VOL. jLV. "0. 16,952. PORTLAND, OREGOX, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BLIZZARD DEFIED IN Fl Germans Move on, Des pite Storm. WORK OF FIRST IMPORTANCE 'KoJossal' Fitly Describes Task of Vast Conception. SOLDIERS CHEERFUL, ALERT Fifth of Army, Busy Caring for Re maining Four-Fifths, Toils l'n ceasing! j Lowlez Is Gold , and Squalid, Too. ' BT JAMES O DOXNELL BENNETT. (Wir correspondent of the Chicago Trin tme. CopvrlEht, 1915. by the Chicago Trib une. Punished by arrangement.) LOWICZ. Russia. Feb. 22. The bill iard that has been threatening for hours has come. Night has fallen. It is slmost as dark indoors as out, for the supply of petroleum has run so low that it is served out in cupfuls and nly to high ofTicers and to cooks. Both must do their work, and the work ef both is of the first importance. The blizzard is sweeping across the wide square that the soldiers have fa cetiously renamed "'Hlndcnburg platz. Jt is blinding men and horses. The blizzard rises in fury. The rtreets are almost deserted. Four sold iers, laughing in rich guturals, are carrying newly arrived mail sacks to the sorting station. An officer passes, flashing his pocket lamp every 30 paces, not keeping it go ing continuously, for one must con serve the battery. The precious thing throws beams a block long. Deep Drifts Muffle Sounds. A lonely horseman rides by. Her" is a ubian and the mortar board of his helmet has caught a heaping handful of damp snow. It adds three Inches to his great height. The footsteps of his honn make not a Bound on the cobble stones, so deep are the drifts. " . The synagogue shows black above the white roofs" of the shops on each aid of it. The .abbey church shows white. Light gleams fitfully behind its high windows, seeming at times almost to die away. Then there is a sound of chopping, and presently the light is brighter. It comes from the littlo fires that the Russian prisoners have built with pieces of choir stalls and of cof fins. 1 stop and peer through the iron rates of the abbey wall. A sentry calls. "Wer da?"" "Kriegs bcrichstaltcr bus Amcrika," I say, and ho gives a grunt of recognition an'l ac cepts a cigarette. Civilians Musi Slar Iloaie. "Not so fine and clean in this Russia as in Germany.'" I say. "For the will of God," he replies, "not a thousandth part as fine and clean." A few hooded women wearing boots go clumping by. They are dishwashers from the officers' casino and are being takn to their homes by a detail of the cuard. Ordinarily no civilians are al lowed on the streets at this hour. The snow lias drifted the full length of the 20-foot archways that lead up into the courts around which the houses irn built. In an' occasional house lights are flashing, and the ser vants of late-arriving officers can be seen drawing curtains or stuffing bits of carpets into window frames tnat lark glass. Everybody is In his quarters and huddled against the porcelain stove, if he Is so lucky as to have found quar ters containing a porcelain stove, i Heavy Firing: Heard. The next morning I rise early, so S3 to have a long day behind the guns at Rolimow. The storm has died down. The dawn is sickly and grayish. At 4 o'clock the artillery has resumed firing. I open the window and listen. The rumble of the guns ail along that great line to the east Is heavier and more rapid than I have ever heard it be fore. 1 look out on the snow-covered square. A fresh regiment, also bound for the front, is drawn up in the wan light: gray and blue clad masses of men who look cheerful and alert. The only sound In the square Is the soft pounding they make on the snow when Ihcy stamp their feet to keep them 'warm. Hoarse cries of command run along the lines and they swing through the narrow streets and out onto the plain. A wagon train follows them: then an other regiment, then more wagon trains and detachments of uhlans, their lances making black menace against the low horizon line. Ghostly Taaeaat rum, For an hour at a time in the dull rlawn of these heavy Russian days and Jn the sad twilight I have stood on the banks of the Bzura and watched the majestic ghostly pageant moving on the rim of the plain and then slowly (.ropping from sight. , The river at my feet makes no sound. The sentry at my side, like. me. Is atlent before the wonder and the, heart ache of the picture. Faint tries of command come to us across the wide fields- Then all is still, and .the tight reflected from the snow plays curious tricks with the vi&ion and makes the column srem to stand motionless, every wagon wheel and horse's head and tConcludcd on 1'age o. GIG RUSSIANS JAPANESE HOLD EXCITING ELECTION WAR PARTY'S FATE MAY TCKS OX COUNT OF BALLOTS. "Xew Woman" Figures in Campaign .First Time in Nation's History. 