THE MORXIXG OREGOJflAX, FRIDAY, HARCII 26. 1915. 17 FOR REST. I'uruiphcd Koom. KITON COURT, 11TH AND YAMHILU UNDER .NKW MANAGEMENT. Our llning-room service is tne "Mt in the city, we make a SPECIALTy ol ttuc "Sunday dinner from i to 7:iJO P.M., This is under the supervision of an expert lady coo. Nicely furnished rooms, $ 12 up; bot and coid water, elevator aud W"" service; transient soiicueu. jaaj.ii ww. HOTEL. ARTHUR. Eleven tli, between Morrison and YamhilL Oars direct irom depots; aesiraoly located and respectable; cin. warm and cosy rooms witn every modern convenience. Rates: $1 and $L50; weekly. $0 d $o. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, Washington st. New, fireproof, desnabie location and respectable ; ail outside, clean, well-f ur nisned rooms, with -vry modern conven ience, 5oc aay up; 2.oo wk. up 11U1 xi-av.ww- . Corner 11th and tark, J and up; elevator, hot and coid water, steam neat, telephcue connection in each room ; no extra charge Xor two In a room; room ana Dam i oy ; uauaitut HOTEL ROWLAND, 207 4TH ST. Modern bick building, centrally located, nice, clean rooms; hot and coid water; rates 50c, Toe and U per day , $3 per week and up. ioUNO men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms at V. M. C. A., listing several hundred in a!l parts of the city, also those in the Association build in. HOTEL. FOKD. 7S5 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone in every room; rooms without bath ei.o op; who pm. R II SINE S J3 la O O O D." LIVK AT THE FRANKLIN. WASHINGTON iT. AT 13TH. 24 Hrtri. faERVIoE. MODERN. aOc DAY ti'- WEEK S2..U UP. ilOTEL. EDWARDS, Grand ave. and JC. Bel mont Rooms $10 month. $20 up witn private tath; Iarce pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone East 323. tt'ANTEU Roommate to reduce roomies ex pense; fireproof Dulldlng, shower baths, individual beds. Call or address Y. M. c A. business citicw. ! .it r.- t t : : V.V v.s, Northwest Corner Stark and 11th. Modern outjid-i rooms. $:t weekly and up. Large ground-floor lobby. ' STANDI S II HOTEl 68V WASHINGTON ST., OFF 18TH. Front rooms, steam h?at( free phones A QUIET FLACK FOK QUIET PEOPLE. HOTEL. CLIFFORD. Kafit Morrison St.. Near Grand Ave. Cleanhrteas and comfort, S3 per week up. fc.W MAi;V HOTEL, i U'i and Washiiieton. Mn (v modern, Kitoiita 1' month up. Vr.iiil Hk- th pin. Kre phones. lio i EL CORDOVA, 299 Hth st. Strictly modern ; private baths en suite; rooms ?; up Main 4Tg. A 47. HOTEL NORRIS, fiMl Alder; modern out siue rooms, $'2 per week up. LIwHT. cltaii room. hoiiicUke, use of kit.-h-n. 414 Market st. hUTfit GRANT. 401 Wwh. Modem, clean rooms, ail conveniences. and up. i L KNISli K houJi-kevpiHg ifoius, nice aril. .;hik -j't'i. ;'.7 i. ?i.."o up. 4unithrU Kootmt in Invute FumilU-w. CNK or two nice rooms m a beautiful Imine, newly furnished; heat, batii and phone, very 'desirable lor-ation; close walking dtrf I a nee. 4"! Jefterot-, uit of I lib. $3 PER K"k. large room in bfauufuHy Turntahed 1-room apt.; very ucsirable; lose in. Main S'S. W l'UEASANT room in nice, modern nime. for mlemaii. Rath, phone, walk ui; distant. 4" I Collect, nar loth. Jwjt'ELY furnrshvd room; motlern conven i f; n cv s ; con ti ;i I , very reasonable. 4o4 ' tay, rear Ji it. 171 W. PA UK, near Morrison, nicety f ur nished r-.toni!-. all modern conveniences. X oH 2 uict rot-ms in beautiful homo, run- ni i iic watt r; sno er Pat n. t.vei"ett. CHEERFUL., airy room for gentlemen, IM. A J Lncrctia, Wash. nr. 2:;d. Ft R .MS I TED r '", private famil, reason :iM-. ladies miy. rnunc n i 1 . CLEAN, ;i,hl ium, htai, phone, bath, hut wafi; very iiiel. 2' I t li. Rooms Mith Board. MORE II OM ELI EE THAN HOTEL-LIKE. 1 LIE HILL, Washington at 20d St. A charm tug family and transient hotel f the ni:hcst order; excellent cuisine, sep arate table ; extremely reasonable rates; worth mvetifratiiiK. Phone Main 70&4. HOTEL CAMPBELL A modern. FIREPROOF, residence ho tel; American plan; on carline. 10 min utes from business center; prices in ac cord with general business conditions. lil and Uot sts. Marshall SSi, ALEXANDRA 'OlHI, ELLA STREET. An American Plan llt-i-lence Hotel, uite.o, f-ingie Rooms. Excellent Table. A tiJl 1. Main 411. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sta An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transient or permanent guest. THE WEAVER, 31st and Washington At tractive residential hotel; special rates for trans. ents; hum cooking; private bain in each room. M - A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall. -o3 6th St.. has fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a real home; reasonable rates. BUSINESS women and students will find good board and room, $4 and $4.&0 week, Portland W omen's Union. 610 Fiandera, CAS ROSA 3L'0 JEl'FERSON. ROOM AND HOARD. Rooms With Board lu Private Families. LAHuli, altraciive rooms; ?tem heat, hot and cold runuiiii? ater; suitaite Cor :wo or more; twin beds;; separate dressers; eveiy modern convenience; excellent board; also lare room with alcove end porch. Main iSSM. TiOi Harrison t.. rear 14th. llVO uely f iirnlj-hed rooms suitable for l',rty of congeuml men it cmil be rented s-parate; siecTung porch, hot and cold w jter in roojiic, breakfast and dinner; walking distant: tro..d home for the nuht parties. Minn 14S. ATl'RAt'TlN K r-Ktm and two meals iu bea i tl.'al home. Wist side, walking distance. M.iu 7-ik''. 33j llll4. Fine camp at oa wfgi 1-ake m connectiou. 1 INK j.-epiTu. -i-oreli. ex eel It lit table I)hiJ, for tun ynung m-n; will a;s take a few tahitt boardcis. Appi 0i lOtli, cor. Muut C emery. CNE l.-r'. mIij lieiit r.ntu with ail modern C.-ilt II lei i uire ill, Willi or IlllOUl bi'srd. Marshall 44 UK 174 Salmon si. S'LEASA.NT home where invalid or elderly P- rsou will get best care; price reason able. K-at 1775. Jsl :E light front room, upstairs, walking instance, with our without board. 641 E. M.i In. East -'461. ATTRACTIVE rooirn. niiKiern, private lam iK, two meats, gentlemen. 7o3 Vs Hoyt. Mnin 5721. A, A RGE funny rwni, good lourd. cise in. Kat Side, 4i usco. I'hone East 35&2 or C1471. X-I'lHT, airy room, with board, for 2 young Ik dies employed; privileges of borne, $4. Woodawn 3743. CONGENIAL vcung .nan wishes roommate; coed board. " Main tsisi. 501 Harrison iU i. ear 14;h st. $j.. t P Pleasant rooms, good board, wa.k- ing dlManee; congenial. 33 North 17tb. liOOM with board; modern; walking dis tance. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. N I - "ELT turms!ied rooms, w ith board, at -ik rfth st. Haies for two. IK I nr..N l.