THE 3I0RXIXG OKEGONIAX. TUESDAY, 3IAECII 23, 1915. 13 AMUSEMENTS. Broad way. at Taylor Main I, A 11JS HEILIG 4 NEXT WED. Special-price Matinee Saturday. ' ROSESTAHL In the Nfw Comrdy. A PERFECT LADY Evenings: Lower floor, 11 rows $2. 7 rows. sl..V; balcony, 5 rows $1, 4 ro 75-, 5 row f.w. gallury 5x. Sat. Mat., Ift-wer flor $1. 50. $1; balcony. Tic, 50c; SEATS NOW SELLING - i P" 1? Stata1? 5360 J ' iX. ,,, Bak , Mr. Home of the famous Baker I'UOOT. Tonight. All wk. Mata. Wed.. Sat. "CKVKSKE OF THE HILLS." Urimatizud .mm the wldrly-read romantic I'mv.i ol Mirah KHIs Ryan, -Told In tn Hilis." A beautiful Western play that la .lifferent. Evening,: 2oc. 5c, 75c; box SL hut. Mat.: -'ic. e: box Tuc Wed. Ft,: all ,ri, (except box NEXT WEEK Moss startling sensation of the season, DAMAGED GOODS t'-realest sociological drama of the century. SEATS NOW SELLING. VHAJC EASY 230 THE SIX TASMANIAN VAN DIEMANS 6 OT1IEK BlU-l'K.lTl KK ACTS 6 Boxra and flritt row halrooy reserved by phone. Main 4hS. A ttXK. Oarar Lorraine, eminent ecrentrie TlollnUt. Vauelevlile In Monkeyland. 4 Other Headline Acts 1 Choir. Seats toe Kir.t-Xl,ht show Reeerred. DDTrrC' Afternoon Ic. lor rrviLLO, Msiits oe Afternoon Musicals KII.KIIS HECITAL HALL Folk Songs of Many Lands BY PAMOl'8 SINGERS. Commencing Thursday Afternoonj A IlCIfi XOVKLTV WILL BE THE ATTRACTION. THE TOY SHOP. Dutch Doll.. Irenh Doll. Clown Tin Soldier. . Olga Levlt . ..Maurine Watta . ..Mary Richards . .Errold Phillips uii l''l'Mr. miern -... CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily and Sunday. Ier Linu lie On time .;"". ame ad te conserutlve times. . ... ..... h ihr, mniMutivf times 2a haute ad six or erven consecutive time.. 50o i he above rat apply U adverlitKmenta under "New jooay '" bui omm viiiiia Liontt except the following: Ml ua I lon Wanted Male. Mtustions Mauled female, 2 or Kent, K"on., i'rivaie FamUiea. Hoird and Kooina, t'rii ate Families, Houekeeping-Uoom, Pnvaiv 1 amlMft. Rnt on tb? above ciastdilcatkms km ?tentt line each insertion. On "charge' advertisements rbanre will he feftewd oh the nunWer of iln axipcaring la Ibe paper, regardlrt of th number ! words In eacn line. Miulmum t-uargr, two lines. Tbf Oregonian will accept rlasslfled ad venifemru(( over the telephone. proviOd w. riwirtiMr l h subbcrlhcr to ciLiier pDvne. o prices win quowa over i" i pnuic, but bill will be rt-udeied the fl low in dsv. Whether subsequent advertise ments will be sk rep ted over the phone de penui. uimib the promptness of payment of rd and Pomona! advertiementN will not l accepted over the telephone. Order for one Insertion only will be accepted tor "turnl lure for hale." "Biislnews 4ipportuullleat" Koo Ming-Houses" and "U anted to Kent. Telephone Main ?0.u. A 60VA. Ibe Oregon lan will ntit guarantes accur pf or fa-ume respunslldllt tor errota vo currtni In telephone advertisements, Artvcrtiments t re,fle prompt clasal flration muse be in The Oregon is n office be I ore H fl'diH'k at night, except hat urday. 4 losing huir for The p-indnj Oregon an will he i- olock Saturdaiv niicht. The office will he open urttl )u o'rlwk P.M., as nsaai. and all ad" received too late for proper lasslflrstion will be run under the be-ading Ioe l.ntf to Classify.' RFK ESTATE OF.AI.ER. JV LVKR-JONBS W1lr.-x hld. CO.. H. 40t-405-408 JSECK, Wllham G.. Sl-ltiti Falling Mdg. VRvrrT-rT bop.. P"0 iian-thorne ave. akr KTT B R OP. Board of Trade. JREAL ESTATE. For hale Lota. HOSE CITY rARK LOTS. rxai t ltroif n li h i he owners the Olig )ial tilauers of this i mmlful part of Portland "all on our ivalty department, c-.rcir Fourth and Stark. - HA tiTMAN TiiOM FSON -LETS lAOK AT THIS LOT." t5htly lot in bft rostr1ted addition In .-itj. Must be sold nt sacrifi. Will scopt 'tisU fash payment and take sec ond nonsuf" 'or balance from ho;n own he irap for riRlit man; will lfan money l"r uildltK if d re I rod; no annts. j. P-Jshunly, tT7lU. Stark St., Main 150S, a i i ' I A3 T S A C RKAGK. ASTORH. WARKENTON. NEW ASTORIA. Local t ions the I cart -f the best of it. IL U YOKE, U:.6 Nortbwest-rn Bank Hldg. FOKTI.ANO liKHSHTS EXCLUSIVELY. I bsndie most of the property for sale In tlvs distri.-t and all the bargain. M.-irnhitil f-7. BROOKE. A8S39. JiOMK Kile, mtniiteo 'i nor month Wes S'.dc. Pull Run water, 15 H1e. Sti fare; Jlfl down 3 price $:on. Corbet t bldg. 1 WO Irvington lots. 2vth. between Brazee and Knott, east front. Bosworth. 106S East Thomas street. Peattle. 1V owner, half price for cash, lota la Fla- ch A W. Oregonian. tUOI''K corner, Irfiurelhurst, $.0 down, small payment monthly. Owner, A 1428. For tale Beach Property. CHOICE Fayoconn l-t. cost me fTOO; will take 4'U for quick sale. A bargain, AV 7'. Oregonian. 9 FINE view lots facing ocean at Salt Air t Tillamook Beach) ; will sell very cheap; need money. Address S 872. Oregonian. 1-ou 4saLK By owner, 4-room cottage. lot Mil Ou. $UHH, $100 cash. Call 173 W. Park st. Matinee co i-oR fJALE New modern 6-room bungalow ia irvington. Unique in design and com P -to m every detail. Phone E- 4o4g. lUR SALE Modern cottage. 1 block north of car b art's. Write or Inquire, SIS Waab, ' L. Vancouver. Wash. a H li K E- KOO M cottage en choice, sightly lot; price $100; payments like rent. Fall part:.-ulara SI 2 Piatt bldg. FOR iALt The fir. est home In Irvington, ;.; East 24th t. Nrth. Call and see It. !. V- Bowtnan A Co. CLAs?SY flose-ln suburban home, ft-rooms, 1-S are, Oregon Elect rle, Ac far $,1600, terms. P. O. hex 297, Portland, KEW modern ft-room bouse, earags: Income $50 a month; terms. Woodlawn 8228, MEW, tr-odern 12-f-oom house, lu Irvlngtea. P. iUr. Et yOT'ESX sightir, -ttwn house la choicest sectioa LaurWhaivt. Xt (XZm Of e;MMU REAL ESTATE. $2650. Buvg mv S-roCm modern bungalow in Richmond Add., 1 block oft car; houM has Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, built-in buffet, etc. ; including with the house will go my furnishing, carpeted throughout, light fixtures, boon cases, china closet, center-table, extension dining-room table, wltn. chairs, 5 rockers, 2 bedroom sets complete, dishes, cooking utensils, $.",t gas range, and in lact, every thing is to tne minute and resdy to move right In. I am leaving the citv, ana being too far to ship my furniture, 1 am going to let it stav in' the house, lard has hedge of "finest roses, also porch boxes and climbers around the house. You j sitlvely cannot beat this buy in th City of Portland. Why wait longer? Owner, Alain 124:.. $lt50 75xl00-FOOT LOT. 4-room bungalow, nicely finished, Dutch kitchen, buiU-in ironing board and cool ing closet; house piped for gas; easy terms. Take Rose City Park car to 72d and Sandy road. SEE AUSTIN. