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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1915)
TTTE MORNING OHEGOXIATT, THURSDAT, MABCH 18. 1915. PORTLAND, OREGON. Knt-red at Portland. Oregoa, Postoffic a second-class matttr. Eubscriptioa Rale JnvarlaWy in advgne. (By Mail.) ra!lv. Included, on year. f S Eallj', Sunday inoiiKled, six inontn..., Sily, Sunday included, three montn. . Z.jjl Ijally. Sunday included, one month .o Daily, allhout Sunday, one year.. Xaily without Sunday, six montna.... Xi&ily; without Sunday, three montna.. .I Daily, without Sunday, one month , .ow keenly, one r .- - Kttnrinv nnii vear Si-Art Sunday and Weekly, one yenr By Carrier.) Xally. Sunday Included, one ysar Daily. Sunday included, one month., .T How to Remit Send Postoffic money or der, express order or personal check OB your local bank. 6 tamos, coin or eurrency are a.t sender's risk, liive postutflce address In full. Including county and state. Pootarn Rat 1? o 1 pages, 1 t: 1 to S2 pifes. 2 cents; 84 to 48 pages, 8 cents; to to no panes. 4 cenla: 02 to 7 pages, a cents: 7 to i page. cents. Foreign posl are, double rates. Eastern Besfesea Office Veree Conk Hn. New York, Brunswick building; Chicago. Stenger huildins. Mi Fmoelseo Office R. J. Bidwell Corn fan y. 743 Market sireet. rRTI.ANt TBXBiiUAY, MAR.. 1. 81- XEE bjubtobic. Secretary Bryan notifies. General Carranza and General Obregon that the United States will hold them "per sonally responsible for the murder or Injury of aqy American citizen and for their future conduct." Tgeft la fight ing language. It ought no"t to be used unless its author means what he, says. But he doesn't. It will have no effect whatever upon the person or persons to whom it is addressed, for they know It is merely words, and nothing more. Whon Americans are killed, we .suggest to other Americans to leave JMexico. What are they doing there. . anyway? When an appeal Is made to the -Preulrionr tr rnmnfl order in Mexico, Jie calmly says that Mexico has as- much right as Europe to -.spin as much blood as she pleases in settling her own affairs." When protest is made that we have meddlesomely intervened the Presi dent solemnly denies It, and sends warships to Vera Cruz "to serve mankind." When an Englishman is killed, we re frightened into a semblance of ac tion, and notify Villa and his fellow murderers that they must give an ac counting: which they have never done. The President talks nobly about the "liberty" and "democracy" of the "eighty per cent" in Mexico; but ac tion, not maxims, Is wanted, and Is r.ot forthcoming. We have never had a defined Mexi can policy, under President Wilson, or a foreign policy of any kind except of driftinfj and negation-. Your rhetor ician is never a statesman. a -a rCTTlNti THB PRESS UNDER Pl'RESS. inhere is good cause for the protest of" Mr. Miller, editor of the New York Tillies, against the increasing "ten dJhl:y of Government Investigations to plaee the newspapers of the country ii&ier a sort of duress." He spoke the trfcth when he said that the tendency of such inquiries would be "to reduce thj; press of the United States to the r-jtulition of the press of some of the ciiltuls of Central Europe, where it is liijrhvn as the reptile press." It has come to the pass in this coun trC particularly under Presidents of dijjnineering character such as Colonel Ksevelt and Mr. Wilson, that a mjjvspaper cannot make legitimate criticism of the Administration without-being- accused of ignoble, corrupt motives: without being accused of ownership by, subservience to, or brib er? . by, selfish interests. Whenever string opposition to some Administra tif measure develops.' the Adminis tration's most devoted adherents chjkj-ge that the newspapers voicing the opposition are actuated by some uljtirior mtive. and they procure the ifuointment of a "smelling commit tee' to discover the supposed power bnnd the editor. These inquiries rarely discover anything but a cloud ofl jrague suspicion, without a scin tilla of fact to substantiate it. Cases where such suspicion has snisen contain ample scope for honest difference of opinion and for honest criticism of administrative policy. President Roosevelt prosecuted the Xtw York World and Indianapolis X-ws for their attacks on his Panama Canal deal, although those attacks served a useful purpose in elucidating tire facts and although there was room for honest difference of opinion. The circumstances of the Panama revolu tion were such that there was opportu nity for two perfectly honest but oppo site views. Discussion threw- light on th facts which could have developed injno other way. So also with the ship purchase bill. That measure proposed a iradical innovation in Governmental policy on jisiAbject which was upper most in tliciuiWic mind. JLhad been proposed that the Gov ernment pay ship subsidies, but never that tire Government should buy. build rid operate ships. Among a people who are in the habit of reading, writ ing; and talking freely about public affairs, it was most natural that a conflict of opinion should arise and should be voiced in the newspapers. Then what cause should there be for suspicion among supporters of the bill that its opponents among the news papers were corruptly induced to con demn so startling an innovation? The atiempt on mere suspicion to prove sufh to be the fact springs from an intolerance alike in character to that of'-the Spanish Inquisition and the Russian autocracy. It Is a direct blow nt'that freedom of