-..vnied and giveu a mo;ber's i re , so,..' t ev:s and bt-.ird. t'.nst . LA KGU. i oouv for 1 or 1 i ouug men. rea ?ini:!f. miv-rn. Main ti7l'i. 23 l;tlh. 1 URN IS H El room, w Ith board, sleeping pt.reli. Z2y 11th ft. A l-;36. . 1 l.KASANT houi V nn p.. pie. :i y aparimeut. lurui;4ied Apartment. WELLINGTON ANNEX. 15th and Everett Two room. neiy furnished, hardwood Iloors. walking distance; -.5Q. Main ivATIiElilNE Al'TS. For rent -room fur u.shed apu, private -bath aud phone, 14U N. 2-d. FA 1 IlMOt'N T APTS., 1 wi 1 1 Tti. Model n Xurnlshed two-room apartments; $2.5o up ; close in. Main X2d. liiREE and four-i'oom furnUhed or uaXur nisaed. Tp Hjeliand. A lo6J. Mam lbo7. A 1- NICELY furnished 2 and 3-room apta.. steam heau electric light, etc; rates $15 to JJ.ii). 314 MIL UXOR APTS-, i 13th St., neatly fur Ulshed apts.. reasouao:e tent, single rooms, bot and coIdrunni:ig water;$iJ per utj. gyHlCKSTON, 44S 11th. modem 3 and 3-room apts. excellent service, walking (Latanoa. Msr;ia!l A $40$. aMAR. 704 Lovejoy Modern brick build- ing; 2. 3-room aptg $le to $30. Max. 17. NEW. luruhed ap.vr tiueuUt. concrete block $12, 14. 1144 jUmon ave. North. HLKMKNiA, l'in and Hal!, one 3-room apt.. $22.50: one 5-room apt., $!&. 1HE ELMS, l'Jl 14th St.. 2 and 3 outside rooms, 315 to $22.5: walking dUtanc- n HE LAURETTE 3-room furnished apt.; private batii and $ihoh. 229 IX iK FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. TUB WHEELDO.V ANNEX. Apartment Hotel. Tenth and Salmon bireeta. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates day, week, month, or year. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modem apartments on the Pacific Coast: furnished complete. Roof Garden In connection. Walking distance. References. MONTGOMERY APTS.. corner Third and Montgomery Building- brick and strictly modern, all outBide, light, furnished, room apt.; private bath, phone and elec tric elevator; good service; no children; 10 minutes' walk iu postofflce; rates $20 to 1M. including electric lights. Phone Main 1406, THE AVALOX. Furnished or unfurnisued 3-room apart ments; linen, silverware, priate phone and bath, sleeping porch ; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartment. 285, cor ner Clackamas and Ross sts. Phone East 2172. HANDSOME lame C-room cor. apt.; also beautiful 4-room, on front, very reason able; cor. o-room basement apt., very light, unfurnished. Apply Mar. Glen Court, cor. Park and Taylor. i ONLY $18 to $25 per month or $; to $7 per week, completely furnished housekeeping 2 -room apts.. including electric lights, heat, hot water, bath, private phone, new brick bids'., 10 minutes from I. O. Lincoln Apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1 :i77, A 41o2. THE EVERETT. 44 Everett between 2oth and Eila, Furnished ;i-room apartment with or without sleeping porch ; located In one of the choicest, residence districts; walking distance. THE DENVER 2 and 3 -room apartments; outside rooms, comfortably furnished; also unfurnished; priv ate bath, phone, steam heat; rent reasonable; references. 74 2 1st st. North. Take "VV" car. Marshall 380. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient. 6-minuto walk to Postofflce. Furnished 2 and 3-room apartments: Marshall 01$S. References. A 332. UAi;LOTTA COURT." Everett and lth New, modern; steam heat, privatu baths, laundry ; completely furnished U and 3 jooai apts.; lu mm. from business center; save carfare; rates moderate; references. WESTFAL, 410 Sth 3 and 4-r. apts.. furn. and unturn. ; wee a. or mo.; concrete bldg.. elevator; thoroughly renovated; electric cleaner tree ; steum neateu ; up, ui in town for money; easy walking distance. is; 1 1 1 mitiIM APARTMENTS. GbU North rup st., o-ioom f urnislied or unfuruisued aoartineiit, witn all modern conveniences. Ha, elet iri- litlit, ec. ake W car to lsi Hiid Northrop. I'honcs Main 4JtO. A 1 V ASHINGTON-GUAND J-iojju furnished apt.; $12 per mo. up; just rebuilt, modern, clean; very desirable; hot and cold wstor, beau light, bath furnished. Grand ave. and E- Washington st. Phone East 444a. COM E to the PAItlvHURST, 2uth. eorner Nortlirup; ideal, modern, furnished Sum mer apartments; pn ate balcony all out Kid': rooms; rcaaonaule- LAMUKUOk APTS., corner . 7lh and lam Mil '2 and a rooms and single sleeping loomed clean, comfurtaoie, desirable. East 4U2. 3-tbi. Hl.LOP HALL, cor. East 6th aud Haw thorne 2 and 3-room apta.; private baths and phone; also single rooms; well fur nished; $l-.5tf up. Phone East 865. THE FLORENCE APTS., 38b 11th fit. Cor ner apts.. blue rooms, completely fur nished, private bath and phone. Koof gar den; very reasonable; walking distance. GLEN COURT APT. Cor. Park and Taylor. Completely fur nished 3, 4-room; best service; reason able. Mam 191. GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. Nicely furnished three-room apis.; private phone and bath; walking distance; price moderate. Phone East zo$. MADISON PARK APTS. Park St. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments; close in; by week or month. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished; first-ejas; reasonable rates. Main 7337. BIRMINGHAM, 390 12tli SU Marshall 484. Northampton, 40 7 Hall t. Main 429$, A 45b; walking distance; 3 and 3 rooms; reasonable; Summer rates. WALDORU' COURT. 5 rooms with sleeping porch, reasonable. Gilbert. Main 443o. THE WENT WORTH APT., 1:111. Quiet, homey apiH., clean, modern, rea sonable. Dues it appeal to you? NEW Hari ; automatic ecator, 2 rms., Urin. disappearing plate, gas, steam, lights free, $ to 17t'fc d. Ith floor. W NTKU One or two yiiiic men to share apartment ; Ftudents preferred; walklrg fit.t:inc. Maisball 41 S3. SAN MARCO. East Sth aud Couch Sts. 3-room apt., new furnishings, $22. LuTurnlfbed Apartments. NEW ALTER, brick ppt. at cor. 21st and Overton sts., just recently finished, ono o room cor. apt. vacant, has oak liardwood floors, mirrored reception hall, iireplace with asbestos gas logs, beamed ceiling, buiit-ln conveniences, etc., tile bathroom, complete with shower, etc., white enameled kitchen, complete with extra large, ail poreelain steei refrigerator and gas range. teel safe tor valuables, beautiful electric fixtures, hot and cold water, steam heat. Janitor Lei vice; you must see these apu. to appreciate them ; references required. Phone for appointment. Main M or Main oU4 at the apartments. M. Rubin, 51b Morgan bids. THE AMERICAN. 21t and Johnson High-grade S, 4 and P rooms, with porches; high-class tenans who appreciate service; prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 330o or A 2o76. THE MARLIiOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 5 and ti rooms, large and homelike; more service and conveni ence for the price than ou will find in the city. Phone Main 7ol0, A 2676. SHEFFIELD APTS., 27w Broadway So., six blocks irom business center. 