Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 19, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Here's to the Success of Geo. H. McCarthy
"Portland's Master Tailor"
And His Famous Tailor-Made Clothes
5 r
j Woman in Private Car Injured
I When Struck by Automobile
? Pursued as Speeder.
5k III 4
tv" - v, i.wt i- -wrv ,
i J
jtlriver In Bus Service Is Arrested
for Rrcklessnes, but All of Six
f In His Party Are Safe Pole
4 Halts Machine- "Wild Career.
March 9 Jitney crushed be
tween streetcars at the corner
of Belmont street and Grand ave
nue. Mrs. Raymond Volheim
and Mrs. Elizabeth Cook injured.
March ! Jitney driven by R.
Wesley in collision with auto,
driven by George H. Elkerton, at
East Thirty-seventh and Division
streets. Chauffeur Wesley and
Dr. Nicholas hurt.-
Warch 9 C Lind has rib brok
en and is bruised when struck by
St. Johns jitney on Broadway
March 16 Signless jitney
jumps curb at Fifth and Mont
gomery streets and strikes tree.
Miss Kate Nelson injured.
March 16 Jitney driven by R.
O. Banks knocks down Mrs. J.
Bullard at Fourteenth and Wash
ington streets.
March 13 Jitney driven by Clif
ford Stokes, containing Raymond
Coomer and Mrs. Cecil Marshall,
wrecked at the corner of Mil
waukie and Center streets. Mrs.
Marshall and Stokes pinned un
der machine by wreck and bad
ly bruised. .
March 17 Jitneys driven by
George Poole and R. G. Banks
collide at Twenty-first and Flan
ders streets. Miss Lillian Spauld
ing and Mrs. M. M- Stout injured.
March 18 Seven-passenger jit
nev, driven by G. E. Bennett, runs
down a small car at Broadway
and Glisan street. H. O. Bracey
and Mrs. Sarah Bracey injured.
As a result of a collision yesterday
noon between a private car, driven by
'H. O. Bracey, and a jitney, operated
by George E. Bennett, at the intersec
tion of Broadway and Glisan streets,
.Mrs. S. R. Bracey. 64. lies at her home.
207 East Sixth street. North, with a
fractured collarbone and a badly
bruised - leg.
The private car was a total wreck.
Iwhile the jitney was damaged badly.
- That the jitney was racing with an
other jitney at the time of the acci
dent was affirmed last night by M. A.
Smith, of the county tax department,
.who was one of the passengers in the
jitney. Mr. Smith said that the two
Jitneys had been racing for some time
and that the driver of the machine in
which he was riding said to the pas
sengers, in referring to the other Jitney
driver: "I'm going to show him up."
Just before the collision occurred. He
said that the jitney was traveling at
high speed.
The seven passengers in the jitney in
some miraculous manner escaped seri
ous injury. According to H. O. Tracey.
who was driving the private car con
taining his mother, he was headed
north on Broadway with the intention
ef crossing the Broadway bridge and
was compelled to turn at Glisan street
to avoid hitting a machine traveling
west. In doing this he encountered
the jitney, traveling south on Broad
way, the impact sending his machine
SO .feet and causing Mrs. Bracey to
be thrown from the machine, from
which she received painful injuries.
Jitney Said to Be Speeding:.
Just previous to the accident, Li.
Thompson, special officer of the Port
land Automobile Club, said that he
was trying to run down the jitney,
which, he says, was traveling at a
peed close to 40 miles and hour. His
efforts were in vain, but he arrived at
the scene of the accident in time to
file a complaint against Bennett for
reckless driving. Bennett was ar
rested and later released on his own
Motorcycle Officer Shaffer was within
one block when the smashup took
place and says fhat the Jitney was
traveling. at a greater speed than is
allowed over the Intersection of Broad
way and Glisan streets.
'I was taking my mother home at
the time of the accident and was
traveling at a low speed when I neared
the intersection of Broadway and Gli
san street." said H. O. Bracey yester
daly. in discussing the collision. "I
noticed an automobile traveling west
on Glisan street at a terrific speed and
in order to avoid hitting him I turned
west only to be struck by the Jitney
traveling south on Broadway.
Water Fountain Demolished.
