TnE MORNING ORECONIAN, FRIDAY, 3IARCII 10, 1915. pr of Charged n Arson Trial buses Seat- fcrney. b ADMISSION of State Still Is Tells of Trac- ' to Koouis of Pair. Hoover, a Seattle v the statp'R most crnlnRt Tom Patter- Tiest, on trial for an the mill of the L. B. er Company at Ports- Irawn from a reluctant if. Judge Davis court . W. Lafferty, is de i and Priest against e. District Attorney A. Collier, his chief llins the prosecution a former employe at he reluctant witness. inlels. about whom a great ,ie testimony thus far has re- is the mlsslne witness who Is know naore than anyone else he six fires that started slmul- sly in the mill on the .night of try IS. ralne; la Cilveo Superintendent iras McDaniels, lately arriveu ort Angeles, who introduced Pat and Priest to Superintendent Me lt the mill as Tom Patterson and mtth, according to Mr. McKay's Alimony. Mr. McXay also said that on the morning of February 1 lie Jianiels came to him and told him to look out for that fellow Patterson. He's going to do something tonight. You'd better get rid of him." Harris testified yesterday that after the arrest of Patterson and Priest. Olen Hoover, who had been brought from Seattle to defend the two men visited himself and McDaniels at their iioutes. He said, reluctantly, that Hcover had given McDaniels $4 and u crested a trip into Washington for -teir health. Piece by piece it was drawn from Harris that he and McDaniels walked to Vancouver, where they met Hoover, and with him boarded a northbound train. There Hoover gave them some more money, said Harris, and they went to Georgetown. Litter they went to Se attle, visited Hoover at his office, and received s-me more money, continued Harris. Short Stay Made, la Seattle. a. "He said we ought to go somewhere til it was all over," explained Harris. Where did he tell you to go?" asked . Collier. He suggetsed that we ought to go t!iat anarchist reservation or colony tr Tacoma." larris said he stayed in Seattle but short time, and then went to van- to get) into communication across tne river. ne her to go with him to le he could get a job. e was arrested at the Portland District At Hoover had advised . that a witness could d from another state. le had left McDaniels id not know where he Davis had issued a or Harris and it was Vancouver. you nau to come over ?yer on cross-examina- Objeetlaa a. Hooser Freejaent. "Well, thev h. me in jail. '.They had eld me in jail s'ore. and I dfdn't like ou i IhoUg l"B west mine .. to come ovi"-" I "Why did yd come with vne offi rs?" asked Hover- ) Well, I like. this Jail better than at one. There. was a cra-y man in ere with me ad he aeenyed to like i looks of the if-" In rebutting Haris' testiriony, Hoov atteinpted to s'w tha Harris had en held in jail ulUI he,-as wining 10 tr for the state W also tried to ho -larrls was "kid- fed" from Viincou. r and brought to tland as a v.,. .ess. During1 the en- testimony of Harris, Hoover raised ment objections to evidence of the Ked removal of witnesses. Vre you personally interested In this asked Mr. Collier of Harris. Yea, I am," replied Harris after some Nation. What is your interest?" ell, 1 don t want to see these boys evicted. They both have bijr fami , a;:d they're good honest men as IrinoTv them. Tracing of Pfcopboruft Kxplnlneil. b'red Tftelan. a former deputy eriff. testified yesterday of going to ash! net on and passine eifclit days okin? for the missing witness, Alc- aniels. Detective Abbott, on the witness :aml yesterday mo rain sr. told of Irak is the alleged phosphorus burns and Niors to the room of Patterson and driest in a near-by lodginsr-houe. Glenn Hoover, the Seattle lawyer hareed with spiriting McDaniels away. hi prominent in the Pugret Sound City, slircfly for his identification with the S cialift movement there. He fre q ;ently has acted as attorney for the 9 inffleweavcrs Vnion, of which Pat trson and Priest formerly were mem 'Whrs. m District Attorney Evans said est flprdny that there was no law (specifical ly covering the alleged offense of Mr. Hoover in srrrtlinsr the state's witness. 1 I J -JmpJJJ. C. JEWETT HERE iiTCn Colonel McKinMrj r and Channel Work. p new duties as military Colonel McKinftry, in e Second Oregjon District. C. Jewett. Corps of Kn- L ruled States of America, ar- the city yesterday, aeoom Mrs. Jewett. Since 1913 he l stationed at Washington and to that spent five years at otnt as an instructor, while ii to 1907 he was at Boston n 1901 to 1903 in the Philip- l McKlnFtry'a responsibilties rom the head of navijration on or Willamette to the Columbia r. including all tributaries, and his time beinff occupied with at the entrance to the river, ewett Is to take over certain iat will be assigned as he fa s himself with the sreneral With Major Morrow and Cap- lion cng-aited in the First Ore- "trict. four officers of the Corps inters are stationed here res- Sew Ship Cancels Trips. nr slia-ht rt-pairs to her mi- the steamer lireat rortnern win j San Francisco for four days and one voyage each direction will be canceled. She will not leave San Fran cisco today as originally scheduled. Ob viously the sailing from Flavel next Sunday also will be canceled. The next sailing will be from San Francisco Tuesday, arriving at Flavel Wednesday and leaving Thursday. The 'egular published schedule then will )e maintained. Fear of a crush in the rush for trains if the Great Northern were opened to the public led officials to limit visitors at Flavel Tuesday to small