1500 Bribery Arrests Made. ' TOKIO, March 25. Closing an, ex citing campaign, during which the wives of several candidates at Toklo made personal visits and appeals to the voters, a general election was held to day throughout the Japanese Empire to choose a new House of Representatives. The last House was dissolved by the Emperor on Christmas day, 1914, be cause of its refusal to ratify the mili tary programme of the Cabinet. .To day's election, therefore, not only brings in a new House, but decides the fate of the Cabinet headed by, Count Shigenobu Okuma. The campaign has been the most ex citing and expensive In the history of Japan. The candidates employed thou sands . of canvaBsers and there were daily rallies In the streets and halls throughout the country. An Increased appeal to the reason of the voters was in evidence. Premier Okuma made whirlwind campaign, speaking from a special train, while leaders like Yukio Osaki, the Minister of Justice, distrib uted their views by phonograph. Appearance of women in the cam paign, for the first, time in Japanese history, caused a sensation. The wives of several of the candidates made a house-to-house canvass in behalf of their husbands, thereby provoking com. merit In the newspapers concerning the development of the "new woman." The police were ordered, to make quick arrests in the case of bribery. As a result. 1500 persons wre ar rested. . Taking into consideration the fact that the population of Japan is ap proximately 54.000,000, the suffrage is small, only about 2,000.000 persons having the right to vote. The City of Toklo, with a population of a little more than 2,000.000, has only 40,000 voters. BRITAIN EXPRESSES REGRET Reparation Promised for Wounding of American at Bermuda. WASHINGTON, March 24. The Brit, ish Ambassador, Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, expressed regret of his government at the State Department today for the wounding of George B. Montgomery, of Buffalo, N. y by a sentry at Bermuda ml promised repat!on. The Arabas Bador took action without waiting for full details of the Incident. it is understood that Montgomery's negro boatman had been warned and fired on before for approaching too near the war prison, but it is known that Montgomery did not know lie was In forbidden waters. The colonial au thorities at Bermuda have promised a prompt report. Montgomery was shot in the foot. N1GHTRIDER IS CONVICTED First of Arkansas Band Guilty, and 100 Are Incriminated. BL1THEVILLE. Ark., March 24. Mark Rogers, the first of several farm ers to be placed on trial on charges of night riding, was convicted on three counts by a jury here today. The charges against the men are out growths of attempts of a band of white-capped horsemen several months ;o to drive negroes from the county. Local authorities asserted tonight they have evidence incriminating more than 100 persons as the result of con fessions obtained from men under in dictment. The sentencing of Rogers was post poned. TRENT CLEARED FOR FIGHT Austrians Raze Buildings Near Bor der of Italy. GENEVA, via Paris. March 2. An uncensored dispatch to the Tribune from the Austrian border says that Austrian military engineers have blown up with dynamite all the buildings be towcen Suganana Pass, in Trent, and I.ake Guard a. on the Italian frontier, which would be in the line of artillery fire. The eastern part of the town of Ro vcreto is reported to have been aban doned and all tlte buildings torn down. All persons suspected of pro-Italian sympathies are said to have been sent into the interior to be interned. MORE RAIDERS PREDICTED British Admiral Expects Big In crease in German Submarines. LONDON. March 24. A large increase in the number of German submarines operating In the waters around the British Isles was predicted by Rear Admiral the Marquis of Bristol, in an address at a meeting in London today of the- institution of naval architects, of which ho is president. The Lord Admiral advocated ,tba equipping of all merchantmen with armament sufficient to deal with sub marines. WILSON VISITS SON-IN-LAW McAdoo's Condition After