1 4-room apt., all outside rooms; eastern exposure; s p 1 e nd id view, overlooking city; 130. LUCKETIA COURT, 4u Lucretia st. Fin U unfurnished 2 to 5-room apts.; references. M g r.. M ar. 1513; Janitor, Mar. 1S00. THE ORMONDE Nice front 4-room apart ment; also dandy o-room furnished; 65 Flamler. Nob Hill. Main S25U ROSE FRIEND, corner Broanway and Jef fvrson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-class service. Private phon. Ref. 7-itOOM Duplex apartment. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, lu fireproof building. Apply 705 Davis U - EEELEK APTS, 14TH AND CLAY 3 and 4-room unfurnished; referencea. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King at. 8 and 4 rooms; high-class; references. Main 2058. i-ROOM apt., all outside rooms; hot-water heat. ISA E. 15th st. S. Fu m iwhed or Unfurnished Apartments. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOYCE, bib-B21 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments in all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sixes and price. Our tree auto mobile at ocr seivice in vlaitlug any of our apartments. Main 20 li. A 2016. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving; Furnished and uniurmshed apartments in 2, 3 and 4 rojms. f oar-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in duU:i and writing desks, plenty of closet rtijm; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2fcOL HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 22D AND G LIS AN. Largest, most homelike uigh-claas apta. In city; furnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. 3-KOOM apartment, modern in every re- - fnpiiitnri) nhmliilelr new Pli'h apartment has private balcony; unfur nished apartments thoroughly renovated, spick and span, like new; walking dls tanee. Hanthuru Apartments. 251 12th st. 189 Vista ave.. off Washington at. 3 and 4 rooms, with private balconies, unfurnished or furnished; high-class neighborhood, best of service; reasonable rates by month. WELLES LEY COURT. OCTET. CLEAN AND CLOSB IN. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST 15TH AND BELMONT STS. BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison. Finest apartment house on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, walking distance; reference. M 10U1. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th it, near Taylor; Marshall 2324; fine 5-room furnished and unfuro, apt. THE CHETOPA. ls:h and Flanders 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, iuraisnea or uuiur- r-tthed. $13 per month and up. REX ARMS 13th and E, Morrison; 3 and 3 rooms reasonable; modern service. THE WINDSOR 2, 3 or 4 beautiful room furnished or not. E. 14th and Yamhill. THE PALACE APARTMENTS, cor. East 87tb and Market; furnished or unfurnished. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts.. very rea acuablft, 7 Li Wain. opn iUu, iaia 7134V FOR RENT. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartment. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE MANAGER, PHONE MARSHALL. HOI. Flat. 6-ROOM flat, close in. modem and in good condition; save carfare; $i; key at cot. 16th and Washington sts., at newsstand. Telephone Marshall 304O. TWO beautiful 4-room flats, new through out Wallace Drug Cow, 109 Hawthorne, 5 PLEASANT rooms, modern, good furnace, walking distance. $15 if taken at once; leaving city. 4S1&.E. Couch St. VERY dfcstrable 5-room with attic, gas range, water heater, linoleum; absolutely clean. -No. 28 E. 13th. near Ash. UPPER FLAT, C .urge, light rooms; tint to suit; with yard. 7s0 Jonnsoa. Main i820. Main 10" SI'. 5-ROOM modern flat. Sleeping porch, fire place, gas range, vacant April 1; adults. 217 4 E. mat. Main li02. BEST 4-room flat in Walnut Park; built-in furniture, gas range, linoleum. i!4 Wygant at. Woodlawn 250, tiotf PETTYGROVE. 8-room, unusually-pleasant, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, etc Main 3170. . NOTHING in this city like this: Light 8 room modern flat, fine view, choice neign borhood. 996 Savier St. o-ROOM LOWER FLAT 5; also 3-roora basement fiat. $12.50. Inquire 275 14th St.. corner Jerrerson. S21 New Irvington flat; It rooms, hardwood floors. E 3o3. C 'JUo5. E S570. 6-ROOM modern flat. 177 u Green ave., near 23d and Washington, wain sijvai. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 723 Hoyt st Inquire l8i 6th st. Phone Main 6278. EAST Hl'RNSIDE, cor. ll'lli, modern o-rooia lower flat. East 14TH. near Taylor, modern S-room . i ii g 1 eft a c. K awt "l-Ol. 4 AND 5-roora. strictly modern, low rent Cleveland. Phone Woodlawn 2295. ONE O-room upper corner flat, modern, all outside rooms. 633 E. Madison. C 234. 5-ROOM. new. 1 month free. Marshall 31W7. Furnisltef Flat a. MODERN, four rooms, walking distance. 268 Roes st. phone Woodlawn ISoi. FURNISHED and unfurnished flats. Key 280 Margin st. East 2411. KUl'K rooms, nicely furnished. $18; close in; :i car lines; also unfurnished. Sl'J. -C Housekeeping Rooms. SI-.'jO TO S2.75 week; clean, furnished house- heat, laundry, bath. yard, phone East tt03i. 4tM.: Vancouver, 03 Stanton "U" car. NEWLY furuisued mouern housekeeping rooms; light and heat; $15. 4S Clay su Jiarsnan on. F'UIJN. llkpg. rooms, b. & c. water, elec tric lights, modern. Standish Hotel, 54S14 Waihinrton Rt 44:1 IT ASS A LO, cur. E. 7 th, two and three roOlUB; porcn, lawil, UIUUCI u , natniu tance. 330 MILL ST., 2 and 3 rooms, light, airy, walking distance, all conveniences. $15 up. 4bl EAST Morrison, furnished one and two room housekeeping apartments, reasonable. THE SOUTHERN 6474 1st Nicely fur. H. K. suites, $1.50 up; running waUer. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg., 3d, cor. Morrison. OILMAN HOTEL, 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; $1.50 week upm LARGE pleasant rooms. 731 1st st. Call Main "9. SUITE of two suitable for office and living- rooms. 20 t 3d at. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. ONE large furnished room with kitchenette for tl. K. 'an have l3rgc sleeping-porch if desired; io minutes' wain to postomco. 227 Chapman. Marshall 301 S. SUE El'I N't-ROOM and housekeeping-room with kitchenette, each 2: free phone. liilit, bath, pleasant surroundings, -308 Mill St. 2."0 NORTH 1TH ST., one and two large front room housekeeping suires; niouem very reasonable. Marshall 42S1. 105 20TH. corner Flanders, neatly-furnished room, electric lights, gas, bath, phone, $8. CHOICE H. K. suite modern home; a bar pa I n.5o4KLStarkIce TWO pleasant H. K- rooms, electricity, gas, hot watt-r, heat, $J0. 