groups, who were piloted about the ship. Six hun dred were in these parties. COMMITTEE HEA1UXCJ TODAY T115 Master to Bo Represented by Counsel Before Commissioners. W. J. Bristol, an attorney for Cap tain H. F. Astrup, master of the bar tug Oneonta, is to appear before Port of Portland Commissioners Pease, Sha ver and Spencer at 10 o'clock this morning, when a hearing is to be con ducted dealing with complaints made to the Commission, alleging that Cap tain Astrup was not acting in accord with the policy of the Port of Port land in handling vessels in the lower harbor and the bar. "There have been no specific charges made against Captain Astrup as far as I have ascertained," said Mr. Bristol last night. "We want to open up the proposition and find out what is be hind it. As far as the matter has de veloped I am unable to see how Cap tain Astrup has erred." LINERS . PASS DURING BLOW Great Northern and Beaver in South wester Off Coast Vednesday Night. When about 10 miles north of Ueceta Head Wednesday night the steamer Beaver, which made port last night, passed the big linen Great Northern and those of the formers 1st) passengers who had their "sea legs" enjoyed a view of the largest and speediest coaster under the Stars and Stripes heading into a southwester. Conditions were rough at the time, yet the Great North ern is said to have made her way The Beaver was favored because of steaming with the blow ana sne ar rived in the river at 7:30 o'clock jester mnminr hini? held there dlscharK Ing cargo until 10:30, and reached here at 6:45 o'clock. The vessel nad luuu tons of freight, in which was a large shipment of Southern California fruit, totaling 16 carloads. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Steamer Schedule. DUE TO ARRIVE. From Kama Breakwater Beaver Geo. W. Elder RoanoK,.. . Rose City Bear Yucatan. ......... DUE Nam,. Date. In port .. 1 n port . alar, lu . liar. 21 .Coos Bay , -Loa Angeles. . . . . . Eureka. ........ . San Blego. . Loa Aneelts..... -Los Angeles. ... . . an Diego TO DBPART. For .Coos Bay ,S. F. to t A . S. F. IQUA . Uureka , .Los Angeles .San Diego . Los Angeles. .. . . .ban liego .San Francisco. . . . Los Angeles , San Francisco... .San Diego. ...... San Diego. ...... . Sail Diego....... . San Diego ..ban Francisco. .Los Angeles. . . . . -San Diego , liar. -iar. lar. 1'3 Iiate. Mar. 19 Mar. 1U .Mar. -:u . Mar. 21 ...Mar. ::J . Mar. 24 .Mar. 24 . Alar. Breakwater. . . Yale Harvard Geo. YV. Elder. . -Beaver. ......... KoanuKe. ....... Northland. ...... Klamath Great Northern. . Hose City San Hamuli . . . -. Celilo Yoaemlte Multnomah. .... Yucatan Santa Baroara Bear Willamette . Mar. .Mar. .Mar. .Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. . Apr. -Apr. .Apr. Portland-Atlantic Service. Name. From Date. Monltnan. ........ Sew York Mar. 24 Oresonian New York Apr. 1 Panaman Saw York Apr. it Hawaiian -Sew York Apr. 13 Honolulan New York Apr. i'l American -Sew York May 1 Santa Crux New York May o lovvan .New York May 6 Santa Cecilia .Saw York Apr. 15 Miunesotan New York May 16 Santa Clara. ...... -N'cw York Mar. 20 Santa Catalina New York May 25 Ohioan ....New York May 2U DUE TO DEPART. Name. For Date. Montanan New York Mar. 2i Santa Clara .New york Mar. i:J Uregonlan N?w Y'ork Apr. 4 Panaman New York Apr. 14 Hawaiian New York Apr. 10 Santa Cecilia New Y'ork Apr. ID Honolulan : .New York Apr. 2 American New Y'ork May 4 l.rnan New York May U Santa Cruz New Y'ork May 9 Minnesotan New York May VI Oliloan New York May 2t Santa Catalina New York May 29 Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. March IS. Arrived Steam er Beaver, from San Pedro and San Fran cises. Sailed Steamers F. H. Buck and Daiti.v Gudsby. for San Francisco. Astoria, March 18. Arrived down during the night and sailed at 11:15 A. M.. steamer Santa Barbara, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 2 A. M. and sailed at 3:30 P. M.. Japanese steamer Bankoku Maru. for Shanghai. Arrived at 7:30 and left up at H:1.". A. M.. steamer Beaver, from San Francisco. Sailed at 7::io A. M.. steamer Yucatan, for San Diego via way ports. Left up at 9 A. M.. Norwegian bark Skjoid and Russian bark Professor Koch. Arrived at 2:l.-i and left ur at 3:2. P. M., steamer Me teor, from Seattle. Sailed at 3 P. M., Nor wegian ship Lika. for QuMnstown or Fal mouth: at 3:2t P. M., Japanese steamer Kenkon Maru, for London. Sailed at 11:10 A. M.. steamer Bear, for San Francisco and San Pedrtit Seattle, March 33. Arrived at 4 A. M.. tug Tatoosh, from the Columbia River. San Francisco, - March IS. Arrived Steamer Roanoke, from San Tedro. Arrived at 4:4.1 P. M-. steamer Great Northern, from Astoria. Sailed at 4 P. M., steamer Solano, for Portland San Francisco. March 17. Sailed at 9 P. M iteanier Hornet, for Portland. Tacoma March 17. Arrived at 6 P. M steamer Santa catalina. from Portland. Aberdeen. Man-h 17. Arrived Steamer Daisv Freeman, f-om Portland. Coos Bav. March IS. Arrived at 10 A. M. and sailed at 2 P. M.. steamer Geo. YV. Elder, from Eureka for Portland. San Pedro, March IS. Arrived Steamer Shoshone, fr.m The Columbia River. Astoria. March 17. Arrived down at 8:30 P M.. Steamer -im Fuller. an Francljco, March 18. Arrived Steamers Ohloan. from Tacoma; U. S. S. Sat urn, from Bremerton: Eureka, from Port Anele; Y'ellowstone, from Coos Bay: Great Northern, from Flavel. Or.; schooner De renaer. liana. Sailed Ship Indiana, bark Stnr i-f Holland, for Port Anaeles. settle Wash. March IS. Sailed Steam ers Dolphin, for Southeastern Alaska; Re dondo. tor Bering Sea; J. A. Moffett. for San Francisco: Argyll, for Port San Iails; ship I.aennec vFrencli). for United Kingdom. Tide at A-toria Jrida. ;i:gn vvaier iow micr. ::.5 A M t..' fcet9:2S A. M foot 3:22 P. M teem: 11 I. M 2.7 feet Columbia Kiver Bar Report. xor-Tll 11KAD. March IS. Condition of the bar at . P. M. Sea moderate; wind southwest, tour miles. Marconi IVireler-s Reports. (All positions reported at P. M. MarcJJ ltt. unlet, otherwise indicated.) N;vikt:. San F;aneisco tor Balboa. 