Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 20, 1915, Image 1

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    VOL. LY XO. 16,948.
Britain Loses 2, France 1
in Dardanelles.
Nearly All of Crew Go Down
With Destroyed Frenchman.
Floating Mines Blamed.
'.very Warship in Attacking
Fleet of Ten Is Struck.
English Dead Are Few.
Battleships sunk Bouvet,
French (crew lost). Irresistible
and Ocean, British (crews saved).
Cause given by British Float
ing; mines.
Battleships disabled by forts
Gaulois, French; Inflexible, Brit
ish. .
Other battleships engaged Suf
ren and Charlemagne, French;
Queen Elizabeth. Agamemnon.
Lord Nelson, Triumph, Prince
George, Vengeance, Albion, Swift
suro and "V-iiJestlc, British.
Forts silenced .1, U, F and B.
Other forts attacked L. "V, T
and H.
LONDON, March !. The British
battleships Irresistible and Ocean and
the French battleship Bouvet were
blitwn up. by floating mines while en
gaged with the remainder of the allied
fleet in attacking the forts in The
Narrows of the Dardanelles Thursday.
The crews of the two British ships
were virtually all saved, having been
transferred to other ships under a hot
fire, but an internal explosion took
place on board the Bouvet after she
had fouled the mine and most of her
crew was lost.
Bouvet Sinks Quickly.
The Bouvet sank within three min
utes of the time that she hit the mine.
The waters in which the ships were
lost had been swept of mines, but the
British Admiralty asserts that the
Turks and the Germans set floating
containers of explosives adrift and
these were carried down by the cur-,
rent onto the allied ships gathered
inside the entrance of the straits.
All the ships that were sunk were
old ones, the Bouvet having been com
pleted nearly "0 years ago and the
Ocean and Irresistible in 181)8. They
were useful, however, for the work in
which they were engaged in the Dar
danelles. Lost Ships Replaced.
The destroyed British ships are be
ing replaced by the battleships Queen
ami Implacable, vessels of a similar
type. They are said to have started
some time ago for near Western wa
ters in anticipation of just such losses !
as have now occurred. Two other j
ships engaged in the fighting, the j
British battle cruiser Inflexible and :
the French battleship Gaulois, were
hit hy shells and damaged. x
The British casualties, according to
the British official report, "were not
heaw, considering the scale of the
operations." j
Forts in Narrows Shelled. I
The damage done to tho Turkish
forts by the heavy bombardment has
net yet been ascertained. It is said
that the operations against them are
continuing. The forts attacked were
thot-e on cither side of Kephex Bay
and on Kcphoz Point outside The
Narrows and those on Kilid Bahr and)
Chanak in The Narrows. j
The Kephcz forts replied strongly !
when the battleships advanced, firing,
up the Dardanelles and all the ships
were hit. It is asserted that these'
forts finally were silenced and a bom- i
bardment of those in The Narrows
was under way when the three battle-,
ships struck mines. The blowing up
of the ships did not cause a cessation
of the fighting, which continued until
Unanimous Decision of Judges
Taken After Telling Speeches
for Railroad Reform.
Or., March 19. (Special.) University
of Oregon debaters won a great vic
tory over the 'Washington duo when
they obtained a unanimous decision of
the judges at the conclusion of their
arguments here tonight. Oregon up
held the affirmative.
The question, ' "Resolved, That the
Federal Government Own and Operate
All Interstate Roads, Acting as Com
mon Carriers, Including Intrastate
Lines Competing With Them," was
argued from every standpoint.
The Oregonians. Hardesty and
Jaurguy, presented strong "convincers
when they cemonstrated that the uov
ernment and the country at large was
in need of Just this reform in the rail
road system. Hardesty"s address was
exceptionally convincing.