Operation Uood as Could Be Expected. WASHINGTON'. March 24. President Wilson today visited Secretary Mc Adoo. his son-in-law, who was removed to his home from a hospital after an operation for appendicitis. The President was told Mr. McAdoo's condition was as good as could be ex PEACE IS IN SIGHT I Activity in Stocks Re garded as Harbinger. FRANCE STOPS BUYING HORSES Business Revival Attributed to Recent War Reports. MUCH MONEY IS AVAILABLE Customers Are In Greater Number Sow Than at Any Time Since Reopening or Exchange in New York, Say Chicago Brokers. CHICAGO, March 24. (Special.) That the stock market in its vigorous and sweeping advance has begun to "discount" the end of the European war was the opinion expressed today by heads of La Salle-street brokerage Arms. They called attention to the adage that pronounced movements in the stock market nearly always rep resent adjustments to financial condi tions some six months In advance of their arrival. "I think that it is safe to say that there are appearing from day to day many harbingers of peace," said F. C. Aldrich, of Finley Barrell & Co., presi dent of the Chicago Stock Exchange. Little straws, we might call them. France Stops Buying Horses. "We had a report today, for instance, that France had stopped buying horses in Chicago and elsewhere. Recently the war news has been of a character to help the stock mavket, "Our people, including our New York office, are bullish. Our Wall Street ad vices are that sentiment is getting bet ter, every day. Brokers' offices are again filling up with customers, more so than at any time since the Stock Exchange reopened. There is a large amount of money awaiting investment the momqnt conditions appear favor able. That has created a large buying power. Of course, occasional back-sets are to be expected, but the general trend is promising. Important Interests Actlte. "What is putting the stock market up?" echoed Charles Garald King, of King-Farnura Co. "'The reason, as we gather it, is good buying by the best kind of people. Important Interests, it appears, made up their minds & few days ago that the time had come to buy. Stocks go up when business is bad just as they often go down when business is good. That is the way the market adjusts itself to coming events. Now we have a combination of the world's greatest war and depressed business. Naturally the next change will be for the better. The end of the war, as I look at it, is fairly well in sight." Stoek Investments Are Large. O. E. Babcock, of Rushton & Co., made the following comment: "There has been of late a large amount of investment buying of stocks. (Concluded on Page 2.) 1 4 OLD RE CAN THAT AUm t - - Ifr, ; - ' fSSlgggS , ' . . t oeoaooeeesaeoeeeeooesooeoeo'oeoeaeeeoeossooeeeeoaeoeeoeoeeeeoseeeeoe4 INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TESTERrAY'S Maximum temperature, &3.4 degrees; minimum. zs.s degrees. TODAY'S Fair; northwesterly winds: - War. Small damage done to Turkish forts by bom bardment of arch IS. Page 2. Desperate engragement in which British cap tured Sabot Woods described by observer. ' Page 2, Peace Is believed by financiers to be not far distant. Page 1. United stater protest against delay of WU- neimtna neanng by .uritisn ts in vaiu. rage Most vicious battle of war is raging In Carpathians, Russians reporting advance. Page S. Germans defy bilz7ards in campaign against Russians. Page J. Mexico. Real battle for possession of Matamoras, Mexico, imminent. Page 5. Foreign. Japanese hold exciting election for members , of House; late or war party at ai.e. Page 1. Domestic. Vice-President Marshall dedicates Panama- Pacifio Exposition. Page 1. Breach of promise plaintiff's trial for fraud hinges oa disputed Identity of ex-Federal attorney, page 6. Railroad man says added coal business ..means more loss. Page 5. t Sports. Beavers defeat Chicago Giants. T to 6. In 10 innings. Page 12. Nick Wllliams'reaigns job as coach of Aggies to be Coast League umpire, riga jz. Small towns rally for "Twenty Thousand or Bust" in opening game. Page 13. Pacific Northwest, Class fight at Corvallia so strenuous that president forbids future skirmishes. Page 6. Highway contractors for Clatsop work de mand $73,000- more than estimates Page 11. young man arrested at Eugene found to have soso bidden in aocaa. rage o. Commercial and Marine. Wool speculation in West is less active. Page 17. Wheat export trade large, but Chicago