Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 19, 1915, Image 1

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    1 r-I
VOL. L.V. "0. 16,947.
Importance Only Pe
ginning to Appear.
Accepted Strategy Rejected by
Sir John French.
Will Irwin Describes Turning Point
for Allies In Most Sanguinary
Campaign In History Story
Told for First Time.
From huh official sources Will Irwin
hero gives the first authentic story of
Ypres, the battle that ranks as the second
great engagement of the war, the crisis of
the Kaiser's attack on France. At the nnal
closlns of the road to Paris there came to
pass the most daring and spectacular
Hsmtinj of the war.
I'ntll now only the bare facts of Sir John
French's official report, significant chiefly
for what it ieft unsaid, have been availa
ble. Here la written for the first time the
true story of this struggle in the Belgian
lowlands, where a thin British line held
against vastly superior forces and through
tiie daring of one man, calm in disaster,
olscnrdlng every accepted rule of strategy
for the one chance of victory, saved the day
for the allies.
lX)NDON. March 4. In a Parliamen
s tary debate, held during February, the
opposition expressed a strong hope that
members of the press might have ac
cess to the British lines in order that
the public might know about the
"Battle of Ypres" and the glorious feats!
of British arms thereat performed.
To many, to most of the English,
this was the first news that any part
of the great, con
t'lnuous battle
along the French
border had been di
vided by any one
Into battles or mi
ll o r engagements
They knew, this
British public, that
there had been
great feats of arms
In and about the
old capita at
French Flanders;
they knew that
England had be
come aara wun wj lmln.
mourning for the
men lost In those trying days; they
I knew that, somehow, since November
Germany was a nation besieged by land
and water. a nation fighting a ae
fensive battle: they did not know the
Effect of Battle Momentous.
The confused immensity of this war,
the veil drawn by military censorship.
the novelty of military science brought
about by new servants of death, sucn
as the aeroplane, have so confused the
situation, so muddled the public mind.
that even the military experts at home
have only begun to realise that a great
decisive action, separate from the rest
ef the war In Its character and conse
quences. occurred on the line between
1m Bassee and the sea In October and
November of 1911.
t A decisive action perhaps the really
decisive action of the war. Indeed,
when history runs a thread through
the confusions and obscurities of Ar
mageddon, historians may call it the
most vital battle In the annals of the
island people. Not Crecy nor Blenheim
nor Waterloo seems now more impor
tant. For it closed the last gap In the
combined defensive-offensive operations
of the western allies. It made Impossi
hie short of an utter collapse of the
allied armies any further German
move on Paris, or any move to take
the French In the rear.
Dsor to Calala Sealed.
Most important to England, it sealed
the road to Calais, that vital, most
critical port within eyesight of the
Knsll'h coast. Further, more British
troops were engaged here than in any
urevions hattle of the empire, more
(K-rmans than in the whole Fraaco
Prussian War 120.000 English against
fOfl.PO'j Germans. Yet one thinks of the
English force and rightly, as a little"
army in tht3 war of unprecedented
numbers; it seems, in Its relation to the
whole picture, like one of those bri
gades which won Immortal glory In old
wars by holding a-crucial point on a
battle line.
t'p to that brief breathing spell, when
the British army shifted from its posi
tion on the Aisne to Its new lighting
ground on the western front, it had
been engaged every day for seven
weeks. There had been the attack at
Mons, when its force, equivalent in
numbers to two army corps, found
themselves attacked by four German
corps and outflanked on the left by an
other. There followed four days of a
backward fight which every surviving
Tommy of the British expeditionary
force remembers only as a confused
kind of hell. By night they dropped on
their faces to wake to the sound of
'guns, to the bursting of shells, to more
marching, more action. By day the
massed German lines poured in on them
four deep. Rank after rank the British
mowed them down, until the riflemen
and machine gun men retreated from
very weariness of arm and horror of
more killing.
Soldier Resentful 1st Retreat
There came after four days a little
respite, during which the English, for
strategic reasons, continued their re-
(Coaciudee ea Psse 6.)