781 Kearney. FRONT room, everything modern, newly lurnlfthed. :i26HaII at. Marshall 3202, .FVLY furnished 2-room front suite, $12; also 2-rooin suite, $T0. S'0 14tb. 3 OR 4 well furnished rooms; lower floor; walking- distance. 387 11th. NICE 2-room housekeeping suite, close in, cheapest in city. fi33 Yamhill. TURKIC furnished housekeeping- rooms in lr-vlnKt-m, 011 r.firliiie. Adults. Eal . 43S4. L.VRGK bay window room and kitchenette; mI conveniences; central. ."21 W'wst Park. SAVE searching; pleasant bay-window suite for couple; modern. -t"i jerterson. ONE well-furnished H. K. room, $7 mo.. In cluding woon. is.ii uauiHon at. THREE nice rooms, unfurnished, $20; fur nished, per month. 4a0 Salmon St. ijouses. EEAUTIFUL 10-room stone residence, cor ner Uolladay ave. and 7th st: liandsome grounds aud shrubbery; 5 fireplaces and f urnaco, fireproof garage; 15 minutes' walk from I'. O., one block from car. in quire executive office. North Pacific Coi Ifge. I'houe East U74 or C 2256. LAURELHURST HOUSES ' FOR RENT. We have, some new. strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not s;iU. will build just what you want on the easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co.. 270 V4 Stark st. Main 1303. A 1515. SUM E of the finest up-to-date modern 4-room bungalows; partly furnished, beds, buffets, ranges, hei-ter, linoleums and coolers; on Webster and E. Lith wis., one block north of Alberta car. Phone even ings and Sunday C J57. Blatichard & riemsou, 702 Scllins bldg. LARGE 8-room house, 2J4 E. 3d N., cor. Multnomah; close lu and choice neighbor hoou ; newly painted and decorated throughout; will rent to responsible party on lung lease at a very reasonable price. Mam 542$. . $10 5-room modern cottage; first-class ap pointments and condition; option given tenant to buy by making monthly pay ments $15 per month, or will trade. W. F. Uroek. Lents. Telephone Tabor 1L'7. MODERN broom houso, with acre lot. chick en yard and houses all kinds of fruit trees, berry vines, ' grapes, llowers and vegetable garden; rent $25, including water. Plior.e Woodlawn 1U28. NEW, modern 7 -mom house; sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace; hardwood floors. ;:;;d iund. Hancock sts. Phone Marshall 242. MODERN 6-room bungalow, fireplace, hard wood floors. Dutch kitchen. nicc district, 846 East 4Stb sL Price $22.50. Main 270. MODERN HOUSES. CLARE RENTAL SERVICE. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. Main $423. MODERN ti-room house, built-in conven iences, furnace, moderate rent, 242 Bast 4iith. near Man. 1RVINGTON 7-rooru house aud garage, furnace, bath, large yard; rent $20; refer ences requireu. Attain ojv, 14-ROOM modern house on beautiful quar ter block, H'5 21st st., cor. Taylor. Call Marshall 2155. 5-ROOM cottage, $0. 20tli and Thurman; fjood condition; phono mornings. Marshall 1254. FOR REaNT Modern 0-room house, $16. 102rt Woodward ave. Key next door. Phone C 1U6U. 8-ROOM bouse, attractive interior, corner McMillen and Wheeler, near Williams ave. ; walking distance. Inquire 304 Wheeler. MODERN tf-room house, 6&7 Everett su West Side, walking distance. Phone E. a. COTTAGE, 124 North 17th st., near Gllsan; key at 8S North 16th. MODERN 6-room house, cheap, flue location. Mar. 540, Main 5112. SIX rooms, sleeping porch, bet. Salmon and Main on 14th. Phone Tabor 1408. ONLY 46 a good house, big yard and fruit trees. 164 SOth, Muntavllla. 8-ROOM. large yard, fruit, walking distance, 312 Cherry St.; $22.50. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, modern 7 -room house, nice place, reasonaoie. jsarsnaii a.. 12-ROOM house. 721 1st. Cheap to respon- sioie, pari y. jiiu w- uWROOM modern house, three lots, two blocks cars. taoor louf. $10 PER MO. for good 4-room house. Phone Mam 4112. DESIRABLE houses and fiats, ail parts of City. Stout investment l o. aiam a.p. S-ROOM HOUSE 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. I nqulre loo otn. aaain ta g. HOUSES and flats, all parts of city. 210 Stock Exchange. Marshall 1868. $1S75U 6-ROOM cor. 2uth and Oregon, nice yard, woociawn iv. 674 EAST OAK 6 rooms, clean and modern. rent reasoname. rnone lva-t .w. 6-ROOM house, 5-room cottages, first-class condition. Inquire 125 E. Stark. HOUSE for rent. 56b Glan tu Inquire Washington rharmaey. 15 A Glisan st. 5-ROOM bungalow; large bearing fruit tret a; rent reason able, bell wood 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening and 9 o'clock other evenings ia the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads, for proper classi fications for the next day's issue. Classified advertisements ac cepted after these hours will be run under the heading- "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY" FOR RENT. Uoosea. SIX-ROOM modern house", all freshly tinted, floors painted, new electric fixtures in stalled, full basement. E 53d st north of Belmont st.; $16.50 per month. Six-room house, full basement, electric lights, gas, cement walks ; near fine school. E. 51st st. $32.50 per month. Six large rooms and sleeping porch, ruls basement, cement floor, built-in buffet. bookcases, fireplace, an tnorouguiy moo em; In fine locality, paved streets; $25 per month. Five-room modern flat.. Johnson St., near 23d, all in fine condition; thoroughly modern; $.'10 per month. Owner, 11 OO Nortb western Bank bldg. Main :57, MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, inth Floor. Temoorary Annex. - r'nmnlftA and reliable list of all vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the city. Make use of this service when you desire. This does not obligate you in any manner to this store. iou win unu us xeady and willing at alt times to help vuii in locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable-. Real estate men and owners of private property are Invited to list their unoc cupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier . j; ran as uree jn.eui.ui uii MULTIPLY YOUR FUNDS. t:kit. YOUR CREDIT. Decide now to get along without a landlord. 1 nave a sightly lot in niga class restricted district which I will turn over to vou on which to build your home, giving you second-mortgage privilege. You can pay me back iu easy paymenu. Might take good mortgage as first payment. J W. Crossley 270 Sturk St., Main 3503, A 1515. SELECT MT. TABOR HOME. New, modern, very attractive, everj convenience, exceptionally large, lighL airy rooms, sleeping perch and garage; magnificent view of mountains and valley, most select, refined neighborhood, one 0! the few really choice homes in Portland tor rent and tenant must be select and responsible; rental $35, yearly lease. Phone Main 3200 T-ROOM house and garage, all In good or der. 12t N. 21st, one block from new Couch st. school. Phone Marshall T024. Call at 01 Hoyt. ATTRACTIVE modern 2-story boose, corner, clean, tinted, nice yard, block to car. $2L 7M Williams ave. Woodlawn 420. Furnished Houses. 