discussion by which the American people decide their public problems. Any newspaper which sells its in fluence to any sordid interest commits suicide. It has been done in this country, but the guilty newspaper Krfadually shivered into bankruptcy. The material property of a newspaper machinery, paper, ink. furniture represents a small fraction of its value. The bulk of that value is good will, the Investment in which is the heavy losses ordinarily suffered while the paper is being established. Good will consists of publie confidence that the" news will be fully and truthfully published and that comment upon it will be fair and intelligent. No sooner does it become known that some self ish interest influences the news and editorial policy than subscribers and advertisers drop off and in time the newspaper is reduced to the bare bones of a second-hand plant. A necessary quality in a public of ficial is ability to stand his ground unmoved by criticism. He who loses his" temper, attributes base motives to his critics and Invokes the law to dis credit and silence them, lacks the rierve 'to stand fire. The present Ad ministration has shown a remarkable lack of that quality. Taking office with profuse promises to do business In the open, it has been strangely se cretive. Having gained office by un restrained criticism of the opposite party, it is no sooner subjected to any critieism. than it fills th air with charges of moral depravity and starts an investigation. It poses as the de pository of all the virtues and it holds the mere fact of criticism to be prima facie evidence of inherent vtciousness. The attacks of officials and politi cians on the newspapers in general have been given some color of excuse by the charges which, some newspa pers have made that the Associated press is trust operated in sympathy with other trusts. That charge, as made by the New York Sun, is dis posed or most effectually by Attorney General Gregory, who finds after searching inquiry that the Associated Press la not a trust, but a co-operative association for gathering and distrib uting news. Newspapers are not in a trust, for to organize one would impair the good will of every member, and that is their most valuable asset.' Newspapers do not "sell out" to shipowners, ship builders, trusts, railroads or financial magnates, for by doing so they -would destroy themselves. WHAT IS BEST ROUTE? State Highway Commissioner Bowl by's letter to the Seattle Automobile Club about roads in Oregon was a Bin gularly strange and tactless document. For the general benefit, it is here re produced:. Replying -to your letter of March 3, rela tive to the Pacitic Highway in Oregon, I will state that the route tnrougn tne Wil lamette Valley via Grant Pass to Medford: win not be In goad condition any time this year. Jt will net oe pasaauio ine first of June. The beat route through Oregon is aa fol lows: From Portland, ship the car to The Dalles, thence to Wasco and south through Central Oregon, through Prlneville to Cra ter Lake and en to Medlora, or airectiy south to Lakevtew. thence down the Pitt River to Redding, where you will strike the Pacitic Highway again. Leaving Seattle, if you do not care to go to Portland, you can cross Snoqualraie Pass and go thence to Mabton; thence over to Brickleton and Goldendale, aerosa the ferry at Maryhill, up to the alata road at- Wasco; thence south aa before, Thi road la open today and at all times of the year, except perhaps Snoqualmia Pasa. What does Major Bowlby mean by saying, for example, that the route through the Willamette Valley, via Grants Pass to Medford, will not be passable after the first of June? There are "excellent roads in the Willamette Valley, and they are passable, or most of them are, at any time of the year. The Oregonian would advise all prospective travelers by automobile to the San Francisco exposition that there is no "best, route" through Ore gon. But there are several excellent routes, with stretches of good road, fair road and poor road. The sagacious automobilist who wants to see a wide variety of country will ake one route from Portland to San Francisco and the other for his return. He will go, for example, by way of the Willamette Valley, Grants Pass and Medford, and return by way of Klamath' Falls, Bend and The Dalles, with a side trip to Crater Lake. The Columbia highway will doubtless be open for Summer travel, and the automobilist who declines the opportunity to - go over it from The Dalles or Hood River to Portland will miss a glorious part of a magnificent trip. THE FETISH OF FORM. There is talk in Indianapolis of a change in that city's farm of munici pal government, and the Indianapolis Star approves a preliminary munici pal survey in the following words: Distrust with the present form of gov ernment is widespread. But it would not da to fasten dogmatically upon one or 'another of the newer forms because they happen to be the academic fashion. Rather let the city proceed to nnalyze its governmental functions in an orderly way, and then bring the creative genius of Indianapolis minds to the task of framing a law oompletely suited to the city. It may t a combination of city manager and commission, or it may be something different from either. We doubt that there is particular advantage in a survey preliminary to a change in form of government. A survey merely confirms previous con victions. An expert in municipal re search can always find something wrong. Otherwise he would not be in the business. Fancy