Trimmed Hats
in Trimmed Millinery
Reproduced for the Economy Sale
Of Hemps, With Fruits, Flowers and Ribbon
Trimmings in Sailor Effects
A Great Variety of Styles
Friday Economy $2.45
In black, blue, green, sand, purple and brown. In
same style as shown in illustration No. 1. Moire and
satin ribbon trimmed, combined with flowers or fruits..
The "Frisco" Hat
Which Have Sold Regularly at $1.95
Friday Economy 95c
In the new rough straws having facings or crowns of
silk poplin, featuring the newest feather and quill trim
mings combined with grosgrain ribbons. One style as
shown in illustration No. 2. In black and all the late
colors. '
Friday Economy $1.95
In black, blues, browns, rose, greens, combination
shades and many other colors. One model shown in
illustration No. 3.
New Untrimmed Hemp Hats
In Three Different Shapes
' In sailor shapes with flare and sloping crowns
and models with drooping brims, in medium sizes.
The Regular $1.95 Styles
Friday Economy 95c
In black, navy blue, Belgian blue, rose, sand, brown,
green and Army blue. As illustrated in No. 4.
The Flat Wreath Trimming
Regular Price 75c
Economy Sale 39c
Of small dark green flat leaves combined with small,
brightly colored fruit effects in satin or velvet, in all the '
colors of natural fruits and flowers. Basement
The Newest Feather Trimming
Whip Quills -
First Time Offered in a SpecialSale
Their Regular Price Is 75c
Friday Economy 39c
In style as shown in illustration No. 5. In red, black,
sand, rose, blue, white, and black with white combined.
700 Knitted Summer Vests for Women v
The Best 18c and 15c Qualities and Styles
Friday 10c Each
All Summer styles and Summer weights, made low neck and sleeveless,
neatly trimmed with fine mercerized ribbons.
Women's Best 50c Summer Union Suits
Sale 39c Each or 3 Suits fpr $1,00
Light weight, fine ribbed cotton union suits, made low neck and sleeve
less and with tight knee, or loose knee, lace trimmed. Basement
" New Middy Blouses
Economy Sale 59c
In all white or white with navy, ca
det or red sailor collars, white braid
trimmed. Made with a wide band at
the bottom, piped wn color to match
collar. Pocket, cuffs and lacings also
trimmed to match.-
Entirely new styles, in sizes 1 2 to 20
years. Basement
Boys' Oliver Wash Suits
Economy Price, 50c
In Sixes 3 to 8 Years
The Best Suits Ever Offered in America
At Such a Remarkable Price
Never before was there such an unusual sale
in wash suits for the small boy suits that are
perfectly made and tailored in every respect,
made of excellent quality ginghams and per
cales. In plain colors, plain white and stripes com
bined with white, and plain colors combined with
stripes, in pink, blue, tans, browns and navy blue.
Made in the regulation Oliver style, which is
now so popular for small boys, with small turn
over collars, cord and tassel at neck, turn-back
cuffs, trimmed with pearl buttons.
The First Time Offered This Season
Boys New $1 Corduroy Pants 69c
Made of a new grade of mouse-colored corduroy a qual
ity that will give exceptional service.
For boys from 4 to 1 7 years old.
Made with taped seams, inside belt, knickerbocker style,
full cut, side pocket and back pocket.
Boys' New White Duck Rah Rah Hats, 29c
In Stitched Brims. Sizes 6 to 634.
Boys' New 50c Caps, Economy Price, 35c
Of navy blue serge and fancy mixtures and checks in grays, browns
and tans. Made with band or golf style, with or without linings.
Boys' $1.00 Sweaters, Economy Sale 79c
-Plain weaves in maroon, gray or navy blue, in plain colors or
contrasting trimmings, made in V-shape and finished with two
Boys' Tapeless Style Blouses, Sale 25c
-Of gingham, chambray, black sateen and percale, in light and dark
colors. Sizes 6 to 1 3 years. Basement
Manufacturers' Curtain Samples
Economy Sale 29c, 39c, 59c Each
500 Curtains in This Sale
From 1 to 1 Yz Yards Long, 40 to 50 Inches Wide
In white, cream and Arabian color, scrim and lace curtain samples,
in a great assortment of designs. Basement
Souvenir Spoons 9 Cents
Famous Wm. A. Rogers Make
Add these states to your collection :
Face Veiling Lengths
One Yard Wide
Economy Sale 25 c
Regular 35c to 75c Yard
In brown, navy, black, white and
the black-and-white combination ef
fects. In becoming soft meshes. Quite
the correct face veil for the small Spring
hats Basement
Rhode Island
Iowa ,
New York
New Jersey
M assachusetts
The New Colored Edge
Handkerchiefs, Sale 5c
Made of fine, soft-finished lawn,
showing the cross-stitch hem done in
white, pink, blue or lavender.
$1 and $1.25 Gingham and Percale
New House Dresses 79c
Gingham dresses in stripes and checks, percales in checks and
figures. Made with turn-down collars with scalloped edge and
embroidery, also square-neck dresses or with sailor collars. Elbow
sleeves, piped or belted waistline. AH sizes from 36 to 44.
Excellent quality materials, well made and finished.
45cGingham Coverall Aprons, Economy 25c
(For One Day Only)
Good, serviceable quality of navy and white check gingham,
made in coverall style with short cap sleeves, belted back, finished
with white pipings.
Black Cotton Messaline Petticoats
With Elastic Fitted Tops
Economy Sale, 89c
Made with deep ruffle and finished with accordion pleating, all
with elastic at waist, Vhich makes them perfect in fit. Made of -a
splendid quality of cotton messaline in black only.
New White Band Aprons, Economy, 15c
Made of lawn, in a practical yet attractive size, with one side
pocket embroidery trimmed, and tie strings of self material.
Special Sale of Colonial Rugs
50c Colonial Rugs, 36x18 inches . . .37c
$1.00 Colonial Rugs, 54x27 inches. .79c
$1.50 Colonial Rugs, 60x30 inches. .98c
$2.00 Colonial Rags, 72x36 inches, $139
Colonial rag rugs in hit-and-miss patterns, with
fancy striped borders. In pink, tan and green.
Merchandise afcJ Merit Only
Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A 6691
Sale Royal Sheets, Pillow Cases
Made seamless and free from dressing. The
best sheets made at a medium price.
90x81-inch Sheets 65c
S9x81-inch Sheets 72c
Pillow Cases, each 12c and 13c