"The car that struck me was going
at least 40 miles an hour. I could
not have been going at any great
apeed. Making a sudden turn there
and to be struck and sent 60 feet
clearly shows that the other car was
traveling at a fast speed. That no
one was killed is a wonder to me."
After striking the private car the
Jitney crashed into a telephone pole,
but not until it had demolished a Ben
ion water fountain, located directly in
front of the pole.
The following passengers who were
riding in the jitney when the accident
occurred: M. A. Smith, county tax
department: Frank Powers. S00 Min
nesota street: A. Basler, 637 Maiden
avenue; Charles Morrison, tfl Mis
souri avenue; I.. D. Ledwidgo, 126
Second street: Carl Sharer. 331 East
Twelfth street, and A. K. Thuler. 810
Sixty-second avente. southeast.
J"oret.t Grove Business Men Will
, Lunch Stohtlily W ith Farmers.
Special. At the annual meeting of
the Forest Grove Commercial Club
members of the board of directors were
chosen as follows: J. P. Hurley. L. M.
Graham, A. G. Hoffman, C A, Broder
Bon. C. J. Bushneil, O. H. Holmes, W.
J. McCready. C. A. Littler. H. E.
The members instructed the directors
to hold a Commercial Club luncheon
once a month during the ensuing year,
in co-operation with the farmers of
the community.
The club last year was Instrumental
Jn securing a large appropriation from
the Federal Government for combatting
the clover pest and the establishment
of a permanent station at Forest Grove.
Cecil Creel, who conducted the in
vestigation last season, will be in
charge of the station.
Cascade Forest to Have New
Fire Prevention System.
Electric Alarms, Horses, Motorcy
cles and Otlier Equipment to
Be Parts of Department to
Guard 1,000,000 Acres.
fitp.kvr fir Murch 18. (Special.)
i nw vstm of forest fire prevention,
patterned after modern city fire de
partment, is to be used in tne
Wnrst this season by
Clyde R. Seitz. supervisor, who has out
lined it. It will be placed in opera
tion aoout jiay i.
vatip motorcvcles
i k ... i . K nn.tanMT OrCDlLred
ana iiuraca, " li . . .
packs ready for a moment's departure
and equipped witn ruiiuun
days, and also sman iarto vu.u,a,
shovels and sacks form part of the
new fire department that will cover
an area of 1.000.000 acres of timber In
Eastern Lane County.
The system is made possible by the
completion of the network of trails
and telephone wires, which have been
under construction for four years.
Five fire stations will be estab
lished, so arranged that virtually any
point in the forest wiil be accessible in
two or three hours, according to Mr.
Seitx. These stations will be located
as follows: No. 1. at Paradise Station,
covering the head of the McKenzie;
No 2, in Big Fall Creek; No. 3. cover
ing Box Creek Canyon and Waldo Lake;
No. 4. on Salt Creek and Haael Dell;
No. S. covering the Kigdon ranch and
the summit lakes.
The men at the ranger station will
be termed forest firemen and will be
distinguished from the guards. At
each station there will be approximate
ly three guards and two forest fire
men. The big difference between the new
svstem and the old one is that the
guards this year will be kept close to
the ranger station instead of scattered
out over the forest.
The real fighting forces, however,
will be the trail and phone con
struction crews. Each crew is a
force of eight men with a superintend
ent. Wherever they go in the forest
they will be within hearing distance
of a large electric gong. They also will
be equipped with emergency packs,
ready to throw on the horses at a mo
ment's notice. It is probable that three
of these construction crews will be
kept within the forest all Summer.
The detecting will be done by ten
lookouts, each connected with the
telephone svstem, and each so arranged
. - r. tn Iha fnmt Will be
under the eye of a lookout at all times
of the day ana nieni.
One motorcycle will be used on the
McKenzie highway by a road patrol-
Nathan Strauss Declares That Overlapping of Efforts Will Be Eliminated
and That Business Men Will Be Able to Devote More Time to Support
NATHAN STRAUSS, of the firm of
Fleischner, Mayer & Co., who has
Just returned from a business trip
to New York City, when consulted as
to his opinion of the consolidation"
movement for the New Portland Cham
ber of Commerce, said:
"Having been absent from Portland
for about six weeks. I am not entirely
familiar with all the details of the
consolidation plans, but from what I
have learned of it since my return
Wednesday. I am heartily in favor
of ll- ...