1015 milej south of San Francisco. March 17. A P. V. Muitnomah. San Franelco for San Pedro, .". ml!-- eal of Santa Barbara. Yoseiiiite. San Francisco for San Pedro, otf Santa Barbara. Governor. San Pedro for San Francisco, off Point Arruell... Asuncion, tticnmonu lor lieaonao, iw miles from Itedomio. Kiainalh. San Pe'iro for San Francisco, lu miles west of Point VincenL Carlo. Keilondn for San Francisco. 119 miles south of San Francisco. Northland. San Pedro for Portland. 151 miles south of San Francisco Santa Rita. Port Angeles for San Fran cisco. 513 miles north of San Francisco. Bear. Portland for San Francisco, 12S miles s uth of the Columbia River. Drake. Richmond for, Seattle, 227 .miles from Seattle. San Ramon, Puget Sound for San Pedro, 25 m'les north of the Columbia River. Admiral Dewev. San Francisco for Seat tle. 4 miles north of Destruction Island. iueen. San Francisco for Seattle, oj miles north of tiijieRlnnco. Humboldt. Skagway for Seattle, 6 miles north of Nsnaimo. B. C- Pavlof. King Cove for Bcllingham, off Portier Pass. Transport Sheridan. San Francisco for the Orient. 270" miles out. March 17. at 8 P. M. Manoa. San Francisco for Honolulu, 352 miles out March 17 at 8 P. M. l.urllne. Honolulu for San Francisco, 17rl miles out March 17 at 8 P. M. Scott, with Acapulco in tow. Nanaimo for San Francisco, six miles north of lightship. DREDGE TO DIG HERE Portland to Mate Fills and Be Used in Main Harbor. DIVER TO HUNT FOR LOGS Several Factories Want Services of Light Digger to Build Vp Land or Make Channel Before Their Properties Deeper for Ships. Authority granted by the Port of Portland Commission yesterday after noon to have the dredge Portland placed in service as soon as the ladder is shortened from 100 to 10 feet and two new "spuds" are installed, which will require about two weeks, is the first step toward having that machine used in the main harbor work to dis pose of several applications for fills and at the same time remove material in connection with the 30-foot project. Captain H. T. Groves, superintendent of dredging, said repairs on the Port land that will place her in condition for work during the next year would entail an expenditure of approximately 15000 and that the dredge could be used advantageously In harbor work at once and later b suitable for digging out several places in the Willamette and Columbia tSit must be attended to while the larger dredges are engageJ elsewhere. Diver to Find IOS In River. Captain Groves was also delegated in emnlov a diver when deemed neces sary to locate submerged logs and other obstacles that at times prevent the rirederes from onerating. He narrated an Instance in connection with the present work of the dredge Willam ette, between Swan Island and the St. Johns bridge, in which a day and a half was lost disposing or a tree ni feet long. The dredge dug a deep hole alongside so that it could be rolled in and be considerably below the 30-foot line. The Portland Flouring Mills Company is ready to proceed with the construc tion of a bulkhead on its property, where an extension is to be built to the rlnck arid warehouse, if assurances are given that a dredge will be working there soon in widening tne cnannei. The Northwest Steel Company desires dredging in front of its South Portland plan and is prepared to take care of the material ashore. At Glen Harbor 1600 feet of waterfront property is to be bulkheaded If dredging is carried on there, while at Bridgeport 50,000 yards of material can be accommodated on land of the Shell Company. Commis sioners Inman, Pease and Patterson were named to decide what should be done along that line. Repair of Pipeline Sought. Representatives of the Standard American Dredging Company, which has the dredge Columbia under lease at Astoria in Ailing behind a seawall there, appeared before the Commis sion and asked that the work of re pairing a broken pipeline be carried forward and that responsibility as to the break be submitted to arbitration. It was finally decided to refer the question to the Port's counsel today and this afternoon and adjustment of the matter is expected. The Commission is in favor of col lecting from all employes each month 1 for membership in a hospital as sociation and when any of the men are injured settling with them as pro vided for under the state compensa tion act. More data will be obtained before final action. Bids opened yesterday for machine tools to be placed aboard the new dredge Columbia were referred to Com missioner Inman. who will make recom mendations as to the awards. The Commission ' is to convene at o'clock this afternoon to meet with George Plummer, manager of the Puget Sound Tugboat Company, regarding the taking over the towing service be tween Portland and the sea, which has been in course of negotiation for the past few weeks. The question of em ploying a general manager is also to be given consideration, the members having