paying out several thousand dollars to be told that the conduct of city affairs is of a high standard. The issuance of warrants to pay an expert who brought in such a report would be promptly enjoined by the indignant taxpayers. Reform in municipal government can be attained under the council manic form of government as well as under the managerial or commis sion form or a combination of both the latter. There is one simple re auirement elect good men to office. The advantage in discarding the old form for something more fashionable exists chiefly in the fact that the movement in itself arouses the pub lic to a sense of abuses in city govern, ment. It is not the new form that insures the good results. The better character of officials produced by the upheaval does the work. If Portland's experience is a crite rion, a municipal'survey supplies a city with a number of bewildering dia grams, a mass of information already possessed and theories of administra tion that don't work out Honest offi cials, equipped with common sense, get along Just as well without the advice of book-fed political economists. SHERMAN 1" THE CAROllNAS. set out northward through the heart of South Carolina and the anxious Knrth heard no more of his move ments for a time, though his plans were not entirely dam to some or ir.e newspapers. He designed to make rinirlshorn- T. C. his next objective point, and the New York Tribune, learning of his plans, exposed tnem in an editorial article. When Sherman raarherl th little town of Cheraw he found a copy of this paper in Hardee's deserted quarters ana interred mat the Confederate commander had availed himself of the Tribune's information. This led Sherman to concentrate his forces and move more expeditious ly to his goal than he otherwise would have done. Incidents or this Kina, oc curing time and again in modern war far, hum finallv caused the govern ments of the world to establish a close censorship on military news ano 10 innlr with something less than warm favor on war correspondents. Sher-S man stayed a week at tjneraw resuiis his men and for all that time nis whereabouts were unknown in the North. It was only after he had reached Fayetteville that his communications ,-t-d r.iitjLrliKrier1. Thin dace is only eighty miles from Wilmington on an arm of the sea where there was a r ea- eral force under General Terry, who forthwith sent a tugboat un the Cape Fear River to Sherman with mail and dispatches. He naturally loaded the return trip with mail from his army, vr. -to i-mA at Favettevilla only long enough to destroy the Confederate arsenal and then set out for Goldsboro, where he-had ordered Terry and Scho field to Join him. During the march through North Carolina Sherman's troops conducted themselves much, more moderately than they bad In South Carolina, which they regarded as the hotbed o( "secessionism" and thought proper to punish. Their pathway was accord ingly marked with arson and plunder, but in North Carolina nothing was de stroyed except military property. Be fore the war South Carolina was per haps the most prosperous of the slave states. Its . society was wealthy and highly cultivated. Since the war it has probably been the most backward and reactionary of all the Confederate sis terhood. No doubt it has not yet fully recovered from the devastations of Sherman's men. THE ART OF CASTUfa A WAT. A writer in an Eastern magazine discourses wisely upon "Journeys of eradication" as he ingeniously calls them. Such a journey is performed by a thrifty housewife when she marches through her domain armed with hatchet and waste basket and weeds out the things she knows she will never use. Every dwelling abounds with such articles. Some of them are heirlooms from revered ancestors. They began their careers in the best parlor, were thence translated to the stairway, gradually proceeded to the back bedroom on the second floor and ended ingloriously in the garret, where they have reposed for a dozen years, good for nothing, always in the vay and clamoring loudly to be burned up. Misplaced respect for their antiquity has preserved them far too long. They should be eradicated without reprieve. - In every living-room there are doz ens of objects which are neither use ful nor beautiful. They are tolerated because dear uncle gave them to Johnny before he left on his last fatal voyage, or because Angeline, now in heaven, liked to look at them, or be cause they have always stood where they stand now. The fact that a hide ous object has been tolerated for twenty years is the best reason in the world for throwing it into the fire this morning. All through the house there is work for the "eradicator." Rubbish should be haled forth ruthlessly from all its lurking places and subjected to pitiless scrutiny. If it is worthless then it should go to the flames or to the neighbors. It is often more conven ient to cast useless articles over the boundary fence 'than to burn them, though some question the morality of such disposals. The art of cr-sting away the useless is insufficiently understood or prac ticed. There are office desks vpiled mountain high with rubbish which should be swept into the waste bas ket. It is kept on and on in the faint expectation that "some day it will be needed." That day never comes. If it did come the needed article could not be found in the heap. He lives happiest who can slough off the worth less past completely and begin Ufa anew every morning. BRATXS AXI STATURE. Quarrymen in Western Pennsylvania