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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1915)
MORNING OIIEGONIAN, SATURDAY, MAItCn 1913. - ' . 1 I . '. ' - I Bcsitss orrouTt'siiuts. I MTr.oNjjmm.jLs I rAu ' ill fclNCLS mm wis'us position as clerk -n general merchandise store in the country; six years' experience: can give bond iC re quired. Address C. F. Truett, chehaas. AVasMnstoa. , fcXPERIENCED uairyroan and farmer as or i'-iuau. - now dairy methods; married and I strictij temperate; engagement cow. BD i. Ore.'oman. -. yRCHAUDIST. SWentifie secret in pruning to produce fruif booklet full information. $1. Ex per horticulturist. M- W. Bartiett, oolto y.'ih ave. S. E J-l HKLMBLK. competent man private p'nc- experienced In automobillng and . gaidening: references from prominent peo ple. AE 30. Orogonlaa. STRICTLY sober, dependable, single man, mechanic and experienced auto driver, yanu position; would accept Jitney. AJ T.. un-S'Jinau. - iXPKRIEXCED printer's apprentice wants v.r..uri..n hre hi- can make living and ti... ore -soman. hance for advancement. It. J. Hopkins, K.-ift Or.-iin BIT CAT ION wanted Dy experiences iuu manager or buyer for dry goods or shoes ... 1 1 ti t r j r:iit store: references. iif 'J, vresuuiiui. fN and wife wish employment in lumber rtn i-uneh-. woman Is aood coca. Address C. A. S., 7u North th SL, Portland, Or. lOU.N'G man and sister want work on farm; lapub'e of taking charge; wter ood -..-.- .an eiv reference. C C.2, OregO- RUSSIAN, middle-aged, Ftrong and able bodied, wants rough carpenter work or clay iabor; also experienced farmer; good milker, etc.; references. Alain iftal. A 161.. SITBATIOXS WANTED rEMALK. ' Bookkeeper and Stenographer. tOMCCTFNT experienced stenographer COand askant bocKkeep.r proposition. K;.a work preferred; best rcerenecs. la- V'r 4S1". - fcTFNOCRAPHER. beginner, wants P"n where can m-t experience; small salary. M a rhall ' . T"K7?oiioSrapher. b. k. and dteiaphona opeiator wants permanent cr substitute work. M. 2ii. fcN PERIENCLD atenugrapher wai - hition. mod-rate fB.ary. -Mar. 4ol. wants po- DKEMAKER will sew by the week rea sonable. AC S7-, Oregonian. Dressmakers. TAI LO RE D suits my peoaUy ; e ening Vow-w. fancy v.uts; work guaranteea. yur home or shop. COT Northwest bids. Vl::m 0155. . PLAIN dressmaking by the day. $1 and car faic. also woman wnnta ;to make bu tton holcs. Naiarene Army. Woodlawn 801. i-0 Mississippi. V.- VT 30 davs will make tailored suits J10 sio; evening gowns. S6-?1-": work guar antecd. -02 Fliedner bldg. Main 6it. FIRST -CLASS dressmaker and i"0 wishes engagements by day. Marshall - . ! . KAr-,ilOVAril-.b; di-cssnmkina. reasonable. :.r.'.. nr .iav. :toi Kuchuiiun bd. Main UolJ. KI'HSMAKlN.i. all kinds of sewing; price r h s.inaMe: work puarnnteed. Main iqS- GOUl' woman wants nursing- cases during confinement and will take care of house work, vk. celUood lt'J., or Invalid P1UVATE roomy, alecplug porch, trained nurs". reasonable, iuvaUds, helpless, city Tabor . tXrURIEM KL peuAral i.urs", will orv; tern nodra I e. Eant Ub08. House keepers. I'OMTIUN l-v niHMU:-aq"d lady. Jiouro k"cper for bachelor or widower in or out t city; yninli wagcii no young children 1 y.v or- oniun. L FOm'tiON as mamiirii's houseliceper. by re liiicd :iud very capable woman; will take pcrfwnul lutcrtat in home. AP 670, Oro- nANTKU riac as houpkprr; have a iilri I'J ra.s old. Addies Mury M. JIale, I 1 Hn'rt h Irk St.. Portland. Or. Ii:pl NKD. ax-aldo w oiiikii would Hke care of rominic-lioue or i-ome position of trust, 1 of rctVync. s Ort gonian. IIILil.K-AOI51 widow wishes fharg.j of wl'Jox s home and children, laryliall 9.. VANTKD-P a icfi.n d n idow, liou&ekoep-ir.v-: no 0ition to rl ildr n. Knst Sl:t. 2liiirtic. M1I'-I-F--A. Ki cook w itlu s w ork; f inn at Iai or 'i 11 mi outid choking, hotel or cant p. Orcffun or N Vsi.Tn "ashington lt.-Kfi-rrcd. Applv -OS Park frt.. bet. Taylor ami .-"nirtion. Main VM'K CO.M I'li l K.VT .'id.r-d Kil l would like house work, i-liamt'cr M-rk ..r day work. Call nil wr-fc. Tt-I. V.trslirtll W.'.S. . MlM-ellann u. TOi;. married I.idy wuid like position in cip-'ior s rtif-: ttill .erc two or threo iiopior?; pivioufi cxjHrtciic'. A H Otil, (jre go.i.ftn. X O L ' . I: isii woman, competent iauiidrosji and dav worker, wants work, or will go to ramp as i-eok; husband aio camp cook. Mwi-.i T-.'C'i. a ir.i;. TOl" N't Haltan Zl. refined and cdu-cnt-d waiiiH Mii5ow-()Tk where iie can tk- hr jrar-dd baby; A-l references. Main T'.'ol. A 1317. XI I II IK-A(l Kt woman, strong i;mi conit'cteiit. w t.n: any kind of day work. Main 7051, lilt. MirDUv-A;Kl Swedish woman wants ciidiiilfr urk or position as camp cook. 1'iin TOM. .V 17'1T. ; . H I'Klil II.Nl'LD tirmuti woman wanta day w ork. or work a laundress. Jluin 70ui, A 151T. , lOLNi-i woman, 21. experienerd in second work, desires position ; irna beautil'uiiy ; rc U rences. Main TOM. A l.'17. C sl ITiTKN'l' w oman w ants day work; thoroughly experienced, ai laundress, etc Mar. 1V ' roslTKN is chamb-rmal1 by middle-aged woman, small wm;e. must work; In or out of city, it ttT-4. urfgonion. t .OMP;n"FNT wiiian must have position a.s cliamhormaid ; must come home nights. M-iIm '.i.'C".. PHI VAT 12 lessons in Erslish. grammar, rhetoric, It:erAture. etc. H Qregonian. WOMAN wants day work of any kind. Phone Tabor ST 99. YOl'N'i ludy wants liuht ofl'lco work; ref fpptirc T'hone l. ."iila. WANTED Washing. Ironing, cleaning; day, hviir: first-ciass. Main WANTED Work bv experienced chamber maid . Amsdon Hotel, mom 7. Main 8fiS. gi'H'K. .iIr--ar-i tuch -liool graduate de irf! hti Kind of ?ttua'.i"n. Y.a ."'TIT- L 'S vi oik. woman can do day work r nnv l;lnd. MMr "14. . 1A work wanted bi od woman. Tabor X1"UK1 KNv-'ElJ w oiuan. d:iy work, wash ironins. c!ra:ng. A 71T. Main -'0::9. 