TITE - MORNING OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1915. 1I EW TODAY. -""1 MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Comprising 33i Acres. MOUNT SCOTT PARK CRF.MATORTITM Containing Four Incinerators, Cbapel ana oiumuuiuui. MOST MODERN l.V AMERICA. Originators and Leaders of Higrh-Class cemetery ana crematorium oer. ice in Portland. Perpetual Care Without Extra Charse. ldeallv Located on Picturesque Mount iScott. "Where Nature's Peaceful Quietude Lends an Influ- u 't icii uvi i w . Reached by Mount Seott and Cazadero Cars. Auto tsua Meets iars oy ApDointmenC Both Telephones. LARUE. PERMANENT. PA Rhl.lhK. Horticultural Ins. Co. POLICY HOLDERS Renew your Fire Insurance Policies In one or the strons. reiiaoie compa nies represented by A. II. BIRIIEMj CO., : 17-2 1! orthnestrra Bank Hide. Marshall 4114; A 4118. MORTGAGE itwr amowt r cuman sots 1J ."CRONAN 902SBfUMtBWU)lNt CITY AU FARM LOAXS On Improved Properties la Any Amount at Current Rates. HARTMAJV A THOMPSON. BANKERS, r Fourth mma tr uccu. REAL. KSTATB. For bale Lots. IT ,E ADS. A bargain is what you get for your money I have a choice lot bordering on a beau tiful park In one of the best close-in re stricted tracts in city which I am forced 10 sacrifice. This means big money to you it you are looking for a home site. J. DELAHL'NTl", 270 Stark st. Main ljoa. A 1.-JJ. ROSE CITT PARK LOTS. Tea direct with the owners, the orig trial platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our Realty -Department, cor. 4th and Stark. EAiiTMAN THOMPSON 2 BEA UTIFl'L iew -lots. 50x1 no each, ninurd miilv fr garden: water, side walk, street graded: no assessments; only $400. $."-0 cash. $10 per iiim. ; will build for right party. iM- . . laiiK puis- IDEAL, homesite on the West Side, 1. min utes' ride. "Ve fare: city water, beat buy in the city for only $::."". $10 down. $f pe r uion i h. M. K. Lee. ;u.' Corbet t blg. S- ItOOM houM, J. cre sround : line v iew ; water piped to it; 20-minute car ride; snap: only $.T0i. $70 cash, $10 per month. 7 1 1. A. . is. ning. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. I haodln moot of the property for sale In thbs district and all the bargains. Marshall 4:7. BROOKE. A I83. UL'SINESS lots for aluo $14u0; $t0u .-ash. For full information inquire at St3 Mlhvaukie and Center Ms. Sec Hcdrtck. TWO I r ins ton lots 20 1 h, between H razee and Knott. cast from. owtth. IOCS East Thomas street, Seattle. FOR SALE Three bds near Hill terminals at Flav --I lor ir0 each; no trades. N ".. Oregonian. JXJTS, Multnomah Station. $2o0; Bull Run water; $10 down. $5 per month. O'Douuell Warner. 501 Corbett bldg. m t owner, halt price lor cash, lots in Fla- el. A titS uregonian. $" CASH, choieeSOxlOO, near Broadway car. Owner. Main 8348. St, l" tXO.W Al ED. suitable for fine home or apt, site. Dt-ar SS car. Tabor 5040. CHOICE corner. Laurel hurst. $."'0 down, small payment monthly. Owner, A 142S. for fale Beach rroperty. FINE view lots faring ocean at Salt Air (Tillamook Beach); will sell very cheap; need money. Address S 672. Oregonian. lor ."sale House. A REAL BARGAIN. Verv cliot'c 5-room bungalow; has re ception hail, fireplace, bath, buffet, pan try Dutch kitchen, full basement, laundry trays and beautifully h:ind-decorated throughout: street improvements all paid; price for qun-k sale $1.m: $ou cash, bal ance like rent ; ulo two choice building lots near Peninsula Talk; your own terms. Fhene Main ROiiE CITY VARK HOMES. Teal diret with the owners, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of 1'ortland. Call on our Realty Department, corner 4th and Stark. HART MAN & THOMPSON THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TLKN A BIKDK.V INTO I SCO M K V WE W 11-L Fl'RNlSH THE ' yoNBY Hi;iLI A PA RTM IJNTS, RKSI- iknck'oi: anything; plans kkke: a k mik res po n s 1 h l.e : w e know how; talk with ch'r clients; see 1H K WORK; WILL i.lVE PONDS. L. R. BMLKY c CO., CONTKACTINO ARCH I TEA IS. ZZi AlUXtiTON BLDti. look here: everybody : Hde had to foreclose on a new 7-room 1 s -story house located in the heart of one of the bet restricted tracts in city. you can buy same for the amount of the incumbrances. Might take a good ciear lot or first mortgage as first payment. No agents. K K. CLEMENTS. 2tO Stark hi. Main 15tKi, A Joli. IRV1NGTON HOME, lrge lu-room house, tinished In white -name.: all rooms papered; large livin roni. dlr.mg-room and den. blltiard-room, emm.c: this house has many attractive features; may be seen by appointment. 1L P. PALVER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Hldg. PKCJAL IIOLLAPAV BARGAIN. rtoms and breakfast-room., two a'ory, Mrit-t!y modern and flno rendition; white erainel tlirouhout. CJU East tith st. Vorth. Broadway car to :Mth. Thone C -JM. iw:itr. u( u m nrxr, ALOW with all modern convenience!, in good lo cality: handy to car, small payment down, bala nee $ a month. Cu II Ta bor ot'So. mornings and evening!. T-HOOM new li"U.-e. with furnace. Ciegantly furnished, player r'nu. ctos- in. all lm lr FTTunts. S7'to ow n and $27 a month: price t'JUO; will take k.ant lots as part payment. !t i7.. regonian. HARD CP AND WILL SELL My $ooV fin S-room residence in Ross mere, double garage, all improvements in and paid. Will sell at hard time prices. Tabor 2C.;. VHY ray r.nt when eu esn buy a three room house on We-t Side for $"."0. W down, $10 per month. M. E. Lee, 000 Cor bett bldg. . iQFlTY In house and lot; favorably lo caid: . easy payments: will discount amount of equity t"r cash. Address room 31$. Oregonian bldg. 5 ROOM, house. 00: all modern: improve m.Trj paid for; $J3 per month: can you b-a: it? It can't be done. Joe Hoehm, M ai n 77."'. F vrnlngs. E as t 332. NOTHING DOWN. J10 per month, Including interest; 4 rnom furnished bouse, near Tremoat sta tion, call Main Mr. Outhrle. FLANS . HCNGI-tW PLAN BOOK 10c H KiBEU Architect. Mnsw.wh ave. Ph-n.- Wvd:awn ?M. i MODKKN j-ri'oai bungalow. 2 blocks from TreonL station ; cheap, terms. . Marshal I'OR .-4LE The finest b.ome in lrmgton, Lt 24i li st. North. Call and see it. F. E- Bowman A "o. . JS'KW. v 0olern 1 "J -room bouse, in Irvington. R Klo Kaat -KCM-iI m-'dern lulus', vour own price uu terms. Woodlawn J739. I $0 MONTH, which Include In tar est. buys e-room no use, who Bicepins porcu. ua.u. fireplace, all built-in conveniences, full remem basement, hot and cold water in bedrooms, hard-finished street; 20 minutes out 04i good canine, ciose io auuiui park, schools and churches; fine view ol mountains, Columbia River and Vancou ver . Vini Vnlnsula Park todaV. SO One block north to 1423 Albtna avc. 1 have key and will show this neauuiui nem. MI ST AND WII-L PELL wnv It.rnnm rsiflenee. b!ock fine lSWTl shrubbery, view, walking distanre. first- class condition mrougnoui; nouw over $U,mt. If Intending to buy a home CHEAP see this one NOW. as you can have almost your own terms ana an as tonishingly low price. AM t75, Orego nian. Kin. iare .".