"Since taking up my residence in
Portland more than two years ago I
have considered that we have too many
so-called clubs or commercial organ
izations, each one in its own way en
deavoring to do good work, but over
lapping one another in their various
activities. Through the lack of neces
sary financial support they were un
able to accomplish results which could
be brought about by well directed con
certed effort.
"Most business men are willing and
anxious to devote a portion of their
time to matters that will benefit the
city. But as the time they can spare
for this work necessarily is limited, it
will be a great relief to be released
from working on the numerous com
mittees in the various organizations,
and to be able to devote what time and
energy they can spart from their bui.
ness in some united and well-directed
"As an evidence of my faith in con
solidation I would refer to the forma
tion during the past year of the Ore
gon Industrial League, composed of
representatives of all of Portland's
various clubs and commercial organ
mart. whose sole duty Is to cover that
Mr. Seitz announced today, that the
$10,000 apportionment, of the 870,000
appropriation for the construction of
this highway will not become avail
able until the middle of the Summer.
Construction on an extensive plan,
which was expected to begin early this
Spring, must wait until August, be
cause of the confusion arising from
the transfer of the work to the of
fice of public roads, which will have
charge of this construction.
Prosecuting Attorney Resents Trend
of Ashland Editorial.
MEDFORD. Or., March 18. (Special.)
An editorial in the Ashland Tidings
criticising Prosecuting Attorney Kelly
for his management of the Loris Mar
tin trial has caused quite a sensation
in local legal circles and the Prosecut
ing Attorney has threatened to bring
the editor of the Ashjand paper before
the grand Jury, maintaining the article
is libelous. The Ashland editor takes
Editor George Putnam, of the Medford
Mail Tribune, to task for blaming the
judge, the defendant's attorney and the
jury for the acquittal of Martin when
the real fault lay with the Prosecuting
The Martin trial has caused a bitter
controversy in Southern Oregon. Edi
tor Greer is inclined to regard the
threat of libel action as a Joke and de
clares the editorial in question was in
no sense malicious, but merely a criti
cism of a contemporary editor based
upon the facts of the case.
Burnham Coe Said to Have Burned
Weed Iumber Mill.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., March 18.
(Special.) Advices from Weed, Cal.,
establish that the recent Are there
waa of incendiary origin. Burnham
Coe, 18 years old, is said to have
made a complete confession before be
ing taken to San Francisco by a Deupty
United States Marshal ,to face a charge
of misusing the mails.
Superintendent C. E. Evans, of the
Weed Lumber Company, says he re
ceived a letter from Coe that there
would be no more fires at the lumber
plant if $2500 were sent to a certain
address at Edgewood, near Weed. A
dummy package was mailed and Coe
Frank Beach and Kenneth Moores
to Go From University of Oregon.
March 18, (Special.) Frank Beach
and Kenneth Moores, both Portland
boys, will leave for San Francisco this
evening to act as guides in the Oregon
building at the fair. Both students were
successful candidates in a competitive
examination conducted the early part
of the week.
Frank Beach Is -a. sophomore in col
lege who registered at the university
as a Lincoln High School graduate of
Portland. . Beach is rated -as a star
izations, which was organised for the
purpose of directing a united cam
paign for spreading the propaganda of
patronizing home industry.
"I urge for the new Chamber of
Commerce the earnest support of all
interested In Portland's future, as I
am ooafldent that under the proposed
plan of consolidation big things can
and will be accomplished.".
j s. r :
!r" f II
Nathan Strauss. ' j
. . . . ......4
jt ii
(1) Mm, S. R. Bracey, Who Was Seri
ously Injured. 2) Big Jitney. (3)
I.tttle Car In Wilch Mrs. Bracey Waa
Riding-. 4) Streetcar Company's Sign,
"Curs Do Not Stop Here.'
student and Is majoring in journalism.
Moores is a freshman and is said to
have passed a creditable examination
in the fair guide test.