have lately dug up a pair of human skeletons which some believe to be prehistoric. One of the skeletons is of giant size, which may indicate that it belonged to the body of a man. The other one, much smaller, may, with the help of some imagination, be supposed to have belonged to his wife. It pleases the poetic fancy to picture the prehistoric man as huge in his proportions, while his spouse was little, meek and clinging, but there is not an atom of evidence that such was the fact It is quite as likely that the lit tle skeleton belonged to the giant's son or nephew. Tradition represents our primitive ancestors as giants. Even the Scrip tures lend some support to such a theory. If it is true, we are obliged to infer that as the human race has de creased in stature it has gained in mental power. Prehistoric man may have been of great physical prowess, but he had not much intelligence. Brain power was evolved far more slowly than muscle power in our fore fathers. According to some theorists, our muscular strength and bodily stature are likely to go on diminishing for ages to come, while our intelligence expands. They think they find evi dence for their belief in the curiou5 fact that short men are quicker-wi- ted and more energetic than tall ones. The big, flabby simpleton who has hardly energy enough to drag his huge carcass from one leaning-post to an other is familiar to all observers. Rarely do we see a short man thus lackadaisical and indolent." On the contrary, men of small stature usually overflow with energy. They are pug nacious, daring and active. . No General of the first rank nas been of more than middle size. Fred erick the Great was inordinately fond of tall soldiers, but he himself was of middle height Napoleon was short. Grant was not very tall. Not only does moderate size speak well for a man's energy and ability, but it often happens that the rule goes farther. It seems as if physical debility were the normal accompaniment of mental power. To prove some such theory we might cite Spinoza, Herbert Spen cer, Newton, Pope, William III., Cow- per, Darwin and a host like tnem. as the brain waxes the body wanes. Per haps some day we shall be all brain with nothing but a shell of bone to enclose and protect it ITALY'S RELATION TO THE WAR. Th. mnoi in t .rtt1 n or nhase of the ,-arar at nrpsniit is not the alternative swaying to and fro of the battle lines i the east and west nor the torpedo-iir- of British and neutral ships by German submarines, nor the naval British blockade, nor even the attack on the Dardanelles: it is the part Italy is to play in the war. While other nations have been fighting, Italy has been arming and negotiating. She is now fully armed, ana ner aipiomau have learned how much she can gain without fighting and how she can gain e most by ngnung. Rv diplomacy alone Italy can surely gain only part of Trent. Germany promises to secure Trieste and other territorial concessions from Austria, with a" free hand in Southern Albania, but Germany's ability to keep this promise is contingent on her final suc K in the war. If Italv stayed out of the war and the allies won, Austria would be partitioned and the German provinces of Austria would be joined to the German empire. Trieste would go with them and Italy would have for a neighbor a powerful empire embittered by her desertion in the time of trial. France, on her other border, vould be no more cordial in such a contingency. Should Italy Join the allies, the scales would be turned so strongly against Germany and her allies that the latter might sue for peace with out great loss of prestige. Germany might then accept the principle of nationality as the guide in defining boundaries, which has been put for ward by Great Britain. That would Involve the partition of Austria, the independence of Hungary, the restora tion of Poland and the annexation of the Teutonic provinces to Germany. In that way JSermany. would come out of the war with more territory than she went Jn with, even if she lost Alsace-Lorraine, East Prussia, Fosen and Schleswig-Holsteln. Britain, France and Russia might feel eo confident of Germany's com plete overthrow, especially if Italy and the Balkan states Joined them, that they would not consider such terms as . Germany was willing to accept upon Italy's entrance into the war. But Italy's quarrel Is with Austria, not with Germany, and, having got what she--wants from Austria, she might refuse to fight Germany. Italy might even force a settlement by threatening to make common cause with Germany. Against this possible course are to be set the great gains to be made by Italy if she were to throw in her lot with the Anglo-French-Russian alli ance and stay with it to the end Those nations can, if victorious, give her practically the entire east coast of the Adriatic 6ea, making that sea an Italian lake, as well as Trent and Trieste. They can give her perma- nently the Aegean Islands she now holds and can add a share in tne division of Turkey. A consideration of the several al ternative courses open to Italy and of the opposing bids made for her aid will explain her long delay in declaring herself and the extraordinary efforts of her statesmen to hold in check the popular sentiment which would have thrown the kingdom headlong into the war. Mrs. Zenas F. Moody lived a long life of good works. She was for more than a half century the wife of one of Oregon's prominent citizens and she was the mother of active and worthy sons. Not many women had her