1oi'Ni 1m.iv wants work as clerk. Phone Tabor S-i-V-. WANTED TO KENT. KuDet TYANTtlD To rnt, on West Side, by coupie with no children, small house, not over five or six rooms, or small flat In two flat building; must be modern in every re spect, having lurnace, fireplace, etc. Alt. ;'T4. orcgonlan. WANTED Hy April 1 for rv liable man and w u a modern furnishtd bungalow vr cot tage within city limits near car line; must be reasonable. Phone East "4iS guy lime before 1 P. M or after 6 I'. M. WANTED To rent mouern i or i-roum house or bungalow on Sunnyside or Mt. labor carline; give full particulars. AM 3;ESPONiBLE iartls. adults, w lil car X-ir hotiic for n ner traving city; best of car.? and refervnct-s. D tfaf. Oregonian. FOB REXT. Kootns. tA K jovt iaoty. get a hardtime room, single t houj-ektepii g. ISW li Uarrabec. Famished Room. HOTEL TKEVES. Northwest Corner ritark and 1Mb. Uouern outside rooms. o weekly and up. large ground-floor lobby. OL'TSIDB CORNER ROOM, $ 75- other outsiae r urns, $i'.0o; inside room" $1.7a week; brick, steam beat, free photie ana putii. - KTANDISH HOTEL. (4U WASHINGTON ST., OFF 18TH. front, steam beat, free phone and fath; 1 week. $S per month up. a oriET rLAi'B b'OK Ot'lfcIT PfcXJPlE. HOTEL CLIFFORD. Vat Morrison St.. Nar Grand Are. Cleanliness and comfort. 3 per week np. ilOTFL BUCKINGHAM. Oth. Wash, st r.ew fireproof brick, select, quiet location, mil outs:de. e'ean rooms, with every mod-, rn comfort. ..'-o wk. up. Rates to tourista. ilOTEL CORDOVA, JC 11th at.Sirict!y modern; P"-w 'v J3 up. Main q- IIOTEL ANTON. CT4 Tiollada Elegant fiirruaheii outside rooms, sieam acai. Phoie; walking distance. and $10 mo. VOTEL NORBls, W-x Alder; modern out a !-k. rooms, fJ P week up- IthINT Nicely furnished modexs room, cloaa In, :W liroadwaj. ELTON COLKT. 11TU AND YAMtUl-U Our Iiniiiii-room service i the best in the city, we make a SPECIALTY of a tK-c riundav dinner from 3 to :3 - . . this is under the supervision of an expert lady cook. Xiceiy furnished rooms, Li up; hot and co.d water, elevator and phone service; transient solicited. Main 6&3. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yamhiu. Cars direct from depots; desirably located and respectable; clean, warm and coxy rooms with every modern convenience. P.ates: jl and 1.50; w eekly. o aiid t. HOTEL ROWLAND. SO 7 xh -4TH ST 1UV Ik V-'W.ixJ. Modem brick buildipg, centrally located, nice, clean rooms; hot and cold water; rate ouc. 70c and $1 per day; $a per - week and up. "5 UOl-' v v LIVE AT THE FRANKLIN. WASHINGTON ST.. AT 13 Til. 4 HR3. SERVICE. MODERN. &jc DAY t-P. WEEK 4--L'P. HOTEL ULACKSiUM!'. Corner 11th and Stark, week and up; elevator, hot and coid water, steam heat, telephone connection In each room ; no extra charges for two In a room; room and bath day; transient solicited. YOUNG nien may con&uh without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C. A-, listing several hundred in all parts of the city, also those in the Association build ing. 730 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone in every room; rooms without bath, 10 up; with bath, $15 up. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and E. Bel mont Rooms $10 month, S0 up with private tath; large pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone Eust WANTED Roommate to reduce rooming ex panse; fireproof building, shower baths, individual bed. Call or address Y. M. C. A. business otiice. HOTEL GRANT. 451 Wash. Modern, clean rooms, all conveniences, 3 and np. 1 urn i hed Rooms in Private family. 2 DEAUTIFUL furnished front rooms; lawn, flowers, tree, new house, modern home com torts; will give board if de sired; 3 ciirlines. phone Sellwood lULi. 7SS Tlbbetts. NICELY furnished room, modern conveni ences, central, ery reasonable, 404 Clay, near 10th. ' ONE OR TWO nice rooms in beautiful home, running water, shower Lath. Go Everett -k toLEiiPING-POKCH room, with running water, also front rni. 74r Hoyt. Mar. $10 Large. beautifully furnished front room, modern home. 31 E. loth St. -N. Phone East loo. 3 NICE rooms, pantry, basement, on main floor. 0,"i4 Ivon, cor. E. loth. CLEAN, light room, heat, phone, bath, hot ate r. very quiet. ao iia. CHEERFUL, light, airy room for gentlemen, flO. A 54 Lucretia. Wash., nr. 23d, NICE corner room in nice home, reasonable, .1 . Lilian wa 1 KI It Uj lilMaiitt.. J 1 1 " 1 NICELY furnished front room; H. K. if xe- quircu; omy mum.ii. jia -iu NICELY furnished room, heat, bath and phuiu-: rent reasonatie. iou taot. HKAUTIFL'LLY furni.-hcd rooms in good home; reterenccs. 73S Johnson. NICELY furnished room, also garage, in lower heights. Marshall 1S1M. ATTRACTIVE furnished room in st heaU-d apt.; ba.h. phono. Marshall Rooms With Hoax 0. MORE HOMELIKE THAN HO'iEL-LIKE. THE li ILL, Washington at S3d St. A charming family and transient hotel of the nighest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate tatilcs; extremely reasonable rates; worth investigating, rhonca Main "a&K HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern, FIREPROOF, residence bo t:l; American plan ; on carline, 10 min utes Xiom business center ; prices In ac cord with general business condition. a-d and Hoyt bta. Marshall bSl. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sis. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transient or permanent gueata. va i aw" A fif'U ALEXANDRA COURT. 03 jLlA ai KUibi, An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites, single Rooms, iixcellent Table. A tfStl. Main 4611. THE WEWER, -1st and Washington At tractive residential hotel; special rates for transients; home cooking; private bath in cacti room. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 25- th st.. nas fine tabic board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a home: reasonable rates. BUSINESS women and students will find i . i .. . . . .J mnll iA nil IV 2uoQ uoru kuu . juii., v. - forUand Women'a tinio". olO tlaaaera. UliiilillTA Boom and board, home 5"k-iiiK- aud ul. Corucr lolh and Alder. Mjin 6'.'0. CA6A KOriA J BF PERSON, ROOM ,iV ttUAhU. R.mip HI. Board In ITi-ate rarollifa. BEAL'TIE'ClJuV Iurnl.'fled atcam-Ueated Ircnt, .miauie iw -btt or board and home privilege; ni-aranl liouie. all couvonlences. . West .Side- easy walking dl.lance; i per week. LA KG E, attractive rooms; tearn heal, hot and roid running water; suitable tor .wo or more; twin beds;; separata dressers; every modern convenience; excellent boara; also large room with alcove and porch. x in k:.i TiOl Harrison st.. near I4tn. WANTED One or two children to take care . nr. o l-nm-H UOHT a small town and 'have plenty of frosu milk and vegetables; very best cl care, reasonable price. See lady or phone to East 0O. TWO newly furnished rooms, 10 minutes walk irom heart of city; excellent nieas, all modern conveniences. 