The newly-selected men will relieve
Bryant Debar and Ernest Vosper, who
have been in the California metropolis
for six weeks. . '
The examinations Just completed
were conducted under the most strin
gent supervision of a committee repre
senting the faculty and were rated as
exceedingly hard.
Oregon, Washington and Stanford
Teams Take Both Sides. .
March 18. (Special.) Two University
of Oregon orators left early this morn
ing for Stanford University to meet
the Stanford orators on the issue of
Federal railroad ownership. The two
debaters now on their way south are
Victor Morris, the Eugene boy who
only last week won the state oratorical,
contest at McMinnville, and Peter
Crocket, Eastern Oregon debater.
The University of Washington debat
ers are on their way to Eugene to meet
Fred Hardesty and Nicholas Jaureguy
on the Villard Hall rostrum rnaay
night. The question is the same. The
judges selected are Professor Merriam,
of Reed College, Portland; Professor
Hetzel, of Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallis, and Professor Ewer, of Reed
College, Portland. A Stanford team Is
likewise on its way to Seattle.
The question is: "Resolved, That the
Federal Government own and operate
all interstate railroads acting as com
mon carriers, including intra-state
lines competing with them."
The negative team in each case goes
abroad, and the home team debates the
affirmative. The three contests are
held simultaneously at Stanford, Ore
gon and Washington.
Funeral of Samuel Foraker, 90
Years Old, to Take Place Today.
' VANCOUVER, Wash., March 18.
(Special.) Samuel Foraker, 90 yeara
old, a native of Ohio, a Civil War vet
eran and a resident of this city since
1885, died at his home. Twenty-fifth
and B streets, last night, from pneu
monia. He had been ill, however, for
nearly three years.
The funeral will take place at 2
o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the
Knapp Chapel, Tenth and Columbia
streets. Rev. J. E. Maley officiating.
The Grand Army veterans of Vancou
ver will conduct services at the grave
in the City Cemetery.
A widow, three sons, J. W. Foraker,
of-Missouri; Fletcher Foraker, of Ok
lahoma, and L. N. Foraker, of Eugene,
Or., ' and two daughters, Mrs. Sarah
Miller, of Orchards, and Mrs. Nettie
Bennett, of Oregon, survive.
Oregon City Florist, With Novel
Burglar Alarm, Loses Case.
OREGON CITY, Or., March 18. (Spe
cial.) Almost five hours of delibera
tion faileed to change the minds of any
of the jurymen in the trial of F. E.
Mollein, of the Falls View district, on a
charge of stealing rosebushes and
. i .L-.h.--,- frnm "H" J. Bieeer. a
"Hi ...... v . .. - - '
florist. Justice Sievers discharged the
jury at 8:45 o clock last nigni, me vun
standing at every ballot three for ac-n..i4-ni
-twn fnp conviction.
Mr. Bigger said that he had tied a
wire to a Duncn or ousnes one uisul
early last month and fastened a can to
u ani nf itip line 3fter sev
eral nights of waiting he said that he
heard tne can rattle ana eaw inuucu
taking the bushes. I
Mrs. H. S. Jory, Resident Since
1858, Passes at Salem.
SALEM. Or., March 18. (Special.)
Mrs. H. S. Jory. 78 years old, who cam
to Oregon in 1858, died of paralysis at
her home in this city tonight. Her
parents settled on a ranch near Salem
in 1861, and moved to this city in 186.
Mr. Jory, who waa a Justice of the peace
in this city several years, died in 181S.
They ara survived by two children,
Charles Jory. of Stockton. Cal., and
Oliver Jory, of this oity.
Winter rates at hoteL Golf course in
fine condition. Adv. .
A Toast to Geo. H. McCarthy, the Greatest
Tailor in the West
v If You Are a Real Live Man
You Must Read This
I am just an ordinary mortal like moBt
men, but I do know good clothes, and eo
do you.
I have paid my $80 for t:uits on Broad
way, and thought that good tailor-made
clothes could not be had at a less price.
But I have had an awakening. It came
to me here in Portland. I have found that
price alone does not make a good suit.
Principally it is the man behind the gun.
TAILORStARE BORN then trained in
the art. Training alone does not make a
tailor, for, believe me, it is a real art, a gift.