capacity or zeal in generous deeds for the helpless or the poor, and no family ever had a better wife or mother. " For many years she lived with her husband at The Dalles, where she is fondly remembered, and for more than thirty later years Mr. and Mrs. Moody were residents of Salem. They moved to that city, when Mr, Moody became Governor. No one who has been a beneficiary of the gracious hospitality and kind thoughtfulness of the Moodys at Salem can ever forget it .or fall to be grateful for it. Mrs. Moody lived to see honors bestowed upon her sons as well as her husband; but they were In no way more worthy or sincere or heartfelt than the respect and admiration in which all who knew her held her. She lived a full life and was prepared to' go. Both Seattle and Spokane are in fnrminir travelers to the San Francisco exposition of their wonders and at tractions. Both are using the adver- tisins- columns of Eastern magazines. But we have failed to observe any word therein about Portland. The tourist who visits San Francisco and also Spokane or Seattle cannot avoid nasslnt? throueh Portland. But snail we be content with a mere strategic nnsition that may bring us little more than the privilege of watching laden passenger trains go byr Tr ; nnt nn'itK clear how the admin istration of justice can be assisted by an army of Greeks and Italians in the courtroom. The law provides a remedy for ail its own blunders and stupidities if one has the perseverance to pursue it. If anybody should ever h "railroaded" to the insane asylum on false "testimony the writ of habeas corpus would be avauame to give the victim freedom and a fair trial unless all the Judges in the state were corrupt. Th RnvBtnor of Illinois proposed to make the canal from Chicago to the Mississippi pay for its own comple tion. It can be made, he says, to reclaim ereat areas of cultivable land which can be sold at good figures. The state has tnereiore oniy w step in and buy the land before prices are enhanced by the improvement in or der to reap a heavy profit an.d thus finance the canal. TWrnir'ta nvnerimentinff with mu nicipally-owned street railroads. It has offered the company operating thor-A 124.900.000. for its ris-hts. The company asks J5, 000, 000 more. With tho atnrmv outlook for city transpor tation companies it is likely enough that a compromise will be reached. The experiment, should It be tried, will solve many a disputed problem, s Tf nil accounts are true the "actors" in th mnviner-nicture drama are lucky if they preserve their lives aa the plays proceed. The Saturday Evening post nas puonsnea aiuimu m their hair-breadth escapes that seemed tMiMa on ,t nnA. of thA aviators for the movit has Just lost his life at Los Angeles. This is carrying dramatic realism rather far. Thno Ttritish vessels that fly the Stars and Stripes will not long fool h. man hehinrl the Deriscope. but may lead to unintentional disaster to a ship -that has the right to ny om Glory. ' a jinfHR-tn v advocate having dis covered that single tax would end war, it is now up to some doctor to announce a serum that will accom plish the same end. ' The Jacs are squeezing China -too hard to suit Great Britain and Rus sia, which portends that friction may continue when the present war is ove. Th uimrnth Indians must be read ing automobile literature. They are asking for a million dollars to help in agricultural pursuits Tn HntA l pr fnr the hard-surfac- ing bond election and all now needed is to count the vote and begin work. If St Patrick had come to Port land, yesterday he would have felt wonderfully at home. Bob Fitzsimmons is taking the count He has a license for No. 4. All a man needs to be convinced is to be hit by a jitney. Wait until the Jitneys begin racing to the ball grounds. The Bowlby letter must be a fake. April showers ahead of schedule. Stars and Starmakers BV I.EONE CASS BACK. So much newspaper space is given the little new twilight babies that they might appropriately be designated spotlight babies. e a Dorothy Shoeraaker, of the Baker Players, pauses td opine that Solomon seems to be the only man who ever kept his matrimonial messes out of the news papers until after his death. mm Read where an actress committed sui cide because her husband deserted ber. Some women never know their luck. Joe Knowles, the back-to-nature man, sometimes of the Oregon plney woods but more lately of vaudeville has a partner in his act now. It's a bear! Its contribution to the drayma is a wrestling exhibition. It wrestles with Joe, Cyril Scott is playingt the principal role In fBeven Keys to Baldpate," a comedy on Its way to Portland. we Billle Burke" Zlegfeld Is beaded for the Pacific Coast and will soon be seen at the Heilig-. John Drew is coming also in a revival ef "Rosemary." I can't help thinking of the stunning effect if the return of big bustles fol lows the threatened adoption of knickerbockers by women. a Edgar Selwyn, accompanied by his wife, Margaret Mayo, and Irving Cobb, the war correspondent and lecturer, ac companied by his wife and kiddles, are on their way from New York for Cali fornia. While in California, Edgar Selwyn will appear in the Lasky photo play production of "The Arab," in which he will play the title role. Their trip out here will take them through the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, where they will meet Mr. and Mrs. James Forbes. They plan to traverse the "painted desert" in Utah. The lat ter part of the trip will be attempted in an automobile, and It