147 N. 1 .til- Main Sin. NICE oomfortably furnished room; excel lent meals. One or two young men. East 4Hi. ONE large, airy front room, with all modem conveniences, cloe iu, w. board. Marshall 4410, 474 salmon st. NICELY furnished room, excellent board, suitable for one or two; close in. Phone Marshall 10:. LA BGE room on iirst floor, u Iso pleasant attic room; $5 mo., for young men. with or without 'buald. Main 0L'd. 00 13th. CONGENIAL n oung man wisiies roommate; good board. Alain 03&L OoT HarrUon aL. near 14th st. LAKGE, pieasant furnisUcd room in private borne, board if desired; references. -33& Muii roe &t. ba?i tJ4. IO HOARD and room a 5 oung lady. Piano and all home comforts. East ROOM tind board, walking distance. E. 12th. Market. Ladd Addition. East 4&4S. Si WEEK, room and board with Scotch fam ily ; two gentlemen. Ill North 1 1 tii. Jo.-." UP Pleasant rooms, good board, walk ing ilistance; congenial. H3 North 17th. ROOM with board; modern; walking dis tance. 1 rianueis. aitii" jut.. ITIlNltllEl) room with board. 30 11th St. Phone A 1030. ROOM hoard, private home, o74 Ladd ave., near' East 12th, Hawthorne. East 514o. Furnished. Apartment a. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3 -room apartments, furnished; first-c;ass; reasonable ratos. Main 7387. BIKM IN CIH A-!!," 390 1-th L Marshall 484. Northampton. 4v7 Hall at. Main 4a. A 406: walking distance; 2 and 3 rooms; reasonable; summer rates. " u mnK' HALL. 414 HTH ST. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, brass bods, desk phone, balconies, week or montn, LUXOK APTS., 324 13th st.. neatly fur nished apu., reasonable rent, single rooms. hot and com running WELLINGTON A-N.e.Jw. iuuj aim cttr Two rooms, newly furnished, hardwood floors, walking distance; f Sit. 30. Main lg4a "un uni'XT APTS.. Sbd 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments; :.o ud: close in. Main TuiirK mnj four-room furnished or unfur nished. The Bjeiland. A 167. Maia l!i7. A 1S75. N M RCO, East 8th and Couch sta.. "V-mfortable, well furnished 3 -room apu. THE WINSTON" APARTMENTS. 841 14th st.. at Market New 2 and 8 rooms, furnished; reasonable. Main 1739. crvY Gables, --u 1 Otli st.. S-room front apt., modern, close in. The best In the city iur tr.c "i"'"- DRICKSTON", 445 11th, modern 3 and S-room apta., excellent service, walkuns; distanca. Marsr.ait a atve. liu BROADWAY, near Madison. 4 rooms, nicely furnished apt,, rent 2i CAMA1L 70 Lovejoy Modem brick build ing; J-room tiptp NEW, furnished apartmenta. concrete block. 91-. --niwi ' il UP Modern 2 and S-room furnished kp'l- nai iuu ... HERMENIA. 10th and UmI:. on 2-room apt., $S2.30: one 2-room apt., 818. THE ELMS. 191 14th St.. 2 and 3 outside looms, 16 V ov. mnuns tuw. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, (Apartment Hotel). Tenth and Salmon Streets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Bates day, week, month or year. VILLA ST. CLARA, lth and Taylor. Most modern apartmenta on the Pacllio Coast; furnished complete. -Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. MONTGOMERY APTS., corner Third and Montgomery Building brick and Strictly modern; all outside light, furnished room apts. ; private bath, phone and elec tric elevator; good service; no children; luoninutea' walk to postofficc; rates -'u to 4. including electric lights. Phone Main IM.00. THE A V ALOIS". Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart menu; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the Union Dupot of East bide apartments. 385 Roas BU Phone East 3173. ONLY 818 to 825 per month or 83 to 87 per week, completely furnished housekeeping it-room apts., including electric light, heat hot water, bath, private phone, new brick bldg, 13 minutes from P. O. Lincoln Apts.. 4th & Lincoln. Main 1377 or A 4163. fLIt.- ITUCUPTT C14 Everett between -oth and Ella. Furnished 3-room apartment with or without sleeping porch; located in one of the choicest residence districts; walking aisiance, 'CARLOTTA COURT," Everett and 7 tu ft ew, moaern; ueam uei, laundry; completely furnished A and d xooin apts.; 10 rnin. from business center; save cariare, i at , - WEST1- AL, 410 oth 3 and 4-r. apts.. furn. and unfurn.; week or mo.; concrete bldg., eievator, thoroughly renovated; electric cleaner free; steam heated; 32 up; best WASHINGTON-GRAND --room f uruisned apts.; $12 per mo. up; just rebuilt, modern, clean; very desirable; hot and cold water, heat, light, bath furnished. Grand ave. and E. Washington st. Phone East 444'J. THE DENVER 2 and 3-room apartmenta; outsiue rooms, comfortably furnished; also unfurnished; private bath, phone, steam heat; rent reasonable; rctercuces. 274 31st. st. North. Take "W" car. Marshall 380. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient, ti-niinuto walk to Postoffice. Furnished 2 and 3-room apartmenta. Marshall 519S. References. A 3S26. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, 1 SO Slid, eor. Kearney Mouern 3 and 4 room apartments; private bath; complete ly furnished; 20 up. Marshall 2V4u. LAMBROOK APTS., corner E. 7th and Yam hill. 2 and 3 rooms and single sleeping rooms, clean, comiortabie, desirable. East 4U0, li HiSLOP II ALL, cor. Eat 6th and Haw thorne 2 and S-room apts. ; private baths and phone; also single rooms; well fur nished; 813.50 up. Phone East S6a. Cor. Park and Taylor. Completely fur nished 2. 3, 4-room; best service; reason able. Mam llMiL GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. Nicely furnished three-room apts.; private phone and bath; walking distance; prices moderate. Phone East 208; im MADISON PARK APTS. Park SL at Madison. Modern 3 and .-room furnished apart menta; close in; by week or TH E LAUKETTE S-roora furnished apts.; private bath andphone. 22V lllh. J tnfurnihlied Anarimcnta. KING HILL APTS., 171 King St., Near Washington. Modern, high-class, 1, i u-nwra un furnished apartments; choice neighborhood- excellent service; walking distance; reasonable rent. Slat and Johnson Hign-grade 3, 4 and & rooms, with porchea, high-class tenant., who appreciate scriee; prices reasonable. Phone Marsliall oiiviv or A SOitf. THE MARLBOROUGH. 1st and Flanders 3 and ti rooms, large and homelike; more service and conveni ence for the price than you will find in the citj. Phone Maju 51tt, A SOifl. SHEFFIELD API'S., 70 Broadway So., six blocks from busiue. center. 