-room cottage, an a fine lot. ttfxiotr. half block from Albina avc and L tar and only two blocks from Jef wiffh uchnol. nn Webster street. natd :w)00 for this last year and will sacrifice for $J4"r0, $l50 cash. Owner. Hnrd of Trade bicig. Matn 1 4oa. MODERN e-room bouse. $"000; close in. no incumbrance. nara-suriace street vnv hlrwk IT er: basement, stationary tubs. yard, garden, berries. :t00 down, $-0 per month, including 6 per cent interest. 7i'o Cleveland avc. vvvn momkv MI'ST SELL. Good 8-room house, fine lot 30x100. "West Side, in Nob Hill District, a big snap at $47.rt. Onlv fl-'.'U easn require u. K. 3. OK1SER. 417 Cham, of Com. Rk'il tti PI ' I . vif.vr lota. "ii)xl0tt each, plowed read v. for garden; water, sidewalk, srreet graded; no assessrnentH; only $4t'0, $.mi cas'h, X10 per mo.; will build for right party. ix. rr. dj.ii tv tnut,. 3-ROOM house, acre ground; line view; water piped to it: zu-minuie rar nu, map- oniv $.r00; $75 cash, $10 per month. 74V, N. W. B. hldg. FOR SALE New modern 6-room bungalow in Irvington. t nique in aesiKn com plete in every detait. pnone . I HAV'K 3 good homes in Irvington. ne- t mra less in an iwm ; vu iiimniwu, u East 27';. v. H. Heraman. GOING to Denver, must sell my home at . - Y. t, - alt innriArn aacriuce i luviua suu u " w Main 4718. FOR FA LB Modem cottage, 1 block norta of car rmrrs. w rito or i"iu"c, St., Vanco'iver. Wash. NEW modern 6-room house, garage- income $30 a month; terms. Woodlawn 8a29. For Sale Business Property. FOR SALE Good new, modern apartment- hmisO 1 ' .:-room apanmlll Picam near ed that will pay about 15 per cent net on investment; terms. Address BD 668, Ore- Ronian. " THREE-story brick building, full basement, on terminal tracK. Jiarsnau -.wo. Suburban Home Property. FOR SALE or trade -2 acres, fenced, cni- finished, furnished if desired, good well ana oucduuuuiks, w gon Klectric, 25 minutes from city; want O-J U IV dCICO win uwww -m Good soil, good water; close to carline; easy term; will build to uit purchaser. Phone Marshall 13S5 or PeTlwood 470. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. ONE-HALF acre. 20 minutes' car ride. West Side; $700. 9-v down, n per monui; jc fare. M. . L.ee, ou. tnrocuoius. inKAF. HOME SITE OREGON CITY LINE. Two-thirds acre. Deaveraarn, ime vi-y. Close In; terms, owner. An urenmuaii For Sale Acreage. SMALL FARM HOMES. MAKE YOUR SELECTION ON ELEC TRIC LINES. J4 ar.ren at Witch Haael. Red Electric; will divide to suit purchaser; has some orchard anil is cuitivaieu; running water, $1CH to $2." per acre. r acres. Witch Hazel: S-room house. new barn, all cultivated; improvements cost $Mo; sen an vuv. Vi a.Tfn Reedville. in crop: Ideal loca tion ; running water; ited Electric; price $. per acre, terms. ," acres, Oregon Electric. Sewell Sta. ; all in crop; finest soil ; $1V per acre; cheapest buy between Portland and Hills boro. si- nren Sewell Sta.: all. cultivated: 1 acre" loganberries, small house, barn and well; au piowea; main auio roaa lonitia boro: price $20O per acre. D. M. Rohrbough, 23 Stark St., at HA RTM AN & THOMPSON 50 IMPERIAL hi ACRES $2o0. Don't let the employes of the auto fac torv adjoining these trar.ts buy all the cho'lcest ones but get busy and get one. jr down and $. per month, on the north side of Division street; electric line di vides traet; clear, level, rich garden soil. Bull Run water. In the city limits ot Gresham. Leave Portland Saturday 1:S0 P. M. SMITH & HOUCK. :;01 Henry BIdg. Marshall t'."'.tfl. SHEEP MEN. Grazing ranges, 13.000 to 20.000 acres, Columbia River watershed, Washington. RHllroad transportation and close to For est Reserve. Running water and springs year around. $3 to $.1 per acre, E. A. PLUMMER. 429 Perkins bldg. T a com a. Wash. CHICKEN, FILIT. GARDEN RANCHES, SL'NSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS i-mile electric station, $7j to $lifc per acre; casv terms; best soil; free wood. Farms for sale, all sires. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., "u! Yeon Bldg., Portland. Or. 0x17." One block to car and station; 2u minutes ride; water pipea; ciose to scnooi, mores- build to suit; price $o:0; easy terms. See owner, 614 Stock Exchange bldg. NOTICE a one-acre ranch, all fenced, good house and barn, two diocks west ui jsaei-ge- station; for ale cheap by owner. J. S. MeN.-ilI. $5 MONTHLY, 80x200. new house. $650. A. C Marsters, zvj w neox oiue- jbmiu i. TEN ACRES or more in Yamhill Co. F. S. Forest, X. W. Hank piog. .-wain Homesteads. CANADIAN HOMESTEADS. J. N, Grieve, Canadian Itnmicratlon agent, will be at Hotel Perkins Friday and Saturriav this week, to meet all parties in terested in Western Canada. tor Sale Farms. A REAL SNAP (BY OWNER). 72 S acres No, 1 black soil, ALL IN CROP oats, wheat and vetch. New house, barn and garage, 2 horses, fresh Jersey cow with calf, 7 pigs, 50 laying- hens. 7 ducks, harness and rig, small tools, 2 hi mift-s from Oregon Electric station, on c unty road and Willamette River and R F. D. Price, $3000. V cash, balance 3 eare. Come or write. Mrs. E, Graham, Harrisburg. Or. ACT QUICK. 4 5 -acre farm, only -3 miles from Port land. IV miles to electric, close to town. ehool church, etc.: Washington County; part under cultivation, lair buildings, verv rich soil; price $400; terms. CALL A N & KASER, Yeon Bldg. -O0 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. it ranges from $45 to $200 per acre. In tracts from 7 acres to 300; reasonable termi For further Information, P. A. Marquam. real estate agent, Marquam, Or. WHEAT LAND. lfiO acres, 0 miles from R. R. station, in Morrow County, only $2400, $500 cash, balance 6 per cent. M. A. I-oehr, at -UARTMAN & THOMPSON t4th and Stark.) TH E SEW W AY, TH H . . a , THE SJi AKC ufc.Au v - land re vou interested 7 If so. write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN., 3t3 Phelan bldg.. San Franrisco. C . M. vv 1. V! r. rv. I l". HAVE small. well improved Willamette aney iarm -tv m ... to electric line; some cash, balane well secured mortgages; bargain. Owner, 023 Hawthorne ave. V NIK country home, 2: aerea. lti miles from citv. lies nice, H cultivated, bal ance eauilv cleared, good garden, fair buildings: $J."h. terms. 