is said that this will be the flrst time this attempt has been made. a e Afror rni1ina- m. lint of the contents in a pocketbook advertised as lost by a woman shopper, I am Inclined more than ever to believe that it was Mrs. Shakespeare who wrote: "Who steals my purse steals trash." e a Edna Archer Crawford is going Into vaudeville with a sketch. Edna iirad to be a Baker player, a Xo woman minds how disreputable or uninteresting a man's past may be, provided his present is presentable. a a Hallett Thompson has arrived in Portland, coming directly out from New York to take the place ef Arthur Byroa in "Today," Mr. and Mrs. Byron leav ing for New York. Mr. Byron is to be gin rehearsals Immediately under David Belasco in a new comedy by Wlnchell Smith, with Martha Hodman as the leading woman. see William Fullwood, who has been with Wagenhals ft Kemper for 41 years, is In Portland on his way home from the exposition. e Other theatrical guests In our midst are the Corslcan brothers,- White and Wright who are here ahead of "Peg o' My Heart." Tristan Bernard, the French drama tist, in an article in Paris Temps, se verely criticises the conduct of the war and compares the tactics of the Gen erals to those of poker players. Prob ably he thinks the allies are bluffing with a pair of kings. "Every time I come to. Portland 1 change my name from 'Mary' to 'Merry,' " said Mary Carr, the Junoesque actress presenting "Back to Buffalo" at the Empress. The fact that Miss Carr's mother. Mrs. Mary Leo, and her younger sister, Gertrude, are located on a home stead at Fossil, Or., is the reason for the actress' delight. Gertrude Leo ar rived from Fossil yesterday and will pass the remainder of the week with her sister here. The Leo homestead contains 640 acres and the mother and sister of the Empress actress "work" the land by themselves, devoting their, efforts particularly to raising of hogs. In which venture they have met great success. Miss Carr's main ambition now is to join her relatives in Oregon. She is a graduate of the University of Washington and gained her first stage experience in Portland, where, eight years ago, she was a member of the stock company headed by T. Daniel Frawley, which held forth at the old Marquam Grand for several weeks in a repertoire of popular plays. William Leo,, of Portland, Ib Miss Carr's uncle. e -. An altogether fine and unusual trib ute was that paid to the late George ("Honey Boy") Evans In Alton, III., last Sunday afternoon by his colleague, At G, Field, and the members of the tat ter's company. The Field Minstrels were giving a performance in the local theater, and In the midst of the first part Field raised his hand and announced that the hour for George Evan's funeral in Streator had arrived. He asked the in dulgence of the audience while the regular performance be suspended for brief religious services. Of course, the audience acquiesced. and a hush fell over the assemblage. Then the merry minstrel men laid aside their gaiety and the entire companf solemnly sang '-Nearer, My God ,to Thee." There followed then a brief address and a short prayer. The minstrels bowed their beads low for a moment or two after the conclu sion of the services, and then at a sig nal bone rattled, tambourines jingled and the dances went on as merrily as before. Speaking of the late "Honey Boy" Evans recalls that he was Blanch Ring's flrst'rtusband. He was succeeded by Frederick McKay, who is now only her business manager, having been suc ceeded matrimonially by her nrejent husband, Charles Wininger. Ethel von Waldron. a Portland girl, is appearing with Fiske O'Hara in 'Jack's Romance, a song comedy. Madame Critic, in the Dramatic Mirror, says: "Miss von waiaron is cnirimns a replica of Maude Adams at the first time she won our hearts as a young girl." -V NeaTlect of Hemtj Washington (D. C.) Star. "Does your wife neglect her home in making speeches?" "Not a bit of it," replied Mr. Meekton. She always lets me hear the speeches first" I 1 FRIEND'S NAME tilVES TO LAKE. (nterratlns Incidents of 1'rrmosl'i Ilia, eaveriea In Central Oregoa. SALEM, Or., March 16. (To the Ed itor.) I read a controversy recently In The Oregonian as to the correct name of the lake located in Lake County, re cently leased by the state to Eastern capitalists to be mined or the minerals extracted from Its waters, together with that of Summer Lake, which Is a body of water about two in ilea wide and 12 miles long, located 15 or J' miles northwest of Lake Abert "Aberl" is the correct nnjne for the lake. My authority for thia statement Is based on these facts: The original Government maps hav it so named, and about 60 years ego 1 read a small book which purported tu be the printed journal of Colonel John C. Fremont, who, while in the employ of the Government, crossed the plain In 1842 and afterward attempted to lo cate a trail to California. He with hla escort and guides lft The Dalles in the late Full and traveled aouth up th Deschutes River and over the divide into the Klamath Uusin naar the head of th Klamath Marsh. From thia point his guidos, for what reason I have for gotten, turned and led him easterly over- some high and rugged mountain covered with snow, through which they floundered for several days. Descend ing the steep eastern slop of thia mountain they suddenly came In sight of a placid lake upon which the aun was shining brightly. The temperature was mild and the valley was covered with an abundance of green pasturage, therefore he wrote in his