1 4-room apt. ell outside rooms; eastern exposure; Sj.'ienum view, v-nwa.a wj . ONE and two-room apartment for house keeping and four-ruum tiat. unfurnished; hot and cold water, etc.; reut very reas onable to get houso filled. &! aliii st, LUCRETIA COURT, 4 L.ucieua su v uici unturuihed 2 to 3-room apts.; retereuces. 31 gr.. Mar. -lia: januw, THE ORMONDE Nice front 4-room apartment- also dandy 3-room furnished; boo 1-landers. Nob UH1. Alain b251. 7-ROOM Duplex apartment, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, in fireproof building. Apply i06 THE NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall st. New unfurnished apartments; most elaborate iu the rit Mam 42a0. A 4u06. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Je. ferson Elcs"t unfurnished apartmenis, first-class service. Private phone Kef. KEELER APTS, 14T1I AND CLAY 3 a.nd 4-room un turnisncu ; reterencea. i-ROOM apt., all outside rooms; hut-water hat. iso E. 10th st. S. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King at. 3 and 4 1 ti ml shed and rnfurpinhed Apartments. MORGAN, FLIKDNER & BOYCE. M3-Sl Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments 'in all i-arts ot the city; great variety or locations, sizes and price, our tj-ce auto mobilo at yottr seivice iu visiting any ot our apartments. Main Solo. A 2015. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving . Furnished and unfurnished apartments in 2 3 and 4. rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free, phone Marshall 2!itL KINGSBURY, 1SG Vista ave., off Washington at. 3 and 4 rooms, with private balconies; unfurnished or furnished ; high-class neighborhood, best of service; reasonable raivs oy monii HIGHLAND COURT APTS., Largest, most homelike high-class apts. in city; furnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 3240. 3-ROOM apartments, modern In every re spect ; furniture absolutely new ; each apart merit lias private balcony; unfur nished apartments thoroughly renovated, spick and span, like new ; walking dis tance. Hanthorn Apartments, 231 12th st. WELLESLET COURT. QUIET. CLEAN AND CLOSE IN. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST loTU AND BELMONT STS. BUENA VISTA, 12TH AND HARRISON. Strictly modern apartments, ideal lo cation, all outside rooms, walking distance; reference. ROSENFELD. 14TH AND E. STARK. FuvnUhed and uniurnished apts. ; reasonable, walking distance. trinity: PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE, 4-oT TRINITY, rLAUb M A N A G E R, PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE WINDSOR 2, 3 and 4 beautiful rooms, furnished or not. Corner .East 14th and Yamhill. THE DEZENDORF. SOS 16th sL. near Taylor; Marshall 2321; fine 3-room furnished and unfurn. apt. REX ARMS 13th and E. Morrison; 2 and 3 rooms reasonable; modern service. " THE CHETOPA, lSlu and Flanders, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished; 818 and up. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts.. very rea sonable, 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 713. fjlE PA LA C E APARTMENTS, cor. East 37th and Market; furnished or unfurnished. Flats. 631 PETTYGROVE; very pleasant 6 rooms, sleeping porch. fireplace; reasonable Main 5io. 812 A MONTH Newly tinted roorus, close to school and carline; desirable location, ttcden. 107 Shaver. Woodiawn 202. 818 30 AND 821 Iivington flats, 5 rooma Gordon, E. 6th and Broadway. East 330, C 2v3"i. East 5570. 0-ROOM upper flat. 7S0 Johnson, between 2:id and 24th. with yard. Main 7S20, Main 16M. ONE 0-room upper corner fiat, modern, all outside rooms. 633 E. Madison st. Phone LARGE, G-room flat, 6 blocks south of Mor rison. SIS. CJOM" " u f71 5-ROOM lower flat, fireplace, furnace. Kearney, gi'u. bst 0S J- 14TH, near Taylor, modern S-room single fiat. East 2301. EAST BURN SIDE, cor. 12th, modern a-room lower flat. East 2301. 4-ROOM modern fiat. 177 Green ave..rtear IT.d and Washington, iiam a .oiq. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath, 7S3 Hojt Inquire 13 otn si. rnone aihiu wio. A-&OOM, new, A jnoath free. Marshall 31f 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening and 9 o'clock other evenings ia the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads, for proper classi fications for the next day's issue. Classified advertisements ac cepted after these hours will be run under the heading "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY" I'OK RUNT. ft' tat.. FOR RENT West Side Ilat, o rooms, maid's room, furnace, fireplace, gas range, water heater, hardwood floors, beam ceiling. 254 North S-'ith, corner North nip. Furnistied Flats. ONLY $18 ; well -furnished first-class flat, four large rooms, clean, well-lighted, cas, bath, large basement, two carlines, best jitney service ia city. 772 E. Taylor. phone East 5260. $o MONTH, furnished flat, iuciudiug water, electricity, phone; no objection babies, tyr',- Albina ave., cor. Blandena. L car. j,2.."0 CLEAN, well-furuihed 3-room mod ern tiat, Tirepiacp. runn siuv. i MODERN, four rooms, walking distance. 20S Roas St. phone Woodlawn 1K39. , NEW, modern, four-room flat, furnished or u n furn is hed , reasonable. Woodlawn 3:?03. Housekeeping Rooms. Sl.fVO TO $2.73 veek; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 3 or 4; tree heat, laundry, bath, yard. Phono East G03!. NE VTLY furnished S-room apartments, free phone, heal, light, water, beautiful yard, rent reasonable. Call 301 Broadway. 461 EAST MORRISON, furnished 1 and 2 roora housekeeping cpts. ; reasonable. 8;i MILL st. 2 and 8 rooms, light, air, walking distance, all conveniences, $13 up. THE SOUTHERN, 6474 1st Nicely 2ur. H. K. suites, $l.i0 up; running water. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg.. 3d. cor. Morrison. 4 AND 3-room, strictly modern,, low rent 1058 Cleveland. Phone Woodlawn 2203. GILMAN HOTEL, 1st and Alder Furnished ho'jsekeep lr.g rooms cheap; 81.50 week u p. ROVCREi-T, 175 12th I, 2 and 3-room II. K. suites; till conveniences. S-npOM apartment, $23 nioiKh. -'07 4th. " llouhekeeping Roomw io 1'rlvale Family. CLEAN, newly furnished apartment nd single rooms; attractive srounds, free light, heat, hath, phone; rent reasonable. 427 North 21st sL 13TH ST. 4 clean rooms, entire first floor, completely furnished; lawn. Tabor llt, Main 3672. F. McFarland, 309 Yeon bldg. TWO and three furnished housekeeping rooms in private family. 430 Williams ave,, nar Broadway. Phone E. 4J40. 