Right here in Portland you have a man
that is a master of the tailoring art, and he
is building clothes for Portland men at
'prices no higher than hand-me-downs. '
I know but don't take my word for it.
CARTHY at the store of McDonald & Col
lett, 289 Washington st., and DO IT NOW.
Let him make your Easter suit, and I
guarantee that you, like myself, will then
be just as enthusiastic about this man and
his art as I am.
So expressed one of Portland's most promi
nent men (in part). It Is placed In this
ad by his request, unbeknowlng to Mr. McCarthy.
McCarthy Is the Man That Made This Firm Famous Meet Him
McDonald & Collett
289 Washington St Bet. Fourth and Fifth
Come Down to Our Work Rooms
Monopoly of Shoe Machinery
Patents Upheld by Court.
Effort to Exclude Competitors
From TJse of Devices Declarea
to Have Been Within Com
pany's LCjal Rights.
nAPTXT Ma.rh 18 The Stilt Of the
. i rnn...mnt tn rilssnlve tne
r eutrai viu.. . ...........
United Shoe Machinery Corporation on
the ground that it was an illegal mo
nopoly in restraint of trade was d s-
miased today Dy tne unneu
trict Court.
th ault the court said
XII UlSUllW.Q v.w
aiiirat nn that the
mat U LU.I lia t.. "r -
defendant conceived the idea of ac
quiring the ownersnip or cum
companies manufacturing or dealing in
any and all kinds of shoe machinery
was concerned, ue uurasi
... i. 9 mimosa to acaulre
control of certain machinery connected
with bottoming shoes, or later of cer
tain ciicKing aim cjt-ic
Patent Monopoly Held Legal.
...i . . . ' - Kill stf rnmnlalnt
asserted that the individuals named as
defendants had taken action to per
petuate tne rignts imj ju uh-i
ing patents after these patents should
expire. The court holds that it must
be accepted that from the beginning
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
of Sprlnnfleld. In the State of MMsaohuietU,
on th !lt day of December, lilt, made to
the Insurance Commissioner of the State or
Oregoa pursuant to law:
t Capital.
Amount of capital stock paid
u, Purely mutual
Total premium Income 11,497,147.17
Interest, aiviaenas reni
received during the year.. 1, 841.720.(4
Income from other sources re-
ceived during the year tO.051.H
Total Income t 15,S2,S1.J7
Paid for losses, endowments,
annuities and surrender ....
values B.216,57.I8
n.nri. nnM in nnlicv hold
ers during the year J,SZ8,04s.SO
Commissions and salaries paid ... ...
duriag the year l.lSJ.ISS.fO
Taxes, licenses anu iee pji
during the year 23S.S17.84
wnn a all nlhf -TOPRdi-
t iri. . . . .T 1,41,09.01
Total expenditures '. 10,327,337.94
u..1,.t t-a!.m nr real estate
owned 9J2, 750.00
Market value of stocks and
bonds owned O,a54,707.O0
Loans on mortgages and col- .,....
lateral, etc 30,539,536.02
Premium notes and policy ....'...
loans 11.998,536.23
Cash In banks and on hand.. l,40O,136.4
itn,.n!if tail and deferred
premiums 1.477,674.83
Other asets (net) 1, 229,059.56
Total assets 79,820.400.10
TSoa ff".."?!"?..1.11..?.:. 79,830,400.10
Net reserve 70,957,130.00
Total policv claims unpaia... . 24i.os-i.s3
All other liabilities 4,016,459.25
Surplus 4.599.216.02
Total liabilities exclusive of o
capital stock of t 79,820,400.10
Total insurance In force De-
oerober 1, 1914 51.OO3,3SJ.O0
Business la Oregon for the 'ear.
Total risks written durinsr the '
year 762,250.00
Gross premiums received dur- .....
Ing the year 195.796.78
Losses paid durinr the year 50,569.00
jjosses incurred during- the
ycmr 49,500.00
Total amount of risks out
standing In Oregon Decern-
ber l. 1H 8.I34.454.00
Statutory general agent and attorney for
service. q cOLTOJf, Portland, Or.