Hertzog, for the losers, was an ex
cellent speaker and his colleague was
not far behind in his arguments. The
Washington men attempted to show
that there was no need in this country
for railroad reform and mentioned
many reasons why they considered it
Washington constantly referred to
Europe and some of the state-owned
railroads of those countries.
The judges were Professor H. G.
Merriam, Professor M. P. Ewer, both
from Reed College, and Professor Ralph
Hetzel. from the Oregon Agricultural
19. (Special.) Stanford tonight won
from Oregon by a vote of two of the
Judges, the third holding that the Ore
gonians ha-d presented the best argu
SEATTLE, Wash.. March 19. Lelana
Stanford, Jr., University debating team
defeated the University of Washington
2 to 1 tonight in the 'trl-state debate.
British Admiralty Believes German
Cruiser Sank ar West Indies.
LONDON, March 20 The secretary of
the British Admiralty announces that
there is every reason to believe that
the German cruiser Karlsrulie was sunk
in the neighborhood of the West Indies
at the beginning of November.
Those of her crew who were rescued.
he says, reached Germany early in De
cember on the steamer Rio Grande,
which had been acting in concert with
the Karlsruhe.
Country Far in Lead in Work of Re
lief of Belgium.
HAVRE, March' 19. Statistics con
cerning the relief afforded the inhabit
ants of Belgium up to the end of Janu
ary give the total of contributions of
money and provisions as follows:
From the United States, 1 6.200.000:
from Great Britain. $920,000; from New
Zealand. $500,000; from Australia, $300,
000; from Canada, $800,000, and from
Spain and Italy $20,000 each.
TOP aEI-n-BlimitH BATT..KS,.,..
feces ;;v ;
Washington's Official
Opinion Shifts.,
United States Keeps Possible
Future Wars in Mind.
That Submarines Have Changed
Radius or Activity Is "Vow Admit
ted "European Waters" May
Be Accepted as Definition.
WASHINGTON. March 19. While the
United States Government does not
know officially as yet whether Great
Britain and her allies Intend to main
tain a legal blockade or propose to ap
ply general rules of contraband and
non-contraband in enforcing their em
bargo on commercial intercourse be
tween Germany and neutral countries,
American Naval officers and officials
expressed the opinion today that the in
definite limit prescribed "European
waters, including the Mediterranean"
might be construed as a. legal area of
operations for a blockading fleet.
In the formulation of the policy of the
United States relative to the treatment
of neutral shipping by the allied fleets,
Naval officers of high rank have con
stantly been consulted, so that in none
of the diplomatic communications sent
abroad might there be anything said
which could compromise the activities
of the American fleet itself in possible
future wars.
Naval Officer Consulted.
Rear-Admiral Fiske, aide for opera
tions in the Navy Department, con
ferred with Counsellor Lansing at the
State Department daily and on the neu
trality board of three, which acts in an
advisory capacity to the counsellor,
there are two Naval officers Captains
Oliver and Knapp. authorities is mari
time law.
Much consideration has been given at
the conferences to the newly-developed
activity of submarines. It is frankly
admitted by the naval officers that the
old form of blockade by warships close
Uo an enemy coast passed with the
investment of Santiago in the Spanish.
American war. Accordingly. In the,
message of inquiry to Great Britain
and France asking for an explanation
of their recent declaration of an em
bargo, theMJnited States conceded that
the activity of submarines might make
physically impossible a close blockade
of an enemy coast, and suggested that
if the declaration of the allies were
to be construed as a legal . blockade.
some "activity" be announced.
This principle of a "radius of action,"
or area of operations tor a blockading
(Concluded on Page 3.)
' :...v. . - .
is ni
Tho Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 6T.4
degrees; minimum temperature, 40.$ de
gree. TODAY'S Fair; northeasterly winds.
Will Irwin descrites how British turned
seaming defeat into victory at -crucial
battle of Yprea. Pace 1.
Vienna s demand that Italy fulfill neutrality
agreement before cession or iren
xarded with, suspicion, pace :
Russian occupation of German seaport
changes situation in east. Page 2.