230 NORTH 3 3TH ST., one and two large front room housekeeping suites; modern; v-u-y reasonable. Marshall -8L frl'RNlSIIED housckeoping rooms, walking distance. 71 E. 11th st. N., between Da- i. and Kvereit. . 2 NEWLY furnished modern housekeeping rooms: light and heat; 513. 4S Clay su Marshall 2074. . HOUSEKEEPING rooms $2 up, sleeping room $1. electric light, gas, bath, phone, 840 12th. - NICE housekeeping and sleeping rooms $1.50 and up: free bath, phone, heat. 204 17th. Call Main 7W23. 2 FRONT furnished H. K. rooms; bath, light, phone, running water. 267 Knott st. NEWLY furnished 2-room front suite, $12; al-i 2-room suite, $lu. 35Q 14th. ONE well-furnished II. K. room, including wood, $7 mo. 312 Main. TWO large, newly furnished housekeeping rooms. -102 V Clay St. . ONE large furnished housekeeping room and kitchenette. 54 E. 16th N. 2 LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 51 E. 10th N. Houses. OHTT1NG THE MARK! Litftei.! Rent money pays no dividends except to the landlord. Now's the time to BUY a home. If you have a little money I will finance the building of your home on my lot located iu beat lose-ln restricted residence tract in city. Balance like rent. DO IT NOW while material Is on bedrock basis. No agents. J. W. C rossley, 27) Stark sL Main 1303, A 15 13. BE A UT1FUL 10-room stone residence, cor . ner Holladay ave. and 7th st.; handsome grounds and shrubbery ; 5 fireplaces and lurnace, fireproof garage; 13 minutes' walk from P. O., one block from car. In quire executive office, North Pacific Col It ge. Phone East 074 or C 2250. FOR RENT -iotm modern house, with acre lot, 20 fruit trees, grapes, berries, flowers, etc., also chicken yard and houses A25 per month, including water; references required. t Apply at 111 Port land boulevard. ON choice block in Rose City Park, mod ern bungalow, ii rooms, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, full base ment, stationary trays, furnace, fireplace, trees and roses; $25. Tabor 1333. FOR RENT IN PIEDMONT Modern 6-rooru house and garage; 1314 Garfield ave.; $23 per month; will lease for a long term; can be seen afternoons'! to 6. Main 2015. 7 -ROOM house. East Ankeny, near 17th, full lot, good surroundings, reasonable. Van Duyn - WaLon, 315 Chamber of Com merce. FOR RENT Large, modern, finely 'finished house, partly furnished; located in Laurel hurst, near the park; reasonable rent, Ap piy Win. McClure. 414 Failing bldg. S-ROOM unfurnished house, cheerful, lig-t. airy rooms, suitable for renting. 3-4 Broad way . corLHirriojij NEW, modern 7-room house and sleeping porch; fur., fireplace, hardwood floors. 33d and Hancock: $2o. Marshall 24:i2. . MODERN HOUSES. CLARK RENTAL, SERVICE. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. Main 5423. g!4 5-room bungalow, new, modern; adults; 100 ft. north ML Scott car. Tabor 1428. 82d S. E., cor. 5Pth ave. FOR RENT 14-room house on U block. 195 21st St.. cor. Taylor. Call MtTshall 2153. FOR RENT 7-room bouse, 321 Wasco su. cor. fciast ISC, rnonc DESIRABLE houses and flats, all parts i of c.A..f TnvAStTnnnt Co. Main ol2. S-ROOM HOUSE 712 Love Joy, near 2i. nature iou MODERN 6-room house 697 Everett sU West siae, whimb . IRV1NGTON 7-room house, freshly tinted; floors trea.Lt?-. 8.ROOM modern house. 52d and East Sher 0 man sts.. $18. Main 5112. Mar. 546. 6-ROOM house, with one acre, $15. K. 71st st,, near Division. Main ti276. jfid GL I SAN Inquire asmngton rnann- lot" aau uiK-u. STRICTLY modern 7 r.-n-ma. re place, nace. attic, yard, close In. i22 E. fur- Main, MODERN 6-room cottage, newly tinted. cainted. yard, cheap: S50 I vy SL E. 44 5. gIrOOM cottage near LaurelhuraL Phone East 6-ROOM modern house, three lots, two blocks cars. Tabor 10QS. 77 J E. DAVIS, C-room. pleasant; good con dition; very reasonable. 3176. ONE modem 6-room house. 623 Lovejoy. Phone A 3 867. Main 1867. S-ROOM modern house, T71 Hoyt St., near 3-riOOM modem cottatre, CO 7 Northrup SL, n -a r ! f h. I nnire ;"71 Tovejoy st. HOUSES and flats, all part of city. 210 fitocis. .. Alar. ISftii. , FOR KENT. Houses. LAURETiHURST HOUSES FOR RENT. We have some new, strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not s'jit, will build just what you want on the easiest of terms. laurelhurst Co., 270 Stark st. Main 1503, A 1515. &-ROOM house, 4'JC flay 5i.. $1S. Main 0304. ttirnisbcd Houfes. FOR RENT To couple without children, a furnished house, including one acre, all clear, with all kinds of berries, chicken house and barn if desired. Widow re serving 2 rooms. Call forenoons. Mrs. G. nark. 3602 72d st. s. E. COMFORTABLY furnished, clean 4 or 3 room apartment in modern home, all con. veniences, bath, phoue, gas, electricity and heat furnished: rtasonatde; close In. iM N. 1 0th st., corner Flanders. aoUKKN 6-rm. furn. bungalow, 2 sleeping porchea, player piano, library, vacuum cleaner, Haviiancl china, cut glass, tew ing machine. electric iron etc. 1055 Vaughn St., Willamette Heights. FOR one year If desired, home in lrvington, one block from Broadway car; completely furnished, seven rooms, piano, lawn, roses. OO Schuyler st. East 2b6tt. NEATLY furnished 7-room modern house, plairu, fireplace, furnace, well .oca ted; adults only. 2S9 E. 47th south Hawthorne ave. " INQUIRE CLARK RENTAL SERVICE, Title A Trust Bldg. Main &4S3. MY home for rent furnished to responsible party; abundance of fruit and roscw; good garden tspot. Phone Woodlawn 216: 6-ROOM house, rent $-0; furnllure for sale, bargain: this place is modern. Sec owner, 75 1Z. Salmon st. PARTLY furnished G-room house, large ard and garden apace. 116 E. Flanders. i'hone E. 1351. COM FORT A HLY furnished house, 7 12 Irv ing st. Special $30. Main 374. 5-ROOM furnished cottage. located 325 Ma son st. Phone Main 3315. MODERN 7-room house, paved street, nice lawn. $20. Phone Sellwood 120S. NICELY furnished cottage. rooms and bath. Call 414 college st. G-UOOM well furnished, East Side, ke 3i7 Brown's avenue. Stores. OWNER has splendid store for rent. 25x7o feet iu size, right in the heart of the bufi ness district: liht. h'at and water in cluded lit rental; splendid opportunity for a Tviue-awako merchant. 1, 57it, Oregonian. 3 DESIRABLE Mores, cor. Kust Burnside and Last Sth st?.; good location; moderate rent. PagH Investment Co., 120 Front st. Phone Main 80S0. STOKE, 275 Tlav. tliorno ave. 17x40, near bridge : fine light, good basement. Apply Hawthorne Dock 'o. DEPARTMENT store room, heart of busi ness district, Sellwood. Phone Sellwood MO. SAI.lM.OOAl I- OK KliN I. Saicsroom of the Cot 1 1 lion socage for rent; corner of 14th and Burnside. Of Oca. PRIVATE furnished office, with phone. $10 for a f.