journal, "Summer Lake." Continuing southerly and easterly for a couple of days ha camped on th south border of another pretty body of water. This he named Abert in honor of Colonel J. J. Abert, a friend of his in charge of the topographical bureau of the United States. Fremont and hla party continued east and a couple of days later reached the western shore of another lake, which was on Christ mas day. Therefore he called it Christ mas Lake. They then turned south, and passing over some low hills came to the lake again at its southern border, but not knowing it was the same lake and having been attacked by Indiana, who wounded hla lieutenant, Warner, unto death, the lake here waa given that officer's name. This name now covers the entire group of lakes. In the mountains Immediately south of this lake Fremont "cached" or hid his small cannon and hid It ao well that it has never been found. This was the historical cannon that nearly prevented him making the trip. He was loath to undertake the expedition without this gun. He therefore requested It from the arsenal at St Louis and the request was granted by the officer In charge, but when the department at Washing ton was apprised of the fact that h had secured the gun and a supply of ammunition orders were given and a rne?aenger sent ordering Fremont to apoear before the department and ex plain his authority ror making tne re quest. Fremont having already trav eled some distance on hla way his wife opened and read the order, and know ing it would rob her husband of one of his fondest ambitions withheld the or der but dispatched a not to him by a private messenger urging him to greater speed. to get beyond usual com munication and the possibility of a re call. As the boundary line between Eng land and the United State west of thu Rocky Mountaina waa very indefinite It waa feared that this expedition, ao armed, might be taken as a casus belli. Being thus warned Fremont pushed rapidly to the west hauling his little gun along, and kept It with hia command until they reached the mountain be tween Warner Lake and Surprise Val ley. There la a email river called Ana, flowing Into Summer Lake from the north, which is erroneously spelled Anna upon some of the late mapa of the state. I surveyed the lands bordering on the north and- east shore of thia lake and finding said stream without a name called it Ana River in my note in honor of my baby irirl, now Mrs. S. W. Thompson, of Salem. Or. W. H. BYARS. REST ROOM FOR PUBLIC IX BANK Correspondent Offers Suggestion fer Adjunct to Ncrv Building. PORTLAND, Mar. 17. (To the Edi tor.) Our great financial inatltutjon, the First National Bank, will shortly erect at the corner of Fifth end Stark streets, in the very heart of our busi ness district, a great and exclusive home, which all maintain will be a monument to our great city and state, and one to be oked upon with pride and respect for a long time to come. No doubt every person is or should bo an optimist with reference to th future of our city, when they read and hear about this move of the First Na tional Hank. One cannot help but think that our city has a future when such nien aa control this successful financial Institution have faith enough in our city and state to think themaelve duly Justified In making an Investment of this kind. As a suggestion and one that I be lieve will win and substantiate much further respeet and pride for th First National Bank, and at the same time raise ita efficiency unit to ope of greater usefulness to the publlo aa well a beauty. I would suggest that they em body in their building plans specifica tions public rest rooms on the Fifth street sid of the building;, for both women and men and present them to the city for equipment, maintenance and operation, which no doubt would be accepted with pleasure and thank I'm sure. This should not affect the architec tural beauty of the building, as by their having already adopted the Parthenon type of building, the building proper will not extend lo or be built flush with the street; which will make this a much more feasible location than probably could b found anywhere else without great expense, considering Portland' narrow walks and street and other traffic conditions. While I am not an architect, nor have I viowod the building plans of this structure, and cannot say Just what th expense would be in connection with this proposition, I am of the opinion that it would not be a very largo amount This ia something that ia surely needed In this part of the city, espe cially for the women, and will also b needed very much by the men whn the city goes dry. I believe this is an asset well worthy of consideration. I trust that this will be read and understood with the spirit in which It is written, for the mutual benefit of all. CARL W. WIRTZ. Character or John Day River. PORTLAND, Or.. March 17. (To the Editor.) (1) How long is the John Day River from Canyon City to the Columbia River? (2) 1 the river navigable by a small canoe? (S) Or is the water swift and full of rapids? r- G- (1) Probably 175 to 500 miles. (2) Only for comparatively short distances. (3) Yes. No. pnnn ivn Aiarch 17. (To the Ed itor.) A widow having property in her icrw m,rrim nsrain. Can she sell her property without using her present husband s name wnen no naa iu cwnu on it whatever and the till has not been changed lnc her marriage? - . . . v - , - i ' - T , T . ! I - T, Twenty-Five Year Ago From Th Oregonian of VarcH 1. lsWV It is reported that 100 Iioumc