been unable to reach the sub ject yesterday because of the press of business. t ( SMALL, CARRIERS CHARTERED Fleet to Load Offshore Lumber at Portland Is Enlarged. Oradually idle sail tonnage along the Coast is being cleaned up as Spring trade is being resumed in some off shore harbors, though it is said there are opportunities of closing jor a greater volume of business iftramp steamers were obtainable for lumber. During the week the schooner Alpena was taken for Adelaide at 72s 6d, her cargo to be supplied at a North Pa cific port, the schooner Wm. Bowden for a direct port in Peru at 55 shillings and the schooner Virginia from the Columbia River for a West Coast port, private terms, all by Comyn. llackall & Co.. while Davies & Fehon took the schooner Mabel Gale to load on the river for Sydney. There are on the way here for off shore cargoes the schooner Eric, which left San Francisco Wednesday, the schooner Mary E. Foster, bringing hardwood from Manila, schooner W. H. Marston, in ballast from Kast London to load for . Sydney, the Norwegian steamer Thor comes this week to work lumber for Quebec, the Russian bark Lawhlll is en route from Wallaroo to take lumber to the United Kingdom and the schooner Forest Home, from Hono lulu, works lumber for the West Coast. LOAD BIG ON" BAXKOKU M1AKC More Than 500,000 Feet Taten in Excess of Early Estimate. While not equaling the port record held hv the British steamer Knight of the Garter, which took away approxi mately 6,000.000 feet. the Japanese steamer Bankoku Maru. that arrived down. at Astoria yesterday with a load nt lumber for Tientsin, has aboard 4.023.727 feet, though she was cleared- with approximately .zuu,uuv ieei so that she could sail, and since a check was made on the shipment, the mani fest will be changed. As the entire irtt wo taken on at one mill and the original loading estimate was 4.000.000 feet, the showing ts nattering to tnose concerned in the dispatch of the tramp. On two voyages from here in 1912 the steamer Robert Dollar loaded larger cargoes, the first being 4,750.000 feet and the second 4.81o.!21 feet During the past three years a number of tramp steamers have been sent away with lumber cargoes in excess ot i.vvv.- 000 feet. . EX ROUTE LIST DECREASES Eight Carriers Yet Headed This M ay to Load Cereal Cargoes. ivow mat ir'- " j " 1 - . -...... . rv IM :i navo " - ' fact, left up early yesterday In com pany to Giscnarg:e uHiiaoi mcj uia. r - i : . . h..r without riclov negin i"sul"s ...... ' there are only eight on the en route list taken or repui ioa ui wheat. The Norwegian steamer Chris tian Bors. which is on the way from the Far East and consigned to Robert PORTLAND ABSTliACTS OF TITLE. FROM PT SKRV ICE at reasonable prices. I'aWfic Title & Trust Co.. 7 c'li. ofCorn. ACCORDION rlJKATLNG. ACCORDION, knife and box pleatinc. picot ing, hemstitcning, braiding, embroidering. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co.. s4 &Wi - ' Mail ordera promptly attended to. K. STEPHEN Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons covered, goods sponged, mail orders. Alder. M. tf37o. ASoAYERS ANI ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 2d. Gold, (liver and platinum bought. ATTO RN KYS. LAWYER; consultation free. Main 4'JJ3, 708 Welling bldg. HALL & FLKIDNER. lawyers; consultation free. 2J&- Fliedner bldg. Mar. 3007. CARPET WEAVERS. . NORTHWEST RUG CO. Ruga from old car pets, rag rugs. 1S8 East 8th. Both phones. CELLULOID BUTTONS, BAOGKS. THE IRW1N-HODSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington st. Main 3VJ and A 2i. CHIROPODISTS. William Kstelle and William. Jr.. Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 3U2 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Alder, phone Main 1-iOl. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Office Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. GRADUATE foot specialist, manicurist. 204 Macleay. 2Stf Washington st. Mar. 3050. DR. ETHEL A. SACKT, painless chiropodist. 506 Panama bldg. Phone Main 9068. CHI-RO-PRACTIC PHYSICIAN. DR. M'MAHON is thorough. Chronic cases, taking time; 31 treatments $lt". 121 4th. Dr. Poulson, specialist In paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 350 Pittock blk. M. 8414. CLEANING AND PRESSING. DRESS SUITS for rent. We press one suit ITXIOUK TAlLORINf; CO.. 30! Stark st., bet, oth and tith. Main S14. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAIMS of any description collected on percentage anywhere. Highest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency, 426 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 4 SO. AVtO ASD BUGGY TOPS. PT.-BRII.I.E BLUOr TOP CO.. O0 2d lit. b.(.(;a.k checked at home. Bagsase a Omnibus Trar.gfer, Park and Davla ' BKKAI) B.AK8. Royal Bakery & Conf.. Inc.. 11th and Everett BKEWKKS ANU BOTTLEKJ. HENRY W KIN HARD, lath and Burnstde. CAMCAKA BARK AND GRAPE BOOT. KAHN BROS.. 11 Front st. CKMENT. LIME AND PLASTER. P. T. CROWE & CO., 4u Fourth Bt. IRY GOODS. FI.KIWOHNER, MAJEK & CO., 20T Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Stubbs Electrical Co., 6th and Pine sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Brrs. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOt'SER. Board of Trade bids. Dollar, Is on the grain fleet list at the Merchants Exchange, though she is not admitted to be engaged. One ex porter says she was offered at 75 shil lings last week. The French ship Noemi, French bark Francois d'Amboise and the British bark Kilmallie are listed from New castle, Aus.; the British steamer Epsom from Victoria, B. C; Norwegian bark Hiawatha from Cape Town; British steamer Lowther Range from Moji and the French bark MacMahon from San Francisco. Xews From Oregon Ports. ASTORIA. Or.. March 18. (Special.) The Japanese steamer Bankoku Maru, with a cargo of lumber from Portland for the Orient, went to sea today. The Japanese steamer Kenkon Maru No. 8, with a general cargo from Port land for England, and the Norwegian ship Lika, grain laden for the United Kingdom, went to sea. The steamer Meteor arrived from Se attle and will load lumber at Wauna lor the Atlantic Coast. . i -1 i ; . . . .7......-....J.S.' th. attorn v line 111 L J . t... j . ship Great Northern relinquished her temporary papers ana iook uui uei permanent enrollment, with Astoria as her home port. The steamer Beaver arrivecT from San Francisco and San Pedro, bringing a good list of passengers and a fair cargo of freight for Astoria and Port land. Captain Mason reports that the weather conditions were not bad along the coast, and while the bar was break ing part of the way across, the south channel was fairly smooth. The gasoline schooner Rustler cleared for Rogue River with a cargo of can nery supplies, but will not go to sea until the weather conditions Improve. The steam schooner Jim Butler came . v. nrith a njirt carffo of UUVYH IUQ .'"-" " lumber from Linnton. Prescott and Rai nier, and went to unappion, wucm u will load 350,000 feet of lumber. She expects to sail for San Francisco to morrow afternoon. The steam schooner Santa Barbara sailed for San Pedro with a cargo of lumber from St. Helens and Westport. The steamer Yucatan sailed for San Francisco and San Pedro, with freight and passengers. Announcement was made today that on account of needed adjustment to her machinery, the steamer Great Northern will miss one trip, remaining in San Francisco until next Tuesday. COOS BAT. Or., March IS. (Spe cial.) The steamship Geo. W. Elder arrived from Eureka today and. sailed in the afternoon, carrying 60 passen gers from here. The steamer Nann Smith arrived from San Francisco and brought 230 tons of freight.. She sails Saturday for San Francisco. The steam schooner Hardy sailed for San Francisco. The Hardy attempted sailing yesterday, but was buffeted on the bar and turned about, returning to the upper bay Marine Xotes. Cereal loaded here aboard the French bark La Perouse will be discharged at Algoa Bay. she having been cleared for that port yesterday with 110,462 bushels of wheat valued at $165,695. chn leaves down today and will be fol lowed by the Francois. To begin loading lumber lor me tar East, the Japanese steamer Azumusan i . .. i. i c i A f r,.Ti. Municirjal .vi i i LI nas " - - - Dock No. 1 to the plant of the Portland Lumber company. In working part of her Jumper cargo the steamer Bee shifted yesterday to the North Pacific mill and left last night for St. Helens to finish. In ad n lumber she carried three large donkey engines for San Francisco. For the first time since tne rusn oi grain ships began this season British Consul James Erskine and his staff are enjoying a respite from marine cares, there being no wheat carriers of that in nnrt and nnlv One Other iTl the harbor, the British schooner David Evans, which is taking on lumow at Inman-Poulsen's for Kobe. t,nf wav here from the West Coast the steamer Portland. Captain Rees. reached San Pedro Wednesday and in a short time is expecieu iu in the wheat trade between Portland and California in the interest of the Globe Grain & Milling Company. t- i r i : TTKrt. of Astoria. reDre- senting the United States Marine Hos pital and Public Meaitn s-ervice, is to be in the city March 26 and address the Citv Council on the bubonic plague I situation, the aim being to organize j more thoroughly in investigating rats v. n .i nrpvpnt others from leav- I ing ships, so as to minimize the danger of the disease being introduced. Captain Bodge, or tne steamer iNorin- i .1 ..-..H n nrrival At &in Fran- Cisco' from Portland that he had picked up a lite preserver uii. ji iui u. which was drifting toward the beach, j BUSINESS DIRECTORY COLLKCTION AGENCY. Accounts, notes, judgments collected. "Adopt Short Methods." Khort Adjustment Co., S'Jti N. W. Bank bldg. , Phono Main 974. NETH CO., Worcester bldg. Main No collection, no charge. Established UK0. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons daily ; classes Tues.. Friday evenings, S to lo. 109 :Sd st.. bo. Washington and Stark. Lessons 2'c EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Ca5seday, f17 Dekum bldg.. :'.d & Wn. " ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding; all work cuaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co., 31 First St. North. Phone Main P210. FLORISTS. SUNNY SIDE Greenhouse. Fresh flowers. Phone B 152. E. 33d apd Taylor. FOUNDRY ANO MACHINE WOKRS. PHOENIX Iron Works, East 3d and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. PliCE & MAKK HAM CO.. 343 Washington st. MESSENGER SERVICE. HAST V MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 2153. Emil Thielhorn, violin teacher; pupil Sevelk. J07 Fliedner bldg. A 4160. Marshall NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist in paralysis, nerv ous, chronic diseases. 504 Oregonlan bldg. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. V W S V A Hurl I )Why pay V glasses w A FIGHT on high prices. sti to it . tor when I can fit vnnr ves with iirst-aual- ity tenses, gold-filled frames, as low as $1.50? Goodman. 