-w months. Agent Stock Exchange bids.. 3d nnd Yamhill. OFFICES $10 up: furnished offices and desk room; free phone: very reasonable; port land's busiest corner. 3u3 Swetland bldg. WELL furnished private office; also desk room. $(i aaid $7. 723 Chamber of Com merce. DESJ roi-n in lnr;, liin offico iff Morgan bid;;. Apply manager, SJS--1 Morgan bldg. Warehouses. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT. Southeast corner Everett and lilth sts.; ou track; 40.0UO sq. ft. floor space. HOLMES & MENEFEE, SOU Railwav Exchange Bldg. Main 5008. BUSINESS orPOKTUNITlES. WANTED Steady man to worn in a strict iv cash business as partner; will pay you 8S0 month now. which can be increased. Call room 3i' Morgan bldg. WANT Controlling interest in small country bank; will give in exchange first-class irrigated farm; alfalfa and stock; well Improved. U WO, uiesuuiau GKOCBKY and bakery, with 3 neatly fur nished living-rooms Included ; rent $25; with steam heat and water; price $5U0. Marshall 2301. FOUR parties with $5o each to invest dra matic tent show; must assist In manage ment; experience not necessary. Address Ati 073, Oregonian. FINE little millinery dnro, ideal location, splendid business booked with line of de sirable customers; a dandy proposition for $3to. "10 Lumber Exchange. RESTAURANT man wanted the Panama Cafe, 3d and Alder, on the Great White War, furnished for business; scat 75; no rarital ropi Ircd. Cp.H fur particulars. SM A LL investment secures interest In well established, reputable eiflce- busfness, making good money; short nours, no Sun rinv work. 31 : Lumber Exchange. WANT clear Portland home for $300 cash and $3700 equity in unimproved U acres one block from Oregon City car. Fisher AL- Harri n gdon, 412-13 Stock Exchange. AUTO STAGE LINE -Owner wants a re liable partner, either to run car or keep boks; the money you invest Is fully se cured. Call 317 Railway Exchange. WANT good live young lady as partner to take charge of stand, $250 required. Boston Baked Bean Co., 2S!s Weidler su E. 7S6. DOCTOR If you want a good location, with drug store, and no opposition. In small town, address AV 643, Oregonian. "No trade. ; FOR SALE Good second-hand furniture business; good reasons; would consider acreage. 542 Williams ave. Phone East 222M. WANTED man to help in office; good prop osition for small investment; experience not required. ol Lumper njxcnane ning. SMALL grocery with living rooms- This A SACRIFICE My locksmith and general repair shop; must be sold at once; inves tigate. Phone Woodlawn 3068. PARTNER wanted In automobile business. This will pay you $100 month on very moderate investment. Call 24S'fe stark st. HOTEL, lease and furniture 60 rooms; cheapest -re'tt In America, finest location, trade or f-rro?. 223 Henry bldg. BILLIARD ROOM, 1 billiard and 5 pool tables. igars, confectionery and soft drinks. Phone Tabor 5102. WANT to talk with reliable parties; have standard brass eoods to manufacture, lit tle capital needed. AH 671, Oregonian. BARB ER&-Best -paying ahop in Coos Bay for sale. Particulars. Write E. Busby, Marsbfleld. Or. FOR SALE or trade, good hotel in Oregon City. "What have j-ou? AV 6tisi, Orego nian. SOLID cash store business, partner named; fitly $2-5 required. 317 Hallway Exchange. A DANDY grocery for sale; no fixtures to feuy cheap rent. 3VoUwai DRUGSTORE proprietors, attention. Are ou satisfied witn your location or would you like to move your stock to the livest tow;u in Whitman county T Population about oou and growing rapidly, where you can get the business and make seme money. Three doctors and you can get the business ot two of them. Two banks, largest wheat shipping point in the best county In the United States: has large surrounding coun try and no large towns near; no half-broke propositions entertained. This is a gilt edge proposition that must be grabbed at once. Write A V ik'ni, Oregonian. YOUNG widower, owning e'e?antly fur nished apartment house, wants young lady with means to buy half interest and take charge of same- This place is a good paying proposition and w ill stand investigation. Particulars can be had by addressing 1". O. Box 330. TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND ANYWHERE, SEE Business Chance Dept. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel. Cr. 4tu and Pine Sts. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary, 532 Chamber of Commerce Bldg FOR SALE Stock of general merchandise, $14,000, good town in Southern Oregon: no trade; reason for selling, owner is engaged In another lino of business which ho has to take charge of. 130O Hawthorne ave., Portland. POoLH ALL. Six pool tables, 1 billiard, cigars, to bacco and candy ; w 111 sell cheap, as 1 have other business; would take In as part payment auto or real estate. Phone Tabor 0. FOR TRADE Choice vacant lots in the best resilience district in North Yakima. Wasn.. improvia streets, sidewalks and -hade trees: each lot 8100 per year in fruit, for apartment-house. butdnena properly or ranch. Address Box Astoria. Or. I tv nf miMt onuutar demand ith excJusiv-4 teatuies, unlimited market, big profit ; closest Investigation Invited ; rcfcrenc given and demanded. Sec patentee, Co: itiiilwR,- Exchange bldg. WAN fU A li e man to lake an l.iterest in a manufacturing business, an article e ery farmer needs, will reu ulre $i00 to WudO to handle It. will bear investigation. a snap, ak oregonian. HAVE 600 acres fine placer ground and a good dredge; need tmall amount of cap ital to install aud begin operations; f ii st class proposition to partls furnishing money. AF 663, Oregonian. THE olaest and one ot" the best equipped, also one of the best located, billiard parlors in tbe city for sale at a bargain. Inquire at box J 657, Oregonian, and get full par ticulars. PART 1' wanted finance rick Alaska gold quarts property: ore $50 to $400; liberal interest for immediate action. estern Mining Exchange, 4110 Arcade bldg., Se attle. PICTURE THEATER. Large seating capacity, no competition; guaranteed money-maker; $20O0 takes my interest, -i eash, bal, easy. 519 Lumber Exchange bldg. CONFECTIONERY STORE. Fine location, chep rent ; money maker from now on; $..00 cash takes iu 519 Lbr. Lxch. bldg.. 2d and Stark si". LIGHT groceries, butter, egga. etc.; owner wants a reliable partner to help him ia his strictly cash store; pay $100 month. Call room .""a Morgan bldg. GROCERY clearing $80 monthly above ex penses. West Side, no soliciting, living rooms furnished, $1200. AE ttil, Orego nian. BUSINESS OPPOftTUMTIKS WANTED. ONI'.