Frederick 'Palmer savs Canadians are at
home in trenches in France. Page 2.
Two British and one French battleships are
sunk In Dardanelles. Pace l. .
Washinirton more inclined to accept "Euro-
pea.1 waters" as legal
blockade area. P&se 1.
definition of
Physician testifies women on tenant farms
of Southwest are overwortiea. r-age
Portland baseball team begins secret signal
drill. Pace 6.
Fans to meet today to plan opening
ceremonies and to have crowd of .0,000
out. Page &
'Pacific Northwest.
Mitchell Point road assured, say members
of Hlc-hwav Board. Page .
Needs of State University under discussion
by Regents, page o.
Oregon debaters beat Washington at .u
gene. Page l.
Commercial and Marine.
Scarcity of tonnage stops wheat selling in
local marKei. .rage io.
Chicago wheat breaks on rumors of Austro-
Italian crisis, page 15.
Stocks recover most of ground lost early in
week, page 15.
Trd imnrovement reported, irora. eTery
art of country. Page 10.
Deal - with Puget Sound Towing uompauy
likely to be closed or aroppea
Page 12.
Portland and Vicinity.
Enthusiasm grips business men at two great
rallies, page a.
Arson trial halted to investigate cnargw
against Glenn Hoover, seauie auume. ll.
Garden work is begun formally at Brooklyn
mrhnol Paee 7.
Ruin of civil service in postoffice predicted.
Page 11.
Lassen Volcano ' Again Active and
Three Craters Emit Smoke.
REDDING,' Cal., March 19. Lassen
peak and two smaller craters emitted
clouds of sulphurous smoke and steam
today that were visible within a radius
of 10 miles.
The first of the series of eruptions
which began at daybreak and continued
all day came from a vent behind Broke
Off Mountain, probably from Bumpas
Hellhole. Broke Off Mountain is three
miles south of the main crater, which
is 52 miles from Redding. An eruption
from near Mananila Lake, on the north
slope, three miles from the main crater.
is the second one recently observed.
Kitty,"- However, Outlawed; Farl
Mutnel Racing Betting Permitted.
CARSON .CITY, Nev, March 19.
After rushing through a gambling law
the Nevada Legislature adjourned early
today. The gambling law makes all
gambling a felony except poker, whist,
solo and five hundred. When no per
centage is taken these are lawful
games. Otherwise they are felonies.
Puri-mutuel betting on tracks of
licensed asoclations is permitted.
Russian General Wounded.
PETROGRAD. March 19. Lieutenant
General Liszovski was wounded yester
day, while directing the operations of
his division in Poland.
I ILL 111 UllllUUki
Spirit of 'ft1- operation
Pervades Big Rallies.
Speakers Dwell on Greater
Opportunities Now Open.
Commercial Bodies Send Greetings
to Diners, Commending Plans
and Mentioning Better Work
That May Be Done.
Such a manifestation of enthusiasm
as few cities have seen in recent years
was shown in the get-together meet
ing held by the business men of Fort-
land last night at the Commercial' Club
and the Multnomah Hotel, to prepare
for the launching of the membership
campaign which is to begin next week
and crown the completion of the con
solidation of the old Commercial Club
of Portland and the Chamber of Com
merce into the New Chamber of Com
"Never before in my experience in
this line of work," declared H. V.
Chase, at the Multnomah Hotel, "have
I worked In a community where the
interest was so great that one room
was not sufficient to accommodate all
of the business men who turned out to
participate In such meetings as these
that we have been holding tonight."
Three Purposes Outlined.
'Co-operation, economy and efficiency
are the main objects to be accomplished
through the formation of this new or
ganization," said A. L.. Mills, president
of the First National Bank, who was
the principal speaker at the Commer
cial Club meeting, and who spoke also
at the Multnomah Hotel.