prices weaken on profit-taking. Page It. Wall street stocks at highest point since war besan. pa-e li. lighthouse craft for Alaska will carry four 6-pounders. rage Seattle longshoremen now on strike to re turn, page 3. . - Portland and Vicinity. Cascade Locks farmer to claim 1 100,000,000 property In New York. Page . New weighte-and-measures code before City Council. Page It- Witnesses at hearing of Tom R. Sheridan tell of absolute confidence in banker s acumen. Page 7. Chamber gains 791 new members second day. making total x-fss. page 1. Horses from Willamette Valley being as sembled for service in .European war. Page 13. Jitney bill revised, passes two readings. Page 17. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 17. GRAND ARMY BUYS HOME Meeker Mansion at Puyallup to House Widows of Auxiliary Body. PUYALLUP. Wash, March 24 (Spe cial.) An option on the of Meeker mansion by the ttate orgaiatlon of Ladies of the Grand Army ot the Re putllc for a state home for widows was announced, here today by Mrs. Ger trude Gorman, secretary of the' organ ization. The building, erected by Ezra Meeker in 1890. at a cost of $18,000, has 21 rooms with modern improve ments. The home, which is expected to ac commodate 75 inmates, is located on a three-acre tract in the heart of the city and has been used as a hospital. TURKS' CAPITAL DEMANDED Russian Interests Require Constanti nople, Says Congress of Nobility. PETROGRAD, via London, March 2. The Congress of Representatives of the Nobility, now holding its annual sessions in Petrograd, today unanimous ly adopted the following resolution: 'The vital interests of Russia require full possession of Constantinople and both shores of the Bosphorus ana the Dardanelles and the adjacent islands." MARSHALL FINDS GOSPEL IN Jm Personal Contact Now Added to Good Will. WATERWAY BUILT FOR WORLD Vice-President Formally Dedi cates Exposition. SCENE IMPRESSIVE ONE President AVilson Lauded as Peo ple's Greatest Peacemaker and Hope Expressed He May Xet Make Western Trip. SAN FRANCISCO, March 24. Vice President Marshall, representing the President of the United States, form ally dedicated today the Panama-Pacific Exposition. Standing beneath the great arch of the Tower of Jewels, the Vice-President addressed the vast con course of people who crowaea tne Court of the Universe. Mr. Marshall was earnest and solemn throughout, and was constantly halted by the applause which punctured his effort. Especially was this the case when he referred to his "regret that this altruistic work '.the Panama Canal) has a real or seeming defect in the charge of an injustice done a sis ter republic of the South. Let us not be too much dismayed this day by reason of that fact," said he. 'The American people are wise and they know he is not wise who is not just Wilson Called Peacemaker, Charles C. Moore, president of the exDOsltion, introduced the first three speakers, Senator James D. Phelan, of California; Chester H. Rowell. repre senting Governor Johnson, and Mayor Rolph. the latter expressing the hope to the Vice-President that the message he would forward to the President would be "California has done well. I crave your sympathy and your charity while for a few brief moments I stand here commissioned to take, but not to fill, the place of the President of the United Statee," said the Vice- President. "In justice to the day Woodrow Wilson should be here. The office and the man would each fit tingly grace this occasion. But duty said to him that Justice to all the peo ple bade him stay in Washington, lou hope for continued peace. Do not for get that he is your greatest peace maker. May the truth that he seeKs your good rather than his own or your pleasure lighten the disappointments of this hour. Before the sunset bell shall proclaim the close of this marvel of the 20th century, the President of the United States hopes to meet you face to face. California State of Mystery. "California Is a state of mystery, of seeming madness and method a state replete with art, science, literature, law, order and material prosperity of marvelous accomplishment. What others took to be tlie mutterings of mighty man in sleep, she has made the (Concluded on Page 2.) I Wednesday's War Moves A BRITISH air raid on Hoboken, near Antwerp, where the Germans are constructing submarines; another threatened effort by the Germans In Flanders, and heavy fighting In the Carpathians are the