-HAl.F Interest In coal propert of 100 tons dallv capacity, ready to run. partner sick; need cash badly ; quh'k action necessary. Phono Main 1225 or BD U3, Oregon inn. WANT to buy from ow ner a small eoulcc tlonery or groce-y store; give full de tails, sales, expenses, etc. O 670, Oro gonluu. WANTED to buy firf t-chn-s rooming -hou&c. about 40 rooms; must be paying and a barbain ; no oiiiuiisMon. 11. W. Graham. 103 S. oakdale, Med ford. Or. MERCHANDISE and stock of M kinds bought; spot cash. See un. Merchandise Clearing House Co.. 404 Manchester bldg. WAN t'j-; 1 1 TO BUY IellcHtfXKen and gro cery store; state prico, location and rent tore. t KUi. uregormn NOTICE Will pay spot cash for merchan dise. S. Weston, 462 Park st. BOO : IN a - H O L b s. FUR SALli Best ined 1 um-prled downtown hotel itt Scuttle; 120 room-, beautifully fur ni.hcd. all new within four mo tit lis; In modern fireproof building: reHuahl lcac. M. Haidman, 000 Empire bldg., Se attle, Wash. . MRS. M. IS. LENT, Leading Hot el-A pa rtinfiu-house Agent. Both Buyer and Seller protected. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. SOVO N. W. Bank Mdg.. 6th and Morrison. A LADY having a 2-ycars' established hotel busings in the heart of the city, free from liu.-iimbr,iriccs, would like, a partner; ladv preferred. AN 73. Oregonhi n. ROOMING-HOUSE. West Park and Taylor sts., rent reasonable; furniture for sale un easy tirms. Call A 51oS. FOR SALE Room lug -ho us In Astoria, Or., 24 rooiii-s centrally located. Particulars 1. li. Welch, Astoria, Or. 4 -ROOM. 5 single 11. K. apts.. newly papered and painted, all rented ; good 1 ro pos i t Ion. See owner, 181 IStli at. 4ii KOOMINCJ-ifOUSrc sLcrillcc; owner l.-d ving city; paying proposition. T 673, Oregonian. FOR SALE Modern hotel and rooming house, good-paying proposition. Call Main 67 70. LOST AND FOUND. LOST In or about Y. M. C. A. Monday, March 15, line stickpin, consisting of col fee colored diamond surrounded by m hlte dia monds; liberal reward to finder upon in forming owner. Marshall 3000. C. H. Fox. LOST Seal brown Boston terrier, male; has wide brass studded leather collar with nameplato "E. H. MeCune, Albany, or." Call Main 4('St. Reward. FOUND Last Sunday, a long-haired dog with undershot jaw; 'Ted' on collar. Sell wood 1207. Gilbert. LOST Ring with 6 stone settings, between Jefferson High School and 1407 Mallory ave. Reward. Woodlawn 3779. LOHT From 28 Tillamook , aircdale. .'J for rewitrd. months old. phone East LOST Small blm-k purse. vault keys; one has No. 5024; $1. H1 Rafael; reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. CALL FOR BIDS ON LUMBER. The undersigned will receive bids for one cargo of lumber either sail or a team c. i. f. ships sailing Sydney. Australia, for April, May or June loading. Specifications on file at the office of tho secretaries of the Seattle, Wash., and Portland, Or., Chambers of Commerce. Bids should bo mailed or wired lo me before Wednesday, March 24, 1915. Address .Nlcl Nielsen. Trade Commissioner ior New South Wales, iia Market street, San Francisco. Cat. Mibvellaueoo. 1 WILL "ot pay any debts made by my wife. Isabel Launer. S. Ed Launer. FINANCIAL. ONE-HALF interest iu coal property of loo tons daily capacity, ready to run; part ner sick; need cash badly; quick action necessarv. phone Main 1223 or BD i3. LOANS on improved tn-ide property ; plenty of monev; low rates; no delays; -.rlncipals only. Robertson &. Ewing, 2O7-20S North western Bank bldg. MORTGAGE loa.ns. notes, contracts, mort gages tfirst and second 1 , equities pur chased. F. II. Lewis s Co., 4 Lewis bidg. WE BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. Western Bond & Mortgage Co., SO 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash H E. Not!-. Lumbermens bldg. We bjv notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertsori A Ewing, 207-S X. W. Bank bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MONEY 7 and 8 per cent, improved city Drooerty: also farm loans. 518 Henry bldg. llO.Ot'O. SUMS TO SUIT. AC 3S7. OREGONIAN. I WILL loan $500 to $7Xo on city or farm mSrtv. AK 43. Oregonlun. $5000 to $15,000 PRIVATE MONEY. B 402. Oregonian. . TOloan, 2000 at 7 per cent, on Improved farm. 403 Northwcatern Bank bldg. TT 5500 on valley farm. Marshall 4023, or address AF 670, Oregonian. FT TK MONEY $250 to JoO.000. H Y. FREEDMAN. 030 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALMON CO.. 2 2 ft STARK ri T. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry C. Prurihommo, 52S-30 Morgan LM sr. T TE FUNDS, 0 per cent. TV. K. Thomas. " a'gent Multnomah County. 400 C h. of Com. SJiJ $350, 600. 000. 12im, J1SU0. Fred W. tj.'rmnti o.. BU Cha:M!n"- ot 'nm rnerce. iIooO TO LOAN. 7 per cent, un real estate; xt brokerage, Y i9, Oregonian MNAM IAU Money tu Losa hb 1 ten! Htie. WORTGAGH LOANS. Anv amount, low rate, promptly close.. Attractive repayment rrlvihgcs, A. H. BIRKELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411!. MONEY TO LOAN. OS IMPROVED LEAL ESTATES TpK BUILDING PURPOtLS. EHY rU.; 1BLF. CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST t-O., yiO isPA LDING Bl-DG ON IMPROVED. PROPERTY OR VOll HUII.DlNCt PURPOSES; LI Hl.1l A L VA- MEM' PR IV 1 LEG KS ; M ON L V AD VANCED AS BUILDING PROGRESSES THE EQUITABLE SWINGS 4m LOAN ASSOCIATION. 2 JO STAKK ST. MONEY TO LOAN. On Portland city rel ilaie; farm loans at lowest current rates. MALL 4fe VON BORSTEU 104 Second Bt.. near Wastm.glftn. 5Vs' to 7frf Moucy on business prop rrt". apartments, dwellings and laims. R- H. Blossom. 316 Cham ber of Commerce. $2oOU. ;ioiKl, $40tK) AND 10,0o to loan a; current rate on iniprovid city property. PARR1SH. WAIK1NS & CO.. lOd Second bU 8100W TO LOAN on Improved real cMaks. state description " R-ttcr; no agents. - 072, Oregonian. 8-oOOou To LOAN i sum to suit: build ing loan-; rates. W. G. Beck, 51--31S Falling bldg. $300 SlOt'O and upward on improved r- estate, favorabW terms; no delays; n prokerape. i qqh ". MORTGAGE loans, city or larin. prompt .... v i.