271. BROADWAY, near Madison, 5-room apt. ; elegantly furnished, Circassian wal nut and fumed oak furniture; arranged to sub-let; parties now renting part will remain if satisfactory; rent $40; also 4-room apt.; rent $25. 7-itOOM modern house, furnished. Haw thoruc district; furnace, fireplace, large Jot; rer.t $2-. 50. Stout Investment Co. Malrt5J24. YOUR Summer home of $ (also 4) rooms, on beautiful Portland Hts. ; low rent; large grounds: fine view. Phone Main 412. COMPLETELY furnished modern 7-room house, 3 bedronu. good neighborhood. Hawt home ave. Tabor 4679. 6rROOM partly furnished cottage, 1268 East Taylor, only $10. to desirable party; key at 628 Morgan bldg. NEW furniture for sale, 8-room modern houso for hent (3 rooms rented) ; no deal ers. 412 Main st. HANDSOMELY furnished modern home on Willamette Heights, 6 roome and dress-lng-room. Main 4624. A z$a4. TVmTfDB" CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. Title & Trust Bldg. Main 6423; NICELY furnished flat with sleeping-porch and front porch, heat and hot water; yard. 427 Rodney ave.. near Tillamook. 6-ROOM house, rent $20; furniture for sal, a bargain: this place is modern. See owner. 7c", ft. salmon st. 7-ROOM furnished house. 742 Irving near T.d. Rent $:JO. Main 5724. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow, $20. 1027 Ar nold st. Main 2070. MODERN 7-room house, paved street, nice lawn. 2U. jfnone oeuwoou. -ROOM modern apartment, private bath. Phone. 514 E. 21st st. WR car. WELL furnished house, basement, furnace, beautiful yard. Phone Main tfOQti. BEAUTIFUL new partly furnished home; grand view; will lease. Main 4572. OWNER has splendid store for rent. 25xi5 feet in size, right in the heart of the busi ness district; light, heat and water In cluded in rental; splendid opportunity for a wide-awake merchant. L 670. Qregonian. FOR RENT Desk room, use of phone and share In three-room office suite occupied by public stenographer; $7 per month. Ap- piy jwa v""'"" v " TWO-STORY building, 00x125, cor 22d and Thurman sts.. suitable for factory, laun dry or storage. Inquire of Dr. A. Tilzer. STORES 275 Hawthorne ave., 17x40, near bridge; fine light, good basement. Apply STORE and "-room house. Eleventh and Burnslde, ?h per month each or will rent separate. Phone B 2278. Offices. OFFICES. Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and "Washing ton, Portland's most centrally located modern office building; handsome marble entrance being Installed; offices decorated 1 STANLEY S- THOMPSON CO., Agents, 2S7a Washington SL IF you are not satisfied with your present arrangements or your present rent la too high, call and see us; a few choice of fices very reasonable; eervioe unexcelled. Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. Desk room with phone $7. OFFICES $10 up: furnished offices aud desk room; free phone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest corner. 303 gwet'and bldg. WELL furnished private office; also desk room. $0 and $7. 723 Chamber of Com merce. DE3K room In large, ll&ht office In Morgan bldg. Apply manager, 818-21 Morgan bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FERRY waiting-room, first-class confection ery, cisar fountain, 3 living-rooms in rear low rent; owner leaving for Alaska. H. E. Price. 02 Wash, at., Vancouver, Wfash. GOOD opening in old-established office business; salary $100; must come well recommended and be a rustler; $450 re quired. M9 Lumber Exchange. CLASSY little confectionery, cigars, maga zines, etc.; live carline location; fine ice cream point; nicely equipped with foun tain etc.; $550. 81 Lumber Exchange. PICTURE theater; owner wants active partner; cannot nanuie oiuuc , vmj WILL rent completa 4-chair barber shop very reasonable. Inquire 143 3d st. Bls mark Buffet. TRAVEL with own sign-painting outfit and make $10 per day; no experience necessary; investigate. QUO Goodncugh bldg. FOR SALE 240 acres of coal land, close to market. AN 695. Qregonian. GROCERY, bakery and confectionery, reas onable if taken at once, M&rsnaU 2301, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called interest lu established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary. 632 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. W HO has a good paying restaurant or lunch room, large or small, tnat tney win traoe for a lunch counter, groceries and 5 fur nished livinjr-rooins? I am doing good business here, but wish to go Into the lunch business. Apply owner. Main 3631. ONE of the best creamerv and delicateRHcn propositions in the city can be bought ror yizuu; prottts run os to per wee. Owner has other business to attend to. Phono 'evenings or Sunday. Marshall Daytime Mnrshull SKt. No agenta. THE best bargain in a motion picture the ater that has been offered for some time; try this before buying; $2000, interest $1P0 cash, bal. on time; good reason for selling. 519 lumoer irJxcnange. VA N'TEO Ma.n io take chursre- of ware hmist for larm naliit comtianv: S050 re quired: if you prove satisfactory then you will receive guaranteed salary $100 per month. 519 i-,.cnangi'. ijIjH man to jook niter iiiob uli travel over the country with vaudeville aet; no experience needed; $J-0 required, if you want iomething steady, with, good salary, call oi la, in Per nr.cnargc. WANTED Man with $500 to $1000 to as sist handling real estate subdivision out of city; livest town in state; close-in prop t erty ; no wildcat. Phone Main 5518 1 to 111 A. M. HALF INTEREST in established beauty parlor, lady or gentleman; can guarantee biff money. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT jo., tiis-oii icon piag. Al'TOMOhFLIJ iraraee and reoalr shop owner wants a reliable partner to help him; good pay and your money fully se cure. i,an room jhu .iiorpan oiug. WORKING partner wanted In big paying automobile business; good salary and prof its; must invest some money. Call 2484 Stark st. WANTED Steady man to worn In a small cash business as partner; pay you $0 nionin now. wnicn can do increased. lhii room 329 Morgan bldg. - WANT Controlling Interest In small country bank; will give In exchange first-class Irrigated farm; alfalfa and stock; well Improved. D 646, Oregonian. MANUFACTURER with best of references wants partner aMe to Invest a few hun dred dollars to expand successful business. Particular?, room 408 Oerlinger bldg. WANTED Partner with $250 to tak half interest In $8U0 business to go Frisco. Mnoy well secured. This Is a money ma kf r. A M 007. Oregonian. FOR SALE at a bargain, first-class lunch room and delicatessen, centrally located on East Side; good leae: will invoice $200; $1500 cash . S. 6 96. O regon lan. RESTAURANT, good business location; fix tures worth $400; growing trade; sac rifice for quick sale, $275. 