09 Morrison, near bridge. Mail orders promptly filled. Write for particulars. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. R. B. NORTH RUP, .:JS Morgan bldg.. cor. Broadway and Washington street. Of fice phone, Main 349; residence. Bart PATENT ATTORNEY. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years practice, U. 8. and foreign patents, tfol Dekum bldg. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS GROCERS. WADHA.MS i CO., 0-75 Fourth st. U.V1S AL tars. THAXHAl'SEK HAT CO.. i3-55 Front. HIDES. PELTS, WOOL ANO PUBS. KAHN BROS.. lil Front 6t. IKON WOKKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND, OREGON. STRUCTURAL. STEEL, PLANT. FOUNDRY. Portland Iron "Works, 14th and Northrup. LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L,. MA.STICK & CO., 71 Front; leather of every description; taps, mfs. findings. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR, COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co., 8a Fifth st. MILLINERY. PR A PSHAW BRO.. Murrieon and 7th sts. ORNAMENTAL IKON AND WIKE. Portland wire & Iron wks.. -d and Columbia San Francisco reports do not state whether the life preserver was iden tified. Arriving from the south yesterday, the steamer Thomas L. Wand was ordered to Westport and Rainier to load a return cargo of lumber. The Daisy Gadsby, which left here Sunday for Astoria, returned yesterday as far as Rainier to complete loading. In readiness to leave for sea to day the Russian bark Samoena is to be cleared for London with a lumber cargo measuring 1,840.181 feet that is valued at J25.763. Captain Dillon. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., who has completed an inspec tion of The Dalles-Celilo project, says the 'locks will be open from April 10 to 15 to permit the passage of steamers and will be opened permanently May 1. Except for a few bridges to be con structed across the waterway virtually all construction is finished and clean ing up is in progress. To have her machinery transferred to a new hull being built at the plant of the St. Helens Shipbuilding Com pany the Government dredge and snagboat Mathloma leaves the Gov ernment moorings today for St, Heler.3. April 6 is the date set for opening bids a second time for the sale of the condemned Lightvessel No. 50. Robert Look, Mother ! If Tongue Is Coat ed, Give "California Syrup of Figs." Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs." that thia is their ideal laxative. because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses tne tenaer little stomach, liver and bowels- with out griping. When cross, irritable, feverish or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! t If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has atom-aab-ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic remember, a good "inside cleansing" should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves & sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, cnildren of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Beware of coun terfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Adv. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily and Sunday. Ier Line One time f , lc Same ad two consecutive times tie bame ad three consecutive times 30c bame ad ttix or (even cootecutive times. . b6c The above rate aiply to advertisement under "New Today" and all other claaaifica tion exi-ept the lollowinji: situations Wanted .Male. bUuation Wanted Female. J-or Kent, Homn. J'rivute J'ainiliea. Batrd and Uooina, I'rivatc Families. JHouekeeplng-Koomts private i-amliiea, Kate on the above classification in 7 cents a line riu'h insertion. On Tharxe" advertisements charge will he batttd on the number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words in eacii line. Minimum charge, two lines. Ihe Oreconian will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, provided the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. o prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the follow ing day. Whether subsequent advertise ment will be accepted over the phone de pends upon the promptness of payment of telephone advertisement. (Situations want ed and Personal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Order for one insertion only v ill be accepted lor "Furni ture for hale," "Business Opportunities Boor-iina;-lloue and "Wanted to Bent." Telephone Main ?nu. A 60i&. - The Oresonian will not guarantee accur acy or assume responsibility for erroi oc curring in telephone advertisements. Advertisements to receive prompt classi fication must be In The Oresonian of fire be fore 9 o'clock at nifrht, except Saturday. Closing h'tnr for The Sunday Orrgonaa will be 7:30 o'clock Saturday night. The office will be open until 10 o'clock P. M., as usual, iiH all ads received too late for n roper classification will be run under the heading Too lae to I'uuuufy." . CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED lwrNTix; AP; KAisonMMi. WE kalsomine rooms at $2.5" and paint h out-cs at your price. EaM 502, B 61.'!4 PA WN BROK FRS. 26 NORTH 6TH ST. El. BY CO.. separate department for ladies. 30 Lumber Kxchacgc. '-'d and Stark sta. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory anu office n.'ar 24th and York ts. Mam KIBBKR STAMPS. SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WOKKS. -31 Wash. st. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. SHEET M ETAL w6 R K S. TINNING and repairing of all kinds. L. R. Price, 4th and Jeiterson. Main 1104. SHOES SHOE REPAIRING. SHOES HALF SOLED in 10 minutes while you wait. 40c. New York gnoa Repair Co.. 2 ! Alder St. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O PICK Transfer &. Storage Co. Office and commodious 4-story warehouse, separate iron room and fireproof vaults for valuable. N. W. cur. 2d and Pine sts Pianos and furniture nuned and packed for shipment, special rates made on goods in our through cars to ail domestic ana foreign ports. Main filtti, A Ul'-tO. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. New fireproof warehouse with separate rooms. We move and pack household goods and pianos and ship at reduced Aln vam anrf tfttiiis for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Fre trackage. Oriice ana warpiiuiwt, Hoyt sts Main ?47, A 2'J47. IKEGON TRANSFER CO 474 lln cor 13th. Telephone Main or A llt We own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowes Insurance rats in city. flADTSON-sST. DOCK, and WARKHOlKK Office 1R Madison. General merehand llw and forwarding agents, phone Main .bM WOOD. GREEN and dry slabwood block wood. Pi am a Fuel Co. Main 5720. A 3SW. PAINTS AND WALL PAI'KR. W. P. FULLER & CO.. lth and Davln PAINTS. OILS ANU l ... RAHMUSSEN & CO.. Ud and Taylor sts. 777777 TTTi.i.. t-n nvi:il Avn VALVES. , i-vi mv: Avn MTK.AM SUITL1ES. M. L. ivLlAfa, p-i-JO riouL PRINTERS AND I'l 'BUSKERS. F. W. BA1.TES c CO., 1st and Oak PRODUCE uu.iuuaiu. -K lOaDlX'i & FAKRELU HO Front t. KOI'E AND BISUIJU ",:.,,,. Portland Cordage Co., Hlh and Northrop. ..... ......i, .11 ASS. ',.'. ...... .. . W. P. FULLER & CO.. ll'th and Davis MORGAN WALL PA"Elt CO.. -d St. WHOLESALE JEWELERS & OPTICIANS. nt t I ilm.i .i. .- Lighthouse District, recommended that the first bids be rejected as too low. Assistant United States Inspectors Weldon and Meany leave tonight for Celilo. where they will inspect the steamer Empire tomorrow and she will go into service on the upper river Eliminating Portland for one voyage the McComick steamer Willamette is at Seattle, from which port she will sail tomorrow for California, After discharging 60.000 barrels of oil here the tanker Frank H. Buck, of the Associated Oil Company's line, sailed last night on her return to Monterey. Near the forest of Arg-onne. -where the German Crown Prince' is said to have had his headquarters, is the town of Menehould. where poor Louis XVI. and his family were recognized at the posting station while dis guised In an attempt to fly from France. Thev were sent back to Paris, where he was beheaded In January, 17!3, and his Queen on the following October. AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG Broadway, at Taylor Main 1, A 113 TONIGHT 8:15 ftMJKS- Special-Price Mat. Tomorrow Tlio Powerful Drama, TODAY Eve., $2 to 50c; Sat. Mat.. II. ,10 to 25c BAKER E HEATEK Main 2, A 5r0. ;r.k 1.. Buker. Mcr. Home of the Famou Baker flayers. All thi week. Matinee Saturday. A pl you have been nailing for. A play every one wants to ee. ' "TKSS OF THE STORM COUNTRY. Dramatized from t:ie story of drace Mlllsr White, by Rupert Hughes. A thrilling drama of rugged life in a no-man's land. An unusual play of gripping heart Interest. Beautiful scenic effect. Evenings, 25a f0c, 75c: box $1; iat. Mat.. 25c. &ct box 7ic; Next week--'Genesee of the Hills." Main 6, A 1020. Broadway, at Stark. John Ilyams and Leila Mc In tyre Bonita and Lew Heam The tehar rocks Jack Kennedy and Company Kremolina and Oarras Uro. 1'arillo and l-'rabito The Cromwell MATIN FK OA11.Y "MUM'S TIIK WORD." With Harry li. Cleveland and Company of iMusicai com cay ttar 6 OTHFIt BIU-FKATUKU ACTS Boxes aud first row balcony reserved by phone. Main 4ti3, A 2236. Clarice Vance, Sunny Southern Finper; Rlvoll, man of JUil roles; Bennett Sisters, box in S and wrestling. 3 Other Star Acts- 3. Bct bhow hv Tow n. choice seats for first-night show resecd. Prices, afternoon. 10c, loc; nights, 10c, 25c. AUCTION 8AI.E9 TODAY. Ford Auction House. 211 lac Furaltura. carpets, to. al it 2 P. li At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. furniture. 166-n Vint at. MEETING NOTICES. SUNXT.SIDT3 LOTK,K. U. D., A. F, AND -. M. Special commu nication this (Friday), 7:30 P. M., K. 34th and Yamhill sts. K. C. degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. E. M. LANCE, Eec. rORTLAXD AERIE, NO. 4, F. O. E., meets every Fri day evening in their hall at 2t4-4 Madison au, corner of Third. Vifitora welcome. VIC CHAPMAN, Sec JIT. HOOD I-OrxiB, NO. 157. A. F. AND A. M. A lodge social will be held In tho lodperoom this (Friday) evening. Dsnce and cards. All members arc urged to be present, order W. M. KD C. DICK, fcec ALBERT PIKE LODGE. U. V.. A. F. k A. 21. Special communication tonlrht at 7:30 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. K It. IV1B. See ror.TI.ANU l.ODGK. NO. 53, A F AND A. M. tatated com munication 7:30 this tFrld) eenlng. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. C. M. STEADMAN, Sec. ROSE CITY CHAPTER No. S8. O. j s Regular communication this tt'ndavj evening, at S o'clock. So cial. Viiting members welcome. By 0raCI' "fiAaAU B. OCERIN. Mb 5C MfcKTlNf. NOTICIta. ski.lwood !-o " v-. -.y-h. vies all Masons, their lumi.i.. ..... .. - dancing; fine prises. Ml. "''J'- ' , ii.Il i: ih and bookans tn. jv. Mmn nil... . . KXTRA l:mblrm Jerlry or all kind.; sr. , .. . I u.r.r liros . iw.ter. niEOL e'NVDKll In this m. March 1. ;,m . m ,.r. hukUml ot sirs. La urn "A. SU)d.r nnU falher of lrenn and Wallace Hl.yder. The decoajwd s a member of I'ovirt Mount Jloo.1 .No. 1. Korvau-ra of America. 