22:; Henry bldg. 50 ACRES, all under very high state of cultivation; this is one ot the best buys in the valley for JoOOO. W. J. Davie, ofo Corbett bldg. " WHEAT LAND. Wrheat farm in Central Oregon; 160 acres for $lw,0. call .t. wauiu oms. FORCED SACRIFICE Willamette 80. some Improvements. JISoO. Own.r. Clmiuic.y Barney. Oregon City. , FOR bargain. In ranches address D. W. Glllett. Nashville, Or.. Lincoln County. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT home In Rose city Park, not over ilnOO; have casb and 5 acres at Park Row. value 12SO0. Pearson. b2S Morgan bldg. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent a dairy farm with stock and tool, by a young man acquainted with the retail trade of Portland, having been in ths milk business for t year end ing March 1: would tent or operate for WANTED To rent onion land on shares, inquire Woodford. Columbia 138. FOR MA IK TIMBER I. A VDft. TIMBER LANDS FOUGHT AND SOLD. M CKACEEN, 304 IIUI BLDG. FOB KENT FARMS, FOR RENT. Ln'ESTOCK FOR SALiS m r-o. ,.,ir StiH olfalfj. raTuli In East ern Oreiron. If you are looking for a big paving business, here is your chance. Write or call 2O0 Panama bldg.. od and Aider 5ts. . 5-ROOM house, 2 chicken-houses, barn. 2 acres garden ground. diocks iron .-. ey 72d at. Phone B 19o3, or call at 216 Ab ington bldg. GOOD farm for rent, stock and implements for sale; crop all in. vv . . xtuueirLa, Drain, Or. . 130 ACRES. Oresham. 2o cultivated, 3 near Salem. 72" X. W. Bank .bldg. TO EXCHANGE BJSALt ESTATE. .:vvti iru x 'u rm;TRY PLACE. Highly profitable dairy, stock and fruit farm in wonderful White Salmon Valley, immediate market on premises for all produce at high prices. Fine house, barn. grounds, electric iignta. w.rr ejotcm, mnilarn nhimhmz! fhurch. school. Store, postoffice on premises. Fine wheat crop now coming up fast. Big chance to ob tain something with all conditions abso lutely ideal : will exchange for $12.ft0 worth of Portland property at fair valua tions. See owner, SIB Northwestern Bank hldg. IMPROVED IRRIGATED FARM WITH STOCK TO EXCHANGE FOR APARTMENT OR INCOME PROPERTY. Alfalfa farm, well improved, irrigated, stock and machinery, in Umatilla ernment irrigation project: 160 acres $16, 000. Your property must show valuea. 513 Dekum bldg., Portland. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 50 ares on Foster road, miles trom citv limits. AH under cultivation and uearlv nil in crop. Good buildings. alue $18,000. Will take residence to value of $.-rO00. balaoce 6 or 7 years at 5 per rent. Address F. S. Forest, feOS N. W. Bauk PldK. Four houses, situated near V",on.,,aVP" close in; all rented; price $13,500; will ex change for improved farm not over 40 miles from Portland. ii4 'Chamber of Commerce. CONCRETE and brick building in good town. rien $12,000 insurance." Will trade for - small farm near Portland. Price $ lb, 00.0, rut e St.'lSOO. X 61.(, Oregonian. lOJO EQUITY In S-room moaern home, built Dy owner; panci " breakfast-room, sleeping porch, cheap at $..000; will tako auto, lot cr acreage, au FARM near McMinnvillc, 45 acres, half wal nuts anu pi ulica, , enuitv $3000. with equipment and stock, $1000; for Portland residential property; no c"iu'i"gi- n-' av old establiehed drug store In a good . . . of, nw uri'harep for rood citv property; invoi.-e about $000. Stout Investment Co., 7-3 Chamber of commerce. Small Improved ranches wfthin 35 miles Portland In exchange for Port'nd-.re." dences. Address F. S. Forest. b0i N. W. Bank bm house on Gresham auto road. Sell cheap or trade for lots. 1219 Northwestern Bank bids. LARGE roomms-house. f inely f ""jl8. at Ca bargain or would exchange for a 5 V j. Davie. Corbett bldg. WW'T clar Portland, home for $.".00 cash W-X- I i.nimnrnvpd acres one block from Oregon City car Fisher & Hurringnon, -ti-- i " ' WANT .".-pass. Ford, sood condition for .1 VV A : ,. li.j .. . i ,rwnn Citv: will Day cash difference ; also want Ford runabout fr.r sh East 2407. BKALIFUI. 8-roo, houae and on ios4-lu aire5Be. Price 12,000 rmts. 0- FIVE acres at Park Rose, value fjsitu, , free in Rose City Park, not over 4H)0. rearsoii Ilir.HLY-lMPROVliD White Salmon rancll Can be aoin easy i.i.nn . -.u dence in part payment. F. b. loreat. SOU N. VV . rsan KHHi -'O CBKS. improved wheat farm, near '- l - l . . ' ... 'i- . n "lui tn trade for sma.Tfarm in' WucT Nelson feroa., 80 l,ewi5 phis- Will, tradu 10 acre. White Salmon Valley Sent on house inPortl.od. What have you? AH 674. uregonian. WII.L. trade 10 acres Washington apple land on mawnai 670. Oregonian. FOUR r.-room flats on West Side "'""A'td city property. rwMnu c- ."v.-a . no KOI'lTY " rooms, cor. lot. contract $'0 ncr mo: lot or aireafrc. Owner, lV.b j. c,th FOR KXCIIANGK Hour nice '" ' " ' "? of Scapaoose lor o-pasfene' nnrilKoiT H. T. Rennet. Warren, Or. EQUITY of 1SOO in $2700 cottage, now w ...in tAm tnt- tunrf or Eood clear rcntea; win n.. - lots. AK 5S. oregonian. NT ED Wlu-at land In exchange for brick bldg. in valley town. vv . J. .Davie, Corhetl. bids. . IMPROVED St.- substantial improvement iOOOO; want resioeuce. vwui... ij .. rtrpron city. ;7.10 EQ1:ITY in 4-room house, will trade for lot or arrcMjiB ........ , ..... AND 9-room modern houses to exchange for acreage, owner, jiam oui. WILL trade 10 acres, close in, for house and lot. i .m. v-ii es"""" TrrrrrrrrrTL .Anntv. . exchange 2.,- AtM -SXT-W "r.l.r. for city property. "-o 100". THREE years, on two Laurelhurst lots: owner, a i--o. IRVINGTON HOME for exchange B Lombard, 250 1 3d. Main 56H2, A 28H2 TO EXCHAXHE MlSCELLAXBOtlS. ,11 T have vou to trade for $irK equity in player piano? BC Bit. Oregonian. FOB 8 ALE. Horse.. Vehicle., Harness. Etc. 0 HEAD horses and mares from 1100 to 1600 lbs., ali well broke, young and sound. All of this etotk is priced way below its real value. We must rush them, as we have no work for them. If you are look ing for draft or patr farm chunks call and inspect this lot. Star Sand Barn 9th and E. f lanaeia sis. Alt.llU of horses, vehicles and harness at Colum bia Stables. 302 Front, every Thursday at p M we sell on a commission basis, satisfaction guaranteed both buyer .nd seller- if vou want to sell, bring Jour horses to "our auction; if JOU want to tuy, attena tnis saie. TEAM black mares, weight 20o0, 5 and b 'ears old; goou woraers; one uo.r veight 1."0 lbs; good worker, single or louble. price $00: one team browns, weight I3O0. good workers and fast walkers, Just ight for small farm, cheap at $lio. An- - c.... 'tAl lftrsnn st. JUST received: a shipment of 36 head of horses, consisting ot as iouuw... i" farra clunks, mares with foal, some de livery and wagon horses and also young 1300-lb draft horses. The above horses sold with a guarantee. G. K. Howltt, Model Stables. 