414 Lumber Exchange. BUTTER, eggs, light groceries, etc: a strict ly cash store fr sale cheap, and you can clear $150 month. Call room i29 Mor- Ran bldg. PARTNER wanted in office business. This tnkes but little money: can draw $75 month salary and profits. Call 24b!4 Stark st. BUSIEST little millinery store i" city; ideal location, low rent; rushed with orders; owner overworked - makes bargain price, $-"JOO. :W9 Uumber Exchange. GROCERY, confectionery, cigar store; op posite school; 3 living-rooms; rent $14. Price this week, $300. 414 Lumber Ex change. DANDY cash grocery, busy Corner location; new stock; no fixtures to buy; 3 fine liv ing rooms; qui k sale price $550. 318 Lumber Exchange. SNAP in a confectionery store that cost H1400 three weeks ago; location fine; rent low ; must quit. See me for terms. 519 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Partner in good new business) largi returns on. small investment: you handle money; investigate. 006 Goodnough blder. RESTAURANT Good West Side location, part cash nrtd terms; Just the place for a home bakery or restaurant. R 698, Orego nian. WANTED Man handy -with tools as part ner; good investment for a hustler; small amount of cash required, fully secured. 317 Railway Exchange. AUTOMOBILE garage and repair shop; op portunity for mi active man in this solid business. 7 Railway Exchange. WANT t1 sell working interest, successful business, occupying own premises. H OS'2, Oregonian. $200 AND services will secure good paying small mfg. business; investigate quick. Call 24i6 Stark at. CP3AR BUSINESS Cash sales are $40 day; will sell cheap. can room azv morgan bldg. A GOOD sacrifice, 10,000 shares of good mining stock for sale cheap, as money is needed badly. C 699, Oregonian. $li0 GROCERY. West Side, daily income 350. trade for real estate clear of debt. Room 3. Orpheum bkig. HARDWARE and paints; successful and pay ing business; reliable pnoof; invoices about S.tVio. for $32UO cash. AB 619. Oregonian. MANUFACTURING, partner wanted; will pay yftu $100 month salary; also share of tho profits. Call room 329 Morgau bldg. WANTED Confectionery and newsstand at some good transfer point; give location and lowest cash price, h 693. Oregonian. RESTAURANT on Garibaldi Beach for sale cheap; big Summer trade, cheap rent, good reasons for selling. AG 690, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, good hotel In Oregon City. What have your A v oos, orego- nian. CIGAR and confectionery stock and fixtures for sale; $laO; $2u month rent; lights ana vater free. Phone Main 4054. HAVE a splendid opening for a 5, 3t, 15 cents store in a town or ouuy. a a areas i-u E. 3d St., Moscow, Idaho. WE have several good buys in old-established groceries: some trade. Call and see us. 519 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY wich living-rooms; a great bar gain; .i-o win uuy it; just rigui zor man and wife. 248 M Stark st. DANCING school for sale; splendid location; lease. low rent; owner leaving oregon. 698, Oregonian. SIDE LINE for salesman who leaves Sun day Xor san r rancisco, juresia, jos Ange les. BF 082. Oregonian. MOVING picture show, good location; will trade. What nave you rnone xapor ix. CIGAR store for sale. Inquire at 242 First end Main sts. BARBERS If you want a good-paying lUtle shop cheap, write me. x oyf. unigonian, $ti(i BUYS cleaning and pressing shop; well established stand. 414 Lumber Exchange. BTRBErTriop. 3 chairs, modern, cheap for ca?h or trms. fliuer YOUNG man as partner, $75; good worker. AL 037. oregonian. BARGAIN Two-chair barber shop for sale. good location. OlX ou ct., amwumniic. FOR SALE Poolroom, confectionery and lunchroom. iotan RESTAUR AN f, good location. cJearing- $17s pet laoiltiji $000. J 697. Greffonlan BUSINESS OFPORTl-NITIKS. OUR new studio aud laboratory w ill soon be all completed, with up-to-date equip ment for turning out first-class work in all branches pertaining to motion pictures. Instruction will be given in moving-picture acting, cuniera und laboratory work. NORTHWEST WEEK.L. 0th and Oak Sts., Portland, Or. LOOK Grocery bargain. East Side, In voice $540.90; rent, including , $ living rooms. $15; sickness put me out and creditors will give clear bill of sale for $350; inventory, etc., at oi) Commercial block. Portland Ass'n of Credit Men. t EDMONTON'S leading cafe for sule or trads en account of wife's health; $tkf0, Vs cash or trade for modem home in Portland; February business $47dO; net profit 13 S per cent. M .F. Hauly. care club Cafe, Edmonton, Alberta. BIG SNAP, MERCHANDISE STOCK. Stock invoice about $17.0oo; stock in fine condition, well balanced; In the richest farming country; reason for selling must change climate; part time. Address AV 91, Oregoni. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. YANKEE wants to get back under the Stars and Stripes; want to buy an established laundry route or butter and egg route; in the alternative would consider a good In surance and rental business or manufac turer's agency. Address F. Ross, box 923, Vancouver, British Columbia. WE have several Inquiries for groceries, confectionery and oilier small business. If you want to sell. list with us for quick re sults. 519 Lumber Exchange. WANTED To operate 50,090 to 75,000 ca pacity sawmill, under contract tor reliable parties who can furnish logs; wide expo- vienpc. ( t!.i9. oregnman. NOTICE Will pay spot cash for cisrehan dlse. S. Weston. 462 Park at. ROOMING- HOUSES. FOR SALE Small hotel, 14 bedrooms, new furniture and new building; headquarters for traveling men and sportsmen; a hunt ing and fishing resort; good business; must sell on account of sickness. Address J. C. Dixon. Elk City. Or. MRS. M. E- LENT. Leading llutel-Apartn.crit-noUse Agent. Jtotn Buyer and SvlJer protected. Oldest Reltaoie Agency In City. 508-y N. W. Bank bldg.. oih und Morrison. HOTEL PORTOLA, 3d aud liuruaidc; newly painted, rooms newly papered, long lease, low rent; furniture and carpets fine con dition. Sell, trade or rent, nirnished. 12 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for sale; located; see owner. Mrs. Maddock, 5th. near Morrison. 