Drug Stores Substituted for Saloons
In Rejected Act, Is View, and
Other Laws Held Ample.
SALT LAKE CITY. March 18. Gov
ernor Spry filed with the Secretary of
State this afternoon his veto of the
Wootton state-wide prohibition bill,
which passed the recent Legislature oy
a vote of 40 to 5 in the House and 15
to 2 in the Senate. As the Legislature
has adjourned, the Governor's veto of
the measure is final. -
The veto message cites the local op
tion law of the state as affording pro
hibition to such communities as desire
it, especially with the operation of the
new "dry territory" bill, which the
Governor approved this week.
His concluding objection Is that the
bill abolishes the saloon and makes
the druggist the disposer of alcohol
an wine on the physician's prescrip
ttors, "with generous allowanca of a
maximum of one quart of liquor tinder
each prescription."
New City Barn Provides Modern Con
veniences for Equine Occupants.
Pni-n.nri's new city barn, costing
.kn tjr. nnn was comnleted yesterday
by Parker & Banfleld, contractors, and
Is now ready for acceptance Dy ine uu
Th barn f one of the most modern
In the Northwest. It Is 70 by 210 feet
in size, and two stories In neigni on
nne side and three stories on the other.
It occupies the site of the old barn at
Sixteenth and Jefferson streets on wie
It is of reinforced' concrete. The base-
OTnt la fitted for the housing of the
strent-riflanlnz- and sprinkling appara
tus. An entrance is provided from the
Seventeenth-street stae. inclines run up
to the main floor, which has been fitted
for the care of horses. The horses are
nmvMMl with wash rooms, hospital and
sanitary stalls. The offices and harness
rnnrni will be on the main floor.
TTnctofi-a nrnvlslon has been made for
storing hay and grain and for a shop
for the repair or harness.
9 - "
Clear Cedar Plant Resnmes After
Shutdown Since January 1.
CENTRALIA. Wash., March 18.
(Special.) After having been closed
down since the first of the year, the
Clear Cedar Shingle Company s mill
resumed operations today. The plant is
located at Helsing Junction, near
Rochester, and has a big payroll. The
mill was preparing to start ftp several
days ago, but the washing out of a
dam postponed the resumption.
The Eastern & Western camp near
Kelso, which has also been shut down
since the holidays, will reopen April
1. A small crew Is now engaged In
putting the machinery and track In
The J. N. Morre shingle mill at Kelso
has started up again after a shut
down of a week caused by an over
production. 80,000 HOMES DESTROYED
Russians in Kast Prussia Said to
Have Pillaged Property.
LONDON. March 18. The Star has
received a dispatch from its corre
spondeRt at Copenhagen who says that
statistics furnished by the President of
the Province of East Prussia show
that 80,000 houses have been destroyed
in East Prussia by Russian troops.
Three thousand refugees are said to
have been unable to return to East
Prussia because they have no means
of livelihood. Out of 100,000 houses
only 6000 remain.
A dispatch from Berlin by wireless
last night describedvthese 80,000 houses
as private apartments and said they
had been completely pillaged and their
furniture returned to Russia by train.
Practice at Port Stevens to Continue
Untlfspring Fishing Opens.
ASTORIA. Or., March 18. (Special.)
Mine-laying drills by the troops at
Fort Stevens were commenced today
under the direction of the officers on
board the steamer Major Ringgold. The
drills are being held in the night, a
short distance below the Government
The practice will be continued until
the opening of the fishing season on
May 1 and during the last few days the
work will consist of planting loaded
mines and discharging them. As there
is no mine company at Fort Columbia
now. the drills In that section of the
river probably will be limited.
German Submarine Gives "o .Warn
ing, Says London.
LONDON, March 18. The British
steamer Glenartney, of Glasgow, was
torpedoed today off Beachy Head by a
German submarine, which gave no no
tice of her Intention. In the scram
ble; for boats one of the cfew was
drowned. The others, numbering 40,
several of whom were injured,- were
picked up by a steamer and landed at
New Haven.