" i- "i
A Built-to-Your-Measure Suit in
That Superior McCarthy Way
The fabrics from which
to select are the newest
Purchased within the
fortnight with the spot
cash from a mill which
was hard pressed for
ready cash. THE AS
LARGE, and the beau
CHEVIOT and medium
fine twill serges in the
staple blues are included.
Today, at Fifth and Pine, and See With Your Own Eyes the Great Care
Which McCarthy Garments Are Tailored.
the machinery offered by the United
Company was in all its essential
elements protected by patents and that
there had been no proof to the con
trary. 'The court holds that the company's
patent rights on machinery enabled it
legally to exclude competitors from
the use of its machinery.
"We failed to find," the court ays,
"any support for the alleged charge in
the bill of contended oppression, arbi
trary conduct or anything of that
nature, especially so far as any allega
tions cover any attempts to destroy
or cripple competitors.-
- t nderhand Methods Not Found.
"We find no evidence of what was
shown especially in the tobacco cases,
namely, a purpose to destroy wnat
could not be acquired by straightfor
wardness. "There is no proof that the company
had enforced its leases in any arbitrary
or unreasonable - manner."
WASHINGTON, March 18. Although
officials here will take no further action
In the anti-trust case against the
United Shoe Machinery Company, until
the District Court s decision reaches
here, it was Indicated today that an
appeal will be taken to the Supreme
Court. The Department of Justice re
gards the case as Important because
it Involves Interpretation of the patent
Piano Stool Inflicts Wound.
A. Hylander, 349 East Burnside
street, received a severe scalp wound
and Mrs. H. Anderson was struck on
the head during a quarrel which, ac
cording to the written report of Mo
torcycle Patrolman TuIIy, started in
the Yamhill Rooming-House, (81 Yam
hill street, during a business discus
sion with C. B. Bears, an attorney. Dr.
H. F. Leonard dressed Hylander's in
Jury. Hylander reported that he had
been struck on the head with a piano
Round-Trip Fares Reduced
to the
Two World Expositions
San Francisco and Return (On Sale Daily) :
$30.00 Round Trip from Portland, Limit 30 days.
$32.60 Round Trip from Portland, Limit 90 days.
San Diego and Return (On Sale Daily) :
$52.25 Round Trip from Portland, Limit 40 days.
$61.50 Round Trip from Portland, Limit 6 Months.
Corresponding low round-trip farea from all
other stations in Oregon, Main Line and Branches.
Via the
Scenic Shasta Route
Three Fine Trains Daily.
Shasta Limited-San Francisco Express-California Express
Stop -Overs on One-Way Tickets
Ten days' stop-over will be allowed at San Francisco
and Los Angeles on one-way tickets sold to Eastern
Cities when routed via the Southern Pacific.
The Kxpeiltlea Llaa 131B
'Pipe's Diapepsin" 13 the Only
Real Stomach Regulator
"Really does" put bad stomachs In
order "really does" overcome indiges
tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and
sourness In five minutes that Just
that makes Pao'i Diapepsin the larg
est selling stomach regulator In the
world. If what you eat ferments Into
stubborn lumps, you belch gas and
eructate sour, undigested food and
acid; head is dlszy and a hes: breath
foul; tongua coated; your Insides filled
with bile and Indigestible waste, re
member, the moment 'Tape's Diapep
sin" comes in contact with the stomach
all uch distress vanishes. It's truly
astonishing almost marvelous, and thu
Joy ia its harmlessnesa,
A large fifty-cent case of Tape's Dia
pepsin will give you a hundred dollars'
worth of satisfaction or your druggist
bands you your money back.
It's worth its weight in gold to men
and women who can't get their stom
achs regulated. It belongs in your
nome should always be kept handy In
case of a sick, sour, upset stomach dur
ing the day or at night. It's the quick
est, surest and most harmless stomach
regulator in the world Adv.
"California and Its Two
A new booklet describing the trip
from Portland to Han Diego, ths two
Kxposltlons, the scenlo beauties of
Oregon, the Slsklyoux, Shasta Moun
tains, Ban l'"ranelsco, beach and
outing resorts of California. Free on
application at City Ticket Office, lit
Sixth. Street, cor. Oak, or Union Depot
& Southern Pacific
John M. Soett, General Taaseuter
Ancst, Portland, Or.