5th and. Davis. PAIR bay chunky geldings S years old. weigh 320, are nea.y ouucu, 6uvu v. and can pull 5 tons any place; this is the kind always fat; with them beavy breeching harness; for low price 290. Star Sand barn 3, 9th and E. Flanders. TCHED team of light bay geldings, heavy bone and very blocky built. 4 years old; also team of matched blacks, mare and gelding, weighing 2750, heavy bone and free of blemishes, at oth and Davis. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, ev.ry Monday and Friday. 10 A- 14, ; only strictly commission .table. In the city; consign ment solicited- The McClelland Hors. Mule Co., 24U Eaat tn st- jmv mi HESTNUT gelding gray mare, weight "00 are free from blemishes, good work ers have nothing for them to do; come today with 60 and own a team good ranch horses. Star Sand barn th and E Flanders. , PAIR bay mares. 21o0 106.. ana years old nearly new harness. light farm wagon, all for 130. Will sell separate. 22S N. 14th. TE1J1, weighing 340O, harness and farm wagon, 1,100. Bay mare. 1O00 lbs, har ne and spring wagon, r. SI East l.lh. WNT team, harness, wagon for cash from some one that wants to sell. Keen, 4oO Worcester dips. an. ii..u. TWELVE head of good farm horses and mares can be bought at your own price. :bi E. Pin DEAD horses and cattle taken away tree. Call day or nigBt. Tabor 4203. WAOOfcS and horses by day. L2o. L Cohcc, water St. Main 220?. Main BUS. DE4D horses and animals hauled away free. . . . . i j- t- ltanal Ririfipriniy 4 ooo ; u -v. . . . HDFLSES for sale; all kinds. Apply south corner 16th and Raleigh. Main 564Q. lLUER, lumber and farm wagons. Division st. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at 88 E. 7th at. North, ll.-.CMb. horse, drives single or double. Call 14b Union avc. North. FOB SAUL HortM. Vriiiclct. Unrnrsa, tie. THIS UNION TRANSFER. CO.. at 11th at Hoyt St., nave several mares ana suraco. waguns and some aaxness that they will sell very cheap. Team bay mares. 3300 lbs., S and 6 years Did, sound and true, gentle. Team bay mares, :1W lbs., are S years old, sound and true. Team seal brown geldings. 2900 lbs., full brothers, 6 and 1 years old. Team blacks, horse and mare, gentle, young and good workers. J700 lbs. Team matched sorrel mares, 2$o0 ltm., arc both proven brood mares; young. Team matched creams, sound ana young; 900 lbs. each. Team blocky mares, harness ana farm wagon, all for $225. Three farm wagons, narrow and wide tires, two laundry wagons and one top camel-baca express wagon; your choice cheap. . ...... All mares and horses will be hitched, tried and tested and delivered free to anv boat or freight yard; feed three days free. Union Transfer Stables, 11th at Hoyt. BLA :K. mara and gelding, years old, we.gh 2740. are both true pullers, fast walkers and extra, good, farm pair, for quick sale Black gelding, low-sjt, weigh. 13i0. sound and true as steel, (u. Pair gray chunks, mare and gelding, o ana 7, weigh 2500, are the right type for your ranch. J21U. Pair big slaves, weigh 2S00, are sound and gentle, can pull 3 tons any place, black and gray. S160. Roan roarc and gray gelding, weigh 2040, 7 and S, low-set, right on the ground, nave been in harness all Winter, can't beat this pair in Oregon, 225. Bay horse, 7 years old, blocky built, good bone, works every place, eood old man, kind, weighs l-u, (Hi; gray mare, nicely broke, single, rides, 7 years old. weighs 1125. 70. Every horse sold with guarantee. Come and hitch, pun and test, to your satisfaction. Star band barn 3, 9th and E. Flanders sts. - SPANormare with foul to imported "gorse, (Mining 2750. sound and free of blcm- " xin't, nerl 'team of seal brown., maro and gelding, weighing IM.'iO, 1 and 5 years old, sound and true; $230. Dark iron-gray mare, 4 years o'd weigliin? 1450, with foul to imported horse; sound and true; $lt0. 2:15 Davis St. .BOARDERS WANTED. Now ttiat we have got th Rose city Stables in .lfepe we are ready to handle about 20 hed of horses to board; we also will rent a few stalls reasonable. WILLIAMSON & SON. Or, Alder St. PAIR or sorrel mares. 24.-.0 lbs., and double harness; good workers; 7o; also BlacK S-year-old inarc. gentle for women to drive. 01 ftast i-m sl.. in na'- Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. ;:' BCYS a 5."0 Davis & Sons player piano; sli)0 cash sends H to your home with a double credit receipt for t--. bal ance e2.rh weekly, during opening sale only, sctiwan iriano to., j. i -.. $;:! BUYS a i--r-Q Thompson & Co. rich mahogany upright; j tasli sends it to vour home with a double credit receipt for 10; balance $1.50 weekly. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th St. WILL, sell S117 credit check on Kennedy Piano Co. for 50 It taken before March "4- can be applied on pianu or piano player. Mam osop. BEAUTIFUL grafonola -with records, practically new; $10 if sold at once. Call Marshall 3771. . HitiH-GRADE piano at a big bargain. o2ti Lumber r-x. nms.. j nUuvj-. UPRIGHT piano for furnished flat or house- Keeping apt, jji- NEW player piano cheap; want diamond ana sonits can... w -- JJogs, Biros. 1'et at oik. PIT bull DUP and other dogs for sale; all , Zi -:t;T K IToiwh, corner peuigreeu wv. 1 T n win CH. R. RAVE.V and PRESIDENT AT STUD. Furniture for Sale. OOOD, nearly new, complete furnishings 01 a H-rOOlIl UUHi,awB T " for salo any part or whole; house tor rent Call bet. 6 and a P. 11. 120 Brazee bv. Make day appoinitnenL. -ci... .rt.. A SNAP Furniture of 11-rooni House, steady tenants. ni otn . ..-i. count of leaving city. Mi N. 14th. Poultry. WHITE Leghorn baby chlx. heavy laying W guarantee safe' delivery. The Piun- eer n"" J. . . . , LIGHT Brahmas; a few Lish-elass hens and fA- i,.' Ft. Whalley. 470 Flint eL East 2231. Livestock, AUCTION SALB. . Woodland, Wash., March 26: 45 cow. (26 fresh i, 93 1 and 2-yr.-old heifers, mostly llolstein, 5 yearling grade Hoistein - bulls. 2 largo teams, etc W. S. Wood. ' auctioneer. FO"i SALE S Hoistein cattle, 31-:;2 bred; also one Hoistein bull, ." cows, fresh and ;l to calve, can or write ur. v-uas. juac Callum, Kalama. Wash ItfcXJIiSTKRKD Jersey bull, beat blood lines, for sale or exchange. Address C. W. Alt- man, Kuie l, roruuuu, ui jjuuho lawn 2771. Automobiles. $000 buys mv 1913 5-passengcr Jackson auto color gray, and in fine shape; torpedo . body, foiedoor, presto lights speedometer, robe, gloves and ready to drive 'off; tires in good shape, almost new; all tools and ex tra lubes go. I am leaving and do not want to ship my machine. Main 1242: ! FEDERAL 1-TON TRUCK Was guaran teed by Federal agents for 1 tons; haa body and curtains; this truck Is now be ing overhauled and will serve you like a new one; write or call on us tor fur ther information; terms if desired. Ad dress Mr. Gilbert. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Chapman and Alder Sta. TRUCKS, TERMS GIVEN. . Reo 2-ton truck, with body. Federal X-ton truck, witii body, good "several others to select from; price $350 and "Northwest auto co. Uroaaway ana iuucu ou WINTON SIXES, thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt in 4 and 7-pass. moaeis. Oars are fully equipped and carry standard guar antee of the Winton Co. lor ono jear. Bo sure and see us before you buy a used car. Liberal terms. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. lux 10 best materials, erected on your lot. complete $32 up. Any other style you want at prices that can t be beat. B. T. Alljn. Garage Speciiillst, 1181 E. Salmon etu xaoor xv-. WHITE '40' in fine mechanical condition, new tires, fully equipped, nickle-plated and newly painted. Arrange for a demon stration. FOB. S4LE 7-passenger Garford car, first class "condition, cash or trade; can be seen in Multnomah Garage, Sixth and Madi son tag number Ofc.'.o. Address L. NeischI, are ui " 114 ONE and one-half ton Federal truck in . T..;T CTfin than rsutt: oo- erated only a short time for light deliver- good as new. Terms ca t-. Address ti 65H, Oregonian. 7-PASS Garford, tnorougniy uvcruauitu and repainted. Is large and roomy and Is Ideal for jitney or stage work. Call us uo and arrange for a demonstration. rOR SAL $f 50, ix-cylinder, 3014, ,-pas-seneer btudebaker touring cr, almost new and in first-class condition. Terms to responsible party. N o trades considered.. rnone ii. "BRGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices $00 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Corner Chapman and Aider Sta. AUTMOBLLE. late mode!, for Jot in Ladd's Add near Hawthorne ave., worth $3750, $0U0 incumbrance. Answer B '. Ho Lei carlWin. LEAVING town ; have late model G-pas-aenger - automobile, electric lighting and starting; small payment down, balance monthly. Call A 5133. ' FOR HIRE. $1-50 PER HOUR. 5-passenger 1014 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phone Main 1201 or EasX 5S58. FOR SALE $-T5, 1012 i-passenger Chal mers automobile, in good condition; am leaving city, msut sell quick. Woodlawn lo29. m WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber arid metals; highest cash market price paid. J. Jjeve, J-?t v'mmm . Jiam oi.q. FO RD ca r for sale; has maate r vi bra tor. gonlan. 1014 FORD, first-class condition, $375. Ep- 1011 STUDEBAKER 30 roadster. good shaoe: bargain. Main 3J17: after ft P. M. FORD runabout for sale cheap. Inquire 721 Electric Diog. bEE us about buying or selling second-hand cars; repair shop in connection. GOOD opportunity for a man looking for small garage -uu ciu lnouire a .-ortn 4.-l -- FOR HIRE, $1.25 per hour. 5-paasenger 1&14 FOR SALE 7-pa senger auto, in fine shape. Tlss is a real bargain. 175 21su FOR SALE. Automobtleb. USED AUTO SNAP. Liberal terms given. Free service given on all used cars. We offer you the following list to select from: Hupp.'3-pass 32-h. p. Cole. 5 -pass.. UO-h. p. Chalmers, .'-paas, 3u-h. p. R. G. H., 5-pasa 2o-h. p. Cole, 4-pas.. 40-h. p. Lozier. 7-pass, 4u-h. nearly new. Michigan. 5-pss, iW-h. p. Interstate, 4-pss, 40-h. p. Chevrolet, 2-pass 24-h. p.. nearly new. Apperson. 5-ps., .40-h. p. titudebaker, 4-pass.. 40-h. p. Overland. 5-pss., 40-h. p. NORTHWEST AUTO CO, Broadway and Couch Sts. Main SSbl. A 4959. PORTABLE GARAGES. Take-dovn garages, built of the best materials, artistic designs. 1014, 36 up, erected complete, with lock and key; im mediate delivery; also portable blouses. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO.. Foot of Harrison St. Main 1167. REO TRUCK 1500 pounds; bought last May from C. 1. Boss, used very lit lie; come and see it or write us at once; price $a."0; terms. Address Mr. GuberU OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Chapman and Alder. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED Tt-ptissengcr auto, not in uso over one year, in good condition; not over ;;."Vu- give full particulars in first letter. H 471, oregonian. WANTED Two-tou truck; must be in good condition, not in uso over one year; pivu description in nrst letter. 1- 47o, Ort.-fro- , nian. WANT late model touring- car in A-l condl- .....at ho s.-nun fill- ratlll! CfiVA fllll particulars aud price. Oregonian. n - t c r D na.lcljr In rvrhnn?r fnr lot mi- Piavel. north around 4030. Eaat A or '14 Ford S-pass.; have a $:;" Oregonian. WANTED Auto engine and clutch, 2 to 4U If. P.; must be cheap and in good shape. Address C sol. uregonian. WANTED Good roadster; must be cheap; in good shape. boa, uregonian. WANT to buy B-passenger automobile or roadster; will pay casu. 530 Alder. WANTED to buy or rent, small auto truck pood cnuditiorv Main .04 FOKD wanted; cash. AM 671, Oregonian, or Auto Tires and Accessories. LIVINGSTON" radiators and Bosch magnetos for Ford cars for sale. Inquire 25 North 14th. T y pewrite rs. W uave you from ."0 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus- . i u.lra!l i..nn rtmt-nt WHfll . r-T- HALE TYPEWHITER CO., a21 Wash, at. TVPEWHITERS for rent; li months for $5 and up; o montns rent appiicu on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, S( Broadway, Portland, Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $tt5. The Northwest Typewriter co., -lam Main 552U. NEW, rebuilt soeond-hand rentals at eul rates. P. D. C, 21 Stark M. Main 1407 BRAND new Oliver typewriter. $40. Main -1 Mi I . Mchinery. FO K SALE 32-hoiie Case traction engine in first-class condition ; also wagon and tank : ahuut :j milt-a from Portiana, woith $00, will take ,$-00; terms. Write Jenkins. -US Realty bldg., Spokane, Wash. M iscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand bargains. So up. with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly; machines li niea ana reni uppucu. on yuicuuno Phone for rates. Main i4ol. Sewing Ma chine Emporium, li'o 3d, near Taylor FOR SALE or trade, one 6xS air compressor with noo-uallon receiving tank; one 20 H. p. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine; rin-v ofrtnnm v utVininiT machine, machine generates i i own gases. Address Peters Machine Works,- jveiso, wasn. LOOK! tawed lumber $o.50 a load, cord wood $o a corn, 4 ft., and $5.50 a cord stove length. Eclipse Fuel Co., 250 E. 10th st. Phone East 310. ALL kinds of high-grade kodaks, A n stig ma t lenses and view cameras bought, sold and exchanged; rifles and shotguns want ed. Huchfo-ld's Camera Exchange, ftio :id st. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46-4H 5th. FOR office furniture, $125 lot in Warren ton, Jr.. clear of incumbrance. Phone Main 4131. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon; per gallon. $l.tii. Portland ami i o,, iiU r runt et. iiaranaii j-ju. MISSION living-room set. mah. bedroom set; 221:4," bet, o' and 8 P. M. MOVING PICTURE M ACH INES, S U P 1'LIKS. FILM SERVICE. UNITED FILM O., 22lt 2D ST. PIANO BOXES, usual price $4 to $5, at $2.50 per box if called for now. Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. ' $:m buys a beautiful dinner ring; 'AS dia monds, set in platnum. 320 Lumber E Ji bing., 2d Stark sta. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three months for $4. delivered. 244 Stark st. Main 027 PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark'-Davis Co., 212 3d L Main 7W7. SAFES. SAFES. The Mosler Safe Co., 204 Stark street. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS $1.00. Ryder Ftg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. RELIABLE gas range for sale, a bargain. Tabor 2;r.O. 1170 fc. lamnni. CASH registers. National. slightly used. Tvn.iTiipr vvrhancp 351 '.4 Washington st. FOR SALE 200 cords dry wood. R. W. lienneman, 1118 Board of Trade bldg. Engines, boilers, sawmills, bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co., Portland. 60-EGG incubator; laeai; good as new; $4.50. 73i Insley ave. Sellwood car. Rl l'O beau r for sale. 2u4 Macleay bldg , -(j Washington st. Marshall 3'-50. FRoTECTOGRAPH, like new, $10. Phone East 2107. 10-FT. canoe $25. See it. 23 W. HumboidL irt. Wd. 3001. FERTILISER manure all kinds, delivered ny part of city. ail 1 1- OLD session taws of Oregon Territory com plete. If interested, AG 665, Oregonian. W A ' T K D M ISCKLX. . V ISO US. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household roods or anything in the hardware line, call tho Levin Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front, Phone A 7174. Main 1072. FURNITURE WANTED WK PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS; ALSO FO R MDSE. EAST 710!. S7 GRAND S. Y. MEYERS, the tailor, pays best price. S- and up for second-hand clothing; shoea bought; reliable buyer. 247 Madison, Call Main 355. W . TED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, BICYCLES AND EVERYTHING; HIGH- EST CASH PRICES PAID. CALL MAIN 20-0. GLOBE STORK. 285 FIRST ST. 2D-H AND FfHlNITURE, ETC., W ANTE D. Don't give it away, (let our figure's first. Standard Fur. Co., 182 1st. Main 4773. NATIONAL cash registers for world's fair at San Francisco, highest prices. S. Gold stein, 32o Battery st., San Francisco. Cal. WANTED Dining-room set. mahogany, and library set; also wicker set; cash. AN 071, Oregonian. CASH PAID for second-hand scales, cheese cutter, meat sltcers, coffee mills and show cases. 101 1st st. Do NOT sell or pive away any f your fur niture before you cail the Bell Auction House. 104 2tl st. Marshal! 47S.'. W A. NTED A place to keep car, near 11th and Clay. West Side; state prices. AR B71, Oregonian. . SECOND-HAND motor, 15 H. P.. direct cur rent, ::t-in. handsaw, power punch, power -.belt threader. A K tjiJ, oregonian CASH paid for diamonds; separate apart ment for ladies. Eloy Co., 320-20 Lumber Exc. 2d and Stark sta. WANTED Prerto tank. Main sn$5. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beajty Parlors. sX Dekum bldg. WANT to fcuy furniture and piano; must be cheap. Main 045. HKLP WANTED MALE. STENOGP.APHER with office experience; . . i.k .-o i-oT-rt AD ftTA rrofTitntaTi IIIU3L OK wim ' ' m PHOTO agents, something new; extra com AiHinn noiri Karon v Studio. Royal bidtr. WANTED Pin boys at the Oregon bowling .,iUva sru RrnadwaT. PHOTO coupon agents, splendid offer. Mult- SOLICITORS Extra inducement, to f?ood live man. Vassar Studio. Abington bldg. Painless Kuiin performs painless dentistry. Satisfaction guaranteed. 221 u Morrison st. WANT good solicitor. Champion Shoe Re pair. Hawthorne ave. iJGY with wheel w ulod. Apply 410 Alder. HKLP WANTED MALE. KMFLOl'MLM DEPARTMENT T. M. C, A. Record 1914: Calls for men from employers 1793 Positions fllied The service ot this Department is free to ail members of the Association. To non-members a. special Employment Mem bership is issued, costing JO per annum, giving the service of the Department for a year two months' full privileges and a refund of the membership fee if satis factory employment i not seemed. A-ll young men seeking employment in Clerical, Technical or Commercial lines or desiring counsel or advice are cordially in vited, to consult the Advisory and Employ ment Secretary. Y. M. C A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night instruction in repairing, driving, selling and machine work, includ ing forge, lathe, shaper. drill-press, etc. Moderate charges. Fair dealing and expert training. ... . . Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu cational office. V. M. C. A. bldg.. aud se cure puss entitling you to inspect our ehop and methods. Time unlimited. W ANTEDYoung man for demonstrating ; no selling- $oi per month and all ex penses; must have J2uu to pay for nia rhine taken out. money returned hen machine is returned to company. Call at lit- ViMa avc, between 8 o clock A. m and S I'. M. Don't answer unleps you can h ready to go to work Moouay. WANTED Experienced drapery sewsrs; nunc uthers need apply. Apply superintend on t"s office, i A. M-, utb floor, utu-st. butlding Meier Frank CO. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF 1'ORTLAMJ, EAST 23D AND MORRISON. A complete course of automobile In struction, including midline ahop work, by expert instructors. LOOK US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSEWHERE. Take ML Tabor or ' SS'' csr to 23d t. WANTED Gentleman to handle ono of the best telling auto accessories ever hrotisnt to the Pacific Coast: can give yon sep arate territory to Mart you to earning $:.0 to $7.1 a week; if Jou ar awake call at 5ti:;-4 Corbett bldg.. I to 12 A. M. In vest iff ate. .1. E. Mason, MAN wanted to work In factory on and iron, work and look after help: wilt pay salary of $15 weekly and share of profits; must have $275. which gives you a halt interest in equipment and stock on hand; only honest and sober men need ly at 317 Kniiwity r.ycnnngi-. HAVE several openings, establishment inde pendent mail order business; energy, good habits, sound judgment more Important than capital. Spare tmio first. Particulars free. OpportuaiUs Exchange. Buffalo. N Y. ' vi a v vL-ifA to take charge of farm must understand orchard work and rats hrtff-s. vivf. e and experience an .