Mr. Mills compared the past and
present efforts of Portland's numerous
commercial organizations to the dis
jointed struggles of ' the 'American
colonies previous to the Revolution.
He insisted that there is just as
much need for joint effort here in Port
land as there was for union among
the colonies.
'We have keen, aggressive, civic
competition." he asserted, "that calls
for the best brain and talent that we
have if we are to forge ahead."
He added that Darwin's theory of the
survival of the fittest applies equally
to cities as it does to animals.
He gave his emphatic approval to the
consolidation plan.
All Called F rom Bleachers.
'No one," he continued, "can -fight
Portland's battle alone while the rest of
the citizens sit on the bleachers and
criticise. After tonight let it not be
said that there is anyone on the bleach-
(Concluded on I'age 12.)
-. jj-x-. ' ;-"-.. ;
' A1
4 Jl
Friday's War Moves
THE most striking dovelopment of
the war news yesterday was the
-ja nnouncement of the destruction In
the Dardanelles of two British battle
ships, the Irresistible and the Ocean,
and the French battleship Bouvet. while
engaged in operations against the
Turkish forts. In addition, two other
vessels, the Inflexible and the Gaulois,
British and French battleships, were
put out of action. All the crew of the
Bouvet probably were lost. The Brit
ish report attributes the loss of the
vessels to drifting mines.
Beyond the operations in tbe Dar
danelles, the most Important news of
the day concerns the reported occupa
tion by the Russians of Memel, a Ger
man port on the Baltic, as announced
in the German official communication.
Memel is a town of considerable im
portance In Northeast Prussia and the
presence there of Russian forces is
taken by military observers here to
indicate that tbe Russian generals
have decided to attempt a big sweep
down through East Prussia in an ep
deavor to compel the Germans to f.'l
back from Northern Polaud.
Again North Poland has been trar.s
formed into an immense bog by the
thaw which has set in Just as Field
Marshal von Hindenburg has started
his offensive against Przasnysz. It is
declared that It is Impossible, except
at widely separated high places, to
move, let alone fight.
The Germans, however, have started
an offensive in Central Poland, where
they have commenced an attack on the
Russians in the region of tbe Pilica
River. There is also heavy fighting in
Gallcla, the Carpathians and Bukowlna,
despite the heavy snow.
On the western front no operations
of great importance have taken place,
although the French continue their ef
forts to work their way forward in
the Champagne and Argonne regions
and the Belgians still are active in
the little bit of their territory remain
ing in their hands.
The political situation as regards
Austria and Italy remains obscure, but
there are persistent reports in circu
lation in London that the negotiations
for the cession of Austrian territory
to Italy have broken down, Italy's de
mands having been considered ex
Berlin Withdraws Restrictions as to
Use or Wheat Plour.
LONDON, March -'0. German news
papers reaching here contain the an
nouncement by the Berlin City Council
withdrawing its . restrictions regard
ing the use of wheat flour in bread,
which formerly could not contain more
than 70 per cent of wheat flour.
According to the announcement, all
wheat bread may now be baked with
out penalty.
Constantinople Thrown Into Panic
by Approach of Fleet.
LONDON. March 28. "It is officially
confirmed that a Russian squadron has
approached the northern part of the
Bosphorus," says Reuter's Fetrograd
"The appearance of the squadron
caused a great panic in Constanti
nople." f
Everything Risked at
Battle of Ypres.
Tide Turned by Violation of
Accepted Strategy.
Will lm in DcM-ribcs How DifaMcr
Followed Difastcr JukI Bi'foro
British General Brought
Knomy to Standstill.
(Following ! th -ronclu.ion of Mr. Irwin's
account of tho British action. In North..-n
France, which culminated In tho battlo of
Yprea, regarded ss perhap tho turning point
ot tho campaign.)