The Glenartney. which was of 3309
tons register, was bound from Bang
kok, Mam, for London, loaded Iwth 8000
tons of -rice.
Blockade Note Is Held
Not Satisfactory.
Declaration of Radius of. Ac
tivity to Be Asked For.
Contention That Measures Are Re
taliatory Declared Xot to Affect
Position of United States
Toward Belligerents.
WASHINGTON. March 18. The Unit
ed States Government considers that
Great Britain and France, in the Brit
ish order-in-council and in the accom
panying notes, have not answered the
questions propounded to them as to
what warrant there is under Interna
tional law for the establishment of an
embargo on all commercial Intercourse,
directly and indirectly, between Ger
many and neutral countries. '
It was declared officially at the State
Department that this Government still
does not know whether the action of
the allies is intended as a legal block
ade or whether the ordinary rules of
contraband and non-contraband are to
be the legal basis for future detentions.
On a determination of this question
probably will depend not only the na
ture of any steps which may be taken
by the United States at this time, but
also the basis for the many claims for
damages arising out of interruptions to
American commerce under the new pol
icy of the allies.
Radius of Activity Undefined.
In preparing . the protest to be sent
to Great Britain and France, the po
sition of the United States Government
is substantially as follows.
1. It the action of the allies le a
blockade, all commerce directly with
Germany can be halted by making the
blackade effective, a certain "radius of
activity" being allowed for the block
ading warships off the German coast
because of the newly developed activi
ties of submarines.
But there can be no legal blockade of
the coast of neutral countries of Eu
rope, contiguous to those at war, under
any circumstances, and commerce be
tween the United States and neutrals,
especially in non-contraband, should be
free from interruption. Irrespective of
ultimate destination.
Basis for Detention Denied.
2. If the action is not' to blockade
then there exiBts no legal right to de
tain cotton or other non-contraband
(Concluded on Page 2.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature 58.8
degrees; minimum, 43.8; part cloudy.
TODAY'S Fair, northerly winds.
War. -
Onlv TJptfffan nurse who worked in trenches
Is in United States to make appeal for
her people. Page 2.
French Deputies Increase War loan limit.
Page 5. ,
Will Irwin describes British victory at Ypres
as critical battle of war thus far. Page 1.
Germans building new railways to strengthen
frontier forts. Page 2.
Rockefeller investigators picture desperate
plight of Serbian populace. Page 2.
United States becomes prison camp medium
for Britain. Germany and Austria, Page s.
German Count at Seattle charges ship was
searched la violation of treaty, rage o.
Russians eain at Przasnysz and In Germany.
Page 2. .
United States protests to Villa against million-peso
levy on Monterey. Page 5.
United States considers Its chief questions
as to blockade unanswered Dy aiuoa.
Page 3-
Action to have shoe machine concern de
clared trust dismissed. Page 8.
Domestic. .
Small children for farm work needed by
landlords, saya Texan owning 12,000 acres.
Page 1.
Anne Shannon Monroe discusses psycholog
ical features of exposition. Page 7.
Thirteen Utah University professors resign
following dismissal of others. Page 1.
Utah state-wide prohibition bill is vetoed.
Page 1. 11
b ports.
Beavers defeat Chinese University team, 18
to 4. Page 16.
Two of bouts to be held at Arion hall are
changed. Page 16.
Pacific Northwest.
Governor Lister vetoes easy divorce bill and
signa 19 others. Page 0.
Cascade forest to have fire-fighting system
copied after those in cities. Page 6.
Commercial and Marine.
Light dredge Portland fo work in main har
bor. Page 18.
Hide markets weakened by cessation of for
eign leather trade. Page 21.
Heavy purchases of flour by Italians In East
ern states. Page 21.
Stock trade broader, with prices Irregular.
Page 21.
Portland and Vicinity.
E. E. Coovert declares state la pledged to
build Mitchell Point road. Page 7.
Spiriting away is charged by witness In ar
son trial. Page 18.