--,-.. -... n. whrA vnn have worked for ih r,.,. r. vears: state wages wanted and number in family. AP W71. Oregonmn IX' VT KU A manager for Armatrong ;rowers Associatiou. Armstrong. U. (... thorough knowledge of packing and ship' ping fruit and vegetables required: ap plicants state experience and salary re- quired ; give reiercncea. -n- iivi lfismrn to haioil ...in iroods t Roscburg. Cottage Grove and Southern Oregon points; send full partic ulars and arrange for personal interview. Grand Union Tea Co., 4 18 Washington st. WANTED 15 extra shoe salesmen to he.Ip aell the Goodyear shoe stock of b-die. misses' and children's shoes. Apply W-ire 0. A. M. Wright's, 244 wasmngion Se near 2d. SINGLE man. clean milker. It cows poul try, vegetable, garden and lawn do not applv without A-l references. Be 6ii. Oregonian. W NTED Experienced man to run ranch small wages and share in crops. Stat-; ex peri-mc. references, age, number in tarn llv. A NT 074. Oregonian. , WANTED Steady man that would bo sai iKflert with $25 week; $20 required, money secured. 333 Chamber ol merce. fied with 20 week at present; pleasant . tun. tr,f 1.' nt mv husi- i, e ks. 'al' 510 Lumber Exchange. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor icain " - --. 8 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed. paid while learning, -o- RODMAN, chairman. Icvelman. prepare for Aiasaa uoverniiicut, a . that's not overrun. Practical Engineering, &M ast itvereiu CAtH advanced you weekly selling my tnrv hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppejl6ji;Wash. u-iVTk'.n Kirst -clans bushelinan ; steady work all year. Apply 2S5 Morrison st. bo twepn hours of 8 and 10 A. M. -i...- vri.n vii-roui'd laundrjman. State experience- and wages wanted. AK uregonian : - , i f,.. ti.r.i ill IK you want to - mak you money au w here, call at bOt .oonnougn niu- W ANTED A young man to maUe candy In small town. -"kj-. -- " ' SALESMAN with house-to-hout-e experience n;ilar and commission. Seo Mr. McLaren ai organ um WANTED MAN TO LEARN AL TO RE PAIRING AND DRIVING. CALL RE PAIR SHOP. 371 HAWTHORNE AVE. WNTEL At once, iua i" " o...-- pairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne SEVERAL experienced railroad clerk with division office experience. Address AV ooV, ureguiwaii. WANTED Two men for cutting wood; must have tools and tent, aoa East Oak street. WANTED Man with jitney car. about one hour each day; man living near llih and Jefferson prererren. i an inn FLUENT speaker, having automobile, want ed immediately; demonstration proposi tion. Telephone "Doctor," Marshall aofi3. PHOTOGRAPH, agents, beat offer; new studio Just started. Daguerre. 214 Plttock block. PL STER, taking rent neat ..-room house, payment of labor. 5414 4Sti ave. s. E. DISH W AS H E R, 1061 Nortlf Zd st. Help Wilted Agents. vti,-u t'vncrii need I OC'k KMl!iIIlCl, good commission p:id- only experienced salesmen 'who can linai.ee themselves will he considered. PC t7."., Oregonian. WANTED First-class solicitors, mule and female; salary and commission. 1024 Hawthorne ave. AGENTS $S to $10 a day selling 1015 Spe cial. Van Dyke Studio, 404 Wash, st. Help "Wanted Salesmen. WE have an opening for a specialty talcs man who is capable of making $5 mo or more yearly; a man posaesRed of an en gaging personality and energy; to such we can offer a permanent position prceenting great possibilities.- Write, giving exper ience and references. National Engraving Company, 154 Nassau street. New York SOLICITORS or agents: our men aro mak ing money. If you want to do likewise phone Main 3126 HEUP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTED Clean, strong woman, general worK, country nuim, kwuu uvu.. -w board; small wages. Room 44, Congress Hotel, petween auu nciw-.. 'OM I'KTENT girl lcr general housework; references required. M ust help with care of child. Portland Heights. Main -7.:o. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. All modern business course. j iuu. j uhlium when competent. 301 N. W. Hank bldg. V ANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Company, 4;3 Fittock block, SS3 Washington. GIRLS between 18 and 25 to learn compto meter calculating machine ; good position when course completed. ."3 Morgan bldg WANTED Competent infant's nurse, one willing to assist where maid Is kept; ret erence required. Rb70, Oregonian. GIRLS to learn beauty culture; commission while learning. Geneva E. Reilly. 514 AD ington biug ,. , MRS HINSDALE'S BUSINESS SCHOOL, Empress bldg. Personal Instruction; po sitions when competent. HOUSEWORK, $15 to $3.. St. Iouis Ladies Agency, 2s Main street, opposite Court bouse. A 7175, Main S039. COOK .wanted for delicatessen: must come prepared to work. Phone East 51$. 440 East Burnside "k ANTED A competent nurse at U'5 North 22d ft. M1?S MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting. 2t3 14th. nr. Jeff. Mn. 3S83. WA N T ED G ood , reliable woman for gen eral housework. E. 5235 EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted at Pull man restaurant, 113 N. 6th WANTED Woman to clean house by the day. Call East .511 mornings. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. S5S Meiinda. GIRL to take orders for transfer company. 211 Taylor st. Main agar. WANTED Experienced skirl and help. 3o coiumoia mug. WANTED Girl for coffee house. il N. 4th street. . FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 411 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. WANTED tiood girl for general housework. 601 Kearney. HELP WANTED F MAX K. WANTEO Kperieni-d drpery nfwrrn ; none others need apply. Apply xu perm teud -ent s office. 0 A. M.. 'ith floor, eth-st. building. Meier &. Frank Co. W ANTE 13 An experienced snd compel nt stenoerapher who is f.i miliar with book -keeping and general ofTtee work: t his po sition demands a capable woman. niia other tierj uppiy. Reply lit owu h.indwnt ing. stating ge, experience and salary expected. AP " 7 4. orrcntan. WANTED Iidy going to SHn Frnclse either Friday or Saturday evenins, to cars for child . months old. Phono 1-ridnv morning between S and ! o'clock. Phone Main .".71!. Ask for Mr. Benlow. GOVERNMENT Jobs for women, $70 tuoMn; 11st positions obtainable, fres. W me tm lnedtaiely. Franklin institute. Dept. 703 C, Rochester. N. Y. yoi'Nc, country p irl for housework, tamjly 'f three, vlie who apvireclaies god hema and likes children. Address AM tlTo. OrROtusn or ca 1 1 K.ist :'2l. COMPETENT girl f.r second work and yew inc. Win Flanders rt. ; ref errners. BOOK K EEPERS. srniographrit and ijicia phone operatots. 