LONDON, March 4. Rawllnson.
stretching his lines beyond all se
curity, was fighting a desperate
battle to hold Vpres and to main-
-Haln touch run mo
Belgian r.nd their
" ' kronen reiniorve-
! ments to his left.
I I!y the 20th that
'" Vjl-ne had grown scr-
ously thin; by h
20th, too. the Ger
man masses were
coming on faster
Meantime, General
Will Irnln.
French, even be
fore the whole army was detrained,
had swung hla main forces through a
series of maneuvers which, I suspect,
tho soldier of the futuro will study
for their brilliance and for their de
fiance of military tradition. Visitors
returning to London in October de
scribed general headquarters and the
town which surrounded it as "the
quietest spot In Europe."
"Thinking Machine" at Work.
Though the guns sounded everywhere
In the distance, peasants were plowing,
boys going fishing, housewives scrub
bing the doorstep.". Just as usual. Heart
of tho' town and hope ot the eniplro was
that house, where this small, compact,
blue-eyed man with his mixture of
French and Irish blood, which means
genius; his overlay of English blood,
which means stability: this old beau
sabreur transformed by tho change of
warfare to a thinking machine, i
solving . situation which waa like 20
cli.-sa problems at once. Of mornings he
worked at his desk: of afternoons he
held council or visited tho lines; al
luncheon, at tea and at dinner ne
thrashed it out itn hi officer.
"Ho violated." says a friendly critic,
every rule of warfare and succeeded."
They were Judicious violations. This
is a new warfare: .ome of the oiu
rules do not hold. Ho was making the
traditions of a now warfare.
tlany Separate llattle Fouabl.
So complex is this new warfare that
a layman cannot follow the scparute
actions which made the great result.
Indeed, French's own dispatches, writ
ten at a time when he must concoal
much from the enemy, fall to describe
these actions in any detail. Every day
he let loose a separate hell against the
increasing German hordes at his front.
A spectator, sweeping the terrain from
an aeroplane, could have made little of
l those lines crawling through tho mud.
those streaks of smoke and flame alonn
the hills, those masses of troops ln tho
towns. But l'rcncli wan bending all
these complex thlnjts to one end to
make untenable any German pobitlon
below tho line drawn across llanuuts
and Northern France by tho strategists
of the allies.
In all this torn, bleeding province ot
fire and, the action rooo to ep.
arate battles, which would havn been
I anions In old wars. The solxantti
qulnne guns of tho French artillery
support, the rifles and yoncls of the
linglish third corps, took the hill of
Mont des Cats; did It, too. acalnst odd.
That same third corps always the at
tacking lorco and almoat always
HKaliift odds went forward In a week
to Armentlores, a gain of 20 miles or
more. The sreond corps, fighting on
the rislit of the third, made a narrower
t'irn. It pivoted on La Basanc; Its left
went, forward ten miles, to a point
where It was In touch with the third,
tirnnia ItenlMaaee Mlffcna.
So, as the critical 20th approached,
tho main forco under Oenoral French
extended for some 20 miles front before
La Hanco to a point beyoml Vpres;
and now the tierinan ri."tance stlff-
1 cued and held. Neither the Kngllvh
nor the French could drive much fur-
I tlier. Hut tho line was establlslifd.
And it was a straight line. Half-formed.
! iiifecure, it still reached out anl
I touched that Franco-BelKlan defame
; which ran from the Foreat of Houlhou
lct to the wca.
That extreme left of the T'.rltlsh link
the point whero It Joined th lino tC
It nllirH was held by Ran Union's
hnrui'scd, overstretched division. And '
'. J im then more Germans and still more
Oermans were rushed uoil the
Sian railioadN. "They seemed to ruin
down on us everywhere," a t-pcclMlur
ILuucluaid on Vi !.
- j " . v J land faster, and tho
w '' 'tk. Jwero beginning to
E strike at his weak-
I t ( jest spot his totuh
I . tV I 1 with the French and
LA ""5a. Bclcians to his left