ill b rctd in Lebanon during th com ing year to meet actual needs. Fucna Vl.t firms which made a ship ment of hoi' to an Eastern firm lni Kali are delighted to learn that their hop were th finest received n Lon don, England. Masonic .Hall Is being thoroughly refitted, painted, decorated and a new dancing floor has been added. Frank Hobln. proprietor ot the Of fice Saloon, North First street, had his till robbed last night while shaving In the rear ot th building. The Oregon" City locks are expected to be finished without fall by th end of the present week. A Intire M inl craw of men I at work completing th work, which Is now overdue, Fred Bullock, an electric streetcar driver, was everely shocked when he took hold of a rhargnl wire on the top of his car while trying- to muk" repairs. Mr. Bullock 4ook eeveral backward somersaults In hla to hurry awny from the trouble he had Incurred. Th shed for a patrol waon In th" rear of the City Jail la neaniiK comple tion and soon obstreperous drunk will enjoy a ride to th Jail. The patrol has hen ordered by the l'lie Comnilh sloner and the matter of call box Ik coming up at th nest nievlinK. with probability of obtaining tlirm for the city. The next urgent need I an ei flcient police force. George A. Snyder, a grocer, whos place of business wa at Fifteenth nl B streets, was burled yesterday from the German Catholic Church. Th Portland Hibernian Itenevolent Society gave Its 31st annual ball at Turner Hall last evening. There were 300 couples present end the decorations were suitable for the day. Con O'Brien acted aa floor manager and the re ception commute conslnted of n. It. Murphy, J. M. Gearln, James Gleason and William Foley. Half a Century Ago From Th Oreenlan of Match It. IRC. In the Recorder Court yesterday Jeremiah Buckley waa fined 1 10 ami costs for bolateroua conduct. Jatnus MulKoon was also mulcted In the aim amount for a similar offense, but not having the needful, he was sentenced to languish for four day In durance vile. Th regular meeting of th Common Council wa held last nlsht. Mayor Falling presided and othara present were: Councilman Cook, Bennett, Slarr, Brayden, Fraaer, Robinson and Hoff man. The petition of J. E. Sedlak was read, asking for th purchaae of a por tion ot Market block, but no action wax taken. Yesterday being th anniversary of St Patrick's canonization, our Irish so cieties celebrated it with thtilr usual good taste. At 11 o'clock in Ihe morn lug a deputation of Portland Hibernian Society and the Feulun Urotliei hood, headed by the Tortiand brass hand, proceeded to Vaughn whaif and re ceived the Vancouver Hibernian So- . clety and escorted them to their hall to the tune of St. Patrick. They then pro ceeded to the Catholic Church, wher mass was said, after which they re turned to the hall gild wr addressed by S. J. McCormlck. A dinner followed. The commissioner appointed by the last Legislature have purchased 147 acres of ground of M. L. SuvaK. at Salem, for the erection of a atate peni tentiary and insane asylum. Th land is about one mile and a half east of Salem, on Mill Creek. The land Is covered with oak trees, but th aoll Is fertile. The price paid wa fsoon. Sheriff Stltzel informs ua that any body who wants any of th tre or shrubbery from John Prltchard'' pl- which were not old at th sale yester day may have them If they call at Courthouse block and carry (hem away before Wednesday evening. Another Origin of JHnr. PORTLAND. March 17. (To th Ed itor.) Since th advent of th JUney lo this city I hav noticed both In Th Oregonian and other publications arioua conjecture as to the origin of this word. 8om of theso sound viy well and ar amusing. I don't think that it will b possible to discover th true origin of thia word, llowaver, 1 heard not very long ago an amusing lory about the origin of th Word JH ney, so will pas It on for th benefit of your readers, not saying that 1 be lieve this version. About If year ago when Chatta nooga, Tenn., had tho "Jim crow" ears a negro started a coach for carrying colored folks, charging i crtiita for this service. Later the auto bus waa substi tuted for the coach. In a short while th railway company discontinued run ning "Jim crow" oars. Th bus which took the place was called the "black leg." bcaus people having tht color of limb wer the only kind who rod In the bu. Finally, for a Jok. instead of calling It the "black-leg" peopU railed it the "Jet knee." This was corrupt'! Into jitney and sine then n ulo bus is known by this nam. .JACK srKK. tme af the fid f Wmt. Indianapolis Journal. Bix By tho way, w ho is. or rather was, the god of war? Dlx I've forgotten th duffer's nam, but I think It vns Ananias. Keeping l p With lb Proecln. Chicago New. Kind Stranger How old I your baby brother, llttl girl? Llttl Girl H's this year' model. Another IVeutral 7,ne. Judge. "There goes another poor devil launched upon the sea of matrimony." "Yea; and he looks as If he expected to strike a mine anv minute. 'S Small Ideas And Large Resultg Large hope com from small Idea and large result from hope wedded to puahahaad. The man with an Idea is natural advertiser. II is an enthusiast he wants every one to know what h hs. He proceeds to make hi dream a reality. He drawa buslnes by his very enthusiasm and elf reliance. Look over the dvertlnlne columns in this newspaper and ou sc the men with Ideas. Some of them have ceased to be small Ideas, they . have trow a to business grants. The advertising -tell a mljhty slsnllicant story from day to dy.