"Insurgent" Methodists lose suit and are held
for costs. Page 17.
Consolidation of commercial departments of
schools opposed. Page 21.
Portland's busiest men aiding consolidation
of commercial bodtea. Page 18.
Pedestrians to heed police whistles today.
Page 15.
J. B. Yeon tells of small burden to tax
payers and great benefits from proposed
road bond issue. Page 13.
Mr. Daly opponent of jitney bill in present
form. Page 15.
One hurt and eight escape Injury in Jitney
crash. Page S.
Official to, See Departure of Sister
Ship to Great Northern.
. L. C. Gilman, president of the North
Bank Railroad anS the Great North
ern Pacific Steamship Company, left
last night for St. Paul to confer with
officials-of the Great Northern and the
Northern Pacific railroads.
Mr. Gilman will go to Philadelphia
to witness the departure of the steamer
Northern Pacific, which is scheduled to
sail from that port for San Francisco
next Thursday. Like her sister ship.
the Great Northern, the Northern Pa-',
clfic will bring a full list of passengers
through the Panama Canal for Pacific
Coast ports. She will go Into regular
service between San Francisco and
Flavel some time in April.
Cotton Field Hands Are
Hard to Find.
Texas System Explained to In
dustrial Commission.
Labor Is Begun In Fields at Age of
Eight Years, Owner of 12,000
Acre Tract Says Crop Mort
gage Declared "Bondage."
DALLAS, Tex., March 18. J. Tom
Pagitt, owner of 12,000 acres of Texas
land, described some tenant problems
on his estate from the land owner's
point of view before the Federal com
mittee on industrial relations at
its American land question hearing to
day. The Pagitt place In Coleman
County, he said, has 22 tenant fami
lies on about 2000 acres, the remain
der being leased to cattlemen.
He said his agent prefers to get ten
ants with large families of children,
because the country is so sparsely set
tled that the women and children form
almost the only available source of
extra labor supply In cotton picking
season. . The women among his ten
ants, he said, usually chop, hoe and
help with picking cotton. Children be
gin work in the fields at about S years
of age.
Blffsrest Borne Coats) S4O0.
A tenant, he said, would have diffi
culty hiring farm hands because he
could not, as a rule, pay their wages
until after the crop was sold.
Describing conditions, Mr. Pagitt
said the cheapest tenant house on his
place has two rooms and cost $225,
while the largest has four rooms, cost
ing 3400. None are screened, he said.
"Would you object to a tenant who
believed in certain principles of gov
ernment or reform, advocating them
while living on your place?" asked Mr.
"No," replied Mr. Pagitt, "but I would
not like a tenant who stirred up trou
ble by talking at the store and trying
to make other men dislike his land
"What hours should a tenant spend at
work?" asked Commissioner Walsh.
Landlords Are Defended.
"Well." replied Mr. Pagitt, "in crop
season .some of them go to work at 4
in the morning, some at 6, and they
generally work until dark."
Two witnesses today testified they
believed landlords are not responsible
(Concluded on Page 2.)
' I
Thursdays War Moves
THE next important battle on the
western front, it Is believed, will
take place along the River Tser, held
on one side by the recently reorganised
Belgian army and on the other by the
As the floods have subsided, the Bel
gians, supported by the warships of
the allies, already have pushed their
line forward slightly, and this is al
most certain to lead to counter-attacks
by the Germans and a general engage
ment, as' has been the case when sim
ilar movements were Initiated else
where along the front. An artillery
duel, in the way of preparation, has
There .may be a slight delay while
the Oermans are awaiting reinforce
ments from Germany, for they have
been using most of their reserves to
counter-attack the British troops at St.
Elol and Neuve Chapel e and the French
north of Arras, but that a big clash
soon will come nobody doubts.