301 N. W. Bank bldg MAW for gene r I bouse work. 6. Sclju; l1! HELP VANTE1 MALE OB I'KM.AI K. MEN AND WOMEN t m U a r ti i U bw r hr trade, earn from J15 to $Ji p.r week, tuition reduced, paid while learning; po Mlioiis secured. W rim lor frr catalogue. The Moier System of Colleges. A. 44 V. I'd st. MEN and women wanted lo Introduce an .ducii tonal work of merit, gie jour quaiUlcjuit.TiK ntl references in first lot t-r. RD 0"". OreKnni.in. WANTHh Can v .seers, ladle or gentleman, comini tlou onlj. Call at 155 1" trst ., after 0 A. M. II KM' W XNTKI MlfM KM.ANKOl . ORi:GtN BAlihKK Ct !.LEGt; wt'itn to. a and women l leant the barher trudo ui i u eekf ; posit mils guaranteed ; ton, free ; paid while- burning; scalp and lnm msn asc a specialty; modern muiod ('aching used, tuition reduced. 23:i Maduwin RAILWAY mail clerks. P. O. cltrk-. ir rler., rxam. soon; parcel pst d'-mtnil' many more clerks; act at once. 1'aclLo Stale Sehuuls, M' Kay bldi: , cl'j. GOEKNMENT wants clerks, $'0 month; Port land c miii illation soon ; common ul u -cation sufficiei.t. particuiata frc. Apply immcdlatl. . AV i"J, jDri-oiiian. INTER NAT ION A I. I or respondent- Schools furnish t pew rller ttllli com mere ia I courses; 2. others; frea catalogue. -V2 McK.iv f ldy. t'ORTLAND t;oeiniiiia lerk ena'iiinstion. A pril 2'J ; $ ' niont h ; om mott cd ut at i"n suf ttri. nt. ; anipie quest ton- f re. Apply 1 in media tt lj . A V it'Jt. Oregon isn. VITIATIONS WANTED M 1M. liookkeepeni and Clerks. Do VOL" WANT A HOOKKKEIER PART TIMET Will call a lew houis each week or dsy and keep jour hooka, get out statements, etc. Work guaranteed ; high-clasa refer encf E pericnctl accouuiani, 10 eara. P. Q. box ;is4. 1'OL'NG man 10 years experience as book keeper, etenogruphe'-, otlice manager, aeeka connection Willi 11 in where ability and etlicieucy aro requisite; salary not main . Ot'JCCt. G. II., al5 L.Lnt MorriKOii. i:otKS chc ked or audited, corre- i iiomi in sta lie J, re;t tunable charges.. G. Itldout, Marshall 2M15. 2t 12th St. Misrrlliwteoiia. LA N DScA lJE gardening, law n cut, reno vated, all kinds ot parden work, vhrub and tree pruning, gardening, etc.; advii-o tr e. Address F. II. Plumbic, liotol tjuimb. in si., t:iiy. SlNCl.E mnu wishes position as cietk in, general mui'cha nd ise store hi the. counto ; six vears t-xpcilciicc; can give bond if re quired. Address C. F. Ttucit, Chchall-s Av asfiltigton. EXI'EUIENl I0D tUitryman and farmer aa herdsman or fori man, undcitand up-to-now dairy met hods : married and strict ly tciiipernto; engagement now. IiD !, Oregonan. A-l REL'. A RLE. competent man private place, experienced In automohiling and gardening: references from prom in cm peo ple. AE Ui. Oregonian. EXPERT ho. tlculturlst. experienced In ail kind)- of f.irniliig; niurried aud total ab stainer; wants pobition or would take farm on enures. AL 075, Oregoiuin. YOl'NG. able-bodied fellow, 20 vvants worK, lithographing or printing apprentice, pres-f ceding, also teamster. Mam 7 ''5 1, A 1517. SITUATION wanted by experienced man as manager or bujer for dry good, or ahorx iu country tirpu store; icRrvficv. UK 670, Oregonian. li 1 UD LI'.-AG ED tn.m. Italian, vv it u la ran lainilv, laiii'l find work, e leaning off ! e , window a or .garden work. Main u51, A K'17. . MAN and wile wish employment in lumber camp or on ranch; woman Is good cook. Address C. A. .. North Hth St., Portland, or. -n EX PErTe"CKI farmer and w if want chargM of ranch, house furnished, per manent job; wages $10 month. Henry. Schoenheiger. box Hi. Cottage Grove, Or. CHAI FFEUH and A I mechanic, wants posi tion; 7 cu rn' experience. Phontj Mil Fhall 54.:U room I'll. EXPERIENCED farm hand wants work; can do any kind of farm work. Addtass Allen Long. R. 1, box -., Gresham. Or. Ot Ntj man attending trad sclowd place to work for board and room. Marshall HH'.o. DEU'lAN chauffeur and mechanic, experi enced, references, Aants position. Mlchcls. 471 chapman. Main MOV. L PERI E.N. 'EL) window and housec leaner wants work: Is single and will go uii farm; can milk. Mam ?'.' 1. A 1..1 .. AN cxp- i fenced Filipino young man wishes a position ns janitor, buabuy or slevator boy. Call Main room 7. t FOUNDRY M AX wnnts work; willing to go out of town; A-i references. Mum i'I. A 1517. - A JAPVNESE wants a position In print's family, unueratands walling on table. Al 0u7, OreKontan. . - Yol'NG man 2. neat appearing d-irts sltlon an chauffeur iKnnh: willing lo d Miiythlug. M'Hn 7051, A LilT. YOU NG man. gmnl chi. maker or helper, will work In or out of city. BF n.., Oie gonl.m. YOUNG mall wants position on faini. AM ii4. Oregonian. JAPANESE swltt hiuaker vants pofil bm in lintr sir-. it !. ' g""1""- Yoi'Ni man wtsius any ainu oi '. 112. . . FIRST-CLASS baker wants work in or out of town, ttoom- i . . WANTED Work l.y "'-n; painter; will taUo worK or any itinu. - MAN and wiM will work on farm; sta wages. r tMii, wrcKontt-ii. N I ' E Japanese couple w ;i nt pool tion, an kind of work. AN ti72. Orrgonmti. CARPENTER'S helper wants work; nUu card crier; references. Main "t KM. A 1-l YOUNG ma iMifln HIllH IH.Mltion as I' n ni tor; Itv reference. Main 7"'1. A l."1 i. I A PAN ESE by wants position as school boy or housework. A "i. Oregonian. AP AN ESK c ok w In lie posi t i 'n in t m m 1 1 y. A M 0t-'., Oregonian. HITV ATION8W AMIlrM A LB liook k eepers and V" rPr COM PETE NT. raperten. , and HMilHtam i.ooK k-cj.' " o-r..-r v legal work prtferrtd; b at reference, la-hoi- 4:;t::. REFINED girl wishes posuion aa keener and stemgiyuci , - - eood recommendallons. Call Marshal) 70. O. K. stenographer, n. k. mum '."V " , " . operator waoi work. M. 817. - - rrna m uk e ra. TA1 IO RE D suits my specialty; evemng gowns, fancy --aii. -ui ''.',:'' your homo or shop. .107 Northwest bidg. .Main liiiA'. TAILORED suiui, gowns and alterations by competent Urcaamaaer. .w. 'i'"" Malu 7ti3. - FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, tailoring, a"' '," Htiona, ny tue uuj, Tabor 14!Ml. FIRST-CLASS dreasmsker and tallorcsa Marsh a li wishes engagsxucuia l6f. FASHION A RLE dressmaking. reasonanii. home or day. atii liucnanu qv. DRESSMAKING, all klnda of sewing; pijr reasonable; work guaranteed. Alain YOl'NG lad, trained nurse, would like po sition as gO erneSS or liurcrjr X So7, Oregonian. PRIVATE rooms, sleeping porch, trained nurse, raaaonat le, invalids, helpless, ciiy refs. Tabor 22 1. FIRST-CIASS practical nurse; ready now. K. 34 IS, B I'M. tH W'TICAL nurse wants work; best vl rct- e re n re a . T I . C"h ' ' 1 1 ! a : Si . EN I'KHIKN'i'Kli f;neral n ui.-o , w ill ork; terms moderate. East wi'tib.