1 ho remains ara at the vonsfrvatory .hapel of F. M nun. num. Inc. Mde Funeral Dlracl;rN Hit Kst Alder irc.t. corn.r of Ka.t Sixth street. Funoral noilco In a later 1S.UT. CAM BKON March 1. at th family re.i . .t.i..,n nn Vancouver i-arllne. Mrs. Mary i-ameron. asd J viuri. beloed lf t Wli:iam .meron. iic-nalns at Pearson's undertaking parlors, Kussell street at V'nlon avenue. HOWARD In this city. March 1. Krwla . Howard, aged .VH years. The remains are at the couaervaiorr chapel of F. H. in in -ning. Inc.. Kat Hide Funeral Dlre..r. 414 East Alder street, corner of r.mst Sixth st. Funeral not1.-o In a later Issue. sCNEBAI. XOTICBa. GKKKN" Entered Into rest. March 17. Han nail J. tJreeu, bcioved daughter of Mrs. H. E. Boose, ot Itsn Placs, and sister of Mrs. Presion Hallard. of Uos Angelos, Cal. The funeral services will be h.ld todar IFrldayl, at I 0 o'clock r. M at lh rosi dnce estsbllshment of J. P. Flnley !". Montgomery at 5th. Friends Invlled. Tha remalus will be forwarded to Rl.lgefleld. Wash. Faturdav, March ID. where latar ment will be mads in the family plot. BOYNTOX In this city. Msrch 17. at tha residence of her son. tioorge L. Boynlon. 417 St. S. K., Abblo ti. aged 77 years, wife of the late John K. Bon ton. The funeral services will be he;d to day (Friday), at 1 o'clock P. M. at tha residence establishment of J. P. Flnley Son. Montgomery at tlh. PYlenris In vited. Services at Ihe grava prlvata. LKSHTFOOT Tha funeral services of late Mary Ann I.lghtfoot. aed 77 years, will be conducted Saturday. March 2ft. at 3 P. M. at mortuary chapel ot A. D. Ken wnrthv Co.. f.Ht4 '-?d si. 6. F... Lent. Friends Invited. Interment Mount tocott Park Cemetery. BKARDS1.EY The funeral services over tha Isle Mrs. Ophelia .1. Beardley will ba held at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. John J. Head. rl E. ISth St. Ih a (Friday) morning at 9 o'clock. Friends In. vlted. Interment I. O. O. V. Cemetery. Salem. FF.SSLF.ri At his tste residence, ltMWt Kar. Yamhill street liavld Feler. sged e' years. Funeral services will be held st the Methodist Cluirch. Klghtlelh and Plne streets. Friday at P. M. Frlen.:i Invlled. SHAWK Tho funeral services of the 1st. Sarnh Shawk will he held toduy iFrlds.l at It) A. M. Ht Mount Scott P:irk Cemetery Crematorium. Services private. VCT i 'i S. aie stsaaaClr" The otilv resulciic unuui imkhh cstaniisn mer.t In Portland aith prlvata rl.away. Main It. A J5H J. p. FINLEY FO.V. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. KDWAItD HOI. MAN. the leading funeral director. 22i Third street, corner Salmon. Lady assistant. A lull. Main 407. V. S. PCN.MMi, INC.. East Side Funeral Ulrectors. 414 East Al der street. Ka.t B ."i'JA. A K. ZiSLI.EK CO., &J WILLIAMS AV B. East JOei, C 1008. Lady aucndanu Pay and night service. DUNNING & M'KNTEE, funeral directors, Broadway and Pine. Phuue Main 4UO, A 4ooa. Lady Htlenuant. .-. i ...... i.- ....... .IH.. L-itnwr.l P.rlr.rH. Alllfl heal-se. 1UM iteimont st. Tabor l-.S, B 111; T. 'i' d v u v vi-llli..,.. .ve. and WnolL East 111.'., c'll'l't. ldy attendant. P. L. LEHCH, East llth and clay atresia I.ady assistant, bus' i. avua-M I'VtlRHTAKINU COMPANY. 4 and Clay. Main 41ii, A SMSI. Lady attendant. FLORISTS. MARTIN & FOIIBES CO., florists. 547 ! Ington. Main A l.'iw. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BHDS., designers and decorators, fresh cut flowers, gieat variety. Motrlpon. between 4th and ."Kh. Main or A 1"3. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP 2d and Alder, liesigns and sprs8. Marshall Rul--'. MAX M. SMITll. Main 7JI0, A Selling building. A. C. F. BITKKHARDT. U0 N. S".d Funsial designs and cut flowera Main la.M. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 7UHA1'D AVKN. ftet neea Davla antl l.verert. PlM.nca aasl 14-' 3, R 5 .Hi. Opea BtT aaa Meat. Koport H cases of trultjr 'o th1 of fice, lethal chamber (or small anlmala. clorso sunbulanca (or sick or diaabiasl animala at a moment'a nolle. Anyoaaj desiring; a pet may comuiunlcata wits LS, NEW TODAY. For Lease, Trade or Sale TO LEASE With option on buyinp, 33 acres, A-l fruit land 3 miles from city limits. 20 acres pasture, bJanca timber, creek, spring, new barn, small shack, 3 or 4 cows, about 30 milk lustomers. Will consider roixland income-bearing property in part or trade. P CG6, Oregnnian. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved tity and (arm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. J-o&na aulcly closed, tali today. 60 LAltGE I.OA. OS COt JO BtSI.VESS PBOPERTIES W A. H. BIRRELL CO. tv-Xia Aortswclrra Bask Uul)i. FOR RENT HOTEL LIND S. E. cor. 3d and Axh SU. Modern steam-heated, threo-story Hotel, containing 6." roorrs. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO, 83 Fourth SL MORTGAGE LOANS 6 ON IMPROVED BIKINESB PROIT.RTIM Residence loans and T per rent, according- to location. Plenty o( money. ROBERTSON & EWTNG 2U7-8 Kartfcweaterm Bsss Blda;. ousiNtss pfrpriTvr(0ctO5CiN Rr.r.iDtNcrs aiRSJTOSBr a naann I-EDWARDE.G0UDEY7 Western Bond ic Mortgage Co. ..... A u . H, . iimtit llatea. MCMUFAl. -! t OliPOKATIOI MO.N08. FARM AM lir 1 AN8. immmm KSTATF. DKAI.FRX. FAI.MKR-JONISS CO, It. V: JU4-405-4O Wilcox l.ldg. Hii' K. tv iiiiam ;.. :;i.v:im l-alllng Mdg. Ht-:vi;l'Tr jun , 0 llitlr.rnc a.-e. aVaUliikXi' iilty.