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL. FURNISH THE MONB1' BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK; WILL GIVE BONUS. L. R, BAILEY A CO., CONTRACTING ARCHi: TECTS, 314 ABINGTON BLDG. 5-R.OOM BUNGALOW, FURNISHED. This cosy place Is ready to move into; .living-room very large, with a dandy fire place; walls nicely tirued. 50x100 lot, about 3-foot terrace, one block to the car; $2250 will buy this, all furnished; small pay menj down and the balance like rent. C. fcM. lerr, UOO N. W. Bank bldg. M. 937. CUT YOt'R MONEY READY. Here's a real snap. Had to foreclose oi new, 7-room, l-6torv house, in heart of high-class restricted district. It goes for amount of incumbrances. $4500, on easy terms. Might take a good lot or mort gage as first payment; no agents, r. -.. Clements, J 70 1 Stark St., Main 15oa, A LHfr. ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. Deal direct with the owners, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our Realty Department, corner 4th and Stark. HARTMAN 4c THOMPSON SlOuO BELOW COST. Lovely home adjoining Walnut Park, nearly new, to be sold for Sluuu less than actual cost; 7 large rooms, thoroughly modern, full-sized lot, all pavements In and paid. Owner must leave the city; real home at a bargain; ask about terms. A. H. -BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. TWO HO. VIES THAT I DO.VT WANT. Have the above houses on my hands that the buvers nave thrown up their con tracts. Will sell them to you less what hts been paid on them. One of them cost over S3000. will sell It for $2200, the other is as big a bargain; Doth up-to-date houses. K 7l, Oregonian. -11800 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $1800. 4-room bunealow. hardwood floor, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, electric fixtures and shades, full cement basement; suxiuu lot, two blocks to car; terms hko rent, C M. Derr. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg BKAUT1FUL HOME, M A WT HORN E DISTRICT. Completely furuished, ready to move in to: everything new and artistic. We think it in th nrteiflt home In all Portland. l t us ahnw vou - actual cost SI ; price SKt.r.OO. Easy terms. Whitnier- price iia,50o. Easy terms. Whitmer IRVINGTON bungalow, 327 E. 3'Jth N be tween Weidler and Halsey, 6 rooms and sleeping-porch. SluO cash, rest like rent. Have Just purchased larger house and want to sell present house before move. O, W. Davidson, owner, fcast iqiw. GREAT bargain, lrvlngton home, just built, must be sold. JtiOOO, worth S7OO0. Bmall payment down, balance like rent. Beauti ful home, heart of Irvington; new, never been occupied. Up to date, thoroughly modern; no agents. Owner, Main MODERN 6-room house, SttOOO; close in, no incumbrance. hard-surface street, one htrw.u i T rar ; basement, stationary tubs, yard, garden, berries. S30O down. $20 per month, including tt per cent interest. 786 Cleveland ave. S fcOOD AS A SMALL FARM. ' Large "-room house, modern, for large family, lots ot grounu ; oeaumui wicnj nar ih 1'i.rline: Drice 42975: easy terms. Joe Bochm. Main 77oO. Evenings Kast 593. vkivtii u. hich includes interest, mod orn u-room uuh.'ui i""-. place, built-in conveniences, snades ana fixtures: cement sidewulk in and paid fur; restricted district. Woodlawn J 12. fOUTLAND - HEIGHTS OOsy six-room nun ir:iuw. larice sleeping porch, many built-in conveniences; iw-o very urauauis vib. utrn- ly wooded; $4200; $10ftO cash, balance eaay terms, oce owner, - rniTiTV in house and lot: favorably lo rated : easy payroenU; will discount amount of equity for cash. Address room 518. Oregonian oiag. vrni si.k hv owner, n-room modern bun calow Hawthorne district; paved street. lot fiTxlOf. $l."iH) will handle; no agents. AC d'.'l, Oregonian. vr.K HII.I. DISTRICT. Hood 8-room house, fine lot TiOxlOO; for.-ed to sII at $47-"'0. easy terms. E. t;EiyKR. 417 Chamber of Com. 1 1; I'iM'.TOM HOME -S rooms. nice Iocs. tion. hardwood floors; all modern conven- lencrs; must go cheap. East -73. W. H. Hcrdman. PLNS So BUNGALOW rLAN-BOOK. 10c. A. H. FABER, Architect. T.rtrt Airtsworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 2t4. For Sale Businese Property. THREE-storv brick building, full basement, on terminal track. Marshall 2866. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALr-APHIB. Good soil, good water; close to marline; ray terms; will bnlld to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall l.'SS or Sellwood 478. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. 8 ACRES, tlii grandest Summer home to be foui.d for scenery it can't be excelled. For particulars lnquiie at 1614 East Stephens Ft reel. For Sale Acreage. 5 ACR Efci. $200. $10 down and $. a month buys ." acres Iored-tiff land between Portland and Central la on main line of a railroads; 3 u miles from town of bOO population: sawmills, shingle mills and other Indus trie. Some of these tracts are partly cleared and have a spring or running stream on. Price from $3. to $75 per acr. Many tracts of different size to aooso from. jood soil, lies well, fine lo cation, perfect title. BELT. REAL FfTATE CO.. SIS Railway Exchange. CHIt KEN. FKl'IT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Por!and. Greeham district. hUNSHJNB V ALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS S-mile electric station, $75 to $1. per acre- easv tortus; best coil; free wood. Farms for sale, all slsrs. FRANK M FARI.AND REALTY CO., ::ou Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. BEAUTIFUL acre of ground with fruit and flowers, barn, chicken-houses, three-room buniraiow; can be purchased on easy terms; id located at Multnomah. Full particu lars at Piatt bldg! 4L ACRES, with 6-room bungalow. 2 blocks to carline. close in; plenty of fruit and berries good terms to right party. G 694, Oregonian 54 ACRES bottom land, covered with fin tinrber. mile from streetcar: a bar gain at $3000; $1750 cash, balance city property. R 6S9. Oregonian. FOR RENT 20 acres, IS cleared, 6 planted. Ore. City; shares or cash. This week only Call after P. M. Fred Canott, 754 hz Sandy road. DON'T FORGET THOSE IMPERIAL V.-ACRE TRACT?. SMITH Jfc HOUCK. 301 HENRY BLPQ. TFN ACRE3 or more in Yamhill Co. F. fi. Forest, N. W. Bank bldg. Main 238fl. 15 MONTHLY, $0x200, new house, $650. A C. Marsters. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3M7. Homtds. HOMTEAPS for vacant Government land and" relinquishment. See J. Laughlln, Rita Hotel, Portland. For riale Farms. THE NEW WAY. THE MODERN WAY, THE SQUARE DEAL WAY ot buying land. Are you interested? If so. wrl; to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN.. 8 Phalan bldg.. an Francisco. C. M. WOODSTEK, Pres. FOR HAL S acre, U0 e-eres In cultivation, modarai improvement; on county road, 3 miles from KalnU, $2v0, half . eaey ifm, By awn etily, W, C, Parker. WHEAT LAND. Wtteat farm la r'vfitrai Oregenf 146 acres for $Tw. Call M5 Dekem bldg. FOR bargains in ranches address D- W. OiUett, Jtaeavilla, Liaaela Oetiaty. REAL ESTATK. For Sale Farms. A REAL SNAP (BY OWNER). acres No, 1 black soli, ALL IN CROP oats, wheat and vetcn. New house, barn and garage, 1 horses, fresh Jersey ccw with calf, 7 pigs, H laying nens, i ducks, harness and rig, small tools, ift miles from Oregon Electric station, ou cjunty road and Willamette River and R F. D. Price. $3000. H cash, balance 2 yeans. Come or writs. Mrs. E. Graham, Harrisburg, Or. FOR SALE One of the best farms in Wil lamette Valley. 30 miles from Portland, .".ml arri elear urt-to-date improvements full line Implements and a lot of fine jttoolc sand shin oin .? hv rail and river $rt0oo will handle. Address AV Cl2, Ore gon lan. TEN acres, with 4-room house, barn, out houses, part set berries and fruit; one raRe from car line; will lease. Apply 171 3d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WHO wants an equipped and stocked hog and dalrv ranch close to city? Will take about $.oOO house part pay and long-time mortriKe. B Tier cent, ior oaiance. vau- duyn & Walton, 535 Chamber of Com WANTED 1 or 2 acres unimproved, not too far from Portland, not higher than $1000; win make first payment ox uu. inquire F FUCHS. 4C0r Chamber of Commerce. WANTED for cash, lot in Rose City Park or Alberta districts; must be bargain. H. Turner, M7 E. 42d at. X. LOT in Eastmoreland, within S blocks of Reea tjonege; casn; oescrioe iuwy. o Oregonian. VV A'T mnrlrrn house In West Moreland; have corner lot for list payment. Phone B 2S7!. : WANTED Lot and store building in the suburbs of Portland; or stock of groceries. M 073, Oregonian. WANTED Lot lose in on West Side; give location and price. V 878, oregonian. FOB RENT FARMS. TO LEASE. ftiA acres at Ashland. Or.. 10 minutes' walk center city; good 6-room house, city water, electric ngnts; i acres in iruu, most bearing, plenty berries, chicken runs, noma small tools, soraver ran ire, etc.; party must understand care of fruit trees; rent lo0 per year. Owner, 13o N. oth st. 1 00 -AC RE farm, convenient to Portland, on Main county road; good soil, with rent for share of crop or cash rent; want man with sufficient stock to handle properly Owner, ll'JO Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR RENT i acres, all in cultivation, new 6-room house; rent reasonable. Inquire l!5 East Broadway. Phone East 65.6. izd ACRES, with house and barns, 6 miles from carline. Telephone Sellwood 479. Call 796 E. Harrison st. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKSN. 304 M'KAY BLTg. FARMS WANTED. WANTED For client, the best farm $0. 000 cash will buy; give full particldars in first letter; do not waste your time if the farm does not bring revenue to justify the Investment. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber rf Commerce,, FARM suitable fjr dairy aid stock-raising: must have good buildings and plenty of water. Have SoSrtO house and lot, clear, in Los Angeles, and $10U0 cash: will as sume J15M0. AE (iiS, Oregonian. I WANT about 40 acres of level unimproved land; will trade lot and give $450 cash as first payment; close to Portland. J 691, Oregonian. - WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent a dairy farm with stock and tools, by a young man acquainted with the retail trade of Portland, having been in tie milk business for 0 years end ing Marc. 1 ; would rent or operate t or owner. Ct.ll Main 3601. WANTED To RENT Farm to put my 20 head of dairy cows on; nut over 30 miles from Portland or over 2 miles from rail station; good buildings. Will pay cash rent, but must be reasonable Tabor 147. J2S2 Belmont. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. S3 1-8 ACRES. 6 cows. 5 heifers, 8 hogs, 4 horses. i'OO chickens, every farm tool necessary. Free and clear. 0-room house, fine barn, blacksmith shop, all under cultivation, close to Port land: price $15,000; take. $10,000 to $12, 000 trade. Main 1254. Main S345. - T. J. LONG. ABOUT 1 acre, with good, 9-room house, barn and chicken-house, no incumbrance, for 5 or 6-room house or bungalow and full lot in Portland, near a good primary school; will advance reasonable sum as first mortgage on the 1 acre to make trade. The acre property is Jn good town. In good farming community. 37 miles from Portland on electric service. Call at 832 Morgan bldg., for Mr. Cunningham. $5500 HOME. Waverly Heights, for close-in improved acreage; must uo free from in cumbrance; house has 0 rooms, modern every re&pect. hardwood floors, beam cell ing, fireplace, every built-in convenience, full cement basement and fruit r0om, 0 fruit trees, roses, berries; street improve ments paid. P 673, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 59 acres, on Foster road. 7 miles from city limits. AM under cultivation and nearlv all in crop. Good buildings. Value $18,000. Will take residence to value of $5000, balance 6 or 7 years at 5 per cent. Add ress F. S- Forest, 808 N. W. Ba n k bldg. -ROOM, modem house and grocery store, with $2000 stock and fixtures; ell on same lot and in good business district: has fine business: price $6500. mtg. $1350; wantu small farm with some stock and will as sume $300. Lueddemann Co., 113 Cham ber of Commerce. STOCK. RANCH WANTED. Want, direct from owner, good stock ranch up to ll.o.OOO for good Portland property: might consider exchanging part for one of su.Q00 to i&.uuo. it. p. Bryan, BS Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Los Angeles home in exchange for choice lot in iaureitturst Aactition. ana a. house and two lots in Vancouver, Wash., located in Vancouver Heights, write owner, E. Bru, 802 So. Olive et.. Los Angeles, Cai. WANTED. Small improved ranches within 35 miles Portland l exchange for Portland resi dences. Address F. S. Forest. 80S N. W. Bank bldg. HIGHLY-IMPROVED White Salmon ranch. Can be sold easy terms or mignt take resi dence In part payment. F. S. Forest, SoS N W. Bank bldg. tkn acres, near Buxton. Or., and 60 acres of good Missouri lano, clear, ior lna near Portland or city property up to $45oo, clear. AO 6i5, Oregonian. WANT CALIFORNIA. Have- S-rooin modern 2-fcory house, price $4250. incumbrance $--50; give par ticulars; will assume. H 11 91, Oregonian. GROCERY store and meat market; money maker: no better location in city; value $5000. Will exchange for good clear city property. Stout Inv. Co.. 723 C. of C. $1.VHH HARDWARE store, in a good town in California; want improved ranch in the Valley about same price. Bush-Mc-f'lellan Realty Co.. 502 Piatt bldg. $1000 MA HA telephone bonds. also 5 acres in TiiiamooK, ior saie, or win trace for house and lot. By owner. H 6S9, Orpgonfan. 