outstanding fea tures of today's war news. Five British airmen,, starting from Dunkirk, took part in the raid on the submarine yards, but only two of them reached the mark. Two were obliged to turn back owing to the thick weather, and a third was compelled to land in Holland because of engine trou ble and was Interned. According to a report issued by the British Admiralty, two of the five sub marines which were observed on the slips were damaged and the works set afire. Prior to the war this plant was known as the Cockerill works and be longed to a British company. When the Germans took the plant over a high fence was erected around It and no Belgian was allowed to enter. Work men were brought from Germany to build the submarines. It is pointed out that these had to violate the neutrality of Holland to pass down the Scheldt to the sea, but this was easy of accom plishment, as they could pass the Dutch forts submerged. Dispatches from the Dutch frontier say that seven German airmen attacked the British raiders, but were outflown. In the same region it is reported that the Germans are preparing for another supreme effort in Flanders. Already thre has been considerable fighting along the Yser, the Germans having bombarded Nieuport and Dlxmude, while the Belgians have made progress along both banks of the river. The big battle ot the moment, how ever, is in progress between Dukla Pass and Uzsok Pass in the Carpathians, where, in their official communication, the Russians say they have captured a large number of Austrians and have made a general advance. Austrian cor respondents declare that this battle Is likely to continue for some time. It is possible that the Runsians will use part of the troops released by the fall of Przemysl in n endeavor to bring the battle to an end. The Austrians have developed a fresh offensive in Bukowlna, to which terri tory they some days ago sent rein forcements and have, according to their account, driven the Russians back to ward the frontier and removed the im mediate menace to Czernowitz. On the other extreme wing of the eastern front, the Germans reoccupied Memel with the assistance of their war ships, which have since bombarded the roads by which the Russians were tall, ing back. The Germans also appar ently have checked the Russian advance on Tilsit. Unfavorable weather is still inter fering with the operations of the allied fleet in the Dardanelles. ITALY "FREE TO CHOOSE" Government Declared Empowered to "Realize Aspirations." HOME, via Paris, March 24. Com menting favorably on the adjournment of the Chamber of Deputies, the Giornale d'ltalia says every Deputy now is convinced of the necessity for Italy to act energetically, "facing any sacri fices, even a supreme struggle, to realize Italian aspirations." The paper adds: "With the full liberty ot action granted by Parliament, the government now is free to choose the way. thev means and the hour of , using the weapons at its disposal with the firm ness and prudence necessary to insure success; while the country, calm and disciplined, is ready for anything. "BREAD OR PEACE" ASKED Posters Appear In Towns in North ern Germany, Say Danes. LONDON'. March 24. A dispatch from Copenhagen to Reutcr's Tele gram Company says: "Red posters inscribed 'Bread or Peace' are continually appearing in towns In the province of facnieswig Holstein and Hamburg and Luebeck, according to a telegram from Woycns, on tha German frontier, published In the newspapers of the Danish capital. 'The police remove the placards, but they have not succeeded In arresting any of the persons responsible for them." GREECE AWAITS BULGARIA l nion With Allies Not to Be Made by One Nation Alone, Says Writer. LONDON, March 24. According to the newspapers of Athens, Greece will not range herself on the side of the triplo entente powers by herself, the correspondent of the Exchange Tele graph Company says in a dispatch from the Grecian capital. She will take an active part In the war only con jointly with Bulgaria. Isolated intervention on the part of cither Greece or Bulgaria, tne cor respondent continues, would be regard ed in Athens as Ineffective. ARROWS HURLED AT SHIP German Airman Keeps Ip Attack on Briton for '30 Minutes. LONDON, March 24. For half an hour yesterday. according to the master of the British cargo steamer Teal, which arrived in the Thames today, his craft was the target of a German aeroplane, while off the coast f The Netherlands. The air craft not only dropped onibs and steel arrows, but opened ire' with a small machine gun. With he exception of a hole in her deck made by an arrow, the Teal suffered no damage. CHA1ER GAINS 791 TOTAL NOW IS 2438 Nation-Wide Record Is Maintained. GREAT ENTHUSIASM SHOWN Honors for Day Go to Commit tee Which Brings 120. 