0 :2 $490 LEAVING the city and will sacrifice 10-rooin house; good income iroiu this. AD 69a, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE, 20 rooms, mostly house keeping1, rent $20; price $t00. Owner, 50 Cd st. North, room 4. 12 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for sale; well located; sec owner, Mrs. Maddock, lfctt'.fe 30th. near Morrison. FOUR 2-room. o singie H. K.. apts., iicwl papered and painted ; all rented ; good proposition. See owner, 181 13th U LOST AND IOINO. THE following articles were found on tho cars of the Portland Railway. Light A Power Company and owners thereoi may claim same at the First and Alder-street station. Marshall 6 mo, A 6131 March 24. 4 suitcases. 3 p.ckages. i pair gloves, - umbrellas. 1 rake handle, lunch box, 2 purses (01c), 1 jmpty handbag, 1 book, 1 purse U5c cash). 1 basket and contents. 1 shovel, 1 level, 1 bundle shrubbcr, 1 aulo license sign. LOST A bunch of keys on Portland Heights, between Vista ave. and Chap man and Myrtle and Spring sts. Return to owner, 510 Wells-Fargo bldg., will be appreciated LOST Lady's purse on Tuesday evening, be tween 0 and 7 o'clock, with $47 and some valuable pap-rs; reward If returned. Phone Marshall 3908. i.ST Ono bale twine Lttween Albnr's dock No. 3 and FT Jilt und Ash. Reward. 61 Front st. FOUND Party haviug my watch is known; return to Paul S., 451 Washington st. and avoid trouble. LOST Friday night, one gray fur collar. Phone Main 2S06. LuT Sunday. 4 keys, prudential kuyring. Ona numbered 30. Main :;e,0. LOST Ajrate Masonic watch charm Caii Tabor 4000. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals In vited. SEALED proposals will bo received at the office of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse, until 5 P. M. Frida, April 9, 19 15, lor general work and plastering of new Ken nedy School. Bids will be opened at t tic some time In room "04, Courthouse. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of F. A. Nnramore, Supt. of Prop erties, 305 Courthouse. Deposit of $20 is required for the plans and specif Icationo for general work and 1 for plastering. Certified check for lu per cent of the ainouit of the proposal, payable to R. 11. Thomas, School flerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all proposals. Dated March 25, 1915. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned. 401 Courthouse, until 5 P. M.. Wednesday, March 31, 1915. for finishing hardware for new Couch School. Bids will be opened at 4 I. M. Thursdav, April 1, in room 304. Court house. Deposit of $5 is required for plans and specifications. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, paable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all pro posals. Dated March 25. 1915. R. II, THOMAS, School Clerk. FUEL Otflice Department Quartermaster, Chronicle bldg., San Francisco, Cal., March 24 1915: Sealed proposals will be received here until 11 A. M , April 23. 1915, for fur nishing wood, coke, charcoal, smithing coal mineral and fuel oil, gasoline, etc.. required at posts In tho Western Depart ment during fiscal year cummenclng July 3, 1915. Information furnished on appli cation hero or to Post Quartermasters, and Quartermasters at Seattle. Wash., and Portland. Or. H. S. Wallace, Col., Quar termaster Corjw. Miscellaneous. TO all persons whom it may concern: From and after this date. March 23, 1915, the undersigned will not bo responsible for any bills contracted by my w.fe. Ada Jones, she" having heretofore wilfully left my nea anu ooaiu. " " " MR JOHN K. UuW will not be responsible for amy debts contracted by Mrs. Maude Gow after this dale. FCVASCIAU IF vou have a vacant lot or a few nundrod dollars and would like to commence tue building of a new home soon, believe 1 can be of assistance to you. E. A. Curtis, 2ti7& oaa su DOANo on improved inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no delays; nnclpals only. Robertson & Ewing, 207-208 North western Bank bldg MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages (first and second)), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis A Co., 4 Lewis bldg. WE BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. Western Bond Mortgage Co., go 4th St.. Hoard of Trade bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also ssaersr Interest In contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. WILL buy up first mortgages and com mercial paper at a discount. BF 683, Ore gonian. PRIVATE funds to loan; will consider few desirable nunums icc. wt. . Henry C. Prudhomme, o28 Morgan bldg. 4750 MORTGAGE t'-r sale; well secured; im uroved croperty. See Wheeler, Q)Z 4th st. We buy .ts. i.onds and mortsaaea. Rob- ertsoii & Ewing. 207-S N. W. Bank bldg. WELL BUuated mortgage of $250 for sale on i liberal aiscouuu rli Money to Loan on Real E sta to. MORTGAGE loans on city and suburban real estate at 7 end 8 per cenL W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherioca diuk- iioon- ON' improved, immedite. 7-8 per cent accord'ing to security. Principals. Tabor ci-p seckendorf today; no lay, city and &fc; e.". or rumnt raM. 315-ltt Stock irr'Tl-t,.,- fcuiir. Main 6.-74. Aitum TO LOAN on Portland real estate. ,ViYfr.vtk MORTGAGE COMPANY. 4-- V, imm ; -- MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. JNC, stock Exchange bldg.. 8d and YamhiiL KaTTE MONEY $250 to $50,000. H Y. FREE DM AN. 93U Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOAS. and 7 PER CENT. LOLia SALOMON CO.. 229 STARE BT. i will loan $5C0 to $7090 on city or farm property. AK 43i. Orenlan. State "FUNDS, 6 per nt, W. E. Thomas. ao i rhmher of Commerce. agent Multnomah County. 490 en. ore $2i $350, C0. pOO. $1200, $1800. Fred W. German Co.. 0; Chsmber of Commerce. pity and farm loans, lowest rates. C. D Vtmonds. corbett bhSg sloirY any amount, 0 to s per cent. H- eiu & fio-s 31U Spalding bid t IN A NX LA L. .Mouev to Lean en Real Kiat. MONEY LOANED. Improved business property. SSs ta per cent. Improved residence property, 6 t I per cent. Improved farm property. 7 to I per cent. WHIT W ER-K ELLY CO.. 711 Piltock Block. ' MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED. REAL I-STATB FOR BUlLDiNG l l.ltlVSLS; hlt I-LE.-1BLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE TRl ST ZO 910 SPALDING UL.1M. ON im p;;o i:l property op. ronj BUILDING PPRPOSES; LIltERAb PAY MENT PRIVILEGES; MONEY AD- ANCED AS BUILDING PKOG KCSL-ES. THE EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION. 240 STAKE ST. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive re pa j ment privileges. A. li- BiUKELL Co., SlT Northwestern Bank Rldg. Marshall 4 1 U. A 4il$. MONEY TO LOAN. Dn Portland city rca opiate, farm loans at lowest current rates. MALL 4k VON BORSTEL. 104 fcecoud St.. near V ashtngton. TO LOAN, to T4 money on business) property, apartments, dwellings and farm. R. H. U.otsom, i Cuatuber of Commerce. TO LOAN AT SEVEN PER CENT. $2000 to $7""0 on Portland improved property; immediate delivery uu good ap plications. Apply u GOODSELL BROS- 433 Worcester Bldtf- $50, K 10o0 aud upward ou ipiprovml real estate, favorably lerms. no delays; ne brokerage. John Palu, 5cT bpaldii.g bldg. $20U,U.h TO LOAN lu sums to suit. bui.U iiig loan-, lowest rat a. W. G. Lock, 5U ;:is lalliiii; b!dg. . MORTGAGE loans, city or term; promst service. N. E. Co.einan, 210 to lock changa. TO LUA.N - $4o.0oi oil LESS. FAKR1NGTON. $0 4T11 ST.. BOARD OF TKAPK BLD'V SEE us today for 1 ana on Improved, t piopertv. tt to 5 per ceut.. $'imi and up. v'ellars-Murton l'o 825 Iron bldg. $1KH TO JJ-i'OO to loan at 7 pr cnt. Usury L Murtoii, 317 Worcester bldg. $00 to $15,000 pniVATE MONEY. B ti. orsonlan. MOitTGAtiE LOANS, sny anmunt: no dela. Henry C. Prudnomme, $2-9 Murgsn hhifc. $5ih0 ON close -lu improvi-d real estate, 7 pT cent. AN 097. 'regonlaii. FARM and city mm tgKe leans. A. U. Hardliic, 313 Chamber of Commerce. $IOl TO LOAN private parl . good s eurlt ; no commission. AJ :. Ol gonian. Maey to Loan-4 battels and falarle. IM T EDI AT c; LOANS. ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT E A STERN R A 1 ES. We have one of Ihv tiucsc retail Jewelry stoieM In the ot. A loau departmsnt is conducted In euiuicction w uh mak ing business S 1 Ult'TLV t ONFlDKNTlA U absolutely no i defcift ating loan busi ness displayed in front of our lore. Ail incrchundisn pledgd is held tor period of seen m 'iitlis, whether or iot interest is paid when due. Wo are ieucd and nao breu established since l&hu. No coi neciion with any ether loau establishment in this city. A. fc M. PELOVAGE. JEWELERS. 324 Washington st. LOANS $10 to IH'U WLK'kLf. STATE SECl'KIT Y CO., Ll ENSL.D. LOANS O.N SALARIES ONLY. BEST PUOPO&iTlO.N IN I'Olt I LAND. CALL AND EET IS EXPLAIN OUR EASY-PAYMENT PLAN. BUSINESS SIRICTLY O.NFIDENTIA1 STATE SECURITY CO., a FAILING BLDG. LOANS IN 0 HOV:RS' T1MB at legal rates on diamond, autos, pianos, household goods and livestock. PORTLAND LOAN CO Licensed by State. 105 Roihehfld bldg. MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds, watches, musical instrumeuta SEPARATE L'UPT. FOR LADlEo. ELBY COMPANY (licensed), 229 Lumber Exchange bldg.. Second sua mar oirms. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rate chnrg.d. Ly brokers. Marx &. Block, 74 8d st, MONEY LOANl'.D on diamonds and Jewelry. S. W. Kiiift. room 45 Washington bldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, and Jew elry. Wm. Uoll. room 8, Wahtngton bio. LtWEST rati on pianos and furniture. Phone Geo. llarey. East 1 1 "2. LOANS on diamonds and Jow eliy ; strictly i oundentinl. 33 Morrison. Loans Wanted. J 760 Sr SOUTH PORTLAND. Corner lot. 5OH0, an old i iooiu ho hard -surf hoi pavtitunl In and paid alue 2P0. Fred W. German Co., i 'hainber of Cum merer. WANT inunedlaiH loon $2'u for from prnate Bxirty; will pay 19 and bonus: plenty security. A L Ionian. si.VJu WANTED on slit-ily modern buiia luw, furnace, etc.. rented $: per mo.; Karate cor lot. 59x109, St. impts. all m. A U ti'.''. oreg"iiin. FOR SALE $1000 sreond iuortgag. panblo $;.(i mo., 8 por cent, $951. X 019, Ore i;onl:m. WANT $iO'K on my Sun n oldc hoiim, 3 i rs., 7 per cent, no commission. Y tf9s, on so- 1 WANT a loan of $7""D on brick business block, income 1MI per y ar. Caii at 72U C. of Cbldg. Maiu lltt. $"&Tio0 FROM private party on apai tm nt house; will pay 7 per cent intoresL Address L Ol''.. Oregonian. WAaNTED TO.!0 a pej- cent, apartins-u-house. East lde. vai $18,900. M 89a, Oregonian. $U0 'm PENLNSLLA. lots, h-rooiii house, a nice Mtlio loau. Fred W. German Co.. I4 ChamufLuui. 5U0 WANTED on 2u4 acr of laud mar Portland; good line real. Jacob Co.. -Oi Huhhar.l bi-t.. aUnl, Or. WNT $W0 "1 months, K pT cenf. on iO-4 Ksnt Siuc A I. 099, Oregonlau. vv A N 1 ED $'! 'ii outside property worm $ i ioou . All 079. Pr K"ntwn. WANT Io !" $2dmi, imiiiftJ mii city proper! y, f Btno iteiy. W Tcg-mian. $io9, 3 YEARS, on two Laurelhjrst lots. Owner, phone A H2S. l'LltPONAU WE SELL HAIR. HAIR. HAUL ii-ncn real fi i st-quailty sw ttdiurs. . . Vu-lnch real iirdt-quaUty gray....... BRIaN'G 1'IliS AD iiood for 5o v Face massage. .25c Shampoo 2jc llairdress 4 4.b a Superfluous hair removed by electr icuy. Guaranteed. Cut nair, any snane. o" any length. Prices half Sanitary Beauty Fa.lors. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. Marshall 1702. My collar usod io be No. 22. now I am using No 17. " statsd a prominent I'ort land business mail (name on request i and that attei only 2 weeks of treauneat a- The Swedish Institute. 12th St.. cor. Ai der, other auments treated with success. " FEB VET HANERLT. Leadiua wig and toupe makers; finest stok human- hair goods; swUchcs from hie up; Esiruressuig manicuring face treatment, combing made up to oner. 147 Broadway, near Morrison. Main 54u. rid- Am visiting mother at St. J oh us. Or.; took pedigreed dog with me. Play. Lupa lona now. Remember my writing you about it and where? Bunch there seems O. K. Still nothing. Love ? AK KM AN TRAINED NURSE Treatments for rheumatism. lumbago, etc., maas and bath. 433 balinou su. cor. loth. Mar- .mk TlFiC inssseusc, genuine tub baths; !naniurL 204 Macleay bldg. Marsha I -.o -. I r-i L-.-rHjo V1HRATOU for rlieuma llsm. iieuralim. clul a,ld trsatmeuis. mlue. Phone Marshall 20. . uauif NaYINS, elt-ctrlc bsths and Uat- i.rtlntm.'iu. ' Ki.lltrriiAl.lSM Kev. JJ.ry A. J'rlOfc Cirri. TMiiiyS. W.U. .nd tun. S V. M.; ra- B. tiF.ll: m.ulal aj.d .plrliual .cl- nll.t aiS-lilU Aluhy bid, yuwillon ice.i- 'yjfgdn.uay. f . ; uTiiVENS, a I er. Hortl.iill'. r- nownd pilml't nd uthvr i-u nwtolL,Aij All color. MX 'ilylta; Ur,u tocl- KiWMIiW bfc.Ul DUI O. ".rJlth-. M JUlliton At. .lictrio blanket treatmani; tour. 2 K M S-a'i P. M. tOU' d .t. Kuom and 3. ' ilADtt OF YOUR (OMlllXliK Switches SC ourl, aud puir. .n Ranl rv He.uiy rarlm-a, Ukum bid,. MOLbiS. .uperlluoua hair r.iuov.d. Mrs. M. L.. Mill. 4-iV mln.r bid,. AlHln iHli. BALM OF r-IOS cowljOUlia Hoyi.1 Tnnl. T.h iv. - " ChTFoor.ctic explains: pamiMa aaju.i mem. pleaaln,; 1 tr.atmeni. Hi. In rESSONa'ln phrt-Bology and rr4 tMdlnga jiS ml. .t. I'hoB. Main ..4. LFB Natlv. II -'hi for rh.itfa..m; -,u I.r Me. All uruKKUl. UKMlWlSK A .rat-c. juajucui-.. lor tfit, 7I ItolhcUlld bid,., idi i, VaU. .u