6 ROOMS in Holladay Park; double 'garage, and 2U acres just oeiow t-ortiana ior Det-te- residence in Irvington. Frank Lucas. 125 4th st. TRADE 640-aore stock ranch, near Dalton, Neb.: fine climate tor lung trounies; ror Oregon land. R. F. Robinson, New-berg, Or. B61 SHARES of Eagle Valley Mining & Milling Co. stocK, or i arson uity, Nev., for good lot. R 690. Oregonian. EXCHANGE auto for lot and $450 cash; Michigan Detroit par; this week only. 14 N. 6 th st. WILL exchange 30 acres fine land, near Mosier. for house, about $3000. George Anderson. 14 15 N. W. Bank bldg. FOUR small houses, all rented, for home in Irvington or LaurelhursL Frank Lucas, 1254tht. WANTED Lot near E. Morrison from 11th to 16th or house and lot. D 604, Ore gonlan. TRADE 1225 acres, nearly all in cultivation, 850 acres wheat all up. Buildings, water; no agents. M. Fitzmaurice. Condon, Or. $2500 EQUITY in Laurelhu rat's most at tractive bungalow for choice residence lot.' Tabor 1217. 2200-LB. TEAM and harness $75; also good camel-back covered wagon suitable for camping; $5. 148 Union ave. North. WELL-BRED pacing horse; good driver; $40; gentle. 14S Union ave. North. HOUSE and lot In Newberg. What have you? Woodlawn 3618. WILL trade safe, desk, chair, maps, etc.. for Ford runabout. typewriter. East 114L S. 6 AXD 0-room modem houses to exchange for acreage Owner. Main 8201. OWN half Inter In good 4-room house; want city lot. Phone Main 4113. TO EXCHANGE $2000 first mortgage for Portland propttry. Can Tabor Rf21. iRVINOTON HOME for eaohange, B, M. Lombard, 200 'a $d. Main 6KJ, A 2892. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, LEASE AND FURNITURE. CO-room family hotel, fine -location, heart of the city: large dining-room an connection; everything first-class and up to date; will take CLEAR HOME IN PORTLAND OR RANCH and some cash; this is a money-maker, clearing now over ."o per month; rent very reason able; fine location for TOURISTS; rooms all rented; this is a snap; reason forse)ling, party going to California. (.V DORR E. KEASEY A CO.. 2d Floor chamber of Commercw. HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 18(i.Hrr farm. 28 miles from Portland, li miles to North Bank station and boat landing. H mile to good school; 80 acres in cultivation, two springs and well, water piped to barns, good 6-room house, two barns, new silo, hoe and chicken houses, 5 head workhorses, all necessary wagons, harness, implements, tools and separator. 34 head of cattle, 22 hogs, chickens, etc. Several thousand acres of outrange adjoin ing This is as fine corn and onion land as there Is on the Coast and will be in corn, clover, oats, peas and 10 acres early potatoes this year; price for all, $20,000, small amt. cash. Portland residence or In come property for part, balance long time. H. Atwater, owner, Oswego, Or. B. 6161. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 160 acres, Columbia County, 6 miles from . RAINIER; four acres cleared, three springs, well, stream, FINE. DEEP SOIL. ALMOST LEVEL; 4,000,000 feet timber. Will take clear property in Portland of . equal value. Will make right price. V DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 2d Floor Chamber xof Commerce. la;i ACRES, Lincoln County, "0 acres of dyked tldeland, about 80 of this In cul tivation, balance upland; about 22 acres of that in cultivation; some slashed, some easy to clear; 8-room house, new barn 44x K'G, 1 barn 40xti0, fine springs, j water piped to house and one barn, wood orchard; hot and cold water Jn the house, bath, new milkhouse. separator-house, boathouse. 12 young cows, mostly fresrr; good team, har ness and wagon, disc harrow, drag har row, tedder, grain drill, hay rake, sep arator, rowboat. 21-ft. gasoline launch, hay fork cable, small tools; most of household goods; price $20,000; will consider $4000 to $o000 Portland property. Epton, 432 Chamber of Commerce. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY PLACE. Highly profitable dairy, stock and fruit farm in eonderful White Salmon Valley. Immediate market on premises for all produce at high prices. Fine .house, barn, grounds, electric lights, water system, modern plumbing; church, school, store, postoffice on premises. Fine wheat crop now coming up fast. Big chance to ob tain something with all conditions abso lutely ideal ; will exchange for $12,000 worth of Portland property at fair -valua tions, bee owner, sis jNortnwestern usqk prog. WANT DAIRY FARM. Two modern houses, 7 rooms each, full basement, hard -surfaced street, corner lot louxlOl ; all street improvements in and paid; want 50 acres or more with some stock and must be a dairy location between Portland and Amity only; price $75410 clear. Lueddemann Company, 913 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL exchange Edison Amberole. $L'00 ma chine, for norse or cows. write utto Helfrlcht, Orchards. Wash., route 1. NEW Smith & Wesson 32-20 special part payment gentleman's compartment trunK. s t3, Oregonian. WANTED A fresh cow lor a piano. L 668, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicle. Harness, Etc THE following stock can be seen and pur chased from our barn man at our trans fer stable, 380 East Irving St.: Team, 2400 mares, both with foal by imported horse, including harness; $200. Team closely matched bay mares, weight 2600; are half sisters; one of best all-purpose teams in ruruana; wun narness fzuu. nana some 4-year-old, unbroken, weight 1400 S1O0. Three single delivery horses. weighing 1100 to 1300; choice $75. Above stock are right out of hardest kind 'of work and sold lor no fault. AUCTION SALE of horses, vehicles and harness at Colunr bia Stables, 302 Front, every Thursday at y. M. ; we sen on a commission oasis satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and sailer; if you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction; if you want to buy, attend this sale. SPAN of mares with foal to imported horse, weighing 250 lbs., sound and freo of blemishes. Slio. Bay mare and bay gelding, 5 and 7 years old, weighing 2J50 i os., souna ana true, isu. several a livery and drlvinj? horses: will sell at low "price at Model Stables, 5th and Davis streets. TEAM black marcs, weight 2650, 5 and 6 years old: cood workers: one bay horse. weight 1350 lbs; good worker, single or double, price 1'0: one team browns, weight 28O0, good workers and fast walkers. Just rigbt for small larm, cneap at ilia. An derson Bros., 241 Jefferson st. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and r riaay, io A. M.;-oniy atnctiy commission stables in the city; consign ment -solicited. The McClelland Horse fc Mule Co., 240 East 8th st. East 6315. BOARDERS WANTED. Now that we have got the Rose City Stables In shape we are ready to handle about 20 head of horses to board; we also - will rent a few stalls reasonable. WILLIAMSON SON. 505 Alder St. HAN LSOME chestnut sorrel horse. 6 years old, weight about lloO. without a blemisn and well bred; 1 spring wagon. 1 business buggy, 2 sets of harness. E. loth St., corner Spokane ave., Sellwood. m a k ju weigmng jeoo ids., u years old, very fat and pretty, for only $100. Buy mare and bay gelding, 5 and 7 years old, broken single and double and good to ride, weigh ing Ji350 lbs., $100, at K95 Davis at. SPAN of heavy-bone and blocky-bullt shire geldings weighing 1400 lbs each, 4 years oH; also span young mares weighing 2&O0 lbs., low, heavy-built, extra good workers; sold with a guarantee at 295 Davis st. WANTED To buy, one span of inares weighing not less than 3200 lbs., about 4 or 5 years old, H. L. Carl, Hubbard, Or. Phone 2206. FINE team mules, 2 horses, -one a dandy, w cighing 1S0O. hameas. w agons. etc. ; cheap. Oregon Wood a rd. 315 41 h st. WAGONS and horses by da- $1.25. L Cohec, 81 Water st. Main 220g. Main 6K95. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. HORSES for sale; all kinds. Apply south east corner 16th and Raleigh. Main 5640. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at North. E. 7tb at. DEAD horsfa and cattle taken away free. Tabor 4203. Plan of. Organs and Musical Instrument a $1 MONTHLY will storo your piano safely. Security Storage Co.. Ill 4th st. WILL take- $50 for $115 piano rjieclt, on Kennedy Piano Co. BF 617, Oregonian. HIGH-GRADE piano at a big bargain. 326 Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark at a. $37S KNEISEL new $218. HI 4th st. upright this week for Furniture for Sale. A SNAP Furniture of 11-room house, steady tenants. Will sell cheap on ao count of leaving city. m N. 14th. Dogs, Biros. Pet Stock. AIREDALE pups, bred in purple, cheap. Phone Clark Grove 41J. . G. W. Th lessen, Milwaukie ave- -- CH. R. RAVEN and PRESIDENT AT STUD. LADD1X KENNELS, ESTACADA, OR. FOR SALE Seal-brown black and tan puppy. Tabor 2874. Poultry. WE SELL 100 White Leghorn baby chlx from best utility stock and our fireJeM brooder for $8.50, April and May deliv ery; e guarantee safe delivery. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petaluma, Cal. Lives wch. REGISTERED Jersey bull, best blood lines, for sale or exchange. Address C. W. Alt man, Rjute 1, Portland, or phone Wood lawn 2771. 40 HEAD of guod dairy cows. Holatein. Dur ham, i to 8 gallon, jersey and Guernsey. 3 to 5 gallon. Take Woodstock car to 60th ave., walk 4 blocks west, 1 north. ONE sow and eight shoals for saie. In quire at 24 N. yth et. Full-blooded Po land China, A atomobilea. ALMOST enough parts to build a Ford chassis; also a 4-passenger Maxwell body for sale cheap. Inquire 25 N. 14th st. TRUCK. Packard, three-ton, cheap; excel lent condition. J 677, Oregonian. . BUICK, 5-pass.f electric lights, extra tire and in fine snaps; uu casn taxes n. Sellwood 1579. FOR SALE 1 24-passenger aute bus, "White Shasta. ua ete tu. join FOR SALE 7-passengor aute. In fine shape. This Is a real bargain.lTa lst, "FOR HIRE, $1.25 per hour" B-paasengsr lsl ord, Phons Woodlawn 140. FOB SALE. Automobile USED AUTO SNAP; liberal terms given; free service given on- all used cars. W e of fer vou the following list to select from: Hupp, 5-pass., 82 H. P.; Cole, 5-pasj.. 3i H. P. ; Chalmers, o-pass., SO H. P. ; B. C. H.. G-pas.. 25 H. P.; Cole. 1 -pass., 40 H. P.; Michigan. 6-pass., 33 H. P.; Ko, 2-pas3 31 H. P. roadster; Apperaon. o pass.. 40 H. P.; Reo, 2-ton truck, with bjdy; Federal lH-ton truck, with bod. good as new. Several others to select from- price $350 and up- Northwest Alp Co. Broadway and Couch st, Maiu hhb. A 435$. FEDERAL ONE-TON TRUCKWas guaran teed by Federal agenta for 1 V tons, nas body and curtains; this truck is now be ing overhauled and will serve you like a new one; write or call on us for fur ther information; terms if desired. Ad--drees Mr. Gilbert. w T . - OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Cnapman ana ajuc -j- FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1M4 Ford, 5-pass 1113 Ford. 5-pass.... 11U3 Ford, 5-pass litUl Ford roadster 1113 Studehaker 3.", 6-pass $3 50 300 32- 6: '3 3"Jj "FRANCIS MOTORCAR EX.. East J E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave LATE model Wintcn Six, self-? tarter, ssShK-Lrh.a.di ... . Winton Motor CarCo., 23d balance. and Washington sts. PORTABLE GARAGES Take-down garages built of the beat materials, artistic designs, li6' erected complete, with lock and key. im mediate delivery: lo portable houses. TAKE-DOWN MFCS. CO.. vroftt nt Harrison St. Main HOT. iuDBfiV?.ii PORTABLE GARAGE, 10x16 best materials, erected on your lot. complete $32 up. Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. Alln, Garage Specialist, 1191 E. Ss.moB lauor xv REO TRUCK 1500 pounds; bought laat May from C. L. Boss, used very little; come and see it or write us at once; price $350; terms. Address Mr Gilbert, OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, A BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices $200 to $.0. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. turiffbakif Bldff.. Corner Chapman and Alder Sts. FOR SALE 7-passenger Garford car, first class 'condition, cash or trade; can be seen In Multnomah Garage, Sixth and Mad-son- tag number 0850. Address L. detach 1, care of Hof Brau. city. vrta HIRE. ST. 50 PER HOUR. 5-passenger 1014 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phone Main 1201 or iast odou. AUTOMOBILE for sale, $400 cash; Flanders 0 four-door, In fine shape. Call morn ings 572 E. 15th st. N. Take Washing ton car. AG QS9. Oregonian. IDEAL jitney or stage car, 15-30 Stearns, in excellent condition. Is large and roomy car; arrange for demonstration. . Mala 4244. . . OVERLAND. 1U. 5-pass. Model, good tires, electric lights and in fine shape; liberal terms. Win ton Motor Car Co., 23d and Washington sts. ' FOR SALE. 1DU Cadillac, fully equipped with seat. Mvcr etc. : nerfect motor; car has been Main 1357, A 13f-7. ariven oaiy hihj, 5-PASSENGER CHALMERS First -class condition; $750, on terms. Call H. risher. Main 6553. . WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid. J." Leve. 1S6 Columbia. Main 5198. 