5000 MARK IS EXPECTED High Scores Made by Many Work er and Prediction Voiced That Today's Figures Will Exceed Great Showing Already Made. The new Portland Chamber of Com merce, In the second day of Its mem bership campaign, yesterday main tained IU position as a record-breaker and jumped the total to 243S. with an addition of 7l names to the 147 pro cured the opening day. The campaign Is halt over and ap proximately half of the 5000 member ships, set as the objective point. hao been procured. The official report turned in at the luncheon st 12 o'clock left the list only 63 short ot half tl'e number sought, and more than these were pledged later in ,the day. One committee worked among the physi cians of the city all afternoon and its report will be filed today. Record Pace Maintained. Not only did Portland beat the rec ords of New York and St. Louis in its first day's campaign, but It also beat them In the second day. New York gained in the second day of its cam paign about 400. or only a little more than half what Portland has achieved; St. Louis with only S00, added less than half of Portland's record on the second day of her campaign. Spokane's total for its second day was 703. The Portland Chamber of Commerce in the first two days has rained a greater membership than the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce was able to muster in a campaign of five days" du ration. The total for the second day in Port land is within 132 of the total mem berships listed in New York's Cham ber, after a campaign of six days. Boston World Leader. "The largest Chamber of Commerce In the world." said H. V. Chase, of the Town Development League, who Is conducting tho work In Portlaud, "is the Boston Chamber, with a total mem bership of 4100. This membership was not gained through a campaign, out represents the growth of years." The Portland Chamber of Commerce, therefore, lacks only 1663 memberships of being the blgsost Chamber of Com merce in the world, and her 79 commit tees have still two days fn which to work. Kntkaslaallc Service .Wr. The committees went to work yester day with a rush from the first moment. Several were late at tho Commercial Club for their assignments, which were to be given out at :45. because they were too anxious to begin work to wait for assignments. One crowd came in with a bunch of new memberships and announced that it had been at work since 8 o'clock, and "wanted Its as signments cards quick, 'cause there's no time to bo lost." Committee No. 66. consisting of J. C, Ainsworth, F. C Knapp, R. D. Carpen ter, W. B. Mackay. 1. N. Flelschner and Edgar B. Piper, turned In the high score for the day. announcing a total of 120. This was Just 10 times the number the same committee turned In the day before. The record of this committee, made yesterday, was due largely to the fart that through Mr. Ainsworth It waa en abled to obtain a generous membership subscription from the Portland Hall way, Light and Power Company. Besides committee No. S. with Its score of 120, the following are the committees getting best results yester day, with the names of the chairmen and the number of memberships in for Wednesdsy: J. Fred l-mison C. c. Colt O. M. riummer '..... 3' C. D. Bruno - Paul Wessinger -1 Frank K. Smith 1 W. J. Hermann George Lawrence. Jr Mr. C'ran ford's Comsslllee Leads. Mr. Crawford's committee leads for both days, with a total of 231. J. Fred Larson's committee, which was second yesterday, holds iU position In the two days' totals with 114. The other high committers for the two days' totals, with their chairmen's names, follow: Edgar B. Piper '' l t . Colt - W. J. Hofmann - e- i-aul Wesclnger C. 1. Bru'in ' A. II. Devers O. M. Plummer t'. II. Moore Nathan Strauss C. K. Brg Frank 15. bmlih el 41 4 1 4" St Ge-irge I.awrence, Jr. -i Five of the committees reported a number yesterday equal lo their re turns out the first day and 13 commit tees surpassed their first day's record. C'oarioVvice In Result I-'.&prriisra'. The reports at the lum heon yester day indicalcd a conviction on the pert (Concluded ou ls 11. j