The contest for the spur of Notre
Dame de Lorette is still In progress,
and, according to Berlin, further at
tempts of the French to advance in
Champagne, where they captured an
important ridge north of Le Mensil,
have been repulsed. The fighting in
the Argonne Forest and the Vosges has
slackened somewhat, owing doubtless
to the return of wintry weather con
ditions. Heavy fighting is going on In Rus
sian Poland and Eastern Galicla. The
Russians' official dispatches report the
capture of several villages snd heights
to the northeast of Przasnysz. In ter
ritory where some of the fiercest fight
ing of the war has occurred. Also, near
the border town of Tauroggen and in
East Prussia close to Meinel battles
are being fought, which Indicate the
intention of the Russians of again
forcing their way, if possible, into the
country of the Germans.
Although the opposing forces in the
Carpathians and Kast Gallcia are
struggling to their utmost in the deep
snow and under the most trying con
ditions, no change worthy of note has
taken place in the situation.
There is a temporary lull In the bom
bardment of the Dardanelles and
Smyrna, according to an Athens dis
patch, which gives no reason for this,
but it is thought to be due to unfavor
able weather conditions. The Turks
are taking advantage of this to repair,
as far as possible, the damage done
to the forts and batteries, and tbey
express confidence, which Is shared by
the German Field Marshal, Baron von
der Goltz, that the straits are impen
etrable. The belief is held in London, how
ever, that as soon as the ships receive
fresh supplies of ammunition they will
resume the attack with even greater
The conference between the govern
ment and labor leaders to arrange for
the acceleration on the output of war
munitions was continued in London
yesterday and adjourned until today to
complete the agreement which has
been reached. The labor men are de
sirous of making certain that the ar
rangements entered into now will not
prejudicially affect the workers after
the war is concluded.
Austria is reported to be continuing
work on the fortifications all along
the Italian frontier, and the garrisons
have been reinforced by artillery and
Another British steamer, the Glen
artney, from Bangkok for London
loaded with rice, has been torpedoed by
a German submarine off Beachey Head
in the English Channel. Only one of
the crew was drowned.
The entire Sudan, including Khartum
and also parts of Nubia, are held by
the Dervishes, according to the story
told by a German merchant who has
returned to Berlin from Egypt. A
British general, Hawley, and 2000 of his
men are said to have been killed near
Fashoda in December, while earlier in
November Senussi tribesmen are re
ported to have killed 200 Australians
near the Pyramids. Railroad and tele
graph lines were destroyed, the
merchant says. Available records do
not show a British general named
Hawley In the service.
The German Reichstag haa adopted.
without debate, the war estimates and
also passed the foreign estimates.
The French chamber of deputies has
unanlmpusly passed a bill authorizing
the Government to ralse'the limit for
the Issue of Treasury bonds for defense
from I700.ODO.000 to $900,800,000.
Figures Are Applied to Chicago
Where Policewomen Investigated.
CHICAGO, March 18. One woman In
every 20 in mis city is a cigarette
smoker, according to an estimate today
after an investigation by Alice Clement
and Mary Riley, policewomen. In the
Jewish, Polish and Italian districts the
percentage of smokers' was smaller.
they said, only 2 per cent of the women
using tobacco.
"We covered all parts of the city,"
said Miss Clement. "Few working girls
or girls of the middle classes smoke.
The habit does not seem to be growing."
Eugene Business Men Discard Win
ter Headwear to Advertise Play.
EUGENE, Or., March 18. (Special.)
The straw hat season In Eugene was
ruBhed by a month or so today when
40 Eugene Radiators discarded Winter
felts and bloomed out In straws at a
parade behind a brass band.
The occasion for the parade, held at
noon, was the Radiator play, "Brown
at Harvard," at the Eugene Theater
tonight, produced by ,local characters,
with real college studcuts, borrowed
from the university, for the leading
Action of Regents in
Utah Protested.
Four Discharged, One Demot
ed, Are Non-Mormons.
Orrieial Statement Pcnlc Krligtnus
Questions Arc Involved One of
Men Who Resigned In Fa-
mous Archaeologist. .(
Fourteen State University professors
resigned today as a result of the at
titude expressed by the board of re
gents In a public statement reaardlns
the recent dismissal of four professor
and the demotion of the head of the
English department.