0-PASSENGER CHALMERS In good con dition; owner purchased Ford; make of fer. Mr. Wilkey, Ford Motor Co. Automobiles Wanted. WILL take good 5 or 7-passenger car or roadster as first payment on West Side flat located on Columbia st., near 14(.h St.; no cash required. Inquire 25 N. 14th st. Phone Main 9460. PARTY with a 1-ton truck can rent, sell or become partner in good paying business. Main 7100. 2tt8 10th, before 11 AM. ROSE ClTY lot, clear, for auto. Vwner, Ta bor 5053. ' WANT 4 or 0-cylinder automobile. Inquire T 093. oregonian! Motorcycles. A BARGAIN Indian motorcycle, late modes, equipped with tandem. Presto light. h-. $100. 13S0 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 33J. 1914 HAKLEY-DAVIDSON, single, 5-horee-power 2-epeed attachment; almost new, SItiO. Call Woodlawn 383L WANT to trade good unincumbered lot for motorevele; rianey or mown v, Call Main 6445. Mr. Benedict. MERKEL twin, just overhauled, $130 cash. 590 Rodney. East 7156. Auto Tires and Accessories. WANTED Ford front axle, stoaring gear or any second-hand Ford parts. 23 N. 14th St. Typew liters. We save you from 50 to 75 per cent oa all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. st. TYPEWRITERS for rent; -3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pan v. .so Broadway, Portland, Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. Tne Northwest Typewriter Co., 26a Stark -Main 6528. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, 4131 Stark st. Main 140i. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand bargajjrs, $5 up, with a writ ten guarantee to svw perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for raits. Maiu 'J4.ll. Sewing Ma chine Emporium, l'.'Q 3d, near Taylor. FOR SALE or trade, oue 6x8 air compressor w 1th 300-gailon receiving tank ; one 20 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine; one economy welding machine, machine generates iLs own gases. Address Peters Machine Works, Kelso, Wash. ABOUT 10 ton first-class hog feed at a bar gain. J. SIMON & BRO., Front and Grant Sts. ALL kinds of hign-grade kodaks, Anastig mat lenses and view taintras bought, sold and exchanged; rifles and shotguns want ed Hochfeld's Camera Exchange. S5 3d St. ABOUT 10 ton first-claps hog feed at a bar gain. J. SIMON & BRO.. Front and Grant Sts. LOOK! Sawed lumber fS.-iO a load,. cord- wood $5 a cord, 4 it., ana ..ou coru stove length. Eclipse Fuel Co., 3o0 E. I yth st. l'hone East 319. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys anil accessories; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Ball.e-CoHender Co.. 46-4S 5th, DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made Jn Oregon; per gallon, $1.65. Portland Paint Co., 230 Front st. Marshall 100. FI HE LESS cooker, 2 holes, cost $20, good as new. $5.00 gots it. Appiy jam ior land Court ApLs. - PROTECTOGRAPH, first- condition, 210T. $7.r.o. Check writer, new. $20. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES SLP- CO., 226 2D ST. PIANO BOXES, usual price $4 to $6, at $2.50 per box u cauea ior now. cenwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three 244 Stark at. months for $4, aeitvereo. Mam 6273. 28-FOOT, 17-mile motor boat; boathouse. with living-room; line outrit, oo; new cost. Main 4619 after 6:30. JITNEY CIGARS manufactured by John C. Weiner, ovvb tn st. ..aoei on recora. NEW Ruud heater for sale. 204 Macleay bldg. Maranaii otfiw. FOR SAL13 Comptometer adding machine; will teach buyer to operate it. Jtain itooa. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. StarK-JJavis to., ai- oq bu aiam SAFES. SAFES. The Mosier Safe Co., 2b4 Stark street. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS $1.00. Ryder Ptg. Co., S. W, cor. 3d and Morrison, CASH registers. NationaL slightly used. Typewriter Excnange. oox w aeninsioa ir.ry ei np rollers, sawmills, bought, sold ana , exchingid. Thje J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. FERTILIZER manure all kinds. any part of city. t:aji j uto. FOR SALE 200 cords dry wood. R. V Henneman, j no co-ru ot .rau- uiuS. WANTED MIrVCELLANEOUS. WANT a good canoe, in good condition, rea sonable. Phone main ioiu, no use oo; for Jones. GOOD, reliable gas range, 4 ovens. 6 burn ers, $65, for $--;. a,asi 04i.. aiei otore, 548 Williams. CASH PAID for second-hand scales, cheese cutter, meat slieers, coffee mills and show caaes. 101 1st St. DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bli Auction House. 104 2d et. Marshall 47HH. WANTED Excavating and Phone East 4804, c 147". team work. WANTED Small tent in good condition; cash. Phone C 1411. WANTED -Sd-hand light surrey j must bt up te data, 3D 6T, Draconian, y W ANTE D M I St" E LL A N E O V S. WE WANT FURNITURE. Get our cellmates before selling your furniture. We pay you cash and the uoghest price. Prompt attention Wcn to tails. UISM "FIT RN ITU RE CO.. MAIN &I68. 14 FIRST ST. MAIN 78, FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware A Furniture Co.. J?Tonu imm a 7174. Main 0073. Wanted second-hand clothing, tiii-vnrw Avn trvKliYTHING: HIGH EST CASH PRICES PAID. CALL MAIN 2080. GLOBE STOKE. M rirtM" ex. HIGHEST PRICE PAID vnr WT-HVITI'HR I'LOTlllNT. OR OTH ETi MERCHANDISE. I NEED IT; HIGH. EST PRICES MAIN 47. fl-RNlTT-RE WANTED WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS- KLINE'S. EAST 716W. 87 GRAND AVJS. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS AND PI ANOS: SEPAR'ATE APARTMENT FOR LADIES. ELBY CO.. S20-tf LUMBER EXCHANGE. I'D AND STARK STS. Y. MEYERS, the tallur, pays best price, $i and up, for second-hand clothing ; shoes Dougnt; renac-ie ouyer. ;. mwiw". - Main 3395. MUST have second-hand furniture, cash or trade, for new. .bast v-aiet oium, 548 Williams. 2D-HAND FURNITURE, ETC.. WANTED. Don't aive it away. Get our figures firu Standard Fur. Co., 182 1st. Main -C778. BEPORR SELLING CARPETS, STOVES AND CLOTHING, CALL MARSHALL 58., WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES, NATIONAL cash registers for world's fair at San r rancisco, nignesi pneos. o. uum stein. 120 Battery st., San Francisco. Cal. CASH Laid for hair cwmbings. SanKary Bcajty Parlors. -OO Dokum bldg. WANTED Trunk ; must be in good condi tion; cheap ior casn. au o.o, ureiouwu. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C A. Record 1914: Calls for men from employer! ...1713 Positions filled 1814 The service of this Department la free to all members of the Association. To non-members a special Employment Mem-h-i-nhin ! iANiied- liuatinit 5 Dr annum. giving the service of the Department for a year, two months full privileges and a refund or tne meinoermp . .-- aAAri am nlnvmant la not ktACIirSd. All young men eeeking employment in Clerical. Technical or Commercial lines or desiring counsel or advice are cordially ln- Vitea to consult tae auuwj; ''' rnent Secretary. V. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night instruction iu repairing, driving, selling and machine work, includ ing fT-o-u iariii shatir. driU-press, etc Moderate charges. Fair dealing aud expert training. Time unlimited. Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu i v m n a . hide., and se cure pass entitling you to inspect our shop ana metnous. THE TRUTH PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. THE LITTLE SCHOOL WHERE YOU OBTAIN THE BEST RESULTS. THE PROOF A FREE TRIAL GIVEN EACH STU DENT BEFORE ENROLLMENT. 268 11TH AND JEFFERSON STS-. u-iRRl.KSS OPERATORS. Those who register before April 1 can qualify for the annual Spring engagements of wireless operators. Tne leading school on the Pacific Coast for the growing pro fession of wireless operators is looated in the Pnrtlnnfi V. M. C. A. Expert teachers. - superior equipment. Call or address room 410, i . A. PIUS. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OK PORTLAND, EAST 23D AND MOKR1SON'. A nnmnlAtA OOLirSO of aUtOIUOblle JO struction. Including nichine ehop work, toy expert instructors. LOOK US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSEWHERE. Take ML Tabor or "SS " car to J 3 d sL HAVE several openings, establishment Inde pendent mail order business; energy, good ha sits, sound judgment more important than capital. Spare timo first. Particulars free. opportunities Lxchange. Hufxaio, N. Y. vm-vfi norma n business man. with capita wants reliable working partner that can invest $285 in up-to-uato and profitable manufacturers' commission business; eot neriencrt not necessary. Particulars room 40b Gerllnger bidg.. 2d and Alder sts. WANTED A Manager for Armstrong Growers' Association, Armstrong. B. C, thorough knowledge of packing and ship ping Iruit and vegetables required; ap plicants state experience and salary le- quireu ; give rgiwenco. WANTED Solicitors to advertise our cloth ing; good proposition for those who work stead uv; commission and expenses. Call at once. UaLely's Credit Clothing Co., 42S Washington. ' MAN For gardener; nms.t thoroughly un derstand flowers und garden work; steady position the year round. See J. L. Bowman, 04 3d St., corner Stark. ABLE-BODIED men to prepare for fire men, brukemen; $120 monthly: positions obtained free Railway Association, care Oregonion ays ot personal nisi ructions -u our complete outm win mane uu moii.- anywhere ; our prices reasonable; inves tigate. 006 Goudnough bldg. AGENTS, ATTENTION Something new; 100 per cent commission; exclusive terri tory Oregon and Washington. (JV Cham ber of Commerce bldg. HEAD eo-inter man wanted for dairy lunch; go-vi opening for c-apable man who can furnish good recommendations; give full particulars. A E 0t7. Oregonian. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trade in b weeks ; tools free ; position guaranteed; paid while learning. 2;J2 2d, near Main. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy, guaranteed stock ; excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppcnlsh. Wash. W VNTED A voting married man, experi enced bookkeeper, give references with ap plication, state salary wanted. AC 602, Oregonian. WANTED, in a large More, a reliable young man who has hud thorough experience In hardware stock; permanent position; state cxpertenc". AG hvs QregontHn. W ANTE L Experienced man. to tak charge of flour mill iu Oregon; splendid opportu nity fur practical man with business abil ity. AO 670. O regontan. . WANTED Young man with lumber experi ence, who can run typewriter. Northern Pacific lubor Agency. CS North 2d. FIRST-CLASS Aiistro-Hungarian cook with restaurant experience ; good pay. G -.. Oregonian. WANTED at onr. , tr neiil blackf-niith who can ."hoc horses and point plows. N. A. "McCaiiii, McCoy. Or. WANTED MAN TO LEARN AUTO RE PAIRING AND DRIVING. CALL RE PAIR SHOP. 371 HAWTHORNE AVE. WANTED At once, man to learn auto re pairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage, 44 Hawthorne ave., cor. 7th. SEVERAL experienced railroad clerks with division office experience. Address AV 659. Ore gonian. PHOTOGRAPH agents, best offer, new stu dio, start arly. Daguerro Studio, 1'lttock block. PHOTO coupon agents, splendid offer. Mult nomah Studio, ftQl Pekum bldg. feOLICITOHS Exfa inducement to good live man. vapsar Studio, Abington bldg. WANTED Experienced Chinese anece cook. 3 It 4 12th. or Jap- WAN TEL) Organizer, Knights and Ladies of Lincoln. Franklin Hotel. FOl'R young men U' canvass few offer; good salary to livo ones. 214 Plttock blo'-k. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio. Royal bldg. JTu SOLICITORS- German paper, commli sion. Clyde Agency. 207 Slock Exchange. Help Wanted Agents. WANTED First-class solicitors, male and female; salary and commission. 1024 Hawthorne ave. AGENTS wanted, male or female; some thing new. 1SS W. Parkst., room 10. AGENTS $6 to $10 a day selling 1915 Spe cial. Van Dyka Studio. 404 Wash, at. Help Wanted bale-men. WE have an opening for a specialty sales man who is capable of making $oo0 or more yearly; a man possessed of an en gaging personality and energy; to such ws can offer a permanent position presenting great possibilities. Write, giving exper ience end references. National Engraving Company, 154 Nassau strest. New York City. SIX experienced specialty salesmen to sell food product this city; good commission; first-clacs proposition. Sec Mr, J. D. Jones, Hotel New Houston. 8 to 12. WANT salesman flour and feed commission: give full particulars, letter references. AD 691, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Lady for general Call at 400 Dekum bldg. housework. WANTED Housekeeper in widower's home. R 693, Oregonian. . WNTKD Experienced helpers on coats and shirts. De 6l-ehe. 40 Washington t. GIRL to easiit with housework; $10 month. pply pan E. B6lh X. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers and dicta phone opera to ra. 101 N, W. Bank bids. HFI.P WANTED FEMALE. W ANTED Solicitor- to advertiiw our vlt In-; good proposition for thoso who wo'k rittadily; coimnUsion and expenses. C 1 1 nt one-. (lately Credit Clothing CO., 42.4 Washing ton. GOVERNMENT jobs for women, $70 month, list positions obtainable, free. Writ Im mediately. Franklin institute. Dept. TuJ C. Rochester, N. Y. WAN rED Girl $10 r mouth. ioii ork ; Broadway 705 Schu ler -t car. PROGRESSIVE BU SINK Sd C OL L K O K . All modern business count! $h mo. Positions when competi mpetcnt. sol N. W. Bank bing. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Company, 421 Plttork block, So W aahlngtca. GIRLS between 18 nd 25 to 'earn compto meter calculating machine ; good position when couree completed. ;u'tS Morgan blaa. GIRLS to lern beauty culture; conumissloil while learning. Geneva E. Kellly, 514 An ington bidg. WANTED Lxperi-nced al fjr general housework; references. oo Davis it. Apart ment 33. MPS. HINSDALE'S PCHlNESS MIHOOL, .wj Empress bldg. Personal iustrucUou; po sitions when competent. WANTED Ladles to demonstrate, city an.l road work, $2 per day aud up. Room itfi Columbia bldg. WANTED Graduate nuive who undi stan1 dietetics, for inntltuiion work. Call, be tween 10 and 11 A. M.. Mi Loetoy. WILL give good home- lo middle--it ed woman In exchange for light service. 5S9 E. 18th st. N. C 2154. WANTED A middle-aged lady to care (or old lady :it night for board and room. Tahor 2402. GIRL to ase-U in housework and care of child; must be neat and have ivfet ences. Apply bt7 Lovejoy st WANTED First-class Auatro-Tlunganan cook with restaurant experience; good pay. O 65U, OrcgonUn, W ANTE D C. S, practical n u r-e lo take charge of elderly lady and some house work. G 03, Oregonian. WANTED Young lady to adtJrrns envelop-. Call between li and 10 A. M. only. Book ing office, 10, 0th st. WANTED A general housework, girl, good wages, vfn laundry. lis Trinity place, be. tween Washington and Eve ret I. FAMILY cook, $.:.-. work, $15 to $ i Main st. A 71 T' sivnj .ork. $'!' St. Wtiis A(i Main 2o:m. WANTED Night i.urs.- n pltal. Call at 31 N. 1 t h. r Koei sjteiM urn hon ,f Mrr. GI H L for shooting gallery ; t-te. mfuslnn. T. I. 'iVrrill, Alhan, Mr. EXPERIENCED buttonhole maker on men i coats. 128 Td. room 1 u. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting. 26J 14th, nr. Jeff. Mn. tl. WANTED ily of 3. Good firl for housework in lam Call East 2SOU. FIVE girls to lesj-n beauty culturs. 411 Dekum bldg. Sfuitary Parlors. MATURE woman for position of trust; pr maneent to right party. K 671. Oregonian. WOMAN For dining-room work, for boai d and room husband and self. 211 Main. HELP WANTED MALE OB yEM ALE. MEN AND WOMEN to learn the barber t rad e, earn from i to s.o per wee, tuition reduced, paid wulU learninif; po sitions secured. Write for frre vatHtogu. The Moier bystum of Collegea A, 41 N. 2d St. HELP WANTED MISCIXLANKOI t. OREGON BARBER COLLEG E wants mn and women to learn tne carocr iu - weeks; positions guaranteed; tools fres; paid while learning: scalp aud face ma. sage a specialty; modern method teaching used; tuition reduced. 233 Mt.du.on si. RAILWAY uiatl clerks, P. O. clerks, car riers, exam, soon ; parcel po.i u.-m-uu-many more clerks; act at once. i awitio State Schools. McKa y bio g.. cit y. GOVERNMENT wants clerka, $T0 month; Porilauu examination soou wmmv- wmm cation sufficient; particulars fre. Apply Immediately. AV 67. Oregonian. INTERNATIONAL correkpondenco schoo.s turn Rh ivnewriici . - courses; 285 others; free catalogue. 2fi McKay bldg. SITUATION SWA N T ED M ALE, Bookkeepers and CTerha. DO YOU WANT A BOOkKELl'EU PART TIMET Will call a few hours each week or dry and keep jour books, gel out statements, vtc. Work guaranteed; high-class refer ences. Kxperieiieed accouniaut, lo years, P. O- box 3b4. m AMERICAN of 30, e.Iuatd. business expe rience, executive aumiy anu ---cr desires position as correspondent ' responsible corporation. Could Invest mod est sum and would consider any position where there is a chance for advancement. Address AV tlV oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and tjpcwrHer. willing to invest nonic nion-v wmi -ices iu a good burlnes. Marshall k" br-foro 10 A. M. or alter " I'- M. GOOD bookkeeper wants position, aan experienced in on ice v ui - ineni ; niodt rato salary accepted at matt. 11 tao, oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenogi aphei and offue clerk, also pooKkocpti . auj- e-mw- Su2. . BOOKS checked or audited, correct ssiens Installed, reasonable ennrge. G Kidout, Cert. ACCt., Marshall 2K65. 266 l',itt t,,, EX PER I ENCKI bookkeeper and ct-nogra- nher. anv oiti'"e worn. o . E. Pli KILN' 'K D ' nat culler or grocs.,' In-K. t'none MLscellaaeouS. CONTRACTING, all Kinds oi eons i and repair or o. "'; : ,.,- bor; huuss painting and paprr-hangins . chattels taken In mil or pait pameut. p. O. box ;;34. Vain-oner, anh. PAINTER wants work with contractor Will WO-'K lor Hlljoin: I m if" "K material Address G. Jt. M , 3I Michigan ave. Call Woodlawn MM. YOI Nti city-bred man isnr poMin-o oh - farm lo oo iigni wok Monroe RoscnluMt. w mothoo land. I'ort- STRICT1-Y sober, dependable, single mechanic ami cienwn wants j.osi'iou; would accept Jltnc, aj 073. Qiegontan. LN PR I IKNt'EI prlu l rr a aupren twe warn - titiiation where n- ' i i chance for advancement. It. J. llopktn-, hcio, Oregon. MAN and wife ih employment In lumber iiiD or ou rancn, uiu-b iw vwfc Address C.A. S., .m North th 1'urtland. of. GARDENER, with ig enpertrnce on ft nr. nlso run automobile , private places, 1 irst-cl references. V lv w . urrn"H'". MAN and wifo want work on ra-n n. w lldreli; capaum e'l imnt- uregonian - LAND slashing and Olcanng wam-a , t j necessary inncniti' i y , -t one BF 6, Oregonian. MAN. experienced in car rcpairin. u.-i.-- work ; aio lnacnini.-i encej. Muin .'!. A . LANDSCAPE KHr.lener uanis work. Has also run nursery for jears; rcfercm cs. Main 7ttM. A 1517. TEAMSTER, S jours ex perien. c ,,n so ore nam mao, Mnln 7051, A 3517. WA NTED Paper to hung P" Also wall tinting anu pimmiih. ahl prices. . phone Mwin v..iH. , CHAUFFEUR and A I 'tfl,Hl;.1"iB tion; 7 years' experience. Phone Mai- shali 54H:u room HELGI AN chauf reiir and pieman"-, V ,' enced. reTereneea, ..!. 471 chapman. Main SMttf. i'r,n.V ..nieu":" AC Mi.?. .Woman. W v NTED Place on fHrrn milker, handv with -nu1' dren. Main 7051. A 151 1 b SwlS; ; has tout good clili- EXPERl EN'i'KD c rpe titer w n l 'H Vardener Hlso. Vnin 7".M. A 1517. MAN and wife want work as co Main 7051. A 151L JAPANESE boy wants i boy in private family. position as ft5 Union a -h ool e. N. MAN with small family want, farm .1. Nuss, S75 L. 12th N. BAKER Bread and cake. wants work. Alhert G!a-ser. 4-1 BurncMe st. YinjNO man and wife want wot a on r. Milter. Aurora, r., R. S. SITUATIONS WANTfcJE4l Bookkeepers and Ht e nog re pjiera. EXPEHIUNt'KD young girl wh-hes Sr office work, inae nuns. ---- phones, etc; can give rrf-1 have work at once. Mam n -nce, nii'm 1. A 1M7. YOUNG lady. Just out of business roltege, wishes position as typist or sienographer. A K 67fi, Oregonian. O. K stenographer, b. k. and operator wants permanent o work. U. 2K17! m dicisplioite uo-tltuie FOR experienced su-nograplier. sul.sMt uun work in ny nne. v.-m EXPERIENCED younf nay wnnm 'as stenographer, bellwood 1l7, t