- i-....m.imvii "IO falork kl- cnanse. TO LOAN J U'.Ov'O OR LESS. r-uiii.uio. SO 4TII ST.. HOARD OF TRADE Hl.Dt. hKK todav lor loans oil lmpiod city piopertv o to h per cent.. .''io and up. 7. . X. ......... -. '...., I.lfl- MOK TGAGK loans on city and tmburhan res estate at 7 and a pci cent. W . 11. Nunn StK-rlocK lil'li;. sEE ScckenUorf toda : no dcUy. ill) ana tarm Ijans at cuirent rates, 315-14 Sloes Exchange Lhig. Maui WVI. MORTGAGE LOANS in anY amolnt. OREGON IN". 4. MORIGAGi: U', IM . bluk Kxrii.nsMM. at and ainhtll. klUt'O To LOAN mi rortlund 1 1 ; I ftat HAMMOND MO ItTG AG F, lOMLVNV. 124 ChBinl'fr ot O'ltii'i'Tf. CI I'Y and f-i .n loanf, lowct rate". SMiiond. t'orbett bid jr. MONEY, anv amount. to P r cent. IL Selt t it., :tlo Spaldme Mdir FARM and Hktidtns. i tKi:go loan .loaey iv l.owu 4 hatteU and Nlarles. UM M F.1 1 ATE LOAD'S. ON DIAMONDS' AND .IEWELRY AT EAS'i EKN R A T K. We have ote of the finest retail Jeweny atores in the city. A loan deparliumi l conduct I lu connect uni wUh sine. ''' ing business STRICTLY i ' Nr 1 1 I : NT I A I .. absolutely no ign df-siri ati"j b-an bu nesa dtnplod iu front .r our nir. A-. imrchaiidite pli-dg-d is I.. M tor period of seven m mths, wl.cthr or nut Int. rrat 1 paid when due. c are li--cud ana have beu established since lH'.t. No con neeiiou with any ther loun otabllhmcnl In this ci(. . . . A. & M. DELOVAGE. JVAVBLtRS. i!4 ahihj,toii ft- LOANS IO to Wl H'KLL STA'lE SII'TRITY CO., LL KN SI" u. LONS ON SALARIES ONLY. BEST PROP' is I T IO V IN PORTLAND. CALL AND LET I S FX PLAIN OUR EASY-PA MKNT PLAN BUSINESS : TKH'TIA i i 'N V. I 'LN T I A L TATE Si; l Rl I V O., :;nti FAILING I I.DG LOANS IN 0 1IOI Rs' J'lMK at i'gl rates i n d iu mo nds, an liw, uh )i..HM'ltold goods and livosteek. PORTLAND LOAN CO., Licensed liv StHle. o.". Rothchlld bldg. JIOMIV AT ONCE, mound, walchf, mul-itl instruinen tLPAR A I E I K PT. 1- O R 1 .A D I LS. KLHY COM P A N V items, d i, w0 Lntnber Exchange bldg., Second and StuiK Sirrrf W E loan money at half the r Marx t Hlo.-K. mL itnd jrwairv -d by brtikTa. !U ami Jflr. hhigion ndg. tonda and Jsi - MONEY LOANED on .Ham a. W. Ring, room 4.". LOANS on real estate. d1:n.on. clry. Win. H"M. r-von s, Wn!1 (ton htOK l.oani aoleil. $.s.-,rt, H' Jv'iO. h' $S5U, N iu rr3 w itli an improved 7-room mid' i n hnildius idlh firepla.-c. Op r-ild us htel. l:allrojid station on tho gmmnl. titmia courts, etc.. vn Ins $:5im. l-'red W. Get -man Co., l Chamber of Conimefs. fMO AT J'.stO AT h,o f $000 AT 8'n 8-rooin hou.e, G Hj, total value $;nn. Safe loan. Fred W. Gcrmnn Co. ' Chamber of Commerce. . $25 S'. s2r. S. s5 h'r i-r.otii mod rn ho't.v. iilion. valuo $ISom. . tij J Chsm o '.tin. . e-irn.T lot. ri. m Fred W. Germsti $Mt. 10'; .oo, Iir $JIH, 10'.-.. 50x100 lot on th" Pcnlnsuls, value $00". Fred W. Gcrniiin Co.. 014 Ch a 1 1 1. of Com SJ500 WANTED Oil each uf two fine hnnie ln exi-lualio residence district; street im provements in. all paid; ins. $wOO-on vah. C t7i". ti egonlan. ANTEL $500, lx inol)Ihl 1" per rent in terest will aivc inort (tnc- u s.ino vuit: ptrcoiKil property, pioiMty new. eshy ert Into irccnntHn iS"'t FIRST niorlsuKc fT eale .Jrartlng quartrrlv; secured on 5iinrt corn. r. wilh new, modern house; street linpts. ail in. AijS7 . 0 re g o uj an . MONEY WANTED- -Scilal desirably loans. 1.0. luipruveu eii pior rty. Prlnctp:i only. lL'iu Prudhoiunie, I HAE some good see ISRMiO to $12oif. at a l l00. Oregonian. it J mortgak' s, from .tod dlseoutit. 1I WANTED $J0Ott, j ifiH. In yt mortgage, real .ciui j goulau. rruill L.'o AN till I, Ore $loon. '4 YEARS, on Uu l- u relli urst loi---Ownr, phone A 14-s. r.KNONAL. WE SELL HAIR. HAIR, HAIR. SH-lnch real first-timilit y swtf.-herp 8 j 5-lni-h real flrsl-n nal ti y giay 4.S.. HKiN'i THIS AO Go. wt for oC on Face massage. .25e PhMtnpo, - : Manicure '-"' Hlrdn-.-a Superfluous hair nnimol l ele.-irhit Guai aiifed. '"t hair. nn tlm.l'1. few lichee anv length. Prices h.tlf Sanitarj IKa'i. parlorH, 400-412 DeUum bldg.. -d an" Washlngf o:i. Mar1'ttll I 7" 2. "M y collar u-d u he I sn t Pott HIK'tl Ublno No. li itnd that after only 2 ue. k ni at The Swedish Instiiuie. l:th . AI- der. other ailmenta ti sled wun aucce-a. " FEB V ET HANF.Rt T. I calling wig and loupe inakerf; fineid sto k human hair g"-d,; aw.t.h- from h5r up; halrdrei-ing munieurlNg f"' and s. aip treatment, combing malo up to 147 Hroa.lwav, near M rriftn. M-.n r.40. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE Trcame,,t for rheumatiMii. lumbago, el-- lua.-..'--and batlis. 452 Salmon tl., cor. 1.1th. Mar shall 5Uo-'. PSYCHOLOGY Dr. Dickey dt .nonet ru ir a Jn psvchle and healing every day ;i n Co lumhlu ctr. 6th. Mietlng Thursday, 8 I. Marshall i'" SCIENTIFIC mafcaeups. frnuiin tut hatha, aic-ihollc electric treatment", chiropodist, itianRurleL 204 Macieay blitf.. 2 Vtain It gton L MARIE NEINS, cleetHc ltt',.a and tieat menta dai:, ladfem only. Main 01'.' for p poin tmi-nt. 2t Mom ry st ,J I tC . SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A. pi lea. Cteele Tuesday 2, Wed. and Sun. P. M ; read ings dally. ti'M fin st. aiwrwnnu ""f- MRS. Sl EVEArt, l years rorusi u " ii'jwned palmict and clalrvovnnt, nutlior of pulmlntry Made Easy." 2il ' Morrison. ELECTRIC VIBRATOR for I heumatlnm. iieuralgla, fa tal anl .ap treatments, reajonablo. phone Marnha.l 20. UMBRELLAS AllcoIra and atylee; largest stock ; recovering: in w hanults put on. Meredith's 3-M Waehlngtnn at. NORWEGIAN Ir-ilned nurse and iumL, electric blanket treatment: hours 2 P. M to HMO P. M. 2'S :t'i st. Rooms 2 and J. SOPHIE B- SLIP. m. nt.G snd spuitu! aO -i, li.'. .M8-aiu Altnky bldg. Wui-tton meet tna WV.iliealav, h P. M. Mi. In H22.V . ... i C VOI'IJ t llMI!l('.ri i l' ik v j Switches V5c, e:rl and puns ..e hai'l tsry Heanty Parlor. I"" Dvkutn bldg. MOLES, superfluous hair rnniov-d. Mrs. M. it Hill 4.0 Fll-dnrr Iddg. Main 4i;i G I .NT LI. M EN A f rs t -elass ?.-. 7'7 P.oth.hild hide. ; manic 7 S Wi Lfh. 11 A I .M OF FIGS eompouod Roal T 'in t. aw- - - M N'U'l' Rl NM n- ele.-trle t n at nin I . Mi"i Kthf'l Burk". ,Iq-"M Northw.-t bldg. ChuopracMo explained; pamlea adjust- meots pleasing; 31 treatment- $13. 1,1 4tV TlCSSONS In phrnolor' and aid readings. CCi rt M.uns Mam USE Ba'etl' Nsii-e llctbs for rheuiuaiUW 60 tabluts .or 2vO. AU UruigUtA . .