Several of the men named have been
with the university many years and
are all well-known educators. Their
action Is a direct result of the attitude
of the regents In upholding President
Kingsbury's dismissal of the professors
and demotion of the head of the Kng
llsh department and In declining t
make an investigation of the farts In
connection with the president's action.
Bertarlaa Motives Healed.
Feeling in the state has been atron?
since the announcement of the dismis
sals was made a few weeks ago. The
fact that all the live men affected are
non-Mormons led to a discussion as to
whether religious or political consider
ations entered Into the situation. It
was denied by some of the rogrnts at
the time that any such reaaona war
Involved and thla denial was repeated
in detail In a long statement made
public by the regents today.
The statement was authorized at a
meeting of IS of the 14 regents, four
of whom voted against the adoption of
the statement, which had been pre
pared In advance of the meeting.
Itrsrata Postal I'realdrat.
The statement of the reaenls strong
ly commends President Kingsbury and
sets out that two of the dismissed pro
fessors had crltlrlaed the admlnlat ra
tion of the university and had spoken
disparagingly of the chairman of tlm
Board of Regents, and that the
sitions of two others had been abol
ished. It also was intimated that Proleeaor
;. M. Marshall, head of the Kngliali
department for 23 years, was demoted
on account of Impairment of hla ef
ficiency and vigor. 11a was appointed
honorary professor of Kngllsh, and t.
J. r. Widsoe, an Instructor of the Lat
ter Day Saints University at fait l.ak
City, wne appointed to succeed him as
the head of that department
laveatticatlon la Itefaaed,
Referring to the action of the alumni
recently, when a committee headed hy
ex-United States Senator Rawlins was
appointed to request a public Investiga
tion of the dismissals, the statement of
the regents pronounced trm resolution
of the alumni unfair and declared that
no public or other Investigation will
be made.
The dismissed professors declined to
appear before the regents until as
sured that evidence would bo received
as to the justice of the accusations
made against them.
Almost all of those who tendered
their resignations today Indict ta dis
satisfaction with the present polltlca
of the university. Their letters con
tain such expressions as "a policy that
is a menace to academic freedom," "a
policy of repression," "believe personal
and academic freedom and a forward
looking policy is a richer endowment
than larger appropriations and the good
will of outside Interests, whether rcliul.
ous, political or financial," "cannot
maintain allegiance to an Institution
which permits indefensible Injustice
to Individuals," "a policy out of har
mony with the rights and dignity of
the profession" and "If present polity
is continued progressive men aro either
going or will go out ot the Institution
and no real educator will come In."
Nebraakaa la Apenlatrd.
The four men dismissed rceehtly are
A. A. Knowlton. professor of physics:
George Wise, professor of modern
languages: Phil C. Blng, Instructor In
English, and Charles W. Hiio-, In
structor in Enallsh. The regents an
nounced that Joseph K. A. Alexis, of
the University of Nebraska, had been
appointed to succeed Wise.
The best known of the men who
resigned today Is Professor Byron Cum.
inlngs, dean of arts and sciences. Hi
has been with the university more ttari
21 yeara. The university athletic fleM
bears his name and he has attained
wide scientific recognition through Inn
archaeological researches among the
ruins of the ancient cliff dwellers In
Utat and Arizona and hls other ex
plorations as head of the slate srehne.
oloRleal commission.
The others ho resinned are:
William O. Koylance, professor f
history; Charles Taylor Vorhles.
zoology and botany; Joseph Pruron,
psvrhologv; Ralph 1. Byrnes, bacte
riology; Henry A. Mattill. rhemlatr..;
rnnk K. llolman. dean of law; 1;. ;.
Hharp. rteurolouy and histology; ll;;r
old M. Stephens, lecturer l.i law;
George A. Hedger, reslstrsr ami tn
struetur In EiikIIsIi; iifayetto l.eiif
Butler, professor ot -EiijiHan: I-". i
Flood, instructor In KnKilsh: itobert i.
Lewis., mining -tnd milium' W. C
iiosuaii, cbctuistry. ,